Jobless Dad Revisted -Offline Secrets' I've Learned Over The Last 3years

Profile picture of JohnSpangler
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
515 replies
I don't know if many of you remember me or not, doesn't really matter but 3 years ago I had been laid off from my corporate job and since I was doing contract work I wasn't able to collect unemployment.

I was faced with having to pay a mortgage and had no money left, not even for a single wso, lord knows I had purchased enough wso's that I finally had to put my mouth were my knowledge was and swallow my pride and gulp actually apply what I had learned from the warriorforum.

I then wanted to give back to the forum that had allowed me to work from home and start my offline marketing career by posting the exact process I had used to accumulate almost 21k in less than 19 weeks.

I explained how I had read David Cavanagh's free thread where he spoke about just putting our online knowledge to work by actually going out and talking to local businesses.

So I did just that, 3 years ago, with no money I took the biggest gamble of my life and with no prospects of a job in sight I put my 2 kids in to daycare (my 3rd was in 4th grade at the time, so didn't need to worry about that) where I had no money to pay for my mortgage let alone the daycare but I knew I had 2 weeks to pay the daycare bill.

So the first week I identified businesses who were advertising in the local newspaper. I then called up the newspaper and asked how much their smallest size ad that wasn't a classified ad would cost and they told me their smallest ad was a business card size ad that would cost $579 and would run for 10 days.

Well I thought if these businesses were paying at least $579 for 10 days they could pay me $579 for a year of helping them on the internet.

So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.

Bingo, I had close to an 80% success rate of talking to these businesses and I would go so far as to send them the questions ahead of time so they had time to prepare for my interview- these businesses loved talking about themselves especially having the interview questions in their hands ahead of time.

Now a number of them said that they weren't going to buy anything and I said that's fine I just want to get their story and part of the interviewing was asking them what they do to market their business and boy did that open up pandora's box, they let me know how their marketing was working and some of these companies didn't have a website etc.

So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.

And at the end they would say well can you do that for me and if so how much-cha ching.

This is a win/win since you already know that they are paying for advertising you know that they will pay for your services, the very first week I closed 3 clients at $579 so I did $1737 my very first week!!!

Now the thing is I didn't over analyze this and wonder how this wasn't going to work or that I didn't have a bank account or that I didn't have every duck in a row and t and i crossed and dotted I just took ACTION.

No big secret there but actually picking up the phone on a Saturday early afternoon (big secret - that is a great time to call local businesses because the owner is usually there and no secretary since it's the weekend and the owner will be the person usually picking up the phone) and calling local companies that had ads in the local newspaper asking them if I can interview them for a local website that I was building to highlight local businesses.

I set up something like 6 or 7 interviews and closed 3 and continued into the next week and the week after, and I was able to pay my mortgage and daycare and have some scratch left over as well.

Here it is 3 years later and I have been truly blessed, there are a number of great offline wso's and folks offering their different slants on this area saying how they've had success after 3 months or 6months etc, well having been doing this full time now for what will be my 4th year I can share some additional insights that if I were to start over again this is what I would do know what I know now versus then.

The number one thing I would have done differently from the start was to setup a monthly recurring payment.

I honestly didn't think someone would pay me $300 a month but I did have the confidence that they would pay me $579 a year since they were already doing that with the newspaper.

Knowing what I know now, that was just a confidence issue on my part since I had never done offline consulting before and I didn't have enough confidence to ask for a monthly fee - now I don't take anything less than $550/mo plus a min of a $500 setup fee or more so I walk out with at least $1k plus per sale and I have the residual monthly income coming in so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder wondering where my next dollar is going to come from-huge nugget there.

I realized about 6 months into the offline market that if I didn't change to a recurring billing model I was going to be out of work soon and I wasn't going to be helping anyone and I'd have to go back to looking for a job.

So I again swallowed my pride and I started off by charging at the time $197/mo with no start up fee and then I kept raising that price to where I am now plus a startup fee.

A useful website that I learned from the kid who mowed our lawns was a site called freshbooks because before freshbooks I am ashamed to say but I had basically hand written invoices and freshbooks came along and created very professional invoices and could also setup residual payments which was huge!!!

I wish I would've known about freshbooks earlier in the game but that website is the site I still use to this very day for all of my invoices and monthly billing.

Plus at tax time the site makes getting all of your info for your accountant super easy at least for me I thought so, which is another area that not to many people talk about and that is your expenses.

I kept track of everything and freshbooks gives you an area to store all of that information for you, now I am not an accountant or anything I am just sharing with you what I found to be helpful.

Another area I find really going to explode because this has for me and that is creating facebook fan pages. I keep upselling my existing clients which you should be to and that is stay in contact with your clients and let them know of other services that you offer because they will want to continue to buy from you if you deliver.

Now I don't want to say I make 8 billion dollars in offline marketing but my wife and I along with our kids are very blessed and we can't imagine having our lives any other way because I am still a stay at home dad and I get to be at home when the kids come home from school or like Friday I took the day to go to Hersheypark which is a local amusement park and had a great time with them because they are only young for so long.

You see all these ads for the latest wso and the newest technique but really it all boils down to action, these business owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first the money will follow.

You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire.

These businesses are hurting right now and many of them still don't have a website, you can really help them, one of my clients before I "interviewed" him and he swore by the way that he wasn't going to buy anything from me, ended up having me develop a website for him which here 3 years later, he did over $25k online, which is a big part of his income because now he doesn't have to rely solely on the local economy.

He opened his business up to the world, so going from no website to doing over $25k gross last month is HUGE!!!

Now would he have eventually developed a website, I don't know, probably, but nothing happens until you do, so hopefully this will motivate you to pick up the phone and start talking to businesses.

They won't bite and guess what all those wso's that say you don't have to cold call or you don't have to meet in person etc do they work yes and yes I have tried them and I have been successful but to me, nothing beats getting on the phone and setting up an in person interview because I can setup an interview for tomorrow and walk out with a check in hand.

With this economy May was my best month ever and June beat May and I just hired my first office manager and will be hiring 2 sales people to help me but the point is since the economy isn't so great, these local companies are looking for alternative ways to advertise and online marketing is right up there at the top of the list.

The internet isn't going away and all these google updates and farmer and panda whatever help aid me into helping these businesses understand that they need someone monthly to help their business since google is constantly changing you can help them weather the storm.

You can do this business and you don't need another wso or phone script or anything else for that matter, just pick up the phone and ask them if you could set up an interview with them because you were looking to do an interest story on local businesses and how they are dealing with this economy.

You will get interviews and then just ask them about their business, how did you get started, why should someone go to you over your competition, how do you market your business what have you found to be the least successful way of advertising, what have you found to be the most successful way etc.

Just have a conversation with them and they will warm up to you and then help them by giving them information that yes, you normally would charge for but since they won't know how to apply 99% of it, the knowledge you share with them will help build confidence in them that you will be able to help them market their business online.

Hopefully this has helped because I do go on the wf, maybe not as much as I used to because I am busy with my clients but I wanted to take some time to share some random thoughts from someone who is actually in the trenches so to speak an actually working with offline businesses every day.

To your success,
#3years #dad #jobless #learned #offline #revisted #secrets
  • Profile picture of the author uncle randy 71
    uncle randy 71
    Profile picture of uncle randy 71
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dude, that is one ROCKING story! Thanks for posting this. I really needed a boost today!!

    Best of luck to you in the future.
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Zaydman
    Gary Zaydman
    Profile picture of Gary Zaydman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome share. It is really important to go into conversations with a helping and giving hand not a taking (give money) type of hand.

    Best pressure-less sales method to get local small business clients to try your services

  • Profile picture of the author JulioGarabot
    Profile picture of JulioGarabot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You hit the nail with that post thanks

    123 Happy
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Fernando Veloso
    Profile picture of Fernando Veloso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Similar story here, very, VERY similar. Congrats on your achievements, sending you good vibes!

    And please, take some time out to check us out every once in a while.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
  • Profile picture of the author ProvenViral
    Profile picture of ProvenViral
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, this is one of the most inspirational threads on WF.

    Thank you - I'm also doing some similar things to make money with offline clients as you are doing!
    "Things may come to those who wait, but only things left by those who hustle". - Abraham Lincoln
  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    Nathan Alexander
    Profile picture of Nathan Alexander
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very much appreciated. Thank you.
  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Charles Harper
    Profile picture of Charles Harper
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good to see you back John.

    You still in Lancaster?

    You still have my number...give your boy a shout sometime.

  • Profile picture of the author somacorellc
    Profile picture of somacorellc
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's the real deal, right there. Thanks for that.
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    John Durham
    Profile picture of John Durham
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John , I appreciate your story. I went through a similar thing, raising my teenage daughter by myself, with her children... very rough time you can read about around here somewhere, and offline saved my butt too... a few years ago.

    Last year I got married finally, and left my daughter to raise her own kids with some financial assistance...and she went crazy with her lifestyle after Dad was out of the picture... and her children were taken in CPS custody...

    All year long I have been fighting this battle as you have seen me working here and on my offline business... and finally after auditing everything from my taxes, and my claims on the internet, my telemarketing forum... checking every nook and cranny of my home... after many moments of false hope...

    After supporting two households all year long to make sure my daughter didnt blow it (and she did anyway)... I got her a new place and paid all of her bills six months in advance...and she still ran with the wrong crowd and blew it...

    I felt so let down ... and so when I saw she wasnt going to pull it out, and that my efforts to turn her life around had failed... I went to battle myself for the kids six months ago... it has been a long battle, they have audited everything down to traffic tickets I got when I was 25 years old they investigated...and would not relent until they could audit everything, after my daughters behaviour...

    Drugs... they change a person.

    By last month, I came to a place where I wanted to DIE if the judge would not give me these kids, ... and last wednesday he finally granted that to me... and said I passed all the tests, and that on August the 24th my babies can come home and be adopted by their Grandfather...

    I still dont know how Im gonna straighten my daughter out... But I am thankful, and I am thankful that the warrior forum and telemarketing taught me to make money, because money isnt everything, but if I didnt know how to make it I would have failed my grandsons...

    Thanks for the great post, you know 1st hand that I have nothing but respect for you... Maybe you didnt know I related, even though I have been tempted to tell you my story in our writing back and forth, I have bit my tongue and just kept looking forward, now that there is victory I share this with you, and this most appropriate thread.

    This just happened wednesday after almost a year of fighting for their lives... and I am so relieved that Im like a limp rag. I dont even know how Im going to work... lol.

    Thanks for the share. Single Dads rock! Congrats on your wife too!!

    Ps. I want to say to everyone, that even in the midst of your problems, even if you are sitting with an empty plate in front of you... You have to look passed that... you dont have to be hungry, even though the empty plate is there... you can be listening to Tony Robbins and thinking about your goals, and be far far away from the problem... You are becoming the solution...

    Thats what I have done this year, and thats what John did...

    Some think successful people are "fierce"... This just shows you "how" fierce. You cannot be weak and succeed. Find your motivation.

    You have to be in it to win it!

    Ps. Graphics Genie, and Luis Amir have been the only ones who have known about this, and I appreciate their support. Want to say that too. They kept quiet and just prayed for me. Michael Hiles also.

    pps. You have inspired me to start charging more monthly!
    • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
      Profile picture of JohnSpangler
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      First off thank you all so much for the follow up and the pms' WOW.

      I apologize for the delay in writing back, we went up to Messiah College to surprise our daughter who's at lacrosse camp for the week, she was so happy. (You can do cool things like and pay for stuff like that when you work for yourself-YEAH!)

      So I am just now getting back and I appreciate all the kind words and props but honestly there isn't anything that I did that you couldn't do as well.

      Hey uncle randy 71,

      Dude you are welcome, this is honestly, without out all the bs one of the best businesses that I have ever been a part of, seriously.

      I appreciate the props but all I did was go out and talk to some companies and everything went from there, take action today.

  • Profile picture of the author JMB Marketing Group
    JMB Marketing Group
    Profile picture of JMB Marketing Group
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi John,

    Great to see you back here on the forum.

    Even better to read your update!

    You're an inspiration and a wealth of knowledge to give to others here!



    P.S. Hum, it doesn't have something that I said that brought you back here, is it?
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Gary, Julio thanks for the kind words.

    Fernando, your wso looks great, I am definitely going to check that out, thanks for the info and the heads up because I think there are a number of us out there that need to let others know this business can be done!!

    ProvenViral thanks for the shout out, I appreciate that and wish you continued success.

    Nathan, got the pm and sent back thank you and if you need anything let me know.

    Charles, my man, I sent you a pm as well, absolutely I am still here is Lancaster, I'll give you a buzz tomorrow.

    sjohn thanks for the post

    cshilling22, I didn't have the money to build the site so I made a photo copy of a similar site that I was going to use and let them know that I was still developing the site and since the site was fully completed (I didn't even have a domain name yet) that they could get a prelauch special.

    Now some might think that this is a little misleading but if I didn't follow thru and actually develop a site then yes, but I did, I used a portal from Rick here on the forum and he built me with the money that I had raised by showing folks what the site would look like once the site was completed.

    Plus once the site was completed the price would be going up which I did raise my prices to $720 per year once the site was build.

    I hope that answers your questions.

  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Profile picture of xlfutur1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, thanks for the informative update. I do remember your post from a few years back. Doesn't seem that long ago but I guess time flies on the WF.

    That is a terrific idea of simply "interviewing" potential clients, them giving them advice for free on what to do better. That is a perfect way to get them to open up and let their guard down. And it seems as if you offered the advice without expecting anything in return. A classic example of what you put out returns to you 10 fold. Thanks again.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    bradony thanks for the post

    somacorellc thanks for the kind words
  • Profile picture of the author autumnalblues
    Profile picture of autumnalblues
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice one Awesome!!!
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John Durham,

    Dude you know you are one of the most giving members of the warriorforum and I have always appreciated your efforts both here on the wf and on tmf.

    You have always been a straight shooter and I honestly thank you for the share because I get it, man seriously I do get it because many of us can relate and to have the courage to share here man that is really a great gift.

    Many of you may not know but when I was working in corporate america I was drinking and drugging like a mad man, without my family, friends, even my wife never knew that I was a raging alcoholic and addict.

    Heck I didnt' even think I was because I was a good dad by all accounts, I worked 12+ hours a day, provided a paycheck for the family, did the chores around the house but I had a dark secret.

    When the wife went to sleep I would drink, then on the 2 hour drives each way to and from work I would smoke some herbage and never think of the consequences.

    Never thinking that I had a problem, not me, mister good guy, always gets along with everyone till one February night that my wife caught me smoking the left handed cigarette and kicked me out of the house.

    I saw in my daughters eyes the hurt when mommy was kicking daddy out of the house, the crack in my wife's heart when she told me to leave and the shame on my dad's face when he had to pick me up and take me to his house to sober up.

    The next day I went into AA but unfortunately I wish I could say at this point that there is some good news but that's not the case, I went into AA for all of the wrong reasons, I just wanted my wife and kids back.

    I thought that if I did everything that they wanted me to, that I could get my life back, I had willpower, I didn't need AA, I could do this all on my own, I will just go to show everyone that I wanted to change.

    You see I am a vegetarian and I have been for over 20years and I thought, shoot, I haven't had meat or chicken or anything in 20years I can easily just not pick up drink or smoke.

    Well that didn't turn out exactly as I had planned because 5 months later I had a relapse and for me that was one of the best situations that could have happend to me because I realized that I truly was an addict and an alcoholic and that I needed to help my self for me and not for anyone else including my wife and kids.

    So I went back into the rooms of AA and this time followed their plan, not John's plan and God willing this month I will have 3 years clean.

    Only my oldest daughter has some memories of old dad, thankfully my 2 youngest have never seen or can't remember old dad.

    They only know the clean and sober dad and at the time since my contract ended I needed to also start my offline career which I would never recommend getting clean and starting a business at the same time but I didn't have a choice.

    I needed to bring in revenue for the family so I swallowed what little pride I thought I had left and took action.

    Today I have been blessed by more gifts than I can count including having my best friend as my wife and we will be celebrating 14years in just 2weeks. My 3 daughters and a better outlook on life than I could ever have imagined, now do I get down, yes of course I do but I can tell you I have a much better appreciation for life.

    They say the word the present, the right here and now, is such a cool word because it is a present. We all have right now, we can't change the past and we don't know what the future will hold but we all have right now.

    And we can all choose to do something about the situations we are in today, the here and now.

    They say the mind is like fertile soil, the mind will yield whatever seeds of thought you plant, for instance like soil, the soil itself doesn't care what you plant whether you plant corn or nightshade a deadly poison, the soil will reap just as much corn as deadly nightshade if you water and nurture the soil.

    Well the brain works in much the same way it doesn't care what you plant , and if that means bitching or moaning about how you don't have any money will then your chance for coming up with creative solutions is limited but if you instead ask yourself better questions such as how best can I get out of my financial situation?

    We don't need answers we need to ask better questions.

    John, thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for sharing, I really mean that, you are a great guy and constantly have the thoughts of others ahead of your own and I appreciate all of your hard work and efforts.

    I apologize for anyone reading as I probably rambled on a little to much but I think there are more people in the boat that may appreciate me sharing because I always thought of an alcoholic as the dude with a bottle in a bag and living on the street on under the bridge.

    I never thought of the main street guy working 9-5 as an alcoholic but man was I wrong and I am glad I have surrounded my self with great people and that included the folks here on the warriorforum.

    To your successes,
    • Profile picture of the author mflorin
      Profile picture of mflorin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      John Durham,

      Dude you know you are one of the most giving members of the warriorforum and I have always appreciated your efforts both here on the wf and on tmf.

      You have always been a straight shooter and I honestly thank you for the share because I get it, man seriously I do get it because many of us can relate and to have the courage to share here man that is really a great gift.

      Many of you may not know but when I was working in corporate america I was drinking and drugging like a mad man, without my family, friends, even my wife never knew that I was a raging alcoholic and addict.

      Heck I didnt' even think I was because I was a good dad by all accounts, I worked 12+ hours a day, provided a paycheck for the family, did the chores around the house but I had a dark secret.

      When the wife went to sleep I would drink, then on the 2 hour drives each way to and from work I would smoke some herbage and never think of the consequences.

      Never thinking that I had a problem, not me, mister good guy, always gets along with everyone till one February night that my wife caught me smoking the left handed cigarette and kicked me out of the house.

      I saw in my daughters eyes the hurt when mommy was kicking daddy out of the house, the crack in my wife's heart when she told me to leave and the shame on my dad's face when he had to pick me up and take me to his house to sober up.

      The next day I went into AA but unfortunately I wish I could say at this point that there is some good news but that's not the case, I went into AA for all of the wrong reasons, I just wanted my wife and kids back.

      I thought that if I did everything that they wanted me to, that I could get my life back, I had willpower, I didn't need AA, I could do this all on my own, I will just go to show everyone that I wanted to change.

      You see I am a vegetarian and I have been for over 20years and I thought, shoot, I haven't had meat or chicken or anything in 20years I can easily just not pick up drink or smoke.

      Well that didn't turn out exactly as I had planned because 5 months later I had a relapse and for me that was one of the best situations that could have happend to me because I realized that I truly was an addict and an alcoholic and that I needed to help my self for me and not for anyone else including my wife and kids.

      So I went back into the rooms of AA and this time followed their plan, not John's plan and God willing this month I will have 3 years clean.

      Only my oldest daughter has some memories of old dad, thankfully my 2 youngest have never seen or can't remember old dad.

      They only know the clean and sober dad and at the time since my contract ended I needed to also start my offline career which I would never recommend getting clean and starting a business at the same time but I didn't have a choice.

      I needed to bring in revenue for the family so I swallowed what little pride I thought I had left and took action.

      Today I have been blessed by more gifts than I can count including having my best friend as my wife and we will be celebrating 14years in just 2weeks. My 3 daughters and a better outlook on life than I could ever have imagined, now do I get down, yes of course I do but I can tell you I have a much better appreciation for life.

      They say the word the present, the right here and now, is such a cool word because it is a present. We all have right now, we can't change the past and we don't know what the future will hold but we all have right now.

      And we can all choose to do something about the situations we are in today, the here and now.

      They say the mind is like fertile soil, the mind will yield whatever seeds of thought you plant, for instance like soil, the soil itself doesn't care what you plant whether you plant corn or nightshade a deadly poison, the soil will reap just as much corn as deadly nightshade if you water and nurture the soil.

      Well the brain works in much the same way it doesn't care what you plant , and if that means bitching or moaning about how you don't have any money will then your chance for coming up with creative solutions is limited but if you instead ask yourself better questions such as how best can I get out of my financial situation?

      We don't need answers we need to ask better questions.

      John, thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for sharing, I really mean that, you are a great guy and constantly have the thoughts of others ahead of your own and I appreciate all of your hard work and efforts.

      I apologize for anyone reading as I probably rambled on a little to much but I think there are more people in the boat that may appreciate me sharing because I always thought of an alcoholic as the dude with a bottle in a bag and living on the street on under the bridge.

      I never thought of the main street guy working 9-5 as an alcoholic but man was I wrong and I am glad I have surrounded my self with great people and that included the folks here on the warriorforum.

      To your successes,

      Thanks so much to the both of you and this thread! Just what I needed to read today. Perspective
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good morning everyone,

    WoW, what a great forum and I appreciate all of the pms of support and

    This is a great place to be and to share.

    JMB, man that is a coincidence, I didn't see the thread, I just felt with all of
    the offline wsos and such that I really should contribute back because this
    is my full-time living, I don't don't anything else so I thought this may be
    helpful for some folks.

    Plus selfishly when you give, somehow in the order of the world the giving always
    comes back to you, for instance last night on the way home from surprising my
    daughter we had gotten lost and we wanted a bite to eat so we walked into a
    Friendly's which a chain type restaurant.

    Anyway, there was a person there making balloon animals etc and I thought the
    person was there just for a birthday or something, well we got to chatting and
    turns out she was charged over $2,000 for a website that was never completed
    and she wants to meet up with me to see about working together on a new site
    and an updated facebook page.

    I wasn't even trying to look for business but who would've thought that the
    balloon person was actually the owner of this pretty big entertainment company
    that does events all over the country.

    She even designed a balloon dress for Selena Gomez of Wizards of Wavery Place,
    the point is there is business all around us and they want to hear from you
    and they need your help.

    This is a truly great business that you CAN and WILL make a difference but you
    need to take ACTION.

    Thanks again for the share and I appreciate you letting me see the post, that is weird
    but not uncommon when you put the vibes out there.

    Take care,
  • Profile picture of the author Danielm
    Profile picture of Danielm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really inspiring post, both of you! Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi folks,

    Some of you have been pming me for a list of the questions I ask when i interviewed the local businesses.

    Here is a link, the exact link by the way that I would use to send my local business so that they could prepare ahead of time the questions that I was going to ask.

    Just go to

    Hopefully that will help, in addition some of you ask if I followed a script or how did I initiate the conversation.

    I just acted like I was a reporter for the local newspaper and that was my assignment for the week, I needed to interview local companies about how the economy is effecting them and I needed to get the story done because the article was for the sunday edition.

    So all I did was treated the call like I was a reporter and just needed to bang out the interview and move onto the next interview, not salesy at all, I had a job to do and that was to interview these businesses to get the scoop on what was going on in grass roots america with the economy.

    Hope that helps,
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    xlfutur1 thanks for the post, that is really true, the butterfly effect.

    autumnalblues thanks for the kind words.

    jenifer smith thanks for the post

    CleanMountainLiving you said it, unfortunately many will say that's a great story but nothing more, this is a real business that anyone can do and if you take action will have success.

    Yogini - Hey Deb, yeah, you absolutely can do the videos for free, using animoto for a quick 30sec video or add facebook fan pages which is what I am currently doing because the fb phase is going wild and local businesses see so much potential with fb they just don't know how to use fb for getting leads.

    I'll be back my pizza is done haha( little perks for working from home)

  • Profile picture of the author WAWarrior
    Profile picture of WAWarrior
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    John S and John D, thanks for the post. Very uplifting - you are great examples of how we can overcome the odds - and never say die. Give folks like me good reasons why I need to come back to this forum often ... God bless+
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Bruce NewMedia
    Profile picture of Bruce NewMedia
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is an amazing place...Just reading this thread this morning, I got two inspiring stories.

    Just two of the many great quotes that stood out to me:

    "You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire."

    "Some think successful people are "fierce"... This just shows you "how" fierce. You cannot be weak and succeed. Find your motivation."

    "You have to be in it to win it!"

    ..and now when I think of these quotes, I can attach these two family 'heroes' to them as well.
    • Profile picture of the author dkovacec
      Profile picture of dkovacec
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

      This is an amazing place...Just reading this thread this morning, I got two inspiring stories.

      Just two of the many great quotes that stood out to me:

      "You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire."

      "Some think successful people are "fierce"... This just shows you "how" fierce. You cannot be weak and succeed. Find your motivation."

      "You have to be in it to win it!"

      ..and now when I think of these quotes, I can attach these two family 'heroes' to them as well.
      Maybe this website could help with motivation : www

      We all need help to reach our goals - whether it's incentives, or support from others. Years of economic and behavioral research show that people who put stakes - either their money or their reputation - on the table are far more likely to actually achieve a goal they set for themselves.
      • Profile picture of the author Nealva61
        Profile picture of Nealva61
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I just found this thread yesterday and I'm really, really grateful that I did.

        I want to thank everyone here for taking time out of their busy lives to post here. It's very motivating to read of others success using basically simple methods that can be boot-strapped to get started.

        I want to especially thank Mike S. and John D. for launching it and sharing their personal experiences.

        Thank you too Mark S. for all of your contributions and videos on your blog.

        I too tried to access Mike's questions but received the Bandwidth Exceeded error message from his hosting company.

        I saw that Mike's last activity here on WF was this morning early so maybe he is working to get his site back online.

        In the meantime, is there anyone here that has the questions and could email them to me? If so, please PM me and I'll send you my email address.

        Again, I thank you all and may God bless each of you with happiness, health and success.

  • Profile picture of the author danielsteven
    Profile picture of danielsteven
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey John, thanks for repeatedly PMing me back, you've been a big help, anyways I figure I'll ask a question here. During the interview how would transition from the questions to the "free education" about Google maps/places and all that stuff? Hope that makes sense
    • Profile picture of the author S3Ware
      Profile picture of S3Ware
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This thread is is very inspiring!

      I do have a few quick question. What did u do with the interviews afterwards? Did you post them on your site and then send the owner the link so they could read the interview? What does a biz get for the $720 per year you are charging? Is for the basic listings on your website?


  • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
    Vanessa Reece
    Profile picture of Vanessa Reece
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    It's quite amazing what can be achieved when ones back is against the wall. Plus the fact your strategy is non intrusive.

    I tend to work in a similar fashion. I don't sell - I give (a lot of information). I remember one client saying, 'how come you give so much information away for free? ' to which I responded, 'well you're my client so what does that tell you?' lol

    It's very easy to think that if we keep all these things to ourselves we'll never get a client because they will take the info and run. In my experience, sooner or later, they're going to want you to work for them because they either don't have the time it takes or the experience to market themselves online.

    Your knowledge sharing defines you as an expert and that who these businesses want to work with. Someone who has their best interests at heart and not some money-grabbing fly by night outfit.

    And don't forget that these clients are often so happy with the service they refer you to others.

    Thanks for sharing your story, John. I'm very happy for you.

    And to John D - well done too on working through your darkest hour! There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Profile picture of the author Michael Bucker
      Michael Bucker
      Profile picture of Michael Bucker
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      Originally Posted by Vanessa Reece View Post

      I tend to work in a similar fashion. I don't sell - I give (a lot of information). I remember one client saying, 'how come you give so much information away for free? ' to which I responded, 'well you're my client so what does that tell you?' lol

      Vanessa, What you did in a nut shell is you invoked the law of obligation and reciprocity. Which states if you give someone enough value for something they feel obligated to give you something in return. Balancing the scales.

      The problem with most is, they start off with expectations from their clients before creating any true value. Way to go!!! That is what I call a 50 foot compliment you got from your customer, and definite reasons to buy from a unique salesperson (you).
      • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
        Profile picture of JohnSpangler
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Offliners,

        Hope everyone had a great holiday, I wanted to give you all a quick little insight that now with the holiday season, businesses, especially local businesses are looking to for help marketing their business.

        Give them a call and let them know you are putting together a holiday business guide and that you wanted to interview them on how the economy is hurting or helping them this holiday season. When would be a good time for me to come out for the interview?????

        Guys and gals this is an awesome lead in because they WILL WANT TO TALK TO YOU, November and December are traditionally some of my best months of the year not to mention a number of businesses are looking to lock in their expenses for 2011 to get their writeoffs so get out their and start talking to local companies, they will want to hear from you, I could say this is a ninja way to make this sound all big and sexy but the truth is this works plain and simple.

        Keep up the great work, you'll be making 2012 the best ever, take care.

  • Profile picture of the author EMaria
    Profile picture of EMaria
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello John,

    Your story is very inspiring and encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Can I ask a few questions?

    1) can you estimate how much time you spend daily, weekly, or monthly tending to your business? The reason I ask this is because one of the factors that is important to me (personally) is not having to spend 40+ hours a week working to attain/maintain a client base. This would feel like a "job".

    2) I live in a town with about the same population as yours, around 55,000 more or less. Do you only service the businesses in your immediate area or do you/have you branched out to surrounding areas since you started.

    3) Do you target certain types of businesses, such as accountants, attorneys, etc.? Or do you simply contact those business, as stated in your post, who advertise in the local newspaper?

    Again thank you for your lengthy and enlightening post. It has truly given me a refreshing new perspective for my own business.

  • Profile picture of the author Peter Gehr
    Peter Gehr
    Profile picture of Peter Gehr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi John,

    Thanks for the post.

    The thing that stands out to me the most is your honesty.
    It's very inspiring to go through your story with the human element and feeling the path you took by your descriptive account.

    I think a lot of people can benefit from the fact that you've told your story and offered an open book testimonial on how you made it work.

    It reminds me of the quote "desperation is the mother of invention" and you went out and reinvented yourself, and at the same time, you came to realize some of your limitations were holding you back but you learned to overcome them--which is tremendous.

    Although I was interested in what you do, I was more interested in how you worked your way through to independence and financial security by applying what was already available to you.

    The action you took is what stands out to me most, and it's a tribute to your character and willingness to stretch yourself.

    A great story and thanks for sharing.
  • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
    Vagabond 007
    Profile picture of Vagabond 007
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    We don't need answers we need to ask better questions.

    Great posts! I especially like the quoted part above. Asking better questions can lead to HUGE breakthroughs.

    Btw, I'm not too far from Lancaster. May have to get in touch if I'm ever in the area sometime soon.
    The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

  • Profile picture of the author shan beach
    shan beach
    Profile picture of shan beach
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    This is such an insoirational story! As I sit here battling health issues, stressed about not being able to "get out there" and make some more money offline, this gives me a way to do so while stuck here in the bed! I will be better soon but until then....

    Thanks so much for sharing!
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry for the delay, I ended up going out tubing last minute and I'm just getting
    back to the computer.

    Man, I'll tell you what getting flung around on the back of a boat in an inner tube
    is fun, but holy cow am I sore-hahaha

    Danielm- thanks for the post.

    WAWarrior- you're welcome and keep coming back because there are so many people in this forum who are interested in seeing you succeed, I am one of them, let me know if there is anything I can help you with, take care.

    Brucerby-Bruce you are the man, folks if you haven't looked at Bruce's wso on offline marketing marrying direct mail and what Bruce brings to the table you are really missing the boat. He is a wealth of information. By the way a number of those quotes came from Earl Nightingale's recording called the The Strangest Secret-which if you ever get a chance to listen to I would highly recommend because there is a ton of great content in that recording even though it's like 50years old.

    danielsteven - Daniel, I did get your pm and I will follow up with you tomorrow, great questions.

    baib21- great questions and I'll answer but I think, and I mean this very nicely, but I think you are missing the point, you're over analyzing this with to many specifics because when I started, I didn't have a script I made everything up as I went along. I did a quick search on the internet for questions to ask someone on an interview and I found a bunch and then made my own list.

    I didn't know what to ask at all, I just followed some suggestions of the interview questions I found online and went from there, now having said that, after my interview would take their answers and create a page for them but remember I didn't have the site up yet(because I didn't have any money-hence the prelaunch special) then once I did get the money to have the site built I put the questions up on a page that they could use for themselves or to show customers whatever they wanted to do with the page.

    Hope that helps if something isn't clear just let me know but really you don't need everything perfect, in fact, being raw and unpolished is actually a benefit because these business owners see slick sales people every day from the phone book, to radio, to tv and everything in between, it's nice to have them just chat with someone who's genuinely interested in helping them succeed online.

    Going to bed will update more tomorrow.
    Good night.
  • Profile picture of the author big steve
    big steve
    Profile picture of big steve
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What a great and inspirational thread. Thank You very much John!!!

  • Profile picture of the author lianliankan
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    • Profile picture of the author big steve
      big steve
      Profile picture of big steve
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      Originally Posted by lianliankan View Post

      This is pretty much the case with Large Format equipment as their complexity is vastly simpler compared to what is needed for a digital camera. But as you say, they have a small general market. They may cost a lot per frame, but I do love the simple pleasure of being able to build my own lens mounts and replace or upgrade parts with little more then a screwdriver.
      ????? You on the right thread mate..what u on about??lmaoo
      • Profile picture of the author CleanMountainLiving
        Profile picture of CleanMountainLiving
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I hope people get the point of this's not about the how, it's about the what.

        If you don't take action, it doesn't matter what questions you are asking, because nobody is hearing them.

        If you don't take action, it doesn't matter what kind of websites and backlinking and seo and such you are doing, because nobody is seeing you websites.

        All because you haven't taken action.

        The how does not matter. The ACT OF DOING is the thing!
  • Profile picture of the author charlie39
    Profile picture of charlie39
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great story, very inspiring. I am looking to help the local business' here where I live very soon as well. Having a business myself, I know how important is to have a website. So we are gearing up to help some local companies get on the map with their websites.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ITS-V you hit the nail on the head, the more that you give in terms of knowledge the more they think, wow, if they are giving me this much information for free, I wonder what I'll get when I pay them. The law of reciprocity comes into play big time and it's a true win/win.

    EMaria Good questions, the amount of time I spend depends on the workload, I just recently started hiring people to help me because I was spending 8-9 even 10hours a day or more delivering the services. But it's not hard work like digging ditches hard just setting up the backlinks and monitoring the progress and sending out reports etc.

    I am learning that I need to be able to rely more on others and that I don't have to be in total control because I had tried outsourcing but that never seemed to work, either a wso offering a service or odesk or anything in between didn't seem to deliver what I could do on my own, now over the last 3 years I have been able to put a team and software into place that really allows me more time and freedom. Hence why I was able to go tubing yesterday afternoon on the spur of the moment.

    2nd- the size of the town really doesn't matter to much in that I started here in Lancaster PA which is a town of maybe 80k but I have now business all over the country, plus other areas of the country are not as dollar conscious as people here in
    Lancaster so I can charge more for my services in other areas of the country.

    3rd- I really like to focus on companies who are advertising currently because that means they understand they need marketing to enhance their business. If they aren't advertising I stay away because then I have to try and sell them on marketing their company then after I sell them on marketing their company, I have to sell them on my services, that' to many hoops to jump thru. Now I personally have found the most success with furniture stores because they have a higher dollar ticketed item and they often have radio and tv ads in addition to the newspaper ads so they are always open to new advertising mediums.

    Hope that helps.

    SpeedlikesKJ, no problem thanks for the post.

    jodib - that is exactly the point, never give up hope, if you are reading this, then you were blessed with another day here, so make the most because I am telling you time fly's, I can't believe I have been doing the offline marketing now for 3 years!!!

    And remember if you're having a challenging day, you can start the day over whenever you want. There are no failures only learning experiences.

    Thanks for the post.

  • Profile picture of the author ikme
    Profile picture of ikme
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That really open my eye for offline marketing. I do have few questions that I am curious about:

    - How do you help out your clients if they do not have a website?
    - What does the $500 setup fee includes?
    - The recurring monthly fee - Is that to help your clients increase SEO ranking? Do you also offer CPC service?

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
    • Profile picture of the author AmericanWoman888
      Profile picture of AmericanWoman888
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ikme View Post

      That really open my eye for offline marketing. I do have few questions that I am curious about:

      - How do you help out your clients if they do not have a website?
      - What does the $500 setup fee includes?
      - The recurring monthly fee - Is that to help your clients increase SEO ranking? Do you also offer CPC service?

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
      I'd like to know the answers to these questions as well. Thank you for a wonderfully inspiring story.



      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        John Durham
        Profile picture of John Durham
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        Originally Posted by AmericanWoman888 View Post

        I'd like to know the answers to these questions as well. Thank you for a wonderfully inspiring story.

        I dont know what Johns answer will be, but your avatar makes me wanna sing "Sunshine ...on my shoulders...makes me happy..."

        Cant get it out of my head now, but its empowering so thanks!
        • Profile picture of the author AmericanWoman888
          Profile picture of AmericanWoman888
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

          I dont know what Johns answer will be, but your avatar makes me wanna sing "Sunshine ...on my shoulders...makes me happy..."

          Cant get it out of my head now, but its empowering so thanks!
          Aw, That's so sweet - you made my day



    • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
      Vagabond 007
      Profile picture of Vagabond 007
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      Originally Posted by ikme View Post

      That really open my eye for offline marketing. I do have few questions that I am curious about:

      - How do you help out your clients if they do not have a website?
      There are TONS of ways to help a business whether they have a website or not.

      Up Sells
      Cross Sells
      Raising prices
      Having systems in place
      Effective advertising
      Capturing the contact info of customers
      Making irresistible offers more often
      Selling to past customers (which is why you need to get their contact info)
      Stop doing what isn't working
      Do more of what is working

      The list goes on and on.
      The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the post and I appreciate the kind words and I wish I could say that I didn't something special but really I had no clue what I was doing, I just did because I felt I had zero to lose and if these businesses were already spending money - well then, hey, why can't they spend some money with me on helping them with the internet.

    Vagabond 007 Gene, folks, if you don't know who Gene is you really need to pay attention because he has some great information to share, I bought his ultimate mind map and found your info outstanding, great job on the mind map and sure, we need to get together, I am in a town right outside of Lancaster called Landisville. Pm me and we'll try to connect.

    shan beach I hope you're feeling better and you are very welcome, if there is anything I can do to help, let me know, get better soon

    big steve You are very welcome, let me know if there is anything I can help with should the need arise, thanks for the post.

    CleanMountainLiving Wow, I couldn't have said that any better, you get it, that's exactly the point, this doesn't have to be exact, just be yourself and honestly want to help the business, if you just look at them as dollar signs, that is number one sad, and number 2 will be picked up right away by these businesses because they get cold called or sold to every single day, seriously, the one day one of my clients had me deal with the saleman who came in trying to sell him ads on YP-HAHA that is a true story though, so just be yourself and honestly give them information that they can use regardless of getting paid, and you will be rewarded.

    charlie39 Thanks for the post, you get the point that you do need a presence on the web, it's just not a novelty anymore, you actually can make money with the website.

    That really open my eye for offline marketing. I do have few questions that I am curious about:

    - How do you help out your clients if they do not have a website?
    - What does the $500 setup fee includes?
    - The recurring monthly fee - Is that to help your clients increase SEO ranking? Do you also offer CPC service?
    First I build them a website if they don't have one, and no I don't charge them if they are one of my $550/mo or more clients.

    Now having said that I can build websites pretty fast because I have been doing this now for the last 3 years and I personally use Joomla, but that's personal preference.

    2nd the setup fee is for my time to setup their website if they don't have one, setup their social bookmarking sites, their backlinking accounts, kw analysis, their own website analysis etc, really you can' charge whatever you want, I had gotten the idea from one of my clients who charged a crazy amount of money as a setup fee for a software company.

