This is what's working for me!

937 replies
Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
There had to be a way to tap into this.
This is what I did:
  1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
  2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
  3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
  4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
  5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
  6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
  7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
The Results:
I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
  • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
  • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
  • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
  • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think? Should I do it?

Thanks for everything.
#affiliate marketing #offline #what's working #working
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wise
    That's brilliant Dave, really creative thinking and simple action taking. Good to hear your success story.

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  • Profile picture of the author frogman
    Good job on thinking outside the box.
    Coming up with your own ideas, or spins on existing ideas, and actually taking action with it, is the only way to make significant income imho.
    If people would spend more time trying out their ideas, and less time looking for the easy button, there would be a lot more successful folks.
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  • Profile picture of the author PR0VIDENCE
    I live in Orlando and there are a MILLION shows/functions here every year. My brain is at work for sure! I am inspired. I copied this and saved it to Google Docs, just so I have it safe and sound!
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    How much did it cost you to make all the fliers in the first place? You said you did a big run at Kinkos, what was the bill for that?
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    • Profile picture of the author Thinking_man_too
      forget Kinkos!
      For a couple hundred dollars you can get a laser printer that will print 10,000 copies or so on one ink cartridge that costs $100.
      You can buy the low cost paper and print your own fliers for 1 - 3 CENTS A PIECE.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by Thinking_man_too View Post

        forget Kinkos!
        For a couple hundred dollars you can get a laser printer that will print 10,000 copies or so on one ink cartridge that costs $100.
        You can buy the low cost paper and print your own fliers for 1 - 3 CENTS A PIECE.
        do you recommend a specific printer

        Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
        Invest in domains without the hard work !
        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

          do you recommend a specific printer
          Yeah I would like to hear about it too!!!
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          • Profile picture of the author Radix
            PC Mag compares printers in every class and details cost per page, tray capacity etc. This is just an'd have to look around for ones fitting your specific needs, but they're a solid info source.

            Compare MFPs at PC Magazine

            edit: I'd also add that large universities and colleges typically have a print office that accept off-campus print jobs for a lot less than you'll pay at commercial printers. If you're employing college students for this type of work and you can find some good ones, they can remotely handle the whole operation for you.
            Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
            -Groucho Marx
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            • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
              Originally Posted by Radix View Post

              PC Mag compares printers in every class and details cost per page, tray capacity etc. This is just an'd have to look around for ones fitting your specific needs, but they're a solid info source
              Thanks for that reference. A quick look at the COLOR cost shows about $0.15 - $0.18 per page. I didn't see a cost on the toner cartridge, so perhaps a better source on toner cartridge pricing could lower that cost/page.

              Another consideration is duplexing (2-sided copying) ... the copiers in the PC Mag reference all have manual duplexing.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
        Originally Posted by Thinking_man_too View Post

        forget Kinkos!
        For a couple hundred dollars you can get a laser printer that will print 10,000 copies or so on one ink cartridge that costs $100.
        You can buy the low cost paper and print your own fliers for 1 - 3 CENTS A PIECE.
        If you have a link or a model number, I'd love to see anything that'll print 10,000 pages for only $100...inkjet or laser. Maybe black and white, but there's no chance you could do extensive color...especially both sides, for so little.

        I've had an Okidata color led printer for a few years that I love, but I believe a full set of toner cartridges (C/M/Y/K) good for 1500 prints costs about $250...almost as much as the printer itself! I bought this one because I knew I could get toner elsewhere and easily refill the cartridges myself, but that's almost $.17 a page and probably at a minimal coverage level. The flyers Dave shared were probably 50% coverage or more and I could see a two-sided flyer like his costing me more than $.50 a piece.

        By all means do some research and see where you can get the lowest print cost, but I'd test to be sure you have a winning flyer and product before investing in a D-I-Y solution.
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      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by Thinking_man_too View Post

        forget Kinkos!
        For a couple hundred dollars you can get a laser printer that will print 10,000 copies or so on one ink cartridge that costs $100.
        You can buy the low cost paper and print your own fliers for 1 - 3 CENTS A PIECE.
        Interesting... I take it that's one sided, so that's 5000 flyers.

        Paper's coming in at around $80 for 5000 sheets.

        Could save a bit of cash in the long run, bit of a pain, printing out 5000 sheets, how long would that take on a cheap printer?
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      • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
        Originally Posted by Thinking_man_too View Post

        forget Kinkos!
        For a couple hundred dollars you can get a laser printer that will print 10,000 copies or so on one ink cartridge that costs $100.
        You can buy the low cost paper and print your own fliers for 1 - 3 CENTS A PIECE.
        For this to save money, you'll need to print off 10,000 copies exactly (assuming you exhaust a $100 ink cartridge every 10000 pages and $0.02 per page of paper).

        200 + (10000*[.01 + .02]) = $500
        10000*.05 = $500

        It definitely concerns me that 9 pages have been gone through of thank you's and we still have 0 people reporting results, though some people appear to be in progress. Post your finds and reports after your events end, those of you who have taken such action. Thanks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3478658].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by BradBergeron View Post

          For this to save money, you'll need to print off 10,000 copies exactly (assuming you exhaust a $100 ink cartridge every 10000 pages and $0.02 per page of paper).

          200 + (10000*[.01 + .02]) = $500
          10000*.05 = $500

          It definitely concerns me that 9 pages have been gone through of thank you's and we still have 0 people reporting results, though some people appear to be in progress. Post your finds and reports after your events end, those of you who have taken such action. Thanks.
          There actually is two success reports in this post on earlier pages if you read through the whole thread, from folks that used this strategy last weekend. ROI's of 750+%. I have also had reports via email of higher returns. I appreciate your skepticism, and as such I have told people to ease there way into this. I wouldn't suggest anybody start of on this method with a $500 printing bill! That would just be foolish if you don't know it's going to work.
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          • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
            Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

            There actually is two success reports in this post on earlier pages if you read through the whole thread, from folks that used this strategy last weekend. ROI's of 750+%. I have also had reports via email of higher returns. I appreciate your skepticism, and as such I have told people to ease there way into this. I wouldn't suggest anybody start of on this method with a $500 printing bill! That would just be foolish if you don't know it's going to work.
            I skimmed every post on this thread. Where do I find reports posted? I didn't see any?

            ***EDIT: I must have skipped Page 7 b/c I saw all of them on there. Impressive.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3478896].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Thinking_man_too View Post

        forget Kinkos!
        For a couple hundred dollars you can get a laser printer that will print 10,000 copies or so on one ink cartridge that costs $100.
        You can buy the low cost paper and print your own fliers for 1 - 3 CENTS A PIECE.
        I'm afraid you have your math wrong. You can print your own flyers at 1-3 cents PER SIDE (not double-sided) and certainly not in color, but only in black and white. Furthermore, when you factor in the costs of shipping 1,000 flyers or more to your vendor, it'll definitely end up costing more than 15 cents per double-sided color page.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • That sounds really good. I live near Dallas and there are tons of events going on all the time. This sounds like a really good idea, and a really good way to get targetted traffic to your site. Going to check more into this. It would be a great product to check out!
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Christian, I wound up paying like $.38 at the printer that first time. I said kinkos but it wasn't really a kinkos it is a little franchise post place by my house, I haggled a little. When I printed them at work I payed our controller based on the Hard Cost that we were charged by Konica (who leases them the copier), this was $.12 ea. That gives you an idea of the real worth. I have since found a place here locally that does them for $.15 ea and ships them for me for just the cost of shipping.

      I have also never tried a single sided flier which are about half the price.

      Even at the most expensive rate though, I've still spent more trying to dial in a pulse360 campaign.

      It's also important to note that with this high quality traffic click through rate is well over 10% always and I am averaging EPC's of about $3.35!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389203].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Christian, I wound up paying like $.38 at the printer that first time. I said kinkos but it wasn't really a kinkos it is a little franchise post place by my house, I haggled a little. When I printed them at work I payed our controller based on the Hard Cost that we were charged by Konica (who leases them the copier), this was $.12 ea. That gives you an idea of the real worth. I have since found a place here locally that does them for $.15 ea and ships them for me for just the cost of shipping.
        Work Printer 300 x 0.12 = $36
        Print Shop 1500 x 0.38 = $570
        Net Cost = $606

        Revenue = $3000

        That's an ROI of 500%...damn that's nice.
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Christian, I wound up paying like $.38 at the printer that first time. I said kinkos but it wasn't really a kinkos it is a little franchise post place by my house, I haggled a little. When I printed them at work I payed our controller based on the Hard Cost that we were charged by Konica (who leases them the copier), this was $.12 ea. That gives you an idea of the real worth. I have since found a place here locally that does them for $.15 ea and ships them for me for just the cost of shipping.

        I have also never tried a single sided flier which are about half the price.

        Even at the most expensive rate though, I've still spent more trying to dial in a pulse360 campaign.

        It's also important to note that with this high quality traffic click through rate is well over 10% always and I am averaging EPC's of about $3.35!
        Brilliant execution, Dave. However, looking at the costs I think it'd have been significantly higher for the average person if they just went into Kinko's and did a double-sided color photocopy job - I'd imagine the rate would have been about $1 per page or even higher. It's great that your expenses were so much lower since you were paying actual cost for the printing.

        This would be certainly feasible though for someone who had access to their own color printer, and only had to pay actual cost per page.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    This is brilliant! Perfect example of someone not over-thinking and not talking himself out of trying something.

    You TOOK ACTION and it paid off. Kudos to you!

    All of us can take a big lesson from this story. Doesn't matter if it's online or offline... go where the traffic is and put something in front of them that is related to their interest. That's all the OP did here. No rocket science was involved. And now he has a repeatable, expandable business with very little work to do on his end and a lot of profit margin built-in.

    Awesome stuff!

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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    Excellent story! Kudoo's for being motivated and getting out that and doing some "old fashioned door knocking" .

    Remember, people online are all offline too Money never sleeps eh?
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Excellent! Next thing you need to do is write this all up in a special report (your original post would just about cover it) and offer it as a WSO. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom L
    Definitely a genius idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Nick30
      I like it too!
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  • Profile picture of the author RunningBear
    Congratulations! Excellent idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly

    Any chance of getting you to post an image of your flyers?
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Here is the woodworking flier that got it all started. I cant post links cause my post count is too low still. You'll have to copy and paste in the URL's



      I have also done a video report that documents that first event, but if I tell you where to go to look for it they'll pull this post because it's self-promotional. That's what happened yesterday.
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      • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389572].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MrPEOS
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Here is the woodworking flier that got it all started. I cant post links cause my post count is too low still. You'll have to copy and paste in the URL's



        I have also done a video report that documents that first event, but if I tell you where to go to look for it they'll pull this post because it's self-promotional. That's what happened yesterday.
        Your video links are returning a 404 error page
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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by MrPEOS View Post

          Your video links are returning a 404 error page
          <========= <========== <==========
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      • Profile picture of the author nofearman
        bummer dead links.. ??

        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Here is the woodworking flier that got it all started. I cant post links cause my post count is too low still. You'll have to copy and paste in the URL's



        I have also done a video report that documents that first event, but if I tell you where to go to look for it they'll pull this post because it's self-promotional. That's what happened yesterday.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3489821].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author caseycase
    That's how its done! Awesome creativity!

    And yes, put together a course on it! That would be great!

    Free IM Info, No Junk -

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389595].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Dave,

      Good stuff.

      You have probably thought of this, but in case you haven't, it might be an idea (if you want to expand and sell more products in this niche or the others you are working) to test capturing email addys (via a freebie?) using this method too, then set up an autoresponder sequence *once* with multiple products plus some useful content etc - I'm sure you know the rest.

      Thanks for sharing your system and the flyer, it's always interesting and helpful to see a case study.

      Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by ExRat View Post

        Hi Dave,

        Good stuff.

        You have probably thought of this, but in case you haven't, it might be an idea (if you want to expand and sell more products in this niche or the others you are working) to test capturing email addys using this method too.

        Thanks for sharing your system and the flyer, it's always interesting and helpful to see a case study.
        Yeah, GOOD POINT. I have started doing that. I'm driving to a squeeze page and giving away a small "sample pack" when I can in exchange for their opt in. Initial testing so far is that it hurts conversions quite a bit.-like 40%

        But I have some ideas for that too that I'm going to implement soon.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389667].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ExRat
          Hi Dave,

          Rather than swapping the one approach directly for the other, you could always combine them - for example, stick with the initial idea of primarily driving them to a redirected domain to a CB product via the flyer, but on the corner section of one side of the flyer have a freebie>list offer placed on a different domain/squeeze page.

          You could then use the list to sell more products, or to add gentle reminders for the main product for those who need more nudging to buy it, cross sell to related products/lists etc. All the usual stuff.

          You can also test different ways of adding this other offer/domain to the flyer - EG - front for main offer, rear for the list building. Just be sure to do an a/b test and accurately track the results so that you have solid test results which you can refer to and use as an information bank when planning new campaigns.

          Roger Davis

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389696].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by ExRat View Post

            Hi Dave,

            Rather than swapping the one approach directly for the other, you could always combine them - for example, stick with the initial idea of primarily driving them to a redirected domain to a CB product via the flyer, but on the corner section of one side of the flyer have a freebie>list offer placed on a different domain/squeeze page.

            You could then use the list to sell more products, or to add gentle reminders for the main product for those who need more nudging to buy it, cross sell to related products/lists etc. All the usual stuff.

            You can also test different ways of adding this other offer/domain to the flyer - EG - front for main offer, rear for the list building. Just be sure to do an a/b test and accurately track the results so that you have solid test results which you can refer to and use as an information bank when planning new campaigns.
            This is great advice. I am currently split testing the snot out of it in other ways. I'll try your idea and report my findings in a couple of weeks.
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            • Profile picture of the author magnates
              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

              This is great advice. I am currently split testing the snot out of it in other ways. I'll try your idea and report my findings in a couple of weeks.
              i just realised i am not as creative as i thought . YOU definitely ARE . This is amazing . Well done

              You are not only creative and bursting with new ideas you also pull the trigger

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5564416].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author goindeep
                I have done something similar for a while now too

                My method is very similar yet I also mix it up a bit.

                Unlike yours, my results actually started slowly until my fat head figured it all out. I actually spent hundreds of dollars trying this on people in my neighborhood and because I was so embarrassed to hand out flyers I would do it at like midnight... which in itself meant I had some funny experiences with police and a few dogs

                I dont know about you, but I wouldn't be selling my system any time soon unless I was guaranteed to make more than what I do with this method

                Maybe i'm greedy... on second thoughts. No I actually am greedy!

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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    That's awesome man! I've done some promo via flyer's here and there, but haven't really took it to a level like that. Definietly a creative way to promote products as an affiliate offline.

    Just goes to show you that if you have a solid idea and have the drive to follow through, you can make anything happen!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389676].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author st271
    I love reading case studies like this. I would have gladly paid $97 for what you posted. A splendid thread.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    RE: Capturing e-mail addresses


    How about this idea? I see that Ted's plan package costs $67, but he has a special link for affiliates that gives a $20 discount, making the total $47. How about a landing page on that is very simple and big with an e-mail address field and a button...

    "Enter your e-mail address here to receive an INSTANT $20 off!"
    Button: "Yes! I want to save $20 instantly!"
    Link: "No, thanks... I'll just pay full price"
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390201].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author st271
    By the way the video on Teds Woodworking was made by a Hollywood actor that you can hire on Fiverr. I hired him for $5 just a few months ago. lol
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    • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
      Originally Posted by st271 View Post

      By the way the video on Teds Woodworking was made by a Hollywood actor that you can hire on Fiverr. I hired him for $5 just a few months ago. lol
      do you know his id on fiverr? Would love to see his work more.

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  • Profile picture of the author SamyPong
    nice one..keep it up...

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  • Profile picture of the author thegabrieljibril
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Wow, such great response. Training Product Comming. Thanks back to everyone who have tried to help along the way (many are on this post)!

      I never do this but.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    BTW, Dave...

    I can get 8.5 x 11 full color double-sided flyers for $0.075 a piece in quantities over 1,000. Thanks for sharing this -- I have a student who just joined my mentoring program and I think this would be an EXCELLENT vehicle for him.
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
    FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390403].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

      BTW, Dave...

      I can get 8.5 x 11 full color double-sided flyers for $0.075 a piece in quantities over 1,000. Thanks for sharing this -- I have a student who just joined my mentoring program and I think this would be an EXCELLENT vehicle for him.

      Please PM me your printers info....or your affiliate link for him, LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390456].message }}
      • Firstly, thank you for this thread. The simple ideas are always the best, good job

        Can anybody recommend a decent website where you can order flyers pretty cheap?

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        • Profile picture of the author Bizzniz
          Originally Posted by GoodnightSweetRatRace View Post

          Firstly, thank you for this thread. The simple ideas are always the best, good job

          Can anybody recommend a decent website where you can order flyers pretty cheap?
          I now a chinese company

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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Please PM me your printers info....or your affiliate link for him, LOL

        Sorry, can't get you the same pricing. This is a local printshop that I helped boost revenue significantly over the past 18 months. The owner Mike told me: "Steve, I owe you, big time. If you need hardcopy printing done, let me know and you'll get it at my cost".

        So after reading your OP I called Mike to ask him what it would cost me for 1,000+ full-color, double-sided, 8.5 x 11. He explained to me that he's actually going to print them two up on 11 x 17 then cut them in half. Anyhow, his cost is about $0.075 per finished piece, so that's what I'm going to pay.

        However, now that you are armed with his cost, maybe you can negotiate a deal with your local printer?
        Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
        FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390529].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Please PM me your printers info....or your affiliate link for him, LOL

        Check out:

        UPrinting | 15% OFF Commercial Flyer Printing | Print Flyers Online!

        That is NOT an affiliate link, and I have no association with the company. Using their online price calculator, it says you can get 2,000 double-sided 8.5 x 11 flyers on 100 pound glossy stock for $220 plus shipping. So that's under 15 cents per.
        Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
        FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

      BTW, Dave...

      I can get 8.5 x 11 full color double-sided flyers for $0.075 a piece in quantities over 1,000. Thanks for sharing this -- I have a student who just joined my mentoring program and I think this would be an EXCELLENT vehicle for him.
      Steven, mind telling me where it'd be possible to get the flyers done at this awesome rate? I know for a fact that Kinko's rates are outrageous in comparison to what you just quoted!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Wonderful, creative ideas! That's the type of "out of the box" thinking I admire, as do many others. Thank you for sharing this with the members of the Warrior Forum. Congratulations!

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
    Based in Canada and the USA
    None of our work is outsourced

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  • Profile picture of the author Diane S
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think?

    Thanks for everything.
    "About" ten? So this is just one income-producing idea out of ten or so that are all working for you? Did I read that right? Now that would be some product!
    KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
    My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390466].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

      "About" ten? So this is just one income-producing idea out of ten or so that are all working for you? Did I read that right? Now that would be some product!
      Diane, well 9 actually, but one I really want to yeah 10...LOL

      This is THE one that has had the most dramatic impact on my life and accounts for about 35% of the income generated from all of them. I am still strugling to drive traffic online. I'm pretty outside the box with most things I try. Plus I'm a swap meet, wood show, camping show, auction kind of guy.

      I just applied some good ol' horse trading to the IM world.

      I started shooting video for social channels about a month ago I could probably have it all packaged up pretty quick like. I think I'm gonna do it!

      WSO in two weeks time! There it's I'm committed.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390561].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paintbrush4u
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Diane, well 9 actually, but one I really want to yeah 10...LOL

        This is THE one that has had the most dramatic impact on my life and accounts for about 35% of the income generated from all of them. I am still strugling to drive traffic online. I'm pretty outside the box with most things I try. Plus I'm a swap meet, wood show, camping show, auction kind of guy.

        I just applied some good ol' horse trading to the IM world.

        I started shooting video for social channels about a month ago I could probably have it all packaged up pretty quick like. I think I'm gonna do it!

        WSO in two weeks time! There it's I'm committed.
        Can you send me the link to the WSO... Sounds like a brilliant Idea...

        You have no idea, how this thread has helped so many others......

        Thx once again for sharing this info.

        Geo-Targeting and local SEO Consultant
        Yes I do believe in Money Tree - Its just that we call it our LISTs

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3582264].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    One the BEST ideas I've heard as of yet. Now had you added a QR code and they scanned it to redirect to your mobile website it would be forever. I love successful stories like this one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390484].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bamtastic
      Originally Posted by Always-A-Warrior View Post

      One the BEST ideas I've heard as of yet. Now had you added a QR code and they scanned it to redirect to your mobile website it would be forever. I love successful stories like this one.
      adding a QR code is a great tip!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3549753].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BridgetSielicki
    Wow this is such a great story, thanks for sharing! Just goes to show that there are a gazillion different ways to make money if you think outside the box!
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  • Profile picture of the author mkonate
    Well done, good example of entrepreneurship...
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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated.
    I don't understand that part. How do you do that with printed sheets of paper? I would be surprised if people are going to type in the whole url complete with the tracking id.

    I suppose you must use redirects with a simple domain name?

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

    The KimW WSO

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390932].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Lloyd Buchinski View Post

      I don't understand that part. How do you do that with printed sheets of paper? I would be surprised if people are going to type in the whole url complete with the tracking id.

      I suppose you must use redirects with a simple domain name?
      I should have been clearer (is that a word?) I buy a domain for each affiliate. I use a lot of .info's for this. You can get them for like $0.99 and since SEO is not a factor for this approach, they work just fine.

      Then I redirect to the correct tracking encoded hoplink.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390990].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Gail Ogden
        Dave you are inspiring!

        Daring to make money on line.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391119].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
      Originally Posted by Lloyd Buchinski View Post

      I don't understand that part. How do you do that with printed sheets of paper? I would be surprised if people are going to type in the whole url complete with the tracking id.
      There's a way that WE do that when we issue printed items that are supposed to pay a merchant a commission... the "merchant ID" isn't identified as such on our documents. Instead, we offer a "DISCOUNT CODE" which is, in fact, the merchant's tracking code. So you'll see something like:

      Order Online Now!

      Enter DISCOUNT CODE:
      for an instant 20% discount!

      or similar. Who isn't going to enter a discount code? Very few people...
      Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
      FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391172].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Very resourceful, Dave. Thanks for posting your idea.

    I'd bet a good many people here have had their own ideas that they aren't making any money from because they haven't done this one thing that you did ... take action!

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    The idea is brilliant. You did thought the right way to fortune and actually made something worthwhile off your efforts, congratulations!

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  • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
    Wow, what an innovative way to get those commissions coming in! Good job and thanks for letting us in on your awesome idea.

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  • Profile picture of the author pappyy3
    Absolutely FANTASTIC post.

    Great to see you came up with a unique concept and followed it through -

    IMO: best post for 2011 so far


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391332].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FredJones
      Now, allow me to change your career ...

      Let me point out what you're missing here. Find some solid CPA deals (not email submit ones but ones that have excellent foundations) and go for them. Your earning is going to double up.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391390].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
        This is honestly the simplest and most genius strategy I've seen on WF for awhile now. I always thought about doing something like this, but never really thought of a strategy.

        Way to go! Can't wait to read more of your posts...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391499].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by FredJones View Post

        Now, allow me to change your career ...

        Let me point out what you're missing here. Find some solid CPA deals (not email submit ones but ones that have excellent foundations) and go for them. Your earning is going to double up.

        Way out in front of you. One of the "other" strategies I talking about is just that. I've already shot video about it.

        You guys rock. I said in a previous post that I'm no committed to have a product ready for a WSO in 2 weeks. So you guys hold my feet to the fire.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3392933].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dewboy06
        How creative of you! If you have 9 other ideas like this I'd definitely buy them from you.

        <a title="David Winegeart" href="">David Winegeart</a>

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397761].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author proaffiliate26
        This is a very interesting approach and it's awesome that you've formed a good relationship with the family through this endeavor!

        What site(s) did you use to find these shows?

        Local Events: Concerts, Festivals & More Upcoming Events - Eventful ?

        If you ever need any help, don't hesitate to contact me! I love giving back to the community...
        Want to see the GREATEST list of websites to help you make money online? Check out this post!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398835].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by proaffiliate26 View Post

          This is a very interesting approach and it's awesome that you've formed a good relationship with the family through this endeavor!

          What site(s) did you use to find these shows?

          Local Events: Concerts, Festivals & More Upcoming Events - Eventful ?
          In my area we have a newspaper called "CityPages" that lists all of the happenings on their web site. Usually I just Google a city and punch in conventions or something.

          Just before writing this reply I went to Google and punched in "Boston MA conventions and shows". The first page listed is Boston MA Conventions and Trade Shows- Start Here
          and there is a decent list of shows there. After a quick skim of the page I think there are 3 listed that will work. Now, I've never been to Boston and I'm not planning on going soon; but I'll be "working" there in a couple of weeks.
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      • Profile picture of the author sportsfan54
        How much money is you pay the vendor at the show to let you put your flier at their stand?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399132].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Zachmo
        Woah! This story of yours inspires me a lot! I'll definitely share your story to my friends. Thanks for sharing this with us!
        Wondering how to run successful Autoblogs? Lean the Simple Steps for Successful Autoblogging Riches with Mini niche sites.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3403052].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author FreeLinkJuice
        I gotta admit we do a good job with "moving the free line" but Adeel Chowdhry shows a magnificent example with the FREE warrior forum video.

        My advice is not to be shy about giving away your 'good stuff'. Your clients will love you for it and return (as we demonstrate at our site) to buy other stuff.

        Once again Adeel "Thanks"!

        Way to go man.


        Thanks for reading my post. Click below to get your free gift! (No opt-in required).
        Click here for your FREE gift!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419560].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author flc
        this is a great way to earn money, I wonder if it can work here in my country where people are very sceptical about information product...
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      • Profile picture of the author wonderd
        this is thinking outside the box
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      • Profile picture of the author mofi1616
        Its good to see the real world is still good for something!! Thanks for the tip, so stuck in my computer didnt even think of something like that to get clients.
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      • Profile picture of the author 0ldfart
        Great post! thanks for sharing

        Sorry for the stupid question - but whats a hoplink?

        Would like to have a look at the fliers but the images are 404'ing

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433672].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author markowe
          Originally Posted by 0ldfart View Post

          Great post! thanks for sharing

          Sorry for the stupid question - but whats a hoplink?
          It's just what the affiliate link on Clickbank (and some other networks) is referred to as. It's because it 'hops' the user via Clickbank (to pick up a cookie, mmm, cookies) then to the sales page.

          Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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    • Profile picture of the author Onash
      Excellent Idea Dave. I live in Germany where we have a lot of Trade Fairs or 'Messe' as its called in German. Would like to try this with some CB products in German or maybe develop my own........

      It might be an Idea to make a deal with the food stalls at these events. In addition to having people's attention when they are eating, it might work better Because I believe many others with stands of their own may be suspicious and think you are a sneaky competitor !

      I have often wondered why I do not see any advertising on the paper napkins on airplanes. I think that would be a great place to advertise. You have a captive audience sitting there mostly twiddling their thumbs. But I don't know how much Lufthansa would charge me ...perhaphs an arm and a leg...anyone with big pockets attempted this ??....would love to know.

      Brilliant Dave!....thanks for sharing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391427].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    I am so happy for you Dave.

    This is an example of pure action. You really have to be a go-getter if you want to succeed in this business. You have to look for ways and that's what you did. Stories like these always make me smile.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roxie
      You seem to have great original ideas! I've joted down a few notes. I've been using facebook and a few other site to do some free advertising (name dropping where possible for my new site). It's been 24 hours and without too much effort and 0$ invested I have about 100 views and 25 subscribers!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3471077].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author how2no
      Thanks for sharing, Dave.
      I have been using for several years for all of our brochures, flyers, postcards, etc. Might be a good solution for your business.
      Visit ... The Insider's Circle
      34 Free Reports. Tons of Downloads.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3474055].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jerry Brisbane

      I was just reading a sales motivation poster in the office of a client that said "The Man Who Goes Out In The Market Is The Man Who Gets The Business".

      And then I come back into my bunker and read this GREAT story.

      Good on you. This is what they call "guerrilla marketing" at it's best, and it was a delight to read that it worked so well. It is interesting to note that you found the flat A4 worked better than the glossy tri-fold. Just shows, that in SOME markets with SOME products with SOME offers, that down-to-earth presentation style works really well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3482946].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author allcash830
      Wow this is one the best threads I've read so far. So easy to take action on this idea and expand it to different markets. Thanks Dave! All the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author fabby
      Excellent post I have a large show ground near to me I may be able to make use of this info at some of their shows. Thanks
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    • Profile picture of the author rougemaster
      Wow that is awsome. do you mind if i use it?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kina
        I love this forum and this thread! Awesome idea!

        My hubby and I are vendors and do a lot of traveling to various events throughout Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona. The kind of events that we do are Renaissance Faires, Celtic Festivals, Man Shows, Woman Shows, new age events, etc. We sell Kilts, leather goods, drinking horns, handmade jewelry and other such goods.

        We are both still fairly new to the world of affiliate marketing and trying to learn everything that we can (I'm actually a copywriter by profession). If there is anyone that would like to have their affiliate fliers at any of the events that we will be vending at, we'd like to discuss it further with you. It would be a great way for us to learn more about affiliate marketing too without investing our time and money in printing up fliers and searching out products.
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        • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
          Originally Posted by Kina View Post

          I love this forum and this thread! Awesome idea!

          My hubby and I are vendors and do a lot of traveling to various events throughout Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona. The kind of events that we do are Renaissance Faires, Celtic Festivals, Man Shows, Woman Shows, new age events, etc. We sell Kilts, leather goods, drinking horns, handmade jewelry and other such goods.

          We are both still fairly new to the world of affiliate marketing and trying to learn everything that we can (I'm actually a copywriter by profession). If there is anyone that would like to have their affiliate fliers at any of the events that we will be vending at, we'd like to discuss it further with you. It would be a great way for us to learn more about affiliate marketing too without investing our time and money in printing up fliers and searching out products.
          Hi Kina,

          I would love to partner with you by having flyers at your events. If you would like to discuss it further, let me know. I'm currently working with 3 vendors right now. My biggest show is going on this weekend, so I'm hoping to post some good results. You can email me at if you're interested.


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        • Profile picture of the author AEC
          Hey Kina,

          I would be interested in talking to you to see if what I sell would be a good fit for the events you go to. If you are interested... Email me at then come here and let me know you sent a message. That is my junk email but I can check it if I need to. Didn't want to put out my main one to the world.

          Originally Posted by Kina View Post

          I love this forum and this thread! Awesome idea!

          My hubby and I are vendors and do a lot of traveling to various events throughout Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona. The kind of events that we do are Renaissance Faires, Celtic Festivals, Man Shows, Woman Shows, new age events, etc. We sell Kilts, leather goods, drinking horns, handmade jewelry and other such goods.

          We are both still fairly new to the world of affiliate marketing and trying to learn everything that we can (I'm actually a copywriter by profession). If there is anyone that would like to have their affiliate fliers at any of the events that we will be vending at, we'd like to discuss it further with you. It would be a great way for us to learn more about affiliate marketing too without investing our time and money in printing up fliers and searching out products.
          If you place good service ahead of making money... opportunities to make money will present themselves.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3676781].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author watson7
      Glad to see this post this discussion give us quality.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joshua526
      Wow! Thanks for the idea! Can't wait to implement it! So I will start the action steps to start earning!
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      • Profile picture of the author ALearner
        Hi Dave,

        Great info. share, the lesson one can get fro it is "TAKE ACTION". Summer is almost here and its going to be lots of events all over, so just take action and get the rewards.

        I have personally used this method with a little twist and all I can say is "it works "

        Thanks again.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3766066].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by ALearner View Post

          Hi Dave,

          Great info. share, the lesson one can get fro it is "TAKE ACTION". Summer is almost here and its going to be lots of events all over, so just take action and get the rewards.

          I have personally used this method with a little twist and all I can say is "it works "

          Thanks again.
          Care to share this twist?
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    • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3802131].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author westwindfin
      First I had to laugh. Oh how simple. Second I had to applaud. Oh how great. Great job of thinking out of the box. Glad to see you reaped the rewards by taking action on an "Why didn't I think of it" idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Dave, Dave, Dave....just when I start to think I've seen and heard it all around here, you come along with a killer idea that's just fantastic! I've seen and have heard others promoting CB products offline, but the way you're targeting buyers and JVing with booth owners at the show is just great!

    Well done man, and I'll be looking forward to your WSO!

    All the best,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3391504].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oziozi
    Dave, this is fabulous "out of the box" thinking and action taking. Thank you so much for sharing and for all the additional ideas you have promoted. All the best for your future success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
    You should seriously package it up! Stuff like this sell like hot cakes on this forum!
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  • Profile picture of the author tedwood
    This is what you call creative thinking. It's great you shared this with the thread. I would personally love to do something like this. The only issue is, I don't know what type of events this would work for and plus you must need a really good offer to get people onto your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author st271
    If you live in the UK you can buy 2,000 double-sided 8.5 x 11 flyers for £87 ($140) including postage. That works out at about 4p (6 cents) each.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3392476].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author markjob
      Im from the Uk, where do you get those cheap flyers from? Im printing my own but its a bit of a pain!!
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      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by markjob View Post

        Im from the Uk, where do you get those cheap flyers from? Im printing my own but its a bit of a pain!!
        I found a little print shop that does them here locally for $0.15 each. Earlier in the thread there is a place online that does them for about the same.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3417999].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author markjob
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          I found a little print shop that does them here locally for $0.15 each. Earlier in the thread there is a place online that does them for about the same.
          Thank you Dave. Im doing a flyer to CPA campaign this weekend, not a show or anything but posting through doors and down to the local shoping mall. I will most defo be looking for shows and events in my area for sure.

          Great thread this everyone keep it up.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3422004].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by markjob View Post

            Thank you Dave. Im doing a flyer to CPA campaign this weekend, not a show or anything but posting through doors and down to the local shoping mall. I will most defo be looking for shows and events in my area for sure.

            Great thread this everyone keep it up.
            Mark, what type of CPA offer are you promoting on your flyer? Is it targeted at all, or are you just handing this out to random people at the mall?

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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            • Profile picture of the author markjob
              Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

              Mark, what type of CPA offer are you promoting on your flyer? Is it targeted at all, or are you just handing this out to random people at the mall?

              Hi Paul,

              Sorry not had time to reply been busy getting things ready.

              The offer is a hair removal offer and this weekend in a local town there is a wedding fair as well as a beauty contest so i think its a well targetted offer.

              BTW Dave i just got your WSO but will not be watching till after the weekend, don't want to watch it and then start changing my stuff at this late hour
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3428202].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author markowe
                Originally Posted by markjob View Post

                The offer is a hair removal offer and this weekend in a local town there is a wedding fair as well as a beauty contest so i think its a well targetted offer.
                Do you, er, approach the, how can I put it, especially hirsute lady or gentleman when you are handing out the flyers? "Why madam, that's a fine beard you have, but have you considered...?"

                Sorry, couldn't resist!

                Awesome thread, it's really brought it home to me that the time for action is NOW with this offline cross-promotion. Eventually the crossover will be complete, the 'method' saturated and people will no longer differentiate between offline and on. But I think we have a way to go till that happens, so IMers, 'fill yer boots' as they say in my parts!

                Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3428255].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                  Originally Posted by markowe View Post

                  Do you, er, approach the, how can I put it, especially hirsute lady or gentleman when you are handing out the flyers? "Why madam, that's a fine beard you have, but have you considered...?"

                  Sorry, couldn't resist!

                  Awesome thread, it's really brought it home to me that the time for action is NOW with this offline cross-promotion. Eventually the crossover will be complete, the 'method' saturated and people will no longer differentiate between offline and on. But I think we have a way to go till that happens, so IMers, 'fill yer boots' as they say in my parts!
                  This is so funny, and it'd be easy to spot your prospects from a mile away. However, it might be a little embarrassing approaching these hirsute people yourself, but I guess that is what outsourcing is for!

                  In reference to your point about saturation, my opinion is that we're a long way from anything approaching that. People are generally scared of doing offline stuff, and it will keep this market relatively untapped for a long time to come. Many people enter into online marketing to get away from the offline stuff, so I just can't envision saturation occurring anytime soon!

                  >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429694].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author markowe
                    Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                    In reference to your point about saturation, my opinion is that we're a long way from anything approaching that. People are generally scared of doing offline stuff, and it will keep this market relatively untapped for a long time to come. Many people enter into online marketing to get away from the offline stuff, so I just can't envision saturation occurring anytime soon!
                    Actually, yes, I thought about that after I posted it - the vast majority of people I know are still hopelessly Internet illiterate. Despite the fact that everyone and their grandmother uses Facebook, most people's knowledge does not extend much beyond that, never mind to the dizzy heights of Internet marketing.

                    That's also in answer to someone who said, why wouldn't your prospective partners 'gazump' you when they see you have a good deal going. Well, to most businesspeople most of this stuff (including most forms of online marketing) is totally impenetrable and long may it remain so

                    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429772].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

                      Actually, yes, I thought about that after I posted it - the vast majority of people I know are still hopelessly Internet illiterate. Despite the fact that everyone and their grandmother uses Facebook, most people's knowledge does not extend much beyond that, never mind to the dizzy heights of Internet marketing.

                      That's also in answer to someone who said, why wouldn't your prospective partners 'gazump' you when they see you have a good deal going. Well, to most businesspeople most of this stuff (including most forms of online marketing) is totally impenetrable and long may it remain so
                      Exactly, many regular people just don't seem to be able to comprehend internet and affiliate marketing, let alone connect it with offline marketing. I've talked with many businesspeople over the course of my offline consulting, and they don't have the slightest inclination to get involved in any kind of online marketing - they're far too busy and involved with their own businesses to even bother!

                      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3430081].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                  Originally Posted by markowe View Post

                  Do you, er, approach the, how can I put it, especially hirsute lady or gentleman when you are handing out the flyers? "Why madam, that's a fine beard you have, but have you considered...?"

                  Sorry, couldn't resist!

                  Awesome thread, it's really brought it home to me that the time for action is NOW with this offline cross-promotion. Eventually the crossover will be complete, the 'method' saturated and people will no longer differentiate between offline and on. But I think we have a way to go till that happens, so IMers, 'fill yer boots' as they say in my parts!

                  All of the stats that I have seen pretty much call this "an untapped market". I think there is so much room here it won't be an issue anytime soon.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3431183].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sim22
        Originally Posted by markjob View Post

        Im from the Uk, where do you get those cheap flyers from? Im printing my own but its a bit of a pain!!
        Ridiculously cheap prices here

        Mixam Print Quality Online Printing
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3418780].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author anthonyjames
      Originally Posted by st271 View Post

      If you live in the UK you can buy 2,000 double-sided 8.5 x 11 flyers for £87 ($140) including postage. That works out at about 4p (6 cents) each.
      Can you forward the link for this please to my pm? Love to see that.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3612433].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JustVisiting

    Thanks for your posting!
    The best simple effective strategy I've seen for a long time.

    Anyone should be able to duplicate your method if they do a little research and get off their butts...
    ...others will ignore practical approaches like yours and keep searching for the "push button" make a million software and become disillusioned in the process.

    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think?
    I look forward to buying your WSO...and soon.
    "...If at first you don't succeed; call it Version 1.0"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3392492].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nikhil V Nair
    Absolutely brilliant. You had an idea and you implemented it.
    Real example of Thinking outside the box.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3392727].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Yogini

    What a great post. How closely do you match the offer to the type of market it is? For instance, I assume you wouldn't do woodworking offers at a yoga fair. Or is that wrong?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3393236].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Yogini View Post


      What a great post. How closely do you match the offer to the type of market it is? For instance, I assume you wouldn't do woodworking offers at a yoga fair. Or is that wrong?

      Yes you have to match offer to show, but this is very easy to do. CB has a product for everything, you can do the golf, wedding, self help, rv, gun, game, wine tasting, etc show.

      Usually the show has a promotional webpage up with a vendor list. This is a great place to buy a banner ad for the product that you are going to promote. Look at the vendor list then go to the vendors individual website. You can usually tell from there how big they are and find contact info.

      I've also developed similar tactics for CPA offers and and physical goods promotion.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3393472].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MarthaD.
    Fantastic Dave!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you for posting this, very inspirational. Definitely package it all up and you've got a great product to sell!
    I agree with "Always A Warrrior" - add a QR code!! Just working on this myself and hope to have a finished ebook on it soon.

    If you haven't heard about these codes yet you'll more than likely to soon. They have great potential. They act as link to whatever website, message, etc. you have embedded in them.

    Your cell phone camera captures the code which is a symbol and immediately brings up the site or message on your phone.

    Google "QR reader" to download to your phone to enable your camera to capture the code.

    You can try it out at either of these 2 sites - no affiliate, these are free sites but I'm not yet able to use an actual url so hopefully, you can copy and past them:

    mainly generates codes for website addresses only

    generates codes for websites, phone numbers, messages, sms, emails, vcards, also generates a url address for any of the above not having its own url address

    I'd show you what one looks like but I can't paste anything yet either but you'll see for yourself if you visit one of the sites above.

    Thanks again Dave, wishing you more success!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394063].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Triggerkg
    Great idea dave thanks for posting
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Marseille
    Wow that is great...this is a great example of what you can do when you put you mind to work and think outside the box. There are many great offline opportunities to make money with online products...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394451].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Porkchop817
    Another question...have you had any problems with people accepting your offer/jv idea of renting table space from them for your flyers?

    Have you been to any shows where people have just flat out told you "no", and you weren't able to display your flyers at that show?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394679].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Porkchop817 View Post

      Another question...have you had any problems with people accepting your offer/jv idea of renting table space from them for your flyers?

      Have you been to any shows where people have just flat out told you "no", and you weren't able to display your flyers at that show?

      The only show I ever did where I showed up without a vendor secured was the first one. Now I use the vendor list that is always published online at the promoters home page and contact vendors and arrange this ahead of time. If I call or email 10 people I always get at least one yes. It helps now that I've been doing this a while so I can show them what they could make.

      It hasn't been and issue I have always found someone to promote for me and it usually isn't that hard. You just need to make sure that your product compliments theirs and doesn't compete with it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394725].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Originally Posted by Porkchop817 View Post

      Another question...have you had any problems with people accepting your offer/jv idea of renting table space from them for your flyers?

      Have you been to any shows where people have just flat out told you "no", and you weren't able to display your flyers at that show?
      Don't expect everyone to tell you yes in fact most just might say no but all you need is one yes and you're in business.

      Don't be afraid of "no". It brings you that much closer to "yes".
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410561].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CFK
    Thanks for this read, very good, great info and inspiration
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3394988].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Porkchop817
    I couldn't get them to load on three different computers, on either IE or Firefox.

    What I was able to do was right click the hyperlinks and choose "save target as", then I was able to view them on my computer.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395881].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    This is spectacular and creative. It is great to merge the offline and online economies to make money. Thanks for the great tips also!

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396001].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Terry Hatfield

    If it worked good on one table, I would try and get several vendors in a show to distribute the fliers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396228].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Terry Hatfield View Post


      If it worked good on one table, I would try and get several vendors in a show to distribute the fliers.
      I've done that at a few different shows in different niches. I found that if the total attendance is about 15,000 or below it doesn't help to have multiple vendors. I suppose if the show is small enough 1 stack get's everyone's eyes??

      The other events I've tried "multi-tabling" ,as the online poker players say; had attendance in the range of 40-50K and then it seems to make a BIG difference.

      I've "worked" a total of 42 events in the last few months and track my data closely and the cut-off seems to be right around 15K.

      Just a side note. Even at $1 a page (which I would never pay and nobody should have to pay even half of that) I would have doubled my money, minimum; at every event I've done.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396466].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Diane S
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I've "worked" a total of 42 events in the last few months
        do you have helpers?
        KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
        My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396472].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JustVisiting
          Hi Dave

          Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

          do you have helpers?
          I was wondering the same thing!
          42 events in the last few months.

          You have a lot of shows in the area you live?
          Do you travel a lot?
          Some are mid-week not only weekends?
          Do you cover Trade Shows?

          "...If at first you don't succeed; call it Version 1.0"
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397044].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I've done that at a few different shows in different niches. I found that if the total attendance is about 15,000 or below it doesn't help to have multiple vendors. I suppose if the show is small enough 1 stack get's everyone's eyes??

        The other events I've tried "multi-tabling" ,as the online poker players say; had attendance in the range of 40-50K and then it seems to make a BIG difference.

        I've "worked" a total of 42 events in the last few months and track my data closely and the cut-off seems to be right around 15K.

        Just a side note. Even at $1 a page (which I would never pay and nobody should have to pay even half of that) I would have doubled my money, minimum; at every event I've done.
        Dave, I've made color copies at Kinko's/FedEx before, and their rates are quite frankly pretty outrageous.

        Are there any specific online print/copy providers that you can recommend (especially the ones that specialize in bulk orders) that charge more reasonable rates which are closer to the prices you quoted?
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397069].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Dave, I've made color copies at Kinko's/FedEx before, and their rates are quite frankly pretty outrageous.

          Are there any specific online print/copy providers that you can recommend (especially the ones that specialize in bulk orders) that charge more reasonable rates which are closer to the prices you quoted?
          As Dave mentioned, I had posted a link to an online printer that seems very reasonable. Here's the link (no affiliation):

          UPrinting | 15% OFF Commercial Flyer Printing | Print Flyers Online!
          Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
          FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398883].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author andrea_vk
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Dave, I've made color copies at Kinko's/FedEx before, and their rates are quite frankly pretty outrageous.

          Are there any specific online print/copy providers that you can recommend (especially the ones that specialize in bulk orders) that charge more reasonable rates which are closer to the prices you quoted?
          Maybe you shoudl look at Vistaprint. I ordered from them before, from Australia but I am sure the staff was shipped from the US or some other place, They always have specials and very affordable.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409129].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tallguy83
    That's brilliant idea!I think sometimes you just need to be creative and come up with some unique money making ideas.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396756].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Simu :P
    Excellent way of offline marketing.

    Not new, but working!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397085].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Absolutely brilliant!

    I have thought about a similar plan before but never actually put it to work..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397177].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Boyd

      How do you handle questions from vendors if they ask, if you are the owner of the product you are promoting in the fliers before they agree to put them in their booth?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397568].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rocky80
        Wow this is a fantastic thread, thank you.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402992].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IM Lover
    Fantastic Dave this really is some great work you have cracked it, and also given us something to think about and work with, thanks so much for sharing this with us.

    I am in the Uk and this really does sound like something I could achive, with some hard work and determination I think this will work out really well.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397847].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author candoit2
    Just hearing stories like this inspires. Everyone has trade shows going on in their cities.

    Very cool share.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397923].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ltrain_riders
    This is a great story. It uses a classic approach, sprinkled with some modern day marketing and you have created your own recipe for success.

    Out of the 1154 hops, how many were orders and what's the average cost per order?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398142].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

      do you have helpers?
      Originally Posted by JustVisiting View Post

      Hi Dave

      I was wondering the same thing!
      42 events in the last few months.

      You have a lot of shows in the area you live?
      Do you travel a lot?
      Some are mid-week not only weekends?
      Do you cover Trade Shows?

      Nope it's just me. Keep in mind here that once you have aquired a vendor, they will usually work for you at every show they're attending. For instance when I found the woodworking folks, they told me that they had 17 of 22 shows left in the calender (the one here in my town was back in early December, I haven't seen my vendors in person since then). Now there is like 3-4 left. I'm not going to the shows! I get online and find vendors and then just ship them the sales material so "working" 42 shows isn't that big a deal. That's why it's SOOOOO important to treat your vendors well. I pay LOTS of bonuses.

      You can work this all over the country without leaving you house. Although if you like to travel this makes for a great tax deductible trip-just pick the shows in area you want to vacation to. I have a 1 hr interview with a tax expert talking about this I'm going to throw in as a bonus when I get a product ready (I'm working hard at it!)

      I live in MN and here in the winter-IT"S SHOW SEASON! There's something every weekend. We have two large arenas here that hold most of the big shows, the Mpls. Convention Center & the St. Paul River Center. Just looking at those two calender alone for the next month and a half this is what you find between the two;

      FEB 18 MN Guns and Weapons show, MN Women's Expo, MN Golf Show
      FEB 25th World of Wheels car show
      Mar 4 Mpls Home and Garden Show, Annual Body Mind Life Expo
      Mar 11 Mpls Auto Show, 2011 Let's Play Hockey Expo
      Mar 26 Donnie Smith Bike Show
      Apr 1 Northwest Sportsmans Show
      ....and this is not all of them, just at the two places.

      I haven't done any trade shows because I feel that you need to target impulse buyers. When a guy goes to the Sportsman's or Gun show, he goes to spend money. At a trade show people are being forced to go for their job.

      Without trying hard I can find a CB product for every show I've listed above.

      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

      Dave, I've made color copies at Kinko's/FedEx before, and their rates are quite frankly pretty outrageous.

      Are there any specific online print/copy providers that you can recommend (especially the ones that specialize in bulk orders) that charge more reasonable rates which are closer to the prices you quoted?

      I will gladly talk to my printer and see if it's OK for me to give out info and quote a price, but in an earlier post (on page 1) somebody found an online place that beats my guys price. Come on do a little research, you will find plenty of discount printers online. Or better yet find a little mom & pop in your area and help them out. That's what I did, and they love me for it! They ship my flyers for me too. I just send them the electronic file and the address to ship to...done. Let them know that you will be doing a lot of printing and negotiate a rate.

      Originally Posted by Mike Boyd View Post


      How do you handle questions from vendors if they ask, if you are the owner of the product you are promoting in the fliers before they agree to put them in their booth?
      I tell them the truth. " I am an internet marketer promoting an XXXXX offer, I would gladly ship you a copy if you're on the fence." Get your salesman on and sell them on the idea-be completely ethical and transparent. Tell them what they COULD make.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398556].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Diane S
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I tell them the truth. " I am an internet marketer promoting an XXXXX offer, I would gladly ship you a copy if you're on the fence." Get your salesman on and sell them on the idea-be completely ethical and transparent. Tell them what they COULD make.
        Or how about, "I'm an affiliate marketer, and I promote digital products, and this is one of my best-selling products." Make them feel lucky to have been asked??????????
        KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
        My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400842].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

          Or how about, "I'm an affiliate marketer, and I promote digital products, and this is one of my best-selling products." Make them feel lucky to have been asked??????????
          Right On Diane, Right On!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400847].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Nope it's just me. Keep in mind here that once you have aquired a vendor, they will usually work for you at every show they're attending. For instance when I found the woodworking folks, they told me that they had 17 of 22 shows left in the calender (the one here in my town was back in early December, I haven't seen my vendors in person since then). Now there is like 3-4 left. I'm not going to the shows! I get online and find vendors and then just ship them the sales material so "working" 42 shows isn't that big a deal. That's why it's SOOOOO important to treat your vendors well. I pay LOTS of bonuses.

        You can work this all over the country without leaving you house. Although if you like to travel this makes for a great tax deductible trip-just pick the shows in area you want to vacation to. I have a 1 hr interview with a tax expert talking about this I'm going to throw in as a bonus when I get a product ready (I'm working hard at it!)

        I live in MN and here in the winter-IT"S SHOW SEASON! There's something every weekend. We have two large arenas here that hold most of the big shows, the Mpls. Convention Center & the St. Paul River Center. Just looking at those two calender alone for the next month and a half this is what you find between the two;

        FEB 18 MN Guns and Weapons show, MN Women's Expo, MN Golf Show
        FEB 25th World of Wheels car show
        Mar 4 Mpls Home and Garden Show, Annual Body Mind Life Expo
        Mar 11 Mpls Auto Show, 2011 Let's Play Hockey Expo
        Mar 26 Donnie Smith Bike Show
        Apr 1 Northwest Sportsmans Show
        ....and this is not all of them, just at the two places.

        I haven't done any trade shows because I feel that you need to target impulse buyers. When a guy goes to the Sportsman's or Gun show, he goes to spend money. At a trade show people are being forced to go for their job.

        Without trying hard I can find a CB product for every show I've listed above.

        I will gladly talk to my printer and see if it's OK for me to give out info and quote a price, but in an earlier post (on page 1) somebody found an online place that beats my guys price. Come on do a little research, you will find plenty of discount printers online. Or better yet find a little mom & pop in your area and help them out. That's what I did, and they love me for it! They ship my flyers for me too. I just send them the electronic file and the address to ship to...done. Let them know that you will be doing a lot of printing and negotiate a rate.

        Thanks for the tips, Dave. It's great to hear that you're dealing remotely with your vendors. By the way, do you make it a point of meeting them face to face the very first time when negotiating/hashing out a deal, or do you find that this arrangement can work pretty well without ever meeting them?

        Also, what kind of compensation do you typically offer your vendors these days? Do you promise a cut of the revenue in exchange for displaying your flyers at their booths? If so, what commission rates/revenue splits do you typically offer your vendors?

        I know you mentioned earlier about contacting and dealing with multiple vendors - so going by what you're saying, it'd be best to arrange to have about 4-5 vendors displaying your flyers at a typical show?

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Thanks for the tips, Dave. It's great to hear that you're dealing remotely with your vendors. By the way, do you make it a point of meeting them face to face the very first time when negotiating/hashing out a deal, or do you find that this arrangement can work pretty well without ever meeting them?

          Also, what kind of compensation do you typically offer your vendors these days? Do you promise a cut of the revenue in exchange for displaying your flyers at their booths? If so, what commission rates/revenue splits do you typically offer your vendors?

          I know you mentioned earlier about contacting and dealing with multiple vendors - so going by what you're saying, it'd be best to arrange to have about 4-5 vendors displaying your flyers at a typical show?

          Paul, I almost never meet face to face before a deal is struck. I do like to hand deliver the fliers the first time and meet with them then if I can, but it's not pre-requisite. I always have a deal set up before the show date now. I usually start a show sequence with one here in town so I can meet them. I have done a couple of out of town shows where I still haven't met them-it works just as well.

          Like I said in previous posts I usually start by offering them 25% of my take after printing expenses, but when it goes well I almost always give them another 25% making it a 50/50 split. I like to do this as a bonus that they're not expecting to get. This keeps them very excited and they try hard for me then.

          The most vendors I have ever had at a single show was 3 and that was for an RV show with attendance in the neighborhood of 50K for the weekend. I haven't tried to do any more than that but I think it would be good at large shows.

          Keep in mind that the more people you have lined up the more material you have to print and ship.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3401466].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

            Paul, I almost never meet face to face before a deal is struck. I do like to hand deliver the fliers the first time and meet with them then if I can, but it's not pre-requisite. I always have a deal set up before the show date now. I usually start a show sequence with one here in town so I can meet them. I have done a couple of out of town shows where I still haven't met them-it works just as well.

            Like I said in previous posts I usually start by offering them 25% of my take after printing expenses, but when it goes well I almost always give them another 25% making it a 50/50 split. I like to do this as a bonus that they're not expecting to get. This keeps them very excited and they try hard for me then.

            The most vendors I have ever had at a single show was 3 and that was for an RV show with attendance in the neighborhood of 50K for the weekend. I haven't tried to do any more than that but I think it would be good at large shows.

            Keep in mind that the more people you have lined up the more material you have to print and ship.
            Dave, so it seems like you try to set up the first event where the vendors are in your city, so that it'd be easy to meet them, but you've also done deals where you've never met the vendors. I suppose a phone call and a short conversation would be enough to gauge their interest in what you're doing?

            I realize it can be a little disconcerting to ship 1,000 flyers or more to someone you've never met before, but you've clearly shown that it can be done. It'd probably depend on your gut reaction to the interaction/conversation you have with the vendor to see if they're the right fit, I guess?

            Having color flyers leaves a lot more room for creativity and eye-catching graphics, etc. Is there a certain template that you utilize when designing your flyers, and do you typically have any graphics custom made, or perhaps use stock photos on them? Since your flyers are double sided, do you have print the same material/graphics on both sides?

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by ltrain_riders View Post

      This is a great story. It uses a classic approach, sprinkled with some modern day marketing and you have created your own recipe for success.

