NEWBIES READ THIS!!! How Y-O-U Can Make 50k From Nothing With ZERO HTML Knowledge

693 replies
For all of you who are intimidated by all the big talk around here, and feel that you arent worthy to make money...listen up. John Boy is gonna share something with you.

Here's how you can make 50-100k this year right from where you are right now... starting this moment, even if you dont leave the chair you are sitting in for a week except to piss or get a coffee.

Even if you know nothing... and even if people start attacking this thread saying Im full of crap... if you do what I say and ignore them... you are going to make money and help business owners.

Trust me, people are gonna hate me for this, and try to discredit what I am about to share with you... but dont buy it.

Maybe they wont.

In either event this is for you, if you are new and feel intimidated. I did it myself starting out and still do.

When I started i knew nothing, had never even touched a "typewriter", and half the warrior forum members were all newbies like I was, and like you are now...who knew virtually nothing... and people right here on the wf were doing this kind of thing I am about to share and reporting success... and it still works. Dont let anyone lie to you.

There is a product that has been selling like mad since the internet began, and still does. It has been ranking on search engines just fine for 15 years now... and thats never gonna change, no matter how many new models come out... and it can be produced with any drag and drop "website for dummies" program... some of you may remember:

Its called an html website.

I want to tell you that if you know ZERO about building can sit where you are right now, and have one up in 3 hours, and you can also do it for others and make money... and YES you will be helping them get their online presence started...all you have to do is follow basic instructions.

A: Go to

B: Order the $19.00 per month reseller Package

C: This will enable you to buy domain names for $5.00 apeice, and cost you 2.00 per month hosting on each new site you Build. yes you own the domains and yes you can transfer the sites whenever you want. Plus the domains are ready in 1 hour, not 72.

D: Follow their easy step by step drag and drop, copy and paste system for building a website with their Templates. you will get more advanced at using it with time, and there are tons of options you wont need... but they are nice to have. Trust me ANYONE can figure this out, I may even create a video to show you if I get time, but they provide video tutorials.

E: Follow their easy Optimization instructions, no technical knowledge required. You will be creating websites your first day.

F: Call local business owners and offer them a basic 3 page website for $199 plus 24.95 per month. It will take you all of 60 minutes to create their site.

At this price you can easily sell one site per day.

Thats $1,000 per week. But lets just say you only sell 3 per week.

$600 per week right off the bat.

3 customers per week times 52 weeks = 156 customers per year

Each customer cost you 24.per year, and they pay you $25.00 per month on top of the initial $199.

So , off of the intial $199 at 3 customers per week you make $31, 044 your first year making an easy sell and delivering a quality basic site.

Off of Hosting you make a profit of $299 per year per customer X 156 customers... = 46,706 per year from residuals...

So you have created 46k per year in residual income... so lets say half of them cancel the first year... you have still created 23k per year in residual income.

So lets lowball for the skeptics and say you lose half you customers the first year, and your residual is really 23k :rolleyes:

You now make about 55k per year...

You made at least 50k your very FIRST year... making simple HTML Websites ).

Now if you charge $399 instead of $199 you make over 100k your first year.

If you want to offer additional seo services... you can outsource it...and create upsells with a static html site just as well as any other kind of site...dont let people lie to you.

Experts might tell you that static HTML sites are passe, and that these programs dont work... but the truth is that half the sites on the internet are made with them... i have several and made $400 today ALONE off just one of them.

Experts might also tell you need to know this and that and this and that... but I promise if you offered them $1000 market your static html site they would not only take it, but probably assure over and over you of how well it was gonna work!

Yes. If you create a decent basic site with a program like homestead, you still provide plenty of value for your customer, and the design options arent as limited as some would lead you to think.

You can absolutely sit down and learn to build one of these sites in a day or so...even if you are starting with virtually ZERO knowledge, and have all the tools at your disposal that can create a very effective site for your client.

You can even use their templates if you want.

Do your clients benefit from the sites? Yes. do they get ranked? Yes. can they be marketed? Yes? Can you create backlinks for them? Yes. Are the pages optimized? Yes.

Just follow the tutorials.

Am I making money off affiliates links for telling you this?


Do I have a wso on it?


Am I just trying to help the little guy?

Yes. because I just saw a post of how some guy was saying "How do I make $10,000 per year...and realized how desperate some people are and they dont need rocket science answers, they need something they can learn and implement NOW.

Trust me...if you are one of those little guys... I need you, because this post isnt gonna make me real popular with anybody glamorous!

But its the truth.

Like I said , anyone who would tell you these kinds of sites are worthless... would still take your money and promise you they could market it.

And (theres that "and" Alexa) they would be RIGHT!!!!

Look at these templates... Templates Available to Build Easy Websites | Homestead they arent WAAAY extravagant, but you'll agree they dont look bad... Some are gonna disagree and say they look like crap because they dont like it that you can do this... but look with your own eyes without their opinions in the way and ask yourself? Are these bad looking sites?

Can you see someone paying you to design a site like that?

Well let me tell you they WILL and they will have a damn fine site too.

You dont even have to use templates as you will see its stupidly simple to design them yourself...

Does anyone think a basic tstatic html site wont rank?

Does anyone think basic templates wont rank?

You're wrong.

Do you need ANY html or programming knowledge to do this...?

That's the best part

ABSOLUTELY can train yourself to do it in 3 hours...and day by day you will get better and better at it!

So there you go newby....theres a plan.

Now go make some money and dont let anybody intimidate you!

Back 10 or 12 years ago when I found the warriors secret forum... posts like this were what it was all about, and thats why I make money today!

Thanks Allen!
#50k #html #knowledge #make
  • Profile picture of the author Vlad Shelest

    I'm just starting to dip my toes into this muddy water called "offline" marketing. I mean there are so many opinions floating around the WF and so much advice that's conflicting. Some of that advice is valuable and good, some is just crap based on theory of what "should" work rather than being based on actual real-world experience.

    Your post is fantastic!

    Actually, I've been following your posts/threads and looking at your products for a little while now and I love both your approach and your obvious knowledge and experience.

    Mate, this information is more valuable and actionable than a $27 WSO I bought the other day. Thanks for that!

    Are you cut out to be an Elite, 6 Figure Marketer?
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  • Profile picture of the author earnme97
    Thanks a LOT John.... Will try it out!

    It Takes Just 0.346379264875 Seconds To "THANK"!

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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by earnme97 View Post

      Thanks a LOT John.... Will try it out!

      Dont try man!

      Commit yourself! Its not as scary as it fact the journey is passionate and exciting...this is a good way to start and make money while you develop.

      I did it from the very same place you are now...maybe not even as far as you are now!

      You will develop more over time just like everyone else did... but you can start with this plan NOW, and it wont fail if you commit yourself to the process. I promise.

      No need to be broke while you learn.

      Just put your blinders on and forget all the bs around you and look forward. You can make money within a week, and start developing relationships with business owners, and they dont mind growing with you, trust me.

      If you get stuck on your first html site, post here and I'll help you. Use the homestead program. It works, its simple for a newby, and the sites rank nicely.

      Once again you dont see an affiliate link... no motivation here but to help, and give back because so much has been givin to me...and I started with nothing...not even a high school diploma.

      10 years ago, it was just me...the exciting new warrior forum... and a dummy program...and we just all took it all the way together.

      Guess what...its still just us...and I still use the dummy program...however much better than I used to, 100's of thousands of dollars later.

      Note - Just in case someone tells you these homestead, or "template" sites are worthless...:

      I would never show my own sites here because I made that mistake once and my clients started getting calls from 10 different people...But here are some examples from another designer who uses Homestead templates...the same simple program that any newby can use, the one the the "experts" would tell you isnt real web design.

      These sites rank in both google places listings and also natural search rankings

      1: Google (broad search) "Sarasota guitar lessons" or "guitar lessons sarasota" two competitive terms. you will see this site which was designed with a homestead template...yes you can even drag and drop video or whatever...even if you are a beginner. This is the site you will find at the top of the search rankings... YES it is a basic homestead site...

      Now let me ask is this guys site valuable? Well its on top of google natural and also google places...what do you think?

      Could any newby do this with a web for dummies program? Yes. can YOU? Yes. Do you need to be an expert? No.

      2: Try googling "sarasota finish carpenter" another competitive term, or "finish carpentry sarasota" Yet again you will find that the top ranking sites are ones designed with a dummy program , my favorite one "homestead" thats made for newbies with no html knowledge or programming knowledge.

      Yet another "websites for dummies" homestead site that any newby could learn to design easily following a dummy tutorial. ranked on the top of both google places and also google natural listings...

      Do you think this guy is getting business off his site? Of course, and making thousands of dollars per month Im sure...cabinets arent cheap.

      Do you need to be a programmer to design this site?


      If you got paid $399 for this site and you didnt know how to create a google places listing for the client, could you pay sombody 50 -100 bucks to do it for you? Yes. Sorry experts, its true.

      Can you figure out what keywords are obvious that your customer would want to rank for and place them in a predesigned template that says "put your keywords here" and automatically be meta tagged... YES YOU can. Alll you need is a dummy program dont need to be a programmer or expert at coding... it shows you where the meta tag box is in the program and says "type your keywords here that you want this page to rank for".

      You can do that.

      I want to dispel the myth that you have to be an expert to get a business owner online and help them get ranked.

      Is every site you create gonna be number one?

      No but whose is?

      If you dont know anything right now but how to open your email box and send an email, you can go to a site like homestead or others...and learn to design a website within 24 hours!

      Will you get better with time just like everyone else? Yes.

      Start NOW!!!!

      You can do this with a template program from where you are right now, starting with the knowledge you have right now, and baby...the proof is in the pudding. Its self evident.

      There are THOUSANDS of these basic sites designed with dummy programs that are ranking and the business owners are getting new customers off of them every day, and I dont care how new you are you can learn to do this and pick up a phone and call some business owners and make money helping them get online!

      Its funny to know that half the people reading this are looking out for what my agenda is.

      Just want to make a point and help some people... I know that not having an agenda is foreign to some... however... its just the way things ought to be when you have been given so much, you should give.

      VERY desire is not to convince you that I am an authority..because all the authorities are laughing at this post right now.

      BUT...its true. You can do this with ZERO programming knowledge... and you arent worthless, and what you offer isnt worthless, the proof is right here.

      Go get the dummy program and the tutorials, and help some business owners...

      You dont have to be an expert...just be YOU and start with this...and grow, and let your customers grow with you... and start NOW!!!!

      Go! Do it!

      You can!

      Sure I like to sell a report here and there... but I also like to help people for no good reason sometimes, just because I have been blessed, and freely given to, so I want to freely give sometimes. Thats what this is about. You will remeber this and give too! pay it forward.

      Offline may not be your goal... but if it is, and you feel intimidated, then be like I was, and like many others were, especially when the internet was new, and hardly anyone knew anything..., I wasnt a slave to any expert when I started out... it just made sense that if I tried some things I could figure it out... well I Im showing you what I figured out. What didnt take years figure out, what can help you RIGHT NOW, without feeling intimidated just because others know more. Others are ALWAYS gonna know more... cant let it stop you. Put your blinders on, stick your head in the sand... look only at your dream, and "aspire" with dedication. Become fascinated by the process and dont despise your humble beginning.

      Someday you will help someone, because they will know that you started the same way they did, and they will be inspired. Ignorant, intimidated because everyone else seems to know more... dont let it stop you...learn as you go and start out with the wonderful tools are all around that believe it or not were created for people JUST LIKE YOU!!!!

      Now if your customer gets a decent website, and you get paid... and everyone is happy... DO YOU CARE IF ANYONE THINKS YOU ARE LESS THAN BECAUSE YOU ARENT A REAL PROGRAMMER?

      As you can see... I dont! I can pick up the phone tomorrow and sell somebody a solid website and not charge nearly as much as my competitors and truly deliver value. SO CAN YOU!!!!!

      Now I do work with web designers sometimes for real complicated stuff... but for a basic small biz website, you dont need to be complicated... when I work with a designer its because that way I can focus on sales... but I dont NEED to... whenever I want I can bust out my dummy program and produce a site just fine! Its not gonna be real flashy, though it might be more flashy than you'd expect from an ignorant hillbilly..., but it will make a business owner happy and it will be a great tool for their business, and they will love me for it.

      You can do this guys! Dont procrastinate success...procrastinate procrastination instead. Get yourself a dummy program and learn how to do a small biz site, you can learn the rest along the way... then come back to the warrior forum and learn some cool stuff from the experts to add to your arsenol.

      Dont stop to smell the roses, smell them while you are running with them in your hand!

      Make some money!

      Okay Im done. Rant over... newbies officially empowered!
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      • Profile picture of the author joshril
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        Dont try man!

        Commit yourself! Its not as scary as it fact the journey is passionate and exciting...this is a good way to start and make money while you develop.
        Let me just add to what John said:

        Do or do not... there is no try...


        Sorry... couldn't help myself on that one...

        I always enjoy reading John's posts. The amount that John gives for free is awesome, and he's an amazing asset to this forum.


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    • Profile picture of the author smartdoctor
      Originally Posted by earnme97 View Post

      Thanks a LOT John.... Will try it out!
      I will give it a thought too
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  • Profile picture of the author Drakuul
    Thanks John... great post, makes really good sense!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chad Heffelfinger
    You're right John, you're not going to be the most popular guy on the forum for posting this thread, but is it true? Yes. Is it the best option overall? No, but it is a way for people to get out there and at least get started.

    The whole argument can be brought up about what's the purpose of offline consulting, to make money or to help a business out by making them more money? The truth is, the purpose is both. The reason to do this business is to make money helping others make more money. If it takes using a lower end software tool to create sites that get a client online, then do it, and improve and upgrade from there.

    Start where you have to in order to get where you want to be, but just start, or you'll never get there.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Chad Heffelfinger View Post

      You're right John, you're not going to be the most popular guy on the forum for posting this thread, but is it true? Yes. Is it the best option overall? No, but it is a way for people to get out there and at least get started.

      The whole argument can be brought up about what's the purpose of offline consulting, to make money or to help a business out by making them more money? The truth is, the purpose is both. The reason to do this business is to make money helping others make more money. If it takes using a lower end software tool to create sites that get a client online, then do it, and improve and upgrade from there.

      Start where you have to in order to get where you want to be, but just start, or you'll never get there.

      Thanks for your thoughts, you are an awesome guy! Always uplifting! Lol. yeah I know Im gonna be a man with a mark on my head. lol

      My own favorite web designer might even scold me for this one!

      Back when the WF started this is how we rolled... people were less concerned with being considered an expert, and more concerned with learning together, and excited to share just for the sake of sharing. The internet, as was the WF was all new and exciting. I lurked more than participated then... and I had a different handle... but I LOVED this place and could wait to get home from "work" everyday to come here, just like many newbies now... so this just gives them something else to be excited about! the knowledge that they "can".

      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
      Get on the phone and ask some people if they need a website... the good ole fashion way thats worked for 15 years. Simple. Set an appointment to go talk to them.

      I teach alot of techniques for that... but a few hours on the phone you could easily get in your groove and figure it out without buying any report.

      Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daryl Lim
    So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

    How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
      Daryl, it's really quite easy. As John has described, just keep calling local businesses until you get business owners who are interested. It's not as hard as it seems, as it really is just a numbers game. Out of every 100 local businesses that you call, I don't think it'd be unreasonable to assume that you could close 1-2 of them on a website.

      The issue here is that many people are afraid of calling, and typically call less than 50 businesses after which they call it a day, concluding that this surely cannot work. You have to make up your mind to do this (and not just "try"), and this means reserving your judgment about whether or not this will work and instead just bite the bullet and call over a hundred businesses swiftly and efficiently, without engaging in small talk especially with the business owners who aren't interested.

      You want to bang out those phone calls as quickly as possible and get your first sale as swiftly as you can. Once you've acquired that all-important first sale, you're going to be much more motivated to keep calling - when you keep the momentum up like this, you'll find that it actually is pretty easy to get at least $1,000 per week selling simple websites just like what John mentions here!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author sagemore48
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
      go for very door in yr neiborhood and communities ,knock at the door,ask"may I help u?":rolleyes:like a little boy

      cleaning the house,lawn、garden...
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    • Profile picture of the author DrMeg
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
      I'm just starting but I am about to get my third offline client by doing a HubPage about their business. I went into the shop, asked to speak to the owner, told them about the HubPage I was doing, asked if I could take a few photos for the HubPage. We chatted, I took photos, I sent them the HubPage link when I was done. Took a couple of hours.

      Two things happened....

      1. They sent the link out to everyone on their list and that HubPage got a lot of views, and I (with only a few HubPages created so far) now have a HubPage Accolade award on my profile.

      2. One of the stores profiled in the HubPage is "thinking about" hiring me to re-do their website. All I need to do is go back and follow up. (that reminds me....note to self.....follow your own advice and follow up today!)

      Now that I'm armed with this excellent and easy website creation tool, I'm going for it!

      Thanks John for your help and encouragement.
      Meg McCormick
      The BackLink Lady

      Come read what I'm writing about at HubPages
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    • Profile picture of the author RogerAderholdt
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
      You find TEN clients willing to pay you $100 each.

      Or 20 that's willing to pay $50 each.

      Good luck.

      Great post John... that's for sharing and giving a proven idea for success...
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    • Profile picture of the author john1818
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?

      Dude, Rome wasn't built in a day. Start slowly, but surely. There's no real "get-rich scheme" But there will always be "Try harder and be rich later"

      For white label SEO visit

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    • Profile picture of the author marketingloser
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

      How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
      As John and Paul said it does take work and determination however if you want to be a bit more efficient and not have to as much contacting, say the first 5 biz owners you commit to doing business with you, offer them say a 10% discount on the monthly retainer fee if they give you at least ten business referrals.

      If you even have 3 biz owners do this for you that's thirty prospects which you didn't have to personally contact.
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  • Profile picture of the author wendymay1
    Thanks john for the excellent tip.
    Something seriously for me to decide.

    Its also true that there is nothing wrong with ringing a business to offer your services i.e. to create these websites for any business owner. Businesses will jump at the idea.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by wendymay1 View Post

      Thanks john for the excellent tip.
      Something seriously for me to decide.

      Its also true that there is nothing wrong with ringing a business to offer your services i.e. to create these websites for any business owner. Businesses will jump at the idea.
      Indeed. and if they are an OFFLINE business, chances are they arent gonna jump up if you dont call on them!

      You would be surprised at all the people who want to talk to someone just like you, and they dont want any big fancy parades... they just want to deal with a down to earth person who can get them online without alot of hassle.

      You can be real and even say "Hey Im just starting, but if you will give me a shot I can build you a website for $300 and if you dont like it I will keep working on it til you do"... Seriously, you can do that... drop the sales crap and just TALK to them. Some people will trust you more just because they can see you're not that professional as a salesman.

      You would be surprised how if you are just down to earth with people how many will talk to you.

      You would also be surprised to know how many people are actually "turned off" because you are overly polished, or seem to concerned with looking like a big deal.

      You know what? I cant count the times a customer said yes to me when I first started 10 years ago, and then told me later they only said yes because they admired me for calling and being motivated enough to go out and create my own business, even when I had problems working out their site... they knew I was sincere and they knew I really wanted to do well for them, and they were patient with me... some even told me that early on they knew I was a newby, but they just couldnt say no because they admired my effort in trying...

      Hey, you will get all that along the way...and you will develop more as a professional as you go.

      Can you get some business?

      Im telling you absolutely yes you can... no doubt.

      Ps. Thanks Paulie for your contribution, much like Chad I have never seen you when you werent encouraging or uplifting... and CORRECT, because a person who believes truly in OTHERS... they are correct. People like you and Chad encourage others to believe in themselves instead of just believing in YOUR self.

      The truth is that people "can". Wow... I cant believe 11 years ago, I was literally afraid of a typewriter.

      I was running a call center that sold websites... I knew the phone pitch, I knew how to telemarket...and could train others to say the pitch well... but you know what? I had no idea what I was talking about telling customers on the phone about lycos and hot bot and excite.... I was just saying the pitch.

      I remember one morning after I got promoted... I was so nervous because I thought "my boss has no idea how ignorant I am at this internet stuff or he wouldnt have promoted me"... and he asked me to go around the room and turn on all the computers... I remember taking my friend to the side (at 30 years old) and telling him I was embarrassed, staring at the monitor looking for a button....because I didnt even know how to turn on the tower. lol

      Today that same person (me) makes his ENTIRE living on the internet, and a pretty decent one.

      When I finally learned from that same friend how to get on yahoo and was the most exciting time!

      I know that sometimes people dont believe it, but some of these newbies are just as ignorant and intimidated as I was... and they have just as much potential.

      So anyway, go order a dummy program and you will be able to design a website within hours...then grow from there. Yes a drag and drop newby html template program can be just as effective as any other site, once again the proof is in the pudding, and they were specifically designed to WORK for people just like you!!!!

      In fact when I left that job a year later, me and my friend started a web design company that ended up doing 30 thousand per month, and we had pro web designers in our office who we paid 15 bucks an hour, but we made them use template programs so that if they ever walked out we could edit the sites ourselves and wouldnt be sunk, also we could easily train others the system if we needed to hire someone else in a hurry, and our customers LOVED their sites!

      True story.
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  • Profile picture of the author jinmin
    Excellent John. I think most of us (including myself) over complicate things. Your idea is simple and is definitely doable. Thanks for excellent sharing !
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
      Hi John, thankyou so much for sharing this information it is very much appreciated, I will definitely have to try this.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
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    • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
      John, I'm on your cheerleading team don't worry. But I may have to leave if the team colours clash with my hair.

      On a serious note the idea is solid. Two things I'd like to bring up if I may though.

      Years ago I used to make free sites for people. Mostly free (because I had sucker written on my head) but still it was ever so good experience. A few I did to gain experience and some I got paid for. YES people will pay for sites like these for sure but from the buyers perspective I'd like to just in-still some good customer service.

      People think they can just stick up any old thing and it will do.

      Most people reading this will totally be dedicated into doing a good job.

      Last week my lil heart sank as I was shown by two different prospects the sites they'd purchased (for a lot more than what you specify here John). I witnessed what can only be called 'carnage in a browser'. Links not working, images not optimized and heavy...blah. Colour schemes that screamed 'web designer on acid' get the picture. You all must know the kind of sites I mean.

      So yes - site building like John said is a workable plan but read the tutorials and think if you'd be happy with the site you created.

      I've been known to scrap a site completely if I think it looks like crap.

      As for being a marked man John - did you mean from Web designers or anyone doing this who doesn't want anyone to know?

      I'd say there is a market for all price brackets and it's a big world. No mark needs to be put on you for stating the obvious.

      Go you!

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    • Profile picture of the author yus786
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Okay have I worn out my welcome yet... ? Better go before you guys get sick of hearing me and I overwhelm and make everyone miss the point by talking too much to assimilate...

      Read the first post! Thats where the gold is!

      I promise to never sell you a program on this subject... just want you to hear this so you can be empowered...if you are one who needs it.

      I might make a video showing you how to make these websites though for free. Very simple. The forum has given me alot, and I have made alot of money from learning here. Just want to spread the love!

      Maybe its the wine...oh yeah forgot, I m not drinking... okay, maybe its the sparkle in your eyes...okay...maybe not...

      Just read it man!!!!!
      Hey John - did you ever create that video?

      Cheers pal - you are amazing...
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    John - Newbies? Heck it's a great post for everyone, and on a whole lot of levels.

    I rarely read every word of every post (usually also a fast way to stick your foot in your mouth...well, not your mouth, mine. I mean, I don't put your foot in my mou...oh never mind) but I did here.

    And I really appreciate your candor and time in posting. I hope just because people can come on to this great forum and see stuff like that for free that they don't underestimate the value in your first post.

    However - a couple things. One, what was that about the "and" and Alexa? I'm nervous because I start with "and" a lot. Is that a huge faux-pas? Or is it a real pas? Hehe. Uh...sorry. Sometimes I think I'm funny.

    Also, you make a mention a lot of how others might disagree. Why do I bring that up? Because your idea sounds great. And I would never have thought there to be a reason others would knock it if you didn't mention it.

    That being the case, let me play devil's advocate. If you did make a case, will these sites suffer even a bit in different areas like SEO, rankings, "impressiveness" (although for local small businesses like auto repair, floral shops etc. I doubt it, right?) or any other areas that those other folks could argue with? Something that you might go, "OK. Sure, maybe (whatever) might cause a problem, or you might find that it ranks less because or (whatever)..."

    Again I only ask because you seem to imply a lot of people will argue otherwise. Now I wonder if there's any merit....because it does sound like a great plan to do - even just to cover a few nice dinners a month on them, for doing something so easy and quick.

    On the same line of thinking, would the owners be able to tell they were "dummy" sites? Would it matter? I wouldn't think so, right?

    In any event, I loved your post and hope more people realize the value here. I'm curious to try bartering to get my wife's car door fixed and this may be another way for me to do so.

    Anyway, thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Don't try man!
    This is SO RIGHT ON! If you go into it with that thinking, you're wasting your time. If you go into it thinking "I'M GONNA ROCK THIS IDEA AND IT WILL WORK!" WILL work.

    Manifest your own's the only way. It really IS the ONLY way.
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2962801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SuccessBlogsUK
      Excellent post John and I for one am always keen to learn things that will make my life easier.

      Even so I still believe that many people wont offer this site as a service because they will be frightened of approaching new customers. It's the ol' cold calling syndrome again.

      I'd like to just offer one way of marketing this easy to build site service, it's not the fastest way to make money online but it works. It's not new, but it avoids having to do any cold calling.

      Build the site like John says, but build it for yourself. The type of site you want to build will be one that lists local services in your area for example '', '' you know the type of thing.

      Create some posts of keyword rich content relating to your subject. Now using all your skills with SEO, backlinking etc. get it to rank on the first page of Google.

      Create a page with a form where business can add themselves to your directory for free including their website, so you can take a look at what they have.

      Make the send button capable of sending you the form and at the same time redirect them to your paid services page where you offer to build them your easy site, get their own site ranked on the first page of Google, get them listed in Facebook, redesign their website etc.

      Basically offer whatever packages you have available, and make it easy for them to contact you, including your phone number.

      Using this method you wont have to worry about cold calling or finding customers, they come to you.

      This type of site is similar to classified ad sites that let you post a free ad, and then redirect you to their upsell page for extra features.

      Hope this helps anyone worried about cold calling.
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      • Profile picture of the author OscarTheDog
        Originally Posted by SuccessBlogsUK View Post

        Excellent post John and I for one am always keen to learn things that will make my life easier...Hope this helps anyone worried about cold calling.
        I must admit, the thought of cold calling sent a "yuck" feeling thru my bones. I am not a SEO expert (yet), and was even thinking about how I could outsource this to someone else, as I have a regular job M-F. Any thoughts on this, Team?

        Freelance Writer For Hire.

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    • Profile picture of the author MRomeo09
      NVM- I don't want to hijack John's thread.

      Good info John.

      We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up ... discovering we have the strength to stare it down. - Eleanor Roosevelt

      Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. It’s that simple.-Curtis Jackson- 50 Cent
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  • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
    This does work. I joined John's Telemarketing Forum two months ago and it took me about 2 months to make my first call because "I was getting ready", "I was setting up", but the truth of the matter was I dreaded making that first cold call.

    The first of the month was here(Wednesday) and a fellow WF member challenged me to get on the phones. That I did. I don't have money in the bank from it, but I have 5 or 6 great leads that I plan on following up/setting appointments with next week. I have always been the guy to say, "Thank God it's Friday" and "Aw, sh*t it's Monday", but now I am saying, on a Friday night, "I can't wait till Monday". I'm dead serious.

    This stuff works. John has always shared so much great information(99% of the time it's free) and he has been a great mentor on two projects I am working on.

    You don't need to be a salesman because this is a numbers game.

    I couldn't sell a dollar for 50 cents.

    True story.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2962940].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by ADukes81 View Post

      This stuff works. John has always shared so much great information(99% of the time it's free) and he has been a great mentor on two projects I am working on.

      True story.
      You are the most dedicated person I can think of Adam. You will do GREAT. You remind me alot of myself at your age actually.

      On the quote above; the 1% makes up for it my friend.

      When you make your work, not selling, but rather practicing the laws of the universe that never fail, you cant go wrong.

      "My face they may reject, my mannerism they may despise, and even my BARGAINS may cause them suspicion, but my love will melt their hearts liken to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay....and who is there who can say nay to me when their heart feels my love? If I have no other qualities than this... I can succeed with love alone. I will greet this day with love in my heart and I will succeed". ~ Og

      Remember that on the phone
      ... "give energy, and instead of take", and your successes will come almost effortlessly, without resistance, and you will feel great about it and help others along the way, instead of "selling" them.

      Make your career being a master practitioner of giving, the receiving will take care of itself.

      Thats all you have to do and your success will be drawn to you while many others chase theirs.

      Thats one thing great about the WF...they teach you to give here.

      You got this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2964114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bshelite

    OUTSTANDING info in this thread.



    Are you Considering Advertising With Postcards?....
    Don't Do It Before Checking Out This Inexpensive Postcard Profits Marketing Course...
    The HBB Advisor

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2963280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ContentIn48Hours
    For those that doubt what John is saying, I'm proof that his systems work. I contacted John several weeks ago, and I told him I needed to make at least $1,000 extra this month. John told me to buy his course and if I took action I would make it easy.

    I bought his course, and I am admittedly truly not a sales person. I was also somewhat apprehensive about cold calling. I called 103 businesses and signed up 2 customers for websites costing $499 plus recurring of $25.00. It might not sound like much, but to me it was like winning the lottery.

    I have a son that had huge medical expenses and we needed to still eat, be sheltered and at least try to pay off the medical expenses. In many ways John's course saved my family. It also led to another offline project which is making me $1,200 recurring income and will soon replace the income of both myself and my wife. I anticipate workibng only a couple more months and then my recurring income is going to dwarf anything I've ever made before.

    John's teachings have truly saved my life and family from sure financial disaster. There is no way for me to thank him enough for his help.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2963526].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Its all good guys. If you read the second post... you'll see what I mean about the quality of these sites, and the placement...

      Originally Posted by PLRchief View Post

      For those that doubt what John is saying, I'm proof that his systems work. I contacted John several weeks ago, and I told him I needed to make at least $1,000 extra this month. John told me to buy his course and if I took action I would make it easy.

      I bought his course, and I am admittedly truly not a sales person. I was also somewhat apprehensive about cold calling. I called 103 businesses and signed up 2 customers for websites costing $499 plus recurring of $25.00. It might not sound like much, but to me it was like winning the lottery.

      I have a son that had huge medical expenses and we needed to still eat, be sheltered and at least try to pay off the medical expenses. In many ways John's course saved my family. It also led to another offline project which is making me $1,200 recurring income and will soon replace the income of both myself and my wife. I anticipate workibng only a couple more months and then my recurring income is going to dwarf anything I've ever made before.

      John's teachings have truly saved my life and family from sure financial disaster. There is no way for me to thank him enough for his help.

      Steve you have no idea how this blesses me... when I first read your email of your situation I actually made an hour long audio just for you... then I scratched it because I felt it was too passionate and it would freak you out, but I so related to you. I have had my back against the wall before, and I know what it takes to pull yourself out in those times, clock is ticking, count down...the fat lady is about to sing...then something in you rises up and says NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU WILL NOT SING ON ME AND MY FAMILY!!!!

      I knew you had it in you... and I was soooo hoping you would find that in yourself, and you did...without too much intervention actually, you pretty much just did it on your own with the info provided...and you did what you had to do! The walls didnt cave in on you, you found that great spirit inside of yourself, and like Samson... you werent going down without a fight!!!

      If that phone were the "jawbone of an ass".... you slayed the whole philistine army with it!!!

      Wow. what an inspiration!

      Dude, many many props to you!

      And thanks for the kind mention!

      Wow man. This touches me, I am really humbled by your words. Congrats on the $1200 recurring.... Just dont ever look back man, now you know what you have inside.... I think you knew already though, and just needed an idea!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2963765].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LarryS
        Hey John,

        Thanks for the great info!
        I went to the Homestead site but I didn't see any package called "reseller". I saw a "business" package for $19.99 per month but it doesn't mention anything about multiple domains and multiple websites. Is this something you need to call them about to get this package?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2964124].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bshelite
          I noticed the same thing.

          Originally Posted by LarryS View Post

          Hey John,

          Thanks for the great info!
          I went to the Homestead site but I didn't see any package called "reseller". I saw a "business" package for $19.99 per month but it doesn't mention anything about multiple domains and multiple websites. Is this something you need to call them about to get this package?


          Are you Considering Advertising With Postcards?....
          Don't Do It Before Checking Out This Inexpensive Postcard Profits Marketing Course...
          The HBB Advisor

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2964648].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          Originally Posted by LarryS View Post

          Hey John,

          Thanks for the great info!
          I went to the Homestead site but I didn't see any package called "reseller". I saw a "business" package for $19.99 per month but it doesn't mention anything about multiple domains and multiple websites. Is this something you need to call them about to get this package?

          No you dont need to call them, although their people will help you understand alot. If you buy the "business" package it comes with 3 domains, and extra ones just cost 5.00 per domain, and then 2.00 per month to host... Once again if you charge a monthly hosting fee there's alot of profit to be made there.

          You got it. Thats the one. I was unclear too, because unfortunately their advertising doesnt make that point clear... they use different terminology "business" instead of "reseller..." but yes you can add as many sites as you want and you only get charged an extra 2 bucks per month past 3 sites.

          Good question!

          LOL Dang I should have used an affiliate link! They also pay $100 bucks per referral!!!

          OH BIG "PS".

          The online version is limited BIGTIME...

          Download the free sitebuilder to your computer, and the options open up like CRAZY!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2964934].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
            Hi John

            Great doable business model. Wish we could turn the clock back a few years and have had this info then.

            It would have saved us a ton of time and a big chunk of change that was wasted on listening to the prattlings and buying the rubbish of self proclaimed "gurus''.

            Anyway, great model.

            If any newbies are reading this post - GRAB the model and get yourself a serious online business in no time.


            Bronwyn and Keith
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            • Profile picture of the author John Durham
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              • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
                Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

                ....and you folks just heard it from someone who actually DOES get $2500 recurring for a site....
                Zikes!!! $2500 recurring for one site!?! ... What services are you providingn for that
                kind of money ?

                Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
                You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
                DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3145716].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

            OH BIG "PS".

            The online version is limited BIGTIME...

            Download the free sitebuilder to your computer, and the options open up like CRAZY!
            Great tip there, John. I actually have had experience playing around with the sitebuilder for a client, and the online version is MUCH more limited in terms of options and flexibility than the sitebuilder app which you install locally on your computer. Don't make the mistake of assuming that they're both the same (which would be logical for many people), because they're vastly different!

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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          • Profile picture of the author Zen Warrior
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        • Profile picture of the author axel40
          LarryS and John,
          I say the same as Larry : I cannot even find any "reseller package" for 19+ bucks per month and maybe more expensive now. Maybe they have finished that?
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    • Profile picture of the author DylanJames
      Originally Posted by PLRchief View Post

      For those that doubt what John is saying, I'm proof that his systems work. I contacted John several weeks ago, and I told him I needed to make at least $1,000 extra this month. John told me to buy his course and if I took action I would make it easy.

      I bought his course, and I am admittedly truly not a sales person. I was also somewhat apprehensive about cold calling. I called 103 businesses and signed up 2 customers for websites costing $499 plus recurring of $25.00. It might not sound like much, but to me it was like winning the lottery.

      I have a son that had huge medical expenses and we needed to still eat, be sheltered and at least try to pay off the medical expenses. In many ways John's course saved my family. It also led to another offline project which is making me $1,200 recurring income and will soon replace the income of both myself and my wife. I anticipate workibng only a couple more months and then my recurring income is going to dwarf anything I've ever made before.

      John's teachings have truly saved my life and family from sure financial disaster. There is no way for me to thank him enough for his help.

      That's a great story man. I hope your son is doing better and everything worked out for you and your family.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Pitts
    Thanks Uncle John

    Don't just follow the Pack...Lead the Pack

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  • Profile picture of the author LasseKohau
    Another great businessmodel from John Durham. Awesome.

    regards, LASSE
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    Hi John, I had a quick read yesterday and just posted a quick thank you message. Today I have read your post over and over to fully absorb everything what you explained. I must admit I am truly inspired. Basically I am stuck right in a big hole at the minute.

    You see last year I was working as an asbestos remover, and earning a decent living, I was due to get married on 12 August, but work dried up and the last people who joined the company were the first to be let go. (me and one other guy) So inevitably we had to call off the wedding (well postpone) due to lack of funds.

    The wedding was rearranged for 7 May 2011. Then out of the blue my old company called me and said that there was a big government scheme lasting 4 years coming up where all old schools (full of asbestos) were to be torn down and replaced by new state of the art schools and that they could do with me coming back.

    So I was made up, job back wedding rescheduled and honeymoon booked (Tunisia). So whilst I was working everything that was left over after living expenses (which wasn't much) went on the wedding and honey moon. Then the new prime minister arrived and introduced new plans to tackle the budget deficit and get us out of the recession.

    And yes... You've guessed it one of the first things to go was the unnecessary spending of millions of pounds on new schools. So after only four months I lost my job (again), ever since I have tried to get jobs (in construction) and it's near damn impossible since many of the new building projects have been scrapped due to lack of funds and buyers. I had to broaden my job range and started applying for anything be it retail or bar work and still no luck.

    Basically there are so little jobs at the minute and so many applicants, (700 people applied for one certain retail position) that every job is going to the most experienced applicants which is definitely not me lol. So I have been living on benefits just counting down to the day where everything gets cancelled again.

    That is until I read your post, you have given me new hope. I need to raise £1200 by February 2nd to pay the remainder of the holiday then another £1400 by the end of April for the wedding. I now think I may well meet this target. I am going to start calling people on as soon as I am fully educated and I am going to get clients.

    There are however some small issues I would like clearing up, so any help would be fantastic.

    Do you recommend working through the phonebook for finding clients?

    1) Once you have a lead do you actually arrange a personal meeting with them? If so would you consider printing out some templates and compiling a portfolio to give them a choice of designs?

    2) Do you create all of the content yourself or simply get your client to provide you with the content?

    3) Do you request payment upfront, half payment until work is completed or payment upon completion? Also do they pay you directly into your paypal with their credit or debit card?

    4) How do you charge your customers for the hosting do you get them to sign up to a subscription and pay you via paypal or does the reseller package have the built in capabilities to handle all of this for you?

    5) What do you give to your clients after you have successfully created their site, like email address logins and other such details?

    I'm sorry if you feel like I am mithering but I would just like to know as much as I can to be fully prepared.

    Once I have the final details I will immediately start finding customers, I will then start a journal thread here on WF so you can all follow my progress.

    Many Thanks in advance,

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    Sorry forgot to add, I am quite expirienced using serif webplus x4 would this be suitable?
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj

    Here's one way I get leads....
    Go to Google and type in "Niche + City, State"
    For example: Hair salon Miami, FL
    You will see some local results. Under the local results will be a link that says, more results near Miami, FL. Just look thru the listings.
    Some won't have any websites, just the Google Places listing.
    I seem to think the ones that say "owner verified" (in the top right corner, it will have a green checkmark), are the best because they already know that they need some sort of online presence because they claimed their listing on Google. They are already half way sold.
    Hope this helps.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2967812].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
      Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post


      Here's one way I get leads....
      Go to Google and type in "Niche + City, State"
      For example: Hair salon Miami, FL
      You will see some local results. Under the local results will be a link that says, more results near Miami, FL. Just look thru the listings.
      Some won't have any websites, just the Google Places listing.
      I seem to think the ones that say "owner verified" (in the top right corner, it will have a green checkmark), are the best because they already know that they need some sort of online presence because they claimed their listing on Google. They are already half way sold.
      Hope this helps.
      Thanks for a great reply. I will give it a go.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2968545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Originally Posted by bronke13 View Post

    Hi John

    Great doable business model. Wish we could turn the clock back a few years and have had this info then.

    It would have saved us a ton of time and a big chunck of change that was wasted on listening to the prattlings and buying the rubbish of self proclaimed "gurus''.

    Anyway, great model.

    If any newbies are reading this post - GRAB the model and get yourself a serious online business in no time.


    Bronwyn and Keith
    ....and you folks just heard it from someone who actually DOES get $2500 recurring for a site....


    1) Once you have a lead do you actually arrange a personal meeting with them? If so would you consider printing out some templates and compiling a portfolio to give them a choice of designs?

    Not on a small deal usually. Some who pay $1000 or more you will want to schedule a meeting with alot of times, sometimes even they will close over the phone though. Luis Amir, for example, pretty much closes them ALL over the phone at an average of $1500 per client, and just leaves the idea of appointments open as an option if the prospect insists.

    You can close a $299 deal over the phone fairly easily, but any more than that might require an appointment, unless you are using a telemarketer who just transfers closes to you... thats a different dynamic, and a whole different subject.

    I dont print out templates personally, but you COULD. You dont even have to mention templates, because you will get so much customizing info when you go through the clients wish list with them, that by the time you are done the templates arent even recognizable any more and they are truly redesigned. Once you get comfortable with your web program you wont use templates most of the time...thats one cool part, the creativity. Its easy once you get the hang of it.

    However I have read that alot of people have success by introducing a myriad of templates in the appointment and letting them pick and choose. Its just not how I usually do it.

    I am putting out a free audio tonight on how to set 3-4 appointments in 2 hours per day.

    2) Do you create all of the content yourself or simply get your client to provide you with the content?

    I usually get the basic info and tell them I will write the content around their keywords usually no more than a couple of paragraphs. The content needs to do one thing only:"catch their interest, and drive them straight to the to the contact form"! Thats my usp, I want to get your visitor to the contact form, do not pass go. Lean mean and results driven.

    3) Do you request payment upfront, half payment until work is completed or payment upon completion? Also do they pay you directly into your paypal with their credit or debit card?

    Usually I will get the whole payment upfront, but be flexible, because you CAN... thats the beauty of being independent.

    NEVER walk out without some kind of check... if all you get is $100 to register their domain and set up one page. You have to remember that as soon as they hand you money something magical has taken place; You have become officially "Their web guy"... You have taken them off the market. From now on whenever they get called by a salesman their answer will be "I already have a web guy I work with"... as soon as they have any kind of vested interest in you, then you become the go to guy for all of their web needs. If you cant get the whole deal, at least lock them down as your client somehow.

    Some pay by credit card by phone, but in an appointment they usually write a check. You can set up a merchant processing solution at though mine is through our bank for recurring payments. Usually I will take a check and collect recurring payments via electronic bank draft.

    Its better than a credit card, because credit cards expire.

    If you dont have a merchant solution yet, dont let that stop you from starting, just take a check and give them the first 60 days hosting free, that will give you time and money to hook up some processing solutions.

    4) How do you charge your customers for the hosting do you get them to sign up to a subscription and pay you via paypal or does the reseller package have the built in capabilities to handle all of this for you?

    Oops, answer above.
    However YES!!! Homestead does also offer merchant processing solutions for you and there is only like a $5.00 set up fee if I remember correctly.

    5) What do you give to your clients after you have successfully created their site, like email address logins and other such details?

    Yes, you send them a confirmation email with all kinds of pertinent info... you dont have to call them necessarily, because you told them in the meeting that you would be emailing a link and informed them to look out for your email correspondence, but if they are spending significant money, invite them to call YOU anytime if they need to... also offer customer service via email. usually after the first meeting no more are required its either email or phone CS.

    Trust me, if they have a concern they will contact you.
    They understand that calls are welcome but your preferred method is email because you cant afford to spend all day on the phone, anymore than they can. Most people appreciate email as much as you do.

    Hope this helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author danemorgan
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      I dont print out templates personally, but you COULD. You dont even have to mention templates, because you will get so much customizing info when you go through the clients wish list with them, that by the time you are done the templates arent even recognizable any more and they are truly redesigned. Once you get comfortable with your web program you wont use templates most of the time...thats one cool part, the creativity. Its easy once you get the hang of it.
      This is an important point.

      To some extent EVERYTHING is borrowed one way or another. The overwhelming majority of "custom" WordPress themes start as a free or possibly paid "developers license" theme that has the basic structure of the code and are then modified to the point that few if any would be able to tell, and then only by looking at the code itelf, not the page on the screen.

      More advanced developers, ahemmm, have tool kits they work from. These tool kits have snippets (and even whole pages) of code that they've collected over time that they plug in as needed. Most of them also have a couple of "frameworks" to provide structure for the snippets.

      Thing is, where do you think 90% of this code came from? Right, they saw something cool, and they borrowed it, then they altered it to suit their needs. It was useful and it went into the kit.

      Smart coders DO NOT sit down with a blank screen and start typing until they have a complete website. That is INSANE, I know, I've actually done it a couple of times way back in the early 90's. It's slow, it's painful and it's error prone. It's also a horrible way to build a business.

      If a template, theme, whatever is available, that is close to what you want, whether you are dragging and dropping or writing and plugging, starting from somewhere is always better than starting from nowhere.

      "talent borrows, genius steals" ~ pablo Picasso
      "Good writers borrow. Great writers steal." ~ Oscar Wilde
      "The Mediocre borrow. Genius steals." ~ George Bernard Shaw

      None of these men were talking about plagerism.
      Did you ever notice that “author” is the root of the word “authority“?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969320].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
        Originally Posted by danemorgan View Post

        This is an important point.

        To some extent EVERYTHING is borrowed one way or another. The overwhelming majority of "custom" WordPress themes start as a free or possibly paid "developers license" theme that has the basic structure of the code and are then modified to the point that few if any would be able to tell, and then only by looking at the code itelf, not the page on the screen.

        More advanced developers, ahemmm, have tool kits they work from. These tool kits have snippets (and even whole pages) of code that they've collected over time that they plug in as needed. Most of them also have a couple of "frameworks" to provide structure for the snippets.

        Thing is, where do you think 90% of this code came from? Right, they saw something cool, and they borrowed it, then they altered it to suit their needs. It was useful and it went into the kit.

        Smart coders DO NOT sit down with a blank screen and start typing until they have a complete website. That is INSANE, I know, I've actually done it a couple of times way back in the early 90's. It's slow, it's painful and it's error prone. It's also a horrible way to build a business.

        If a template, theme, whatever is available, that is close to what you want, whether you are dragging and dropping or writing and plugging, starting from somewhere is always better than starting from nowhere.

        "talent borrows, genius steals" ~ pablo Picasso
        "Good writers borrow. Great writers steal." ~ Oscar Wilde
        "The Mediocre borrow. Genius steals." ~ George Bernard Shaw

        None of these men were talking about plagerism.
        BRAVO!! BRAVO!! Beautifully written! Beautifully written! Thank You!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4058958].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
        "talent borrows, genius steals" ~ pablo Picasso
        "Good writers borrow. Great writers steal." ~ Oscar Wilde
        "The Mediocre borrow. Genius steals." ~ George Bernard Shaw

        None of these men were talking about plagerism.

        Tried to "thank you" but the button was nowhere to be found.

        Well, John and everybody else, took the plunge today and signed up for They guy that I spoke to was Connor and I asked him if he was aware of the warrior forum and/or this thread. He had no clue so I told him how to find it. I know John doesn't get a penny for this but the least I can do is to give credit where credit is due.

        Karma can be a "b**tch" but as far as John goes, be helping newbies, he has a special happy, prosperous and joyful space reserved for him for eternity. Wow, did I go overboard now, lol.

        Anyhow, I got an appointment with somebody on Thursday and I will suck up the confidence that John has given me and just "go for it".

        Thank you John
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4157652].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    Thankyou so much john I am going to start this tomorrow and I will definitely keep you posted, still can't believe you have actually told me so much valuable information for free.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2968887].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2968939].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
        Hi John

        Just figured out why we seem to "think alike" when it comes to offline.

        We also used to refer to it as "hybrid"...LOL

        We changed about 12 months ago when it seemed to find its own terminology.


        Bronwyn and Keith

        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        Glad to help. I owe it to the forum. This place has been my greatest asset in 11 years... just returning the favor, and so nice now that there is a section that applies to my particular area, and other off liners.

        Before they called it "offline marketing" ... I used to think of it as "hybrid"... not quite "IM" but not quite "brick and morter".

        Now we have a term for it, and a section to discuss it!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969131].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    Hi John, just a quick question about the audio you said you were putting up. Where will it be and is it downloadable?

    Many thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2968957].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2968969].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
        Hi John, I don't really know anyone on here yet although I'm sure that after a few months I will get to know a lot of people.

        Can't wait for the audio and I am so excited to actually get started. Over here in the Uk would you recommend charging £199 or the equivilant of $199 in GBP?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2968989].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NeilPM
    Thank you for this John! I am 17 but have abit of experience on building websites and can create decent designs on PS however my problem is my age, how I can engage with them and how I can convince them.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969023].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Here's a good one that got locked which could help you out alot with the sales part:

    It's read only now.

    @New Guy. Its easy to get to know people here...just jump in wherever you can. The OT section is a good place to make friends too.

    @Niel 17 is a great age to start. You may even JV with a friend if you dont like sales and split the profit.

    Its not about convincing as much as packaging what you offer and introducing it to people.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969161].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SubUrbanHype
    Does homestead offer a reseller program for $20 a month that offers the unlimited domains because I called and spoke to them and they quoted me for $50 a month for unlimited domains.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969928].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

      Thankyou so much john I am going to start this tomorrow and I will definitely keep you posted, still can't believe you have actually told me so much valuable information for free.
      Glad to help. I owe it to the forum. This place has been my greatest asset in 11 years... just returning the favor, and so nice now that there is a section that applies to my particular area, and other off liners.

      Before they called it "offline marketing" ... I used to think of it as "hybrid"... not quite "IM" but not quite "brick and morter".

      Now we have a term for it, and a section to discuss it!

      Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

      Hi John, just a quick question about the audio you said you were putting up. Where will it be and is it downloadable?

      Many thanks.
      Working on setting up the dl page now with Darren from High Impact Marketing. You may know him better from Graphics Genie. He's the guy I turn to when I dont know how to do something. Awesome person to work with.

      Originally Posted by SubUrbanHype View Post

      Does homestead offer a reseller program for $20 a month that offers the unlimited domains because I called and spoke to them and they quoted me for $50 a month for unlimited domains.
      If thats true thats awesome news! last time I spoke with my rep was a couple of months back, maybe 3...I have the "Business" package, and it costs 2.00 per month per domain.

      Unlimited domains for 50 bucks is awesome though! I need to call my rep back! You may have misunderstood your rep though... the biz package starts out at $19.00 and you can add as many domains as you want... just adds 2 bucks per month each new client you take on.

      I dont know how it would make sense for them to do that, but I'll call and find out thats for sure.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969970].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sardent
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        If thats true thats awesome news! last time I spoke with my rep was a couple of months back, maybe 3...I have the "Business" package, and it costs 2.00 per month per domain.

        Unlimited domains for 50 bucks is awesome though! I need to call my rep back! You may have misunderstood your rep though... the biz package starts out at $19.00 and you can add as many domains as you want... just adds 2 bucks per month each new client you take on.