    3rd- The monthly fee is to keep them going at the top of the search engines, remember the panda and the farmer etc, both of those instances caused me to contact my clients and get them to increase their monthly billing because the updates smacked their websites down and I needed to do extra work to get them back up in the rankings. Which was also a reminder why they need someone on their team who is looking out after their rankings on the web, just for moments like that update.

    Hope that helps, but seriously, I didn't know any of this when I started, I almost went out of business 6months into my business when I realized I needed to switch up the way I was doing my billing, I couldn't keep just charging 1x a year fees I needed monthly so that's the exact reason why I started charging monthly because if I didn't I would've been out of business which would not have helped anyone.

    Take care, I'll catch up with the rest tomorrow, going to bed. Night all

    • Profile picture of the author ikme
      Profile picture of ikme
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thank you once again for sharing and answer my questions. It's nice to know that I too, could have something to fall back on in this economy.
    • Profile picture of the author dtaylor
      Profile picture of dtaylor
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks John,
      Your opening post has more information in it than some WSOs or other courses I have paid for.

      You have highlighted the issue for either online or offline marketing....You have to get your name out there.

      Offliners get their name out by contacting businesses.
      Onliners get their websites in front of people by utilizing traffic techinques.

      Bottom line - take action now.

      Thanks again,
    • Profile picture of the author cshilling22
      Profile picture of cshilling22
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

      Yes. I hired someone from WF to do the SEO.
      That is awesome. Thank you for the info.

      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      Gary, Julio thanks for the kind words.

      cshilling22, I didn't have the money to build the site so I made a photo copy of a similar site that I was going to use and let them know that I was still developing the site and since the site was fully completed (I didn't even have a domain name yet) that they could get a prelauch special.

      Now some might think that this is a little misleading but if I didn't follow thru and actually develop a site then yes, but I did, I used a portal from Rick here on the forum and he built me with the money that I had raised by showing folks what the site would look like once the site was completed.

      Plus once the site was completed the price would be going up which I did raise my prices to $720 per year once the site was build.

      I hope that answers your questions.

      Thanks for the response. I am just a little confused on the method. So you interviewed them saying you would include the interview for free on the website, but then offered them a paid spot in the website directory and SEO work fo $579 a year as well? Then after the site launched if anyone wanted to be included in the directory they had to pay $720 for the year but did not get other services? Am I understanding that correctly? Thanks in advance!
    • Profile picture of the author Ashleydupray
      Profile picture of Ashleydupray
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great Post.

      Now stick around and inspire more.
      So glad to hear of your success.
      I wish more people could read this so they can be inspired by you.
      Great job and give yourself a big pat on the back.
      You deserve it.
    • Profile picture of the author sundown16
      Profile picture of sundown16
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      ....awesome post john

      it certainly gives your head a shake
      maybe spending so much time in this "online marketing learning curve"
      can really pay off.. to really help people with the many struggling
      businesses out there!
    • Profile picture of the author Gail J Richardson
      Gail J Richardson
      Profile picture of Gail J Richardson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      John, Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story. I have been reading all things about offline marketing and your story has given me the push I needed to get started . Thanks for taking the time to share your story. I hope someday to have a story to tell. A success story that is.LOL
    • Profile picture of the author LErinator
      Profile picture of LErinator
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Definitely an uplifting story, thank you for the post. There are so many lessons here but the one that hit me was the approach and mindset to the whole situation. Something has changed over the past couple of years with internet marketing where too many people come into the arena strictly to make money - money, money money! The real gist of it though is its the people who actively look to grow someone's business or lend a helping hand that ultimately succeed.
    • Profile picture of the author TeraAllison
      Profile picture of TeraAllison
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi John,

      I am a brand new forum member, and have been reading with interest your post and the various replies / questions.

      I also have a question. You said that you contacted local businesses and acted like you were a reporter on a deadline. I'm curious how, during the "interview", you transitioned from being a "reporter" to letting them know that you could do their internet marketing? I understand that you gave away lots of valuable information, but if they initially thought you were a reporter, how did you make that transition to also being a knowledgeable internet marketer? Didn't they find that odd or curious?


      • Profile picture of the author JohnQuiet
        Profile picture of JohnQuiet
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        John S.

        Thanks for a truly inspiring post that hit home with me on several fronts! I really needed this motivation to take that "next big step" for me and forge further into offline. I have been lurking here, trying to over analyze all the best approaches for jumping into offline for over a year. I knew in the back of my mind that "Just do it !" is the way to roll, but i do think you need just some starting information to launch into your community with.

        So, last week, I put on my best pair of kakis and headed out for my local Chamber of Commerce office. I had printed out a one pager with my business bullet points and took along a handful of business cards. When I got there I noticed the office was closed, but a lady was standing outside and asked if she could help me. Turns out she was the Chamber President! She asked what my business was, and i explained that we help local businesses get better exposure on Google and Facebook.. She was very impressed and asked me to call her to setup a meeting. Her best comment (music to my ears) was "I am sure nobody else is doing this and we are all very interested in how to better use the Internet to get more business!"

        I took this as a sign that I am moving in the right direction! So, I called her on Friday and left a VM to set up an appointment for next week. I will now keep this momentum going. I am sure she will want me to "join" the Chamber before I can speak to the local group thru their meetings, and that's OK, but I won't wait for that to happen. I am going to start hitting the local owners myself.

        My present situation is much like yours was 3 years ago. In fact, I was also in this same boat about three years ago as well. I wrote one of the first "I Lost my Job" posts during early 2008. Anyhow, this time is different for a number of reasons. The main one being my health.

        Like many warriors, I have been working in and out of corporate IT consulting since the "dot bomb" of 2001. It has been a rocky road because a consistent paycheck has not always been there. I have been fortunate enough to have a wife who has been willing to carry the family health insurance with her job, but she has carried this load for too long.

        This all came to a screeching halt in February of 2011. I had to go in for what was supposed to be minor prostate surgery on March 2. I was told I would be back at work after 2 weeks of solid rest at home. It actually took me a total of 6 weeks before I could even think about sitting in a chair for more than a couple of hours.

        To make a long story short, I went back to work in late April, was in and out or work due to my recovery taking longer, and finally LOST MY JOB on July 25, due to excessive absence.

        So, Now I am taking this as a sign: The "corporate grind" was the actual source of all the stress that resulted (in my opinion) the need for my surgery. So now I am faced with a choice: Try to get better and go back for more of the "grinding" to my soul and body...


        Make a switch for life.... And carve out my own destiny... work my own hours... sit in whatever chair I want ( My recliner by choice!)..... And MAKE THIS OFFLINE THING WORK!!

        I am truly convinced that I can generate $3000 - 8000 / month within 30 - 60 days from right now. The real challenge is "right between my ears...." If I can convince myself (and I already have by reading your post) then it will work....

        The WF is a true source of endless therapy from those who really care about their fellow partners who live day by day in a world that others can barley imagine. A world full of trials and triumphs which, most of the time, can only be appreciated by someone who knows what an autoresponder is.

        I have been on here ever since Alan started the first forum (late '90's I think, I had a diff user Id I can't remember!) And I plan to stay here until they "pry my cold dead hands off my mouse and keyboard".

        And Thanks also to John D. There is no more important goal besides making sure those who are in your family are properly cared for! My heart is with you.

        I will stop back here in some form, and let the community know how my "offline career" progresses!

        and Thanks to everyone else here that has contributed to this thread!

        John Smart
        It's Time for Christmas Cookies!
        Discover Your "It" for FREE at
    • Profile picture of the author SupplementTalk
      Profile picture of SupplementTalk
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      hey john, that was one of the best posts I have ever read at the warrior forum! I know how to build and rank websites and would love to do it at the local level.
      Do you have any tips on how I might get business started. Do you think that if I put up some advertising about my services that I would get bites, or do you think it is best if I either call them up or go into their place of business?

      Also, you said you use that freshbooks payment processor. Is this the only tool you use to make the initial payment and everything. I mean, you dont have your own website with paypal or shopping cart on it, right?

      So you would present to the potential customer, and if they want to sign up, you go to your Freshbooks account and complete the transaction, then you do all the work and call or email them the results? One more thing, do you build one website and feature the small business on that site, or do you build a brand new website for that company? Do you SEO these sites or just build them and put the content on them?

      Sorry for all the questions but you truly seem to be the right man and an"offline expert." Thanks so much for the info!
    • Profile picture of the author lambert58
      Profile picture of lambert58
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      For a goal to be effective, It must effect change! Zig Ziglar.
      Very inspiring examples of overcoming life's challenges. Very "giving" also by everyone sharing their strategies and knowledge And experience. If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want. Zig ziglar. I luv this forum.
    • Profile picture of the author wally247
      Profile picture of wally247
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      What a truly great story, and an inspiration!

      I love this interview (provide value first) idea, and if you don't mind I am going to flat-out steal it, apply it and I can't wait.

      Thank you so much for sharing, your post has no doubt inspired many of us to quit looking for the easy way (tons of WSO's) and pick up the phone and be human.

      Great stuff.

    • Profile picture of the author Dan Ashburn
      Dan Ashburn
      Profile picture of Dan Ashburn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Very inspiring post for anyone wanting to take the leap of faith and TAKE ACTION! Throughly enjoyed reading this post!

      I have found the foot in the door is the path to success... master this skill and you have a bright future! Onwards and upwards!
    • Profile picture of the author SDavenport
      Profile picture of SDavenport
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      WOW! John. Just read your story. I am in the exact same predicament. Laid off and been doing odd jobs for over 3 years while looking for something Internet based to learn enough to make a living. I've bought 3 wso's about local listings and Geo-targeting businesses. But I am scared to death of cold calling. Your idea about calling and asking for an interview to post on my local website is great. I can do that. Thanks.
    • Profile picture of the author Dr Mukherjee
      Dr Mukherjee
      Profile picture of Dr Mukherjee
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great story and inspiration. I always having the problem about what to ask the business or how should I represent my service/help. The thing missing is the script and I tried to see if there is any wso on this. Is there any way I can get a little help on this? This is the hardest part for me yet. Your story really inspires. Thank you
      • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
        Profile picture of RenegadeSC
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Tina2012 View Post

        Great story and inspiration. I always having the problem about what to ask the business or how should I represent my service/help. The thing missing is the script and I tried to see if there is any wso on this. Is there any way I can get a little help on this? This is the hardest part for me yet. Your story really inspires. Thank you
        Sent you a PM.

        • Profile picture of the author ZHammer
          Profile picture of ZHammer
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Just finished reading all of these posts - but not before my business partner and I took some action!

          We called some businesses today to offer the interviews and had nothing but positive responses - (and believe you me - we've done some cold calling that was not very pleasant before).

          Booked 1 Appointment - with 2 pretty strong hopefuls to follow up with. Only a total of 7-10 calls (including people we couldn't get ahold of at all!).

          This method is definitely starting off well.

          @Mark - Glad you're back to good health - I just finished watching all of your videos on the blog - great information there!

          @John - Thank you so much for posting these ideas and strategies here - my business partner and I had almost the same exact plan before Christmas came along and got distracted with other things (I hadn't read this thread, we were going to do interviews for a podcast).
    • Profile picture of the author kstavert
      Profile picture of kstavert
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      John, thank you, thank you, thank you......

      Your story and your ideas are more helpful than I can ever

      Bless you and your family.
    • Profile picture of the author raul lucian
      raul lucian
      Profile picture of raul lucian
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great, great, great story. Pretty impresive.

      Thanks for sharing it with us.
    • Profile picture of the author beatstockpromoters
      Profile picture of beatstockpromoters
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great post. I know its old but thanks for this.

      Join A Top Affiliate Program About Penny Stock Trading: Earn 50% Commissions!

    • Profile picture of the author hometutor
      Profile picture of hometutor
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow that's practically the Bible way of doing business. You give and it comes back to you 10 fold. Congratulations on both taking the risk and your success. The fact you took time to share demonstrates what a wonderful, giving person you are.

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    AmericanWoman888 thanks for the post, hopefully I answered your questions.

    Vagabond 007 Thanks Gene, that's exactly the point, folks when we are talking seo or facebook etc with these businesses they don't care about being on the first page or the 10th page or have 1 fan or 10,000 fans all they really care about is paying customers.

    In addition to providing them with SEO services I also as an unannounced bonus for them give them leads that I generate either thru Craigslist or some other means.

    No I am fortunate that I have the powerleadspro x software, but if you don't have powerleadspro you can still use a website called and go to gigs and can a lot of times find leads for these companies that they wouldn't have found on their own.

    I had one client get awarded a $12,000 contract for a home remodeling job because of a lead I gave him from Craigslist. Remember, we are wanting to make ourselves different from every other seo or web design company out there.

    There is so much that can be done, you can also post their ads on craigslist as well, I had another client get business from the ads I had posted for them on Craigslist, we need to think how best can I get this company business.

    I hope that helps, to your success,

  • Profile picture of the author danielsteven
    Profile picture of danielsteven
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This Method Rocks!! I started using this method on Thursday.... Wednesday I spent most of my day compiling a list of businesses to contact on Thursday I started calling and I only got through to a few companies and most of the numbers I dialed from manta were no longer in service...

    So I decided to follow this method to a T...I drove around to surrounding cities and picked up their local newspapers (3 to be exact)...started dialing this morning around 930am and have setup 2 appts so far for Tuesday.

    For the record I am horrible on the phone, I have no problem talking face to face but for some god forsaken reason I stumble over words repeatedly...(you'd think it'd be the opposite).... anyways this approach is so non imposing that it works. Who knows if I'll sign either business up but the important thing here is that its an opening that gets you in the door.

    Thanks a ton John!
    • Profile picture of the author mojo1
      Profile picture of mojo1
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      Congratulations on taking action and getting such positive results. I look forward to hearing about your success. You've definitely inspired me!
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    ikme you will never want for money by trying to help business succeed.

    danielsteven Daniel- YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Way to go for taking action, I would suggest now that you have the appointments to do a little homework and find out if they have claimed their business in the google local business directiory. If they haven't mention that to them, that they really need to claim their business and it's free, you can use a free website called to see if their business has been claimed, you can even show the client the website so they can see for themselves.

    Another suggestion I learned was that I no longer take a computer, a laptop or anything else with me on appointments. You see when I first started having success, one of the first things I did was to buy a laptop and then take the laptop with me to show them on the computer what was going on which helped but one time I forgot my laptop and I used the clients computer.

    Using the clients computer is WAY WAY WAY better because somehow if you show them stuff on your computer they think that your computer is something special but if you show them on their computer, it impacts them 10x more.

    If you need anything let me know but that is AWESOME, now another suggestion would be once you start setting up appointments, stay on the phone because you're in the zone and it's better to once you've got some confidence going on your side.

    Also remember to smile when you're on the phone, thats an old telemarketing trick that works awesome, plus I stand when I talk, seems I have more energy.

    To your success,
    • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
      Vagabond 007
      Profile picture of Vagabond 007
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      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      plus I stand when I talk, seems I have more energy.
      I do this as well.

      "Motion creates emotion."
      The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

    • Profile picture of the author chemo38
      Profile picture of chemo38
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      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      ikme you will never want for money by trying to help business succeed.

      danielsteven Daniel- YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Way to go for taking action, I would suggest now that you have the appointments to do a little homework and find out if they have claimed their business in the google local business directiory. If they haven't mention that to them, that they really need to claim their business and it's free, you can use a free website called to see if their business has been claimed, you can even show the client the website so they can see for themselves.

      Another suggestion I learned was that I no longer take a computer, a laptop or anything else with me on appointments. You see when I first started having success, one of the first things I did was to buy a laptop and then take the laptop with me to show them on the computer what was going on which helped but one time I forgot my laptop and I used the clients computer.

      Using the clients computer is WAY WAY WAY better because somehow if you show them stuff on your computer they think that your computer is something special but if you show them on their computer, it impacts them 10x more.

      If you need anything let me know but that is AWESOME, now another suggestion would be once you start setting up appointments, stay on the phone because you're in the zone and it's better to once you've got some confidence going on your side.

      Also remember to smile when you're on the phone, thats an old telemarketing trick that works awesome, plus I stand when I talk, seems I have more energy.

      To your success,
      That is an EXCELLENT suggestion I would have never thought of


    • Profile picture of the author iInvent
      Profile picture of iInvent
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      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      ikme you will never want for money by trying to help business succeed.

      danielsteven Daniel- YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Way to go for taking action, I would suggest now that you have the appointments to do a little homework and find out if they have claimed their business in the google local business directiory. If they haven't mention that to them, that they really need to claim their business and it's free, you can use a free website called to see if their business has been claimed, you can even show the client the website so they can see for themselves.

      Another suggestion I learned was that I no longer take a computer, a laptop or anything else with me on appointments. You see when I first started having success, one of the first things I did was to buy a laptop and then take the laptop with me to show them on the computer what was going on which helped but one time I forgot my laptop and I used the clients computer.

      Using the clients computer is WAY WAY WAY better because somehow if you show them stuff on your computer they think that your computer is something special but if you show them on their computer, it impacts them 10x more.

      If you need anything let me know but that is AWESOME, now another suggestion would be once you start setting up appointments, stay on the phone because you're in the zone and it's better to once you've got some confidence going on your side.

      Also remember to smile when you're on the phone, thats an old telemarketing trick that works awesome, plus I stand when I talk, seems I have more energy.

      To your success,
      Awesome thread - thank you for the website!! As a newbie, had no clue it existed!!!

      Thanks for reading!

      "Before you try to satisfy the client, understand and satisfy the person."

  • Profile picture of the author CaliChristian
    Profile picture of CaliChristian
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    Inspirational! If there's a will there's a way, right?
    Christian Credit Counselors is a non-profit organization that has been credit counseling for 20 years and our credit counselors have helped over 200,000 individuals and families get out of debt in less than 4 years.
  • Profile picture of the author rotten72
    Profile picture of rotten72
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    Great Job! The biggest reason people fail, is that they fail to take action!
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    CaliChristian Thanks for the post, that is the truth, I don't know if anyone here has seen the movie 127hours but that is a great testament to understanding what can be done when you put your mind to coming up with a solution to a problem.

    rotten72 So true, without action nothing happens, I know I may sound like a broken record on this subject but some of you have pm'd me to let me know that you had started calling businesses and have gotten a few to sign up but nothing really exciting- well if you can get one business, you can get 2 and then 4 etc. you just need to do more of the same and remember being polished isn't really a good thing here because these businesses will seen right through that but if they see you as wanting to help them, they'll be hooked.

    Vagabond 007 Gene, that is something I learned back in my stock brokering days in the early 90's, I would have the phone book as my lead base and literally just start with the A's and go from there and found that if I stood up, I had a lot more energy and people fed off of that enthusiasm.

    We should really feel so fortunate that we have an opportunity to talk to these companies because some of our men and women have to deal with more than just rejection over the phone, they have to deal with bullets and mines and all kinds of other things.

    I have never had anyone punch me thru the phone and if people hang up so what, move on, they weren't you ideal prospect anyway and you should be thankful, I remember early on I used to take rejection so personally then I realized that a lot of the businesses who weren't so nice to me, genuinely weren't that nice to begin with and actually went out of business anyway.

    One thing that I definitely try to do every day is do something, whether it's an email to a client or a phone call to a business or reading some ads to target in the next few days, every day try to do SOMETHING to grow your business.

    To your success,
    • Profile picture of the author sjohn
      Profile picture of sjohn
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      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      I have never had anyone punch me thru the phone and if people hang up so what, move on, they weren't you ideal prospect anyway and you should be thankful, I remember early on I used to take rejection so personally then I realized that a lot of the businesses who weren't so nice to me, genuinely weren't that nice to begin with and actually went out of business anyway.
      This just got me thinking that rejection could be a positive...imagine if you did end up working with that type of client.
      Rejection could be a type of filter for choosing clients you'd want to end up working with long term.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    sjohn That is exactly right because they may not be ready for what you have to offer or the timing isn't right or the sky was grey, who knows but I do know that there a lot of businesses who do want to hear from you and you aren't limited to main street USA, you can go across town, across the state, across the country, heck even across the pond.

    THere is nothing stopping you but you from being a success,

  • Profile picture of the author deepali goyal
    deepali goyal
    Profile picture of deepali goyal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome story. Thanks for sharing John.
    • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
      Profile picture of want2knowhow
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Okay John, now you've really got my interest piqued mentioning that powerleads pro system. Heck, seems like a nice little business could be made just finding & setting business and JV's leads for people...

      How long have you been using it?

      Please do tell us more about this awesome well kept & hidden money making secret...

      • Profile picture of the author dunkinbbb
        Profile picture of dunkinbbb
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        JohnS and JohnD:

        Two amazing stories - and two amazing shares.

        Really tends to put things in perspective for me.

        Interesting how these two men with these brutally honest glimpses into their lives are also two of the best at sharing - in a step by step - followable style - what has worked for them.

        Seems like a big heart expresses itself in many ways.

        God bless,

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    deepali goyal thank you for the kind words

    want2knowhow yes, I do use powerleadspro but I don't want you to think you need to spend money on this software. If you have expendable capital and you're already making money then getting that type of software makes sense but if you are cash strapped you don't need to spend any more money. You can look up in your local newspaper and find businesses advertising.

    If you see their ads, you know that they are spending money for leads, you can also do a quick search on google to see if they are spending money on ppc, you can quickly look up in yellowpages or yellowbook if they have a premium ad, get your local coupon magazine and find companies putting their coupons in the local magazine.

    For instance here in Lancaster PA we have 2 local coupon magazines, one is called Clipper Magazine, where local companies pay a min.of $800 and up for putting their coupon is this magazine. Heck, our local baseball team in Lancaster, called the Lancaster Barnstormers plays at Clipper Stadium- so do you think they're making money????

    There is also another coupon magazine called The Consumers Eye, similar idea they have to pay something like $500 or more to advertise their coupons in their magazine monthly.

    Then there is the valpak's which comes in the mail, plus pay attention to the local radio and TV ads, I have gotten a number of clients from those ads as well.

    So yes I have Power Leads Pro but I just gave you a handful of places to use as leads sources that I have personally used to generate business from, in fact the owner of The Consumer's Eye magazine called me personally to talk about potentially working together moving forward.

    So there is plenty of business to be had, even in this tough economy, but this tough economy is perfect for our business model because traditional advertising isn't working so these companies are primed and pumped to try something different.

    Hope that helps,
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    dunkinbbb Sorry dunkinbbb I missed your post, thank you for the kind words, just want to pay it forward.

    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      So I made exactly 20 calls to small businesses this moring. I was able to schedule 3 appointments, with one for today. I have 4 owners who were either working or away from their calendars. They were every interested and we set specific times to call back and schedule.

      Here's what happened today:

      I went to see a chiropractor. We just talked casually through the questions and when we got to marketing, he fancied himself, "Mark I've read tons of stuff on SEO". Although he had it all wrong, I still gave him points on how to tweak his mistakes. He already had claimed his listings and took copious notes on other things I showed him.

      While I didn't get the sale, it felt good to help!

      John, I'm excited about this and how easy it is to get your foot in the door with these owners.

      Sent you a PM with what you requested.

      Thanks bro! It's working!

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    marksumpter Mark You are the man- THANK YOU for taking action, that is a HUGE first step, like I had mentioned to you on the phone when you go thru question 9 and they feel like they know everything always feed their ego.

    For example I was interviewing a client who kept telling me how great their ads in the YP were producing and how their newspaper ads were doing great etc, so instead of disagreeing with him I went along with him by saying that's great- the YP and Newspaper ads were going well, how do you track those results- for which he/she usually replies we start getting calls or we start getting hits to the website.

    I ask if they have ever heard of google voice- they look at me like I have 3 heads, I go on to explain that it's a free or basically free service that you can use to put a local number in your ads to track the results and have the number forwarded to any number they want. This way they can track exactly what's going on with the results.

    I suggest getting a different google voice number for each medium, so if you are doing newspaper get a google number for the newspaper- if you are going YP put a google number in there as well.

    This way you can track everything and then that get's the business owner to realize they don't know everything by politely asking questions that get them thinking so instead of being confrontational I ask questions aimed at helping them understand that their are ideas that may benefit his/her business that they may not know about and I can help.

    Kudos again for taking action,
    • Profile picture of the author StarkContrast
      Profile picture of StarkContrast
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks for the story. Well worth the read. I often wonder what I would do in your situation. Seems risky but with no other alternatives, you did what you needed to do. Inspirational
      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        John Durham
        Profile picture of John Durham
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        @ marhamat

        When you are in the position John was in, you either do whatever is in front of you that you can do... or you lose it and become a bum.

        Different men make different choices... The choice is always there to do 'something", as long as you are educated about the opportunities that exist for you, which is why posts like this save livelihoods, and are worth more to some person at some point in time than we could ever imagine.

        The more opportunities you are informed about, the more choices you have if it ever comes to that. Thats why John Spangler, and the Warrior Forum ROCKS!

        What I have learned here, has literally MADE the difference for me at several times in my life, and Im sure MANY others can say the same.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    dtaylor Great point, taking action and getting your name out there is a big part of the process because these businesses are there and need your help.

    Remember that they businesses don't care how much you know until they know how much you care- may seem trivial but believe me that has allowed me the opportunity to work with more companies than my knowledge.

    marhamat I agree and I wouldn't recommend that for anyone if they can avoid it but if you have no other choices taking some type of action is better than throwing in the cards and folding because for me that wasn't an option since I wanted to keep living where I was living and keeping the family altogether.

    John Durham Thanks John, well said, that is exactly the point. The WF is a great place that allows us to laugh a little, cry a little and find some knowledge along the way because without the WF I wouldn't have had the seeds to start and without reading the free Andrew Cavanagh thread that has since been deleted where in a nutshell he states just get off your butt and go out and talk to these companies.

    Have a great day, I have appointments until early evening, make today the day you do something towards helping out an offline company if you are choosing to enter this field.

  • Profile picture of the author uncle randy 71
    uncle randy 71
    Profile picture of uncle randy 71
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    OK, I followed your example and called a company that is doing some local advertising. I explained that I am a freelance writer (I have been published once) and I am working on a story concerning the impact of the recession in my local area on a wide range of industries.

    She agreed to let me call her tomorrow for a 15 minute phone interview. Here is my dilemma: I have told this person I am interviewing her for a potential story. How do I steer the conversation towards her internet marketing needs without sounding like a fraud?
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      John Durham
      Profile picture of John Durham
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      Originally Posted by uncle randy 71 View Post

      OK, I followed your example and called a company that is doing some local advertising. I explained that I am a freelance writer (I have been published once) and I am working on a story concerning the impact of the recession in my local area on a wide range of industries.

      She agreed to let me call her tomorrow for a 15 minute phone interview. Here is my dilemma: I have told this person I am interviewing her for a potential story. How do I steer the conversation towards her internet marketing needs without sounding like a fraud?

      Tell her that it is also going to be going out all over the internet, and that she may want to take advantage by having a site for the articles to link to...
      • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
        Profile picture of RenegadeSC
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        In my previous post, I mentioned that out of 20 calls, I had 3 appointments and 4 potential call backs. Out of the 4, I have appointments with 2 of a total of 5, all scheduled for this week.

        Today I had an appointment with a day spa. Immediately upon entering she asked if it was going to cost her anything. She was relieved to know her listing on my site was free.


        I spent 30 minutes on the interview and 90 minutes sharing my best stuff on how she could improve her marketing...real world tweaks. She took copious notes and in the end she said, "Thank you so much for helping me. Mark, who am I going to get to do all this for me?"

        I left with a check for $950 and $450 recurring.

        This was only my second interview. I have 3 more scheduled for the rest of the week.

        If you are reading this post then you have read this entire thread thus far. Go back and read it again and again and again, because everything I did to get this client is contained right here. And it's free!

        Look, I have bought lots of WSO's. Some were not so good, some were great. They definitely taught me a lot about the offline business. But this thread has done much more for me than the WSO's I've paid upwards of $77 for. Don't get me wrong, they were good but they didn't get me the results this FREE thread has given me so far.

        John, while tomorrow is your birthday, you have actually given me a gift.

        Thank you and happy birthday buddy!

        • Profile picture of the author soontobefishing
          Profile picture of soontobefishing
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Great thread. So good to read someones real story and how they got thru. Also to MarkSumpter- congrats that is so cool. Hope it keeps rolling for you.
          • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
            Profile picture of RenegadeSC
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by soontobefishing View Post

            Great thread. So good to read someones real story and how they got thru. Also to MarkSumpter- congrats that is so cool. Hope it keeps rolling for you.
            Thanks soontobefishing!
        • Profile picture of the author cshilling22
          Profile picture of cshilling22
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post


          In my previous post, I mentioned that out of 20 calls, I had 3 appointments and 4 potential call backs. Out of the 4, I have appointments with 2 of a total of 5, all scheduled for this week.

          Today I had an appointment with a day spa. Immediately upon entering she asked if it was going to cost her anything. She was relieved to know her listing on my site was free.


          I spent 30 minutes on the interview and 90 minutes sharing my best stuff on how she could improve her marketing...real world tweaks. She took copious notes and in the end she said, "Thank you so much for helping me. Mark, who am I going to get to do all this for me?"

          I left with a check for $950 and $450 recurring.

          This was only my second interview. I have 3 more scheduled for the rest of the week.

          If you are reading this post then you have read this entire thread thus far. Go back and read it again and again and again, because everything I did to get this client is contained right here. And it's free!

          Look, I have bought lots of WSO's. Some were not so good, some were great. They definitely taught me a lot about the offline business. But this thread has done much more for me than the WSO's I've paid upwards of $77 for. Don't get me wrong, they were good but they didn't get me the results this FREE thread has given me so far.

          John, while tomorrow is your birthday, you have actually given me a gift.

          Thank you and happy birthday buddy!


          Great example! What suggestions for the business did you make?
          • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
            Profile picture of RenegadeSC
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by cshilling22 View Post

            Great example! What suggestions for the business did you make?
            First, I offered methods for tracking their marketing dollars by using google voice phone numbers. I then had them look at their own source code for their site and in very layman terms talked about what was wrong with their keywords, h1 tags and why their site was on page 9 of google.

            Once they were thankful and overwhelmed with the advice on how to fix their website, they will hire you!

        • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
          Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Note: to Mark Sumpter - Way to rock! Keep it coming man!
          Also Mark -
          - 'I spent 30 minutes on the interview and 90 minutes sharing my best stuff on how she could improve her marketing...real world tweaks. She took copious notes and in the end she said, "Thank you so much for helping me. Mark, who am I going to get to do all this for me?"'

          On TV sitcoms, that would be when you turn to the camera (the 5th wall) and do the or the :rolleyes: look...!

          Best of luck in your success! I'll look for your updates!
          • Profile picture of the author S3Ware
            Profile picture of S3Ware
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            John S. thanks for starting this thread it is tremendous!

            It has inspired me to go back to the simple things that work, such as, just offer value to your local biz community first and the money will follow.

            Awesome job Mark! Please keep us posted on your progress.
            • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
              Profile picture of RenegadeSC
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Today I turned down $3000.

              I met with a woman who owns a clothing store boutique. She had 2 stores and 5 co-op shops that houses some of the clothing line.

              In talking with her and offering her tips on how she could improve her business, she became really excited and wanted to proceed. She agreed to 3K and $500 recurring.

              In the end, I made the decision not to work with her. I didn't believe she was a fit and ultimately believed it wasn't worth the headache. She had unrealistic expectations

              One thing I have come to realize is this:

              As much as we look for the clues that tell us they are ready to hand over a check, you had better pay attention to the clues they they will be a complete pain in the ass!

              She gave me every indication that she would be that type of client. As much as I wanted to report to all my WF friends that I closed a 3K deal, I can't. Instead the lesson is pay attention to the good and the bad when it comes to clients.

              She clearly would have been more of a pain than the pleasure I would have gained from collecting 3K.

              Good thing is I have more appointments for the rest of the week!
              • Profile picture of the author S3Ware
                Profile picture of S3Ware
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

                Today I turned down $3000.

                I met with a woman who owns a clothing store boutique. She had 2 stores and 5 co-op shops that houses some of the clothing line.

                In talking with her and offering her tips on how she could improve her business, she became really excited and wanted to proceed. She agreed to 3K and $500 recurring.

                In the end, I made the decision not to work with her. I didn't believe she was a fit and ultimately believed it wasn't worth the headache. She had unrealistic expectations

                One thing I have come to realize is this:

                As much as we look for the clues that tell us they are ready to hand over a check, you had better pay attention to the clues they they will be a complete pain in the ass!

                She gave me every indication that she would be that type of client. As much as I wanted to report to all my WF friends that I closed a 3K deal, I can't. Instead the lesson is pay attention to the good and the bad when it comes to clients.

                She clearly would have been more of a pain than the pleasure I would have gained from collecting 3K.

                Good thing is I have more appointments for the rest of the week!
                Hey Mark,

                That is a great position to be in where you can pick and choose your customers!

                Can you share what expectations you set with your potential customers when you first meet with them?

                • Profile picture of the author Bennette
                  Profile picture of Bennette
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Wow John and John all I can say is thanks for sharing your stories. You never know what people are going through and for both of you to share your situations is inspiring to me as well as others.

                  John S... thanks for sharing a easy to follow strategy !
                • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
                  Profile picture of RenegadeSC
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Originally Posted by baib21 View Post

                  Hey Mark,

                  That is a great position to be in where you can pick and choose your customers!

                  Can you share what expectations you set with your potential customers when you first meet with them?

                  Thanks. I would have loved to have the money but it just wasnt' worth the risk.

                  I tell them that getting them on page one could take some time. Most of these owners have already been burned by someone calling and promising, "Pay me $1500 and I'll have you on the first page in 24hrs." So when I tell them I'm not going to lie or promise them anything because I'm Google, I'll do my best to get them there. Then I explain how the work will be performed. Then I explain how I will communicate, how often, and what they will receive (traffic report, links).

                  That way, there are no surprises.

                  Hope this helps.

                  • Profile picture of the author brandony
                    Profile picture of brandony
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Loving this post. John, I'm heading to Lancaster this weekend...maybe I'll catch you at Borders before it closes doors (man I love that place).

                    Mark...interesting...also don't want to take away from the thread...but I watched you talk in Pittsburgh. I'll say this...if anyone can take an existing system...(John's)...explode it...and turn it into a 1MM business can. don't be hard on yourself. Being honest across the board...I'm sort of in John's position where he was 3 years ago.

                    We'll see what happens.

                    John, thanks for the great thread.


                  • Profile picture of the author S3Ware
                    Profile picture of S3Ware
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

                    Thanks. I would have loved to have the money but it just wasnt' worth the risk.

                    I tell them that getting them on page one could take some time. Most of these owners have already been burned by someone calling and promising, "Pay me $1500 and I'll have you on the first page in 24hrs." So when I tell them I'm not going to lie or promise them anything because I'm Google, I'll do my best to get them there. Then I explain how the work will be performed. Then I explain how I will communicate, how often, and what they will receive (traffic report, links).

                    That way, there are no surprises.

                    Hope this helps.


                    Thanks for responding to my question. It really is important to mange client expectations and to communicate regularly with them.

                    - Rich
              • Profile picture of the author BlogDiva
                Profile picture of BlogDiva
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

                Today I turned down $3000.

                I met with a woman who owns a clothing store boutique. She had 2 stores and 5 co-op shops that houses some of the clothing line.

                In talking with her and offering her tips on how she could improve her business, she became really excited and wanted to proceed. She agreed to 3K and $500 recurring.

                In the end, I made the decision not to work with her. I didn't believe she was a fit and ultimately believed it wasn't worth the headache. She had unrealistic expectations

                One thing I have come to realize is this:

                As much as we look for the clues that tell us they are ready to hand over a check, you had better pay attention to the clues they they will be a complete pain in the ass!

                She gave me every indication that she would be that type of client. As much as I wanted to report to all my WF friends that I closed a 3K deal, I can't. Instead the lesson is pay attention to the good and the bad when it comes to clients.

                She clearly would have been more of a pain than the pleasure I would have gained from collecting 3K.

                Good thing is I have more appointments for the rest of the week!
                Good For You! I always believe that "all money ain't good money" You did the right thing!!
          • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
            Profile picture of RenegadeSC
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by MoneyMagnetMagnate View Post

            Note: to Mark Sumpter - Way to rock! Keep it coming man!
            Also Mark -
            - 'I spent 30 minutes on the interview and 90 minutes sharing my best stuff on how she could improve her marketing...real world tweaks. She took copious notes and in the end she said, "Thank you so much for helping me. Mark, who am I going to get to do all this for me?"'

            On TV sitcoms, that would be when you turn to the camera (the 5th wall) and do the or the :rolleyes: look...!

            Best of luck in your success! I'll look for your updates!
            Thanks! You are absolutely right. While I didn't look at the camera, I did think of ol John boy and thought, "Damn, worked just like he said it would."
        • Profile picture of the author mojo1
          Profile picture of mojo1
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post


          In my previous post, I mentioned that out of 20 calls, I had 3 appointments and 4 potential call backs. Out of the 4, I have appointments with 2 of a total of 5, all scheduled for this week.

          Today I had an appointment with a day spa. Immediately upon entering she asked if it was going to cost her anything. She was relieved to know her listing on my site was free.


          I spent 30 minutes on the interview and 90 minutes sharing my best stuff on how she could improve her marketing...real world tweaks. She took copious notes and in the end she said, "Thank you so much for helping me. Mark, who am I going to get to do all this for me?"

          I left with a check for $950 and $450 recurring.

          This was only my second interview. I have 3 more scheduled for the rest of the week.

          If you are reading this post then you have read this entire thread thus far. Go back and read it again and again and again, because everything I did to get this client is contained right here. And it's free!

          Look, I have bought lots of WSO's. Some were not so good, some were great. They definitely taught me a lot about the offline business. But this thread has done much more for me than the WSO's I've paid upwards of $77 for. Don't get me wrong, they were good but they didn't get me the results this FREE thread has given me so far.

          John, while tomorrow is your birthday, you have actually given me a gift.

          Thank you and happy birthday buddy!

          Wow, although I'm late to this party, I'm still inspired nonetheless.

          After reading JohnS story and your action oriented results, I'd have to agree with you on several points. Specifically about many WSO's being really good but yet still missing those simple actionable blueprint steps.

          With John's life's blueprint and Your results, they've inspired me to immediately buy a 99 cent .com domain for the northern part of my state in order to be able to cater to a larger territory and begin to build a blog to house these wonderful interviews.

          Thank you both for being such brilliant lights in this often times dark world.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry folks, I've been away a little, yesterday was the ole' 41 -yeah so we went to DC to tour around a little.

    uncle randy 71 I would follow along with the questions I provided which politely steers the conversation to you offering advice and if you provide some suggestions ultimately what the business owner says is WOW, that is some great information but who can I get to do all of that for me- for which you reply I can help you out there, that is exactly what Mark did and he was pleasantly surprised that my suggestion worked.

    It works for me all of the time, you provide information and don't hold back, be honest and you can literally lay the entire format out for them and they'll in the end still ask you who can they get to help them out.

    John Durham Thanks John, that's a great point and I know I say this all of the time but the business owner doesn't care how much you know until they know how much you care about them and their business.

    marksumpter Mark YOU DA MAN!!! You took ACTION and look what happened, the only reason I called you was because you had indicated that you had made some cold calls and by listening to what you were saying just tweeked a little bit of what your were sharing with the client and BAM- you hit the ball out of the park- Seriously great job, you made my birthday, that was a great gift hearing your success, I know this works because I do this every day, but it's great when someone else actually uses my suggestions and has similar results.

    Folks, there are so many wso's out there and ultimately you still need to take action, if you follow what has been mentioned in this FREE thread you will have SUCCESS. You can continue to spend $7 here and $27 there etc on the next shiny wso but here is a proven program that has allowed me for the last 3 years to be on my own and having a successful business where I can go away for a few days and still earn money or take an afternoon off to go water tubing etc.

