I got my first seo client to #1

44 replies
For all his terms. Took 6 months but got him to #1 for city divorce, city divorce lawyer/s , city divorce attorney/s .

Best part is he's a well known lecturer and wrote an ABA guide and has a huge email list he's promised to promote.

Anyway, happy day to see everything still working just taking longer.
#client #seo
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  • Profile picture of the author try_hard_samurai
    Congrats on the big win!
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    Great, now send out a letter to other cities saying "I just got so-and-so to #1 where they now have 5467 potential new clients a month would you like me to do the same for you?"

    Screen shot
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    • Profile picture of the author Ehanson
      Good work, I agree. Make sure you client knows this also so you can get a good testimonial from them and referrals.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gdetonator
      Originally Posted by Vincenzo Oliva View Post

      Great, now send out a letter to other cities saying "I just got so-and-so to #1 where they now have 5467 potential new clients a month would you like me to do the same for you?"

      Screen shot
      This method works like charm man, I say go for it
      The Next BIG Thing is Already Here!
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  • Profile picture of the author 1million1
    Great job, where was your client ranked when you started?
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  • Profile picture of the author StarkContrast
    I'm working on something similar for a client and it will be my last time to #1. Page 1 is fine but #1 is troublesome. Even though he fluctuates between 2 and 3, his business is booming and he told me so. He's determined to get #1 in his market (says it's his OCD kicking in).
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark_Austin
    Excellent work, now get a testimonial from him and some referrals. Now you have results to show you will find getting new clients easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author PowerWealth247
    Good job ! Now use that success to motivate you further and get some new clients in other niches !
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  • Profile picture of the author rsteadm2
    Outstanding! Great job!
    When You're Ready to Put In the WORK and Do! Click This Link! - ...Free Webinar Guides you Down the Road And Gives YOU A Real Blueprint for Affiliate Marketing Success Showing You How To Start, "doing"!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4327916].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Awesome job!

    Keep expanding!
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  • Profile picture of the author miras
    Stunning! Congratulations...
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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    Well done on your success.

    I would like to humbly recommend that you document what you did and repeat it. If you get similar or better results you now have a structure that could effectively become your 'system,' a repeatable and consistent approach.

    Systems drive success and I wish you more success.

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  • Profile picture of the author FtlLuke
    That's wonderful news....Congratulations!
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    • Profile picture of the author attorneydavid
      Thanks everybody the screenshot idea is great. I also got my personal sites to #1 for city+ personal injury and city + realtors and real estate agent , so I have more than just that to include. The divorce site was in the mid-20's for all the terms when I started, I threw about 60 BMR links at it to start and that got it in the top 10 in 3 weeks, took another 6 months to get to #1. Also, I got a doctor client (for my law practice) who looks like he'll hire me for seo too. So that's two SEO clients who can provide great testimonials. (actually a 3rd I made a site and got it to top 5 for military discharge upgrade).

      I'm quitting the law practice. Planning to rent my personal site out for 4-5k a year it generates about 15-20k in business. I think it'll take a few more months to rank #1 for a few bankruptcy and personal.

      Going to concentrate on offline marketing and a few lawyer related infoproducts I had ideas for, also being a realtor, it's fun and gets me out from in front of a computer.

      Bayo- Including my own sites I've duplicated it and have a pretty good idea of what it takes to get to #1. Basically my approach is almost like a purchasing agent, I also like to spread it around. I used BMR, private blog network submits, laclear network submits , uaw type submits, articles, a little blog commenting, fiverr links (these can be awesome by the way, but not enough available to stand by themselves).

      I've lost 90 pounds(160+ overall) fasting since January 2016 after failing for years on diets that just made me sick and miserable. Check out Prudently.com where I'm writing about fasting and weight loss. Get a Brandable Domain Name at Name Perfection.

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  • Profile picture of the author gagandweep
    Best Wishes on your first success.
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  • Profile picture of the author stone2010
    that is great... ranking #1 for those niches is very good!!! congratulations!

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  • Profile picture of the author davidkk
    I just recently got my first client as I am new to freelancing. A teacher of mines referred my to a friend of hers who was an artist, and that friend referred me to another friend who was a potter. In fact, this teacher of mines was the one who first gave me a book on web design, so I have much to think her of. Now, the friend who was an artist is considered asking me to do a website, so that is one client down, and another one in the making
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  • Profile picture of the author Zara Marie
    Originally Posted by attorneydavid View Post

    For all his terms. Took 6 months but got him to #1 for city divorce, city divorce lawyer/s , city divorce attorney/s .

    Best part is he's a well known lecturer and wrote an ABA guide and has a huge email list he's promised to promote.

    Anyway, happy day to see everything still working just taking longer.
    Well done. I think there are so many people looking for such service in your area and you happen to caught the words they've been using. I hope you're not one of them. lol. If you know someone who's interested on a specific service, I think it would help if you could ask them how they search for their service providers which is applicable to any type of service your client may have.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    I'd like to thank David for sharing his experience in such detail. You're surely a great inspiration to many here.

    One of the lessons to be taken from David's experience is the idea of going vertical. That being specializing in ranking one industry, developing a successful formula and process then taking it to other markets in your state and then others. This approach is less used than the "whatever your business I'll take you to the promised land" approach but none the less successful when you nail it like David did.