        I dont know how it would make sense for them to do that, but I'll call and find out thats for sure.

        They call it the BusinessPlus account.
        Also includes some analytics and traffic aids.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2970023].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Randy Miller
        Hello John,

        I can't thank you enough for starting this post and sharing all your tips with us.

        John I hope that you won't mind, but I've created a pdf of what for me are the highlights of this thread that you and many others have contributed to.

        I'm going to add the link here and if you prefer that I take it done just let me know and I will do so.

        Happy New Year!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3105034].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        If thats true thats awesome news! last time I spoke with my rep was a couple of months back, maybe 3...I have the "Business" package, and it costs 2.00 per month per domain.

        Unlimited domains for 50 bucks is awesome though! I need to call my rep back! You may have misunderstood your rep though... the biz package starts out at $19.00 and you can add as many domains as you want... just adds 2 bucks per month each new client you take on.

        I dont know how it would make sense for them to do that, but I'll call and find out thats for sure.

        Hey John,

        Just spoke with Homestead. The $49.99 package is for unlimited sites, but up to 3 personalized domain.

        When you get the information, please let me know. Thanks,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3217690].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          Originally Posted by benmuijaz View Post

          Hey John,

          Just spoke with Homestead. The $49.99 package is for unlimited sites, but up to 3 personalized domain.

          When you get the information, please let me know. Thanks,

          Plus you can add personalized domains for 5 bucks per registration (Bonus), and 2 dollars per month per domain. I figured by the time you got a few sites on the 19.99 you would be up to $49. anyway... so might as well build up to it at first instead of paying for something you arent using yet... that was always my take.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3217720].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Serendipitous
            Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

            Plus you can add personalized domains for 5 bucks per registration (Bonus), and 2 dollars per month per domain. I figured by the time you got a few sites on the 19.99 you would be up to $49. anyway... so might as well build up to it at first instead of paying for something you arent using yet... that was always my take.
            Hi John,

            So what you're saying is:

            - Start with the $4.99 Starter package.
            - Sell your first site.
            - Upgrade (for free (for 30 days)) to the $19.99 Business package.
            - Sell two more sites.
            - Upgrade to the $49.99 Business Plus package.

            Is this right?

            If so, do you need to spend $5.00 to buy a domain name in the starter package? Or do you just upgrade when you make the sale?

            But if all of these packages are free for 30 days, why not just start with the Business Plus package and downgrade at the end of the 30 days if you need to?

            Just trying to figure this out...

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3218198].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author desgreen
        Thanks for the expert help. But one thing that I cant seem to understand find where can I found a website like homestead where I can design the webpages but host them on my own server at hostgator
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3367175].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith

      Wow thats a great little resellers pack.

      Even if you only managed to get one customer a week for 50 weeks you would have them costing you $1 a month by the end of the year and the upside is $$$$.

      Plus next years $$$$ are already forward planned.



      Bronwyn and Keith
      Originally Posted by SubUrbanHype View Post

      Does homestead offer a reseller program for $20 a month that offers the unlimited domains because I called and spoke to them and they quoted me for $50 a month for unlimited domains.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2970249].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2970361].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
          Hey John,Ste here. Just a quick question, I am going to start calling local businesses any day now and would like to know whether there is a specific category I should start with or should I just work through from A.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2972868].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
            Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

            Hey John,Ste here. Just a quick question, I am going to start calling local businesses any day now and would like to know whether there is a specific category I should start with or should I just work through from A.
            Service type businesses such as...

            -Carpet Cleaners
            -Window Cleaners
            -HVAC Repair
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973355].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MikePatton
        Awesome reseller package... worth it!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394813].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Pauli7143

          Thank you so much for simplifying this process....I have been struggling with how to get 10-15 clients paying $500-$1800/month(average $1200/month) for total web presence with lead capture, video, SEO, email marketing, the whole 9 yards or at least 6 or 7 yards lol....

          With your process, I could get people in the pipeline easier at a lower price point...then up sell later when they realize just having a website is not going to be enough to compete for very competitive keywords.

          Thanks again

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396302].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by Pauli7143 View Post


            Thank you so much for simplifying this process....I have been struggling with how to get 10-15 clients paying $500-$1800/month(average $1200/month) for total web presence with lead capture, video, SEO, email marketing, the whole 9 yards or at least 6 or 7 yards lol....

            With your process, I could get people in the pipeline easier at a lower price point...then up sell later when they realize just having a website is not going to be enough to compete for very competitive keywords.

            Thanks again

            Pauli, very few (if any) people start off in the web development/consulting business charging such high prices (average of $1200/month). Start small, gain confidence, experience and credibility (it won't take long at all), and then go after the bigger jobs once you've gotten your feet wet with these small jobs. At the $1200/month price point that you mentioned, you had better have all your ducks in a row.

            This is a learning process, and you have to start somewhere. Start taking action now, and in a few months you'll get there. It's unrealistic to start off offering full-blown services like what you mention without gaining some experience first.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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            • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
              what all would we have to put on the website? Would we need to get info about the company and think of a lot of content to put on it..or is it basically like listing their products and services? and after that do we tell them to maintain it themselves..or that is probably what the monthly fee is for..for us to maintain it? sorry if the questions were asked..this thread is pretty long and its 2:30am here lol But this is amazing that you are giving this info out for free..a lot of WSO's don't have this much info and charge an average of $37!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402078].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by SubUrbanHype View Post

      Does homestead offer a reseller program for $20 a month that offers the unlimited domains because I called and spoke to them and they quoted me for $50 a month for unlimited domains.
      Hostgator Does... I think it's $25 per month... But no big deal.

      Hostgator also has a bunch of Website Templates ready to go in your CPANEL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973618].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by NeilPM View Post


        I'm actually going to do this, I've thought of this before but planned to design it on PS/Dreamweaver myself and just find a host but this is such a better idea, however can my "clients" access the admin page of their websites (if there's any) and be able to add/edit something if in case they can't contact me?

        Everytime I don't have classes (doing electrical engineering) I'm out for job hunting and I've literally applied for like 5 jobs already and got to the interview point but never got the job since they're all looking for a fulltimer . But after reading this, I feel like I can really do it, the only thing I'm scared of is talking to people about it but anyways, I'm excited!

        Thanks for this again John!


        EDIT: John, how do I get the quotes/pricing? I live in the UK.
        Hey Niel. Yeah this is easier than WP and Yes I did ask them once about how to give clients access to their admin page and stats...but honestly thats never been a part of my pitch so I have never had to do it... The best way is to just set up google analytics on each page of their site and allow them to access their stats that way. Its as easy as creating a pay pal button.

        I meant to call them today and got swamped. But yes, I clearly remember their rep telling me how to do that a few months back and forgot his instructions to be quite frank, if I get time I'll call in this afternoon. Still kinda swamped at the moment.

        Originally Posted by SubUrbanHype View Post

        I may have just misinterpreted the rep because he told me it is $50 a month plus $5 registration fee for the domain you register an additional $2 a month per domain you take on for hosting. That might be the same as the $20 package you spoke of before but the rep made it sound like you can only recieve that by having the business package for $50 a month which was probably an attempt to upsell me.
        Yeah I kinda figured it was something like that. Cant blame a guy for trying to upsell, he probably gets paid on commission. dang if I would have had an affiliate link I could have probably made a couple of gramd on this post myself, but that truly wasnt the intention! I think the $50 package may come wirth a couple more free domains... but not unlimited. The $20 package is a better choice for starting out... you will reach $50 within 10 clients or so anyway! No need to rush it! lol

        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Hostgator Does... I think it's $25 per month... But no big deal.

        Hostgator also has a bunch of Website Templates ready to go in your CPANEL
        Actually Though Luis, homestead, if you are a newby is about 100 times simpler than hostgator, because you can manipulate the entire page, there arent any objects that are fixed, or that you are stuck with...

        You can literally cut and paste everything.

        Also, with host gator you have to know things like how to assign bandwidth to each site and different things like that... they assume that newby's actually know more than they do.

        Honestly I find wp and hostgator both to be rather presumptuous in thinking they are all that newby friendly by comparison. Never assume.

        This is way different and way easier... its also way easier than wp.

        Originally Posted by ADukes81 View Post

        Appreciate that Louie!

        It was my TMer that got it. It was for a free one page design, but the hosting is locked up for 6 months.

        On the road to riches...
        Many ways to skin a cat Adam.... Give 100 people a free web page at $49 per month, and there you go Bud, you have a fulltime residual income.

        Its way easier to get there giving pages away than selling them even! A couple of untrained TM's could do that in a month easy, even if they under perform.

        Always good to create your model so that if everyone performed like the very lowest producer in the chain and only met the minimum quota and nothing else, you could still succeed and meet your goal. I have always called it "expectations management" for lack of a better term. Its one reason my rooms have been so successful in creating millions of dollars in revenue.

        Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

        I will second that.

        @ADukes81 Thanks for the list mate.

        John would you recommend creating a web design website of your own and giving people the url or do you do it without?
        Depends on your biz model New Guy. If you are creating a directory site, their own url isnt necessary, but in most cases of selling a 3-5 page site, they will want their own domain to promote and brand themselves. Its really easy , doesnt require any more effort either way, just cost an extra 2 bucks per month...which is wayyyy paid for by their monthly hosting.

        Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

        Great tip by the way do you use aweber or is there a free autoresponder?

        Also do you use the cold calling tactic? How well does it work for you and do you have your own web design site?
        Yes every homestead site you build comes with free email accounts for that domain, complete with auto responders, and also contact address books... optin forms are easy to build in the homestead program without any html or programming knowledge whatsoever.

        Everything is built as if they assume you are a complete beginner, and even though the options are very advanced, the implementation is so basic a ten year old can do it, from adding shopping carts (readily available) to making thumbnail photo galleries... installing videos or other media... its all there, rss feeds... Its in there.

        Every site I make has a form on it, thats vital to ANY site if you ask me... this is , if you arent using aweber or anything... you can easily set up a newsletter using the tools that come with their site.

        Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

        Hey John,Ste here. Just a quick question, I am going to start calling local businesses any day now and would like to know whether there is a specific category I should start with or should I just work through from A.
        Steve I would start with service oriented businesses... its easier to convince them of how a site can work for them because its as simple as a customer filling out a form... as opposed to explaining the whole data base driven schpiel... you get to talking like that it starts going over their heads alot of time..., and business men never make decisions when they are scratching their head. Thats when you get the infamous "Let me think about this for a few days and get back to you".

        Its easier to explain that "its just a simple form on each page with simple direct copy that drives the visitor straight to the form.... thats what you want right BOB?" lol

        Bobs like "Yeah exactly, thats all I want".

        Tell your customer if they give you the same email fwding address they use on their cell phones that you can have their site send them an alert everytime someone fills it out (they love that one too).

        I cant tell you a specific niche, other than service oriented is easier than product oriented because honestly once you get your momentum in any given niche it all works about the same.

        I would suggest however that you start by calling a list with a variety of niches, then when you get a sale or appointment in one, you will naturally feel more confident about that go straight to that niche afterward, and with each call you will get better at talking to that niche as you build momentum with it.

        Originally Posted by 3MinuteVideos View Post

        Hey John, do me a favor then...

        Please put your Affiliate link in this Thread for me (if for no one else). My plan is to look at moving forward with this. I would frankly be very happy to give credit where credit is due (and maybe others would like to do the same). It's my way of saying 'Thank You' for creating and contributing so much to this Thread.

        Looking forward to seeing your link in one of your next posts here.

        Wes ~
        Thanks Wes, thats awesome of you!!!!

        I dont think they would allow that on the WF, but let me see if I can find my link and PM it to you! Very considerate of you man. Thanks!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2974808].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Karen Connell
          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          I dont think they would allow that on the WF, but let me see if I can find my link and PM it to you! Very considerate of you man. Thanks!

          This thread started just as I was looking for stuff about marketing offline. I have got loads of ideas now and can't wait to get going.

          Please PM your aff link too, my small contribution to say 'thanks'.

          Great information - and all for FREE!!!

          Thank you for giving me the confidence to get this up and running.


          Never Mistake Activity for Accomplishment

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2976756].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
          Many ways to skin a cat Adam.... Give 100 people a free web page at $49 per month, and there you go Bud, you have a fulltime residual income.

          Wow, never even thought about it that way! Hmmm....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4158147].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wbinst2
      This is a great idea for newbies.

      Heres the Homestead link:

      Web Hosting Software Packages For Your Website | Homestead

      I wonder how it would work for Australian domains? (
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979654].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mattbaehr
      John -

      Well said. If folks don't want to pay monthly, simply get an affiliate account with a host and have them go through you to get their hosting.

      The other way I find clients is simply driving. Look around and see how many work trucks don't have a website listed. Google them and when nothing shows up, give them a call. I have had huge success with that.
      Get Your Own .EDU Pages for Less than $10 a Piece!! - How would you like to have your own content, anchor text and links on a .edu domain? You control it all from the text to the links. Now you can!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2992689].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author abo28
      Awesome post! One quick question...

      Are you sure that Homestead has a reseller option? I cannot see it. I noticed the $19 business package, but it doesn't seem to be for those who want to resell web hosting.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3010994].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CPA_OFFICER
        Great post!
        I was wondering if any of you have used the Flash templates available. I'm wondering if it would be harder to get websites built on flash to rank on Google?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3011756].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by CPA_OFFICER View Post

          Great post!
          I was wondering if any of you have used the Flash templates available. I'm wondering if it would be harder to get websites built on flash to rank on Google?

          Flash is so retro now..LOL. Using flash on websites is complicated (especially to customize) and typically makes it far more difficult to get them ranked, as there is far less actual text involved (that a search engine spider can read). You're going to have to get very comfortable with html if you want to optimize a flash website. I'd make every effort possible to stay away from flash websites, if I were you.
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3014353].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren
    John, thank you. This is as actionable of a plan for the newbie as I've seen on the WF. It's beautiful in its simplicity from start to check in hand.

    Here's the thing folks. We've gotta hit singles before we hit home runs and grand slams. I know an additional $500 a week would mean a great deal to my family and probably the majority on here, many of whom are lurking only, wishing. Selling that first site for $200 or $300 or whatever is the single most important step that pushes one from dreamer to in the game. It is the entrepreneurial birth that must preceded growth; growth in any direction of offline marketing we choose.

    Personally, I've got more time than dollars, so I'm going to learn Homesteads SiteBuilder tool and build a site for one of my existing businesses. From there, I will build a couple for friends of mine for FREE (a mover and a barber). NOW I have a portfolio to refer to if needed and I have my Skype (the jawbone).

    My last job was as a recruiter. It was completely foreign to me. It was cold calling all day, everyday. I thought I would hate it, but I did not. 99.9% of the people treated me in kind with how I treated them, kindly and with respect. I made sales and that gave me the confidence to know I could do it again. I knew there was a reason God had me in that job.

    John, in closing, a heartfelt thank you to you for starting this topic. Let's encourage one another and share our successes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2969987].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author c0ppertantrum
      Originally Posted by Huskerdarren View Post

      John, thank you. This is as actionable of a plan for the newbie as I've seen on the WF. It's beautiful in its simplicity from start to check in hand.

      Here's the thing folks. We've gotta hit singles before we hit home runs and grand slams. I know an additional $500 a week would mean a great deal to my family and probably the majority on here, many of whom are lurking only, wishing. Selling that first site for $200 or $300 or whatever is the single most important step that pushes one from dreamer to in the game. It is the entrepreneurial birth that must preceded growth; growth in any direction of offline marketing we choose.

      Personally, I've got more time than dollars, so I'm going to learn Homesteads SiteBuilder tool and build a site for one of my existing businesses. From there, I will build a couple for friends of mine for FREE (a mover and a barber). NOW I have a portfolio to refer to if needed and I have my Skype (the jawbone).

      My last job was as a recruiter. It was completely foreign to me. It was cold calling all day, everyday. I thought I would hate it, but I did not. 99.9% of the people treated me in kind with how I treated them, kindly and with respect. I made sales and that gave me the confidence to know I could do it again. I knew there was a reason God had me in that job.

      John, in closing, a heartfelt thank you to you for starting this topic. Let's encourage one another and share our successes.
      I'm a previous Recruiter too- I know I have the sales/ admin skills necessary to get this 'job' done - How many times did your boss say:
      "Here's this new software, figure it out and use it." Ha! Many times for me. Good Luck, Husker. I know you can do it!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3026399].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NeilPM

    I'm actually going to do this, I've thought of this before but planned to design it on PS/Dreamweaver myself and just find a host but this is such a better idea, however can my "clients" access the admin page of their websites (if there's any) and be able to add/edit something if in case they can't contact me?

    Everytime I don't have classes (doing electrical engineering) I'm out for job hunting and I've literally applied for like 5 jobs already and got to the interview point but never got the job since they're all looking for a fulltimer . But after reading this, I feel like I can really do it, the only thing I'm scared of is talking to people about it but anyways, I'm excited!

    Thanks for this again John!


    EDIT: John, how do I get the quotes/pricing? I live in the UK.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2971252].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AubreyWebWhiz
      Hey John,

      This post is very informative! Thanks!
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by AubreyWebWhiz View Post

        Hey John,

        This post is very informative! Thanks!
        No El-Problem-O!

        Todays encouraging success report. They just keep comin!!!!!!

        Sale Board: Post Your Sales Here!

        Originally Posted by Owen Mailer View Post

        Thanks paulie, I just hope beginners find it.

        Also I ment to say.. if u struggle at all with the eBook the videos will be out soon!! and im always available on the warrior forum to help.
        Thanks Owen for the AWESOME contribution!!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author werna klue
      Originally Posted by NeilPM View Post


      I'm actually going to do this, I've thought of this before but planned to design it on PS/Dreamweaver myself and just find a host but this is such a better idea, however can my "clients" access the admin page of their websites (if there's any) and be able to add/edit something if in case they can't contact me?
      Hi John

      Thank you so much for providing us with this valuable content. I had the same idea as Neil and have created some sites using kompozer as examples for business owners.

      Now the big BUT -- I have not come this far to actually sell any sites etc, mainly because transfering all the files is one step above my skills

      If I understood correctly with homestead we can build the sites,host it,have unlimited domains if you take the $50 package and no need for any transfers etc? If this is the case I am off to a great start cause I have some interested clients already.

      I also want to know if people want to change there sites, do you do this or is there any option for them to have access to the admin(cpanel)?
      Once we have many clients it might be difficult to keep up with everyone if they want changes.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3748256].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by werna klue View Post

        Hi John

        Thank you so much for providing us with this valuable content. I had the same idea as Neil and have created some sites using kompozer as examples for business owners.

        Now the big BUT -- I have not come this far to actually sell any sites etc, mainly because transfering all the files is one step above my skills

        If I understood correctly with homestead we can build the sites,host it,have unlimited domains if you take the $50 package and no need for any transfers etc? If this is the case I am off to a great start cause I have some interested clients already.

        I also want to know if people want to change there sites, do you do this or is there any option for them to have access to the admin(cpanel)?
        Once we have many clients it might be difficult to keep up with everyone if they want changes.

        It can be difficult.... and that is the reason I suggest the reseller account. On another related note... SEO seems to be easier on top level domains.

        With a reseller account each person can have access to thier own top level domain Cpanel.

        But really... that is putting the cart before the horse.

        You can build some sites, make some money, get enough residual income coming from the website hosting to pay for the reseller account.

        Bamn... Done.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3749272].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author chika138
          Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

          It can be difficult.... and that is the reason I suggest the reseller account. On another related note... SEO seems to be easier on top level domains.

          With a reseller account each person can have access to thier own top level domain Cpanel.

          But really... that is putting the cart before the horse.

          You can build some sites, make some money, get enough residual income coming from the website hosting to pay for the reseller account.

          Bamn... Done.
          Hmmm I know it's cheaper and better using Hostgator reseller hosting but I do have some doubt about Homestead's. Does Homestead have something similar to Hostgator reseller hosting account ie individual cpanel accounts and email accounts for every single client?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3762979].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
            Originally Posted by chika138 View Post

            Hmmm I know it's cheaper and better using Hostgator reseller hosting but I do have some doubt about Homestead's. Does Homestead have something similar to Hostgator reseller hosting account ie individual cpanel accounts and email accounts for every single client?
            I absolutely agree....

            I am not a big fan of Homestead myself. Just my honest opinion. I used them when I had NO CLUE about web design. They are good for that purpose. If you are familiar with hostgator. I would recommend you take your sites there.

            Just sayin.
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    • Profile picture of the author macalixter
      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

      Your advice worth much more than some WSOs....

      Thank you man!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4211356].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author spigven
        Well I wouldn't be too keen to give it a go.

        Even junior school children know about free resources to build a web presence: free hosting, templates, WYSIWIG html editors etc.

        So how come there are a multitude of idiotic business owners out there just waiting to be picked off ?

        If they are so idiotic how did they manage to build an offline business in the first place ?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4211622].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author chrisnotes
      Sorry for a newb question here, but if you are building all of these websites for different businesses and also managing the hosting and accounts, how are the individual email accounts handled? How does your client access them? Also, what about cases of paypal for your clients site? Basically, how is all the back end stuff handled? I know I can build the sites because I am driven. I'm just a bit confused since I'm still learning.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4765793].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
        Originally Posted by chrisnotes View Post

        Sorry for a newb question here, but if you are building all of these websites for different businesses and also managing the hosting and accounts, how are the individual email accounts handled? How does your client access them? Also, what about cases of paypal for your clients site? Basically, how is all the back end stuff handled? I know I can build the sites because I am driven. I'm just a bit confused since I'm still learning.
        You have access to their Cpanel info so you can just create the email account for them. I haven't picked around the homestead site I'm building right now that much so I don't know it they have to access email accounts (my other site does) if that is the case you can just let the client know where to go on the web to access their email and give them the user name and password. And don't think too much about the situation..just go do it and you can always come back and ask questions later..If a client asks me to do something that I know can be done but I'm not sure how to do it, I'll just give them a delayed turnaround time, come here and ask questions, and implement it...but I will go get clients FIRST and learn SECOND!! lol
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4782030].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Myss
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4977975].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author The 13th Warrior
        John has probably put out the most essential spirit of The Warrior Forum post I have even seen, even from a Senior Warrior member.

        I sometimes go to the "old forum" to see what it was like.

        I wish more Warriors, Seniors included, was as transparent, honest and ego-less as this post was.

        With post like that, I still wish they had the "Buy me a Beer" button, that post was the most forthcoming I have ever seen since being here, definitely worth more than a $1.00 , but I would tip a buck for a post like that, I can't recall a post so honest and transparent since being here.

        I am not even interested in this, but its presentation is beyond humble.

        With post like that, I would be happy to STFU and not post so much because of useful, pragmatic and real world post like that would be posted more often. I would'nt want to post up and take up space with drivel when more posts like THIS is cranking out.

        This post shows , to me, you are truly The Last of the Warrior Forum Soldiers of Old.

        Not trying to be "the go-to guy" or "expert" or "pied piper of your knowledge and greatness", just plain old honesty and actually what is real.

        Goddamn that was good stuff.

        Thanks, John Durham, for a peek and taste of the old true Warrior Forum spirit, we may never get a glimpse LIKE THAT , again, or at least, a loooooooooooong, l-o-n-g time, in my opinion anyway.

        Post like that make you THE MAN, because I have seen other posts after this of yours and the spirit remains the same.

        Forget the thanks, bring back "BUY ME A BEER" button, at least, for THIS post.

        The 13th Warrior
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4986973].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          Originally Posted by The 13th Warrior View Post

          John has probably put out the most essential spirit of The Warrior Forum post I have even seen, even from a Senior Warrior member.

          I sometimes go to the "old forum" to see what it was like.

          I wish more Warriors, Seniors included, was as transparent, honest and ego-less as this post was.

          With post like that, I still wish they had the "Buy me a Beer" button, that post was the most forthcoming I have ever seen since being here, definitely worth more than a $1.00 , but I would tip a buck for a post like that, I can't recall a post so honest and transparent since being here.

          I am not even interested in this, but its presentation is beyond humble.

          With post like that, I would be happy to STFU and not post so much because of useful, pragmatic and real world post like that would be posted more often. I would'nt want to post up and take up space with drivel when more posts like THIS is cranking out.

          This post shows , to me, you are truly The Last of the Warrior Forum Soldiers of Old.

          Not trying to be "the go-to guy" or "expert" or "pied piper of your knowledge and greatness", just plain old honesty and actually what is real.

          Goddamn that was good stuff.

          Thanks, John Durham, for a peek and taste of the old true Warrior Forum spirit, we may never get a glimpse LIKE THAT , again, or at least, a loooooooooooong, l-o-n-g time, in my opinion anyway.

          Post like that make you THE MAN, because I have seen other posts after this of yours and the spirit remains the same.

          Forget the thanks, bring back "BUY ME A BEER" button, at least, for THIS post.

          The 13th Warrior
          Wow dude, this is the greatest compliment I have ever received. Truly to be called a warrior at the Warrior forum is a cool thing. Why? Because the Warriors are the most brilliant internet marketing minds in the world. Truly "on the planet", as in "for real". To be "anything" here is an honor. Even to make it past 200 posts and be hyperactive!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5010974].message }}
  • I've got to ask...since I've spend a significant amount of time over the past few years learning...what about wordpress.

    I guess this is just an alternative to a wp site that is easier for a newb to get rolling?

    I just signed up a client last week to build a couple of site for, was going to use a wp theme for small businesses, but I might just go use this program and give it a try.
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  • Profile picture of the author SubUrbanHype
    I may have just misinterpreted the rep because he told me it is $50 a month plus $5 registration fee for the domain you register an additional $2 a month per domain you take on for hosting. That might be the same as the $20 package you spoke of before but the rep made it sound like you can only recieve that by having the business package for $50 a month which was probably an attempt to upsell me.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
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    • Profile picture of the author 3MinuteVideos
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      "... dang if I would have had an affiliate link I could have probably made a couple of gramd on this post myself, but that truly wasnt the intention! I think the $50 package may come wirth a couple more free domains... but not unlimited. The $20 package is a better choice for starting out... you will reach $50 within 10 clients or so anyway! No need to rush it! lol
      Hey John, do me a favor then...

      Please put your Affiliate link in this Thread for me (if for no one else). My plan is to look at moving forward with this. I would frankly be very happy to give credit where credit is due (and maybe others would like to do the same). It's my way of saying 'Thank You' for creating and contributing so much to this Thread.

      Looking forward to seeing your link in one of your next posts here.

      Wes ~
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973447].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
        Originally Posted by 3MinuteVideos View Post

        Hey John, do me a favor then...

        Please put your Affiliate link in this Thread for me (if for no one else). My plan is to look at moving forward with this. I would frankly be very happy to give credit where credit is due (and maybe others would like to do the same). It's my way of saying 'Thank You' for creating and contributing so much to this Thread.

        Looking forward to seeing your link in one of your next posts here.

        Wes ~
        I will second that.

        @ADukes81 Thanks for the list mate.

        John would you recommend creating a web design website of your own and giving people the url or do you do it without?
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Hey Adam... That list looks familiar....

    CONGRATULATIONS TO ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Got his first sale! After just doing it.... instead of just thinking about it.

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      Hey Adam... That list looks familiar....

      CONGRATULATIONS TO ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Got his first sale! After just doing it.... instead of just thinking about it.

      I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Appreciate that Louie!

      It was my TMer that got it. It was for a free one page design, but the hosting is locked up for 6 months.

      On the road to riches...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973723].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    That's right baby... If you can do it once... You can do it a THOUSAND TIMES.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clubland
    You know, if you play your cards right, you could also help the customer your building the site for with marketing their business.

    For example, anyone who visits the website, put a opt in form in.

    Then anyone who subscribes, gets like, a free hair cut. Then when times are slow, the customer can let you know if there any special offers on and send it to these subscribers.

    And you could charge for that, say $20 a month extra.

    Then your customer could advertise their website at their shop or on their van - for special offers - subscribe on our website.

    That alone would cut down on paper leaflets they pay for, etc.

    Eco-friendly me!

    Also, i have been doing this for years, and with the profit i make, i use it for my IMing.

    But, i don't use homestead, shame really, oh well. I suppose i had to do it the long and hard way, as always.

    "Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires." - Bo Bennett

    "The Internet is the Viagra of big business." - Jack Welch

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973815].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
      Originally Posted by Clubland View Post

      You know, if you play your cards right, you could also help the customer your building the site for with marketing their business.

      For example, anyone who visits the website, put a opt in form in.

      Then anyone who subscribes, gets like, a free hair cut. Then when times are slow, the customer can let you know if there any special offers on and send it to these subscribers.

      And you could charge for that, say $20 a month extra.
      Great tip by the way do you use aweber or is there a free autoresponder?

      Also do you use the cold calling tactic? How well does it work for you and do you have your own web design site?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973835].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Clubland
        Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

        Great tip by the way do you use aweber or is there a free autoresponder?

        Also do you use the cold calling tactic? How well does it work for you and do you have your own web design site?
        I don't use aweber or autoresponse, or any like that.

        I use an autoresponder that you only pay yearly for and more than makes up for in money you make from your customers.

        I use, never had a problem with them.

        Also, i used cold calling at first. I hated every minute of it. I hate using the phone. Email, in person or text messaging, i am fine with though.

        But now, i get most of mine through word of mouth from my customers. Because i have a deal with them.

        The deal is, when the customer has been with me for 6 months, i put them on my list for recommendations scheme.

        For each person recommended by my customer, they get that many hosting free. So, if they recommend 4 people, they get 4 free.

        But, i have put a limit on it, upto 9 months only can be free. Because the three months they pay, covers me for the rest of the year. Also, i charge the original setup cost yearly. So, i make it up even more.

        "Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires." - Bo Bennett

        "The Internet is the Viagra of big business." - Jack Welch

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973888].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Clubland View Post

      ... shame really, oh well. I suppose i had to do it the long and hard way, as always.
      You and me both....

      The hard way has always been my route.

      Just can't help it.

      But... The easy way.... Don't Think... Just Do.

      As far as webdesign goes... that is exactly what I do. I sell web design. Why?

      So I can have an established relationship with a client that I have already built an "onPage SEOed" website for. It makes my job easier. And it gives me a hot lead. I say hot, because they are already my customer.

      Easy Peasy.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973842].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze

    Thanks for the info mate, I want to start calling tomorrow myself but dont have a website of my own is that going to be a problem?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973918].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post


      Thanks for the info mate, I want to start calling tomorrow myself but dont have a website of my own is that going to be a problem?

      Never have I had anyone ask me for my website.

      I have offered it... but never a single request.

      Really... if you want one... get one.... and I am sure it helped me when I didn't know it... because it does get a lot of traffic. But.... Do not wait to take action. Just start getting clients and if they ask...

      "I do have a site that is in redesign"

      What's your email address. When it goes live again. I will send you a link.

      Normally though... if they ask for a website. It's a blow off statement. Kind of like.. "do you have a card?"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2974052].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clubland
    You know, i never had that problem.

    You should build your own site, and get it put up in google.

    Looks more professional.

    "Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires." - Bo Bennett

    "The Internet is the Viagra of big business." - Jack Welch

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973929].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clubland
    Also, if you ever get into email marketing for your customers.

    You must read "Million Dollar Emails" - Tonnes of great tips you can use for your customers.

    I forget the author....

    "Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires." - Bo Bennett

    "The Internet is the Viagra of big business." - Jack Welch

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    Thankyou Amir, also how do you ask for payments, do people just trust you with their card details? and then you input their info or what?

    Also if you have a basic call script I would be very greatful many thanks.

    May not reply tonight, going to get an early night in so I can be fresh for my day of calling tomorrow.

    Night all.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacquic
    Some pay by credit card by phone, but in an appointment they usually write a check. You can set up a merchant processing solution at though mine is through our bank for recurring payments. Usually I will take a check and collect recurring payments via electronic bank draft.

    @New-Guy - remember in the UK we can set up standing orders; they are a simple option. There are forms on the Internet, or your bank can give you a pro forma. Make sure you get enough up front that if they back out, you will have covered your costs and time at the very least.

    Thank you for this John! I am 17 but have abit of experience on building websites and can create decent designs on PS however my problem is my age, how I can engage with them and how I can convince them.

    @Neil - 17? No matter, especially if you are doing this over the phone. Ask someone you know in business to take you along to a Chamber of Commerce meeting (or somesuch) to meet business ownrs. If you can do what they want, they won't be fussed about your age.

    My son is 17...and he is WAAY better at cold calling than I and many others are.
    As soon as his exams are over, I'll teach him the web building side of things (if he wishes), and I know he'll get business.
    See our great value publications - business, SEO, etc. Being added to weekly.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2974190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    New GUY...

    I didn't realize you are across the pond.

    I do have a script. I also have suggesstions on using a prepaid autodialer. Makes it SOOO much easier to pound out 500 calls

    Add me on Skype if you want... I can help you along the way!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2974506].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      New GUY...

      I didn't realize you are across the pond.

      I do have a script. I also have suggesstions on using a prepaid autodialer. Makes it SOOO much easier to pound out 500 calls

      Add me on Skype if you want... I can help you along the way!
      Hey Luis, I have added you on skype happy to speak whenever you are free.

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  • Profile picture of the author krzysiek
    John, great post and well worth a read. I'll admit, I read most of the first page and then felt like asking a question and did not read the second page, but here it goes anyway.

    As you have outlined, homestead seems like a good place to start. But may I ask, what do you think of Wordpress sites? They are quite easy to set up (a lot of domains offer instant set up through Fantastico, or whatever that software is called) and there are a lot of free themes as well. I Was thinking of using your idea, but implementing Wordpress sites instead (as I have used them before and it doesn't seem too bad for me to do). What are your thoughts?

    Further, when you set up a website for a business that says yes to your offer of $XX upfront and $XX per month, how do you go about doing all of that?

    I mean, who puts the content up? Do they provide you? Or do you make it general content, that you word yourself?

    Then more importantly, how do you actually handle the monthly payments? I mean, most people likely don't have PayPal set up, so what would you do in this case? I think it would be a lot of effort for them to manually pay you every month?

    I'll probably have some more questions later, but this is just for now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I can field this one... why....

    Because this is what i do for a living now....

    You can get a PayPal Pro Merchant account free for 90days. Allows you the ability to accept payments from people without paypal.

    You can use CannyBill free for 30 days to handle invoices and recurring payments. Also has a great reporting system. So you can forecast sales, do projections, show every angle of your productivity. Also. If people cancel or do not pay... it sends out reminders and it will auto lock thier account.

    Another feature is it can give you a client log in for each account. So if your client wants to change thier billing info they can do it online.

    Also... it will work with your paypal account. You just get the API key from your paypal and enter into the backend of cannybill.

    Pretty impressive.

    As far as content and what not.... just get the info from them on the phone...

    What colors would you like?

    Whats your USP?

    What associations do you belong to?

    Blah Bllah Blah....

    Do you have any pictures you would like for us to include?

    You know the deal.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2975885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by Nathan Alexander View Post

      ... let me play devil's advocate. If you did make a case, will these sites suffer even a bit in different areas like SEO, rankings, "impressiveness" (although for local small businesses like auto repair, floral shops etc. I doubt it, right?) or any other areas that those other folks could argue with?
      I didn't see anyone answer that for you, so I will. There's nothing to worry about SEO-wise. I have far more HTML sites than Wordpress sites. They rank, and have since the 1990's when I first started. As for impressiveness...if you design a professional looking site it should look professional years from now as long as you stick to tried and true web design principles and aren't using any funky new faddish things that become dated.

      Hope that helps.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2976020].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OscarTheDog
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      I can field this one... why....

      Because this is what i do for a living now....

      You can get a PayPal Pro Merchant account free for 90days. Allows you the ability to accept payments from people without paypal.

      You can use CannyBill free for 30 days to handle invoices and recurring payments. Also has a great reporting system. So you can forecast sales, do projections, show every angle of your productivity. Also. If people cancel or do not pay... it sends out reminders and it will auto lock thier account.

      Another feature is it can give you a client log in for each account. So if your client wants to change thier billing info they can do it online.

      Also... it will work with your paypal account. You just get the API key from your paypal and enter into the backend of cannybill.

      Pretty impressive.

      As far as content and what not.... just get the info from them on the phone...

      What colors would you like?

      Whats your USP?

      What associations do you belong to?

      Blah Bllah Blah....

      Do you have any pictures you would like for us to include?

      You know the deal.

      WOW! A wealth of information. I like all the sites you listed above. How do you people find all this stuff? I had to "copy and paste" this post into my notes...along with John's original Post. Thanks for sharing this stuff. You all make this fun.

      Freelance Writer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author krzysiek
    Hi Amir,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Never really thought of the PayPal merchant thing. So, I can get them signed up on a subscription through their credit card? And it will just automatically deduct that amount from their credit card each monthly period? Sounds great. Will need to read more into that. I am based in Australia, but I am pretty sure these are still relevant to me.

    Do you have any contracts when billing them monthly, I mean, don't you need them to sign something so you can legally take their money every month?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2976004].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by krzysiek View Post

      Hi Amir,
      Do you have any contracts when billing them monthly, I mean, don't you need them to sign something so you can legally take their money every month?
      Have never really needed them.... but if you feel like you need it. Go for it...

      Most of what I do is over the phone. So if you have an autodialer, it will record your conversation. If there is ever a problem, you can play back the recording. Ofcouse.. I have never had a problem.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2976052].message }}
  • OK, awesome thread, and action I am taking this week.

    I'm still struggling with the wordpress question. All I've heard, for a few years now, is wordpress is the way to do this and best way to do that...blah, blah, blah.

    This makes it sound like there is a simpler way.

    So...why, in the IM world, is there such an emphasis on wordpress?

    Is it because it is easier for marketer's to make money selling wordpress related products, and convincing people like me that it's "the way"?

    Like I said...I'm just wondering about this.

    I'm getting a Homestead account TODAY!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2976724].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ileneg
    Three quick questions for those of you already using this model:

    Are you doing anything on a monthly basis for the $25/month? Or is that just for "hosting" their site? Do your clients ask what the $25/month is for?

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  • Profile picture of the author mpdomain
    Great info!!! Can you please give a little more info/details on how to sign up for the $19 reseller package? I do not see an option for this on homestead.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2977322].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NeilPM
      Originally Posted by mpdomain View Post

      Great info!!! Can you please give a little more info/details on how to sign up for the $19 reseller package? I do not see an option for this on homestead.

      Just going to answer this if I may.

      Use the trial link, then on STEP 2 (if I'm correct) it'll ask you for your bank details and which package you'd like to try. 30 days trial.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2977381].message }}
  • You can also call the number of their website. I called, and actually signed up for the BusinessPlus, but that also gave me the 30 day trial on that, so no payment for 30 days.

    John....Thank You.
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  • Profile picture of the author monmonsyndicate
    Awesome.. But how easy is to implement this thing?

    Here such price for a website is unrealistic (too high), but I will try to lower it..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2978369].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by monmonsyndicate View Post

      Awesome.. But how easy is to implement this thing?

      Here such price for a website is unrealistic (too high), but I will try to lower it..
      How do you lower FREE?

      I don't know where you are... but when I first started putting out websites my initial fear was I was charging too much in hosting.

      Then I found out what everyones biggest competitor charges for hosting.

      You have to remember. Not everyone and thier dog knows about host gator. or Home Stead.

      Never once have I had some one say.... I can get that for $10 a month over here.

      And if they do balk.... you can say... the rest if for maintenance. That way if you need to make a quick change... no big deal. We will be there for you after the sale.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2978468].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Is your biz partner Jacer still making 10k/day selling sites by using the methods in your WSO?

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
    Hi guys just for those of you in the uk, I have just signed in to paypal and they have given me a completely free domain and hosting. There was a banner to click, dunno whether you need a business account though.
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    • Profile picture of the author NeilPM
      Originally Posted by NEW-GUY View Post

      Hi guys just for those of you in the uk, I have just signed in to paypal and they have given me a completely free domain and hosting. There was a banner to click, dunno whether you need a business account though.
      Oh I wanted a domain but there was no link/banner that I saw, oh well. Got my main website up and running, did a few tweaks on PS so it'll look better.
      Classes are cancelled for the whole week, so I will be start calling few people tomorrow. haha! Any tips from fellow warriors?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979110].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mr Squeeze
        @NeilPM sorry mate forgot to say that the banner was visible when I clicked merchant services
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      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by NeilPM View Post

        Classes are cancelled for the whole week, so I will be start calling few people tomorrow. haha! Any tips from fellow warriors?
        The best Tip I can think of... and the words that changed my life.....

        Don't Think... Just DO....
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979255].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I butter on bread I suppose....

    It doesn't matter where you are... that's where you are.

    The net is everywhere. These ideas are totally doable anywhere... even if you wanted to target another country you could.....

    thanks to Skypes Phone numbers and what not.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979693].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wbinst2
      What i meant is i don't think you can register or host domains with them.

      Beside that you are only allowed 3 domains. Would you have to pay to register more external to Homstead for more than 3?

      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      I butter on bread I suppose....

      It doesn't matter where you are... that's where you are.

      The net is everywhere. These ideas are totally doable anywhere... even if you wanted to target another country you could.....

      thanks to Skypes Phone numbers and what not.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979733].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979918].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wbinst2
          Yes, i read the thread. It explains the 3 domain thing. I still have to work on the setup with Homestead. Thanks

          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          Read up this thread webinst, that topic has been covered in great detail.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2980670].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Don't know actually... I have no experience in that particular arena.

    I make it a point to not share anything other than my own experience. It works better for me that way.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Iemagine
    Thank you so much for your post. It was a free wso. Oh and you didn't leave us guessing how to do anything. I have just started with offline marketing myself and I'm realizing that there is a huge market. People just need to be open minded and get creative to find ways to sell offline. This was an excellent post on an easy way for newbies to start makeing their first dollar.
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  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Did anyone try out John's advice today?

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      Did anyone try out John's advice today?
      If they did... I hope they didn't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens.

      That happens a lot. You get people that say they are going to do this...

      They are going to do that....

      When it comes down to it... They make like 50 calls a day... MAYBE.... then wonder why it doesn't work... It actually does work... If you work it.

      There is no magic pill. There is work to be done. If someone made 500 calls per day.... CONSISTENTLY... for one week straight.... the would be wealthy.

      How do I know...

      The money in my pocket... That's how.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2980403].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Iemagine
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      Did anyone try out John's advice today?
      Not today but a few days ago. I have 6 new clients-yippee! They were all from word of mouth. I'll start cold calling in a few days. I just sent a message via facebook to my friends and they put the word out. I read in someones post that they were calling on work trucks-two of my new accounts are from construction companies. I also had upsells by making them twitter and facebook accounts. This raised their monthly maintenance fee too. If your worried about your clients wanting to move their site, don't be because odds are they won't. Only if they really know what they are doing to maintain the site will they move it. If they decide to do that and think they can do it on their own, they will probably come running back to you within a month or two because they can't deal with it. I don't use homestead. I just have my account with hostgator.
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    • Profile picture of the author c0ppertantrum
      I got his WSO and am working on specific processes for it myself. Looking at where I can find a web builder that will let me make multiple sites that I can sell. I realize that they have to be completely mine for me to do this so it's just a bit of research.. Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with Wordpress. I use Weebly. Any thoughts on that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    I hope they didn't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens.
    My motto in IM has always been...success is right around the corner from where you decide to quit.
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2980442].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Really John... Your right...

    I am so used to having an autodialer I demand more.

    Also I was really speaking from a conditioning and momentum standpoint.

    The first time I tried to ride a bicycle... I crashed.... The second time was a little better but not much.

    The third time... My dad could let go of my seat and I was flying... Then I crashed because I didn't know how to stop. Today... I can ride a bike. And I only crash followed by the words... "Watch This!" ( INSERT STUPID TRICK HERE) then BOOM... I am down.

    But if I just keep trying... consistently... I will make it. No matter what "it" is... Some take longer than others to learn how to ride a bike. Same thing goes with cold calling.

    I threw the 500 number out there because I know it works. 100 might work but I seem to only get the "undeveloped" out there that barely have the motor skills to dial the phone.

    So.. If you consistently call between 8am and 10pm with out taking a break... everyday. There is no reason why you can't find success.

    ESPECIALLY if you have an autodialer.

    If you can't... there is a foodstamp office near you I am sure.... Go get in line... Quick.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2980588].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affjourney
      What is an autodialer

      I have a very good offline product going for about usd500 for my market and this would really boost my sales! Please share how i can use this autodialer

      Also, what crm do u use to manage ya small business?

      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      Really John... Your right...

      I am so used to having an autodialer I demand more.

      Also I was really speaking from a conditioning and momentum standpoint.

      The first time I tried to ride a bicycle... I crashed.... The second time was a little better but not much.

      The third time... My dad could let go of my seat and I was flying... Then I crashed because I didn't know how to stop. Today... I can ride a bike. And I only crash followed by the words... "Watch This!" ( INSERT STUPID TRICK HERE) then BOOM... I am down.

      But if I just keep trying... consistently... I will make it. No matter what "it" is... Some take longer than others to learn how to ride a bike. Same thing goes with cold calling.

      I threw the 500 number out there because I know it works. 100 might work but I seem to only get the "undeveloped" out there that barely have the motor skills to dial the phone.

      So.. If you consistently call between 8am and 10pm with out taking a break... everyday. There is no reason why you can't find success.

      ESPECIALLY if you have an autodialer.

      If you can't... there is a foodstamp office near you I am sure.... Go get in line... Quick.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3120547].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
        Originally Posted by affjourney View Post

        What is an autodialer
        John Durham answered this on page 3

        Originally Posted by John Durham;

        The real term is actually "predictive Dialer". You load a cusomtized call list into it, put on a pair of head phones and it loads up calls for you, weeding out answering machines and no answers... so it goes through about 100 numbers per hour, and makes sure that as soon as you hang up with a customer there is another popping up on your screen saying "Hello"... very cool.

        cuts out down time, and alot of irritation.

        With a predictive dialer, you dont waste time listening to ring tones and answering machines, looking up numbers..., you just log in and it starts spitting calls at you as fast as you want to go.

        In a nutshell, with a predictive dialer, you are actually talking to customers all day not wasting time... plus it records your calls, tracks your conversions, offers reports on every aspect of your call session. Most importantly, it enables you to hire virtual telemarketers who can log in from their home pc's, and you are able to monitor them and view reports on their real time stats...

        Good stuff.
        Best wishes,


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3120856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    You guys have mentioned "Auto-Dialers." I am going to play very stupid. I know an auto-dialer is something that will dial a number, automatically - and it will have a pre-recorded message. Am I right? Do they work? What do you say on them?


    Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2981045].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Jeremy James View Post

      You guys have mentioned "Auto-Dialers." I am going to play very stupid. I know an auto-dialer is something that will dial a number, automatically - and it will have a pre-recorded message. Am I right? Do they work? What do you say on them?

      The real term is actually "predictive Dialer". You load a cusomtized call list into it, put on a pair of head phones and it loads up calls for you, weeding out answering machines and no answers... so it goes through about 100 numbers per hour, and makes sure that as soon as you hang up with a customer there is another popping up on your screen saying "Hello"... very cool.

      cuts out down time, and alot of irritation.

      With a predictive dialer, you dont waste time listening to ring tones and answering machines, looking up numbers..., you just log in and it starts spitting calls at you as fast as you want to go.

      In a nutshell, with a predictive dialer, you are actually talking to customers all day not wasting time... plus it records your calls, tracks your conversions, offers reports on every aspect of your call session. Most importantly, it enables you to hire virtual telemarketers who can log in from their home pc's, and you are able to monitor them and view reports on their real time stats...

      Good stuff.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2981235].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wizozz
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        The real term is actually "predictive Dialer". You load a cusomtized call list into it, put on a pair of head phones and it loads up calls for you, weeding out answering machines and no answers... so it goes through about 100 numbers per hour, and makes sure that as soon as you hang up with a customer there is another popping up on your screen saying "Hello"... very cool.

        cuts out down time, and alot of irritation.

        With a predictive dialer, you dont waste time listening to ring tones and answering machines, looking up numbers..., you just log in and it starts spitting calls at you as fast as you want to go.

        In a nutshell, with a predictive dialer, you are actually talking to customers all day not wasting time... plus it records your calls, tracks your conversions, offers reports on every aspect of your call session. Most importantly, it enables you to hire virtual telemarketers who can log in from their home pc's, and you are able to monitor them and view reports on their real time stats...

        Good stuff.
        Well, this is a very good thread, but the thing is, I hate cold calling. And I live in Turkey, and if I charged $199 per 3 page html web site and $25/m for hosting, I think I could not find a single customer, because these are high prices for my local market. There are people here selling 300$ web sites with Joomla/Wordpress and a custom designed graphics/template.

        So, what I'm wondering is, is there a way outsource the telemarketing/prospecting bit? I'd rather pay some telemarketer in US who sells web sites for $199+$20/m $50 per sale, and focus on building the sites and the residual income, than get to the phone to sell cold calling all day.

        Any tips to outsource telemarketing work? Preferable Pay-Per-Sale, once the sale is made?
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Very nice tool to have... but not exactly necessary when doing B2B...

    Though it does make it easier... more of a luxury item really....
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  • Profile picture of the author vision1
    Great post! So now we don't have to worry about how to earn from scratch without HTML knowledge anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karen Connell
    Hey John,

    Did you find your aff. link yet?


    Never Mistake Activity for Accomplishment

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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2985115].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
        If you don't mind - I want to just summarize this point - so I can more easily understand it, and, everyone else can do. Please correct me if I am wrong on any points.

        1. Register an account on Homestead.
        2. Pick a city + niche =
        3. Put a very basic site up using templates and tools from Homestead
        4. Call/contact various dentists in New York to lease the site
        5. Charge market price ($199-$399 set up, $25-$100 a month to lease/rent/maintain.)

        At that point - what do you do? Do you allow them to put their own stuff on the site? Do you design it to their specifications? How much monthly work is required on this site -

        Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2985274].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2986527].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
            Good deal.

            Now - is there a way that the selling part of that can be outsourced, maybe even on a commission only basis? I loathe the time of making the calls, but, even more than that, I am strapped for time. I have a job - that I need to be in now, for various reasons, but, I have lots of dead time - where I could design with no problems.

            Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2987165].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by Jeremy James View Post

              Good deal.

              Now - is there a way that the selling part of that can be outsourced, maybe even on a commission only basis? I loathe the time of making the calls, but, even more than that, I am strapped for time. I have a job - that I need to be in now, for various reasons, but, I have lots of dead time - where I could design with no problems.
              My personal philosophy is to NEVER outsource anything until I have done it myself first. It's a sound principle, because how on earth are you going to know if the person you're outsourcing the work to is doing it properly if you have no idea yourself?? This innate knowledge can only come from doing it yourself.

              When starting a new business venture of any kind, there are invariably going to be unpleasant and undesirable aspects of it that you will not want to do. However, this is just the nature of the beast and you'll have to tackle it head on if you want to become successful at this.

