Hey Bob this is John Durham calling for __________________, Listen; real briefly , we are just shooting out free traffic reports to all the local biz owners on their websites, and I wanted to make sure I had your address correct so we could shoot one out to you, are you still at___________?
Okay great and whats your web address bob?
Awesome, you folks getting alot of visitors?
Okay well maybe there's something going on thats keeping people from seeing your site... could be a number of things, usually its something small, no big deal... you are showing up on google right?
Okay, well, we'll check into it and let you know whats going on.
Back to the reason for the cal...Im gonna go ahead and have them work up some stats on your site , and get that out to you... here in the next day or so...
Was there any particular questions you had that we could answer for you while we are at it?
Okay, I'll make a note of that.
Bob is this the best time to reach you on the phone here in case they need to call and ask you any questions?
Okay great, well I let him know that, and if you dont hear anything within a day or so from us that means there's no issues and your site is running smooth, they wont call unless theres a reason for alarm or something you should know...and you should be getting your report within days, by the way do you have an email address we can send that to? It may get out to you quicker...
Thanks Bob! We'll talk to you soon.
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