Need some advice/suggestions on new client
Just got my first client, but I have a few questions. Hoping some experienced offline consultants can help me here. This client is new to the area with a renovations business, doing kitchens, bathrooms, etc. He has had 2 sites made and isn't happy with them at all. The site he has now is only 1 page, nothing special about it at all, no call to action, email capture, he also doesn't have a FB Fan Page which he said was suppose to be part of the agreement.
He said flat out he doesn't have a whole lot to spend on a new website. Should I charge him a couple of hundred dollars up front then a % of his sales. He said he would be willing to give me 15-20% of his sales for 30 days. I would draw up a contract about getting a %, too. Just not sure what to charge him up front. Also, should I just scratch the website he has now and creat a brand new one? He told me he paid for hosting for a year through yahoo. I have only used hostgator. Thanks for any advice or suggestions.
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1. How I Generated Over $75,000 and 246 New Patients For One Of My Offline Clients
2. Here's Exactly How I Got One Of My Offline Clients On TV Using Only $17
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