              Lately, I've seen a lot of people try to get in the offline arena and want to outsource everything (website/SEO work as well as the sales) right from the beginning. In my opinion, that approach is completely screwed up, because you just won't be able to run the business effectively without having prior knowledge of how it really runs. It's almost as ridiculous as trying to pass a major exam in college, and outsourcing practically everything - the studying/research and even the test-taking part of things to other people!

              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Yes..... you can....

    But don't.

    Not until you have done it yourself. You need to know what your people are thinking as they go through the process. You need to know what they are feeling when things don't go as expected. You need to know that if your people fall short, you can step in and make it happen.

    There is no way to ensure that you can make it happen unless you actually take the action, on a consistent basis. You don't want to rely on other people to make or break you in this industry. You don't need to worry because you know... if all else fails, You can make it happen.

    The best way to make it work is if you have nothing to begin with. Being forced to do something that is inconvenient is a very very powerful motivator.

    Fear is a powerful motivator. Holy Crap... Rent is due. I have no job. I have no money...

    I better do something quick.

    That is the kind of dedication and motivational mindset I need when I do things that are inconvenient.

    Every person I know that is successful has one thing in common. "The ability to do what no one else will do."

    Do you share that trait?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2988221].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    Hey Amir and John,

    I respectfully ask your opinion.

    I have a website - Fort Worth Car Repair | Fort Worth Car Repair. I personally think I am sitting on a gold mine, or, at least a good residual income.

    What can I do? I put up a pretty crappy directory, but, don't know if that's the best thing I can do.

    What do you think this site could legitimally bring in?


    Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2990516].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PowerUK
      Hi Jeremy

      Just looked at your site

      First and foremost.... Take the phone numbers off the site, your doing there advertising for them for free

      You dont say how old the site is or if its ranking or not

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2990638].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bshelite
      Hey Jeremy,

      My cousin owns one of the shops you have listed
      on your site.

      Small world.

      Originally Posted by Jeremy James View Post

      Hey Amir and John,

      I respectfully ask your opinion.

      I have a website - Fort Worth Car Repair | Fort Worth Car Repair. I personally think I am sitting on a gold mine, or, at least a good residual income.

      What can I do? I put up a pretty crappy directory, but, don't know if that's the best thing I can do.

      What do you think this site could legitimally bring in?


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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2990773].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author c0ppertantrum
      Originally Posted by Jeremy James View Post

      Hey Amir and John,

      I respectfully ask your opinion.

      I have a website - I personally think I am sitting on a gold mine, or, at least a good residual income.

      What can I do? I put up a pretty crappy directory, but, don't know if that's the best thing I can do.

      What do you think this site could legitimally bring in?

      There were a lot of good things about your site that I liked such as:
      The pic of walking.. what a nightmare!
      I guess what I'm trying to say is that you are really promoting to the viewer here- who really needs to get their car fixed. Can you put up a map locator? And are you alphabetizing your list of auto care professionals? Just asking! - Nice job!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3026608].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LarryS
    Hi John,

    Great info, thanks alot!
    I signed up with Homestead the other day and I'm in the process of creating some sites.
    I have a question about your business model that I don't think was totally covered in this thread.

    It seems that the site you build for a client is really only "leased" to them, correct? You charge the initial $399 or whatever to personalize the site to their business and then the monthly "maintenance" fee. If the client wants their own domain name, you get that and direct it to "their" site that is within your Homestead account. Or do you have the client purchase their own domain and have it directed to the site in your account?

    What if the client wants the ability to go into the site and edit text or update a blog? How do you give them access to your account which may have hundreds of other clients websites?

    Or is this strictly a lease proposition and if the clients wants to "own" the site, then they have to open their own Homestead account and have the site transferred over to them?

    Thanks again for helping so many people with this idea.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2992431].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nelsonbiglar
      This is a great thread with real solution building...

      Can I add something... based on the following below and leaving homestead out of the equation.

      Can't you just create a wordpress site with various niche themes and clone the sites to the be used for a new client?

      1. create an optimized wordpress site.
      2. offer 5-10 simple designs. Or more if you have the resources.
      3. clone these sites as per your clients needs.
      4. upsell additional services.
      5. Use the telephone whenever possible to close more sales.

      In essence this would be similar to using homestead though they have alot of resources to use.

      My concern is that you have to host your clients sites on homestead and not on your own servers? That may be a negative, I don't know.

      Couple questions:

      How would you communicate where your clients sites are?
      Would you create sud-domains or hosted sites that your client choose?
      Would you sell them webpages or full websites first?

      Awesome chat!


      On the other side:

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2992645].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by nelsonbiglar View Post

        This is a great thread with real solution building...

        Can I add something... based on the following below and leaving homestead out of the equation.

        Can't you just create a wordpress site with various niche themes and clone the sites to the be used for a new client?

        1. create an optimized wordpress site.
        2. offer 5-10 simple designs. Or more if you have the resources.
        3. clone these sites as per your clients needs.
        4. upsell additional services.
        5. Use the telephone whenever possible to close more sales.

        In essence this would be similar to using homestead though they have alot of resources to use.

        My concern is that you have to host your clients sites on homestead and not on your own servers? That may be a negative, I don't know.

        Couple questions:

        How would you communicate where your clients sites are?
        Would you create sud-domains or hosted sites that your client choose?
        Would you sell them webpages or full websites first?

        Awesome chat!

        Mitch, I'd actually prefer this approach as Wordpress is definitely more flexible and powerful than Homestead. With a cloning tool like WP Twin, you could pump out these sites (everything but the content and perhaps customized graphics) in a flash, replete with every single plugin you need and configured just the way you like it.

        If using the Wordpress approach, you basically have two options. You can either give them your hosting affiliate link and have them sign up themselves, or you could sell them hosting directly via your reseller account.

        I really wouldn't recommend creating websites on subdomains, as this could hurt your SEO efforts significantly when trying to optimize those sites for the best rankings possible.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3019290].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author CappaG
          John, thank you for an inspiring post. Most people think of doing something similar, but are put off because they are unsure of the first few steps. You laid out a nice step-by-step plan that can be started immediately and I'm sure, will help many readers... BTW, I understand why you didn't want to list one of your own sites as an example; the first two example sites you mentioned are both down (for now at least). I wonder if that has anything to do with you linking to them from here and the probable massive bump in traffic they must have received
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3024530].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author CappaG
            Originally Posted by CappaG View Post

            John, thank you for an inspiring post. Most people think of doing something similar, but are put off because they are unsure of the first few steps. You laid out a nice step-by-step plan that can be started immediately and I'm sure, will help many readers... BTW, I understand why you didn't want to list one of your own sites as an example; the first two example sites you mentioned are both down (for now at least). I wonder if that has anything to do with you linking to them from here and the probable massive bump in traffic they must have received
            nevermind...I just dug around a little more and it seems homestead itself is down for the time being, NOT just those two mentioned sites.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3024567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Jeremy James View Post

      If you don't mind - I want to just summarize this point - so I can more easily understand it, and, everyone else can do. Please correct me if I am wrong on any points.

      1. Register an account on Homestead.
      2. Pick a city + niche =
      3. Put a very basic site up using templates and tools from Homestead
      4. Call/contact various dentists in New York to lease the site
      5. Charge market price ($199-$399 set up, $25-$100 a month to lease/rent/maintain.)

      At that point - what do you do? Do you allow them to put their own stuff on the site? Do you design it to their specifications? How much monthly work is required on this site -

      Sounds about correct.

      At this point, you either get some beer and pretzels as George Wright says, and stay up all night being creative and designing their website.... or you hire someone to do it and split up the profits... you may also want to send them an email to confirm your agreement and let them know their work in underway!

      Lets say you sell one per day for an average of $399 , you have about 2-3 hours in sales per day, and 2-3 hours in designing... so you make $2000 per week for only working part time....
      Now lets say you charge $1,500 instead of $299 then you only have to sell 2 per week to make $3,000 and only work say 15 hours.

      As you can see its very lucrative

      Great Questions:

      It seems that the site you build for a client is really only "leased" to them, correct?

      No because if they ever decide to quit working with you can down load their design onto a cd and hand it to them.

      You charge the initial $399 or whatever to personalize the site to their business and then the monthly "maintenance" fee. If the client wants their own domain name, you get that and direct it to "their" site that is within your Homestead account. Or do you have the client purchase their own domain and have it directed to the site in your account?

      I just sign them up (register their URL) on my account. If the client ever wants to leave or wants to transfer their domain... then its easy enough to unlock lock it and transfer it to a new registar or change the ownership information...

      What if the client wants the ability to go into the site and edit text or update a blog? How do you give them access to your account which may have hundreds of other clients websites?

      I dont. I think someone at homestead told me there was a way to do it , but I find it easier to just tell clients to email me their updates, and I will handle them. Learned a long time ago that customers dont really call in that much to be honest... you might hear from them once a month or so about updates... but even when they do its easy enough to have them email you , to update their blogs, or in that situation it might be better to have their site link out to their blog instead of designing it within the site. I dont really sell blogs, so I dont know. Another thing, you can charge them for a certain amount of updates per month.

      I personally use it as a selling point, that as long as they keep their hosting with me I will do free updates, while other designers charge... they dont really ask for that many to be honest.

      In short my policy is just "I'll do your updates".

      Or is this strictly a lease proposition and if the clients wants to "own" the site, then they have to open their own Homestead account and have the site transferred over to them?

      Yes once again, using the link above you can transfer sites and domains...change registars and ownership info...

      Thanks again for helping so many people with this idea.

      No prob. Hope it helps some people get started and stop procrastinating, you can learn more along the way... in fact you may learn some things about cpanel permissions... and blogs that I dont even know, because I sell my way, and just leave it at that.

      I figure if I gave people access to a cpanel it would just create more customer service, as they would be ringing my phone off the hook everyday for consultations and training on how to use it... its easier just to say "email me if you want an update".

      ... dig around...theres a million options. You may find some that I havent even looked for.

      Another good idea is to join their forum and ask questions their too.

      Hope this helps

      Guys, if I start answering slower, its because I can only put 25 more posts in this thread... or else its a sinker! lol

      The o.p. cant have more than 50 posts in a thread or they lock it and it sinks into oblivion. forever never to rise again... so I will start waiting awhile between posts and using the multiquote function... since we want this thread to last a long time...

      Perhaps some others can share their experience as well...
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  • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall

    I have never seen anyone give away so much "golden advice" on this or any other forum for free. In fact,.. you could have bundled it all up and put it into a WSO PDF and sold it or even used it as a free WSO list builder, but it's all been laid out clearly and plainly for anyone to read and absorb and benefit from and there's not even a whiff of an optin.

    I've been online long enough now to see that way too many people just get sucked into the whole "next shiny object" buying routine and even spend thousands on seminars and then do nothing when all that it really takes is to adopt one single proven system and start working it. That way real results can not fail to prevail.
    I believe that anyone that takes up your no-nonsense plan and applies it WILL make money and may even go on to making a hugely successful business of it all.

    I salute you for your integrity and contribution,...a TRUE Warrior indeed!

    Best regards,

    Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2994801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by RussRave View Post


      I have never seen anyone give away so much "golden advice" on this or any other forum for free. In fact,.. you could have bundled it all up and put it into a WSO PDF and sold it or even used it as a free WSO list builder, but it's all been laid out clearly and plainly for anyone to read and absorb and benefit from and there's not even a whiff of an optin.

      I've been online long enough now to see that way too many people just get sucked into the whole "next shiny object" buying routine and even spend thousands on seminars and then do nothing when all that it really takes is to adopt one single proven system and start working it. That way real results can not fail to prevail.
      I believe that anyone that takes up your no-nonsense plan and applies it WILL make money and may even go on to making a hugely successful business of it all.

      I salute you for your integrity and contribution,...a TRUE Warrior indeed!

      Best regards,
      Thanks Russ, It really isnt hard to contribute when you are just saying what you know. Im just bssing, like two ole men sitting on a bench talking about their life to each other. Not hard, just shooting the breeze with some friends who let me stand on a soap box here and there, so I go off on a sermon... lol Sooner or later I'll get down off of my soap box.

      I dont know how well what I just said translates to other countries... Does anyone know another way to put that "He's on a soap box"?

      Anyway, its fun, and it's very worthwhile. Heck if nothing else, for posterity.

      Rudyard kipling says in the poem "if", that one of the things that completes a person and brings them full circle is:

      "If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew, to serve your turn long after you are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you, except that which is the will which says to them 'hold on'...."

      Well hopefully 50 years from now when I am gone, some of these writings will be serving my turn, and still be inspiring others to their own personal epiphany's about their own personal ability to achieve greatness!

      Ps. Eventually I will go crawl back in my hole and work! I tend to work real hard for a month or two, then come back and hang out at the wf for a couple weeks... then go work real hard for another month or two... cycles, as Paul Meyers says.
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  • Profile picture of the author zavonrayenz
    The whole argument can be brought up about what's the purpose of offline consulting, to make money or to help a business out by making them more money? The truth is, the purpose is both. The reason to do this business is to make money helping others make more money. If it takes using a lower end software tool to create sites that get a client online, then do it, and improve and upgrade from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Morris
    John, Please PM me your affiliate link also. Thanks for everything that you do!
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  • Profile picture of the author K.Callwood
    I feel like I should pay you for all this great info John! You should put up a buy me a beer button or something :-) But I do have just one question. Why would you want to waste your time with the building tools. Those sites aren't worth $100 in my humble opinion. Plus it is infinitely easier to just throw up a Wordpress blog and pay a site like Premium WordPress Themes for unlimited access to amazing template sites that will earn you lifetime customers.

    The best thing about that method is that you can easily set it up so that the client has limited administrative powers to let them perform info updates and feel like they have a real powerful vehicle. It also makes the upsells for Social media marketing much easier to implement after people learn the ropes.

    Great post and I really appreciate all of the solid advice, but I think people should consider the wordpress route. It is actually easier in my opinion and certainly higher quality which will make potential clients drop their jaw when they see your portfolio.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zillionairemind
      Wow,have really been blessed with all this info,now to take action.
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    • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
      Originally Posted by DrMeg View Post

      I'm just starting but I am about to get my third offline client by doing a HubPage about their business. I went into the shop, asked to speak to the owner, told them about the HubPage I was doing, asked if I could take a few photos for the HubPage. We chatted, I took photos, I sent them the HubPage link when I was done. Took a couple of hours.

      Two things happened....

      1. They sent the link out to everyone on their list and that HubPage got a lot of views, and I (with only a few HubPages created so far) now have a HubPage Accolade award on my profile.

      2. One of the stores profiled in the HubPage is "thinking about" hiring me to re-do their website. All I need to do is go back and follow up. (that reminds me....note to self.....follow your own advice and follow up today!)

      Now that I'm armed with this excellent and easy website creation tool, I'm going for it!

      Thanks John for your help and encouragement.
      Great idea with the Hubpages DrMeg. It's all about being proactive and creative. I've found if you take the initiative to take action and get a demonstrable result before you start talking to the business owner then your job is more than half done as they'll respect that and also be curious and/or excited about what else you can do for them.

      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Rudyard kipling says in the poem "if", that one of the things that completes a person and brings them full circle is:

      "If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew, to serve your turn long after you are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you, except that which is the will which says to them 'hold on'...."

      Well hopefully 50 years from now when I am gone, some of these writings will be serving my turn, and still be inspiring others to their own personal epiphany's about their own personal ability to achieve greatness!
      Ahh... a man after my own heart quoting the brilliant and insightful "Kipling". If a man had only one piece of prose by which to guide his life then the "If" poem would have to be it.
      "If you can watch the things you gave your life to to broken and stoop and build them up with worn out tools, or watch the truths you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools"
      I could go on... but there's a gem (or two) in every verse for sure!
      Thanks John,.. and I totally agree with making your mark and making a (real) difference whilst able bodied and in the midst of life!

      Originally Posted by K.Callwood View Post

      I feel like I should pay you for all this great info John! You should put up a buy me a beer button or something :-) But I do have just one question. Why would you want to waste your time with the building tools. Those sites aren't worth $100 in my humble opinion. Plus it is infinitely easier to just throw up a Wordpress blog and pay a site like Premium WordPress Themes for unlimited access to amazing template sites that will earn you lifetime customers.

      The best thing about that method is that you can easily set it up so that the client has limited administrative powers to let them perform info updates and feel like they have a real powerful vehicle. It also makes the upsells for Social media marketing much easier to implement after people learn the ropes.

      Great post and I really appreciate all of the solid advice, but I think people should consider the wordpress route. It is actually easier in my opinion and certainly higher quality which will make potential clients drop their jaw when they see your portfolio.
      The sites may not look like they are worth $100 but its what is done with them and the value it brings to the client that counts. I have seen 3 page html "sites" with one article sold for $500+ and the client was tickled pink as they didn't have to do a thing and now they had an online entity.

      For that matter, I have set up single page html landing/squeeze pages for clients before and charge $1500+ incl copywriting and they were delighted to pay it.
      As far as WordPress is concerned I agree that there is no other online platform as powerful as WP. I say that as a WP specialist who has created hundreds of WP over the past few years. But here's the thing,.. I totally agree with what John Durham said about the lack of willingness/skill/interest for the client to want to visit the site and start populating it and generally managing it. I have had dozens of clients (and still have many) that have had personalised training via seminars, webinars and video on WP and yet they still can't properly manage their sites (I get their requests every week).
      Amazingly,.. I have set up some great WP sites and blogs and started to populate them with content. "GREAT" says the client,... then proceeds to do NOTHING with the site for months on end and they either become abandoned, lose ranking etc. Some eventually come back and take up my offer to manage the site as was first suggested.

      I've found that the majority of business people would prefer to not have to ever go inside a cPanel. WP-admin or a MySQL database. Therefore, it's much better to offer them a totally hands free "done and managed for you" alternative that they'll gladly pay for so they can focus on their business.
      This is what makes charging $30 to $50 per month for hosting possible when the client realizes that they're getting more than a home for their website,... they're getting the backend support should it ever be required. Ask any decent businessperson what an hour of their time is worth to them!

      Cheers all

      Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

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    • Profile picture of the author momsapplepies
      Originally Posted by krzysiek View Post

      As you have outlined, homestead seems like a good place to start. But may I ask, what do you think of Wordpress sites? They are quite easy to set up (a lot of domains offer instant set up through Fantastico, or whatever that software is called) and there are a lot of free themes as well. I Was thinking of using your idea, but implementing Wordpress sites instead (as I have used them before and it doesn't seem too bad for me to do). What are your thoughts?)
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      I didn't see anyone answer that for you, so I will. There's nothing to worry about SEO-wise. I have far more HTML sites than Wordpress sites. They rank, and have since the 1990's when I first started. As for impressiveness...if you design a professional looking site it should look professional years from now as long as you stick to tried and true web design principles and aren't using any funky new faddish things that become dated.

      Hope that helps.
      Originally Posted by CleanMountainLiving View Post

      I'm still struggling with the wordpress question. All I've heard, for a few years now, is wordpress is the way to do this and best way to do that...blah, blah, blah.

      This makes it sound like there is a simpler way.

      So...why, in the IM world, is there such an emphasis on wordpress?
      Originally Posted by nelsonbiglar View Post

      This is a great thread with real solution building...

      Can I add something... based on the following below and leaving homestead out of the equation.

      Can't you just create a wordpress site with various niche themes and clone the sites to the be used for a new client?

      1. create an optimized wordpress site.
      2. offer 5-10 simple designs. Or more if you have the resources.
      3. clone these sites as per your clients needs.
      4. upsell additional services.
      5. Use the telephone whenever possible to close more sales.
      Originally Posted by K.Callwood View Post

      Why would you want to waste your time with the building tools. Those sites aren't worth $100 in my humble opinion. Plus it is infinitely easier to just throw up a Wordpress blog and pay a site like Premium WordPress Themes for unlimited access to amazing template sites that will earn you lifetime customers.
      We seem to forget what a 'blog' is about. Its intention was for continously updating the public with your information. It wasn't long ago that no one even realized they could build a 'normal' website with a blog.

      I've been online since 1995, can code html by hand from scratch. I've also built hundreds and hundreds of wordpress sites.

      There's nothing like the sheer simplicity of an html site. Remember, wordpress is constantly updated, it takes plugins to make it seo friendly (though thats slowly changing), which means plugins are constantly updated. Now thats fine if you only have a handful of blog sites... but try hundreds and, even with things like wpmanagerdx, it becomes a continuous battle to keep things updated.

      Not so with static html sites. They seo the same way (title tag, description, etc). They only need to be updated when necessary. And they are not resource hogs like wordpress can be.

      So you really need to choose what is right for your customer. If they are a business that is always being social and updating the public, a blog might be right for them. If they are a plumber who just needs a web presence, a static html site might be best.
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      • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
        Originally Posted by momsapplepies View Post

        There's nothing like the sheer simplicity of an html site. Remember, wordpress is constantly updated, it takes plugins to make it seo friendly (though thats slowly changing), which means plugins are constantly updated. Now thats fine if you only have a handful of blog sites... but try hundreds and, even with things like wpmanagerdx, it becomes a continuous battle to keep things updated.

        Not so with static html sites. They seo the same way (title tag, description, etc). They only need to be updated when necessary. And they are not resource hogs like wordpress can be.
        Do template html sites qualify as static html sites?

        Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
        You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
        DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

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        • Profile picture of the author BillyParadise
          Originally Posted by BayAreaSteve View Post

          Do template html sites qualify as static html sites?
          Yup. If it doesn't require a database, or php (or asp or other scripting language), that's a static site.

          It's _very_ 1997, but hey, if it works for you, go for it

          The minimum I would personally do is to have "php includes" for a header and footer - then at least you can make changes to the look and feel of the site without editing every single page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    No doubt about it... Flash is totally overrated. You can get the same effect with a wordpress site using rotating images.

    Wordpress format is EXTREMELY SEARCH ENGINE Friendly!!!!!!

    The good thing about Homestead templates is that you can use thier website builder to manipulate the Meta Tags, ALT image tags, etc. So you may not need WP to make it On Page Optimized. Actually... I know you don't. You can make it Search Engine friendly w/ the Site Delux program Homestead uses to build websites... If they still use that program. It has been a few years since I used Homestead. So I really don't want to speak out of turn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Skuse
    WordPress + modified premium theme + All-in-one-SEO plugin + Google Sitemaps plugin = a beautiful website that will not only show up on Google search results in 24 hours, but will also be content manageable for the client and will be tailored for his or her own needs.

    Plenty of premium themes have so many customization options that you won't need any coding abilities in order to make it unique enough for them. Colors and layout positioning can usually be changed drastically thanks to flexible widget themes. I am a capable coder yet I find myself never needing to edit much code when using such themes.

    Sure, it might take a bit more effort than setting up a Homestead site, but it will look a lot more professional and most clients will LOVE that they can make changes themselves (this doesn't mean they won't pay you for ongoing maintenance - a lot of clients still want to be able to call upon their web guy or gal when needed, and updates will need to be dealt with, backups, etc).

    Also, with the All-in-one-SEO plugin, you're making it easier for yourself to apply any in-depth SEO that you might be able to up-sell to them. It's far more pleasant, quicker and manageable than editing code to get it done.

    Taking all of that into account, there is much more justice in the pricing, in my opinion.

    Also, there are tools out there that make mass WordPress updates (including plugins) quicker and easier to apply than ever, such as client dashboards you can use. Remember, you can include maintenance for the first 6 months or whatever, and then offer a reasonable monthly plan for their ongoing maintenance. With a dashboard of say 100 clients each paying $50/month for ongoing maintenance, that's $5000/month despite the speed you will be able to apply mass WordPress and plugin updates (as well as setup automatic backups).

    I believe in efficiency, but not at the cost of quality. Just my 2 cents based on what works for me, and what evidently works for a lot of others out there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Ashley Cooper View Post

      WordPress + modified premium theme + All-in-one-SEO plugin + Google Sitemaps plugin = a beautiful website that will not only show up on Google search results in 24 hours, but will also be content manageable for the client and will be tailored for his or her own needs.

      Plenty of premium themes have so many customization options that you won't need any coding abilities in order to make it unique enough for them. Colors and layout positioning can usually be changed drastically thanks to flexible widget themes. I am a capable coder yet I find myself never needing to edit much code when using such themes.

      Sure, it might take a bit more effort than setting up a Homestead site, but it will look a lot more professional and most clients will LOVE that they can make changes themselves (this doesn't mean they won't pay you for ongoing maintenance - a lot of clients still want to be able to call upon their web guy or gal when needed, and updates will need to be dealt with, backups, etc).

      Also, with the All-in-one-SEO plugin, you're making it easier for yourself to apply any in-depth SEO that you might be able to up-sell to them. It's far more pleasant, quicker and manageable than editing code to get it done.

      Taking all of that into account, there is much more justice in the pricing, in my opinion.

      Also, there are tools out there that make mass WordPress updates (including plugins) quicker and easier to apply than ever, such as client dashboards you can use. Remember, you can include maintenance for the first 6 months or whatever, and then offer a reasonable monthly plan for their ongoing maintenance. With a dashboard of say 100 clients each paying $50/month for ongoing maintenance, that's $5000/month despite the speed you will be able to apply mass WordPress and plugin updates (as well as setup automatic backups).

      I believe in efficiency, but not at the cost of quality. Just my 2 cents based on what works for me, and what evidently works for a lot of others out there.
      I absolutely and wholly concur...

      This is my exact formula for web design. I prefer to use the Flexx theme because it is so customizable and easy to use. Also the Flexibility theme is easy to use too. But it crashed my WP installation when trying to change themes....

      If homestead has Fantastico in their Cpanel, this is the easiest, most cost effective way to get sites that are 100% on page optimized ready to rock. You can use Xheader... from the people that brought us XsitePro for free to make your custom headers too. So graphic design is easy peasy....
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      • Profile picture of the author estherwilliams
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        I absolutely and wholly concur...

        This is my exact formula for web design. I prefer to use the Flexx theme because it is so customizable and easy to use. Also the Flexibility theme is easy to use too. But it crashed my WP installation when trying to change themes....

        If homestead has Fantastico in their Cpanel, this is the easiest, most cost effective way to get sites that are 100% on page optimized ready to rock. You can use Xheader... from the people that brought us XsitePro for free to make your custom headers too. So graphic design is easy peasy....
        XSitePro is a fantastic bit of web design magic... It's what brought me into the amazing world of online marketing. In just a few months I've never been more confident about building websites, and I also learnt about SEO using XSitePro website design software. Definitely a great first move for me and would highly recommend it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3016598].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        ooops... I accidentally double posted the same thing... Thank God for the edit button.
        what's the brand name predictive dialer you use you have a link for the service

        I was a telemarketer myself back in the day in a boiler room and we used predictive dialers for generating leads

        peak short video - Im ready...are you?

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  • Profile picture of the author lanbo
    Thanks jon, i'll try this out
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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

    Thanks for posting the great info. Yep, you're gonna piss off some of the egocentric IMers. That is a given but **** them as we used to say.

    Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

    The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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  • Profile picture of the author flipstroman
    John - great info!! I have worked in the corporate internet field for a while and I can tell the folks here that the corporate world pays consultants many times more than what John is proposing you charge! Having said that, the steps are basically the same! Great post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
    This has been touched on previously but I don't think it's been fully answered...

    I'm UK based and was wondering whether the extension is available thru homestead? I've come to the conclusion that, in terms of SEO for local uk businesses especially, a is better than a .com, .net or .org

    Any UK or other non-American warriors got any experience with Homestead?

    Fantastic, valuable & inspiring (not to mention FREE) content John... thank you for sharing... oh & by the way, please PM me your Homestead aff link and I will be glad to order thru it.



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  • Profile picture of the author godsgood
    Thanks! A lot of good info in this post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tjmcnich
    For those that are already in the business... how are you going to go about paying taxes? have you set up a LLC or what?

    Tommy Mac
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I am not a tax advisor.

    I am not an attorney...

    That being said... LLC will protect you from having to pay double taxation. so... you don't have to pay taxes as a business entity. Then personal taxes after that.

    There are different features and benefits of each way availlable to file your business with the secretary of states office.

    Really.... if you are doing everything from a personal PayPal account and don't have an entity registered... I don't see why you couldn't claim it as personal income and not rock the boat.

    Just a thought.....
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    • Profile picture of the author Avocado
      Just finished reading this entire thread. Simply. Amazing. I cannot thank you all enough: first and foremost John for sharing this incredible and workable plan. But also everyone else for your great questions and insight.

      I live in an area where local businesses are literally exploding all over the place and I feel like this is such a viable option for me. Right now my job is writing articles for $15 a pop - and I am not having fun. This seems like so much FUN and I would get to interact with people which is the only thing I miss from my corporate office days. Yes, I can do this....and still have time to work on building passive income on the side.

      If my "Thank You" button would show up on my screen I would use it :rolleyes:

      But THANK YOU - and I hope to report back in the next day or so with news of my first client.
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    • Profile picture of the author lewiswharf
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      I am not a tax advisor.

      I am not an attorney...

      That being said... LLC will protect you from having to pay double taxation.
      I don't believe this is correct. Sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability companies, and S corporations are all pass through entities. The company's earnings are taxed at the appropriate shareholder(s) tax rate.

      C corporations are the only entity that I'm aware of that have the double taxation issue. A C Corporation is its own entity and pays its own taxes. Shareholders must pay taxes on any distributions as well (this is where the double taxation comes in).

      Forming an LLC or Corporation is mainly for liability protection (but there are other good reasons too).

      Anyway, loving this thread. Thanks John!
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  • Profile picture of the author foley2009
    Thanks John for this insightful post, it is an inspiration and an encouragement for newbies. It gives a newbie like myself lots of hope in this wide world of internet marketing business.
    Thanks for this post and I wish you the very best in 2011.

    Remain blessed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Walter123
      Hi John!
      Thank you very much for such a contribution to this forum.
      There is too much "cheese" being sold on this forum hidden under whatever names and systems.
      You put your knowledge and experience for the rest of us to absorb and to take the best of it to make our own model, creation or a way of doing business.... even with not much in the pockets and neither experience.

      Since I am a fairly new I cannot contact you directly would you pm me please?
      I may need a bit of advice to connect the dots.

      Happy New Year to you and everyone who contributed ... and to those who "got it" or had a "Aha" moment. ;>


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  • Profile picture of the author Creativegirl
    Are the websites built through Homestead an actual html site that can be moved in tact to a different host? Or do the customers only own the content they provided? I deal with this on a regular basis when site owners become serious about marketing their sites. Too often I'm the barer of bad news telling they don't own anything but the content they provided and here's how much it's going to cost to start all over.

    I would not be anxious to contribute to that problem unless I had a solution. As a business owner nothing pisses me off more than to be held hostage so as a service provider I educate and position customers to be in control of their websites.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Creativegirl View Post

      Are the websites built through Homestead an actual html site that can be moved in tact to a different host? Or do the customers only own the content they provided? I deal with this on a regular basis when site owners become serious about marketing their sites. Too often I'm the barer of bad news telling they don't own anything but the content they provided and here's how much it's going to cost to start all over.

      I would not be anxious to contribute to that problem unless I had a solution. As a business owner nothing pisses me off more than to be held hostage so as a service provider I educate and position customers to be in control of their websites.

      Unfortunately, the answer is no. I have a client that I modified a website for on homestead (because he was already on it). I had actually recommended switching to a regular host initially, but after looking at the html code on his homestead site, I realized that homestead does not really give you access to all the files and code.

      I suppose this is their way of making you stay with them indefinitely, so this is something you'd definitely want to inform your client about before building their website on homestead.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author teemare
        I thank you for the knowledge included here. I will be trying this.

        I am going to be using Expression Studio 4, and looking at different hosting options at this point, but i believe there is to be a potentially solid, consistent form of income generated from this.

        I am a new member here at Warrior Forums, with little-to-no web design experience, but fairly computer proficient as far as 32 year olds go.

        I will follow this thread and look forward to sharing and learning about this wonderul "aha" moment.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3110159].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Creativegirl
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Unfortunately, the answer is no. I have a client that I modified a website for on homestead (because he was already on it). I had actually recommended switching to a regular host initially, but after looking at the html code on his homestead site, I realized that homestead does not really give you access to all the files and code.

        I suppose this is their way of making you stay with them indefinitely, so this is something you'd definitely want to inform your client about before building their website on homestead.
        Thanks, I suspected as much.
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      • Profile picture of the author lewiswharf
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Unfortunately, the answer is no. I have a client that I modified a website for on homestead (because he was already on it). I had actually recommended switching to a regular host initially, but after looking at the html code on his homestead site, I realized that homestead does not really give you access to all the files and code.
        Your browser should give you all the access you need. I can't see how they could restrict access since it needs to be served publicly.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3110870].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Avocado
          Thanks, you're right. You can make a backup of your sites with a program like FrontPage and then if you ever need to change hosts you'll have all the code you need. Also, you should probably save all the images separately (as opposed to just the code that points to the image address on the web).

          Off to make some cold calls...and I'll admit I haven't made any yet due to procrastination and fear. Today is the day.
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  • Profile picture of the author guyoosh
    Great Post i love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
    Does anyone know if the extension is available thru Homestead?

    If not, is it possible to import domains into the system from, say Namecheap?



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  • Profile picture of the author Cowley
    This seems do able I may try it
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  • Profile picture of the author affjourney
    Now just the law of attraction at work! I can see what i need to do for some clients of mine who already host domains with me but do not have websites

    This is so far a very actionable thread and something that i will surely take to action!

    Wow! Just wow!

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
    I've been looking for a UK alternative to Homestead as I'm not sure whether they can provide extensions (which are better for local UK SEO IMHO) and found Create

    They've got 2 reseller packages...Proseller @ £9.95pm (about $15USD) & Proseller Plus @ £19.95pm (about $30)...both with all hosting included...the only limits seeming to be 1000 max pages per package & 1000 MB / 2000MB storage...They also do a free 30 day trial.

    Anyone had any experience with them?

    Anyone got any other alternatives?

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  • Profile picture of the author mcmillad
    Thanks for the best post I have read on this forum so far. I have come back to it several times now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tarsha
    This is one of the best, if not the best, post I have read on this forum. I am actually familiar with Homestead, having dealt with them in the past. I never thought about anything like this before. I have to take action on this. I would be doing myself a huge disservice if I do not. Thank you so much for this post. Truly invaluable.
    To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.
    - W.E.B. DuBois
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  • Profile picture of the author mazo
    John! A Hugh Thank You for starting this thread.
    A real business plan in the making here, for all that will follow it.
    Here it is laid out bare...

    A, Go sign up for a business/reseller hosting account with a site builder. Be it! (Homestead, Webeden, Webdco,Web Studio, or Hostgator.) Just go and do it...

    B, Go make them 100 calls... Sure this is the hard bit and where many off you WILL FALL FLAT.
    Here the thing!! ( You will make 100 calls to people that you will never see. If you do, then you have one more or less on-board. Out of this 100 you will be lucky to get 1-2 clients. That's 98-99 No's, Got one, Don't phone again, F%@k off and Bye.) The important thing is the 1-2 you got, that's $199x2 + $29x2 residual income. Not two bad for five hours on the phone + your web designing...
    Go write them scripts, practice on your friends & family . The skin soon thickens.

    C, Start building the web sites and helping Your Clients. After one or two you will be amazed at how well you can do this.

    Just don't sit back and let this pass you. You Need To Take !!ACTION!!

    John has showing you the door told you the gold is behind it.


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  • Profile picture of the author MWGrubb58

    I haven't read through the WHOLE thread yet, but this has got to be one of the BEST threads in the forum, period!

    You have cut through the bull and showed EVERYONE how to get up and make some dough. Even the newest of newbies can use this model.

    One thing I've seen from you that I haven't seen from a lot of others, is the rock-solid, in-the-trenches, done-it, no-excuses, type of information that is of EXTREME VALUE.

    My hat is off to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Serendipitous
    I'm going to try this.

    To make this even easier for people (like me) with little to no money to spare, Homestead is now offering a free 30-day trial. No idea how long it lasts.

    Also @ Cliff_Truss: Call the 800 number on the site and find out if they offer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3134670].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Avocado
      Just wanted to check back today and let you know my progress!

      Made a website: ehampdesign dot com

      Made some cold calls today, here's the breakdown:

      Left 14 voice mail messages

      I got 5 people live on the phone. out of those, 3 said NO, One said "I might need a website soon" and one said "YES"!

      The one who said "I might need a website soon" was a financial planner, talked my ear off about how he used to do a lot of cold calling back in the day, and invited me to some networking events. Pretty cool.

      This is WORKING and the only thing that was standing in my way was fear. OK, fear is still standing in my way, but I'm actually getting over it. I barely made any calls and I already feel like this is such a viable way to work.

      The adrenaline is still running through my body. I am actually shaking from making these calls, I suppose that will subside with experience though.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3135711].message }}
  • This thread is not one of the best on the forum to me, it IS the best.

    I signed up on here in the past trying to make sites with adsense on them and just wasnt getting any traffic and gave up.

    After that I ended up getting a seasonal job for $7.50 an hour, was barely getting 30 hours some week, and on top of that, the season is now over and I am laid off with $197 to my name.

    I decided to come to the warrior forum for some reason, and i'm glad I did.
    This thread seems to be a life changer for anyone who is willing to put in the work.
    I signed up for homestead today and I am half way done with my own website and was playing with the editor all day, I should have my website together tommorow or the next day and I plan on starting to make calls first thing monday morning, I am am very scared but I know if I put my mind to it, I will get over it after a few calls.

    Props to Avacado for taking action, it's a great motivation booster to see progress of others.

    Most of all thank you to John for sharing this amazing info, I am going to put it to great use and I am also planning on purchasing "the bower formula" when I make my first few sales off of this, that thread has amazing info in it aswell and led me to other ideas for this plan.

    I also have a few questions: Does anyone have any tips on how to start off the cold calls? I have never done it before, so I am clueless.

    1. Should you start off by saying "Hi, im such and such from such and such, can I have a few minutes of your time" or " Hi, I was wondering if you have a website?". ect. ect.

    Any tips are appreciated

    2. As far as getting the numbers to call, I have looked through google and alot of times the listings already have websites, I am getting the numbers, but is there a faster way to find more of the listings without websites?

    Thank you also to all who have gave input on the thread, it has helped alot aswell, I feel like this is my last and only shot at making something out of my life.

    I will keep you all updated on my progress

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    • Profile picture of the author Avocado
      Originally Posted by SuccessOverEverything View Post

      1. Should you start off by saying "Hi, im such and such from such and such, can I have a few minutes of your time" or " Hi, I was wondering if you have a website?". ect. ect.

      Any tips are appreciated

      2. As far as getting the numbers to call, I have looked through google and alot of times the listings already have websites, I am getting the numbers, but is there a faster way to find more of the listings without websites?
      Hi Anthony,
      I can let you know what I'm doing. I'm new to cold calling so some people might have a better way:

      1. I went with an approach that felt comfortable to me. I find it's easiest to first call the business and make sure you are speaking to the owner. Then say, "Hi, I was wondering if you have a website?" If they say "no", say, "My name is XXX and I'm a local web designer in (city). Would you be interested in having me build you a website so you can attract more business from the internet?"

      2. To find businesses, I went to my local chamber of Commerce online and contacted businesses that didn't have a website in their listing. I printed out a list so I could make notes on it as I made my calls.

      I'm getting started again this morning. I'm aiming for 3 sales today. I know that seems high, but I really feel like I can do it. We're getting a snowstorm this afternoon, so I hope that doesn't mean people are closing shop early!

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  • Profile picture of the author nssp
    Good post.. I think i will try this out...
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  • Profile picture of the author mcmillad
    I have been "trying" to get into offline marketing for about a month. I read this post and then I went and bought your wso "The Great Telemarketing Report". That was two days ago. I got on the phone yesterday and on my 3rd call (second live person) I set up a meeting for later this afternoon. Thank you so much for getting me to stop "trying" and just "Do It". It wasn't the information as much as the motivation, but I thank you for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shiva
    thanks john!! great advice!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Originally Posted by BayAreaSteve

    Zikes!!! $2500 recurring for one site!?! ... What services are you providingn for that kind of money ?
    SEO/online marketing mostly, which has various "spokes" to it that can be charged thousands of dollars a month for.

    Conversion strategies - just picked up a client this week and we're doing 90 days at $2k/mo. on conversion optimization (I LOVE this stuff).
    Want $6,000/mo. SEO Clients? Watch My Free Video!
    We do WSO Designs TOO!!! Best on WF! - Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3145765].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RaptorGabe
    John man this in when I'm proud to be a member of WF, we need more people like you
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  • Profile picture of the author virtualwhispers
    I dont see a Reseller Package on the Homestead site. Most sites have it right there for you to pick from, but I dont see any packages. Just a signup for get a website.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3150431].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
      Originally Posted by virtualwhispers View Post

      I dont see a Reseller Package on the Homestead site. Most sites have it right there for you to pick from, but I dont see any packages. Just a signup for get a website.
      It's the gold package on the following link...

      Web Hosting Software Packages For Your Website | Homestead

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3150563].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wizozz
        Originally Posted by Cliff_Truss View Post

        It's the gold package on the following link...

        Web Hosting Software Packages For Your Website | Homestead
        At this page I see no packages with unlimited domains, the "Business Plus" package only contains 3 domain names, for $49.

        For $45, hosting provides unlimited domain reseller hosting, email autoresponders that you can run on your own domain, lots of templates and tools, and other cool stuff.

        For $25, offers unlimited domain reseller hosing, and lots of templates.

        Both hosting providers also have good affiliate programs.

        I guess another business strategy could be selling simple template-based 3 page web sites as "Free Web Design" when they buy hosting from your link. Profit margins would be less, but sales would be easier.
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        • Profile picture of the author kazmatic
          Ok I jumped on this method as soon as I seen it and today although it is a Sunday I decided to spend my 1st day chasing clients.

          * Ive secured two clients and another wanted an ecommerce site which I aint sure I can do. I jumped straight in on this method pretty much with no plan just sorta fake it till you make it.

          Client 1 - Is a new buisness so I can build a site with homestead

          Client 2 - Wanted a CMS and 6 page site for a nightclub so I'm thinking of using wordpress. Any other recommendation would be good. I don't think homestead sites provide a CMS like wordpress.

          Potential client 3- Wants a ecommerce site done by Feb 9th. This one I probably cant deliver but if anyone has any suggestions please advice.

          I have not picked up a phone yet but Ive got a friend willing to do it during the week as I work full time in Online Marketing for a company at the moment.

          But early indications shows there's so much potential in this.
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          • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
            Originally Posted by kazmatic View Post

            Ok I jumped on this method as soon as I seen it and today although it is a Sunday I decided to spend my 1st day chasing clients.

            * Ive secured two clients and another wanted an ecommerce site which I aint sure I can do. I jumped straight in on this method pretty much with no plan just sorta fake it till you make it.

            Client 1 - Is a new buisness so I can build a site with homestead

            Client 2 - Wanted a CMS and 6 page site for a nightclub so I'm thinking of using wordpress. Any other recommendation would be good. I don't think homestead sites provide a CMS like wordpress.

            Potential client 3- Wants a ecommerce site done by Feb 9th. This one I probably cant deliver but if anyone has any suggestions please advice.

            I have not picked up a phone yet but Ive got a friend willing to do it during the week as I work full time in Online Marketing for a company at the moment.

            But early indications shows there's so much potential in this.

            How did you go about getting the first 2 1/2 ?

            Are these friends?

            A lot of people forget to ask their friends to let thier friends know what we are doing.

            Remember Six Degrees of Separation?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3235837].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author kazmatic
              Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post


              How did you go about getting the first 2 1/2 ?

              Are these friends?

              A lot of people forget to ask their friends to let thier friends know what we are doing.

              Remember Six Degrees of Separation?
              One I found through Google as she had advertised she needs a site done and it just happens she lives within 20 mins of me. The other 2 were from an advert I put online.
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  • Profile picture of the author virtualwhispers
    Its the one for $49.99? Its the only one that has Unlimited sites. Hostgator is $24.95 for their Reseller Package, they have great web templates to.

    The one John talked about for 19.99 doesnt look like a reseller package. Your only allowed 3 sites with this one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3151151].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Wilter Quesada
      Originally Posted by virtualwhispers View Post

      Its the one for $49.99? Its the only one that has Unlimited sites. Hostgator is $24.95 for their Reseller Package, they have great web templates to.

      The one John talked about for 19.99 doesnt look like a reseller package. Your only allowed 3 sites with this one.
      Any of those will work the only problem that I see with Hostgator that the templates are no that easy to modified in comparison to Homestead.

      The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100%.
      -Andrew Carnegie

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  • Profile picture of the author virtualwhispers
    John, will the Homestead 19.99 work with just being allowed 3 sites? Thats a pretty small amount.
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  • Profile picture of the author virtualwhispers
    Ok, great I was wondering how that worked for you.
    Thanks John
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    Just thought I should chime in here and alert everyone who live outside the US and have signed up with Homestead.
    If you want to cancel (like I do) it's a major hassel.
    First you must phone them (US Time), then you have to ask if they will remove you from their auto debit system, then you need to supply them with a special security code they suppose to give you, then you need to email them, then you wait, wait, wait. I sitll have'nt heard nothing. I will now need to go to my bank to try and stop future auto debits that way. It's a real pain in the A....!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3151965].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
      Originally Posted by zoro View Post

      Just thought I should chime in here and alert everyone who live outside the US and have signed up with Homestead.
      If you want to cancel (like I do) it's a major hassel.
      First you must phone them (US Time), then you have to ask if they will remove you from their auto debit system, then you need to supply them with a special security code they suppose to give you, then you need to email them, then you wait, wait, wait. I sitll have'nt heard nothing. I will now need to go to my bank to try and stop future auto debits that way. It's a real pain in the A....!!
      Hi zoro

      Sorry to hear of your problem with Homestead.

      Care to share the reason why you want to cancel?



      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152301].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zoro
        Originally Posted by Cliff_Truss View Post

        Hi zoro

        Sorry to hear of your problem with Homestead.

        Care to share the reason why you want to cancel?


        I don't have a problem with the Homestead product as such, I just find using WordPress with all the available Free Themes, Plugins, etc, is far easier to work with and more up to date (modern) design wise.

        Also, with Homestead your Locked -in to using only their stuff.

        WordPress is so easy and the 1000,s of Free and paid designs are loved by the search engines. Plus, when you want to hand the site over to your client you just give them the WP Login details and they can easily update most of the site's content themselves.
        I don't want to be a slave to an old HTML system that my client would find difficult to update themselves.
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        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152771].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BillyParadise
            Count me into the Wordpress camp. Why? Because you are not beholden to a hosting company. From the glowing reviews here, it seems Homestead is a decent hosting company. But times change, management changes... everything changes quickly online. If you spend the time to learn Wordpress (it's REALLY not hard at all), you will, apart from making easily editable,well ranking, nice lookin' sites, make portable websites - don't like your current hosting company? Move it!

            I like my clients to be sticky. I hate my suppliers to be sticky.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152962].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author John Durham
              Originally Posted by BillyParadise View Post

              Count me into the Wordpress camp. Why? Because you are not beholden to a hosting company. From the glowing reviews here, it seems Homestead is a decent hosting company. But times change, management changes... everything changes quickly online. If you spend the time to learn Wordpress (it's REALLY not hard at all), you will, apart from making easily editable,well ranking, nice lookin' sites, make portable websites - don't like your current hosting company? Move it!

              I like my clients to be sticky. I hate my suppliers to be sticky.
              What do you see about my post above that doesnt say "Portable"? Thanks for reading BTW.
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              • Profile picture of the author bradlean
                I think they cannot generate money if they really don't know about basic html.

                Like example backlinking, It needs to have a background about basic html.

                Inserting a text base link or image base link.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153222].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author John Durham
                  Originally Posted by bradlean View Post

                  I think they cannot generate money if they really don't know about basic html.

                  Like example backlinking, It needs to have a background about basic html.

                  Inserting a text base link or image base link.
                  They already ARE generating money without HTML knowledge.

                  I personally have websites that make me money every single day... and I dont know a single LICK of html.

                  You dont have to be a technician to make a sale. Thats the point of the thread.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153241].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author bradlean
                    Yah you right no need for basic html knowledge...

                    Kinda wonder... why you put a link in your signature file? I think you are the technician. Lol!

                    Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

                    They already ARE generating money without HTML knowledge.

                    I personally have websites that make me money every single day... and I dont know a single LICK of html.

                    You dont have to be a technician to make a sale. Thats the point of the thread.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153764].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
                      Originally Posted by bradlean View Post

                      Yah you right no need for basic html knowledge...

                      Kinda wonder... why you put a link in your signature file? I think you are the technician. Lol!
                      Yeah I know enough to make a hyperlink... wouldnt call myself a rocket scientist for it exactly though! lol

                      Funny thought... I was actually selling websites at Com 1 way before I figured out how to make a hyperlink...
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153784].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author bradlean
                        Yeah peace bro!

                        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

                        Yeah I know enough to make a hyperlink... wouldnt call myself a rocket scientist for it exactly though! lol

                        Funny thought though... I was actually selling websites way before I figured out how to make a hyperlink at Com 1...
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153789].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Randy Miller
            Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

            My home is located at 4203 Cherokee rd. Rogers Ar, 72758

            Nothing to hide here.

            Here, I'll save you the trouble: 4203 Cherokee rd. Rogers Ar, 72758 - Google Maps

            SURE...... Now you're trying to drive up property values in Arkansas. It won't work, I'm not leaving Colorado
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3156675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jslee
    By the way HTML is not that difficult. You could learn pretty fast. Use Frontpage or some other program. Then you could just copy any template you want. There is no copyrights on templates. For example, on Fronpage, just enter the url of the site and import. The website template will be downloaded for you.

    Let's talk about insuring automobiles

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lewiswharf
      Originally Posted by jslee View Post

      By the way HTML is not that difficult.
      I think you're misunderstanding the point that is made within this thread. HTML is very difficult to understand by those off-line that do not have considerable knowledge of the web. Most small and medium businesses fall into this group.

      Just because it comes easy to you and me doesn't mean it is easy to the rest of the world. That is why there is an opportunity.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152316].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author InternetWriter
    How come after 50 posts from the OP the thread is locked? Shouldn't there be an exception for such an amazing thread?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

    ...Don't let anyone lie to you.
    Great post John and I particularly like the above statement because its important to know that everyone makes mistakes - Its called experience, and no matter what anyone says about whether an individual should or shouldn't, or doesn't have the 'right to be working with local businesses because they're not 'qualified' it's all not true.

    You can do this provided you have a plan, you stick to it and you take daily action.

    It's never too late to get started now.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153793].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Wilter Quesada View Post

      Any of those will work the only problem that I see with Hostgator that the templates are no that easy to modified in comparison to Homestead.
      Exactly, I tried going from homestead to hostgator as everyone here had suggested... awhile back, and it was about 10 times harder to manipulate the templates, not nearly amount the options either. I ended up hiring someone to do it for me, and went back to homestead.

      I'll be honest too... I havent seen any WP websites that blow my socks off.... alot of them look basically the same to me... with just theme changes... I can almost tell one by looking at it. Maybe thats just me.