      Out of the 1154 hops, how many were orders and what's the average cost per order?

      Of that first 1154 hops I did 103 sales over the next 7 weeks, with the vast majority of sales happening in the first three weeks after the event. My commission is like $35 each and then I pay my vendors 25% of that + bonuses that they aren't expecting....this keeps them very happy.

      The key to the high conversion is the impulse buyer thing. At the woodworking show people are there to spend money. At the RV show where I was promoting a cheaper CB product about RV'ing the conversion isn't as good, but it's still much better than you will do online in most cases.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398583].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author smartdoctor
    thank you for sharing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398613].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author outwest
    I think the strategy is great however
    I think you offered you said 500 dollars per show? Of course they jumped at that

    might have been a bit high the offer they might have done it for half that
    Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
    specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398622].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by outwest View Post

      I think the strategy is great however
      I think you offered you said 500 dollars per show? Of course they jumped at that

      might have been a bit high the offer they might have done it for half that
      I offer them a 25% cut of my commission as a standard starting rate. I do however give lots of bonuses to the vendors that are producing.

      Look, I really wouldn't mind splitting my commission 50/50 or even giving them more. This is so easy once you have them on board. I figure it's best to do the volume with this method.

      Play around with it, I'm sure you can find people to do it for less, but most of my people are already committed to doing next year's show calender as my partners. Since the fliers are done that's ZERO work recurring income! I'm going to keep paying "too much" to the people doing all the work for me. It's working I'm not going to mess with it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398796].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TrekkieGrrrl
      Originally Posted by outwest View Post

      I think the strategy is great however
      I think you offered you said 500 dollars per show? Of course they jumped at that

      might have been a bit high the offer they might have done it for half that
      They might have, but what's wrong with paying an amount they are thrilled to get? He gets 75% of the take for very little effort. It's a great deal for him.

      They are more enthusiastic. The OP is making money. They BOTH win this way.

      Yes, he could have given them less, but it's not always about getting by with paying the absolute minimum you can.

      Hab SoSlI' Quch!
      YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary LLaP = Live Long and Prosper
      Please Donate To KimW - Warrior needs a kidney transplant
      Coming Soon - the Greatest WSO in History!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3398990].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sam90

        Your idea is fantastic, but even better is your execution and attention to detail. I appreciate you sharing your ideas with us.

        Have you ever tried to market to college? Wondering if you have tried contacting any college students to help market a cb product?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399052].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
    No, I've never tried that. It's been brought up a couple of times on this post though so I might try to figure out a way to make it work. Most college students are broke so I'm not sure.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399084].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MrPEOS
      Great job Dave!

      Love the combining the online in this case with the offline!

      Do you do any local business consulting or marketing?

      I can see some HUGE tie-ins and additional revenue streams.

      All the best,


      PM me if you want to discuss
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399163].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Nice hustle on your idea Dave. Refreshing to hear something different. Glad it worked out so well for you. Your ad looked great too. Thanks for sharing! --Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399122].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    When it comes to bonuses, let me make a suggestion that could produce a big benefit at a potentially lower cost: find out how much booth rental was, and pay them that as the bonus amount if it is less than $500.

    Don't get me wrong, when you make good dough handing over $500 is a great thing, but if I were the exhibitor and was told that I'm getting my money back for the booth I rented, even if that's less than $500, my immediate reaction would be: "Wow. I got to do this show for FREE -- I made 100% profit from this show!"

    Anyhow, just a suggestion on a possible tweak that could pay off.
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
    FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399134].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TrekkieGrrrl
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

      When it comes to bonuses, let me make a suggestion that could produce a big benefit at a potentially lower cost: find out how much booth rental was, and pay them that as the bonus amount if it is less than $500.

      Don't get me wrong, when you make good dough handing over $500 is a great thing, but if I were the exhibitor and was told that I'm getting my money back for the booth I rented, even if that's less than $500, my immediate reaction would be: "Wow. I got to do this show for FREE -- I made 100% profit from this show!"

      Anyhow, just a suggestion on a possible tweak that could pay off.
      I like that idea a lot. It's not so much because of the fact you are paying them less, but because the benefit is so much more concrete when you express it in those terms.

      You could see them thinking about how every show from then on out is pure profit because their booth rental is paid for.

      They might even do additional shows if that were the case.

      Excellent idea.

      Hab SoSlI' Quch!
      YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary LLaP = Live Long and Prosper
      Please Donate To KimW - Warrior needs a kidney transplant
      Coming Soon - the Greatest WSO in History!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399194].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

      When it comes to bonuses, let me make a suggestion that could produce a big benefit at a potentially lower cost: find out how much booth rental was, and pay them that as the bonus amount if it is less than $500.

      Don't get me wrong, when you make good dough handing over $500 is a great thing, but if I were the exhibitor and was told that I'm getting my money back for the booth I rented, even if that's less than $500, my immediate reaction would be: "Wow. I got to do this show for FREE -- I made 100% profit from this show!"

      Anyhow, just a suggestion on a possible tweak that could pay off.
      Most of the big shows at the convention center a small 10x10 booth can cost upwards of 3K with 20x30's going for 15K a show. I looked into it because I thought about getting booths myself and promoting multiple products. But then you have to stand there all weekend and that sucks. I used to work about 15 trade shows a year at my last job as a mechanical designer for a Powersports Company, I've had my fill.

      I'll sit home and have another beer and let them do the work!....LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399423].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Most of the big shows at the convention center a small 10x10 booth can cost upwards of 3K with 20x30's going for 15K a show. I looked into it because I thought about getting booths myself and promoting multiple products. But then you have to stand there all weekend and that sucks. I used to work about 15 trade shows a year at my last job as a mechanical designer for a Powersports Company, I've had my fill.

        I'll sit home and have another beer and let them do the work!....LOL
        Heh! Last time I paid for a booth at a show it was about $350. As you can imagine, that was quite some time ago! I should have realized that the cost would be considerably higher, depending on the location and size of the show.
        Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

          Heh! Last time I paid for a booth at a show it was about $350. As you can imagine, that was quite some time ago! I should have realized that the cost would be considerably higher, depending on the location and size of the show.
          Yeah, they're not exactly giving them away.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400101].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sim22
          This thread has given me a few ideas.

          I've been thinking about the golf niche as golfers are always spending money on things and are always wanting to improve their swing and knock strokes off their handicap.

          Do you think this might be a good idea?

          Create an online directory of golf courses in say Florida.

          Search in Google for golf courses in different cities in Florida and make a list of 50 of them.

          Add each resort to your directory and then email each golf course and ask if it would be ok to send them flyers to put on the bar (I say the bar area as club members would read the flyers as they're drinking and would make a good topic of conversation) in return for a free directory listing and $10 for every sale you make and you'll pay them monthly via Paypal.

          I found a golf instruction course on how to improve your golf swing Clickbank that pays around $30 so that would be $20 profit.

          Find 50 courses willing to agree to your terms and you only got 1 sale per week from each that would be $1000 profit per week.

          This could be easily scaled.

          Imagine having 100 golf courses averaging 2 sales a week. That would be $16,000 a month.

          200 courses averaging 3 sales a week, that's almost $50,000 a month.

          Or something similar to this maybe, what do you think?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400171].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by sim22 View Post

            This thread has given me a few ideas.

            I've been thinking about the golf niche as golfers are always spending money on things and are always wanting to improve their swing and knock strokes off their handicap.

            Do you think this might be a good idea?

            Create an online directory of golf courses in say Florida.

            Search in Google for golf courses in different cities in Florida and make a list of 50 of them.

            Add each resort to your directory and then email each golf course and ask if it would be ok to send them flyers to put on the bar (I say the bar area as club members would read the flyers as they're drinking and would make a good topic of conversation) in return for a free directory listing and $10 for every sale you make and you'll pay them monthly via Paypal.

            I found a golf instruction course on how to improve your golf swing Clickbank that pays around $30 so that would be $20 profit.

            Find 50 courses willing to agree to your terms and you only got 1 sale per week from each that would be $1000 profit per week.

            This could be easily scaled.

            Imagine having 100 golf courses averaging 2 sales a week. That would be $16,000 a month.

            200 courses averaging 3 sales a week, that's almost $50,000 a month.

            Or something similar to this maybe, what do you think?
            I think it would be worth a shot fer sure! That would be a killer way to integrate yourself as an Offline marketing consultant too. I don't think I would give them the spot on your directory though.

            If your directory site isn't ranking, it's worthless to them. On the other hand , if you are going to put the time into getting the site ranked then you need to be paid for it. What if you build the directory site, do a little SEO and get it ranked, then offer up like 60 days free listing. Once the site is rockin' a little, sell the top banner ad to the highest bidder of all the listings (monetize, monetize, monetize!). See if you can get the courses to let you give out a coupon for a half priced introductory round of golf or something so results can be tracked and when the 60 days are up you'll have the proof that they should start paying you. Then the coupons could be distributed as well.

            As far as the flier goes, yeah GOLF KILLS! Here's an idea instead of a flier what if you have drink coasters or place mats printed for the bar and eating areas? Coasters are small and easy to fit into pockets. Most bars get there coasters for free from their liquor supplier so this would be a system that they are already used to, but your free coasters would be the only ones that pay them commission!!!

            I'm not going to wish you good luck, because it's not about luck! TAKE ACTION!

            Let me know if I can help.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400252].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author sim22
              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

              I think it would be worth a shot fer sure! That would be a killer way to integrate yourself as an Offline marketing consultant too. I don't think I would give them the spot on your directory though.

              If your directory site isn't ranking, it's worthless to them. On the other hand , if you are going to put the time into getting the site ranked then you need to be paid for it. What if you build the directory site, do a little SEO and get it ranked, then offer up like 60 days free listing. Once the site is rockin' a little, sell the top banner ad to the highest bidder of all the listings (monetize, monetize, monetize!). See if you can get the courses to let you give out a coupon for a half priced introductory round of golf or something so results can be tracked and when the 60 days are up you'll have the proof that they should start paying you. Then the coupons could be distributed as well.

              As far as the flier goes, yeah GOLF KILLS! Here's an idea instead of a flier what if you have drink coasters or place mats printed for the bar and eating areas? Coasters are small and easy to fit into pockets. Most bars get there coasters for free from their liquor supplier so this would be a system that they are already used to, but your free coasters would be the only ones that pay them commission!!!

              I'm not going to wish you good luck, because it's not about luck! TAKE ACTION!

              Let me know if I can help.
              Those are terrific ideas!! I'll definitely be doing this once I get the directories ranked which shouldn't be too hard as I've registered .com keyword rich domains for a few locations.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405101].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                Originally Posted by sim22 View Post

                Those are terrific ideas!! I'll definitely be doing this once I get the directories ranked which shouldn't be too hard as I've registered .com keyword rich domains for a few locations.

                Please let us know how it works out!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3406700].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ambercoco
    Brilliant! I think of the all the events I attend in where this type of promotion would be simple and an easy fit and then realized how much money I am leaving on the table.

    As far a putting together a product using all 10 non-traditional strategies - I'd say go for it. You definitely have the creativity and it would be of great value to your audience.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399249].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nicelife
    I love your way of thinking and I plan to do something similar myself!

    My plan is to buy cheap advertising space in local newspapers where I would capture email addresses and give something away for free. Then I set up an autoresponder series with CPA offers that give away FREE stuff and generates a commission.

    I think this could be a good way of driving traffic tons of traffic to a squeeze page.

    I live in Sweden and I think this could work well at least here.

    Wish me luck :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author southerntrader
    Dave. Very impressive and motivational for those of us who are looking a little inspiration and aren't afraid to do a little "work".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399382].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sim22
    Originally Posted by Anthony Bozo View Post

    I did the exact same thing a while back. A annual convention about gardens and lifestyle takes place annually in a town nearby, I went there and got lucky enough to place my fliers on a few tables, right in the entering hall.

    I ended up with about 5,000/6,000 fliers gone, 3,000 clicks and 850 conversions for my affiliate product. It was a three-day event (just to note).
    Well done!! That's a great result! A 28% conversion rate is amazing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by sim22 View Post

      Well done!! That's a great result! A 28% conversion rate is amazing.
      That type of conversion is not that uncommon with this method (or the others I'm talking about) this is the highest quality traffic on the planet!! Impulse buyers with money in their pocket to spend on their interests.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399532].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cashmagnet
    Very interesting to see this working so well but the great thing your have is targeted traffic to your flyers as well as an endorsement from either stall owners or events managers real clever.

    If your looking for fast success with low failure get a coach/consultation, DM for skyp bookings.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400278].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    that a good conversion rate brother.

    If I got those, that $1 millon dollar boat I have my eyes on would be waiting docked for me down the canal. LOL

    Please keep us posted if you test something that works well too. This is ingenious. Kudos to you. Keep up the great work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400360].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
    I'm working on a 250K 32' Nordic tug myself. The SS Branch Office.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndreTinker
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think?

    Thanks for everything.
    I have to say it's refreshing and inspiring to hear stuff like this. Another creative and fearless Warrior!
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  • Profile picture of the author The Big Deal
    Wow, great stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Hey Dave, Thanks for sharing this BRIGHT IDEA to all of us! I can see many old timers from WF are involved in this thread and giving you the thumbs up comments, which means that you have a very powerful business strategies.

    Now I have plenty of ideas swimming in my head. i will definitely implement this as soon as possible and make lots of money! Thanks again!

    PS: Now, this is what I call super laser targeted traffic!

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  • Profile picture of the author SGForce
    Very Creative. So many different ways to implement IM!
    Nice Job!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3401431].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fred1
    Wow, this is great, Dave! Thanks for sharing.

    Props for thinking outside the box, but the the even bigger lesson here is to act on your ideas!

    Continued success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3401476].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Fred1 View Post

      Wow, this is great, Dave! Thanks for sharing.

      Props for thinking outside the box, but the the even bigger lesson here is to act on your ideas!

      Continued success. finally be appreciated for being outside the box!....LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3401504].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Hey Dave, what kind of offer do you think would fit for a furniture exhibition? Or anyone else can give me some opinions please.

    I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
    Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

    Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


    Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
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    • Profile picture of the author big steve
      Awesome thread Dave..agree with the other comments in that this is one of the best threads already this year. I am planning on doing something very similar but with CPA offers and sports events, and this has just opened things up alot more. Thanks bud and great job!! Look forward to the WSO..

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3401862].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

      Hey Dave, what kind of offer do you think would fit for a furniture exhibition? Or anyone else can give me some opinions please.

      I didn't look but is there anything out there on how to re-finish old furniture or interior decorating or Fung Shwe? I would think those would work there????
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3403517].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by Zachmo View Post

        Woah! This story of yours inspires me a lot! I'll definitely share your story to my friends. Thanks for sharing this with us!
        Originally Posted by rocky80 View Post

        Wow this is a fantastic thread, thank you.
        Originally Posted by just Zer0 View Post

        This is Genius - you've just ignited a flame inside me which I haven't seen much of for a few years.... My ideas are running riot in my mind - crossing online marketing with offline, and a little creativity.....


        I'm thinking up something big - I'll PM you soon and I'm going to keep a record of this

        Originally Posted by PSM View Post

        Dave, you rock

        I setup a WSO alert to catch your WSO when it goes live!
        Originally Posted by big steve View Post

        Awesome thread Dave..agree with the other comments in that this is one of the best threads already this year. I am planning on doing something very similar but with CPA offers and sports events, and this has just opened things up alot more. Thanks bud and great job!! Look forward to the WSO..

        Thanks everyone!! So many on the forum have helped me along the way without even knowing it. I'm so happy that this post is inspiring so many!

        I hope the moral of this story is JUST TAKE ACTION!!! Put your fears aside and do it!

        When I told some people in this industry what I was going to do, they laughed at me. I shrugged it off, believed in my idea, moved forward, and succeeded. It's just that simple. JUST DO IT!!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3403548].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
          Dave, your business plan totally Rocks!

          When you say that people laughed at you it made me think of that famous old ad headline...They Laughed at Me When I Sat Down to Play the Piano....But When I Began to Play....

          Ha ha.

          Who's laughin now?

          Anyway, I'm also waiting with baited breath for your WSO on this.

          Keep at it.

          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          Thanks everyone!! So many on the forum have helped me along the way without even knowing it. I'm so happy that this post is inspiring so many!

          I hope the moral of this story is JUST TAKE ACTION!!! Put your fears aside and do it!

          When I told some people in this industry what I was going to do, they laughed at me. I shrugged it off, believed in my idea, moved forward, and succeeded. It's just that simple. JUST DO IT!!

          Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3403573].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tex22
            Great post. Thanks for sharing!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3404431].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
              Originally Posted by Fun to Write View Post

              Dave, your business plan totally Rocks!
              Originally Posted by tex22 View Post

              Great post. Thanks for sharing!
              Thanks. Glad I could help. Stop reading this and go make some money!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405054].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PSM
    Dave, you rock

    I setup a WSO alert to catch your WSO when it goes live!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402499].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author just Zer0
    This is Genius - you've just ignited a flame inside me which I haven't seen much of for a few years.... My ideas are running riot in my mind - crossing online marketing with offline, and a little creativity.....


    I'm thinking up something big - I'll PM you soon and I'm going to keep a record of this

    Zer0: Creative Geniu$.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Drew
    This definitely different to anything I've heard before! Brilliant. I've copied and pasted in to Evernote for now. I'll need to check this out!


    Jamie D
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3406852].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bigboris
      Dave, your thread is nothing short of inspirational

      I have a few points to raise however :rolleyes:

      Firstly, IMO anyone with half a brain would after the first event look online at the product your promoting and visit the affiliate link themselves! Why not do it for themselves instead of handing out fliers for you?
      If they do your 'goosed' because they travel to all the shows therefore will hand out their own affiliate fliers to them all preventing you from finding another and being the only one promoting that product!

      Thats a big risk IMO, what about hiring some folk to stand at the exit all day and hand out the fliers to folks leaving? You would probably pay them less than you pay the vendor and could also encourage them by offering a profit share deal!

      Have you tried this and if so any success ?

      Secondly, my guess is a lot of folk read the flier and see 'tedswoodworking' remember that and then bin it! When they get home they g00gle tedswoodworking and you say goodbye to your cut! Why not market the flier so that your divert page/url is the title? That way they remember your link and not bypass it

      One of the best threads ive read on an IM board, congrats on your success
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3407310].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author winston
        Originally Posted by bigboris View Post

        Secondly, my guess is a lot of folk read the flier and see 'tedswoodworking' remember that and then bin it! When they get home they g00gle tedswoodworking and you say goodbye to your cut! Why not market the flier so that your divert page/url is the title? That way they remember your link and not bypass it
        Excellent point there Bigboris!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3407628].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by bigboris View Post

        Dave, your thread is nothing short of inspirational

        I have a few points to raise however :rolleyes:

        Firstly, IMO anyone with half a brain would after the first event look online at the product your promoting and visit the affiliate link themselves! Why not do it for themselves instead of handing out fliers for you?
        If they do your 'goosed' because they travel to all the shows therefore will hand out their own affiliate fliers to them all preventing you from finding another and being the only one promoting that product!

        Thats a big risk IMO, what about hiring some folk to stand at the exit all day and hand out the fliers to folks leaving? You would probably pay them less than you pay the vendor and could also encourage them by offering a profit share deal!

        Have you tried this and if so any success ?

        Secondly, my guess is a lot of folk read the flier and see 'tedswoodworking' remember that and then bin it! When they get home they g00gle tedswoodworking and you say goodbye to your cut! Why not market the flier so that your divert page/url is the title? That way they remember your link and not bypass it

        One of the best threads ive read on an IM board, congrats on your success
        You bring up some good points sir. You're most likely right that I'm losing a few to the google search but it can't be many as my conversion on this is always very good. The problem with posting somebody "at the door" is the promoter of the show is going to want you to pay them then-tried it. Show promoters are a ruthless breed and they have no problem asking you to leave "their" show if you don't want to pay to be a vendor. If you're trying to distribute a flyer they want you to pay them.

        On the other hand they can't really stop somebody from promoting a product in their paid booth, so that's why I do it like that.

        In the video I did about this I mention "The NINJA Trick" which I don't think I remembered to mention here. I have contacted the manager at the parking ramp that services an event. These guys are usually independent contractors and they are money grubbers. At a large event recently, I got them ramp to hand out 8000 of my fliers for $150 as people left the ramp. This flier had the highest conversion of any of my efforts to date. People throw the flier up on the dash and it's still in plain site when they get home, I'm guessing.

        To your first point about folks abandoning my flier and getting their own offer to promote; we live in a vacuum in the IM world, but the reality is the vast majority of people in america don't have a clue what IM is. They have no idea that everything they click on-on the internet is monetized. When I got started just over a year ago I didn't. I'm 41 years old and work with a computer every day. One day I got an email from Adam Horwitz's Mobile Monopoly and watched the video he sent. That was the very first time I ever heard about it. I come from a family of computer literate people, many make their living on a computer in one way shape or form, when I started talking about making money online they were lost. Even after I try to explain what it is that I do, they don't get it. My group of friends ranges from racers and car guys to Engineers with Masters degrees, none of them get it either. When I talk about it their eyes glass over and they get that deer into headlights look. They don't realize that they can sign up for a free clickbank account and do this themselves.

        Having been a small business owner and done the "show thing" myself in previous lives. I don't think most people have time to explore alternative income streams. They are so focused on just getting to the show with their own product. It's always a last minute push, ya know.

        I mentioned that I am a Mechanical Designer by trade, and I worked in the powersports (ATV) industry. I just got back from the largest show in the country for this. The Dealer Expo in Indy, where I worked under contract for one of the major manufacturers (starts with a P) and I watched them get ready to go. Now this is a company that does these things all the time and has all the staff they need, and they still are under the gun just to get set up in time. I think Most vendors will just be happy to make the easy extra money, they don't realize how quick and easy they could cut me out of the loop and I suspect it will be this way for ever.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409667].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          You bring up some good points sir. You're most likely right that I'm losing a few to the google search but it can't be many as my conversion on this is always very good. The problem with posting somebody "at the door" is the promoter of the show is going to want you to pay them then-tried it. Show promoters are a ruthless breed and they have no problem asking you to leave "their" show if you don't want to pay to be a vendor. If you're trying to distribute a flyer they want you to pay them.

          On the other hand they can't really stop somebody from promoting a product in their paid booth, so that's why I do it like that.

          In the video I did about this I mention "The NINJA Trick" which I don't think I remembered to mention here. I have contacted the manager at the parking ramp that services an event. These guys are usually independent contractors and they are money grubbers. At a large event recently, I got them ramp to hand out 8000 of my fliers for $150 as people left the ramp. This flier had the highest conversion of any of my efforts to date. People throw the flier up on the dash and it's still in plain site when they get home, I'm guessing.

          To your first point about folks abandoning my flier and getting their own offer to promote; we live in a vacuum in the IM world, but the reality is the vast majority of people in america don't have a clue what IM is. They have no idea that everything they click on-on the internet is monetized. When I got started just over a year ago I didn't. I'm 41 years old and work with a computer every day. One day I got an email from Adam Horwitz's Mobile Monopoly and watched the video he sent. That was the very first time I ever heard about it. I come from a family of computer literate people, many make their living on a computer in one way shape or form, when I started talking about making money online they were lost. Even after I try to explain what it is that I do, they don't get it. My group of friends ranges from racers and car guys to Engineers with Masters degrees, none of them get it either. When I talk about it their eyes glass over and they get that deer into headlights look. They don't realize that they can sign up for a free clickbank account and do this themselves.

          Having been a small business owner and done the "show thing" myself in previous lives. I don't think most people have time to explore alternative income streams. They are so focused on just getting to the show with their own product. It's always a last minute push, ya know.

          I mentioned that I am a Mechanical Designer by trade, and I worked in the powersports (ATV) industry. I just got back from the largest show in the country for this. The Dealer Expo in Indy, where I worked under contract for one of the major manufacturers (starts with a P) and I watched them get ready to go. Now this is a company that does these things all the time and has all the staff they need, and they still are under the gun just to get set up in time. I think Most vendors will just be happy to make the easy extra money, they don't realize how quick and easy they could cut me out of the loop and I suspect it will be this way for ever.
          My day job is mech eng too (race car engineering; a crying shame it's all "CAD" nowadays) and I exactly get it!!!
          Well done - good potential in this one!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410320].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bigboris
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          You bring up some good points sir. You're most likely right that I'm losing a few to the google search but it can't be many as my conversion on this is always very good. The problem with posting somebody "at the door" is the promoter of the show is going to want you to pay them then-tried it. Show promoters are a ruthless breed and they have no problem asking you to leave "their" show if you don't want to pay to be a vendor. If you're trying to distribute a flyer they want you to pay them.

          On the other hand they can't really stop somebody from promoting a product in their paid booth, so that's why I do it like that.

          In the video I did about this I mention "The NINJA Trick" which I don't think I remembered to mention here. I have contacted the manager at the parking ramp that services an event. These guys are usually independent contractors and they are money grubbers. At a large event recently, I got them ramp to hand out 8000 of my fliers for $150 as people left the ramp. This flier had the highest conversion of any of my efforts to date. People throw the flier up on the dash and it's still in plain site when they get home, I'm guessing.

          To your first point about folks abandoning my flier and getting their own offer to promote; we live in a vacuum in the IM world, but the reality is the vast majority of people in america don't have a clue what IM is. They have no idea that everything they click on-on the internet is monetized. When I got started just over a year ago I didn't. I'm 41 years old and work with a computer every day. One day I got an email from Adam Horwitz's Mobile Monopoly and watched the video he sent. That was the very first time I ever heard about it. I come from a family of computer literate people, many make their living on a computer in one way shape or form, when I started talking about making money online they were lost. Even after I try to explain what it is that I do, they don't get it. My group of friends ranges from racers and car guys to Engineers with Masters degrees, none of them get it either. When I talk about it their eyes glass over and they get that deer into headlights look. They don't realize that they can sign up for a free clickbank account and do this themselves.

          Having been a small business owner and done the "show thing" myself in previous lives. I don't think most people have time to explore alternative income streams. They are so focused on just getting to the show with their own product. It's always a last minute push, ya know.

          I mentioned that I am a Mechanical Designer by trade, and I worked in the powersports (ATV) industry. I just got back from the largest show in the country for this. The Dealer Expo in Indy, where I worked under contract for one of the major manufacturers (starts with a P) and I watched them get ready to go. Now this is a company that does these things all the time and has all the staff they need, and they still are under the gun just to get set up in time. I think Most vendors will just be happy to make the easy extra money, they don't realize how quick and easy they could cut me out of the loop and I suspect it will be this way for ever.
          Very interesting and yeah i bet the car park attendant trick works a treat as they have nowhere to throw the flier other than on the dash or back seat

          I live in the UK and when i was reading your thread i was thinking 'would this work in the UK' my first thought was that people here are too 'savy' and suspicious of everything therefore would know the trick and bypass the affiliate but you have made me think twice.

          "Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups" someone once said and it has been proven to me in the past not to assume you know what people are like in this regard, i think in this case you are right in that most people are generally not 'savy' enough to bother either bypassing you as a vendor or bypassing you as a customer.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3411747].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Qamar
            Originally Posted by bigboris View Post

            I live in the UK and when i was reading your thread i was thinking 'would this work in the UK' my first thought was that people here are too 'savy' and suspicious of everything therefore would know the trick and bypass the affiliate but you have made me think twice.

            "Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups" someone once said and it has been proven to me in the past not to assume you know what people are like in this regard, i think in this case you are right in that most people are generally not 'savy' enough to bother either bypassing you as a vendor or bypassing you as a customer.
            This is so true...that is exactly what I have been thinking too. This "Ass sumptions" are one of the worst enemy for many businessmen, this is what making people to procrastinate and doubt!
            Must get rid of this "Ass suming" mindset...

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      • Profile picture of the author Casper C
        Originally Posted by bigboris View Post

        Secondly, my guess is a lot of folk read the flier and see 'tedswoodworking' remember that and then bin it! When they get home they g00gle tedswoodworking and you say goodbye to your cut! Why not market the flier so that your divert page/url is the title? That way they remember your link and not bypass it

        One of the best threads ive read on an IM board, congrats on your success
        Teds Woodworking allows affiliates to offer a discount to buyers. If you make it obvious on the flyer that they need to follow the exact address to get the discount, they are far more likely to hang on to it. "Get 20% off with this flyer!" - the flyer practically becomes a coupon, and this is also great for encouraging people to take them in the first place. People are looking for good deals.
        I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    Just read over this again after seeing it the other day. I think it is great that you have found a way to combine offline and online marketing. I will have to start to try this out for myself. There are really a billion ways to make money and you have shared a great unique method.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
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    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author BruceWood
    You deserve a prize for creativity!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3407807].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by BruceWood View Post

      You deserve a prize for creativity!
      Thanks! I deserve a prize for follow through. Everybody has good ideas, the sad truth is most never take action. I hope this post inspires a few to get up and do it!!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409686].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hilaryaustin
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Thanks! I deserve a prize for follow through. Everybody has good ideas, the sad truth is most never take action. I hope this post inspires a few to get up and do it!!!!
        well yea and this is the sad part. If a teacher finds out that his pupil is not trying to implement what they are working and teaching then definitely its an upset.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409948].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JosephVi
    Great Info Man!Thanks for the inspiration.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3408566].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author noname987
    Good thinking! You really used your brain. Congrats for a positive success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3408618].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    How do you find shows to participate in?

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  • Profile picture of the author andrea_vk
    Hi Dave

    Great idea. Did any of the people ever refuse to help you with the flyers? I suppose no, if you know if it is going to work an offer them the money upfront.
    Do you ever actually go to the fair/trades yourself or do you just give the flyers and then do not go there.

    Really very impressed and congratulations on your creative thinking.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409143].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by andrea_vk View Post

      Hi Dave

      Great idea. Did any of the people ever refuse to help you with the flyers? I suppose no, if you know if it is going to work an offer them the money upfront.
      Do you ever actually go to the fair/trades yourself or do you just give the flyers and then do not go there.

      Really very impressed and congratulations on your creative thinking.
      Yes, I usually contact 5 to get one to say yes. I have gone myself, but it's easier to find someone who has to be there already and let them do all the "work."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3409674].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    SO you find exhibitors info and contact them or you contact the head of the entire event?

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      SO you find exhibitors info and contact them or you contact the head of the entire event?
      Both, but most of the time I don't wind up doing anything with the promoter of the show, it's typically too expensive. Most of the time I'm just working with vendors.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410103].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      SO you find exhibitors info and contact them or you contact the head of the entire event?
      Dave, I hope you don't mind me stepping in here to help answer this. I'm pretty sure he's contacting the individual exhibitors to strike up deals with them - after all, it's the exhibitors that are getting compensated, and not the organizer.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410120].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      SO you find exhibitors info and contact them or you contact the head of the entire event?
      Dave, I hope it is okay to jump in here and answer this one. Dude, looking at all your replies to this thread, I must conclude you are not reading the entire thread, you are asking questions that have already been answered.

      The answer to this one is: you contact the vendors, not the head of the entire event. Your door to success is the vendors, and you only need one to say yes.

      In a later question you ask how to find these 'trade shows.' This is probably a matter of semantics, but a Trade Show is a Business to Business show. Not what this thread is talking about. This thread is talking about Consumer Product Conventions based around themes. You find conventions easily through a google search for conventions in your area. Go to the website of the Visitors and Convention Bureau of your city, or the equivalent thereof. There will be a calendar there listing upcoming shows and events. You are looking for conventions.
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      • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
        This has really got my heading racking at the moment
        Sent you a PM Dave.

        It is definitely one requires some action but the process seems so simple and it is well worth the risk.

        Incidentally the idea of a CD or your own product is a very good idea.

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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    I spent 2 days in a row planning for this method. I have plenty of ideas and a plan ready to be executed...But...somehow or rather there is this thing in me that seem to be "stopping" me. Help!

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

      I spent 2 days in a row planning for this method. I have plenty of ideas and a plan ready to be executed...But...somehow or rather there is this thing in me that seem to be "stopping" me. Help!

      You can PM me if you don't want to talk about it here.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410291].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lindgren
    what a great post - you have proven to be a real entrepeneur - full of ideas, an action taker and not afraid to appriciate the guys who passed on the fliers.

    I love your story
    thanks for sharing
    Best Wishes
    Tina Lindgren
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410352].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    Just wanted to add that a really cool product (which is free I believe) that could help people who sell at swap meets or in a real world environment would be the credit card processor which works on iPhone and iPad (as well as most other smartphones) and it is from the creator of Twitter. And you can check it out at I heard Leo Laporte "The Tech Guy" talking about this thing on XM the other day (last sunday's show) and apparently its becoming really popular for events like yours. Anyways your post reminded me of it so I thought I'd share that with ya. Hope it helps.

    Oh and FYI
    If you guys have XM or like to listen to internet radio, you should listen to Leo's show and the replays. It is full of technical information (software and techy stuff for do-it-yourself pc repair - gadget news etc) and tons of other stuff thats cool! - Show information and schedules.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410418].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by thegotoguy View Post

      Just wanted to add that a really cool product (which is free I believe) that could help people who sell at swap meets or in a real world environment would be the credit card processor which works on iPhone and iPad (as well as most other smartphones) and it is from the creator of Twitter. And you can check it out at I heard Leo Laporte "The Tech Guy" talking about this thing on XM the other day (last sunday's show) and apparently its becoming really popular for events like yours. Anyways your post reminded me of it so I thought I'd share that with ya. Hope it helps.

      Oh and FYI
      If you guys have XM or like to listen to internet radio, you should listen to Leo's show and the replays. It is full of technical information (software and techy stuff for do-it-yourself pc repair - gadget news etc) and tons of other stuff thats cool! - Show information and schedules.
      Yeah, that's coming for sure!! I thought about that a while back (get them while they have their money out of their pocket at the show) but I haven't tried it yet. I'm working a deal right now that I hope to implement in a couple of months where I'm actually going to bring the digtial product to the show on CD's. I'm still working out the "consignment" deal with the product owner of the product, but it's moving forward.

      It's going to be a BIG investment on CD's but I think it will KILL!!!!!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410514].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Love the idea. Just wondering if you've thought of making your own products to promote?

    Not only will it make you more money, you'll also get a list of buyers you can market to over and over again.

    I can really see a continuity program on the back end.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410597].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Kevin AKA Hubcap View Post


      Love the idea. Just wondering if you've thought of making your own products to promote?

      Not only will it make you more money, you'll also get a list of buyers you can market to over and over again.

      I can really see a continuity program on the back end.


      Yeah working on it ask we speak.

      Is that a Waco on your post? I'm building a CH750 right now-should fly this spring.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3410828].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Is that a Waco on your post? I'm building a CH750 right now-should fly this spring.
        No. It's a Stearman. That CH750's gonna be a lot of fun. How long did it take to build??

        I'd love to have a Glasair or something similar.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3411120].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author genti555
    Thanks for sharing this experience with us
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3411821].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    Alright, I am going to be trying this ASAP. I have contacted several trade shows and will wait to hear back. I really think this will work but what type of investment do you think is needed? Do I offer them like $100 or what should I say?

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
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    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      Alright, I am going to be trying this ASAP. I have contacted several trade shows and will wait to hear back. I really think this will work but what type of investment do you think is needed? Do I offer them like $100 or what should I say?

      This has been covered a couple of times in this post. Don't rush off half cocked or it WILL fail for you. Do the research. Start by reading this whole thread.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3412173].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ebbo
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      Alright, I am going to be trying this ASAP. I have contacted several trade shows and will wait to hear back. I really think this will work but what type of investment do you think is needed? Do I offer them like $100 or what should I say?
      There are 3 ways to find out that info in this thread.

      One is to go to the top of the page and click the search this thread tool and key the words or phrase you want in this thread.

      Second, you can click on Daves name and search his posts, which in his case this is the only thread he has posted in.

      Third way is again go to the top of the thread page, you see it was posted in Main Internet Marketing Forum, click on that, when on that page scroll to the title of this thread. There you will see on the right replies, views. Click on replies and another small window will open, and it will show all the member names who posted in this thread. Click on Daves and it will show all of his posts in this thread. You should be able to find the answer to your questions there. I find clicking the replies the easiest especially in a thread with so many pages and replies. You can do that with any thread on the forum, or most forums for that matter.

      Hope this helps.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419454].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    Alright I guess I will go back and search for it

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
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  • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
    Also how do you work out the split on CB product with the vendors?
    How does the tracking work?
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    SEO Case Study: 1.7M Visitors from 27,000 Keywords Click here to read the post .
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

      Also how do you work out the split on CB product with the vendors?
      How does the tracking work?
      I hope Dave doesn't mind me stepping in to answer this. It wouldn't be hard at all, the easiest way to handle this is by setting up a new CB account specifically for the vendor. This way, you'd be able to track all current and future sales brought in through that vendor. Just create a new CB account for each vendor, as this will really simplify the tracking process, especially once you've acquired dozens of them over time.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3415236].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        I hope Dave doesn't mind me stepping in to answer this. It wouldn't be hard at all, the easiest way to handle this is by setting up a new CB account specifically for the vendor. This way, you'd be able to track all current and future sales brought in through that vendor. Just create a new CB account for each vendor, as this will really simplify the tracking process, especially once you've acquired dozens of them over time.

        Exactly, and no I didn't mind.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3416125].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    *Amazed* - once again I am blown away by the creativity of people on this forum. And again I remember just how untapped the 'offline' market still is for online leads. Now, where is the way out of this box...?

    I live a gazillion miles away from the US, UK or anywhere else where it's worth doing offline promotion, but I bet this method could be done entirely remotely.

    Also, wandering a little off-topic, there are countless places where you can take out dirt-cheap local ad space. Or, while we're on the subject of Ted's Woodworking (good find that, that one has done nicely for me too ) - why not do a similar deal with, say, local tool/machine supply shops, and cut out all that messing around at fairs

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3412428].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      *Amazed* - once again I am blown away by the creativity of people on this forum. And again I remember just how untapped the 'offline' market still is for online leads. Now, where is the way out of this box...?

      I live a gazillion miles away from the US, UK or anywhere else where it's worth doing offline promotion, but I bet this method could be done entirely remotely.

      Also, wandering a little off-topic, there are countless places where you can take out dirt-cheap local ad space. Or, while we're on the subject of Ted's Woodworking (good find that, that one has done nicely for me too ) - why not do a similar deal with, say, local tool/machine supply shops, and cut out all that messing around at fairs
      Way out in front of you brother. Tactic #5
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3412504].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author markowe
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Way out in front of you brother. Tactic #5
        Heh, I might have known

        Though that one might take a bit of legwork - sniffing out your local area for community centres, aerobics groups, weight-loss classes, dog-training, erm, clubs or whatever, finding where there is a notice board, or reception desk you could 'hire for a modest sum'. Just a lot easier face-to-face, I think, in the local community/business context. I think scaling up and outsourcing is as ever the challenge here (plus for me it is a VERY long way to my home turf, so gotta think how to do this sort of thing at a distance!)

        Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3412598].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Qamar
          Originally Posted by markowe View Post

          Heh, I might have known

          Though that one might take a bit of legwork - sniffing out your local area for community centres, aerobics groups, weight-loss classes, dog-training, erm, clubs or whatever, finding where there is a notice board, or reception desk you could 'hire for a modest sum'.)
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    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      there are countless places where you can take out dirt-cheap local ad space. Or, while we're on the subject of Ted's Woodworking (good find that, that one has done nicely for me too ) - why not do a similar deal with, say, local tool/machine supply shops, and cut out all that messing around at fairs

      Very good idea! Thanks

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    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

      Have you read the post? This guy is making great business by putting his flyers out at fairs and you think he should cut it out. No wonder some people don't make money in IM. They read one of the best ideas ever and then dismiss it and claim there is a better way. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!
      Mate, I think you misconstrued me. I started off by saying it was an amazing idea, then I bemoaned the fact that I live a long way from these offline markets. I then added an additional idea of my own (perhaps I should have added 'also'), which the OP said was indeed one of his other methods.

      The 'messing about at fairs' bit was something of a joke (hence the smiley). Of COURSE he's going to mess about at fairs - I am thinking about how I can do some messing myself! Although joking apart, approaching local shops COULD be simpler for many than approaching exhibitors at trade fairs.

      However, I was not dismissing anything, or claiming there was a better way - you got that wrong.

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3420815].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Qamar

        Hope this will strengthen our motivation to give this a GO!

        I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
        Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

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  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    You need to make a video WSO of your process. You could be making so much money from that alone.

    Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
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  • Profile picture of the author wyyapd
    THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SHARE.I'm newbie too,and I think I will success
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  • Profile picture of the author Muhon Haris
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think?

    Thanks for everything.
    Wow Great idea Dave
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think?

    Thanks for everything.

    Hahahaha... GOOD FOR YOU MAN- That is awesome.
    You're gonna be pissed when you start seeing other flyers at the shows because you told everyone your secret.

    I hope not... I love how simple it is and how profitable it was for you.

    Again, great job.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3416364].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by NateRivers View Post

      Hahahaha... GOOD FOR YOU MAN- That is awesome.
      You're gonna be pissed when you start seeing other flyers at the shows because you told everyone your secret.

      I hope not... I love how simple it is and how profitable it was for you.

      Again, great job.

      unfortunately, the reality is about 3 people will actually take action. The rest will sit on their A** and do nothing. Sad but true.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3416492].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bhola badshah
    congrats! this will encourage you for future
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Now, that's what I call creative thinking.

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  • Profile picture of the author strugglingartist
    Hiya Dave

    Many, many thanks for your post. People like you add incredible value to this forum. This got my juices flowing, I did some research, and now I'm somewhat skeptical...

    I compared your numbers to an averagely performing Sniper style CB affiliate site of mine. Over the last year it has had an average ~3100 uniques per month, resulting in 677 hops and 8 sales for a total of ~$252 per month.

    That's $0.08 per unique with a CTR of 21% and $0.37 per hop. And a sales page conversion of 1.18%.

    To compare, we must define: your flyer = your "site", your site/redirect = your "hops".

    You had 1800 "uniques" and 1154 hops. Your earnings were almost $3000 in three weeks. Since this was a one-time event and results probably tapered off, let's call it $3000 in one month.

    That's $1.66 per unique with a "CTR" of 64% and $2.60 per hop. And a sales page conversion of 5.68% (65.6 sales, Ted's woodworking pays $45.73).

    Comparing dollars, you claim to get 20.75 times more out of every "unique" and 7 times more out of every hop than my site and a sales page conversion that is almost 5 times higher than in my case.

    On my sniper site, we're talking about highly targeted customers who were searching for a buying keyword in Google. On your flyer, we're talking about highly targeted customers who were handed a flyer at a show where they probably received 50 more flyers. People who then had to go home and remember to type in the URL. While all "my" people had to do was click a link.

    Does not compute. What y'all thinking?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3418525].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by strugglingartist View Post

      Hiya Dave

      Many, many thanks for your post. People like you add incredible value to this forum. This got my juices flowing, I did some research, and now I'm somewhat skeptical...

      I compared your numbers to an averagely performing Sniper style CB affiliate site of mine. Over the last year it has had an average ~3100 uniques per month, resulting in 677 hops and 8 sales for a total of ~$252 per month.

      That's $0.08 per unique with a CTR of 21% and $0.37 per hop. And a sales page conversion of 1.18%.

      To compare, we must define: your flyer = your "site", your site/redirect = your "hops".

      You had 1800 "uniques" and 1154 hops. Your earnings were almost $3000 in three weeks. Since this was a one-time event and results probably tapered off, let's call it $3000 in one month.

      That's $1.66 per unique with a "CTR" of 64% and $2.60 per hop. And a sales page conversion of 5.68% (65.6 sales, Ted's woodworking pays $45.73).

      Comparing dollars, you claim to get 20.75 times more out of every "unique" and 7 times more out of every hop than my site and a sales page conversion that is almost 5 times higher than in my case.

      On my sniper site, we're talking about highly targeted customers who were searching for a buying keyword in Google. On your flyer, we're talking about highly targeted customers who were handed a flyer at a show where they probably received 50 more flyers. People who then had to go home and remember to type in the URL. While all "my" people had to do was click a link.

      Does not compute. What y'all thinking?
      I don't think it's apple to apples. I don't think you can base your math on 1800 "Uniques", I think in order to come up with that number wouldn't you need to know how many people just saw the flier? Think of it this way, the attendance at this show was just a little over 9200. Now having actually walked the show and seeing the layout (this one was at a small armory type building) I would say that 90+ percent of the people saw the flier. So I think you're math should be based on like 8500 uniques. Of those 8500 I got 1154 hops, just doing the math in my head this puts the CTR of your sniper site out in front by about 10%.

      The conversion is better for sure, I attribute that to the fact that at this type of show, people are intent on spending money. This is a room full of impulse buyers! I would hazard a guess that people made their mind up that they were going to by before they left the show.

      I'm not a woodworker, but I am a car guy. I go to most of the swaps and shows that have to do with this. I have friends that I go with that save money all year long, and hide it from their wives; just so they're banked for the swap. People look forward to going so much, they plan it for months ahead of time.

      It's a completely different medium than online, so I really don't know how to do the math.

      Look, I haven't tried to sell anybody anything on this post and I really don't care if anybody tries it. I was just trying to give back a little.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419022].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author strugglingartist
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I don't think it's apple to apples. I don't think you can base your math on 1800 "Uniques", I think in order to come up with that number wouldn't you need to know how many people just saw the flier? Think of it this way, the attendance at this show was just a little over 9200. Now having actually walked the show and seeing the layout (this one was at a small armory type building) I would say that 90+ percent of the people saw the flier. So I think you're math should be based on like 8500 uniques. Of those 8500 I got 1154 hops, just doing the math in my head this puts the CTR of your sniper site out in front by about 10%.

        The conversion is better for sure, I attribute that to the fact that at this type of show, people are intent on spending money. This is a room full of impulse buyers! I would hazard a guess that people made their mind up that they were going to by before they left the show.

        I'm not a woodworker, but I am a car guy. I go to most of the swaps and shows that have to do with this. I have friends that I go with that save money all year long, and hide it from their wives; just so they're banked for the swap. People look forward to going so much, they plan it for months ahead of time.

        It's a completely different medium than online, so I really don't know how to do the math.
        Thanks for your reply. My cousin is into offline marketing and he says when it comes to flyers, you will not see these kinds of conversions in a million years. However, he has no experience with shows like yours. Your explanation sounds pretty reasonable to me. I think I might give it a shot.
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Look, I haven't tried to sell anybody anything on this post and I really don't care if anybody tries it. I was just trying to give back a little.
        You, Sir, were preselling a WSO. Smart man
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3420829].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by strugglingartist View Post

          Thanks for your reply. My cousin is into offline marketing and he says when it comes to flyers, you will not see these kinds of conversions in a million years. However, he has no experience with shows like yours. Your explanation sounds pretty reasonable to me. I think I might give it a shot.
          You see, Dave is getting these flyers handed out in a marketplace full of enthusiasts looking to buy stuff, and that is the key to these awesome conversion rates. Try handing out flyers to disinterested and/or untargeted people, and you'll see the opposite results. With flyers it's really important who they get handed out to, you simply cannot expect to hand out flyers to a random crowd and expect to see great results - this is where so many people go wrong when it comes to offline advertising with flyers.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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          • Profile picture of the author ShaneWilliams

            I've peeked my head around in here lately and have seen soooo much of the same old offers that are 10 times more hype than content. This is one of the most refreshing angles I've come across in a while. Congrats for being a man of action! There's some people that I've been wanting to help close to me that have zero interest in touching a computer. This is the perfect way to help out the "non technical" friend. Will definitely be picking up the final product from you sir!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dreadpiraterobby
    I'm new to clickbank, but what is gravity?
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  • Profile picture of the author sim22

    I'e been promoting "Ted's Woodworking" on Bing the last few days using direct linking. I've had 97 clicks and no sales.

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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad

    You really need to package this into a WSO. As part of it you could offer flyer templates for the most common events like woodworking, golf, gardening etc as part of the WSO. You could even have a video showing you making a flyer using one of the templates and then uploading it to the printer's website to be printed. You can include a list of websites that show a list of upcoming events in different cities also.
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    • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
      WOWWY! Dave thank you SO much for sharing such valuable information!

      I live in the boonies. Getting to shows is difficult so I would have to take the remote approach.

      3 questions...

      1. When I first contact some of the vendors, I won't have previous stats yet on the possible potential. May I use your example as what could potentially be their income based on your results?

      2. Do you feel email contact or phone contact works best?

      3. What would you say should be the amount of flyers on a first go with a new vendor?

      Thanks in advance, and your share is one of the best I have seen in a long time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419520].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by ratracegrad View Post


      You really need to package this into a WSO. As part of it you could offer flyer templates for the most common events like woodworking, golf, gardening etc as part of the WSO. You could even have a video showing you making a flyer using one of the templates and then uploading it to the printer's website to be printed. You can include a list of websites that show a list of upcoming events in different cities also.
      Done!....Pending Approval "6 Steps To Cashing In This Weekend"

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  • Profile picture of the author RD5
    WOW Dave, thank you so much for sharing this!!!!!! I'm already taking action Do you think something like this looks good as an initial contact email?:

    Good morning,

    I've found your business listed on the exhibitors list for the "Nuclear Grill 2011" event in Chicago this March.
    What I am about to say will probably sound weird and I've never done this before, but I would like to make deal with you.

    I've been promoting various Nuclear Grills on the Internet, but I thought that it
    would be interesting to do some testing offline and I was wondering whether you would be interested in making a deal where all you would need to do is to put some leaflets on your stand during this event?

    I've already designed the leaflets promoting one of the "Nuclear Grills" and because it would be a great complimentary product for "Nuclear BBQ Sauce" that you are making I thought that we could make a great deal. No competition or anything else like that.

    I would take care about all of the technical things, like setting up unique tracking links and you would also get a 25% commission
    Thank you for your time,

    James Bond

    What you guys think?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419673].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by RD5 View Post

      WOW Dave, thank you so much for sharing this!!!!!! I'm already taking action Do you think something like this looks good as an initial contact email?:

      Good morning,

      I've found your business listed on the exhibitors list for the "Nuclear Grill 2011" event in Chicago this March.
      What I am about to say will probably sound weird and I've never done this before, but I would like to make deal with you.

      I've been promoting various Nuclear Grills on the Internet, but I thought that it
      would be interesting to do some testing offline and I was wondering whether you would be interested in making a deal where all you would need to do is to put some leaflets on your stand during this event?

      I've already designed the leaflets promoting one of the "Nuclear Grills" and because it would be a great complimentary product for "Nuclear BBQ Sauce" that you are making I thought that we could make a great deal. No competition or anything else like that.

      I would take care about all of the technical things, like setting up unique tracking links and you would also get a 25% commission
      Thank you for your time,

      James Bond

      What you guys think?
      I think that reads pretty good. I wouldn't mention that you've never done this before. I think you want to instill confidence. Don't lie and say you have either, just omit that part.

      I have also found that a phone call delivers much, much better. You should be able to track down a number online without too much fuss.

      Also, make sure that you're not asking them to promote a product that competes with their own. Find one that compliments.

      You Got It!!!! You're in good shape.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419873].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
      Originally Posted by RD5 View Post

      What I am about to say will probably sound weird and I've never done this before, but I would like to make deal with you.
      I don't think this sentence is needed at all. It creates doubt in the recipient and shows you aren't confident.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Drizlek
    This is a excellent idea. Took me a few minutes to think of how I could use it in my situation because I live in a tourist area. But I got a few excellent ideas and look forward to implmenting them in the near future.

    Thanks again!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419757].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Drizlek View Post

      This is a excellent idea. Took me a few minutes to think of how I could use it in my situation because I live in a tourist area. But I got a few excellent ideas and look forward to implmenting them in the near future.

      Thanks again!
      You live in a tourist area!!! Get 'em Killer!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3419858].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author helterskelter
    Like so many others, I regularly scour WF - and this is one of the brightest ideas I've seen! Smart. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author snginnovations
    Flyer marketing can really work. Have you considered split testing with business cards? I know you can't fit the same amount of info there as you can on a flyer. But I wonder if the business card makes it to the person's computer easier than a flyer...
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  • Profile picture of the author CBP
    Offline meets Online...Very creative and well done..
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by CBP View Post

      Offline meets Online...Very creative and well done..
      This is what really gets results, and it will also never be as saturated as stuff that's purely online, because the majority of people tend to have this irrational fear of doing anything offline.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421695].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RichMag
      Just some great information Dave and congrats on your success. Quick question (sorry if this has been asked), do you just offer a commision to the vendors you contact? Was wondering what your thought is on offering the vendor an "upfront fee" to just place the flyer on the table throughout the show?

      I used to do a lot of Baseball Card shows and if someone would have offered me $75 for the weekend to just place a flyer on the table I would have jumped on it. Obviously there is a bit of a risk doing this as you are putting the money up front but the ROI would be better on your end (cheaper than the $500 commission).

      Just wondering what you thoughts are on this?

      Congrats again, and just a super post.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421710].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by RichMag View Post

        Just some great information Dave and congrats on your success. Quick question (sorry if this has been asked), do you just offer a commision to the vendors you contact? Was wondering what your thought is on offering the vendor an "upfront fee" to just place the flyer on the table throughout the show?

        I used to do a lot of Baseball Card shows and if someone would have offered me $75 for the weekend to just place a flyer on the table I would have jumped on it. Obviously there is a bit of a risk doing this as you are putting the money up front but the ROI would be better on your end (cheaper than the $500 commission).

        Just wondering what you thoughts are on this?

        Congrats again, and just a super post.

        Rich, I can answer this for Dave. He is paying his vendors a percentage of the revenue (25%-50%) that he generates from the flyers, and this seems to get them very motivated in ensuring that the flyers get into the hands of their customers and prospects!

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421864].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by RichMag View Post

        Just some great information Dave and congrats on your success. Quick question (sorry if this has been asked), do you just offer a commision to the vendors you contact? Was wondering what your thought is on offering the vendor an "upfront fee" to just place the flyer on the table throughout the show?

        Just wondering what you thoughts are on this?

        Congrats again, and just a super post.

        I thought about that, but I don't mind just doing the split. It keeps them motivated and I feel this is better for a long term strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author kartikkhattar
    thats amazing... i wish this worked here in india as well ... wanna move to The States
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    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by kartikkhattar View Post

      thats amazing... i wish this worked here in india as well ... wanna move to The States
      It's something I am thinking about as I live in Eastern Europe (although I am British) - but I think this could all be done 'remotely'. You could either get the printing done in India (MUCH cheaper than in the US, I bet!) and send over directly, or maybe better, order from a US company and ask them to deliver direct to your contacts. I think if you were very honest and direct with your contacts, you could do all this by email even, or cold-calling (cheap Skype!), though not everyone is comfortable with that.

      I would be happy to bounce around other ideas with people in a similar position as to how this could be done 'at a distance'.

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421827].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RD5
    Alrighty, I've sent out 10 emails to business owners, one has already replied:

    Hello Robert

    Thank you for the suggestion; I don’t think we’d be able to help you for many reasons, not least due to lack of counter space to display your leaflets.

    I hope your venture is successful though.

    Best regards

    Terry S.

    At first I thought, okey 9 more to go, but then I've decided to reply with this:

    I apologize for disturbing you again, but I had a look at your website
    and I was wondering whether you have ever thought about selling your products online?

    I just did some simple research using Google Keyword Tool.
    and competition in the search engines for the products that you are selling ridiculously low.

    For example in UK alone each month 480 people are searching for XYZ, yet the
    websites that are ranking in the search engines are very basic and could be easily outranked.
    There are also 720 people each month searching for XYZ2, which is another product that you are selling.
    Only these two keywords combined get over 14400 searches per year.

    Yet again, sorry for my emails, but I just wanted to give something back for my first email. Maybe you'll
    look into this sometime in the future.

