Targeting restaurants - what to offer free as an incentive?

Profile picture of cagwatson
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
14 replies
Hi Warriors

I’m looking to target a number of restaurants with direct mail, ideally to take on list management amongst (other things) and would lie some ideas on what I can offer them for free, as an incentive.

I already have free reports on my site demonstrating the benefits of online but would really like to offer them a free service, one that’s not too onerous (or costly).

One thing I had in mind was a free Facebook fanpage, however a number of the restaurants already have these.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated


#– #free #incentive #offer #restaurants #targeting
  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    Dr Dan
    Profile picture of Dr Dan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by cagwatson View Post

    Hi Warriors

    I'm looking to target a number of restaurants with direct mail, ideally to take on list management amongst (other things) and would lie some ideas on what I can offer them for free, as an incentive.

    I already have free reports on my site demonstrating the benefits of online but would really like to offer them a free service, one that's not too onerous (or costly).

    One thing I had in mind was a free Facebook fanpage, however a number of the restaurants already have these.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated


    My parents have owned a successful restaurant for over 29 years. Offer them a free video using animoto or QR code that goes to their menu.

    Be a RockStar In Your Business,
    & In Your Life!

    Dr. Dan
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Profile picture of paulie888
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      Originally Posted by rockstarinlife View Post

      My parents have owned a successful restaurant for over 29 years. Offer them a free video using animoto or QR code that goes to their menu.

      Be a RockStar In Your Business,
      & In Your Life!

      Dr. Dan
      I think that this stage QR codes are still pretty new, and the majority of business owners would be blown away if you offered them the QR codes for free.

      As a matter of fact, you could really overdeliver and create a short video that ALSO has the QR code at the end and/or beginning (since it only takes a few seconds to create, but has a lot of perceived value, it'd be great to offer both as freebies). Of course, you'd also want to give them a printable version of the QR code.

      In addition to that, you could really get them excited and impressed by throwing in a quick but informative video tutorial about QR codes and suggested ways to maximize their potential (you'd only have to create the video once, and then reuse it multiple times with all the clients you approach!)

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A fan page would work great, I think that would be the best thing to offer them! Works for me!
    • Profile picture of the author celenco
      Profile picture of celenco
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      A fan page would work great, I think that would be the best thing to offer them! Works for me!
      I agree, thats part of what we do
      • Profile picture of the author mattie77
        Profile picture of mattie77
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I would give them a free report on their website using SEO Power suite or even just Rank tracker. Something along the lines of "Free website analysis value $249"

        Yes it does cost money to buy SEO power suite but you can easily cover the costs in just 1 client.

        Also join Google engage program where you will receive 10 x $50 AdWords vouchers that you can use to give as a freebie (Only for Customers that dont have an adwords account). It does say that it takes 10-15 days to get approved however I was approved in 24 hours.

        Do the training and you can get $75 adwords vouchers to give away plus you get access to all of the Google advertising materials. Need to do 2 tests to upgrade, Can get a one time voucher for one of the tests and the other tests are $50 each.

        There you have it a free value of $299.

        Hopefully that has helped you out.
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Skinner
    Scott Skinner
    Profile picture of Scott Skinner
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    Show them how to set up a system to text coupons to customers. Chick-Fill-A does this and it is wildly successful. I have gone there MANY times because of the texts I get. The same can be done with email!
    • Profile picture of the author davechan
      Profile picture of davechan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      A free fan page of course is high on the priority offer. You might also consider giving them a simple QR code as well that will tie the viewer back to the fan page. It costs you nothing, takes 2 seconds, but REALLY looks cool for the restaurant owner to put on their counter, window or whatever - possibly even on their menus. I've found a number of clients who have been impressed with this technique, even though it's so simple.
  • Profile picture of the author cagwatson
    Profile picture of cagwatson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks guys some really good feedback.

    what are your thoughts on actually setting up a fanpage in advance and demonstrating this to them when prospecting? could this land me in trouble if we use their name/branding etc
  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Profile picture of Quentin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would do a mobile site for them as they are one of the most searched businesses on Mobile Phones.

    Link with a QR Code and add a coupon on one of their mobile pages.

  • Profile picture of the author philboy uk
    philboy uk
    Profile picture of philboy uk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have seen a restaurant in a neighbouring town that makes videos on how make some of the restaurants favourite dishes.
  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Profile picture of JustinDupre
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Beside free fan page.. you can get them on twitter and other social media networks. Even promote them on those popular classifies ads in your local area. Help with SEO might be good.
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  • Profile picture of the author smartsites
    Profile picture of smartsites
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would do a video with an overview of a fan page, twitter, social media etc. Webinars are also good.

    I build Facebook Messenger Chatbots and Provide Training. Feel free to check out my demo bot

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