      Originally Posted by virtualwhispers View Post

      John, will the Homestead 19.99 work with just being allowed 3 sites? Thats a pretty small amount.
      You can easily add domains for two dollars per month per domain/site. So in essence it cost you 2.00 per month per client.

      Originally Posted by RaptorGabe View Post

      John man this in when I'm proud to be a member of WF, we need more people like you
      Thanks Brother , That means alot. Being a part of the WF is a special thing. We should all be proud this a great place full of great people. I know some other sites say we are "inflated" with ourselves... but this is truly the greatest IM community on the planet! They are all just haters! Allen is the man!

      Originally Posted by jeffrey73 View Post

      Exactly! Maybe not the most popular, but definitely one of the most truthful.
      Thanks man!!! You guys are awesome.

      The truth will set people free... no doubt, and I guess the evidence shows that SALES are in fact happening now for alot of the people who have read this thread!

      Im am very humbled and blessed to see that it has affected so many people! Have gotten numerous money making reports from this... people making their first sales..

      Just tellin it like it is! Dont anyone hate me for it! I come in peace!!!

      I learned it HERE at the WF myself 10 or 11 years ago. Found the internet, landed and offline salesmanager position over 100 Telemarketers, and found the Warrior forum all in the same month!

      Prior to that month I had never even been online... I got a job managing telemarketers who were selling websites... and I had never even SEEN one...

      Now I can build em, sell em, and ten years later Im a senior warrior, who has helped other people succeed just like the early warriors helped me... oh and also I make my entire living from the Internet, just like my heros did back then!

      Is that awesome or what?

      Very exciting time looking back!

      Originally Posted by zoro View Post

      I don't have a problem with the Homestead product as such, I just find using WordPress with all the available Free Themes, Plugins, etc, is far easier to work with and more up to date (modern) design wise.

      Also, with Homestead your Locked -in to using only their stuff.

      WordPress is so easy and the 1000,s of Free and paid designs are loved by the search engines. Plus, when you want to hand the site over to your client you just give them the WP Login details and they can easily update most of the site's content themselves.
      I don't want to be a slave to an old HTML system that my client would find difficult to update themselves.
      Not really.

      Darren from Graphics Genie ( A popular WF designer) creates sites and graphics for me all the time from his own web program, or from scratch and uploads them to my hosting acct at homestead, using domains I registered with homestead.

      I am also able to import domains I have bought elsewhere into my homestead acct, and also point domains I bought from homestead to other hosts... been doing it for years now.

      Its not as limited as it seems at first glance...

      But YES LewisWharf is correct, thats not what this thread is about.

      Honestly, having clients update themselves is a bigger headache and will cause you more CS than just doing the updates for them in my experience.

      People make a big deal like you are gonna have to do 100 updates per day... In my experience clients hardly ever ask for an update, those requests are few and far between...

      Also, you wanna talk about customer service?

      After trying to walk a client through their control panel 4 times every time they want to update and getting rung off the hook all day having to explain the details of a control panel to them, even after you already explained 3 times... you will usually be saying "Maybe it will be easier if I just do it for you this time".

      I think alot of these ideas floating around are more speculation than real world experience, because customers updating... thats just not a MAJOR issue...

      Any customer even smart enough to use the control panel could probably build the site too.

      Example: Here is a site that I did not design, Darren did, and its not designed with the homestead program, its designed by Darren with his own tools...yet it
      is uploaded to my homestead domain using a URL that I registered through homestead... or maybe its my homestead registered URL but uploaded to amazon or something... I dont know but either way, it disproves the inflexible theory...

      Telemarketing Free Audio Series

      This isnt a sale pitch that costs money its a free audio... so Im not putting this link here for that purpose, only for demonstration purposes to answer the question. I make no money when someone clicks the above link.

      BTW The Address on the Whois for this domain (For all of those whom like to google people) is not my home.

      My home is located at 4203 Cherokee rd. Rogers Ar, 72758

      Nothing to hide here.

      Here, I'll save you the trouble:

      Originally Posted by Bayo View Post

      .... no matter what anyone says about whether an individual should or shouldn't, or doesn't have the 'right to be working with local businesses because they're not 'qualified' it's all not true.

      You can do this provided you have a plan, you stick to it and you take daily action.

      It's never too late to get started now.

      There are alot of people who have personal interest in others believing they are too ignorant to succeed, sell a website, or that using a template could be just as acceptable as any other website and create just as good a result...

      Thats a lie... A template can generate in many cases an even better result... or a site designed with a "sitebuilder".

      Just the same...

      Alot of people charge THOUSANDS for google listings... and they dont want you to believe you could do it yourself, or that you could actually pay someone else 100 bucks to do it for you...

      The only way they can virtually RAPE people for thousands of dollars is if the public keeps believing they are too ignorant, or that they are some kind of "rarity" because they know how to put up an optimized google listing... They get pissed when they see info like this being spread.

      It is also to their advantage when other would be MARKETERS feel too ignorant to succeed...

      Can you imagine going from thinking that it cost $2k per month for a google listing, or that you need an expensive realizing that some guy with basic skills will do the exact same job for 100 bucks and get the same result?

      Can you imagine how many people really dont want others to be FREE, they want them to stay in bondage, and keep believing they are too ignorant to succeed?

      As long as everyone thinks they are too ignorant we can PILLAGE them...

      I dont have any problem with people making BIG money on a sale... but when you feel you have to make others believe they are too ignorant, or somehow undeserving to be in the race... then I have a prob. You are right its a LIE.

      I have had more guys with a marketing degree work in my TM booths for ten dollars an hour than I can count...working for a guy that quit school in 8th grade.

      I didnt know what the techs knew... but I knew wrote their paycheck every week ... ANYONE can succeed, and you dont even have to know how to use HOMESTEAD to sell websites, let alone html!

      All you have to know is how to "present" a package.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3153887].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author beyazkiclizenci
    High quality post man, thanks a lot, I am a beginner like you were and I learned some tips from this post which is good!
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  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    Wow! Simply Amazing John. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful information with us. This makes my buying of ebooks all these years a waste of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Rayment
    Hi John
    As I am not able to PM at the moment could you PM me a contact email addressas I have a question I would like to ask you
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Taylor
    Can you export the sites if the customer wants to cancel and wants his site?
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    • Profile picture of the author Avocado
      Originally Posted by Doug Taylor View Post

      Can you export the sites if the customer wants to cancel and wants his site?
      As far as I can tell you can't export the Homestead templates to a new host, but you could do one of two things:

      1) Speak with Homestead customer service and get the website transferred to your customer with their own passwords, etc. (In this cast they would have to use Homestead, too)

      2) Copy the html source code to make a backup of the site, cancel it on Homestead, and paste the copied html into the pages on the new control panel. You'd have to transfer the domain name as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3162472].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Doug Taylor
        Thanks I just wanted to make sure you could get the customer the site if he wanted to go somewhere else.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3162760].message }}
        • I used to listen to that "market is saturated" stuff. No more!
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Randy Miller View Post

      SURE...... Now you're trying to drive up property values in Arkansas. It won't work, I'm not leaving Colorado
      Lol. Actually this is a 250k house in Arkansas. But in Ca. it would be like $850k or more prob...

      Im moving back to Nashville though. Wanna buy it?

      Originally Posted by Doug Taylor View Post

      Can you export the sites if the customer wants to cancel and wants his site?
      I spoke with a rep named Paul today at Homestead.... he said "HTML Is HTML... you can copy the code and save it, and re-upload it anywhere you want... thats the nature of code", so yes you can transfer the design to another host or re-upload it with another program.... and yes you can transfer domain names...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3164831].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        I spoke with a rep named Paul today at Homestead.... he said "HTML Is HTML... you can copy the code and save it, and re-upload it anywhere you want... thats the nature of code", so yes you can transfer the design to another host or re-upload it with another program.... and yes you can transfer domain names...
        What about the content , seems as though you would want to take everything to
        the other host, right ?

        Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
        You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
        DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3165190].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lewiswharf
          Originally Posted by BayAreaSteve View Post

          What about the content , seems as though you would want to take everything to
          the other host, right ?
          Yes, HTML and content (really one in the same).
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  • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
    I just had a quick question John:

    BTW, I will implement this first thing in the morning tomorrow.

    Lets say you call a business, tell them you have redesigned there crappy looking website and are willing to let them see it.

    My question is, they already have a website, thus they already have a domain name. When you send them your redesigned website, what domain would you use?

    Your suggestions would be appreciated.

    I will be using my hostgator unlimited domains hosting account and installing wordpress on these sites.

    Goal for tomorrow: 1 sale for $500.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3164321].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Osman_M View Post

      I just had a quick question John:

      BTW, I will implement this first thing in the morning tomorrow.

      Lets say you call a business, tell them you have redesigned there crappy looking website and are willing to let them see it.

      My question is, they already have a website, thus they already have a domain name. When you send them your redesigned website, what domain would you use?

      Your suggestions would be appreciated.

      I will be using my hostgator unlimited domains hosting account and installing wordpress on these sites.

      Goal for tomorrow: 1 sale for $500.
      I was wondering the same thing.

      I figured that if they have a site, I can just install a WP site somewhere on my subdomain and show it to them and then transfer it when they buy.

      My question is if you go with hostgator and wordpress, is it OK to use the unlimited domains package (which actually places each domain in a directory in your public_html) or do you need to get a reseller account so that they are all on separate cpanels (even though I'm not planning to give cpanel access to clients). Are there reasons to avoid hosting them all in one account?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3178816].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by StrategicMarketingTN View Post

        I was wondering the same thing.

        I figured that if they have a site, I can just install a WP site somewhere on my subdomain and show it to them and then transfer it when they buy.

        My question is if you go with hostgator and wordpress, is it OK to use the unlimited domains package (which actually places each domain in a directory in your public_html) or do you need to get a reseller account so that they are all on separate cpanels (even though I'm not planning to give cpanel access to clients). Are there reasons to avoid hosting them all in one account?
        I actually started with just the Hostgator Baby Croc account... or whatever it is called.

        You don't have to give them CPANEL access. Really you are setting yourself up for trouble if you do.

        Once you get the deal. Have them switch the domain to your nameservers and then you can add the domain in your domain manager via cpanel.

        Once you have that done. You can use fantastico to install WP on their domain and just mirror the site you already built. The big problem here... double work... unless you use something like WP twin.

        Which is my understanding that the program will immediately twin your existing theme/blog.

        Just sayin...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3178889].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

          I actually started with just the Hostgator Baby Croc account... or whatever it is called.

          You don't have to give them CPANEL access. Really you are setting yourself up for trouble if you do.

          Once you get the deal. Have them switch the domain to your nameservers and then you can add the domain in your domain manager via cpanel.

          Once you have that done. You can use fantastico to install WP on their domain and just mirror the site you already built. The big problem here... double work... unless you use something like WP twin.

          Which is my understanding that the program will immediately twin your existing theme/blog.

          Just sayin...
          I have the baby croc account too and it's unlimited domains.

          The way you set up a domain there is you do an addon domain and then point it to a subdirectory in your public_html folder.

          So if you have built a sample site in let's say public_html/flowershopsite directory, all you would have to do is point their DNS servers to your hostgator account, add the addon domain in cpanel and direct it to that directory. You wouldn't even have to clone it anywhere.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3179029].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
        Let me recommend that you NOT do this.

        The aluminum reseller account is only $24.95 per month. You can and should give each client their own cpanel, IP address, etc.

        I believe that is against Hostgators terms of service to sell subdomains on your account. Double check on that.

        I'm just saying.

        Joe Mobley

        Originally Posted by StrategicMarketingTN View Post

        My question is if you go with hostgator and wordpress, is it OK to use the unlimited domains package (which actually places each domain in a directory in your public_html) or do you need to get a reseller account so that they are all on separate cpanels (even though I'm not planning to give cpanel access to clients). Are there reasons to avoid hosting them all in one account?


        Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author James Morris

    This is such an amazing thread. Before you run out of posts here, how about creating a new thread and cross linking them so that we can keep this going?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3176320].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    See... living proof that someone can do this business with out any technical knowledge. I have learned as I have gone along....

    I love it so far.

    I have learned so much...

    But really.... you don't have to know anything to start. You just have to pick up the phone and get clients. Then worry about this stuff.

    No sense in putting the cart before the horse.....
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
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      • Profile picture of the author kazmatic
        Ok im from the UK and took the plunge and signed up with Homestead. I've created my web design and seo service website using it and its looking pretty decent.

        Only thing for UK guys it doesn't look like we can use domains on Homestead which is not ideal.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3184603].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ron Kennedy
          Originally Posted by kazmatic View Post

          Ok im from the UK and took the plunge and signed up with Homestead. I've created my web design and seo service website using it and its looking pretty decent.

          Only thing for UK guys it doesn't look like we can use domains on Homestead which is not ideal.
          Hi kazmatic,

          well done for taking the plunge...I too am from the UK and have asked the question about domains thru Homestead...I haven't signed up yet but (apparently) it is possible to import domains into Homestead...I got the answer from John Durham himself (although I can't find it anywhere)

          There is another UK based firm that seems to offer a similar service that you may want to look'm not in any way affiliated with them btw

          good luck and best wishes,


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3189191].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kazmatic
            Originally Posted by Cliff_Truss View Post

            Hi kazmatic,

            well done for taking the plunge...I too am from the UK and have asked the question about domains thru Homestead...I haven't signed up yet but (apparently) it is possible to import domains into Homestead...I got the answer from John Durham himself (although I can't find it anywhere)

            There is another UK based firm that seems to offer a similar service that you may want to look'm not in any way affiliated with them btw

            good luck and best wishes,

            Thanks Cliff - I am all but ready to get going with this I work full time so have persuaded a friend to help with calls and everything. Will look into

            One question for anyone who uses Homestead, does anyone know how to remove the homestead link at the bottom of the pages?

            Thanks In Advanced
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            • Profile picture of the author John Durham
              WOOOOO HOOOO! What a great day!!!

              You guys keep the faith! People are doing what this thread says and making lots of sales this week! I have lost track of them there are so many success stories spread out all over the place... If you started out dreaming about the things we talked about here , but then got sidetracked....

              ITS OKAY!!! The Opp is still there! You can start NOW!!!!!!

              The business is out there waiting for you!!!

              What a beautiful thing to see what this thread has blossomed into! People are really succeeding with it!

              You GO guys! Dont let anything talk you out of your chance to succeed in life!!!!

              Dont let circumstances, or delays or detours distract you from your goal!!!

              You can do this!!

              Originally Posted by James Morris View Post


              This is such an amazing thread. Before you run out of posts here, how about creating a new thread and cross linking them so that we can keep this going?

              Im thinking that... I can also go through and delete the less useful ones or put them together into multi quotes which is why I havent been so scarcity minded about it this week... this very post will be a non useful one... i can probably clean 20 posts out of this and mesh them together.

              Am looking forward to coming back and adding more great content to this thread! Have thought of a "volume 2 thread as well" but honestly, I dont know what more can be said other than encouraging folks.

              Everything is pretty much here and people are actually doing it now and getting the results... Im just a cheerleader at this point!!!!

              GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

              See... living proof that someone can do this business with out any technical knowledge. I have learned as I have gone along....

              I love it so far.

              I have learned so much...

              But really.... you don't have to know anything to start. You just have to pick up the phone and get clients. Then worry about this stuff.

              No sense in putting the cart before the horse.....
              I like what Garth Brooks says "You dont have to stop to smell the roses, you can smell them while you are running with them in your hand"!

              Originally Posted by kazmatic View Post

              Thanks Cliff - I am all but ready to get going with this I work full time so have persuaded a friend to help with calls and everything. Will look into

              One question for anyone who uses Homestead, does anyone know how to remove the homestead link at the bottom of the pages?

              Thanks In Advanced
              Choose option "no Footer" in the edit Menu to the right. Make sure you click on the back ground first so it pulls up the "page background" menu. You will see where it says "Footer style", with a pull down menu. Choose "No footer".
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3214056].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author grin
    Excellent post.

    I have been in sales, media, advertising and "web design" for years. I have gone from coding gray background HTML in the 90's to Java based sites that are hyper quick and connected to several business systems. I am also often in the pack of guys who would snub their noses at Homesite - they are full of it.

    It is often overlooked that the tool does not make the craft or the craftsman. Business is not about having the latest, greatest all the time - that is known as "technical competitive advantage", but what is that for a small company?

    When I say small I mean everything under 2000 employees. Using a custom solution built by engineers is not connected to making a profit and getting customers. What I see as of today, the advertising firms and marketing departments have been pushed back in the dark again scrambling to figure out what is going on; I can imagine the meetings that have been happening since 2007.

    Billboard sites, dynamic web apps, info/social sites and all the rest are all built the same way. What's the difference between ASP and JSP? - licensing and trademark. What do the high end code monkeys use? Notepad.

    I will tell you what a mentor told me a long time ago.

    You have three types of people who "do"; a technician, a craftsman and an artist.

    In order to be an Artist, you have to have been a craftsman. In order to be a craftsman you have to be a technician and learn the techniques, the technical stuff.

    No one is always an artist, they only live in that moment briefly and their mind is opened up to some amazing truth. But they got there being a craftsman. So what's a craftsman?

    A craftsman has stopped worrying about HOW to do something and just DOES it. They do it not because they have to, or because they were told to. They do it because the LOVE to do it (much like writing up quality info for techies, just because you feel like it.)

    Understanding that, you will notice that technicians can get stuck, always trying to find the best tool, the latest and greatest. They talk about how it was done, why, when where etc. Simply put, they are spending much more time than a craftsman, who is spending most of the time DOING.

    Can a solid military guy build a campsite with nothing more than a knife or less? Can you hammer a nail with a pipe wrench? Is there more than one way to skin a cat? A craftsman does not even ask, just does it.

    So yeah, Homesite to some may look like a dull knife in the drawer, but hell, I have seen a team of designers and developers produce NOTHING after months of working on a project (even years).

    So if someone can raise profit for a company by linking all the networks towards a five-pager, then I'd applaud it. Oh and besides that, with augmented reality and hologram technology coming, it won't be long before everyone is saying "OMG that site is so 2D!). Tech comes and goes, but we are all the same old person running a lemonade stand out front of the house.


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  • Grin, that's an excellent post. We all have our favorite methods of doing things, and using a pre-built html template is not one of mine. However, many businesses here in town would greatly benefit from one of these simple sites compared to the ugly thing they have they call a website (or lack of it completely).
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  • Profile picture of the author ExendGroup
    Love the thinking here! Great post!

    Though, despite not having any cash at the moment, I still dont see myself as the little guy (just for the record!) =)

    Thanks for the info, feeling very energized now!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Thanks so much!
    The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is hiding your valuable keywords!
    OFFLINERS, Start using this simple technique and these 6 "weapons" today to get more clients and skyrocket your conversions! - FREE, no opt-in.
    Make some money by helping me market this idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3211274].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz

    Thanks, I'll look into it. By the way, your TMF is a goldmine. I just can't believe that there are only a 1000 members on TMF. I have learned a lot on your Telemarketing Forum and on my way to applying it. I guess the reason why I like the TMF so much is that it is specialized in one area. Also, the staff is always there to answer your posts.

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  • Profile picture of the author sconlinemarketing
    Cold calling is the best part of my business. John, would you be willing to share a few good phone scripts with us. Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author hans8233
    Thanks for this. I'm going to go balls to the walls with this
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  • Profile picture of the author sconlinemarketing
    John you mention in one of your replies that you set up electronic bank drafts, how do you do that. Sorry if it's a dumb question.
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  • Profile picture of the author success1618
    F: Call local business owners and offer them a basic 3 page website for $199 plus 24.95 per month. It will take you all of 60 minutes to create their site.
    Websites -> Digital Assets , Good stuff, not a bad way to start out, especially if there were no jobs in your area and such.

    I'm sure you could even use the same template over and over and just import files related to that business over and over again. That way you are getting more mileage for your work rather then doing custom jobs from scratch each time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis

    Good job... It doesn't matter how you get there... as long as you get there.

    The only way to get there is to take ACTION!
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  • Profile picture of the author Serendipitous
    Checking back in real quick.


    - I've had the girlfriend doing research for the past week, she makes a list of 50-75 businesses a day, so there are about 300-400 businesses waiting for a call.

    - Her son has agreed to build the websites and I've opened an account with Homestead.

    - I have a friend I am in the process of passing the lists onto so he can make the calls and set up appointments for me to talk to the owners. I think since I won't be making the calls and he doesn't know much about web design it's better this way.

    - So, I talk to the owner or manager, make the sale and take the order for the website.

    So I've got this set up so that the work is divvied up and shouldn't bog any of us down.

    I actually came back to the thread today to find the call script that someone typed up to pass onto my friend.

    By the end of the week I should be reporting a sale.

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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I like what you have done here. You compartmentalized each task and outsourced before even getting started.

    The mind of an entrepreneur at work.

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    • Profile picture of the author Serendipitous
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      I like what you have done here. You compartmentalized each task and outsourced before even getting started.

      The mind of an entrepreneur at work.

      Thanks. I like to think that I learned something by reading Tim Ferriss' book The 4-Hour Workweek.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I remember seeing that book... thinking to myself... I wish....

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    • Profile picture of the author Tarsha
      I know there hasn't been any recent post in this thread, but I have a question hopefully someone can answer.

      When designing websites with Homestead, at the bottom of the page it say something like "This website was designed by "your name" at Homestead, and then there is a link. Is there a way to get rid of that, and if not, does it look unprofessional and will the customer get mad that you used homestead to design their site? Many thanks in advance.
      To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.
      - W.E.B. DuBois
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
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        • Profile picture of the author Tarsha
          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          Hey Tx Girl!

          Just choose option "no Footer" in the edit Menu to the right. Make sure you click on the back ground first so it pulls up the "page background" menu. You will see where it says "Footer style", with a pull down menu. Choose "No footer".

          Thats how you do it. Hope this helps!
          Thank you so much John for answering my question and creating this wonderful thread.
          To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.
          - W.E.B. DuBois
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3359055].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Manc
            First post is superb, at first I thought it was a scam but thats my natural inclination/conditioning.

            Really all the first post tells you is how to make money, none of it is a scam!

            I wanted to add a thanks but guess I need 20 posts?

            I have only read two posts today dealing with making SOME money and both were amazing methods I had no clue about.

            It is a market in itself - the people that like us have been around the block a few times, gave up, tried again, gave up, tried again... went to Warrior Forum.

            I can tell you now, a company I used to work for (nothing to do with online marketing BTW it was 99.99% an offline company) and they told me that their website cost them something like £15,000.

            Charging just $199 for a website (I am in the UK so make that £100 to £150 possibly) and monthly subscription of $24.95 (in the UK lets say £14.95) it absolutely is a bargain even for a three page website. How many pages do you think that £15,000 website had? More than 3 pages yes but less than 20 pages, the real amazing thing is it does not even look all that nice.

            Sorry but £15,000? Where do they get these prices from? Even the domain name itself is a domain that when they took it, was practically worthless in terms of its keyword(s). It is their own unique name.

            You know what I am desperately trying to do now... not get rich but make just £100 or something from my clickbank vendors to THEN get started making a proper income like explained in the first post.

            Like many people in times like this I just want to make ANY amount, even just to have £5 appear in my clickbank account would be a miracle, but I only say that because the sites are waiting to be indexed. :rolleyes:
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3362715].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author John Durham
              Originally Posted by Serendipitous View Post

              Hi John,

              So what you're saying is:

              - Start with the $4.99 Starter package.
              - Sell your first site.
              - Upgrade (for free (for 30 days)) to the $19.99 Business package.
              - Sell two more sites.
              - Upgrade to the $49.99 Business Plus package.

              Is this right?

              If so, do you need to spend $5.00 to buy a domain name in the starter package? Or do you just upgrade when you make the sale?

              But if all of these packages are free for 30 days, why not just start with the Business Plus package and downgrade at the end of the 30 days if you need to?

              Just trying to figure this out...

              No Im saying join for $19.99 , you might as well because if you do any sales you are gonna be at 50 bucks per month and ANYWAY before long... might as well not rush it.

              Originally Posted by Manc View Post

              First post is superb, at first I thought it was a scam but thats my natural inclination/conditioning.

              Really all the first post tells you is how to make money, none of it is a scam!

              I wanted to add a thanks but guess I need 20 posts?

              I have only read two posts today dealing with making SOME money and both were amazing methods I had no clue about.

              It is a market in itself - the people that like us have been around the block a few times, gave up, tried again, gave up, tried again... went to Warrior Forum.

              I can tell you now, a company I used to work for (nothing to do with online marketing BTW it was 99.99% an offline company) and they told me that their website cost them something like £15,000.

              Charging just $199 for a website (I am in the UK so make that £100 to £150 possibly) and monthly subscription of $24.95 (in the UK lets say £14.95) it absolutely is a bargain even for a three page website. How many pages do you think that £15,000 website had? More than 3 pages yes but less than 20 pages, the real amazing thing is it does not even look all that nice.

              Sorry but £15,000? Where do they get these prices from? Even the domain name itself is a domain that when they took it, was practically worthless in terms of its keyword(s). It is their own unique name.

              You know what I am desperately trying to do now... not get rich but make just £100 or something from my clickbank vendors to THEN get started making a proper income like explained in the first post.

              Like many people in times like this I just want to make ANY amount, even just to have £5 appear in my clickbank account would be a miracle, but I only say that because the sites are waiting to be indexed. :rolleyes:
              Get on the phone and offer people the offer that you see in the first post and within days you will have generated a bunch of interest and you can absolutely make your first $500 this week... between now and friday even , if you do what you are supposed to do.

              Alot of people get confused about what they want to offer... they go back and forth between ideas.... then when they come to a person who is actually interested, they BLOW it, because they didnt have a clear concise idea of what they were trying to offer... this is why "packages" are good for beginners to offer... because their isnt alot of guess work and their benefits can be described clearly and easily to business owners.

              The $199 idea is a very simple to explain and easy to say yes to "package". Its also easy to fulfill and over deliver with.

              They say "You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything".

              So , for now; if the 199 offer is clear for you, which I have tried to lay it out clearly, then dont look to the left or right... go offer your local business community just that...

              Tweak the plan later after you can say "I have sales in the bank".

              Start simple.

              This isnt for the Marketing Guru consultants... this is for the guy who wants to sit at his kitchen table and put some money in the bank sometime before 6 months from now...and he wants to jump in and start his own home business on a shoestring.

              This is for the guy to whom $500 - $1000 per week is actually meaningful and he/she can use it pay his mortgage while they start a business for themselves and their families.

              Let me tell you... 100% of $500 is worth alot more than ZERO percent of $10,000... which you wont get for another 6 month to a year if you wait till you are what others call "Qualified"

              As a beginner.... its not likely that you are gonna land a 10k client this month...

              On the other hand you COULD start performing a simple service and be making 500-1000 a week while you learn , and in the meantime perform service that DOES have alot of value to the customer

              Worth is a relative thing.

              Let me tell you something else about "worth"
              ; if a person only has 300 bucks to spend and they value the idea of being on the web... then YOU are "worth" waaay more to them than a bigtime guru who wont even LOOK at them for less than $500, and tells them they cant even BEGIN to benefit without a 10 point plan.

              Thats BS... I have seen static websites that do nothing at all but just SIT on the web and bring customers and value to the owners throughout the course of a year.

              In fact I appreciated Dennis Gaskills post here... a man who has tons of sites out there, and proudly stated in this very thread that MOST of them are basic html sites and have made good money for years now.

              You gonna tell Dennis these little sites have no worth?

              A bird in hand is better than two in a bush as they say so.... K.I.S.S.... and at least start your business idea and get a few hundred a week in the door to warrant entertaining the idea of being an entrepreneur.

              Without some sales, you ARENT one yet.

              As far as the service you are performing with the $199 package. Yes it has value, to the customer and also to YOU if you need money. It even has value to your local economy as you re distribute it.

              Mostly, it has value to the person who has been trying to get on the web but cant understand a damn thing these marketers are saying except " That will be $5000 down and $1300 per month".

              Those guy will NEVER be able to help the guy you are talking to... cuz he just dont have it. His business makes 250k gross and half of it is overhead...

              Offer him a web solution. Offer him a form his visitors can fill out.... get him listed on the search engines for starters... and hold his hand as you walk one mile at a time with him and he appreciates you for it.

              If you can design a simple website, and someone else needs one, there is no reason why you shouldnt get paid to perform that service for them...

              Many will tell you you have no business doing that... BULL****.

              Clearly they have motivation for keeping you stupid, and that motivation is to keep their own value high, whether that value real or an imagined delusion. If little guys like you performing a simple service, can be in demand, and actually considered legitimate, then it takes away their whole authoritative premise. Honestly.

              I live in America, a country that was built with a slew of people behind them saying they had no business and werent qualified to run their own country.

              You will gain knowledge and authority as you go. Trust me. It will come faster than you can imagine once you are in ACTION.

              A guy might tell you that a 3 page static website isnt what a customer needs... but if a customer said "I want one and I will pay for it now..." that same guy would build it for them.

              Start where you are.... tomorrow never comes.

              You can learn everything everyone on the warrior forum knows and be building your simple business simultaneously.

              If you wait to become a guru... you may wait long enough to talk yourself out of it and become another failure statistic.

              Keep it simple. Follow the classic advice "Do it now". Make an offer that a person would be crazy to say no too... and if anyone says "you havent got any business doing this... you should learn my way..." Say back to them "Fine. You gonna pay my rent while I learn"?

              Keep it simple and just do it. The rest comes naturally.


              Because info overload is the number one killer of would be sales... business men dont make moves when they are scratching their heads... and salesmen dont communicate clearly when are unclear.

              A wise person once told me... never ask someone to walk 10 miles with you... instead ask them to walk one or two.... then when you get to the end, ask them to walk another.... and you will get them to go ten miles... but if you ask them to walk ten miles right from the beginning, they may not even walk ONE with you..."

              Dont overwhelm offer a simple affordable solution for business owners who need a simple affordable solution.

              If you match those two up... you have success.

              Believe it or not, there are business people who will never be reached because nobody is making it attainable for them...

              The offer in this first post is something simple that this truly "small biz" (250-300k or less) market can understand and afford, and they will love you and be loyal for it. Most of the little restuarant and storefronts, fresh out of college attorneys... are gonna fall into this revenue category.

              On another note:

              I charged a customer only 100.00 last year... and you know what?

              In the last twelve months they have sent me referrals that have added up to over 3k in business now... plus I have done more work for that client and have plans to do even more.

              Make it easy for people to stick their toe in the water.

              So anyway,

              Yeah, for sure, you can do this. Its really simple, its really a no brainer...

              Later, when you are more experienced charge thousands of dollars, but for NOW... if you need to make 500 bucks a week or more.... you can give people a 3 page optimized static site (with a form of course) for $199 , and sell them like hotcakes and get some income going fairly immediately.

              You can say "I have success behind me" within a WEEK if you want to.

              Here's the kicker... you probably wont invest any more time than you would trying to get that first 5 bucks in your clickbank account!
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              • Profile picture of the author Manc
                Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

                Clearly they have motivation for keeping you stupid, and that motivation is to keep their own value high, whether that value real or an imagined delusion. If little guys like you performing a simple service, can be in demand, and actually considered legitimate, then it takes away their whole authoritative premise. Honestly.
                I would take it one step further and say you are becoming the authoritative premise yourself, possibly becoming better than the competition, but with this there is no really bad competition, yet.

                Even my local cinema (pretty much the top searched attraction in my local town) does not seem to have its own website, zero competition for the keywords but with 1,300 people a month searching for it - and it is not there!

                There is only one question I have - what if you ring them and say, well I would say something like "we have already registered" because if you don't do that and yes really register it, they might say no to the offer and go register it knowing you are only calling them up because this name is not yet registered, its rare that might happen but you never know.

                By ringing up and telling them you HAVE already registered it, you could put this across in such a way that, you were thinking about THEM before you even rang them up, you've already been researching how THEY can make more money and drive customers to their business.

                Without registering the name first, they might register it themselves, some do catch on fast. :rolleyes:

                Then I wondered about actually going in places myself in person, open the briefcase and it has website templates to show them etc.

                I know with your method you never have to leave the house but... I can get a daily bus ticket and go personally to those places, book actual appointments or something on the phone, its hard to be trusted on the phone and many just don't care if you are selling something, they don't care.

                To me an important part of this is letting them know you have already done the research on them to know hey, if you just had a simple landing page, you would get up to 1,300 people a month contacting you, whether its by fax, telephone, email, postal address, all will be listed on the landing page.

                I started explaining this to my mate before and he was turning his nose up lol, it sounds like work I guess, going out doing it. I said "yeah, I will get a suit and briefcase" and I think I might... just got to take a close look at all the streets where I live, the businesses on them and take it from there.

                This stuff applies to ANY shop I guess, except maybe some big company like a Texaco gas station, well its Texaco right, they don't care about 3 page websites? Maybe they do if something like "" is not even taken and they get shown it. By then you'd be dealing with higher ups in Texaco I guess, some guy behind the counter doesn't care.

                Then again a lot are franchises where the franchisee does care, because it is his branch and he makes money from it, so for example "" but I don't know if this is even legal, to just have Mac Donalds there in your url. :confused: I guess if the franchisee'e website is called "company's name" and it is that company, it might not be frowned on at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Offline Life
    I like this thread...

    Is just challenging to implement!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Originally Posted by kazmatic View Post

    Ok I jumped on this method as soon as I seen it and today although it is a Sunday I decided to spend my 1st day chasing clients.

    * Ive secured two clients and another wanted an ecommerce site which I aint sure I can do. I jumped straight in on this method pretty much with no plan just sorta fake it till you make it.

    Client 1 - Is a new buisness so I can build a site with homestead

    Client 2 - Wanted a CMS and 6 page site for a nightclub so I'm thinking of using wordpress. Any other recommendation would be good. I don't think homestead sites provide a CMS like wordpress.

    Potential client 3- Wants a ecommerce site done by Feb 9th. This one I probably cant deliver but if anyone has any suggestions please advice.

    I have not picked up a phone yet but Ive got a friend willing to do it during the week as I work full time in Online Marketing for a company at the moment.

    But early indications shows there's so much potential in this.
    As quickly as you can (in other words "ACT NOW") search warrior forum for warriors for hire. Get a bunch of quotes.

    Also you can go to the classified section on my site, and there outsourcers making offers... you can get your work done cheaply and efficiently. I make no money for this link, just making a suggestion.

    Classifieds - Employer Advertising -Telemarketing Opportunties - Service Provider Offers!

    In any event, get started RIGHT NOW, and get some dialogue going back and forth, quotes... from some service providers. Explain to them what your client wants and get their feedback.

    Go back to your prospect within 48 hours with a solid offer that is irresistible and that they cant say NO to.

    Originally Posted by TX_Girl777 View Post

    I know there hasn't been any recent post in this thread, but I have a question hopefully someone can answer.

    When designing websites with Homestead, at the bottom of the page it say something like "This website was designed by "your name" at Homestead, and then there is a link. Is there a way to get rid of that, and if not, does it look unprofessional and will the customer get mad that you used homestead to design their site? Many thanks in advance.
    Hey Tx Girl!

    Just choose option "no Footer" in the edit Menu to the right. Make sure you click on the back ground first so it pulls up the "page background" menu. You will see where it says "Footer style", with a pull down menu. Choose "No footer".

    Thats how you do it. Hope this helps!

    Im gonna fix this thread today and cut out or blend about 25 of my posts here so we can start teaching in it again. Since the last round of people visited here there has been alot of success... and some misunderstands and further questions...

    So I am going to get in here to create some more in depth understanding of the concept. It has even misconstrued by some as "This teaches sales but its not teaching people to actually care about marketing or consulting the customer..." Blah blah blah...

    Go back to my second or third post here and look at how you can rank these sites....

    But yes... this thread is about newbies learning to make their first offline sales! It doesnt cover every subject in the world. Its about, how you can start where you are right now,and make 50K or more your very first year in business...

    Anyway, you can see by the sheer number of views on this thread that it has caused quite a ruckus.

    Wow. Cool huh?

    Alot of people have made their first offline sales too! Thats even cooler!

    Congrats to all you guys!

    Also you can see by that number that this is what people come to the warrior forum to learn... HOW TO MAKE MONEY.

    Anyway, this teaching needs to be expanded!
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  • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
    Hi John,

    I just send you a fairly long PM message which unfortunately didn't go through because my post count isn't high enough.

    I know you probably don't want to get inundated with PM's about this, but I have something which I'd rather not post on here. If you could PM me your e-mail I would REALLY appreciate it... or if you can somehow allow me to send you PM's here (if that's possible) that would be great.

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  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    John: This was a great post, thank you very much, this could easily be a great WSO.
    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    @ Manc

    Just call them and tell them they need a website and that you can help them. If they say "no" just call someone else. schedule an appointment to meet with them.

    Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

    John: This was a great post, thank you very much, this could easily be a great WSO.
    All the best
    Thanks. I promised the faithful readers of this that I wouldnt make a wso out of it, but we will keep sharing on the subject like we are. There are plenty of other things to make wso's out of... this one is for the WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
    Alright I've read through the entire thread and have a few questions.

    First though, as many other people have said... thank you for this. Not only is it free, but I think it's the first thread I've ever seen people post in who actually made money using the information.

    Anyway, I really appreciate it and plan on putting it to action... I know it will work. I've failed at so many internet marketing things over the past two year, but I'm confident this will work if I put the effort into it.

    Anyway... the questions:

    1) How do you find people to call and how do you know they don't already have websites? Do you just go through the phone book, and if they don't have a site listed you assume they don't have one?

    2) What's the general pitch? "Hi I'm Matt and I was just wondering if you'd be interested in having a website built for you?"... or something along those lines?

    If they say yes then you ask exactly what they're looking for? Is it easier if they e-mail you this information?

    Also, during the pitch are you trying to sell them on the whole easy contact form? This seems to be what you're saying. Might as well just make the page one big contact form no?

    3) Do you promise them SEO rankings along with the website creation?

    I would have no problem with this, but I'm actually attempting to rank for some local business keywords and it's not working so well (once the sites were ranked and getting traffic I was planning on phoning companies and selling adspace on the pages to them).

    I actually have two of these sites on the first page, but they're getting zero traffic and it's taken a while to get the pages there.

    4) Do they choose the site name or do you? Do you always go with something like, or do you ever use their company name as the domain?

    5) How many calls does it usually take to make a sale? The consensus from what I've read seems to be about 1 per 50 calls.

    6) I have unlimited hosting with hostgator and have tons of experience with wordpress and like to use it, so would this be a better option than homestead? I do admit it is hard to customize exactly how you want it, but maybe with a good paid theme this isn't an option? This also seems easier as if the client really wants to edit the site you can just give them the wordpress login details.

    Also, if anyone was interested in checking out my local business sites and seeing if there's anything wrong with them SEO-wise that would be awesome.

    Again thanks for the great post. Sorry for all the questions... just wanna get everything straight before I start!
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham

      Okay , Im kinda skating on thin ice with my number of posts here, because I still havent cleaned up this thread as intended... however, even if you make it by the skin of your teeth, you still made it right? So lets go for it and answer this mans questions.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      Anyway... the questions:

      1) How do you find people to call and how do you know they don't already have websites? Do you just go through the phone book, and if they don't have a site listed you assume they don't have one?

      A: Yellow pages, paid commercial lead lists, google scrapers like Russ Sells AWESOME gscraper program in the wso section.

      B: With a normal list you can rarely tell if they have a website or not, but with a DAMN google scraper you can! I say "damn" because this is "must know" information to answer your post , but it sucks that I cant place an affiliate link to Russ product here!

      Anyway, I highly advise his gscraper program. Its rather new and I was unaware of it when I started this post, but now I SWEAR by it. If you want a great list go to russ... we also have a list generator at my forum TMF which performs some different unique targeting functions.

      C: Though you cant always tell if a person has a website with a phone book, I must tell you that when I myself cold call its what I personally use most of the time, and it works just fine. From now on will be using Russ's gscraper.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      2) What's the general pitch? "Hi I'm Matt and I was just wondering if you'd be interested in having a website built for you?"... or something along those lines?

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      If they say yes then you ask exactly what they're looking for? Is it easier if they e-mail you this information?
      Its best to guide them through a questionnaire of the basic info you need to present their company. Waiting for them to email company information after the initial sales call many times results in a long wait... then they blame you because their website isnt finished...

      Get what information you can to build a basic presentation while you have them on the line, or in a meeting... build on that. Later, when they view the website online, if they have concerns about the content and want it changed or added to...they will email you some word files pretty quickly with more urgency.

      You may also consider adding 50 bucks to your price and using it to hire a warrior to make a custom header for you if you are new, which can be used in homestead or just about any other website building program. A nice header goes a long way in making a site look professional, and its a very easy small outsourcing job for a newby to pull off.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      Also, during the pitch are you trying to sell them on the whole easy contact form? This seems to be what you're saying. Might as well just make the page one big contact form no?
      No. For two reasons.

      A: One page has less percieved value.
      B: You can utilize the other pages to truly deliver a great website and represent their company even better.

      The intent of each optimized page is in fact to drive visitors straight to the form, because YES that is the end result most business owners are looking for with their website.

      Minimal optimization is required to get them ranked on the search engines however many pages deep... most of the optimizing tools are included in a basic web template for dummies program. Add a couple of backlinks and you are gold.

      A few weeks down the road you can show them how they are showing up on the search engines on page 30 lets say...and encourage them to do more seo, google places...maybe even more web pages... if you wish.

      The first level is just to get started and get a few customers.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      3) Do you promise them SEO rankings along with the website creation?

      I would have no problem with this, but I'm actually attempting to rank for some local business keywords and it's not working so well (once the sites were ranked and getting traffic I was planning on phoning companies and selling adspace on the pages to them).
      No you promise them a website that will rank on the search engines... then once its showing up you can look at it and together determine what it will take to get it ranked higher. You explain to them that search engine ranking is a constant work in progress, but that the progress BEGINS with having a website.

      They usually understand this.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      4) Do they choose the site name or do you? Do you always go with something like, or do you ever use their company name as the domain?
      You make suggestions, but in the end... "The customer is always right". Some want their company name for a domain name...

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      5) How many calls does it usually take to make a sale? The consensus from what I've read seems to be about 1 per 50 calls.
      It varies... alot depends on the biz model you are working, and also how good you are on the phone to start with.

      Assuming you are working the plan described in the OP, I would say you should get an "Appointment or two" within 50 "pitches"... or a "one call phone close" sale in 200.

      To reach 50 pitches, you are looking at a straight two hour call session and probably dialing 200 numbers. It may work alot better for you or worse. Im telling you what I see as average performance.

      If you are a phone newby, it may take a couple of days of that to even get ONE... or it may not.

      In any event the point is to get on and just dont stop till you get a sale! You know its there already.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      6) I have unlimited hosting with hostgator and have tons of experience with wordpress and like to use it, so would this be a better option than homestead? I do admit it is hard to customize exactly how you want it, but maybe with a good paid theme this isn't an option? This also seems easier as if the client really wants to edit the site you can just give them the wordpress login details.
      Homestead isnt a requirement. It is only a suggestion for newbys who arent well versed in coding and different things... the fact remains that no matter what is new, the internet was very literally BUILT on programs like these. This very forum is probably built from some kind of template as a matter of fact.

      However, no homestead is far from required. Whatever website building tools work best for you, use those.

      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      Again thanks for the great post. Sorry for all the questions... just wanna get everything straight before I start!
      No Problemo... Its all good in the proverbial hood!
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      • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        No Problemo... Its all good in the proverbial hood!
        Good stuff... cause I got more questions, lol.

        You mention ranking in the Google Places Listings. Is there some way to register for this, or is it automatically done with homestead somehow? How would I do this with a Wordpress site? I imagine that would be a big seller (telling someone you can get them in the places listing).

        EDIT: Nevermind... just did a quick search and see there's basically an application process to get listed. If you had any tips on how to get accepted or how to improve rankings that'd be great though! Also, are you usually approved for this, and if so how long does it generally take?

        Also, would you mind maybe posting a bit of what you generally say to people on the phone to start with? Cold calling is NOT my kind of thing, lol.

        Do you ask to speak to a manager to start with for example? What are some of the things on the questionnaire you use?

        Would you mind PM'ing me an example of a site you've done? If you don't want to I understand... I promise it would only be for my own educational purposes though.

        Thank you very much again for all the help and taking the time to write all of these replies .
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        • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
          Also, would you mind maybe posting a bit of what you generally say to people on the phone to start with? Cold calling is NOT my kind of thing, lol.

          Do you ask to speak to a manager to start with for example? What are some of the things on the questionnaire you use?
          "Hello, Acme Businesspeople, how can I help you"
          "Hello, It's Mike Parsons, how are you today?"
          "Hi Mike, what can I do for you today?"
          "I'm wondering if I could speak to the person in charge of your Internet Presence; you know, your website, etc..."
          "Oh that would be Bill, hold on, I'll transfer you..."

          Actual conversation that got me to the man I needed. OK, it was an accountancy office, and NOW is not the time to bother them (dummy) but they have my name and know what I'm doing.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3382913].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author John Durham
            Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

            "Hello, Acme Businesspeople, how can I help you"
            "Hello, It's Mike Parsons, how are you today?"
            "Hi Mike, what can I do for you today?"
            "I'm wondering if I could speak to the person in charge of your Internet Presence; you know, your website, etc..."
            "Oh that would be Bill, hold on, I'll transfer you..."

            Actual conversation that got me to the man I needed. OK, it was an accountancy office, and NOW is not the time to bother them (dummy) but they have my name and know what I'm doing.
            WHO WOULDA THuNK IT? LOL
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3382961].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

            "Hello, Acme Businesspeople, how can I help you"
            "Hello, It's Mike Parsons, how are you today?"
            "Hi Mike, what can I do for you today?"
            "I'm wondering if I could speak to the person in charge of your Internet Presence; you know, your website, etc..."
            "Oh that would be Bill, hold on, I'll transfer you..."

            Actual conversation that got me to the man I needed. OK, it was an accountancy office, and NOW is not the time to bother them (dummy) but they have my name and know what I'm doing.
            Great illustration, Michael. Many people still tend to overcomplicate things when cold-calling - basically, all you need to do is get past the gatekeeper, state your offer, after which you'll get a yes or a no. I guess people are still a little afraid of using the phone to contact a business unannounced.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    This really is pure gold. With all of the info not only on the Warrior Forum but the rest of the net, the simplicity of this idea cuts through the rest of the millionaire overnight hype.
    I have dabbled now for years with my successes here and there but now I am ready to take this to the next level.

    Thank you for encouraging the readers like me to keep pursuing!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3370998].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Manc
      I was wondering about how to do this, you could phone companies up like in the first post, but what about sending them a sales letter?

      Stamps here cost 32p though and that is for second class.

      So just to offer this to 4 companies would cost more than £1.00

      Hmmmm... maybe thats why the OP doesn't mention this "method".

      They are probably far more likely to respond to a phone call anyway I would assume. How many letters do you get that you just throw away. Yes, it would be just another "junk mail" letter to them, even if it is genuine.
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  • Profile picture of the author jpeguero
    Well, I decided to check one of those website in Google:

    2: Try googling "sarasota finish carpenter" another competitive term, or "finish carpentry sarasota" Yet again you will find that the top ranking sites are ones designed with a dummy program , my favorite one "homestead" thats made for newbies with no html knowledge or programming knowledge.
    JL Wood Working Finish Carpentry Sarasota

    67,200 competing pages in broad match and zero # of monthly searches on either local or global?

    I see you can rank easy... but according to Google, people are not searching for that keyword in your domain name.

    Sometimes i wonder about Google findings compared to the actual...


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    • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
      Originally Posted by jpeguero View Post

      Sometimes i wonder about Google findings compared to the actual...
      From what I know (from checking against other keyword tools, and from reading what other people have to say), the Google keyword tool can be WAY off. I don't know why they do that.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3377079].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
      Originally Posted by jpeguero View Post

      Well, I decided to check one of those website in Google:

      2: Try googling "sarasota finish carpenter" another competitive term, or "finish carpentry sarasota" Yet again you will find that the top ranking sites are ones designed with a dummy program , my favorite one "homestead" thats made for newbies with no html knowledge or programming knowledge.
      JL Wood Working Finish Carpentry Sarasota

      67,200 competing pages in broad match and zero # of monthly searches on either local or global?

      I see you can rank easy... but according to Google, people are not searching for that keyword in your domain name.

      Sometimes i wonder about Google findings compared to the actual...


      FYI,the site you mentioned Juan, has an Alexa ranking of 1,162,500 or some such Site Info

      People are going to the site. If not , the ranking would be 12 million or 20 million.

      That's better than some WEB DESIGN companies in my local area. LOL and some SEO companies too...
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  • Profile picture of the author kimberley bean
    Great thread, has anyone had success with this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Taylor
      Originally Posted by kimberley bean View Post

      Great thread, has anyone had success with this?
      You obviously haven't read the entire thread.

      Ask...Because you never stop learning.

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  • Profile picture of the author custom2211
    you say charge $199 for a 3 page website. page 1 is the homepage with all the info on it, but what do you do for the other 2 pages?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3384876].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by custom2211 View Post

      you say charge $199 for a 3 page website. page 1 is the homepage with all the info on it, but what do you do for the other 2 pages?
      It gives you an opportunity to do an about us, feature their products or services more prominently, feature their staff, create more optimized content... It gives you more opportunity to feature the unique aspects of their company, as opposed to a more typical one page directory listing.

      Originally Posted by tjbooker View Post


      GREAT thread! I was actually throwing around doing this but using hostgator and then I stumbled upon your thread. I went to homestead and it is so easy. Got so excited about what i was "thinking" about doing i was talking leisurely over a beer and got 2 people(business owners) ask me to do it and offered to pay $200 before even know what I could do. I got the recurring monthly cost and 30 for seting up the autoresponder for newsletter on one. Thanks for your help and all the others who put their 2 cents (worth thousands).


      PS. Do your still offer the list generator software you use to have?
      Amazing! Good for you. Already in biz!

      Remember your homestead email package comes with auto responders and newsletter features that you can incorporate for your clients... (Note: I am not claiming homestead is the only way to pull off this business plan described in this thread.There are other great programs too, especially if you are more advanced...)

      Yes the list generator is still available to TMF Gold members, there are also several other list generators floating around here on WF.

      Rock on man! Keep it up!

      Originally Posted by Johnny12345 View Post


      When you're selling a site for just $199, is it really necessary to stay with LOCAL leads? Do you find that you need to set an appointment and meet with them to close the deal?

      After all, if you work only with local leads, how large a radius in miles (or kilometers) can you reasonably cover? But, if you can close strictly over the phone, suddenly the entire country becomes your prospecting grounds (so you would never run out of potential customers).


      Great question. No I dont think you only have to do local. You can close this sale by phone, sometimes you may have to fax them info and call back... but this is something that can absolutely be sold by phone. Its usually easier for beginners to set appointments because phone closing takes a little conditioning... I have a free 37 minute audio on conditioning to phone close here BTW:

      But yeah, you can close this by phone. At the TMF you will find a ton of different phone scripts of every shape and size.