    Good luck,


    Let's see what will hapen

    I know that giving these businesses a phone call would be much better, but I don't know... It's too scary for me, because I think I'll sound too young and I still got this strong eastern european accent

    EDIT: In case no one will agree to make a deal, I will stand right in front of the entrance and just give those flyers out for people who will be coming to the conference. I won't be inside of the building, so I guess administration wouldn't be able to do anything about it. hoho
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3422348].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CH2
      Originally Posted by RD5 View Post

      Alrighty, I've sent out 10 emails to business owners, one has already replied:

      Hello Robert

      Thank you for the suggestion; I don’t think we’d be able to help you for many reasons, not least due to lack of counter space to display your leaflets.

      I hope your venture is successful though.

      Best regards

      Terry S.

      At first I thought, okey 9 more to go, but then I've decided to reply with this:

      I apologize for disturbing you again, but I had a look at your website
      and I was wondering whether you have ever thought about selling your products online?

      I just did some simple research using Google Keyword Tool.
      and competition in the search engines for the products that you are selling ridiculously low.

      For example in UK alone each month 480 people are searching for XYZ, yet the
      websites that are ranking in the search engines are very basic and could be easily outranked.
      There are also 720 people each month searching for XYZ2, which is another product that you are selling.
      Only these two keywords combined get over 14400 searches per year.

      Yet again, sorry for my emails, but I just wanted to give something back for my first email. Maybe you'll
      look into this sometime in the future.

      Good luck,


      Let's see what will hapen

      I know that giving these businesses a phone call would be much better, but I don't know... It's too scary for me, because I think I'll sound too young and I still got this strong eastern european accent

      EDIT: In case no one will agree to make a deal, I will stand right in front of the entrance and just give those flyers out for people who will be coming to the conference. I won't be inside of the building, so I guess administration wouldn't be able to do anything about it. hoho
      I've been following this thread, and I just want to inject a little caution. Be careful about trying to hand out flyers at the door, on exit, etc. I've been ejected from conventions/fairs on more than one occasion just by attempting to SURVEY people at a show -- even though I was hired by the trade association sponsoring the show. Convention venues are notoriously protective of their space(s), and even if you are clearly within the law, or even their own public guidelines... if they feel you are encroaching on their business in any way, you'll get the boot. It doesn't seem to matter how young, cute, and innocent you appear -- believe me! I think the original notion of partnering with an approved exhibitor is by far the safer bet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Long
    That is a work of genius!
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  • Profile picture of the author morsh
    wow that's a genius offline promotion, WAOW!!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author usefulinfo
      Hello Dave,

      Would it be Ok If i could use your graphics flyer in my own area??

      With my own website on it of course...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3423468].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by usefulinfo View Post

        Hello Dave,

        Would it be Ok If i could use your graphics flyer in my own area??

        With my own website on it of course...
        If you're going to do this long term, you're going to need to learn how to do this. My WSO has a training video that shows you how using the same free software I use. It only takes about 45 minute to do one. Check it out "6 Steps To Cashing In This Weekend"
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3423718].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author usefulinfo
          Cool so if I buy it, the wso will teach me how to use the software to make these type of fliers?? and would you give me permission to use the one you made above?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3423817].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by usefulinfo View Post

            Cool so if I buy it, the wso will teach me how to use the software to make these type of fliers?? and would you give me permission to use the one you made above?
            Yes the WSO will show exactly how to do it. It's very easy and you will have a new skill that you can use forever!!

            I'm sorry but I don't want you using my flier as is. You can certainly model yours after it though. If you buy the WSO and have any trouble, let me know and I'll give you a hand too.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3423970].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
    Originally Posted by Norman6646 View Post

    Hi, Dave, I have only recently joined WF, and have been thrilled by some of the things I have read. many thnaks for your inspiring article, and I trust you are keeping up the good work?
    Well......I'm sure trying.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3424142].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan Johnson
      I just got Dave's WSO


      and it's everything that you need to make this method work for you. Dave has responded to this thread quickly and to all of my pm's as well. He also includes an email address for addition support if you should run into anything, but after going through the material, all I need to do now is get to work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3424791].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by Ryan Johnson View Post

        I just got Dave's WSO


        and it's everything that you need to make this method work for you. Dave has responded to this thread quickly and to all of my pm's as well. He also includes an email address for addition support if you should run into anything, but after going through the material, all I need to do now is get to work.
        Thanks again for all of the kind words Ryan.-See you at the track!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3424822].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    I love how this thread is still alive. I think it should be added as a sticky in a beginners section of the forum! What you have outlined is a great technique to make money online.

    I did something similar with a Netflix offer when all of our local movie rental places shut down within months of each other. I canvassed the town with bright red flyers and pointed them to a website with a neflix offer on it! Conversions were insane.

    I was successful because I took action. Had I waited even a month to contemplate things I wouldn't had made as much money. Why? Because some local guy started putting in Red Boxes and those have become insanely popular in my area since.

    So stop over thinking and just starting doing. Again I love this thread.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3424857].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

      I love how this thread is still alive. I think it should be added as a sticky in a beginners section of the forum! What you have outlined is a great technique to make money online.

      I did something similar with a Netflix offer when all of our local movie rental places shut down within months of each other. I canvassed the town with bright red flyers and pointed them to a website with a neflix offer on it! Conversions were insane.

      I was successful because I took action. Had I waited even a month to contemplate things I wouldn't had made as much money. Why? Because some local guy started putting in Red Boxes and those have become insanely popular in my area since.

      So stop over thinking and just starting doing. Again I love this thread.
      Awsome with the Netflix..Just goes to show how taking action is the key. Thanks for the kind words!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3425401].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kom
    To much Work

    We have too
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3424864].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
    I didn't see it in the previous posts ... do you capture names and email addressess so you can use an autoresponder sequence? If not, why not? Seems like it might be worth split testing.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3425542].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Hey Dave, have you checked the gravity of the Clickbank product you mentioned in this thread lately? I nearly fell off my chair when I saw that number!
      KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
      My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3426639].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Marvin Johnston View Post

      I didn't see it in the previous posts ... do you capture names and email addressess so you can use an autoresponder sequence? If not, why not? Seems like it might be worth split testing.

      That's something I'm still dialing in. I'm trying.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3431980].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AaronCJ
    Thank you Dave for this thread, as a beginner it is truly inspirational. As a beginner it is insanely easy to over analyze, something I'm guilty of. You read all these great threads with fantastic ideas and it all starts to become mixed together. A good friend told me this week, just pick one thing and get really good at it, it doesn't matter what it is, just practice it and you'll make money. The best way to not make money is put your hand in too many things at once.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429223].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by AaronCJ View Post

      Thank you Dave for this thread, as a beginner it is truly inspirational. As a beginner it is insanely easy to over analyze, something I'm guilty of. You read all these great threads with fantastic ideas and it all starts to become mixed together. A good friend told me this week, just pick one thing and get really good at it, it doesn't matter what it is, just practice it and you'll make money. The best way to not make money is put your hand in too many things at once.
      Yes your friend is 100% right. Look, I'm a drag racer, and a pretty good one; and when I help somebody the first thing I tell them is this. Be consistant, do everything the same, every run; even if it's wrong. Once you are doing it the same way every time, then it's easy to refine and fix the little issues; but you have to be consistant first.

      IM is the same thing focus on ONE thing until you have a little success, then leverage that success and more on to the next.

      "Starting 100 things doesn't ever pay as well as finishing 1"

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429341].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Evolve91
    What I love about your method is it gets one away from the computer and out mingling with people. I agree with the others that have pointed out cross promotion being valuable. I remember when "everything is moving online". I guess the trade shows don't agree.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3429448].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    This is great Dave, you made the WSO real quick! I am not going to buy quite yet but may in the future.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3432158].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      This is great Dave, you made the WSO real quick! I am not going to buy quite yet but may in the future.
      When you decide to pick it up I'd love your feedback, and let me know if you have any trouble or questions.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3432260].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        When you decide to pick it up I'd love your feedback, and let me know if you have any trouble or questions.
        Alright Dave, I have been in the middle of my normal business but would like to invest some into your ideas. Thanks..

        Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
        Invest in domains without the hard work !
        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433143].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lyanna
    Glad to see a great idea for integrating offline methods with CB.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433503].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Dave - big wet sloppy smooch, guy. I can't believe I didn't think of this with all the rock shows I attend. Holy cow. Duh.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433527].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Dave - big wet sloppy smooch, guy. I can't believe I didn't think of this with all the rock shows I attend. Holy cow. Duh.
      I'm a sucker for a big wet sloppy smooch from a rocker chick too........
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435023].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AlonzoTJones
    Just. Plain. Genius.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433701].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    It sons like a good idea and will work for both affiliate marketers as well as product creators nice job....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433752].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves
    Thanks for sharing your "out of the box" thinking Dave and congratulations on your success!

    It's stories like yours which help to inspire all of us here on the WF.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3433886].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shazyaar
    Impressive story.It helps alot thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3434277].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vlad Bacioiu
    great story! good idea and the results are awesome
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RossChops
    Thanks for the info Dave, I keep forgetting that there are top notch opportunities in the real world as well as the web!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435121].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Congrats, it's always great when real life marketing tactics are applied in line with online efforts
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435135].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Wow! What a simple and genius idea! I live near Nashville so this will be easy for me to implement!

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  • Profile picture of the author HaydenR
    Wow.. this looks like something I'l like to get into.. the method is simply ingenious.. thanks for the share..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435334].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by HaydenR View Post

      Wow.. this looks like something I'l like to get into.. the method is simply ingenious.. thanks for the share..
      Check the Sig file.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435722].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Rusling
    That is excellent thanx for sharing!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3435756].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Russers View Post

      That is excellent thanx for sharing!
      Thanks now go do it!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3436931].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Thanks now go do it!
        Dave, How is your WSO going. I am assuming you have gotten a lot of sales because of how good your method is.

        Can you tell me what you add in your WSO which is not already in this thread?

        Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
        Invest in domains without the hard work !
        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3438027].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Diane S
          Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

          Dave, How is your WSO going. I am assuming you have gotten a lot of sales because of how good your method is.

          Can you tell me what you add in your WSO which is not already in this thread?
          I believe your question is answered in the sales copy of the WSO. Perhaps you did not read it yet? He describes his WSO quite accurately.
          KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
          My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3438049].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikeey
    Hey Dave,

    The tool you use in your WSO is SOOOOOOO easy!! I love it !

    You do a pretty good job on that tutorial, your little mistakes with the design make your WSO more real because is shows you are just a regular guy , GREAT JOB!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3441689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fgrimes
    This is a light bulb moment for me. I love that strategy. I hope you move forward with compiling your other strategies and developing a product. I am most definitely interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author ElMundodelExito
    I will create an amazon review printer site and post it in 5 minute!

    I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. And the number of times I succeed Is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep trying.
    Want to enter the Spanish market? Let me build your site, graphics, articles, free consultation!. Just PM me

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3442955].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hilaryaustin
      I usually contact 5 to get one to say yes. I have gone myself, but it's easier to find someone who has to be there already and let them do all the task.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444231].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by hilaryaustin View Post

        I usually contact 5 to get one to say yes. I have gone myself, but it's easier to find someone who has to be there already and let them do all the task.
        I have found that to be about my results as well.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3451580].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          I have found that to be about my results as well.
          That's a pretty decent success rate - so over the course of doing these flyer promotions, have you found this 20% rate (where 1 out of every 5 vendors accepts your proposal) to pretty much hold steady?
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3451678].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            That's a pretty decent success rate - so over the course of doing these flyer promotions, have you found this 20% rate (where 1 out of every 5 vendors accepts your proposal) to pretty much hold steady?
            So far that's been about the average.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3451790].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by hilaryaustin View Post

        I usually contact 5 to get one to say yes. I have gone myself, but it's easier to find someone who has to be there already and let them do all the task.
        How much do you pay them per show? Or do they get a cut?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3452095].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author markowe
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          How much do you pay them per show? Or do they get a cut?
          Sorry mate, you'll have to read the thread

          Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3452167].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FlyingSuccess
    Hey thanks for that. I tried clicking on the link to see an example of your flyer but it didn't work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3443048].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Awesome idea - I thought, hey why not try a small run, and I will just go with woodworking because I have already been promoting Ted's Woodworking. So I thought, let's go to the top, Alexandra Palace Get Woodworking Live show in London in two weeks time, let's see if exhibitors even respond.

    Guess what, SOMEBODY'S been taking action on this thread because some exhibitors are quite surprised that they have had more than one approach of this kind Funny, wonder why!

    Anyway, lesson is: there are people here who WILL take action when they see a great idea like this, if you won't! But also you should move away from the obvious niches, and probably don't bother going for high-profile events like this one either. Your local school fair might have MORE hungry buyers than the big Ally Pally shows, who knows! Time to be a LITTLE more imaginative, methinks!

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444111].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      Awesome idea - I thought, hey why not try a small run, and I will just go with woodworking because I have already been promoting Ted's Woodworking. So I thought, let's go to the top, Alexandra Palace Get Woodworking Live show in London in two weeks time, let's see if exhibitors even respond.

      Guess what, SOMEBODY'S been taking action on this thread because some exhibitors are quite surprised that they have had more than one approach of this kind Funny, wonder why!

      Anyway, lesson is: there are people here who WILL take action when they see a great idea like this, if you won't! But also you should move away from the obvious niches, and probably don't bother going for high-profile events like this one either. Your local school fair might have MORE hungry buyers than the big Ally Pally shows, who knows! Time to be a LITTLE more imaginative, methinks!
      Yes eventually the big show centres will see how much money can be made and then up the price to the entrepreneurs and squeeze their margins while the show hosts or organisers will soak up most of the cash.

      That's not me being negative - it's a commercial reality!

      It's like the coffee stalls at train stations - selling 300 cups of $3 coffee every day sounds like a lucrative business - but you can be sure the train station will be charging a LOT of rent - infact they'll have different vendors bidding to pay the most rent to get that spot.

      Having said that though there are plenty of smaller shows and events in provincial areas which could be used! It's got me thinking...
      Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444137].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author markowe
        Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

        Yes eventually the big show centres will see how much money can be made and then up the price to the entrepreneurs and squeeze their margins while the show hosts or organisers will soak up most of the cash.

        That's not me being negative - it's a commercial reality!

        It's like the coffee stalls at train stations - selling 300 cups of $3 coffee every day sounds like a lucrative business - but you can be sure the train station will be charging a LOT of rent - infact they'll have different vendors bidding to pay the most rent to get that spot.

        Having said that though there are plenty of smaller shows and events in provincial areas which could be used! It's got me thinking...
        Too true.

        Actually, I started thinking laterally and came up with a great niche, then whilst researching possible offline channels for it stumbled on an AWESOME media buy and got sidetracked again

        Got to take these ideas and then make them your own, that's the secret to avoiding saturation. So you think the $3-coffee niche is pretty much done, right?

        Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444211].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by markowe View Post

          Too true.

          Actually, I started thinking laterally and came up with a great niche, then whilst researching possible offline channels for it stumbled on an AWESOME media buy and got sidetracked again

          Got to take these ideas and then make them your own, that's the secret to avoiding saturation. So you think the $3-coffee niche is pretty much done, right?
          I think so, even the mighty Starbucks here has resorted to discounting its coffee to about $1 a cup - then again, this is a trend that has run its course after enjoying well over a decade of immense success. This offline advertising is still practically a newborn in comparison to the $3-coffee niche.
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444482].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      Awesome idea - I thought, hey why not try a small run, and I will just go with woodworking because I have already been promoting Ted's Woodworking. So I thought, let's go to the top, Alexandra Palace Get Woodworking Live show in London in two weeks time, let's see if exhibitors even respond.

      Guess what, SOMEBODY'S been taking action on this thread because some exhibitors are quite surprised that they have had more than one approach of this kind Funny, wonder why!

      Anyway, lesson is: there are people here who WILL take action when they see a great idea like this, if you won't! But also you should move away from the obvious niches, and probably don't bother going for high-profile events like this one either. Your local school fair might have MORE hungry buyers than the big Ally Pally shows, who knows! Time to be a LITTLE more imaginative, methinks!
      Yes I agree this is a very good method that I remember seeing like a week ago or something. Now it has thousands of views and a lot of people are going to try it. You have to be creative and go local.

      Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
      Invest in domains without the hard work !
      Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3454937].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bilzz
    Good man ..its really nice work well done and best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author markjob
    Well I did my little flyer thing over the weekend and so far I have had 4 conversions on the CPA offer. The only bummer is that the network lowered the commisions from $40 to $25 but im not moaning.

    I handed them out myself because this was my first time so i wanted to gauge it.

    Will check my account later today to see if anymore come in. I printed to flyers myself so i can't really put a price on how much that cost me , was great fun too, had a good laugh doing this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444655].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post

      Well I did my little flyer thing over the weekend and so far I have had 4 conversions on the CPA offer. The only bummer is that the network lowered the commisions from $40 to $25 but im not moaning.

      I handed them out myself because this was my first time so i wanted to gauge it.

      Will check my account later today to see if anymore come in. I printed to flyers myself so i can't really put a price on how much that cost me , was great fun too, had a good laugh doing this.
      Stark contrast to the OP. Why do you think so low? Choice of product? Design of flyer? Type of crowd?

      Also, how many flyers did you print up? I'm going to give this a punt, thinking of 2000.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444709].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Stark contrast to the OP. Why do you think so low? Choice of product? Design of flyer? Type of crowd?

        Also, how many flyers did you print up? I'm going to give this a punt, thinking of 2000.
        I think the difference was largely due to the delivery method - if he was handing out the CPA flyers himself, it'd have been difficult to singlehandedly pass out any more than a few hundred flyers on his own.

        Additionally, handing them out to people by its very nature would not be as targeted as having them on display at the vendor booths, where it'd have implicit endorsement and more likely end up in the hands of targeted prospects who are actively seeking the product.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444841].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post

      Well I did my little flyer thing over the weekend and so far I have had 4 conversions on the CPA offer. The only bummer is that the network lowered the commisions from $40 to $25 but im not moaning.

      I handed them out myself because this was my first time so i wanted to gauge it.

      Will check my account later today to see if anymore come in. I printed to flyers myself so i can't really put a price on how much that cost me , was great fun too, had a good laugh doing this.
      How many did you hand out and what was the niche if you don't mind me asking.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444847].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Giani
    That is a very good plan. Thanks for sharing.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3444762].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markjob

    I only handed out 300 in total. I think the target crowd was ok. It was a wedding show full of wannabe brides and their mums. So i thought for sure they will be wanting to look their best for the big day and of course the big night!

    The product was a hair removal product, without shaving or waxing or expensive laser treatment. Since the first four conversions i have had another 6 from yesterday to noon today when i last checked so they are still coming in steady.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3452475].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post


      I only handed out 300 in total. I think the target crowd was ok. It was a wedding show full of wannabe brides and their mums. So i thought for sure they will be wanting to look their best for the big day and of course the big night!

      The product was a hair removal product, without shaving or waxing or expensive laser treatment. Since the first four conversions i have had another 6 from yesterday to noon today when i last checked so they are still coming in steady.
      Nice, not ideal, but nice. Had you paid the right price for fliers @ 0.15/ea for 300 so $45-sold 10 @ $25 commission for $250-THAT"S A 500% ROI so far and the orders are still coming! That's awesome. Keep up the good work! Now find a vendor who's traveling that show and scale it up!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3452667].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that George Sepich of the Talk Marketing Network has asked me to do a weekly show on his network. Several folks on this thread have shows over there and I am proud to be joining their lineup. We'll be talking about using offline strategies for affiliate marketing.

        I'll be sharing my best tip and methods. My first show is this Thursday at 5PM EST. Hope you all can make it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3454721].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that George Sepich of the Talk Marketing Network has asked me to do a weekly show on his network. Several folks on this thread have shows over there and I am proud to be joining their lineup. We'll be talking about using offline strategies for affiliate marketing.

          I'll be sharing my best tip and methods. My first show is this Thursday at 5PM EST. Hope you all can make it.
          Dave I joined TMN to listen to you on Thursday. I have never been to this site before so I am a little confused on how to use it. Do I just click on your image at the site on Thursday and that will take me to the chat?

          Also, I have a question about using .whatever cheap domains. Couldn't I just use a domain that I have that I only use with Pretty Links and then each vendor would still have an unique id? By doing this I could also show screen shots that show how many hits and other information. I could just use or Any thoughts on this.

          Affiliate links are not allowed.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461457].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post


      I only handed out 300 in total. I think the target crowd was ok. It was a wedding show full of wannabe brides and their mums. So i thought for sure they will be wanting to look their best for the big day and of course the big night!

      The product was a hair removal product, without shaving or waxing or expensive laser treatment. Since the first four conversions i have had another 6 from yesterday to noon today when i last checked so they are still coming in steady.
      You're definitely on the right track here. Make sure that your flyer costs are as low as possible - I think you'd have to print out at least 1,000 flyers to get the $0.15/page rate (at least from what I've seen so far with the online sites), but now that you know your offer seems to convert well with what you're doing, it would make sense to hand out 1,000 flyers and scale this up further!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457358].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post


      I only handed out 300 in total. I think the target crowd was ok. It was a wedding show full of wannabe brides and their mums. So i thought for sure they will be wanting to look their best for the big day and of course the big night!

      The product was a hair removal product, without shaving or waxing or expensive laser treatment. Since the first four conversions i have had another 6 from yesterday to noon today when i last checked so they are still coming in steady.
      Can we say...NONO!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Yogini

    I have a feeling you'll get more conversions. Did you use a flyer similar to how Dave laid it out? Also, how did you distribute them? Did you stand and give them to people or were they on a table of a vendor's?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3455438].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Well, I bought the wso, very nice work Dave.

      One thing, what's your take on promotion pages with opt in boxes?

      I have 2 products in mind... the first one is more popular on clickbank, makes $10 more, but has an "free ebook" opt in.

      It brings you to a thank you page, and a "return to where you were link"

      I've tested it with my hop link, and it keeps my cb id. When I click the confirmation email, I get taken to a page, saying thank you with a back button, this also retains my cb id.

      The problem is, the first part of the free course arives instantly in you email box, and when you click this link... well, payment goes to paypal.

      The woodworking page you used, didn't have this problem, is this one of the reasons you picked this product?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457116].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markjob
    Another 3 conversions since i last poped in here, cool!

    As for the cost of the flyers i have no idea because i printed them at home so i don't know how to work that one out?

    Yogini: I purchased Dave's WSO after i had my design all setup and printed so i did not watch his videos until i did my test because i knew i would of messed around with things and maybe made a hash of it and miss the event haha!!

    After watching dave's videos i will be doing things a little diferent with my designs for sure, the software he uses is what i use so im pretty good at that part.

    I have had a few PM's from people here but my post count is not high enough to reply so if anyone wants to contact me just pm me your email address and i will get back to you.

    I only come on here once a day, far too much info on this forum haha If i stay longer i would never get stuff done.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457652].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post

      Another 3 conversions since i last poped in here, cool!

      As for the cost of the flyers i have no idea because i printed them at home so i don't know how to work that one out?

      Yogini: I purchased Dave's WSO after i had my design all setup and printed so i did not watch his videos until i did my test because i knew i would of messed around with things and maybe made a hash of it and miss the event haha!!

      After watching dave's videos i will be doing things a little diferent with my designs for sure, the software he uses is what i use so im pretty good at that part.

      I have had a few PM's from people here but my post count is not high enough to reply so if anyone wants to contact me just pm me your email address and i will get back to you.

      I only come on here once a day, far too much info on this forum haha If i stay longer i would never get stuff done.

      Mark, congratulations! If you printed your flyers (especially if they're color) on an inkjet printer, your costs are likely going to be pretty high. You might want to start monitoring your cost per page now, as this is ultimately the key to maximizing your profits on a flyer campaign - this is extremely crucial when you're printing and distributing thousands of them, as it could mean the difference between losing money/breaking even or making a nice, fat profit!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457667].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by markjob View Post

      I only come on here once a day, far too much info on this forum haha If i stay longer i would never get stuff done.
      This is the SECOND-best bit of advice I have read on this thread

      Visit WF, get idea, go do it. Come back when you need another idea, or to tell people what's working!


      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457710].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by markowe View Post

        This is the SECOND-best bit of advice I have read on this thread

        Visit WF, get idea, go do it. Come back when you need another idea, or to tell people what's working!

        Mark, this place is a great idea "incubator", but you're absolutely right - spend too much time in here, and you'll never get anything done (at least not anything that will bring you results!)

        Without implementation, all the IM knowledge in the world is essentially worthless.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457718].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          I'm looking to do an event. I was talking to a friend, who has a friend who always has a stand at the event I'm targeting.

          They said that I have to clear this with the organizer... just putting them on a vendors table?

          Did you have to do this Dave? I can't see how it's any of the organizers business, once the space has been rented by the vendor.

          I called the owners of the venue, and they said this shouldn't be the case, as it's the vendors space.

          I'd hate if some greedy organizer put a spanner in the works here... should I just play ignorant, and see how it goes?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3458285].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Mark, this place is a great idea "incubator", but you're absolutely right - spend too much time in here, and you'll never get anything done (at least not anything that will bring you results!)

          Without implementation, all the IM knowledge in the world is essentially worthless.

          Paul I've been meaning to I've been going through this thread intermittently whenever I can to get through it all...HOW DO YOU GET ANYTHING DONE with all the posting and time you spend on this forum! :p In this thread alone you've posted more than the OP...haha amazing to say the least!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461317].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by rawstyle View Post

            Paul I've been meaning to I've been going through this thread intermittently whenever I can to get through it all...HOW DO YOU GET ANYTHING DONE with all the posting and time you spend on this forum! :p In this thread alone you've posted more than the OP...haha amazing to say the least!
            Plus the guy does a show at midnight on TMN! Wish I had that kind of energy!:confused:
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461432].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
            Originally Posted by rawstyle View Post

            Paul I've been meaning to I've been going through this thread intermittently whenever I can to get through it all...HOW DO YOU GET ANYTHING DONE with all the posting and time you spend on this forum! :p In this thread alone you've posted more than the OP...haha amazing to say the least!
            I know I have noticed this too! Paul is such a great help on the forums but I don't know what he does other than that. I'd like to know if I could.

            Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
            Invest in domains without the hard work !
            Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461450].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AlanB
    That is what online marketing is all about... you have to develop a new strategy and run with it...
    Let your brains start rolling now people!...
    Congrats Dave...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3458419].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Well, just rang an exhibitor there, and got a no.

      She was really nice about it, but the tone I got was one of mild confusion, and who exactly are you?

      I explained as best I could, the conversation went a little like this...

      ME - Hi, my name is ... , I'd like to promote an online Reiki course at the ... event, It's a very simple concept, with promotional flyers, but the organizers don't offer any way to do this, other than getting my own stand.

      HER - sorry, who am I talking to?

      ME - my name is... I found your name on the website, and thought I'd contact you to see if you'd be interested in promoting this, you'd get a cut of course.

      HER - What is it exactly, what are you promoting

      ME - It's an online Reiki course, it's been the best selling course since 2007, in this field. I've promoted it online and it's doing quite well, I think with such a targeted market, it would do very well at the expo. I just need a vendor to let me leave them on their stand.

      HER - So, this is your product?

      ME - No, it's a product I'm promoting, I'm an affiliate marketer, and I get a commision from each sale.

      (i think this was the point i lost her)

      HER - If it's selling so well, why don't they just set up a stand themselves and sell it at the show?

      ME - It's an online product that relies on it's affiliate marketers to promote it, they're based in america.
      (i think she was a bit lost at this point)

      HER - oh, I thank you, but I'm not interested. I like to keep my stand nice and simple.

      ME - No problem, I just thought I'd find a list of exhibitors and see if they were interested.

      HER - Well, it's not for me, but I'm sure you'll find someone who'll go for it...


      I think the main problem here is, I'm not a sales person.. I think I explained it pretty well... but, if they don't know you, or even have trouble understanding even a little of what you want to do... I think it could be hard to convince them over the phone.

      Does anyone have any advice? I didn't even get a chance to tell her the potential earnings, for doing pretty much nothing...

      I've emailed another guy, his site had no phone number... I feel, I was able to clearly write what I had in mind, here's my email...

      Hi Myles, I found your name on the list of exhibitors, on the site, and found your own site here.

      I'm contacting you with a simple business proposal. This isn't spam, it's a genuine offer, which could be quite profitable.

      I'm an Internet Marketer, and would like to promote a popular online Reiki Product. I contacted the organizers of the event, hoping that they would have an information pack or goody bag, where I could include my flyers. They don't have this facility, I also can't just go handing out flyers.

      So, what I'm looking to do, is leave a bunch of my flyers, on an exhibitors stand, they're A4.

      The product is one of the best selling Reiki products online, $62 profit per sale. I really do believe it will sell very well at such a highly targeted event. I plan to have 1000 printed up, so even at a 5% conversion rate, that's $3,100, or $775 to you. This is an extremely conservative number, I'm expecting it more to be 10 - 15%

      So, all you need to do, is leave some flyers in your event area.

      I'm abroad at the moment, in China, but I have a friend who's helping me with this little venture. She will be at the event, and will be my person on the ground, although, there really is very little to it, she'll just be dropping off some flyers.

      If you are interested, we should have a chat about it. I'm 8 hours ahead of you, so we could organize a time to chat on skype, or you can email me your number, and a convenient time for me to call you.

      Hope to hear back from you


      So, what do you think? I find that if I call people, all they'll hear is "spam spam, sale, spam, get rich quick, spam"

      Where, with an email, you can explain exactly what it is you're trying to do before they tune out.

      Also, I think Dave did so well because he met his mom and pop vendors in person, rather than an out of the blue phone call... I'll keep going, but this may be the only avenue, if I get no bites. I have a friend who's helping me, who'll be at the event.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459014].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Qamar
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Well, just rang an exhibitor there, and got a no.

        She was really nice about it, but the tone I got was one of mild confusion, and who exactly are you?

        I explained as best I could, the conversation went a little like this...

        ME - Hi, my name is ... , I'd like to promote an online Reiki course at the ... event, It's a very simple concept, with promotional flyers, but the organizers don't offer any way to do this, other than getting my own stand.

        HER - sorry, who am I talking to?

        ME - my name is... I found your name on the website, and thought I'd contact you to see if you'd be interested in promoting this, you'd get a cut of course.

        HER - What is it exactly, what are you promoting

        ME - It's an online Reiki course, it's been the best selling course since 2007, in this field. I've promoted it online and it's doing quite well, I think with such a targeted market, it would do very well at the expo. I just need a vendor to let me leave them on their stand.

        HER - So, this is your product?

        ME - No, it's a product I'm promoting, I'm an affiliate marketer, and I get a commision from each sale.

        (i think this was the point i lost her)

        HER - If it's selling so well, why don't they just set up a stand themselves and sell it at the show?

        ME - It's an online product that relies on it's affiliate marketers to promote it, they're based in america.
        (i think she was a bit lost at this point)

        HER - oh, I thank you, but I'm not interested. I like to keep my stand nice and simple.

        ME - No problem, I just thought I'd find a list of exhibitors and see if they were interested.

        HER - Well, it's not for me, but I'm sure you'll find someone who'll go for it...


        I think the main problem here is, I'm not a sales person.. I think I explained it pretty well... but, if they don't know you, or even have trouble understanding even a little of what you want to do... I think it could be hard to convince them over the phone.

        Does anyone have any advice? I didn't even get a chance to tell her the potential earnings, for doing pretty much nothing...

        I've emailed another guy, his site had no phone number... I feel, I was able to clearly write what I had in mind, here's my email...

        Hi Myles, I found your name on the list of exhibitors, on the site, and found your own site here.

        I'm contacting you with a simple business proposal. This isn't spam, it's a genuine offer, which could be quite profitable.

        I'm an Internet Marketer, and would like to promote a popular online Reiki Product. I contacted the organizers of the event, hoping that they would have an information pack or goody bag, where I could include my flyers. They don't have this facility, I also can't just go handing out flyers.

        So, what I'm looking to do, is leave a bunch of my flyers, on an exhibitors stand, they're A4.

        The product is one of the best selling Reiki products online, $62 profit per sale. I really do believe it will sell very well at such a highly targeted event. I plan to have 1000 printed up, so even at a 5% conversion rate, that's $3,100, or $775 to you. This is an extremely conservative number, I'm expecting it more to be 10 - 15%

        So, all you need to do, is leave some flyers in your event area.

        I'm abroad at the moment, in China, but I have a friend who's helping me with this little venture. She will be at the event, and will be my person on the ground, although, there really is very little to it, she'll just be dropping off some flyers.

        If you are interested, we should have a chat about it. I'm 8 hours ahead of you, so we could organize a time to chat on skype, or you can email me your number, and a convenient time for me to call you.

        Hope to hear back from you


        So, what do you think? I find that if I call people, all they'll hear is "spam spam, sale, spam, get rich quick, spam"

        Where, with an email, you can explain exactly what it is you're trying to do before they tune out.

        Also, I think Dave did so well because he met his mom and pop vendors in person, rather than an out of the blue phone call... I'll keep going, but this may be the only avenue, if I get no bites. I have a friend who's helping me, who'll be at the event.
        I think you can get some helpers to hand those flyers to the people leaving the expo. IMO it doesn't need to be directly outside the exit, your people can hand the flyers to people nearby the exits as most likely they are from the exhibitions you are targeting.

        I am planning to do this myself, I don't think there are much difference as the target audience should be the same group of people we are targeting, the only difference is they are no longer in the expo hall.

        I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459097].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

          I think you can get some helpers to hand those flyers to the people leaving the expo. IMO it doesn't need to be directly outside the exit, your people can hand the flyers to people nearby the exits as most likely they are from the exhibitions you are targeting.

          I am planning to do this myself, I don't think there are much difference as the target audience should be the same group of people we are targeting, the only difference is they are no longer in the expo hall.

          I've talked to a friend in the know about this, and where I'm from, you can't just go handing out flyers. As, any that are thrown away, which could be a lot, you can be fined for, a big fine.

          You have to let the local police know you're doing this.

          I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying that it's not that simple...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459169].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by thedog View Post

            Well, I bought the wso, very nice work Dave.

            One thing, what's your take on promotion pages with opt in boxes?

            I have 2 products in mind... the first one is more popular on clickbank, makes $10 more, but has an "free ebook" opt in.

            It brings you to a thank you page, and a "return to where you were link"

            I've tested it with my hop link, and it keeps my cb id. When I click the confirmation email, I get taken to a page, saying thank you with a back button, this also retains my cb id.

            The problem is, the first part of the free course arives instantly in you email box, and when you click this link... well, payment goes to paypal.

            The woodworking page you used, didn't have this problem, is this one of the reasons you picked this product?
            I'm just starting to use this method and integrate it with list building. I should have more to report on this in a month or so. I will keep everyone updated via my email list when I have more results. I initial feeling is that this is an "income strategy" not a list building strategy. But I'm working on that integration.
            Originally Posted by markjob View Post

            Another 3 conversions since i last poped in here, cool!

            As for the cost of the flyers i have no idea because i printed them at home so i don't know how to work that one out?

            Yogini: I purchased Dave's WSO after i had my design all setup and printed so i did not watch his videos until i did my test because i knew i would of messed around with things and maybe made a hash of it and miss the event haha!!

            After watching dave's videos i will be doing things a little diferent with my designs for sure, the software he uses is what i use so im pretty good at that part.

            Dude! you're kickin' a**! Dial it in and scale it up!

            Originally Posted by markowe View Post

            This is the SECOND-best bit of advice I have read on this thread

            Visit WF, get idea, go do it. Come back when you need another idea, or to tell people what's working!

            You said a mouthfull. It's way to easy to wrapped up here and not get anything done. Since this WSO launched I have been flooded with email and PM's. I'm doing my best to help everyone. If I'm slow getting back to you all, please be patient. I responded to almost 300 emails yesterday.

            Originally Posted by thedog View Post

            I'm looking to do an event. I was talking to a friend, who has a friend who always has a stand at the event I'm targeting.

            They said that I have to clear this with the organizer... just putting them on a vendors table?

            Did you have to do this Dave? I can't see how it's any of the organizers business, once the space has been rented by the vendor.

            I called the owners of the venue, and they said this shouldn't be the case, as it's the vendors space.

            I'd hate if some greedy organizer put a spanner in the works here... should I just play ignorant, and see how it goes?
            If a vendor has a paid booth, they can sell what they want (as long as it doesn't violate the shows terms) no promoter is going to keep a vendor from promoting an offer related to the show. I really don't think it's any of the organizer's bus. either.

            Originally Posted by thedog View Post

            I've talked to a friend in the know about this, and where I'm from, you can't just go handing out flyers. As, any that are thrown away, which could be a lot, you can be fined for, a big fine.

            You have to let the local police know you're doing this.

            I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying that it's not that simple...
            YES!!! If you are going to hand out fliers at the show and you are not a paid vendor you risk being thrown out. That's why I always get a paid vendor to do it. If you are going to hand out fliers in the street you most likely need a permit from the city or county. Some cities have "post no bills" laws and if they see your fliers blowing down the street because someone you gave one to missed the trash can, it could be trouble. While we are on the subject, if you decide to get creative; don't put them in peoples mailboxes either. If they don't have postage on them you can get in big trouble with the feds. Found that out the hard way. Was almost really bad!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459457].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author thedog
              I may consider the flyer route if I can't find an exhibitor. I got a quote from a flyer distribution company, around $50 per hour, for 1 distributor, who ie expected to hand out 200 and hour. So, for 1000 flyers, that's, $250.

              There's massive fines though, if you're flyers are found by litter wardens.

              That said... the only info on the flyer is, a .info domain... that redirects.

              If you put some privacy on the .info, there's no way they can find you... is there?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459704].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                I may consider the flyer route if I can't find an exhibitor. I got a quote from a flyer distribution company, around $50 per hour, for 1 distributor, who ie expected to hand out 200 and hour. So, for 1000 flyers, that's, $250.

                There's massive fines though, if you're flyers are found by litter wardens.

                That said... the only info on the flyer is, a .info domain... that redirects.

                If you put some privacy on the .info, there's no way they can find you... is there?
                I can't answer that. I would say that if a government agency wants to find you bad enough, they will. Be careful. It sounds like you would be dealing with a professional company that does this, they should be able to answer those questions for you. If they can't I wouldn't give them any money!

                Also make sure to watch your expenses at first. You don't want to be upside down right away.

                One person on this thread bought my WSO and was so eager to implement that they rushed out and maybe spent too much-outsourced everything. I haven't heard a progress report but it's a little concerning.

                Start small, don't bet the kid's milk money. Once it's working and dialed in, then scale it up.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459777].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                I may consider the flyer route if I can't find an exhibitor. I got a quote from a flyer distribution company, around $50 per hour, for 1 distributor, who ie expected to hand out 200 and hour. So, for 1000 flyers, that's, $250.

                There's massive fines though, if you're flyers are found by litter wardens.

                That said... the only info on the flyer is, a .info domain... that redirects.

                If you put some privacy on the .info, there's no way they can find you... is there?
                I wouldn't do this myself. I was just talking to an Affiliate Manager at a CPA network who was receiving complaints about flyer littering (no doubt due to an affiliate doing something similar to that you're describing above). This could potentially get you in trouble with the law, as well as with your affiliate network.

                >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463306].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                  Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                  I wouldn't do this myself. I was just talking to an Affiliate Manager at a CPA network who was receiving complaints about flyer littering (no doubt due to an affiliate doing something similar to that you're describing above). This could potentially get you in trouble with the law, as well as with your affiliate network.

                  Yeah, having them in a vendor booth is the right move. Then only people who want them get them.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3464742].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dillinger411
    That's really innovative. You can get a good deal at on print jobs. I just got 5000 business cards for $50 with a high gloss finish on both sides. Just might print a bunch of flyers for more SEO business and do the counter thing and see if I get more leads.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461469].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
      Originally Posted by eddie.dillinger View Post

      That's really innovative. You can get a good deal at on print jobs. I just got 5000 business cards for $50 with a high gloss finish on both sides. Just might print a bunch of flyers for more SEO business and do the counter thing and see if I get more leads.
      I went to the clubflyers site and got a price on 1000 flyers. Thier price: 229.99

      I had already got a price from usprintingtrade for 1000 flyers and their price was 143.40. That is the best price I have found after going to about 10 printing sites. The only thing that might different from clubflyers is the paper. I don't know a lot about paper.

      Clubflyers paper: 11pt thick cardboard
      USprintingtrade: 110# Gloss Test


      Affiliate links are not allowed.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461716].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author offlinemarketer
    One thing I don't understand is why would people continue to promote for you when they could visit the site on your flyer, go to the affiliates page on the merchant site, sign up with Clickbank and get their own fliers printed and get all of the affiliate commission for themselves?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461492].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

      Dave I joined TMN to listen to you on Thursday. I have never been to this site before so I am a little confused on how to use it. Do I just click on your image at the site on Thursday and that will take me to the chat?

      Also, I have a question about using .whatever cheap domains. Couldn't I just use a domain that I have that I only use with Pretty Links and then each vendor would still have an unique id? By doing this I could also show screen shots that show how many hits and other information. I could just use or Any thoughts on this.

      For TMN once you are signed up just scroll down and log in, you will be connected and listening to who ever is on. It's not broken up show by show, it just kind flows all together, Zabrina will just pass the mike to me so to speak.

      As far as domains, I don't like having them enter /'s, I like to keep it simple for the buyer. Feel free to try what you want, maybe it will work just fine. That's not what I do so I can't say.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461532].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by offlinemarketer View Post

      One thing I don't understand is why would people continue to promote for you when they could visit the site on your flyer, go to the affiliates page on the merchant site, sign up with Clickbank and get their own fliers printed and get all of the affiliate commission for themselves?
      This was brought up in an earlier post, this was my reply;

      To your first point about folks abandoning my flier and getting their own offer to promote; we live in a vacuum in the IM world, but the reality is the vast majority of people in america don't have a clue what IM is. They have no idea that everything they click on-on the internet is monetized. When I got started just over a year ago I didn't. I'm 41 years old and work with a computer every day. One day I got an email from Adam Horwitz's Mobile Monopoly and watched the video he sent. That was the very first time I ever heard about it. I come from a family of computer literate people, many make their living on a computer in one way shape or form, when I started talking about making money online they were lost. Even after I try to explain what it is that I do, they don't get it. My group of friends ranges from racers and car guys to Engineers with Masters degrees, none of them get it either. When I talk about it their eyes glass over and they get that deer into headlights look. They don't realize that they can sign up for a free clickbank account and do this themselves.

      Having been a small business owner and done the "show thing" myself in previous lives. I don't think most people have time to explore alternative income streams. They are so focused on just getting to the show with their own product. It's always a last minute push, ya know.

      I mentioned that I am a Mechanical Designer by trade, and I worked in the powersports (ATV) industry. I just got back from the largest show in the country for this. The Dealer Expo in Indy, where I worked under contract for one of the major manufacturers (starts with a P) and I watched them get ready to go. Now this is a company that does these things all the time and has all the staff they need, and they still are under the gun just to get set up in time. I think Most vendors will just be happy to make the easy extra money, they don't realize how quick and easy they could cut me out of the loop and I suspect it will be this way for ever.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461551].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Originally Posted by offlinemarketer View Post

      One thing I don't understand is why would people continue to promote for you when they could visit the site on your flyer, go to the affiliates page on the merchant site, sign up with Clickbank and get their own fliers printed and get all of the affiliate commission for themselves?
      Not all people are like you and me who are well aware about the existence of Affiliate Marketing. You will be surprised that although people may seem tech savvy, yet they are not aware of affiliate marketing and its benefits.

      The thing that always stop us Marketers is over analysing things, "what if this", "what if that" kind of thinking. Many people like to assume this and that before taking action, including myself.

      Take it from the OP just do it and see what happened later...

      I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
      Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

      Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


      Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
      Click Here to Apply Now
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3462404].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

        Not all people are like you and me who are well aware about the existence of Affiliate Marketing. You will be surprised that although people may seem tech savvy, yet they are not aware of affiliate marketing and its benefits.

        The thing that always stop us Marketers is over analysing things, "what if this", "what if that" kind of thinking. Many people like to assume this and that before taking action, including myself.

        Take it from the OP just do it and see what happened later...

        I totally agree. 99 percent of people know nothing about im

        Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
        Invest in domains without the hard work !
        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3462834].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ThelemaqueTip
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think? Should I do it?

    Thanks for everything.
    Great Stuff Dave not a lot people would think of that...if you have the resources to create the product go for it...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461550].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author reimer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3462132].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jsnfou
    Nice story, shows all advertising doesn't have to be done online
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3462856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author adeleadams
    Well a very creative thinking by Dave indeed. Keep it up and you will have more success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463043].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Sammut
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think? Should I do it?

    Thanks for everything.
    good on you Dave, great work getting creative with it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463103].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
      I'm in as well. I have a show lined up for next weekend. I approached a store who is going to the show next weekend, and explained what I wanted to do and the offer. (Which I offered 25% of my profits to the store for handing them out.) They were in a mad rush to get things ready for the show, and they expressed that they just didn't have much money to invest into the show itself. So having the option to earn a little extra money by handing out these flyers was just gravy for them. They were more than willing to do it.

      I got started on this late for the show this weekend, but I'm going to try heading there with a stack of flyers and see if I can talk some of the vendors in the show to putting them on their tables. We shall see if that works.

      Thanks for the great idea. I've got a few more shows in the works in the next few weeks and depending on how this weekend and next goes, I'll have a better idea how to make it even more profitable.

      Btw, I wanted to mention that I have access to the Adobe suite of design products and I tried doing what you did with Gimp just to compare. Gimp works so much easier for this task than any of the products I used in the Adobe suite. So great recommendation.

      Thanks again for getting me starting in this path!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mahal788
    Very ingenious method!
    I thought of doing something like this, but wasn't too brave on working out a deal with the event staff. I was a bit worried that they'd have a policy against that sort of thing.
    Thanks for proving that it works.

    Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463154].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Natlex
    Props to you for going for and taking action instead of simply staying home like many warriors do
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    I have complied a list of sites for trade shows, conventions, etc. Is it ok to put those links in a post? They are not affiliate links. It took quite a bit of time and I would just like to give back a little to the tread.

    Dave, I also have a question for you since you have been doing this for a while.

    What are you doing about the tax situation concerning the vendors? Are you asking for personal information so you can send a 1099 or just what?


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466571].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

      I have complied a list of sites for trade shows, conventions, etc. Is it ok to put those links in a post? They are not affiliate links. It took quite a bit of time and I would just like to give back a little to the tread.

      Dave, I also have a question for you since you have been doing this for a while.

      What are you doing about the tax situation concerning the vendors? Are you asking for personal information so you can send a 1099 or just what?

      Yeah, you can pay them 600$ without it and then you have to 1099 them. My tax guy takes care of it for me. Best investment I ever made was hiring a good tax guy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466799].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Yeah, you can pay them 600$ without it and then you have to 1099 them. My tax guy takes care of it for me. Best investment I ever made was hiring a good tax guy.
        Dave, I know this is a somewhat unusual question, but due to this pesky 1099 situation I would love to know the answer to this - what would be a typical fair rate/fee to pay a good tax accountant to take care of this for me? (I'm in the US as well).

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470465].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Dave, I know this is a somewhat unusual question, but due to this pesky 1099 situation I would love to know the answer to this - what would be a typical fair rate/fee to pay a good tax accountant to take care of this for me? (I'm in the US as well).

          Paulie, I can't say about a flat rate. I have a tax guy that's very good that I use, but he's expensive. Keep in mind that my taxes are very complicated, last year I was an employee, I did contract design work, and IM. This year shouldn't be as bad since I'm completely self employed. Reguardless, it's the best money I ever spent.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3471243].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        Yeah, you can pay them 600$ without it and then you have to 1099 them. My tax guy takes care of it for me. Best investment I ever made was hiring a good tax guy.
        I'm also wondering about the tax situation... I'm living in China, but would like to have a go at the American market.

        As shown in the WSO, it's all perfectly feesable... except for this tax situation.

        I'm not a U.S. citizen, I'm Irish, so do I need to worry about a 1099?

        If I find a partner, essentially, it's me earning the money... and then I paypal/wire them their cut... what sort of tax implications does this have for them?

        Can I just paypal as a gift?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479818].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

      I have complied a list of sites for trade shows, conventions, etc. Is it ok to put those links in a post? They are not affiliate links. It took quite a bit of time and I would just like to give back a little to the tread.

      Dave, I also have a question for you since you have been doing this for a while.

      What are you doing about the tax situation concerning the vendors? Are you asking for personal information so you can send a 1099 or just what?

      I should also say that most of the time I'm paying a "business" then it's no big deal I just keep a record of it and deduct it. Then there is no 1099 because your just "paying for services rendered"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marketermatt
    thanks dude!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466801].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    Thanks Dave, I just wanted to start out on the right foot with vendors so they would know how taxes would be handled.
    I haven't tried to do anything yet as I am putting together a plan so I won't go into this half cocked. I think careful planning will make things easier in the long run.

    What about my questions of listing the links to the sites I have found in a post. Just wondering is it ok to do?


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466859].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    OK...well I am on board too.

    I have a Flower and Patio show lined up later this month thats expected to pull in 90,000 visitors. I lined up a "partner" and am going to have the flyers printed and shipped to her in 4 days...all 5000 of them. She was so estatic when I explained the entire process and gave her more details about it that she asked me if the place I got my ebooks had a "nation wide plan" because she is scheduled for 36 more shows this year and would love to take flyers to everyone for me if it would work

    I told her..."Yeah, I think we can make it work"

    Now shes going to send me a list of the show dates, locations, show type and expected attendance number.

    One long term vendor/partner down...10 to go!

    Oh yeah, almost forgot...

    I'm also doing something a little it testing, I am having the flyers double side printed but promoting differnet CB products on each side, looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

    Best of luck everyone!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3467444].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      OK...well I am on board too.

      I have a Flower and Patio show lined up later this month thats expected to pull in 90,000 visitors. I lined up a "partner" and am going to have the flyers printed and shipped to her in 4 days...all 5000 of them. She was so estatic when I explained the entire process and gave her more details about it that she asked me if the place I got my ebooks had a "nation wide plan" because she is scheduled for 36 more shows this year and would love to take flyers to everyone for me if it would work

      I told her..."Yeah, I think we can make it work"

      Now shes going to send me a list of the show dates, locations, show type and expected attendance number.

      One long term vendor/partner down...10 to go!

      Oh yeah, almost forgot...

      I'm also doing something a little it testing, I am having the flyers double side printed but promoting differnet CB products on each side, looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

      Best of luck everyone!
      I have never tried the two offers thing, but have thought about it quite a bit. Please report your results.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3468104].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I have never tried the two offers thing, but have thought about it quite a bit. Please report your results.
        Will do...

        I figured why not give it a shot. I've paired the two offers well so I am hoping to make the occasional double sell to the same person.

        I will report back when I have some numbers to share.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3469335].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dishnetboi
      Any clue as the the verticle you are doing for a "Flower and Patio" show?

      Clickbank ebook? You were able to find something pretty targetted?

      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      OK...well I am on board too.

      I have a Flower and Patio show lined up later this month thats expected to pull in 90,000 visitors. I lined up a "partner" and am going to have the flyers printed and shipped to her in 4 days...all 5000 of them. She was so estatic when I explained the entire process and gave her more details about it that she asked me if the place I got my ebooks had a "nation wide plan" because she is scheduled for 36 more shows this year and would love to take flyers to everyone for me if it would work

      I told her..."Yeah, I think we can make it work"

      Now shes going to send me a list of the show dates, locations, show type and expected attendance number.

      One long term vendor/partner down...10 to go!

      Oh yeah, almost forgot...

      I'm also doing something a little it testing, I am having the flyers double side printed but promoting differnet CB products on each side, looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

      Best of luck everyone!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470265].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        I've made one call, got shot down and sent out 2 emails, no replies.

        I'll try another few calls and emails, and see how it goes... I think the email get the idea across easier.

        I also got a quote from a hand to hand flyer company, who can hand out 1000 flyers for $90, printing's coming in at under $100 for 1000.

        So I might just have to go down this road.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470293].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          I've made one call, got shot down and sent out 2 emails, no replies.

          I'll try another few calls and emails, and see how it goes... I think the email get the idea across easier.

          I also got a quote from a hand to hand flyer company, who can hand out 1000 flyers for $90, printing's coming in at under $100 for 1000.

          So I might just have to go down this road.
          Be very cautious and scrutinize the flyer company thoroughly if you choose to utilize this approach, as you could end up with the littering situation that was previous discussed on this thread.
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470480].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            Be very cautious and scrutinize the flyer company thoroughly if you choose to utilize this approach, as you could end up with the littering situation that was previous discussed on this thread.
            Hey Paulie, yes, well aware, it was me that brought it up

            I got 2 quotes, 130 and 70... both said they would take care of the litter problem... zero tolarance.... not sure how that works.

            The more expensive company say that they clear the area afterwards...

            I don't want to go breaking any laws, but I'm wondering how the flyers would be traced back to me... if there's only a url on them?

            Plus, I'm living in China at the moment...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470681].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Hey Paulie, yes, well aware, it was me that brought it up

              I got 2 quotes, 130 and 70... both said they would take care of the litter problem... zero tolarance.... not sure how that works.

              The more expensive company say that they clear the area afterwards...

              I don't want to go breaking any laws, but I'm wondering how the flyers would be traced back to me... if there's only a url on them?

              Plus, I'm living in China at the moment...
              It'd be very easy to trace it back to you - your domain would redirect to your Clickbank hoplink, and even if you mask the domain you'd be able to see your affiliate ID on the CB payment page.

              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470700].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Qamar
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Hey Paulie, yes, well aware, it was me that brought it up

              I got 2 quotes, 130 and 70... both said they would take care of the litter problem... zero tolarance.... not sure how that works.

              The more expensive company say that they clear the area afterwards...

              I don't want to go breaking any laws, but I'm wondering how the flyers would be traced back to me... if there's only a url on them?

              Plus, I'm living in China at the moment...
              not to encourage any law breaking practise, but imo, you just have to give it a shot bro. i can see that you have done something your end to ensure that the 'littering' issue being taken care of by the flyers distributor company so don't get to 'overly cautious'.

              give a try and see the result yourself. being cautious is good but overly cautious imo will only be the stumbling block to our goal, n other words we have to take calculated risk in this business.

              I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
              Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

              Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


              Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
              Click Here to Apply Now
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3471060].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          I've made one call, got shot down and sent out 2 emails, no replies.

          I'll try another few calls and emails, and see how it goes... I think the email get the idea across easier.
          I actually sent out 20 emails in one day and after 3 days of no replies to them I decided I would try calling instead. The third call was the charm, it got me my first vendor/partner.

          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          I also got a quote from a hand to hand flyer company, who can hand out 1000 flyers for $90, printing's coming in at under $100 for 1000.

          So I might just have to go down this road.
          This may work if you could be sure they would hand out the flyers...especially if you could get them to put the flyers on windshields of cars at an event parking area. Not sure if that would step on any toes or not but might be worth a shot...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470488].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by dishnetboi View Post

        Any clue as the the verticle you are doing for a "Flower and Patio" show?

        Clickbank ebook? You were able to find something pretty targetted?
        Yes...both are CB.

        I've chosen cooking and landscaping ebooks because I figured there would be a lot of women at the show. Obviously the landscaping fits into the overall theme of the show. According to the list of vendors for the show there are several that relate to in-home products such as kitchen remodels, home made jams/jellies, kitchen furnishings...etc etc, so I thought the cooking ebook would fit in nicely too.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470450].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      OK...well I am on board too.

      I have a Flower and Patio show lined up later this month thats expected to pull in 90,000 visitors. I lined up a "partner" and am going to have the flyers printed and shipped to her in 4 days...all 5000 of them. She was so estatic when I explained the entire process and gave her more details about it that she asked me if the place I got my ebooks had a "nation wide plan" because she is scheduled for 36 more shows this year and would love to take flyers to everyone for me if it would work

      I told her..."Yeah, I think we can make it work"

      Now shes going to send me a list of the show dates, locations, show type and expected attendance number.