    I am not claiming I am a billionaire or I made $13,000 yesterday etc, but the fact is I have a nice income that is passive and I LOVE what I do and YOU can do the exact same thing if the offline market is something honestly of interest to you because as internet marketers we don't want to get our hands dirty so to speak by doing everything we can to not pick up the phone and gulp talk to these business owners but if you do WOW- you can have a check in your hand tomorrow.

    Kudos again Mark and thank you for making my birthday- congratulations, I am so proud of you and excited at the same time, remember to continue the momentum and also to follow up with the client and find out if they'd be interested in your facebook page or whatever, just offer an upsell in addition to what you're already doing for her.

    Talk soon and if you're reading this and are seriously interested in the offline consulting field- take action-this is a proven model that will work if you work it, come on in the water's great

  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That must have made your fingers hurt to type all that. lol. Great story
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Florist agrees to $950 and $297 recurring!

      First, I can't thank John S enough for allowing me to post updates about his awesome strategy. I just want everyone to know he's not blowing smoke. This is working and he is the "real deal."


      Since my last post, I spent some time getting everything in order (freshbooks, domain name for my directory, streamlining everything).

      Before I landed the first deal, I spent time reading this thread over and over so that I would know it inside and out before my first meeting. I started cold calling.

      Side note: If you haven't listen to John Durham talk about cold calling, if you hate the idea of cold calling businesses, you need to listen to John Durham. He will totally change your outlook on the matter. This audio series eliminated every fear and misconception I had. You rock John D!

      Here is the link: Telemarketing Free Audio Series

      And it's FREE!

      Ok, from 20 calls, I had an appointment for everyday this week.

      Monday - Chiropractor - He was a know it all and could do it all for himself.
      Tuesday - Day Spa - $950 with $450 recurring
      Wednesday - Manufacturing Co - Rescheduled for Monday of next week
      Thursday - Cancelled. Want's to reschedule for next week
      Friday - $950 and $297 recurring

      So far, I have 3 appointments scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. My goal is 10 appointments for next week.

      As I get better at shortening the interviews and the close, I plan to increase my number of appointments.


      I met with the owner of the flower shop. Before I started the interview, I told her we are more than likely not going to hit every question. I just wanted the interview flow naturally...just like a conversation with your friend. (I do however use question #9 as the last question because that's where I allow myself to help them by providing tips on tracking and improving their site.) As John said, give them your best stuff.

      I listen to her frustrations about her marketing and began offering tips. I even told her to grab a pen and paper, because I'm about to give you some good stuff. She got excited and began taking notes. When we were done, I said, "I hope I didn't waste too much of your time by giving you so much?" She replied, "No this was incredible Mark...thank you!"

      Then a magical thing happened. She slumped back and said, "You know your stuff. Will you do this for me?"

      After 20 minutes of explaining what I would do, setting expectations and signing an agreement, she handed me a check for $950 and agreed to $297 recurring.

      Look, I share this with you because I know it works. When I read the post, I truly believed this was a viable way to build a business and it is.

      But if I'm going to share the good and you must know the bad...I once had a business the did just over $1.3 mil in just 18 months. I lost it all. I won't go in to the details on John's thread because it's not fair to him and I don't want to take away from the remarkable work he has shared here.

      For 3 years, I suffered depression hoping to find my way. Honestly, I'm not sure it's beyond me.

      What I do know is John has created a monster. I've put a lot of thought behind how I could grow this...sales people, appointment setters, outsourcing, seminars for small business owners?

      Would watching me build this interest any of you? Would it help you?

      Finally, thanks to everyone who has sent me PM's. Your words of encouragement are awesome and I hope I been able to answer your questions to your satisfaction.

      I've found my way... thanks to John.
      • Profile picture of the author WikiWarrior
        Profile picture of WikiWarrior
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        Florist agrees to $950 and $297 recurring!

        Ok, from 20 calls, I had an appointment for everyday this week.

        Monday - Chiropractor - He was a know it all and could do it all for himself.
        Tuesday - Day Spa - $950 with $450 recurring
        Wednesday - Manufacturing Co - Rescheduled for Monday of next week
        Thursday - Cancelled. Want's to reschedule for next week
        Friday - $950 and $297 recurring

        I've found my way... thanks to John.
        Congratulations on your success Mark, it's really inspiring to hear how you went straight out after reading this thread and gave it a go. Fantastic results, keep us posted with any updates.
        • Profile picture of the author WikiWarrior
          Profile picture of WikiWarrior
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          This is such a simple yet genius idea John, thanks for sharing your strategy and how you persevered with implementing it through a tough time in your life.

          I'm really psyched to give this a go myself now. I do a fair amount of cold-calling to drum up new business, offering websites, seo, GPlaces etc so this is right up my street. I have one question for you though. I already have a website offering my services so would it sound a bit hollow if I was to sign up a customer via a local business interest interview then show them my website? Then they see that I already do what I sold them on. It's not going to stop me going ahead I just wondered if you had any thoughts on this. I'm going to try this over the next week and report my results here.
      • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
        Profile picture of PaulFL
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        Florist agrees to $950 and $297 recurring!

        Side note: If you haven't listen to John Durham talk about cold calling, if you hate the idea of cold calling businesses, you need to listen to John Durham. He will totally change your outlook on the matter. This audio series eliminated every fear and misconception I had. You rock John D!

        Here is the link: Telemarketing Free Audio Series
        I went to this site to sign up and it responded that the list is not active. has it been pulled?
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        • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
          Daniel LaRusso
          Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey, hey Paul!
          I'd love to hear this training too. The initial call is where I struggle the most. I'm really good from that point!

          I may try to PM John and see if he still has this.

          In the topic of transitioning from reporter, here is how I avoid that.

          From the very start, I tell the business owner that I am doing this entire service free, to learn about them, to help others learn about them, and showcase them on an objective website, which will in turn help them even more.

          In return, all i ask is that, when I send them the final link to their story on my site, they review the personal and confidential business analysis I prepared for them. It's a simple recap report on their business, and granted I have only done this twice, but I have a basic checklist, and I ALWAYS point out what they are doing right, and some areas where they can focus. Works pretty well so far.

          Originally Posted by PaulFL View Post

          I went to this site to sign up and it responded that the list is not active. has it been pulled?

          It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
          - Benjamin Franklin

      • Profile picture of the author shelh39
        Profile picture of shelh39
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        Florist agrees to $950 and $297 recurring!

        First, I can't thank John S enough for allowing me to post updates about his awesome strategy. I just want everyone to know he's not blowing smoke. This is working and he is the "real deal."


        Since my last post, I spent some time getting everything in order (freshbooks, domain name for my directory, streamlining everything).

        Before I landed the first deal, I spent time reading this thread over and over so that I would know it inside and out before my first meeting. I started cold calling.

        Side note: If you haven't listen to John Durham talk about cold calling, if you hate the idea of cold calling businesses, you need to listen to John Durham. He will totally change your outlook on the matter. This audio series eliminated every fear and misconception I had. You rock John D!

        Here is the link:

        And it's FREE!

        Ok, from 20 calls, I had an appointment for everyday this week.

        Monday - Chiropractor - He was a know it all and could do it all for himself.
        Tuesday - Day Spa - $950 with $450 recurring
        Wednesday - Manufacturing Co - Rescheduled for Monday of next week
        Thursday - Cancelled. Want's to reschedule for next week
        Friday - $950 and $297 recurring

        So far, I have 3 appointments scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. My goal is 10 appointments for next week.

        As I get better at shortening the interviews and the close, I plan to increase my number of appointments.


        I met with the owner of the flower shop. Before I started the interview, I told her we are more than likely not going to hit every question. I just wanted the interview flow naturally...just like a conversation with your friend. (I do however use question #9 as the last question because that's where I allow myself to help them by providing tips on tracking and improving their site.) As John said, give them your best stuff.

        I listen to her frustrations about her marketing and began offering tips. I even told her to grab a pen and paper, because I'm about to give you some good stuff. She got excited and began taking notes. When we were done, I said, "I hope I didn't waste too much of your time by giving you so much?" She replied, "No this was incredible Mark...thank you!"

        Then a magical thing happened. She slumped back and said, "You know your stuff. Will you do this for me?"

        After 20 minutes of explaining what I would do, setting expectations and signing an agreement, she handed me a check for $950 and agreed to $297 recurring.

        Look, I share this with you because I know it works. When I read the post, I truly believed this was a viable way to build a business and it is.

        But if I'm going to share the good and you must know the bad...I once had a business the did just over $1.3 mil in just 18 months. I lost it all. I won't go in to the details on John's thread because it's not fair to him and I don't want to take away from the remarkable work he has shared here.

        For 3 years, I suffered depression hoping to find my way. Honestly, I'm not sure it's beyond me.

        What I do know is John has created a monster. I've put a lot of thought behind how I could grow this...sales people, appointment setters, outsourcing, seminars for small business owners?

        Would watching me build this interest any of you? Would it help you?

        Finally, thanks to everyone who has sent me PM's. Your words of encouragement are awesome and I hope I been able to answer your questions to your satisfaction.

        I've found my way... thanks to John.

        I am enjoying your thread, and find you inspirational (sorry if any spelling mistakes, am doing nightshift after a 8 hour afternoon shift, on only 3 hours sleep last time I slept, so not concentrating too well.)

        These crappy hours are giving me the drive and inspiration to get out and do this, after reading both of your stories, I am more interested in this kind of income than trying to do IM.

        Keep them coming
        Thanks to you both
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    sbucciarel they do hurt LOL, thanks for the post

    marksumpter My man Mark, I couldn't be more stoked for you because you are doing what I have been doing now for the last 3 years.

    Somehow when folks read this information since I am not charging they discount the knowledge or ask fifty million questions about how this can't work or what about this detail or that detail and really don't get the point which is

    Just talk to these companies, with the economy the way it is, if you pick up the phone and ask to talk to the owner b/c you want to setup an interview for a local interest story and then when you get there go thru the questions I shared with you at LancasterPAGuide.Com Monthly Magazine Sample Interview Questions then when you get to question #9 you share with him/her some information on how best to use the internet to help them
    ie setup google voice, claim their business at, explain google maps, how to optimize their website, post videos on youtube etc.

    Then a magical thing happens either they will just ask if you can do that for them or they'll say wow this is great but who can I get to do all of that for me???

    No selling, they're asking you for help-you never have to get to the point where you say what do you think b/c if you share the information they'll want someone to help them and BAM-you are that person.

    Great job Mark!!!

    I'll talk to you soon,
  • Profile picture of the author jryan8121
    Profile picture of jryan8121
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's so nice to hear a "real life" success story. And, it's been my experience as well that face-to-face (or at least phone-to-phone) business meetings work! You can really build up a positive relationship with someone quickly this way.

    In the age of "do nothing and make money by pushing a button on your computer", this is a good reminder of how good old fashioned B2B skills really work!

    Thanks for the great post!

  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well and simply put, John -

    ' owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.'

    THAT is the crux of what we as offline consultants can do first for our clients -

    ...if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first, - the money will follow.

    That's the Bottom Line!

    (btw: that google voice re-direct to their objection was great!...and SO easy...)

    "If you build it - they will come..."

    Hey John - Now if you can just get those Amish Businesses to sign up.... :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author ikan_sith
    Profile picture of ikan_sith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been a memeber of the WF since 07-25-2009. With less than 30 replies you can see that I have had a serious case of ANALYSIS PARALYSIS. This thread however has actually motivated me to take action and at least try to apply some of what I have learned.

    I have read this post several times and thought that it was a good way to get someone interested in a non-direct sales way. I had a meeting on Tuesday (7/19/11) with the guy that does my taxes (when i have a financial question I goto him as he gives me free advice all the time.)

    This guy is a business aquantence that has done my taxes for over 10 years. He has been doing taxes for over 20 years and is also an insurance broker for almost 30.
    As we spent about an hour talking (maybe 10 minuetes about my issue) I decided to try this method on him to see waht his response was (kind of a "fall forward" type thing.)
    I simply asked him if I could interveiw him as I was considering setting up a local domain high lighting local businesses. He said said yes that he was intersted.

    Then it happened.

    I was shocked.

    HE TOLD ME EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To highlight some of what he said;
    - he has a goal of spending 25% of his gross income on advertising but has not hit that in several years.
    -spent just over $15K in 2010 on marketing.
    -over 50% off new customers are referrals. He has a bird dog program that pays $15.00 for each lead and is willing to go higher if need be.
    -second best source for leads is his yellow pages ad but he is concerned as they are pushing him to also buy online ads and a yelp ad (his yellow pages account is coming up for renewal soon.)
    - Has an ancient website & still using free hosting. Estimates that he has 6000+ clients but only 265 email addresses. Not actively staying in touch with current list.
    -I was also given an introduction on his next venture in the insurance/financial planning area. Can't give more info on that ask he asked me to keep it private but it has potential.

    One example of how a business thinks that they are having marketing success but really are not has to do with his radio campaign last year.
    He stated that for the first time he purchased several weeks of radio advertising last tax season. He said it was the most successful thing that he has done in the last few years. I asked him how was he measuring that success (having sold insurnce I know that success in generating leads comes from not only how many you get but also how much they cost.) He was still smiling as he begain to figure out his per lead cost.

    Then the smile went away.

    All color left his face.

    He then said "Each lead cost me $400.00 dollars!!!"

    $400/a lead! He had already told me that each customer has a lifetime value of $500.00 (I think thats low as I have spent over a thousand dollors with him over the last decade and he says that the average relationship last 12 years.)

    When I sold insurance we complained about $20.00/leads. Those were almost guranteeed sales usually but they weer few and far betweeen. I can imagine paying 400.00 a lead. I didnt even have the heart to ask what the campaign cost (although after I left I wished I had.)

    We agreed to have me look at some options to generate more leads for him, help lower his per leads cost (if i could develop leads that he could buy for $40.00/lead tops we both would be happy) and to look at mining his current list for other opportunities.

    Althugh I didnt leave with a check I gainied much more. The confidence in knowing that there is an opportunity to help grow this business and use my knowledge for both off our benefit.
    Also that I finally got off my a$$ and did something!!! THE UNIVERSE LOVES SPEED!!

    Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to share my experience in trying this out. ANY suggestions on my next steps would be appreciated.
    CARPEDIEM.......Seize the Day!!!!!
  • Profile picture of the author virginiad
    Profile picture of virginiad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    This is such an intriguing and inspiring thread. I am trying to get started in offline marketing, and really hate calling business owners on the phone. It is also difficult for me to go into a business, ask for the owner and start a conversation with him.

    Over the past year, I have had at least 3 people say "just sit down with business owners, ask about their business and listen to what they say", but until now I couldn't figure out how to get the conversation going.

    When I saw the post, it seemed like a great way to get a conversation started, so today I made about 20 phone calls. I found one person who is very interested and will call me tonight (I hope) to set an appt after she speaks with her business partner.

    I also spoke with a pest control business owner who was all over it. He is into networking (a member of BNI and the local Chamber) and immediately started offering to get other business owners to speak with me as well. I have an appointment with him Sat morning. He is very busy, so I hope the meeting comes off.

    He was so nice that I am creating a mobile website for him (simple to do and I need the practice) and will create a QR code as well.

    One thing I have found is that so many of them are SO cynical (why are you doing this, why don't you just get the info from my website, blah, blah, blah). What I started to do was just try to speak with them and use them to work out what I should say.

    I would suggest one thing...that you start with businesses that don't excite you as much, so you can get some calls under your belt. Then you can see what objections you get and refine what you say, so when you move on to the businesses that you really want to work with, you will be a bit more polished and confident.

    I think what I will do is to start a kind of tourist guide to the area and use the businesses as "sponsors". This is not a huge tourist area, but we are about 60 miles north of NYC and do get a fair number of weekend and day visitors.

    I will make some more calls tomorrow and Friday and will let you know how it is going.

    Thank you so much for the missing link.


    Virginia Drew

  • Profile picture of the author siwell16
    Profile picture of siwell16
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow there are some deep comments and stories in this thread! So very emotional and incouraging!

    The path of being an Entrepreneur and being successful starts with the right mindset. Learn how to be a successful Entrepreneur and have a positive mindset.

    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I know it's been a couple of days since I submitted an update to this thread. With all the cold calling and setting up appointments, I began finding it difficult to do both. It seems increasingly more difficult to find the time to do 100 dials which is what John Durham suggests (cause it works!).

      I've honestly decided to build this business from nothing. So I used funds for my first 2 deals where I used John's interview method to help me build it. I registered a domain, got business cards, found my outsourcers to do the work.

      On Monday, I decided to post an ad on Craigslist for an appointment setter. I get 3 replies. The first guy sounded really good on the phone. We agreed to talk again on Tuesday. The second person disqualified themselves because they didn't follow a simple request to place "appointment setter" in the subject line so I could avoid spam. They also lumped me in with 5 other ads in their reply. The third guy just seemed very inexperience when we talked on the phone.

      On Tuesday, the first guy never returned my call and last guy called so we met. He had a list of questions he wanted me to answer. Then we covered how to get the interview. After our meeting, he told me he would start calling first thing Wednesday morning.

      This is where is gets good...

      Within the first 20 mins of dialing, he had 2 appointments set with one being 2 hours after talking to the owner. Throughout the day, I would get an email saying, "go another one"...."here's another."

      Here are the end of day results:

      He dialed from 8:30am to 4pm. I now have 7 appointments for Thursday and Friday. I also have 6 scheduled for next week. Freaking awesome!

      So I know some will ask:

      How much are you paying him? $10 hour
      How do you guarantee he's actually calling? I told him (and it 's in writing) he must set 2-3 appointments a day. If he doesn't, he get's another day to set 2-3. If he doesn't, were done! It was the best way I could protect my dollars if he didn't produce.

      Many of you have sent me PM's asking more detailed questions and hopefully I have answered to your satisfaction. Many have also asked why don't start my own thread and continue to chronicle how I'm doing using John's method. I won't start another thread cause I want to continue to share what John has shown all us in hopes of inspiring others to take the leap....cause this stuff works.

      So while I'm grateful to post on John's thread, I stay and continue to share. I have launched a blog where I will document everything I'm doing on a daily basis. I've made a bold challenge to myself (it's in my signature now). If you watch the first video, it outlines how I plan to succeed with this.

      Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and thank you John for sharing and allowing others to share too.

      • Profile picture of the author T.R. McCarroll
        T.R. McCarroll
        Profile picture of T.R. McCarroll
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        On Monday, I decided to post an ad on Craigslist for an appointment setter.

        How much are you paying him? $10 hour
        How do you guarantee he's actually calling? I told him (and it 's in writing) he must set 2-3 appointments a day. If he doesn't, he get's another day to set 2-3. If he doesn't, were done! It was the best way I could protect my dollars if he didn't produce.
        I hope others didn't miss this...perfect in my opinion

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry for the delay, getting ready for vacation, heading to Wildwood NJ, YEAH!!!

    So let me get caught up with some of the posts and also thank you all for the
    pm's and messages this is great and also a thanks to Mark for being kind enough
    to post his results and also answer pm's thanks Mark.

    jryan8121 thanks for the post, I appreciate the kind words

    MoneyMagnetMagnate great points and thanks for the kind words.

    baib21 Great question- I expect to sell every single client- a word of caution here and let me explain why I say a word of caution.

    I had gone to this big fancy company that seemed like they were oozing money and I thought - man this is going to be a slam dunk - well the deal didn't happen and really just was a waste of time as they said they were really poor and they didn't see any results from their advertising and they were going to just to pull all of their advertising etc so I didn't get the deal.

    Then I went to a business that actually operated out of their house and at the time I was charging $2,000 up front and some other fees etc and I initially thought they will never be able to afford my services but I still went in and did the interview just like normal and walked out with a $2,000 check

    So what I learned was that you don't know what these folks can or can't afford, that's not your call to make, had I, when I pulled up to the business, realized that they were operating out of their basement and thought myself that they couldn't afford my services I wouldn't have closed the deal but I presented everything to them like I normally do and treated them like I treated every other business and I got the deal.

    So just because a place looks ritzy doesn't mean you'll get the deal and just b/c a place doesn't look ritzy doesn't mean you won't get the deal.

    Treat everyone the same by always trying to help them, and that was where I won those folks over because I honestly wanted to help them and I saw their vision and wanted to help take their vision to the next step.

    Hope that helps and answers your question.

  • Profile picture of the author big steve
    big steve
    Profile picture of big steve
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's awesome Mark..really inspirational to see your progress so far. Keep it coming and I hope to follow in your footsteps aswell.

    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by big steve View Post

      That's awesome Mark..really inspirational to see your progress so far. Keep it coming and I hope to follow in your footsteps aswell.

      Thanks Big Steve. John wasn't kidding when he said it would work. Just start calling. I've received many messages from people needing just a little extra nudge. If I can help get them closer, by all means I'm willing to help.

      Just get out there and do it!

  • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
    Profile picture of Ehsan_am
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow. This thread is awesome.

    So far my basic approach has been to go after wealthy clients that could pay 5-10k€ for webdesign. I lost a 7k€ client yesterday and I was pretty pissed since I kinda need the money. I should say that this thread made me forget all about it.

    I'm going to be very busy for about 10 days. But in exactly 10 days I'm going to implement this here in France and see what the response is. My inital guess is that it won't probabaly be as much of a success as it is for you guys in USA since many business owners here are still kind of reluctant towards online markeing in general. However this might work in my favor because that could only mean that there is a wide open market for me to exploit with virtually no competition.

    My challenge would be to deliver the goods to these business owners since local traffic here, even in a big city like Paris is not that high so I might have a better chance of going after businesses that already have a website and think that online presence can help them.

    @Mark That is an incredible blog you made there.I will make sure to watch your videos every day.
  • Profile picture of the author Wilding
    Profile picture of Wilding
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations man. This is truly inspiring stuff!
  • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
    Adrian John
    Profile picture of Adrian John
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is such an inspirational thread and i thank you all for that.

    I am also trying to lunch my business on building Custom Mobile Websites for small business but the thing is that i live in Europe/Romania, tried here something but people don't understand how the internet could improve their profits at least from the ones that i have contacted.They don't even want an standard website
    So i want to target people in US/Ca/UK/Au.The payoff is way way better, 10 times maybe.

    What i have right now:

    - an headset and Gtalk with free US calling
    - an US Toll Free number to be called at(redirected to my cell phone)
    - Skype of course
    - an website to present some facts and some differences between standard and mobile websites, with a payment form
    - an business listing scraper that will get me leads from yellowbook. i can also search for leads on Google Places, yellowpages
    - some cold call scripts which i plan to modify to see if i can close them on 2nd, 3rd call over the phone/email.
    - plus i can offer other services like video marketing and creation, google places optimization and others.

    Obviously i can' meet the business owner and i know it's the most important thing but i've heard people that can get clients over the phone, no need to meet them, they don't even have to know that i'm from Romania maybe.

    Is there anyone in my situation? Can you help me a little bit?

    I won't give up cause i know i will succeed cause i have to support my family. I also started taking my business on LinedIn, i will also do an Facebook page and i'll go for twitter too and see what i could get.

    If you have any suggestions please write me an pm or email me(from my service thread here

    I will come back here, sometime in the next few weeks and tell you how i succeeded, i'm sure of it

    Thank you all for the inspiration and good luck with your businesses.

    Let the success stories come, this will be an epic thread of success.

    ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
    Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
    More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ashleydupray Thanks Ashley

    YOUniversityLife Thanks, this works, you just need to take action, looking forward to hearing your success!!!

    Bennette Hi Bennette, great talking to you, I'll follow up with you a little later, thanks for the post.

    brandony Hey B, I was just at Borders striking a deal yesterday- yeah, their supposed to be closing the end of Aug I'll try to catch up with you in Aug as I'll be on vacation next week.

    ikan_sith Congrats for taking action!!! That is a huge step you took, now here's a little secret that I thought I shared but I'll say it again, the best time to call these businesses is Saturday around 1pm to 3pm, in that 2 hour window I made all my appointments for the week!!!

    I think the reason that time worked so well was b/c the owners were their and the secty's were off etc so you'd get their full attention.

    Thanks for the post.

    • Profile picture of the author S3Ware
      Profile picture of S3Ware
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      As many have posted already, this thread is incredibly inspirational. The funny thing is, this approach is very similar to an idea my partner and I had months ago and never acted upon. After reading this thread, it has motivated us to take action. So here's what we have done ...

      Last Thursday afternoon I posted an ad on Craigslist for an appointment setter (great minds, Mark!). From that single ad, I have gotten more than 20 responses and they are still trickling in. I have stopped looking, however, because as of Friday afternoon I had found my man, a stay-at-home dad who has 19 years of sales experience and was looking for something he could spend a few hours a day on to make some extra money. When I talked to him on the phone, it was like a match made in Heaven!

      I quickly got him set up with everything he needed to start making calls and scheduling appointments. He started calling yesterday morning and as of right now, he has scheduled five appointments with three more pending. The great thing is, he agreed to work on a commission base on sales rather than an hourly rate so he is highly motivated, yet our risk is minimal.

      This has been a great addition to our existing sales initiatives. The beauty of it is, it really isn't "sales" in the traditional sense and it is completely non-threatening for the client.

      For anyone else reading this thread and straddling the fence, it's time to jump off and give this a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. (Unless, of course, you are in the same markets as us ).

      We'll keep you posted on our progress and thanks again John, for starting this thread!

      Rich & John
    • Profile picture of the author Daret
      Profile picture of Daret
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That's awesome and so inspirational..Thanks for sharing it with us!

      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      ikan_sith Congrats for taking action!!! That is a huge step you took, now here's a little secret that I thought I shared but I'll say it again, the best time to call these businesses is Saturday around 1pm to 3pm, in that 2 hour window I made all my appointments for the week!!!

      I think the reason that time worked so well was b/c the owners were their and the secty's were off etc so you'd get their full attention.

      Thanks for the post.


      hmmm, this seems to be a nice killer tip, I should try this, since I have also started offering my services to offline clients!

      I appreciate your sharing buddy!
      • Profile picture of the author Bennette
        Profile picture of Bennette
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        John I'm looking forward to your call.

        I did want to say that I'm a go for it type person and didn't want to wait. So here is my progress trying John's strategy.

        I made phone calls today and set 2 appts, and 1 possible (they will decide after I send the info via email). I will call on Sat too but I didn't want to wait.

        I hope you don't mind me posting my results John.
  • Profile picture of the author brandony
    Profile picture of brandony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mark, or John, or whichever of you recommended Bruce's WSO's...thanks!

    I spent $25 on 2 diff ones tonight. I'm on the first PDF in the first one...on p.15 of the Power Dollar Manual...and already received about $500 worth of scripts. Awesome stuff.

    So, my 3 goals this weekend:
    1) get my blog setup like Mark's (to track my progress & hold myself accountable)
    2) get through both of Bruce's massive WSO's. both of these WSO's...worth every single penny. buy them now.
    3) Prep for my 2 Appointments on Tuesday. 1 is an previous client I did a website for. Other is completely new...I have met him before, but never did any work for him. My goal is to walk out with a check (or signed contracts) for at least $1K and $500/mo. We'll see.

    Oh yeah...all this while I head to Lancaster,PA on Friday, and chill out with in-laws...Border's I come. ;0

    Update...1 hour later...1:20 AM on 7/22...ughh. bought domain...setup WP...added sig. will edit over weekend..time to hit sack.

    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      Mark, or John, or whichever of you recommended Bruce's WSO's...thanks!

      I spent $25 on 2 diff ones tonight. I'm on the first PDF in the first one...on p.15 of the Power Dollar Manual...and already received about $500 worth of scripts. Awesome stuff.

      So, my 3 goals this weekend:
      1) get my blog setup like Mark's (to track my progress & hold myself accountable)
      2) get through both of Bruce's massive WSO's. both of these WSO's...worth every single penny. buy them now.
      3) Prep for my 2 Appointments on Tuesday. 1 is an previous client I did a website for. Other is completely new...I have met him before, but never did any work for him. My goal is to walk out with a check (or signed contracts) for at least $1K and $500/mo. We'll see.

      Oh yeah...all this while I head to Lancaster,PA on Friday, and chill out with in-laws...Border's I come. ;0

      Update...1 hour later...1:20 AM on 7/22...ughh. bought domain...setup WP...added sig. will edit over weekend..time to hit sack.
      Congrats Brandony! John recommended Bruce's course. I don't own it YET. I plan to get it this week. As I mentioned in my blog, I plan to setup multiple marketing funnels. Looking forward to hearing how things go. Knock'em dead! Mark
      • Profile picture of the author virginiad
        Profile picture of virginiad
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi, Mark

        I have been watching your videos. They are very valuable. I have one question...

        Were the original appointments set for doing the listing on the directory site? If so, are the owners that didn't hire you still expecting a listing on the site?

        I had an appointment last Saturday with a pest control business owner. He is looking to get a new site (his current one is done through, but all he wanted to talk about is the directory.

        I will be following up with him and expect to get his business and referrals, but wanted to know if the people you spoke with are still expecting to be in the directory.

        Thanks for your help

        Virginia Drew

        • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
          Profile picture of RenegadeSC
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by virginiad View Post

          Hi, Mark

          I have been watching your videos. They are very valuable. I have one question...

          Were the original appointments set for doing the listing on the directory site? If so, are the owners that didn't hire you still expecting a listing on the site?

          I had an appointment last Saturday with a pest control business owner. He is looking to get a new site (his current one is done through, but all he wanted to talk about is the directory.

          I will be following up with him and expect to get his business and referrals, but wanted to know if the people you spoke with are still expecting to be in the directory.

          Thanks for your help
          Yes, there are all based on being listed on my directory. Interesting that you would ask this question today. Until today, no one has inquired about their listing. Now I had a potential client wanting to see his listing before move forward. I actually talk about it on Day 6 video.
          • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
            Profile picture of RenegadeSC
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hey guys and girls....

            It's been a few days since I posted and update. I've been busy with follow ups, new appointments, and managing projects.

            Today I closed the jeweler I talked about on my blog. If you haven't seen the videos, check out my signature below.

            He agreed to $1500 today and $297 recurring. In a couple of weeks (when I meet with him on a progress report), I confident he'll move to $500 recurring.

            Thanks John S!

            Speaking of John, there is something he said in the initial part of his post. He referred to not chasing one off deals and making sure you also get recurring. Getting one off deals forces us to work hard every month to get the next deal and honestly doesn't build a business.

            I agree.

            Unless your business model is structured with an excellent follow up to up sell them, it can be tough. You will clearly make more money faster and build recurring income by closing them up front....that is if you have built rapport using the interview method.

            My first post to this thread was 15 days ago. This technique has brought in $3700 and $1200 recurring.

            Tomorrow, I'm raising my prices because the confidence to do so is now there.

            Everything YOU need is here in this thread. I ask one thing...please, please, please don't over complicate this. Just get on the phone, ask for the interview, ask the questions and simply listen.

            They will tell you how to close them. The more interviews you do, the better you will become. They will get easier and easier. I promise.

            Again, thank you John S.

    • Profile picture of the author mpx305
      Profile picture of mpx305
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      Mark, or John, or whichever of you recommended Bruce's WSO's...thanks!

      I spent $25 on 2 diff ones tonight. I'm on the first PDF in the first one...on p.15 of the Power Dollar Manual...and already received about $500 worth of scripts. Awesome stuff.

      So, my 3 goals this weekend:
      1) get my blog setup like Mark's (to track my progress & hold myself accountable)
      2) get through both of Bruce's massive WSO's. both of these WSO's...worth every single penny. buy them now.
      3) Prep for my 2 Appointments on Tuesday. 1 is an previous client I did a website for. Other is completely new...I have met him before, but never did any work for him. My goal is to walk out with a check (or signed contracts) for at least $1K and $500/mo. We'll see.

      Oh yeah...all this while I head to Lancaster,PA on Friday, and chill out with in-laws...Border's I come. ;0

      Update...1 hour later...1:20 AM on 7/22...ughh. bought domain...setup WP...added sig. will edit over weekend..time to hit sack.
      Can you give me more info on Bruce's WSO - what is it called?

      I'm unique, just like everybody else

  • Profile picture of the author tuscan
    Profile picture of tuscan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey John,
    This post has to be listed as one of the all-time most generous posts. This is what makes the Warrior Forum so valuable to both newbies and experienced warriors alike.
    Thanks for sharing your story and this awesome information with us.

  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Profile picture of DWolfe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How do you make out in the Summer ? This time of year alot of business owners go on vaction or enjoy a few weekends off.

    You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
    • Profile picture of the author Ehanson
      Profile picture of Ehanson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Really great thread for offliner's of various expedience levels.

      There's a lot of great tacit in here and they are simple also. I know from experience you can take a action on a couple of them and make money the next day.
    • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
      Profile picture of Ehsan_am
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      How do you make out in the Summer ? This time of year alot of business owners go on vaction or enjoy a few weekends off.
      Go for businesses that operate during those times. Restaurants, small hotels, bars, etc
  • Profile picture of the author VirtualName
    Profile picture of VirtualName
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dude, that is one ROCKING story! Thanks for posting this. I really needed a boost today!!

    Best of luck to you in the future.
  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a great thread thank you for sharing this! I am going to get started with this first thing in the morning!
  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will post as soon as I have any results! My husband is going to be doing this with me also. Hopefully double the effort, double the outcome!
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by camilopez View Post

      I will post as soon as I have any results! My husband is going to be doing this with me also. Hopefully double the effort, double the outcome!
      Hey camilopez. That's a great idea having your husband help you. I would start with both of you getting on the phone. Just line up appointments. Once you start filling your day, decide who will handle the interviews while the other continues setting appointments.

      It's as though you have your very own appointment setter. Try this and you will see results fast. I would say good luck but, luck doesn't play a role.

      Take action!

      • Profile picture of the author camilopez
        Profile picture of camilopez
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        Hey camilopez. That's a great idea having your husband help you. I would start with both of you getting on the phone. Just line up appointments. Once you start filling your day, decide who will handle the interviews while the other continues setting appointments.

        It's as though you have your very own appointment setter. Try this and you will see results fast. I would say good luck but, luck doesn't play a role.

        Take action!

        Thanks Mark! My husband is a great help. We haven't figured out who will be the interviewer and who will be the appointment setter yet (after today, since we will both be calling today). I guess we will see who is better at what. I will let you know at the end of the day our results.
  • Profile picture of the author macalixter
    Profile picture of macalixter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    WOW, such great stories about real lifes!!!

    That gaves me the boost to keep moving!

    Thank you guys! May God Bless you!
  • Profile picture of the author seabro
    Profile picture of seabro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey thanks a lot John for this interesting and motivational material.

    I have one question, in one of the posts you say 'find out if they have claimed their google places listing'

    Is this something technical I am missing or do you simply ask them or see if they come up serps etc?

    Thanks again,
    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      Profile picture of dshipman
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      Originally Posted by seabro View Post

      Hey thanks a lot John for this interesting and motivational material.

      I have one question, in one of the posts you say 'find out if they have claimed their google places listing'

      Is this something technical I am missing or do you simply ask them or see if they come up serps etc?

      Thanks again,
      "Google Places" is where business owners who have a local business with an address add their business information. If someone is searching for something like "ice cream shops in Atlanta", in Google, the results will show the listings with addresses in addition to the locations of ice cream shops on a map.

      Once you claim your business, you can add videos, photos, and special information.

      I think that's how it works.
      • Profile picture of the author Bennette
        Profile picture of Bennette
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        Originally Posted by emergemma View Post

        "Google Places" is where business owners who have a local business with an address add their business information. If someone is searching for something like "ice cream shops in Atlanta", in Google, the results will show the listings with addresses in addition to the locations of ice cream shops on a map.

        Once you claim your business, you can add videos, photos, and special information.

        I think that's how it works.
        Yes that's how it works with setting up the listing. Also remember to add your keywords in the description, title of the video, your 10 photos and create a coupon offer.

        I have one question, in one of the posts you say 'find out if they have claimed their google places listing'
        You can go here to see if the business claimed their listing
  • Profile picture of the author ahmadaustin
    Profile picture of ahmadaustin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    that was awesome man. I want to do offline marketing but been a little timid. However I can do interviews easily. I am going to try this next week. Thanks
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ahmadaustin View Post

      that was awesome man. I want to do offline marketing but been a little timid. However I can do interviews easily. I am going to try this next week. Thanks
      Congrats! You will find this to be a piece of cake. If I can do it, you surely can!

  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well, we didn't get many calls made but out of the 16 businesses we called from ads in the newspaper, talked to 3 owners and got 3 interviews for Thursday. Will make some more calls tomorrow first thing in the morning to line up some more for Thursday, Friday and next week.
    The Roswell Chamber of Commerce is having a "tailgate" open-house party on Thursday which will be great for us to talk to local businesses who are already paying the chamber for advertising. After Thursday Evening I am sure we will be booked up for a couple of weeks! Just need to remember to take my day planner.
    Since we live in a small town surrounded by a few more small towns we have decided to do a community page that consists of the general area "The Pecos Valley". Expands the general reader area plus gives us more businesses to talk to.
    I have a list of about 75 companies who are advertising in the newspapers locally, so we are off to a great start.
    I will check back in tomorrow afternoon or evening to let you know more results.
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by camilopez View Post

      Well, we didn't get many calls made but out of the 16 businesses we called from ads in the newspaper, talked to 3 owners and got 3 interviews for Thursday. Will make some more calls tomorrow first thing in the morning to line up some more for Thursday, Friday and next week.
      The Roswell Chamber of Commerce is having a "tailgate" open-house party on Thursday which will be great for us to talk to local businesses who are already paying the chamber for advertising. After Thursday Evening I am sure we will be booked up for a couple of weeks! Just need to remember to take my day planner.
      Since we live in a small town surrounded by a few more small towns we have decided to do a community page that consists of the general area "The Pecos Valley". Expands the general reader area plus gives us more businesses to talk to.
      I have a list of about 75 companies who are advertising in the newspapers locally, so we are off to a great start.
      I will check back in tomorrow afternoon or evening to let you know more results.
      John is on vacation so I'll do the honors in his absence.

      Congrats! That is exciting. Just make sure you have read this thread couple of times. I find that when I schedule an appointment with in person they tend to ask more questions about your website...what the address...can I look at it now? Be ready to answer those questions and move on to the next biz owner.

      • Profile picture of the author camilopez
        Profile picture of camilopez
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        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        John is on vacation so I'll do the honors in his absence.

        Congrats! That is exciting. Just make sure you have read this thread couple of times. I find that when I schedule an appointment with in person they tend to ask more questions about your website...what the address...can I look at it now? Be ready to answer those questions and move on to the next biz owner.

        Thanks Mark for the congrats and the tips.

        Well, I have given up for the day. I have to start a new list. I have called the rest of the businesses on my list with NO results. I had people constantly asking me to email them more information or "proposals" and also had people tell me that they are not interested in online marketing because they don't use a computer. I also had several companies tell me that they already have websites! They are obviously not listening to what I am actually saying but are getting stuck on certain words, ie. putting together a website.
        A little frustrating, when I figured out that they thought I was trying to sell them this spot I started adding the word free but it only got worse.
        I don't know what I am doing differently from yesterday or what exactly I am saying that s triggering a wall being put up by these people.
        After calling almost 100 companies today, I know it is something to do with me and what I am saying or how I am coming off?

        What exactly do you (or your appointment setter) say when setting up interviews?
        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Profile picture of DWolfe
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          Originally Posted by camilopez View Post

          After calling almost 100 companies today, I know it is something to do with me and what I am saying or how I am coming off?

          Not necessarily in any business there will be good days and bad days. Consider starting tomorrow with a fresh up beat out look and you may get 1or 2 sales right off the bat. Remember it is all a numbers game. Today you may call 100 get zero, tomorrow you may get more than you expected.