      Again, great question.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3388328].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nhislove

        Thanks SO much for your sincere honest post in trying to help a newbie get going.

        As for me, I just lost my job in December and got here on the Warrior Forum in Feb and just need to make 3k a month to get out of the rat race and provide for my family.

        I'm living off of $250 a week now in unemployment and trying to get something started looking through all the high tech scripts and jargon (hype) even form Warriors is hard to decide who's A Sheep or Wolf.

        I more wanted to build my our site and maybe use offline FREE sources like flyers, craigs list to get people to the site for free offer's of some sort from Affiliate Programs.

        You solved the web site issue and thanks for the Homstead approach,
        but would this work on selling affiliate type stuff for the newbie?

        Is there any programs or FREE Wso's (due to my current situation)
        that you can recommend that would get me up and running on this with Homstead?

        I would be ever grateful.

        Thanks for your time and help during these tense times I'm facing.
        You can send me mail or links offline if you wish.

        If Anyone, not just trying to sell there stuff, would like to help, you can email me also.

        Thanks so much Guys&Gals for all your input & support.

        I joined the WAR Room last week. Awesome:-)

        With much love,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394094].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

        I've spent most of today building websites on Homestead; two of my self-employed artist friends (who were without personal websites - go figure!) agreed to let me 'practice' on them. We negotiated beforehand that if they were happy with the results, I'd charge them £50 "Mate's Rates".

        So, they were happy - and I made my first Offline sales. And, they know plenty of other young artists who are looking for a simple web presence and will be sending them my way.

        But best of all, I now have something of my own to show to my prospective clients on Tuesday.

        I have NO experience in this side of marketing, sales or design. So I am very interested to see if this really is a method one can start earning from within a week. I'm quietly confident! But I'll report back on Tuesday afternoon.

        Thanks again for such a great and motivating thread.
        Good disposition. Not giving away your power with too much "announcing". Staying objective.

        I like your approach. Simple "I want to see if its true that you can make money within a week"! LOL. I love it. You cant have a more simple goal than that. Perfect way to stick your foot in the water. No big parades, no big ideas... just "I want to see if its true that you can make money in a weel".

        Trust me, you can, and you can grow with your clients, and if they want or need something more major done... you can come here to the WF and get it done for them.

        The point is that YOU will be the one making the deal happen and not someone else because you have made them your customer.

        You may not be a professional tech... but you are an entrepreneur, and with your sales skills you can give some of these techs around here some work!!!

        Sowing and reaping and paying it forward, and putting money back into the economy and spreading the wealth... thats whats business is all about.

        Helping money flow is good for EVERYONE.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394238].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

    F: Call local business owners and offer them a basic 3 page website for $199 plus 24.95 per month.


    When you're selling a site for just $199, is it really necessary to stay with LOCAL leads? Do you find that you need to set an appointment and meet with them to close the deal?

    After all, if you work only with local leads, how large a radius in miles (or kilometers) can you reasonably cover? But, if you can close strictly over the phone, suddenly the entire country becomes your prospecting grounds (so you would never run out of potential customers).


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3385062].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
      Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

      I wrote down what I was going to say but I won't lie - it was a lot harder than I thought. I stammered my way through the first few calls and it doesn't feel nice if someone is rude and hangs up quickly on you.
      Sounds like me, lol.

      What exactly is involved in your "appointments"?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3386060].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
    Ah cool... thanks for the tip... and four out of 20 seems very good .

    So I'm still not sure what you set up, lol. You're just talking further about what you might be able to do for them, or they've already agreed to have you build a site for them?

    And do you know anything about getting ranked in Google Places?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3386639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tjbooker

    GREAT thread! I was actually throwing around doing this but using hostgator and then I stumbled upon your thread. I went to homestead and it is so easy. Got so excited about what i was "thinking" about doing i was talking leisurely over a beer and got 2 people(business owners) ask me to do it and offered to pay $200 before even know what I could do. I got the recurring monthly cost and 30 for seting up the autoresponder for newsletter on one. Thanks for your help and all the others who put their 2 cents (worth thousands).


    PS. Do your still offer the list generator software you use to have?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3387069].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
    Hey John,

    Any chance you could post something on how you handle things on the phone if you have some time? I'm horrible at this sort of thing.

    Do you always ask to speak to a manager? How do you pitch the idea? How exactly do you proceed if they say yes?

    Anything would help really, lol.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394577].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      Hey John,

      Any chance you could post something on how you handle things on the phone if you have some time? I'm horrible at this sort of thing.

      Do you always ask to speak to a manager? How do you pitch the idea? How exactly do you proceed if they say yes?

      Anything would help really, lol.
      There are a million telemarketing scripts on my free forum you can check out!

      The Telemarketing Forum - Index

      By the way; I cleaned up this thread so Im good for 20 posts now!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394636].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
      Originally Posted by mkmossop View Post

      Hey John,

      Any chance you could post something on how you handle things on the phone if you have some time? I'm horrible at this sort of thing.

      Do you always ask to speak to a manager? How do you pitch the idea? How exactly do you proceed if they say yes?

      Anything would help really, lol.
      Use to get the owners name so you may ask directly to speak to the owner.

      "Hey, can I speak to John please?"


      "oh hello John, this is Osman speaking and I'm a new web designer in town!"

      "I just opened up for business and real quickly I'm buzzing around all the local businesses, introducing ourselves, letting them know of our services to maybe drum up some business."

      " I was wondering if you folks have a website for your established business?"

      .....take it from their.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394758].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mkmossop
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        There are a million telemarketing scripts on my free forum you can check out!

        The Telemarketing Forum - Index

        By the way; I cleaned up this thread so Im good for 20 posts now!
        Originally Posted by Osman_M View Post

        Use to get the owners name so you may ask directly to speak to the owner.

        "Hey, can I speak to John please?"


        "oh hello John, this is Osman speaking and I'm a new web designer in town!"

        "I just opened up for business and real quickly I'm buzzing around all the local businesses, introducing ourselves, letting them know of our services to maybe drum up some business."

        " I was wondering if you folks have a website for your established business?"

        .....take it from their.
        Awesome thanks .
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cdroy
    Don't nearly all businesses have websites in this day and age? or am I sorely mistaken?

    Is there anyway to check if they do?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402349].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by cdroy View Post

      Don't nearly all businesses have websites in this day and age? or am I sorely mistaken?

      Is there anyway to check if they do?
      You are sorely mistaken. Even in California, supposedly at the cutting edge of technology with Silicon Valley and all its high-tech start ups, I still find plenty of businesses that don't have a website yet (or they have something very poorly designed and amateurish that was probably put up by a friend or relative).

      When you look for businesses in Google Places, they probably don't have a website if one isn't listed there.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402908].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        When you look for businesses in Google Places, they probably don't have a website if one isn't listed there.
        Outstanding advice, Paulie, and one of the methods I am using!

        Also, Googling the phone number (with area code) helps, as everyone who knows what they're doing has a local number on the site. (Hint, Hint )

        Also, some tips for professional inquiries (DR, Dentist, Chiro, Atty.).

        Very Rarely will you speak directly to the professional. They're doing DR stuff! You'll speak to the office mgr or a receptionist (who might be the same person). This person hold your fate in their hands! THEY are the gate-keeper, and often very nice people. If you cannot convince them to send the message to the Dr, you wasted your time.

        Something like "I'm (name) from XYZ Web Design, and I know I can't speak to the Dr., but could I leave some information that the Dr. can consider at his/her leisure"? No pressure on a very pressured person comes off as considerate, polite and respectful of the professional's time. Then leave your name, phone number and your 'web design' URL.

        THANK the message taker, as this will help make sure the Dr gets the message with a little "Oh, he was nice and sounded very professional", which carries a lot of weight with a Dr, as s/he trusts this 'gate-keeper' with much more than appointment setting!

        I have YET to have someone refuse to pass something along, and I've been through all the Chiropractors and half the Dentists in my phone book. Now, what comes out of that?

        OK, look it's only Tuesday and I've only started calling yesterday, which was also a "holiday" in USA, but I've got 4 call-backs, one of which is a call to a Chiro on his lunch, and a lunch appt to talk next week with another Chiro who already HAS a hosting company, but liked the look of my 'Web Design Business' website. It was "clean and simple" and what he was looking for.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409668].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

          Outstanding advice, Paulie, and one of the methods I am using!

          Also, Googling the phone number (with area code) helps, as everyone who knows what they're doing has a local number on the site. (Hint, Hint )

          Also, some tips for professional inquiries (DR, Dentist, Chiro, Atty.).

          Very Rarely will you speak directly to the professional. They're doing DR stuff! You'll speak to the office mgr or a receptionist (who might be the same person). This person hold your fate in their hands! THEY are the gate-keeper, and often very nice people. If you cannot convince them to send the message to the Dr, you wasted your time.

          Something like "I'm (name) from XYZ Web Design, and I know I can't speak to the Dr., but could I leave some information that the Dr. can consider at his/her leisure"? No pressure on a very pressured person comes off as considerate, polite and respectful of the professional's time. Then leave your name, phone number and your 'web design' URL.

          THANK the message taker, as this will help make sure the Dr gets the message with a little "Oh, he was nice and sounded very professional", which carries a lot of weight with a Dr, as s/he trusts this 'gate-keeper' with much more than appointment setting!

          I have YET to have someone refuse to pass something along, and I've been through all the Chiropractors and half the Dentists in my phone book. Now, what comes out of that?

          OK, look it's only Tuesday and I've only started calling yesterday, which was also a "holiday" in USA, but I've got 4 call-backs, one of which is a call to a Chiro on his lunch, and a lunch appt to talk next week with another Chiro who already HAS a hosting company, but liked the look of my 'Web Design Business' website. It was "clean and simple" and what he was looking for.
          Michael, great tips for handling the gatekeeper in the proper manner to get through to the owner/professional! I think that by being courteous, friendly and professional with the gatekeeper (instead of being condescending or brusque), there is a much higher chance that he/she will pass on the message to the owner/professional and also speak highly of you!

          Do you typically visit their offices at first, or call them? I'd imagine that it's much more efficient to call instead of visit, especially if you're dealing with cold prospects.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410068].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            Do you typically visit their offices at first, or call them? I'd imagine that it's much more efficient to call instead of visit, especially if you're dealing with cold prospects.


            Thanks for you words of support Paul!

            I absolutely call. I'm sure a personal visit would be good, but it's a lot easier to pick up the phone than it is to travel about the city.

            In the time it would take me to plot a good path through town, I'd be able to make dozens of calls.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3411224].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

              Thanks for you words of support Paul!

              I absolutely call. I'm sure a personal visit would be good, but it's a lot easier to pick up the phone than it is to travel about the city.

              In the time it would take me to plot a good path through town, I'd be able to make dozens of calls.
              Exactly, one of my most productive tools these days is the telephone. I tend to avoid meeting clients face to face (unless it is to pick up a check!) as it can be so time consuming to travel around the city, and have to deal with traffic jams and planning the best route - it's even worse than a job!
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421246].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author yus786
                Right have read all 321 post... amazing info.

                For all UK folks - are you all using Homestead? And if so how are you registering domains?

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3422295].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author yus786
                  @Marianne. Yes I believe is a problem with homestead. It's actually a post on this thread by someone else from the UK.

                  If I'm going to be targeting local small business, I think a would be better suited.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3427824].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author yus786
                    @UK Warriors - anyone tried

                    Any reviews?

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3428338].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                    Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

                    Thanks for that, yus786 - I just searched the thread and saw the posts you referred to.

                    Agreed domains are obviously essential for local UK businesses. I'd already decided to go the host gator>WP route... But looks a good UK alternative to Homestead for those looking to do non-html/css sites. For that, after all, is the premise of this thread - lack of tech skills should not hold anyone back! (£500 in one week of sales - + the monthly maintenance - is not peanuts. And I wouldn't have had that if I had been intimidated by my lack of technical ability.)
                    Marianne, with small businesses, the key is being able to connect with them and provide a solution to their needs. Very little technical ability is actually needed, but the ability to explain what you'll be doing in a non-intimidating and easily understood manner is crucial to obtaining clients. I'm sure that building rapport with the client and being able to convey the fact that you're a solution provider carries a lot more weight, especially when you can outsource most if not all of the technical work for a mere pittance.

                    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429141].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
                    Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

                    Thanks for that, yus786 - I just searched the thread and saw the posts you referred to.

                    Agreed domains are obviously essential for local UK businesses. I'd already decided to go the host gator>WP route... But looks a good UK alternative to Homestead for those looking to do non-html/css sites. For that, after all, is the premise of this thread - lack of tech skills should not hold anyone back! (£500 in one week of sales - + the monthly maintenance - is not peanuts. And I wouldn't have had that if I had been intimidated by my lack of technical ability.)

                    You are awesome Marianne....

                    Your post over at was extremely inspirational.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3432792].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author benrichmond22
                      Hi john -

                      I have read this with interest. I am a newbie and I am finding a lot of great info here on WF. I am not confident dealing with people face to face or on the telephone at the moment. I suppose that is a necessary attribute for this to be sucessful?

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3434416].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
                      Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

                      Thanks, Amir! And may I say that you totally rock. Your posts throughout this thread and on the telemarketing forum have not only been inspirational but also hugely informative and generous. All newbies need someone they can relate to... someone who has done it themselves. Your willingness to encourage and support others is a beautiful thing.
                      Awww shucks.... :rolleyes:
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435980].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
                        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

                        Awww shucks.... :rolleyes:
                        Gawsh. That got me too! Sorry if I get a little blurry. Luis, if you werent my son, I'd hug ya. But Im trying to teach you that real men dont do stuff like that.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3436379].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
                          Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

                          Another sale this morning. Cha-ching!

                          Here's what I've been up to in the past week:

                          1. A lurking Warrior who prefers to remain nameless got in touch with me after reading this thread, and proposed a JV. I lack time and tech skills; fellow Warrior has tech skills, but lacks marketing/SEO experience + the chutzpah required or Offline sales. We brokered a mutually beneficial deal.

                          2. We decided on a three-pronged attack for two towns that are local to me: calls, emails and direct-mail flyers. Because I'm familiar with the two towns, I considered each business individually and which method was likely to be most effective.

                          3. I handled all the calls. On a list of 100 I've managed to get through 50 so far and, out of that, have 3 leads. We sent the same amount of emails; 5 leads. Roughly same amount of flyers, and nothing yet (but they only went out in the post last Friday).

                          My goal for March is two sales per week. I've been reading some of the telemarketing challenges, and I think this is realistic. (Bear in mind that my writing/editing schedule is full and I only have about two hours per day max to devote to my Offline experiment.)

                          I also want to learn how to SEAL A DEAL from afar, either over the phone or through email. Will save so much time. But, so far, my beginner's luck has been largely dependent on the "personal touch".

                          How are some of the other Noobs getting on???
                          Wow! Off to a great start! I was just off to go find an encouraging success report for today... as you know they are popping up daily.... but it looks you you did it for me! Wow. You are a superstar!!!!!
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3448040].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
                  Originally Posted by yus786 View Post

                  Right have read all 321 post... amazing info.

                  For all UK folks - are you all using Homestead? And if so how are you registering domains?

                  Hi Yus sorry if this has already been replied to. You cannot do any double extension like or I will be honest and say that you are better buying your domain names on godaddy and pointing them to homestead via the nameservers, as homestead charge $5 per month for a domain name and godaddy charge I think around £6 per year
                  hope this helps. if you need any help getting to grips with this fire me a pm and ill make you a video explaining the process.
                  All the best
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3451375].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author yus786
                    Originally Posted by Owen Mailer View Post

                    Hi Yus sorry if this has already been replied to. You cannot do any double extension like or I will be honest and say that you are better buying your domain names on godaddy and pointing them to homestead via the nameservers, as homestead charge $5 per month for a domain name and godaddy charge I think around £6 per year
                    hope this helps. if you need any help getting to grips with this fire me a pm and ill make you a video explaining the process.
                    All the best
                    Will do pal.

                    My main concern was within homestead but what you have said make sense.

                    And then the 2nd concern was what to charge them in £ Sterling for the web and also monthly hosting fees

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3451428].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
                      it depends on what you are doing for them but I usually charge £300 setup and £20 per month and no one ever seems to have a problem with that.
                      hope it gives you a rough idea.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3451469].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
                  Originally Posted by yus786 View Post

                  Right have read all 321 post... amazing info.

                  For all UK folks - are you all using Homestead? And if so how are you registering domains?

                  I'm not using them. I'm using Mattie Blaze hosting for $80 a year and unlimited domains for hosting and Name Cheap for buying domains as they throw in a free block on the whois. I can give you my aff links if you want lol!!!!!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3613824].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cdroy
    Thanks guys, time to start hunting for clients

    I don't have a homestead account but I do have host gator which I'm sure I could upgrade to a reseller, I also know some of the basics to wordpress is this a good equivalent to using homestead?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402968].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by cdroy View Post

      Thanks guys, time to start hunting for clients

      I don't have a homestead account but I do have host gator which I'm sure I could upgrade to a reseller, I also know some of the basics to wordpress is this a good equivalent to using homestead?
      Yes, if you know your way around Wordpress and can do some minor customization and graphics, it'd work fine as well.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3403042].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    You guys remember Adukes from earlier in this thread right?

    He struggled a little at first...

    Here's how he is doing THESE days:

    Q1 Newbie Challenge

    Adukes is only one example... I know of about ten or more people who have gotten their first sales since this thread started... and there are probably more I dont know of...

    The point is IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3404793].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Really anyone can follow this model to the road of offline success. It is what gave me my start in offline marketing....

    I bought one of John's WSO's and have never looked back.

    Since then I have been able to have my own experience.... and have seen SO MANY people turn their lives completely around...

    Amazing really....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3406055].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
      Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

      This method involves more 'pluck' than 'luck' - and, to me, seems way more tangible.
      Your skills at interpersonal relationships will be more important than your technical skills, and you technical skills will improve to the point where you get great results on the first try in about an hour or so. They have to know, like trust before they will consider buying.

      Well done Marianne, and congratulations!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409975].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by MichaelParsons View Post

        Your skills at interpersonal relationships will be more important than your technical skills, and you technical skills will improve to the point where you get great results on the first try in about an hour or so. They have to know, like trust before they will consider buying.

        Well done Marianne, and congratulations!
        You hit the nail on the head there, Michael. With simple websites like these your technical skills aren't really being appraised here, it's more about the first impression that you make on your prospect. You just need to appear professional, knowledgeable and composed - in short, you should project authority and confidence, and in my opinion if you can do that more than half the battle is won already.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410092].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bkat52
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      Really anyone can follow this model to the road of offline success. It is what gave me my start in offline marketing....

      I bought one of John's WSO's and have never looked back.

      Since then I have been able to have my own experience.... and have seen SO MANY people turn their lives completely around...

      Amazing really....
      Not to derail the thread, but what WSO did you purchase of John's? I've been lurking for quite a while now, just decided to sign up and get involved. John seems to have his act together and so do you. I listed you as a reference when I signed up by the way. I found a lot of your posts to be very helpful and as such, was a reason for me signing up and joining the war room. Anyway.. any WSO of John's you could recommend for a newbie that would like to start an offline business? oh, and quit his day job
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3412123].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by bkat52 View Post

        Not to derail the thread, but what WSO did you purchase of John's? I've been lurking for quite a while now, just decided to sign up and get involved. John seems to have his act together and so do you. I listed you as a reference when I signed up by the way. I found a lot of your posts to be very helpful and as such, was a reason for me signing up and joining the war room. Anyway.. any WSO of John's you could recommend for a newbie that would like to start an offline business? oh, and quit his day job
        I dont have a link because I am on my phone... Will shoot a link later
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3425831].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      Really anyone can follow this model to the road of offline success. It is what gave me my start in offline marketing....

      I bought one of John's WSO's and have never looked back.

      Since then I have been able to have my own experience.... and have seen SO MANY people turn their lives completely around...

      Amazing really....
      Amir, which one did you buy ?

      This thread is utterly fantastic, thanks for sharing all you have, both
      you and John. You guys rock!!!!

      And everyone else that has shared, you all rock as well

      Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
      You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
      DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3544455].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by BayAreaSteve View Post

        Amir, which one did you buy ?

        This thread is utterly fantastic, thanks for sharing all you have, both
        you and John. You guys rock!!!!

        And everyone else that has shared, you all rock as well
        The one that is now available for free on audio....

        The Telemarketing War Report.....
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Just in!

    Yet another encouraging success story from this thread today. New ones popping up all the time. This stuff really works.

    New Girl! 2 sales in First Week... Think I'm hooked!

    Good Job Marianne!!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author dwakeman
    Thanks John. This is some great information. Very encouraging. There is so much information out there and a lot of it is misleading. I am going to put this to work and see what happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evolve91
    I just read your post for the second time John and I have to let you know that I was very inspired. It was a breath of fresh air to hear something so uncomplicated for those that like to keep things simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis

    That is the one I was trying to suggest to someone earlier in the thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
    Hi Everyone I have been in touch with John and I asked if i Could put my 2 cents into his post and he agreed, I ran a website and actully still do run a website promoting Homestead and made a full eBook covering every angle of getting you set up and after speaking to John decided to give you all a free copy of my eBook the link below will take u straight in. NO OPTIN!!!! if you would like to sign up which i would advise in order to get the rest of the course which is my Expedite Newsletters you can do so from my signature link.
    I really hope you enjoy the eBook

    Create a website in under 6 hours!! TOTALLY FREE!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429447].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Owen Mailer View Post

      Hi Everyone I have been in touch with John and I asked if i Could put my 2 cents into his post and he agreed, I ran a website and actully still do run a website promoting Homestead and made a full eBook covering every angle of getting you set up and after speaking to John decided to give you all a free copy of my eBook the link below will take u straight in. NO OPTIN!!!! if you would like to sign up which i would advise in order to get the rest of the course which is my Expedite Newsletters you can do so from my signature link.
      I really hope you enjoy the eBook

      Create a website in under 6 hours!! TOTALLY FREE!!
      Owen, it's so nice of you to offer this. Many newbies still get intimidated by Wordpress, but Homestead is about as easy as it gets - even a 7 year old could pull off something halfway decent! It's important not to let the lack of technical skills cause someone to put off doing offline consulting, because that is truly the least of their worries.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
    Thanks paulie, I just hope beginners find it.

    Also I ment to say.. if u struggle at all with the eBook the videos will be out soon!! and im always available on the warrior forum to help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3430305].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yus786
      @UK Warriors- one more question

      How much are you charging in £?

      And also the monthly in £

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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I saw that over at the other forum and thought it was some pretty powerful stuff...

    Pretty cool if you ask me....

    I love hearing all these success stories...
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  • Profile picture of the author travelingtrader
    Hey John I have a question about Homestead. I checked them out and the $19 package only allows you have 3 domains and doesn't mention resale. Is this still the correct package? If not can you recommend another?

    Thanks, Ken
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  • Profile picture of the author OaldDesign
    interesting method thanks

    Graphic Design & Web Development Services:
    Banner Design Services:

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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Hey guys, is it ok to use a .com for local websites? Instead of using a or If I use .com or org instead, is there any difference in ranking or whatsoever ?

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    • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
      Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

      Hey guys, is it ok to use a .com for local websites? Instead of using a or If I use .com or org instead, is there any difference in ranking or whatsoever ?

      Hi Qamar yes u can use a . com for a local website no problem.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3452978].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author robfrancis
      Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

      Hey guys, is it ok to use a .com for local websites? Instead of using a or If I use .com or org instead, is there any difference in ranking or whatsoever ?

      Hi Qamar,

      You can use a .com domain but if you want to rank in Singapore SERPs then you will need to host it within Singapore. Alternatively, if you use a you could host it outside of Singapore and still rank in Sinagpore SERPs.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3527379].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Very helpful advice,simple but effective.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3452086].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Originally Posted by JagSEO View Post

      ,simple but effective.
      it may be effective but definitely not 'simple'
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

        it may be effective but definitely not 'simple'
        It is simple, it's just that people tend to overcomplicate things in their minds. If you just implement this strategy and stop thinking about potential complications and issues before you even start, I'm almost certain you'll find this to be much easier than you originally thought.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3512248].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Qamar
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          It is simple, it's just that people tend to overcomplicate things in their minds. If you just implement this strategy and stop thinking about potential complications and issues before you even start, I'm almost certain you'll find this to be much easier than you originally thought.
          Yeah, it may be simple to you but may not be necessarily simple to other people especially newcomers. For newbies or for people who are not au fait about websites terminologies like webhostings, domain/subdomains, cpanel or how to build a website, how to outsource the projects and how to do after sales/ trouble shootings etc trying to meet clients to try and sell their web design service would spell trouble! Chances are the prospect that they are trying to sell are more well versed about this business.

          I would agree that in this business, it is very important to "implement things and take action" rather than over thinking on things, but "taking action" without proper knowledge of what you are doing is definitely suicidal and stupid especially when your clients are living a few blocks from you.

          If you are talking about promoting products via flyers marketing, then I would say and agree that it is simple simply because one wouldn't have to meet or speak to anybody and if the customers are not satisfied with the products they purchased, they can simply ask for full refund from the vendors.

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          • Profile picture of the author John Durham
            Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

            I would agree that in this business, it is very important to "implement things and take action" rather than over thinking on things, but "taking action" without proper knowledge of what you are doing is definitely suicidal and stupid...
            I dunno. I dont think Adukes thinks its stupid, the guy just took off running and has learned everything he knows along the way... so have alot of other people I know.


            He knows the ole "Henry Ford" trick. "If I dont know something, I push a button and find out".
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3514800].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Qamar
              Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

              I dunno. I dont think Adukes thinks its stupid, the guy just took off running and has learned everything he knows along the way... so have alot of other people I know.


              He knows the ole "Henry Ford" trick. "If I dont know something, I push a button and find out".
              Oh yeah, then I guess I am not Adukes and there are many others who are also not Adukes, if there are many then everybody would have succeeded right now. So I Guess people like me are destined to fail, simply because we cannot take the idea and run with it.

              Thanks but no thanks. I rather have enough knowledge before dealing with real people rather than making myself look like a bozo in front of them, stumbling and fumbling and embarrass myself...... Thanks but I think I change my mind. I rather stay onlline.
              I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
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              • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren
                Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

                Oh yeah, then I guess I am not Adukes and there are many others who are also not Adukes, if there are many then everybody would have succeeded right now. So I Guess people like me are destined to fail, simply because we cannot take the idea and run with it.

                Thanks but no thanks. I rather have enough knowledge before dealing with real people rather than making myself look like a bozo in front of them, stumbling and fumbling and embarrass myself...... Thanks but I think I change my mind. I rather stay onlline.
                Qamar, I don't think that's what he intended. By all means, get to a point where you feel you have enough head knowledge and just jump in. So much of life is learning on the fly. Start with one small concept like a simple 3 page Worpress site and then sell that. The problem with this and so many endeavors is paralysis of analysis. Too many people never quite think they are fully ready and that becomes a reason to not start. Days go by, then weeks, then months and years. Gotta jump into the deep end of the pool at some point. Only you can answer that for yourself.
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              • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
                Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

                Oh yeah, then I guess I am not Adukes and there are many others who are also not Adukes, if there are many then everybody would have succeeded right now. So I Guess people like me are destined to fail, simply because we cannot take the idea and run with it.

                Thanks but no thanks. I rather have enough knowledge before dealing with real people rather than making myself look like a bozo in front of them, stumbling and fumbling and embarrass myself...... Thanks but I think I change my mind. I rather stay onlline.
                Knowing what I know... and knowing that I didn't know anything when I started... But I have been successful by just taking action....

                I would have to say...

                "Your right Qamar. You don't have what it takes. Stay online....."

                Adukes spent a LOT of time pushing forward no matter what.... even when there was no success he just kept going. He took the advice that was given... "Don't think... Just do..." then kept going.

                Now he is steadily picking up checks from clients and closing deals. He is a construction guy that has turned into a "offline consultant". All he was armed with was this forum... The Telemarketing Forum - Index and a WSO from John.

                The only reason he has come as far as he did...? He didn't give up five minutes before the miracle happened!

                My hats off to Adukes... and my hats off to John Durham. I started in this business with nothing but a WSO of John's and a dream. Not to mention rent due and a pile of debt. Within 72hrs of just taking action... I made $1600. Actually more... but whatever...

                If you go to The Telemarketing Forum you will see a BUNCH of success stories.... I do mean a bunch. I was just saying the other day...

                Over at TMF there are more success stories from new people than on ANY other Internet Marketing related forums.... period.

                If you don't have what it takes.... go push Adsense... I don't care....

                I know people's lives have been changed as a result of this thread and following Johns advice. Mine included.
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                • Profile picture of the author Qamar
                  Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

                  If you don't have what it takes.... go push Adsense... I don't care....
                  Yeah thanks, i will push adsense then....
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I don't live in Indonesia... I don't know if I am qualified to be speaking on this... BUT..

    I have found that .com, .net, .org are the best to register when your concern is ranking well.

    Just my two cents... which is about all it's worth.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrendanBurner
    Love this idea thread juxt a quick QUESTION.
    If the client wants to access there own email which you get with the domain either homestead or godaddy how would you go about letting them access it??

    Thanks Brendan
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3453702].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by BrendanBurner View Post

      Love this idea thread juxt a quick QUESTION.
      If the client wants to access there own email which you get with the domain either homestead or godaddy how would you go about letting them access it??

      Thanks Brendan
      There are a couple of ways you could go about this....


      Set up a gmail account for the client. Link the hosted emails to the gmail account. Give the client the log in information.


      Set up the clients outlook or other desktop email client to link to the hosted email account.

      Easy Peasy either way....

      I prefer the gmail version becuase it gives you less technical trouble. Just my experience....

      I am sure there are other ways to do this... but this is what I have done, and continue to do.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3454003].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Owen Mailer
      Originally Posted by BrendanBurner View Post

      Love this idea thread juxt a quick QUESTION.
      If the client wants to access there own email which you get with the domain either homestead or godaddy how would you go about letting them access it??

      Thanks Brendan
      The best way is to activate the email that comes with the domain. On godaddy that way u keep domain and email together and u just need to give the client the url to godaddys webmail.
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      • Profile picture of the author travelingtrader
        Great idea for making money. I'm looking for a way to make some money and this sounds easier than using WP for creating websights. Does Homestead still have a resellers program? The $19 option only gives you 3 domains and doesn't mention reseller.

        Thanks in Advance,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3454125].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
          Originally Posted by travelingtrader View Post

          Great idea for making money. I'm looking for a way to make some money and this sounds easier than using WP for creating websights. Does Homestead still have a resellers program? The $19 option only gives you 3 domains and doesn't mention reseller.

          Thanks in Advance,

          Ken, Its a Loooong thread so if you missed it, NP

          They don;t call is "business' anymore. You get the $19.99 deal and yes, it give 3 URLs, but you can have unlimited sub-domains (for testing, showing to clients) and additional URLs are $2 (i think) so you can build 2 (3 - one for you, sell the others) websites, keep some profit and then you use the down payment from the 3rd customer to get the next URL.

          I had the guys call me up and offer the remainder of my trial as the upgrade, so by the time my trial is over, I'll have some to keep that level. You don;t have to go that route though.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Today's encouraging success report.

    for anyone in doubt about telemarketing read this

    There are two actually.

    Finally took the plunge into cold calling, my progress thread

    Actually 3 (Some of you guys know this man and have followed his journey)

    My first big project is less than a day away from being complete!!! Amen!

    Yesterday's encouraging success story.

    This guy just got started out on The Bower Formula weeks ago and had good success... it naturally led to getting bigger jobs, so he's doing that more and more... He's been very consistent even though he's still new, and making sales left and right! Definitely not a one hit wonder! More like a rising star!

    Keep Calling Business Owners!
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  • Profile picture of the author staking
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

    Oh yeah, then I guess I am not Adukes and there are many others who are also not Adukes, if there are many then everybody would have succeeded right now.
    Whether you do adsense, or affiliate marketing, or cpa, or offline... there is about 5% or less that break through, you know what they are called "Winners". They have a determined mindset... not everyone succeeds in adsense or cpa, or offline... its about the individual. You have to decide whether you will be that person or not. Not even everyone succeeds even in a call center in the offline world, people get fired all the time for low production...

    You are right, there are not many like Adukes. He is a HERO!

    However, no matter what you pursue you have the same eyes legs and arms he has... you can do it too. I dont think its a matter of what one "can" be as much as what they "will" be. So you have to find what you "will" do if you want to succeed, and stop thinking of what you "can" do or "cant" do.

    Adukes "would" do it. You will do whatever you "will" do... So, dont go against your will, find something besides offline that you can "will" yourself to do if not this. In any event "doing" is key. You cant do what you "wont", so if you wont do this, then you can still succeed, just find something you "will" do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3515890].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Whether you do adsense, or affiliate marketing, or cpa, or offline... there is about 5% or less that break through, you know what they are called "Winners". They have a determined mindset... not everyone succeeds in adsense or cpa, or offline... its about the individual. You have to decide whether you will be that person or not. Not even everyone succeeds even in a call center in the offline world, people get fired all the time for low production...

      You are right, there are not many like Adukes. He is a HERO!

      However, no matter what you pursue you have the same eyes legs and arms he has... you can do it too. I dont think its a matter of what one "can" be as much as what they "will" be. So you have to find what you "will" do if you want to succeed, and stop thinking of what you "can" do or "cant" do.

      Adukes "would" do it. You will do whatever you "will" do... So, dont go against your will, find something besides offline that you can "will" yourself to do if not this. In any event "doing" is key. You cant do what you "wont", so if you wont do this, then you can still succeed, just find something you "will" do.
      I am doing fine with my current business and that is article marketing and promoting Amazon products via several of my websites. i am just trying to diversify my business to the offline world and I was about to follow you until I received your comments above.

      I was just saying that this offline thing is effective yet not as simple as you guys made it to be. I did not say that it is not doable. Come on, I am not arguing with anybody but the reality is doing your model is effective I know, although I have not done it full force. But still it is not "simple". Yeah to those who have succeeded in getting their first checks in 1 hour, 5 hours, 24 hours or 72 hours doing cold calling or telemarketing, may say that it is simple but you must remember, there are many kinds of warriors here in the warrior forum coming from different background, cultures and mindset and not everyone can be a HERO like you or Adukes.

      Some will do it fast while others need more coaching or motivations to even pick up the phone receivers. I was just being realistic, maybe the cultures and the mindset in the west is different with respect to telemarketing as compared to my people. That is the reason why I said that I may need some knowledge about the business that I am selling to my people because I know what to expect from them.

      I have your offline on crack audio courses and I have already registered on your TMF a few days ago, in fact i was about to purchase your 5 stars wso but I guess it's ok, I am just not cut to be in this business, as suggested by your friend Amir, I will stay online pushing adsense.

      Thanks anyway for your wonderful advice and tips. You are no doubt very helpful and sincere in helping people to succeed, the only thing is that you might be forgotten that not everyone are created the same.

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      • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
        Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

        Yeah to those who have succeeded in getting their first checks in 1 hour, 5 hours, 24 hours or 72 hours doing cold calling or telemarketing, may say that it is simple but you must remember, there are many kinds of warriors here in the warrior forum coming from different background, cultures and mindset and not everyone can be a HERO like you or Adukes.
        "You always succeed in producing a result, what that result is depends on you."

        1. Pick up the phone book.
        2. Make 100 calls each day for the next 5 days.
        3. Tell business owner that you sell a 3 page website for $179.00.
        4. If owner says yes, go to odesk or elance and find someone who can build a site for you for $80.00 or less.
        5. Present the site and collect the check.

        Simple enough Qamar? YOU my friend are making it complicated or making it sound complicated.

        Newbies, don't let a 3 page website, hosting plans and fancy terminologies like our friend Qamar mentioned stop you from making money. PM me if you need a site done.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516171].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Qamar
          Originally Posted by Osman_M View Post

          "You always succeed in producing a result, what that result is depends on you."

          1. Pick up the phone book.
          2. Make 100 calls each day for the next 5 days.
          3. Tell business owner that you sell a 3 page website for $179.00.
          4. If owner says yes, go to odesk or elance and find someone who can build a site for you for $80.00 or less.
          5. Present the site and collect the check.

          Simple enough Qamar? YOU my friend are making it complicated or making it sound complicated.

          Newbies, don't let a 3 page website, hosting plans and fancy terminologies like our friend Qamar mentioned stop you from making money. PM me if you need a site done.
          In which part did I make all this things complicated? Is being REALISTIC complicating?

          Bro, talking like the way you did especially in forums like this, is cheap, any tom dick and harry can brag and boast.....what matters most is in the REAL world. How successful are you in the real world, or for that matter do you really practice what you preached?

          Your statements are not useful in fact it can bring more harm than good especially to aspiring newbies. Yes, taking action is THE thing to do, over thinking is unproductive. i know that and I believe every one and his dogs knew that. But before taking any action one must at least have some knowledge about what the heck they are selling or offering.Don't forget, they (newbies) are dealing with real persons in real world, not online!

          What happen if a newbie who simply knew next to nothing about web design, but are taken in by your kind of "motivational" advise and pick up the phone and being bombarded with questions that they don't even have any clue about? At that instance, who are they going to call for help? You?

          I wasn't born yesterday to believe every single thing that are being told online. I have taken actions many times, in my business and also in my full-time job but I also make some calculated risk before plunging into action.

          I have stated many times that I believe in this business model that are being taught by John and I was about to implement it in my own way. I have even pmed Amir about the details. I was merely saying that although this is a good business model and many newbies have made money through them, still it is not as simple as many people would thought! What that really implies is for anyone who is keen in this business to get the proper education from John, Amir or any other persons that have been doing this in real time before taking action! That's it! So where is the complicated part?

          It is funny that many people in forums loves to "parrot" the word "taking action" and bla bla bla as if they are already a pro, but missing the important point of getting proper education at least a bit of it.

          I have tasted my own success in my own business and definitely not a newbie. But it is just me, i need to be adequately armed before I ambush my suspect. I am trained as such maybe I should change...or maybe not

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          • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
            Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

            Bro, talking like the way you did especially in forums like this, is cheap, any tom dick and harry can brag and boast.....what matters most is in the REAL world. How successful are you in the real world, or for that matter do you really practice what you preached?
            "Its your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines you altitude."

            You walked right into it; very predictable. This coming Monday, I'm ready for a nice little competition between you and me. Lets see who can make the most amount of money.

            Are you up for it? Oh btw, you can add your Adsense earnings in as well into the final sum at the end of the week.

            You are right talk is let's make some money... shall we?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516969].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Qamar
              Originally Posted by Osman_M View Post

              "Its your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines you altitude."

              You walked right into it; very predictable. This coming Monday, I'm ready for a nice little competition between you and me. Lets see who can make the most amount of money.

              Are you up for it? Oh btw, you can add your Adsense earnings in as well into the final sum at the end of the week.

              You are right talk is let's make some money... shall we?
    , who taught you this? a couple hundreds of dollars from a couple of successsful sales has got to your head already? lol... You got a great attitude there!
              I suggest you try it with your own comrades to create a "healthy" competiton among yourselves, who knows you might be the next HERO? as for me I am too busy building my affiliate websites to entertain a stuck up person like you who have only just learn to make money offline but pretending to be some big successful businessman, lols.....btw how old are you?:p
              I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
              Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

              Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


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        • Profile picture of the author Qamar
          Originally Posted by Osman_M View Post

          "You always succeed in producing a result, what that result is depends on you."

          1. Pick up the phone book.
          2. Make 100 calls each day for the next 5 days.
          3. Tell business owner that you sell a 3 page website for $179.00.
          4. If owner says yes, go to odesk or elance and find someone who can build a site for you for $80.00 or less.
          5. Present the site and collect the check.

          Simple enough Qamar? YOU my friend are making it complicated or making it sound complicated.

          Newbies, don't let a 3 page website, hosting plans and fancy terminologies like our friend Qamar mentioned stop you from making money. PM me if you need a site done.
          I can do it even better than you (at least here in this forum):

          1. Pick up the phone book
          2. Make 500-1000 calls a day for the next 10 days.
          3. Tell business owners that you sell 3 page website for $599.
          4. If owner say yes, go to Amir or Adukes at the TMF for website creation help and split profit accordingly.
          5. Present the site and collect the check.
          6. A few weeks later, call the same site owner and check whether or not they need your assistance with the existing site. If they say yes, then:
          7. Offer them SEO service.
          8. Offer them opt in box to capture leads and emali marketing.
          9. Offer them Google placings.
          10. Offer them video marketing.
          11) etc etc.

          You see, it is easy to come up with a list of business plan like you did online and look cool while you make the other party look like sh**.

          As i said any tom dick and harry can do that. In the real world are you like that? No one knows...

          I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
          Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    I wasnt arguing Qamar, and I realize that we have strayed from your original point which is duly noted. In this last post I was addressing specifically what you said about "Not everyone can be an Adukes...".

    Honestly it didnt come easy for him either but today he is doing well.

    I was just taking the opportunity since you used the word "can"... to point out that its much easier to find what you "will" do, and flow with that because the possibilities of what you "can" do are endless, but worthless unless you "will"... so take the path of least resistance and find what you "will" do... joyously even.

    It wasnt an argument, more just taking the chance to inspire and point to a light for some people... Congrats on your article marketing biz.

    You dont need to follow me to make an offline sale, just call some people and offer them your services!
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Qamar... I have spoken with you via PM and emailed you scripts that work....

    If the interest is still there. I would push forward.

    I would like to take a moment and offer you my most humble apology for getting my feathers ruffled. I am very defensive of my friends.

    Adukes is a good friend. Who I have personally spent a LOT of time working toward his success.

    John is a good friend. Who had it not been for the Offline on Crack report, and the support offered on TMF, I would not be where I am today.

    So when I feel like some one is talking trash or downgrading either one... I will come out swinging... even when I shouldn't.

    It was wrong of me to attack your post. I consider the members of TMF family. So if anyone is to mess with my family. I will mess with them. Kind of a "old neighborhood" kinda thing. Can't really explain it....

    Either way.... I should not have talked down to you in any way. For that... I apologize.

    BTW.... It took Adukes a LOT longer than most to really get going... The thing that separates him and why I respect and defend him so hard... He kept at it. No matter what... He kept going until he did succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Well , personally I offer a free support forum for any newby who needs help, so yes, if they run into problems they can contact me at my forum and myself or someone else will help them in real time. You are welcome to particpate...

    If not stop hating. You are preaching to people who do this every day, on a thread where at least 15 or 20 people have publicly achieved what you are saying is stupid for them to do...and that people shouldnt attempt.

    Its like the four minute mile man. Its already been done.
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    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      If not stop hating. You are preaching to people who do this every day, on a thread where at least 15 or 20 people have publicly achieved what you are saying is stupid for them to do...and that people shouldnt attempt.

      Its like the four minute mile man. Its already been done.
      Hey John, i think you somehow or rather easily got swayed.....Who's hating? and I did not say that taking the plunge like your peeps were doing are stupid! I never say that. How can I say that kind of statements to a war veteran like you and for the fact that you have been in this line for over 20 years right? Come on man. I am not preaching to anybody,as far as I am concerned, I am only responding to your students based on what they are alleging. Don't misinterpret my statements.

      I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
      Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

      Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


      Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
      Click Here to Apply Now
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516352].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    It's unfortunate how an innocent comment that was not directed to anybody in particular can escalate to something that is not healthy. Probably, some people need to realized that it is important to always look back where they were before they achieved success. Sometimes, while trying to motivate others to be like them, people tend to be very insensitive, defensive and arrogant and went astray from their initial nobel intention.

    I was very interested in pursuing this offline model by following a certain successful person, i was impressed with his success and about to join his group but it's unfortunate that due to the over-zealousness and some insensitive remarks from his disciple, all my interest just fade away. I hope, they realize that there are many other people in this forum who are also as successful as them if not more. Just watch what you say, even if you actually meant well, cause you never know how the other party will perceive your remarks. I am signing off. thanks

    I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
    Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

    Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


    Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
    Click Here to Apply Now
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  • Profile picture of the author Trncak
    Is homestead the only one you can do this with are or there others
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Trncak View Post

      Is homestead the only one you can do this with are or there others
      There are several other ways you can do this...

      Homestead is just one option.... Really a good one if you have ZERO experience building sites and just want to make some money.

      Hostgator is another good one... Which is also good for ZERO coding experience.... but a little knowledge of how things work. Because you can install WordPress with a one button install via "Fantastico" and then add a theme... customize it a little.... and your done.

      Easy peasy....

      I prefer the WordPress route because they are light coded... (search engine friendly) Also they are consistent. If you use one WP theme.... LIke the Flexx theme for all your sites... you have consistency. You know on your third site exactly how to set it up and get it done.

      With homesteads sitebuilder.... it changes a little with each different theme or design. (At least it used to... I haven't used it in years) Coming across different operations with each site can make for more time spent trying to figure out how to do it. Which equals a less dollar vs time ratio.

      No matter what it I am doing.... I always.... and I mean ALWAYS bill $60 per hour. If it is just me... $90 if it an employee. That is just me... Once you know how long it takes to do what you need to do... You can judge how low you can go on pricing.

      If it is always changing... you might get screwed.

      That being said... do NOT be afraid to make $500 per hour. There are a lot of people that do.... so why shouldn't you?

      The only reason I say that is because a lot of people leave money on the table. They feel bad for making so much money.... I used to be one of them. It felt illegal or immoral for me to make that kind of money... Especially since I have no formal education. I am self taught....

      You deserve to be paid for your time and training... Creator, God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Zoroaster, Mohammad, or anyone else you may or may not believe in wants you to succeed.

      Your success and happiness makes your creator smile. You have come a LONG way and TOOK ACTION.... you deserve the money....
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      • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        There are several other ways you can do this...

        Homestead is just one option.... Really a good one if you have ZERO experience building sites and just want to make some money.

        Hostgator is another good one... Which is also good for ZERO coding experience.... but a little knowledge of how things work. Because you can install WordPress with a one button install via "Fantastico" and then add a theme... customize it a little.... and your done.

        Easy peasy....

        I prefer the WordPress route because they are light coded... (search engine friendly) Also they are consistent. If you use one WP theme.... LIke the Flexx theme for all your sites... you have consistency. You know on your third site exactly how to set it up and get it done.

        With homesteads sitebuilder.... it changes a little with each different theme or design. (At least it used to... I haven't used it in years) Coming across different operations with each site can make for more time spent trying to figure out how to do it. Which equals a less dollar vs time ratio.
        Amir, I am going the HostGator route, although I strongly considered Homestead. Pricing is a little better and I agree with what you say about Wordpress. It's so flexible and robust. If I'm going to make a go of this, I want to set the right foundation and have control over everything. I felt like I would not stay on Homestead for the long term so I didn't want to invest much learning their way of doing things. My wife has given me 30 days to make a go of it or else. I've got the developers edition of SmallBiz theme from Don Campbell, my Baby HostGator account, VOIPo, and most importantly a couple of Wordpress books and Youtube to get educated. Next week I'll get John's Super WSO and that's it for spending and more.
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        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by Huskerdarren View Post

          Amir, I am going the HostGator route, although I strongly considered Homestead. Pricing is a little better and I agree with what you say about Wordpress. It's so flexible and robust. If I'm going to make a go of this, I want to set the right foundation and have control over everything. I felt like I would not stay on Homestead for the long term so I didn't want to invest much learning their way of doing things. My wife has given me 30 days to make a go of it or else. I've got the developers edition of SmallBiz theme from Don Campbell, my Baby HostGator account, VOIPo, and most importantly a couple of Wordpress books and Youtube to get educated. Next week I'll get John's Super WSO and that's it for spending and more.
          You have absolutely everything you need to be successful.

          Though with John's Whammy Jammy WSO you do get access to the leads list that is sortable and virtually unlimited.

          You are on the right track... now... all you need to do is make it happen.

          Your wife will be glad you did...
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          • Profile picture of the author yus786
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            You have absolutely everything you need to be successful.

            Though with John's Whammy Jammy WSO you do get access to the leads list that is sortable and virtually unlimited.

            You are on the right track... now... all you need to do is make it happen.

            Your wife will be glad you did...
            Hi. Which wso of johns are you talking about pal?

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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Yessir... that be the one....

    The whammy jammy of all WSO's.....

    Everything you need but the actual doin' it...
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    • Profile picture of the author JPSimplySites
      Thanks John for starting this thread. It is very interesting. When you say a 3-page website, are you talking about 3 page of content in addition to the contact page, the home page and the privacy policy page?

      Or does the 3-page site means the home page, the contact page and the privacy policy page?

      So, if someone knows how to set up a 3-page wordpress site, and then create a header with the name of the local business, write some content for the home page and add the other pages from a WP plugins, do some basic on-page SEO, they can start calling the local businesses in their area and offer their services right away, right?

      Is there anything else they need to know first besides the above? I just want some clarification on that? This method sounds very doable.
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      • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
        Just stumbled upon this.

        I use a very similar offline method in building up my business.

        It truly is effective. My question to John, or any guys who are doing this program is this:

        If you have money to invest in the business, what do you consider the most valuable investment?

        Paying a telemarketer, web designer, or something else.....or all three?

        And if investing in the auto-dialer and hiring a virtual telemarketer, what route have you taken in finding a successful company or individual?

        I've scaled myself up a bit by putting money back in the business, but am curious what route others have taken.

        Basically...if you arent forced to make 500 calls a day to pay the bills, and are already comfortable with enough money to invest in the business, what have you found to be the best use of those funds?

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        • Profile picture of the author robfrancis
          Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

          Since joining WF, this method has easily provided the most significant financial ROI. And, the results were very quick - no "plant a seed and hope for it to grow" -- but instant money in the bank with monthly top-ups.

          ...I'm going to stick my neck out and say that this thread is the greatest cash cow I've discovered after nearly one year on WF.
          These are very telling comments indeed Marianne! It certainly goes to show what putting your idea/concept in front of a receptive audience can do. Congratulations to you and may this thread continue to aid in your prosperity.

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          • Profile picture of the author JPSimplySites
            Hi Marianne,

            I read your post and also checked out your ghostwriting business. You are a really good writer. Good for you!!! Your prices are more than I can afford right now, but from reading your samples, you sure can charge those prices.

            Anyways, you said you have been doing the offline business? Will you answer the questions I posted above? Also, do you have to make a lot of calls per day or do you send out mailers, or do you visit the businesses in person?

            Thanks for sharing your success story. It is inspiring.
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            • Profile picture of the author yus786
              Yes thanks Marianne; thanks for the update and also the PM's.

              I myself haven't started yet. I really want to but working full-time and ebaying part-time is taking all my time.

              I really need to sort myself out!!
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              • Profile picture of the author vtotheyouknow
                Thanks oooodles for posting this, John!

                I read the thread this morning and immediately started the cold calling extravaganza. :-)

                I only made about 10 calls and have 2 leads and 1 almost-close (I know I know it doesn't count until the money's in my hand!)

                I also posted an ad on craigslizzle with some compelling copy and got an email back in the next couple of hours from a dude who wants his photography site done up pretty-like.

