Who Is The Best Guys To Learn Offline Consulting From On WF?

by Avanyx
52 replies
Hey guys, who are the best guys to turn to regarding Offline Marketing?

Your suggestions.
#consulting #guys #learn #offline
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    Well it depends on which area's of offline consulting? I mean there's at least a dozen different area's you can help a business with. If you narrow it down then I'm sure we can give you some names.

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    • Profile picture of the author Avanyx
      Originally Posted by Richard Tunnah View Post

      Well it depends on which area's of offline consulting? I mean there's at least a dozen different area's you can help a business with. If you narrow it down then I'm sure we can give you some names.

      Am let me see, well my main focus at the moment will be on providing SMS marketing, mobile optimized websites and google places.

      Hope to also provide seo and Email Marketing Management.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    These guys:

    John Durham



    I'm sure there's tons more too.
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    • Profile picture of the author jdjohnson21
      Definitely make sure your check out maria gudelis
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    • Profile picture of the author Scitknot9
      Originally Posted by iamchrisgreen View Post

      These guys:

      John Durham



      I'm sure there's tons more too.
      Yeah, I'd have to agree with you on this!! There are a load of others too.

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  • Profile picture of the author Artificer
    I'd have to put a word in for Barry Plaskow and Roger D. They aren't really posters but their recent WSOs have contained some fantastic information whatever level you're starting from.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    I'd have to say Brian of peachtreecityseo, Mario Brown and Jerome. I know these guys personally and they know their shizzle.

    Also read every thing you can find on this forum by Michael Hiles.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    That's almost impossible to answer.

    First, we need to know what it is that you want to do... What type of consulting, what type of expertise you currently have, etc..

    Next, you have to find someone you resonate with. Someone that you can learn from efficiently.

    I will say that off the top of my head John Durham and Michael Hiles are among the top dogs here in the forum. They obviously know their stuff, and contribute a massive amount of value. Read all you can from them here on the forum and try and narrow your focus a little.

    It's better to find a niche that you can focus on, become an expert in, and dominate.. than it is to offer everything under the sun to every business out there and end up stressed, not knowing what the hell you're doing, and making people mad at you. Took me a while to learn that one. haha
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  • Profile picture of the author Avanyx
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  • Profile picture of the author pplicon
    I personally prefer Ryan Shaw, Jamie "GoGetta" Garside, and Costas Peppers. These guys all have excellent courses that are minus the B.S. And I have personally used their stategies to collect checks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Avanyx
      Originally Posted by Mary Wilhite View Post

      Mario Brown,Barry Plaskow,Michael Hiles,they rock the show.
      I ran a search at the top of the forum for Michael Hiles but nothing came up, any assistance
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  • Profile picture of the author Jagged
    Starting out....I learned tons from Vegas Vince & Willie Crawford....but I'd say my current business is modeled more from Michael Hiles.

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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Hmmmmm......... well that's strange... I can't seem to find anything by Michael Hiles either... I see lots of talk about him, but all of his posts seem to have just up and disappeared...
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveOffen
    I'd have to put a word in for BarryPlaskow and Roger D (OfflineMan). They aren't really posters but their recent WSOs have contained some fantastic information whatever level you're starting from.
    Agreed on these guys. Also Matt Bush (Freudianslip27), though nothing new from him lately. And have a lot of time for Brian Anderson (LiquidSEO) for SEO and Social Media and MichaelHiles stuff.
    Visit my blog at www.daveoffen.com for more of my views and experience in Offline Marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    Don Alm - Midasman09.

    Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

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    • Profile picture of the author Jacko
      Nice thread. I need to check this guy Michael Hiles...
      any specific course of him?
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  • Profile picture of the author Deji
    David Preston. He has also released a number of free ebooks on Offline Consulting. Just search using his name or using the keywords "offline consulting".
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  • Profile picture of the author SubUrbanHype
    John Durham, Ryan Shaw, and Dexx get my vote If I had to recommend some people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elion Makkink
    Jamie "Gogetta" Garside. Period.

    Elion Makkink

    Become an SEO Hustler too at seohustlers.com

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  • Profile picture of the author angmoore
    Brain Anderson and Mario Brown. Hands down great content and webinars over and over again.

    Angie Moore

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  • Profile picture of the author Centurian
    David Preston trained Willie Crawford in offline marketing. Willie helped Preston with online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Local
    Here is my 2 cents based on my conversations and requests for help from a number of Warriors.

    First of all, pick just ONE service.

    Just one, and that is the service your business will be an expert on.

    You can always add an additional service AFTER you are profitable.

    Most of the people I talk to are paralyzed because they are overwhelmed with too much information.

    Almost everyone I have helped, was really, from a technology aspect, an expert.

    But when it came to getting the deals, many of them were scared to death of sales, and even verbalized "I am not good at sales!'

    We are ALL good at sales, when we need to be.

    And everyone can get better at sales, especially once you appreciate sound sales principles and incorporate them into your business.

    But the biggest obstacle to success for offline consultants is getting clients.