          You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
          • Profile picture of the author camilopez
            Profile picture of camilopez
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            Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

            Not necessarily in any business there will be good days and bad days. Consider starting tomorrow with a fresh up beat out look and you may get 1or 2 sales right off the bat. Remember it is all a numbers game. Today you may call 100 get zero, tomorrow you may get more than you expected.
            Thanks Dwolfe. Will do! We will see what happens tomorrow
  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I guess I sounded more sales pitchy today. Tomorrow morning I am starting fresh with what John said , just ask if I can set up an interview because I am looking to do an interest story on local businesses and how they are dealing with this economy. Let you know the results.
  • Profile picture of the author flyinghammers
    Profile picture of flyinghammers
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    The only problem I have with this method is it sounds deceptive if you really don't plan on building a website to highlight local businesses.
    • Profile picture of the author camilopez
      Profile picture of camilopez
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      Originally Posted by flyinghammers View Post

      The only problem I have with this method is it sounds deceptive if you really don't plan on building a website to highlight local businesses.
      There will be a website built to highlight local businesses. In John's case there already is. It is a local guide that has a built in blog that showcases local companies.
  • Profile picture of the author Christian Amador
    Christian Amador
    Profile picture of Christian Amador
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    I loved the questions that you're doing this is an approach that I'm looking to implement and your history is very inpirational
  • Profile picture of the author brandony
    Profile picture of brandony
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    Hey, just a quick update. So, I had my first 2 appointments on Tuesday that I was going in trying to get this recurring income thing going. Had 2 goals: Walk away with $1K and $500/month recurring. It ended up being ironic, but the 1st appointment ended up being the payer, 2nd one, which I thought was going to be my payday, thought I was to expensive.
    Payment of $297 for mobile website and FB fanpage received.
    Moving hosting to me for $29/month.
    Setup recurring payment of $297/month for some really basic stuff. Sweet! So, put out over 1 year...that's $4,209. that was a pretty good Tuesday in my books.

    • Profile picture of the author camilopez
      Profile picture of camilopez
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      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      Hey, just a quick update. So, I had my first 2 appointments on Tuesday that I was going in trying to get this recurring income thing going. Had 2 goals: Walk away with $1K and $500/month recurring. It ended up being ironic, but the 1st appointment ended up being the payer, 2nd one, which I thought was going to be my payday, thought I was to expensive.
      Payment of $297 for mobile website and FB fanpage received.
      Moving hosting to me for $29/month.
      Setup recurring payment of $297/month for some really basic stuff. Sweet! So, put out over 1 year...that's $4,209. that was a pretty good Tuesday in my books.
      That's awesome Brandon, congratulations!
    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
      Nathan Alexander
      Profile picture of Nathan Alexander
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      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      Hey, just a quick update. So, I had my first 2 appointments on Tuesday that I was going in trying to get this recurring income thing going. Had 2 goals: Walk away with $1K and $500/month recurring. It ended up being ironic, but the 1st appointment ended up being the payer, 2nd one, which I thought was going to be my payday, thought I was to expensive.
      Payment of $297 for mobile website and FB fanpage received.
      Moving hosting to me for $29/month.
      Setup recurring payment of $297/month for some really basic stuff. Sweet! So, put out over 1 year...that's $4,209. that was a pretty good Tuesday in my books.

      Very cool. Congratulations.
      • Profile picture of the author MarketingHuddle
        Profile picture of MarketingHuddle
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Don't you just LOVE when threads like this pop up?
        Not only is it inspiring, but I noticed a common theme:
        GIVERS GAIN!
        Interviewing the business owner to give them some
        Providing some awesome help on this

        It's very interesting that literally today I met with the President of my local Chamber offering to set up something very similar that they and I can offer to their members to help them retain the members and attract new members...they loved it and we are on our way making plans!
        Thanks a million!
        Mike Saunders, MBA
        Small Business Marketing Consultant
  • Profile picture of the author StreetCopMillionaire
    Profile picture of StreetCopMillionaire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Love this thread! Congrats Brandony!

    My first "interview" starts in just over an hour.....and that's after being at work all night. What's sleep?? Lol! Love this approach and the fact that I can get some good rapport and trust built! Also sure appreciate Mark's guys are awesome motivation! Throwing a lot of mud on a lot of walls right now just waiting for some of it to "stick"!
  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
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    Today was much better! Didn't make it to the chamber tailgate party but that's ok. I was thinking it would be better for me to call these companies individually. It may take longer but I think it will be better.
  • Profile picture of the author Not So New
    Not So New
    Profile picture of Not So New
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    Great story and Share ... You've given me hope : )

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry for the delay in catching up with everyone, we were on vacation at the Jersey Shore and just getting caught up with my clients.

    Congrats to everyone who is and who have taken action.

    I appreciate all of the pm's skype messages and emails and calls letting me know how you are doing and asking questions.

    I have seen a number of wso's that say that they have had success for 3 months or 4 months etc but this is the exact method I have doing now for over 3years.

    The only way you can't be successful following the steps is if you don't take ACTION.

    I am here to help and if you have questions, ask away as we are all here rooting for you to succeed, there are so many businesses that need our help, in fact as I was at the beach I ran into a few businesses that were interested in working with me as well.

    By giving first you almost never have to ask for the sale because they will ask you to help them.

    I will try to catch up with the posts and answer any questions that may still be lingering and also thank you to everyone who helped and provided great insight as well.

    Love this forum and the pay it forward mentality.

    We are all in this together and one business at a time we can help not only ourselves but our clients as well.

    Stay in touch and keep me posted and if there is anything I can help with let me know, to your success,

    • Profile picture of the author Zen Warrior
      Zen Warrior
      Profile picture of Zen Warrior
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great thread, I am in the slow to take action group but gotta start soon..I know, now

      I am not shy but I do sometimes have trouble getting started..once I do, no problem.

      John, thanks for all your info. A couple questions when you get the chance: How long did it take you to get your website directory going? It seems like I would need to have that going soon if I am going to be asking for an interview and offering a listing.

      And, you talked of getting clients that aren't local, and you also say that you still use the same you interview them over the phone?


  • Profile picture of the author MikesWebShow
    Profile picture of MikesWebShow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations John!

    That is a very moving story.

    Here's a strategy to add to the mix that is working VERY nicely in this current marketplace.

    Setup a website for an industry known for deep pockets like: mortgage, real estate, insurance, luxury cars, etc.

    Then optimize the site so that it appears on the first page of Google for specific keywords.

    Now go to a smaller, local, company in your area in one of those niches. Here's your pitch: "I have developed a website that appears on the first page of Google for these keywords in your industry (with laptop, or on their computer show them the results). I will let you have this site for $5,000 with a $97/m maintenance fee".

    Of course you could take this same approach in less lucrative niches (non-profits, schools, churches, etc.) lower your fees and sell more of them.

    Thanks again for the inspiring words.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
      Profile picture of JohnSpangler
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Mike,

      That is a great idea, by providing first the business can see a tangible result.

      Also another trick is to put the website address into something like keywordspy or spyfu or semrush etc you get the idea and find out what keywords they are ranking for and their competitors are ranking for as well and then you can shoot them an email asking if they knew that they joe bloe was ranking for a keyword that they weren't and if they'd be interested in ranking for that term because it's getting such and such traffic monthly.

      Also thanks again for the kind words pms, emails and skype's, remember to pay it forward.

      • Profile picture of the author bearsmom42
        Profile picture of bearsmom42
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi John,
        I love this thread and am putting a lot of the ideas into practice. Thanks!
        I was wondering if you could give some tips on what you used to build your local directory? I'm looking to start one for my town.

        I hope you and Mark keep posting the great information. It really motivates!

  • Profile picture of the author brandony
    Profile picture of brandony
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    Hey all, i had a crazy experience yesterday at my afternoon appointment. Don't want to go into too many details here...can check out my blog in the sig for more info...but I was talking with a lady who works for a pretty large company...she's interested in having her site redone. She showed me what she was wanting based on another company's website (minus a few pages). I told her it wouldn't be any problem and I could do it for her. Told her I'd have a proposal to her by end of week. She asked how much it would cost to build a site similar to the one she showed me....I told her about $800.
    She said "Are you serious?"
    Long story short...she's FORCING me to submit a proposal for about $4,000-$5,000 with a recurring income stream so she can provide to her managers. She's wanting to make the pitch around august 22nd (she's going on vacation).
    Her words: "My company will not take your offer seriously if you submit a proposal for $800".
    Can you even stinking believe it ????

    Rock it!
    All I can get out there and start talking to businesses...just like John said.

    • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
      Profile picture of Ehsan_am
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      Hey all, i had a crazy experience yesterday at my afternoon appointment. Don't want to go into too many details here...can check out my blog in the sig for more info...but I was talking with a lady who works for a pretty large company...she's interested in having her site redone. She showed me what she was wanting based on another company's website (minus a few pages). I told her it wouldn't be any problem and I could do it for her. Told her I'd have a proposal to her by end of week. She asked how much it would cost to build a site similar to the one she showed me....I told her about $800.
      She said "Are you serious?"
      Long story short...she's FORCING me to submit a proposal for about $4,000-$5,000 with a recurring income stream so she can provide to her managers. She's wanting to make the pitch around august 22nd (she's going on vacation).
      Her words: "My company will not take your offer seriously if you submit a proposal for $800".
      Can you even stinking believe it ????

      Rock it!
      All I can get out there and start talking to businesses...just like John said.
      This is very common. I do webdesign and my cheapest sites cost around 2000$. If your prices are low people will not take you seriously.

      Most large companies pay somewhere between 30k$ to 50k$ for pretty simple websites. And the only reason they pay that much is because they want to work with reputable and well known webdesign companies and those companies are not cheap. The company my girlfriend works in just redid their website for 30k€. The website is so simple I could have done it for 2-3k€ with no problem.

      Now I tend to not go lower than 2k€ no matter what the job is. They want a simple 5 page HTML page. It is 2k€. If they tell me it is too much and they had already a quote for 500 € I will simply tell them that we do not offer the same quality of work (which is true btw) and throw in an example of their own industry. For instance if they are into selling clothing my question would be "What is the difference between a 50€ pair of jeans and a Diesel pair of jeans that cost 350€?" and they immediatley get it.

      You also need to understand that the higher your clients want to pay you, the better your chances of upselling them on other services. The client that want tthe lowest price is not the kind of client I want to have. 9 times out of 10 they are going to be a pain in the ***.
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      Hey all, i had a crazy experience yesterday at my afternoon appointment. Don't want to go into too many details here...can check out my blog in the sig for more info...but I was talking with a lady who works for a pretty large company...she's interested in having her site redone. She showed me what she was wanting based on another company's website (minus a few pages). I told her it wouldn't be any problem and I could do it for her. Told her I'd have a proposal to her by end of week. She asked how much it would cost to build a site similar to the one she showed me....I told her about $800.
      She said "Are you serious?"
      Long story short...she's FORCING me to submit a proposal for about $4,000-$5,000 with a recurring income stream so she can provide to her managers. She's wanting to make the pitch around august 22nd (she's going on vacation).
      Her words: "My company will not take your offer seriously if you submit a proposal for $800".
      Can you even stinking believe it ????

      Rock it!
      All I can get out there and start talking to businesses...just like John said.
      That is awesome Brandon. Keep up the good work!
  • Profile picture of the author brandony
    Profile picture of brandony
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    You are right in that that is the price range that the company's website she was wanting her similar to was in the price range you quote above...won't tell exactly, but she texted her friend who oversaw the development and she replied with what they paid...I almost fell off my chair.


  • Profile picture of the author uncle randy 71
    uncle randy 71
    Profile picture of uncle randy 71
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    Tiny Update . . . .

    I finally convinced myself to try this method. I made an call and completed the appt on Tuesday, 8/2/2011. I followed the questions just like John laid out. We talked about Facebook, and the fact that the customer has several email addresses but no autoresponder account!?!?!?1

    So, after our talk I went home and wrote a review of her company for my website. I put up the blog post and also created a little Facebook page to showcase the blog.

    I emailed it to the lady and she liked it. I called her back and said "hey, would you like a custom Facebook Fan page for $100?"

    She said "THAT SOUNDS GREAT"

    So, I have my first sale from this.

    Time to lather, rinse, and repeat.

    Thanks for the great idea John
    • Profile picture of the author Bon508
      Profile picture of Bon508
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks so much John for starting this thread and sharing your experiences!

      I decided to send emails instead of calling (I have a regular JOB, hard for me to make and receive calls during biz hours). Sent 4 emails yesterday, which included the list of proposed interview questions. Got 1 response so far (dentist) and set up the interview appointment with him for tomorrow.

      Got a question for you... What if he asks "Why did you pick me?"

      I can't tell him the truth -- which is that his website looks lame and is not ranking well, he hasn't claimed his Google Places listing, etc. -- in other words, it looks like he can really use some marketing help. That would be kinda insulting... especially since I'm going there to interview him and not try to pitch him on my services. So... any suggestions on how to answer that if it comes up?

      Thanks again!
      • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
        Profile picture of Ehsan_am
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Bon508 View Post

        Thanks so much John for starting this thread and sharing your experiences!

        I decided to send emails instead of calling (I have a regular JOB, hard for me to make and receive calls during biz hours). Sent 4 emails yesterday, which included the list of proposed interview questions. Got 1 response so far (dentist) and set up the interview appointment with him for tomorrow.

        Got a question for you... What if he asks "Why did you pick me?"

        I can't tell him the truth -- which is that his website looks lame and is not ranking well, he hasn't claimed his Google Places listing, etc. -- in other words, it looks like he can really use some marketing help. That would be kinda insulting... especially since I'm going there to interview him and not try to pitch him on my services. So... any suggestions on how to answer that if it comes up?

        Thanks again!
        I would tell him the truth.

        Just tell him you are trying to understand why some business men don't take their online presence seriousely. And ask him some basic marketing questions. Btw you don't need to tell him that he is the only one. If he asks why you chose him just tell him that he is not the only one and that you will be covering many local businesses in your directory.
      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Profile picture of DWolfe
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        [QUOTE=Bon508;4402636] Got 1 response so far (dentist) and set up the interview appointment with him for tomorrow.

        Got a question for you... What if he asks "Why did you pick me?"

        QUOTE] Tell him you saw his web-site online and wanted to know how his Marketing is going ? Let him tell you his honest answer, than he will ask for recommendations. You wont have to tell him his site is poor he will tell you that in not so many words.

        Question how are you getting thier E-mail Address ?

        You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
        • Profile picture of the author Bon508
          Profile picture of Bon508
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          how are you getting thier E-mail Address ?
          From their websites. So far I've only been contacting business owners who DO have their email address on their website. Those are few and far between, so I'll probably also be posting the same message in "Contact Us" forms... most likely without the list of interview questions, as that might make the message too long.

          Hey, the email thing might make a good answer for the "Why did you pick me?" question. I'll be honest about my job (that hasn't hurt me with other clients so far) and the need to communicate via email. There are several dentists in my area -- most have websites; his was the first I came across that included his email address.

          • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
            Profile picture of CreekChub
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            As an aside...

            Don't hesitate to contact businesses from their generic "contact us" form. Especially if you have a name, but even without.

            I have an offline business (nothing to do with marketing or IM) and I have used email from time to time as a way to make new contacts. Initially I never wanted to contact a potential client if I couldn't find a name and email address. It just seemed too much like spam. I gave it a shot though (sending an email in a form to "Attn: Engineering", etc.) and it has actually worked more than a few times. Just a thought. I'm all about doing research to find contact names, but if all bets are off... just push "send".
      • Profile picture of the author SendCards
        Profile picture of SendCards
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Bon508 View Post

        Thanks so much John for starting this thread and sharing your experiences!

        I decided to send emails instead of calling (I have a regular JOB, hard for me to make and receive calls during biz hours). Sent 4 emails yesterday, which included the list of proposed interview questions. Got 1 response so far (dentist) and set up the interview appointment with him for tomorrow.

        Got a question for you... What if he asks "Why did you pick me?"

        I can't tell him the truth -- which is that his website looks lame and is not ranking well, he hasn't claimed his Google Places listing, etc. -- in other words, it looks like he can really use some marketing help. That would be kinda insulting... especially since I'm going there to interview him and not try to pitch him on my services. So... any suggestions on how to answer that if it comes up?

        Thanks again!
        I would tell him the truth also,That you are excited to get his interview as it will drive more locally targeted traffic to your website from those visitors interested in local dental services and you also enjoying trading local marketing ideas that both parties can benefit from... That is the Truth right?
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by uncle randy 71 View Post

      Tiny Update . . . .

      I finally convinced myself to try this method. I made an call and completed the appt on Tuesday, 8/2/2011. I followed the questions just like John laid out. We talked about Facebook, and the fact that the customer has several email addresses but no autoresponder account!?!?!?1

      So, after our talk I went home and wrote a review of her company for my website. I put up the blog post and also created a little Facebook page to showcase the blog.

      I emailed it to the lady and she liked it. I called her back and said "hey, would you like a custom Facebook Fan page for $100?"

      She said "THAT SOUNDS GREAT"

      So, I have my first sale from this.

      Time to lather, rinse, and repeat.

      Thanks for the great idea John
      Congrats Uncle! Now you can began to build a relationship with her so you start to offer other services. It only gets better.
      • Profile picture of the author DueDiligenceDiva
        Profile picture of DueDiligenceDiva
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks, John, for the time and effort to post your success plan, and also for your thoughtfulness in responding back in detail to other's posts. You will never know the seeds of hope you've planted, and the harvest it will produce. Sometimes a well-placed, sincere note of encouragement like yours can be the springboard over hurdles that a disheartened or weary Warrior needs to push on.

        Hope to meet some day and give you honor in person!


        Lory Moore

        p.s. I've shared your encouraging words with some of my mastermind friends. I think you've gone Viral!!
  • Profile picture of the author Clawbog
    Profile picture of Clawbog
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How does a recurring contract look?

    This thread has a lot of very valuable information. I want to take action, but I hit another block. The business area is 5-10 mils away from my house and I don't have a car for appointments.
  • Profile picture of the author TEXinOZ
    Profile picture of TEXinOZ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

    I don't know if many of you remember me or not, doesn't really matter but 3 years ago I had been laid off from my corporate job and since I was doing contract work I wasn't able to collect unemployment.

    I was faced with having to pay a mortgage and had no money left, not even for a single wso, lord knows I had purchased enough wso's that I finally had to put my mouth were my knowledge was and swallow my pride and gulp actually apply what I had learned from the warriorforum.

    I then wanted to give back to the forum that had allowed me to work from home and start my offline marketing career by posting the exact process I had used to accumulate almost 21k in less than 19 weeks.

    I explained how I had read David Cavanagh's free thread where he spoke about just putting our online knowledge to work by actually going out and talking to local businesses.

    So I did just that, 3 years ago, with no money I took the biggest gamble of my life and with no prospects of a job in sight I put my 2 kids in to daycare (my 3rd was in 4th grade at the time, so didn't need to worry about that) where I had no money to pay for my mortgage let alone the daycare but I knew I had 2 weeks to pay the daycare bill.

    So the first week I identified businesses who were advertising in the local newspaper. I then called up the newspaper and asked how much their smallest size ad that wasn't a classified ad would cost and they told me their smallest ad was a business card size ad that would cost $579 and would run for 10 days.

    Well I thought if these businesses were paying at least $579 for 10 days they could pay me $579 for a year of helping them on the internet.

    So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.

    Bingo, I had close to an 80% success rate of talking to these businesses and I would go so far as to send them the questions ahead of time so they had time to prepare for my interview- these businesses loved talking about themselves especially having the interview questions in their hands ahead of time.

    Now a number of them said that they weren't going to buy anything and I said that's fine I just want to get their story and part of the interviewing was asking them what they do to market their business and boy did that open up pandora's box, they let me know how their marketing was working and some of these companies didn't have a website etc.

    So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.

    And at the end they would say well can you do that for me and if so how much-cha ching.

    This is a win/win since you already know that they are paying for advertising you know that they will pay for your services, the very first week I closed 3 clients at $579 so I did $1737 my very first week!!!

    Now the thing is I didn't over analyze this and wonder how this wasn't going to work or that I didn't have a bank account or that I didn't have every duck in a row and t and i crossed and dotted I just took ACTION.

    No big secret there but actually picking up the phone on a Saturday early afternoon (big secret - that is a great time to call local businesses because the owner is usually there and no secretary since it's the weekend and the owner will be the person usually picking up the phone) and calling local companies that had ads in the local newspaper asking them if I can interview them for a local website that I was building to highlight local businesses.

    I set up something like 6 or 7 interviews and closed 3 and continued into the next week and the week after, and I was able to pay my mortgage and daycare and have some scratch left over as well.

    Here it is 3 years later and I have been truly blessed, there are a number of great offline wso's and folks offering their different slants on this area saying how they've had success after 3 months or 6months etc, well having been doing this full time now for what will be my 4th year I can share some additional insights that if I were to start over again this is what I would do know what I know now versus then.

    The number one thing I would have done differently from the start was to setup a monthly recurring payment.

    I honestly didn't think someone would pay me $300 a month but I did have the confidence that they would pay me $579 a year since they were already doing that with the newspaper.

    Knowing what I know now, that was just a confidence issue on my part since I had never done offline consulting before and I didn't have enough confidence to ask for a monthly fee - now I don't take anything less than $550/mo plus a min of a $500 setup fee or more so I walk out with at least $1k plus per sale and I have the residual monthly income coming in so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder wondering where my next dollar is going to come from-huge nugget there.

    I realized about 6 months into the offline market that if I didn't change to a recurring billing model I was going to be out of work soon and I wasn't going to be helping anyone and I'd have to go back to looking for a job.

    So I again swallowed my pride and I started off by charging at the time $197/mo with no start up fee and then I kept raising that price to where I am now plus a startup fee.

    A useful website that I learned from the kid who mowed our lawns was a site called freshbooks because before freshbooks I am ashamed to say but I had basically hand written invoices and freshbooks came along and created very professional invoices and could also setup residual payments which was huge!!!

    I wish I would've known about freshbooks earlier in the game but that website is the site I still use to this very day for all of my invoices and monthly billing.

    Plus at tax time the site makes getting all of your info for your accountant super easy at least for me I thought so, which is another area that not to many people talk about and that is your expenses.

    I kept track of everything and freshbooks gives you an area to store all of that information for you, now I am not an accountant or anything I am just sharing with you what I found to be helpful.

    Another area I find really going to explode because this has for me and that is creating facebook fan pages. I keep upselling my existing clients which you should be to and that is stay in contact with your clients and let them know of other services that you offer because they will want to continue to buy from you if you deliver.

    Now I don't want to say I make 8 billion dollars in offline marketing but my wife and I along with our kids are very blessed and we can't imagine having our lives any other way because I am still a stay at home dad and I get to be at home when the kids come home from school or like Friday I took the day to go to Hersheypark which is a local amusement park and had a great time with them because they are only young for so long.

    You see all these ads for the latest wso and the newest technique but really it all boils down to action, these business owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first the money will follow.

    You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire.

    These businesses are hurting right now and many of them still don't have a website, you can really help them, one of my clients before I "interviewed" him and he swore by the way that he wasn't going to buy anything from me, ended up having me develop a website for him which here 3 years later, he did over $25k online, which is a big part of his income because now he doesn't have to rely solely on the local economy.

    He opened his business up to the world, so going from no website to doing over $25k gross last month is HUGE!!!

    Now would he have eventually developed a website, I don't know, probably, but nothing happens until you do, so hopefully this will motivate you to pick up the phone and start talking to businesses.

    They won't bite and guess what all those wso's that say you don't have to cold call or you don't have to meet in person etc do they work yes and yes I have tried them and I have been successful but to me, nothing beats getting on the phone and setting up an in person interview because I can setup an interview for tomorrow and walk out with a check in hand.

    With this economy May was my best month ever and June beat May and I just hired my first office manager and will be hiring 2 sales people to help me but the point is since the economy isn't so great, these local companies are looking for alternative ways to advertise and online marketing is right up there at the top of the list.

    The internet isn't going away and all these google updates and farmer and panda whatever help aid me into helping these businesses understand that they need someone monthly to help their business since google is constantly changing you can help them weather the storm.

    You can do this business and you don't need another wso or phone script or anything else for that matter, just pick up the phone and ask them if you could set up an interview with them because you were looking to do an interest story on local businesses and how they are dealing with this economy.

    You will get interviews and then just ask them about their business, how did you get started, why should someone go to you over your competition, how do you market your business what have you found to be the least successful way of advertising, what have you found to be the most successful way etc.

    Just have a conversation with them and they will warm up to you and then help them by giving them information that yes, you normally would charge for but since they won't know how to apply 99% of it, the knowledge you share with them will help build confidence in them that you will be able to help them market their business online.

    Hopefully this has helped because I do go on the wf, maybe not as much as I used to because I am busy with my clients but I wanted to take some time to share some random thoughts from someone who is actually in the trenches so to speak an actually working with offline businesses every day.

    To your success,
    To both John's Thanks for your honest accounts, it is really inspiring, and helped me move another step further towards my goal of starting my own offline consulting company. Its refreshing to see peoples own stories without trying to sell me something. I wish ya'll the best of luck...

    And mark, good on ya for getting out there and doing it!

    now i wanted to see what ya'll thought about something, and some advice would be appreciated

    Ive got an "interesting" situation

    ill try to keep this as condensed as possible...
    Background: I've got a bit of experience with Im
    Currently: I'm JVing with a billionaire (maybe just under since the recession) to bring his offline business's online (not as glamorous as it sounds, trust me)

    PROBLEM 1, I dont trust him to do right by me, there seems to be alot of empty promises. and from other employee's both current and ex have told me that they got screwed over (there is however a big potential upside)

    PROBLEM 2, Immigration... I've been kicked out of Australia ... again... (nothing dodgy that I did, just a mistake on their part that I have to pay for) But I also dont officially have any working rights

    I would like to start a Marketing company here and have some referals of local companies that I've helped already but I have got to keep a low profile since I can't officially work in australia

    Possible Solution : I could come back to australia as a "tourist" and just have them Pay me in my USA or Swiss bank accounts, although not sure as to the legality of this and I fear it would make me come across as dodgy to my prospective clients

    Any thoughts ?? What would ya'll do?

    currently Im thinking to start the company in my spare time to get a few recurring companies on board... and worst case I move to NZ or Thailand and continue from there...

    oh and i would give ya'll thanks but im not sure how to...
  • Profile picture of the author bsvoboda
    Profile picture of bsvoboda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi John,

    What an inspiring thread you've started here. I printed your entire story for my business partner to read. He over analyzes everything - I jump in with both feet. Fail fast if you have to is how I roll.

    We have been doing this offline marketing thing for 18 months now (both of us come from corporate and consulting careers so you'd think we'd out there kicking ass and taking numbers all day long) but made all the usual initial mistakes like undervaluing our services and taking on clients who were impossible to satisfy.

    So basically I found myself working with a lot of different personalities and created a JOB I was starting to hate.

    Then lo and behold, my partner gets a call for us to meet with a business owner who wants to spend $4K on a website (4x our former rate). And another call to do SEO for an auto mechanic, which we're proposing $1K plus $250 recurring. We'd be subcontractors for SEO opportunity so I had to leave room for markup. We're meeting with both businesses next week.

    Anyway, I'm now inspired to hire an appointment setter to book interviews for my local directory, which is almost ready to go live. I had planned to just send out post cards to offer free listings and let them upgrade on their own after a few months. Now I see the power of actually INTERVIEWING business owners, leading them into a marketing discussion.

    This thread is pure gold. You don't even want to know how many WSOs I've purchased relating to offline marketing. Yeah, they all work - kinda sorta. But this stuff really resonates with me.

    Cheers fellow Warriors for taking action. Each and every one of us probably knows more than we need to to do this! And if we don't, we know where to get help.

  • Profile picture of the author foley2009
    Profile picture of foley2009
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for sharing your experience in the trenches and your post is fantastic. You're bless and as you give it shall be given on to you, good measure shaken together it shall given unto your bossom.

    Remain Bless.


    Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

    I don't know if many of you remember me or not, doesn't really matter but 3 years ago I had been laid off from my corporate job and since I was doing contract work I wasn't able to collect unemployment.

    I was faced with having to pay a mortgage and had no money left, not even for a single wso, lord knows I had purchased enough wso's that I finally had to put my mouth were my knowledge was and swallow my pride and gulp actually apply what I had learned from the warriorforum.

    I then wanted to give back to the forum that had allowed me to work from home and start my offline marketing career by posting the exact process I had used to accumulate almost 21k in less than 19 weeks.

    I explained how I had read David Cavanagh's free thread where he spoke about just putting our online knowledge to work by actually going out and talking to local businesses.

    So I did just that, 3 years ago, with no money I took the biggest gamble of my life and with no prospects of a job in sight I put my 2 kids in to daycare (my 3rd was in 4th grade at the time, so didn't need to worry about that) where I had no money to pay for my mortgage let alone the daycare but I knew I had 2 weeks to pay the daycare bill.

    So the first week I identified businesses who were advertising in the local newspaper. I then called up the newspaper and asked how much their smallest size ad that wasn't a classified ad would cost and they told me their smallest ad was a business card size ad that would cost $579 and would run for 10 days.

    Well I thought if these businesses were paying at least $579 for 10 days they could pay me $579 for a year of helping them on the internet.

    So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.

    Bingo, I had close to an 80% success rate of talking to these businesses and I would go so far as to send them the questions ahead of time so they had time to prepare for my interview- these businesses loved talking about themselves especially having the interview questions in their hands ahead of time.

    Now a number of them said that they weren't going to buy anything and I said that's fine I just want to get their story and part of the interviewing was asking them what they do to market their business and boy did that open up pandora's box, they let me know how their marketing was working and some of these companies didn't have a website etc.

    So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.

    And at the end they would say well can you do that for me and if so how much-cha ching.

    This is a win/win since you already know that they are paying for advertising you know that they will pay for your services, the very first week I closed 3 clients at $579 so I did $1737 my very first week!!!

    Now the thing is I didn't over analyze this and wonder how this wasn't going to work or that I didn't have a bank account or that I didn't have every duck in a row and t and i crossed and dotted I just took ACTION.

    No big secret there but actually picking up the phone on a Saturday early afternoon (big secret - that is a great time to call local businesses because the owner is usually there and no secretary since it's the weekend and the owner will be the person usually picking up the phone) and calling local companies that had ads in the local newspaper asking them if I can interview them for a local website that I was building to highlight local businesses.

    I set up something like 6 or 7 interviews and closed 3 and continued into the next week and the week after, and I was able to pay my mortgage and daycare and have some scratch left over as well.

    Here it is 3 years later and I have been truly blessed, there are a number of great offline wso's and folks offering their different slants on this area saying how they've had success after 3 months or 6months etc, well having been doing this full time now for what will be my 4th year I can share some additional insights that if I were to start over again this is what I would do know what I know now versus then.

    The number one thing I would have done differently from the start was to setup a monthly recurring payment.

    I honestly didn't think someone would pay me $300 a month but I did have the confidence that they would pay me $579 a year since they were already doing that with the newspaper.

    Knowing what I know now, that was just a confidence issue on my part since I had never done offline consulting before and I didn't have enough confidence to ask for a monthly fee - now I don't take anything less than $550/mo plus a min of a $500 setup fee or more so I walk out with at least $1k plus per sale and I have the residual monthly income coming in so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder wondering where my next dollar is going to come from-huge nugget there.

    I realized about 6 months into the offline market that if I didn't change to a recurring billing model I was going to be out of work soon and I wasn't going to be helping anyone and I'd have to go back to looking for a job.

    So I again swallowed my pride and I started off by charging at the time $197/mo with no start up fee and then I kept raising that price to where I am now plus a startup fee.

    A useful website that I learned from the kid who mowed our lawns was a site called freshbooks because before freshbooks I am ashamed to say but I had basically hand written invoices and freshbooks came along and created very professional invoices and could also setup residual payments which was huge!!!

    I wish I would've known about freshbooks earlier in the game but that website is the site I still use to this very day for all of my invoices and monthly billing.

    Plus at tax time the site makes getting all of your info for your accountant super easy at least for me I thought so, which is another area that not to many people talk about and that is your expenses.

    I kept track of everything and freshbooks gives you an area to store all of that information for you, now I am not an accountant or anything I am just sharing with you what I found to be helpful.

    Another area I find really going to explode because this has for me and that is creating facebook fan pages. I keep upselling my existing clients which you should be to and that is stay in contact with your clients and let them know of other services that you offer because they will want to continue to buy from you if you deliver.

    Now I don't want to say I make 8 billion dollars in offline marketing but my wife and I along with our kids are very blessed and we can't imagine having our lives any other way because I am still a stay at home dad and I get to be at home when the kids come home from school or like Friday I took the day to go to Hersheypark which is a local amusement park and had a great time with them because they are only young for so long.

    You see all these ads for the latest wso and the newest technique but really it all boils down to action, these business owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first the money will follow.

    You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire.

    These businesses are hurting right now and many of them still don't have a website, you can really help them, one of my clients before I "interviewed" him and he swore by the way that he wasn't going to buy anything from me, ended up having me develop a website for him which here 3 years later, he did over $25k online, which is a big part of his income because now he doesn't have to rely solely on the local economy.

    He opened his business up to the world, so going from no website to doing over $25k gross last month is HUGE!!!

    Now would he have eventually developed a website, I don't know, probably, but nothing happens until you do, so hopefully this will motivate you to pick up the phone and start talking to businesses.

    They won't bite and guess what all those wso's that say you don't have to cold call or you don't have to meet in person etc do they work yes and yes I have tried them and I have been successful but to me, nothing beats getting on the phone and setting up an in person interview because I can setup an interview for tomorrow and walk out with a check in hand.

    With this economy May was my best month ever and June beat May and I just hired my first office manager and will be hiring 2 sales people to help me but the point is since the economy isn't so great, these local companies are looking for alternative ways to advertise and online marketing is right up there at the top of the list.

    The internet isn't going away and all these google updates and farmer and panda whatever help aid me into helping these businesses understand that they need someone monthly to help their business since google is constantly changing you can help them weather the storm.

    You can do this business and you don't need another wso or phone script or anything else for that matter, just pick up the phone and ask them if you could set up an interview with them because you were looking to do an interest story on local businesses and how they are dealing with this economy.

    You will get interviews and then just ask them about their business, how did you get started, why should someone go to you over your competition, how do you market your business what have you found to be the least successful way of advertising, what have you found to be the most successful way etc.

    Just have a conversation with them and they will warm up to you and then help them by giving them information that yes, you normally would charge for but since they won't know how to apply 99% of it, the knowledge you share with them will help build confidence in them that you will be able to help them market their business online.

    Hopefully this has helped because I do go on the wf, maybe not as much as I used to because I am busy with my clients but I wanted to take some time to share some random thoughts from someone who is actually in the trenches so to speak an actually working with offline businesses every day.

    To your success,
    • Profile picture of the author azritch
      Profile picture of azritch
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Awesome post John. Did you also interview companies specifically to ask their plans re Social Media, with an emphasis on their interest in getting a Facebook Business Fan Page?
  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    Profile picture of Teravel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    TEXinOZ and Foley2009, it's extremely annoying when anyone (especially members with low post counts) replies with a duplicate of a long message, such as the one you both quoted. Your messages are on the 4th page of a very inspirational thread. The readers have kept up, you don't have to remind us. So next time, try to keep the quoting to specific lines, please. Thanks!

    To TeraAllison,
    You may be acting as the reporter, but you are reporting for a Website that you are creating. I will quote from the original post here.
    So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I was starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.
    As soon as you contact them, they should be aware that you are a web developer. You are interviewing them for a local area website that will highlight local businesses. To them, this is free advertising. They already know you are creating a website. All you have to do is inform them of ways to increase their advertising, while showing that their online advertising will bring in real leads.

    The big picture to look at here is...
    So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.
    By giving as much information about online marketing as you can, you are showing that you are an expert. As the conversation starts to change from you giving information to another topic, you should find interested business owners wondering who will do the work for them, correctly, and without 'Breaking the Bank'.

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

  • Profile picture of the author farkry
    Profile picture of farkry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, thanks for the inspiration ...... you guys have me all hyped over the offline business model !
  • Profile picture of the author Trent Brownrigg
    Trent Brownrigg
    Profile picture of Trent Brownrigg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow great story and great advice! I am just getting more into the offline marketing arena so this will certainly be helpful. Thanks!

    You can find internet marketing strategies, SEO consulting, and tons of business advice at BAM!

  • Profile picture of the author chud31
    Profile picture of chud31
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I tried to check out your Q&A's on but you've maxed out your bandwidth.

  • Profile picture of the author therapist
    Profile picture of therapist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi John,
    I've been trying unsuccessfully to contact you since the 6th August at these email
    addresses -,, I have also used your ticket system from your site with the email copied here;
    Hi John
    I purchased your Jobless dad package earlier and the download
    seems to be well out of date and
    most of the links at this link
    template-black-bkgrnd and subsequent links are dead.
    I would like you to refund my $27 please. I hope this is not too far out of date that even the email addresses are also inactive, this being the case I will contact The Warrior Forum and PayPal to resolve this issue.
    My payment transtion details are below
    Hoping this finds you, many thanks.
    payment details below:
    6 Aug 2011 13:15:09 BST
    Transaction ID: 60M63113FA362920P
  • Profile picture of the author mittel
    Profile picture of mittel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really a great story. You nailed it down. It's all about making a plan/preparation and taking ACTION.
    The story gave me a postive boost.
  • Profile picture of the author ahmad17dec
    Profile picture of ahmad17dec
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author StevieJK
      Profile picture of StevieJK
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      WOW - awesome thread!!!!

      Although I tried to go to your '' link but it has exceeded bandwidth and I cannot access it.

      Any chance you can post the interview questions here?


  • Profile picture of the author syncjam
    Profile picture of syncjam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi all,

    This thread has really inspired me. But I have a few questions for anyone who could help!

    I have been doing IM for a few years now (mainly FB marketing, CPA stuff, etc.), but every time I try to get into websites and SEO, I have a mental block. It's not that I can't learn it, it's just that there are a MILLION ways to do SEO and websites (wordpress, html, joomla, php, etc.).

    If I go to businesses I want to at least sound like I know what I'm talking about. And then be able to accomplish that. I have built a few websites, but they are ultra simple.

    I guess what I'm asking is how to get over my lack-of-website-knowledge feeling I would have when I meet with a prospective client?

    See, if it was something I do for a living (video production), I could talk for hours with no problem.

    And yes, I probably AM overthinking this, but I like to be well-prepared before trying to impress someone.

    Other people have said to "just outsource what you can't do". That sounds easy, but of the 8 or 10 web guys I've tried to find in the past (for my regular job), NO ONE has been both talented AND dependable. Maybe it's just my dumb luck.

    Thanks all!!
    • Profile picture of the author bsvoboda
      Profile picture of bsvoboda
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by syncjam View Post

      Hi all,

      This thread has really inspired me. But I have a few questions for anyone who could help!

      I have been doing IM for a few years now (mainly FB marketing, CPA stuff, etc.), but every time I try to get into websites and SEO, I have a mental block. It's not that I can't learn it, it's just that there are a MILLION ways to do SEO and websites (wordpress, html, joomla, php, etc.).

      If I go to businesses I want to at least sound like I know what I'm talking about. And then be able to accomplish that. I have built a few websites, but they are ultra simple.

      I guess what I'm asking is how to get over my lack-of-website-knowledge feeling I would have when I meet with a prospective client?

      See, if it was something I do for a living (video production), I could talk for hours with no problem.

      And yes, I probably AM overthinking this, but I like to be well-prepared before trying to impress someone.