      One long term vendor/partner down...10 to go!

      Oh yeah, almost forgot...

      I'm also doing something a little it testing, I am having the flyers double side printed but promoting differnet CB products on each side, looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

      Best of luck everyone!
      Robert, are you using any graphics on your flyers, and are they color or black and white? I assume you'll be promoting complementary CB products when testing this new approach you've outlined above?

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470493].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Robert, are you using any graphics on your flyers, and are they color or black and white? I assume you'll be promoting complementary CB products when testing this new approach you've outlined above?


        Yes, I found show related CB products to promote on my flyers, not bad commisions and popularity time will tell.

        I contacted the vendors and got permission to use graphics from their sales page. It only took about 20 min or so to set each flyer up (I use Snagit and it works great). They are my first flyers but I think they look pretty good. I added in the header graphics, a few testimonials, some of the benefits the books offer...etc (color front and back).

        I was able to get closely related short .info domains for the redirects and of course added that info to the top and bottom of each flyer.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470533].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post


          Yes, I found show related CB products to promote on my flyers, not bad commisions and popularity time will tell.

          I contacted the vendors and got permission to use graphics from their sales page. It only took about 20 min or so to set each flyer up (I use Snagit and it works great). They are my first flyers but I think they look pretty good. I added in the header graphics, a few testimonials, some of the benefits the books offer...etc (color front and back).

          I was able to get closely related short .info domains for the redirects and of course added that info to the top and bottom of each flyer.

          Thanks Robert, it sounds like you have some pretty awesome flyers designed! It appears that you've taken many elements from the original sales page, and just put them in print form - almost always a good thing, especially if the original sales page is compelling and eye-catching.

          By the way, are your headers full-width, i.e. take up the entire width of the printed page?

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470597].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            By the way, are your headers full-width, i.e. take up the entire width of the printed page?

            No, I left a small border all the way around the page for bleedover from printing. I guess it wouldn't hurt to much to show an example...

            Update - I pulled the example of the flyer I posted because I am about to use it in a show and it's gotten a fair amount of click throughs to the site from posting here (about 200 actually, LOL). I want to be able to accurately track show clicks so having it here might skew those numbers a bit. I will repost it after the show.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470643].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

              No, I left a small border all the way around the page for bleedover from printing. I guess it wouldn't hurt to much to show an example...
              Thanks, it is certainly catchy and colorful. I think you'll do well with this, as it is bound to catch the eye of anyone visiting the vendor's booth.
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3470676].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
              Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

              No, I left a small border all the way around the page for bleedover from printing. I guess it wouldn't hurt to much to show an example...

              That's a great flier!!!!!! You should do well I think.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3471247].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author coolmoss

                Truely thinking outside the box, well done

                It's given me some ideas

                Thanks Dave

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3471483].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
                My biggest obstacle right now is getting printing done. I'm trying to find a local partner to print them here to save on shipping, but it's near impossible. Frustrating too! The primary reason I was looking local is because I need them next week and wasn't sure about turn around. I found one site that appears to have some really good prices on the printing. Check them out.

                Color Printing | Commercial Printing | Cheap 3¢ Color Copies

                Might be a good way to cut the costs down too. I think I can get mine done for $.06 through them.

                I have a show coming up this weekend that I couldn't line up a vendor for, so I'm going to go there myself tomorrow morning and see if I can just arrange one on the floor. However, I tried printing them at home and that's going to be really expensive and time consuming. I got 120 printed and gave up after replacing the print cartridge twice.
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                • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                  Originally Posted by Vastidious View Post

                  My biggest obstacle right now is getting printing done. I'm trying to find a local partner to print them here to save on shipping, but it's near impossible. Frustrating too! The primary reason I was looking local is because I need them next week and wasn't sure about turn around. I found one site that appears to have some really good prices on the printing. Check them out.

                  Color Printing | Commercial Printing | Cheap 3¢ Color Copies

                  Might be a good way to cut the costs down too. I think I can get mine done for $.06 through them.

                  I have a show coming up this weekend that I couldn't line up a vendor for, so I'm going to go there myself tomorrow morning and see if I can just arrange one on the floor. However, I tried printing them at home and that's going to be really expensive and time consuming. I got 120 printed and gave up after replacing the print cartridge twice.
                  Just to let you know, I played around with the site above, and for 1,000 double-sided color flyers I received a quote of $100, and shipping was free! I'd print at least 1,000 anyway when using flyers, because you should be targeting these big shows where you'd need at least that quantity to get enough distributed to the crowd over the course of several days.
                  >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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                  • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
                    Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                    Just to let you know, I played around with the site above, and for 1,000 double-sided color flyers I received a quote of $100, and shipping was free! I'd print at least 1,000 anyway when using flyers, because you should be targeting these big shows where you'd need at least that quantity to get enough distributed to the crowd over the course of several days.
                    I found as well and called up their customer service. They told me it takes 3-5 days (they are really busy now, so it may be less time when they are not so busy) to do the printing and approximately 3 days for UPS ground delivery (in the States), so figure about a week turn-around-time from the time you order until you have your flyers. And that is with the FREE shipping on orders over $100! Great site, and I am definitely going to be using them.

                    I had not luck finding anyone local to do my printing for a decent cost. The cheapest local printer I found was 0.19 a copy with a 7 day turn-around-time.

                    I also asked what their paper recommendations was for a 2-sided color flyer so that it looked great and there was no "bleed-through" from the other side. They recommended the 28/70#, which brings the cost up to 0.12 per copy. Still a great price, but I was wondering if anyone had any paper recommendations that looks great? Has anyone printed on the 20# paper with good results? Using the 20# paper would bring the cost down to 0.10 per copy.

                    I can't wait to do my first show. I've found several that I'm planning on doing and have been working on flyers and getting ready to contact vendors.

                    BTW Robert, THANKS for mentioning Snagit! FABULOUS program for making these flyers!!


                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3476484].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author thedog
                      And for my fellow european warriors, Flyer printing at print24 - your online one stop shop for all your printing

                      87 euro and change, for 1000. (6 - 8 day turn around)

                      Dave, or anyone else who's gotten their prints back, what was the quality like.

                      In your tutorial Dave, it looks like you're flyer is 72dpi... I'm just curious how the text quality came out.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3476520].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                        And for my fellow european warriors, Flyer printing at print24 - your online one stop shop for all your printing

                        87 euro and change, for 1000. (6 - 8 day turn around)

                        Dave, or anyone else who's gotten their prints back, what was the quality like.

                        In your tutorial Dave, it looks like you're flyer is 72dpi... I'm just curious how the text quality came out.

                        It looks OK on paper, not perfect but OK. That's a problem with pulling graphics from a web site, the low res. They work though, so that's the important thing.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3477052].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                      Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

                      BTW Robert, THANKS for mentioning Snagit! FABULOUS program for making these flyers!!


                      You're quite welcome!

                      One bit of advice with it (which I learned the hard way)...

                      In the eidtor under the "Image" tab on the right side you will see "Filters".
                      Click that and scroll to the bottom to "Resolution (DPI) and click it. The default setting is 96 DPI (dots per inch). The printing company I had do my first set of flyers asked me to supply a "better quality" file because it was a little pixilated. They sent it back to me as a PDF preview, I printed it and sure enough...a little blury. Overall it wasnt too bad but if you change that setting to a higher number (I was told 300) just before saving the completed project it is supposed to turn out better. I havent personally tested it because I didnt have time to redo the flyers to make sure they were shipped on time and they really werent all that bad actually....but it could help and I will try it for future flyer creation.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3477739].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                      Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

                      I found as well and called up their customer service. They told me it takes 3-5 days (they are really busy now, so it may be less time when they are not so busy) to do the printing and approximately 3 days for UPS ground delivery (in the States), so figure about a week turn-around-time from the time you order until you have your flyers. And that is with the FREE shipping on orders over $100! Great site, and I am definitely going to be using them.

                      I had not luck finding anyone local to do my printing for a decent cost. The cheapest local printer I found was 0.19 a copy with a 7 day turn-around-time.

                      I also asked what their paper recommendations was for a 2-sided color flyer so that it looked great and there was no "bleed-through" from the other side. They recommended the 28/70#, which brings the cost up to 0.12 per copy. Still a great price, but I was wondering if anyone had any paper recommendations that looks great? Has anyone printed on the 20# paper with good results? Using the 20# paper would bring the cost down to 0.10 per copy.

                      I can't wait to do my first show. I've found several that I'm planning on doing and have been working on flyers and getting ready to contact vendors.

                      BTW Robert, THANKS for mentioning Snagit! FABULOUS program for making these flyers!!


                      Shelley, thanks for taking the initiative to call them up! I really don't see much of an issue with bleed-through, especially given the fact that with commercial printers color toner is utilized. Bleed-through is much more of a concern if you use your home inkjet printer that has liquid inks, but with solid toner I really don't see bleed-through as a huge issue at all.

                      There shouldn't even be any bleed through to begin with, though with lighter stock you may be able to see some of the color from the other side of the page if you hold it up to the light - again, not that big of an issue. If you're really concerned, just go with the heavier 28/70# paper, which is still a bargain at $120 per 1,000 sheets! I have not been able to find any service cheaper than this, and with free shipping this is a tremendous bargain!

                      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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                      • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
                        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                        Shelley, thanks for taking the initiative to call them up! I really don't see much of an issue with bleed-through, especially given the fact that with commercial printers color toner is utilized. Bleed-through is much more of a concern if you use your home inkjet printer that has liquid inks, but with solid toner I really don't see bleed-through as a huge issue at all.

                        There shouldn't even be any bleed through to begin with, though with lighter stock you may be able to see some of the color from the other side of the page if you hold it up to the light - again, not that big of an issue. If you're really concerned, just go with the heavier 28/70# paper, which is still a bargain at $120 per 1,000 sheets! I have not been able to find any service cheaper than this, and with free shipping this is a tremendous bargain!

                        You're very welcome, Paul!

                        Thanks for the great info on the paper - I'm going to go with the 20# paper and I'll report back my opinion.

                        Any other thoughts on paper weight for the flyers?

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                        • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
                          I'm using 24# and it looks great.

                          As for snagit, if you have Windows 7, just use the Snippet tool Much easier .. and FREE.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479224].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                            Originally Posted by Vastidious View Post

                            I'm using 24# and it looks great.

                            As for snagit, if you have Windows 7, just use the Snippet tool Much easier .. and FREE.

                            I'm not familiar with the Snippet tool...will have to check it out.

                            I'm not adovocating someone purchase Snagit, simply that it works well. I already had it for some previous projects, if there are tools available that work well and are free then by all means go that route.
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                        • Profile picture of the author Cali16
                          I am very intrigued by this idea and purchased Dave's WSO - which is very well done, btw! But the dilemma I am running into is that, although there are plenty of shows in my area, the CB products that seem most relevant all over 0 or very low gravity - like less than 5.

                          I think people would be interested in many of these products, but they don't have a proven track record yet. I was surprised that by far the majority of CB products I looked at fit in this category - unlike the woodworking one that Dave used initially.

                          Has anyone else had this problem and what do you recommend? If the sales page looks good and the payout is good, which you take a chance on a new CB product with 0 gravity? I realize I can test offers but I was hoping to find a CB product with a good track record so I don't waste time and flyers to start...

                          One other thing, has anyone tested 1-sided flyers? It would certainly save on printing costs and I would think you could provide plenty of info on one page alone.
                          If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479255].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                            Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

                            I am very intrigued by this idea and purchased Dave's WSO - which is very well done, btw! But the dilemma I am running into is that, although there are plenty of shows in my area, the CB products that seem most relevant all over 0 or very low gravity - like less than 5.

                            I think people would be interested in many of these products, but they don't have a proven track record yet. I was surprised that by far the majority of CB products I looked at fit in this category - unlike the woodworking one that Dave used initially.

                            Has anyone else had this problem and what do you recommend? If the sales page looks good and the payout is good, which you take a chance on a new CB product with 0 gravity? I realize I can test offers but I was hoping to find a CB product with a good track record so I don't waste time and flyers to start...

                            One other thing, has anyone tested 1-sided flyers? It would certainly save on printing costs and I would think you could provide plenty of info on one page alone.
                            Hey calli, I wouldn't be afraid to try a 0 gravity offer if the sales page looks good. We need to keep in mind that not every niche has gravity like the make money niche. If you like, put together a list of shows you are considering and a list of potential CB products, shoot it over to the support email and I'll be more than happy to review it all for you. This of course is still not a gaurentee of success, but I'm pretty good at it and will help any way that I can.-Dave

                            PS I would also say that if you intend to promote a product long term, you should buy a copy and check it out for yourself. Use your own CB hoplink and get it for 75% off and check it out. Also keep in mind that, the purchase is tax deductible so save your receipt.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479298].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Cali16
                              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

                              Hey calli, I wouldn't be afraid to try a 0 gravity offer if the sales page looks good. We need to keep in mind that not every niche has gravity like the make money niche. If you like, put together a list of shows you are considering and a list of potential CB products, shoot it over to the support email and I'll be more than happy to review it all for you. This of course is still not a gaurentee of success, but I'm pretty good at it and will help any way that I can.-Dave
                              Thanks, Dave! One other question - do you find that sales pages with nice, professional graphics (that you also use on your flyer if allowed) convert better than sales pages that are almost entirely text, or have only one (maybe two) small images? To me, the latter type of sales page often seems less professional and boring - not to mention aesthetically unappealing. I would think a flyer that's just text wouldn't get people's attention - but I could be completely wrong.
                              If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479320].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                                Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

                                Thanks, Dave! One other question - do you find that sales pages with nice, professional graphics (that you also use on your flyer if allowed) convert better than sales pages that are almost entirely text, or have only one (maybe two) small images? To me, the latter type of sales page often seems less professional and boring - not to mention aesthetically unappealing. I would think a flyer that's just text wouldn't get people's attention - but I could be completely wrong.

                                I have never really promoted anything that didn't have decent graphics on the sales page. With that said I would think that a strong demographic match and offer to vendor/show match is the most important. Do a small test $20 worth of printing and find out. That's the bottom line, try a couple of things, TRACK YOUR RESULTS CLOSELY; and when you hit one that works scale it up.
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479335].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author Cali16
                                  Thanks again, Dave. I'll email you the list (I had emailed you one with the events, but not the CB products - so, I'll send you both. I know you're bombarded with emails, so look it over when you have a moment and I'll look forward to your thoughts!
                                  If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479452].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author thedog
                              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

                              Hey calli, I wouldn't be afraid to try a 0 gravity offer if the sales page looks good. We need to keep in mind that not every niche has gravity like the make money niche. If you like, put together a list of shows you are considering and a list of potential CB products, shoot it over to the support email and I'll be more than happy to review it all for you. This of course is still not a gaurentee of success, but I'm pretty good at it and will help any way that I can.-Dave

                              PS I would also say that if you intend to promote a product long term, you should buy a copy and check it out for yourself. Use your own CB hoplink and get it for 75% off and check it out. Also keep in mind that, the purchase is tax deductible so save your receipt.
                              Excellent, I wasn't aware that you offered this... I'll send you over a few potential CB products for you to have a look at.

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                        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                          Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

                          You're very welcome, Paul!

                          Thanks for the great info on the paper - I'm going to go with the 20# paper and I'll report back my opinion.

                          Any other thoughts on paper weight for the flyers?

                          Shelley, you're welcome as well! If you'd really like to see for yourself how the #20 page will look like when printed in color double-sided, just hop over to your local Kinko's and do a double-sided copy of a color flyer that you've created - I think that should serve to satisfy your curiosity.

                          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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                    • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
                      Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

                      I also asked what their paper recommendations was for a 2-sided color flyer so that it looked great and there was no "bleed-through" from the other side. They recommended the 28/70#, which brings the cost up to 0.12 per copy. Still a great price, but I was wondering if anyone had any paper recommendations that looks great? Has anyone printed on the 20# paper with good results? Using the 20# paper would bring the cost down to 0.10 per copy.
                      So far, I haven't seen paper brightness mentioned (maybe I just missed it) but I tend to like a brightness of 96. Anything much lower and the paper starts to look kind of grayish.

                      And of course, that is just another thing to test to find out if it helps conversion .

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              • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

                That's a great flier!!!!!! You should do well I think.
                Compliments from the master...much appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author iking5789
    Wow great insight. Something to really think about. I am new as well and information like this can help us all go a long way. Thanks!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author tomthumb
    that is some clever thinking this gives me new ideas on using offline tatics to make some good money.
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    • Profile picture of the author AmySehy
      Hi Dave,

      Thank you for this post, plenty of great workable ideas here. I have made a large swipe file of this post and your replies and plan to put it to work soon.

      I do have a question for you, have you ever thought of adding a QR code to a flier to build a list? I mean the people are walking around the expo and such and are surely carrying their phone.

      I think they are becoming more common to many if not all consumers and my thoughts are that this may work for some demographics. At any rate thinking out loud and thought I would share.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3472232].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by AmySehy View Post

        Hi Dave,

        Thank you for this post, plenty of great workable ideas here. I have made a large swipe file of this post and your replies and plan to put it to work soon.

        I do have a question for you, have you ever thought of adding a QR code to a flier to build a list? I mean the people are walking around the expo and such and are surely carrying their phone.

        I think they are becoming more common to many if not all consumers and my thoughts are that this may work for some demographics. At any rate thinking out loud and thought I would share.

        That has come up a couple of times in this post and I am going to start using that myself. Good advice.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3472400].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
        Originally Posted by AmySehy View Post

        Hi Dave,

        I do have a question for you, have you ever thought of adding a QR code to a flier to build a list? I mean the people are walking around the expo and such and are surely carrying their phone.

        I think they are becoming more common to many if not all consumers and my thoughts are that this may work for some demographics. At any rate thinking out loud and thought I would share.

        As I was not familiar with QR code, I did some research on Google to try to learn some more about this. After reading several sites I am still some what confused as how I would use QR code on flyers.

        Could someone go into a little more detail about this and how it would work? Especially how you could build a list using it.



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  • Profile picture of the author club20coaching
    Wow! Thanks for the post. I actually remember that these offline marketing ideas are probably sometimes your best bet. Anyways thanks Dave because their is a lot to be said about offline marketing.

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  • Profile picture of the author thedog
    Woo hoo! I think I may have a bite, I sent off an email, and a follow up phone call. He's mailed me back looking for samples of what he'll be displaying!

    And I"m in China.

    I have a friend who's going to drop the leaflets off at the show. I'm going to give here an equal cut.

    My plan is to get one successful show under my belt, which should make it easier for more shows.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
    Originally Posted by Amys101place View Post

    Hi Dave,

    Any chance of throwing a forum up for those who bought the wso? It would be great to discuss best selling clickbank offers for different fairs, exchange working templates and all that fun stuff without worrying about competing with the other person! Just a thought. If you're not interested, would you mind if I or someone else threw one up? Thanks!
    Amy, I think a forum would be a great idea. I just don't have the time to pull it off right now. Between customer support (which is paramount to me) and the new show, I just wouldn't have time. But go for it, I wouldn't mind at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoWizzard
    very nice offline marketing you did there, congrats
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  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    Question about Gimp and Snagit. I know Gimp is free and Snagit is free for 30 days, don't mind buying it though but I would like for someone to jump in and give their thoughts as to which one that is the easiest to use for a complete beginner to create flyers because at this point that is all I am interested in doing.



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    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

      Question about Gimp and Snagit. I know Gimp is free and Snagit is free for 30 days, don't mind buying it though but I would like for someone to jump in and give their thoughts as to which one that is the easiest to use for a complete beginner to create flyers because at this point that is all I am interested in doing.


      I've never used Gimp so I can't comment there but I would say that Snagit works pretty well and the learning curve isn't steep at all, not to mention they have a great customer service area and lots of video turtorials on how to use it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3478293].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

      Question about Gimp and Snagit. I know Gimp is free and Snagit is free for 30 days, don't mind buying it though but I would like for someone to jump in and give their thoughts as to which one that is the easiest to use for a complete beginner to create flyers because at this point that is all I am interested in doing.


      Snagit is just a screen capture software. You'll need an image editing software, to layout your flyer. Also, you'll need to put your own text in the flyer, your url for example... Download gimp, it's pretty easy to use.

      Or, you could always just out source.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3478332].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Snagit is just a screen capture software. You'll need an image editing software, to layout your flyer. Also, you'll need to put your own text in the flyer, your url for example... Download gimp, it's pretty easy to use.

        Or, you could always just out source.
        Actually no...Snagit can do everything you need. You can edit images, type in your own text, drag and drop things easily, resize images...etc etc

        I'm not saying Gimp won't work because it obviously does but Snagit can too.

        Update - I used Snagit to make the flyer I posted as an example earlier. Everything on that flyer was made with it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3478354].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          Actually no...Snagit can do everything you need. You can edit images, type in your own text, drag and drop things easily, resize images...etc etc

          I'm not saying Gimp won't work because it obviously does but Snagit can too.

          Update - I used Snagit to make the flyer I posted as an example earlier. Everything on that flyer was made with it.
          Ah, my bad, just had a quick look, I'm half asleep here.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3478393].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          Actually no...Snagit can do everything you need. You can edit images, type in your own text, drag and drop things easily, resize images...etc etc

          I'm not saying Gimp won't work because it obviously does but Snagit can too.

          Update - I used Snagit to make the flyer I posted as an example earlier. Everything on that flyer was made with it.
          You answered this before I could, Robert. Actually, Snagit is amazingly convenient to use and fast, and for simple flyer layout it is more than sufficient - you really don't need a heavy duty graphics program to arrange a few graphic and text elements for a flyer, it'd just be overkill in this case.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Underground
    Good going Dave. I've always felt you'd have more luck with idea you think up and act on yourself then trying to follow other peoples' ways. Your success is a perfect example of that. Long may it continue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    When it rains it pours...

    I just set up my second show.

    It's a boat show late this month and after I sent my 14th (yes 14) email to perspective vendors I received a reply (first time thats happened). I answered the persons questions, attached an example flyer from the other show, explained how the tracking worked and his commission and within just a few minutes he replied back very eager to do it (below is his reply)...


    I like what I see. Everything looks good. You can have the flyers and the check mailed to the address in my signature and make it out to XXXX XXXXXX. I will plan on having your flyers on our table in the front of our booth next to our literature with one in a stand up frame behind it. I will also be sure to give one to each customer I talk to and refer them to the website. I will read up on the material so I am knowledgeable of the product. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

    Doesn't get much better than that I don't think

    The funny thing is after I got things set up with Kyle I received a second reply from someone who was interested, this one was a bit different (see below)...

    For an upfront charge of $500 I will be glad to work with you and provide the
    booth and labor to give out your company handouts to customers at my booth.


    Needless to say, I was glad I could honestly tell him I had already made arrangements with someone else

    Best of luck all...there's opportunities if you go looking for them!

    Update - Just wanted to add that from start to finish this second show took me about 1.5 hours to get set up. That's from my initial searching for another show to do, finding one and the list of exhibitors, sending out the 14 emails and then getting the last reply (posted above) from my new "partner" it's time to make the flyer and set up printing
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  • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
    Ok, my rush job is in the process. I had an Antique show this weekend that I hastily printed up about 100 flyers for. I went down there in person, looking for someone to partner up with. I walked the floor looking for potential prospects. I approached a few booths with mostly not interested responses. I finally came across a booth with an older gentleman. He was sitting in a chair polishing hardware smiling at everyone as they passed. I approached him and made some small talk. Eventually had the opportunity to present my offer. He was more than happy to have me leave a stack of flyers on his table. I tried then to get his contact information so that I can compensate him, and he refused. He said if it helps you out, I'm more than happy to help.

    I was floored! <grin> I tried to leave the whole stack but he ended up taking about 30-40 of them.

    I kept circling looking for another opportunity but the same results happened. So I was kind of down and made my way out the door. On the way out of the event, I happened to pass by a table that was setup in the foyer of the building, where the vendors were able to place flyers about their shops, upcoming shows, etc. They had plenty of room for one more. So I dropped the rest of the stack on the table.

    I'm anxious to see if it's going to work since this was a last minute opportunity. But I also wanted to let you know about the possibility of their being a table at the door where you can put more flyers! 100% profit on those! Oh, and actually, if I sell anything at this show, it's 100% profit!
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  • Profile picture of the author CACruiser
    Great story and ideas here--thanks to all!
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  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    Great stuff! this thread is a goldmine of great info!
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Great job Dave. Best post I've read on here in a long time. My thoughts;

    1. QR codes are critical. Become adept at these. Over the next year or so new phones are going to have the QR app built right in. Impulse buyers could buy on the spot.

    2. It seems as if you are doing enough printing to do what I finally did. Lease a high speed printer. I don't actually know how to run the thing but my office assistant does.
    Takes her a few minutes to set up a printing job and then she can come back and work on something else while it runs. Its in a separate room so I don't have to listen to it.

    3. Why in the world aren't you working on your own products. Just to see what was available I went out and searched for woodworking plans (which I know zip about.) Took me all of about five minutes to find free stuff, public domain stuff and a huge amount of other available materials. I recently acquired the rights to a book that has been out of print since the 70s. (not woodworking) The lady's husband had passed away and she didn't realize she still owned the copyright. Happens all the time. If you don't ask, you don't get.

    Keep Going, just put your head down and do it. (and good luck)

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479956].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      Great job Dave. Best post I've read on here in a long time. My thoughts;

      1. QR codes are critical. Become adept at these. Over the next year or so new phones are going to have the QR app built right in. Impulse buyers could buy on the spot.

      2. It seems as if you are doing enough printing to do what I finally did. Lease a high speed printer. I don't actually know how to run the thing but my office assistant does.
      Takes her a few minutes to set up a printing job and then she can come back and work on something else while it runs. Its in a separate room so I don't have to listen to it.

      3. Why in the world aren't you working on your own products. Just to see what was available I went out and searched for woodworking plans (which I know zip about.) Took me all of about five minutes to find free stuff, public domain stuff and a huge amount of other available materials. I recently acquired the rights to a book that has been out of print since the 70s. (not woodworking) The lady's husband had passed away and she didn't realize she still owned the copyright. Happens all the time. If you don't ask, you don't get.

      Keep Going, just put your head down and do it. (and good luck)

      Thomas, this is awesome advice. QR codes can be easily printed on each flyer, and could very easily increase your conversion rates as your prospects don't even need to type in your domain anymore - while this may seem like a trivial step, people are lazy, and removing as many obstacles as you can in between them and your website will almost definitely increase your sales.

      I've seen fairly high-end Dell office laser printers sell for about $500, with a very low cost per page rating (about 4 cents per color page, if memory serves me correctly). There'd be absolutely no need to lease them if you get serious about this flyer marketing, as doing just one show could easily pay for a printer that fits the bill. However, one nice thing about these printing services is that you can have them ship the finished flyers directly to your vendor, and the ease of doing this is unparalleled. You wouldn't even need to handle the flyers yourself, shipping is covered, and best of all we've discovered some sites that can print these double-sided color flyers at 10 cents per page (shipping included!)

      I can see developing your own products in this niche turning into an incredible cash cow. You could simply purchase one of these products from Clickbank, and then refine the sales page and product to be even better, and then sell it at these shows - pocketing the sales price instead of having to settle for an affiliate commission! This would really cause your ROI to skyrocket, and you'd have much more control over product quality/content as well (which is crucial to long-term profitability).

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479969].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    I thought I would check out moxicopy...

    When I compared the same job there to I found it to be much more expensive, even with the free shipping.

    moxicopy - 2000 double sided flyers (color) on 20# paper = $190
    100# paper (Text Gloss) = $290 (Free Shipping)

    usaprintingtrade - 2000 double sided flyers (color) on 100# Gloss Text (I assume it's the same as above) = $154.75 with UPS Ground shipping included to the same Zip as above.

    Now the interesting thing is that with "UPS 3 Day Select" shipping the total is $231.42, still less than moxicopy and if you had to get it there fast (2 Day Air) it barely comes in over moxicopys price...$298.63

    Maybe I input something wrong but if you're going to do 1000 or more flyers then usaprintingtrade is the way to go, if it's less than 1000 (or a smaller order) then I think moxi might be better (usaprinting doesn't offer lower amounts).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3479975].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      I thought I would cehck out moxicopy...

      When I compared the same job there to I found it to be much more expensive, even with the free shipping.

      moxicopy - 2000 double sided flyers (color) on 20# paper = $190
      100# paper (Text Gloss) = $290 (Free Shipping)

      usaprintingtrade - 2000 double sided flyers (color) on 100# Gloss Text (I assume it's the same as above) = $154.75 with UPS Ground shipping included to the same Zip as above.

      Now the interesting thing is that with "UPS 3 Day Select" shipping the total is $231.42, still less than moxicopy and if you had to get it there fast (2 Day Air) it barely comes in over moxicopys price...$298.63

      Maybe I input something wrong but if you're going to do 1000 or more flyers then usaprintingtrade is the way to go, if it's less than 1000 (or a smaller order) then I think moxi might be better (usaprinting doesn't offer lower amounts).
      Robert, thanks for letting me know. I played around with the printing quotes online, but I never did try using a quantity of 2,000. Evidently moxicopy is cheaper for a quantity of 1,000 flyers, but usaprintingtrade is the best choice if you're getting 2,000 or more made at one time.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3480015].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Paulie, I have had my sales pages built for me. My copy writing skills are limited at best. Thanks to an EXCELLENT WSO I bought right here last week I'm learning to build Facebook Fan Pages that actually convert. (Mine looked awful.) Traci over delivered in spades. The QR codes are on everything that goes out of this office. Using a great link cloaker I have very few people bother to go around my link. The rate of clicks on QR codes seems to be about doubling each month. (Last June it was hardly anything)

    I guess I'm about to own a printer. My printer guy has a refurb for a reasonable price and it comes with a warranty contract. I'm not only doing my own printing but I'm taking in contract printing from the office building across the street. Helps pay for my costs. I got a buy on some very small memory sticks and had my company name put on them. People put their jobs on it and bring it in. Goes right in the printer. I don't know what my printing costs are but my office assistant could tell you down to a quarter cent. If it wasn't 2:00 am on Sunday morning I'd call her and ask.

    Unless you become a super, super, super affiliate marketer nothing is ever going to pay as well as doing your own products. (Plus its cool) The book I bought the rights to is now a 250 page printed book on Amazon's Create Space (made me an instant authority). Plus three Kindle books. Plus a Clickbank product (which has only made four sales.) Plus another product that I don't want to comment on here. Its my offline business.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3480076].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      Using a great link cloaker I have very few people bother to go around my link.
      Hey Thomas, what link cloaker are you using?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3480212].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        In relation to QR codes, found a very good article here, How QR Codes Can Grow Your Business | Social Media Examiner

        I understand the potential here, a potential customer can access your site with a few clicks, on the spot!

        I have a reservation though, I don't think this technology is widely used, or known about, yet.

        If you put one on a flyer, you'd need to include some instructions as to what it is, and how to use it... if they have a compatible smart phone, they need a reader or app to use it...

        Until most smart phones have these readers built in, and the general public know what they are, do you not think putting these on your flyer could just confuse people?

        It's a great idea, but maybe a bit soon?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3480432].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          In relation to QR codes, found a very good article here, How QR Codes Can Grow Your Business | Social Media Examiner

          I understand the potential here, a potential customer can access your site with a few clicks, on the spot!

          I have a reservation though, I don't think this technology is widely used, or known about, yet.

          If you put one on a flyer, you'd need to include some instructions as to what it is, and how to use it... if they have a compatible smart phone, they need a reader or app to use it...

          Until most smart phones have these readers built in, and the general public know what they are, do you not think putting these on your flyer could just confuse people?

          It's a great idea, but maybe a bit soon?
          Another thing that gets forgotten about.....

          With QR Codes... I would not want to buy a info product on my phone. Why would I want to download a huge file onto my Droid? If your QR Code goes to your hoplink which hops over to the money site... it is saved into the phone browsers history.

          So when I get home... I look at my browser history and type in the domain that I was hopped to. Bypassing any affiliate link because it is a straight type in.

          I know that QR Codes have their place. I use them in my offline business.


          I just can't wrap my mind around using a QR Code for affiliate marketing.

          Maybe I am wrong.

          I am open to suggestions...

          What do you think?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516828].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            Another thing that gets forgotten about.....

            With QR Codes... I would not want to buy a info product on my phone. Why would I want to download a huge file onto my Droid? If your QR Code goes to your hoplink which hops over to the money site... it is saved into the phone browsers history.

            So when I get home... I look at my browser history and type in the domain that I was hopped to. Bypassing any affiliate link because it is a straight type in.

            I know that QR Codes have their place. I use them in my offline business.


            I just can't wrap my mind around using a QR Code for affiliate marketing.

            Maybe I am wrong.

            I am open to suggestions...

            What do you think?
            I don't know much about QR codes trying to learn some things from search. I watched the recorded webinar and I remember Dave saying that he wasn't sending people to the affiliate site but to somewhere else however he didn't say where. I think he said he was also doing some research and would go into this at a later. time. Maybe when he got Google Group set up.


            P.S Up early this morning hitting some vendors on The Peaches To The Beaches Georgia Yard Sale. 220 miles long. Hopefully I can get a few without burning up to much $3.50 a gallon gas. I have 3 sample flyers that I am using.


            Affiliate links are not allowed.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3517206].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
              Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

              Question for Dave (and anyone else who wants to chime in) - have you ever had multiple vendors at the same show passing out your flyers? This is really a big show and I can see having more than 1 vendor passing mine out.

              I have done up to 3 vendors and a parking garage hand out at one show, all promoting the same offer with the same flier. It did really well. Most of the sales from that show came from the parking garage hand out. It that because they saw the flier 2-3 three times and got a final reminder as they were leaving? I don't know.

              My rule of thumb is, 20,000 I start looking for more than one.

              Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

              I need some opinions, please.

              I'm in the process of trying to find an interested vendor for a Green Expo that will be in my state in May. I have also contacted the person in charge of advertising for the expo inquiring about ad costs in the program.

              They have a few openings left for 1/4 page ads for $250 and 1/2 page ads for $500 for the expo program. The expected attendance is 25,000+. The programs get in the hands of all 25,000+ attendees as that is where the event layout goes plus all schedules for workshops, special events, etc. All ads are black and white and the 1/4 page ad is 3.9375" x 5.4375".

              Do you think the smaller size of the ad and the fact that it's black and white will affect conversion rates negatively, or do you think it's a good idea to advertise in the program? My gut is telling me to do it, but I would love other's thoughts and opinions.


              I would say stick to the flier route here. They program insures delivery, but how many people look through it? Plus it's only B&W. If your offer works, bolt that one for the next show.

              Originally Posted by peterbujok View Post

              Okay I am posting my flyer design let me know what you guys think. I better not see someone else passing out the same flyers as me at the next car show!

              Pretty much my product is a clickbank book about how to save money when purchasing cars, and I am going to try and find a vendor to handle them for me at this classic car auction in my town next week. If I can't find anyone I may just have to pass the flyers out myself (either at the exit, in the building, or on car windshields).

              I would appreciate any verbal sales cues you guys can come up with, pointers on the flyer design, or any other tips.
              Flier looks pretty good! I think I agree with earlier comments though about the RED. I hate to say this but I don't think that offer is going to work well at that show if it's a classic car show. I think there is a CB product on Car Restoration and I think that would do better. For this show you could also look for a CPA offer for classic car insurance and I think Summit Racing (largest hot rod catalog company in the country) has an Affiliate Program through CJ or share-a-sale-that might work really well if you can give a coupon code.

              I know that's not what you want to hear, but.... There's nothing worse than when you put your hard work and time into something and have a bunch of people shoot it down. Don't get discouraged, change up your offer and move on lesson learned.

              Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

              Another thing that gets forgotten about.....

              With QR Codes... I would not want to buy a info product on my phone. Why would I want to download a huge file onto my Droid? If your QR Code goes to your hoplink which hops over to the money site... it is saved into the phone browsers history.

              So when I get home... I look at my browser history and type in the domain that I was hopped to. Bypassing any affiliate link because it is a straight type in.

              I know that QR Codes have their place. I use them in my offline business.


              I just can't wrap my mind around using a QR Code for affiliate marketing.

              Maybe I am wrong.

              I am open to suggestions...

              What do you think?
              We came up with a few good ideas for this on the show the other night. Like QR codes on bar coasters at a golf course promoting a "fix your golf swing" product. This is an untapped market that has me thinking. There are 10000's of ways to do this. I'll have more ideas about this soon.-Dave
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3518242].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            Another thing that gets forgotten about.....

            With QR Codes... I would not want to buy a info product on my phone. Why would I want to download a huge file onto my Droid? If your QR Code goes to your hoplink which hops over to the money site... it is saved into the phone browsers history.

            So when I get home... I look at my browser history and type in the domain that I was hopped to. Bypassing any affiliate link because it is a straight type in.

            I know that QR Codes have their place. I use them in my offline business.


            I just can't wrap my mind around using a QR Code for affiliate marketing.

            Maybe I am wrong.

            I am open to suggestions...

            What do you think?
            I'm using them on my flyers, and sending them straight to my site.

            I just think that they're so new, that they're a bit gimicky. So someone with a mobile device, might just check it out, out of curiosity, and then maybe a conversion.

            I don't really agree with them then using the actual url when they get to their pc... I mean, once they get home, is it not handier to just look at the url on the flyer, than open up their phones browser... plus the url for my products are pretty big, while the .info's I've chosen are short and snappy. Finally, a use for .info's.

            Maybe you're right... My QR codes come with analytics, I'll report numbers when I get them.

            Oh, and the ipad is becoming more popular, so I think this could be a game changer.

            Anyone got any other ideas where to send them, if using these codes... some sort of special offer?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521188].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            Another thing that gets forgotten about.....

            With QR Codes... I would not want to buy a info product on my phone. Why would I want to download a huge file onto my Droid? If your QR Code goes to your hoplink which hops over to the money site... it is saved into the phone browsers history.

            So when I get home... I look at my browser history and type in the domain that I was hopped to. Bypassing any affiliate link because it is a straight type in.

            I know that QR Codes have their place. I use them in my offline business.


            I just can't wrap my mind around using a QR Code for affiliate marketing.

            Maybe I am wrong.

            I am open to suggestions...

            What do you think?
            I think you're right about this, Louie. In my opinion, QR codes should primarily be used to redirect to fairly short informational business sites or just be used in lieu of a physical business card. I'm not so sure if people would want to browse through the typical long Clickbank sales page that you encounter, and then order and download the product on their phone.

            Even on a Droid (which has one of the bigger screens at around 4"), I find that browsing full-length sales pages is not fun at all (especially when you have Flash videos and lots of graphics on them). It can be done (on a few sophisticated high-end phones), but you're probably not going to enjoy the experience at all, so QR codes may not work terribly well when promoting affiliate products with long sales pages.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Guthrie
    This is REAL marketing at play! So often we fall into the trap/comfort of never getting up from our computer, never making actual contact with humans. I love the approach and think you should test video and/or some other list-building tactic...since you've proven you can generate traffic to your link.

    Great work!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3481371].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Originally Posted by BradBergeron View Post

      It definitely concerns me that 9 pages have been gone through of thank you's and we still have 0 people reporting results, though some people appear to be in progress. Post your finds and reports after your events end, those of you who have taken such action. Thanks.
      Why are you worried about success stories from anonymous members of a forum? Don't get me wrong, the WF is great and filled with lots of actionable advice but at the end of the day either you think this is feasible or you don't.

      What other people do, or don't do, have little bearing on you and your success.

      If you think this will work for you put some plans into action.

      Nothing provides better clarity.

      Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

      I am very intrigued by this idea and purchased Dave's WSO - which is very well done, btw! But the dilemma I am running into is that, although there are plenty of shows in my area, the CB products that seem most relevant all over 0 or very low gravity - like less than 5.
      Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

      Hey calli, I wouldn't be afraid to try a 0 gravity offer if the sales page looks good. We need to keep in mind that not every niche has gravity like the make money niche. If you like, put together a list of shows you are considering and a list of potential CB products, shoot it over to the support email and I'll be more than happy to review it all for you. This of course is still not a gaurentee of success, but I'm pretty good at it and will help any way that I can.-Dave
      Agreed. I wouldn't worry about gravity and a low gravity doesn't necessarily mean its a low performing product. There are other variables involved.

      What's more important is a quality product and a quality sales page. In fact this could be another opportunity. If the sales page is lacking offer to "refresh" it. For a modest fee of course.

      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      1. QR codes are critical. Become adept at these. Over the next year or so new phones are going to have the QR app built right in. Impulse buyers could buy on the spot.

      3. Why in the world aren't you working on your own products. Just to see what was available I went out and searched for woodworking plans (which I know zip about.) Took me all of about five minutes to find free stuff, public domain stuff and a huge amount of other available materials. I recently acquired the rights to a book that has been out of print since the 70s. (not woodworking) The lady's husband had passed away and she didn't realize she still owned the copyright. Happens all the time. If you don't ask, you don't get.

      What are you embedding in the QR codes. Is it just a link to the website or are you using additional information?

      I agree wholeheartedly about making your own product. Besides not sharing the sale with the product creator you're developing a list of buyers.

      You can also break out of the digital world and sell physical products (which some argue have a higher perceived value).

      And that list of buyers we talked about. Can you say continuity program??

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3482115].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tinytot11

        Just wanted to say thanks for the update and also for the use of the QR Code Generator you created. I don't know much about QR Codes but I am learning.

        Also I hope your wife is doing ok and I wish her the best.

        I almost forgot to ask but when is your next schedule chat on TNM?


        Affiliate links are not allowed.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3482634].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sonney
    Wow Dave, I'm having one of those "Why didn't I think of that?" moments... lol Great Idea!
    Life is what you make it... Make it good!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3481448].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author robofox
      Really clever work there Dave! Outside the box. Thanks for the story and heads up.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3481742].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Kevin, Warrior "Thedog" put in a link to an excellent quick article on codes. He also mentioned its a bit early for the codes here in the U.S. which I agree with, BUT, I'd rather be a bit early than a whole lot late. There is a thing called "reticular activation" (just Google it) which is how your brain sorts the mass of information your eyes see. Great copy writers know all about this. Start looking for QRs and you will suddenly see them everywhere. I knew they were going to be big last summer when I saw a man teaching his 12 year old daughter how to track produce at Wal-Mart. I use them mainly to direct users to mobile websites with online home tour videos. Its working well enough that I now have several imitators right here in the Tampa area. (One guy even stole my sales copy.) Think about this. A year ago I doubt there was a single thread, or even a mention, of QRs here in the forum. Now they get talked about every day in lots of threads.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3482726].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by Kevin AKA Hubcap View Post

      I agree wholeheartedly about making your own product. Besides not sharing the sale with the product creator you're developing a list of buyers.

      You can also break out of the digital world and sell physical products (which some argue have a higher perceived value).

      And that list of buyers we talked about. Can you say continuity program??

      Yeah that is coming for sure. Like I've said I fairly new to IM and up until 5-6months ago I was still searching for "my system". I whole heartedly believe that the key to success is to find one thing that works and perfect it-then move on. I am still perfecting. With that said, Producing my own product in the form of my WSO has been a really cool experience all the way around, and I am looking to do more. Although I don't think I'll be making my own woodworking plans packages soon.

      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post


      Just wanted to say thanks for the update and also for the use of the QR Code Generator you created. I don't know much about QR Codes but I am learning.

      Also I hope your wife is doing ok and I wish her the best.

      I almost forgot to ask but when is your next schedule chat on TNM?

      No problem, I should have a vid. about using that tool out to everyone that bought by Tues. or Wed.
      Wife is fine small glitch with a pacemaker (stupid computers!), she's a trooper and takes it very well. Back home tomorrow.
      Next show is this Thursday at 5PM EST. I was supposed to be on Caliban's show Saturday night but......had to cancel.
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      Kevin, Warrior "Thedog" put in a link to an excellent quick article on codes. He also mentioned its a bit early for the codes here in the U.S. which I agree with, BUT, I'd rather be a bit early than a whole lot late. There is a thing called "reticular activation" (just Google it) which is how your brain sorts the mass of information your eyes see. Great copy writers know all about this. Start looking for QRs and you will suddenly see them everywhere. I knew they were going to be big last summer when I saw a man teaching his 12 year old daughter how to track produce at Wal-Mart. I use them mainly to direct users to mobile websites with online home tour videos. Its working well enough that I now have several imitators right here in the Tampa area. (One guy even stole my sales copy.) Think about this. A year ago I doubt there was a single thread, or even a mention, of QRs here in the forum. Now they get talked about every day in lots of threads.

      I think that they are becoming a must have at lightning speed now that they have been elevated to a "conscious" level. Exactly what you said "they are everywhere!" Since it has been talked about on this thread I have be seeing them everywhere. Turns out I have been looking at them for months in magazine and just not noticing. It's coming fast!!!! It's just going to take one large cell network to promote it hard on a TV commercial as a standard feature-bang you'll have to be there.

      It's so cool that this thread has gotten so many folks to come together as a group and do some real thinking and collaborating. Thank You to everyone that has participated, I hope everyone is getting as much out of it as I am.
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      • Profile picture of the author 2gts
        Huge props for this, it's rare people come up with an idea this good and this unique. Great job!

        Since you made so much money with someone els's booth handing out your flyers, have you tried just setting up your own booth and handing "free content" for dozens of different offers? You probably wouldn't make 12 times as much... you but you may be able to triple the income?

        I would love to see some of our affiliates get into this as well. If anyone is interested in doing this in the Sex ed niche and hitting up Exxotica, plus all the other huge "Adult Shows" feel free to use this as your flyer: Flyer Ex (it's PG13)

        Just change out the domain and get rid of the phone number. Or even better, change the number to your own, and take orders using your affiliate link.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3483157].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author blizak
          Very good read, Thanks for the information.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3483169].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I think that they are becoming a must have at lightning speed now that they have been elevated to a "conscious" level. Exactly what you said "they are everywhere!" Since it has been talked about on this thread I have be seeing them everywhere. Turns out I have been looking at them for months in magazine and just not noticing.
        THAT is reticular activation in a nutshell!!!
        When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3483315].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Andrew Milburn
          Hi Dave,

          many thanks for this thread. Although I live in the Uk, I can see this working in many niches. And also a method I have not seen (or do not think I have on here)

          If you take a broader niche such as diet, give up smoking etc, and run small posters in shops and back this up with a leaflet drop in our village or town.

          Just a thought

          Helping people with Auction Selling

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3483568].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

          THAT is reticular activation in a nutshell!!!
          Thomas, the EXACT same thing has been happening for me as well! Ever since I started hearing about QR codes being the next big thing in offline consulting, I started seeing them everywhere - magazines, storefronts, coupons, etc.

          I haven't seen my local real estate agents using them yet, but from what I gather (based on your earlier post) they seem to be a great way to direct people to a home tour website? By the way, do you put any text around the QR code with instructions on how to use it, for the uninitiated?

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3483978].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Cali16
            There are several shows in my area coming up here in the next few weeks, but I'm having a hard time finding a list of the vendors, as well as an idea of how many people will be attending. Without a vendor list, it would seem the only option would be to attend the show (like Dave did initially) and talk to some vendors directly about leaving my flyers at their booth. But, I'd prefer to have the vendor lined up in advance.... Has anyone else had this problem and how do you find the vendors if their is no list on the show website?
            If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3484427].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author thedog
              Can I get some peoples feedback on these 2 Reiki products...

              My concern is, the one I like best, has higher gravity, looks better, has better copy... but there's a free opt in on the front page, could loose sales,
              You Can Become A Powerful Reiki Master In Just 48 Hours

              This is also a popular one, but the sales page and copy isn't as good, but the opt in nonsense is at the bottom.

              They both have around the same commission.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3484546].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                Can I get some peoples feedback on these 2 Reiki products...

                My concern is, the one I like best, has higher gravity, looks better, has better copy... but there's a free opt in on the front page, could loose sales,
                You Can Become A Powerful Reiki Master In Just 48 Hours

                This is also a popular one, but the sales page and copy isn't as good, but the opt in nonsense is at the bottom.
                Reiki Master Distance Learning.

                They both have around the same commission.
                I have never dealt with this situation, but I though one of CB's rules was that the sales from the follow up sequence are hard coded to the affiliate. So unless some other affiliate send them again you will get the sale. I think that's how it works. I'm going to check into that. Of course the vendor will prob. promote other stuff to that list and you won't get a cut of that.

                I like the second one better BTW
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3484680].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author thedog
                  Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

                  I have never dealt with this situation, but I though one of CB's rules was that the sales from the follow up sequence are hard coded to the affiliate. So unless some other affiliate send them again you will get the sale. I think that's how it works. I'm going to check into that. Of course the vendor will prob. promote other stuff to that list and you won't get a cut of that.

                  I like the second one better BTW
                  The problem comes, if they head straight to their inbox to check out the free course. When the click this, they click this, the affiliate link is gone.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485096].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
              Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

              There are several shows in my area coming up here in the next few weeks, but I'm having a hard time finding a list of the vendors, as well as an idea of how many people will be attending. Without a vendor list, it would seem the only option would be to attend the show (like Dave did initially) and talk to some vendors directly about leaving my flyers at their booth. But, I'd prefer to have the vendor lined up in advance.... Has anyone else had this problem and how do you find the vendors if their is no list on the show website?
              I haven't got any further on this than just knockin' the idea around but this problem occurred to me at first consideration. Surprised it hasn't been discussed before now. Unless maybe everyone is heading to the convention with flyers in hand and confident they can seal a deal with someone?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485304].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author thedog
                Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post

                I haven't got any further on this than just knockin' the idea around but this problem occurred to me at first consideration. Surprised it hasn't been discussed before now. Unless maybe everyone is heading to the convention with flyers in hand and confident they can seal a deal with someone?
                Not really, I just contacted the exhibition centre and the event organizer and got an atendee number.

                The event site I found was pretty bad, no links, just names. Some were easy enough to track down online. I rang one, got shot down. She didn't really understand.

                So, next I sent a detailed email to another vendor. I then rang him, turned out he didn't get the first mail... his site was a disaster zone. Rather than bombarding him with info, I gave him a quick synopsis, he also sounded a bit confused and uninterested, but asked me to send the email again.

                I got a more positive reply, but he had a couple of questions, and wanted to see the flyers.

                I sent him a quick draft, and he's in!

                Maybe I got lucky? But, I think if this goes well, it will be much easier to get future partners.

                Just keep trying.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485514].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author thedog
                  Hi, I've done up a flyer, and would be great to get some feedback.

                  I'm going to take Roberts lead and advertise 2, so this will be the front.

                  Also, am I using the QR right? I just put in some copy, "If you have a Smart Phone that is equipped with a QR reader,
                  just take a pic of the QR code here to visit the site."

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485632].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Cali16
                    Hey TheDog,

                    I think your flyer looks great! Great job!
                    If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485695].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author thedog
                      Thanks Cali16

                      I'm not sure if I'm displaying the qr code right? I imagine it needs enough relief around it...
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                      • Profile picture of the author IndieRetailer
                        For those of you who have tried this method already, would you mind sharing what you think the average attendance of your shows has been and whether they were single day or 2-3 day shows?


                        Brilliant idea, btw Dave! I'm clicking over to your WSO now that I've read every post on this thread.
               - Resources for businesses looking for effective offline marketing strategies.
               - To Be Announced.
               - To Be Announced.
               - To Be Announced.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3485951].message }}
                        • Dave- just had to say way to go! So simple--and just a killer idea.
                          Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
                          - Jack Trout
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486411].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author buddy7
                            Awesome Thoughts! I wish I had this thread last summer when I was still in the states and rented a kiosk at a mall for a weekend. I knew I wouldn't want to be there myself so I actually hired a temp for the second day.

                            I did a bunch of things wrong in hindsight. Just handed out my link with a picture and then tried to entice them to a number of offers and get them on a mailing list. No preselling. It was still a good experience though not a financially profitable one. :-)

                            I think it could be tweaked to work even at a mall if you did it right. I had dreams of kiosks in every mall. The one draw back is you get many of the same people so I think you would have to change the ad regularly and malls aren't to keen on flyers being handed out so you have to be low key.

                            I read about a warrior doing well with dieting things this way (which I didn't feel good about) and I have heard about someone in CA doing well with edu offers at a mall.
                   Equiping Christ-Centered Entrepreneurs to Launch their own Business.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3486690].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            I started seeing them everywhere - magazines, storefronts, coupons, etc.

            How about envelopes with printed stamps? QR codes...
            Just noticed them last week... on six months old envelopes!

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  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    Wow this is a really great offline marketing idea. I have also thought about doing the same thing on college campuses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Paulie, I didn't invent that concept. Its been around for a long long time. I remember writing a paper on this in college many years ago. I think the military used it to train soldiers on priority thinking in high stress environments. Early TV advertisers stumbled over this when radio (audio) advertising suddenly became TV (visual) advertising. Ad companies were dumbfounded to discover they could make us eat, drink, smoke or buy just about anything by making us "see" what was always there. A couple of months ago I spent $68 and let a Columbia University psychologist waste 455 pages of my time to tell me what Dave summed up in three sentences.
    Look at it this way. Dave suddenly "saw" a boat load of concentrated, single purpose, impulse buyers with money (that were always right there for anyone, including him, to see.) Once he "saw" that, it was impossible for him to "unsee" it. (technically his brain just automatically assigned a much higher priority on the visual input) After this was brought into his "conscious awareness" he could look around and see endless REPEATABLE opportunities. This, along with actually TAKING ACTION is the stuff of great success.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3484688].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tuhin
    Dave, thank you very much for your inspiring story. I have been been thinking to work offline for last couple of months but didn't get that motivation to go out. You are putting me in trouble to take action now
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    I think the flyer looks great...good job dog!
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    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      I think the flyer looks great...good job dog!
      Thanks dude, ye, I think I managed to put the relevant info on with out making it too cluttered. So, gonna throw another on the back.

      Good luck with your show, let us know how it goes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3487075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
    My walk-in attempt this past weekend didn't result in any sales so far. I hope that something will trickle in over the next week or so. I did get 3 people checking out the page, but no sales. I'm gearing up for the one this coming weekend where I have a partner. The upcoming show has an expected attendance of 3000 people specifically targeted to the subject. I hope more will come of course. <grin>

    So this weekend will be the big test for me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3487258].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
      Originally Posted by Vastidious View Post

      My walk-in attempt this past weekend didn't result in any sales so far. I hope that something will trickle in over the next week or so. I did get 3 people checking out the page, but no sales. I'm gearing up for the one this coming weekend where I have a partner. The upcoming show has an expected attendance of 3000 people specifically targeted to the subject. I hope more will come of course. <grin>

      So this weekend will be the big test for me.
      How many people attended?
      How many fliers handed out?
      Was your offer even targeted in the least?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3489179].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
    alrighty I need a bit of advice. I've always been an adsense guy.. just signed up for clickbank. This next weekend, there's a huge horse show in town and I understand there will be over 200 vendors there. For a guy that's never even been on cb before, can someone offer how they would approach the "horse" topic? Any of those products that you more seasoned cb folks might jump on over others? what should I be looking for?
    Thanks for any advice.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3487593].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post

      alrighty I need a bit of advice. I've always been an adsense guy.. just signed up for clickbank. This next weekend, there's a huge horse show in town and I understand there will be over 200 vendors there. For a guy that's never even been on cb before, can someone offer how they would approach the "horse" topic? Any of those products that you more seasoned cb folks might jump on over others? what should I be looking for?
      Thanks for any advice.
      Just do a search for the most popular horse products, or highest gravity. Have a look at the product page. If it looks good, put yourself in the customers shoes, go with your gut.

      I seen one on there for how to make your horse look like a fairy tale hose, no bull

      All about how you can give your horse an long dashing mane! I didn't even know this was, or could be done.

      Or something along the lines on how to deal with a problem horse?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3487673].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Just do a search for the most popular horse products, or highest gravity. Have a look at the product page. If it looks good, put yourself in the customers shoes, go with your gut.

