Ten Offline Myths - Busted!

Mr Steve
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I would like to share some advise on offline marketing. Many people avoid this great way to make a living simply because they believe some of the misconceptions about it. Here are the top ten lies about offline marketing, and the truth.

1. You have to have fancy marketing material. Nice looking websites and glossy brochures are great tools. But what offline marketing really comes down to is your ability to present the benefit of your service to the business owner. You don't have to have expensive websites or handouts to do this

2. You can only do offline marketing in the US. While it is one of the best places to do offline marketing, it is not the only place. Any country that has businesses owners looking to grow their companies are prime candidates. Don't worry about location, worry about finding quality prospects.

3. Offline work is hard. Yes, there are some consulting services that people offer which take years to develop the skills for and take an intense amount of work to fulfill. There are also people selling high end technical services like six figure e-commerce sites. But what most small businesses need are simple online assets like basic website design, email marketing, and social media accounts.

4. Newbies and young people get no respect. Respect is based on performance, not age or experience. If you are confident in yourself, that will be evident and go a long way to build your reputation. There have been successful offline marketers who have landed their first client before turning 18 (even a few here on the forums)

5. You cannot do offline marketing part time or after "business hours". There are many different service you can offer and sell around your schedule, no matter what it is. You may have to use unique methods to attract and close clients, but it is definitely possible to work your offline marketing business when you have free time.

6. Making presentations and closing deals has to happen in person. There are thousands of offline marketers around the world who rely exclusively on the telephone, email, and internet to close deals. While it is easier to close more expensive services in person, the services most small business owners need can be easily explained, sold, and completed remotely.

7. It will take months or even years to build up full time income. It could, if you rely on your own trial and error, and never seek help or advise from a mentor. There are dozens of great offline marketing products to help you cut your learning curve and have you making a full time income in as soon as one month.

8. The offline niche is over-saturated - Yes, there are a bunch of people selling information, doing work, and making a living in the offline market. But there are also millions of businesses around the world looking for growth. It would be very hard to over-saturate such a huge market.

9. You don't have enough people in your town to sell to. This is the wrong was to look at offline marketing. While selling in your "backyard" is one of the best places to start offering your services, you don't have to limit yourself to just your area. You may live in a town of 50 people, so what? Broaden your horizons by going to the closest big city, or better yet, don't limit yourself by geography. Go find clients in another state, somewhere with plenty of small businesses.

10. You need to buy a four figure course or hire a Ferrari driving guru as a mentor. There are many great people right here on the forums with just as much(or even more) actual experience working in the offline market. Seek out people with a good reputation and invest in yourself by choosing either a program or personal coaching to help jump start your offline marketing career.
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