      Other people have said to "just outsource what you can't do". That sounds easy, but of the 8 or 10 web guys I've tried to find in the past (for my regular job), NO ONE has been both talented AND dependable. Maybe it's just my dumb luck.

      Thanks all!!
      In reply to post #192:

      If some aspects of marketing are over your head you could try partnering with someone you trust who can perform the services you can't. Your local Chamber of Commerce is a good source because everyone's hustling for business.

      Since I hate to sell and really don't like doing meetings I sometimes white label my services to a PR firm who has lots of contacts but doesn't know SEO or social media. (Basically, they subcontract to me.) Sometimes I have to meet with the client to clarify deliverables or to help close the sale, but by then it's often a done deal.

      I've picked up a few higher ticket gigs this way, and a couple that were kind of a pain but it all evens out.

      Hope this helps.

      • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
        Profile picture of PaulFL
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by bsvoboda View Post

        In reply to post #192:

        Since I hate to sell and really don't like doing meetings I sometimes white label my services to a PR firm who has lots of contacts but doesn't know SEO or social media.

        Hope this helps.

        Hi Brenda ~ Just a thought about what you said about hating to sell. When I started in sales many moons ago, I didn't really enjoy it. After a lot of thinking, I realized the reason I had a problem was I believed the cultural stereotype of the "pushy salesman."

        I quit selling but I didn't quit sales. i did learn a lot of sales strategies and since I love to study psychology and behavior, I studied buyer behavior.
        I realized that people hate to be sold to but love to buy stuff. I don't love selling but I love helping people and get excited when I have a product that can help them.

        I quit selling for me and changed my approach to getting excited about helping them achieve their dreams and goals with my products and services. I always ask people why they decided to buy from me. A frequent response is that I got them excited about what they would get out of working with me.

        A while back, I asked a prospect what she really wanted to do with the increased profits she'd realize from working with me. She said take her kids to Disney for a dream vacation. I quit talking about increased revenue and started talking about a free trip to Disney World, which is one of my favorite places.

        When I asked her why she hired me, she said it was to pay for the Disney World vacation. I was on cloud nine. It was a nice project with good revenue but I was so happy that she'd be able to give her kids the same experience I gave mine so many years ago.

        I still don't like selling but I still love helping people in their businesses. For me, the mind-shift changed call reluctance into call excitement. I have good and bad days like anybody else but this mindset dramatically changed my approach and results.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevieJK
    Profile picture of StevieJK
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    Another question if I may:

    When you get to the stage of offering them the free advice on how they can grow their business online and advertise better etc - do you end up with an offer to do the work for them? if so, how do you slip this into the conversation?

    Or do you just keep on giving free stuff until they ask you for your services? - and how long would you keep offering free advice for, surely there would be a cut-off where you give up on them and move on.......?

    • Profile picture of the author oildrops
      Profile picture of oildrops
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Great question!!! Here are some ideas to close the loop with your future client:

      -- If you sense the conversation is coming to a close with no action from your client, leave either a small 3-5 page report (xx- Ways to get new customers with social media, or xxxx) or a business card with an irresistible offer. Not the typical card with name, address, etc, but an offer on bright color paper (coupon looking with a deadline) that will have your prospect dreaming about it all night long.

      -- Plan upfront that this will be a 15 minute or 30 minute meeting and terminate on time with the report and business card action...tell him "we are running a special for the next 24 hours, etc"

      Hope this helps.


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  • Profile picture of the author StevieJK
    Profile picture of StevieJK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks! Awesome.
  • Profile picture of the author jsamplesjr
    Profile picture of jsamplesjr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for this awesome thread.. Very inspiring, I shall remember this as I try to push through my fears... THX

    I tried to pm you, and give thanks but my count is too low..
    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Profile picture of Bennette
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I wanted to update everyone on where I am with trying John's strategy. My daughter is in college and wanted to make some extra money so I offered her the opportunity to make the calls and I would pay her when I get a sale.

      I gave her John's script and she has never did telemarketing before or sales. She set 3 appts in about 3.5 hours and she's never read the script to me.

      Here are the results from the 3 appts:

      1st appt- nice person but no budget. Owner said she will keep my card because when she wraps her head around why she needs Facebook she will call.

      2nd- appt- made a sale to do email marketing.

      3rd- appt call today and cancelled for tomorrow.

      I asked my daughter what she thought about calling and she said it's easy when I get the owner on the phone because she has a 50/50 scheduling ratio. She said the biggest challenge is just catching the owners.

      So any one that's on the fence take action...YOU Can Do This!
      • Profile picture of the author oildrops
        Profile picture of oildrops
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

        I wanted to update everyone on where I am with trying John's strategy. My daughter is in college and wanted to make some extra money so I offered her the opportunity to make the calls and I would pay her when I get a sale.

        I gave her John's script and she has never did telemarketing before or sales. She set 3 appts in about 3.5 hours and she's never read the script to me.

        Here are the results from the 3 appts:

        1st appt- nice person but no budget. Owner said she will keep my card because when she wraps her head around why she needs Facebook she will call.

        2nd- appt- made a sale to do email marketing.

        3rd- appt call today and cancelled for tomorrow.

        I asked my daughter what she thought about calling and she said it's easy when I get the owner on the phone because she has a 50/50 scheduling ratio. She said the biggest challenge is just catching the owners.

        So any one that's on the fence take action...YOU Can Do This!
        Thanks for sharing your story and how you involved your daughter in college...super idea!

        Is this the script from John's WSO?

        Keep us updated.

        Many thanks,


        Discover How a pack of Thieves Conquered the Black Plague and how You Can Use this Knowledge Today!

        • Profile picture of the author Bennette
          Profile picture of Bennette
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          Originally Posted by oildrops View Post

          Thanks for sharing your story and how you involved your daughter in college...super idea!

          Is this the script from John's WSO?

          Keep us updated.

          Many thanks,

          Yes! I didn't buy John's WSO but he gives the script in his post and that's what I used. John gives enough information for anyone to take it and run with it.

          Just go for it Mike...the biggest challenge is calling and getting the business owner on the phone.
          • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
            Daniel LaRusso
            Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            You got that right!! I am even more limited in that I have an 8-5 job, so I can ONLY meet with business owners during lunch, after work, and on weekends.

            I sucked it up and made my first call today. I went through one of the local magazines that most of you probably have several of in your town, and found this really cool boot camp type fitness center. They had a great website that was already mobile optimized, and on the website, it had Twitter and YouTube buttons already. But something was missing, I noticed! Facebook!

            So, I called the number, after I did some research about the business, the owner, and the owner's history. A guy picked up the phone and said "Blah Blah Blah Fitness, this is Paul". Well, I knew from my research that Paul was the owner, so I launched into my spiel.

            I sort of winged it, and BOOM! He was REALLY excited to have me come interview him! He had a class starting a few minutes from when I called, but I offered to take my questions to him, and call and set up an interview for tomorrow with him - PERFECT! He said.

            I took the questions by, and his partner actually greeted me (also in a class), and said how excited they were that I was coming by.

            So, BIG win on my first shot!
            All it took was overcoming my own fear, and getting out there!

            Now, I don't know if I'll sell them or not, I hope to, but I'm taking action. I have in my bag of tricks - mobile websites (which they don't need), apps (which they don't need), SMS marketing (maybe), Facebook (which they DEFINITELY need), and Groupon (which I hope to pitch them on AFTER they are a Facebook client.

            I hope to get to know these dudes, and get some exposure for me. I may even set them up with a generic Facebook page for free, and a professional page for $150 or so, just to get my foot in the door. I sense that they are a perfect fit for what I can do.

            What I plan to do from here is, I have some yellow Facebook fanpage flyers printed up, and I'll go to 4-5 businesses AROUND the one I have an appointment with. I want to try to set up a webinar on Facebook every few weeks, so I may put a post-it note on the flyer, but I hope to get some business cards of owners ot email them about upcoming events.

            If anybody has a link to the full script that John or anyone else uses to get appointments, I'd be much obliged. Right now, I'm batting 1000, but I don't want to get too confident. I probably sounded like an idiot, and could have been better on my approach.

            This is the first time I've taken action in sales that had some positive results, and I count this as a win, even if I interview these guys and they don't buy anything. I got off my butt, went out of my comfort zone, and did it. I was as nervous as heck, but the business owners were glad to see me. Heck, they'll be happier if I can hook them up with a Facebook page that converts some new business for them and a great Groupon campaign!

            Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

            Yes! I didn't buy John's WSO but he gives the script in his post and that's what I used. John gives enough information for anyone to take it and run with it.

            Just go for it Mike...the biggest challenge is calling and getting the business owner on the phone.

            It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
            - Benjamin Franklin

          • Profile picture of the author oildrops
            Profile picture of oildrops
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            Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

            Yes! I didn't buy John's WSO but he gives the script in his post and that's what I used. John gives enough information for anyone to take it and run with it.

            Just go for it Mike...the biggest challenge is calling and getting the business owner on the phone.
            Many thanks!!!


            Discover How a pack of Thieves Conquered the Black Plague and how You Can Use this Knowledge Today!

  • Profile picture of the author marketinggremlin
    Profile picture of marketinggremlin
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    You've been gracious enough to shoot a couple of PM's with the interview questions, would you be kind enough to send them my way as well? I've been checking the thread and the lancaterpaguide site as well but its been down. I also PM'd Mark but haven't heard back from him yet either...I would be quite grateful for your help!!



  • Profile picture of the author Enis
    Profile picture of Enis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Amazing story man, I feel like I could relate to that!!
  • Profile picture of the author Jimian
    Profile picture of Jimian
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Excellent... I use a similar approach...a very SOFT-sell, helpful attitude with new offline prospects and even mentioned this thread in my report for offliners.

    Jack Mize talks about offering a 'high-perceived value' upfront to prospects without charging to earn trust... and get to know one another.


    OFFLINE Marketing Strategies For The OFFLINE Warrior
    • Profile picture of the author StevieJK
      Profile picture of StevieJK
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jimian View Post

      Jack Mize talks about offering a 'high-perceived value' upfront to prospects without charging to earn trust... and get to know one another.
      Cool - do you have the link to his thread?
  • Profile picture of the author MoLoSoMar
    Profile picture of MoLoSoMar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the post. It fits with my favorite saying: "Your raise becomes effective as soon as you do." It's all about taking action.
  • Profile picture of the author ADHardwick
    Profile picture of ADHardwick
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great story. And valuable insight on just "making it happen". Thank you for sharing. I will check out freshbooks.
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    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      Profile picture of dshipman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This question is for anyone who's already started this. Do you wear business attire when meeting with your clients or do you dress casually?

      I want to get started with this.

  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey emergemma, it may be a little different based on where you live, but overall it doesn't really matter what you wear. Have nice, non shabby clothes with an overall professional look, but don't put too much emphasis on how you look,put the focus on what you do and the action you take.

    I FAILED as a financial advisor because I spent time reading forums, thinking about what kind of pen I needed, if I should wear goofy ties so people would remember me, and a host of other things. This is what is called "avoidance behavior", and it killed my career as a financial advisor. It's ok because I learned from it.

    John has reminded me that if you focus on the one thing that matters most in your business, prospecting, you WILL succeed!

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      Profile picture of dshipman
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      Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

      Hey emergemma, it may be a little different based on where you live, but overall it doesn't really matter what you wear. Have nice, non shabby clothes with an overall professional look, but don't put too much emphasis on how you look,put the focus on what you do and the action you take.

      I FAILED as a financial advisor because I spent time reading forums, thinking about what kind of pen I needed, if I should wear goofy ties so people would remember me, and a host of other things. This is what is called "avoidance behavior", and it killed my career as a financial advisor. It's ok because I learned from it.

      John has reminded me that if you focus on the one thing that matters most in your business, prospecting, you WILL succeed!
      Great! Thank you
  • Profile picture of the author Doot
    Profile picture of Doot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome to hear people actually putting something that they purchased to work and not just reading it and shelving it
  • Profile picture of the author alfaquad87
    Profile picture of alfaquad87
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What happened to marksumpter (post #66) and his ?

    Mark if you are still there an update would be great... you had a few people following the site.
    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Profile picture of Bennette
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi I wanted to chime back in with an update. My daughter called this Mon
      and her results were 1 person wanted the info sent via email 1st so they can decide if they wanted to schedule a meeting and 1 appt set for tues morning.

      In the appt this morning my daughter texted and said she set 1 appt for today and could I go in 2 hours because it was 5 mins away and 1 for Fri. I went to the 2nd appt today.

      My results: 2 sales today. As I said earlier take action on this method because it works. She has no experience with calling and I didn't even explain it to her. I just gave her the script and where to find prospects and let her loose.

      You can leave home with no money and come back with cash... Take Action folks!
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
        Daniel LaRusso
        Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Wow! Awesome job man! We need to start a jobless dad fan club!

        This thread has more actionable content than a lot of paid WSOs!

        I'm curious- what products did you sell?

        Again, great job!

        Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

        Hi I wanted to chime back in with an update. My daughter called this Mon
        and her results were 1 person wanted the info sent via email 1st so they can decide if they wanted to schedule a meeting and 1 appt set for tues morning.

        In the appt this morning my daughter texted and said she set 1 appt for today and could I go in 2 hours because it was 5 mins away and 1 for Fri. I went to the 2nd appt today.

        My results: 2 sales today. As I said earlier take action on this method because it works. She has no experience with calling and I didn't even explain it to her. I just gave her the script and where to find prospects and let her loose.

        You can leave home with no money and come back with cash... Take Action folks!

        It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
        - Benjamin Franklin

        • Profile picture of the author Bennette
          Profile picture of Bennette
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

          Wow! Awesome job man! We need to start a jobless dad fan club!

          This thread has more actionable content than a lot of paid WSOs!

          I'm curious- what products did you sell?

          Again, great job!
          I sold a website and Fan page in the 1st appt and the second appt I sold 2 Fan pages because they have 2 locations that target different markets.

          Daniel one tip:
          Don't go in with a predetermined mindset of what you think they need. The key is listening and having a conversation with the owners. When you go in thinking about what they need or what you're going to sell them it becomes about you and not about them.

          Also don't fall into researching their site before you call. If they're advertising already remember you're giving them a spot in your website that you're ranking for Free, so don't devalue that by adding more freebies like Fan pages etc.
          • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
            Daniel LaRusso
            Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Thank you!!!
            I think I may be doing the intro part a bit wrong, knowing this.

            I did manage to get an appt on the first call I ever made, to a fitness facility that advertised, but I did quite a bit of research on him. He was thrilled to have me there, and I have presented Facebook fanpage management to him - he thinks it's a great idea, so I will count this as a win, but not a sale until I have the check in hand.

            Can you tell me, what is the script that you use to get the appointment?
            Do you present your solution/service as you're doing the interview with the owner?

            Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

            I sold a website and Fan page in the 1st appt and the second appt I sold 2 Fan pages because they have 2 locations that target different markets.

            Daniel one tip:
            Don't go in with a predetermined mindset of what you think they need. The key is listening and having a conversation with the owners. When you go in thinking about what they need or what you're going to sell them it becomes about you and not about them.

            Also don't fall into researching their site before you call. If they're advertising already remember you're giving them a spot in your website that you're ranking for Free, so don't devalue that by adding more freebies like Fan pages etc.

            It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
            - Benjamin Franklin

  • Profile picture of the author Wiz Khalifa
    Wiz Khalifa
    Profile picture of Wiz Khalifa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good story, kindof inspires me to get moving and do something soon.
    • Profile picture of the author Juana411
      Profile picture of Juana411
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hello everyone

      This thread is really great. Can anyone share the 1) questions to ask during the interview and 2) the script to set up the interview with me? I tried to pull it up on the lancaster site, but the site is down. I appreciate it.

      Thanks so much....
  • Profile picture of the author Scitknot9
    Profile picture of Scitknot9
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow John!!

    Your story is just F****ng amazing! Talk about boosting confidence and putting the fire back in my belly - you have just done it in the time it took me to read your post!!

    This has been a great boost for me and I thank you so much for posting and sharing your story....inspirational stuff!!

    Action, Action, Action - It's got to be done!

  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know this may bother y'all, but I'm going to post my updates here. I still say that this is one of the most valuable threads here, because John TAKES ACTION. Any WSO, anything you buy or learn means absolutely nothing until you take action!

    So today, I just walked into 5 businesses, and did a pitch for doing my interview. A couple the business owner wasn't there, and I got three very interested prospects. I was nervous, probably shaking in my shoes, and didn't say what I should have, but guess what? IT DIDN'T MATTER! I was in front of these folks, and they're just people. It doesn't matter if I look like a fool or like a genius, they'll either like my offer or not, it's that simple.

    I have a unique challenge in that I still work full time, and I have to figure out how to actually prospect, go and see people, sell, and maintain.

    Any ideas?

    The suggestion about not putting too much research into a business on the front side is great!

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

  • Profile picture of the author HappyGayleen
    Profile picture of HappyGayleen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us! This has been and will be an inspiration to many of us! YOUR GENEROSITY IS AWESOME!
  • Profile picture of the author Juana411
    Profile picture of Juana411
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi TerrieS

    Would you mind sharing the interview questions with me as well? I see you've shared with a couple others. I really appreciate your help.

    • Profile picture of the author TerrieS
      Profile picture of TerrieS
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Juana,

      Check your PM.


      • Profile picture of the author Juana411
        Profile picture of Juana411
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks so much terrie

        greatly appreciated
        • Profile picture of the author TerrieS
          Profile picture of TerrieS
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          You're welcome, Juana - I hope you find much success!
        • Profile picture of the author TerrieS
          Profile picture of TerrieS
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          I just checked John's site and the interview questions are available once more.

          LancasterPAGuide.Com Monthly Magazine Sample Interview Questions


          • Profile picture of the author Bennette
            Profile picture of Bennette
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

            Thank you!!!
            Can you tell me, what is the script that you use to get the appointment?
            Do you present your solution/service as you're doing the interview with the owner?
            Here is the script John posted in his OP
            Originally Posted by John

            So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.
            That's all I say.

            I share helpful info after I'm finished interviewing. When you ask the marketing questions you should have enough info to know what's working for them, what's not, what they have tried and where they need help.

            Then just thank them for their time and say you would like to share a few tips to help them do better Online for agreeing to the interview. Share the h1 tags and Google Places tips and proceed from there. After that I ask about the service that I know they need help with and proceed from there.
            • Profile picture of the author mojo1
              Profile picture of mojo1
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

              Here is the script John posted in his OP

              That's all I say.

              I share helpful info after I'm finished interviewing. When you ask the marketing questions you should have enough info to know what's working for them, what's not, what they have tried and where they need help.

              Then just thank them for their time and say you would like to share a few tips to help them do better Online for agreeing to the interview. Share the h1 tags and Google Places tips and proceed from there. After that I ask about the service that I know they need help with and proceed from there.
              Thanks Bennette for this nice tip. This is a very non-intimidating way of continuing the conversation while highlighting the services you're capable of providing to the company.
              • Profile picture of the author Bennette
                Profile picture of Bennette
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by mojo1 View Post

                Thanks Bennette for this nice tip. This is a very non-intimidating way of continuing the conversation while highlighting the services you're capable of providing to the company.
                Your welcome mojo1, I'm glad I was able to help
                • Profile picture of the author warmchords
                  Profile picture of warmchords
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  This is easily the most helpful thread I have fully digested so far in my relatively short time spent here on WF. John, thank you for this - I have no fear of taking action; I've been trying to HARD sell free trials of mobile websites for the past week with no results and coming off like a complete fly by night amateur I'm sure, now the wheels are turning again...

                  I think I've come up with a new spin on this local business directory, I'd love to get some feedback from you all:

                  I want to put a big emphasis on making my directory mobile friendly. I know that personally when I'm on the go and I just simply want to find a certain kind of local business and confirm they sell/provide what I'm looking for, I get easily frustrated by having to click multiple links to ultimately land on a slow, non-mobile company website and wait for a bunch of images to load just to see if they provide what I'm looking for. So what if my directory listings were hosted on a mobile site and potential customers could find a quick list by category featuring company names, mission statements, click to call button, website link and a link to google maps for navigation?

                  I know, I just described Google Places...but my directory is exclusive, and it doesn't feature corporate chains.

                  I bet every business who does the interview would let me put up a QR code in their shop linking directly to the interview on the blog. Of course the interview will include a link to their site (which looks awful on a phone, which I am now positioned to demonstrate), a link to the directory, and the footer will have a link to my own site advertising my mobile designs.

                  The only thing I'm nervous about is trying to get these business to pay for their directory listing. If I charge for the listings I run the risk of having an empty directory, where if the listings are free I will quickly fill up the directory and my interviews will have even more value, but I might be missing out on a big revenue stream. Maybe I could charge for the #1 - 5 listings per category?

                  Is this a good game plan or am I missing something? Feedback is much appreciated, thanks all.
                  • Profile picture of the author TerrieS
                    Profile picture of TerrieS
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Wow warmchords - you just got some wheels in my head turning.


                  • Profile picture of the author Andy Bo
                    Andy Bo
                    Profile picture of Andy Bo
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Originally Posted by warmchords View Post

                    This is easily the most helpful thread I have fully digested so far in my relatively short time spent here on WF. John, thank you for this - I have no fear of taking action; I've been trying to HARD sell free trials of mobile websites for the past week with no results and coming off like a complete fly by night amateur I'm sure, now the wheels are turning again...

                    I think I've come up with a new spin on this local business directory, I'd love to get some feedback from you all:

                    I want to put a big emphasis on making my directory mobile friendly. I know that personally when I'm on the go and I just simply want to find a certain kind of local business and confirm they sell/provide what I'm looking for, I get easily frustrated by having to click multiple links to ultimately land on a slow, non-mobile company website and wait for a bunch of images to load just to see if they provide what I'm looking for. So what if my directory listings were hosted on a mobile site and potential customers could find a quick list by category featuring company names, mission statements, click to call button, website link and a link to google maps for navigation?

                    I know, I just described Google Places...but my directory is exclusive, and it doesn't feature corporate chains.

                    I bet every business who does the interview would let me put up a QR code in their shop linking directly to the interview on the blog. Of course the interview will include a link to their site (which looks awful on a phone, which I am now positioned to demonstrate), a link to the directory, and the footer will have a link to my own site advertising my mobile designs.

                    The only thing I'm nervous about is trying to get these business to pay for their directory listing. If I charge for the listings I run the risk of having an empty directory, where if the listings are free I will quickly fill up the directory and my interviews will have even more value, but I might be missing out on a big revenue stream. Maybe I could charge for the #1 - 5 listings per category?

                    Is this a good game plan or am I missing something? Feedback is much appreciated, thanks all.
                    Hi Warmchords,
                    Sounds like a good plan and hope its coming along nicely
                    I haven't started a directory before but I've seen elsewhere that offering the 1st person/business in each niche to sign up a free listing for life gets some interest. Or alternatively, pick a small niche and offer everybody in the locality a free listing so when you move to the next niche it looks like loads of people thought it was a great idea.
                • Profile picture of the author rocky80
                  Profile picture of rocky80
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  This is one of the best threads I've read in a long time on the warrior forum. The discussions on this thread got my head spinning with ideals.

                  Quick question for you John, do you think it's better to have a directory for a certain industry in a town, for example Lan Co plumbers or is it better to make a general site that targets multiple industries. Thanks
                • Profile picture of the author olyapetrova
                  Profile picture of olyapetrova
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  • Profile picture of the author Benjam1n
                    Profile picture of Benjam1n
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Great post. It just goes to show that you can buy all the WSO's in the world but if you're not going to focus and take action, you're not going to make any money.

                    I bet there are people with more than enough knowledge to get this started for themselves that read this and yet they will still continue to buy WSO's looking for the "secret", the secret is focus and hard work people!!

                    The guy that learns a minimum amount and then gets out there is going to be making tons more money than the guy that spends all his days learning and learning, you'll soon find yourself left behind!!

                    "You become what you think about most of the time" - Think BIG!!

          • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
            Profile picture of DWolfe
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by TerrieS View Post


            I just checked John's site and the interview questions are available once more.

            LancasterPAGuide.Com Monthly Magazine Sample Interview Questions


            I clicked on my work computer and my home computer and it says Account Suspended !

            You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
            • Profile picture of the author dshipman
              Profile picture of dshipman
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              Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

              I clicked on my work computer and my home computer and it says Account Suspended !
              Wow, this must've just happened today because I was able to view the questions a few hours ago. I just clicked it again now and the account is suspended.
  • Profile picture of the author centextkt
    Profile picture of centextkt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You may have to clear your browser cache and try again as I just viewed them again.
    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      Profile picture of dshipman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by centextkt View Post

      You may have to clear your browser cache and try again as I just viewed them again.
      Yep, it seems to be working again, but I didn't even clear my browser cache. I just clicked it again just now and it's fine.
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Lawton
    Tom Lawton
    Profile picture of Tom Lawton
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for an amazing post, I'm new to this and am just a normal guy with a family to feed like you. I have just set up a blog and site to start my ball rolling. Your info was great, and it gave me great confidence that i can make it, just not overnight!

  • Profile picture of the author bgean
    Profile picture of bgean
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The underlying truth is about serving others.

    You hit the nail on the head here.... "give people what they want" and you get what you want.

    Thank you for sharing.
    ----- ** ----- · Building Community
    Free Reports & Tutorials for Budding Entrepreneurs
    Creator of Infographics KickStart
  • Profile picture of the author friendfeed
    Profile picture of friendfeed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your post made me to look my business deeply and i am planning to use your Plan in India here..I dont know if it works here.I will post if it works or not in the coming future,.
    Video Marketing for any Kind of Business.Tested and Approved .
    • Profile picture of the author bearsmom42
      Profile picture of bearsmom42
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm really enjoying this thread and the positive inspirational stories!
      It has pushed me out of my chair and into the real world and I finally have my first customer!

      I was wondering if anyone who is /or has created a local directory site would share the theme and plugins you used to make that site?
      It's going to take me forever to create a site but I'm determined to find the time to get it going!

      I miss Mark's blog updates. I hope everything is going OK with him!

  • Profile picture of the author MKTNG
    Profile picture of MKTNG
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John thank you so much man, I had this idea and this was my plan--partially--as well as mixing in other marketing methods nt just testinng roi of marketing dollars and conversions but ROI-T return on invested time.

    I live very close to you, I think we could benefit eachother greatly, I want to be able to pm so I'm on a bit of a posting spree today, but I always read the thread and reply thoughtfully. If you would be interested I think we could have a great brainstorming session, and I'd be honored to come up your way for lunch on me.

    It's always great to meet like minded people I believe I bring inspiration to share! If you're interested shoot me a pm with a good way to contact you . Otherwise you'll be getting my first pm when I hit the 50 mark.

    Thanks for sharing your incredibly inspiring experience!
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      UPDATE: $7000 a month recurring

      Hi all,

      Sorry if I appeared to be MIA. We took a family vacation at the last minute before the kiddos started school. It wasn't the best time to take off but it needed to be done.

      Wow, things have been crazy building a million dollar business in one year.

      My WSO is finally finished. Thanks to those of you who reviewed it and gave it your blessing. You all rock!

      First, thanks to all my new friends I have met from this thread. You all are truly amazing people with good hearts. I'm also thankful for those of you who are following me on my blog. Many of you have told me the daily videos are inspiring to you. I will continue to post them although I'm running out cool t-shirts to wear. If you haven't seen the videos, check out my signature for the link. Thank you.

      Since starting this venture literally from nothing, this has grown to $7000 a month in just recurring alone. It has been truly remarkable.

      Since having the first appointment setter (who was awesome), then demanded twice the pay, I have struggled to find one just as good. I haven't given up. I'm still hunting. Word of advice...if you use the interview method to get appointments, make it a requirement that they get you at least 3 appointments a day. if they don' them immediately. They will cost you money.

      Using this method, there is no reason they can't crush it from the first phone call. I have had several conversations with @Bennette (who has posted on this thread), and her daughter is doing just that...crushing it!

      If you are paying them an hourly wage, setting at least 3 appointments a day is an easy goal. This business is results driven. If you don't have appointments, you don't have a business.

      @Brandony and I have had the same conversation about just getting on the phone and calling business owners and he has seen the same success with getting appointments.

      Although I share this in a video on my blog, I think it's worth discussing here too...and that's the importance of building relationships with your clients.

      In my previous business, I didn't do this with customers and it was the demise of my business.

      If any of you haven't had the opportunity to read Gary Vaynerchuck's book "The Thank You Economy", grab it. He talks about the shift back to how businesses treated their customers in the days of our grandparents (for some of you...great grandparents).

      This book will help you two-fold. First, you will learn how to build trusting relationships with your clients. When that trust is there, they will spend more money with you because you are a trusted authority. Second, it will also help you "teach" your business owner how to use the same strategy to take good care of their customers and build relationships.

      I mention this as a testament to latest example of how I was able to benefit from this strategy of CARING: I have a client who owns a jewelry store. Before meeting me, he signed a contract with a marketing company who provided marketing services on CCTV's in our Department of Motor Vehicle offices for their customers. His marketing message would be seen several hundred times throughout the day. With this package, he was to receive a QR code and a texting code for SMS marketing.

      Although he had a deal with them, he elected to spend more dollars with me and have me set up a marketing campaign for him. This is the power of building relationships with your clients. BTW, he told this was the reason why he chose me and not them.

      This brings his monthly recurring payment to $697.

      Finally, if you aren't offering a complete consulting business to business owners, you must consider doing so. It will not doubt bring in more dollars for you. It will require more upfront meetings to land the deal, but it's worth it.

      I'm back! And I promise to stay on the thread and chat as long as people are still willing to talk about such a profitable business.

      For those if you sending PM's and posting to my blog, I haven't forgot you. I responding now.

      Talk soon,
      • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
        Profile picture of Sonomacats
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Are you out of your mind!!! ?????

        You are now up to $7,000 a month recurring - why would you NOT give him a raise? He's responsible for getting you to a huge income!

        You're thinking cheap! That's not the way to get great results and great employees!

        It's like someone who wouldn't spend $25,000 in order to get a $150,000 ROI. Duh!

        In fact, instead of a per hour rate - give him a per appointment rate and then give him a percentage of whatever you sell.

        Not only will he work even harder because he's so motivated, you'll make even more money!

        This is NOT the place to be cheap!

        Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

        UPDATE: $7000 a month recurring

        Hi all,

        Since starting this venture literally from nothing, this has grown to $7000 a month in just recurring alone. It has been truly remarkable.

        Since having the first appointment setter (who was awesome), then demanded twice the pay, I have struggled to find one just as good. I haven't given up. I'm still hunting. Word of advice...if you use the interview method to get appointments, make it a requirement that they get you at least 3 appointments a day. if they don' them immediately. They will cost you money.

        Writing as Kieran McKendrick
        You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

        Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

        • Profile picture of the author dshipman
          Profile picture of dshipman
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          @sonomacats - Mark was referring to his first appointment setter and from what I understand based on following his videos is that he wasnt making a lot of money when he first started the business. Mark's making good money now but this is after the fact.
  • Profile picture of the author premiumweb
    Profile picture of premiumweb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here are the questions. I had emailed them to myself.

    Questions for LancasterPAGuide.Com Interview

    Tell me a little about yourself:
    How long have you been in business and how did you get started?
    What is your background information (interesting facts, organizations your are a member of, inventions, ideas etc.)
    Do you have any other businesses that you run?
    What is the primary product or service of the business?
    How have your built your business/businesses most successfully?
    What separates you from your competitors?
    What is your philosophy on running a successful business?
    How did you develop that philosophy?
    What types of marketing strategies do you employ?
    How many hours a day do you put into your business and how is this time spent?
    What do you love about your business?
    What is the most challenging aspect of your business?
    What are you most proud of in your business?
    Who were your biggest inspirations when you were starting out? Why?
    What trends do you see in the industry?
    What is your favorite book? Why?
    Do you have any mentors or role models?
    What advice would you give to entrepreneurs wanting to start a business?
    What is a little known fact about you that people would be surprised if they knew?

    Visit Lancaster pa guide for all of Lancaster, Pennsylvania LancasterPAGuide for more great interviews.
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a great idea. I can't wait to give it a try. For those who have used this technique what have you used to build the city guide website? Would a wordpress site be sufficient or do you need something more advanced?
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Welcome back Mark. Do you mind sharing the link to the business directory website you had setup? Also any tips for those of us who want to get started and get our own site up?
  • Profile picture of the author raleighwifi
    Profile picture of raleighwifi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mark, when can I pick up your WSO?
    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Profile picture of Bennette
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      @Mark...thanks you're truly a great person and I always enjoy our talks and brainstorming. To our goals and success...cheers.

      To newbies and everyone that wants to get into Offline. I have clients already and this thread caught my eye and I wanted to test it to see what results I achieve and how people received it.

      Just pick up the phone and will will hear a lot of no's but when you hear that sweet sound of yes it'll be worth all the no's.

      Don't worry if you don't ask all the questions in the appointment, or what to bring, or if you have a site built (because I still don't), or if you don't have business cards...because if you have a piece of paper and a have everything you need to be successful.

      Just go and listen and help them, it really is that simple!
  • Profile picture of the author tonytreacy
    Profile picture of tonytreacy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks John. Very much appreciated and inspirational. (Inspirational is just another word for the 'kick in the ass' I needed to get on in this business.)

    Thanks again, John.

    Tony Treacy.
  • Profile picture of the author Izzy9
    Profile picture of Izzy9
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What an inspiring story! My husband was laid off from a very stable job two years ago and in the process we lost our cars and we had to move in with relatives because we are faced with a long legal battle with his employer. Despite the hardships, I found hope in getting involved in the prospect of making money online. I have encountered many challenges in the online world but it is stories like yours that give me hope. So I'm still working on it. Here's hoping I'll succeed soon.
  • Profile picture of the author WarriorMaster
    Profile picture of WarriorMaster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, this is spot on! When I read your post I really saw myself doing all those things. I recently started my own company and the offline market is what I really want to work on. My online business should be a side business for my offline business!

  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    Profile picture of AppsFromHome
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I finally took action...I have a site set up and its looking pretty darn good too! Just trying to fill it with some substance so I have something to show the business owners.

    Now it's a matter of cold calling - thanks Bennette for the added push to just get on the phone. I am still debating whether I want to do a split test and call 50 prospects using the interview method and 50 with a sales call approach.

    Mark - glad you're back! Although I haven't commented on your blog, I was a loyal visitor everyday and really enjoyed your insight about your journey so many others are currently on as well.

    I have a quick question - has anyone encountered a business owner saying "Oh that sounds great just e-mail the questions over to me and I'll get back to you" or "How about I have my manager, bartender, server, etc.. do the interview for the site instead" basically trying to get around having the meeting?
    • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
      Profile picture of PhilaPM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by SDotSpells View Post

      I finally took action...I have a site set up and its looking pretty darn good too! Just trying to fill it with some substance so I have something to show the business
      Are you building a directory site? You mind sharing the link and what you have built so far? I'm going to start using this strategy soon as well. I'm going to go with the interview method. What did you use to build your site?
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
        Daniel LaRusso
        Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by PhilaPM View Post

        Are you building a directory site? You mind sharing the link and what you have built so far? I'm going to start using this strategy soon as well. I'm going to go with the interview method. What did you use to build your site?
        I don't mind sharing mine - it's a Birmingham Business Profiles*|*Showcasing Birmingham businesses and the people behind them - I got the Wordpress theme through a WSO called Local Honey Pot, and I basically got the WSO specifically for the theme. It looks pretty slim right now, but to me just having it up is all I need. The RPM Fitness group is the one that I got through the warm call approach that John told us all about. I've been sitting idle for about a week because the owner has been out of town, but I have a renewed fire of motivation to close this sale, and stop farting around.

        It's time for me to take action, and quickly. Calling these business owners, it doesn't matter if they want to see me based on doing these interviews or not. I just have to make the calls, get that first appointment, and go from there.

        My goal is to, in the limited time I have, GO ON at least two appointments a week, and make a proposal at each of those two appointments, no matter what.

        This method is a terrific way to get your foot in the door. It's up to you how you use it.

        My site looks pretty slim right now, I know, but it'll get better.

        It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
        - Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
      Daniel LaRusso
      Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would be interested in hearing what your results of doing your split test would be. I've wondered about that myself, and concluded that if this method is working for John, there's no need for me to revise it.

      So what I thought is it's sort of like dating. I've been married for a while, so haven't had to woo anybody, but a single lady in my office just had this same thing illustrated on her this weekend. She was outside walking her dog, and this guy came up to her, asked her about her dog, learned about where she got the dog, asked her questions about herself, yadda yadda yadda, and eventually asked her on a date.

      To me, the first part of calling the business is sort of like the way this guy built rapport with my coworker. He knew right away he wanted to go out with this lady, but you can't just up and ask her that, you have to establish common interests, see if you may be compatible, etc. And, besides the fact that you really are going to put the interview with the business on your website, that's what you are doing, it sort of courting businesses to see if it makes sense for one of them to go to the next level with you.

      It's all just a part of the process, and I need to look at is as objectively as it really is - I have something that I can help a business with, and I want to find the businesses that can benefit from my help.

      Originally Posted by SDotSpells View Post

      I finally took action...I have a site set up and its looking pretty darn good too! Just trying to fill it with some substance so I have something to show the business owners.

      Now it's a matter of cold calling - thanks Bennette for the added push to just get on the phone. I am still debating whether I want to do a split test and call 50 prospects using the interview method and 50 with a sales call approach.

      Mark - glad you're back! Although I haven't commented on your blog, I was a loyal visitor everyday and really enjoyed your insight about your journey so many others are currently on as well.

      I have a quick question - has anyone encountered a business owner saying "Oh that sounds great just e-mail the questions over to me and I'll get back to you" or "How about I have my manager, bartender, server, etc.. do the interview for the site instead" basically trying to get around having the meeting?

      It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
      - Benjamin Franklin

      • Profile picture of the author peter_act
        Profile picture of peter_act
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks to all, for saving me money!

        I now know I never have to buy another WSO again - everything you need to know is all here.
        I sell mobile websites, and I know I have a good product, but mmy main problem is getting my foot in the door. This thread gives me a painless way of doing that.

        My advice - 1. Take notes (5% of your time) 2. Take action (95%)

        Cheap websites for small businesses: Affordable mobile websites
        Get a free autoresponder here: Money Making Opportunities

    • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
      Profile picture of PaulFL
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by SDotSpells View Post

      I finally took action...I have a site set up and its looking pretty darn good too! Just trying to fill it with some substance so I have something to show the business owners.

      Now it's a matter of cold calling - thanks Bennette for the added push to just get on the phone. I am still debating whether I want to do a split test and call 50 prospects using the interview method and 50 with a sales call approach.

      Mark - glad you're back! Although I haven't commented on your blog, I was a loyal visitor everyday and really enjoyed your insight about your journey so many others are currently on as well.

      I have a quick question - has anyone encountered a business owner saying "Oh that sounds great just e-mail the questions over to me and I'll get back to you" or "How about I have my manager, bartender, server, etc.. do the interview for the site instead" basically trying to get around having the meeting?
      I've run into this type of question before. I typically say something like, "It would be great if you invited them to sit with us but we're really looking for the perspective of people like you that own the business because you're the ones who have the inside track about what's really going on with your business. How does next Tuesday at 1 work or is another time better for you?" Or something like that.

      Acknowledge what they say, compliment them and try to get the appointment. If not, then move on. some will, some won't, whose next!
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    • Profile picture of the author Bennette
      Profile picture of Bennette
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sorry for the delayed response I've been on vacation for 2 weeks.

      Originally Posted by SDotSpells View Post

      I finally took action...I have a site set up and its looking pretty darn good too! Just trying to fill it with some substance so I have something to show the business owners.
      I don't have my site created yet. My objective is to focus on them and what's working and not working for their business and not the site. I tell them I'm still working on the site and in exchange for their time their contact information will be listed.

