Anyone have a script for a 1 call close for Mobile Websites?

50 replies
I am in the process of hiring a couple of telemarketers to pitch mobile websites. I am looking for script that would close people on the first call if possible. I am also thinking of having a video made showing the business owner the difference in what there website looks like on a cell phone! Any ideas for me? Thanx Fellow Warriors!
#call #close #mobile #script #websites
  • Profile picture of the author RRG
    Originally Posted by onlinevideoguy View Post

    I am in the process of hiring a couple of telemarketers to pitch mobile websites. I am looking for script that would close people on the first call if possible. I am also thinking of having a video made showing the business owner the difference in what there website looks like on a cell phone! Any ideas for me? Thanx Fellow Warriors!
    One call close = pressure.

    I wouldn't do it.

    Have the telemarketers set you good qualified appointments. Then start a relationship.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4588573].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
      Yeah, thats kinda what I was thinking that to! But that means I have to leave the house! lol

      Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

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      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        "US" Direct Sales Guys don't have time to "build-relationships".

        "WE"..."Barge In"...find the person who can write us a Check NOW...tell him we have something that can make him some money....bring out our the page/s so he understands the BENEFITS of his our fees and....Start Writing Up the Order.

        There's too many prospects to SEE. No time to "Dilly-Dally"....they either want what we're selling or they don't.

        It's always surprising to me with some of the WSO's I've bought that have to do with "Selling" restaurants, for example. The author says, "Go in and order a meal....then...when you see the owner....start up some small talk....then...tell him what you do....and see if you can set an appt"!

        Yikes....I go out to "Sell"....I don't go out to "eat" and try and "build a relationship" with my prospects! I "Build My Relationships with my prospects....AFTER they've become my CUSTOMER!"

        Now....what I'm doing for a Mobile Site program I'm setting up for restaurants is....using IPhoneTester...grabbing photos of b4 and after shots of mobile sites....and....putting together a DVD that my sales people can carry with them to SHOW prospects.

        I use a Portable DVD Player (Phillips, $80 at Wally-World) make up a DVD using the Photos I've captured....add some headline and text...and...I'm fitting in this Video from YouTube that we start out with;

        "Selling" is "Educating" our prospects on WHAT we're they UNDERSTAND how the program we're SELLING....will be WORTH MORE to them...than what we charge! using the above video and adding my "PhotoStory3" video to it....I've got a "Canned" presentation that really is..."IN the Can!"

        My part of the Video is to give Reasons WHY my prospects should participate.

        MY...sales people will be armed with a "Canned Presentation" so that their job will be to....SHOW it to OWNERS and Write Up Orders and COLLECT CHECKS....not...."Build Relationships"!

        Don Alm...."Direct Sales" guy
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4588824].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
          Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

          "US" Direct Sales Guys don't have time to "build-relationships".

          "WE"..."Barge In"...find the person who can write us a Check NOW...tell him we have something that can make him some money....bring out our the page/s so he understands the BENEFITS of his our fees and....Start Writing Up the Order.

          There's too many prospects to SEE. No time to "Dilly-Dally"....they either want what we're selling or they don't.

          It's always surprising to me with some of the WSO's I've bought that have to do with "Selling" restaurants, for example. The author says, "Go in and order a meal....then...when you see the owner....start up some small talk....then...tell him what you do....and see if you can set an appt"!

          Yikes....I go out to "Sell"....I don't go out to "eat" and try and "build a relationship" with my prospects! I "Build My Relationships with my prospects....AFTER they've become my CUSTOMER!"

          Now....what I'm doing for a Mobile Site program I'm setting up for restaurants is....using IPhoneTester...grabbing photos of b4 and after shots of mobile sites....and....putting together a DVD that my sales people can carry with them to SHOW prospects.

          I use a Portable DVD Player (Phillips, $80 at Wally-World) make up a DVD using the Photos I've captured....add some headline and text...and...I'm fitting in this Video from YouTube that we start out with;

          "Selling" is "Educating" our prospects on WHAT we're they UNDERSTAND how the program we're SELLING....will be WORTH MORE to them...than what we charge!

 using the above video and adding my "PhotoStory3" video to it....I've got a "Canned" presentation that really is..."IN the Can!"

          My part of the Video is to give Reasons WHY my prospects should participate.

          MY...sales people will be armed with a "Canned Presentation" so that their job will be to....SHOW it to OWNERS and Write Up Orders and COLLECT CHECKS....not...."Build Relationships"!

          Don Alm...."Direct Sales" guy
          Ok..I'm glad you said this..I've seen too many posts telling people to NEVER close over the phone..So is someone says *Ok, how much* are you supposed to say *wait I don't want your money I actually just want an appointment??* lol And I don't even consider myself a sales person, but I've NEVER been to a face to face meeting...