    Now, I know you'll likely cringe, but by far the easiest way to do this is cold calling business owners.

    If you REALLY want to be successful and you joined the Telemarketing Forum (John Durham) you could learn how to effectively cold call and begin earning income within a week, maybe within a few days.

    The cool thing about cold calling is when you start, that is the worse you'll ever be, it only gets better from there.

    And don't be someone that "tries" cold calling.

    Make a commitment to keep dialing until you have a sale.

    And don't quit no matter what.

    When I first started calling, I HATED IT!

    I looked for anything else to do, rather than dial, including laundry, and even pulling weeds!

    But after my first few sales were under my belt, it actually became fun.

    Today, I can actually close a sale (versus setting an appointment) within 20-40 minutes of dialing, on demand and I assure you, you can too.

    The Telemarketing Forum has scripts and training, it really isn't rocket science.

    And the folks there are very helpful.

    Now if there was no way, no how, you could EVER cold call, and you'd rather live on the street, then you have to figure out a way to get prospects to either chase you, or come to you.

    We have developed a system using direct mail to generate call in prospects, who are pre-qualified, however, that has taken a ton of work and investment and I am not sharing.



    But I will share something that works if you prefer to have folks come to you.

    If you have a weekly swap meet or flea market in your area, you can rent a space and set up a couple of banners, which present your offer with a headline, bullets and a strong call to action.

    For example, our main banner has 12 websites across the top with the headline...

    They Are Just Beautiful Billboards On A Desert Road, No One Sees!"


    "There Are 27 Marketing Strategies Local Businesses Rarely If Ever Do... Want To Know What They Are? LET'S TALK!"

    I am sure you get the idea.

    We have a couple of our sales reps that did this for the first time starting in August and they have generated at least $1,500 each day, but they usually earn over $2,600, and before this last weekend, their best day was over $7,200 in sales.

    Now, this does NOT count the upsells!

    But, get this...

    This past weekend was Labor Day and that absolutely had something to do with the fact that they did $17,600 in sales, but they also added a new banner with a QR code on the banner.

    The banner said something like "Do You Know How This Funny Looking Checked Square Can Earn Your Business More Money?"

    "Ask Us How You Can Make Bank Using QR Codes With Your Business"

    In closing, don't fall into the trap of losing focus and chasing one WSO after another.

    The most important thing you can learn (AND THEN TAKE ACTION!) is to generate prospects and sales.

    Everything else can be outsourced!

    (Actually, so can the sales, but that's another post.)

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    • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
      Originally Posted by Local View Post

      The cool thing about cold calling is when you start, that is the worse you'll ever be, it only gets better from there.

      Reminds me of a quote from John Mayer: "One of the things I really loved when I started learning the guitar is that every day I could be twice as good as the the day before."

      Getting up each day and sticking to it is half the battle!
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenjacobs
    Go Tim castleman
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  • Profile picture of the author dancorkill
    Kyle Tully consultingtycoon.com search the forum for his name you will see a ton of recommendations for his stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I have got some great stuff from Dexx and Michael Hiles.
    It really depends on where you are with your Internet skills, if you don't understand SEO, Google Places, Social Media..etc...then it really doesn't matter who you learn from.
    Also, brand yourself as a leader in the Offline World. You future clients are going to be checking your LinkedIn, Facebook Page, Twitter and your own blog/website. If you can't do it for yourself, how can you handle it for your clients?

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    I'll always have a good go at helping...

    I've been offlining for 10 years now in one form or another.

    Here to help!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    I'd say discover the ones with REAL companies, working for REAL people, REAL offline customers, and go from there.

    Many Warriors confuse "good/useful information" with real life experiences - and that makes ALL the difference offline.

    Good luck
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Personally, I have received quite a lot of info from
      Don Alm, Dexx, & John Durham. There are other greats as well but those are on my top list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    Thanks for the kind words guys! It's nice to know the advice/feedback/sarcasm that I post from time to time is helpful, lol

    I'd also recommend Warriors read posts from Vagabond007 as well as Andrew Cavanagh.

    There were a lot of marketers that shared some great advice in this thread as well:


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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Thanks Dexx, I got some great info from your course. More and more businesses are now looking to the Internet for marketing solutions.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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  • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
    I think this is coming up a lot lately.

    I'm willing to help with telemarketing/cold calling as well as John Durham (telemarketing), Ken Michaels, Jason Kanigan (sales), iAMNameless all are great minds to pick (or read their past posts).

    Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
    Cold Calling, Appointment Setting, Training, Consulting - we do it all!
    PM for more information

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    • Profile picture of the author bob ross
      Originally Posted by Mwind076 View Post

      I think this is coming up a lot lately.

      I'm willing to help with telemarketing/cold calling as well as John Durham (telemarketing), Ken Michaels, Jason Kanigan (sales), iAMNameless all are great minds to pick (or read their past posts).
      Definitely this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
    Andrew Cavanagh by the length of the Flemington straight
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    James Schramko as well ... but i'm not sure he comes round here any more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cay78
    Lee Cole all the way..

