Taking things niche by niche....

Neil M
Profile picture of Neil M
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2 replies
A few things....

One of the things I'm very much starting to learn as I go in my offline career is that it's important to take things niche by niche. What I mean is that what works in one niche might not work in another. What's important to one may not matter a bit to another niche. No matter what you'll be able to apply your IM knowledge and sell them a service of some kind but depending on the niche it may not be what you think it is going to be. I went into this one particular niche thinking surely I would sell SEO. Really that's just not a good angle with them because of the way their traffic works and they type of buyer they are after. So I ended up doing a lot of custom web design, Facebook and even set up a custom video service just for that niche. It's working well I can tell you that.

Rather than targeting businesses at random I'm finding better luck in just a couple niches and then tailoring my services to what works for that niche. One of the best ways to do this is to pick the brain of somebody who has long term inside knowledge in the industry, especially the local industry.

It's really a pretty easy approach because your not actually trying to sell them anything. I have found it's pretty easy to say hey this is what I do and I think that the business owners in (insert niche) could really benefit from it. I just wanted to get a better understanding of your industry. They will open up like a book, people love talking about themselves and their businesses. Most of them will even recommend you some people to talk to as well. Then you can give them a call or drop in and talk to them and be like oh yeah Jim so and so said I should talk to you. It's a lot easier than cold calling or D2D and it flat works better.

Also I have found that once I settled into a niche and people get to know me, referrals come easy. Every niche needs a "web guy" so the best thing to do is find out who those guys are, what they are charging and what people like/dislike about them. Then just do it all better. Usually they are ready for fresh face anyways.

That's just some stuff that's working for me. Thought I would share.

#niche #taking #things
  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    Profile picture of redcell1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree the best way is to get an "insider" in the niche to basically get you well versed/acquianted in the niche. They can teach you the "shop talk" and other inside secrets that a WSO would never cover. Also by having a solid reference from this niche you can really have a testimonial and case study to show to future prospects that are in different areas.

    I have a current client (refferal from a friend of a friend) who I have spent a great deal of time with. He showed me everything in this niche and I went to trade show conventions, etc and mingled in. I never had to hard sell anyone in this niche and after a while I had plenty of clients from this trade show and plenty of refferals from them.

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

    • Profile picture of the author Neil M
      Neil M
      Profile picture of Neil M
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by redcell1 View Post

      I agree the best way is to get an "insider" in the niche to basically get you well versed/acquianted in the niche. They can teach you the "shop talk" and other inside secrets that a WSO would never cover. Also by having a solid reference from this niche you can really have a testimonial and case study to show to future prospects that are in different areas.

      I have a current client (refferal from a friend of a friend) who I have spent a great deal of time with. He showed me everything in this niche and I went to trade show conventions, etc and mingled in. I never had to hard sell anyone in this niche and after a while I had plenty of clients from this trade show and plenty of refferals from them.
      Yeah I agree, that's pretty much exactly how it worked out for me in what has been a very lucrative niche so far. I basically landed my way into a monthly luncheon of all the business owners in this niche from a friend of a friend. He's pretty well known and respected so he basically just pushed my name for me and business started coming my way. Plus he schooled me on how to talk to these guys which only helped. Then on top of that the longer I've been in the niche the more I've been able to understand it from a marketing perspective and come up with tailor made solutions.
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