                Guys, the homestead method is fine if all they want is a simple, functional design.

                As an upsell, you can offer to do a REALLY classy site and just search for a premium wordpress theme related to their business.

                There are thousands of beautiful themes all ready to go and all you have to do is plug in their content and they absorb the cost PLUS you can use your affiliate link for bluehost or hostgator or whoever.

                How did I get such quick leads?

                I searched "my city + plumbers", got on Yelp and called everyone who didn't have a site up on their Yelp profile.

                Then I says:

                "Hi! I was searching Google for plumbers in [my city] and found you on Yelp. I noticed you guys have great reviews don't have a website!"

                And then just take it from there. Also, I don't have a mountain of analytics to back up this claim, but don't sound salesy. Just be straight up with these people. They're business owners just like you and will see through your BS anyway. Give them value, ask for a reasonable compensation and everybody wins.

                You can also upsell SEO services if you know how to do them. And if you don't, you can STILL upsell SEO services and just outsource them and pocket the difference.


                ...Steal it!

                This is gold, John. I think it may enable me to leave my crap job.

                Spank you very very very much!

                Good Vibes To All~
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                • Profile picture of the author Quickshot1
                  Wow! Some great info.

                  Thanks for taking the time to post this info.
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                • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren

                  How did I get such quick leads?

                  I searched "my city + plumbers", got on Yelp and called everyone who didn't have a site up on their Yelp profile.

                  Then I says:

                  "Hi! I was searching Google for plumbers in [my city] and found you on Yelp. I noticed you guys have great reviews don't have a website!"


                  I like the way you think. Thanks
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3531752].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author robfrancis
                  Originally Posted by vtotheyouknow View Post

                  How did I get such quick leads?

                  I searched "my city + plumbers", got on Yelp and called everyone who didn't have a site up on their Yelp profile.

                  Then I says:

                  "Hi! I was searching Google for plumbers in [my city] and found you on Yelp. I noticed you guys have great reviews don't have a website!"

                  And then just take it from there.
                  Good Vibes To All~
                  Thanks for this Vic. This is a very interesting approach and whilst cold calling is never comfortable I like how you have a natural entry point for the call. Good useful information that I shall hopefully action.

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                  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                    Originally Posted by robfrancis View Post

                    Thanks for this Vic. This is a very interesting approach and whilst cold calling is never comfortable I like how you have a natural entry point for the call. Good useful information that I shall hopefully action.

                    Rob, this is a great approach that will let you slowly ease into cold calling - you're breaking the ice by opening with such a line, and it disarms your prospects and puts them at ease, instead of making them tense up in anticipation of a sales pitch!

                    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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                  • Profile picture of the author jideofor
                    Great post, john. I wished people could do this to help more and more people get their foot on ground. It has change my thinking and that of many more who will be viewing it. I had to refer a friend to this thread and he loved it. Why wouldn't you Get what you want in life john?

                    If you can help enough people get what they want, you can have whatever you want--Zig Ziglar.

                    Thank you. JOHN
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                    • Profile picture of the author macalixter
                      John, this thread just amazed me!

                      With all the respect but your report worth much, much more than many WSOs.

                      You would have made serious money over this if you decided to sell it.

                      Thanks again and again for your kindness.
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                • Profile picture of the author kipply
                  This will be a great opportunity, especially in my country (3rd world). Many people are still not really familiar with this "internet thing". I've been having some ideas about helping local businesses, but haven't had the courage to put them in
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                  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
                    For people who work 8-5 Spend a weekend ( or a couple evenings) or two putting a list together of business you want to cold call. On your Lunch hour go where it is quiet and call your list. At first it will be slow but after awhile you should easily make 10-15 calls a day. Thats 50 plus a week.

                    Here is another tip:
                    You may not be able to get off work but heres a secert.
                    Most business owners spend way more than 40 hours a week in there business. Set a time that fits these schedules. Also if you have a vacation or personal day you can set up a few meetings on that day to get started.

                    You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Marrianne.... You ROCK... You are an inspiration... Your success and the success of countless others in this thread and at the motivates me when I start to rest on my laurels...

    Thank you for sharing your successes....

    That is awesome...
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  • Profile picture of the author BingeSite
    very good john. you are right. great post. It is easy to forget how simple business model where you deliver on the needs of other businesses are important. Something good for this generation of marketers to learn. I don't want to hit on any WSO makers and IM gurus, but the fact remains there are millions of small businesses in every country who just want a hassle free site that they can at least put on their business cards.

    great stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author normanm4
    This is still one of the best posts in the forum. No BS, real action (if you take it). Thanks for being generous.
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    • Profile picture of the author jbpatlanta

      I really appreciate the thread. I like the idea and I am definitely going to put this to use.

      Here is my question to you or anyone else. Is it possible to do this 100% over the phone or email?

      I am currently in Korea. I am returning to the US in June. I would like to be able to start this now. It would be nice to get some jobs and experience now instead of waiting until June.

      I appreciate any advice you guys have.


      "DO or DO NOT. There is NO try!" -- Yoda

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  • Profile picture of the author surfingwhale
    John, you are a damn legend, with a multitude of blood sucking gurus selling their soul for $37 bucks, or wait, we we'll throw in some steak knives with this crap that will make you a millionaire before lunch, to hear someone finally tell the truth is sooo refreshing.
    Enough wso's I'm on the phone tomorrow

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author JROC777
    John you Rock and now have a big fan in Canada.

    I've never read a post word for word until today lol, I have been struggling in the online game for a while with affiliate marketing and cpc stuff. I've managed to make around 10k a year at it but have been truly stuck about how to branch out to the next level. I have bought more programs than I care to admit but I appreciate your post a simple put your mind to and just get to it done approach. I think anyone would be motivated after reading it. This year I may finally get out of the red and get some weight off my shoulders. Just giving thanks where thanks is due there are many people just like me I bet feel the same.

    Cheers- Jim
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  • Profile picture of the author FalkonatorsWife
    What I thought I was going to post here:


    What I am actually going to post here:

    I'm so frustrated, I could throw this laptop right across the room and go get a job at McDonald's!!!

    My husband and I have been reading every post on this amazing WarriorForum. We've been trying tons of the suggestions, both online and offline. Every single time, we stay up late discussing, dreaming, making a game plan, getting all excited, putting that game plan into action ... all to no avail.

    We listened to John Durham's "Offline on Crack" and I was absolutely and totally ready to make tons of calls and visit some area businesses! John just has some phenomenal tips and a fabulous way of encouraging you to keep on going.

    The last three days, we've put forth our most concerted effort ever - might have been John Durham's encouragement, might have been the dwindling bank account balance, but we just hit it super hard. I went into this week thinking that we were FOR SURE going to make some money and I was super excited!! Especially after looking at a post done by George Wright that John Durham called our attention to. (sorry - can't post links yet or I would post them here.)

    Monday - Intending to do what George Wright did, I get all dressed up, I curled my hair and I even put on makeup. (As a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of 5 little ones, THAT, folks, is a major accomplishment!!! Falkonator was impressed!) I kiss my babies goodbye and I get in the van to go make some MONEY.

    I called on 15 - 20 businesses in my downtown area and got nowhere. I cried. It's okay - I'm comfortable with my girlie-ness, life goes on.

    Tuesday - Realizing that driving, parking, walking and talking takes way more time, I start the cold calls. One secretary says her boss might be interested. That's it. No tears this time - I must be toughening up.

    Wednesday (today) - More calls. Two more somewhat-promising leads. Bank account is getting lower. During lunch, I researched some nlp-type vocabulary. But, then I only get to talk to *gatekeepers* and leave messages. Grrrrrr - what am I doing wrong?

    I was so fired up and then I get so deflated by the end of the day. I might be getting tougher, but I'm still a girl, people! I used to get really excited listening to my husband read all these success stories to me - now, I feel like they left out some magical piece of information and I find myself rolling my eyes and figuring it'll never really happen.

    How do I get past gatekeepers?
    If the decision-maker really is gone, how do I make an amazing impression on the person who answered the phone?
    Do I leave a message on vmail or call them later?

    HOW DO I MAKE MONEY ... LIKE *YESTERDAY* FAST!!!??!! (not yelling at you, just frustrated at the lack of progress.)
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    • Profile picture of the author Caren
      Thanks to John for this amazing info - I'm really grateful for this advice that is worth more than the many paid IM stuff I've bought over the years!

      Can I just ask how you transfer the website and domain details to a client if they just want me to design and build the website but then want to maintain the site and the hosting for themselves?
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    • Profile picture of the author DOWORKSON
      Originally Posted by FalkonatorsWife View Post

      The last three days, we've put forth our most concerted effort ever

      I called on 15 - 20 businesses

      15-20? What you need to realize is success is an 80/20 sometimes even 5/95 effort.

      How much response did you get? Maybe 1 out of those people said "Hm well that sounds interesting but I don't know.."

      So out of those 20 people you got a person who was 2% interested. How about you contact 100 people?

      You combine 2% interest out of 20 people times 100% more effort.. BAM! You just got a lead or two. Even the tiniest of victories can be scaled up.


      It's about CREATING and OBTAINING the persistence. The vast majority of successful people in life came from a life of heart ache and negative thinking until one day they said "enough is enough" and the mental training began. If you feel as if your back is against the wall, then you are in a glorious position my friend.

      Tuesday - Realizing that driving, parking, walking and talking takes way more time, I start the cold calls. One secretary says her boss might be interested. That's it. No tears this time - I must be toughening up.

      See? Your getting better! Keep at it for a few months and watch yourself become hard as a rock.

      I might be getting tougher, but I'm still a girl, people!

      Your vagina is no excuse, keep at it and you honestly will realize you actually have a GIANT pair of hairy, hairy nuts under there.

      I feel like they left out some magical piece of information and I find myself rolling my eyes and figuring it'll never really happen.

      The secret is... There is no secret.

      1. Know what you want. 2. Dedicate yourself. 3. Get what you want.


      That sounds to me like disparity. You need to realize that you are doing these businesses a HUGE favor. If you go to them wreaking of disparity, they are going to smell it miles a way and it'll be over before you even walk in the door.

      You are offering something LUCRATIVE for them and if you don't see that, you better believe no one else will either.

      Hope that helped out some.
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    • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
      It's a numbers game. Everything is a numbers game. Call 1,000 people relentlessly ( NOT in a BAD way ). Don't be pushy... just be YOU. Then if you fail, then you can cry. But... my guess is that you won't.

      If you do fail, it's still O.K. Pick yourself up and try again. You can't lose FOREVER.

      Originally Posted by FalkonatorsWife View Post

      I called on 15 - 20 businesses in my downtown area and got nowhere. I cried. It's okay - I'm comfortable with my girlie-ness, life goes on.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by FalkonatorsWife View Post

      HOW DO I MAKE MONEY ... LIKE *YESTERDAY* FAST!!!??!! (not yelling at you, just frustrated at the lack of progress.)
      You may want to visit The Telemarketing Forum - Index

      Check out over there any objections you may have come across...

      There are more success stories of people with the "gift of desperation" than you can shake a stick at.....


      If you are need money hella quick.... make your phone calls with the sole intentions of setting an appointment.

      That is your close....

      "Well _____ Why don't I come by and we can talk about it? I have two openings... Which would be better, tomorrow at 10:30am or 1:30pm?

      (Open ended questions... always ask open ended questions... don't give them the opportunity to use the word.... no)

      Once you get three appointments per day... You can run those appointments with love in your heart... and knowing that you "want thier business, but don't NEED their business."

      The secret to selling your services is to care... but not that much.

      If you are indifferent whether they hire you or not.. . they will detect it and become attracted to it... kind of like dating...

      Once you set the appointment... You are golden.... You have planted the seed and they are just wanting you to set thier mind at ease before picking up a check.

      I personally have an over 80% success rate with appointments...

      Starting out don't be offended if you close 2 out of 3.

      Heck... for that matter... don't be offended if you close 1 out of 3.

      Especially if you have 3 per day... It's a numbers game right? Right.

      Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes and more to become everything you have ever dreamed and more than you can ever imagine.

      You are a success just by coming as far as you have....

      DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3545253].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes and more to become everything you have ever dreamed and more than you can ever imagine.

        You are a success just by coming as far as you have....

        DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.
        @Amir , I am going to "steal" this , but want to give credit where credit's
        due, is this your quote ?

        I may just use it in my sig file , I really like it ...

        @JohnDurham or Amir I have been looking for the George Wright post that has been mentioned
        several times, have read almost the whole thread, and think I may have missed it. Any idea
        what page or post number it is ? Thanks for your help , your posts have been incredible...

        Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
        You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
        DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3550064].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by BayAreaSteve View Post

          @Amir , I am going to "steal" this , but want to give credit where credit's
          due, is this your quote ?

          I may just use it in my sig file , I really like it ...

          @JohnDurham or Amir I have been looking for the George Wright post that has been mentioned
          several times, have read almost the whole thread, and think I may have missed it. Any idea
          what page or post number it is ? Thanks for your help , your posts have been incredible...
          I really wouldn't call it a quote...

          But yes... those were my words. The words that came from the inspiration of thefolkanator time of need, or however you spell her name...

          That George Wright Post is in another thread.... I can't remember the name of it... but it is the most valuable thread on this forum....

          Let me dig....
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  • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
    Many thanks for your candid information John!

    If you are new to all this, you would do well to follow the instructions in the original post. It does indeed work. I know first hand.

    If you look at my WF join date, it reads 2004. Well that was the year my account was readjusted due to some problems. I think the was around the time Allen switched over from a flat-file HTML site format to the current forum format. My actual start date was sometime in 1999 (or whenever the Internet Marketing Warrior Forum first launched.)

    One of the biggest problems you will face once you set out to do this is --- YOU!

    If you suffer from IMADD (Internet Marketing Attention Deficit Disorder), it will get a little rough but if you persevere, you will be successful. The most effective weapon you can bring to bear against IMADD is FOCUS.

    Drop EVERYTHING else and FOCUS on following the advice John provided, and in two years you will have created the foundation of a solid business. Either you will conduct a legitimate business or you will dabble.

    Dabbling will usually get you caught up in an IM failure loop. It's hard to succeed at something if you never follow through. Hopping from one opportunity to the next reinforces a "failure mentality".

    Make a plan, FOCUS on your first goal and get BUSY!

    Thanks again John for not participating in the confusion.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3543946].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Warren
    I like this post. I tried cold calling with no success, maybe will do it again.

    Easy and fast, effective muscle gain, weight loss, and getting a 6 pack

    No Nonsense Muscle Building

    Patrick Warren offline SEO in Los Angeles

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Patrick Warren View Post

      I like this post. I tried cold calling with no success, maybe will do it again.
      Patrick, there is no "trying" with cold calling, only doing. It is a numbers game at the end of the day, and at an average 1-2% closing rate, you'd have to call at least several hundred people before you can actually figure out whether you're doing well at this or not - and it seems to me that many people give up before they've even called 50 businesses.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author kianhowe
    WOW, awesome post! I think the reason you have been so successful is because you are a highly motivated and passionate person. I can see that all over your post! Congratulations on your success. We have much to learn from you John
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Originally Posted by FalkonatorsWife View Post

    What I thought I was going to post here:


    What I am actually going to post here:

    COOOOOOOOOOOL! Congrats in taking action!

    Frustration just means you are on par for the breakthrough.

    How many great things in life have we learned to do almost mindlessly that started out the first couple of tries with hair pulling frustration?

    Lets look at this?

    First couple of G chords I ever strummed on a guitar were so awkward… In the end though , now I play hundreds of chords mindlessly and it has been one of the most rewarding things in my life.

    You may be able to think of things in your own life that are similar… falling off a bike and crying and getting back up… Look “NOW YOU DRIVE A CAR ON A FREEWAY AT 70 MPH WITH SEMI TRUCKS ALL AROUND YOU… like its not even a big deal.

    Another personal example:

    I watched my grandson bust his mouth wide open on the coffee table at least a couple of times before he learned to stand on his own, now he’s more coordinated than I am.

    “Flying” is something he’s not capable of, so I wouldn’t encourage him to jump off the roof for practice, but “walking” is something I felt confident he was capable of learning, and I was proud to see him stand back up to that coffee table again.

    What happens next?? His knees buckle and he falls again!

    So again, bloody lip, shaking it off... he got back up like we all have to if we want to walk bad enough .... there wasnt gonna be any walking in the future without getting past that damn coffee table and beating it!

    Again, I wasnt "worried" because walking and standing on two feet is something humans are well equipped for, so I knew when I saw him fall that WALKING was just around the bend… thing is, he was so determined that he saw it even more clearly than I did. He saw himself walking until he did.

    So what is my point here?

    Since our birth frustration and losing a “battle” here and there has preceded our greatest breakthroughs as a rule, and losses are a part of winning wars.

    Flying is something we arent equipped to do… but making MONEY? Making a sale is something we CAN do…

    So if you fall down and cry a couple of times… doesn’t mean you arent gonna be “walking” in a week. Doesnt mean you failed?

    When Vincent (Grandson) was laying on the ground under the coffee table with blood all over his mouth CRYING, it didnt mean he had failed at walking at all... it meant he was in the process of getting ready to be running around EVERYWHERE!

    If only we could apply the same understanding to ourselves as adults what would we achieve?

    Why am I telling you this... wife of the Faulkonator?

    If you are frustrated while you are learning, it doesn’t mean you arent learning… you are still “assimilating”, and putting the pieces together.

    I really felt you and your husbands excitement about changing your circumstances here in this post. I cant tell you the times when I was like him… sitting up in bed at night having my mind TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY over all this AMAZING STUFF that I was reading at the warrior forum, and trying to share with my wife and get her excited with me about the possibilities.

    So where's the advice?

    Here’s what I see:

    If you two told me you were headed from Oklahoma to Nashville, and you called me on the phone from a rest stop and said “we just passed a big building that had a neon sign that said ‘Birthplace of Rock n Roll’ … but Im still not seeing Nashville anywhere… re you sure we are taking the right path?

    Id say

    “Yup! You are almost there. You just went through Memphis… keep going straight and as sure as Im talking to you, you will be in Nashville in 3 hours. Millions of people have passed that same sign on the same path …I have driven it myself. You are no doubt on the right path".

    Now if you told me you saw “Birthplace of Rock n Roll” on someone’s bumper sticker instead of a big building on i40, then that would be another thing, but being that you are on I40 and you saw it in big neon letters on the side of a building… then I know you are on the right path for certain.

    About frustration:

    If you told me that you were that frustrated and hadn’t taken action yet, that would be like the bumpersticker. I couldn’t say for sure you were on the right path.

    However if you are telling me, you and your husband are both behind the idea and supportive, and that you have enough nerve to get five kids started in the morning and head out on your own on an adventure and actually go knock on business peoples doors, with a supervisor or field trainer, with nothing but an idea and determination… and if you can see that “if George Wright can do it I can too”, and you actually went so far as to set out to prove it with action, and if you failed, and came back and got on the phone to make cold calls, and were disapointed yet again with the results yet came back to the warrior forum for support to get your motivation up for tomorrow…. Then I can with full confidence say, “frustration” for YOU TWO is like the big neon sign in Memphis that lets you know you are on your way to Nashville, and I can confidently tell you that like walking, and unlike flying, this is something you are equipped to do.

    The mere boldness it took you to go out there like that, without a field trainer or supervisor… that same boldness is WAY MORE THAN enough to get you where you need to go.

    THEN, the mere fact that after struggling and feeling like you failed, you came back here to get pumped up. That says, you have already made your mind up that you are gonna beat this! It’s a done deal. You are getting siked up to go back in the ring and kick some ass and take names.

    So yeah, this type of frustration tells me that you are on par for a breakthrough, and if you need support at TMF as Amir advised we will send you back to this thread with a success report in hand within days if you keep your faith and obvious strong headed nature, and you both keep supporting and believing in the idea long enough to get through just a little more massive action…

    I promise you will be reporting success on this very thread within a week.

    You’ve already demonstrated the primary quality it takes, and that is the ability to motivate yourself and go look your fears in the eye for the sake of bettering your circumstances.

    What a great story… I know frustration isn’t great, but some of us who have been down your path know that road sign well… some turn around, or take a detour, but we’re telling you “Keep going Straight” you are on the path to success.

    YOU ARE ON IT!!!!!!

    Cool huh?

    I see it now, just a few posts down from this very one, where you are gonna be typing saying “WOOOOHOOOOOO I did it”!!!!

    Hope this helps. If not there is no lack of help here, you are literally swimming in every answer here. Things will look more clear from the next plateau , for now you want to get in that ring and just knock this sucker out, because its standing in between you and planning out a great business… you have to get to the other side of the opponent… the opponent is doubt.

    Keep lookin doubt eye to eye…. And don’t back off, don’t and let it catch its breath… just keep coming straight forward punching with that same punch.

    You might not feel like its even a very good punch, just keep coming with it. The ice will break, the opponent will fall, and you will know from now on that lack is never gonna mess with you again and start making a full on plan of attack.

    Here's what Og says:

    “When a strong man goes to chop down a mighty oak with an ax, the first blow may not even cause a mere tremor in the wood… but with enough REPEATED blows… eventually even the swings of a small child could bring the mighty oak tumbling”.

    Keep doing what you are doing, don’t back off, stay on top of it like glue… you can absolutely witness your tree come down this week. As far as getting a sale TODAY?

    Yeah, you could do that. Increase the intensity and dial about 300 numbers… actually just tell yourself "Im not getting up til its done. Im not here to try it, Im here to make it happen"!

    After the first one it will start coming more naturally…

    Initially fighting doubt is the hardest part of the work, but that’s silly because you see people do it everyday….

    Nothin but a thang!

    You arent doing anything wrong. You just haven’t made it to Nashville yet, you are right on course.
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    • Profile picture of the author FalkonatorsWife
      I am simply blown away and wishing I could do more than say 'thank you'.

      Thank you so much John and Amir for taking so much time and energy to help me get back out there and do it again another day! Both my husband and I are so grateful and were so encouraged by your posts. I am amazed that you would take such time and effort for perfect strangers.

      I've signed up for the TMF but have only browsed a bit. I totally want to become a lifetime member once we make a few sales - which is sort of a bummer because I think the benefits of membership would really help me right now!

      More than anything else, you've breathed new life back into our calling campaign!! THANK YOU!!!!! Reading the post from John was like getting my morning coffee!

      Now, could you just get my 5 month old to sleep through the night?

      I'll post back after my first sale - maybe today!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      COOOOOOOOOOOL! Congrats in taking action!

      I promise you will be reporting success on this very thread within a week.

      You've already demonstrated the primary quality it takes, and that is the ability to motivate yourself and go look your fears in the eye for the sake of bettering your circumstances.

      What a great story... I know frustration isn't great, but some of us who have been down your path know that road sign well... some turn around, or take a detour, but we're telling you "Keep going Straight" you are on the path to success.

      YOU ARE ON IT!!!!!!

      Cool huh?

      I see it now, just a few posts down from this very one, where you are gonna be typing saying "WOOOOHOOOOOO I did it"!!!!
      I hacked it up... But this is John's Prophecy Post...

      The law of attraction... shear determination... and ACTION at work!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    We learned it all here freely just like you are now! I figured you might need a pep talk when you got started today! However it goes keep up with us and we will keep talking you through it till you post that first WOOOO! HOOOOO!

    You are the powerhouse, we are just fascinated by standers cheering you on, because its exciting to see someone get their first win... after that you are empowered for life because you'll know you can do it again!

    Just keep bein a powerhouse and keep going straight, you're almost to music city!
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      We learned it all here freely just like you are now! I figured you might need a pep talk when you got started today! However it goes keep up with us and we will keep talking you through it till you post that first WOOOO! HOOOOO!

      You are the powerhouse, we are just fascinated by standers cheering you on, because its exciting to see someone get their first win... after that you are empowered for life because you'll know you can do it again!

      Just keep bein a powerhouse and keep going straight, you're almost to music city!

      I don't know about John... But I am "just a dude"...

      A dude that got desperate... and TOOK ACTION.

      And no matter what... Did not give up....

      Now you have the power to be that next success story. You may just be a "dude-ette" But... Your success will change the lives of those around you.

      Here on this forum, your home, your family, your friends....

      I can't wait to hear your success story!~!
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      oops... double posted on accident...
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      • Profile picture of the author FalkonatorsWife
        guess what I get to post?!?!?!?!


        wish i could make it 3 feet tall with loud screaming audio!!!!!!

        thanks to all the encouragement, the learning here on the forum, and, of course, my team here at home WE MADE OUR FIRST SALE!!!!!

        I totally quoted them the wrong price - $100 LOWER than what my husband and I had agreed on - but he (my husband) still loves me and there lots of room for upsells! I didn't even see the sale coming - it was right out of nowhere!!

        He (the customer) was actually trying to close me down saying that he didn't need my services. He tried to get off the phone by saying that he wanted to just do a simple facebook page!


        I told him we just got done learning how to implement the new custom facebook pages. He immediately said, okay let's do that.

        huge pause

        I'm thinking, "let's do that as in I got the sale? or some other kind of let's do that???" WHen he started asking how much I charge, it became clear that I had actually made a sale!! That's when I quoted the wrong price.

        Going there next Tuesday to bring him the finished product and see how kind of upsells he's be interested in!

        THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!
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        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by FalkonatorsWife View Post

          guess what I get to post?!?!?!?!


          wish i could make it 3 feet tall with loud screaming audio!!!!!!

          thanks to all the encouragement, the learning here on the forum, and, of course, my team here at home WE MADE OUR FIRST SALE!!!!!

          I totally quoted them the wrong price - $100 LOWER than what my husband and I had agreed on - but he (my husband) still loves me and there lots of room for upsells! I didn't even see the sale coming - it was right out of nowhere!!

          He (the customer) was actually trying to close me down saying that he didn't need my services. He tried to get off the phone by saying that he wanted to just do a simple facebook page!


          I told him we just got done learning how to implement the new custom facebook pages. He immediately said, okay let's do that.

          huge pause

          I'm thinking, "let's do that as in I got the sale? or some other kind of let's do that???" WHen he started asking how much I charge, it became clear that I had actually made a sale!! That's when I quoted the wrong price.

          Going there next Tuesday to bring him the finished product and see how kind of upsells he's be interested in!

          THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!

          Another success story made!

          You are awesome! A true inspiration!

          Now... While you are totally pumped... Go get another one!!!
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        • Profile picture of the author grin
          Congratulations! I know that feeling of exhilaration and a much deserved woohoo that comes along with it. You must have put a lot of work in getting that sale, so congrats and here's to many more. I love to hear others getting excited like that because it makes me want to go out and try new things as well.
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        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          Originally Posted by FalkonatorsWife View Post

          guess what I get to post?!?!?!?!


          wish i could make it 3 feet tall with loud screaming audio!!!!!!

          thanks to all the encouragement, the learning here on the forum, and, of course, my team here at home WE MADE OUR FIRST SALE!!!!!

          I totally quoted them the wrong price - $100 LOWER than what my husband and I had agreed on - but he (my husband) still loves me and there lots of room for upsells! I didn't even see the sale coming - it was right out of nowhere!!

          He (the customer) was actually trying to close me down saying that he didn't need my services. He tried to get off the phone by saying that he wanted to just do a simple facebook page!


          I told him we just got done learning how to implement the new custom facebook pages. He immediately said, okay let's do that.

          huge pause

          I'm thinking, "let's do that as in I got the sale? or some other kind of let's do that???" WHen he started asking how much I charge, it became clear that I had actually made a sale!! That's when I quoted the wrong price.

          Going there next Tuesday to bring him the finished product and see how kind of upsells he's be interested in!

          THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!

          WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Rollin with the homies like a big DAWG after only a few days huh?!!!!!!

          "Houston, we have a potential OPG here"!!!!!

          Well done to the "Faulk-meisters"!!!!! Word to your mother!
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          • Profile picture of the author DOWORKSON
            Awesome! So happy for you FalkonatorsWife!

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  • Profile picture of the author esskay85
    As a complete newbie to IM and the WF. I would like to say this is the most fantastic article and advise that I have seen yet, as you may have noticed this is also my very 1st post, I have spent the last few days going through all and sundry posted through out the forums and I have to say this is the only one that has given me the energy and self belief that "YES" I can do this.
    I don't even live in a first world country but I feel I can make this work from where ever I am, thankyou for the wonderful advise and hopefully I will be able to report back with some positive news and who knows maybe even some extra advise as well!!!
    Regards Sarah
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  • Profile picture of the author jteatom
    Just a quick question John, how do you find the businesses? Do you look in the yellow pages, just drive around or what? Most people advertise ON the web meaning they have a site already. I live in a rural town in Indiana not too far from Chicago. What is your idea of the best approach for me. This was a great read by the way, and I am a newbie just starting out and I must motivated me and all the others replying to this post. You guys are great. Much thanks,
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by jteatom View Post

      Most people advertise ON the web meaning they have a site already.... Much thanks, Jim

      I respectfully disagree...

      A year ago... more than 40% of ALL businesses did not have a website....

      Your perception is that they ALL do... but in this case... perception is not reality.

      You can use manta... You can use yellowpages... then manta to get the owners names.... or you can sign up for the Gold Membership at and have access to over 18,000,000 leads.

      Whatever you decide to do is up to you....

      There are list brokers out there... Just google it....
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  • Profile picture of the author Molad
    Wao congratulations, that was fast!. You moved from frustration to woooohooo in 24 hours!.

    I asked this on another thread, but I'll ask again here for any suggestion.

    I currently work 8-5... Can anyone advice how I can work around my schedule to get this business going? I can't quit my job; not yet... it pays really well but I'm tired of the corporate wagon and I'm desperate for my own business. I work on any suggestion other than quitting.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3550155].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Molad View Post

      Wao congratulations, that was fast!. You moved from frustration to woooohooo in 24 hours!.

      I asked this on another thread, but I'll ask again here for any suggestion.

      I currently work 8-5... Can anyone advice how I can work around my schedule to get this business going? I can't quit my job; not yet... it pays really well but I'm tired of the corporate wagon and I'm desperate for my own business. I work on any suggestion other than quitting.
      You could always outsource the process...

      If you are going to outsource... you may wanna pick up this wso....
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  • Profile picture of the author bd692000

    Hi, I just wanted to say Thank You for this. It was literally sitting right in front of me all that time and it never hit me until I read this Thread. I am new here and I believe this is my first post on this site. (The first of many) I am what you guys call a 'Newby' and I am disabled and I have a fixed income from my disability. I have a couple of quick questions to ask you regarding this sell a website thing. #. When I first create my account with Homestead there is a drop down box asking me what kind of website I will be building. Business,Non-Profit,Personal,Teen or Other Which of these would I choose? If I choose Business then I would actually have to own a business right? I am asking this because I do not want it to interfere with my disability until I have gotten some sales and experience doing this. I can lose my disability if I make so to much in a year and I am scared that I will start this and then do well and then lose the disability and then bomb on my business. To be quite frank with you it scares the $hit out of me. I have a Wife and 2 children that live with me full time and that's what scares me the most. I have there well being to worry about plus mine. I have been studying how to make money from home courses and the like for about 5 years now and I have learned a lot. Last year I found this site called MyAffiliateCashSystem by David Michael and I have to tell you guys I learned much later that this site is actually a huge scam but the reason I am telling you guys about this is because it was the first and last money I have ever made online. I really didn't think I was going to get my money out of it though, Thank God it was Christmas time when I emailed him saying please I need that money for my family to have a Christmas. But anyhow Thanks and sorry for the long post hehe You can bet there will be a lot more though. Buying my membership as soon as I get paid.
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  • Profile picture of the author nigerianguy
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  • Profile picture of the author nigerianguy
    GREAT. love it.
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  • Profile picture of the author fais182
    Thank's for this thread. Give me another prespective as a newbie..
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  • Profile picture of the author BigMoneyPTC
    John - Newbies? Heck it's a great post for everyone, and on a whole lot of levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    I like how everything 'seems' so easy...until you try it and it doesnt work
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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    • Profile picture of the author rackman63
      Thanks John for all the Info remember people knowledge is King.....

      phillip in san diego

      Electrician San Diego - Electricians San Diego - San Diego Electrician
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      • Profile picture of the author Master099
        Hey John I'm loving your thread regarding offline selling of websites, I'm really greatful for it. I am pretty much just missing one piece to the puzzle. It's about covering my ass. What do you do to have some form of proof that a deal was made between you and a customer over the phone so we don't run into some sort of trouble?
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  • Profile picture of the author Agron
    I have to say....GREAT IDEA.............

    What else...??? I own a construction company building homes and offices and was time to close the offices so I'm about to get out of my door when a phone call hits the receptionists table...

    I walk over and there it was...exactly were you were saying... This guy called me, to make my construction company a website, that he said would DEFINITELY be on the first page of google...(I'm no idiot when it comes to online businesses) and he said he'll make me a site, where people can see my construction company, and it'll be on the first page of google...

    So I said ... "yea what keywords?" ..."ow ummm... Lincoln Park, Construction Companies" he just made something up according to the town the office is located in...

    Well I stayed on the phone...

    Here is a way to improve how you can make money online....

    TAKE EVERYTHING John just said and add in a "100 USD" fee to get them on the first page of google.... (how do you do this?...give the guy a keyword he is bound to use...

    my offices location is Lincoln Park... so say to your customer "when you type in Lincoln Park, (State) USA" on're site is going to be right there for everyone to view....

    I KNOW FOR A FACT.... google adwords charges about 21 cents per click...for that keyword....(unless it changed)'ll probably keep getting 100$ a month extra for getting the site on the first page AND.....not even have to waste more than 1/2 of it through clicks for the month..meaning an extra 50$ profit..

    Good idea right?... John NICE IDEA...can't believe you brought this up...especially since I had someone offer this service to me...add in that adwords trick and you'll be bound to make extra money.


    When people say they want to make 10k a year online... I feel sorry. There are soo many people in the world that MAKE NO MORE THAN 0 CENTS in their entire lifetime of "trying to make money" online...

    DON'T TRY!! Just listen to what people are doing....create yourself a LAZY plan...and follow it...

    THERE IS NO REASON a person with html/php knowledge and speaks english can't make a min 50k a year PROFIT.

    STOP finding ways to make money...INSTEAD MAKE IT.

    Good luck!
    SMS Service Provider!

    My Most Profitable Business
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony K
    Thanks so much bud, Im going to implement this because I have nothing to loose!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    I have typically used Wordpress but there isn't anything wrong with Homestead. whichever route you choose, you can have success. With Wordpress, you can find tons of free themes or get premium ones from places like Woothemes. I personally have begun to use them and really love their variety of themes.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Mike McAleer View Post

      I have typically used Wordpress but there isn't anything wrong with Homestead. whichever route you choose, you can have success. With Wordpress, you can find tons of free themes or get premium ones from places like Woothemes. I personally have begun to use them and really love their variety of themes.
      This is true... My favorite is the Elegant Themes package.... I don't have any experience with WOO themes... but any theme company is going to give you extremely solid support...

      Don't worry if you can't do the work yourself... You can always use someone from the warrior for hire section to do you sites for you... Or you can jump on Odesk and get a designer....

      Whatever works for you...

      Think about it... you sell a site... $299 down and $30 per month hosting... There is a warrior that will do professional theme setup for you $77....

      Have your content written $5 per article...

      So you spend $100 to have the site made and pocket $200....
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        This is true... My favorite is the Elegant Themes package.... I don't have any experience with WOO themes... but any theme company is going to give you extremely solid support...

        Don't worry if you can't do the work yourself... You can always use someone from the warrior for hire section to do you sites for you... Or you can jump on Odesk and get a designer....

        Whatever works for you...

        Think about it... you sell a site... $299 down and $30 per month hosting... There is a warrior that will do professional theme setup for you $77....

        Have your content written $5 per article...

        So you spend $100 to have the site made and pocket $200....
        You sure could do this if you want to save time. Otherwise, there are other options such as building the site yourself! I find it fun to build the sites.

        Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
        Invest in domains without the hard work !
        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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        • Profile picture of the author Just Jarius
          I LOVE this idea!! I signed up for Homestead so I could get my own site up ASAP, instead of having to wait 72 hours, and now I'm thinking about using it for this idea as well. But I have two questions:

          1. Do you have to host the client's sites on your account or can they be transferred to another hosting company?

          2. What happens if you decide to cancel your Homestead account, do you lose all of your sites? And if you don't lose them, how would you update them without Homestead?

          Ok, I guess that was really 3 questions
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          • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
            Originally Posted by Just Jarius View Post

            I LOVE this idea!! I signed up for Homestead so I could get my own site up ASAP, instead of having to wait 72 hours, and now I'm thinking about using it for this idea as well. But I have two questions:

            1. Do you have to host the client's sites on your account or can they be transferred to another hosting company?
            Both.... Really... you could clean up if you just used an affiliate link to hostgator... So if you get someone that balks at your hosting price... You just give them the link to hostgator... Then change the DNS Nameservers to their account. ( Look something linke "" and thier is usually two of them.)

            Homestead has a reseller account... so you can just host it for them with that and charge them $30 per month... or be like yellowbook and charge them $79 per month hosting for a 5 page site...

            2. What happens if you decide to cancel your Homestead account, do you lose all of your sites?
            Yes... It will say "Site Unavailable" or something to that effect... I used them for a couple of years and my credit card expired, The site was down... and people called asking why... REALLY embarrasing.

            If you decide you want to change hosting providers, just change the nameservers to your new hosting account before cancelling.

            And if you don't lose them, how would you update them without Homestead?
            Really.... You could run into an issue here. That is why I use Word Press themes to build sites... That and there are SOOO many options. They are really easy to build and you have support with most themes. You can get a license from elegant themes for $39 or something like that... and they have a support forum if you run into trouble.

            Ok, I guess that was really 3 questions
            That's OK... Keep them coming.... If you need anything, let us know...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3624247].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Just Jarius
              Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

              Both.... Really... you could clean up if you just used an affiliate link to hostgator... So if you get someone that balks at your hosting price... You just give them the link to hostgator... Then change the DNS Nameservers to their account. ( Look something linke "" and thier is usually two of them.)

              Homestead has a reseller account... so you can just host it for them with that and charge them $30 per month... or be like yellowbook and charge them $79 per month hosting for a 5 page site...

              Yes... It will say "Site Unavailable" or something to that effect... I used them for a couple of years and my credit card expired, The site was down... and people called asking why... REALLY embarrasing.

              If you decide you want to change hosting providers, just change the nameservers to your new hosting account before cancelling.

              Really.... You could run into an issue here. That is why I use Word Press themes to build sites... That and there are SOOO many options. They are really easy to build and you have support with most themes. You can get a license from elegant themes for $39 or something like that... and they have a support forum if you run into trouble.

              That's OK... Keep them coming.... If you need anything, let us know...
              Thanks Amir!! I really want to use Word Press but I don't have the know-how right now. I think I might start out with Homestead to get the ball rolling and then switch over to Word Press. I guess I'll just have to keep the Homestead account for those sites forever? lol
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      • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Think about it... you sell a site... $299 down and $30 per month hosting... There is a warrior that will do professional theme setup for you $77....

        Have your content written $5 per article...

        So you spend $100 to have the site made and pocket $200....
        Who is the warrior that will do a professional theme for $77?
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        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by Jeremy S View Post

          Amir, who do you outsource calls to?
          There are mixed emotions on this one.... I read a report recently that totally changed my mind on outsourcing calls to the Phillipines... His report shows you how to bypass the scammers and only get quality people....

          (not an affiliate link)

          Originally Posted by anthonyjames View Post

          Who is the warrior that will do a professional theme for $77?
          View Profile: imkevintan

          Couldn't find the post.... but here is his profile.... I didn't want to waste too much time searching... I am kinda busy.....

          Originally Posted by anthonyjames View Post

          Sorry, copied the wrong info....

          What I meant to say was:

          Amir, I have a website that is ranking 1 & 2 for keyword out of 8.6 million. How much do I rent space on it for?


          p.s. pm me and I will give you the web site.

          I really do not have any experience monetizing sites that are already ranking. What you charge is really going to have to be up to you....

          Visit and see how much they charge for the same niche and or traffic count... that would give you a good idea.... honestly I think $30 per month for an ad is typical. But I don't really know.... I specialize in getting clients to page one.... I really do not focus on media buys.
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          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            There are mixed emotions on this one.... I read a report recently that totally changed my mind on outsourcing calls to the Phillipines... His report shows you how to bypass the scammers and only get quality people....


            (not an affiliate link)

            Louie, I have also started to change my opinion about outsourcing calls, as I recently talked on the phone to a Filipino who has several years of experience calling American businesses, and I feel that she has a good enough grasp of things to be able to pull this off pretty well. According to her, there are many Filipinos out there who have this level of phone experience, so it'd just be a matter of interviewing and finding the right workers who'd be able to make these calls for you.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author bongski14
    thank you for the wonderful info mr John
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    Amir, who do you outsource calls to?
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  • Profile picture of the author JTzor
    John Durham Does it Again:

    A True Warrior

    One of My Heroes

    "Start a Fire"

    You my friend Started a Raging Inferno

    God Bless

    - JT
    "The Path to success is not a straight line but a jagged, broken road which we must piece together & make our own."

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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
    On Outsourcing - When to do it

    This was going to be part of a WSO, but, in the spirit of the thread, I'll share it here. It's my "outsourcing guide", very brief, but food for thought.

    BTW: "suspect" means "pre-prostpect", or a cold contact.

    Level 0
    You make "X". We will call this $5,000 for this example.
    "X" is the amount of money it costs you each month to run your business PLUS what you keep for your income. If you want to keep $5000 per month, this number is $5000 PLUS the cost of hosting, Aweber, etc.
    In the bank: $0 (your business account, not personal account)
    Outsource: Nothing
    Level 1
    You make X+10% ($5,500)
    In the Bank: 3X (Since X=$5,000 this number is $15,000, or three months operating capital).
    Outsource: Social Bookmarking
    Level 2
    You Make X+20% ($6,000)
    In the Bank: 6X ($30,000)
    Outsource: Article Writing and Submission +Level 1 outsourcing
    Level 3
    You Make X+40% ($7,000)
    In the Bank: 9X ($45,000)
    Outsource: E-mailing and sending postcards/cold calls to suspects +Level 1 and 2 outsourcing
    Level 4
    You Make X+60% ($8000)
    In the Bank: 12X ($60,000)
    Outsource: Get an assistant for incoming calls or a "Field Tech" for canvassing suspect businesses, plus level 1, 2 and 3 outsourcing
    It may take a few years to get to "Level 4", or only 12 months. Who can say? Only you determine the level of your success...

    Of course, these are just guidelines, and your numbers may be radically different. I am merely suggesting this as a "rule of thumb" so you can have the life you want and a business that pays for it. When you think about outsourcing more than just Fiverr jobs, you should seek competent financial advice from an accounting professional. I am not a competent accounting professional.

    I hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
    have to say....GREAT IDEA.............

    What else...??? I own a construction company building homes and offices and was time to close the offices so I'm about to get out of my door when a phone call hits the receptionists table...

    I walk over and there it was...exactly were you were saying... This guy called me, to make my construction company a website, that he said would DEFINITELY be on the first page of google...(I'm no idiot when it comes to online businesses) and he said he'll make me a site, where people can see my construction company, and it'll be on the first page of google...

    So I said ... "yea what keywords?" ..."ow ummm... Lincoln Park, Construction Companies" he just made something up according to the town the office is located in...

    Well I stayed on the phone...

    Here is a way to improve how you can make money online....

    TAKE EVERYTHING John just said and add in a "100 USD" fee to get them on the first page of google.... (how do you do this?...give the guy a keyword he is bound to use...

    my offices location is Lincoln Park... so say to your customer "when you type in Lincoln Park, (State) USA" on're site is going to be right there for everyone to view....

    I KNOW FOR A FACT.... google adwords charges about 21 cents per click...for that keyword....(unless it changed)'ll probably keep getting 100$ a month extra for getting the site on the first page AND.....not even have to waste more than 1/2 of it through clicks for the month..meaning an extra 50$ profit..

    Good idea right?... John NICE IDEA...can't believe you brought this up...especially since I had someone offer this service to me...add in that adwords trick and you'll be bound to make extra money.


    When people say they want to make 10k a year online... I feel sorry. There are soo many people in the world that MAKE NO MORE THAN 0 CENTS in their entire lifetime of "trying to make money" online...

    DON'T TRY!! Just listen to what people are doing....create yourself a LAZY plan...and follow it...

    THERE IS NO REASON a person with html/php knowledge and speaks english can't make a min 50k a year PROFIT.

    STOP finding ways to make money...INSTEAD MAKE IT.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
    Sorry, copied the wrong info....

    What I meant to say was:

    Amir, I have a website that is ranking 1 & 2 for keyword out of 8.6 million. How much do I rent space on it for?


    p.s. pm me and I will give you the web site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carlsbadd
    I am pretty good at word press and can crank out a website pretty fast or outsource it.

    I tried homestead for 30 days on a trail basis but found the themes and interface rather clunky and outdated. I will admit I am a little biased since I am so used to wordpress.

    What I have done is to have a sample domain with a bunch of different themes loaded and when I get a prospect I refer them to that site with a template already loaded and a welcome message.

    I am meeting with a antique store owner tomorrow to pick up my check and finish her website, which will take about 2 hours, once the business owner see's a nice looking site they rarely say "no thanks I am not interested"

    Here is the sample site: -

    This is a great system John has shared with us
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    care to share where you found these outsourced workers? All the ones I've worked with did not adapt well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    It really depends on what you are outsourcing for....

    I have been outsourcing phone call lead generation with some success...

    Also you can outsource ALL you technical stuff right here on the forum.


    You can get them through craigslist and or Odesk... things like that. Really. Odesk is like the Alphabet City of Outsourcing. (NYC Reference) So you really have to be careful. Actually not so much careful as you have to be communicative.

    Never... and I mean NEVER assume they know what you mean. Have them repeat it back to you until they say exactly what it is what you want. I speak to all contractors... via phone, skype, or webcam.

    Really... there have been all sorts of WSO's lately about outsourcing... If you PM me I can tell you which one I have found to be the best. I have reviewed quite a few....

    Generally though... I can tell you... if your outsourcing doesn't work out. It is your fault.

    Once I started accepting responsibility in my actions. Realizing that I was not communicating effectively my wants and or needs... to the letter.... then I started seeing success with outsourcing in a major way.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    Just curious if anyone recommends some of the other easy sitebuilders out there?

    Or is homestead it?

    I should probably just learn how to use wordpress, eh?
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  • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
    Thanks Amir for your comments.

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  • Profile picture of the author cyoung75
    hi guys

    This is truly an awesome thread and I just want to quickly check something.

    In the UK, can anyone give me a rough guideline for competitive pricing for creating a small website and what people pay for hosting?

    Can I use homestead only for the templates? I already have a place where I get domain names and hosting. Also if I stopped paying homestead would I lose all my templates?

    I am considering asking some of my friends who are self employed across a few professions to see if I can throw them a free website and just ask for some help with hosting costs. Once I have a portfolio as such I will start to push the prices up.

    Also, do you guys create a home page for yourself explaining what you offer as a web developer?
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Jeremy S View Post

      Just curious if anyone recommends some of the other easy sitebuilders out there?

      Or is homestead it?

      I should probably just learn how to use wordpress, eh?
      You totally can.... as with anything on this forum. I usually take the information that I find here... then put my own twist. I use the information that I get in WSO's as a guide not gold.

      Really... you have to do what works for you.

      The idea of using Homestead was so that people who have no web design or technical skills can still make money... TODAY.

      Fact is... Wordpress is pretty much the same... If you are hosting with CPANEL like Hostgator that includes Fantastico, you can install WP with just a couple of clicks.

      Then install a theme and edit from there....

      Same principle... I prefer WP over the HTML Homestead templates because of the light coding and ease of OnPage Optimization with plug ins like AllinOne SEO and XML sitemap.

      Just sayin....

      Originally Posted by cyoung75 View Post

      hi guys

      This is truly an awesome thread and I just want to quickly check something.

      In the UK, can anyone give me a rough guideline for competitive pricing for creating a small website and what people pay for hosting?

      Can I use homestead only for the templates? I already have a place where I get domain names and hosting. Also if I stopped paying homestead would I lose all my templates?

      I am considering asking some of my friends who are self employed across a few professions to see if I can throw them a free website and just ask for some help with hosting costs. Once I have a portfolio as such I will start to push the prices up.

      Also, do you guys create a home page for yourself explaining what you offer as a web developer?
      Have no clue about pricing in the UK... sorry bro... I only share my experience. I have no experience there... so what I may say would be 100% conjecture. Which will not help you or me.

      You stop paying homestead... yes.... you lose the templates and they pulll your sites down.

      I am considering asking some of my friends who are self employed across a few professions to see if I can throw them a free website and just ask for some help with hosting costs. Once I have a portfolio as such I will start to push the prices up.
      EXCELLENT IDEA... Not only do you get a portfolio. But a Site Unseen... Is no site at all... So you will have effectively positioned yourself as their "WebGuy". Then you can sell them SEO, Google Places Optimization, Video Marketing, or whatever else you want to offer....

      As far as the web page offering my services.... OF COURSE!

      I am positioned page one for several local keywords... That way... when I sell someone a complete package... Site, SEO, GPO, and Video....

      I can show them how my site is on page one for all of these.
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      • Profile picture of the author cyoung75
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        You stop paying homestead... yes.... you lose the templates and they pulll your sites down.
        As a matter of interest, how does Homestead pull down your site if you are hosting it? Is it a license thing?

        I am comfortable with setting up WP themes but I like the look of the templates at Homestead. If I am setting up a site for a business I want to stay away from blog style entries.

        Does anyone know of any WP themes that look like Homestead templates (preferably free ones to start with) that I can use?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3652691].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by cyoung75 View Post

          As a matter of interest, how does Homestead pull down your site if you are hosting it? Is it a license thing?

          I am comfortable with setting up WP themes but I like the look of the templates at Homestead. If I am setting up a site for a business I want to stay away from blog style entries.

          Does anyone know of any WP themes that look like Homestead templates (preferably free ones to start with) that I can use?
          What you are paying for at homestead is the Hosting....

          So you quit paying your hosting and then it gets pulled....

          I am not sure about moving host providers with thier templates... I am sure it can be done.... but... The Site Builder is located in the Homestead Dashboard. So if your client calls to make changes.... you are SOL.

          As far as I know... I could be totally wrong... it has been some time since I used them... LIKE YEARS... so maybe things have changed....
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          • Profile picture of the author Zach Crawford
            Noobies this thread is gold. I'm another of John's success stories. I started out scared to cold call and take the chance. I bought a couple of John's wso's and kept reading all of his threads he posts in. I read and then went out and applied his methods with success.

            Keep in mind I started with offline maybe 3 months ago, and I'm on track to make a six figure income this year, and quit my job I hate. I just closed a website for $2k last week and now the guy is introducing me to all of his friends with businesses.

            Don't make excuses just pick up the phone and call. I work 60 hours a week at my slave job. I use breaks, and days off to call. I work on the sites at home. I sleep very little, but it's so worth it.