        I seen one on there for how to make your horse look like a fairy tale hose, no bull

        All about how you can give your horse an long dashing mane! I didn't even know this was, or could be done.

        Or something along the lines on how to deal with a problem horse?
        LOL.. that product you described was what made me decide to ask here. I hadn't really ever browsed the cb offerings and I saw that and was thinking "Serisously?! Do people buy stuff like this?" lol.. Anyway, good to know about the "gravity". I've been looking into that a little more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Dog: That flyer looks great and you need no relief or special treatment on the QR. One of the cool things is you can print them on just about anything (even tee shirts) and they will scan. Another is that people who have the app will use it and explain it to their friends just to be cool. They are going viral so fast I just saw the first ad for a Motorola phone (Verizon I think) that had the QR app listed as a feature. I maintain a website (and now a Facebook Page) for a friend who sells Boost Mobile phones. I talked him into pre-installing the app on all the phones he sells and it helps him in his pitch to customers. It must have been a good idea because two other Boost dealers are suddenly doing the same thing in their advertising. (Reminds me of the guy who recently stole a bunch of copyrighted material and thought I'd be flattered. My lawyer conveyed my lack of enthusiasm in the C & D letter.) Don't know if you got my PM or not but there are a lot of redirect scripts out there. Not to get too promotional here but I use the one with the words Easy and Redirect in the title (No, I'm not an affiliate)
    Josh: My guess is that you're about to discover two things other marketers have already found out about. 1. People will spend more on their pets than they will on themselves or their kids or whatever. AND they don't go discount. They often equate how much they spend with how much they love their pet. (Like the dog is gonna know or give a crap how much you spent on his deluxe water bowl.) 2. The bigger the pet, the more they spend. North of me near Ocala is horse country. Those people have money and they spend money. Some of them really get obsessive. Its a market that also seems to be more recession resistant than most others. There is a famous story Frank Kern used to tell about a lady will no IM experience who wrote a course on teaching horses to dance. (I'm not makin' that up, its called dressage.) With a list of about 800 people she launched a $2,000 course and made around $140,000 in a heartbeat. She was concerned that her email only got a 75% open rate. 75%!!!! for God's sake. I fight like hell to get 20% and most marketers will tell you that's about average.
    Good luck to both of you. Its not enough to have the keys to the kingdom. You have to put the key in the lock and turn it.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    Just wanted to share an email I got from a printer...might help someone.

    Dear Customer :

    Please review the estimate attached and feel free to call us with any questions.

    Please keep in mind our "PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE" we will match or beat your lowest price quote. Our promise is "High quality printing & lowest prices guaranteed."

    If you have a lower estimate, please forward it to us and we will beat it by 5%!

    Thank You

    Hooman Shirian
    Phone: 323-654-5902

    7925 Santa Monica Blvd.
    West Hollywood, CA 90046

    WWW.USAPRINTINGTRADE.COM (not an affiliate link)

    Might be a good chance to save some money on printing all...good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author ADukes81
    This could make me millions living in Vegas.

    Thanks for getting my head to spin with ideas
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3490416].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren
      Originally Posted by ADukes81 View Post

      This could make me millions living in Vegas.

      Thanks for getting my head to spin with ideas
      Holy cow, best city ever for this model <jealous>
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3490538].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by ADukes81 View Post

      This could make me millions living in Vegas.

      Thanks for getting my head to spin with ideas

      I was just thinking the same thing.....

      I wish I lived in Vegas.... There are so many trade shows there.... This would KILL.

      If you have a week or two to prepare before the show and don't do this last minute....

      GotPrint is REALLY cheap....

      so is.... Search Results for ""

      don't know if I spelled that right....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3490702].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        I was just thinking the same thing.....

        I wish I lived in Vegas.... There are so many trade shows there.... This would KILL.

        If you have a week or two to prepare before the show and don't do this last minute....

        GotPrint is REALLY cheap....

        so is.... Search Results for ""

        don't know if I spelled that right....
        Hey who says you gotta live there to make this work?

        As Dave has shown your mind of your own obstacles, limitations, and excuses...just take ACTION and get there!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3491090].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by rawstyle View Post

          Hey who says you gotta live there to make this work?

          As Dave has shown your mind of your own obstacles, limitations, and excuses...just take ACTION and get there!

          Yeah... I get you man....

          Those that know me.... know I am one to think outside the box and make things happen.

          I was just thinking if one were to only do tradeshows with this model. Vegas... AKA Satans Anus.... would be a great place for it....

          Also This could be done at the state fair... Some vendors travel from fair to fair.... make the right deals... and your message could travel with them....

          Especially if they know by helping you... they could possibly travel for free!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3491195].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        I was just thinking the same thing.....

        I wish I lived in Vegas.... There are so many trade shows there.... This would KILL.

        If you have a week or two to prepare before the show and don't do this last minute....

        GotPrint is REALLY cheap....

        so is.... Search Results for ""

        don't know if I spelled that right....
        I'm in China, and have a show lined up in Ireland
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3491943].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author markowe
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          I'm in China, and have a show lined up in Ireland
          I LOVE the Internet

          My feeling so far just from having put a few feelers out is that it WOULD of course be easier to meet people face to face and build trust but if you have to do it via email etc. it is perfectly possible, you just have to have a good email manner (which many IMers lack).

          My suggestion is NOT to write a massive lengthy email explaining the whole scheme in one go - that can actually cause suspicion and/or boredom and increase the possibility they will just take a look and outright reject it.

          Something short that sounds a lot less elaborate than a great long explanation seems to work better to get the 'foot in the door'. Something very basic along the lines of "Could we put some fliers on your stand?" I think this applies to most marketing in any case - make the initial proposition short, and then when they express interest go into more detail.

          I say this from having made a few approaches and seeing what the response has been - I have also already seen a few niches where this whole scheme might not be a goer, where people don't want to promote products they think might compete in some way. But some niches are going to work great with this, I think! So a LITTLE research is a good idea, but of course, don't overthink!

          Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492001].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by markowe View Post

            I LOVE the Internet

            My feeling so far just from having put a few feelers out is that it WOULD of course be easier to meet people face to face and build trust but if you have to do it via email etc. it is perfectly possible, you just have to have a good email manner (which many IMers lack).

            My suggestion is NOT to write a massive lengthy email explaining the whole scheme in one go - that can actually cause suspicion and/or boredom and increase the possibility they will just take a look and outright reject it.

            Something short that sounds a lot less elaborate than a great long explanation seems to work better to get the 'foot in the door'. Something very basic along the lines of "Could we put some fliers on your stand?" I think this applies to most marketing in any case - make the initial proposition short, and then when they express interest go into more detail.

            I say this from having made a few approaches and seeing what the response has been - I have also already seen a few niches where this whole scheme might not be a goer, where people don't want to promote products they think might compete in some way. But some niches are going to work great with this, I think! So a LITTLE research is a good idea, but of course, don't overthink!
            This is some of the best advice here folks!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492816].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author markowe
              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

              This is some of the best advice here folks!
              You're too kind Dave, since it's obvious what the best advice round here was and is

              Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492861].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by markowe View Post

            I LOVE the Internet

            My feeling so far just from having put a few feelers out is that it WOULD of course be easier to meet people face to face and build trust but if you have to do it via email etc. it is perfectly possible, you just have to have a good email manner (which many IMers lack).

            My suggestion is NOT to write a massive lengthy email explaining the whole scheme in one go - that can actually cause suspicion and/or boredom and increase the possibility they will just take a look and outright reject it.

            Something short that sounds a lot less elaborate than a great long explanation seems to work better to get the 'foot in the door'. Something very basic along the lines of "Could we put some fliers on your stand?" I think this applies to most marketing in any case - make the initial proposition short, and then when they express interest go into more detail.

            I say this from having made a few approaches and seeing what the response has been - I have also already seen a few niches where this whole scheme might not be a goer, where people don't want to promote products they think might compete in some way. But some niches are going to work great with this, I think! So a LITTLE research is a good idea, but of course, don't overthink!
            You're absolutely right - we shouldn't write these emails with our marketing 'hat' on, but instead phrase it in ordinary laymen's terms. The minute you start sounding like a professional marketer, your vendors will probably start thinking you're suspicious and out to deceive and/or rip them off in some way.

            Simplicity works in this case, and this is not the time to impress the vendors with your knowledge of industry-specific terminology and specialized jargon! I think all it'd basically take is to tell them that you want to advertise your flyers at their booth, and you'd like to work out some kind of arrangement with them on doing this - simple and to the point, I don't think much else beyond this is needed.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author mark eastley
          I'm just wondering if the fact that the Clickbank products are priced in $ that UK people would be put off buying from these leaflets. Any thoughts??
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492066].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author markowe
            Originally Posted by mark eastley View Post

            I'm just wondering if the fact that the Clickbank products are priced in $ that UK people would be put off buying from these leaflets. Any thoughts??
            Oh DEFINITELY, I also thought that.

            I am going to try a basic campaign and if it gets SOME conversions then try to work with the product owner (hey, I'll do it for them) to create a UK version of the sales page with all the prices converted roughly into pounds, and also any language with obvious Americanisms. I THINK it's even possible to charge in various other currencies via Clickbank - the vendor might be able to set that up, but I figure as long as you say, "Checkout price will be in dollar equivalent" and add that the dollar is quite weak right now, I reckon it will be fine You just have to soften it a bit I think because most Clickbank sales pages do not really even consider customers from other countries (more fool them) and Brits can be SO sceptical (yes, with a 'c' ) of all things American!

            Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492109].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          I'm in China, and have a show lined up in Ireland
          I am so writhing in envy right now.....

          You are living my dream....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3493961].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
            If anybody is interested I have found a site that will create flyers for you. I have look at the site but didn't ask about cost or any details. I thought this might those that don't have the time to do the flyers or uncomfortable with graphics. I have to thank Armir Luis as I found the site by following a link he posted and going to some other sites. Hope this helps.



            Affiliate links are not allowed.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3495330].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
              Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

              If anybody is interested I have found a site that will create flyers for you. I have look at the site but didn't ask about cost or any details. I thought this might those that don't have the time to do the flyers or uncomfortable with graphics. I have to thank Armir Luis as I found the site by following a link he posted and going to some other sites. Hope this helps.


              The Design starts at $180 minimum. Then I suspect you still have to have it printed, etc. So a little out of my budget.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3496469].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author thedog
                Originally Posted by Vastidious View Post

                The Design starts at $180 minimum. Then I suspect you still have to have it printed, etc. So a little out of my budget.
                You can get cheaper than that online, I'm sure.

                Their work looks very professional too... I think maybe the trick is not to make them look too slick and professional...

                I think the flyer should roughly follow the look and feel of the sales page, which, are usually pretty thin on design.

                If you follow a good sales page layout, then I think you'll be ok... people just want the information, laid out clearly.

                I'm a web/graphic designer, so I have an understanding of what works and what doesn't... If you are going to be doing your own flyers, which I recommend, then just do an online print design tutorial or 2, there's heaps... Smashing Magazine spings to mind.

                I could have made my flyers look so much better than the sales pages... but I think it's important, that when the user has the flyer in their hand... and they go to the site, there's symmetry.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3496615].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author davez
                  Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                  You can get cheaper than that online, I'm sure.

                  Their work looks very professional too... I think maybe the trick is not to make them look too slick and professional...

                  I think the flyer should roughly follow the look and feel of the sales page, which, are usually pretty thin on design.

                  If you follow a good sales page layout, then I think you'll be ok... people just want the information, laid out clearly.

                  I'm a web/graphic designer, so I have an understanding of what works and what doesn't... If you are going to be doing your own flyers, which I recommend, then just do an online print design tutorial or 2, there's heaps... Smashing Magazine spings to mind.

                  I could have made my flyers look so much better than the sales pages... but I think it's important, that when the user has the flyer in their hand... and they go to the site, there's symmetry.
                  Why not setup your own presell page then. You will have a little more control of your customers, build a list, customer service and even another backend product of your own. Like a plr setup on your own clickbank acct.

                  The sky's the limit here folks anything you can do online, can be used in the offline world with a little ingenuity. This has to be one of the best all time threads on the WF.

                  Thanks Dave for getting the ball rolling and to everyone else your all Great Inspirations.

                  Another twist is you can approach vendors with bringing they're goods and services online.

                  The World gets smaller by the minute, Thanks everyone for all the great info, got my beanie cap on and will be starting a new business TODAY.

                  Not hard to do.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3686047].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            I am so writhing in envy right now.....

            You are living my dream....

            Hey, anyone can do it.

            I volunteer at an English college, chat to students 2 hours a day, 4 days a week, for that I get my own place and food

            Living costs are dirt cheap too.

            I should make a WSO on how to quadruple your income... move to China or SE Asia.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3496498].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Qamar
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Living costs are dirt cheap too.

              I should make a WSO on how to quadruple your income... move to China or SE Asia.
              yeah but definitely NOT Singapore...
              I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
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              Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


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              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3496739].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author thedog
                Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

                yeah but definitely NOT Singapore...
                Dam straight, or Hong Kong... unless you're minted.

                @ peterbujok, why not just upload here, and you can get feedback off a few of us.

                If not, you can mail to me. pm sent.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3497147].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author thedog
                  Hey guys, I was thinking, if some of you really are finding the flyer design aspect a little difficult, I can offer my services.... and for a lot less than $180.

                  I'm a Graphic / Web designer... worked for the man for over 10 years, now traveling and freelancing.

                  Maybe I should put an add in Warriors for hire section...

                  Tell you what, I'll do up one free flyer for the first person to reply to this. Like a review copy. Just pm me a link to your clickbank product... remember though.

                  1) Try and pick a decent product page

                  2) Make sure you have permission to use graphics and copy on the page first

                  Here's a Reiki one I've done for an upcoming show, I posted earlier, but this is the finished one.

                  Mods, if this is not allowed, sorry, and delete post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Wow Warriors, Dave really hit this one out of the park. Nearly 500 posts on this thread. Shows the potential of this place. I don't think he even intended to do a WSO when this started. Shows that even a fairly new Warrior can come in here and make a big, big contribution. I never do "atta boy" comments just to run up a count. Don't you make a habit of this either. Its irritating to others. About once a year I try to start a good relevant thread. (It always gets immediately deleted by the same mod. Everyday I thank God I don't have to walk around with his ego.) I go back to my world, the sun keeps shining, and the forum goes on. I've purchased two WSOs in the last week. This never happens because I'm really cheap. Both were by fairly new Warriors. One had gigantic problems because she was inexperienced and wasn't prepared for so much success (we should all have this problem), the download was huge, and, of course, some people can't follow simple instructions, etc, etc. (The WSO was sold in 24 countries and counting.) Still, it was one of the best things I've ever bought on the WF because IT FITS WITH WHAT I AM ALREADY DOING AND I PUT IT IN ACTION THE SAME DAY. I was up till 3:00 AM getting everything working and I DON'T CARE! Its now a part of my arsenal of tools. I charged my test customer 4 times what I paid for the WSO and had the money in my PayPal at 10:00 AM the next morning.
    I was on Skype with a friend all afternoon and we went through this thread post by post. Besides the original concept, which is out of this world, no less than 20 other side bar ideas were tossed around. My hat is off to you Dave. Just being introduced to GIMP was worth this whole thread. (I've spent all day on it and still haven't made much progress.) Most of my income now comes from ideas I have found here on the WF or from contacts I've made here. New people, Focus on ONE thing, LEARN IT and DO IT WELL. Then add a second method and then a third. NEVER put all your eggs in Google's basket. (Offline marketing is good for avoiding this.) I make a weeks worth of plans every Sunday. If you try to plan too far out it becomes an excuse for putting things off. I try my best to do 5 things everyday. (3 is lazy and 7 is too many). Don't worry too much about where you live or don't. The internet has eliminated that problem and every place has opportunities.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Amir Luis, you and I are on the same wave length. I live four miles from the Florida State Fairgrounds. There is something going on there all the time. (Another huge RV show coming up, gun show last weekend, etc.) Also, like everywhere else we have a bunch of local festivals. Florida Strawberry Festival going on right now. (12 miles from me) Wish I'd had this thread a couple of weeks ago. I'm doing a test handout of 2,000 fliers but I'm sure not sending traffic to Clickbank. Have a whole other game plan going on. I spent $100 getting a flier set up because I can't learn GIMP fast enough to do me any good. (but I will) Printed the thing right in my office and took them over there a couple of days ago. I got 14 leads today and I know from past experience my leads are worth about $45 each on average. The lady I'm dealing with only wants a domain I own which cost me a whole $7.67. I've had it for sale for $2,000. She doesn't know it but I'm going to reimburse her booth rental. Well worth it to me just for the contacts she gave me. Pay it forward people, it really works. She and her significant other are doing about 34 festivals this year so I'm sure hoping this works out. I won't even have to leave town. Just ship her fliers.
    Also been thinking about sports venues. We have Professional Hockey, Major League Baseball and Professional Football (sort of) right here in Tampa. If anyone has any idea about how to tap into these huge crowds just jump right in. I'm thinkin' memorabilia, licensed products, etc. I was stuck at a traffic signal in front of Bucs stadium yesterday. Just looking around. Dave's idea about the parking vendors really peaked my interest. Ideas anyone?

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
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  • Profile picture of the author vandal611
    Just great idea
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  • Profile picture of the author thedog
    I was thinking this too... should I price everything in Euro... I don't think I'll bother, maybe it will hurt a few sales, maybe not.

    My show is coming up on the 18th, not too late to re touch the flyers, as they haven't gone off to the printer yet... hmmm, maybe a disclaimer at the bottom, explaining why everything is priced in U.S. $?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492760].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RD5
      Originally Posted by thedog View Post

      I was thinking this too... should I price everything in Euro... I don't think I'll bother, maybe it will hurt a few sales, maybe not.

      My show is coming up on the 18th, not too late to re touch the flyers, as they haven't gone off to the printer yet... hmmm, maybe a disclaimer at the bottom, explaining why everything is priced in U.S. $?
      IMHO you should not do this. I don't know hows the situation in China, but lets say if you go to central London you get bombarded with various flyers: free international calls, hookers, religious propaganda and so on. The point I want to make here is that that kind of stuff is much more "offensive" then a nice flyer promoting a product that the audience is interested in
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      I just sent this email out to the WSO buyers list. I though it was fitting so I figured I'd post it too.

      Hi all, I've been getting a lot of emails to the support email asking the following. "Can you offer a little more info on how you contact potential vendors (affiliates)?
      I'm sure you have an email or two that you use as a template when you initially contact folks and I would deeply appreciate it if you could share these emails or anything else regarding this initial contact."

      I just wanted to put some perspective on this. Now this is just my humble opinion, but it works for me; so I'll give it. When I am approaching someone to JV with (that's what you're doing here) for an offline affair. I make a phone call. I'm an old school handshake kind of guy that doesn't mind talking to people. It is hard to convey sincerity in an email for me.

      I'm not telling anybody not to use email. You can obviously reach more people quickly this way (if you get a response), but I don't have any swipes to give you and I don't think you should use them.

      This needs to be about building personal relationships with these people. If it's a call, it needs to be a call from YOU-if it's an email, it needs to be an email from YOU. I am certain this is the key to long term success. I can count on most of my vendors for next year already, because I have a relationship with them. I know their kids names, I make a point of checking in.

      I know initial contact is the most frightening thing about this method. Put it aside and be yourself, over deliver from step one. Believe in yourself and then just talk! Believe in yourself and then just write! You are taking action, that's the key. If you are honest and sincere and believe in what you are doing, you will close deals.

      I will help anyone I can so, If you would like me to review your email send if over. If you want to have a quick practice phone chat-send me an email we can do that too.

      Look, everyday I do at least one thing that is outside my comfort zone. Every day something that I do terrifies me-I do it anyway. Every day I worry that something I wrote doesn't read well-I do it anyway.

      10 Days ago at 3PM Sat. Caliban Darklock asked me to be a guest on his show THAT DAY @ 8PM!-TERIFIED! The following day I was offered my own weekly show-TERRIFIED! What if I suck? What if people Hate me? What if nobody listens?

      I do it anyway!

      Welcome To The Talk Marketing Now Network | Real Marketers. Real Talk.
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  • Profile picture of the author RD5
    No need to worry fellas. If you are from UK then on the order form the amount of money you need to pay for the Clickbank product will be shown in GBP
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    • Profile picture of the author mark eastley
      Originally Posted by RD5 View Post

      No need to worry fellas. If you are from UK then on the order form the amount of money you need to pay for the Clickbank product will be shown in GBP
      But the main sales page shows $.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3493216].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author markowe
        Originally Posted by mark eastley View Post

        But the main sales page shows $.
        Yes, like I say, most vendors will do you a custom sales page if they see you are sending a few customers. There may even be a way of hosting it yourself and editing it to your heart's content, and then just sending them to the payment page - I believe some vendors mention that as an option, just not sure how it works on the technical side. Maybe this is a LITTLE OT, but I think these technical issues WILL interest people trying this idea.

        Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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      • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
        Ok, I would like to ask some advice. Has anyone done a gun/knife show yet and if so did the product you promoted do well? I was thinking of doing a Survival product at that show. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions, especially if someone had great results with a particular product.
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  • Profile picture of the author thedog
    @ rd5, I don't get your point at all... how is putting a disclaimer at the bottom of the flyer, informing people "price is quoted in U.S. Dollar"... offensive?

    I was thinking something simple along the lines of...

    "All prices are quoted in U.S. Dollar. This will be converted to Euro equivalent during the pament process."

    This should clear up any confusion... before I go sending these off to the printers, I'd really like some feedback on this...

    Leave disclaimer in, or take it out?

    The only problem I see with this is, I've used * beside all $ ref's, so, could, at first glance, look like there's a condition to the price?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492865].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by thedog View Post

      @ rd5, I don't get your point at all... how is putting a disclaimer at the bottom of the flyer, informing people "price is quoted in U.S. Dollar"... offensive?

      I was thinking something simple along the lines of...

      "All prices are quoted in U.S. Dollar. This will be converted to Euro equivalent during the pament process."

      This should clear up any confusion... before I go sending these off to the printers, I'd really like some feedback on this...

      Leave disclaimer in, or take it out?

      The only problem I see with this is, I've used * beside all $ ref's, so, could, at first glance, look like there's a condition to the price?
      Yeah, I'd be inclined to leave out the asterisks and just put the note down at the bottom with a *. Makes less of a big deal out of it. Though this is a good question - does the payment page really get geolocated by Clickbank to the local currency? Not entirely sure of that, needs checking.

      Could you quote the prices in pounds though, and then put the note at the end? Or is that what you've done. I know it's a bit messy because then it's an approximate price. $37 is 22.90 GBP - erm, whaat! You could make that 23 pounds I suppose, or 22.99! And then at the bottom say that the price is subject to conversion and will be charged in dollars (and you can say that's why it's such good value because they are getting the dollar price )

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3492977].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by markowe View Post

        Yeah, I'd be inclined to leave out the asterisks and just put the note down at the bottom with a *. Makes less of a big deal out of it. Though this is a good question - does the payment page really get geolocated by Clickbank to the local currency? Not entirely sure of that, needs checking.

        Could you quote the prices in pounds though, and then put the note at the end? Or is that what you've done. I know it's a bit messy because then it's an approximate price. $37 is 22.90 GBP - erm, whaat! You could make that 23 pounds I suppose, or 22.99! And then at the bottom say that the price is subject to conversion and will be charged in dollars (and you can say that's why it's such good value because they are getting the dollar price )
        Na, I think it's best to quote in $, as they'll be brought to a page quoting them in $'s... I think enough people will be clued in, it's not like it Brazilain Real...

        I'd rather not say subject to conversion... also sounds a bit iffy.. good call though, I'll remove the * from the $'s
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  • Profile picture of the author Gill
    What a fantastic idea and great to see you succeed so well with it first time!! Good luck Im sure you are going to be a great success with your determined focus and positive mindset!
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Post #500 is pure Gold. Read those last two paragraphs again and again. Your comfort zone has a rubber band attached. If you try to outrun your comfort zone the rubber band will only pull you back to where you are now. Trick is (and this isn't just words) to push your comfort zone out in front of you a bit every day. The rubber band effect will keep pulling you along.

    If you have a question for Clickbank they aren't exactly on the moon. Idaho just
    looks like they are. (The way you can tell the difference is, potatoes won't grow on the moon.)

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3493867].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
    What types of Clickbank products do y'all think contractors and construction company managers would potentially want to buy?
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnA
    great stuff

    I like the fact that you got out and saw real people...

    Cannot get into your program yet-- promised my guru trainer to first get his stuff making money-- but is there any way to keep your program on a back burner for me... ?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3496331].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by JohnA View Post

      great stuff

      I like the fact that you got out and saw real people...

      Cannot get into your program yet-- promised my guru trainer to first get his stuff making money-- but is there any way to keep your program on a back burner for me... ?

      You can keep it on the back burner yourself.....just buy it now while it's available, but don't look at it until you've got the other thing working for you. It's only $14.00.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3497120].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author peterbujok
    OK I designed a 4x6 flyer that you usually see used to promote clubs etc. There is very little info on it so far, not much of a script really. Do you think this would be effective or should it really be a 8.5x11? PM me your email address if you want to give me an opinion on the flyer, I will send it to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    How much would you charge??? Southeast Asian pricing?

    I would be interested but am still going through the WSO.

    The reason I don't travel the way you do DOG is because I am an offliner by trade. I have so many clients right here in my own backyard. I travel once a month... but never out of the US.

    Maybe things will change.... who knows.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3497254].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      First one is free, a review copy.

      Well, Eastern price ish

      My overheads are much lower, so of course less than the freelance rate, back in Dublin. I'd charge at least $40ph back home.

      It's a 2 - 3 hour job, so $40 is as low as I'd go, any less and it's not really worth my time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3497278].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        First one is free, a review copy.

        Well, Eastern price ish

        My overheads are much lower, so of course less than the freelance rate, back in Dublin. I'd charge at least $40ph back home.

        It's a 2 - 3 hour job, so $40 is as low as I'd go, any less and it's not really worth my time.
        $40 USD ?
        That is totally worth it... I don't know what a PH is....

        What a second... $40 IEP is $70.55 USD

        Still not bad....

        If the first one converts... You will have a customer for life from me....
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3497323].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

          $40 USD ?
          That is totally worth it... I don't know what a PH is....

          What a second... $40 IEP is $70.55 USD

          Still not bad....

          If the first one converts... You will have a customer for life from me....
          No, I'm using U.S., so it's $40.

          You'll get a good quality, well laid out flyer for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Sent you some PMs.... Doggie Dog...
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  • Profile picture of the author John W.G.
    So you're printing them on your printer @ home?

    How much would that cost you for 300?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3498781].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by John W.G. View Post

      So you're printing them on your printer @ home?

      How much would that cost you for 300?
      Pending on your printer... About one cartridge of ink.

      If you have a cheapy printer... then about halfway through the run the quality goes down. WAY down.

      So I would suggest only printing a few at a time in blocks. Let the printer rest....
      then go again...... and again.... and again....

      Could take you quite some time and about $50 to do 300 on your home cheapy printer.

      If you have a commercial printer. Different ball game.

      Really Time vs Cost.... I would have them printed at the local print shop.

      On another note... If you picked the right offer... You could put out 500 fliers per day in high end residential neighborhoods... Depending on your sales copy... and the amount of due dilligence you have for putting out fliers.

      That is 2500 per week.

      2500 x 1% conversion rate... (industry standard) is 25 sales.

      25 x $20 = $500
      2500 x $.03 = $75 (b&w printing)

      $500 - $75 = $425

      $425 - $25 = $400 (fuel/travel)

      So that would be $400 per week in between expo shows if you don't have a bunch of events going on in your local area.

      Quite honesty.... looking at Dogs design and seeing the marketing principles that he has put into them... if you had him do your flier. There is no reason why you couldn't get a 2-3% conversion rate....

      So... minimum $500 gross per week.

      Maximum unlimited... but average $900 - $1200

      Once you find the offer that converts.... you have some one else do the walking of the neighborhoods.... pay some one to put the fliers out for you.

      And put out 10,000 per week and not 2,500. Another words, quantify your results.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3499757].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Just a heads up... Free flyer design has been taken... by 2 warriors.
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        • Profile picture of the author John Durham
          Originally Posted by thedog View Post

          Just a heads up... Free flyer design has been taken... by 2 warriors.
          Alright Dog. I havent read this whole thread yet but can someone explain the offer to me... Im thinking of doing some flyers... have some ideas...

          Whats the "paid" offer? How much? Are there any examples?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500543].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
            Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

            Alright Dog. I havent read this whole thread yet but can someone explain the offer to me... Im thinking of doing some flyers... have some ideas...

            Whats the "paid" offer? How much? Are there any examples?
            If you scroll up you can see his design work sample on this thread... He is in South East Asia so he may not be able to reply as fast as I can....

            His offer is $40 for flier creation.

            The designs he does are pretty darn good.

            He is doing a review flyer for me.... but by looking at his posted work, and knowing what I know about flyer marketing. I can see his flyers converting at above industry standard conversions.

            I have been doing flyer marketing for YEARS. If you have decent sales copy.... you should be able to count on 1% conversions. If your copy and design ROCK.... then you can see 3 - 5% conversions.

            3% is a High Conversion rate for flyers.

            Someone TOTALLY new to marketing may not get that type of conversion rate and get discouraged.

            I am just being real... Quite possibly... you may expect a .5% conversion your first run... that is why I mentioned the neighborhood thing.... you can pick your target market.... and split test your offer. Until you see 3%+ conversions.

            Then.... blast out 5000 flyers at trade shows and conventions across the US.

            Infusioncon is coming to phoenix next week.... I CANT WAIT.....
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500604].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author WildGale
              Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

              . that is why I mentioned the neighborhood thing.... you can pick your target market.... and split test your offer. Until you see 3%+ conversions.

              Then.... blast out 5000 flyers at trade shows and conventions across the US.
              Got it. Excellent.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500677].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        So that would be $400 per week in between expo shows if you don't have a bunch of events going on in your local area.

        Quite honesty.... looking at Dogs design and seeing the marketing principles that he has put into them... if you had him do your flier. There is no reason why you couldn't get a 2-3% conversion rate....

        So... minimum $500 gross per week.

        Maximum unlimited... but average $900 - $1200

        Once you find the offer that converts.... you have some one else do the walking of the neighborhoods.... pay some one to put the fliers out for you.

        And put out 10,000 per week and not 2,500. Another words, quantify your results.
        2-3% is right in the range on this method. I have some neighborhood kids doing this for me for the same 50-50 split and love it. It one of the things I talk about in the new full course I'm doing with all 9 of these methods that I use.

        I'll share an idea here, I'm also looking into the legalities of using these methods as fund raisers. I like to think big, Imagine if all of those kids you get at your door were handing out aff offer fliers FOR CHARITY!! Put the right package of online products together on a web catalog. Yeah buddy.

        I'll keep you all informed.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500479].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          2-3% is right in the range on this method. I have some neighborhood kids doing this for me for the same 50-50 split and love it. It one of the things I talk about in the new full course I'm doing with all 9 of these methods that I use.

          I'll share an idea here, I'm also looking into the legalities of using these methods as fund raisers. I like to think big, Imagine if all of those kids you get at your door were handing out aff offer fliers FOR CHARITY!! Put the right package of online products together on a web catalog. Yeah buddy.

          I'll keep you all informed.
          Dave, would you mind elaborating on what you're having your neighborhood kids do on a 50-50 split?

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author shizah
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          2-3% is right in the range on this method. I have some neighborhood kids doing this for me for the same 50-50 split and love it. It one of the things I talk about in the new full course I'm doing with all 9 of these methods that I use.

          I'll share an idea here, I'm also looking into the legalities of using these methods as fund raisers. I like to think big, Imagine if all of those kids you get at your door were handing out aff offer fliers FOR CHARITY!! Put the right package of online products together on a web catalog. Yeah buddy.

          I'll keep you all informed.
          This is a great idea! I'm interested in hearing what you find out. I would think that there would be no legal issues if it was disclosed that say 50% is going to charity. I've got a ton of ideas on this angle...I may have to PM you!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507920].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author WildGale
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        On another note... If you picked the right offer... You could put out 500 fliers per day in high end residential neighborhoods...
        Good thought. A friend with a hair salon had some high school kids canvassing better neighbors with a flier and offer, but if memory serves, the flier was 1/4 page and not much in the way of marketing and yet they still got some play from it. I'll have to ask, but I had the impression that the kids put the fliers on cars in target neighborhoods.

        I wonder how you'd do with a good weight loss offer, fliers like Dog's here, and placing them on the stoop? I know that you can't put them in mailboxes and I don't think it's legal to put them on cars in parking lots of other businesses, but political campaigns do place pamphlets on stoops, so I assume that's OK.

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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Pending on your printer... About one cartridge of ink.

        If you have a cheapy printer... then about halfway through the run the quality goes down. WAY down.

        So I would suggest only printing a few at a time in blocks. Let the printer rest....
        then go again...... and again.... and again....

        Could take you quite some time and about $50 to do 300 on your home cheapy printer.

        If you have a commercial printer. Different ball game.

        Really Time vs Cost.... I would have them printed at the local print shop.

        On another note... If you picked the right offer... You could put out 500 fliers per day in high end residential neighborhoods... Depending on your sales copy... and the amount of due dilligence you have for putting out fliers.

        That is 2500 per week.

        2500 x 1% conversion rate... (industry standard) is 25 sales.

        25 x $20 = $500
        2500 x $.03 = $75 (b&w printing)

        $500 - $75 = $425

        $425 - $25 = $400 (fuel/travel)

        So that would be $400 per week in between expo shows if you don't have a bunch of events going on in your local area.

        Quite honesty.... looking at Dogs design and seeing the marketing principles that he has put into them... if you had him do your flier. There is no reason why you couldn't get a 2-3% conversion rate....

        So... minimum $500 gross per week.

        Maximum unlimited... but average $900 - $1200

        Once you find the offer that converts.... you have some one else do the walking of the neighborhoods.... pay some one to put the fliers out for you.

        And put out 10,000 per week and not 2,500. Another words, quantify your results.
        Amir, what offer(s) would you be advertising on these flyers that are being handed out in high-end residential neighborhoods? And what would be the best method(s) of distributing them, since using the mailbox isn't exactly a viable option?

        I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on what type of offer(s) would work when distributed in a high-end residential neighborhood.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Amir, what offer(s) would you be advertising on these flyers that are being handed out in high-end residential neighborhoods? And what would be the best method(s) of distributing them, since using the mailbox isn't exactly a viable option?

          I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on what type of offer(s) would work when distributed in a high-end residential neighborhood.


          Paul... I see your in Oklahoma.... Are you familiar with Edmond? That is where I went to High School. (At least one of the three high schools I went to)

          The average home in Edmond is $275,000

          I owned a window cleaning company in Edmond that focused on high end residential. The main way that I advertised was via flyers.....

          As you know, the yards are pretty big.... So I would still make use of the mailboxes. They are surrounded with brick, or have a decorative metal pole of some sort holding them up.

          If you tape a flier using blue painters tape. (Will stick... but not leave marks pissing off the home owner) You can tape it to the side of the brick or the poles and not get an angry phone call from the Post Master.

          I bought a 150cc scooter and went through the neighborhoods hella quick by riding up to each box and slapping the flyers on the side of the mail box.

          Another route of deliver.... (I did get a few angry calls... but I got way more... "Your a genius" comments than angry calls) Take your flyer and insert into a zip lock back with a rock. Preferably decorative... Bag up your flyers the night/day before your run... get up way early... then go throw the rock baggie flier mix into the driveways.... you can cruise at 18MPH and hit the center of every driveway. Actually that Takes Practice...

          As far as the offer....

          In high end residential... you are going to be dealing more with housewives right?

          Their average income is somewhere north of $100,000...

          They generally have two children ranging in age....

          They generally live near or on a golf course....

          They care about what the Jones' think....

          They drive late model vehicles... generally european

          Their age ranges from mid 30's to baby boomer...

          So.... Knowing what your target demographic is....

          What would you offer them?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507046].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            Paul... I see your in Oklahoma.... Are you familiar with Edmond? That is where I went to High School. (At least one of the three high schools I went to)

            The average home in Edmond is $275,000

            I owned a window cleaning company in Edmond that focused on high end residential. The main way that I advertised was via flyers.....

            As you know, the yards are pretty big.... So I would still make use of the mailboxes. They are surrounded with brick, or have a decorative metal pole of some sort holding them up.

            If you tape a flier using blue painters tape. (Will stick... but not leave marks pissing off the home owner) You can tape it to the side of the brick or the poles and not get an angry phone call from the Post Master.

            I bought a 150cc scooter and went through the neighborhoods hella quick by riding up to each box and slapping the flyers on the side of the mail box.

            Another route of deliver.... (I did get a few angry calls... but I got way more... "Your a genius" comments than angry calls) Take your flyer and insert into a zip lock back with a rock. Preferably decorative... Bag up your flyers the night/day before your run... get up way early... then go throw the rock baggie flier mix into the driveways.... you can cruise at 18MPH and hit the center of every driveway. Actually that Takes Practice...

            As far as the offer....

            In high end residential... you are going to be dealing more with housewives right?

            Their average income is somewhere north of $100,000...

            They generally have two children ranging in age....

            They generally live near or on a golf course....

            They care about what the Jones' think....

            They drive late model vehicles... generally european

            Their age ranges from mid 30's to baby boomer...

            So.... Knowing what your target demographic is....

            What would you offer them?
            Louie, great to see someone else from Oklahoma in here! I live in the northwest area very close to Edmond, around the Quail Springs neighborhood.

            Thanks for sharing your interesting business exploits in and around Edmond. It is definitely one of the more affluent areas in Oklahoma, and from what you've mentioned I think services would be very much in demand there, especially convenience services that save these busy homeowners time and effort.

            I'd imagine that in addition to window cleaning, car washing and lawn services would be very much in demand. Also, I'm sure that dog walking/poop pick up and baby sitting would be sought after services (not that I'd want to do that!) Appearance matters a lot to these proud home owners who want to keep up with the Joneses, and I think that lawn care in general would be something that they'd want - mowing the lawn, trimming hedges/bushes, blowing dead leaves off the lawn, etc.

            Am I on the right track here? I'm not sure if selling digital products or computer/internet services would be very much in demand - the only thing I can think of in this area might be computer repair/virus removal type services.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3512314].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
              Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

              Louie, great to see someone else from Oklahoma in here! I live in the northwest area very close to Edmond, around the Quail Springs neighborhood.

              Thanks for sharing your interesting business exploits in and around Edmond. It is definitely one of the more affluent areas in Oklahoma, and from what you've mentioned I think services would be very much in demand there, especially convenience services that save these busy homeowners time and effort.

              I'd imagine that in addition to window cleaning, car washing and lawn services would be very much in demand. Also, I'm sure that dog walking/poop pick up and baby sitting would be sought after services (not that I'd want to do that!) Appearance matters a lot to these proud home owners who want to keep up with the Joneses, and I think that lawn care in general would be something that they'd want - mowing the lawn, trimming hedges/bushes, blowing dead leaves off the lawn, etc.

              Am I on the right track here? I'm not sure if selling digital products or computer/internet services would be very much in demand - the only thing I can think of in this area might be computer repair/virus removal type services.

              For the sake of this thread... we are talking about selling Click Bank Products via flyer marketing. SO....

              In Quail Creek.... It is the same demographic as described in my previous post. But there is a sprinkling of retired... aka. "Old Money" Good Luck getting into Mullholland.... Those security guards can get mean...

              Yet the fliers would work the same...

              So if we are focusing on Women, 35-BabyBoomer+, with Children, Who's mindset is to care about what the Jones's think....

              Do you not think Weight Loss info products... Cooking Recipe Info Products...
              or something of the like would be good to offer to this demographic?

              There is picked up a Women's Expo Show and I am doing a "As Seen On TV" Recipe Cook Book offer at this show.

              To test the flier copy I am going down to what they call "2nd Saturdays" in Tucson... They block off the streets and set up live music stages. There are street performers and food vendors EVERYWHERE.... Artists selling their wares... It's just crazy and fun....

              Now... People are cheap in Tucson. SO... I am only taking 1000 copies down there.... We will see how well the offer converts before I roll out the big campaign at the womens expo next week.

              At 2nd Saturdays I usually flirt with this girl that is a food vendor. So I will have her doing flyers, and I might walk around and hand them out too. I don't know though... I am kinda lazy.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3513488].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
                Ok so I lined up my first show - a pretty major one; took me 3 phone calls - 1 no, 1 n/a, and a yes. Show starts next Friday and I just have to do the printing order today. I actually work right by the expo center so I'm going to show up, meet my "partner" and hand off the flyers.

                Question for Dave (and anyone else who wants to chime in) - have you ever had multiple vendors at the same show passing out your flyers? This is really a big show and I can see having more than 1 vendor passing mine out.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3514264].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
                  I need some opinions, please.

                  I'm in the process of trying to find an interested vendor for a Green Expo that will be in my state in May. I have also contacted the person in charge of advertising for the expo inquiring about ad costs in the program.

                  They have a few openings left for 1/4 page ads for $250 and 1/2 page ads for $500 for the expo program. The expected attendance is 25,000+. The programs get in the hands of all 25,000+ attendees as that is where the event layout goes plus all schedules for workshops, special events, etc. All ads are black and white and the 1/4 page ad is 3.9375" x 5.4375".

                  Do you think the smaller size of the ad and the fact that it's black and white will affect conversion rates negatively, or do you think it's a good idea to advertise in the program? My gut is telling me to do it, but I would love other's thoughts and opinions.


                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3514383].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                    Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

                    All ads are black and white and the 1/4 page ad is 3.9375" x 5.4375".
                    I think 4" by 5.5" is pretty small and would be tough to really
                    show off the product properly. Expecially a "green" product in
                    all black and white:confused:

                    You can't really put a lot of "pre-sale" info in a space that size.
                    You most likely wouldn't be able to show any good graphics
                    from the sales page in a space that size. You may not even be
                    able to fit in any of the graphics at all if you have to scale them
                    down to such a small area.

                    It also seems a bit expensive to me when you could get almost
                    4000 8.5 x 11, double sided, color flyers for that amount of
                    money. Seems to me like you would be better off trying to find
                    a willing partner and go that route first. Maybe after you have
                    made some money then try the ad in the handout to give it a
                    "test" run and see if it is really worth the extra expense.

                    By the way....

                    The space I wrote this reply in is just about as big an area
                    as your ad would be (at least on my 15" laptop screen).

                    Doesn't really allow for a lot of info in my opinion.

                    If you decide to give it a shot let us know how it turns out.

                    Best of luck!

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3514440].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
                      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

                      I think 4" by 5.5" is pretty small and would be tough to really
                      show off the product properly. Expecially a "green" product in
                      all black and white:confused:

                      You can't really put a lot of "pre-sale" info in a space that size.
                      You most likely wouldn't be able to show any good graphics
                      from the sales page in a space that size. You may not even be
                      able to fit in any of the graphics at all if you have to scale them
                      down to such a small area.

                      It also seems a bit expensive to me when you could get almost
                      4000 8.5 x 11, double sided, color flyers for that amount of
                      money. Seems to me like you would be better off trying to find
                      a willing partner and go that route first. Maybe after you have
                      made some money then try the ad in the handout to give it a
                      "test" run and see if it is really worth the extra expense.

                      By the way....

                      The space I wrote this reply in is just about as big an area
                      as your ad would be (at least on my 15" laptop screen).

                      Doesn't really allow for a lot of info in my opinion.

                      If you decide to give it a shot let us know how it turns out.

                      Best of luck!
                      Thank you, Robert. You made a lot of good points. I was worried about space in the ad as well. I'm having a hard time fitting all the info I want on a 2-sided 8.5 x 11" flyer...LOL!

                      I'm going to take your advice and just keep trying to find an interested vendor for the expo.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3514483].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author peterbujok
                        Okay I am posting my flyer design let me know what you guys think. I better not see someone else passing out the same flyers as me at the next car show!

                        Pretty much my product is a clickbank book about how to save money when purchasing cars, and I am going to try and find a vendor to handle them for me at this classic car auction in my town next week. If I can't find anyone I may just have to pass the flyers out myself (either at the exit, in the building, or on car windshields).

                        I would appreciate any verbal sales cues you guys can come up with, pointers on the flyer design, or any other tips.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3515895].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Qamar
                          Originally Posted by peterbujok View Post

                          Okay I am posting my flyer design let me know what you guys think. I better not see someone else passing out the same flyers as me at the next car show!

                          Pretty much my product is a clickbank book about how to save money when purchasing cars, and I am going to try and find a vendor to handle them for me at this classic car auction in my town next week. If I can't find anyone I may just have to pass the flyers out myself (either at the exit, in the building, or on car windshields).

                          I would appreciate any verbal sales cues you guys can come up with, pointers on the flyer design, or any other tips.
                          Very nice! but if you can use red for the titles would be better. Because I think it would be more attention grabbing. I hope you can have similar success like Dave..good luck!
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                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516061].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
                          Originally Posted by peterbujok View Post

                          Okay I am posting my flyer design let me know what you guys think. I better not see someone else passing out the same flyers as me at the next car show!

                          Pretty much my product is a clickbank book about how to save money when purchasing cars, and I am going to try and find a vendor to handle them for me at this classic car auction in my town next week. If I can't find anyone I may just have to pass the flyers out myself (either at the exit, in the building, or on car windshields).

                          I would appreciate any verbal sales cues you guys can come up with, pointers on the flyer design, or any other tips.
                          My first thought from a marketing standpoint...

                          No go...

                          Here is why....

                          You say this is a classic car show. Meaning the mindframe and interest of the vendors are "classic" cars. The offer, as I read it, is pointing toward fancy new cars. Which I do not believe will hold the interest of your target demographic.

                          Are there any offers in regard to "How to Restore Classic Cars"? Or something of that nature?

                          We are doing marketing here. In marketing it is our job to get into the mind of our target demographic. So... what is the interest of someone who loves classic cars? May not have anything to do with cars at all.... I don't know..... you decide.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516205].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

                            My first thought from a marketing standpoint...

                            No go...

                            Here is why....

                            You say this is a classic car show. Meaning the mindframe and interest of the vendors are "classic" cars. The offer, as I read it, is pointing toward fancy new cars. Which I do not believe will hold the interest of your target demographic.

                            Are there any offers in regard to "How to Restore Classic Cars"? Or something of that nature?

                            We are doing marketing here. In marketing it is our job to get into the mind of our target demographic. So... what is the interest of someone who loves classic cars? May not have anything to do with cars at all.... I don't know..... you decide.
                            I agree with this...I looked at a couple of the classic car shows as well and thought it would be a great show to do but couldnt find any "restore old cars" products to promote but I might have missed one somewhere.

                            If you could find one that was decent I think it would be a good approach.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3516992].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Ryan Johnson
                          Originally Posted by peterbujok View Post

                          Okay I am posting my flyer design let me know what you guys think. I better not see someone else passing out the same flyers as me at the next car show!

                          Pretty much my product is a clickbank book about how to save money when purchasing cars, and I am going to try and find a vendor to handle them for me at this classic car auction in my town next week. If I can't find anyone I may just have to pass the flyers out myself (either at the exit, in the building, or on car windshields).

                          I would appreciate any verbal sales cues you guys can come up with, pointers on the flyer design, or any other tips.

                          As a car guy, I'm going to guess that you'll sell very few if any of that product. The people that buy the cars that you have pictured aren't worried about saving a buck and info products aren't their game.

                          I've looked through all of Clickbank's auto products, and there's only one that I would even consider promoting. I'll have to buy it first and see how much good information is actually in it.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3518826].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
                            Ryan's a hardcore car-guy, right up the demo for you're show. Find the SUMMIT RACING or YEAR ONE if they have one. Try offervault????
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3519037].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author peterbujok
    I'm not going to post it because there are a lot of freeloaders on here who will completely copy my product, similar domain, flyer, etc. lol
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3499071].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
    Oh and DOG--NICE WORK SIR!!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500487].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    This is a one page flyer?

    Nice work indeed. I'd love to see a printable version. Beautiful stuff. I may have a friend that wants the service too.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500668].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      This is a one page flyer?

      Nice work indeed. I'd love to see a printable version. Beautiful stuff. I may have a friend that wants the service too.
      When he finishes mine I will send you a PDF so you can print and see his work in live action....

      I am going to do this model as a hobby.

      See what becomes of it....

      Also... I do some print advertising for my other business interests... it is always good to have a good designer on call...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3501221].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      This is a one page flyer?

      Nice work indeed. I'd love to see a printable version. Beautiful stuff. I may have a friend that wants the service too.

      Hey John, cheers. Yes, one page flyer. I'm going to one up for Amir, he said he'll pm you that when it's done.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504727].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kjblitz
    This is a brilliant idea. Thank you so much!! A super inexpensive way to make real money..,
    Who Wants A FREE COURSE On How To Build An Online Business, Using A Simple 9 Step System?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3500696].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I get fliers put on my car at Costco all the time. Mostly for landscape services,
    carpet cleaning and Chinese take out. Most of the time they are butt ugly and
    poorly done. Still, they must get some conversions or they'd quit doing them.
    I wonder if any of them have ever split tested anything? Its absolutely critical!

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3501097].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      I get fliers put on my car at Costco all the time. Mostly for landscape services,
      carpet cleaning and Chinese take out. Most of the time they are butt ugly and
      poorly done. Still, they must get some conversions or they'd quit doing them.
      I wonder if any of them have ever split tested anything? Its absolutely critical!

      You are absolutely right.... Critical....

      But often times... when you are targeting a parking lot.... you don't have a target demographic to shoot for...

      Understanding ones target demographic is KEY to any marketing campaign...

      Especially print media.

      By doing homes... you can target income and age range fairly easy...

      Also.... putting fliers on doors is not illegal.

      Inside the mailbox... yes... illegal.

      Taped with blue painters tape to the side of the mailbox.... grey area that the postal workers aren't even sure of.....

      I bought a 150cc scooter and would roll through neighborhoods with 2 acre yards and paste the fliers to the side of the mailbox. On a scooter you can put out a BUNCH fast.... Walking takes a WHOLE lot of time... Especially when they are far apart...

      Just sayin....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3501208].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Casper C
    Very interesting to see so much information packed into a flyer. Generally, flyers tend to be very minimalistic as most people on the move don't have time to stop and read through tons of information. I have a stack of flyers in my room, everything is kept very brief on all of them.

    It's even more of a challenge when people are being bombarded with flyers at conventions/events and you need to get your message across within a couple of seconds of your flyer being seen by anyone.

    I've worked with print advertising, and it seems that one of the most effective things is to present an irresistible offer that requires the flyer in order to redeem it, and can only be redeemed in a very limited time.

    Ted's Woodworking is listed as an item that has been discounted from $197 to $67 - it's things like that that catch peoples' eyes.
    I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

    --> Click to check out my services
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3501669].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

      Very interesting to see so much information packed into a flyer. Generally, flyers tend to be very minimalistic as most people on the move don't have time to stop and read through tons of information. I have a stack of flyers in my room, everything is kept very brief on all of them.

      It's even more of a challenge when people are being bombarded with flyers at conventions/events and you need to get your message across within a couple of seconds of your flyer being seen by anyone.

      I've worked with print advertising, and it seems that one of the most effective things is to present an irresistible offer that requires the flyer in order to redeem it, and can only be redeemed in a very limited time.

      Ted's Woodworking is listed as an item that has been discounted from $197 to $67 - it's things like that that catch peoples' eyes.
      Pictures Tell... but words sell.....

      Proven marketing principal. I guess it depends on the presell tactic you are using, and this is something that can be split tested. Also another factor is your target demographic.

      I have repeatedly split tested with the middle age two kids $100,000+ annual income and words sell...

      Now if I am marketing to a kid that lives with his parents still... I might want to keep it as short as the attention span. But not likely... the ones that don't read it all will just go to the website or whatever call to action you use.

      Really.... words sell....

      I absolutely agree with creating urgency. Another marketing principle that works. Limited time offer etc. Generally people will not get to your offer RIGHT AWAY like you want them to. Just been my experience. They will call or follow the call to action on their terms. Not yours.

      So setting a limit on time for the offer is a great idea.

      Just being able to manage that with clickbank offers.... I don't know.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3501819].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jack Bastide
        I have a Crazy Idea

        Buy a Full Page Ad in a Magazine and Divide it up into
        several Smaller ads for CPA offers and Clickbank

        I Know of One particular magazine with a Circulation
        of 250,000 where I can get a Full page Ad for $3k

        Lets say we got a few of us together to chip in and
        try it

        For example ... 10 people at $300 Each

        What do you think? Either we make a BOATLOAD
        of money or we are out a few hundred bucks

        Whose game?


        If you can drive Biz Op Phone Calls .... I'm Buying

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3502191].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

          I have a Crazy Idea

          Buy a Full Page Ad in a Magazine and Divide it up into
          several Smaller ads for CPA offers and Clickbank

          I Know of One particular magazine with a Circulation
          of 250,000 where I can get a Full page Ad for $3k

          Lets say we got a few of us together to chip in and
          try it

          For example ... 10 people at $300 Each

          What do you think? Either we make a BOATLOAD
          of money or we are out a few hundred bucks

          Whose game?

          I don't think it's that crazy. I already do some in the mag's with good results. I'm in, let's talk. PM me
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3502860].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
          Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

          I have a Crazy Idea

          Buy a Full Page Ad in a Magazine and Divide it up into
          several Smaller ads for CPA offers and Clickbank

          I Know of One particular magazine with a Circulation
          of 250,000 where I can get a Full page Ad for $3k

          Lets say we got a few of us together to chip in and
          try it

          For example ... 10 people at $300 Each

          What do you think? Either we make a BOATLOAD
          of money or we are out a few hundred bucks

          Whose game?

          I'd be interested in this. I can't PM so if you want to shoot me one with some info to discuss further that would be great. Thanks!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3503545].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
          Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

          I have a Crazy Idea

          Buy a Full Page Ad in a Magazine and Divide it up into
          several Smaller ads for CPA offers and Clickbank

          I Know of One particular magazine with a Circulation
          of 250,000 where I can get a Full page Ad for $3k

          Lets say we got a few of us together to chip in and
          try it

          For example ... 10 people at $300 Each

          What do you think? Either we make a BOATLOAD
          of money or we are out a few hundred bucks

          Whose game?

          I'd be interested also...drop me a PM. We would have to coordinate our efforts and divy up the promotion correctly to make sure we werent stepping on eachother but sounds interesting.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3503745].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

          I have a Crazy Idea

          Buy a Full Page Ad in a Magazine and Divide it up into
          several Smaller ads for CPA offers and Clickbank

          I Know of One particular magazine with a Circulation
          of 250,000 where I can get a Full page Ad for $3k

          Lets say we got a few of us together to chip in and
          try it

          For example ... 10 people at $300 Each

          What do you think? Either we make a BOATLOAD
          of money or we are out a few hundred bucks

          Whose game?

          Hey Jack, like the sound of this... can you send me a PM with more details.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504722].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author edsaco
          Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

          I have a Crazy Idea

          Buy a Full Page Ad in a Magazine and Divide it up into
          several Smaller ads for CPA offers and Clickbank

          I Know of One particular magazine with a Circulation
          of 250,000 where I can get a Full page Ad for $3k

          Lets say we got a few of us together to chip in and
          try it

          For example ... 10 people at $300 Each

          What do you think? Either we make a BOATLOAD
          of money or we are out a few hundred bucks

          Whose game?


          Send me a PM too with the info, it sounds very interesting.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3506865].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Pictures Tell... but words sell.....
        SO SO TRUE.

        Even for kids. They will read about a product/service they're interested in and if you structure your message correctly you'll "hook 'em" just like adults.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3503326].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Casper C
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Pictures Tell... but words sell.....

        Proven marketing principal. I guess it depends on the presell tactic you are using, and this is something that can be split tested. Also another factor is your target demographic.