      Now it's a matter of cold calling - thanks Bennette for the added push to just get on the phone. I am still debating whether I want to do a split test and call 50 prospects using the interview method and 50 with a sales call approach.
      Don't spend the time getting everything perfect before picking up the phone. You can always say you just started this and the response you're receiving is overwhelming and you discovered how many businesses are looking for help.

      I have a quick question - has anyone encountered a business owner saying "Oh that sounds great just e-mail the questions over to me and I'll get back to you" or "How about I have my manager, bartender, server, etc.. do the interview for the site instead" basically trying to get around having the meeting?[/QUOTE]
      I do offer to email the interview questions before the meeting.

      I have talked to the owner that wanted a server or bartender to do it.

      I just politely say that the purpose of the interview is to talk with business owners on how they are thriving in the current economy and unless the server or bartender makes decisions regarding the business, it will be a waste of my time because they will not be able to answer my questions.

      Then I just move on to someone that is interested.

      The main thing is to not over think it. It boils down to 3 things IMO.
      1. Not everyone you call will give you an appt.
      2. Everyone you meet will not want to hire you for your service. You will become efficient over time and you will be able to weed them out in 15 mins, thank them and move to your prospect.
      3. You will start to shift your mind and value your knowledge and your time and it will show in your conversation and your actions.

      Remember you have enough knowledge today to be successful. The difference is most people will not apply what they know or take action because of fear of failure.

      Knowledge is not Power. Applied Knowledge is Power!
  • Profile picture of the author Christine2011
    Profile picture of Christine2011
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice share...Fantastic!
  • Profile picture of the author Quincy
    Profile picture of Quincy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome post!
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Does anyone know the link of the directory site that Mark built and is using for his interview process? Anyone else have a directory site they would be willing to share as well? I'm trying to get ideas of the best way to build one and will start this soon.

    • Profile picture of the author Jimian
      Profile picture of Jimian
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by PhilaPM View Post

      Does anyone know the link of the directory site that Mark built and is using for his interview process? Anyone else have a directory site they would be willing to share as well? I'm trying to get ideas of the best way to build one and will start this soon.

      I focus on videos as my "IN"

      Free Business Videos RI


      OFFLINE Marketing Strategies For The OFFLINE Warrior
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
        Daniel LaRusso
        Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
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        Originally Posted by Jimian View Post

        I focus on videos as my "IN"

        Free Business Videos RI

        Hey, that's a good, clean looking theme! Which Wordpress theme is that, would you mind telling us?

        Also, I'm not sure if this is kosher in this thread, but I think that John and Jimian know each other and John approves of this, but I definiteiy do not want to put words in John's mouth.

        If you take John's advice and act on it, day in, day out, you will be successful. If you want to get one WSO to really bring everything together, use Jimian's, which is shown in his signature. Combining what John says and what are in the WSO will make you an unstoppable force if you really do the work.

        I'd still sort of like to see a dedicated membership site or something for people who are using this method. I hope that I'm not junking up this forum and this thread with my comments, but for the first time in doing offline sales, I feel alive, and I feel like I truly have a purpose and a means to help businesses and earn for myself.

        I owe SO much to both John and Jimian for their motivation to get out and talk to people!

        And no, I don't get any kind of affiliate commission for promoting Jimian's WSO, I honestly feel like, after seeing some, it's the one you need.

        It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
        - Benjamin Franklin

        • Profile picture of the author Jimian
          Profile picture of Jimian
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

          Hey, that's a good, clean looking theme! Which Wordpress theme is that, would you mind telling us?

          Also, I'm not sure if this is kosher in this thread, but I think that John and Jimian know each other and John approves of this, but I definiteiy do not want to put words in John's mouth.

          If you take John's advice and act on it, day in, day out, you will be successful. If you want to get one WSO to really bring everything together, use Jimian's, which is shown in his signature. Combining what John says and what are in the WSO will make you an unstoppable force if you really do the work.

          I'd still sort of like to see a dedicated membership site or something for people who are using this method. I hope that I'm not junking up this forum and this thread with my comments, but for the first time in doing offline sales, I feel alive, and I feel like I truly have a purpose and a means to help businesses and earn for myself.

          I owe SO much to both John and Jimian for their motivation to get out and talk to people!

          And no, I don't get any kind of affiliate commission for promoting Jimian's WSO, I honestly feel like, after seeing some, it's the one you need.
          I personally do not know John... although I recommend his thread to all my members....

          This is NOT a WP theme...For I am WP illiterate. I use Weebly instead. (shhhh)


          OFFLINE Marketing Strategies For The OFFLINE Warrior
  • Profile picture of the author StevenAitchison
    Profile picture of StevenAitchison
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    this is one of the best posts I have read on the WF, thanks for sharing it.

  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Profile picture of SoundsGood
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey guys, sorry for the seemingly stupid question, but could someone please tell me in detail what you actually do for the client to earn this recurring revenue? (for the initial month and each following month?)

    Thanks in advance...!
  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Profile picture of SoundsGood
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really? Nobody?

    Oh well... I tried.
  • Profile picture of the author centextkt
    Profile picture of centextkt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well SoundsGood, just take a look around, pick some threads on here that sound interesting and do some research. You could offer them any of these:

    Email auto-responders
    Google Places
    Video marketing
    Facebook Fanpages
    SMS text marketing
    Reputation management
    Mobile websites
    And much, much more

    Really, it all depends on your own talents and interests. You offerings are only limited to your own imagination.
    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Profile picture of SoundsGood
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by centextkt View Post

      Well SoundsGood, just take a look around, pick some threads on here that sound interesting and do some research. You could offer them any of these:

      Email auto-responders
      Google Places
      Video marketing
      Facebook Fanpages
      SMS text marketing
      Reputation management
      Mobile websites
      And much, much more

      Really, it all depends on your own talents and interests. You offerings are only limited to your own imagination.
      Thanks, but I guess I mean more specific than that...

      A lot of these items are pretty much one-time events. But what is actually done each and every month to keep the client happy enough to pay each and every month? And what results do they expect to see, etc.

      Know what I mean?
      • Profile picture of the author centextkt
        Profile picture of centextkt
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Websites -- Monthly Hosting
        Email auto-responders -- Sending out periodic email campaigns
        SEO -- Get them on 1st Page and keep them there
        Google Places -- Get them listed in the 7-pack and then maintain their ranking
        Video marketing -- Creation of more videos
        Facebook Fanpages -- Take care of their social media interaction
        SMS text marketing -- Run text campaigns for them
        Reputation management -- Improve their customer reviews
        Mobile websites -- Monthly hosting

        I think in all of these the only thing the business owners really expect and want you to do is get them more business. That is the whole point.
  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Profile picture of SoundsGood
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay, thanks centextkt.
    • Profile picture of the author ChristopherDittemore
      Profile picture of ChristopherDittemore
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you don't really drill down your WHY you won't be able to make it past the pain of change...

      Some people have made it to the level of success without changing, but it is a short lived success... really you need to change in order to achieve what you don't have today... and knowing your WHY will fuel you when you don't or think you can't move any further or think any bigger....

      Great post John!

  • Profile picture of the author Juana411
    Profile picture of Juana411
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I thought I'd add my experience so far with this method. I cut out 36 ads from the sat and sun papers. Some of them wanted me so send them something first. A few told me right off that they pay people a lot of money to do this and they couldn't help me. (they were nice about it, though) Between the owners not being around and not getting to speak with anyone I have landed one appointment for next week. I'll let you know how that goes......
  • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
    Profile picture of PaulFL
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the inspiring post. You are so right, it's not about knowledge, it's about action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
    Profile picture of Sonomacats
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No - I was referring to the paragraph where he said:

    Since having the first appointment setter (who was awesome), then demanded twice the pay, I have struggled to find one just as good. I haven't given up.

    Writing as Kieran McKendrick
    You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

    Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

  • Profile picture of the author TWalker
    Profile picture of TWalker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great info here, I'm gettin me some schoolin.

    I went back and found the original deleted Dec. 2008 thread and saved it as a pdf. I couldn't believe it is just basically the same thing we discuss today you guys were talking about Youtube promo videos, Tubemogul, Jing, Twitter etc etc. I guess in my mind these things became marketing tools to use very recently....not true....that was "ages ago".

    The same stuff we sit around and regurgitate on WF month after month.

    Just goes to show we spend way too much discussin and not nearly enough time just doing it!
  • Profile picture of the author centextkt
    Profile picture of centextkt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great thread going here...

    Ok, I get how to identify, contact, & have the conversation with owners but then here's where I get a little stuck...

    You ask them about their marketing and listen and ask questions-- do you then transition to giving away info based on what you perceive their needs are?

    And how do you then transition to being the provider the services?

    And finally how do you present yourself as a service provider when they think you are a reporter writing an article?

    Thoughts anyone???
    • Profile picture of the author TWalker
      Profile picture of TWalker
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by centextkt View Post

      Great thread going here...

      Ok, I get how to identify, contact, & have the conversation with owners but then here's where I get a little stuck...

      You ask them about their marketing and listen and ask questions-- do you then transition to giving away info based on what you perceive their needs are?

      And how do you then transition to being the provider the services?

      And finally how do you present yourself as a service provider when they think you are a reporter writing an article?

      Thoughts anyone???

      Thats a good question. There must some finesse during the transition. This is really the only piece I am missing.
  • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
    Profile picture of Ehsan_am
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My understanding is that you do not present yourself as a reporter. You are a webmaster and you are interviewing them because that interview is going to become the content on your website. However as a webmaster, you will need to promote your website. So you need to have some knowledge in that field and you'll make them aware of that by giving them free tips.
    • Profile picture of the author TWalker
      Profile picture of TWalker
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ehsan_am View Post

      My understanding is that you do not present yourself as a reporter. You are a webmaster and you are interviewing them because that interview is going to become the content on your website. However as a webmaster, you will need to promote your website. So you need to have some knowledge in that field and you'll make them aware of that by giving them free tips.
      Very good.

      Would you say: In exchange for the interview I am going to give away some industry secrets/tips/tools etc. And then they are actually waiting for you to "give them" the information in exchange?

      That could be my strategy.
      • Profile picture of the author CiberEmprendedor
        Profile picture of CiberEmprendedor
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by TWalker View Post

        Very good.

        Would you say: In exchange for the interview I am going to give away some industry secrets/tips/tools etc. And then they are actually waiting for you to "give them" the information in exchange?

        That could be my strategy.
        very nice, this strategy resonates with me much better...
        • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
          Profile picture of RenegadeSC
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I'm back...and healthy!

          Hey all! I wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone. I see this post is still going strong. First, I wanted to thank all of you who sent emails and skype messages wishing me well and a speedy recovery.

          For those of you who didn't hear through the grapevine, I tore my rotator cuff. It happened at the height of me launching this new business. The damage was so extensive, I had to wait several weeks for the swelling to go down before they would perform the surgery. Needless to say, I was on pain medication that was extremely unpleasant. In an effort to ensure I didn't become dependent on the medication, I spent long hours trying to manage both the meds and the pain, in an attempt not to become dependent. There's more about that on my blog. If you remember, this was a blog I started to chronicle the launch of my offline endeavors. It's actually my very first post since my accident. You can check it by clicking the link in my signature.

          Anyway, I wanted to catch everyone up to speed and to let you know that I didn't quit working at building this business. It was challenging as I lost some income because I had to hire someone to help. That was a challenge I'll speak about later. However, it didn't take long to get that person up to speed and things were back to normal again.

          I had to rely heavily on outsourcers to do everything. Only having one arm forced me to become the expert at outsourcing.

          So to date, we are bringing in approximately 11K a month from my business. It has taken a dramatic turn for the better. As a result of my limited mobility, I was able to work on a book and now it listed on Amazon. In the video, I explain how you can get a free copy.

          Anyway, I wanted to again thank Spangler for what he provided me and everyone in this thread who followed and supported me. I also wanted to again thank everyone and the well wishes.

          @johnspangler...what you have provided has been a blessing not only to me but to many on the WF. Thank you!

          I'll see you on the new thread!

          • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
            Profile picture of zimbizee
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            Wish i had found this post much earlier, very inspiring.

            i don't really understand what this google voice thing is, can someone explain how it works with the tracking etc.

            I'm not sure it's even available here in the UK either.

          • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
            Nathan Alexander
            Profile picture of Nathan Alexander
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by marksumpter View Post

            For those of you who didn't hear through the grapevine, I tore my rotator cuff. It happened at the height of me launching this new business. The damage was so extensive, I had to wait several weeks for the swelling to go down before they would perform the surgery. Needless to say, I was on pain medication that was extremely unpleasant. In an effort to ensure I didn't become dependent on the medication, I spent long hours trying to manage both the meds and the pain, in an attempt not to become dependent. There's more about that on my blog.
            Good to see you back.

            And good for you about the medication. I lost my mother a few years ago to prescription drug overdose, a few you mentioned in the video among them. I understand and fear them too.

            Anyway, looking forward to hearing more on your blog.
            • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
              Profile picture of RenegadeSC
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Nathan Alexander View Post

              Good to see you back.

              And good for you about the medication. I lost my mother a few years ago to prescription drug overdose, a few you mentioned in the video among them. I understand and fear them too.

              Anyway, looking forward to hearing more on your blog.
              Thanks Nathan. It's good to be back and catching up with everyone. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I can't imagine what that's like. I look forward to catching up!

  • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
    Profile picture of Ehsan_am
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not really. You shouldn't sound as if you were trying to get something from them. Everything I said is supposed to be implied.

    The goal is to build rapport while demonstrating your knowledge of the matter, making it their idea to ask you to help them with their marketing problems.
  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    Profile picture of Yogini
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It looks like the transition is in the first post where John wrote:

    "Now a number of them said that they weren't going to buy anything and I said that's fine I just want to get their story and part of the interviewing was asking them what they do to market their business and boy did that open up pandora's box, they let me know how their marketing was working and some of these companies didn't have a website etc.

    So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.

    And at the end they would say well can you do that for me and if so how much-cha ching."

    By telling them about how to claim the google place listing and mentioning ways to improve onpage seo etc that can be a way they'd get tips plus think of you as someone to implement them.

  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    J Bold
    Profile picture of J Bold
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Looks like the law of reciprocity, really.

    I was reminded of this recently, while reading a thread somewhere on this forum.

    Can't remember exactly where?

    Of course, we should always remember this law, but if you give enough quality information when you first meet someone, whether it be a prospect or whatever, then the idea is you get something in return.

    In this case John is getting money from clients to do those services for them

    I see this time and time again on the offline forum, actually telling people how to do something if they want to do it themselves, and many seem to have success with this strategy because now as they know you know your stuff and they don't want to take the time, they will just pay you.

    And as long as you are providing a quality service that brings them more clients, it's a win-win!

    Anyway, this is one of the more inspiring and "real" threads I've ever seen in this part of the forum.
    • Profile picture of the author Wayne M.
      Wayne M.
      Profile picture of Wayne M.
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So glad I came across this thread. Great Stuff!
      Brings to mind one of my favorite quotes ever:

      "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
      Robert F. Kennedy
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi All,

    Sorry for being away for a little but I was without power for a few days because of Irene.

    I'll tell you what, you don't appreciate power until you don't have it, the wife and kids had to stay at her sisters house while I stayed with the power generator alternating between the freezer and the refrigerator.

    Man I know I live in Amish country but I was taking it a bit to far haha

    I have had the chance to update all of my pm's and phone calls to everyone and if I missed you please send me another pm or call.

    I think a lot of you are really over complicating this process.

    When I started, I had a zero guideline other than knowing if people were paying $579 for a 10day newspaper ad they could spend $579 with me online.

    And I also knew my sister in law at the time was a newspaper reporter for the Lancaster Newspaper and she was able to interview anyone just by saying she needed to interview them for the paper so that stuck with me as a way in, just saying I wanted to come out to interview them.

    Then I asked the questions and tried helping them first and by helping them without regard to how I was going to get paid I gained their trust and they felt comfortable with me and bam something magical happend, they would want to work with me because they felt I had their best interests at heart which I did and still do to this day.

    Hope that helps, now stop over thinking this and take action
    You can do this business if you want to do this business,
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ryans
    Michael Ryans
    Profile picture of Michael Ryans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story. I love hearing REAL stories about the struggle that people go through and how they turned their situation around. Good on you!
  • Profile picture of the author Barry Plaskow
    Barry Plaskow
    Profile picture of Barry Plaskow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi john,

    Great story.

    Just shows you, if you make a killer offer to someone and you can show you are credible, you can make money easily offline.

    It's a shame that folk often hit rock bottom before they realize this (you aren't the 1st or last) but when you do, the world is your oyster.

    Thank you for inspiring so many with your honesty.

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi jdon2,

    I don't know what you are talking about, there is no info for sale here. If you are referring to my wso, I have received nothing from you nor did I receive a call.

    Your very first post on the warriorforum is talking about how you weren't impressed with information and that you haven't received a refund.

    That usually don't bode well with a lot of members as this is a forum of contributors that want to genuinely help each other be successful.

    If you give me a transaction id or something more to go on that just your short post that would be helpful.

    I hope you find whatever you are looking for because as unimpressive as you may find the information, that information is exactly how I feed my family and have fed my family for the last 3years.

    I don't know to many people who can say that statement, I am here to help you succeed and if there is something I can help you with to allow you to achieve your dreams I and the rest of this great forum are here to help.

    Plus I don't know to many others who openly give their cell phone numbers and share for free the information that has allowed them to walk away from the grind of a 9 to 5 job for being a stay at home mom/dad.

    If you did get the jobless dad wso, I would reread the information and take action, there are some on this forum who have never purchased my wso but followed this jobless dad thread and are now making more than $7,000/mo just from my free information.

    To your continued success,
    • Profile picture of the author rjhartl
      Profile picture of rjhartl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi folks,

      First I would like to say that I have found this thread to be truly inspiring. From Mr. Spangler's initial post, to the overflow of free and valuable advice given by many throughout this tread... I would just like to say Thank You. I've been truly amazed.

      That being said....I would like to ask you veterans for some advice. My business partner and I are getting ready to implement this plan next week (so nervous), but we are really unsure how to price this. Reading and re-reading this thread I have seen such a crazy range of prices, and frankly, I am not really sure where to start (neither one of us have ever done marketing offline before).

      Without making this too long, I would like to say that I had previously started a computer repair and consulting business. We had only one small business client which we served (setting up their office's network). From the very beginning we low-balled ourselves by over 50% of what other companies charge, and we paid in spades for positioning ourselves so cheap. I NEVER want to do that again. So that brings me here.

      So my question to you is, "How do we position ourselves where we are taken seriously (but without a portfolio)"? Any thoughts? Advice? Concerns?

      Here is a shared Google Document that is a rough estimate of our initial offerings and pricing. Please let me know what you think.
      • Profile picture of the author darrylb
        Profile picture of darrylb
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I've been copying out relevant sections of this thread, and at the end of the fourth page on the posts I'm already at the end of 9 pages of Word doc! I can't begin to tell you how much I've been despairing about offline marketing the last few weeks - I am just awful at cold calling - and this thread is far and away the best I've found here (and I've found other good stuff!). Thank you all! I'm stopping now to try to absorb all of this and I'll be back later to get caught up.

        Thank you again, warriors!
        • Profile picture of the author darrylb
          Profile picture of darrylb
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I've summarized everything so far in this thread into one list. Please take a look at it and make suggestions! Since I have less than 15 posts I had to remove three provided links, unfortunately...

          Offline Marketing Steps, with Interview Questions

          1. Identify businesses
          a. Advertising in the local newspaper
          b. Look for PPC on Google
          c. Yellow Pages or Yellowbook ads
          d. Local coupon magazines
          2. Contact the business and ask for an interview
          a. I'm starting a new local website highlighting local companies and I'd like to interview you.
          b. How is the economy affecting you?
          c. How did you get started?
          d. Why should someone go to you over your competition?
          e. How do you market your business what have you found to be the least successful way of advertising?
          f. What have you found to be the most successful way?
          3. Send the business owner the interview questions before the meeting.
          4. Explain that you just want their story - not selling anything. Ask what they do to market their business.
          a. With a nibble, just thank them for their time and say you would like to share a few tips to help them do better online for agreeing to the interview.
          5. Give them free advice:
          a. How to claim a local Google listing
          b. How to claim a Yahoo listing
          c. Optimizing Title and H1 tags for SEO
          6. Best time to call: Saturday afternoon 1-3 because the owner is often there w/no secretary.
          7. Alternatively, use the business contact form and email for initial contacts if no other way to get there.
          8. Aim for a recurring payment as part of the deal.
          9. Price it well.
          a. Setup fee - $500 or more
          b. Monthly recurring fee - $550 or more
          10. Use FreshBooks for invoicing:
          11. Options:
          a. Facebook fan page/business page -- Take care of their social media interaction
          b. SMS text marketing -- Run text campaigns for them
          c. RMS text marketing -- Run text campaigns for them
          d. Reputation management -- Improve their customer reviews
          e. Mobile websites -- Monthly hosting
          f. Websites -- Monthly Hosting
          g. Email auto-responders -- Sending out periodic email campaigns
          h. Video marketing -- Creation of more videos
          i. Google Places - Get them listed in the 7-pack and then maintain their ranking
          i. Update with videos, 10 photos, special information, keywords in descriptions, and coupon offer
          j. Google Voice
          i. Track your other ad results
          ii. Get a different number for each medium
          k. Global website
          i. Consider using Joomla?
          l. Local site (use the P3 ideas?)
          m. SEO services (maybe outsourced?) -- Get them on 1st Page and keep them there
          i. Check keywords using keywordspy or spyfu or semrush and maybe up-sell additional keywords
          n. Help with posting ads to Craigslist?
          o. As an extra bonus, provide them with leads
          i. Craigslist
          ii. Other?
          12. Follow up with your clients
          a. Regular reports
          b. Up-selling new products as markets open and develop
          13. Appointment setters - ad on Craiglist?
          a. Set a minimum number of appointments per day
          b. Pay as a percentage of sales by appointment?
          If I as an offline consultant have knowledge that WILL help them succeed, I am doing each business owner I DO NOT call an injustice by not giving them the opportunity to grow their business.
          Sure, going in with an interview is not going to make you money, but what you learn about the business IN the interview can make YOU money AND the business owner money. You're not trying to scam people - you are legitimately helping these businesses to succeed.

          Interview Questions:
          1. Tell me a little about yourself:
          2. How long have you been in business and how did you get started?
          3. What is your background information (interesting facts, organizations you're are a member of, inventions, ideas etc.)
          4. Do you have any other businesses that you run?
          5. What is the primary product or service of the business?
          6. How have your built your business/businesses most successfully?
          7. What separates you from your competitors?
          8. What is your philosophy on running a successful business?
          9. How did you develop that philosophy?
          10. What types of marketing strategies do you employ?
          11. How many hours a day do you put into your business and how is this time spent?
          12. What do you love about your business?
          13. What is the most challenging aspect of your business?
          14. What are you most proud of in your business?
          15. Who were your biggest inspirations when you were starting out? Why?
          16. What trends do you see in the industry?
          17. What is your favorite book? Why?
          18. Do you have any mentors or role models?
          19. What advice would you give to entrepreneurs wanting to start a business?
          20. What is a little known fact about you that people would be surprised if they knew?
      • Profile picture of the author TyErickson
        Profile picture of TyErickson
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by rjhartl View Post

        Hi folks,

        First I would like to say that I have found this thread to be truly inspiring. From Mr. Spangler's initial post, to the overflow of free and valuable advice given by many throughout this tread... I would just like to say Thank You. I've been truly amazed.

        That being said....I would like to ask you veterans for some advice. My business partner and I are getting ready to implement this plan next week (so nervous), but we are really unsure how to price this. Reading and re-reading this thread I have seen such a crazy range of prices, and frankly, I am not really sure where to start (neither one of us have ever done marketing offline before).

        Without making this too long, I would like to say that I had previously started a computer repair and consulting business. We had only one small business client which we served (setting up their office's network). From the very beginning we low-balled ourselves by over 50% of what other companies charge, and we paid in spades for positioning ourselves so cheap. I NEVER want to do that again. So that brings me here.

        So my question to you is, "How do we position ourselves where we are taken seriously (but without a portfolio)"? Any thoughts? Advice? Concerns?

        Here is a shared Google Document that is a rough estimate of our initial offerings and pricing. Please let me know what you think.
        Not sure if you plan on sharing this document with prospects or not but you'll have an extremely hard time selling packages like this. Try to leave out all of the technical stuff - they don't care about backlinks, they care about ROI.
  • Profile picture of the author jdon2
    Profile picture of jdon2
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm not sure that my PM went through. Here is the information from my PayPal account:

    Item Title:
    Jobless Dad WSOItem Number:
    Aug 25, 2011Time:
    11:30:12 PDTStatus:
    I hope this will facilitate getting this matter resolved.

  • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
    Profile picture of Ehsan_am
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been doing some high end websites for quite a while however this has always benn occasional work for me. So I decided to go for it and build a real business out of it. My first attempt was a total failure as you can read here

    From Monday I'm going to do it John's style. Wish me luck.
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm working on my business directory listing site now and also created a corresponding fanpage to go along with it. After the holiday weekend it's time to start calling businesses and setting appointments.

  • Profile picture of the author TheGetStartedExpert
    Profile picture of TheGetStartedExpert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It never ceases to amaze me how resourceful we can get when our options are limited. Congratulations on living your dream, John.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was thinking about something. The hardest part for me to implement this or any other offline WSO is starting out. Picking up the phone and calling people. I can mail cards or do a couple of other methods, but, in my case, that's avoidance.

    John nailed it again when he said we're overthinking this. It doesn't matter really the ins and outs of how you implement this, the success is in the implementation.

    And, as I called some businesses, got some interest and some rejection or avoidance, I started to have an aha moment.

    I think it's selfish to not contact these businesses, whether you're afraid to do it, too lazy, or just avoiding it. Especially in an economy like this, but really at any time, a person has put their own money on the line to put open a business that serves others somehow. If I as an offline consultant have knowledge that WILL help them succeed, I am doing each business owner I DO NOT call an injustice by not giving them the opportunity to grow their business.

    Sure, going in with an interview is not going to make you money, but what you learn about the business IN the interview can make YOU money AND the business owner money. You're not trying to scam people - you are legitimately helping these businesses to succeed.

    So, the next time I am nervous about picking up the phone, or looking for the "perfect" way to do this, or just plain being lazy or avoiding calls, I will remember this - I need to give business owners a chance to hear what I can do for them, and to let me help them. To NOT contact as many businesses as I can is not using the knowledge I have, and not sharing that with those who need it.

    Thank you again, John, for this help!

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

  • Profile picture of the author angmoore
    Profile picture of angmoore
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That was a great story. We do our church daycare marketing for free and one of the things I have always wanted to do was to go to local business and offer them a free video or some type of blog post promo for the businesses that are near the daycare. Free exposure to them and a way for us to introduce our services. We've put this off for way too long since we ended up getting other clients but I still believe it would bring results. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Angie Moore

  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks folks for the kind words,

    Another option that you can try would be to just call up a specific industry say the dental field or the pizza shops in your area.

    Do a quick lookup if they have or haven't claimed their business on google places and if they haven't then call them up and let them know that google created a website for them but you noticed that they haven't claimed their listing yet.

    You'd like to get their email address to send them info on how they can claim their own listing or if they would rather have professionals do everything for them we can do that as well, either way you really need to claim your listing.

    That works GREAT, then charge them whatever for helping them setup their google places or if they want to do it themselves there are a number of videos on youtube you can send on how to claim your listing.

    Hope that helps, as I have a lot more nuggets that can enable to you to succeed but again nothing happens until you do, meaning take action TODAY!!!

    To your success,
    • Profile picture of the author Steve1776
      Profile picture of Steve1776
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Did you know that Facebook has set up pages like Google places. You can also claim them for the biz owners. I found this out by searching Google for "city restaurants" and saw a Facebook page. At the bottom of the page it says "Business information provided by American Express." That tells me there are thousands of these since I suspect that if they take American Express there is probably a Facebook page already made for them!

      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      Thanks folks for the kind words,

      Another option that you can try would be to just call up a specific industry say the dental field or the pizza shops in your area.

      Do a quick lookup if they have or haven't claimed their business on google places and if they haven't then call them up and let them know that google created a website for them but you noticed that they haven't claimed their listing yet.

      You'd like to get their email address to send them info on how they can claim their own listing or if they would rather have professionals do everything for them we can do that as well, either way you really need to claim your listing.

      That works GREAT, then charge them whatever for helping them setup their google places or if they want to do it themselves there are a number of videos on youtube you can send on how to claim your listing.

      Hope that helps, as I have a lot more nuggets that can enable to you to succeed but again nothing happens until you do, meaning take action TODAY!!!

      To your success,

      You can get anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
      Losers fail and quit. Winners fail until they succeed.
      Indecision is worse than the wrong decision. You can fix a wrong decision, you can't fix indecision.

  • Profile picture of the author yentzu
    Profile picture of yentzu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great story........good on you, great guts, great ideas and a determination, good for you.
  • Profile picture of the author elofmark
    Profile picture of elofmark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    A big heartfelt THANKS for sharing your life, your struggles, your heart and your victories with us. I have bought a number of WSO's on "getting your foot in the door" and your freely offered method here is one of the best I have seen.

    You really hit it right between the eyes when you said "If you are honestly looking for their best interests first - the money will flow." When you can display this kind of passion for helping a struggling business owner, he will be loyal to you for as long as he is in business.

    I wish you and your family the best!

    Stephen Bolin
  • Profile picture of the author Patricia Sphar
    Patricia Sphar
    Profile picture of Patricia Sphar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, you are the epitome of this quote: If necessity is the mother of invention, then audacity is the father of success. Congrats on your courage, commitment and class.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well this ought to be interesting, mmmtasty.

    You have one post since December 2010, and this is what you found the most worthy way to contribute in over nine months?

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author mmmtasty
      Profile picture of mmmtasty
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Daniel, I'm very sorry if my post offended you. And you have raised a good point.

      It's true that I'm not very active on this site. I'll read a post every now and then. And that fact probably has a negative impact on my trustability factor.

      However, I'd really like to keep this thread positive and not focused on just about me. I only put the offer out there to help. If others find it non-useful or annoying because it's my first post in this forum, I'd be happy to withdraw it.
      • Profile picture of the author Ricky Allen
        Ricky Allen
        Profile picture of Ricky Allen
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well mmmtasty

        The problem I have with your post is that it is just a blatent advertisement for your services.

        This thread is realy about the great success John and others have had so let us keep it that way please.

        Ricky Allen
        • Profile picture of the author mmmtasty
          Profile picture of mmmtasty
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Ricky,

          You're completely right and I agree 100%.

          Lesson learned and the offer is withdrawn.

          I might return and post my own experiences with this method later.

          Thank you for your valuable input.
          • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
            Daniel LaRusso
            Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Don't beat yourself up over it though, I admire you for getting after it. Post your own thread in the Warriors for Hire section, and see what you get.

            My advice is worth what you pay for it, but I'd suggest significantly lowering your prices (see other people's similar offers), and post some portfolio/example websites. Or maybe partner up with somebody who has a WSO or something.

            There's definitely a need for what you can do, so don't give up.


            Originally Posted by mmmtasty View Post

            Hi Ricky,

            You're completely right and I agree 100%.

            Lesson learned and the offer is withdrawn.

            I might return and post my own experiences with this method later.

            Thank you for your valuable input.

            It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
            - Benjamin Franklin

  • Profile picture of the author joefalk
    Profile picture of joefalk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John: Thank you for a great thread! Cheers for sharing your inspiring stories. All the best of luck to you!
  • Profile picture of the author fifersred
    Profile picture of fifersred
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Its about getting the creative juices flowing, coming up with an Idea and then taking action.

    Well done and best of luck going forward
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can get a business directory listing wordpress theme for under $100 and pay someone $20-30 to set it up for you. $500 is way too high.
  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am so excited to see even more people taking John's advice and running with it! I haven't been working the last few weeks, been sick, my gallbladder is messed up I guess.
    I know from experience that this method works!
    I will post more of my experiences with it after my surgery and when I start working again.
  • Profile picture of the author camilopez
    Profile picture of camilopez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks again John for starting this thread!
  • Profile picture of the author vampiro
    Profile picture of vampiro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    hello John,

    thank you for that great inspirational post, i really need it now a days.
    - V - A - M - P - I - R - O -
    • Profile picture of the author khairole
      Profile picture of khairole
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks John for this lovely threads. Now i'm quite confidence to put this into ACTION!

      Just Do it and moved on to the next client..

      All WSO that i have purchased in the past turn into GOLD when i read this awesome threads

      Thank again to all my friend here..

      You're great..

  • Profile picture of the author hangdala
    Profile picture of hangdala
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am at the same point, as yours at your start. Congrat, and yeah, this is the way we must do our Warrior life.
  • Profile picture of the author M Mark
    M Mark
    Profile picture of M Mark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very cool, thank you for all the insights and input with content. Your heart(s) are in the right place God Bless!
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just started calling and using this interview method. I'm calling warm contacts, businesses I have dealt with before and so far the response has been good. I had set 4 appointments and went on one already. The guy is a mechanic a just signed a year contract with yellowbook for $210/month...ouch. Anyways he's interested in Google places optimization and using me when his yellowbook expires. I have 3 appointments coming up, one with a chiropractor, dentist, and cabinet maker. I'm actually thinking of hiring someone just to call and set appointments. I think after we land out next client that will be the first position we invest in.

    • Profile picture of the author DogBite
      Profile picture of DogBite
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great post thanks for the info.

      I really like how you started without having all your ducks in a row. You took a massive leap over paralysis analysis.

      We hear the familiar word of many marketers. Just do it. Just get going. Implementation is more important than knowledge.

      Kudos. Thanks for the true case study.
      Stop Feeling Overwhelmed By Money
      And Start Making It Work For You:
  • Profile picture of the author Jerry Williamson
    Jerry Williamson
    Profile picture of Jerry Williamson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    That's a great story. I have a video website that spotlights business people in my network... and I'd LOVE the opportunity to interview you via Skype.

    I am a consultant for the world's largest business networking organization (BNI) so I decided what a better way to promote my clients than to video them and let them offer their solutions to their target market's pains.

    If you would be interested in a short video interview....let me would be an honor to showcase your success.

    Jerry Williamson
  • Profile picture of the author PhilaPM
    Profile picture of PhilaPM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Anyone else doing this interview method? I've found making the calls and meeting with business owners quite easy, however I'm having troubling transitioning from the interview to being able to offer our services. What am I missing or doing wrong? I haven't had one person ask about our services or what it would cost. They are all just interested in the free interview.

  • Profile picture of the author rmc9142
    Profile picture of rmc9142
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Patrick, others with far more experience will probably weigh in, but I'll tell you what's worked for me. I also had a hard time transitioning from the interview to the sale; my first few interviews yielded nothing but clients for my free directory. Realizing that I wasn't going to make any money with that, I knew I needed a better game plan.

    Generally during an interview, I make sure to point out that while there are a TON of outlets competing for their advertising dollars, there are also several FREE tools that should be taken advantage of. So, if I ever leave an interview without segueing into my pitch, I go back a couple of days later with a printout of their summary. Along the top of the printout, I handwrite a note (with my contact info) saying that these are the free tools that I was referring to and that they should give me a call if they needed any help implementing them. I've had a few clients call me with just some general questions, but I've had far more calling to ask me to just do it for them.

    Hopefully, I'll get to the point where I can close during the interview every time, negating the need for this extra step. But, it works when the occasional need arises.

    Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author mike3188
    Profile picture of mike3188
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks buddy
  • Profile picture of the author mike3188
    Profile picture of mike3188
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    great story
  • Profile picture of the author ameerulislam10
    Profile picture of ameerulislam10
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What an inspiring story John, I wanted to hit thanks button 100 times for this but I can do it only once here .
  • Profile picture of the author MikesWebShow
    Profile picture of MikesWebShow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That was a heartwarming story.

    I guess no matter how difficult the circumstances there will always be people able to get back up when they are knocked down.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Profile picture of the author MrSDPromo
    Profile picture of MrSDPromo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is the most inspiring post I've seen on WF thus far! WOW, great info. Time to get it started!
    Jake Widmer
  • Profile picture of the author mixhat
    Profile picture of mixhat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks for the information is very usefull
  • Profile picture of the author johnsmart
    Profile picture of johnsmart
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I envy you. Keep up the good work.

    Methods I Use To Average Over $10,000 Per Month On A Minimum Budget!

  • Profile picture of the author umarwaqas789
    Profile picture of umarwaqas789
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.
  • Profile picture of the author univesalexcuses
    Profile picture of univesalexcuses
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can you provide us with an example of the contracts that you use?
    Furthermore, do you host the mobile websites for your customers?
  • Profile picture of the author apolwar
    Profile picture of apolwar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sir, your story is truly inspiring. I hope I can attain what you have in the online business.

    Thank you for sharing.
    • Profile picture of the author sownsow
      Profile picture of sownsow
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I too agree that this was an incredible story and also a phenomenal strategy that a person can use and go out there and implement right away.

      As much as I have read and watched over the last two weeks about Offline I'm surprised I hadn't already come across this article.

      There's a lot of things that hide right under your nose here on WF. I just wanted to thank you for writing this and I'm also glad that you got out of the situation you were in prior to making the 'decision' that you were going to make offline marketing work for you in a big way!
  • Profile picture of the author abubakar89
    Profile picture of abubakar89
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just read till your first week ...... Bookmarked the url going to read rest of it later on

    I would say only one word for your first week, "awesome"
  • Profile picture of the author Samway
    Profile picture of Samway
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You hit something in me with that post I tell you! I feel that I am ready to go again! Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Brands
    Richard Brands
    Profile picture of Richard Brands
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great story, Thanks for share. Me too thinking to do the same work. Ur post will surely help me to achieve my goal. Wish me luck!
  • Profile picture of the author JerryKuzma
    Profile picture of JerryKuzma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very encouraging mate.....thanks for being so open about your adventure.

    There has been such a heated debate about whether beginners should GIVE AWAY sites or places setup or whatever, and hope for some reciprocal business out of it, OR, charge for everything even if it means less sales......

    With my first offline client, we struck up a bartering deal, and I decided to WAY over-deliver.....and he came back to me with a referral.

    I didn't GIVE away the services (website design, youtube video, 2 google places listings, a few backlinks), but the bartering made it easier for him to swallow, since no actual cash changed hands....

    and when he saw the amount of work I did on my end, he was glad to give me a least it was a start.

    Does anyone else have a similar bartering story?

    Thanks, Jerry k
    N Ireland

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  • Profile picture of the author juice
    Profile picture of juice
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Way to think outside of the box from the jump! The newspaper ad dollars
    comparison was pure genius!

    Thanks for sharing.


  • Profile picture of the author annemarieb
    Profile picture of annemarieb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What about doing a video interview with the owner? Do you think it would fly? Then posting interview on my youtube channel. Any thoughts?
    • Profile picture of the author rjhartl
      Profile picture of rjhartl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Annemarie,

      My partner and I are doing this and it's going REALLY well! We've already filmed 4 interviews and are working on the editing now. If you want to PM me I'll send you our youtube channel and you can see what we're up to.
  • Profile picture of the author annemarieb
    Profile picture of annemarieb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Btw...Thanks to everyone for contributing to this incredible thread! I'm so inspired! )
  • Profile picture of the author RyanLB
    Profile picture of RyanLB
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great and inspiring story. Sort of reminds me of myself in some aspcts except I do all of my work online .

    Good to see you were able to pull yourself out of that situation.

    I'm a Freelance Copywriter that helps Agencies, Startups and Businesses Educate Their Audience and Grow Sales
    Skype Me: r.boze
  • Profile picture of the author Dr.Aljonaid
    Profile picture of Dr.Aljonaid
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    With no doubts, very inspiring story and an eye opener. I've been doing offline and online business for over 15 years now. Your story is full of useful lessons that can be applies in many different ways and in many different niches and markets.