            How I started was picking 10 niche businesses and calling them all up introducing myself as a new web designer and wanting to establish my business. I offered them a free 5 page site, and charge $50 for hosting and maintenance. Now I had 10 sites to reference my work in their niches. From there I started upping my prices more and more. When I was handed the check for $2k that's when reality set in that I have a real business model I can scale to the moon.

            Anyone and I mean anyone is capable of doing this. I use wordpress and was very intimidated at first. I took one week and spent every spare hour I have reading tutorials on how to use wordpress, and now I can crank out even a 30 page site rather quickly.

            Hope this inspires some of you to get out there and get to work. If you want to see how bad I sucked at this when I started do a search for threads I started. I didn't even know how to do a redirect 6 months ago lol.

            Good luck guys
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            • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
              Originally Posted by 88crxsi View Post

              Noobies this thread is gold. I'm another of John's success stories. I started out scared to cold call and take the chance. I bought a couple of John's wso's and kept reading all of his threads he posts in. I read and then went out and applied his methods with success.

              Keep in mind I started with offline maybe 3 months ago, and I'm on track to make a six figure income this year, and quit my job I hate. I just closed a website for $2k last week and now the guy is introducing me to all of his friends with businesses.

              Don't make excuses just pick up the phone and call. I work 60 hours a week at my slave job. I use breaks, and days off to call. I work on the sites at home. I sleep very little, but it's so worth it.

              How I started was picking 10 niche businesses and calling them all up introducing myself as a new web designer and wanting to establish my business. I offered them a free 5 page site, and charge $50 for hosting and maintenance. Now I had 10 sites to reference my work in their niches. From there I started upping my prices more and more. When I was handed the check for $2k that's when reality set in that I have a real business model I can scale to the moon.

              Anyone and I mean anyone is capable of doing this. I use wordpress and was very intimidated at first. I took one week and spent every spare hour I have reading tutorials on how to use wordpress, and now I can crank out even a 30 page site rather quickly.

              Hope this inspires some of you to get out there and get to work. If you want to see how bad I sucked at this when I started do a search for threads I started. I didn't even know how to do a redirect 6 months ago lol.

              Good luck guys
              That is so refreshing: Seeing a success story!

              I am glad to see that you came back to share your story. I have been emailing prospects and will start calling sometime this week. I have school as well.

              Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
              Invest in domains without the hard work !
              Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3657781].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
                Originally Posted by Mike McAleer View Post

                That is so refreshing: Seeing a success story!

                I am glad to see that you came back to share your story. I have been emailing prospects and will start calling sometime this week. I have school as well.
                Dude.... Read this entire thread.... then read My $1600 entire thread...

                You will see success stories O' plenty.....

                There are more success stories on The Telemarketing Forum - Index than I have ever seen in any other offline marketing forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cactus Monkey
    pm me the aff link, I am ready.

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    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      "How To EASILY Sell Your Sites!"

      I'm sorry....I've read 10 pages of posts (nearly 500) and NOT ONE has mentioned the "Easy-Way" to sell your sites!

      You are ALL going about this WRONG! You are phoning potential clients, walking in on potential clients, emailing and mailing potential clients. Making HUNDREDS of contacts. So much energy spent trying to find someone interested in having YOU...provide them with a website.

      Stop and "think" for a minute. Put yourself in your prospects mind. He/she is sitting at their desk....the phone's you...asking if he/she has a website. YOU telling them you can "make a website" and place them on the web.

      Whoopee Fizz! WHO are YOU?...and WHY should someone want YOU to design a website for them? They don't know YOU from Adam. WHAT have you done before. WHAT KIND of website will you design for THEIR business or profession? How do they know YOU have any talent at all? etc....

      Here's what I suggest;
      Some years ago I was selling "Information Reports" via the mail. I'd run ads about the benefits of my Info Report asking those interested to phone my Voice Mail and listen to my 2 minute recording. At the end of the recording I'd ask anyone interested to leave their name and mailing address and I'd send them "more info".

      I started out by mailing a 4 pages sales letter, pointing out all the benefits of receiving my Info Report....and they could have it for X$ if they mail back the Order Form in the enclosed envelope.

      Well....orders trickled in. Then....I got a brainstorm (This was about the time that Floppy Disks were coming out and pcs had a Floppy Drive)

      Why don't I INCLUDE the Floppy Disk that had my Info Report ON IT... in the envelope with my Sales Letter? Sales Letter would finish by saying; "Now...instead of ordering my Report and waiting for it and wondering when or if you will get it.... YOU ALREADY HAVE IT! IT'S IN THE ENCLOSED FLOPPY! No waiting...No wondering when or if you'll get it! However, it's locked.... encoded. To UnLock and Open it....just phone my 24hr Order Service....give them your CC Info and they will give you the UNLock you can begin enjoying the benefits...within minutes.

      So....sales went from less than 1% to OVER 20% of all Sales Letters sent! the same's what I suggest to sell Websites;
      1) Register a Key KeyWord (ex;,, or...appeal to their ego,
      2) Build a 3-page website with "fictional Names & Numbers" (Make a note that says, YOUR Name & Info goes here)
      3) Send an email (or a letter) to 20 members of that Niche....with a Heading saying, "I've Created A Website For You!"
      Then in the body say,
      "" It's OnLine NOW and Waiting to be Owned by ONE of the 20 Toledo Plumbers this note is being sent to. If you'd like to be THE Owner of this website....just fill in the Order Form on the site BEFORE a competitor does. I will contact you to personalize the site to your business.
      Thank you,
      Don Alm could add an extra comment or 2 about how having THIS website can BENEFIT them and bring them more customers/clients/patients.... but you get the gist of it.

      By PRE-Building the site....there's NO "wondering" about WHAT kind of site you can build for them....or WHEN you can build's ALREADY BUILT and READY FOR THEM TO "MOVE-IN"!

      CAN YOU SEE THE RAW PSYCHOLOGICAL POWER HERE? Businesses and Professiona are COMPETITORS! They're "Competing for Consumer Dollars!" THIS can give them a "Competitive Advantage"! (If they already have a can Link this site to their existing site!)


      You only need to contact 10 or 20 prospects in THAT Niche! You can even do this by phone. First One Who WANTS IT....Gets It!

      Plus....if your "Tenant" (you are "Renting" the sites to them) decides to drop out or go out of business or stop paying you.....guess what
      .... you just remove their personal names & numbers and replace with a competitor's!

      Also...another PLUS about this technique; You can charge higher fees....both Initial SetUp and Monthly Fees! ( could consider making a "local Website Directory" and include your sites IN get more exposure (and more money) for your clients)

      So....thanks for letting me toss in this "Marketing TidBit". I hope this can provide an extra "glimmer of hope" to those who've been trying to do the "Phone Hundreds a Day to find One" technique.

      Don Alm....Marketing Guy
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

        "How To EASILY Sell Your Sites!"

        I'm sorry....I've read 10 pages of posts (nearly 500) and NOT ONE has mentioned the "Easy-Way" to sell your sites!

        You are ALL going about this WRONG! You are phoning potential clients, walking in on potential clients, emailing and mailing potential clients. Making HUNDREDS of contacts. So much energy spent trying to find someone interested in having YOU...provide them with a website.

        Stop and "think" for a minute. Put yourself in your prospects mind. He/she is sitting at their desk....the phone's you...asking if he/she has a website. YOU telling them you can "make a website" and place them on the web.

        Whoopee Fizz! WHO are YOU?...and WHY should someone want YOU to design a website for them? They don't know YOU from Adam. WHAT have you done before. WHAT KIND of website will you design for THEIR business or profession? How do they know YOU have any talent at all? etc....

        Here's what I suggest;
        Some years ago I was selling "Information Reports" via the mail. I'd run ads about the benefits of my Info Report asking those interested to phone my Voice Mail and listen to my 2 minute recording. At the end of the recording I'd ask anyone interested to leave their name and mailing address and I'd send them "more info".

        I started out by mailing a 4 pages sales letter, pointing out all the benefits of receiving my Info Report....and they could have it for X$ if they mail back the Order Form in the enclosed envelope.

        Well....orders trickled in. Then....I got a brainstorm (This was about the time that Floppy Disks were coming out and pcs had a Floppy Drive)

        Why don't I INCLUDE the Floppy Disk that had my Info Report ON IT... in the envelope with my Sales Letter? Sales Letter would finish by saying; "Now...instead of ordering my Report and waiting for it and wondering when or if you will get it.... YOU ALREADY HAVE IT! IT'S IN THE ENCLOSED FLOPPY! No waiting...No wondering when or if you'll get it! However, it's locked.... encoded. To UnLock and Open it....just phone my 24hr Order Service....give them your CC Info and they will give you the UNLock you can begin enjoying the benefits...within minutes.

        So....sales went from less than 1% to OVER 20% of all Sales Letters sent! the same's what I suggest to sell Websites;
        1) Register a Key KeyWord (ex;,, or...appeal to their ego,
        2) Build a 3-page website with "fictional Names & Numbers" (Make a note that says, YOUR Name & Info goes here)
        3) Send an email (or a letter) to 20 members of that Niche....with a Heading saying, "I've Created A Website For You!"
        Then in the body say,
        "" It's OnLine NOW and Waiting to be Owned by ONE of the 20 Toledo Plumbers this note is being sent to. If you'd like to be THE Owner of this website....just fill in the Order Form on the site BEFORE a competitor does. I will contact you to personalize the site to your business.
        Thank you,
        Don Alm could add an extra comment or 2 about how having THIS website can BENEFIT them and bring them more customers/clients/patients.... but you get the gist of it.

        By PRE-Building the site....there's NO "wondering" about WHAT kind of site you can build for them....or WHEN you can build's ALREADY BUILT and READY FOR THEM TO "MOVE-IN"!

        CAN YOU SEE THE RAW PSYCHOLOGICAL POWER HERE? Businesses and Professiona are COMPETITORS! They're "Competing for Consumer Dollars!" THIS can give them a "Competitive Advantage"! (If they already have a can Link this site to their existing site!)


        You only need to contact 10 or 20 prospects in THAT Niche! You can even do this by phone. First One Who WANTS IT....Gets It!

        Plus....if your "Tenant" (you are "Renting" the sites to them) decides to drop out or go out of business or stop paying you.....guess what
        .... you just remove their personal names & numbers and replace with a competitor's!

        Also...another PLUS about this technique; You can charge higher fees....both Initial SetUp and Monthly Fees! ( could consider making a "local Website Directory" and include your sites IN get more exposure (and more money) for your clients)

        So....thanks for letting me toss in this "Marketing TidBit". I hope this can provide an extra "glimmer of hope" to those who've been trying to do the "Phone Hundreds a Day to find One" technique.

        Don Alm....Marketing Guy
        This is a very good idea and has been detailed in several offline reports I have read.

        I like the way you present it and it really could be very profitable to work with. They feel like their site is waiting for them and they just want to jump right in or else a competitor will get it. Awesome Stuff!

        Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
        Invest in domains without the hard work !
        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    If anyone has question for me directly regarding this thread, please direct them here:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3678582].message }}
  • Thanks for the Marketing Tidbit, Don Alm. My conversions are so much higher when I say, hey, look at this. You want it before your competitor gets it?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3681963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ramesh8248
    Thanks for your post I READ IT AND also start to try.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3682094].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Staktdex
    This is amazing and you are amazing for laying it out step by step. I too have been afraid to jump in, but now if I don't do this right now I know I'll be kicking myself forever!

    So Many Thanks,

    Aspiring Marketer.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3682384].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panduari
    wow thanks alot..
    GUARANTEEE $3000/month, i made it in 2 months.
    just Check This Out before you late
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3682413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis

    I have to say... that your idea is brilliant...

    Build the site... then call them... and sell it...

    If the site doesn't sell... you can email... then do direct mail if that doesn't work.... I am sure you could sell each and everyone of these without losing any product.

    Another way you can do this...

    Build the site as proposed above... and give it away.

    Now that you have a free site, a site unseen is no site at all...

    I can take this site and push it to the top of the search engines for you.

    So you have two options.

    1. You can take the site as is with customizations to make it your own for $599 + $30per month hosting and maintenance.

    2. You can take this site for FREE when you purchase our other internet marketing packages. You get this site, and we will put it on the top page of Google, plus optimize your Google places so that it will be on the top page of Google as well, that way you will have two positions on the first page of Google with XXXX amount of searches per month looking for your product or services. All that for only $999.

    Which one of these works best for you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3683491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author klittle
      Hey guys

      This thread keeps going and going.

      I would like to focus on the marketing of the sites and not building them.

      Yes I know it's simple but I would like to use my time better if I can.

      Anyone interested in building Homesead sites for me?

      If so what would you charge for each 3 page website?

      It might be best if you PM me with your reply if interested.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3684158].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by klittle View Post

        Hey guys

        This thread keeps going and going.

        I would like to focus on the marketing of the sites and not building them.

        Yes I know it's simple but I would like to use my time better if I can.

        Anyone interested in building Homesead sites for me?

        If so what would you charge for each 3 page website?

        It might be best if you PM me with your reply if interested.


        You may want to cruise the ads in the Warrior For Hire Section.

        Look for people with good reviews from people that have been around a while. (Lot of posts)


        Go HERE... Classifieds - Employer Advertising -Telemarketing Opportunties - Service Provider Offers!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3684347].message }}
    • Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

      By PRE-Building the site....there's NO "wondering" about WHAT kind of site you can build for them....or WHEN you can build's ALREADY BUILT and READY FOR THEM TO "MOVE-IN"!

      CAN YOU SEE THE RAW PSYCHOLOGICAL POWER HERE? Businesses and Professiona are COMPETITORS! They're "Competing for Consumer Dollars!" THIS can give them a "Competitive Advantage"! (If they already have a can Link this site to their existing site!)
      Don, excellent post - great details.

      I try to use the "get it before your competition does" when I can and this method gives them something tangible to fight for.

      Love it.

      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      Another way you can do this...

      Build the site as proposed above... and give it away.

      Now that you have a free site, a site unseen is no site at all...

      I can take this site and push it to the top of the search engines for you.

      So you have two options.

      1. You can take the site as is with customizations to make it your own for $599 + $30per month hosting and maintenance.

      2. You can take this site for FREE when you purchase our other internet marketing packages. You get this site, and we will put it on the top page of Google, plus optimize your Google places so that it will be on the top page of Google as well, that way you will have two positions on the first page of Google with XXXX amount of searches per month looking for your product or services. All that for only $999.

      Which one of these works best for you?
      I love this tweak, Louie!

      This way you've got a no-brainer offer and two great upsells!

      This method has your upsells naturally built in instead of being an after-thought.

      In my seminars, I taught a strategy on increasing conversions on your upsells. What most people do is sell a product and then follow up with additional products that are somewhat related to the original product. If you want to boost your conversions for upsells, your follow up (upsell) product should perform some function of increasing the effectiveness or adding additional functions to the original product they bought. If they like and use the original product, they will be more likely to buy the upsell to make that original product perform even better.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3687339].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by StrategicMarketingTN View Post

        Don, excellent post - great details.

        I try to use the "get it before your competition does" when I can and this method gives them something tangible to fight for.

        Love it.

        I love this tweak, Louie!

        This way you've got a no-brainer offer and two great upsells!

        This method has your upsells naturally built in instead of being an after-thought.

        In my seminars, I taught a strategy on increasing conversions on your upsells. What most people do is sell a product and then follow up with additional products that are somewhat related to the original product. If you want to boost your conversions for upsells, your follow up (upsell) product should perform some function of increasing the effectiveness or adding additional functions to the original product they bought. If they like and use the original product, they will be more likely to buy the upsell to make that original product perform even better.

        Absolutely Katerina....

        I have found packaging things together in a complimentary format has worked best for me... totally from trial and error.

        Maybe we should all attend one of your seminars!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3687624].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mark healy
    thanks great post will definetely try this out

    Build a Real Online Business from scratch today!
    Get Your FREE Webinar Training Here

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3687373].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vlad Bacioiu
    Thank you very much for your hard work for this post. I'm sure that helped a lot of people. You did a excellent job.
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  • Profile picture of the author chika138
    I'm not sure if it has been asked somewhere in this thread but does it still work when it is impossible for me to meet the business owners face to face?
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by chika138 View Post

      I'm not sure if it has been asked somewhere in this thread but does it still work when it is impossible for me to meet the business owners face to face?

      You absolutely can!

      There are a lot of people that prefer not to if possible, or they are selling in a market that is not their own. So it is impossible for them.

      But if you are serving your local market, go ahead.

      I have actually found that meeting in person solidifies trust and removes doubt from any potential client. So you can close the deal right there. Also... You can see their body language and know how to proceed when you run into possible objections.

      The best part is.... when I walk into a client meet. I walk out with a check.

      Done... and Done.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3722743].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author chika138
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        You absolutely can!

        There are a lot of people that prefer not to if possible, or they are selling in a market that is not their own. So it is impossible for them.

        But if you are serving your local market, go ahead.

        I have actually found that meeting in person solidifies trust and removes doubt from any potential client. So you can close the deal right there. Also... You can see their body language and know how to proceed when you run into possible objections.

        The best part is.... when I walk into a client meet. I walk out with a check.

        Done... and Done.
        I am a Chinese Malaysian residing in the UK for some reasons looking to target the US market.

        I also think that meeting in person will work better. I personally actually prefer meeting people but for some reasons I can't target the businesses here.

        Is it still doable then?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3723625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Transcripts
    I'm sure there are surely some businesses in the UK that could use your assistance. If absolutely this isn't working for you and you are looking to be the one to actually build the sites yourself, you could partner with someone really anywhere, US, UK (heck, get partners in multiple locations) that do the selling and you manage getting the sites done.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3723787].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    There is a big market in the UK and the dollar conversion rate is much better there. Why would you want to market to a third world country like the US?

    Just sayin....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3724482].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Transcripts
    I actually have a steady client in the UK. The conversion is nice :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author sladjan
      thanks a lot John, this is very usefull for newbies!
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      • Profile picture of the author freeburd
        Hi Folks,

        It took me a lot of willpower not to jump in until I finished reading the entire thread. I think that this thread is so incredible that I never thought it would be possible to find such valuable information because of all the scams I've seen throughout the years of my so called Internet Marketing career.

        I created, tried and canceled Homestead account. It's not for me. I am a WordPress person, besides I think that Web Studio is much better. It's just my personal opinion.

        I registered 2 domains: 1 for business directory and another for my new career: web designer. If I did not read this thread it would never occur to me that I could be a web designer. I was trying to make it as a SEO person. My SEO plans are not dead. But I will approach them from a different angle, like it is outlined in this life-changing thread.

        I want to express my special 'Thank You' straight from the bottom of my heart in no special order to:
        John Durham

        Amir Luis




        Jeremy James






        Marianne Gonne









        All the skills I possess were totally useless without the marketing wisdom I learned in this thread. Now it all comes together: my technical skills (I worked as a software developer all my life), my copywriting skills I learned after starting my so called Internet Marketing career, WordPress and everything I learned throughout my life - I can use all of it now because I am empowered, inspired and ready to crush it.

        Once again, from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!

        Alla Goltsman

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3984979].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          This post made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside....

          Originally Posted by freeburd View Post

          Hi Folks,

          It took me a lot of willpower not to jump in until I finished reading the entire thread. I think that this thread is so incredible that I never thought it would be possible to find such valuable information because of all the scams I've seen throughout the years of my so called Internet Marketing career.

          I created, tried and canceled Homestead account. It's not for me. I am a WordPress person, besides I think that Web Studio is much better. It's just my personal opinion.

          I registered 2 domains: 1 for business directory and another for my new career: web designer. If I did not read this thread it would never occur to me that I could be a web designer. I was trying to make it as a SEO person. My SEO plans are not dead. But I will approach them from a different angle, like it is outlined in this life-changing thread.

          I want to express my special 'Thank You' straight from the bottom of my heart in no special order to:
          John Durham

          Amir Luis




          Jeremy James






          Marianne Gonne









          All the skills I possess were totally useless without the marketing wisdom I learned in this thread. Now it all comes together: my technical skills (I worked as a software developer all my life), my copywriting skills I learned after starting my so called Internet Marketing career, WordPress and everything I learned throughout my life - I can use all of it now because I am empowered, inspired and ready to crush it.

          Once again, from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!

          Alla Goltsman
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4132685].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    That's why I don't understand the thinking... I get a lot of people telling me they are in the UK and want to market here... Why? Heck.... I want to market there... Simply based on the dollar conversion and a less saturated market!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3727918].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      That's why I don't understand the thinking... I get a lot of people telling me they are in the UK and want to market here... Why? Heck.... I want to market there... Simply based on the dollar conversion and a less saturated market!
      That is indeed perplexing, Louie. I find that they tend to value web consulting and work more on the other side of the pond in general! Far less freebie seekers who think that just because things are done on the computer/internet, it should be given away freely to them or at a criminally low cost!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3770274].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chika138
    1. Time zone difference. We can work at night to call businesses in the US.

    2. Perhaps to avoid meeting the clients?

    3. I've got some personal reasons.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3727980].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Cha Ching!!!!!!


    $1,200 in the bag this morning...!!!!!!

    Just got paid a BROKERING FEE for outsourcing some SEO work one of my clients needed; to an SEO guy RIGHT here on the Warrior Forum! (Keepin it in the Fam ) This was a client who I gained with the exact SAME strategy outlined on this thread

    LIFE ROCKS!!!!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3746767].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Casper C
    This kind of thing definitely works. I came across a business here in the UK that are selling websites that are even more basic than Homestead sites, and you either pay £50 ($80) monthly, or £500 ($800) yearly... and they sell like crazy.
    I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

    --> Click to check out my services
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3758828].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cyoung75
      Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

      This kind of thing definitely works. I came across a business here in the UK that are selling websites that are even more basic than Homestead sites, and you either pay £50 ($80) monthly, or £500 ($800) yearly... and they sell like crazy.

      What company is it? Every time I go to a site they always ask you to request a quote.
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  • Profile picture of the author TWalker
    Hmm. I used them when I knew whole heck of a lot about web design and couldn't get things to work at all.

    Had a client who insisted we work on Homestead because he was already set there with merchant account, Xcel books etc. was all tied into it and he was paying a hefty monthly fee.

    90% of the time I touched it something broke and it took 10 times longer to fix than it should have.

    I left him because I just couldn't stand Homestead. Later he went with another guy who moved away from Homestead and into Joomla.

    Long story short: He wanted me back and it is 100% easier now but Joomla still sucks compared to Wordpress or HTML.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3765283].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author majay
    Thanks for the great infor.Im looking for ways of increasing my earnings online as im still new at this

    Its all about Kenya ,all the time

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  • Profile picture of the author Joewriter
    Awesome post I was so inspired by that plot I had never given it a thought maybe I should give it a try.
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    • Profile picture of the author travelingtrader
      WOW Finally made it to the end. Only took me three days but well worth it for the info as well as the encouragement. Especially the young women and her husband who were frustrated but didn't give up. I believe the expression was WOOO-HOOO. and that was just 24 hours after sounding close to giving up. Great job staying the course. You have inspired me with your successes and sage advice.
      Tomorrow the Chamber of Commerce is holding it's first Meet the Local Businesses day. 40+ local businesses all in one place. I plan to hand out business cards that say "Call for a special on either a website or Facebook Page" Do a lot of handshaking and handout a lot of business cards. Hope to come away with at least 2 orders so I can say WOOO-HOOOO!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3779431].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Warrior AllStars
      Originally Posted by Joewriter View Post

      Awesome post I was so inspired by that plot I had never given it a thought maybe I should give it a try.
      What does that tell you?

      The OP is trying to sell you on yourself... and you bought it.

      The "Plot", in old school sales language ... we call that "Painting a picture".
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3779661].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Warrior AllStars
    Just go in there so excited to share that its infectious! You will be fine! We are all cheering for you!
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    • Profile picture of the author andwings2go
      Ok, awesome thread is obvious and goes without saying at this point!!!

      I have noticed the Homestead/Wordpress debate ongoing throughout this entire thread and decided to opt with Homestead based on OP's points (Thanks John!!!). Signed up for the $19.99 pack free for 30 days. I need to make 3 simple websites right away, 1) My web design site 2) My brother in law's landscaping company site 3) My best friend's A/C company site. Homestead's free trial only includes one domain name, so I'm assuming that I will end the free trial early and pay the $20 to continue with the other two for my family and move onto the other service industry leads I have at $2 each, but my question is this:

      It looks like the domain name will have homestead added to the end, is that how it will be published online? I can't have that extra .homestead in my domain name or for anyone really.

      I have experience with, and own a WYSIWYG website tool and experience using it with hostgator, the sites I built just never looked "complete" if that makes sense to anyone. At this juncture should I use my tool and hostgator, or will Homestead be a quick and easy complete approach and actually publish with a simple myname dot com? Sorry I can't be more clear but I can't post anything that even looks like a link because of my low post count.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3779685].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by andwings2go View Post

        Ok, awesome thread is obvious and goes without saying at this point!!!

        I have noticed the Homestead/Wordpress debate ongoing throughout this entire thread and decided to opt with Homestead based on OP's points (Thanks John!!!). Signed up for the $19.99 pack free for 30 days. I need to make 3 simple websites right away, 1) My web design site 2) My brother in law's landscaping company site 3) My best friend's A/C company site. Homestead's free trial only includes one domain name, so I'm assuming that I will end the free trial early and pay the $20 to continue with the other two for my family and move onto the other service industry leads I have at $2 each, but my question is this:

        It looks like the domain name will have homestead added to the end, is that how it will be published online? I can't have that extra .homestead in my domain name or for anyone really.

        I have experience with, and own a WYSIWYG website tool and experience using it with hostgator, the sites I built just never looked "complete" if that makes sense to anyone. At this juncture should I use my tool and hostgator, or will Homestead be a quick and easy complete approach and actually publish with a simple myname dot com? Sorry I can't be more clear but I can't post anything that even looks like a link because of my low post count.
        Really... If you are familiar with Hostgator, there is no reason to reinvent the wheel.

        You can use "fantastico" in the Cpanel to install WordPress "Winner of the 2010 Open Source Award" to build a pretty rockin site.... You can get themes for free.... or you can buy something like elegant themes that comes with a BUNCH of themes for $40.

        A sample of an elegantheme in action... I have several.....

        My Site... Tucson Marketing l Local Internet Marketing l Tucson SEO l iQ Marketing Solutions

        a recent client Tucson Machine Shop l Machine Works l 520-624-5735

        or.... Tucson Chiropractor | Just another WordPress site still under construction....

        That is just a couple of the options that they offer.... The cool thing with elegant themes is the support. They have forums that are active and can answer any questions as you go along.

        Just sayin.....
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3824731].message }}
  • Thanks for the good reed John.


    "A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it"

    William Feather

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3779970].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JavierElenes
    I advice to anybody willing to try this... to never get easily discouraged, it's very easy for everyone around us to always make us feel like it's gonna happen, it's not gonna work, it's too hard, everybody and his dog is doing it.

    So the thing is... put your twist on everything you do, differentiate yourself from the crowd, or you'll fade away easily.

    Selling web services to offline clients can be tough at times, but the way you approach them is 90% of the work, you need to find yourself in an advantageous position, find the way to get them to call you, do your local marketing interesting, give yourself some status and when offering the service, you'll be way way more leveraged and no needy at the client's eyes
    Help Us Create The Cancer Victims Assistance House
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3825357].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I agree to disagree.... Cold Calling and getting your foot in the door has nothing to do with looking needy. Or positioning for that matter. How you get your foot in the door doesn't matter. It is what you do after that... that will establish your USP and your positioning.

    The key.... in most cases.... is to care... Just not that much.

    Just sayin.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3825788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      I agree to disagree.... Cold Calling and getting your foot in the door has nothing to do with looking needy. Or positioning for that matter. How you get your foot in the door doesn't matter. It is what you do after that... that will establish your USP and your positioning.

      The key.... in most cases.... is to care... Just not that much.

      Just sayin.
      Once you have enough prospects in the pipeline you stop being so desperate... and you learn what Luis is talking about "Let all men count with you but none too much".

      One meeting doesnt make or break you anymore!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3842052].message }}
      • This thread has been gold to me. For years, I've been so focused on marketing and generating leads that I've forgotten that usually the simplest approach is the easiest/fastest and best to duplicate.

        Due to the OP and his audio series, I decided to enter the local market yesterday and called a couple numbers - I spoke to 3 people. One wants a call back, another doesn't want a website, and the third is going to pay me $100 for an Adwords set-up with future business down the road.

        I'm not a newbie, but I have gained a lot of insight from this thread.

        Thanks John!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3842413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author guewarascoy
    I never heard about homestead before..

    thanks I will go there
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  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    This sounds like a doable plan. I'm thinking the biggest thing is to handle rejection well if a local business doesn't decide to buy your services. To expand your base and reach local businesses all over America, you could implement a direct mail campaign and pitch your services to these people. You only have so much time in a day to stay on the phone, but with direct mail you can reach thousands of business owners in a matter of seconds. Solid info and thanks for sharing this with us.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3847265].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TWalker
      Originally Posted by danielkanuck View Post

      This sounds like a doable plan. I'm thinking the biggest thing is to handle rejection well if a local business doesn't decide to buy your services. To expand your base and reach local businesses all over America, you could implement a direct mail campaign and pitch your services to these people. You only have so much time in a day to stay on the phone, but with direct mail you can reach thousands of business owners in a matter of seconds. Solid info and thanks for sharing this with us.
      You might not get much results from mail either which is why John suggests calling.

      If you don't handle rejection well then thats a good reason/excuse not to call and just send mail.

      Taking action and calling is the basis of this plan. I suggest you follow it in that order.

      I started taking action with people I already knew and didn't need to call anyone at first, but I was disappointed I didn't GET to call so I started.

      John had me so fired up and optimistic I was itching to call and see if it worked. It does.

      Some day I will share my history but let me say this: I should be the absolute last person you would ever think could cold call. I was practically mute as a child/teenager and had severe communication problems all my adult life.

      If I get nothing else out of this thread and Durhams writing except to take action it worth its weight in gold.
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      • Profile picture of the author fernandoescobar
        This is a great post and anyone willing to put in the time WILL be successful.
        May I add another possible revenue stream?

        Mobile websites! Sorry for the blatant self plug here but it just seems a natural extension of what John is trying to teach. mobile websites are not any more difficult to set up than regular sites and most times it's a simple and inexpensive upgrade. I've been able to convert 6 out of 10 clients on average to add a mobile optimized website.

        How much do I charge them? Anywhere from $250 all the way up to $750. Not bad for an add on.

        Check out my signature to find out how to "add" this to your "toolbox" and feel free to contact me with any questions.

        Great post/thread John!

        Best to all,
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    There is a guy over at that focuses solely on mobile websites, and does quite well. He is the one I outsource to if need be. That way I don't have to waste time learning a new trade or technique. I can just focus on sales and send the work where it needs to go. Not having to know anything about the technical side of things.....

    Just sayin.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottuga44
    This stuff is great, thank you so much OP
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  • Profile picture of the author jimevee
    Good stuff...think I may add another arrow to my quiver
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    Hey am I missing something or did homestead quit offering a reseller account? I can't find it anywhere on their site.

    Great post BTW John.
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  • Profile picture of the author BryanC
    I can't believe I've just now noticed this thread. Great stuff as always, John.

    I'm going to start playing around with tonight and make a couple sample sites to show potential clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author m.jizzLe
    Thanks you for this! You have no idea what this kind of information means to those of us starting out!
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    • Profile picture of the author MannyMarketing
      Hey John, I've been reading a lot of your threads here on the Warrior Forum and registered to the Telemarketer forum where the amount of information on telemarketing is mind blowing! I'm in the process of listening to the OfflineonCrack audiofiles which I paused to get a free trial on Salesgenie. I have a question though. I am in the new businesses section and have made a list for the Miami area, but have found that none of the business phone numbers are showing up and it just says "not available". Is this because I am currently under the trial or maybe because they are new businesses and Salesgenie does not yet have their phone numbers? I know I should ask Sales genie directly but their customer service is closed until tomorrow, so I was wondering if you could give me a quick answer.

      I am on the verge of becoming a gold member on The Telemarketing Forum, but John, how targeted can the leads be which gold members have access to? New businesses, area, number of employees, revenue, are all these categories we can target with Gold Member leads?

      Thank you very much John! The amount of knowledge you present to the offline community is too much to possibly be praised, and truly awe-inspiring. Again, thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    I will be honest with you Niel, I have sold a TON of sites in my time, and I cant remember two people ever asking me if they could log into their own admin page.

    I almost think people are selling that as part of their pitch...

    I DID have a guy ask me in a presentation, but I told him...Look its alot easier if you just contact me with your updates... and he was fine with that... You can install google analytics for them if they want to see their performance...

    But the answer is "No" with homestead you cant do it, if you are making it part of your pitch then you are suggestiing things to your customer that are uneccessary for small biz, now if you are dealing with a large corp that has a fulltime tech guy... They may want that more, but your average independent business owner isnt gonna want to mess with his own stuff... Thats why he's talking to YOU...

    Now I know there may be exceptions, but thats the rule. Being successful is about following the rules, not getting hung up on the exceptions and accepting them as rules.

    There has been a big deal made out of that but you are actually rarely met with that question... and when you are its easy to dismiss... Its not hard to show them why its better to let you handle updates... and despite some of the scare stories, once you have built their site and you have 50 customers you still only get a couple or handful cs emails per day, even with that many customers... People just dont call in that much. Its true. They rarely ever ask for any kind of changes or updates, its very few and far between unless you are constantly upselling them on things that create alot of customer service...

    ONE of those things would be giving them access to their cpanel... You want to talk about staying on the phone with customers for hours explaining things... Let them open up their cpanel. Then you can spend everyday on the phone helping them understand how to use it... FOR NO GOOD REASON.

    You "can" put up a blog for them though with homestead... but if you want the customer to have access to their control panel though Homestead is not the way to go. You might try wordpress.

    But what kind of customer who knows enough to recognize a word press template and navigate the control gonna want you to build them a 5 page static website...?

    I'll tell you; "the rare exception". Dont buy the hype. You can make people happy with homestead, and give them what they need.

    It will pull leads as well as any other site.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeedal
    excellent info, thanks john for sharing with us,
    can't wait to try.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Adams
    Awesome post/thread ... it's always uplifting to see good people helping others with no monetary benefit to themselves at all. This is something I want to do once I learn the ins and outs of this market. Wish there were more threads like this
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  • Profile picture of the author Shea
    I have to say, wow, this thread is a revelation to me. It's such a simple idea really that I could bang my head against the wall. You see, eight-nine years ago I decided to try and crack into the web hosting game. Started with a reseller account, ended up renting a server. Even back then I thought the market was insanely saturated, didn't even bother with local, I knew a local web designer who seemed to have about everything locked up in town. I was a member of and pretty much got all my business from the classifieds there. No calling anyone. With so much competition most people charge low prices, you need a lot of customers to make real money.

    Part of the problem is the customers you were getting were the ones who have design/hosting knowledge, know you can get stuff cheap, and who wanted to make their own sites. The plan in this thread is obviously targeting a different demographic..I didn't think even then that there was enough business for that kind of thing to work. But here we are so many years later and there are still many small businesses that don't have websites. And there are so many more options now as well with social media you can offer to create for them as well. After a couple years I gave up on it, I was making some money but not nearly enough. I had completely given up on this thing until now. Now I'm very excited about doing what is outlined here.

    Comments and questions. Instead of adding accounts to a reseller account, why not just sign them up with their own account under your Hostgator affiliate link? If you do this and are successful, you'll have enough clients a month to earn an affiliate commission of $125 per new customer on top of what you are charging them. It would be more of a pain to have to keep track of so many individual hosting accounts, as opposed to them all being seen and administered under a reseller account, but you can keep records and seems like it would be worth the extra money you'd be making. I know using the affiliate program for Hostgator has been mentioned, but if you do that why bother with the reseller stuff?

    Question- I want to try and close sales over the phone. I don't want to bother with meetings if I don't have to, plus I'm not in a huge city so eventually I'll have to move on from the local market. So once a customer agrees to sign up, how exactly do you take the order? I'm assuming they won't want to give you their credit card info over the phone, especially never having heard of you before the phone call. Do you just direct them to a signup form online? I have no problem with that but seems like would give them the chance to second guess their decision and even forget about it. Or at least we might have to keep calling/emailing them to remind them.

    The plan developing in my head-
    Start writing things up on what I will charge, what I will say when I call, and what to go through with them over the phone when they say yes. Will go with Hostgator and the Wordpress route since I'm familiar with such things. Get a site of my own up..then get leads and start calling. Some great ideas in this thread and I have thought of things as well for upselling. Offer things like a Facebook page, listing on sites like Yelp, etc. Individual pricing for each item like that, but one all-inclusive price if they want the works beyond just their web page.

    I will say this as well, I hate talking on the phone, the one thing I'm not looking forward to is cold calling..I'll have to push my way through. Probably why I never even CONSIDERED it in my past endeavor. I will definitely look at the outsourcing route once I've had success doing it myself. Would commission only, offering like 50% of the $199(or whatever I go with) upfront design and setup cost work? Too much? I'm also thinking about seeing if my mom and other people I know want to get in on the calling. She had to quit working awhile back after a major surgery so this is something she could do.

    Anyway, just want to thank John and everyone..can't wait to get started.
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  • I want to start off by saying I am new to IM I have been feeling very discouraged. I was feeling like every post was in some way about a way to get me to pony up some cash in some straight forward way or some slick sales job. But John I went and read all 10 pages and have found a renewed feeling that somone really does care if a newbe makes as long as we take action you have provided a way . Thanks i needed a pick me upper
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  • Profile picture of the author Retziki
    Thanks John for this great thread.

    I feel lucky to stumble upon it even that late. I haven’t seen anyone give away so much for free.
    I have paid for WSOs containing the one tenth of the info I found here
    We are conditioned to seek for a secret, extremely smart way to make money but there are so many humble and real ways to achieve it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Well, I did it!

      Yes, I got my first sale and I decided $350 would be fair. I got a $100 deposit and told him that I will not accept any money until he is satisfied with my design. Got a second appointment with him next Thursday to go over any changes.

      Once I am done, will post a link here for your critique, gulp....

      Funny thing is, I was not even shakin' in my booths and I know I can do this. I have built three wordpress sites before and got my own site on the first page of google, in real estate none the less. So, I am not a total newb but a million miles from being an expert.

      Knowing how to SEO it is the key and combine that with offline marketing too. My only "problem" right now is how to package myself at a pricepoint that is ROI based.

      Again, I am thrilled!
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      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        Well, I did it!

        Yes, I got my first sale and I decided $350 would be fair. I got a $100 deposit and told him that I will not accept any money until he is satisfied with my design. Got a second appointment with him next Thursday to go over any changes.

        Once I am done, will post a link here for your critique, gulp....

        Funny thing is, I was not even shakin' in my booths and I know I can do this. I have built three wordpress sites before and got my own site on the first page of google, in real estate none the less. So, I am not a total newb but a million miles from being an expert.

        Knowing how to SEO it is the key and combine that with offline marketing too. My only "problem" right now is how to package myself at a pricepoint that is ROI based.

        Again, I am thrilled!

        That is awesome... Average ticket value has a lot to do with the price per ROI model.

        People that are used to paying a lot of money on marketing may seem it to be suspect if someone offers the same service for $350 that someone else offers for $350 per month.

        Having a low price is a curse in many respects. You want to close a deal so you low ball.... but it sounds too good to be true so you don't get the deal because it sounds scammy....

        Or.... You can pick up your skirt and grab your testes and set your prices appropriate from the get go...

        Either way... Congrats... you are awesome because you took action!
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  • Profile picture of the author beamup
    I love these types of thread. I have seen many more like it in different forums. I wonder how many have tried. By looking at the number of views, I wonder, how many have become successful on earning 50K from nothing with ZERO html. I havent tried it yet. Sure I would like to. But I know only those who spend hard work and really believe on it can achieve it. I am on my way on this path. Lets see, where I would be in.

    Glad to be back again!

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  • Profile picture of the author pcloadletter
    John, thanks for your straight to-the-point post.

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  • Profile picture of the author macalixter
    Wow, excelent advice! I will put that in action right now!!!!
    Hope later I can come back here and give my testemonial, this forum rocks! sad that I just found it right now!!!

    anyway, better later than never!!

    Kudos to you guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author rockyonfire
    Thanks you very much for the great thread. Read each post. Very informative posts. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author QuietConfidence
    This is a great idea. But, how do I sign up for the Homestead reseller program? I don't see any info on it on their website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Davchola
    You know, for someone who is looking at different methods of making money online, your post feels like a crash course on how to get started with a multimillion dollar business enterprise, and especially with only that fee for paying for the program. I like the simplicity of the process, and as far as am concerned, the examples that have been listed on the various posts shared are definitely websites of repute and good ranking, not to mention acceptable appearance. I think this method of making money through building and selling sites is definitely something that is worth looking into.
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  • Profile picture of the author affanita
    Great points here. The greatest form of flattery for any site owner
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    This is a truly EPIC thread!

    Thanks John (and all others) who have shared their knowledge.

    I already KNOW this works - funny I used to pretty much do this before I got into IM.

    Actually thinking of giving this a bash with spare periods in the day.


    I am in the UK - so has anyone found any resources that you can use for this in the UK?

    Or is anyone using homestead in the UK?

    Just not sure how this actual plan would work in the UK - I mean I know it is the same but what service would you use like Homestead?

    Cheers guys,

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  • Profile picture of the author charlie39
    Thanks John, that's a great post! I'm in the process of doing this very thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author cuttingedge
      Great post that shows cold calling works.

      Do you have business owners requesting other services like SEO, mobile marketing, or any direct response marketing such as print ads, post cards, and letters?

      If you do, it's a great time to tell them you're in the process of parternering with some one who provides that work. Then go find the company that does that service and tell them you found some business for them. Ask them for a commission on the business you found and that they wouldn't have had if not for you. If they say they will not pay for referrals, find some one else.

      John gives a great plan to make money quickly. You're going to learn cold calling, selling, and how to build websites. Thats a lot of learning.

      Now I'm not techinical, so my question is where can I find partners to do this for me. Is there a place on this forum which puts sellers of these services together with technical providers of these services in one place?

      I'm a newbie who has always been in offline businesses.

      Thanks for all the great post.

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  • Profile picture of the author TGArthur
    This is by far one of the best reads all day for me.

    I'm glad you posted this, and I will hopefully implement this in my business.

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  • Profile picture of the author sytico
    Making money online never seem to work for me. I guess I will have to try new methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tedel
    Wow... Now I see how so many people got into this thread.
    Author of Heptagrama. PM for my SEO service offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author loferg
    WOW. This is such a great post. I am putting my plans in action now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Seleyna
    I am inspired John, thank you
    Join! Successful Online PMP Exam Prep Coaching Program ~ Popular Demand Due to High Passing Rate
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  • Profile picture of the author Susovan
    great.......very helpful. Thanks.......will try this
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  • Profile picture of the author Master099
    Oh one more thing, I don't know if anyone has mastered the art of cold calling but I'm considering using Google Voice and I am currently working on two things. For one I'm trying to see if I can set up some sort of auto dialer on it. I'm also trying to see if there's a way for me to scrape the business phone numbers in my area from the Yellow Pages and other business directories. I just watched the Boiler Room, and I'll be setting up my merchant/gateway/echeck accounts soon so I'll be ready to sell the ****ing bejesus out of this ****. The faster I can sell in these two weeks the faster I can hire some folks to do this for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Master099 View Post

      Oh one more thing, I don't know if anyone has mastered the art of cold calling but I'm considering using Google Voice and I am currently working on two things. For one I'm trying to see if I can set up some sort of auto dialer on it. I'm also trying to see if there's a way for me to scrape the business phone numbers in my area from the Yellow Pages and other business directories. I just watched the Boiler Room, and I'll be setting up my merchant/gateway/echeck accounts soon so I'll be ready to sell the ****ing bejesus out of this ****. The faster I can sell in these two weeks the faster I can hire some folks to do this for me.
      Do you have an android phone? You can get an autodialer on your cell phone from the Android Market. But as you were saying about GVoice.... I use my Gvoice number all the time, and my Magic Jack # too.

      You can use power leads pro or one of the other many scrapers to get phone numbers, or you can join the Gold Section of This will give you unlimited leads with the business owners name.

      Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    It is... the corporation theme.
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  • Profile picture of the author mj2059
    This is an interesting thread. Much useful info!
    I'm adding this to my offline endeavors, as a way to get more ready clients to upsell into my more profitable normal consulting. I have used outsourcing extensively in the past, but not for cold-calling (haven't used cold calling at all). Got the WSO mentioned earlier (nice info!) and picked up a few useful pointers.

    Oh - Amir, nice theme and sites. Makes WP look "professional" rather than just like another blog. Not that it matters for SEO, but for selling the sites...
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  • Profile picture of the author try_hard_samurai
    Stuff like this is why I love the offline section.

    Great guide!
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    John, i've been visiting local business websites for the past few days now to see what is out there and you are exactly right. 95% of them need a decent site let alone other marketing services. And these are the biz that ALREADY have a site...let alone the ones that do not have one. I can sell $199 sites all day even in this economically depressed area. Here i'm more worried about giving them facebook fanpages, mobile, coupons, groupon and they do not even have a site people would look at for more than 2 seconds. Well done on the post.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author Goldenboy
    This is the most helpful thread I have read, thanks to you John. I would have to definitely agree with you that when you set your mind to earn some money, do not try, go do it and commit yourself to it.
    I am now following what you have stated in your thread and will continue to do this until I will earn some money on this, Thanks John.
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  • Profile picture of the author macalixter
    Just want to thank you, John Durham, for this life-change topic

    I have implemented that straight away and result!!! 397€ + 20€ per month sold !!!!

    Thank you so much!
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  • Profile picture of the author martyJames
    Just been reading through this inspiring thread-thanks John. Funny, i have just started down this path a week ago - this post has really encouraged me further.


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  • Profile picture of the author TWalker
    I made more money and have more work the past few months than I ever have before.

    I had a 5 year long history of "Lets Make Money on The Internet" all miserable failures.

    I now have work, referals, money and successes as a direct result of what I learned in the original post of this thread.
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    • Profile picture of the author martyJames
      Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

      I made more money and have more work the past few months than I ever have before.

      I had a 5 year long history of "Lets Make Money on The Internet" all miserable failures.

      I now have work, referals, money and successes as a direct result of what I learned in the original post of this thread.
      -Very good to hear TWalker- well done . Yes , referals are a fantastic way to push a business along. Get some satisfied clients and ask them to recommend you to other businesses they deal with.
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  • Profile picture of the author VirtualName
    Thanks John... great post, makes really good sense!
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  • Profile picture of the author tuscan
    Hi John,
    Great post and very generous of you to share information with the rest of us who are trying to crack the code. Your contribution to this forum is most appreciated by us little guys.

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    • Profile picture of the author ianeire
      Threads liked these inspire me to get off my a$$ and take action, love it!!
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  • Profile picture of the author notme
    Hi thanks for sharing so much info,
    I tried to follow every original author John's reply, but still so many posts to read, and I think there might be some problems not tackled yet...

    And I did think of this kind of service one year ago, due to lack of technical idea I did not start it

    so if anyone would answer questions I'd be grateful..

    1) Does this mean the site building is done by us? Only ask basic info, let them choose templates they like, and we (not they) build it and let them see if they satisfy?

    2) Can we share more templates demo than the original Do they forbid others showcase more templates in other public websites?

    3) If I want to target chinese traditional language to taiwan people, basically not USA country, how many services I can't use then?
    (for basic translations we can do it, paypal does support our currency NTD and language, I know it varies depends on which functions we ask, for example shipping and handling must be treated independently)

    Answer to this question can benefit other people too, for example Spanish market, or European market with their local language:rolleyes:

    3) is actually my biggest concern, however I already think to buy one and test it myself, still appreciate any feedback,
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    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      Originally Posted by notme View Post

      Hi thanks for sharing so much info,
      I tried to follow every original author John's reply, but still so many posts to read, and I think there might be some problems not tackled yet...

      And I did think of this kind of service one year ago, due to lack of technical idea I did not start it

      so if anyone would answer questions I'd be grateful..

      1) Does this mean the site building is done by us? Only ask basic info, let them choose templates they like, and we (not they) build it and let them see if they satisfy?

      2) Can we share more templates demo than the original Do they forbid others showcase more templates in other public websites?

      3) If I want to target chinese traditional language to taiwan people, basically not USA country, how many services I can't use then?
      (for basic translations we can do it, paypal does support our currency NTD and language, I know it varies depends on which functions we ask, for example shipping and handling must be treated independently)

      Answer to this question can benefit other people too, for example Spanish market, or European market with their local language:rolleyes:

      3) is actually my biggest concern, however I already think to buy one and test it myself, still appreciate any feedback,
      First, I don't know about the translation situation. But you can build the websites yourself or go get clients, come back to the forum and look for an inexpensive web designer (with a good track record) I wouldn't recommend letting them choose the templates..seems like it would be too time consuming and what if they say *I don't like any of those*..then what? Just let them know the cost and move on to building the site as if they have no choice, you can ask basic questions like what color do you like on the site, do they want a slogan, etc..general questions for you to get an idea of what they like and what content to put on the site. You can build your own template from scratch with homestead if you don't like any of theirs. You can call homestead and see if they have some sort of way to translate the site's content into the language you want..I've seen some sites where they actually had a button integrated on it for you to change the language, so just call them up and see.
      Sidenote: for people asking about the *reseller* situation..when I spoke with a rep from homestead and asked if they had a reseller package he had no clue what I was talking about..I had to break it down for him *can I build unlimited websites, how many domains do I get, etc..So John is right, start off with the $20 package and upgrade when you get more can upgrade when you want and if you don't have $20 don't let that put you off...EVERY package comes with a free you can actually start with the business plus package which is $50 per month for unlimited sites..I think the $20 package they said 3 sites..but you can purchase more domains and just do a pay as you go type of deal..hope that helps..I know this thread is old, but I'm just starting out with this..I'm using it with the bower method..instead of giving away a free webpage I will actually be giving away a free 3 page homestead site..I think it'll be easier to upsell them later with a full site than with one page
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      • Profile picture of the author OscarTheDog
        Originally Posted by Deidra Renee View Post

        First, I don't know about the translation situation. But you can build the websites yourself or go get clients, come back to the forum and look for an inexpensive web designer (with a good track record) I wouldn't recommend letting them choose the templates..seems like it would be too time consuming and what if they say *I don't like any of those*..then what? Just let them know the cost and move on to building the site as if they have no choice, you can ask basic questions like what color do you like on the site, do they want a slogan, etc..general questions for you to get an idea of what they like and what content to put on the site. You can build your own template from scratch with homestead if you don't like any of theirs. You can call homestead and see if they have some sort of way to translate the site's content into the language you want..I've seen some sites where they actually had a button integrated on it for you to change the language, so just call them up and see....
        I am a newbie to WF, but this caught my attention. I have written EBooks for people, and done a lot of Architectural Design work. The trouble always comes, in the latter case especially, that the customer starts out thinking they know what they want, but 17 revisions later, your "rate-per-hour" has decreased to about $.025 LOL What if you give them one "free revision" to the site? Is that "good business"? Thoughts?

