A Guide to Training Your Sales People
I'll start.
Most of the time, when considering a sales person, they don't know squat about my services. So to begin with I have to give them some training into what exactly SEO is, social media marketing, video marketing, floogle places, ect. I've yet to figure out how to train them adequately in this area so that they can talk the talk so to speak...any suggestions?
I tell my sales people to think of a business niche, and search for their local listing on google...if they don't show up on the first page of google, or they have a website without an lead-gen capturing system, or their website just plain sucks...to go for them as clients to sell our services.
I tell them to take it one step further and search for a social media presence.
I suggest they print out a screen shot of the google search (example: New York Attorney" and attempt to contact the owner of the business in person by simply stopping by, introducing yourself and presenting them with the screen shot and saying something like: "hi blah blah I work for a local marketing firm in the area who specializes in online marketing for offline businesses...as you can see here you are currently not ranked in floogle and thus missing out on xxxxxx searches a month, if you would like to talk about what we can do for you to help bring in more clients heres my card you can call to schedule an appointment"
I also train them to treat the gatekeeper like they are a king/queen..the gatekeeper can be your biggest asset or worst enemy. I've heard stories of getting on the gatekeeper's good side as easy as complementing them on their make-up/attire to striking up a casual conversation about local restaurants and handing out "extra giftcards that I don't use" to get them on your good side....I could care less how they make them an asset, as long as they do!
Any other input?
Jake Dennert -
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jkstam3 -
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Jake Dennert -
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arenee -
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vndnbrgj -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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