    There are 2 types of people in this world....those who get it and those who don't. The ones that get it know exactly what we are talking about. The ones who don't are left scratching their heads.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cay78
    Lee Cole and IamNameless all the way.....

    There are 2 types of people in this world....those who get it and those who don't. The ones that get it know exactly what we are talking about. The ones who don't are left scratching their heads.

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  • Profile picture of the author JTzor
    Gary King, David Cisneros, and Brian Anderson - also Icun (Martin Crumlish). There are others, but these guys butter their bread with offline related business.

    - JT
    "The Path to success is not a straight line but a jagged, broken road which we must piece together & make our own."

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  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    I like to follow stuff posted by IamNameLess, ewenmack, midasman, John Durham, kenmichaels and similar people who get tons of "likes"

    I have no signature.

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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    I'm the best!!! LOL

    In all seriousness, dive into this forum for a week or so and you'll see who shines. You can also do a few searches in the WSO section and see who's "offline WSO" gets a lot of comments and who's getting REAL results.
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    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Voasi View Post

      You can also do a few searches in the WSO section and see who's "offline WSO" gets a lot of comments and who's getting REAL results.
      Funny you say that because I know quite a few people that pump WSO's out with TONS of comments and the WSO of the day... they all have something in common... They're better at releasing products for other people than they are at actually building a real business. This isn't towards you I promise..

      I also know a few that release WSOs and give away pure gold at a very low price but since they don't JV with the other fakes they don't get the same exposure.

      MY recommendation for anyone new... if it isn't software or a service, the WSO isn't worth it because it can already be found in this forum. I have never seen new material released in a WSO that hasn't already been talked about in depth in this forum.

      Follow John Durham for cold calling, Ken Michaels is great, Bob Ross, Ewen... etc. I'm just a regular guy that does a lot of things. I don't do anything ground breaking, I just know how to actually put things into action in a way that it complements each other and I do a lot of testing. If you want ground breaking innovation that is unproven, I'm not the guy to follow.

      It's funny though.. the REAL experts do the basic things very well. They don't get caught up in extravagant fairy tail strategies.

      When you find someone that has something that works very well.... they aren't going to put a WSO out on it. They're going to hold on to the strategy that keeps putting food on the table for their families.

      The popular WSO creators, come out with new methods every month. Next time you see a WSO, look at the reviews... look at the previous WSOs released.. you have the same people giving the same reviews. Now let me ask you... if they're so successful, why are the same people stuck in limbo, buying every single new release there is? Why aren't they busy working on their own stuff?

      It's kind of sickening and I love this forum but the amount of fakes I see really is disheartening. Everyone claims success... the sad thing is, the person struggling and not posting is actually doing MORE for their business than the people releasing new methods and techniques every month. It's just crazy to me...

      Anyway, I guess that's marketing. When you're on a marketing forum, it is naive to think you won't be marketed to. There are guys like JD, Bob Ross, and others that can put out WSOs and it actually be valuable to you... then there are guys out there that have never made a REAL sale in their life, or just suck at it so instead they want to feed lies to others that are struggling.

      My REAL advice to anyone on this forum, that wants to do consulting, sell web design, SEO, and whatever else.... is to ignore the products.. forget absolutely everything you hear. The ONLY thing you can COUNT ON.... is your own testing. You can only learn from yourself and your failures or successes. You can either SUCCEED or you can FAIL. Only YOU can realize what leads you to either outcome and only YOU can learn how to move forward. Your goal should be to learn from your mistakes, and test absolutely everything you do.

      Do you really want to succeed? If so... then why on earth would you follow someone to begin with? Can you learn something from my posts and others on here? Absolutely... but you will never be me. And you can believe that I will never sell or grow your business for you. Frankly, I don't care if you go bankrupt, or become a millionaire. It makes no difference to me. Don't follow my posts because you think that's going to make you rich, because it won't. Don't follow John, Ken, Bob, Ewen, because you think it's going to make you rich, because I promise you they aren't going to do the work for you either. You can learn technique, but that doesn't mean you actually put it in practice.

      The guru... is inside of you. People move mountains because they have faith, belief, and motivation. They become powerful because they realize they can take the action required in order to get closer to the goal. They become motivated by failure because they are one step closer to success. You're foolish if you spend your time following people instead of making your own tests, case studies, and furthering your business. I promise you, your time is better spent marketing, than it is to read my posts talking about marketing.

      That's the real deal. People will disagree, people will agree, whatever... doesn't matter. This is REAL.. Take it, absorb it, or toss it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren
    Jack Mize, Andrew Cavanaugh, MRomeo09 (my fave)
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  • Profile picture of the author Elion Makkink
    That would be Jamie "GoGetta" Garside.

    Elion Makkink

    Become an SEO Hustler too at seohustlers.com

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  • Profile picture of the author e2 solutions
    I would say this is it -->>John Durham. He is the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I will second the motion of John Durham, especially for cold calling. Dexx is pretty solid as well.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
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