        Freelance Writer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author tuscan
    Giving back is what it's all about, John. You definitely rank as one of the all time leading warrior forum zen masters!

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  • Profile picture of the author gohan2091
    Wow a lot to read, I will certainly give it a good read tomorrow!
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  • Profile picture of the author neeralt
    This is a brilliant idea but some of us want to start small with zero extra cost other than cost for laptop, monthly internet bills, and electricity bills. Well, maybe for those who have some money to start out, this is a good idea and is considered very cheap budget but can earn a good number of profit.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by neeralt View Post

      This is a brilliant idea but some of us want to start small with zero extra cost other than cost for laptop, monthly internet bills, and electricity bills. Well, maybe for those who have some money to start out, this is a good idea and is considered very cheap budget but can earn a good number of profit.
      Well then your first goal in business should be to figure out where you are going to get the $20.00 it cost to start this model.

      If you cant persuade someone to invest 20 bucks with you, you will be hard pressed to ask anyone for $100.
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      • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        Well then your first goal in business should be to figure out where you are going to get the $20.00 it cost to start this model.

        If you cant persuade someone to invest 20 bucks with you, you will be hard pressed to ask anyone for $100.
        ..actually there's no need for $20 upfront..all of the accounts at homestead come with 30 day free trials, so if you have the confidence in yourself that you will make a sale before the 30 days, sign up for the free trial and get to dialing!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Kage
    Sounds like a great plan but most people in my country are still afraid of placing their business on the internet even if you show them how well it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author OscarTheDog
    Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

    For all of you who are intimidated by all the big talk around here, and feel that you arent worthy to make money...listen up. John Boy is gonna share something with you...Thats why I make money today!

    Thanks Allen!

    Way Cool, Boss! I am playing around with HTML right now after years of not doing anything with it. I like creating websites because it's creative and just plain fun. I was always told that if you do what you love, the money will follow. I'm gonna try this out. How long have you been in IM?

    Freelance Writer For Hire.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4888701].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author writersparadigm
    Thank you John, this is a true blessing for you to help[ so many of us become successful affiliate marketers. I can't wait to put this plan to work. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author john1818
    John, thanks for your wonderful posts! I honestly think at first that you only do this to advertise homestead but apparently you give quite a lot of information for newbies. I should try one myself these days. Will keep you posted.


    For white label SEO visit

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisnotes
    I don't know if this was addressed or just sounds silly, but could I also do mobile sites connected to homestead sites? Let's say I wanted to use Quenton browns script? Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Myss
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Myss View Post

        Hey! First post to this forum!
        Is it possible to buy theme from, show demo to client, and if client likes it, buy it? Then edit colours and pictures, and get money?
        Thanks! CHEERS!

        Yes. Sometimes when you have custom graphics done even by warriors here... they will ask you to look at the stock graphics they chose to incorporate into the design before they buy them on your behalf...

        It is an acceptable practice, and the business owner can understand. They appreciate that they are doing business with a real person who includes them in decisions before purchasing the job materials.

        Just act like its normal protocol for them to choose a template design.

        This happens in construction too when builders build homes for people, they have you look at 5 different types of granite, and bricks and paint colors, wallpaper samples, carpet samples...all before they purchase the material.

        When we use practices that are common in the business world and not only unique to ours... They relate to us better.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigRichLane
    Thank you so much for this thread. I have been putting together a business plan for some time now to do something similar to this with a twist and I am just looking to get a little push forward. You could say I am about to launch two businesses one after the other. But for this, what would you portray yourself as to prospecting clients? I am guessing that it is necessary to have some kind of website but do you portray yourself as a web designer, or as a website host? also what kind of content could you put on your website if your just starting the company? I know how to rank websites and can set them up, but as far as branding MY company to sell to other people so I can gain some more trust how would I go about that? Do I need to create and brand a company, logo, website, llc etc..... i feel like this is a more solid way to go than just cold calling with nothing to show for it. any advice much appreciated! thanks!


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  • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
    John ... this is AWESOME. I just found this post. Do you believe in coincidence? You should see the post I made just a while ago about an offline business approaching me.

    I have printed out everything for a good read tonight.

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  • Profile picture of the author Samway
    I really like this awesome idea! Thanks again; let's go to work then!
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  • Profile picture of the author fmnelly
    the thread is full of goldmine for all to trap
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  • Profile picture of the author themezoom
    I have read this thread that appears to have started over a year ago. I have not been involved in this forum for many years. There does not seem to be much discussion about actually promoting the clients website- and or arranging long term maintenance responsibilities for the client. As someone who has owned and managed agencies of rather large portfolios of websites for local regions, it makes it sound quite a bit easier than it actually is, overall. Perhaps I missed something?

    I also might add, the courage to help beginners is extremely commendable. And I would not imply that there is no value here, there is. My only concern is that the templates that are being suggested exist in formats that are difficult for the newbie to instantly utilize the social media and local social media plug-and-play functions that platforms like wordpress and bloglines type-drag and drop systems now provide. Within the next 2 years, it will become very difficult to compete with the increasing number of door-to-door website salesmen offering local promotion and integrated local social media services built right into the dynamic blog platforms. I would go so far as to say that the death of the static website is well underway. Local business owners in the boonies don't know this yet . . . but the knowledge is spreading. Homestead needs to up their game. ; - )

    Keyword Research is dead. Theme cluster research is here to stay.

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  • Profile picture of the author imicrothinking
    Wow, that's a great strategy - thanks for sharing, John!

    As a total newbie myself, I've really only come across or thought of strategies which belong online, never alongside an offline part to integrate with - it just goes to remind us that there's so much out there waiting for us to try!

    I'll definitely keep that suggestion in mind and implement it once I get the basic affiliate model down.



    Btw, I think the themes aren't that bad. I guess folks who're a bit more technical might consider these to be a little typical of wordpress themes...
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  • Profile picture of the author tbone3
    How do you guys get around the do no call list? I'm from Canada. Does anyone know if I need to register with the National Do Not Call List? I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author TWalker
      Originally Posted by tbone3 View Post

      How do you guys get around the do no call list? I'm from Canada. Does anyone know if I need to register with the National Do Not Call List? I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet.
      Its been covered many times in these threads. In the U.S. the DNC list is generally not a concern as it applies to residential calls, not B2B.

      Of course I would suggest you read the laws of the Canadian government to insure you do not violate them.
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      • Profile picture of the author tbone3
        Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

        Its been covered many times in these threads. In the U.S. the DNC list is generally not a concern as it applies to residential calls, not B2B.

        Of course I would suggest you read the laws of the Canadian government to insure you do not violate them.
        Does anyone know how this works in Canada? I called their number earlier today, but there was no option to speak with an agent or anything.
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        • Profile picture of the author SpiralX
          Originally Posted by tbone3 View Post

          Does anyone know how this works in Canada? I called their number earlier today, but there was no option to speak with an agent or anything.
          Actually it's the same in Canada. I was reading it in the Province yesterday, lol, as I was going through looking to see who is advertising in there.

          John, thanks for the helpful posts and the massive thread that has evolved from them.

          Honestly, for me, it's not so much about the particular technique, because there are many ways to do the same thing. But it's about the spirit behind it.

          In my case, telemarketing is currently an impossibility, and not just because it is somewhat intimidating. If that were the only thing, that would be a luxury... No, it's because I have a pre-schooler and am a full-time Mom, without daycare. Every time I am on the phone I am interrupted.

          Well there are ways around this too! For the most part, I am setting myself up to work through email, by doing in depth analysis... I expect to contact a small number and close a high percentage with my methods and services, which are include and go beyond site building, as I am solving specific problems for the leads as I come across them. But for larger scale solicitation, like making 100 calls to get one or 2 accounts, I do have VAs I am setting up to work with. Hey I figured, I can get an 8 hour work day for less money than I could waste just walking outside - so it would be a good business investment.

          It' pretty inspiring to hear that you can just hit up 100 businesses and likely close one or two of them.

          To Myss: Maybe re-think your pitch. It's too direct and sales-y. You could try to make it more personal and less scripted. Tell them you noticed they didn't have a site, maybe, and ask them what's held them back... ask what would they think if you could design them a site for a lot fraction of the cost of a miniature ad in the Yellow Pages... approach them with the idea of how you can help them, rather than how you can make a sale.


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  • Profile picture of the author manny2513
    WOW what a fabulous thread. Thx man so such great information

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Bucker
    Such a giver, you understand the law of sowing and reaping. I am encouraged as a trainer/coach to see others that are really out to help people. Seeding into the hearts and minds of those around you while the world of government and media is not giving them hope is a great thing. This is a truth I live by and give honor to you for doing the same. They can make a living and that is truth. Truth reigns over what is true.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
    Ha! that's some great information, thank you for the help.


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  • Profile picture of the author Melvin San Miguel
    Hi John,

    What u posted here is GOLD! And the funny thing is...before I even read this post... A friend of mine actually asked me if I know anyone who can help him build a website?! so with this information I'm gonna call him back and say... I can! Will let u know what happens.


    FREE Make Money Every 30 Mins VIDEO Series....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5084193].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Melvin San Miguel
      Originally Posted by Melvin San Miguel View Post

      Hi John,

      What u posted here is GOLD! And the funny thing is...before I even read this post... A friend of mine actually asked me if I know anyone who can help him build a website?! so with this information I'm gonna call him back and say... I can! Will let u know what happens.


      Just got off the phone to my friend and told him I can help him build his website... and he agreed! I quoted him £150 start up and £20 monthly fee with the first month free.... wow!

      Meeting him on wednesday to discuss what he wants...

      OMG I just made a sale on my first call!

      I'm blown away!

      FREE Make Money Every 30 Mins VIDEO Series....

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5089274].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author linebelowdigital
    This post was amazing. I actually started out this way although I was using Wordpress instead of Homestead. Everything you've said is exactly right. Great Share!
    Make An Easy $200 - $1500/mo Per Client Helping Local Businesses to Find Leads...

    Click here to See it in Action
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  • Profile picture of the author vpunch
    Sounds like great advice. Thank you everyone for the help!!

    Jonathan Perry - Affiliate Manager


    PM Before Signing Up

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  • Profile picture of the author Melvin San Miguel
    Today is Wednesday and I'm meeting my first client in 1.5 hours... what do I bring?
    Any ideas?

    FREE Make Money Every 30 Mins VIDEO Series....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5107074].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tbone3
      ok so I started calling today. 42 calls, 1 meeting setup for next week, and 2 other leads. This is awesome. If anyone wants to form a support group or mastermind while we do this. Let me know. We can help each other out and support one another. Thanks so much for the info John! You rock!

      I do have one question for John.

      For the meeting I have for next week, the guy mentioned that he's wants to meet and "see what I got." What should I do? I don't have any "local business" style websites to show him. Any suggestions would be awesome
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  • Profile picture of the author John Kilcoyne
    This is great information. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Not So New
    Great post John,

    Do you have a resource for acquiring leads of businesses that do not have a website?

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  • Profile picture of the author pilotalexander
    Does anyone know where to find the link to download the sitebuilder?
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  • Profile picture of the author caloyski
    I really like the idea. Thanks John.
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  • Profile picture of the author sundaymorning
    I need this in my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Bucker
    This is an incredible thread as so many have stated. I would like to challenge all who read to tell me if you have applied these principles yes or no and why or why not.
    If so what is your testimony. If not what has kept you from doing so.
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    • Profile picture of the author DennisMc
      Originally Posted by Michael Bucker View Post

      This is an incredible thread as so many have stated. I would like to challenge all who read to tell me if you have applied these principles yes or no and why or why not.
      If so what is your testimony. If not what has kept you from doing so.

      I started by doing this. Find John Durham's "Offline on Crack" audios and listen to them over and over, you will find that it's not that hard and will break your fear of the "50 lb. phone". These audios really pushed it into my head and helped me a lot. Good luck, Dennis
      "You can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want" Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicheboss
    Can we do the same thing reselling using hostgator, godaddy, ? Why homestead? I've few people and business already asked me about having a websites, but I never have a plan of doing reselling hosting. Probably because lack of knowledge on web design. What if the client ask for a custom web design that you can't provide with a template?

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    • Profile picture of the author RB
      Beautiful! I've lurked on this forum for half a dozen years or more. At first because I was the chosen one to raise my three year old after a divorce. Bed time at 7pm for him held me captive in my home.

      That is what is so great about the internet. As one song sings, you can take a trip and never leave the farm! To harness that power and knowledge became my main goal.

      I could see the writing on the wall and how my then 25 year old photography business was being impacted.
      1. Technology bringing the portrait within reach of any person.
      2. The redirection of discretionary and disposable income.
      3. The disappearance of disposable income due to high unemployment.
      4. The increase in low overhead competition due to the those who tried to replace the job they no longer had by working out of their bedroom.
      5. Continual inflation of the cost of doing business.

      I could go on...

      As I let my few employees go, my workload increased tremendously. My family responsibilities also continued to escalate as life demands.

      Consequently, I could never find the time to act on any of the many things I saw as potentially reviving for the business. I was smart enough to see what was coming but unable to adapt and to beat the time constraints. I have, if nothing else, learned a lot about marketing.

      In fact, I have my antiquated bachelors degree in marketing, not photography.

      I continually seek new workable frontiers to associate with my business.

      And now, I think you may have given me the spark to proceed and act, a hinge that could open new parallels and connect them to those I already follow by using assets and skill sets I already possess. This seems a perfect tie in with something that already exists for me.

      I love people and would never want to "sell" them something they did not want or need. I have always provided a service that was useful, in demand, and appreciated. I found self worth this way, and I earned my living. I could never sell, but I could meet the needs of my offline customers.

      So not to rant much longer, I have to say thank you John for being the kind and civic minded person you are. I am enlightened by your tone, demeanor, and knowledge. Thank you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jessie Callaghan
    The whole argument can be brought up about what's the purpose of offline consulting, to make money or to help a business out by making them more money? The truth is, the purpose is both. The reason to do this business is to make money helping others make more money. If it takes using a lower end software tool to create sites that get a client online, then do it, and improve and upgrade from there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zen Warrior
      Originally Posted by Jessie Callaghan View Post

      The whole argument can be brought up about what's the purpose of offline consulting, to make money or to help a business out by making them more money? The truth is, the purpose is both. The reason to do this business is to make money helping others make more money. If it takes using a lower end software tool to create sites that get a client online, then do it, and improve and upgrade from there.
      Yep, that is the key to everything in life...I think it's called The Golden Rule...not that I've got it figured out but it's what I've started focusing on...nice post.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris1212
    If only I'd found this thread when it first started! I could have saved 11 months of agony!

    John... THANK YOU so much! This is the best thing I've read on the warrior forum.. ever.

    I'm currently working a job that, well, I don't exactly "hate" because I'm in charge and the hours are up to me... but I'm soooo sick of it. Been doing it over 5 years and need to do something easier. My body is really complaining.

    BUT... I only need about $500 per month income to pay my bills. Now, I know that will stun a lot of people, but I pay no rent/house payment, have a small rental that pays me a little every month (after the mortgage payment on it), and I'm a non-consumer and live very frugally... yet very comfortably. So I'm a little freaked out here that for the last 11 months all I would have had to do is sell and create 2 sites per month and I could have saved all those hours of agony at my j-o-b. Ugh. A painful realization... but...

    By 2012 it's all over.. I'll be sitting on my you-know-what cranking out websites instead of working. How awesome is that?

    John.. thank you!

    But please... don't respond to this! You said earlier that if you posted 50 times to this thread it would sink into oblivion... so PLEASE don't... just know you are so appreciated right now! I'm pretty sure you just changed my whole life and future!

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  • Profile picture of the author shaynjordan
    Amazing is all I can say! Thank you so much and when I get paid next week, I will be getting an account (with hostgator, I get a discount ;P) but this is going to be fun to be added to my residual income coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author goldenweb
    Hi John,

    I have been looking for a solution like this for a while as I’ve been struggling in trying to do certain things within web design, What I would like to ask you is can you still buy the $19 reseller package from homestead? As I’m not a homestead user yet, but I would like to know how to choose that package. I have another question - where you talk about charging the buyer $25 per month on going. Is it possible to just transfer the domain & website files to whatever hosting the buyer wants to use? As I just want to charge a one off fee for some buyers and charge $25 per month on-going if keeping it at homestead for these others buyers!

    I would just like to say what a great idea you had and I can’t wait to get started!

    P.S. I was looking at another website builder (which I can’t remember the name) they wouldn’t allow you to sell their website to a new owner if you was using their images and themes, does Homestead have any policies like this?

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    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      Originally Posted by goldenweb View Post

      Hi John,

      I have been looking for a solution like this for a while as I’ve been struggling in trying to do certain things within web design, What I would like to ask you is can you still buy the $19 reseller package from homestead? As I’m not a homestead user yet, but I would like to know how to choose that package. I have another question - where you talk about charging the buyer $25 per month on going. Is it possible to just transfer the domain & website files to whatever hosting the buyer wants to use? As I just want to charge a one off fee for some buyers and charge $25 per month on-going if keeping it at homestead for these others buyers!

      I would just like to say what a great idea you had and I can’t wait to get started!

      P.S. I was looking at another website builder (which I can’t remember the name) they wouldn’t allow you to sell their website to a new owner if you was using their images and themes, does Homestead have any policies like this?

      They still have that package available, it's not called reseller though, just look for the $19.99 package. You can build unlimited websites and get domain names super cheap.

      As far as the domain goes. You can transfer the domain into the client's contact info so that they own it after you buy it. I don't think you can transfer the website after you build it in homestead which is one of the disadvantages of using homestead (probably the ONLY one in my opinion)

      If you're just starting out my suggestion would be to take the info from the original post, and just do it. Keep it simple as far as hosting and all that. Do it exactly the way John describes until you build up enough confidence/knowledge/ go out and start doing it your own way (as far as letting them pick their hosting, transferring files, etc..)

      If you try to figure that all out right now, you will never get started because you will be analyzing the situation too much and worrying about the *what ifs*. If you take this information, go build a website via homestead you will see how super easy it is to make one and you can sell it for like $300. Then you can move on to Hostgator or where ever else, but for now just go out and make some money!

      I also wanted to add that you get a free 30 day trial with any package you choose from homestead. By the end of 30 days (if you take action) you will have made that $20 over and over again, so you have no upfront fees! One sale pays for your homestead account! And you can build unlimited websites, so you're not restricted to how much money you can make because you can sell as many as you want.
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      • Profile picture of the author J4y
        Well what a fantastic post and this is a credit to everyone involved.

        Having just read all through the 13 pages I find it very refreshing to find everyone getting focused and learning new things.

        I have been sitting on some dull websites of mine for some time and I now need to bring these upto scratch in order to use them as my new portfolio.

        My main Question. Is there anywhere that has such a vast library in one place in the UK and is cheap like Homestead in the USA. Have used 123reg before and uk2 but they seem to be way behind the likes of Homestead. Also any pointers on Wordpress would be great.

        Any help on providers would be great as I know that a few people in the UK on this thread are already doing what has been mentioned. Just wondering who people think is best this side of the pond so to speak.

        Many Thanks

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        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by J4y View Post

          Well what a fantastic post and this is a credit to everyone involved.

          Having just read all through the 13 pages I find it very refreshing to find everyone getting focused and learning new things.

          I have been sitting on some dull websites of mine for some time and I now need to bring these upto scratch in order to use them as my new portfolio.

          My main Question. Is there anywhere that has such a vast library in one place in the UK and is cheap like Homestead in the USA. Have used 123reg before and uk2 but they seem to be way behind the likes of Homestead. Also any pointers on Wordpress would be great.

          Any help on providers would be great as I know that a few people in the UK on this thread are already doing what has been mentioned. Just wondering who people think is best this side of the pond so to speak.

          Many Thanks

          Word press is what we use to make up to date and search engine friendly websites.

          Plus... you can make more residuals with the hosting.

          I use Hostgator and then install either a Premium WordPress Themes | Elegant Themes or WooThemes | Premium WordPress Themes theme. It's easy because you can use the 1 click Fantistico install.

          Customize it for the biz... then charge them $30 per month for hosting. I believe this has been covered in one of the previous posts, like a year ago... but hey...

          Why not freshen up the thread a little..
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          • Profile picture of the author J4y
            Amir, Thanks for the Wordpress info. I currently have hosting with uk2. Would I have to purchase the Fantistico install software or would it be within either of the packages. I have noticed that on the Elegant Themes site it is $39. Will this be just for one template? I have a few sites to redo which are my own sites. Was wondering cause it says you can choose from any but was wondering if they only allow you one? Would you have a live sample site I can have a view of.


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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Kim
    Your post is awesome John. I love to read your posts because your ideas are fresh. this post too have just simple and doable formula to make money. Will catch it soon. Thanks for nice post.
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  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    Hey guys!

    I just wanted to contribute what I use for my web design services that I think could REALLY benefit newbies with no experience. I'm all about working smarter, not harder. =)

    Let me preface this with saying that web design is not my bread and butter, but rather my foot in the door (while making a nice profit) to start a business relationship offering them all of my IM services.

    I have found that the most professional set up for me has been Weebly. I know, I's not WordPress and some clients might shun Weebly at first, but they have no idea it's the platform I use!

    This is why I use Weebly:

    1. They have a powerful white label platform that can include all of your branding and give your clients access to make any changes to their site when you are finished. You can limit their access as well so that they can only update their site with new information, menus, contact forms, etc...

    2. It's all drag and drop. This really is as simple as it gets. They have 100+ templates for you to use and create a stunning site that clients will drool over! You can include shopping carts, video integration, and other features firms charge extra for.

    3. It's cheap! It basically boils down to $96 a year for everything.....and believe me it is worth MUCH more to your client. Also, you don't have to pay to DEMO your site to the client so no up front fees until you get paid first.

    I could keep on going and write a novel about this as I've had great success and I know you hungry Warriors out there will love this!

    Let me know if you guys have any questions or need any clarification.

    Have a productive day! =)
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  • Profile picture of the author edsmith
    Cool, thanks for the share. I'll try this one mate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybria
    John, thank you so much. Money has always been so hard to come by and IM just makes financial goals look so much more reachable. This post is a perfect example of how simple it can be. Just follow the yellow brick road and you'll reach the emerald city! Cold calling is something that somewhat terrifies me, but it would be worth it to reach my goal of traveling back home to be with my daughter. Thanks a lot for this post and to everyone who has kept it going. I will start making calls Monday.

    - Tiff

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    • Profile picture of the author chrisjenva
      Thanks so much John. Your information has been so helpful. I've had a number of people in the past ask me about building them sites since I'm into Computers and working online. I have brushed them off and referred them elsewhere. But, I'm going to get setup with this and add it as an additional income stream to what I'm currently doing.
      ==>Founders Needed! Only 2 more Positions Available!<==
      Get 100% back on your WSO Purchases. Earn when others buy WSOs. Share in a special BONUS POOL that pays for 12 months! New Concept!
      Email chrisjenva @ or PM me for details...
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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    This is one kick a** thread. Seriously. I've been a member here forover a year and not visited this space as yet. Now I have it's on my prime spot.

    After having said that though, I'll make sure to take action, and not 'dream'.

    Don't know if this would be a help in worrying about 'cold calling' ...I bought a WSO some time back which made it easier, it was put out by ...wish I could remember... On my iPhone and will look at my desktop when I get home.

    Don't know if it's still available ( not an affiliate). It just makes it 'easier' to preempt the cold call for those who baulk at it.

    As a performer and previous holiday rep, I am used to standing in front of small, large and massively huge crowds, but calling cold is not so easy, BUT... I'm sure it would get easier Thanks John for posting, sharing, and giving such great advice and info.

    And to everyone else BIG KUDOS.

    This is an amazing thread. You've just got to love this forum.

    Big love


    The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    found what i was looking for and alluded to above. the WSO I bought last year (wont go into detail) showed a way to preempt your cold call and make a prospective client more amenable.

    The wso was put out by Simple Spencer and Faub Tolieb, and have just checked...It looks like its closed, but Im thinking if you contact them direct, they may open a download for you.

    It was called Simple Profit System and got around the harshness of cold calling and was selling the idea to sell fb fan pages. The ideas in the wso would work just as well for website building...

    NO affiliate link of course, and thin if it were to be available it may be a help to those who hate cold calling...

    Thanks again to John for kicking this thread out there and to everyone who has posted. REally valuable advice...


    The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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  • Profile picture of the author gothicvegan
    Hi, anyone who's been doing this for a while, if you could take a look at my script I'd appreciate it. Just PM me your email, I can't PM back yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    After a wee bit of fear and procrastination, I went into a local bar after speaking with the manager (the owner is never around) and videod, edited, uploaded, and propagated this video all from my iPhone.
    Eveything done from the phone itself.

    Emailed the YouTube link to the manager and will see him tonight when I'm busking a pitch there...

    So much more can be done on the computer, but needs must, as they say, and did it all on the phone.

    Hopefully this link works, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts...




    The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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  • Profile picture of the author robertdicken
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  • Profile picture of the author sonix
    Great post! The way i did it when i first started was actually offer websites FOR FREE and then i would charge $50/month to host the site, and upsell marketing/backlinking. Its a great way to start if you are not comfortable selling people...most will take a free website if you give it to them!
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  • Profile picture of the author sodiumd
    I'm a 20 year old college student with a 4k in tuition debt. I don't have a car. I'm engaged to be married to a beautiful young lady in September.

    I was uber stressed about all that, and have hardly any free time to do anything other than school.

    But I grabbed up a free subscription to Homestead just to check it out, and threw together a test site.. After building my own website and spicing it up to look professional, I got everything together to make some phone calls. Nabbed a contract from a different web design business, made it my own, made a list of helpful questions, and went to work.

    After praying, ,I made about 20 phone calls my first day, of which I only got through to about 3 business owners. The 3rd immediately wanted to do business, but asked me to call back the next day, so I did. Again, "Call back tomorrow if you can!". I kept calling back until one day he asked to meet, so we met at the local Starbucks. He ended up signing a contract for a basic 5 page website for $500 and $20 a month in maintenance!

    I walked out with a HUGE smile on my face, and a huge burden on my shoulders! Today, I've made 50 phone calls, and have two very positive potential future clients!

    This method WORKS. It works GOOD. And people are HAPPY to have what you can make them!

    Thanks John, you've been a huge help!
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  • Profile picture of the author traficmaster
    making a good site is only 40-45% of the work
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    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      Originally Posted by traficmaster View Post

      making a good site is only 40-45% of the work
      Everyone has to start somewhere and thats what this thread is..a starting point. Once they get enough clients/money they can upsell on SEO and come back and outsource it to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybria
    I always told myself that I'd never do anything that involved cold calling but I'm pushing past my fears. I'm calling businesses far I called 35 and got all no's. I'm still gonna keep going though. Most people have been polite...had maybe 3 hang up on me. But no one has laughed at me or started railing on me yet so I guess so far so good. I have a list of 115 businesses...I know I can call them all. I just need 2 people to say yes to a website for $299. Onward...

    - Tiff

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  • Profile picture of the author Cybria
    Okay I am up to 74 and going to take a break. I got two "maybes," as in I'll call you back or call the owner back tomorrow.
    I was actually surprised that the vast majority of people i called would let me actually finish my introduction instead of interrupting or hanging up. I guess as business owners they can appreciate another business owner's efforts as long as I'm personable and don't sound too much like a sales pitch.
    Also I've been calling mostly dry cleaners and I've learned that often times the owner isn't there during the day...they're usually there early in the morning or sometimes later in the evening.
    Also a lot of the HVAC companies I called already had a's just that it wasn't listed with the Google listing. But it'd be worth it to check out the company next time before putting them on my call list. If a lot of HVAC companies already have websites then maybe business owners from the company would be more keen on getting one.

    - Tiff

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  • Profile picture of the author Cybria
    I am going to call it a day at 80 seems like when it comes to dry cleaners it's best to call in the morning time since that's when the owners are in. I'm going to put together another list of businesses to call tomorrow too in addition to the 20 or so that told me to call back in the morning.

    - Tiff

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  • Profile picture of the author gothicvegan
    Hey Cybria, that's fantastic! I've made about 30 calls so far, and I'm putting them on hold a) so I can spend the next few days getting caught up and working ahead on schoolwork (just finished a bought with the flu, always a trip) and b) while I'm doing all that work to open up my off-days, I'm sending out direct mailers. I've had people balk at my price of $399, so I'm offering a special this month only of $194 with the first month of hosting and any extra services free. I'm hoping that the mailers (hoping to send out 100 this week) will get me some calls even when I'm not actively calling. As soon as I make that first sale, I'm buying a lead generator and an auto dialer to make my life a little easier. Life has a special way of getting complicated sometimes, but I'm taking the opportunity to try out a more passive marketing approach- certainly not as my ONLY marketing source, but as another way to reach out.
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  • Profile picture of the author WayneMoore
    As ever from John BRILLIANT information! SO simple, but pure gold if put to action! Thanks for being a true warrior! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Heronimus
    Great info john

    I will try it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ken Belanger
      This has been a great thread. I am really thinking of trying and finally putting my degree to some use. Still feel there is some info I would need to research on but very sound indeed.

      John, do you have a program or more info than just the posts here? i would send you a PM but I don't have 50 posts yet.

      I am going to pdf these threads for future reference.
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      • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
        This for sure, is a great thread and thank you JD for giving it to us fellow Warriors! I sure did sign up, even made a sale but then the headache began. Looking back, it was all my fault. The one thing to remember, there are limitations to what you can offer as far as design goes.

        These are templates and you can do great things with them, no doubt. But, if your client has certain demands, it will not work. What you'd have to reinforce is that you are offering them a dirt cheap way to have an internet presence and to say it again, dirt cheap, lol.

        Would they rather pay upwards on $5,000 or buy your simple version for next to nothing and only x dollars for hosting? Most mom and pop's would prob be VERY happy in what you have to offer.

        I would say, go for it. Keep in mind though (as previously mentioned) once you do it with Homestead, you are stuck and no way to transfer. Better learn Wordpress and be "free,

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        • Profile picture of the author bl
          Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

          This for sure, is a great thread and thank you JD for giving it to us fellow Warriors! I sure did sign up, even made a sale but then the headache began. Looking back, it was all my fault. The one thing to remember, there are limitations to what you can offer as far as design goes.

          These are templates and you can do great things with them, no doubt. But, if your client has certain demands, it will not work. What you'd have to reinforce is that you are offering them a dirt cheap way to have an internet presence and to say it again, dirt cheap, lol.

          Would they rather pay upwards on $5,000 or buy your simple version for next to nothing and only x dollars for hosting? Most mom and pop's would prob be VERY happy in what you have to offer.

          I would say, go for it. Keep in mind though (as previously mentioned) once you do it with Homestead, you are stuck and no way to transfer. Better learn Wordpress and be "free,

          Thanks for sharing your experience. I wondered about what you found out and that is customers may want something a little more developed then what can be done with a drag drop system. I am also glad you shared about homestead. I wondered how their service was. I know a little html but I think I am going to brush up and learn a couple of more things before giving this a go.
          Although, it sounds like if you might stress the cheapness of the website, you may be able to complete the sale with a basic template.
          Have you tried since this experience and if so, what were your results?
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          • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
            Originally Posted by bl View Post

            Thanks for sharing your experience. I wondered about what you found out and that is customers may want something a little more developed then what can be done with a drag drop system. I am also glad you shared about homestead. I wondered how their service was. I know a little html but I think I am going to brush up and learn a couple of more things before giving this a go.
            Although, it sounds like if you might stress the cheapness of the website, you may be able to complete the sale with a basic template.
            Have you tried since this experience and if so, what were your results?
            You don't have to just *drag and drop* you can build your own site with homestead. Get a custom header/logo done via someone on the WF or fiverr for $5 and upload it to homestead. Those templates are just there for people who don't know how to build sites and just want to go in and change the content.

            They can be sold though! And it's great for a newbie that doesn't want to spend a month or how ever long *learning* how to build sites, but wants to take 60 min and go and make money. But no, you can't transfer the sites.

            You can twist that to your advantage too. You can turn this method into a rent a site method and just explain the reason the site is so cheap (if you're selling it for like $200) is because it's your basic package/design that can only be rented out without them being able to take ownership of the site. Charge $100-200 *set up fee* and a low monthly fee for them to rent the site out OR no set up fee and a higher monthly to rent it out and MARKET it for them. That way you can charge $200-300 per month and perform SEO and get that outsourced for cheap here on the forum and collect your profit every month.

            It's all about thinking outside the box! If you get stuck on the fact that homestead sites can't be transferred, now you're looking for a different model, now you're still stuck learning.....and making no money!

            This thread was intially set up for new people wanting to make money FAST. Not to tell you that homestead is the ONLY way, but a quick way to get set up, make money, then you can move on to learning Wordpress/hostgator or whatever.
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            • Profile picture of the author bl
              Originally Posted by Deidra Renee View Post

              You don't have to just *drag and drop* you can build your own site with homestead. Get a custom header/logo done via someone on the WF or fiverr for $5 and upload it to homestead. Those templates are just there for people who don't know how to build sites and just want to go in and change the content.

              They can be sold though! And it's great for a newbie that doesn't want to spend a month or how ever long *learning* how to build sites, but wants to take 60 min and go and make money. But no, you can't transfer the sites.

              You can twist that to your advantage too. You can turn this method into a rent a site method and just explain the reason the site is so cheap (if you're selling it for like $200) is because it's your basic package/design that can only be rented out without them being able to take ownership of the site. Charge $100-200 *set up fee* and a low monthly fee for them to rent the site out OR no set up fee and a higher monthly to rent it out and MARKET it for them. That way you can charge $200-300 per month and perform SEO and get that outsourced for cheap here on the forum and collect your profit every month.

              It's all about thinking outside the box! If you get stuck on the fact that homestead sites can't be transferred, now you're looking for a different model, now you're still stuck learning.....and making no money!

              This thread was intially set up for new people wanting to make money FAST. Not to tell you that homestead is the ONLY way, but a quick way to get set up, make money, then you can move on to learning Wordpress/hostgator or whatever.
              You have some good points. Thanks for the info. It is good to know that it is more than drag and drop system . I like the rent a website idea and I think this is a good idea in order to get around the fact that they are no moveable. I can see this working. I know this thread was about fast money. However, your limited with the clients you can get if you don't know how to design yourself. Unless, you outsource and as a newbie, I am not trying to outsource just yet.
              I am glad for the last person posted their experience because it helps you to understand more about homestead before you purchase. I am not going to sit on the bench because my skills aren't at an advanced level right now. I hope no one is doing this because it is better to earn now and continue learning and building on your skills.
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              • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
                Originally Posted by bl View Post

                You have some good points. Thanks for the info. It is good to know that it is more than drag and drop system . I like the rent a website idea and I think this is a good idea in order to get around the fact that they are no moveable. I can see this working. I know this thread was about fast money. However, your limited with the clients you can get if you don't know how to design yourself. Unless, you outsource and as a newbie, I am not trying to outsource just yet.
                I am glad for the last person posted their experience because it helps you to understand more about homestead before you purchase. I am not going to sit on the bench because my skills aren't at an advanced level right now. I hope no one is doing this because it is better to earn now and continue learning and building on your skills.
                You don't even have to say 'renting' if you don't want. Just tell them the way to get the site for $200 is to host it with you but you can build them a site within their hosting account but it will be more expensive. If they choose that route, charge them at least $500, outsource the site to where you can still make a profit.

                I know you said you dont want to outsource,but dont miss a sale because of it! I highly recommend homestead though for beginners, I am a homestead fan..I dont care what anyone says about them lol

                But if you do what John said in the original post and contact enough businesses, you can have money-back within 3 days...seriously.
                Good luck!
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                • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
                  Originally Posted by Deidra Renee View Post

                  You don't even have to say 'renting' if you don't want. Just tell them the way to get the site for $200 is to host it with you but you can build them a site within their hosting account but it will be more expensive. If they choose that route, charge them at least $500, outsource the site to where you can still make a profit.

                  I know you said you dont want to outsource,but dont miss a sale because of it! I highly recommend homestead though for beginners, I am a homestead fan..I dont care what anyone says about them lol

                  But if you do what John said in the original post and contact enough businesses, you can have money-back within 3 days...seriously.
                  Good luck!
                  Hello, I know most of the businesses are in the US. But what about cases where one is in Nigeria? I can access some directories to get contacts of businesses who do not have website. I do not have their email but phone numbers. I would have preferred a case whereby their emails were available but after so much searches, it appear that people only give their phone numbers, whether on yellow pages or yelp.

                  Are most of the phone numbers displayed mobile numbers and would it be wise to send sms? I better with written communication as I can craft good email pitches. However, it appear I might not get that opportunity with this kind of business model. If that is the case, I would have my elder brother handle the calling. So, in case where you need further details like content that will go into the site, how do you handle that? Over the phone?

                  How do you handle issues of payments? Paypal isn't fully operational in Nigeria as we can't receive funds yet. Do clients send full payments or how does the payment work?

                  Thanks in advance.

                  P.S: sad John is no longer around here.
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              • Profile picture of the author everyonewins
                This is a very popular thread which I see was started way back in 2010. My question is rather simple I think...but I am EXTREMELY interested in your answer. Does anyone need a website (be it HTML or whatever) in this day of Facebook? If a company doesn't have a website at this stage how can you sell them an HTML version when they could just go put a Facebook page up for their business? It's free!
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                • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
                  Originally Posted by everyonewins View Post

                  This is a very popular thread which I see was started way back in 2010. My question is rather simple I think...but I am EXTREMELY interested in your answer. Does anyone need a website (be it HTML or whatever) in this day of Facebook? If a company doesn't have a website at this stage how can you sell them an HTML version when they could just go put a Facebook page up for their business? It's free!
                  You're asking why people buy websites?

                  It's well over a billion dollar industry.

                  Facebook pages have very limited reach unless you pay to play. You don't own the property, you don't control it. Facebook pages are not websites for business owners.
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                • Profile picture of the author ShayB
                  Originally Posted by everyonewins View Post

                  This is a very popular thread which I see was started way back in 2010. My question is rather simple I think...but I am EXTREMELY interested in your answer. Does anyone need a website (be it HTML or whatever) in this day of Facebook? If a company doesn't have a website at this stage how can you sell them an HTML version when they could just go put a Facebook page up for their business? It's free!
                  A local restaurant I know here had a FB page. Said she didn't need a website because her FB page was all she needed.

                  Until they shut her page down. No warning. Not even sure why they did, TBH.

                  Friends started contacting her in a panic: Had she closed? Was she okay?

                  Needless to say: she has a website now.

                  Bottom line: don't put all your marketing into a piece of VRE you have no control over.
                  "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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              • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
                This thread is from 2010 so prices are usually different 6 years later. Also John no longer posts here, so unless he gets an alert. Don't expect an answer from him. But read his posts here and you will get an idea which package to buy.

                You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Anyone can do this...
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  • Profile picture of the author organise
    Very impressive things present here ,I like it as newbie.
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  • Profile picture of the author capnvon
    John thanks for this. I've just begun as an Offline Business Marketing Consulting. Of course I new and need a way to build simple sites for my customers to begin in the field. Your information has been helpful and I will begin immediately. Thanks again for your help!
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  • Profile picture of the author capnvon
    I would like to know if facebook, twitter and word press are compatible with this website.
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  • Profile picture of the author superhpgirl
    That's a lot. Well, thanks for sharing. Let's see where it will get me.
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  • Profile picture of the author icegin
    This sounds like a pretty reliable strategy. Thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author gothicvegan
    Well, I've sold my first website to my aunt (for a discount, but any revenue is revenue!) and I'm creating a projected profit. Even being in school, I think I can get 10-15 new customers a week using my days off to make calls from 8-5. It's been slow going, but I gave my sister a free website, and my aunt saw it on Facebook and asked me to make her one, and I'm hoping that word-of-mouth is going to get me more business. Currently I have a few a lawyers interested and I'm working as much as I can between classes and homework to get this off the ground: I applied for an apartment to move out of my parent's house, and I need $850 for the deposit and $889 for the first month's rent, not to mention money for food, gas, and furniture. I've got 6 weeks to make about $3000 to cover the basics, which is 8 new customers. I think I can do it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5695958].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      Originally Posted by gothicvegan View Post

      Well, I've sold my first website to my aunt (for a discount, but any revenue is revenue!) and I'm creating a projected profit. Even being in school, I think I can get 10-15 new customers a week using my days off to make calls from 8-5. It's been slow going, but I gave my sister a free website, and my aunt saw it on Facebook and asked me to make her one, and I'm hoping that word-of-mouth is going to get me more business. Currently I have a few a lawyers interested and I'm working as much as I can between classes and homework to get this off the ground: I applied for an apartment to move out of my parent's house, and I need $850 for the deposit and $889 for the first month's rent, not to mention money for food, gas, and furniture. I've got 6 weeks to make about $3000 to cover the basics, which is 8 new customers. I think I can do it.
      Congrats! I hope other people are inspired to take this model and make it work for themselves. I know you has some concerns in your previous post,but you didnt let that
      Jeep you stuck,you figuren it out and kept it moving..good for you.

      Which platform are you building the sites with?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Thanks again for this great thread.

    What do you do regarding setting up the email accounts?

    I set up an email account and have a copy of emails forwarded to the client.

    The client does not use outlook, how will she be able to send emails using her domain name?

    Learn Website Tips, How to Do Keyword Research, & How to Write Killer Content.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5784833].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Hadders6543
    Can someone give me a link to the Homestead Reseller account page? I can't find it.

    I have just got my first client at £70 ($100) per month and was going to build his site wirhh XSitePro but this seems like an easier option. If I have hosting situated in the US but the business is in the UK will this affect the chances of being ranked in SERPS?

    Thanks all...... Great thread
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5787096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      [QUOTE=Hadders6543;5787096]Can someone give me a link to the Homestead Reseller account page? I can't find it.

      Try this link see if it works Reseller Accounts | Homestead Host

      But their are great Alternatives try Hostgator and sign up for thier re-seller account. Build a Word Press site and host it on hostgator. That should work for you.

      You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author wesker123
    Its a little bit scary but ill try this out. Hopefully this will pay off soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author fyyonn
    Invaluble information that seasoned and newbies could use. I am working on it.

    Fortune comes to those who follow advice

    Read my internet marketing blog

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  • Profile picture of the author JForsberg
    GREAT info. Nothing less. I just wish I weren't as afraid of cold calling as I am.
    Have had a phone marketing job - for 30 minutes. Had to quit, it was too much for me, so the calling bit might be off my limit. Nonetheless, great reading.

    Rocking a new project at Kan Leve Uden, focusing on everything for a lovely night.

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  • Profile picture of the author marshallbailey
    I've come back to this thread several times and really didn't understand the need for this type business in a small rural town (where I live) so I never thought seriously about doing this .... UNTIL

    I was eating lunch with my good buddy who is an eye doctor in town... we were talking about how the internet is still exploding and how it was affecting his business..

    That's when he blew my mind... he said he had spent $5000.00 on a website and it was a one year contract... when we got back to his office I told him I really wanted to see this $5000.00 website... when he pulled it up it was a 1 page wordpress site with a youtube video on it.. it was terrible and it wasn't ranked at all ... couldn't find his on google at all.. and worst of all his year was up..

    Here's the worst part... he thought he got a good deal... like I said it blew my mind.. needless to say I'm building him a high quality website with lead capture and backlinks and as of right now I'm just doing it for free because were buddies and he can also hook me up with a ton of his physician and business owner friends he plays golf with .. as we say in sales a "loss leader"...

    Anyway don't be afraid of the price mentioned here ... it's peanuts... in fact they may not take you seriously because your so low... you will be giving them something they really need... and not ripping them off

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  • Profile picture of the author marshallbailey
    Thanks Honestbizpro... you are right

    I would also like to mention that many business's have Co-op money they can use toward their advertising cost..

    Example : I use to own a Cellular phone business.. I sold Nextel and Sprint (before they merged) and I would get a set amount of advertising money per phone sale (ie. if I sold 100 phones in a month I would get approximately $10.00 per phone ($1000.00) advertising co-op money .

    Keep in mine this is co-op money so to make it work I would have to spend some of my own money. It was a 80/20 split ... meaning they paid 80% of my advertising and I paid 20%.

    I say this so you'll know that it's out there.. especially with your franchise type business's.. ask you clients what they'll need from you in the form of billing to make it easy for them to submit for reimbursement from their co-op...

    So now if your charging $100.00 per month it's really only costing them $20.00 ...

    Every co-op is different so ask about it first.. knowing this and asking about it will make you look more professional.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevenfabian
    It all sounds good, but the toughest part is finding clients who are WILLING to pay. In theory everything is easy, but finding clients to offer SEO is something a lot of people try and fail at. Not because it doesn't work, but it's not AS easy as most people thing.

    If you don't agree, just go out there and try it...

    My 2c,
    No agenda here...
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  • Profile picture of the author 20092009
    How do we set it all up where these clients of ours will be automatically rebilled from there bank account not there credit card?

    I plan on starting this but I need to have that setup, Also, are there contracts and things? Then I just needs to get homestead setup!

    Thanks SO MUCH

    O, also, I was wondering if anyone had thought about setting each customer up with there OWN hosting and we would receive a nice affiliate commission from that? I was thinking at first that if it was doing that way then we could not charge the $25 a month... but maybe we still could charge $25 a month for support and maintenance? I dont know, just thinking out load.
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    • Profile picture of the author gothicvegan
      Originally Posted by 20092009 View Post

      How do we set it all up where these clients of ours will be automatically rebilled from there bank account not there credit card?

      I plan on starting this but I need to have that setup, Also, are there contracts and things? Then I just needs to get homestead setup!

      Thanks SO MUCH

      O, also, I was wondering if anyone had thought about setting each customer up with there OWN hosting and we would receive a nice affiliate commission from that? I was thinking at first that if it was doing that way then we could not charge the $25 a month... but maybe we still could charge $25 a month for support and maintenance? I dont know, just thinking out load.
      I actually have some questions that go along with this.

      I want to offer a referral program to my customers, so for every person they get to buy a website from me, they get a free month of hosting, up to 10 months. What program could I use to interrupt automatic billing without having to get the billing information from the customer again?
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  • Profile picture of the author kabira2012
    is there any way that i can promote online this excellent opportunity?

    thanks for the answer
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  • Profile picture of the author lostcyclist
    Now... if I could only find the balls to implement.

    I hate cold calling.

    Making $15k/Month with Amazon Affiliate Sites. Follow along or start your own escape:

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    • Profile picture of the author warrenrobertslr3
      I used to hate cold calling as well so I got a job in a call center. Didn't last long but it certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone, as I'm naturally an introvert. Still need to improve a lot for my own stuff though. Not quite ready to hire a telesales team just yet
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  • Yep, great post. It's almost the exact some philosophy I've talked about on my website here.

    Build a website for free if you have to. Charge the client $25 a month for maintenance (or maybe $35 if you are including hosting) and try to close 3 clients a week. That $25 a month becomes $3600 a month by the end of month 12 and very little involved in maintaining those websites (especially if you use something like ManageWP). You could even outsource that for around $5 a month per website.

    It really is one of the easiest ways to get into the business.
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  • Profile picture of the author caseyray
    First I'd like to thank everyone on the Warrior Forum, this site is amazing. I'm very new to all this & I'm so excited I found this forum.

    The post by John Durham (newbies read this. how to make 50k...) is unbelievable and I can't believe something like that is free. The post by Amir Luis (how I made $1600 in 72 hrs) is just as good and both have an unreal amount of free info. So I'd like to thank them.

    With being new to offline marketing but not cold calling I would love to get this going. I did have some questions I hope someone can help a new guy with.

    1.) How and what do you set up to collect monthly payments? Could anybody help me figure that out? I couldn't really find a definitive answer on that.

    2.) I remember reading on Amir's thread that outsourcing might not be a bad idea. Do you think starting out its better to make the sales, make the websites, do all the tech stuff, seo, etc etc. Or make the sales and outsource everything else?

    3.) If you do outsource where do you find people to do all that for you? Make the website, drive traffic, seo, etc.

    4.) If I did do everything, I don't know anything about seo. How do you make sure the customers site is worth having? Making sure it ranks, it'd getting traffic, etc.

    5.) Where could I get a list of businesses to call?

    I hope that's not too much and to everyone, thank you so much. I'm so excited to get my offline marketing career off the ground!
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  • Profile picture of the author caseyray
    Did anyone ever find a solid phone script for offline marketing to build a potential clients website for them?
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  • Profile picture of the author jideofor
    Where is John Durham? I hope he is fine? That was great man at heart and soul!
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  • Profile picture of the author klutzon
    Just the right kind of inspiration to remind people that there are just SO MANY amazing ways to make money in this world, and if you think SMART, you can rake it in big with minimal effort. Thank you for this post, just awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle
    Facebook is good for building traffic for your own website.

    Businesses need there own site simply because it's the only place where you can build a uninterruptible lead generation tool.

    Use social media to drive traffic but not as a destination.

    Your website (actually multiple websites) are a business assets.

    To leave to chance of your business presence is unwise at a minimum, foolish is more accurate.
    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Originally Posted by Mark Riddle View Post

      Use social media to drive traffic but not as a destination.
      Can I steal this quote?
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author NewDream
    Hi John ,

    I'm a newbie and i've just started with WF and i don't want to say " unfortuantely that i've just
    discovered your amazing topic " butt.....I really wanna start this and my
    problem is that i don't know wich package to order now cause i didn't find the one wich you talked about (Order the $19.00 per month reseller Package) i really will appreciate your help
    i went to and i did find ;

    Starter $7.99/mo ; Business $22.99/mo ; Business Plus $62.99/mo

    So please can you tell me wich one should i choose ?


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  • Profile picture of the author asiboyz
    So much for the good old days...
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  • Profile picture of the author SWIG
    So I want to go about making $1000 in a week.

    How do I find clients who will pay me that much?
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    I liked this post Not because it is a good post but it has some truths as well. I provide a service to real estate agents in my local area and it is going very well. I solved a big problem agent have that a is low cost virtual tours. I get them to provide the pictures I just put them to special software I purchased 1 cost $77 the other $70 and in 10 minutes it turns out a video virtual tour and it was very easy to sell So the idea of expanding someones business offline will also work I can see that as well. Good post Robert
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    I remember telling people something pretty similar to this way back in 2007 and there have been a pile of people who took up that advice, ran with it and now have 6 figure and even 7 figure businesses.

    These days you could also set up a wordpress site for clients...that's pretty easy too.

    If you add in even the most basic marketing (like a headline and a call to action on the site) you could even help the business make some money which means you could charge a lot more.

    With most hosting now (like Hostgator) you can host unlimited domains and there's no real limit to bandwidth either (or nothing you'd have to worry about doing local business sites).

    And as you develop your skills you can start offering other services to your clients too like email marketing, facebook marketing, SEO etc etc.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
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