    Thank you and wish you the best luck.

    Dr. Aljonaid
    Innovational Marketing
  • Profile picture of the author twocolor
    Profile picture of twocolor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi John,

    You are paying it forward. I remember your story and am grateful for all your inspiration and information and am so excited to hear of your great success! You had faith and you took action!

    Some of us keep buying the latest offer hoping to find the "magic bullet" and here you are giving so much information for free. I have bought so many offers that fall short.

    I am a baby boomer and care giver for my 87 year old mother so getting out is challenging for me and so I have to set aside certain days to do this. Calling for an interview is not calling in hopes of selling and once you get the appointment you can start building a close relationship so I see this working.

    I appreciate you and all the warriors who share so much. If I had been paying more attention and following more marketing discussions I would not have been spending so much to get informaiton that is lacking. I must add that there are some warriors that provide exceptional offers and am I grateful for them as well.

    I wish you continued health, joy and success!

    God bless!

    • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
      Profile picture of JohnSpangler
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Sonia,

      You are truly paying it forward as well.

      I had sent you a few pm's but really everything to be successful is laid out here is this post.

      Contact the businesses by offering to interview them (use the holiday angle this time of year and you will be blown away at how easy talking to the business owner is b/c they love talking about their business).

      2nd is when you are interviewing the business owners you can find out how they are doing their business, ask if they have checked to make sure they have claimed their business in google yahoo and bing. If they have claimed their business are they using google places as effectively as they can by providing coupons or pictures or videos etc.

      Ask if they ask for referrals and if so do they have copies that you can add to their google places review.

      Then ask if they have a facebook fanpage or a youtube channel for capturing testimonials etc.

      You get the idea, we are internet marketers and the ideas that we know and hear every day we take for granted that these business owners know the same thing as we do and they do not know these things even in 2011.

      You need to empathize with them and help them understand how this will help get more business because in the end no matter how many pages they rank 1st in google etc if they aren't getting business they won't be happy.

      Your skill is greatly needed today more than ever, these business are looking to capitalize on the Christmas season and we can help them, remember to give first and they will think WOW, if they are giving me this much stuff for free I wonder what they'll do when I hire them.

      If you are just looking at them as a dollar sign without regard to how you can help their business they will see right thru you because that is what the yellowpage guy/gal is doing - this can be your unique selling proposition.

      In fact I mention that I can do all kinds of cool stuff on the web but really mister/mrs business owner at the end of the day all you really care about is more paying clients correct- their response is yes.

      Well that's what I truly specialize in, getting paying clients to your business.

      To your success,
  • Profile picture of the author MaryKathan
    Profile picture of MaryKathan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your great post. Congratulations on your success - I am very impressed the way you created opportunities when your back was against the wall (and continue to do good now). I am sure your kids love it that you are able to spend the extra time with them. Awesome.
  • Profile picture of the author iamnotfrankkern
    Profile picture of iamnotfrankkern
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very inspiring. Thanks John!
  • Profile picture of the author NiagaraLocal
    Profile picture of NiagaraLocal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Same boat different paddle. I thought my boat was sinking and I was done, but you just made me realize that it was a bit of water coming over the side. Thanks for the post.
  • Profile picture of the author connor1975
    Profile picture of connor1975
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    my Favorited post.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Folks,

    I apologize as I haven't been on the post as much as I would have liked as I have recently
    closed on a large deal worth a significant sum all by taking action.

    This deal is in addition to my existing SEO work that I am doing for my offline clients, getting yourself out in the marketplace and talking to companies and openly giving of your talents is incredibly powerful.

    These businesses don't have to the time or energy to do the work, you can share with them all of your secrets, seriously, all of them and they still won't take action because they are to wrapped up in their own business but you will have laid the ground work down for them to hire you to do the services for them.

    The last year was my best year I have EVER had in my life financially, I don't say that to brag, I say that to inspire you to take action.

    Just do something, make a video for a company using animoto, setup an email campaign for a dentist, help a business claim their google listing.

    The google listing angle is HUGE right now because the review sites are taking up a serious amount of virtual real estate and these businesses know this and don't know what to do, that's where you can come in to help.

    Folks, there is literally gold out there, this is way better than buying a lottery ticket, if you have some automated tools that you can use such as places scout or power leads pro use them but if not then manually go thru google and find out if they have claimed their business.

    Make 2012 the best year you have ever had, I know it will be mine.

    The future is now, take action today, right now, stop reading and call a business or send out an email, you owe it to the business and yourself to make 2012 your year

    To your success,
    • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
      Profile picture of RentItNow
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      Hi Folks,
      The last year was my best year I have EVER had in my life financially, I don't say that to brag, I say that to inspire you to take action.
      The future is now, take action today, right now, stop reading and call a business or send out an email, you owe it to the business and yourself to make 2012 your year

      To your success,
      Must be the year of the John's. Very good year here too from taking action. Not reading but doing. Helping people. Learning things that are simple to me but amaze business owners.

      My wife may lose her job soon and it is once again, a do or die situation for us. I love the pressure!

      Congrats, John.
      I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
  • Profile picture of the author AZ-439
    Profile picture of AZ-439
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, I'm not sure why it took me so long to discover your post, but I'm thankful that I did! Just wanted you to know that it inspired me, and my business partner. We both have a printed copy posted next to our machines when we work, and can re-read it whenever for additional motivation! Your post is probably in the top 5 that I have ever read, including war room material. Thank you very much John! Keep up the great work!
  • Profile picture of the author jRad
    Profile picture of jRad
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So, did you design ONE site that hosts ALL these business ads on that one website?

    Or did you contact these companies that didn't have websites, and simply asked for an interview to make a SINGLE site for their company?
  • Profile picture of the author positivemagic
    Profile picture of positivemagic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

    I don't know if many of you remember me or not, doesn't really matter but 3 years ago I had been laid off from my corporate job and since I was doing contract work I wasn't able to collect unemployment.

    I was faced with having to pay a mortgage and had no money left, not even for a single wso, lord knows I had purchased enough wso's that I finally had to put my mouth were my knowledge was and swallow my pride and gulp actually apply what I had learned from the warriorforum.

    I then wanted to give back to the forum that had allowed me to work from home and start my offline marketing career by posting the exact process I had used to accumulate almost 21k in less than 19 weeks.

    I explained how I had read David Cavanagh's free thread where he spoke about just putting our online knowledge to work by actually going out and talking to local businesses.

    So I did just that, 3 years ago, with no money I took the biggest gamble of my life and with no prospects of a job in sight I put my 2 kids in to daycare (my 3rd was in 4th grade at the time, so didn't need to worry about that) where I had no money to pay for my mortgage let alone the daycare but I knew I had 2 weeks to pay the daycare bill.

    So the first week I identified businesses who were advertising in the local newspaper. I then called up the newspaper and asked how much their smallest size ad that wasn't a classified ad would cost and they told me their smallest ad was a business card size ad that would cost $579 and would run for 10 days.

    Well I thought if these businesses were paying at least $579 for 10 days they could pay me $579 for a year of helping them on the internet.

    So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.

    Bingo, I had close to an 80% success rate of talking to these businesses and I would go so far as to send them the questions ahead of time so they had time to prepare for my interview- these businesses loved talking about themselves especially having the interview questions in their hands ahead of time.

    Now a number of them said that they weren't going to buy anything and I said that's fine I just want to get their story and part of the interviewing was asking them what they do to market their business and boy did that open up pandora's box, they let me know how their marketing was working and some of these companies didn't have a website etc.

    So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.

    And at the end they would say well can you do that for me and if so how much-cha ching.

    This is a win/win since you already know that they are paying for advertising you know that they will pay for your services, the very first week I closed 3 clients at $579 so I did $1737 my very first week!!!

    Now the thing is I didn't over analyze this and wonder how this wasn't going to work or that I didn't have a bank account or that I didn't have every duck in a row and t and i crossed and dotted I just took ACTION.

    No big secret there but actually picking up the phone on a Saturday early afternoon (big secret - that is a great time to call local businesses because the owner is usually there and no secretary since it's the weekend and the owner will be the person usually picking up the phone) and calling local companies that had ads in the local newspaper asking them if I can interview them for a local website that I was building to highlight local businesses.

    I set up something like 6 or 7 interviews and closed 3 and continued into the next week and the week after, and I was able to pay my mortgage and daycare and have some scratch left over as well.

    Here it is 3 years later and I have been truly blessed, there are a number of great offline wso's and folks offering their different slants on this area saying how they've had success after 3 months or 6months etc, well having been doing this full time now for what will be my 4th year I can share some additional insights that if I were to start over again this is what I would do know what I know now versus then.

    The number one thing I would have done differently from the start was to setup a monthly recurring payment.

    I honestly didn't think someone would pay me $300 a month but I did have the confidence that they would pay me $579 a year since they were already doing that with the newspaper.

    Knowing what I know now, that was just a confidence issue on my part since I had never done offline consulting before and I didn't have enough confidence to ask for a monthly fee - now I don't take anything less than $550/mo plus a min of a $500 setup fee or more so I walk out with at least $1k plus per sale and I have the residual monthly income coming in so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder wondering where my next dollar is going to come from-huge nugget there.

    I realized about 6 months into the offline market that if I didn't change to a recurring billing model I was going to be out of work soon and I wasn't going to be helping anyone and I'd have to go back to looking for a job.

    So I again swallowed my pride and I started off by charging at the time $197/mo with no start up fee and then I kept raising that price to where I am now plus a startup fee.

    A useful website that I learned from the kid who mowed our lawns was a site called freshbooks because before freshbooks I am ashamed to say but I had basically hand written invoices and freshbooks came along and created very professional invoices and could also setup residual payments which was huge!!!

    I wish I would've known about freshbooks earlier in the game but that website is the site I still use to this very day for all of my invoices and monthly billing.

    Plus at tax time the site makes getting all of your info for your accountant super easy at least for me I thought so, which is another area that not to many people talk about and that is your expenses.

    I kept track of everything and freshbooks gives you an area to store all of that information for you, now I am not an accountant or anything I am just sharing with you what I found to be helpful.

    Another area I find really going to explode because this has for me and that is creating facebook fan pages. I keep upselling my existing clients which you should be to and that is stay in contact with your clients and let them know of other services that you offer because they will want to continue to buy from you if you deliver.

    Now I don't want to say I make 8 billion dollars in offline marketing but my wife and I along with our kids are very blessed and we can't imagine having our lives any other way because I am still a stay at home dad and I get to be at home when the kids come home from school or like Friday I took the day to go to Hersheypark which is a local amusement park and had a great time with them because they are only young for so long.

    You see all these ads for the latest wso and the newest technique but really it all boils down to action, these business owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first the money will follow.

    You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire.

    These businesses are hurting right now and many of them still don't have a website, you can really help them, one of my clients before I "interviewed" him and he swore by the way that he wasn't going to buy anything from me, ended up having me develop a website for him which here 3 years later, he did over $25k online, which is a big part of his income because now he doesn't have to rely solely on the local economy.

    He opened his business up to the world, so going from no website to doing over $25k gross last month is HUGE!!!

    Now would he have eventually developed a website, I don't know, probably, but nothing happens until you do, so hopefully this will motivate you to pick up the phone and start talking to businesses.

    They won't bite and guess what all those wso's that say you don't have to cold call or you don't have to meet in person etc do they work yes and yes I have tried them and I have been successful but to me, nothing beats getting on the phone and setting up an in person interview because I can setup an interview for tomorrow and walk out with a check in hand.

    With this economy May was my best month ever and June beat May and I just hired my first office manager and will be hiring 2 sales people to help me but the point is since the economy isn't so great, these local companies are looking for alternative ways to advertise and online marketing is right up there at the top of the list.

    The internet isn't going away and all these google updates and farmer and panda whatever help aid me into helping these businesses understand that they need someone monthly to help their business since google is constantly changing you can help them weather the storm.

    You can do this business and you don't need another wso or phone script or anything else for that matter, just pick up the phone and ask them if you could set up an interview with them because you were looking to do an interest story on local businesses and how they are dealing with this economy.

    You will get interviews and then just ask them about their business, how did you get started, why should someone go to you over your competition, how do you market your business what have you found to be the least successful way of advertising, what have you found to be the most successful way etc.

    Just have a conversation with them and they will warm up to you and then help them by giving them information that yes, you normally would charge for but since they won't know how to apply 99% of it, the knowledge you share with them will help build confidence in them that you will be able to help them market their business online.

    Hopefully this has helped because I do go on the wf, maybe not as much as I used to because I am busy with my clients but I wanted to take some time to share some random thoughts from someone who is actually in the trenches so to speak an actually working with offline businesses every day.

    To your success,

    Wow! Great job on this! That's not luck, that is using your noggin'. You deserve the success! Keep up the great work!

    Isabella Fiorentino
    PRO Online Marketer

    Ps. What if instead of hunting people down until they begged you to stop... pre-qualified prospects actually sought you out and asked you what you do and how you do it? Click here.

  • Profile picture of the author saggsee
    Profile picture of saggsee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That Sir is by far the best information I have ever read. Thank you. It is late on a Friday night and to be sure I shall be buying my local newspaper tomorrow.
  • Profile picture of the author Smilix
    Profile picture of Smilix
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am not one who enjoys pressure. But, pressure helps you to stay motivated.

    May we all see the success we long for, and work for.
  • Profile picture of the author Tessa Holmes
    Tessa Holmes
    Profile picture of Tessa Holmes
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Amazing post. Thank you, JohnSpangler and many others who shared their stories. It sounds really inspiring. I am working on another project now, but reading this story helps me to remember basic thing - "business owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first the money will follow." This is so true. Thank you again for a great post.
  • Profile picture of the author sabreena
    Profile picture of sabreena
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Much appreciated and great story... great
  • Profile picture of the author RichardDin
    Profile picture of RichardDin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's all about how to take right actions. Nice post!
    Signature domain is for sale. Contact me in PM for questions.
  • Profile picture of the author wayne nunn
    wayne nunn
    Profile picture of wayne nunn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wonderful plan and advise. I don't think I will be buying any more wso offline marketing material. You've answer all the questions and given me the keys to the mint.

  • Profile picture of the author BillBert
    Profile picture of BillBert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, first off, what a great success story, thank you for sharing.

    I am sure you may have already answered this question, and I don't feel like scouring through all the posts to find out. So here is my question.

    Did you ever do a website to publish the interviews? If not, have any of your clients asked you about it?
    Do You Need a Cost Effective way of reaching out to your offline clients or prospects?

    Feel free to contact me directly and I will give you the details!
    • Profile picture of the author redbaron13
      Profile picture of redbaron13
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BillBert View Post

      John, first off, what a great success story, thank you for sharing.

      I am sure you may have already answered this question, and I don't feel like scouring through all the posts to find out. So here is my question.

      Did you ever do a website to publish the interviews? If not, have any of your clients asked you about it?

      Yes, and he gives the deatails in a much earlier post. I don't know exactly which page, but I am pretty sure it is within the first 2 pages.
  • Profile picture of the author Clandog
    Profile picture of Clandog
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you so much for your post... i really would like to speak with you as I have a ton of reports, ebook material and plugins that are sitting collecting dust. I am not into internet marketing nor do I want to be pulled into it... I am the person that does most of the backend work and support acting as project manager to many companies. If you have the time or would like to, please skype me and lets talk about you having the rights to my products.

    Many thanks
  • Profile picture of the author busterbuzz
    Profile picture of busterbuzz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi guys, Finally took action and cold called for 2 hours today, I have to call back 5 of the businesses tomorrow/friday to get a hold of the owner. Also I have 3 meetings! 2 tomorrow and 1 tuesday. Thing is, they all have websites!

    Bistro Comme par Hasard, 244 rue Saint-Charles, Vieux-Longueuil, Qc

    I am not too sure where to go from here, they all have google places ( I have no idea if its claimed or not claimed) etc. What should I share with them? Sorry I just dont know where to go from here
    • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
      Profile picture of AppsFromHome
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Buster!

      First of all...congrats!

      You sound like you know what you're doing getting 3 meetings scheduled.

      You don't have to have a clear cut "pitch" going into the meeting. In fact, if you are using the "interview" process just keep it open and casual. The trick is to uncover their needs....the most valuable information you can gather is what keeps the business owner up at night. Then, you can become the knight in shining armor that has the solution.

      I see that these are mainly restaurants you are targeting. Maybe the business owner is having a difficult time getting people in the door for his happy hour specials. That's something a SMS campaign could help with by letting his customers know about drink specials, half off apps, etc....

      After briefly checking out the websites, it doesn't look like there is an opt in box anywhere or any type of call to action to entice customers to join their list. You could implement an e-mail marketing campaign to build more customer loyalty.

      These are just a few ideas, but the main point being that you will learn about the business owner and what they need. Then, you can be the solution to his problem. Good luck and keep us posted!
      • Profile picture of the author busterbuzz
        Profile picture of busterbuzz
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I am 18 so I basically made a little twist to this method, instead of being a journalist I am doing an interview for a school project! Maybe thats why I had relatively good success in scheduling meetings .

        and Thanks SDot! The sms campaigns did not come to my mind, I noticed that they didn not have a facebook fanpage, should I mention this to them? Oh and how do I see if the google places page is claimed or if it is unclaimed?

        Again, Thanks so much!
  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    Profile picture of AppsFromHome
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know a lot of other Warriors have posted the site on this thread, but it's called

    You'll be able to see if their Google Places page has been claimed.

    And absolutely, if they're not on social media yet they need to be....
  • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
    Profile picture of bobmcalister
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    BusterBuzz....congrats ! you have taken the first big step ! use your age and status as a benefit, and continue along with the to them about how when and did they ______? When did they feel successful in their field..and why ?
    just talk to wont have to ask too many questions to get them talking. Take along your video camera and make a short 3 minute video of them introducing their business etc.
    If you have access to a young lady ( assuming you are not one ) think about taking one with you ...the younger the better since a 13 year old of either sex who is taking on a project is almost a lay down buy from the owner.
    good work !!
    ask questions like :
    what to they enjoy MOST about their business? What they enjoy the LEAST? those kind of questions...

    just looked at the sites...and the only one, to me, that is easily navigated is Carmine's...the others are lack luster and do not invite the visitor to 'participate'. ASK the owners of the other sites how they LIKE the navigation or ease of use..and what they are attempting to accomplish with the site.

    be excited and in joy ! just be yourself...things will work out fine.

    free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

  • Profile picture of the author busterbuzz
    Profile picture of busterbuzz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for the site Sdot!

    To bob, unfortunately I have no girl to come with me ;/ and thanks for the input, i'll keep those questions in mind =).

    Now im browsing odesk to find employees for the various tasks/services I *hope* to get!
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Profile picture of RedShifted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thing I've never understood about selling google places is what you do when you find out you can't rank every single business.
    What exactly are you guys selling? Just that you will claim their listing and set it up for them? Do you explain optimization and the fact that there is no guarantee their listing will rank?

    Thats whats always prevented me from trying to sell google places or other web work is I feel you have to be good enough to get awesome results, and if you can't do that, you're essentially just taking business's money.

    Now I dont have any problems with taking money. My problem comes with when these people start calling me up saying "hey, your listing isn't bringing us any business.. you can cancel our membership".

    I know of course I'm looking for problems, and some say not to even worry about that. But really, if you want to run a long term business in this area seems you need to be able to guarantee something other than have a random listing on google.

    What do you guys guarantee? That the business's will just have a confirmed/optimized listing? Do you then go and make 5 videos for each business? Get their listings backlins/citations?

    Because in that regard, for 1 person to do a lot of business's, it doesn't even seem plausible. Maybe I just don't understand the entire process irdk.
  • Profile picture of the author BlogDiva
    Profile picture of BlogDiva
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    OMG...I am so glad I ran across this thread today. I had setup an exact type of website to gain more customers and I NEVER used it as I planned. The domain just expired so I will be renewing it ASAP!!
    I am soon going to be losing an income that was helping me tremendously and I didn't know what I was going to do with my marketing company but after reading this, I am going to get my buttocks moving this week and start booking some interviews and closing some deals.

  • Profile picture of the author dmister
    Profile picture of dmister
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, this is a fantastic thread that has some very good information within it and best of all encourages people to just take action and do something.

    I do have a couple of questions though but I get the basic idea and will just start calling local businesses with newspaper ads anyway.

    1) When you conduct the interviews do you simply ask the questions, probe into their marketing and then simply say I can offer these services if you don`t want to/know how to do them? Or do they normally ask you?

    2) Do you normally record the interviews or part of them and put on a local site?

    3) Could you simply say you run a local directory site and would love to feature their business and you would like to interview them. This seems good as they would always be looking for extra exposure and a listing on a local directory would be beneficial to them but will also let you sell other services like web design.

    Thanks anyway for one of the best threads I have found on the Warrior forum and I will definitely keep checking back on it!


  • Profile picture of the author Ferma231
    Profile picture of Ferma231
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    WOW this is really inspiring, Thank you for this post
  • Profile picture of the author BlogDiva
    Profile picture of BlogDiva
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm getting everything in order now so that I can start this process AGAIN! The first time I didn't do what I was suppose to do but after reading John post I'm going to do it and do it well
    I've decide to use Elegant Themes E-List theme to feature the businesses.
    You can see it here:

    I will do a little customization to it but I think it's perfect for what John has suggested to do. I plan to have everything up and running by April 30th! I will come back to post my progress
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi All,

    Sorry for the long delay, I really appreciate everyone's comments and follow ups on this thread.


    You all are doing great, Mark, glad to hear you're doing well buddy!!!

    I get a number of pm's and I try to answer them all but someone sent me an email and that seems to be a recurring question so I thought I would post the question here with my answer, hope this helps.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, I had some questions for you on how you started;

    Did you know much about what services to offer?
    Did you do everything yourself or outsource?
    I want to do something similar to you but I'm so confused as to where to start. I don't have a problem going out and talking with business owners I just need people to do the outsourcing. My time is better spent in front of clients. That being said I've been asking for people to do my outsourcing of web sites, SEO Facebook etc etc but I get mixed responses and for me it's a question of trust.

    I would appreciate some advise from someone who has been there and done that?

    Best regards

    My answer back is

    Great questions, first when I started I didn't have a clue what I was doing, seriously, I had no clue, my idea was finding businesses who were advertising in the newspaper because in my area that is a dying advertising medium.

    In fact our area when from an morning and afternoon edition to just a morning edition.

    I then called the newspaper and found out that the smallest ad was a business card size ad that ran for 10 days for $579.

    So I knew that these businesses were at least paying $579 for just a 10 day ad so they could pay me $579 for a year of internet advertising( I charge way more and I charge monthly now.) but that was my original idea.

    What I offered was to help them get their business listed in the different SE's such as google yahoo and bing for their places account ie google places etc.

    Then I would help develop some videos and also optimize their site to get on the first page of google for their specific keywords.

    I really didn't go to deep into what I provided because I would say that I could explain how you get electricity to give you light or I could just click a switch and you'd have light.

    Same with what I do, I can explain all the ends and outs and that is fine and I can do that but ultimately mister/mrs soon to be client you just care about getting more paying customers right?

    They'd shake their heads right and then I'd walk out with a check.

    Hope that helps,

    Good luck,
  • Profile picture of the author cnagaraj
    Profile picture of cnagaraj
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Awesome strategy!!! Should definitely be part of your arsenal.
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Profile picture of celente
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi john.....first of all great thread. We have used some of these strategies before.

    I have a few questions if you dont mind.

    1) When you get a client do you try to suss out what he needs the most and what price you should charge also?

    2) I really want to know where you outsource you online stuff, do you use elance, odesk, do this yourself or hire actual staff who can do this for you.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    Profile picture of HAdrian1239
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just wanted to make a quick post and let you know I've been following this thread very closely.

    I'm kind of in a crazy, nearly losing my shirt financial situation due to some deadbeat clients that I am going to have to go after in small claims court... BUT... that is not why I am posting...

    I am posting to give yet another affirmation that this technique works. I called my favorite pizza joint tonight, the one that I order from ALL the time... I know all the sales staff in there.

    After I got done with my order, I just said

    Hey, before I go, I have one more question, I'm going to be doing a school project focusing on local business owners and what makes their business unique, do you think that I could come in and interview the owner, that he'd be interested in something like this?

    The response was a resounding yes. If they weren't so busy, they would have had me come in right NOW (at 8 PM)!!! I have a tentative appointment for Tuesday morning, depending on the Owner's new schedule. I'm psyched. It's not like I'm bad with people or on the phone... but other methods of contacting prospects have gotten me nowhere fast... and this one... well, the proof is in the pudding.

    I will update as I make progress... because the truth is, I love $$, but I also am fascinated by these local business owners and WANT to know what makes them tick, what their passions are, and pain points are... and this is the perfect method...

    I've got about 50 calls or more I'll be making tomorrow just to places I frequent in the area that have interested me.
  • Profile picture of the author electronik69
    Profile picture of electronik69
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Even though I have made it clear that I despise cold calling I think this is a great strategy! To all those trying this method DON'T GIVE UP!
    If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative - David Ogilvy
  • Profile picture of the author InTh3Moment
    Profile picture of InTh3Moment
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John and everyone here,

    Thank you for all of the great ideas. For those of you who have been in dire straights I am really glad to see that you were able to make ends meet and pull yourselves out of those situations and then be willing to share your experiences and what worked with people like me.

    I spent the past 8 months or so diving into web design and creating a site for my own local business among other projects. I also was going to market my web design services and kind of gave up before I even started (didn't think I could realistically charge more than $50/month) and reading all of these posts has changed everything for me!

    I am going to get out there and start making the calls on Monday. I just really appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and being open about all of this and providing me with all of this inspiration. Thanks guys.

    And John, I am curious who you recommend with respect to outsourcing, etc. in as broad terms as your comfortable sharing, even if it's not the actual names of people. I can't send PM's yet but feel free to PM me whenever you get a chance, I appreciate it.
  • Profile picture of the author gg282
    Profile picture of gg282
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just finished reading this whole thread. I'm really excited about this because I found an easy way to cold call businesses and offer something of value.

    I am starting to make my list of businesses to call and I see no reason to wait. Feel confident that this will work. If it does there is one thing I am really curious about that is not mentioned to much here... And that is outsourcing.

    For those of you who are already successful with this and have a reoccurring monthly income are you doing the website and SEO marketing work and other tasks yourself or is it being outsourced?

    I'm just wondering if people are leveraging themselves by outsourcing the work and giving up some of the profits or doing all of the marketing work they get and keeping everything earned?
    • Profile picture of the author drees5761
      Profile picture of drees5761
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Just spent the last few hours reading this thread in between doing my normal work and all i can say is there is some fantastic information on here for free, so go on guys use it!
      I do Google Places optimization for a number of Web designers etc but now i am going to phone up businesses and do it myself, cut out the middle man so to speak!
      Couple of questions.
      What sort of updates do you give the clients, is it detailed analysis of what you have been doing and how the places page etc is progressing?
      Do you have set contract? ( i tend to do 3 month rolling contracts)
      Do you do a detail of the ROI the company should get? (reason why using your services will help)
      The only advice i can give from experience is tell the prospective client the benefits he will get, don't get technical as most don't care they just want more sales!
  • Profile picture of the author gapmarketing
    Profile picture of gapmarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello John, I was just pointed here from a webinar by Charles Harper and I do have to say "Boy he was right on" Really informative and what I would term as Awesome, Honest advice.

    Many, many thanks for sharing.

    Kindest Regards,

    Graham Price
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some questions that I answered that I think may be helpful for many of you looking to get into the offline world.

    [QUOTE=Unisons]Saw your thread there John about your offline business plans and I would say SPECTACULAR.

    I have a few queries regarding what you did. I'll really appreciate your time and effort.

    1. I fully understand what you meant by not having a clue what you were doing and went out to find businesses. However when starting out, even if you have landed a client, which outsourcer did you know will do a good work? Did you find your workers/outsourcers before you approached them so you knew what you were able to offer them?

    2. I hold back from approaching large businesses that has a ****ty website because I know if they reject my service(s) and/or the interview to meet up with them, I'm going to lose them forever. Or do you actually contact them again after X days/weeks or something?

    I don't even have a fast laptop with me right now, seems a little hard to go meet up with prospects showing them presentation on a ****ty laptop heh.

    Thanks for your time John!

    1. I didn't outsource right away, I unfortunately was to cheap and didn't understand the benefit of outsourcing and wanted to keep all the profits myself.

    That was very short term thinking because now I have more time to get more clients by outsourcing.

    I get burned quite a bit so I assign work to several people and whoever provides the best work in the shortest period gets more work.

    2. I would contact them and if they say no big deal, there are so many businesses that you are not just restricted to your local area, I have clients all over the country.

    3. I never use a laptop, I would just ask questions about them and what they are trying to do or achieve by talking to me-DO NOT USE A COMPUTER-seriously only bad things can happen if you bring a computer- I know because in the beginning I didn't have any money so I didn't bring a computer.

    Then I had a few dollars so I bought a computer and started taking that on my appointments but my sales actually dropped so I stopped bringing the computer and my sales picked up again.

    I think the owners somehow thought my computer was magical so now if I need a computer or they want to see something I use their computer.

    Hope that helps, to your success,
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Another bit of info that I thought may be helpful because this person contacted me with a situation that was similar to me 4 years ago.....

    Hi (name withheld for privacy)

    I definitely understand and appreciate the kind words and if there is anything I might be able to help you with let me know.

    One bit of advice I would leave with you though is the knowledge that this method does work if you work the method.

    The local businesses really are in desperate need of our services and want/need help.

    YOU can be their beacon of hope by sharing with them your knowledge. Remember to give first without expectation.

    Businesses don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

    If they get a sense that you are just their to "sell" them something, well then, you won't have much success but if you are there as a asset to their business by sharing freely ideas that will potentially generate revenue well you have them hooked.

    For example giving them the idea of simply filming customer testimonials or before and after shots and then uploading them into youtube or making sure they claimed their business listings in google, yahoo and bing.

    Doing a simple google search on their own name and seeing what comes up-sometimes they find really negative reviews that they never even knew existed on sites such as yelp and merchant circle- you can show them how to fix their reviews etc.

    But you get the idea, by first sharing to them your knowledge you gain their trust that you are there to help them and they will want to pay you because something magical happens----

    That is the law of reciprocity - they will see you giving and giving and giving that they will want/almost feel obligated to work with you because you are giving so much.

    Hope that helps, I am here is you need me,
  • Profile picture of the author 10kperday
    Profile picture of 10kperday
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Powerful thread...A couple of questions...during the interview are you actually taking notes when they answer the questions or recording it so it can be transcribed later?

    The only thing I am unclear about is what thee business owners expectation is after the interview is over...especially one that does not result in a sale?

    Are they expecting a link to the story that they were interviewed for?

    That's really the only thing I am not clear about..

    One last thing...and these is for Mark and or the rest of you that outsourced the calling...when you hired the telemarketer where did tell them to go for leads or how were leads provided to them and last but if asked how much time is required for the interview what do you say?

    • Profile picture of the author mrtrance
      Profile picture of mrtrance
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by 10kperday View Post

      Powerful thread...A couple of questions...during the interview are you actually taking notes when they answer the questions or recording it so it can be transcribed later?

      The only thing I am unclear about is what thee business owners expectation is after the interview is over...especially one that does not result in a sale?

      Are they expecting a link to the story that they were interviewed for?

      That's really the only thing I am not clear about..

      One last thing...and these is for Mark and or the rest of you that outsourced the calling...when you hired the telemarketer where did tell them to go for leads or how were leads provided to them and last but if asked how much time is required for the interview what do you say?

      Anyone have any feedback on these questions?

  • Profile picture of the author Teez
    Profile picture of Teez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To help everyone get into the right mindframe of your new role after reading this thread is this amazing video


    My first stab at success is the Nike Air Yeezys this is what made me believe.

    You can't be scared of rejection on the quest to perfection.

  • Profile picture of the author hourstoincome
    Profile picture of hourstoincome
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey everyone , I just want to share a way that I have got the word out about my services recently. I read an article by Martin Buckley that talked about selling LED open signs door to door to small corner stores and businesses. I decided to buy some of them wholesale and I tried selling them like that but had no success. So I decided to list them on Craigslist for $35 each and they started selling well! I listed them under the business section.

    Most folks that are buying an open sign are using it for their new business they just opened and what else do they need to be successful? Marketing!! So before I leave I always try to mention that I own a marketing biz and I give them my card. So far I have got the attention of one possible client. He owns a heating and AC company. I told him about it and he got all excited and said "please email me and let me know what you can do for me!" . I Just emailed him and am waiting for a reply. Bottom line is that the open signs and the marketing services we all offer go hand in hand! Anyway just thought I'd share.

    I am looking for more ways to get clients. I took a look at my local newspaper and there wasn't a whole lot of ads in it unfortunatlely. Any other ideas guys? What has worked well for you?
  • Profile picture of the author rnjonjo
    Profile picture of rnjonjo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

    I explained how I had read David Cavanagh's free thread where he spoke about just putting our online knowledge to work by actually going out and talking to local businesses.

    I know this is an old thread, but did you by any chance mean to say Andrew Cavanagh?

    I know Andrew had a very popular thread about making $1500 in a day or two just by going out and talking to local biz. Unfortunately that thread was deleted.

    I'm asking because I was searching for David's thread to see what kind of nuggets I might mine there...I searched and searched for David's thread but couldn't find it.

    Let me know if this is what you meant...and if not, could you please direct me to David's thread? I would really appreciate it!

    • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
      Charles Harper
      Profile picture of Charles Harper
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by rnjonjo View Post


      I know this is an old thread, but did you by any chance mean to say Andrew Cavanagh?

      I know Andrew had a very popular thread about making $1500 in a day or two just by going out and talking to local biz. Unfortunately that thread was deleted.

      I'm asking because I was searching for David's thread to see what kind of nuggets I might mine there...I searched and searched for David's thread but couldn't find it.

      Let me know if this is what you meant...and if not, could you please direct me to David's thread? I would really appreciate it!

      Andrew now has his own forum, called OfflineBiz which he does with Jim Cockcrum. I believe there is a free trial.

      Spangler, if you see this...Wassup!

  • Profile picture of the author David Cavanagh
    David Cavanagh
    Profile picture of David Cavanagh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I didn't ever see your thread in here, and especially with thanks to me (thank you!).

    I'm glad you're going well, and I'm glad you've taken massive action to get where you are.

    If there's anything I can do for you, please yell out and let me know, okay?

    Work smart, not hard!

    David Cavanagh
  • Profile picture of the author StevenDelong
    Profile picture of StevenDelong
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome success story John! It's true that by just getting out there and talking to business owners about their business will open them up and when you share your knowledge with them it helps create a rapport and they begin to trust you as an expert. Thanks for sharing.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I am truly humbled, thank you all for your kind words.

    Who would have ever thought that some jobless dad could have created a thread to share with started his own business and 4 years later be doing better than he had ever dreamed.

    I don't say that by any means to brag, I hopefully will motivate someone to take action today by going out and talking to a local business.

    This week, because of the success's I have had, I made the single largest investment
    in my business.

    I invested over a significant about of money into my own website network so I wouldn't have to play the google dance, and my clients would reap the rewards.

    Never, and I mean never would I have had the power to make such an investment if I wasn't blessed with working with such fantastic clients.

    CT-WASSSSSUPPP buddy, hope all is going well.

    David- you started this whole ball, I am very thankful for your thread, thank you. You provided the seeds for me to grow this business beyond my wildest dreams.

    If anyone is looking or needs help, David is the go to person in the offline world, I would strongly suggest looking into his work.

    Raul- you are very welcome, thank you for the kind words.

    Steven- That is so true, by giving first you gain not only their confidence but trust that you truly are interested in helping them grow their business.

    Take some kind of action today, i'll be back with some gems to help put money in your pocket today and i mean today.

    Just going out to mow the lawn before it rains-haha
  • Profile picture of the author StewartJ
    Profile picture of StewartJ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow.. this is one truly remarkable story/method. I take my hat off to you John. Being in such a tight spot and bouncing back stronger than ever sure does take "cojones"..
  • Profile picture of the author BrandonMHowe
    Profile picture of BrandonMHowe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you, John Spangler!

    I have no idea why I never read into this until last night. Your method
    is brilliant!

    It's something that I already instinctively knew and I have experience
    interviewing guys in industries related to me... you know, over lunch,
    just to pick their brains... Yet, I never considered interviewing business
    owners and sharing my online knowledge with them as "the way."

    I read this whole thread and the free WSO [the original 2008 thread]
    last night, took a look at what Mark Sumpter has out there, and made
    a plan to take ACTION on what you have showed to be possible and
    in the long run, more profitable for me than just straight cold calling
    with a phone pitch.

    I like this because, really, it eliminates all the pressure for me and I
    know that these techniques are ones that will help me stand apart
    from other guys in my market.

    I went out first thing this morning and got a local classified paper
    which is laden with paid ads [expensive ones] and a standard local

    Now, I'm making my call list and scratching out ads so I can keep
    track of everything and will begin calling shortly!

    I really am going to focus on the Saturday, early afternoon time
    frame tomorrow -- GREAT GOLDEN NUGGET BTW! THANK YOU!

    I'm so freaking pumped about this that I need to get off here now
    and get back to work...

    Just wanted to document the beginning of my new venture.

    My presence in the local market and my income are about to explode...


    Thanks again so, so much for this inspiring thread and to all the
    people who contribute here on the great WF!



    *** Edit ***
    Called: 10
    No Answer: 4
    No Interest: 4
    C/B for owner: 2

    No interviews yet :/

    I'm going to focus my energy into this more tomorrow from 10a-2pm.
    I have a bunch of work to get done this evening, but I really wanted to
    take action this and I do have a feeling that I can get some good
    momentum built up and get it working for me.
  • Profile picture of the author Social Guy
    Social Guy
    Profile picture of Social Guy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    4 year old thread that I was reading from start to finish Thanks for starting it!

    Bookmarking and hope to deliver some results in the future (next 4 years ). I Just started my business and I'm not afraid to approach business so I feel convened enough to follow threw with the things I am doing! This thread just shows you can make it if you take action!
  • Profile picture of the author ebaypowerguru
    Profile picture of ebaypowerguru
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Inspiring post!
    The eBay Power Guru Blog

    Learn How To Be An eBay PowerSeller For Free Today
  • Profile picture of the author offline master
    offline master
    Profile picture of offline master
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I remember seeing this thread when I first started looking into internet marketing. I just thought about it the other day and looked it up. WOW. I just read the whole thing from top to bottom, every page, and am more excited than ever to begin! Thanks John. Is anyone still using this strategy and can show what their directory looks like?
  • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
    Profile picture of RenegadeSC
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi all,

    I know it's been awhile. I've been super busy with client acquisition and trying to fulfill everything. I've received a ton of PM's from people asking what method am I using to get my clients.


    Here's the interesting thing about this method, it's an EASY way in the door. You don't have to worry about gatekeepers...I'm going to tell you a $18,500 story, so keep reading.

    It's such a simple, yet effective way to get to the owner, many are discounting this method because it seems too easy.

    Please don't over complicate this. I use 6 questions for my interview. It's not the number of questions you ask, it's the ease at which you can hold a conversation with the owner and YOUR ability to listen.

    For me, the money question (my last one) is "What kind of marketing strategies do you employ? That question leads to questions about their website, efforts on tracking the marketing and what areas would they like to improve to get more customers?

    I sit back and listen. I LISTEN!

    They will tell you how to sell them on your services. As I told Spangler, the first time it happened - I felt this heighten sense of sound. You know how your dog can hear things you can't? I suddenly could hear loud and clear what they wanted me to sell them.

    It has lead to check after check after check.

    $18,500 deal:

    I cold called a restaurant....purely by accident. The lead was buried inside a list of dentists!

