Top Offline Markets

by 30 replies
I think we should create a list of the top offline markets. I will start and you guys posts with your top markets and I will add to the list. This will be great for those looking to market to their local area.

Plastic Surgeons
Attorneys Lawyers, Bankruptcy, Criminal, Business/Corp, Divorce/Family, Accident/Personal Injury
Physical Therapists
Wellness Centers
Auto dealers
Financial Services/advisors/consultants
General Contractors
#offline marketing #markets #offline #top
  • I think this has been done about 6x so far...just so you know =P

    Might wanna look up other threads.

    • [1] reply
    • I actually searched the forum and couldn't find what I was looking for actually. I thought I had seen it before as I am sure it is on here, but just couldn't locate it.

  • I would prefer to keep the list to industries that have higher transaction values.
    • [1] reply
    • One HUGE secret I discovered a couple of years ago is that with many businesses that appear to have lower transaction values there can be clients or particular kinds of promotions that bring in clients with HUGE transaction values.

      So where the average client might be only worth $50-$100 you may be able to find clients worth multiple thousands of dollars.

      When you come across something like that you can expand into that industry selling your services to businesses in the same niche across the country and acrosss the world because you have a piece of knowledge in that industry that is not commonly known and has huge value.

      So in many cases rather than just thinking "which businesses have high transaction value" you should be thinking "is there a particular client or subniche in this business where the clients have high transaction value?"

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Service based industries that serve a client at their home or office work best.
    • [1] reply
    • He is absolutely right, the construction industry and law/lawyer areas have huge opportunities.
  • Your list is actually pretty inclusive as far as the common "higher-end / higher average transaction value" niches go, at least in the United States. I've discovered that some of the most profitable businesses for us here in the States to go after, well they are not so profitable for those across the pond. I guess just because some of the industries are structured so differently or regulated a lot differently than they are in the U.S.

    Something to think about anyways.... I'll add some more to this list when I get back in the office, great idea!

    - Jim
  • I've seen other list but I think I may like this one better.
  • The best list I have ever seen is the Yellow Pages, you know these advertisers have spent money, they are concerned about marketing, and for the majority they are getting no return, easiest conversion going.

    Just one caveat, never tell a business owner he was wrong/stupid etc for advertising in the Yellow Pages in the first place!
    • [2] replies
    • Look for businesses that have display ads, especially full page splashes.
    • Yes, we've done a lot of lists in the past. Here are some categories to ponder...

      Personally, I prefer to qualify businesses first based on who is already wasting money on Yellow Pages, billboards, monthly shopper magazines, and newspaper ads. Any medium with a short shelf life and limited reach. Then I explain why their investment has such a limited reach/audience and short shelf life. Then I compare and contract Internet marketing's world-wide audience and forever shelf life.

      High dollar transactions make my best customers. Doctors, Lawyers, Surgeons, home builders, construction, any company with 1) a local customer base, high margins, and high transaction prices works for me.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Best method to find clients is simple.

    Find your local magazine (The ones actually sold at bookstores etc)

    They cover anything that is local from food/news/etc.

    All the companies that advertise there are local companies and not to mention they dropped some serious cash for half page to full page ads.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Pretty good list. Go bigger than single owner mom and pop. I'm not about to waste time selling people on the need for marketing. They need to be spending a significant amount on marketing already so they wouldn't be incurring additional cost, just re-directing money to more effective marketing.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • What is the best of these to target first for a new SEO company?
  • It really depends on the services you're offering. For example; Restaurants/bars/clubs are probably the best market if you offer social media marketing/management whereas the financial services and insurance industries would be the best for leads selling. Small businesses such as mom and pop stores or tradesmen would be best for selling web design to if they don't already have one etc etc.
  • I pretty partial to mid-market tech companies myself.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for the list.

      Same time next week, for another? Just having a joke, lack of sleep and way to much diet coke.

      I only work with businesses already spending money on marketing, I am not here to educate to why they should be doing this.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • How about create a large Social Media Following for YOUR own business. Complete your LinkedIn Profile 100%. Produce 100 Videos and 100 Articles for YOUR business. Run PPC and SEO practices for YOUR business. Then...if you do all this, then your clients will find you. You get targeted people who are looking for your services. You then cherry pick who you want to work with.
    Don't get me wrong, I like all these lists but you need to master Internet Marketing for YOUR own business first before you start to offer your services to other businesses.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • ITA with this and like the lists here too.

      I have learned so much getting my own stuff ranked that it has allowed me to create a much better system. I don't know how many people are just jumping in cold, but that would be a hard way to go IMO.
    • Cannot agree more. All the lists, tactics are really useful, but you need to know what you do, otherwise you can make a harm your client...
  • Well the ranking of offline marketing are changeable with the change of Generation and I'm just freaking out to doing my offline job as a service holder.
  • Just open your yellow pages and there is your list.

    We have done everything from musicians (my first and longest client of 12 years), Lawyers, bakers and candle stick makers. They all pay the same price so why make a list. Just get out there and meet your local business community.

  • Don't forget to go after the companies that you see advertising on Adwords, they're typically big spenders.
  • Here's a list of about 600 that I've compiled from one of my offline services.


    It's fairly comprehensive, so includes both high transaction and lower transaction market niches.
  • Providing lead gen for lawyers of any kind tends to be the most profitable for me.
    • [1] reply
    • would you mind sharing what you charge per lead?
  • Company start-ups and Music/Sports Events. Love them. Thats where me and my team can put our knowledge to work.
  • i've ranked a website on attorney section. it's on page one google. how i can land a client for my site? any advice ? thanks
  • I just found the services page on angieslist(dot)com
    (can't post links yet)

    There are a lot of serviced based industries on there as
    well as sub-niches that you can search for to market to.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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  • 37

    I think we should create a list of the top offline markets. I will start and you guys posts with your top markets and I will add to the list. This will be great for those looking to market to their local area.