        I have repeatedly split tested with the middle age two kids $100,000+ annual income and words sell...

        Now if I am marketing to a kid that lives with his parents still... I might want to keep it as short as the attention span. But not likely... the ones that don't read it all will just go to the website or whatever call to action you use.

        Really.... words sell....

        I absolutely agree with creating urgency. Another marketing principle that works. Limited time offer etc. Generally people will not get to your offer RIGHT AWAY like you want them to. Just been my experience. They will call or follow the call to action on their terms. Not yours.

        So setting a limit on time for the offer is a great idea.

        Just being able to manage that with clickbank offers.... I don't know.....
        I certainly don't disagree. I just meant that a flyer's wording should be strong and convincing, but simple. If it's going to be really informational, it should probably be formed into a fold-out leaflet to be less overwhelming. I may do some testing myself. But you're right, the deliverable depends on the presell tactic and the target audience.

        Although Clickbank lacks some potentially useful features, affiliates such as Ted's Woodworking allow you to offer a certain discount to buyers, you just have to contact him to get it all setup. I haven't looked much into that though. And there are plenty of affiliate networks with great products that allow you to offer coupon codes etc to buyers.

        I'll put together a quick 2-sided A5 flyer later today for Ted's Woodworking and I'll post it on here. It'll be a simple approach, and will be an example of what I feel helps in solving some of the problems addressed throughout the thread.
        I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

        --> Click to check out my services
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3505219].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author flyingdisk
    This action is so brilliant, show>clickbank affiliate>fliers, you got targeted potential buyers, that is why you succeeded.

    Thanks for sharing this great idea!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3503898].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Harper
    I can see a lot of applications for this idea.

    Thanks for sharing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3503960].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nandi
    OMG thats what I call being street wise! Very creative and a not so obvious way of marketing. Good job and keep up!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3503999].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ericsimmon
    Wow..Great new thing to learn. I think i should have a go as well
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504392].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alexander 2.0
    What a crazy good idea! Wow! That makes me want to dance! Thanks For The Great Ideas!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504498].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    About a third of my fliers at The Florida Strawberry Festival are gone. I have about 140 leads. About one in five will become a customer (average about $80-$120) so I'm going to come out ahead with three more days to go.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504544].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      About a third of my fliers at The Florida Strawberry Festival are gone. I have about 140 leads. About one in five will become a customer (average about $80-$120) so I'm going to come out ahead with three more days to go.

      Just curious if you're an affiliate or if its your own product??

      And is it digital or physical??

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3505524].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
        Originally Posted by Kevin AKA Hubcap View Post


        Just curious if you're an affiliate or if its your own product??

        And is it digital or physical??

        Yes I am courious also as if my memory servers me right (it does at times) I believe that Thomas had posted earlier that he was not using Clickbank.

        I would also like to know some alternate sites, products, etc. One doesn't have to specific just some general ideas would help.


        Affiliate links are not allowed.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3506851].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jaybee215
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      About a third of my fliers at The Florida Strawberry Festival are gone. I have about 140 leads. About one in five will become a customer (average about $80-$120) so I'm going to come out ahead with three more days to go.

      Would you mind sharing the offer you are promoting at the festival?
      Is that $80-120 per customer or for 5 customers?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3519639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Genesis1
    promo via flyer does really works, so this are good stuff do do man
    High Quality Backpage, Kijiji, Gumtree Classified Ads Posting Services. Service that brings Value. Get Traffic & Increase SEO at the same time! Prices are starting from 0.09$ per AD. PM Me for more info
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507055].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Genesis1
    is it web based?
    High Quality Backpage, Kijiji, Gumtree Classified Ads Posting Services. Service that brings Value. Get Traffic & Increase SEO at the same time! Prices are starting from 0.09$ per AD. PM Me for more info
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507092].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author London_Dragon
    Fantastic. Well done mate.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507121].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Just sent this email out to the group, wanted to make sure everybody saw it.

      Hey everyone, I just wanted to send
      out a reminder about tonight's show
      on TMN. For those of you that don't know
      after doing a guest spot on Caliban Darklock's
      Saturday night show a couple of weeks ago.
      I was offered my own weekly slot, Thursdays
      @ 5PM EST.

      Talk Marketing Now

      Today's show is going to be all about QR codes.
      There has been a lot of talk about them over at
      the original thread. It has my mind spinning with
      ideas all week. I'm going to give away, what I think
      are; some awesome ideas that I have.

      Talk Marketing Now

      I want tonight's show to be an open brainstorming
      session. Let's all bounce some ideas of of each other
      and see what we come up with. I hope you all can
      attend. THE COOLEST thing about the tread that
      started it all is how it's got people thinking and collaborating
      together, and good things are happening from it.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507645].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shawn horton
    The information you gave out was truly informative Dave, congrats on your excellent marketing idea. it makes me happy to see that a regular person like myself really can make it in this business without having to be an internet guru. your idea is simple and very easy to follow thank you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507823].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Just sent this email out to the group, wanted to make sure everybody saw it.

    Saw it.... I am excited for you...

    I wondering if you can record it for us. I have some preset appointments with offline clients today. I will be unable to attend the show....

    Can you record?

    That would be awesome...

    By the way... if you are seeing this before the email I sent you... disregard the email.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507824].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      Saw it.... I am excited for you...

      I wondering if you can record it for us. I have some preset appointments with offline clients today. I will be unable to attend the show....

      Can you record?

      That would be awesome...

      By the way... if you are seeing this before the email I sent you... disregard the email.

      Someone last week mentioned that they were recording it. I can't remember whom but maybe we can get someone to start recording all of them. I always like to go back and listen again.


      Affiliate links are not allowed.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507890].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    You can record through ScreenFlow.... the host has to record though....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3507922].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    No, not Clickbank products. Navigating government programs for mortgage restructuring for people facing foreclosure. Help with short sales. Two products
    of my own and one that I am an affiliate. Tampa is very hard hit by the housing
    crash. These won't work everywhere but I have a number of ideas for things that
    will. Biggest item for me is finding people to work with at these events who are
    reliable and absolutely honest.


    Most of what I found on the internet about short sales was junk or just plain wrong.
    I created a 109 page report. Ran it by a great real estate attorney ($600), made
    changes, added forms, got a pro to design a cover ($200) and have been selling by
    one means or another for about seven months. This flier program is just one more
    way to get the message out. It sells better at $49.95 than any other price. I'm
    developing a backsell product to go along with it. I also get referral fees for those
    whose situations are too complex for them to deal with on their own.
    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3508273].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      I was really expecting a farming/recipe type product but the more I think about it the more it makes sense.

      The RE crunch is affecting a lot of people.

      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      No, not Clickbank products. Navigating government programs for mortgage restructuring for people facing foreclosure. Help with short sales. Two products
      of my own and one that I am an affiliate. Tampa is very hard hit by the housing
      crash. These won't work everywhere but I have a number of ideas for things that
      will. Biggest item for me is finding people to work with at these events who are
      reliable and absolutely honest.


      Most of what I found on the internet about short sales was junk or just plain wrong.
      I created a 109 page report. Ran it by a great real estate attorney ($600), made
      changes, added forms, got a pro to design a cover ($200) and have been selling by
      one means or another for about seven months. This flier program is just one more
      way to get the message out. It sells better at $49.95 than any other price. I'm
      developing a backsell product to go along with it. I also get referral fees for those
      whose situations are too complex for them to deal with on their own.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3510046].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Bit of a last minute rush... The product I really wanted to sell took a while to get back to me... Anyway, got them done... had to use a more expensive printing company, in Dublin, didn't want to take any chances with a German print option.

        Their order form on their site was broke, also my bank decided to cancel my card... they issued everyone a shiny new card, I'm in China, so never got the memo.

        Had to wire them the money... lots of skyping my bank and them, but got it done in the end

        Show is next friday, so, fingers crossed.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3510325].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kwin
    Thanks for your insight Dave. Your post has inspired me to look at things with a different angle.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3508375].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    Anyone having problems getting Talk Market Now to load? I have tried several times in the last few minutes and it only loads 90%.


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3508528].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    I hope someone has recorded Dave on TMN today. Never did the get site to load past 90%. That sucks. No help or contact link for TMN that sucks too. Sorry for sounding like I'm PO but I am. Might be my PC but it has been working for TMN.


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3508682].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

      I hope someone has recorded Dave on TMN today. Never did the get site to load past 90%. That sucks. No help or contact link for TMN that sucks too. Sorry for sounding like I'm PO but I am. Might be my PC but it has been working for TMN.

      I'll have a recording of tonight's show up at one of my websites in about an hour here. The site isn't finished so not much to see, but I'll have the show up. This was an awsome show BTW!!!! Ton's of good ideas.......

      Show Archive HERE
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3509381].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I'll have a recording of tonight's show up at one of my websites in about an hour here. The site isn't finished so not much to see, but I'll have the show up. This was an awsome show BTW!!!! Ton's of good ideas.......

        Show Archive HERE
        So Dave where do I go to learn of your flyer making services?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3510022].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shoeb000
    Dave Iago!
    OMG! this case study just blew my head. Such a brilliant yet simple idea, Perfectly executed and brought the results which every one would love to achieve.

    Targeted traffic is always a boon, but finding such an amazing way to capture the targeted people was simply awesome.

    Thanks a lot for sharing the mind blowing technique with us!
    Hope we can apply it into other ideas as well.

    thanks to others as well, who have shared different innovative ideas within reply posts.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3509263].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author veenafurtado
    What a brilliant idea Dave.
    Keep up the great work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3512080].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    Picked up my third show a few minutes ago and it's in a very popular niche too

    Three shows...three different niches, should be interesting to see which does the best.

    The lady I have passing out my flyers is scheduled to go to six shows in the next two months and two of them get over 40,000 people each. I'm going to send her 10,000 flyers to start and see if thats enough...hopefully it's not
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3512912].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author peterbujok
    I made the flyers in PowerPoint by the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author SylviaBuetow
    Thank you so much for the ideas. I'm right on it.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3519246].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jaybee215
    What's the reason you do double-sided fliers? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just go with one side or is it because you try to get the whole sales page included?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3520057].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
      Originally Posted by jaybee215 View Post

      What's the reason you do double-sided fliers? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just go with one side or is it because you try to get the whole sales page included?

      I guess I just want of get as much of the salespage as possible. I've just never tried a 1 sider. Try It! maybe it converts better.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3520464].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I guess I just want of get as much of the salespage as possible. I've just never tried a 1 sider. Try It! maybe it converts better.
        I'm going with 2 ads... was thinking of 2 separate micro niches at first... but then decided on 2 in the same micro niche.. main ad brings in $50 and the second $25.

        So, hoping for some double sales. The $50 add is the number 1 seller in it's niche on clickbank... and the other product is number 10, and made by the same crowd... so I think it looks good using the same company.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521127].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

        I guess I just want of get as much of the salespage as possible. I've just never tried a 1 sider. Try It! maybe it converts better.
        Dave, do you typically put the same offer on both sides, or different offers?

        I asked a question earlier, but it may have been lost in the multitude of messages on this thread. You had stated that you used your neighborhood kids to distribute flyers in the neighborhood and split the proceeds 50-50 with them - would you mind elaborating on what type of offers you were promoting with your neighborhood flyers?

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I think TheDog said he had two different offers. Maybe put one stack of front side and one stack of flip side and see which flier gets picked up the most.

    Jaybee; I'm working with a real estate company that represents bank owned (and
    about to be bank owned) houses. That number is an average. I can make as little as
    $20 on up to as much as $300 for a referral sale. My Product I produce right here in
    my office. The one I sell for $49.95 (plus shipping) costs me right at $4.75 to make.
    I had about $1,000 up front costs so I didn't get into profit before my 24th sale. I've now sold 279 in 7 months so I think I'm doing pretty well for my first product. Closed today at the Festival. 181 leads so far should by some means turn into 36 customers. I got a little spike in my traffic and made 7 book sales yesterday and 5 today. (All with central Florida addresses.) My tracking wasn't set up correctly so I have to guess that they came from the flier. Wish I'd have had a little more time with this. Everything was rushed. My Realtor got 23 hits on home tour videos with my tracking ID. We have to have the programmer come in and do a little work this week. Its impossible to tell if it was 23 separate people or one person going through all the videos. Mostly investors go there. Be nice if one of them turns into a sale.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521341].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    Ok.... I don't know if Book Fairs are a good place to promote online books...

    I walked the U of A campus today looking for someone to recruit as an affiliate. This book fair was HUGE... Did not get a single bite... I got their late... Wasted a lot of this morning at the print shop... By the time I got there... the fair was HUMMING... really bad timing on my part. Everyone was so busy trying to sell their hard copy books or national park or whatever...

    The thought of promoting an ebook... "The Devil" in they eyes of hard core book nerds everywhere... did not go well....

    So I started handing fliers to people as they passed... till the cops showed up...

    SO... I hit the parking garages... Outside of each garage there were volunteer college students wearing orange vests... I walked past them and hit every windshield I could...

    Until the cops showed up.

    It was fun while it lasted... Tomorrow... I have 3 employees engaging in a simultaneousness attack on separate garages.

    What I learned today....

    Have a vendor signed up BEFORE the event.

    If not....

    Get THERE EARLY!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521422].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author eleary
      Your post cracked me up - I could picture wandering around and getting chased by cops!! David does suggest contacting someone ahead of time - but then we heard what happened to Rsberg! I have started researching some of the events coming near me - but I haven't actually contacted anyone yet. I would love to hear if you made money the second day.....
      And if anyone else has done this successfully - please share details...
      Also - I liked your other post about his poor grammar (the letter from the organizer)- inexcusable. This is a perfect example of how poor grammar can really get you in trouble! he! he! I noticed that too when I was reading it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3522569].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
        Originally Posted by eleary View Post

        Your post cracked me up - I could picture wandering around and getting chased by cops!! David does suggest contacting someone ahead of time - but then we heard what happened to Rsberg! I have started researching some of the events coming near me - but I haven't actually contacted anyone yet. I would love to hear if you made money the second day.....
        And if anyone else has done this successfully - please share details...
        Also - I liked your other post about his poor grammar (the letter from the organizer)- inexcusable. This is a perfect example of how poor grammar can really get you in trouble! he! he! I noticed that too when I was reading it.
        It as fun though.... hehehe....


        That is awesome... That should yield some pretty good results. How are you split testing your copy before launching big?

        Or are you?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3525143].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
          Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

          That is awesome... That should yield some pretty good results. How are you split testing your copy before launching big?

          Or are you?
          Right now I can only split test the one niche I have multiple shows set up in, I wish it were more than just the one but thats all I have set for multiple shows as of now.

          I will try a couple different versions of the flyers over 3 different shows and keep track of the stats, luckily 2 of the shows have roughly the same amount of people attending so that should provide some helpful info.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526256].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog

            Just checked one of my links there, and it's not working... I tested these and they were working.. so something in the chain's broke.

            I had a redirect set up, and was using a link... Is this what you guys are doing?

            Or should I just use my actual hop link as the redirect?

            But ye, check your links... I'm sure you already have, but just in case. My show's not til Friday.... looking forward to seeing the results.

            Attendance is 6,000 and I've given my partner 1,000 flyers.

            I could leave them all with him, or maybe approach a food vendor with a couple of hundred, for a set fee... $150 or so.

            After reading Roberts post on nazi organizers, throwing vendors out who advertise flyers... I'm just wondering, if it's a small show, is it bet to keep it to just one vendor?

            Multiple vendors makes it obvious to the organizer that it's not an individual vendors flyer, just a thought.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526290].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post


              Just checked one of my links there, and it's not working... I tested these and they were working.. so something in the chain's broke.

              I had a redirect set up, and was using a link... Is this what you guys are doing?

              Or should I just use my actual hop link as the redirect?

              But ye, check your links... I'm sure you already have, but just in case. My show's not til Friday.... looking forward to seeing the results.

              Attendance is 6,000 and I've given my partner 1,000 flyers.

              I could leave them all with him, or maybe approach a food vendor with a couple of hundred, for a set fee... $150 or so.
              Please keep us posted on your progress. By the way, I'd never use links for the redirect, because things can and have gone wrong with redirect services in the past, and you don't want things to break especially when you're running a flyer campaign.

              I'd just use my domain and forward it to the hoplink, that'd be the safest way of doing it in my opinion. (I'd also mask the domain as well.)

              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526344].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author thedog
                Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                Please keep us posted on your progress. By the way, I'd never use links for the redirect, because things can and have gone wrong with redirect services in the past, and you don't want things to break especially when you're running a flyer campaign.

                I'd just use my domain and forward it to the hoplink, that'd be the safest way of doing it in my opinion. (I'd also mask the domain as well.)

                Ye, I'll just use the actual link and forget about

                What do you mean by masking the domain?

                Aslo, as far as QR codes go, some very good points... I think it's relative to your offer though... one of my products is a course they sign up for, and the other is mp3 downloads... so, smart phone friendly. If it was a product with lots of video downloads, then, yes, it wouldn't be very suitable.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526372].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                  Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                  Ye, I'll just use the actual link and forget about

                  What do you mean by masking the domain?

                  Aslo, as far as QR codes go, some very good points... I think it's relative to your offer though... one of my products is a course they sign up for, and the other is mp3 downloads... so, smart phone friendly. If it was a product with lots of video downloads, then, yes, it wouldn't be very suitable.
                  When you do the forwarding for your domain, you have the option for masking the actual domain that you're forwarding to, which means that the browser address bar is going to show your domain (and not your hoplink) no matter where the visitor goes on the site. This will lessen the chances of someone discovering the actual domain for the product, and bypassing your affiliate link by going there directly.

                  Regarding QR codes, it really depends on what you're promoting. There are many CB products that come to mind that have those long form salesletters and/or flash video, and this will present problems in your average smartphone browser. The best thing to do would be to test it out first by browsing the site on your smartphone to get a feel for how it'd look like, and also using an iPhone emulator to get an approximate idea of the appearance of the site you're directing your visitors to (if you don't have an iPhone).

                  >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526920].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
                    Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                    When you do the forwarding for your domain, you have the option for masking the actual domain that you're forwarding to, which means that the browser address bar is going to show your domain (and not your hoplink) no matter where the visitor goes on the site. This will lessen the chances of someone discovering the actual domain for the product, and bypassing your affiliate link by going there directly.

                    Any idea how to do this when it's not an option from your hosting company? I can only redirect with no option of masking.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3530041].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                      Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

                      Any idea how to do this when it's not an option from your hosting company? I can only redirect with no option of masking.
                      You don't have to host the domain anywhere, since you're just forwarding the domain to your CB affiliate link in this case. Just implement the forwarding from within your domain registrar's control panel (every one that I've used, including Godaddy and Namecheap, allow you to mask the domain forwarding).

                      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3530330].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
                        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                        You don't have to host the domain anywhere, since you're just forwarding the domain to your CB affiliate link in this case. Just implement the forwarding from within your domain registrar's control panel (every one that I've used, including Godaddy and Namecheap, allow you to mask the domain forwarding).

                        Got it. Thanks Paul. I was overthinking it.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3530493].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
                        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                        You don't have to host the domain anywhere, since you're just forwarding the domain to your CB affiliate link in this case. Just implement the forwarding from within your domain registrar's control panel (every one that I've used, including Godaddy and Namecheap, allow you to mask the domain forwarding).


                        I use 1 and 1 to register my domains and then use Hostgator for my hosting. So you are saying that I don't have to change DNS to Hostgator I can just redirct from 1 and 1.

                        Affiliate links are not allowed.

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3531344].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                          Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post


                          I use 1 and 1 to register my domains and then use Hostgator for my hosting. So you are saying that I don't have to change DNS to Hostgator I can just redirct from 1 and 1.
                          There is no need to change DNS on your hosting, because you're not hosting your domain anywhere (you don't need to) in this instance, you're just forwarding it to your CB affiliate link.

                          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3531452].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
                      Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

                      Any idea how to do this when it's not an option from your hosting company? I can only redirect with no option of masking.
                      Double check your domain manager in your hosting company website, sometimes it's called "FRAMING", and it's the same as "MASKING".

                      Namecheap for example, uses "URL FRAMING".
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3532000].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                        Originally Posted by rawstyle View Post

                        Double check your domain manager in your hosting company website, sometimes it's called "FRAMING", and it's the same as "MASKING".

                        Namecheap for example, uses "URL FRAMING".
                        Actually, as I mentioned above, there's absolutely no need to involve your hosting company, as we're not hosting anything on the domain in this instance. The most straightforward way of doing this is to make the changes within your domain registrar's control panel.
                        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3532642].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
                          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                          Actually, as I mentioned above, there's absolutely no need to involve your hosting company, as we're not hosting anything on the domain in this instance. The most straightforward way of doing this is to make the changes within your domain registrar's control panel.
                          Sorry, that's what I meant...DOMAIN REGISTRAR (i.e. namecheap, godaddy)
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3535867].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author sgcattent
                            forgive me if someone asked, and you answered, but I did not want to read through 11 Pages of Posting, But anyway, my question is: Have you yet tested single sided flyers? Seems to me like that would be all that is needed is to spark the curiousity enough to get them to your site, and a good single page would do that, I would think, but hey, you are the one makin money with it, not me, I was really wondering also because it would signifcantly increase your profit margin, as printing can become very costly. But yeah, let me know if you can. And thanks again for the great Info! Lovin it.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3536155].message }}
                            • Originally Posted by sgcattent View Post

                              forgive me if someone asked, and you answered, but I did not want to read through 11 Pages of Posting, But anyway, my question is: Have you yet tested single sided flyers? Seems to me like that would be all that is needed is to spark the curiousity enough to get them to your site, and a good single page would do that, I would think, but hey, you are the one makin money with it, not me, I was really wondering also because it would signifcantly increase your profit margin, as printing can become very costly. But yeah, let me know if you can. And thanks again for the great Info! Lovin it.
                              I can answer that question - neither Dave nor other people who have reported using this idea on this thread have tested single sided flyers. Several people have wondered the same thing.

                              On another hand, if you're interested in doing this strategy, I would recommend reading all the 13 pages of this thread. I just finally finished and I'm amazed at the amount of information in here.

                              I also got Dave's WSO and it has good details.
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3537028].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author sgcattent
                                Originally Posted by StrategicMarketingTN View Post

                                I can answer that question - neither Dave nor other people who have reported using this idea on this thread have tested single sided flyers. Several people have wondered the same thing.

                                On another hand, if you're interested in doing this strategy, I would recommend reading all the 13 pages of this thread. I just finally finished and I'm amazed at the amount of information in here.

                                I also got Dave's WSO and it has good details.
                                Thanks! Yeah, I will read through the remaining 8 Pages, but just this kind of thread alone makes this forum all worth it, It's all here. I love it. Sometimes I learn more in a valuable thread than I do in a whole WSO For $27.00 !
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539256].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                Please keep us posted on your progress. By the way, I'd never use links for the redirect, because things can and have gone wrong with redirect services in the past, and you don't want things to break especially when you're running a flyer campaign.

                I'd just use my domain and forward it to the hoplink, that'd be the safest way of doing it in my opinion. (I'd also mask the domain as well.)

                This is what CB says about masking:

                Don't mask or store your HopLink in a frame.
                For your HopLinks to be properly tracked, they must not be stored in a frame. If your domain is masked, your HopLink will be stored in this manner, and therefore will be unreliable.

                Any input? I'm new at this and want to make sure that masking will be okay.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3537856].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author thedog
                  Originally Posted by sammystin View Post

                  This is what CB says about masking:

                  Don't mask or store your HopLink in a frame.
                  For your HopLinks to be properly tracked, they must not be stored in a frame. If your domain is masked, your HopLink will be stored in this manner, and therefore will be unreliable.

                  Any input? I'm new at this and want to make sure that masking will be okay.
                  Interesting... I've used masking on one of my offers.. tested it, by hitting the purchase button... and my affiliate ref is in the payment section. So, works with godaddy anyway.

                  I didn't go with masking for offer 2... as it had a big, SITETITLE.COM on the page.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3538132].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                    Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                    Interesting... I've used masking on one of my offers.. tested it, by hitting the purchase button... and my affiliate ref is in the payment section. So, works with godaddy anyway.

                    I didn't go with masking for offer 2... as it had a big, SITETITLE.COM on the page.
                    I can confirm that masking has absolutely no effect on your getting credit for the sale, I believe what was mentioned above refers to using hoplinks in Iframes within a masked domain.

                    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539406].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author thedog
                      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                      I can confirm that masking has absolutely no effect on your getting credit for the sale, I believe what was mentioned above refers to using hoplinks in Iframes within a masked domain.

                      No, what I mean here is that I'd have my in the url bar, and right underneath it in big writing, si SITETITLE.COM

                      I thought it best not to mask, as it would look a little weird.

                      With my other product, there's no large url on the page, so it looks ok.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539458].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                        No, what I mean here is that I'd have my in the url bar, and right underneath it in big writing, si SITETITLE.COM

                        I thought it best not to mask, as it would look a little weird.

                        With my other product, there's no large url on the page, so it looks ok.
                        I'm not quite sure what you're alluding to, are you referring to the SITETITLE.COM heading that is within/inside the webpage, and not the site title that is above the address bar?

                        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539477].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author thedog
                          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                          I'm not quite sure what you're alluding to, are you referring to the SITETITLE.COM heading that is within/inside the webpage, and not the site title that is above the address bar?

                          Yes, probably wasn't very clear. It's a huge graphic.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539561].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                            Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                            Yes, probably wasn't very clear. It's a huge graphic.
                            Ok, thanks for clearing this up. It sounds like this is a big graphic header that has the site name in it right at the very top of the page, putting it right below the address bar? I can see now why masking the domain would make it look a little odd and incongruous - though it's not ideal, it's probably better to not mask the domain in this case.
                            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539589].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author J Bold
                  Originally Posted by sammystin View Post

                  This is what CB says about masking:

                  Don't mask or store your HopLink in a frame.
                  For your HopLinks to be properly tracked, they must not be stored in a frame. If your domain is masked, your HopLink will be stored in this manner, and therefore will be unreliable.

                  Any input? I'm new at this and want to make sure that masking will be okay.
                  I'm no technical genius but to just redirect your URL you do not need to put it in a frame, if I am understanding correctly. There are ways to "mask" or "redirect" your hoplink without using frames. You could just do a meta redirect from your domain and the hoplink should track just fine.

                  Am I right, people?
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3538251].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                  Originally Posted by sammystin View Post

                  This is what CB says about masking:

                  Don’t mask or store your HopLink in a frame.
                  For your HopLinks to be properly tracked, they must not be stored in a frame. If your domain is masked, your HopLink will be stored in this manner, and therefore will be unreliable.

                  Any input? I'm new at this and want to make sure that masking will be okay.
                  What they're referring to is Iframes, I believe. There is no issue with masking on a straight domain forwarding, so there is absolutely nothing to be worried about here. I have done it countless times myself without any issues.

                  >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539394].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    Be sure to fully research each show you intend to approach vendors for. I have been doing this to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules or anything. I received an email from a show promoter telling me he had received notice from an exhibitor that I had contacted them (even after I researched the show rules on the shows website). This particular exhibitor was upset and assumed I was trying to scam him (see his email to the show promoter below).

    "So I got this, this morning. This kind of stuff pisses me off, more for the gull of the guy to assume people are stupid. I wonder how many more got the email.
    I didn't reply to this I figured you could use one more thing on your plate ( smiley face). If this is nothing let me know, the first couple of paragraphs is in violation of the contract. Just thought you should know."

    When he says he "got this" he is referring to my initial email contacting him with the proposal.
    The show promoter sent me this email:

    I just received a copy of your email from a very upset exhibitor of mine.
    While I am sure you are just out there hustling and did not mean to break
    any contractual law, let this email serve as notice that you must cease
    and desist from sending out any more of these emails. What you are trying
    to do is sublease space in the Better Living Show and you do not have a
    contract with me to do that. In order to do business at the show you must
    have a contract with Blue Ocean Events.

    I do not want you to waste your money and send flyers to the show, that my
    security company will simply confiscate. Any of my exhibitors with flyers
    in their booths will be removed from the show and not allowed to exhibit.
    Therefore, please resend any offers that you have out there. If you do
    not, the exhibitors will now have grounds to file suit in Oregon for all
    lost business that they could have gotten from the show.

    Thank you for attending to this matter and good luck with your other
    marketing efforts.

    Michael O'Loughlin
    Blue Ocean Events, Inc

    When I asked Mr. O'loughlin what the cost of the contract would be he said $925. The size of the show doesn't even come close to making this a viable option as I'm not sure I could recoup that cost...needless to say, I won't be working that particular show and will keep an eye out for other shows ran by that company.

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521432].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      Be sure to fully research each show you intend to approach vendors for. I have been doing this to make sure I wasn’t breaking any rules or anything. I received an email from a show promoter telling me he had received notice from an exhibitor that I had contacted them (even after I researched the show rules on the shows website). This particular exhibitor was upset and assumed I was trying to scam him (see his email to the show promoter below).

      "So I got this, this morning. This kind of stuff pisses me off, more for the gull of the guy to assume people are stupid. I wonder how many more got the email.
      I didn't reply to this I figured you could use one more thing on your plate ( smiley face). If this is nothing let me know, the first couple of paragraphs is in violation of the contract. Just thought you should know."

      When he says he "got this" he is referring to my initial email contacting him with the proposal.
      The show promoter sent me this email:

      I just received a copy of your email from a very upset exhibitor of mine.
      While I am sure you are just out there hustling and did not mean to break
      any contractual law, let this email serve as notice that you must cease
      and desist from sending out any more of these emails. What you are trying
      to do is sublease space in the Better Living Show and you do not have a
      contract with me to do that. In order to do business at the show you must
      have a contract with Blue Ocean Events.

      I do not want you to waste your money and send flyers to the show, that my
      security company will simply confiscate. Any of my exhibitors with flyers
      in their booths will be removed from the show and not allowed to exhibit.
      Therefore, please resend any offers that you have out there. If you do
      not, the exhibitors will now have grounds to file suit in Oregon for all
      lost business that they could have gotten from the show.

      Thank you for attending to this matter and good luck with your other
      marketing efforts.

      Michael O'Loughlin
      Blue Ocean Events, Inc

      When I asked Mr. O’loughlin what the cost of the contract would be he said $925. The size of the show doesn’t even come close to making this a viable option as I’m not sure I could recoup that cost…needless to say, I won’t be working that particular show and will keep an eye out for other shows ran by that company.

      Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.

      He can't spell....

      [ree-send] Show IPA
      –verb (used with object), -sent, -send·ing.
      to send again.
      to send back.

      [ri-sind] Show IPA
      –verb (used with object)
      to abrogate; annul; revoke; repeal.
      to invalidate (an act, measure, etc.) by a later action or a higher authority.

      He essentially asked you to please re-contact each vendor.

      I know this is semantics... but I am always up for "some antics"!

      Really it goes to show you the level of intelligence of the people you are dealing with. Don't let this get you down. It is none of his business whether the person renting a booth hands out fliers or not. IN FACT... plenty of booths hand out fliers... There is no way he could turn away that many vendors. He would not have a show. He would lose a LOT of money.

      I visited a show today.... 70% of the vendors had some sort of marketing leaflets they were handing out.

      You may need to change your approach a little. Establishing in laymen terms that you are not trying to sublease booth space. You are offering an additional revenue stream to the vendor/exhibitor by employing their service. With the lucrative opportunity of commission based performance pay.

      nuff said...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521533].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        It is none of his business whether the person renting a booth hands out fliers or not. IN FACT... plenty of booths hand out fliers... There is no way he could turn away that many vendors. He would not have a show. He would lose a LOT of money.

        I agree for the most part, except that it is his show (supposedly) and he calls the shots. I did look over the shows site and didn't see any rules that would apply but I may have missed it.

        I think he only replied the way he did because the vendor got upset and contacted him about it...but that's just my opinion.

        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        I visited a show today.... 70% of the vendors had some sort of marketing leaflets they were handing out.

        Oh I know...I've seen it before myself so I know they do it. I'm not sure how any show promoter could pick out which flyers were original to the vendor and which were not but I try to do everything in my business as legit as possible so when they say it's against the rules I think it's best to just move on to another show...even if I think they are blowing smoke

        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        You may need to change your approach a little. Establishing in laymen terms that you are not trying to sublease booth space. You are offering an additional revenue stream to the vendor/exhibitor by employing their service. With the lucrative opportunity of commission based performance pay.

        Actually that is pretty much what I've said in my emails to perspective partners. I have a template (if you will) that I use for all of my initial contact emails (then follow it up with either answers to their reply or phone calls in the event I get no reply), this approach has worked well for me until this particular situation.

        It isn’t really discouraging to me at all; I will simply move on and keep looking for other shows to promote at. I just wanted to give people a heads up of some of the pitfalls they might encounter as well.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521696].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          Actually that is pretty much what I've said in my emails to perspective partners. I have a template (if you will) that I use for all of my initial contact emails (then follow it up with either answers to their reply or phone calls in the event I get no reply), this approach has worked well for me until this particular situation.

          It isn’t really discouraging to me at all; I will simply move on and keep looking for other shows to promote at. I just wanted to give people a heads up of some of the pitfalls they might encounter as well.
          This post alone made me think that Dave's method of calling the vendors might be the best.

          While it's really easy for a vendor to think you might be trying to scam them and forward your email to an organizer, I think you have better opportunity to explain your offer in a phone call. They might not like your offer or agree to it, but at least you can remove any suspicion of scam. I would think if they see you as a real person trying to make a business deal with them they would be less prone to complain to the organizer.

          But then again, people do strange things sometimes....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3537049].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog
            Originally Posted by StrategicMarketingTN View Post

            This post alone made me think that Dave's method of calling the vendors might be the best.

            While it's really easy for a vendor to think you might be trying to scam them and forward your email to an organizer, I think you have better opportunity to explain your offer in a phone call. They might not like your offer or agree to it, but at least you can remove any suspicion of scam. I would think if they see you as a real person trying to make a business deal with them they would be less prone to complain to the organizer.

            But then again, people do strange things sometimes....
            First off, I think that such a complaint to the organizer that Robert had to deal with, would be rare, if your pitch email is sincere... I think the guy who complained was just a bit of a basket case.

            I think an email and a phone call works best, from my own experience anyway.

            First I tried a few emails, no replies.

            Then I tried just a phone call. The lady I got through to was very nice, but she didn't really understand what I was proposing... I was explaining it very clearly... Many people are just not internet savvy.

            Then I sent an email with a detailed breakdown, and made a call. Turns out the guys email, on his badly designed site, was an old one he doesn't use. When I was pitching it to him on the phone, again I was met with confusion. Before loosing him, I just suggested that I forward the mail to his actual address, so he could see more clearly how it was broken down.

            The email was very clear as to what I wanted to do, and also included some projected, conservative numbers.

            I got a reply, saying he was interested.

            All I'm saying here is, it can be difficult to explain this to someone who has no clue about IM. I think sending out an email with a good explanation, and a follow up call, is the way to go.

            Only took me 2 attempts.

            I had a couple of more email conversations with him, as he wanted to know how he got paid, and how it all worked... This is a lot easier through email. Although, I think you definitly need to let them know you exist, with a friendly phone call.

            Something like, "Hi, I recently sent you an email regarding a joint venture opportunity at the .... expo. Do you have time for a quick chat about it?"

            They might say they haven't had a chance to look at it, but at least they know you're a real person, and may check it again.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3538194].message }}
            • Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              All I'm saying here is, it can be difficult to explain this to someone who has no clue about IM. I think sending out an email with a good explanation, and a follow up call, is the way to go.
              I like that strategy. You are right, you can explain things in more detail in the email. And then still build that relationship on the phone or in person.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3541751].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      Be sure to fully research each show you intend to approach vendors for. I have been doing this to make sure I wasn’t breaking any rules or anything. I received an email from a show promoter telling me he had received notice from an exhibitor that I had contacted them (even after I researched the show rules on the shows website). This particular exhibitor was upset and assumed I was trying to scam him (see his email to the show promoter below).

      "So I got this, this morning. This kind of stuff pisses me off, more for the gull of the guy to assume people are stupid. I wonder how many more got the email.
      I didn't reply to this I figured you could use one more thing on your plate ( smiley face). If this is nothing let me know, the first couple of paragraphs is in violation of the contract. Just thought you should know."

      When he says he "got this" he is referring to my initial email contacting him with the proposal.
      The show promoter sent me this email:

      I just received a copy of your email from a very upset exhibitor of mine.
      While I am sure you are just out there hustling and did not mean to break
      any contractual law, let this email serve as notice that you must cease
      and desist from sending out any more of these emails. What you are trying
      to do is sublease space in the Better Living Show and you do not have a
      contract with me to do that. In order to do business at the show you must
      have a contract with Blue Ocean Events.

      I do not want you to waste your money and send flyers to the show, that my
      security company will simply confiscate. Any of my exhibitors with flyers
      in their booths will be removed from the show and not allowed to exhibit.
      Therefore, please resend any offers that you have out there. If you do
      not, the exhibitors will now have grounds to file suit in Oregon for all
      lost business that they could have gotten from the show.

      Thank you for attending to this matter and good luck with your other
      marketing efforts.

      Michael O'Loughlin
      Blue Ocean Events, Inc

      When I asked Mr. O’loughlin what the cost of the contract would be he said $925. The size of the show doesn’t even come close to making this a viable option as I’m not sure I could recoup that cost…needless to say, I won’t be working that particular show and will keep an eye out for other shows ran by that company.

      Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
      That's too bad Rob... But really, what business is it of the organizer what the vendor decides to promote in his stall, he's paid for his space... so, as long as he's not promoting something offensive. Guess they just want more money.

      There's no real way for the organizer to know where someones flyers have come from, without directly asking them... or, what happened in your case.

      I can hardly see them policing peoples promotional material...

      Are you now asking organizers permission before you approach vendors?

      Oh, and do you feel bad... I mean he was "very upset"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521942].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      I do not want you to waste your money and send flyers to the show, that my
      security company will simply confiscate. Any of my exhibitors with flyers
      in their booths will be removed from the show and not allowed to exhibit.

      Michael O'Loughlin
      Blue Ocean Events, Inc
      Maybe all of us should send this guy an email telling him we were thinking about renting vendor space but since we can't have flyers, etc. in a booth that we rented for our own business we will just have to take our business to another show.

      I bet this would piss him off. Especially if he got a lot of emails. I might do this to see what kind of idiot answer I get.


      Affiliate links are not allowed.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3522035].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    That's cool man ....

    I finally took the time to go through this WHOLE thread... and i appreciate what you have contributed thus far...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3521727].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author eleary
    I bought this WSO - excellent.
    It's a very easy yet innovative method to generate money. Your WSO really explained the idea. The main point you stress is just get out there and do it - I could not agree more. That's what makes the 5% who succeed and the 95% who fail....
    I am already searching for shows near me - I will let you know how it works out!
    Thanks for a great post and a really cool idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3522539].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
    How do you guys go about picking a vendor?

    These are a few of the vendor categories at an upcoming show: Accessible Products, Appliances, Architectural Services, Asphalt, A/V Equipment, Awnings, Banks, Basement Windows, Builders and Land Developers, Building Materials/Tools, Cabinets, Cellar Doors, Chimney Restoration, , Closet Systems, Computer Services, Concrete, Consumer Items, Countertops, Decks/Patios, Driveway sealing, duct cleaning, elevators, energy efficiency products, fences, fireplaces, fitness equipment, flooring, foundations, garage doors, generators, geothermal/solar, gutters, heating/a/c, home energy savings, insulation, insurance, kitchens/baths, ladders, landscaping, lighting, marble/granite/cultured stone products, media, modular homes, outdoor living, etc, etc..

    Say, if I wanted to promote a clean/solar energy product, should I go to the energy efficiency vendors, geothermal/solar, or somewhere completely out of that niche? I'm afraid they would turn me away as competition if I went to an energy efficiency vendor.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3523446].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by BradBergeron View Post

      How do you guys go about picking a vendor?

      These are a few of the vendor categories at an upcoming show: Accessible Products, Appliances, Architectural Services, Asphalt, A/V Equipment, Awnings, Banks, Basement Windows, Builders and Land Developers, Building Materials/Tools, Cabinets, Cellar Doors, Chimney Restoration, , Closet Systems, Computer Services, Concrete, Consumer Items, Countertops, Decks/Patios, Driveway sealing, duct cleaning, elevators, energy efficiency products, fences, fireplaces, fitness equipment, flooring, foundations, garage doors, generators, geothermal/solar, gutters, heating/a/c, home energy savings, insulation, insurance, kitchens/baths, ladders, landscaping, lighting, marble/granite/cultured stone products, media, modular homes, outdoor living, etc, etc..

      Say, if I wanted to promote a clean/solar energy product, should I go to the energy efficiency vendors, geothermal/solar, or somewhere completely out of that niche? I'm afraid they would turn me away as competition if I went to an energy efficiency vendor.
      I ran into a similar listing recently and what I did was to search them all...but I usually only look for small mom and pop type businesses, better chance with those I think.

      As far as partnering with someone in hte same niche as the product that might cause issue but you never know until you ask. I think you'd be beter off approaching other vendors though.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3523587].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by BradBergeron View Post

      How do you guys go about picking a vendor?

      Say, if I wanted to promote a clean/solar energy product, should I go to the energy efficiency vendors, geothermal/solar, or somewhere completely out of that niche? I'm afraid they would turn me away as competition if I went to an energy efficiency vendor.
      Well, I think, as Dave already advised, go for the smaller outfits. You're more likely going to talk to the guy running the business, plus, they'll also want to make some extra cash.

      Choosing the right vendor also depends on what you're marketing. For example, if I'm marketing a Reiki product, well, I'm not going to approach a vendor who's offer this service already... especially when my flyers are telling people they can save money by doing these courses online.

      I think if you can find a vendor who's not in direct competition, but will also get allot of customers from every niche... food vendors are great, but I guess you need to meet them on the day, sometimes not ideal. For me, I managed to team up with a guy who's selling jewelry... I'm really happy with this, as I imagine I'll get much more footfall than if I went with someone doing accupuncture.

      For something like solar energy.. well, put yourself in the customers shoes.. Of course a specific solar or energy saving show is great, I think it would also do well at a diy show, home improvement, gardening etc... there's so many people that aren't even aware that you can build your own solar panels for $200... You're also helping save the planet
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526774].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I'd have probably never have gotten into the Strawberry Festival if I hadn't known the vendor and a few of the people connected there. I also have some good references around the area. No private promoter there, they do their own.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3524245].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    I now have the next 6 weekends booked with shows with 4 different "partners" covering 4 different niches.

    Now I'm going to slow down a bit on scheduling to see the results plus I'm going to try out the magazine promotion idea....

    Looking forward to seeing how all this pans out
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3524292].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    The only way to do a true split test of your copy is having multiple vendors at the show pushing the same offer.....

    One with one version... The other... well you get the idea.

    The reason I say this is because a different city is a totally different demographic. Total different train of thought.... different crowds.... blah blah blah....

    Either way... Dog... Most of the vendors give out flyers.

    That dude was just a douche....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3526325].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    I don't know about with 1&1 but with the others mentioned.... Yes... You do not have to change DNS.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3531416].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author surfingwhale
    Thanks Dave for sharing this idea , really gets the brain racig thinking of the endless variations on a theme.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3533111].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maximax285
    Great working idea Dave....Genious work to be done....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3533497].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    There will be results in.... after this weekend as to the result of single sided flyers....

    Just sayin...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3537306].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author EmilyC
    THat is so cool!

    I would be espcially interested in seeing more details on:

    1) How to approach/find the families to pass them out at the booth
    2) What your website looks like and how you set that up
    3) How you track the families' clicks so they can get a commission and you encourage them to presell

    Just brilliant - really impressed!

    Good job!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3538821].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by EmilyC View Post

      THat is so cool!

      I would be espcially interested in seeing more details on:

      1) How to approach/find the families to pass them out at the booth
      2) What your website looks like and how you set that up
      3) How you track the families' clicks so they can get a commission and you encourage them to presell

      Just brilliant - really impressed!

      Good job!
      Hi Emily, all your questions are handled on the thread and in the WSO.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3538837].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
    Congrats Dave! Great out-of-box thinking and a great example for taking action without over-analyzing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3539527].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I don't see why everyone is so afraid to pick up the phone or better yet go out and meet people. That's my favorite part. (I hate email) I am trying to set up my second effort. First one was a little rushed and anything that could go wrong did. Got a list of vendors from the promoter, made exactly three phone calls, drove down to Sarasota and had lunch at Perkins with a really nice couple......done deal, I'm in. Don't make this hard people.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3541692].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      I don't see why everyone is so afraid to pick up the phone or better yet go out and meet people. That's my favorite part. (I hate email) I am trying to set up my second effort. First one was a little rushed and anything that could go wrong did. Got a list of vendors from the promoter, made exactly three phone calls, drove down to Sarasota and had lunch at Perkins with a really nice couple......done deal, I'm in. Don't make this hard people.

      Agreed... Picking up the phone is the fastest... and you can contact more people.... leveraging the law of numbers....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3541805].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Agreed... Picking up the phone is the fastest... and you can contact more people.... leveraging the law of numbers....
        I couldn't agree more, Louie. I don't understand why people are so afraid of this...also, you can get so much more done with a quick 5 minute call than emailing someone back and forth multiple times (which is incredibly time consuming and frustrating as well).

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          I couldn't agree more, Louie. I don't understand why people are so afraid of this...also, you can get so much more done with a quick 5 minute call than emailing someone back and forth multiple times (which is incredibly time consuming and frustrating as well).

          I couldn't agree more with Paulie who couldn't agree more with Louie! Just go take action...if you're going to try offline methods, then you need to be mentally ready to step out of your comfort zone and switch gears from low-touch internet marketing to a more personal high-touch approach.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3542629].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
            Originally Posted by rawstyle View Post

            I couldn't agree more with Paulie who couldn't agree more with Louie! Just go take action...if you're going to try offline methods, then you need to be mentally ready to step out of your comfort zone and switch gears from low-touch internet marketing to a more personal high-touch approach.

            I couldn't agree more with the both of you...

            Just sayin...
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  • Profile picture of the author romesaranto
    That is awesome Dave, great work. Would really like to see a product like this, very cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author andd
    That is pure awesome. Very intelligent. Just starting to get into "offline" marketing now and this is very inspiring.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    For me personally its not so much a time issue as it is a logistics issue. I'm in Iraq at the US Embassy in Baghdad (8-11 hour time difference from the US) and the only phone I have is Skype which is great when all of the planets and stars align and all is right with the world. We have 1200 people on 4 megs of bandwidth, crappy weather, sand storms...etc relying on Skype is out of the question more often than not. Sending the initial contact emails has just been easier (and more reliable) for me but I realize thats just because of my situation...If I were stateside or had reliable internet I would probably skip that and just go with a phone call.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3542404].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      For me personally its not so much a time issue as it is a logistics issue. I'm in Iraq at the US Embassy in Baghdad (8-11 hour time difference from the US) and the only phone I have is Skype which is great when all of the planets and stars align and all is right with the world. We have 1200 people on 4 megs of bandwidth, crappy weather, sand storms...etc relying on Skype is out of the question more often than not. Sending the initial contact emails has just been easier (and more reliable) for me but I realize thats just because of my situation...If I were stateside or had reliable internet I would probably skip that and just go with a phone call.
      Hey dude, had no idea... nice to see someone else on the other side of the world giving this a go.

      I have to use skype also... the internet I'm using right now, in my dorm, is not an option for skype, I need to head around to a coffee shop or hostel, sometimes it's just not feesable.

      Also, I think the main reason people don't use the phone is, fear. I think most people hate the idea of ringing a stranger, to try and pitch them anything, even if it is a great idea like this. It's just human nature. Like stage fright I guess.

      Of course, the more you do it the easier it gets.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3544167].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        I have to use skype also... the internet I'm using right now, in my dorm, is not an option for skype, I need to head around to a coffee shop or hostel, sometimes it's just not feesable.

        Also, I think the main reason people don't use the phone is, fear. I think most people hate the idea of ringing a stranger, to try and pitch them anything, even if it is a great idea like this. It's just human nature. Like stage fright I guess.

        Of course, the more you do it the easier it gets.
        You’re absolutely right...

        The one time I have had to call a vendor it did go a lot smoother so I would recommend calling if possible. I've managed to make it work so far with emails but calling would be much easier and faster.

        For those of you that are afraid of making those calls I think you will find it gets easier after you make a few. If you need to, make a little cheat sheet highlighting points you want to mention in a logical order...that should get you past the initial speed bumps and then you can just answer any questions that may pop up.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3544737].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          You’re absolutely right...

          The one time I have had to call a vendor it did go a lot smoother so I would recommend calling if possible. I've managed to make it work so far with emails but calling would be much easier and faster.

          For those of you that are afraid of making those calls I think you will find it gets easier after you make a few. If you need to, make a little cheat sheet highlighting points you want to mention in a logical order...that should get you past the initial speed bumps and then you can just answer any questions that may pop up.
          I think a lot of this has to do with perception of credibility. With emails, you're just a faceless entity behind a computer, but when you step up to the plate and start talking, even on the phone, you're immediately perceived as a real person who isn't afraid of dealing with prospects and clients.

          I do agree that doing this the first few times can be rather scary and intimidating, but you'll get the hang of it after that, and calling will become second nature before you know it. You'll find that your business dealing and prospecting occurs so much smoother over the phone, and it tends to be a lot more productive than sending anonymous emails.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author minisite
    Congrats on your success and thank you for sharing your method. You just gave me some really cool ideas.

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  • Profile picture of the author sprintingwriter1
    I would agree that fliers that catch people's attention are a great way to get business. Sometimes, putting fliers on doors or something could work as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author AllanVans
    now this is the right idea and attitude to have when you want to become successful in your life...... the first move is on you and you make that first move the rest just get better.... so keep it up good money never sleeps.......
    To all you success, Yours Truly Allan
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  • Profile picture of the author yesucandoit
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think? Should I do it?

    Thanks for everything.
    Very smart and creative.

    He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Must watch video

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  • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
    Here's a bit of a silly question. I received my flyers from the printer and curious how to get them into show as a paying customer going into the show. I've worked conventions before for my company, but as the vendor setting up and working the booth, so bringing in boxes or materials was the norm. I'm going to be paying obviously to get in as just a spectator (so to speak) and bring my flyers to my partner's booth.

    Just wondering if I'm going to be called out by any one as I'm walking into the event with a box of flyers....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3543998].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

      Here's a bit of a silly question. I received my flyers from the printer and curious how to get them into show as a paying customer going into the show. I've worked conventions before for my company, but as the vendor setting up and working the booth, so bringing in boxes or materials was the norm. I'm going to be paying obviously to get in as just a spectator (so to speak) and bring my flyers to my partner's booth.

      Just wondering if I'm going to be called out by any one as I'm walking into the event with a box of flyers....
      Maybe, if you have, "BOX OF FLYERS" in big writing, on your box of flyers.

      How many do you plan to bring? If it's around 1000 or 2000 they'd fit in a backpack no problem.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3544134].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Maybe, if you have, "BOX OF FLYERS" in big writing, on your box of flyers.

        How many do you plan to bring? If it's around 1000 or 2000 they'd fit in a backpack no problem.
        Cool. Yeah it's a 1000 and was thinking backpack so...that'll work. Thanks dog.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

      Just wondering if I'm going to be called out by any one as I'm walking into the event with a box of flyers....

      I wouldn't wonder about that until you actually have that problem. If you did.. You could say, "It's a delivery for XXXX vendor..."

      But really... Not gonna happen...

      They have too much else to worry about.

      As far as phone calls go... I am a big proponent of phone calls...

      People who know me know this....

      The thing that proves what the Dog says about fear.... The post I replied to here...

      All these fears manifest before we take action... Then... We take action and find that those fears were baseless....

      Don't think.... Just do...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3545105].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        All these fears manifest before we take action... Then... We take action and find that those fears were baseless....

        Don't think.... Just do...

        This is so true, we can overanalyze things and talk ourselves out of doing a lot of things. Curiously enough, when we actually do this stuff that we're endlessly mulling over, it ends up being much less difficult and/or terrifying than we originally imagined 9 times out of 10. The human imagination and mind is a very powerful thing, and can be very destructive if employed the wrong way!

        In the majority of scenarios, taking action is the surest way of of quelling this fear. Just do it without overthinking, and deal with the issues as they crop up, instead of trying to resolve everything in your mind first.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick Warren
    Yeah cool plan and idea

    Easy and fast, effective muscle gain, weight loss, and getting a 6 pack

    No Nonsense Muscle Building

    Patrick Warren offline SEO in Los Angeles

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  • Profile picture of the author bamtastic
    Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

    Hello Folks, I'm new to the forum (kind of) I've been coming here and reading everything for a while now and I wanted to say THANKS! to all of the people on this board that are trying to help.

    I started online about a year ago, and although I picked up the tech stuff right away; I just couldn't make any money. I was at a swap meet one day with some buddies and it occured to me that this was a room full of guys that ritualistcaly come together to spend money.
    There had to be a way to tap into this.
    This is what I did:
    1. Got online and looked for upcoming shows and found a woodworking show.
    2. Went to CB and found a wood working plans package with decent gravity.
    3. Regisered a domain and set a redirect to my hoplink.
    4. Used graphics from the sales page (with permision from the vendor!) and created a 2 sided 8-1/2 X 11 color flier following the layout of the sales page closely.
    5. Printed 300 copies, 2 sided, in color at my day job at the time.
    6. With no further research and fliers in hand I drove over to the show on the Saturday morning
    7. Walked in and found a Mom, Pop, Son vendor booth and made a deal. I would buy them all lunch for both days if I could put my flier on their counter.
    The Results:
    I set the stack of 300 fliers on their counter at 9:10AM, they called me at noon and said that they were gone. I did no research, total attendance at this show wound up being about 9200 for the weekend. I ran to Kinko's, paid way to much and printed 1500 more. Got them back down to the show at 3PM Sat. They called me Sunday at about 3PM and said they were out again.
    Of the 1800 fliers that were handed out I got 1154 clicks or hops I should say. From those 1154 hops I did almost $3000 on CB over the next three weeks!

    I called the peolple that gave out my fliers and told them how happy I was and gave them $500-they were thrilled! They then told me that there was 22 shows in this calander and that there was 17 left, and that they would gladly distribute my offer if they could make an extra $500 per show just for doing that.

    That's when the light bulb came on! Talk about recurring easy income!

    I have since applied this approach to an RV Show, a wedding fair, and a golf expo, all with great results. With this one tactic I have gone to full time affiliate marketer in the last 4 months.

    Tips I have learned for implementing this strategy:
    • Do the research-find the estimated attendence and vendors list while finding shows online.
    • Use an 8.5X11 piece of plain paper printed color both sides. I have tested tri-fold brochures and two sizes of glossy XL postcards and the cheap solution wins.
    • Contact the promoter of the show and check on his advertising packages. As it turns out I can have the wood show promoter put my flier in the plastic bag they give to everyone when they enter for $75/show (I'm doing that too but the family that hands them out does way better cause they actually sell for me.)
    • Assign each vendor a unique tracking link at CB and send them a screen shot once a week to keep them motivated. If they pre-sell a little-this kills!

    I have developed about 10 of these non traditional strategies that are all working for me. I have been shooting some video and was thinking about packaging it all up into a product. What do you guys think? Should I do it?

    Thanks for everything.
    Hi Dave, Thanks for sharing your case study! Absolutely brilliant... zooming into an eager target market offline. You turned on a lot of my stagnant neurons. God bless!
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  • I've been thinking about how this could be implemented at flea markets. There is a huge flea market in my area that gets thousands of visitors when they run it. And people go to flea markets to spend money. Not much money, but still to spend.

    So here's what I'm thinking. Most flea markets will have some niches covered that are popular with the crowd and obviously they sell or they wouldn't be coming back.

    Every flea market I've visited had a vendor selling pet care products - we could target them with a pet training CB product.