    And I happen to have called in the middle of lunch hour rush. When I asked for the owner by name (first name only seems to work best for me), the bartender indicated he wasn't in and passed me to manager. I accepted and told the manager my reason for the call. She told me she thought it was a good idea and scheduled a time to talk more before I could interview the owner.

    Within 24 hours, I learned that she (manager/gatekeeper) once worked for Houlihans. For those of you who aren't familiar with the restaurant, it's a national chain that get's marketing. They have a text messaging campaign where they offer discounts and specials to those on their list. They call their text messages "Foodie Calls" know like booty calls? Those of you that aren't familiar with booty calls, it's when...never it.

    She got sick of the corporate life and went to work for the small guy. So the idea of getting free advertising was attractive to her because she was tasked with trying to improve their exposure.

    When we scheduled the interview, she asked if I would do interviews for all four....COUNT'EM four restaurants he owned. We talked more about what she did working for Houlihans and how she liked her new gig. We talked about how her life has changed for the better, her sick dog and how she couldn't wait to close on her new house because she was sick of having a curfew while staying with her parents.

    I made her my ally because she made it clear that while the owners didn't get marketing, they knew they needed it and tasked her with the undertaking.

    I asked her to sit in on the interview and she agreed.

    So I used the other five questions to build rapport with the owner and when I asked the last question (mentioned above), you could instantly see the frustration in his face. I asked, "Did I touch a nerve?" She (gatekeeper) hung her head (smiling) and the owner started with how terrible their sites were (I already knew this), we don't have a list of customers, we aren't like Houlihans!

    I'll spare you the rest to say this...I left with a check for $6500 and an agreement of $1000 a month for SEO services. Now, I'm sure many are saying that's cheap for SEO. It was a discount. This owner is well connected and has agreed not only to giving me referrals, but I'm building my very own networking group of local owners with his endorsement. He's allowing me to use his restaurant space for my meetings!

    There is a complete technique that I have employed that brings business owners together and it allows me to be the leader of this group. I've been sending out monthly physical newsletters and we will hold our first event where I'll do a presentation. More about that later.

    It's been a busy time but fun!

    Talk soon,

    • Profile picture of the author sodomojo
      Profile picture of sodomojo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great job renegadesc. Tell me though and spare me looking through a million pages. What do you tell them the purpose of the interview is for and where do you tell them the interview will appear once complete?
      • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
        Profile picture of RenegadeSC
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Tydowns View Post

        Great job renegadesc. Tell me though and spare me looking through a million pages. What do you tell them the purpose of the interview is for and where do you tell them the interview will appear once complete?
        The interview is for a directory site. It will be posted along with other small businesses.

        If you haven't read the thread I encourage it. There's a ton of really great information here.

  • Profile picture of the author BrandonMHowe
    Profile picture of BrandonMHowe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great story Mark!

    I have the big list of questions John put out previously,
    but I'd be interested to see the other 5 you use for
    your interviews.

    I got your PM and will respond after a few more posts!
  • Profile picture of the author AppsFromHome
    Profile picture of AppsFromHome
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been following everyone's stories, especially John and Mark, over the months and there is a lot to learn.

    I am a huge proponent of "pull" marketing rather than push. Instead of pitching hard and spending fortunes on direct mailing, just going in to speak with a business owner to give them free publicity will do wonders for a business.

    Not to mention, you're building a valuable asset in a review website or directory where the business is being featured.

    It really is a win/win strategy.
  • Profile picture of the author colorado1850
    Profile picture of colorado1850
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That is a really inspirational read. My biggest stumbling block to getting going with offline is that i still have my day job . It's hard to break free. But I really got a lot out of your post and how to approach businesses.
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by colorado1850 View Post

      That is a really inspirational read. My biggest stumbling block to getting going with offline is that i still have my day job . It's hard to break free. But I really got a lot out of your post and how to approach businesses.
      I completely understand. I'm coaching someone as we speak who has a full time job. I would tell you to look at niches or businesses where you can schedule the interview before work or after.

      Make calls and schedule you interviews on your days off. Just don't schedule them too far out as owners forget or things come up and they'll want to cancel.

      • Profile picture of the author colorado1850
        Profile picture of colorado1850
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks for the advice, Mark. You and John are truly great teachers.
        • Profile picture of the author Red Kaiser
          Red Kaiser
          Profile picture of Red Kaiser
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I want to thank both Mark and John for sharing their inspiring stories, taking the time off their busy schedules to answer our questions and achieving success on their own.

          I'm about to embark on a journey of my own, and it wouldn't have been possible without the help of this offline forum. But especially the original story I read from John. In fact I just come here to post thanks. I just got off the phone from a cold call I just made, offering my online business directory model. My mistake was telling him the price as soon as he asked for it, before I heard "Oh for the love of...." from him and hanged up on me.

          I won't give up though.

          After this post I'm going to hit the phone all day in search of selling my first listing at $500 per year (Their updated business info + I'll go to their place of business and take pics of the place), the same price my local leading newspaper charges per month for 3 lines of black and white text.

          There are over 130,000 businesses in my city right now, so I'm aiming to get at least 200 businesses listed by the end of the year. For every person who says no there will be 10 who will say yes. I mean I'm really motivated right now. But I couldn't contain my excitement and I just had to post in the thread that started it all for me.

          My site is done, engaging content is up and I just listed a friend of mine there so the directory isn't completely empty. I just need to start calling and finding the businesses who need the value I will provide for their businesses.

          I do have a question for John, how is your business going right now? I would really appreciate an update, however small, to let us know how you're doing right now. Are you doing something else on the side? I'm just curious is all.
  • Profile picture of the author omega_one
    Profile picture of omega_one
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It seems to me that losing your corporate job is the best thing that happened to you.

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.
  • Profile picture of the author kbreezy
    Profile picture of kbreezy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Once you hit rock bottom (Not saying you did) all you can do is move up. This was the perfect example. You then took action and now its paying off very well. Congrats.
    • Profile picture of the author Johnsonaf
      Profile picture of Johnsonaf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thank you John and all the Members who have contributed to this thread,

      It has given me the push to take action,

      surely will post my progress

      "Think like a Man of Action - Henri Bergson"

      Thank You very much John
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I am truly blessed, having the jobless dad get this many hits and views is incredible. Thank you all.

    Moving forward into 2013 now is the best time to review the year and make your plans for your business moving forward.

    Since I started working for myself almost 5years ago many things have changed but one thing has definitely stayed the same and that is these local business owners need our help.

    They need someone with direction because they are getting calls every single day telling them about their website, their seo, their landing pages, these calls and constant and never ending.

    You need to be different, you need to make things simple. Look there is a fantastic website if you don't already know of it called Ted Talks found at

    They have some of the brightest mings sharing their thoughts, hopes, dreams and insights.

    You would do well to listen to some of these discussions such as why Apple has done so well but TiVo hasn't or what is the best way to open a talk with a business owner etc.

    Please, do yourself a favor and watch Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | Video on
    • Profile picture of the author BlogDiva
      Profile picture of BlogDiva
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey John,
      I am actually headed out now to an appointment that was set using your strategy. I have an appointment setter helping me out and this is the first one she has been able to set. Many businesses turned down the offer to be featured on our website...Did you get this type of response while making your calls as well?

      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post


      I am truly blessed, having the jobless dad get this many hits and views is incredible. Thank you all.

      Moving forward into 2013 now is the best time to review the year and make your plans for your business moving forward.

      Since I started working for myself almost 5years ago many things have changed but one thing has definitely stayed the same and that is these local business owners need our help.

      They need someone with direction because they are getting calls every single day telling them about their website, their seo, their landing pages, these calls and constant and never ending.

      You need to be different, you need to make things simple. Look there is a fantastic website if you don't already know of it called Ted Talks found at

      They have some of the brightest mings sharing their thoughts, hopes, dreams and insights.

      You would do well to listen to some of these discussions such as why Apple has done so well but TiVo hasn't or what is the best way to open a talk with a business owner etc.

      Please, do yourself a favor and watch Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | Video on
      • Profile picture of the author soup7564
        Profile picture of soup7564
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by BlogDiva View Post

        Hey John,
        I am actually headed out now to an appointment that was set using your strategy. I have an appointment setter helping me out and this is the first one she has been able to set. Many businesses turned down the offer to be featured on our website...Did you get this type of response while making your calls as well?
        Yes - see my post above!
    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

      Since I started working for myself almost 5years ago many things have changed but one thing has definitely stayed the same and that is these local business owners need our help.

      I've been asked almost exactly the same question
      twice this year..."what has changed in the 5 years
      you've been teaching people how to sell their internet
      marketing services to brick and mortar businesses?"

      Your answer is really all anyone should need to know.

      But to expand on it...

      Your prospects...small to medium sized're
      looking at the largest niche in the world.

      And helping them make sales using the internet and integrating
      the internet and mobile devices with offline marketing methods...
      that's almost certainly the fastest growing niche in that monster

      There are now more people in the market place offering services
      but almost none who are actually taking the time to get to know
      business owners and to find solutions that will actually help them
      make more sales and profits.

      The people who struggle selling their services are focused almost
      entirely on making money for themselves.

      The people who are doing really well are usually focusing heavily
      on getting to know business owners and their businesses and
      helping THEM to make more money and achieve THEIR goals.

      This has always been true, it just becomes more important when
      their is a little more noise in the market place.

      Internet marketing for brick and mortar businesses is about as
      huge an opportunity as you're going to see in the next decade
      or two and Warrior Forum members are sitting the driving seat
      if they choose to get on board and run with it.

      You already have skills and access to a wealth of internet
      marketing knowledge.

      You just need to run with it.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh

      P.S. That great video that John mentioned should show up here
      (hopefully) with this link...
  • Profile picture of the author emkay
    Profile picture of emkay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post

    I don't know if many of you remember me or not, doesn't really matter but 3 years ago I had been laid off from my corporate job and since I was doing contract work I wasn't able to collect unemployment.

    I was faced with having to pay a mortgage and had no money left, not even for a single wso, lord knows I had purchased enough wso's that I finally had to put my mouth were my knowledge was and swallow my pride and gulp actually apply what I had learned from the warriorforum.

    I then wanted to give back to the forum that had allowed me to work from home and start my offline marketing career by posting the exact process I had used to accumulate almost 21k in less than 19 weeks.

    I explained how I had read David Cavanagh's free thread where he spoke about just putting our online knowledge to work by actually going out and talking to local businesses.

    So I did just that, 3 years ago, with no money I took the biggest gamble of my life and with no prospects of a job in sight I put my 2 kids in to daycare (my 3rd was in 4th grade at the time, so didn't need to worry about that) where I had no money to pay for my mortgage let alone the daycare but I knew I had 2 weeks to pay the daycare bill.

    So the first week I identified businesses who were advertising in the local newspaper. I then called up the newspaper and asked how much their smallest size ad that wasn't a classified ad would cost and they told me their smallest ad was a business card size ad that would cost $579 and would run for 10 days.

    Well I thought if these businesses were paying at least $579 for 10 days they could pay me $579 for a year of helping them on the internet.

    So I needed a way in the door so I started contacting the businesses who were advertising and asked if I would be able to interview them because I wa starting a new local website that would highlight local companies.

    Bingo, I had close to an 80% success rate of talking to these businesses and I would go so far as to send them the questions ahead of time so they had time to prepare for my interview- these businesses loved talking about themselves especially having the interview questions in their hands ahead of time.

    Now a number of them said that they weren't going to buy anything and I said that's fine I just want to get their story and part of the interviewing was asking them what they do to market their business and boy did that open up pandora's box, they let me know how their marketing was working and some of these companies didn't have a website etc.

    So I then proceeded for free to educate them on how to claim their google local business listing, how to claim their yahoo listing etc and they were blown away and I continued to give away a lot of information that you and I already know such as optimizing their title tags and h1 tags etc all the time never asking for a dime.

    And at the end they would say well can you do that for me and if so how much-cha ching.

    This is a win/win since you already know that they are paying for advertising you know that they will pay for your services, the very first week I closed 3 clients at $579 so I did $1737 my very first week!!!

    Now the thing is I didn't over analyze this and wonder how this wasn't going to work or that I didn't have a bank account or that I didn't have every duck in a row and t and i crossed and dotted I just took ACTION.

    No big secret there but actually picking up the phone on a Saturday early afternoon (big secret - that is a great time to call local businesses because the owner is usually there and no secretary since it's the weekend and the owner will be the person usually picking up the phone) and calling local companies that had ads in the local newspaper asking them if I can interview them for a local website that I was building to highlight local businesses.

    I set up something like 6 or 7 interviews and closed 3 and continued into the next week and the week after, and I was able to pay my mortgage and daycare and have some scratch left over as well.

    Here it is 3 years later and I have been truly blessed, there are a number of great offline wso's and folks offering their different slants on this area saying how they've had success after 3 months or 6months etc, well having been doing this full time now for what will be my 4th year I can share some additional insights that if I were to start over again this is what I would do know what I know now versus then.

    The number one thing I would have done differently from the start was to setup a monthly recurring payment.

    I honestly didn't think someone would pay me $300 a month but I did have the confidence that they would pay me $579 a year since they were already doing that with the newspaper.

    Knowing what I know now, that was just a confidence issue on my part since I had never done offline consulting before and I didn't have enough confidence to ask for a monthly fee - now I don't take anything less than $550/mo plus a min of a $500 setup fee or more so I walk out with at least $1k plus per sale and I have the residual monthly income coming in so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder wondering where my next dollar is going to come from-huge nugget there.

    I realized about 6 months into the offline market that if I didn't change to a recurring billing model I was going to be out of work soon and I wasn't going to be helping anyone and I'd have to go back to looking for a job.

    So I again swallowed my pride and I started off by charging at the time $197/mo with no start up fee and then I kept raising that price to where I am now plus a startup fee.

    A useful website that I learned from the kid who mowed our lawns was a site called freshbooks because before freshbooks I am ashamed to say but I had basically hand written invoices and freshbooks came along and created very professional invoices and could also setup residual payments which was huge!!!

    I wish I would've known about freshbooks earlier in the game but that website is the site I still use to this very day for all of my invoices and monthly billing.

    Plus at tax time the site makes getting all of your info for your accountant super easy at least for me I thought so, which is another area that not to many people talk about and that is your expenses.

    I kept track of everything and freshbooks gives you an area to store all of that information for you, now I am not an accountant or anything I am just sharing with you what I found to be helpful.

    Another area I find really going to explode because this has for me and that is creating facebook fan pages. I keep upselling my existing clients which you should be to and that is stay in contact with your clients and let them know of other services that you offer because they will want to continue to buy from you if you deliver.

    Now I don't want to say I make 8 billion dollars in offline marketing but my wife and I along with our kids are very blessed and we can't imagine having our lives any other way because I am still a stay at home dad and I get to be at home when the kids come home from school or like Friday I took the day to go to Hersheypark which is a local amusement park and had a great time with them because they are only young for so long.

    You see all these ads for the latest wso and the newest technique but really it all boils down to action, these business owners don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, if you are honestly looking out for their best interests first the money will follow.

    You can't look at a chimney and say give me heat- you first have to put in the wood and then light the fire.

    These businesses are hurting right now and many of them still don't have a website, you can really help them, one of my clients before I "interviewed" him and he swore by the way that he wasn't going to buy anything from me, ended up having me develop a website for him which here 3 years later, he did over $25k online, which is a big part of his income because now he doesn't have to rely solely on the local economy.

    He opened his business up to the world, so going from no website to doing over $25k gross last month is HUGE!!!

    Now would he have eventually developed a website, I don't know, probably, but nothing happens until you do, so hopefully this will motivate you to pick up the phone and start talking to businesses.

    They won't bite and guess what all those wso's that say you don't have to cold call or you don't have to meet in person etc do they work yes and yes I have tried them and I have been successful but to me, nothing beats getting on the phone and setting up an in person interview because I can setup an interview for tomorrow and walk out with a check in hand.

    With this economy May was my best month ever and June beat May and I just hired my first office manager and will be hiring 2 sales people to help me but the point is since the economy isn't so great, these local companies are looking for alternative ways to advertise and online marketing is right up there at the top of the list.

    The internet isn't going away and all these google updates and farmer and panda whatever help aid me into helping these businesses understand that they need someone monthly to help their business since google is constantly changing you can help them weather the storm.

    You can do this business and you don't need another wso or phone script or anything else for that matter, just pick up the phone and ask them if you could set up an interview with them because you were looking to do an interest story on local businesses and how they are dealing with this economy.

    You will get interviews and then just ask them about their business, how did you get started, why should someone go to you over your competition, how do you market your business what have you found to be the least successful way of advertising, what have you found to be the most successful way etc.

    Just have a conversation with them and they will warm up to you and then help them by giving them information that yes, you normally would charge for but since they won't know how to apply 99% of it, the knowledge you share with them will help build confidence in them that you will be able to help them market their business online.

    Hopefully this has helped because I do go on the wf, maybe not as much as I used to because I am busy with my clients but I wanted to take some time to share some random thoughts from someone who is actually in the trenches so to speak an actually working with offline businesses every day.

    To your success,
    John, you're a great Salesman and an awesome Dad, the latter being more impressive.
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Sol
    Alex Sol
    Profile picture of Alex Sol
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    Somehow I missed this thread until now... this morning I read 10 pages in one shot!
    Thank you all for such amazing info! I have been doing IM for the past 5 years and it's always nice to find some new quality info from time to time. I have helped quite a few offline businesses with their online marketing but cold calling has always been an issue for me, this thread sure helps


    Alex Sol, Full time online marketer since 2007
    The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
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    Do you think the interviews could all be done by phone instead of face to face? I'm trying to move to a town where my wife and I met, and would like to set the directory up there. I know the area well, but not sure if this could all be done by phone.

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author zavhara
      Profile picture of zavhara
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      Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

      Do you think the interviews could all be done by phone instead of face to face? I'm trying to move to a town where my wife and I met, and would like to set the directory up there. I know the area well, but not sure if this could all be done by phone.
      Isn't that what Mark did?
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
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      Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

      Do you think the interviews could all be done by phone instead of face to face? I'm trying to move to a town where my wife and I met, and would like to set the directory up there. I know the area well, but not sure if this could all be done by phone.
      Absolutely this can be done by phone. I suggest you master the face to face method first. It really gives you a good feeling for the client. I don't think I would have had the level of success with the phone method had I not sat face to face with the owner.

      Just my opinion.

  • Profile picture of the author syncjam
    Profile picture of syncjam
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    I had read this thread a while ago and am now coming back to it.

    Just curious about a few things (sorry if already discussed);

    I understand that the questions are mainly to get your foot in the door, but why would you mention to the owner that you're writing a story (or whatever), and ask all the questions, and then just tell them they'll be getting a directory listing? Wouldn't they wonder where all their answers went?
    I mean, it wouldn't be hard to create a simple article from their questions and answers and put those on a nicely designed page. But all the website examples I've seen are for 3-line directories. Does anyone utilize a website that is more than just a directory site? (And if so, would you mind posting a link so I could see?).

    If the interview goes well, and they seem frustrated with their website or sales, would I be stupid to just offer them free advice on what I really know (which is mobile websites)? I mean, I know a little about other ways to improve websites, etc., but my real comfort zone is mobile marketing.
    I realize I'm overthinking this before I even start, but I want to go in not being TOO nervous!

    Thanks all...
    • Profile picture of the author mrtrance
      Profile picture of mrtrance
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      Originally Posted by syncjam View Post

      I had read this thread a while ago and am now coming back to it.

      Just curious about a few things (sorry if already discussed);

      I understand that the questions are mainly to get your foot in the door, but why would you mention to the owner that you're writing a story (or whatever), and ask all the questions, and then just tell them they'll be getting a directory listing? Wouldn't they wonder where all their answers went?
      I mean, it wouldn't be hard to create a simple article from their questions and answers and put those on a nicely designed page. But all the website examples I've seen are for 3-line directories. Does anyone utilize a website that is more than just a directory site? (And if so, would you mind posting a link so I could see?).

      If the interview goes well, and they seem frustrated with their website or sales, would I be stupid to just offer them free advice on what I really know (which is mobile websites)? I mean, I know a little about other ways to improve websites, etc., but my real comfort zone is mobile marketing.
      I realize I'm overthinking this before I even start, but I want to go in not being TOO nervous!

      Thanks all...
      John or anyone else doing this method can you shed some light on these questions since I want to start implementing this method?

  • Profile picture of the author larsjorgenbr
    Profile picture of larsjorgenbr
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    I may come off as the dumbest person on the face of the earth...but I dont get this.

    Ok - I live in Norway, and even if businesses don't have a website Google will place them on top of the list if someone is searching for what they are offering. Yellow pages hit. If someone is searching for "glazier in [name of city]" they will be on top of that search, and no one will care if they don't have a website.

    So what _exactly_ are you making money off of then, since they don't want a website (hence no SEO) - running their Facebook page and getting them likers?
    • Profile picture of the author mrmatt
      Profile picture of mrmatt
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      Originally Posted by larsjorgenbr View Post

      I may come off as the dumbest person on the face of the earth...but I dont get this.

      Ok - I live in Norway, and even if businesses don't have a website Google will place them on top of the list if someone is searching for what they are offering. Yellow pages hit. If someone is searching for "glazier in [name of city]" they will be on top of that search, and no one will care if they don't have a website.

      So what _exactly_ are you making money off of then, since they don't want a website (hence no SEO) - running their Facebook page and getting them likers?
      Unless they have claimed and optimized their G+ listings it is unlikely they will be in the number one spot, unless it happens to be an industry that is not competitive i.e. glazier

      Off the top of my head I can think of a few different types of businesses in my area in which all of them are listed in G+ places on page 1. None of them have websites, none of them want one. Although if just one of them built a site, a couple of videos and some light spend on some SEM they would take tons of business from the others. At which time they would have to follow suit or continue to get crushed.

      Who would you buy from? The business with just a phone number and address? Or the business with a website that explains everything they do, offers a guarantee, shows off raving testimonials from past customers, offers a discount of coupon, shows before and after pictures, tells people how long they have been in business, shows pictures of the employees with a bio about each employee, shows pictures of the business, shows logos from all of the associations they are part of, has a video from the owner explaining why they should do business with them, etc.?

      Unless they have purchased a premium listing in yellow page sites it is unlikely that they will even get that many calls. Same with other business directories. It's just like organic search results. Tops spots in these directories are the ones that get the calls.

      There are so many services you can offer them that it really boils down to what you want to offer them.

      SEM campaign setup and management
      Web design and seo
      Mobile web design
      Custom FB, Twitter and Youtube pages
      Ghost posting on social media or blogs
      Direct Mail
      Phone Training
      Sales Traing
      Lead generation
      lead management
      email campaigns
      reputation management
      JV Brokering
      database management
      ghost writing
      and on and on and on.

      Hope that helps.
  • Profile picture of the author Vivers
    Profile picture of Vivers
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    What a great story. See what you can do in such a short amount of time. Very inspiring and incouraging to others out their that fall on hard times. You can't lose everything you've worked hard for, you must try anything to save it. You are living proof that buckling down and figuring out a way to just make it work, is all anyone as to do. You must have the drive. Kudos to you!
  • Profile picture of the author larsjorgenbr
    Profile picture of larsjorgenbr
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    I still need answer to my last post. Hope someone can answer real fast, if it's possible. I mean, not asking for a long post, just a few sentences, if someone have the time.
  • Profile picture of the author fallingdown101
    Profile picture of fallingdown101
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    very inspiring post !! thank you !!
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
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    Thank you all for commenting, I apologize as I have not been on the forum very much because I had landed a large contract working with doctors.

    But, my techniques work as much today as they have since I started 5 years ago.

    Seriously if you pick up the phone and call anyone advertising in your local newspaper and mention that you would like to "interview" them you will get them to talk to you.

    Then when you are talking to them before you have the sit down or over the phone conversation, do a quick check on to see if they have claimed their virtual real estate and let them know iwhere and how you found that info out by mentioning to them

    Then they will more often than not mention that they don't know how to do that "stuff" which is where you come in to offer to do that "stuff" for them which is claiming their virtual real estate which will benefit them both seo wise and reputation wise.

    It's a win/win, and in fact more relevant today than back in 2008.

    If you need help, i am here to help, just ask.

    Business is great right now, you can make 2013 the best year of your life, starting today. Take action.

    To your success,
    • Profile picture of the author altitudemarketer
      Profile picture of altitudemarketer
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      Originally Posted by JohnSpangler View Post


      Thank you all for commenting, I apologize as I have not been on the forum very much because I had landed a large contract working with doctors.

      But, my techniques work as much today as they have since I started 5 years ago.

      Seriously if you pick up the phone and call anyone advertising in your local newspaper and mention that you would like to "interview" them you will get them to talk to you.

      Then when you are talking to them before you have the sit down or over the phone conversation, do a quick check on to see if they have claimed their virtual real estate and let them know iwhere and how you found that info out by mentioning to them

      Then they will more often than not mention that they don't know how to do that "stuff" which is where you come in to offer to do that "stuff" for them which is claiming their virtual real estate which will benefit them both seo wise and reputation wise.

      It's a win/win, and in fact more relevant today than back in 2008.

      If you need help, i am here to help, just ask.

      Business is great right now, you can make 2013 the best year of your life, starting today. Take action.

      To your success,
      Hi John,

      I found this thread a few days ago and another warrior thread that, like yours has given me the plan of action to get out of my situation... which sounds much like yours back in 2008. I too am out of corp America with no job prospects... and now my credit cards are maxed, I can't get anymore, and my bank account is almost empty... and rent is coming due.

      The offline website biz, seems like the way to go... so a mentor of mine suggested I go for it... so I did... just started a few days ago, getting reacquainted with Wordpress, and started my own site... I got my first odesk response... and I plan on starting my calls to interview businesses on Monday... I will also fill in the gaps with some more traditional cold calling... I am going to burn the phone up till I get some clients... I'm excited about this new adventure, and hopefully not having to go back to a J.O.B.

      Thanks again for all the input you've given everyone following this thread. Any pointers or tweaks for those of us starting out like you did in 2008?

  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
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    This couldn't have come from a more awesome, nicer, more giving person, and at a perfect time. Thank you John Spangler, for yet another kick in the butt. If I had just taken action and gotten with this instead of chasing after all these shiny objects, I'd be in a different place right now.

    Thank you John Spangler. You are a prince and you da man!

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

  • Profile picture of the author thattaway
    Profile picture of thattaway
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    Hey John.

    Thanks for sharing the Simon Sinek speech on It was amazing and very inspiring. And thanks for sharing your story. You too, Mark.

    Every time I see an update on this thread I jump back on and read. The generosity of Warriors is sometimes overwhelming. I feel honored to be associated with Warrior Forum. And I wish great success for each and everyone on the forum.
    • Profile picture of the author RenegadeSC
      Profile picture of RenegadeSC
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      Originally Posted by thattaway View Post

      Hey John.

      Thanks for sharing the Simon Sinek speech on It was amazing and very inspiring. And thanks for sharing your story. You too, Mark.

      Every time I see an update on this thread I jump back on and read. The generosity of Warriors is sometimes overwhelming. I feel honored to be associated with Warrior Forum. And I wish great success for each and everyone on the forum.
      John is awesome and thanks for the compliment!
  • Profile picture of the author Rendition
    Profile picture of Rendition
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What a wonderful read this thread has been.

    I am curious about one thing in particular. If we want to use the "interview method" or something similar to get in the gate, how can we do so if we aren't offering a "directory" type service? What if we are simply offering a web development/consultation service without a local directory attached? (e.g. we have our own web design site where our credentials and services are listed, and we are charging for those services) How then can we use the interview method? For example...

    "I'd like to interview you about your web marketing strategies to see if I can help"
    Makes it seem like, right off the bat, I am trying to sell to them which isn't really what we are going for.

    I could say something like...

    "I am doing research on companies web marketing strategies because I am developing a consultation company and working on our strategy"
    But then it seems like I am amateur, and like I want the company to give away their secrets so I can help competitors.

    Really what I am wondering is how this method which seems to be very effective can be applied to a web consulting or web design group who are trying to market their service but without an attached directory or listing service. For a directory service it seems simple enough. The potential customer recognizes that you are doing research for your directory and feel like its an opportunity for them to get free publicity by being part of your research. But for a web design service I don't see the pull for the customer. After all, we can't say we are doing research for a free website we want to build for them when we have sourcing expenses to consider. How can we use the "interview method" to market a product rather than a listing, and do so in a way that is honest and isn't misleading? I'd love to hear peoples input about how we should approach the potential customer from the get go. Any insight would be really appreciated!

    ** Oh yeah, one last question. Is it better to make calls first or to just visit the business of interest on say a Saturday and try to make the initial approach physically?
    • Profile picture of the author cshilling22
      Profile picture of cshilling22
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      Originally Posted by Rendition View Post

      What a wonderful read this thread has been.

      I am curious about one thing in particular. If we want to use the "interview method" or something similar to get in the gate, how can we do so if we aren't offering a "directory" type service? What if we are simply offering a web development/consultation service without a local directory attached? (e.g. we have our own web design site where our credentials and services are listed, and we are charging for those services) How then can we use the interview method? For example...

      "I'd like to interview you about your web marketing strategies to see if I can help"
      Makes it seem like, right off the bat, I am trying to sell to them which isn't really what we are going for.

      I could say something like...

      "I am doing research on companies web marketing strategies because I am developing a consultation company and working on our strategy"
      But then it seems like I am amateur, and like I want the company to give away their secrets so I can help competitors.

      Really what I am wondering is how this method which seems to be very effective can be applied to a web consulting or web design group who are trying to market their service but without an attached directory or listing service. For a directory service it seems simple enough. The potential customer recognizes that you are doing research for your directory and feel like its an opportunity for them to get free publicity by being part of your research. But for a web design service I don't see the pull for the customer. After all, we can't say we are doing research for a free website we want to build for them when we have sourcing expenses to consider. How can we use the "interview method" to market a product rather than a listing, and do so in a way that is honest and isn't misleading? I'd love to hear peoples input about how we should approach the potential customer from the get go. Any insight would be really appreciated!

      ** Oh yeah, one last question. Is it better to make calls first or to just visit the business of interest on say a Saturday and try to make the initial approach physically?
      Instead of creating and listing them on a directory just tell them you want to interview them for a feature on your blog. Then you can either feature them on your company blog or you can make a new blog specifically to feature businesses in your city. This is the easiest way, and I prefer it over the directory method myself.

      I prefer to make the calls first because I feel that it is a more effective use of my time. Approaching them directly will have its advantages but you will still probably need to schedule a time to come back. However, if you are already in the area from conducting another interview it doesn't hurt to pop your head into a few places and let them know you just interviewed their neighbor for a feature, and you would love to interview them too (social proof).
  • Profile picture of the author Rendition
    Profile picture of Rendition
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    The blog idea is great. Thanks for that. Do you think a similar thing might work with social media? What i mean is saying that we want to do a feature of their company on our social media outlets...
    I'm wondering because at the moment we don't have an active blog for our company, so that would have to be a project from scratch.
    Does anyone have another method they use?
    • Profile picture of the author cshilling22
      Profile picture of cshilling22
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Rendition View Post

      The blog idea is great. Thanks for that. Do you think a similar thing might work with social media? What i mean is saying that we want to do a feature of their company on our social media outlets...
      I'm wondering because at the moment we don't have an active blog for our company, so that would have to be a project from scratch.
      Does anyone have another method they use?
      Social media works too; however, it is more for quick soundbites and not full length interviews. Plus you mainly want to use your social media to promote your own company.

      I would just create a blog for businesses in your city. It is pretty easy to start a Wordpress or Blogger blog and then set it up on your own domain. Then you can tell the business owner they will be featured on your blog and that you promote the blog through your social media. So in your social media you can blast out "Check out our latest interview with or new client...." or something like that, which works to promote both businesses (and provide more social proof).

      It also provides free promotion for the blog and drives traffic to the blog which ultimately means more people seeing your company and your contact information because the business owner is going to promote the feature to his or her friends and contacts as well.
  • Profile picture of the author yixar
    Profile picture of yixar
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    I'll be trying a little spin off of this method today. Basically, I will contact them by email, tell them I'd like to interview them. Schedule the interested persons for interviews and send them the interview questions. Then interview them via phone.

    I can't do face to face due to my location.

    I'll see how this works out and make an update on my results!
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
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    Crap am I stupid or what??? I did something today that I've been hard pressed to do, and took consistent action with this. I wish I'd done this when I first read this post and never turned back.

    I found a couple of people on LinkedIn and called several more from the Sunday paper, using this method. I basically said, "Hi, this is Daniel, I'm starting a new website highlighting local businesses, and I'd like to see who I can talk to about interviewing you about your business". I fumbled and sounded stupid, and I was nervous as heck, but I got absolutely ZERO resistance. Of the people I called and talked to, I set appointments with each one - four appointments from people who are really excited to have me do this.

    One guy I've even helped before we began, because his website was down and he didn't realize it, one lady who has just opened a salon, a fella who has a stained glass store where he sells and teaches, and a really cool one that I'll maybe tell you about later that I think could have big potential.

    Here's what I found out though. I have been a freaking WUSS for far too long. These folks really need the help of someone honest, and this stuff works.

    I even did like you John, and emailed them the questions, and I've gotten two responses back just from the email, after the conversation, telling me how much they're looking forward to answering these insightful questions!

    This is freaking awesome! Thanks a million for this and for the inspiration John, and to RenegadeSC also.

    Edited to add:
    I designed some really unique, cool business cards for this, and they came in today. Went to a Mexican restaurant and handed one to the owner, gave my spiel, and her eyes lit up. She smiled SO big when I showed her this, set up the interview right on the spot. This stuff is solid gold. I've spoken to more business owners this week alone than I have in the last several years (not counting cold calls where I couldn't get past the intro conversation).

    I do have one question for you all. Do you present your solutions once you've heard their concerns on that one visit, do you go back, or do you sort of see how things are going to determine when you'll offer something?

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author soup7564
      Profile picture of soup7564
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      I've just tried this and got some yes's (however looking at the businesses I'm not sure of the potential to sell them on paid internet marketing services)... and surprisingly a couple of businesses were quite lukewarm - one said "I've maxed out my advertising" so I stressed again that it was a free advertising opportunity on my local resource website and he hung up on me. This is a massage business with a couple of therapists which advertises in the Yellow Pages but has a low ranking in Google. Oh well, they are missing out badly!!!

      Another was a lawyer who was hardly enthusiastic, there was a long silence when I wondered if he was still on the phone, and then he said "Is this something like Yellow Pages?" (he advertises in YP - that's where I found him) and I explained, no this is going to have much more than that etc, and he asked me to send a link so he could "see what you're all about".

      Left some other messages and waiting to see if they will call me back.

      I'm in Australia - maybe businesses here are more jaded? Not really having the nice and enthusiastic response that I was expecting...
      • Profile picture of the author baben
        Profile picture of baben
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        Originally Posted by soup7564 View Post

        I'm in Australia - maybe businesses here are more jaded? Not really having the nice and enthusiastic response that I was expecting...
        Same for me, called more then 30 businesses from my local paper and have only 3 interviews scheduled for next week. Most common answers are: we not interested or we are too busy. Even I told them that it's free publicity opportunity. They probably either too suspicious or too scared to take any freebies.
        Also, many asking send them proposal in email and would like to check the website (which I haven't developed yet). And yes, I'm in Australia also (Sydney)
        • Profile picture of the author soup7564
          Profile picture of soup7564
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by baben View Post

          Same for me, called more then 30 businesses from my local paper and have only 3 interviews scheduled for next week. Most common answers are: we not interested or we are too busy. Even I told them that it's free publicity opportunity. They probably either too suspicious or too scared to take any freebies.
          Also, many asking send them proposal in email and would like to check the website (which I haven't developed yet). And yes, I'm in Australia also (Sydney)
          It will be interesting to see how many of the three interviewees you manage to sign up for internet marketing services. Keep us posted!

          I'm not sure if I'm going to proceed with this now

          Any thoughts anyone?
      • Profile picture of the author mojo1
        Profile picture of mojo1
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by soup7564 View Post

        I'm in Australia - maybe businesses here are more jaded? Not really having the nice and enthusiastic response that I was expecting...
        I truly believe this is the missing link for this thread's method. I'm not an affiliate but I did review the product. You'll thank me later
  • Profile picture of the author McGov
    Profile picture of McGov
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for sharing your amazing story, warts and all. I admire your courage as much as your marketing ideas!
    My thoughts ...
    If you use the Local Blog angle to get in front of clients and go at it with deception and greed in your heart, you will fail.
    Instead, go at the way John does - in a sincere way that is mutually beneficial. Don't expect everyone to buy. Treat everyone with respect and who knows ... that "no sale" might just turn out to be a client a year from now, or might refer you to another business.
  • Profile picture of the author michael bury
    michael bury
    Profile picture of michael bury
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thanks for the post John & yes I can see how offline businesses are always suspicious of 'marketers' I too have run an offline buisiness for over 25 years & have been hounded by sales executives from magazines & papers telling me how I ought to place an advert with their mag/paper.........pretty much all of them have been useless!
    Have discovered the power of google local & am going to approach local businesses in the style that you have laid out above, offer them something for free, show them the traffic & potential conversions & most importantly charge them a monthly fee :-)
  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Profile picture of TrumpiaTim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post John!

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
  • Profile picture of the author Katee
    Profile picture of Katee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    John, you are a great motivator for many, & I am one of them, that is motivated. Thank you so much for what you wrote. It has lead to some very thought provoking questions & suggestions.
    Sir, you really ROCK . . . . Keep Rollin'
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    Profile picture of JohnSpangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks, I apologize for not getting back to this thread with any up to date information.

    I just celebrated my 25th HS reunion this last saturday and man I can't believe i am now going on my 6th year in business for myself.

    The techniques, strategies and ideas are all still the same if not more so now given the state of the economy.

    What i would suggest highly would be to focus on a specific niche or genre and be the goto person for that genre or niche.

    If you want to specialize in pizza shops then be the go to person for pizza shops, if you want to specialize in residential roofers then be number 1 person for helping residential roofers online.

    Now more than ever people want to know that you know their industry. I have found working for a very specific niche for me has really worked well.

    Having been working with them over the last few years I have been really able to focus on their specific wants and desires.

    That has allowed me to grow to a level of authority within the industry and gives me the ability to charge a premium for my services.

    Which now i have branched into software development and project management to name a few areas that have come about working with a specific niche.

    You can better anticipate market trends and moves which keep you a wanted commodity for helping their businesses prosper.

    Remember to always think of the other person first, by thinking of the other person, you will ultimately be rewarded.

    If you are looking to just get a hit and run so to speak you can do that and you will make money but you won't be around in the long run.

    I have given hours of my service for free with the idea of a bigger picture and that idea has continued to serve me well over the last few years.

    With continued persistence and laser beam focus this will be the year for you to start your own business working with company's and helping them succeed.

    If you need help or if there is a question and you pm, i apologize in advance if i don't get right back to you because I have client engagements many times during the day.

    But I will get back to you personally, not some assistant, me, I will follow up with you and look forward to hearing your success.

  • Profile picture of the author EagleTeamVentures
    Profile picture of EagleTeamVentures
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations on not going back to that dreaded JOB even though it sound like you had considerable emotional and financial pressure to return to a job. I recently left a job not too long ago because I was miserable and I have no plans to go back to that existence. It's just not worth it to work for others.
  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Profile picture of trader909
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    get get off the net to get business.
  • Profile picture of the author coreypaulotten
    Profile picture of coreypaulotten
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Incredible Story. It is inspiring to see others who went through similar struggles that I've gone through and some I am still going through! I appreciate you for what you've done and the example you have set!

    Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author niles
    Profile picture of niles
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The problem that I see with local business is that they are so suspicious. I tried offering some services for free to local businesses and only I few were interested.

    Most of them have no interest in anything internet related.

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