    Keep up the good work.
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  • Profile picture of the author commoditytrainer
    Awesome work! Take your claim to fame and post it. If you can do it for one than you can do it for others. Was it for a particular city? Or is the site rank number one for plain city?
    If you want insurance quotes then check out one of the best ways to compare at http://www.autoinsuresavings.org and your insurance costs could be reduced to more than you think?
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  • Profile picture of the author omurchu
    I have an accountant in my business group that Iould like to promote to #1 for his KW. I am thinking of doing it free as he might give me some good referrals.
    Problem is: his website is rubbish and I fear any new traffic won't result in business - a conversion problem. He does not believe that a #1 ranking will get him any new business (??) but does see a value in being #1 from a prestige point of view ie he will be seen outranking the "big boys".

    Any thoughts on how to approach this? have had 2 meetings (and we meet in the group every week). Am tempted to offer SEO to get him higher rankings - he is currently outside the top 200 in the SERPS.


    Also OP - a quick explanation of BMR links?
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    • Profile picture of the author oscarmike
      Originally Posted by omurchu View Post

      I have an accountant in my business group that Iould like to promote to #1 for his KW. I am thinking of doing it free as he might give me some good referrals.
      Problem is: his website is rubbish and I fear any new traffic won't result in business - a conversion problem. He does not believe that a #1 ranking will get him any new business (??) but does see a value in being #1 from a prestige point of view ie he will be seen outranking the "big boys".

      Any thoughts on how to approach this? have had 2 meetings (and we meet in the group every week). Am tempted to offer SEO to get him higher rankings - he is currently outside the top 200 in the SERPS.


      Also OP - a quick explanation of BMR links?

      IMHO, you could create a mock-up of the main page for his site, that kicks the butt of his current site / graphically and content wise. Give him an idea of the importance of branding is to make him adapt his page to become better designed and populated (by good informative content with a subtle but perfect sales pitch). Who knows, maybe you can have his page redesigned to make your proposed free SEO service more effective. Just make sure to employ proper tracking on the your clients pages for business intelligence on your end.

      If you're referring to what BMR links are, they are links derived from a large private blog network with the brandname buildmyrank. People are saying that BMR is a very good building source because it is heavily moderated, but you have to do some work (you can outsource it though) because you have to provide original written content min of 150 words / link and you can only post maximum of 10 posts per domain a day.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author MIRENGE
    Congratulations, am happy to hear that it pays even if it takes long.
    Interior design .... where beautiful homes is all we care.
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  • Profile picture of the author mashaa
    Hi this is great news keep the work moving

    I can do your articles at competitive prizes.

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  • Profile picture of the author marcell12
    Congrats and best of luck for the fture
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  • Profile picture of the author hotsolar
    sincewhat you said
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  • Profile picture of the author kevinzeo
    Really big win!Keep moving
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  • Profile picture of the author Trivium
    A classic case of persistence paying off. Excellent job mate, and congratulations on the achievement!
    Wired Up - Computer guides and software reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author rojkoserghei
    Congratulation and Good Luck!!!keep it up
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackIrish
    Awesome - now it's time for the second client hehe
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracy411
    Congrats, David

    I agree with others here recommending you leverage this and your other successes in your marketing materials. I also absolutely agree that you ask these satisfied clients for written and/or video testimonials. Another idea would be to offer past clients a fee or a percentage of what you get on referrals. They might be willing to mail for you, or even host a meeting/presentation to their contacts and introduce you: the power of an endorsement

    Wished for your continued success

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  • Profile picture of the author christiehemme
    Congrats, You have got the result of your Hard work.Good Luck...

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  • Profile picture of the author cjelome
    I got a doctor client (for my law practice) who looks like he'll hire me for seo too. So that's two SEO clients who can provide great testimonials. (actually a 3rd I made a site and got it to top 5 for military discharge upgrade).
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason X
    Congrats David, that just comes to show if you stick to the SEO game, you will get results, I am sure your client is happy. How long did you tell him at the start it was going to take?

    And I agree with others, now its time to take screenshots and get some more clients!
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  • Profile picture of the author NiagaraLocal
    Welcome to the party. Hope you do well.
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  • Profile picture of the author cinereus
    Originally Posted by attorneydavid View Post

    For all his terms. Took 6 months but got him to #1 for city divorce, city divorce lawyer/s , city divorce attorney/s .

    Best part is he's a well known lecturer and wrote an ABA guide and has a huge email list he's promised to promote.

    Anyway, happy day to see everything still working just taking longer.
    Congrats on that. How many keywords were you promoting?

    Also, do you know roughly how much you spent/charged to get these results over all the time?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5178365].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author link82
    attorneydavid, how excellent! Did you do any citations? Just curious. It's my 2nd month working with my first client so I'm in the trenches. Started BMR a few days ago, will outsource a good number of posts for his videos and sites. I've been hesitating about throwing direct FIverr links at these sites, have you used them directly or indirectly?

    Looks like you spread a good variety of links. Congrats!
    Quietly Selling Powerful Links. Just a handful on clean domains, PM me for inquiry :D
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5189344].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author reddoch
      Duplicate...duplicate...duplicate...the fastest way to create a tremendous income is duplication. Now that you have one with this client, rinse and repeat in the same market. You will get to the place you can do it in your sleep because you are not trying to compete on a national level but a local one.

      Become the expert in that niche...The go to person they all talk about. I do this with personal injury attorneys. They love what I do for them. I have it down to a system and systems work..

      Keep up the good work and be the best you can be at it...
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  • Profile picture of the author txsigma41
    congrats! now lock him into a contract to keep him on top!
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  • Profile picture of the author 9999
    Keep up the good work!
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  • Profile picture of the author Openxcell Inc
    Congrats one. Hope all work gonna be in good way. Best Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Edj
    Conrgatulations! And what a great person to have as a reference to get new business!
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