    Most will have several jewelry stands - could offer a product on making jewelry...

    Antique furniture stand - maybe product on refinishing antiques...

    Cleaning supplies - a product on secrets of getting any stain out...

    What do you all think?

    Obviously, the conversion rate would not be as high because only a small percentage of the flea market visitors would be interested in each particular topic. However, it seems to me that since most vendors at flea markets would make less money than the vendors at a convention, they would be more open to adding another source of income to their weekend. And many of them also work the flea markets regularly.

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    • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
      Originally Posted by StrategicMarketingTN View Post

      I've been thinking about how this could be implemented at flea markets...

      Every flea market I've visited had a vendor selling pet care products - we could target them with a pet training CB product.

      Most will have several jewelry stands - could offer a product on making jewelry...

      Antique furniture stand - maybe product on refinishing antiques...

      Cleaning supplies - a product on secrets of getting any stain out...

      What do you all think?

      We're on the same page. I'm going to check out a flea market in my area this weekend, with the same idea in mind.

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      • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
        Originally Posted by 1960Texan View Post

        We're on the same page. I'm going to check out a flea market in my area this weekend, with the same idea in mind.

        For those going the flea market route...please report back. Curious how your conversions go. I was thinking about doing that as well but the ones by me are filled with people haggling to pay a buck or two for everything. I can't imagine anyone at the flea markets by me springing for a $20+ product online.
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        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

          For those going the flea market route...please report back. Curious how your conversions go. I was thinking about doing that as well but the ones by me are filled with people haggling to pay a buck or two for everything. I can't imagine anyone at the flea markets by me springing for a $20+ product online.
          I was kind of thinking the same thing....

          But... You never know...

          If the offer is compelling... and fits the target demographic.... go for it....

          My problem is at the flea markets by me... Not to many english speakers, and I don't speak spanish....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3548428].message }}
        • Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

          For those going the flea market route...please report back. Curious how your conversions go. I was thinking about doing that as well but the ones by me are filled with people haggling to pay a buck or two for everything. I can't imagine anyone at the flea markets by me springing for a $20+ product online.
          Yes, I know what you're talking about. There are some niches that sell pretty well at flea markets. I have a friend that sells memory foam mattresses at flea markets and makes a very good living.

          I also thought about doing the food vendor route and finding a product about making money at flea markets. Heck, all these people there are spending money, I wonder how many there have thought how they could make an extra buck by selling stuff at flea markets.

          Anyway, we've got a big one in one week. I'll try promoting something and will definitely let you know the results. That's what I love about this board - getting real feedback from people who are out there doing stuff.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    My only concern with the flea markets is since the traffic isnt targeted enough it might be tough to recoup the printing costs unless you could find several vendors that matched whichever product you decided to promote to pass out flyers for you.

    If you printed several different flyers to cover multiple products then the printing costs go up...

    I think if you were to pick one product and find 3 or 4 vendors willing to pass them out then you'd be OK...but maybe it wouldnt matter, just my opinion.

    Best of luck...please let us know how it did if you try it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sammystin
    Can somebody tell me how to track where a sale is coming from? I understand that each vendor will be assigned a unique CB tracking number such as "place 1," "place 2," etc. But with one domain name purchase, how do I send it to multiple tracking numbers? Thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3548710].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by sammystin View Post

      Can somebody tell me how to track where a sale is coming from? I understand that each vendor will be assigned a unique CB tracking number such as "place 1," "place 2," etc. But with one domain name purchase, how do I send it to multiple tracking numbers? Thanks!
      You don't. If you use multiple vendors, you'll have to have either a domain for each vendor, or a page on one domain for each vendor. In either case, you will have to have different flyers printed for each vendor with their unique domain/page printed on them.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3548780].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    Has anyone tried to get on Talk Marketing Now to listen to Dave today? Last week the site would not load and this week I am getting a 404 error, page can not be found.


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3548995].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
    was just listening to it....

    Then it died halfway through.....

    @ 248pm AZ TIME: Now he is back...
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    • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
      Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

      was just listening to it....

      Then it died halfway through.....

      I just tried to get to TMN again and still getting 404 error with IE and Firefox. I wish Dave would go with another host. Also Dave's website daveiago. com is dead.


      Affiliate links are not allowed.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3549249].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

        I don't see why everyone is so afraid to pick up the phone or better yet go out and meet people. That's my favorite part. (I hate email) I am trying to set up my second effort. First one was a little rushed and anything that could go wrong did. Got a list of vendors from the promoter, made exactly three phone calls, drove down to Sarasota and had lunch at Perkins with a really nice couple......done deal, I'm in. Don't make this hard people.

        Couldn't have said it better!!!!!!!!!

        Originally Posted by CH2 View Post

        I've been following this thread, and I just want to inject a little caution. Be careful about trying to hand out flyers at the door, on exit, etc. I've been ejected from conventions/fairs on more than one occasion just by attempting to SURVEY people at a show -- even though I was hired by the trade association sponsoring the show. Convention venues are notoriously protective of their space(s), and even if you are clearly within the law, or even their own public guidelines... if they feel you are encroaching on their business in any way, you'll get the boot. It doesn't seem to matter how young, cute, and innocent you appear -- believe me! I think the original notion of partnering with an approved exhibitor is by far the safer bet.
        Also couldn't agree more!!

        Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post


        I just tried to get to TMN again and still getting 404 error with IE and Firefox. I wish Dave would go with another host. Also Dave's website daveiago. com is dead.

        Show archive has been moved to TMN Show Archive

        Didn't get this week's show recorded cause of a host of tech issues-I SUCKED THIS WEEK ANYWAY!!!!! is dead for now while being revamped
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3549776].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

          Didn't get this week's show recorded cause of a host of tech issues-I SUCKED THIS WEEK ANYWAY!!!!!

 is dead for now while being revamped
          Dave, do you typically put the same offer on both sides, or different offers?

          I asked a question earlier, but it may have been lost in the multitude of messages on this thread. You had stated that you used your neighborhood kids to distribute flyers in the neighborhood and split the proceeds 50-50 with them - would you mind elaborating on what type of offers you were promoting with your neighborhood flyers?

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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          • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
            Originally Posted by tinytot11 View Post

            Thanks Dave, Do you know why TMN is still showing a 404 error?

            Did anyone get this weeks show recorded? Would like to see it.

            Zabrina might have audio I'll find out-sending you a PM about something.

            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            Dave, do you typically put the same offer on both sides, or different offers?

            I asked a question earlier, but it may have been lost in the multitude of messages on this thread. You had stated that you used your neighborhood kids to distribute flyers in the neighborhood and split the proceeds 50-50 with them - would you mind elaborating on what type of offers you were promoting with your neighborhood flyers?

            I did this with a TV-to-Computer product on CB and did really well with it. I have never tried more than one offer on a flier.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3550118].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Qamar
              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

              Zabrina might have audio I'll find out-sending you a PM about something.

              I did this with a TV-to-Computer product on CB and did really well with it. I have never tried more than one offer on a flier.
              Hi Dave, what's the quality of the said TV to PC product that you promote? Are they good? Because I have come across many people saying that this kind of products are scams. Thanks

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              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3551195].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

              I did this with a TV-to-Computer product on CB and did really well with it. I have never tried more than one offer on a flier.
              Dave, have you tried any other CB offers besides the TV-to-Computer one? I know this software sort of gets into a gray area when it comes to copyright infringement, and lately I've heard that the major networks are taking pretty vigorous enforcement measures against these unauthorized live tv feeds.
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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            • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
              Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

              Dave, do you typically put the same offer on both sides, or different offers?
              Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

              I have never tried more than one offer on a flier.

              I am testing this over the 6 shows I now have lined up. I have split it up between 2 offers on one flyer (1 on each side) and 1 offer (with more info) on a double sided flyer. I will report back with my findings over the next few weekends.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3551470].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

                I am testing this over the 6 shows I now have lined up. I have split it up between 2 offers on one flyer (1 on each side) and 1 offer (with more info) on a double sided flyer. I will report back with my findings over the next few weekends.
                Please keep us posted, I wonder which will result in better conversions and higher overall revenue. It's amazing that you're able to do all this from Iraq with no phone contact (I read your earlier post about the internet issues there). Are you having an online print service just ship out the boxes of flyers to the vendors? Also, how many vendors will you be using per show?

                >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3551696].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                  Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                  Please keep us posted, I wonder which will result in better conversions and higher overall revenue. It's amazing that you're able to do all this from Iraq with no phone contact (I read your earlier post about the internet issues there). Are you having an online print service just ship out the boxes of flyers to the vendors? Also, how many vendors will you be using per show?

                  I will certainly update my findings after this weekends first show. It's a small show so I am not expecting a lot of sales but the main offer is very targeted and the secondary offer is a good compliment to the first so we will see how it does. I'm hoping to get a few sales of both products to the same customer.

                  So far I've only had to call one vendor (my multi show partner), otherwise I've had a decent amont of luck contacting them via email but it has required a few follow up emails to answer questions and explain things in further detail. Over all not too bad really.

                  I'm using (not an affiliate link) for all of my flyers and having them delivered directly to my partners with the exception of one who has multiple shows scheduled in different cities over a 2 month period. For that situation I am having the flyers printed in bulk and delivered to a family member in the US who will mail them out to my partner at her hotel for each show locaiton.

                  Currently I only have one vendor per show but was thinking I might need 2 for 2 of the shows due to the show size...haven't fully decided yet.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3551807].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                    Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

                    I will certainly update my findings after this weekends first show. It's a small show so I am not expecting a lot of sales but the main offer is very targeted and the secondary offer is a good compliment to the first so we will see how it does. I'm hoping to get a few sales of both products to the same customer.

                    So far I've only had to call one vendor (my multi show partner), otherwise I've had a decent amont of luck contacting them via email but it has required a few follow up emails to answer questions and explain things in further detail. Over all not too bad really.

                    I'm using (not an affiliate link) for all of my flyers and having them delivered directly to my partners with the exception of one who has multiple shows scheduled in different cities over a 2 month period. For that situation I am having the flyers printed in bulk and delivered to a family member in the US who will mail them out to my partner at her hotel for each show locaiton.

                    Currently I only have one vendor per show but was thinking I might need 2 for 2 of the shows due to the show size...haven't fully decided yet.
                    It's great that you managed to snag one multi show partner, as this makes the logistics of distributing those flyers so much easier. i know that Dave mentioned something earlier about having at least 2 vendors distribute his flyers at each show for best results, so it'll be interesting to see how you fare with a single vendor approach for all the shows that you currently have scheduled.
                    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3552023].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                      i know that Dave mentioned something earlier about having at least 2 vendors distribute his flyers at each show for best results, so it'll be interesting to see how you fare with a single vendor approach for all the shows that you currently have scheduled.
                      I remember he said that and this may be a good indication as to why calling the vendors is the best way to go (better chance of getting more vendors) but given my situation it was the best I could do at the time.

                      I may have to give it a second shot at finding another vendor for those bigger shows...more sales would certianly be worth the extra effort if I can get Skype to cooperate.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3552479].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
    brilliant idea. thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3549440].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    Thanks Dave, Do you know why TMN is still showing a 404 error?

    Did anyone get this weeks show recorded? Would like to see it.


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3549894].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Ho
    Hmm.. Thanks Dave for this great idea. There's a marriage convention coming up in my region and I was thinking what kind of Clickbank products would be best to promote?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3552430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by Paul Ho View Post

      Hmm.. Thanks Dave for this great idea. There's a marriage convention coming up in my region and I was thinking what kind of Clickbank products would be best to promote?
      Go to CB and search for "Wedding"...

      Bound to find something worth taking a look at.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3552558].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mo Annuar
    It is a good idea really. Thank you for sharing this info.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3552452].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stkrk

    First of all thanks for sharing and second brilliant idea. I'm going to give that a try for sure. Many thanks Steve
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3553146].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sammystin
      I called two places, and have two appointments! Please do no fear!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3553588].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
        Ok I set up my vendors for my first show with their flyers. I had one lined up from calling around to a few on the exhibitor list a week or so ago. When I got there and met the guy, his booth was really small and not a great location (actual location was different than spelled out on the layout I looked at before I called him). So, I only gave him half the flyers.

        I figured I needed another partner to improve results. I walked around and decided on a good size mom and pop/family business with a booth right in front and pitched them. They actually had some good questions about the tracking and how I would know it came from them and did I have any other partners at this show. I told them I had one other but each had a different ID so I could track each sale and where it came from. They said "ok, let's give it a try."

        Now, I wasn't trying to be deceitful, but I don't have 2 separate URLs to track which vendor makes each sale. Am not trying to be shady but I really didn't have any plans to ask more than one vendor to do this and since I had the flyers printed up already with just the one URL, there wasn't much I could do. I'll figure out how to split profits (if any) with both vendors when that time comes.

        Hopefully I'll get some sales in the coming days/weeks/months.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3554127].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
          Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

          Now, I wasn't trying to be deceitful, but I don't have 2 separate URLs to track which vendor makes each sale.
          You may not have intended to be but that's exactly what you were.

          Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

          Am not trying to be shady but I really didn't have any plans to ask more than one vendor to do this and since I had the flyers printed up already with just the one URL, there wasn't much I could do. I'll figure out how to split profits (if any) with both vendors when that time comes.
          Once may not have tried to be "shady" in the beginning but thats the way it ended.

          What you could have done was chose 1 of the 2 vendors and gave all of the flyers to that vendor...probably should have been the one you made the initial agreement with, even if the booth and location werent as desireable as the second.

          I'm not trying to be a jerk or the morality police here but it's this type of behavior that gives IM a bad name.

          Even if you don't get caught you still don't have a way to track sales from two seperate vendors from the same have no way of knowing what to pay either of them for it to be completely fair.

          If you do get caught then at very least those 2 vendors will be turned off to this type of marketing for good and could very easily spread the word to other vendors, show promoters...etc etc.

          Either way it's not good and you shouldn't have done it!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3554429].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

            Once may not have tried to be "shady" in the beginning but thats the way it ended.

            What you could have done was chose 1 of the 2 vendors and gave all of the flyers to that vendor...probably should have been the one you made the initial agreement with, even if the booth and location werent as desireable as the second.

            I'm not trying to be a jerk or the morality police here but it's this type of behavior that gives IM a bad name.

            Even if you don't get caught you still don't have a way to track sales from two seperate vendors from the same have no way of knowing what to pay either of them for it to be completely fair.

            If you do get caught then at very least those 2 vendors will be turned off to this type of marketing for good and could very easily spread the word to other vendors, show promoters...etc etc.

            Either way it's not good and you shouldn't have done it!
            It's really not ethical to do this, as there's no possible way to accurately track and credit each vendor for the sales they help generate for you with just one CB account.

            It takes all of 5 minutes or so to create a new Clickbank account for the second vendor...what's stopping you from doing this? It barely takes any time at all, why are you balking at this?

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3555425].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
              Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post


              It takes all of 5 minutes or so to create a new Clickbank account for the second vendor...what's stopping you from doing this? It barely takes any time at all, why are you balking at this?

              Because it takes more than 5 minutes to get new flyers printed up with a different domain for the second vendor. The flyers he currently has all point to the same address. A new account won't help him here without getting new flyers printed with a new web address.

              There is no sugar coating it though. He lied to the second vendor. He may not have wanted to, but he did it anyway.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3556359].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author thedog
                yep, 2 separate flyers needed, so not something you can do on the day, unless you want to pay huge printing costs.

                Another option would be to just offer one of the vendors a set fee, $100 or so.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3556789].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                  Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                  yep, 2 separate flyers needed, so not something you can do on the day, unless you want to pay huge printing costs.

                  Another option would be to just offer one of the vendors a set fee, $100 or so.
                  He could either choose to do that, or just pay both vendors a set fee - this would probably be the only way of rewarding both vendors fairly for their efforts (since there's absolutely no way to track commissions now).
                  >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3556822].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author thedog
                    Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                    He could either choose to do that, or just pay both vendors a set fee - this would probably be the only way of rewarding both vendors fairly for their efforts (since there's absolutely no way to track commissions now).

                    I think if you make a vendor an offer of a set amount, and they accept, then there's nothing unfair about that.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3556841].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                      Originally Posted by thedog View Post

                      I think if you make a vendor an offer of a set amount, and they accept, then there's nothing unfair about that.
                      My thoughts exactly - I feel that the fairest way of resolving this unfortunate situation would be to offer both vendors a set amount.
                      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3557034].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author thedog

                        My flyers never got to the show! I also couldn't get through to the vendor... I'm in China, I can only skype, his phone's been on voice, busy with the show I guess.

                        I had to contact a friend who was as the show to let me know what was going on.

                        I eventually found a number for the main office at the show, I thought that they just had the package, and never gave it to my vendor... but they didn't get anything! So, looks like the printers just haven't delivered it.

                        They're not even answering their phone!

                        I'm really disapointed, I put a load of work and money into this... Also, this was supposed to be a stepping stone into the Uk... now I look like a dooshe with my vendor.

                        I expect a full refund from the printers... not even sure if I can get that!

                        I'm hoping that the vendor still wants to do the London show.

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3557897].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
                        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                        My thoughts exactly - I feel that the fairest way of resolving this unfortunate situation would be to offer both vendors a set amount.
                        Not sure if you saw my earlier post about it but it was resolved. My original partner was very cool and was looking out for me. He felt I could get more traffic at my second vendor and willingly gave all his flyers to them because he felt his location was poor and his space was limited. I offered him money for his trouble and he declined - he was totally cool about it.

                        Going back to the phone call solicitation - this all goes back to this. Making the phone call was all the difference and the personal connection would have been lost via email. This situation could have turned out bad but since I had originally called him about the offer and we hit it off and then when we met in person we got on great. We anticipate doing something at a show in the future together.

                        Again, this was the first time I had done this type of thing and I didn't set out with malice; I wasn't intending to do it. All I hear about affiliate marketers is that they all made some mistakes when they were starting out and they learned from them. Well I consider this a learning experience on my affiliate marketing journey.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3557983].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
                          Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

                          Again, this was the first time I had done this type of thing and I didn't set out with malice; I wasn't intending to do it. All I hear about affiliate marketers is that they all made some mistakes when they were starting out and they learned from them. Well I consider this a learning experience on my affiliate marketing journey.
                          I realize it all worked out in the end and thats good but I hope (for your sake) that this type of "mistake" doesn't happen again...
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3558207].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

                Because it takes more than 5 minutes to get new flyers printed up with a different domain for the second vendor. The flyers he currently has all point to the same address. A new account won't help him here without getting new flyers printed with a new web address.

                There is no sugar coating it though. He lied to the second vendor. He may not have wanted to, but he did it anyway.
                I'm aware of this, but he should have thought ahead and planned this out beforehand - with a little foresight and organization, this issue would have been avoided in the first place.

                Now he'll have to take a stab in the dark as to how to split commissions between these two vendors.
                >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3556809].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
            Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

            You may not have intended to be but that's exactly what you were.

            Once may not have tried to be "shady" in the beginning but thats the way it ended.

            What you could have done was chose 1 of the 2 vendors and gave all of the flyers to that vendor...probably should have been the one you made the initial agreement with, even if the booth and location werent as desireable as the second.

            I'm not trying to be a jerk or the morality police here but it's this type of behavior that gives IM a bad name.

            Even if you don't get caught you still don't have a way to track sales from two seperate vendors from the same have no way of knowing what to pay either of them for it to be completely fair.

            If you do get caught then at very least those 2 vendors will be turned off to this type of marketing for good and could very easily spread the word to other vendors, show promoters...etc etc.

            Either way it's not good and you shouldn't have done it!
            Both vendors were aware that I had the two of them handing out flyers and neither seemed to mind - they actually even knew each other so that is why it didn't seem so bad or that I would get "caught."

            Yes - I had no way to accurately track it but again - I was not intending to approach more vendors.

            Anyway, the caveat to the story is my original partner called me to say he gave all my flyers to my other vendor (the one I found while walking around the show) because he didn't feel he had enough room at his booth and was fine with letting this opportunity pass.

            So inadvertently it worked out without anyone getting screwed. Again, I didn't mean, or set out to do something that might be considered unethical - I get your point though and will fix it my next go round. It was never my intention to do something wrong or unethical.

            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            It takes all of 5 minutes or so to create a new Clickbank account for the second vendor...what's stopping you from doing this? It barely takes any time at all, why are you balking at this?

            I wasn't planning on doing more than 1 vendor so I didn't think ahead to create 2 separate accounts or IDs to account for each vendor and print different URLs for each on their own fliers. Going forward I'll be more mindful of creating separate fliers with separate vendors in mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon74
    Great outside the box thinking, amazing story well done
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3560813].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thedog
    Well... 2 days out of 3 with no flyers at my show.

    Last chance to salvage something from it, have to ring organizers later to see if they've found them.

    ***Warning to anyone trying this, especially if you're abroad***

    Make sure you use your own courier company/friend/yourself to deliver the flyers. I made the mistake of trusting a printers with this. I thought I was dealing with professionals.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3560933].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    OK so today is the last day of my 1st show and so far I have gotten a total of 12 hops to my CB products.

    As you may know, I'm trying 2 different products (1 per side) on each flyer.

    I have my flyers at a houseboat show and could only find 1 good boating related product. The funny thing is the product that actually relates to boating has only gotten 1 of those hops the other 11 came from the second offer...Teds woodworking plans. I put that on the back side of the flyer because the first product is boat building plans and I thought if someone was interested in possibily building their own boats they might want other woodworking plans as well.

    I haven't made any sales yet but I didn't really expect to in that few hops.

    I was wondering from those that have already done this...

    How many days did it take to start seeing sales, how many flyers were handed out versus number of hops/sales...etc etc. I think I remember Dave saying he saw sales as late as 3 weeks after a show but I would think some would come after the first day if they were really interested in the offer...could be wrong on that though.

    What are your thoughts?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3561071].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      What are your thoughts?
      Do you know how many of you flyers were given out? Did they get rid of all of them, or just a handful, or what?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3561165].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Casper C
        Here's a quick example of a very simple 2-sided flyer that may work. Print advertising is fierce; you need to get your message across within seconds, and it helps if it's not only an irresistible offer, but one that has very limited time as well. Create that urgency for the receivers if you can, as conversion rates tend to be small, and a lot of people are used to discarding flyers even if they're targeted at them.

        On top of this, it can help to make it so that the flyer is really needed in order to redeem the offer. The URL could be simpler, but this is intentional - if someone is interested, they won't want to forget the URL (so they'll take a flyer), and they won't Google the product name instead as they will want to follow the specific URL in order to get that offer.

        By sticking to the style of design of the website ,and actually displaying the brand at full-force along with the big "as seen on" names (e.g. CNN), receivers have good reason to trust the product and believe it is of high quality. Nobody would ever guess that the flyer has come from a third-party advertiser.

        Also, this approach is about keeping it simple and just getting people to bite, hence why there isn't tons of info on display. I know that others here believe that an informational version is better, but this is just one approach that can work. Would be interesting to see split-testing.

        Note: The flyer does not necessarily represent a 100% correct offer. This offer is of course available without the flyer, but with some adjustments, gray areas can probably be eliminated. This is really just an example flyer to show what can work. I've had great experience with this approach.

        I am happy to hear other peoples' perspectives, opinions, etc!

        Click here for HIGH QUALITY version
        I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

        --> Click to check out my services
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3561433].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

          Here's a quick example of a very simple 2-sided flyer that may work. Print advertising is fierce; you need to get your message across within seconds, and it helps if it's not only an irresistible offer, but one that has very limited time as well. Create that urgency for the receivers if you can, as conversion rates tend to be small, and a lot of people are used to discarding flyers even if they're targeted at them.

          On top of this, it can help to make it so that the flyer is really needed in order to redeem the offer. The URL could be simpler, but this is intentional - if someone is interested, they won't want to forget the URL (so they'll take a flyer), and they won't Google the product name instead as they will want to follow the specific URL in order to get that offer.

          By sticking to the style of design of the website ,and actually displaying the brand at full-force along with the big "as seen on" names (e.g. CNN), receivers have good reason to trust the product and believe it is of high quality. Nobody would ever guess that the flyer has come from a third-party advertiser.

          Also, this approach is about keeping it simple and just getting people to bite, hence why there isn't tons of info on display. I know that others here believe that an informational version is better, but this is just one approach that can work. Would be interesting to see split-testing.

          Note: The flyer does not necessarily represent a 100% correct offer. This offer is of course available without the flyer, but with some adjustments, gray areas can probably be eliminated. This is really just an example flyer to show what can work. I've had great experience with this approach.

          I am happy to hear other peoples' perspectives, opinions, etc!

          Click here for HIGH QUALITY version
          Great idea - I think this strategy would really increase the chances of people hanging on to these flyers until they get home to view it on their computers. How would you implement this though, especially when there isn't a special "flyer only" deal in place?

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3561514].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Casper C
            Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

            Great idea - I think this strategy would really increase the chances of people hanging on to these flyers until they get home to view it on their computers. How would you implement this though, especially when there isn't a special "flyer only" deal in place?

            Ted's Woodworking for example allows you to request a further discount that you can offer to potential buyers, and voila, there you have an exclusive offer. The flyer can offer that extra discount that can't be gained by going straight to the original site. It's really just about requiring the specific link on the flyer.. I haven't tried it though, but that is an option that Ted's Woodworking offers in the affiliate section, and I'm sure there are other options among other Clickbank products.

            There are a lot of affiliate networks where you can promote products with extra discounts, I actually currently promote 0 Clickbank products. A product I promote has a coupon code that I provide to potential buyers, which is something yet again that could be printed on a flyer ad, if I were advertising the product that way. Again, it's reason for people to take the flyer in the first place as well as hold onto it.
            I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

            --> Click to check out my services
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3562961].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author thedog
              Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

              Ted's Woodworking for example allows you to request a further discount that you can offer to potential buyers, and voila, there you have an exclusive offer. The flyer can offer that extra discount that can't be gained by going straight to the original site. It's really just about requiring the specific link on the flyer.. I haven't tried it though, but that is an option that Ted's Woodworking offers in the affiliate section, and I'm sure there are other options among other Clickbank products.

              There are a lot of affiliate networks where you can promote products with extra discounts, I actually currently promote 0 Clickbank products. A product I promote has a coupon code that I provide to potential buyers, which is something yet again that could be printed on a flyer ad, if I were advertising the product that way. Again, it's reason for people to take the flyer in the first place as well as hold onto it.
              Hey dude, I can't find this specific link anywhere on

              I'm just seeing the usual time sensitive offer speel... are you saying there's a link to get it for less than $67?

              While we're on the subject... what if you market a flyer, print the price, then the vendor changes the price?

              Most clickbank products are time sensitive, order now or price will increase... Does this happen often?

              Anyway to cover yourself?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565101].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
          Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

          Here's a quick example of a very simple 2-sided flyer that may work.
          Click here for HIGH QUALITY version
          I really like your flyer...I think it's beter than the one I used so I may have to make some changes for upcoming shows.

          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Great idea - I think this strategy would really increase the chances of people hanging on to these flyers until they get home to view it on their computers. How would you implement this though, especially when there isn't a special "flyer only" deal in place?

          I think it's just something he is implimenting himself...creating the sense of urgency with the buyer. As far as the price listed on the flyer (unless I'm mistaken) that is the regular price for that product (including the discount offer available on CB) he just listed it with a nice graphic and a % off...which he made up for marketing purposes.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3561584].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Casper C
            Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

            I really like your flyer...I think it's beter than the one I used so I may have to make some changes for upcoming shows.
            You're welcome to use the flyer in any way you like really. Just let me know and I'll give you the PSD file.
            I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

            --> Click to check out my services
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3562988].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author davidsamra
              Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

              You're welcome to use the flyer in any way you like really. Just let me know and I'll give you the PSD file.
              Great looking flyer and attention to detail w/regard to marketing; pro work for sure. Would love to get the PSD files if that's cool w/ you. I can't pm so if you pm I can send you my email.

              Thank you much in advance. Great work.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564720].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mscee
          Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

          Here's a quick example of a very simple 2-sided flyer that may work. Print advertising is fierce; you need to get your message across within seconds, and it helps if it's not only an irresistible offer, but one that has very limited time as well. Create that urgency for the receivers if you can, as conversion rates tend to be small, and a lot of people are used to discarding flyers even if they're targeted at them.

          On top of this, it can help to make it so that the flyer is really needed in order to redeem the offer. The URL could be simpler, but this is intentional - if someone is interested, they won't want to forget the URL (so they'll take a flyer), and they won't Google the product name instead as they will want to follow the specific URL in order to get that offer.

          By sticking to the style of design of the website ,and actually displaying the brand at full-force along with the big "as seen on" names (e.g. CNN), receivers have good reason to trust the product and believe it is of high quality. Nobody would ever guess that the flyer has come from a third-party advertiser.

          Also, this approach is about keeping it simple and just getting people to bite, hence why there isn't tons of info on display. I know that others here believe that an informational version is better, but this is just one approach that can work. Would be interesting to see split-testing.

          Note: The flyer does not necessarily represent a 100% correct offer. This offer is of course available without the flyer, but with some adjustments, gray areas can probably be eliminated. This is really just an example flyer to show what can work. I've had great experience with this approach.

          I am happy to hear other peoples' perspectives, opinions, etc!
          Hey Casper!
          Great flyer! Would I be able to get the psd file for it? I would really appreciate it!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3577388].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Casper C
            Originally Posted by mscee View Post

            Hey Casper!
            Great flyer! Would I be able to get the psd file for it? I would really appreciate it!

            Yeah no problem. I have PMed you.
            I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

            --> Click to check out my services
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3582375].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        Do you know how many of you flyers were given out? Did they get rid of all of them, or just a handful, or what?
        Actually I don't know those numbers yet. My vendor is supposed to drop me an email after the show is over telling me those kinds of details.

        I know it's kind of hard to give any real impressions without info like that but was just wondering what others results were (as far as timeline is concerned) from orders after the show was over.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3561568].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    Hmmmm.... Had something suggested to me awhile ago and I'm just mulling it over.
    Vendor suggests putting my offer on the front of the flier (not Clickbank) and set him up with a Clickbank offer on the back. He'd never heard of Clickbank or affiliate marketing before so I'd pretty much have to do it for him BUT he is willing to do this without charging me anything for having my fliers at his booth. He's willing to just let the chips fall where they may and if he makes money, fine. Any thoughts on this?
    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      Hmmmm.... Had something suggested to me awhile ago and I'm just mulling it over.
      Vendor suggests putting my offer on the front of the flier (not Clickbank) and set him up with a Clickbank offer on the back. He'd never heard of Clickbank or affiliate marketing before so I'd pretty much have to do it for him BUT he is willing to do this without charging me anything for having my fliers at his booth. He's willing to just let the chips fall where they may and if he makes money, fine. Any thoughts on this?
      Hey Thomas, what do you mean by your offer? A separate product you've developed?

      Oh, and how long did it take you to explain how CB works?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565114].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Casper C
        Originally Posted by davidsamra View Post

        Great looking flyer and attention to detail w/regard to marketing; pro work for sure. Would love to get the PSD files if that's cool w/ you. I can't pm so if you pm I can send you my email.

        Thank you much in advance. Great work.
        Thanks for your comment. I have PMed you.

        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Hey dude, I can't find this specific link anywhere on

        I'm just seeing the usual time sensitive offer speel... are you saying there's a link to get it for less than $67?

        While we're on the subject... what if you market a flyer, print the price, then the vendor changes the price?

        Most clickbank products are time sensitive, order now or price will increase... Does this happen often?

        Anyway to cover yourself?
        Try the Affiliates page - you can request to offer it for $47, but I think it includes setting up your own page as well, I'm not sure. The info is at the very bottom of the page I believe.

        The thing about the price change per xx amount of copies sold... well, Teds Woodworking always has 21 copies left, and the expiration of the current offer automatically extends by a day, every day. So.. it sticks on $67. I see a lot of product pages doing this. Such a gray area, actually.
        I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

          Try the Affiliates page - you can request to offer it for $47, but I think it includes setting up your own page as well, I'm not sure. The info is at the very bottom of the page I believe.

          The thing about the price change per xx amount of copies sold... well, Teds Woodworking always has 21 copies left, and the expiration of the current offer automatically extends by a day, every day. So.. it sticks on $67. I see a lot of product pages doing this. Such a gray area, actually.
          This is great to know, I wasn't aware that any affiliate programs on Clickbank offered a special discount for affiliates who requested it. This way, at least you'd have some element of truth to what you are advertising on your flyer.
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565948].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog
            Hey Paulie, I remember this was mentioned way back in the thread... someone suggested having a landing page, with a list building option to get the extra $20 off, and a "no thanks" option.

            Had a quick look at the page, you need to get on to ted himself, to get your special link... asks how you'll be marketing it... I'm sure the fact that you'll be offering the discount on a flyer won't matter.

            Would you need to disclose the link building though?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3566096].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              I'm sure the fact that you'll be offering the discount on a flyer won't matter.
              It doesn't matter....

              I contacted Teds CS, told them I would be flyer marketing and got my link for the discount no problems.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3566924].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Hey Paulie, I remember this was mentioned way back in the thread... someone suggested having a landing page, with a list building option to get the extra $20 off, and a "no thanks" option.

              Had a quick look at the page, you need to get on to ted himself, to get your special link... asks how you'll be marketing it... I'm sure the fact that you'll be offering the discount on a flyer won't matter.

              Would you need to disclose the link building though?
              Thanks for letting me know, this thread has become so huge and labyrinthine that I think I can be excused for missing it though.

              I don't think you need to disclose the list building, as that's something done apart from the sales website - affiliate marketers do this all the time when promoting CB products.
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3567439].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Hey Thomas, what do you mean by your offer? A separate product you've developed?

        Oh, and how long did it take you to explain how CB works?
        Yes, A product I wrote (Actually two) and sell plus a third that I have a partnership in. I have never had a product in Clickbank.

        Fortunately I had taken my laptop along and gave a little demonstration of Clickbank right there. I'm dealing with people who were formally big into Ebay so it wasn't much of a jump for them.

        When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3568347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
    Wow. That is great information. Offline marketing is a great way to drive targeted traffic and you just inspired me with a great idea I will now try to implement.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564602].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    *Show Results Update*

    I talked to my vendor/partner a few minutes ago and found out why the hop count was so low...

    He told me that the show was much smaller than expected and they only handed out about 150 flyers. The website for the show said they expected about 4000 - 6000 people to attend over the 3 day show. My partner told me it was only busy 1 of the 3 days and he didnt think even 1000 people attended in total.

    My hop count so far for the two CB products on the flyer is a whopping 22 hops with 1 order form impression...but no purchases.

    If he handed out about 150 flyers and I got 22 hops (so far) then that would be almost 15% hop rate (not that bad I guess) and 1 order form impression which would be a 4.5 % rate...again, not bad but it would have been nice if that would have been a purchase.

    Maybe an improved flyer design would have increased those numbers...maybe not...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3568155].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mscee
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      *Show Results Update*

      I talked to my vendor/partner a few minutes ago and found out why the hop count was so low...

      He told me that the show was much smaller than expected and they only handed out about 150 flyers. The website for the show said they expected about 4000 - 6000 people to attend over the 3 day show. My partner told me it was only busy 1 of the 3 days and he didnt think even 1000 people attended in total.

      My hop count so far for the two CB products on the flyer is a whopping 22 hops with 1 order form impression...but no purchases.

      If he handed out about 150 flyers and I got 22 hops (so far) then that would be almost 15% hop rate (not that bad I guess) and 1 order form impression which would be a 4.5 % rate...again, not bad but it would have been nice if that would have been a purchase.

      Maybe an improved flyer design would have increased those numbers...maybe not...
      Hey Robert!

      I was wondering if you could PM me the template email you use when emailing vendors and the follow up email? Just looking for ideas to use in my emails

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3577694].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by mscee View Post

        Hey Robert!

        I was wondering if you could PM me the template email you use when emailing vendors and the follow up email? Just looking for ideas to use in my emails

        It's basically just an introduction email with a brief explanation of the flyer approach and products being promoted. It's really very basic to be honest.

        I think it would be best if you wrote it yourself so that it comes from you and not someone else. If you end up talking to your vendors on the phone and you sound different than your emails do it might seem kind of strange to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Wilkinson
    I knew the dam would break on QRs. Home Depot announced today that they are deploying QR codes throughout the store so that consumers can do research and make comparisons. The dominos will start to fall now.

    When you hear someone telling you what YOU can't do, they are usually talking about what THEY can't do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3575995].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Thomas Wilkinson View Post

      I knew the dam would break on QRs. Home Depot announced today that they are deploying QR codes throughout the store so that consumers can do research and make comparisons. The dominos will start to fall now.

      Thanks for sharing this. I've also seen the QR codes show up more and more in magazines and on business cards, and I think retailers will see a marked increase in responses over the coming year as market penetration of smartphones with the ability to read QR codes is going to increase dramatically.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
        I posted this question several days ago, but it must've gotten overlooked.

        How many flyers would you suggest getting printed for a show with an estimated attendance of 28,000+. Is there a formula that you use to figure this out for each show?

        Thanks so much,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580164].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
          Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

          I posted this question several days ago, but it must've gotten overlooked.

          How many flyers would you suggest getting printed for a show with an estimated attendance of 28,000+. Is there a formula that you use to figure this out for each show?

          Thanks so much,

          I have one coming up that expected to get 40,000 and I'm sending 4000 flyers. My partner has a large display (double booth) so I think they might draw more attention than some of the smaller vendors...which hopefully translates into more flyers being passed out. I don't know if 10% is too many but the cost of 4000 versus 2000 (or even 3000) isn't that much more so I would rather my partner have more than they need than not long as it's not to many (like thousands more than they would need).
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580375].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author thedog
            Am I right in saying, that if you offer the $20 discount, with teds woodworking, you're lowering your own commission, or does ted take the hit on this?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580520].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Am I right in saying, that if you offer the $20 discount, with teds woodworking, you're lowering your own commission, or does ted take the hit on this?
              I don't know for sure but I would have to say that you would be lowering your own commission...about $15 or so. I don't think it could work the other way because 75% of the original price ($47) would be roughly $35, if the price is dropped $20 to $27 then it would be impossible for your commission to remain the same as the original payout per sale.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580785].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author rawstyle
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Am I right in saying, that if you offer the $20 discount, with teds woodworking, you're lowering your own commission, or does ted take the hit on this?
              You both take the hit, as a team.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3583350].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by thedog View Post

              Am I right in saying, that if you offer the $20 discount, with teds woodworking, you're lowering your own commission, or does ted take the hit on this?
              I believe that both parties will take a hit, as you just get a percentage of the sale (Ted's woodworking pays a 50% commission), so obviously your commission will be lower if the product is sold with the $20 discount.
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3588000].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
            Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

            I have one coming up that expected to get 40,000 and I'm sending 4000 flyers. My partner has a large display (double booth) so I think they might draw more attention than some of the smaller vendors...which hopefully translates into more flyers being passed out. I don't know if 10% is too many but the cost of 4000 versus 2000 (or even 3000) isn't that much more so I would rather my partner have more than they need than not long as it's not to many (like thousands more than they would need).
            Thanks, Robert! I decided to order 3000 flyers. My vendor wanted 2 flyers with 2 different products so I ordered 1500 copies of each flyer.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3588986].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by shellwipp View Post

              Thanks, Robert! I decided to order 3000 flyers. My vendor wanted 2 flyers with 2 different products so I ordered 1500 copies of each flyer.
              So correct me if I'm wrong here - it seems that you've consulted extensively with your vendor on what products to feature on the flyers? Are they double-sided, and do they feature the same text/graphics printed on both sides? Also, would you mind letting us know what type of trade show this is?

              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3590513].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author shellwipp
                Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                So correct me if I'm wrong here - it seems that you've consulted extensively with your vendor on what products to feature on the flyers? Are they double-sided, and do they feature the same text/graphics printed on both sides? Also, would you mind letting us know what type of trade show this is?

                Hi Paul,

                Yes, I did consult with my vendor on what products to have on the flyers. My vendor makes jewelry and because her jewelry is handcrafted, she wanted her flyers with products that emphasized being "handcrafted" as well.

                When I emailed her a copy of a sample flyer to look at, it happened to be of a product on how to make spa-quality products at home for fun or profit that I had designed for another vendor. She really liked that particular product and wanted that on her flyer. She also wanted a second flyer with a different handcrafted product, so I chose a product on how to make candles at home.

                Each product is on its own double-sided flyer with different text and graphics on each side. I decided to do it this way because I wasn't sure I could get enough information on one side to "pre-sell" the product.

                This is a 3-day women's expo so I'm hoping that both products are popular and convert well.

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  • Profile picture of the author Neil B
    Thanks for the ino Dave...what a great idea!!!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3578087].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TokiTover
    Wow, great idea... I am out here in Vegas and I know there are plenty of opportunities to do something like this! Research comes first... cool man!
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  • Profile picture of the author ifeanyiboy
    Congratulations!! Really smart idea!

    No affiliate template sites in sig allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580760].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    I am thinking about trying something and I thought I would run it by the forum for suggestions.

    The flyers I am using are sending propects directly to the affiliate product but what do you folks think about sending them to a squeeze page will a little details and mention that if they like this product to complete an email form to keep them informed about other products they might like.


    I thought about adding something at the bottom of the flyer and saying something like this. If you like this product why not reply here with your email and I will keep you informed about products that might interest you.

    Tell me what you think.


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3581806].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rbeckwith
    Has Anyone other than Dave had any reasonable success with this program? It doesn't sound like it thus far...
    Rod Beckwith - JV, Super Affiliate & Product Expert
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    • Profile picture of the author Casper C
      Originally Posted by rbeckwith View Post

      Has Anyone other than Dave had any reasonable success with this program? It doesn't sound like it thus far...
      rbeckwith, I wouldn't really call it a program. It's traditional advertising, and has proven to work for many decades. However, it's not something you just start making a ton of money from straight away. It's something that requires a lot of testing and scaling up. That is why you don't see people in this thread making thousands from it straight away.

      As someone else suggested, it's a very good idea to work on making deals with independent stores. When a shopkeeper is bagging someone's product upon purchase, imagine if they put a flyer in the bag each time. The offer needs to be good, and the deal with the store needs to be good. It's the real challenging part I think. But it can be rewarding.

      There's also the possibility of making deals with online stores where they may be willing to put your flyers in with the packages being sent out to the customers. Again, it needs to be a great deal and very professional. But just a few of these deals with stores can send a lot of money your way. You just then have to worry about constantly getting more flyers printed and delivered.

      This whole business model is also good for sort of getting your own product into stores (in a way). If you can get events and stores to advertise a Clickbank product, you can certainly get some to advertise your own. It gives you more control and the ability to capture leads and upsell/cross-sell/downsell.
      I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3616989].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    ok...finally made a sale with this...

    1 for a total commission of $13.03...LOL

    I did talk to Dave and found out that I may have had my flyers at the same show he has some and his vendor has a very large display and attracts a lot of traffic.

    Also, the funny thing is I made the sale on my back-up CB product, not the main one that was related to the show. I did a wood working show with Teds woodworking plans on 1 side of the flyer and since the other woodworking products werent that great I decided to put the "As Seen On TV Recipes" on the back. My thinking was if the husbands took the flyers home and their wives saw the recipe side that maybe I could get some sales that way as well.

    I didnt sell any woodworking plans but 1 recipe ebook...go figure, LOL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3605202].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      ok...finally made a sale with this...

      1 for a total commission of $13.03...LOL

      I did talk to Dave and found out that I may have had my flyers at the same show he has some and his vendor has a very large display and attracts a lot of traffic.

      Also, the funny thing is I made the sale on my back-up CB product, not the main one that was related to the show. I did a wood working show with Teds woodworking plans on 1 side of the flyer and since the other woodworking products werent that great I decided to put the "As Seen On TV Recipes" on the back. My thinking was if the husbands took the flyers home and their wives saw the recipe side that maybe I could get some sales that way as well.

      I didnt sell any woodworking plans but 1 recipe ebook...go figure, LOL
      Thanks for reporting back, it's a little ironic that a recipe ebook ended up being sold from a flyer that was handed out at a wood working By the way, were you promoting the 'famous restaurant recipes' ebook by Ron Douglas?

      Do you know how many flyers were passed out in the end? I know with flyers it can be a little hit and miss sometimes, and a lot can depend on the crowd that turns out at the event. Weather can be a factor as well, especially if the event is outdoors or at a location that may be a little out of the way.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608853].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Thanks for reporting back, it's a little ironic that a recipe ebook ended up being sold from a flyer that was handed out at a wood working the way, were you promoting the 'famous restaurant recipes' ebook by Ron Douglas?
        Thats the one.

        I guess my theory panned out. I thought maybe someone would take a flyer home and a wife might see the other side and get interested. At least thats my thought on it...could be way off...will probably never know for sure but it sounds good...LOL

        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Do you know how many flyers were passed out in the end?
        Not yet, waiting to hear back from my vendor. When I get some more info I will post it.

        I had 41 hops total and of those 23 went to the recipe eBook, so that means more went there than the woodworking site...kinda funny really.

        Like I said, talked to Dave and I think maybe I was at a show he was already doing with a fairly large vendor...if so I would imagine that was a bit much to compete against.

        No one wants to lose money but all things considered I am still learning so don't expect to rake it in like Dave does right out the gate, although it would have been nice.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3609343].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          If the wife bought the book and finds it useful, she may tell the husband to buy the product on the otherside. You may have 2 potential customers with one flyer. Also if the cookbook is good.I'm sure she will share the reciept with friends, you may get alot more business with one flyer

          You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          Thats the one.

          I guess my theory panned out. I thought maybe someone would take a flyer home and a wife might see the other side and get interested. At least thats my thought on it...could be way off...will probably never know for sure but it sounds good...LOL

          Not yet, waiting to hear back from my vendor. When I get some more info I will post it.

          I had 41 hops total and of those 23 went to the recipe eBook, so that means more went there than the woodworking site...kinda funny really.

          Like I said, talked to Dave and I think maybe I was at a show he was already doing with a fairly large vendor...if so I would imagine that was a bit much to compete against.

          No one wants to lose money but all things considered I am still learning so don't expect to rake it in like Dave does right out the gate, although it would have been nice.
          I assume you were promoting the same wood working offer as Dave? If that's the case, then this might explain why your recipe ebook seems to be eliciting more interest than the wood working offer. If the visitors have already seen the wood working offer from Dave's flyers, they'd probably not have bothered with typing in the domain for yours - just a theory, but this could explain the higher number of hops for the recipe offer.
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3612278].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Do you know how many flyers were passed out in the end?
        According to my vendor he said he passed out about 200 flyers and here are the numbers from those:

        64 total hops
        3 order form impressions
        1 sale

        If he handed out 200 and I made 1 sale from them then thats a pretty low conversion rate... .005%

        Could certainly have been better

        Looking at it form the hop point of view it is a .015% conversion rate. Still low compared to Daves results but as I said before, I think there were outside factors involved.

        The good news is that my vendor is going to send the left over flyers out with his internet orders, give them out in classes he teaches and also continue to take them to future shows until he runs out of flyers.

        In the long run I might just make some money from them.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3617501].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          According to my vendor he said he passed out about 200 flyers and here are the numbers from those:

          64 total hops
          3 order form impressions
          1 sale

          If he handed out 200 and I made 1 sale from them then thats a pretty low conversion rate... .005%

          Could certainly have been better

          Looking at it form the hop point of view it is a .015% conversion rate. Still low compared to Daves results but as I said before, I think there were outside factors involved.

          The good news is that my vendor is going to send the left over flyers out with his internet orders, give them out in classes he teaches and also continue to take them to future shows until he runs out of flyers.

          In the long run I might just make some money from them.
          Flyers marketing has always been a low percentage sort of thing, but even so the conversion here is a little on the low side. It's a little hard to make a determination at this point, with just 200 handed out. Typically you'd need to hand out at least 1,000 flyers or more preferably in order to accurately judge a campaign.

          Hopefully you'll see better conversions with the additional flyers that are going to be handed out by your vendor. It is good that he at least realizes the potential to this type of marketing, and hasn't given up altogether.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3618404].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          According to my vendor he said he passed out about 200 flyers and here are the numbers from those:

          64 total hops
          3 order form impressions
          1 sale

          If he handed out 200 and I made 1 sale from them then thats a pretty low conversion rate... .005%

          Could certainly have been better

          Looking at it form the hop point of view it is a .015% conversion rate. Still low compared to Daves results but as I said before, I think there were outside factors involved.

          The good news is that my vendor is going to send the left over flyers out with his internet orders, give them out in classes he teaches and also continue to take them to future shows until he runs out of flyers.

          In the long run I might just make some money from them.
          Please keep us updated on your results. This is very helpful.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3629377].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
          Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

          According to my vendor he said he passed out about 200 flyers and here are the numbers from those:

          64 total hops
          3 order form impressions
          1 sale

          If he handed out 200 and I made 1 sale from them then thats a pretty low conversion rate... .005%

          Could certainly have been better

          Looking at it form the hop point of view it is a .015% conversion rate. Still low compared to Daves results but as I said before, I think there were outside factors involved.

          The good news is that my vendor is going to send the left over flyers out with his internet orders, give them out in classes he teaches and also continue to take them to future shows until he runs out of flyers.

          In the long run I might just make some money from them.
          I agree with what Paulie said to some extent... Really... If you converted anything... That says this works.

          The only problem I saw with the model and why I backed off... is because you really need to split test your marketing piece before doing a mass distribution.

          So... .005 percent is typical conversions for a not so well put together flyer.

          There are several principles that need to be put into any marketing piece.

          .005 says the features and benefits were not built solid and the calls to action were in the wrong place.

          Just saying....

          Words sell... pictures tell.... having a heavy graphic marketing piece isn't always the best thing to do... Less graphics... more words...

          Split test... and see what happens... see if conversion increase....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3629847].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            The only problem I saw with the model and why I backed off... is because you really need to split test your marketing piece before doing a mass distribution.

            With this type of distribution it’s difficult to test the flyers before hand, unless you order different versions of the flyers to be handed out at the same show…which increases expense.

            What I have done is ordered different variations of the same flyers for different shows so hopefully that will give some input.

            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            So... .005 percent is typical conversions for a not so well put together flyer.

            Kind of difficult to make this determination without having seen the flyer isn't it???

            In fact, the only sale I did get came from the example flyer I posted very early on in this thread (taken down now to not mess with the show was getting a lot of hops here), Dave commented on how nice he thought it was and how well I would do with it.

            Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

            There are several principles that need to be put into any marketing piece.

            .005 says the features and benefits were not built solid and the calls to action were in the wrong place.

            Just saying....
            In part I agree…partly not.

            I will admit that my calls to action could have been better placed but as far as the mix of pictures vs words I’m not sure that’s the real issue here.

            I also think that doing 2 different offers on each flyer (limiting space) may have to be changed to just 1 per. Flyers are only so big and offer only so much space to pre-sell.

            As mentioned the show was somewhat small, and there weren’t that many flyers handed out. Yes it would have been better to see higher conversions but I think it would have also been better to see 1000 or more flyers handed out. With only 200 or so flyers handed out it’s difficult to get a real take on the entire picture. Also, there is the fact that I’m pretty sure Dave actually had flyers at the same show, which adds the competition factor and might help explain why the unrelated product is the one that sold and not the woodworking product, which would possibly help explain why the sales were low as well…it’s not related to the show.

            I know all of these are just guesses without some verifiable results from testing but as I said earlier…it’s difficult to test a one-time shot with so few flyers.

            I will certainly take all comments/suggestions into consideration as I will be doing some different things for upcoming shows that I already have scheduled.
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            • Profile picture of the author paulie888
              Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

              With this type of distribution it’s difficult to test the flyers before hand, unless you order different versions of the flyers to be handed out at the same show…which increases expense.

              What I have done is ordered different variations of the same flyers for different shows so hopefully that will give some input.

              It does seem a little tricky (and mostly it just gets expensive) to split test at the same show, unless perhaps it is a huge one where it'd be possible to distribute several thousand flyers (given the bulk printing discount constraints).

              Hopefully you'll be able to discover meaningful differences in the conversion rates at the different shows using the different variations of your flyers, and if you do, this will at least give you some input on how to modify your flyers to get a better conversion rate.
              >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author TamR

    Wouldn't it be easier to ask shop owners if they'd be interested instesd ofdoing trade fairs? It's much easier to scale I would have thought.

    Say bridal shop owners?

    Have a bunch of flyers made up promoting one of the "how to save money on your wedding" guides on Clickbank.

    If they say yes and they have a pile of flyers on their shop counter offer them $10 or $15 for each sale.

    I reckon that would work well.

    and on the back the recipes ebook
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  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11
    I have lined up a local hardware/building supply store that actually owns 2 other stores in other towns. The owner has agreed to display the flyers in all 3 stores.

    I am using a woodworking offer but I would like to get the forums thought of maybe using the back for a landscaping product instead of both sides for woodworking. As you may or may not know counter space is usually small so I figured a double offer might work the best.

    Any thoughts?


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    I suggest moving away from woodworking, lol! Neat product, Ted's Woodworking - I sell a few online as it happens, but maybe it's time to be a LITTLE more original!

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3612419].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      I suggest moving away from woodworking, lol! Neat product, Ted's Woodworking - I sell a few online as it happens, but maybe it's time to be a LITTLE more original!
      It's only 1 of 5 different niches I have set up over the next several weeks...

      I know it wasn't very original but thought it was worth a and learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Sure, I just wonder if Dave meant for so many people to go for that same niche when he shared this approach Actually I looked at other Clickbank products etc. (a LOT of junk) and came to the conclusion that this woodworking niche was one of the better ones. TW converts and pays pretty well for me on a site where I happened to already be promoting it, and it has a decent sales page and all those important things. A lot of products look like they might work for this approach but the presentation of them just doesn't inspire confidence - even when they have a reasonable gravity etc.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3613379].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author whyeyeschoice
    Excellent Idea Dave. I'm glad it's working for you. I think this concept would also work in Flea Markets as Well. I Will have to mull this one over and see what I can work out. Excellent Offline Marketing Idea. Thanks for Sharing Dave!
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  • Profile picture of the author jamepirc
    Granting your own success Dave. Good job..You had my thumbs up right here...
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  • Profile picture of the author sasai
    Great story, and thanks for your tips, bookmarked
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  • Profile picture of the author deneyalhardy
    Your idea is wonderful, but more important is that your execution and attention to detail. I appreciate your sharing with us what you think. Have you ever try to market to college? Would like to know if you have any contact, trying to help students market CB products?
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesTouleron
    Wow, I'm starting to see why this forum is so popular Great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author jrod014
    any chance to get the flyer images back up for demo?
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  • Profile picture of the author hommi_16
    So far not one person reporting descent results with this method. I`m starting to wonder!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3671713].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by hommi_16 View Post

      So far not one person reporting descent results with this method. I`m starting to wonder!!!!
      They're keeping very quiet about it Dave was very generous to share this method - can you imagine how many lurkers took this and ran with it? A tiny percentage of people ever report back, and a tiny percentage of people ever post their success on the forum because they don't want other people muscling in.

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3671731].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hommi_16
        Originally Posted by markowe View Post

        They're keeping very quiet about it Dave was very generous to share this method - can you imagine how many lurkers took this and ran with it? A tiny percentage of people ever report back, and a tiny percentage of people ever post their success on the forum because they don't want other people muscling in.
        I`m gonna have to disagree my friend. Usually when there`s an idea that works you start to read some success stories. They may not give detail as to exactly what they did or what product they used or how the fliers looked and that`s understandable.

        In fact, in this `hot`17 page thread there is no one saying they made money and there are people posting here with some negative results so it makes my wonder.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3671789].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author markowe
          Originally Posted by hommi_16 View Post

          I`m gonna have to disagree my friend. Usually when there`s an idea that works you start to read some success stories. They may not give detail as to exactly what they did or what product they used or how the fliers looked and that`s understandable.

          In fact, in this `hot`17 page thread there is no one saying they made money and there are people posting here with some negative results so it makes my wonder.
          Maybe, or maybe hardly anyone went out and tried it !

