Is anyone using either a co-op office space or a cafe to do biz?

Profile picture of GordonJ
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Are any of you using a co-op office space, like We-Work or similar, and if so, are you paying a monthly membership?

Is anyone using one ON DEMAND, where you pay as you go? And finally, is anyone conducting business in a cafe, coffee shop or even a grocery store? (I recently did a 90 minute consult with a client in a GIANT EAGLE supermarket, which has a separate cafe and Wi Fi).

Do you have options in your area for these "part-time" office needs?


#biz #cafe #coop #office #space
  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Profile picture of aduttonater
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your office is where your mindset is. I used to meet at a jack n the box to arrange marketing. Now I simply work from home. Meetings are done virtually most of the time through Skype or zoom.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thing is, the internexus between Productivity an' Space is transformin' alla the time.

    Used to be the only places to go were

    1) Home

    2) Work

    3) Heavin

    4) Hades

    5) Disneyland

    But I guess one cool feacher of the whole Covid breathlessness deal is how it prompted evrywan to get speshly creative 'bout their use of spaces an' interactschwaahns.


    Intrinsic to the entiah deal is WHERE can WHAT happen best/smartest/coolest/whatevah?

    An' herein lies the dilemmah.

    Stick to trad home-work-heavin-hades-disneyland, for sure you constrained (feel the whiplash!), but least'n evrythin' labelled an' defined.

    Trans out all blendyjuicy an' for sure, you gaht procreationals arcing in polychromatic sprays from yr very boobies ... butchya can also get lost in alla that infinitely boho yummoscape.

    An' that is where mornin', noon an' night plays so sweet in alla our adventures.

    Trad to prog.

    Bcs you know there is a flow there gonna ride out long aftah we all eithah voluntarily snuffed usselves on our own immortality trip or shot one anothah before we gaht too stoopid to figure actschlly the aileans ARE gonna git is anyways -- whetheh we for Jeezis, Satan, or jus' slummin' the fkr in a dream.

    Thing is, we can all agree on TIME ZONES -- evin if'n they ain't the same for evrywan.

    Plus also, less'n you no steroid-enhanced cyborg, you gotta SLEEEEEEP sumtime between alla yr sensayschnwaahl Slayin' Of All Evils an' Pointless Meetups To Die From.

    An' herein lies all purport & cavort.

    What myootchylly advantageous meetup spaces blend the universally agreed rhythms with yr own spazmo syncopatorials?

    Always, we are communin' with Neatest Stuffs Now -- an' the narrative of morn-noon-night lays her procreative splendor bare for all to see.

    Tap this in yr areah, or yr day, youwain't outta step with sumthin' intrinsically global, whatevah time it is in like Hosstrailier or Pru or the Yookay.

    Without wishin' to sound undooly smutty, payin' heed to natchrl rhythms pays dividends whenya swankyin' out all disrupto.

    (SALE ENDS NOW is kinda meaningless whenya floatin' around in an amorphous blancmange.)

    Evry beacon in the wilderness has its place -- othahwise, eithah your home is on fiyer or you eternally lost.

    That is my view on partness of time.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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