          Actually, although it's a great idea there is no rocket science here. It's basically a targeted flier campaign, just with the twist that the action has to be taken by the customer online. What's not to 'work' - it's been working offline for decades *shrug* ..?

          Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author joinmyclub
    brilliant post sir Dave! very realistic and unique idea.
    Watch latest online movies for FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Bishop
    Awesome story
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  • Profile picture of the author Dhira

    I need to read through when i have more time, but kudos so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    Had my biggest show this past weekend...

    I won't go into specific numbers because it could be misleading since there are so many factors involved here but in the end (after 3 shows) I haven't had the success that Dave had...not even close actually. I did post specific numbers on two other shows and although this third show was much larger it didn't fare much better.

    I will say that with this last show I did make a little bit of money, was able to split test my flyers (through two different partners at the same show) and did learn some things from the testing but all in all I would have to say I don't think I will continue with this method, the ROI (at least for me) just isn't worth the time and money invested.

    One thing I did learn that may help others who want to pursue this is to either avoid the smaller shows all together or at least try to partner with someone who will also be doing larger shows down the road, this will allow you to save some money on the printing costs since your partner can take the left over flyers to follow on shows.

    Best of luck to those who decide to go with it, I hope you have a better experience than I did.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3684831].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      Had my biggest show this past weekend...

      I won't go into specific numbers because it could be misleading since there are so many factors involved here but in the end (after 3 shows) I haven't had the success that Dave had...not even close actually. I did post specific numbers on two other shows and although this third show was much larger it didn't fare much better.

      I will say that with this last show I did make a little bit of money, was able to split test my flyers (through two different partners at the same show) and did learn some things from the testing but all in all I would have to say I don't think I will continue with this method, the ROI (at least for me) just isn't worth the time and money invested.

      One thing I did learn that may help others who want to pursue this is to either avoid the smaller shows all together or at least try to partner with someone who will also be doing larger shows down the road, this will allow you to save some money on the printing costs since your partner can take the left over flyers to follow on shows.

      Best of luck to those who decide to go with it, I hope you have a better experience than I did.

      Thanks for sharing this, Robert. I was already pretty sure that flyer advertising is a fairly low percentage proposition, based on some flyer distribution (not at shows though) that I've done in the past. It wouldn't make economic sense to have these flyers handed out at smaller shows, as you really are only going to see results when 1,000 or more are handed out, given the typical low conversion rates one gets from this type of marketing.

      Your advice about seeking out partners who do multiple (larger) shows on a fairly frequent basis is very prudent, since it wouldn't make much sense to ship out flyers to vendors who can only hand out limited flyers at a smaller event - you'd at least want one who went to multiple shows fairly frequently so that several thousand flyers or more could be handed out within the space of a few weeks or less.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3685246].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      Had my biggest show this past weekend...

      I won't go into specific numbers because it could be misleading since there are so many factors involved here but in the end (after 3 shows) I haven't had the success that Dave had...not even close actually. I did post specific numbers on two other shows and although this third show was much larger it didn't fare much better.

      I will say that with this last show I did make a little bit of money, was able to split test my flyers (through two different partners at the same show) and did learn some things from the testing but all in all I would have to say I don't think I will continue with this method, the ROI (at least for me) just isn't worth the time and money invested.

      One thing I did learn that may help others who want to pursue this is to either avoid the smaller shows all together or at least try to partner with someone who will also be doing larger shows down the road, this will allow you to save some money on the printing costs since your partner can take the left over flyers to follow on shows.

      Best of luck to those who decide to go with it, I hope you have a better experience than I did.


      Thank you for reporting the results. As was mentioned in an earlier post, there were not many good success stories posted from implementing this methods. I'm sure many people, like me, were waiting to see some more results from posters other than OP. While I don't doubt that Dave was very successful with this method and it's a viable method of making money, it does help to see others' experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Newman
    A simple and effective system. A classic example of seeing money with one's mind. Money is all around us, really. We just have to come up with similar systems, like the one you shared.
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  • Profile picture of the author HollyJean
    Incredible Results for such little time!! I had never thought of taking affiliate marketing "offline" the way you have and watching it spread like wildfire! Congrats!!

    Do all the shows have a "take-home" bag for advertisers? This could be a very hands-off approach to any business!

    I have a few online businesses, but my newest venture is in the firearms and personal protection industry. We are planning to hit all the local gun shows as part of our business model, but now I think we may try this type of advertising while we are there to drive more business to our website. I cant thank you enough!!
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  • Profile picture of the author rbeckwith
    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for your results. I do find it concerning that Dave hasn't come back in to try and help people or at least give some advice. I find it VERY suspicious that EVERYONE that has tried this method has failed to turn a profit as it was made to sound like a slam dunk.

    From my own experience on participating in trade shows and being an attendee I can say without reservation that I collect ALOT of stuff, but rarely will I go back and look at it after I get home.

    Food for thought....

    Rod Beckwith - JV, Super Affiliate & Product Expert
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by rbeckwith View Post

      Hi Robert,

      Thanks for your results. I do find it concerning that Dave hasn't come back in to try and help people or at least give some advice. I find it VERY suspicious that EVERYONE that has tried this method has failed to turn a profit as it was made to sound like a slam dunk.

      From my own experience on participating in trade shows and being an attendee I can say without reservation that I collect ALOT of stuff, but rarely will I go back and look at it after I get home.

      Food for thought....

      Rod, I am fairly certain that flyer marketing is a numbers game with fairly low conversion numbers (based on my experiences in the past), and in order to make this work you need to move massive volume. Just doing one or two shows and not being able to distribute thousands of flyers is probably not going to result in any appreciable number of sales - it takes commitment and consistency to make flyer marketing work.

      I don't doubt that Dave gets the kind of numbers he has alluded to here, but I feel that in order to achieve this, you need to have vendors at large shows that actively encourage visitors to pick up the flyers.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Casper C
    To be completely honest, you can't ever expect to be making a ton of money with this straight away. It's like with many business models - it takes ongoing commitment, lots and lots of testing and learning, and it's about the deals you make. I wouldn't ever expect to be making a lot of money from this in just a few weeks or even months. More like a year or more.

    Dave's quick success with this model may have been from being in the exact right place at the exact right time. It looks like this has led many to think that they can go and expect to do exactly the same, and that if they can't do it in short time then it must not be worth the effort. Bad way of thinking. It really just requires a long-term effort.

    Think about where you could go with this if you were to work at it for a year. You could be shifting flyers through tons of events and stores. Like Paulie said, it's about volume. The problem is, too many people want to make a quick buck.
    I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

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    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

      It looks like this has led many to think that they can go and expect to do exactly the same, and that if they can't do it in short time then it must not be worth the effort. Bad way of thinking. It really just requires a long-term effort.
      I personally wouldn't want to spend that much time and money involved with printing to find out which is why I decided to move on to other ventures.

      Originally Posted by Casper C View Post

      The problem is, too many people want to make a quick buck.
      It wasn't so much that I thought it could be done easily to "make a quick buck" but I did think that it should be possible to at least break even over the course of 5 shows (and it might but it didn't end that way for me). I had shows with multiple vendors and during those 5 shows I was able to learn some things through testing and various other the end I decided this approach isn't worth my time and money.

      Does that mean the method isn't, but it does mean that I personally didn't have enough success with it (or the promise of enough in the future) to make it worth the time and money that I feel I could apply elsewhere to a better end result.
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  • Profile picture of the author usernameunknown
    Very inspiring story of thinking outside the box.

    I have read every single post, and there is a pattern.

    Even though i haven't tried this, i think research is needed to go into this, not just print flyers and go to the exhibitions.

    For example, how many people turned up to that same exhibition last year?

    At the end of the day, its a percentage thing. If the exhib had 8000 people go, and you picked a low traffic stand, obviously your not going to get the sales, as such.

    Here is what i gather from what i have just read on this thread:

    Firstly, you need to know how many people go to the shows?

    Next, what is the most popular stand from last year/most popular subject regarding that shows subject, this day.

    Also, you need to research leaflet designs, what is the best call to action? Whats the best colours to use? etc, etc.

    Highest traffic areas. Where are they? Because its like anywhere. No matter the number of people, there is always bad planning at these shows, and some areas get less traffic, regardless of numbers.

    I know it probably a lot of work, but it is amazing what you can learn from just phoning the organisers of the shows.

    However, even though we are on the subject of leaflets, has anyone considered putting up posters at these shows? Especially near the entrance, where the highest traffic is? Because, think about it. What would be cheaper, leaflets or posters? Or better yet, why not try getting a website setup, with different items from the subject. Then direct people to that. Do a review site of the shows subject.

    Well, just my two pence (from UK).
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  • Profile picture of the author paintbrush4u
    Very interesting thread... i think, recently dave has already created a couple of WSO offering more indepth knowledge about how he was able to pull it off right off the gates.


    Geo-Targeting and local SEO Consultant
    Yes I do believe in Money Tree - Its just that we call it our LISTs

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  • Profile picture of the author Sondor
    Hi all,

    A big thanks to those who shared. Very COOL thread!

    I made it through all 17 pages today, and thought I'd contribute what I can.

    I've worked ~100 home-shows over the last 7 years as a side job, and have some insight into the industry.

    Just a few random thoughts in no particular order in the hopes they help anyone pursuing this route:

    Many promoters (even the big dogs) are small family business's. Approach them well, and they will respond well. They appreciate entrepreneurs and will bend rules if they wish to. Cross them, and ensure a fail.

    Everything is negotiable if it doesn't compromise show integrity or conflict with others best interests. For example, all reputable shows require vendors be fully vetted before they are allowed in. Sub-leasing is NOT allowed as the offers have not been quality checked. You can get a good feel for how strict the show is by downloading their vendor application and perusing their vendor requirements.

    The BEST shows are invitation only and have waiting lists to become a vendor.

    You are not dealing with the venue. You are dealing with the promoter. The best shows I ever worked were in Del Mar, CA. The worst shows I ever worked were also in Del Mar, CA. Same venue, two different promoters.

    (ok, slight exaggeration, but I can't bring myself to tell the tale of working in a dirt lot one weekend where the only vendor making money had an elephant that held four at a time who he charged $5ea. for a five minute ride!)

    DO NOT try to hand out fliers in parking lots etc... w/o permission (which you will never get). At the best, you get booted out.

    I've seen several people detained by security and subsequently arrested by the police. Arrest is quite common. The charges vary from trespassing, up to fraud and 'theft by deceit' depending on the state. Because space rent at big shows is ~$1k for a small booth, that often puts you in felony territory if you really manage to piss somebody off.

    Every reputable promoter will offer attendance numbers if you ask.

    Show quality varies GREATLY. I would not waste my time with any venue that draws less than 20k visitors. The people who attend small events are looking for a free or low cost diversion. Of course there may be exceptions like gun-shows, or model train hobbyists for example, but, I wouldn't waste my time unless it augmented an existing online campaign and it was as simple as dropping off a few hundred fliers w/ a buddy who was gonna be there anyway. YMMV.

    A good way to judge show quality is by finding out what tickets sell for. Low-quality shows make their money from parking (usually a split between venue/promoter) and vendor fees. The more traffic, the more they charge for space rent and the more vendors they sign, so they often offer 'free admission' to drive traffic. Good deal for the Promoter, but bad for the vendor as the traffic is often a bunch of cheap charlies.

    The best show I worked every year charged $15 for admission, $12 for parking, sold $10 hot-dogs, and $12 small beers(!!).

    The guy on TV who promotes the 'slap-chop' is a bigger asshole in person, than he is on the informercial.

    The challenge is finding a show with high-traffic, a reputable promoter, and acquiring a vendor who is willing to partner with you.

    There are three types of salesmen at these shows. Those who are regional or local and work shows as a side business. Think mom & pop.

    Then there's those (freelancers) who work for whoever is paying them to be there that weekend who float around the country. Lastly there are those who travel the country for a specific vendor/product.

    The first is your best odds. The second is worth talking to, but are often not dependable, and the third I wouldn't waste my time with as they are usually big ticket item vendors who don't care what the booth cost or about promoting anything that may distract a buyer. I sold outdoor kitchens for example. Would I jeopardize a potential $1000+ commission to hawk a $50 info. product?

    The conversion rate of this sort of marketing is obviously low. Why not offer high-paying CPA offers instead of inexpensive CB products?

    I would approach a potential partner in the last couple of hours of the first day of the show. They are HUNGRY and scared they're going to lose money at the show. Traffic is at a low too. You will have your pick of locations in the venue, and most people who do these shows do at least several a year in various locals and will be happy to partner at multiple shows.

    Anyhow, just a few random thoughts, and I DO think this will work, but there are a lot of variables to take into consideration.

    I hope this continues and look forward to reading more!
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  • Profile picture of the author bombasdeagua
    thanks a lot .
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    Originally Posted by watson7 View Post

    Glad to see this post this discussion give us quality.
    Glad to see this spam...where would we be without it?

    Originally Posted by watson7 View Post

    Quality work we always appreciate.
    Now this is some quality spamming...we always appreciate it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3760410].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

      Glad to see this spam...where would we be without it?

      Now this is some quality spamming...we always appreciate it!
      Link juice is a beautiful thing, and you can see that when you post quality like Dave here, you get plenty of it... but if you are just bssing and not sharing anything of value... it wont amount to anything. All the stuff your mama told you about sowing and reaping is true, ESPECIALLY at the Warrior Forum!

      This is a great thread, I personally havent contributed much even though the link power here is like the California Gold rush, because Dave has it handled, I mean there isnt alot to say... other than Excellent EPIC thread!
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  • Profile picture of the author sparky2010
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  • Profile picture of the author first response
    thanks for sharing nice information...
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  • Profile picture of the author easyseosolutions
    Thanks for sharing your idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author simonp_ccfc
    Initially I was excited. 18 pages later I'm deflated. The more I look at it the more it looks like Dave's original post was a pre-sale for his WSO all along.

    Bear in mind it's the same guys defending Dave from anyone who dares to question the validity of the figures posted in the original post. Yet not one of these guys has managed to post successful figures themselves. In fact no-one has posted figures that come remarkably close to Dave's originals.

    Dave says of 1800 flyers given out he received 1154 hops. That's a remarkable conversion. On closer inspection it meant 1154 people retained his flyer. Took it home with them. Turned on the computer because of them and then acted on what the flyer said. 1154 out of 1800. Bear in mind these people would have been handed tens of flyers at this show. Does this tally with your own personal experience of flyers?

    I'm not saying these figures aren't true. I have no reason to disbelieve them but nor do I see any proof to believe them either.
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    • Profile picture of the author bayshorekid
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      • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
        Hello everyone, today is the first time I have caught up on this thread in about 3 weeks or so. I feel compelled to do some rambling on here-so bare with me please.

        I have recently just returned home from a near week long stay in the hospital due to a nasty respiratory virus that I contracted. Some of you were probably on my TMN Show a couple of Thursday's ago at the start of it when I was loosing my voice-it didn't get better, LOL.

        I want to address some things that are really troubling me. When I posted this thread, I was truly trying to "give some back" by outlining one method that I use to make a living. I wish I could take it back. As good as it makes me feel to know that I have helped a few people, the heartbreak it has caused is overwhelming. It has been suggested that the reason I posted this was to pre-sell my WSO-REALLY? Cause I made so many millions from that? By trying to help some folks (which I know I did) I have created a world of issues for myself that I was unprepared for. The biggest of which is managing all of my time now. I'm sorry for not being around hear lately, but I only have so much time to help; and I must help those who have paid for my help first. This was my first post on WF, I'm not really a forum guy-I don't like to type at all.

        We all know that in the end product creation is where the real money seems to be in this industry, so people started asking me to put together a WSO I did it. I sold 200 copies of the first WSO "6 Steps to Cashing in This Weekend" and about 300 copies of "The Offline Success Puzzle"-I grossed about $6000 on all of it. I told everyone who bought that I would help them and I have. This $6000 over a two month period represents approx. %20 of my average monthly income, but helping these folks (which I have committed to) has consumed nearly 50% of my time. So I just haven't been around. To say that the fact that I have been "suspiciously absent from the thread" so I must be some kind of hit and run artist is ridiculous.

        When I went after the shows with my flier method, I will be the first one to say that I got very lucky, in that my flier worked and I FOUND A GREAT PITCH MAN TO GIVE THEM OUT! I have also had bad shows. Nearest I can tell there is 1 person who is active on this thread that has really put some hustle into this and on the 3rd try he's profitable but says it's not for him. But he did it! This is a real business like any other- you must attack it with a plan and follow through. I got lucky in finding a great vendor to partner with at my first show but I had a great targeted offer and a good flier (that has now been used by others with poor trash control and gotten me banned from that show!!) and I knew that crowd. I go to that show every year for hobby-I thought it through before I moved on it.

        I have a few people that bought OSP that are now doing it full time. The VAST majority have not done anything with it. I got a refund request this morning from a person that called me every profanity under the sun, but has never submitted one support ticket and according to my tracking has only logged into the members area twice. I'm not used to this, maybe I'm just not thick skinned enough. Trying to help has cost me in ways I couldn't imagine, in one of my videos I recommend a certain CPA network (cause they're great guys to work with). Every newb that bought went running over to them and said "Dave Iago said" then when some of them didn't get approved they actually cussed out the Affiliate manager over there on the phone! Some shows that were good sources of income for me have now gone away because idiots pissed off the promoters. Just like online there are spammers OFFLINE TOO. This has impacted my my personal program significantly because of a few select people.

        I didn't mean to go on a rant here but I needed to say it. I will continue to help those who prove that they want to help themselves. I am reachable, If anybody on this thread wanted to find me they could without trying too hard.I can tell you this the reason that this thread became so popular is because this is a logical method that has been overlooked by online marketers. Like ANYTHING ELSE about 5% of the people that say they are going to do it actually put any effort into it. Some will be successful-most won't.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wyteria Jacobo
      Originally Posted by simonp_ccfc View Post

      Initially I was excited. 18 pages later I'm deflated. The more I look at it the more it looks like Dave's original post was a pre-sale for his WSO all along.

      Bear in mind it's the same guys defending Dave from anyone who dares to question the validity of the figures posted in the original post. Yet not one of these guys has managed to post successful figures themselves. In fact no-one has posted figures that come remarkably close to Dave's originals.

      Dave says of 1800 flyers given out he received 1154 hops. That's a remarkable conversion. On closer inspection it meant 1154 people retained his flyer. Took it home with them. Turned on the computer because of them and then acted on what the flyer said. 1154 out of 1800. Bear in mind these people would have been handed tens of flyers at this show. Does this tally with your own personal experience of flyers?

      I'm not saying these figures aren't true. I have no reason to disbelieve them but nor do I see any proof to believe them either.
      For anyone else who feels like simonp_ccfc, other people have had success with Dave's method. Maybe not on the same level as Dave yet; they just got started. Have a look at one such person who credits Dave for his recent success: sorry, I don't have enough posts to put links but search for

      under offline marketing discussions.

      By the way, I just picked up Dave's offer detailing 10 strategies and I'll be back to update you guys with my success.

      I've held myself back so many times by overthinking or giving myself a ton of reasons why a particular strategy just won't work and I suspect that may be what's happening to a lot of skeptics reading this thread or posting "I'll wait and see what results someone else has before I act" kind of comments. Success follows action!!!

      If we'd all just get out of our own way, (myself included), we'd be so much more powerful and successful than we know.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3796088].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by Wyteria Jacobo View Post

        For anyone else who feels like simonp_ccfc, other people have had success with Dave's method. Maybe not on the same level as Dave yet; they just got started. Have a look at one such person who credits Dave for his recent success: sorry, I don't have enough posts to put links but search for

        under offline marketing discussions.

        By the way, I just picked up Dave's offer detailing 10 strategies and I'll be back to update you guys with my success.

        I've held myself back so many times by overthinking or giving myself a ton of reasons why a particular strategy just won't work and I suspect that may be what's happening to a lot of skeptics reading this thread or posting "I'll wait and see what results someone else has before I act" kind of comments. Success follows action!!!

        If we'd all just get out of our own way, (myself included), we'd be so much more powerful and successful than we know.
        Bear in mind that there is a certain variability in the results you'll experience with flyer distribution. I have done it several times, and sometimes there is just no apparent rhyme or reason as to why one attempt at distributing flyers is better than another.

        It'll all even out in terms of response rate over the course of handing out tens of thousands of flyers, but when you're just distributing a few hundred, or even one or two thousand, you may experience wildly fluctuating results. You have been forewarned here...don't expect instant success from your first attempt at distributing flyers! It could very well happen, but the chances of that happening are truly hit and miss.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author jmorris18
    Dave, congratulations on your success.. What a creative way to think outside the box:-)


    Jason Morris

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3783138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheCG
      Glad you are feeling better, Dave.

      Everything doesn't work for everybody.

      People are asses. It is a scientific fact.

      Yes, by the way, I AM in the Witness Protection Program. I could tell you who I am but then I would have to kill you.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3783262].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytot11

    I am glad you are feeling better. I knew there had to be some reason for you not being around. I haven't had a chance to go to TMN in the last couple of weeks so I didn't know if you had done them or not but I guess I didn't miss anything. Hope to be able to be on tommorow if you have the chat.


    Affiliate links are not allowed.

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    • Profile picture of the author stevebent
      Hi Dave, I was hoping to see your flyer examples
      but I can understand why you took them down

      Because it's not always what you say, as to how you're saying it

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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
    When Wyteria Jacobo wrote:

    "If we'd all just get out of our own way, (myself included), we'd be so much more powerful and successful than we know."

    more truer words were never put into the universe. Both success and failure lie within us. One could even say they are between our ears <lol>...

    Just my 2¢...
    Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

    The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3805894].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clubrrr
      Im glad that you are feeling better. So sorry about all the trouble u had to endure ...But never cease to do good, in the proper time you will have the harvest!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jayme43
    Hey Dave....

    Your post got me to thinking... and boy did it PAY OFF...
    Thanks for getting my thought to working.

    Just posted this on another Thread... was trying to find your thread to refer to but couldn't find it.

    Hello Fellow Warriors,

    I don't make many posts on here... but I'm always reading and learning... sooo I thought I would make a post and SHARE with you all.

    I came up with this idea last week that earned me $243 from a $17 Investment and took less than SIX hours of work.

    Now, what got me to thinking about this idea was a Post on the warrior forum. I was going to link to the post but I can't find it now.

    The post was from a gentleman that got the idea to use ClickBank Products at local Trade Conferences. If I remember correctly he targeted a Furniture Trade Conference or something like that.

    It got me to thinking.

    Don't have any Trade Conferences here where I live but we do have a FLEA MARKET... actually about FIVE Flea Markets in the Area.

    I've always loved Flea Markets. Where else can you find 10,000 potential customers and your cost to set up is only $8.00 - $15.00.

    Sooo I decided to take his POST and see if it would work at a Flea Market.

    Sooo here is the STEP-BY-STEP how I earned $240 from a $17.00 Inventment with less than 7 hours total WORK TIME.

    Step # 1 - Looked at Clickbank and Paydotcom for a product that I could use.

    People at Flea Markets love to save money sooo my goal was to find a product that saved money.

    The product I ended up choosing was a product where you give away a Resorts Club Membership valued at $3,997.00. The customer is only required to pay $39.97 to activate the membership.

    The website looked pretty good and they offered PROOF that other memberships like this one were selling On-line and Offline for up to $9,995... which gave credibility to the product.

    I had never sold this product on-line or tried testing it.. so not sure what the outcome would have been.

    You can find this exact product on by typing in the word:


    Will come up Resorts Club Membership

    Cost of Step # 1 - Approx TWO hours of TIME

    Step # 2 - Signed up with as an affiliate.

    Cost Step # 2 - Less than 30 minutes of TIME.

    Step # 3 - Used my OLD Word Perfect program to create a Business Card to hand out at the Flea Market.

    Cost Step # 3 - Less than 30 minutes of TIME.

    Step # 4 - Had Business Cards printed on 8 x 11 YELLOW Card Stock Paper. Printed 100 sheets and had them cut into 1,000 Business Cards.

    Cost Step # 4 - $7.00 CASH and 30 minutes of TIME.

    Step # 5 - Reserved a Table for Saturday at one of my local Flea Markets.

    Cost Step # 5 - $10.00 CASH and 5 Minutes of TIME.

    Step # 6 - Handed out my 1,000 Business Cards on Saturday Morning. Took less than 2 hours to hand out 1,000 cards.

    Cost Step # 6 - 2 hours and 15 minutes TIME.

    Within the 1st 24 hours I had made 7 sales for $140.00

    The next 24 hours I made another 5 sales for $100.00

    The next 48 hours I made another 1 sale for $20.00

    Total sales were 13 for a total of $260.00.

    Minus Marketing Costs of $17.00

    Total Profit = $243.00.

    $243.00 divided by 6 hours of work came out to $40.50 per hour.

    NOT bad.

    Lessons LEARNED...

    1. Print more cards... I only printed 1,000 Business Cards this 1st time because I had no idea if it would work or not. Next time I will print 5,000 or more.

    2. Although the response rate was LOW less than 1%, I was still able to make a good profit because my marketing costs are so low.

    3. How to Up Scale this to bigger profits. I've already contacted a few friends at other Flea Markets in the area. I've offered to pay them $10.00 for each sale they make from handing out my business cards. Sooo their cost will be ZERO... I will print the cards for them all they have to do is hand out cards.

    4. I imagine other Clickbank and Paydotcom products would work using this same method, but I'm going to stick with this product until I'm not making money with it before I try something new.

    Hope this gives you all a lot of ideas how to earn some extra money this weekend in the Off Line area using Clickbank and Paydotcom products.

    There are 1,000 of Flea Markets soooo YOU are NOT going to hurt my business.

    Again before I get 100 PM about the product, I found it on You can find it by doing a search - type in "Resorts".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3831686].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Originally Posted by Jayme43 View Post

      There are 1,000 of Flea Markets soooo YOU are NOT going to hurt my business.

      Again before I get 100 PM about the product, I found it on You can find it by doing a search - type in "Resorts".
      Well done for taking the idea and putting a slightly different slant on it. I also had the idea to target flea markets - there are some good CB products about buying/selling/flipping on eBay that would be a good fit. Just never had time to run with it - trying to stay focused on my main business(es), so if anyone wants to take that idea too they are welcome E.g. this product: Antiques, Collectibles and eBay Advice (no aff link).

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Jayme43 View Post

      Step # 3 – Used my OLD Word Perfect program to create a Business Card to hand out at the Flea Market.

      Cost Step # 3 – Less than 30 minutes of TIME.

      Step # 4 – Had Business Cards printed on 8 x 11 YELLOW Card Stock Paper. Printed 100 sheets and had them cut into 1,000 Business Cards.

      Cost Step # 4 - $7.00 CASH and 30 minutes of TIME.

      Step # 5 – Reserved a Table for Saturday at one of my local Flea Markets.

      Cost Step # 5 - $10.00 CASH and 5 Minutes of TIME.

      Step # 6 – Handed out my 1,000 Business Cards on Saturday Morning. Took less than 2 hours to hand out 1,000 cards.

      Cost Step # 6 – 2 hours and 15 minutes TIME.

      Within the 1st 24 hours I had made 7 sales for $140.00

      The next 24 hours I made another 5 sales for $100.00

      The next 48 hours I made another 1 sale for $20.00

      Total sales were 13 for a total of $260.00.

      Minus Marketing Costs of $17.00

      Total Profit = $243.00.

      $243.00 divided by 6 hours of work came out to $40.50 per hour.

      NOT bad.

      Thanks for sharing this - it's truly remarkable much money can be made offline if we just open our eyes a little, and your story just drives this point home yet again. I think many of us have developed "tunnel vision" when it comes to marketing, and we are missing out so much by neglecting the opportunities that we are presented with on a constant basis, especially when we are able to combine online products/services and offline prospects.

      Your flea market proposition sounds very intriguing - I've distributed CPA flyers/cards at the malls and stadiums before, but I've never done anything at the flea markets. $10 for a table at the flea market sounds really cheap, was this for an indoor or outdoor table? I may be mistaken, but I think the indoor tables at the flea markets here cost considerably more than $10, though the outdoor tables rent for around $10.

      Also, did you make any concerted effort to get people to come to your table and/or hand out the cards to them, or did you basically just lay out your cards on the table and hand it out to any one who came by your table? In other words, was it difficult to get those 1,000 cards handed out, or was it just a matter of being there for less than 2 hours and handing it out to whoever passed by your table? What time(s) in the morning have you found to be best for handing out those cards quickly?

      Would you mind detailing the text/copy that you printed out on each card, and the weight of yellow stock paper that you used?

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author Jayme43
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Thanks for sharing this - it's truly remarkable much money can be made offline if we just open our eyes a little, and your story just drives this point home yet again. I think many of us have developed "tunnel vision" when it comes to marketing, and we are missing out so much by neglecting the opportunities that we are presented with on a constant basis, especially when we are able to combine online products/services and offline prospects.

        Your flea market proposition sounds very intriguing - I've distributed CPA flyers/cards at the malls and stadiums before, but I've never done anything at the flea markets. $10 for a table at the flea market sounds really cheap, was this for an indoor or outdoor table? I may be mistaken, but I think the indoor tables at the flea markets here cost considerably more than $10, though the outdoor tables rent for around $10.

        Also, did you make any concerted effort to get people to come to your table and/or hand out the cards to them, or did you basically just lay out your cards on the table and hand it out to any one who came by your table? In other words, was it difficult to get those 1,000 cards handed out, or was it just a matter of being there for less than 2 hours and handing it out to whoever passed by your table? What time(s) in the morning have you found to be best for handing out those cards quickly?

        Would you mind detailing the text/copy that you printed out on each card, and the weight of yellow stock paper that you used?

        Hey Paul,

        # 1 - I use Business Cards becasue they are CHEAP. I can hand out 1,000 YELLOW Cardstock Business Cards for $7.00 -vs- a Flyer that would cost me minimum of $70 for a 1,000. TEN TIMES THE COST.

        # 2 - Cost of a Flea Market. All depends on where you live and the size of the market. I've worked at Flea Markets in 26 States. I've paid as low as $2.00 for a table and as high as $50 for a table. I always try to be on one of the MAIN isles inside and in the CENTER of the isle. It you get on an end of an Isle a lot of people will look down the isle and turn around and never walk past your table.

        # 3 - I ALWAYS make an effort to get people to come to my table. Hey here you go your a WINNER... hand the card to them. -or- Hello and hand the card to them. If you just SIT at the table 1,000's of people will walk by and never even notice you.

        # 4 - Best time to hand out cards... when people are there. Again it depends on the Flea Market you are working. Every one is different. I went to a flea market in Florida and I called it the FLASH LIGHT Flea Market. Everyone was set up by 5 a.m. in the morning and the farmers were all out walking around with Flash lights checking every thing out.
        Other markets start LATE. One in South Carolina I worked at people didn't show up until almost 10 a.m. in the morning and it was over by 2 p.m.

        # 5 - The EXact text I used on the card was / is:

        You Are A WINNER!!!

        Go To: Domain Name

        To Claim Your Prize Valued At $3,997.

        The Card Stock is normal Business Card Stock 80 or 150 pound... I don't remember I just point to the paper and they know what I'm looking for.

        # 6 - I have scaled this up now. Got people handing out in 4 other markets for me. I pay for the cards... they hand out. They earn $10.00 per sale.

        Still using the Resorts product at

        As long as it continues to convert well I will kept using it.

        I love having people work for me sooo when I have time this week will start to look for people all over the USA who are already working at Flea Markets.

        Hope this helps.
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        • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
          Originally Posted by Jayme43 View Post

          Still using the Resorts product at

          As long as it continues to convert well I will kept using it.

          I love having people work for me sooo when I have time this week will start to look for people all over the USA who are already working at Flea Markets.

          Hope this helps.
          Okay, I must've missed something in this thread. What is a resort product? Is it promoting resorts or something? Also, I just signed up with and saw an interesting affiliate product in their testimonial section...and can't for the life of me find it in their affiliate promotions section. So

          Edited to add: Ohhhh...I just realized that is Mike Filsame's company! Guy's doing it all!

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  • Profile picture of the author mikesonfire
    Sorry to hear all the grief you got for sharing on the Forum. You do need a thick skin (even when you do good) to put yourself out in any public venue.

    Rest assured that your detractors are almost always losers who need to blame their inadequacies on someone other than themselves in order to rationalize their failures.

    It's a shame that sharers like you are left with the impression that it was foolish to try and help others because of the hassle that comes with it.

    Don't let the losers deter you from sharing. The length of this post, the views and the majority of the comments show that your efforts were very much appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Thorsett
    Over the last three days, I've read this entire thread, and I have to say that I'm excited by the prospect, and a little apprehensive. I used to advertise with fliers in a previous life, so I know how low the conversion is. Now I just have to find shows and appropriate products to advertise.

    Thanks, Dave! And please don't let a few bad apples ruin your generous disposition. We need more people like you.
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  • Profile picture of the author paramongoose
    Wow I thought of this a few times, but never tried it. You are a inspiration, I will definitely try this, Well done!
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  • Profile picture of the author Oliverr
    Great thread Dave, thankyou.

    I'd appreciate thoughts from all on how I'm considering taking action:

    I live in a student dense area. Theres 2000-3000 student rented houses nearby. Its also exam period.

    To cash in on this I'm thinking of promoting a click bank product, something along the lines of the 'learn more, study less' program. Basicaly a student targeted program, that might be especially applicable around this time of the year as students revise for exams.

    If I were to print a few thousand leaflets with brief details and a web address (which redirects to my clickbank affiliate link) and post these door to door, does this sound like I'm heading in the right direction?

    It should be a fairly cheap experiment, but I'd appreciate some feedback before I forked out money (Around £80).

    Bonus question:

    What level of detail should I pitch the website in on the leaflet? A catchy headline and call to action? Or a little more detail?

    Whatever it is, I think I'll duplicate some of the points made on the affiliate link, as well as keeping the style similar. Hopefully this will help keep things congruous.

    Appologies for the rambling post, I just dont want to be spending money with a low prospect of return. I'll be sure to post feedback if things move ahead.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3841047].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Oliverr
      A quick tag along question. I'm stuck between using a more personalised url (such as or a name that relates to the product (such as Edging towards the former, as I think the slightly personalised url builds more trust.

      Thoughts appreciated.

      If I get some positive feedback that suggests I wont be literally throwing money away, I'll take action today and post feedback.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3841086].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AnthonyCurtis
        Originally Posted by Oliverr View Post

        A quick tag along question. I'm stuck between using a more personalised url (such as or a name that relates to the product (such as Edging towards the former, as I think the slightly personalised url builds more trust.

        Thoughts appreciated.

        If I get some positive feedback that suggests I wont be literally throwing money away, I'll take action today and post feedback.

        I always go with a localized domain so I don't come off as a big faceless corporation that is offereing something irrelevant to the local audience.
        Anthony Curtis -- Udemy Instructor
        Learn to Buy Facebook Ads, Linkedin Ads & Many More for
        Pennies on the Dollar with RTB (Real Time Bidding)

        Warrior Special Offer... $7 to $47 DIMESALE for Lifetime Access and Updates
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4798886].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Oliverr View Post

      Great thread Dave, thankyou.

      I'd appreciate thoughts from all on how I'm considering taking action:

      I live in a student dense area. Theres 2000-3000 student rented houses nearby. Its also exam period.

      To cash in on this I'm thinking of promoting a click bank product, something along the lines of the 'learn more, study less' program. Basicaly a student targeted program, that might be especially applicable around this time of the year as students revise for exams.

      If I were to print a few thousand leaflets with brief details and a web address (which redirects to my clickbank affiliate link) and post these door to door, does this sound like I'm heading in the right direction?

      It should be a fairly cheap experiment, but I'd appreciate some feedback before I forked out money (Around £80).

      Bonus question:

      What level of detail should I pitch the website in on the leaflet? A catchy headline and call to action? Or a little more detail?

      Whatever it is, I think I'll duplicate some of the points made on the affiliate link, as well as keeping the style similar. Hopefully this will help keep things congruous.

      Appologies for the rambling post, I just dont want to be spending money with a low prospect of return. I'll be sure to post feedback if things move ahead.

      Oliver, I have a feeling that your proposed experiment may not turn out very well. Clickbank products usually have long drawn-out sales pages, and when it is finals week, visiting a website to read all that sales copy is probably the least appealing thing you could do - I really don't think that finals weeks is the right time to target college students with this type of a product.

      This might have been a viable approach 2-3 weeks before finals, but when they are already facing final exams, buying a product to help them study better is probably not going to be very appealing.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author markowe
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Oliver, I have a feeling that your proposed experiment may not turn out very well. Clickbank products usually have long drawn-out sales pages, and when it is finals week, visiting a website to read all that sales copy is probably the least appealing thing you could do - I really don't think that finals weeks is the right time to target college students with this type of a product.

        This might have been a viable approach 2-3 weeks before finals, but when they are already facing final exams, buying a product to help them study better is probably not going to be very appealing.
        Oliver, I had a similar idea (probably the same product ) and was definitely thinking of going for "fresher's week" rather than final exams time. I know that's a way away though...

        You could always do a few tear-off flyers around the student hall noticeboards or something now, just to gauge response? But I would tend to agree with Paulie, it's panic stations around now and thinking back to when I was a student, I doubt I would be up for studying some new learning strategy, with all the "real" studying I had to do around this time!

        Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3858634].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by markowe View Post

          Oliver, I had a similar idea (probably the same product ) and was definitely thinking of going for "fresher's week" rather than final exams time. I know that's a way away though...

          You could always do a few tear-off flyers around the student hall noticeboards or something now, just to gauge response? But I would tend to agree with Paulie, it's panic stations around now and thinking back to when I was a student, I doubt I would be up for studying some new learning strategy, with all the "real" studying I had to do around this time!
          Exactly, when you're in "panic" mode (I'm having flashbacks now to those sleepless nights I had around finals week), the LAST thing you want to do is read more material on how to study're already up to your eyeballs in stuff to do and books/notes to read!
          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author guewarascoy
    you are really brilliant..

    many thanks for you..i learn to be good affiliate marketing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3845758].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author guewarascoy
    You are really brilliant, man..

    i learn to be good affiliate marketer..thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author tomandre
    Wow...fantastic...this is a very very good idea, and I might even go ahead and try it out myself. Tons of ideas is flowing around in my head!
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  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    I think you should repackage it as an offer. Your unorthodox method of affiliate is something that i would have never thought of. Question: The hoplink you're leading them to - is it a high priced product or a low priced ebook?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3861168].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by danielkanuck View Post

      I think you should repackage it as an offer. Your unorthodox method of affiliate is something that i would have never thought of. Question: The hoplink you're leading them to - is it a high priced product or a low priced ebook?
      Daniel, it has already been mentioned in this thread that the products being marketed are inexpensive digital Clickbank products that all cost less than $100.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author TWalker
    I'm in "giving mode" so I I'd like to add to this conversation.

    One problem that you have with handing out flyers is people are not near their computers and too much time lapses between the time they get the flyer and the time they get home. This is where the conversion rate drops.

    In the off-line marketing section we talked a lot about text marketing so my idea for you would be to put a mobile website address on the flyer or card.

    Now even better would be to have them text a word such as "winner" to your phone number and they will instantly receive a text message and you will instantly have their phone number/contact information and be building a list if you want one.

    Now this is going to be the beauty of text marketing is instant access on the fly out in the real world without waiting for people to get home and remember to get on their computer to buy your product.
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  • Profile picture of the author cchipster
    @ Jayme43: thats some BIG text! LOL
    No signature, I'm sure you will be ok.
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  • Profile picture of the author Smokin Joe
    Well it took me 2 days but I finally made it to the end of the thread.

    I am also trying this method with a little twist.

    My vendor sells Gourmet food mixes (like for parties and such) So on the front page of the flyer I am doing a full page that the domain redirects to my Wine Club. On the back I have 4 different offers. 2 CPA and 2 That direct to an Insurance and Security Website that I lease.

    I will let you know how it goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Smokin Joe
    Oh Yeah I forgot to thank you Dave.

    If this proves profitiable I will pick up the WSO also. Kind of interested in getting the whole picture.

    I already do business cards sized flyers to concerts that puch traffic to a music site. Going to add a CPA to the other side after reading this thread as well as a QR to the card as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    Amen! Thanks for sharing! Go Warriors! Let's help more people around the world!
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel 100K
    Thank you! Thank you very much for sharing your experience I am happy to find more ideas to market my offer offline. Cheerios!
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  • Profile picture of the author Magnificentpower
    Thanks for sharing.
    I think this method might works well with some CPA offers(email submit).Just need to think about the market needs and find a high converting offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author nugroove
      Thanks, ideas ringing in my head now
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  • Profile picture of the author trrho1974
    Great information and great posts. Thanks fellow worriors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Enis
    Very inspiring story man, keep it up. It almost instantly gave me something new to think about!
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  • Profile picture of the author martyJames
    Mammoth thread but a great read and very inspiring. Thanks Dave (hope you are feeling better) and thanks to all the contributors who also chipped in some great tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allustrious
    Incredible!! Talk about thinking outside the box!
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  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    Wow, I really appreciate your sharing this! it sounds like a fantastic idea. I already tried finding some local events but will have to do a little more digging to find what I am looking for.

    Thanks for this great tip
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Jackson Jr
    Great thread, and some fantastic ideas! Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author firefly53
    Brilliant! Congratulations! I love reading success stories like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Avanyx
    This is a cool method that I have never heard about before, I will certainly try it out and see how it goes, thank you for your idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author homebusinessideas
    That's a great idea! It's great to see someone thinking "outside the box" as someone mentioned before. Being creative like that sets you apart from the usual, traditional methods of marketing that most people use. Thanks for the thorough description of how you did all this too!
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  • Profile picture of the author dshipman
    Wow, what a great idea. I'm loving the Warrior forum more with each passing day.
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  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    Awesome tips dude. Glad that it's working for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    This is an amazing example of taking action on a targeted audience. The idea of buying lunch for a table owner in return for getting to offer your pamphlets there is brilliant and simple: you didn't have to spend your time standing around giving literature away, and they told you when the pamphlets ran out! Excellent way of getting into a stream of qualified prospects.
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  • Profile picture of the author safe as houses
    Hi there, I am following this idea, there is a big trade show coming up in this country, I have chose the clickbank product to promote, my question is, as I have the list of exhibitors, should I contact them prior to the trade show to find a willing party instead of waiting til the day of the show, or could this be a bad move if the first couple of people I contact turn down the idea, and then fore warn the organisers.

    But if I do go down this way, any advice on what I should say to the prospective sellers, Mick.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rainmak3r
    Great insights into the mind of a true entrepreneur!
    Still can't believe I missed the WSO to this... been trying to stay away from WSOs as they can clutter the hard-drive with little action, but this, this is the real deal!
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  • Profile picture of the author 9999
    I have a big trade show comming up in the wedding industry. My mind is racing with ideas.

    1st one that comes to mind is the wieght loss niche as alot of ppl want to loose weight for their wedding day.

    Anyone have any other ideas that might bring in the sales?

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    • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
      Whatever affiliate program you are apart of, search their database for niche related products, and check their conversions, etc.

      This is a fantastic post. I have been trying to get my fiance to get into the marketing world, and she doesn't grasp a lot of concepts. I just may have her read this post and let her put this into action by her self!

      I love reading things like this and going WHY DIDN'T I think of this myself!
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      • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
        Well, we're 7 + months into this post. Anybody make any money yet?
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        • Profile picture of the author bit twiddler
          Originally Posted by CreekChub View Post

          Well, we're 7 + months into this post. Anybody make any money yet?
          I can tell you that there are many people out there that have made plenty of money doing this, I just can't answer as to whether any Warriors have.

          This is, and has been for a century (at least), called "Piggy Backing" at the trade shows. It has been a long time tradition in many trade show industries to help get others started by introducing the newbies, their wares, and/or their service. We see it here in the forum all the time. Up and comers create some products and service then go looking for a successful Warrior to JV with them. It lends to their credibility, but more over they now have an experienced mentor and partner they can learn from one on one. Of course, you will generally pay generous affiliate commissions. I say that's a good thing. This is how many businesses throughout history have jump started their trades and wares.

          Great thread, it's lasting because it is about a lasting technique that has stood the test of time!

          T J
          T J Tutor
          T J Tutor, LLC
          Syracuse, NY 13224

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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
          Originally Posted by CreekChub View Post

          Well, we're 7 + months into this post. Anybody make any money yet?
          Everytime I check back to this thread there is a TON of new great ideas!

          I must say this though, I can no longer recommend this method for the novice. There are people out there do well with it and variations of it. Very frankly the death of this being a ninja tactic happened at the birth of this thread. So many unprepared people went running out to every show and promoter and acted like asses to them. I have actually had the phone call "Are you the guy that told all these morons to call me?"

          I am still doing some of this but it has had to take on a completely new look. Publishing this thread caused me a very lean couple of months when it all fell apart. As soon as the show promoters started getting tons of calls about it. They regulated it. I lost all my good stuff.

          It all wound up being a blessing because it through me into the world of offline for local hard, and that is going really well. I love finding ways to "sneak" affiliate marketing into my customers stuff though. When you can walk into a mom and pop and say "let me make your advertising better and pay you commissions" it's a pretty cool deal.
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          • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
            Fair enough. You don't sound like a guy who snuck this in to sell a WSO, I can give you that much. Beyond that, it's on the individual to try it out and see what works.

            I'll tell you this much. I read through a few pages of this yesterday, and it seemed like a good idea. So, rather than sit on my duff I figured "what the hell, why not send out some emails and see what happens". So, (sitting on my duff) I sent out 20 or so emails to promoters of a particular niche. I included a phone number, and got a call back about 3 hours later. The guy was all about it, and wanted me to send over a flyer so he could check it out.

            We'll see what happens, I guess. In the end, it's "all about the benjamins". I've done plenty of flyer marketing in the past, and numbers are king. I'm going to give it a whirl and see what happens.

            For what its worth, I haven't bought your WSO. I think I've got a good enough grasp on this to give it a shot without it, but if it does turn into something worthwhile I'll buy it - if nothing else as a way of saying thanks for the idea.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4947863].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dave Iago
              Originally Posted by CreekChub View Post

              So, rather than sit on my duff I figured "what the hell, why not send out some emails and see what happens". So, (sitting on my duff) I sent out 20 or so emails to promoters of a particular niche. I included a phone number, and got a call back about 3 hours later. The guy was all about it, and wanted me to send over a flyer so he could check it out.
              And that's why you have a shot.
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          • Profile picture of the author JToneyUK
            Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

            Publishing this thread caused me a very lean couple of months when it all fell apart. As soon as the show promoters started getting tons of calls about it. They regulated it. I lost all my good stuff.
            Hopefully this aint the case over in the UK

            It sounds like a relatively good idea, with a very targetted audience. Not too sure how well us Brits take to fliers though.

            Still, may look into it at some time if I fancy a challenge
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          • Profile picture of the author aarontardos
            So is your The Offline Success Puzzle product still viable then? (I haven't bought it yet but I am considering it.)

            [QUOTE=Dave Iago;4947657]

            I must say this though, I can no longer recommend this method for the novice. There are people out there do well with it and variations of it. Very frankly the death of this being a ninja tactic happened at the birth of this thread. So many unprepared people went running out to every show and promoter and acted like asses to them. I have actually had the phone call "Are you the guy that told all these morons to call me?"
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          • Profile picture of the author NewwayHun
            Originally Posted by Dave Iago View Post

            Everytime I check back to this thread there is a TON of new great ideas!

            I must say this though, I can no longer recommend this method for the novice. There are people out there do well with it and variations of it. Very frankly the death of this being a ninja tactic happened at the birth of this thread. So many unprepared people went running out to every show and promoter and acted like asses to them. I have actually had the phone call "Are you the guy that told all these morons to call me?"

            I am still doing some of this but it has had to take on a completely new look. Publishing this thread caused me a very lean couple of months when it all fell apart. As soon as the show promoters started getting tons of calls about it. They regulated it. I lost all my good stuff.

            It all wound up being a blessing because it through me into the world of offline for local hard, and that is going really well. I love finding ways to "sneak" affiliate marketing into my customers stuff though. When you can walk into a mom and pop and say "let me make your advertising better and pay you commissions" it's a pretty cool deal.
            Thats why I am here--just sit and learn
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Dude - this is a BRILLIANT plan. Very nicely done, thanks given

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author 1119king
    Wow, that idea is so simple, yet has such genius. It's one of those "How did I not think about that?" things, even though you know you'd have never thought about it in a million years. A great kudos to you and your outside of the box thinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author dms321
    Thanks a lot. This is good stuff.

    I immediately thought about capturing emails with this technique as it is discussed here. You are probably already doing this.

    It is a great example of how offline methods affect click through rate! I saved your method on my desktop and will try to take action as soon as time will allow.

    You have most likely improved this methods tremendously.
    Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
    I'm going to give this one a go. Hopefully it won't pan out the way the previous guy mentioned, but we'll see. I figure for a couple of hundred bucks in flyers it will be worth a shot. That, and my product is laser targeted for the shows I'll be doing. I've actually gotten pretty good response from some promoters. Everything from putting flyers on their flyer table, to giving one to each of the vendors. The bonus is that every vendor could really use this product. We'll see what happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    That's a great business model. Yes, you should definitely turn this into your own product.
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  • Profile picture of the author brenmk
    Dave you came up with a really good idea. For being new to the internet
    I would say you are a fast learner, I think you could do very well by creating
    your own product with the tips you have tried.
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  • Profile picture of the author thetopham
    combining real world marketing with internet marketing... your well on your way to the big leagues my friend! you've bridged the gap!
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisnotes
    Dave, thanks again for some really great ideas. I purchased your Killer Close WSO and it has been more information I could ever want. Just when I think you're done, you bring more value and wisdom to the table, and I cannot express how truly helpful and inspirational you have been to me in the last few weeks.

    As much as I love doing online techie-type solutions for businesses, I really enjoy reading these out of the box formulas of success, and it's because I get a thrill from being outside my office, networking with people. I think this idea could help "step out of the box" even more, if that makes any sense.

    In saying that, yes I would be very interested if you put together a package with these type of models/ideas. Do it! And thanks again my good friend!
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  • Profile picture of the author oscarmike

    Congratulations on your very effective method!
    Its one example of actually doing something you think could work rather than over thinking it. i hope to hear more success stories from you in the future!

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisnotes
    I am sorry, didn't look at original date of this entire thread.

    Still, AMZING info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    I read this whole thread and it's so weird that I knew 100% what would happen.

    Sadly this was a very bad idea for Dave to post. I and many other here appreciate it but in the long run it was ruined as I knew it would be when I read page one.

    Simply put the market was too small to unleash the hoards. Had Dave shared this with a few chosen people I think it would still be viable but sadly it sounds like it isn't right now.

    In a few years I may consider using this method directly. And it has inspired me on a few other ideas. And even opened me up to realizing and idea I had might have only been half baked.

    Dave thank you for posting this thread. It was a amazing read. But sadly i think we all learned a lesson here and that is to never share a method where you make money that could be harmed by that sharing. I wouldn't be surprised if more than just Dave was doing this before the thread and you have to feel sorry for those who got taken out by this thread as well. But in the end this is a classic case of why you build a method that works and then move on and start building another and another. Because at any moment a method you use could be posted here by someone and have this kind of result.

    Never ever put all your eggs in one basket.
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  • Profile picture of the author Huie
    Wow great strategy might try this! Worried about the printing and what kind of paper do you guys print just regular paper?
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  • Profile picture of the author gordongecko
    Dear Dave,

    Thank you for this idea. I don't think all is lost. You still have your intelligence and smartness (that brought you this method) ;-) You also learned and showed us all one fundamental point of sales:

    > Bring water to a thirsty man in the desert

    Nothing more, nothing else.

    It is good that you had this experience, because you will never look back and find new ways to find thirsty customers and to sell them water!! Good for you. I wish you lots of success my friend.
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  • Profile picture of the author mahiz
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  • Profile picture of the author nocturnal911

    Which shows are referring here? Any help would be appreciated. You mean SMX kinda meetings?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean Erickson
    Thats one really cool OUT OF THE BOX strategy mate. But can not be done sitting behind the mac but its one heck of an idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevengaa
    Wow some great insight to take to the bank. Were starting a launch with offline marketing. We will have to update you with our work in a few weeks. Starting a distributor sales route for one of our suppliers.
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  • Profile picture of the author ekalaivan
    Guys, I'm having difficulty finding products that are suitable for women and kids (there's a women and kids fair coming up in a nearby trade centre). I have the following products from ClickBank:

    - Plan My Baby - Baby Gender Selection - Prince or Princess?
    - Cellulite Factor: Free presentation reveals an unusual secret to reducing the apearence of cellulite

    Will these work? Give me some ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    Great but things like this don't come our way daily.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author JodyRossDeane
    Well this is a nice strategy, vis a vis the saturation issue, i don't think it is that grave as the market is huge and there are so many trade shows and the like, more every year, and clickbank isn't the only way of monetizing either.

    I reviewed a WSO recently that unveiled a simple technique which leveraged other people's work to get your flyers out there to your audience, and gave your distribution partners a percentage of the income. Monetization was based on CPA offers.
    I was thinking to do it in my local area but then contacted a national network about it and they told me that traffic from my area wouldn't be any good for them so I knocked the idea on the head to be resumed when I move, which is looking like it is going to be soon, so, yippee.

    Get Hyper-Targeted Instagram Followers and Start Banking Big!:-
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  • Profile picture of the author mabeljvaw
    I love successful stories like this one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
    Amazing. I remember the start of this thread and thinking of the possibilities with the ideas that Dave presented.

    Another thought occurred to me this could be great for people who love selling at swapmeets, garage sales, and the like... now that I've given up that type of selling . In all of these types of activities, I have yet to see anyone putting out flyers such as Dave described so well. Additionally anyone who sells regularly (and pays attention to what buyers are buying/carrying around) should have a good handle on buyer wants.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andra el
    Waw ... great jobs, dave, thank u very much for the thread.
    i just wanna say, warriorforum is the best internet marketing forum on the earth.
    the best community ever. Thank for all of you, WarriorForum member
    wish all the best
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  • Profile picture of the author thattaway
    See all these names of people thanking you? yes, I'd say it's a great idea! This is terrific!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author wajahath
    Hey Dave thanks for sharing....

    this is the type of sharing that makes WF great!
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  • Profile picture of the author bosschat
    Great Stuff. Well done dude. As regards the product, go for it! This sounds like a winner.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobert8590
    Great great advice

    I would love to soon put together a small training on this and post a video or pdf for my membership site and would pay you good for it as well!

    Newbie Training, Product Reviews, Advance training, Live help and monthly cash prizes membership site coming soon..PM if interested in becoming a member or to promote the launch.

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  • Profile picture of the author Offline kiasy
    Hey, just wanted to hear your guys' opinions about something. There's going to be an event in my city this summer with an expected 3/4 of a million visitors. The event is really general, just vendors of all types (food, games) etc...
    What kind of products should I promote?

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  • Profile picture of the author VegasVince
    I've been around forever doing the zig while the sheep do the zag and I can honestly say this is one of the more brilliant mixtures of combining "old school" marketing aka "targeted siphon points" with modern marketing product sourcing.

    I personally have recently purchased 25% of one of the largest car chemical manufacturers in the United States...and have made a small fortune using my demo wheel to show people how even a one inch nail driven into a tire will NOT cause a leak..

    You have actually given me an entire new perspective on how to scale this and save a ton of time.

    Very few posts qualify as 100% Bad-Assery.......but this one does.

    Thanks for the great share.

    Stay Legendary,

    Vegas Vince
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  • Profile picture of the author ErinWalsh
    I'm really impressed with how you were able to think outside the box and find success! If I were marketing something that could be displayed at trade shows/conventions I would certainly try your methods!

    Boost Software teamed up with Neverblue. They helped produce this new affiliate video.

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