          Deidra Renee'..Over the Phone Closer lol
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4666317].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author WillR
            Originally Posted by Deidra Renee View Post

            Ok..I'm glad you said this..I've seen too many posts telling people to NEVER close over the phone..So is someone says *Ok, how much* are you supposed to say *wait I don't want your money I actually just want an appointment??* lol And I don't even consider myself a sales person, but I've NEVER been to a face to face meeting...

            Deidra Renee'..Over the Phone Closer lol
            In sales there is no right or wrong answer. The only answer that is right is the one that works for you. Some people might be rubbish at talking over the phone but great in person - those people would probably be best off just going for appointments not trying to close sales over the phone.

            Your main objective of every contact should always be to get your client one step closer to signing the deal. For some people that next step might be closing the sale the very first time. For others it might be offering to create the client a demo site.

            A good salesman does NOT necessarily use the same tactics with every client. A good salesman will talk to the client, listen a lot, and then decide right then and there which is the best way to progress with that particular client.

            No two sale situations are exactly the same and they should never be treated as such.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4666417].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
              Originally Posted by WillR View Post

              In sales there is no right or wrong answer. The only answer that is right is the one that works for you. Some people might be rubbish at talking over the phone but great in person - those people would probably be best off just going for appointments not trying to close sales over the phone.

              Your main objective of every contact should always be to get your client one step closer to signing the deal. For some people that next step might be closing the sale the very first time. For others it might be offering to create the client a demo site.

              A good salesman does NOT necessarily use the same tactics with every client. A good salesman will talk to the client, listen a lot, and then decide right then and there which is the best way to progress with that particular client.

              No two sale situations are exactly the same and they should never be treated as such.
              sanity prevails

              Different people /businesses buy in different ways and for often vastly differing reasons, and even they can change from one month to the next.


              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4667270].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels

      Your advice is sage, but definitely not for everyone.
      to the op. i do the one call close's period. every product. it can be done
      and in my humble opinion , should be done that way.

      i am good with scripts and rebuttals. ( good enough were i have been paid
      2 and 3k a piece to make them for sales rooms.

      Get with me in the next few days, and ill help you make one that fits
      your company. ( ill do it for free )

      going for apps is very viable approach, but is really not needed.

      Originally Posted by RRG View Post

      One call close = pressure.

      I wouldn't do it.

      Have the telemarketers set you good qualified appointments. Then start a relationship.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4666654].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
        Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post


        Your advice is sage, but definitely not for everyone.
        to the op. i do the one call close's period. every product. it can be done
        and in my humble opinion , should be done that way.

        i am good with scripts and rebuttals. ( good enough were i have been paid
        2 and 3k a piece to make them for sales rooms.

        Get with me in the next few days, and ill help you make one that fits
        your company. ( ill do it for free )

        going for apps is very viable approach, but is really not needed.
        I truly believe every service can be sold over the phone without a face to face meeting. Will some services sell BETTER with a visual that you can show the owner?? of course..and I also agree with the person above that said not every sales call is the same..well, that's just common sense. But I think when advising someone on cold calling if you're going to say..make an should also say *depending on what you're selling* there's no point in making an appointment if you're selling a Press Release (which I sell..not from cold calling..but from call backs after the client calls me) I think it should just be noted that there's nothing wrong with closing over the phone if you can do it, why not? Afterall we want to *work from home*...right?? I just don't do face to face meetings..which is probably why I don't offer things that require it
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4673673].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
        Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post


        Your advice is sage, but definitely not for everyone.
        to the op. i do the one call close's period. every product. it can be done
        and in my humble opinion , should be done that way.

        i am good with scripts and rebuttals. ( good enough were i have been paid
        2 and 3k a piece to make them for sales rooms.

        Get with me in the next few days, and ill help you make one that fits
        your company. ( ill do it for free )

        going for apps is very viable approach, but is really not needed.
        Ken, I sent you a PM

        Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

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  • Profile picture of the author LongTail Silver
    If you give away the website upfront and then charge them for monthly hosting after 30 days (Bower Method), you can pull off the 1 call close. Otherwise, you're going to need a proof of concept demonstration as most businesses will not get why they should have a mobile site.

    Personally, I think mobile sites are perfect for this method as they are easy to set up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Video Whiz
    I completely agree, Don. I too get a kick out of the "build relationships" thing just to sell a $200 mobile site!

    We have a demo site built for our sales people that they can show the owner... if they want to see more, we can show them client sites on the spot. They have a sales book with them and we take them through the process.

    Now, I'm not knocking "relationships" for high ticket items and/or to receive referrals... but how much "relationship building" can you do for $200???

    We also find that if the prospect isn't interested enough to give us money when he first sees it and is at his most excited... then 2 days from now he's probably not suddenly going to become MORE interested... better to move on to the next prospect!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4588879].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PaulFL
      Originally Posted by Video Whiz View Post

      I completely agree, Don. I too get a kick out of the "build relationships" thing just to sell a $200 mobile site!

      We have a demo site built for our sales people that they can show the owner... if they want to see more, we can show them client sites on the spot. They have a sales book with them and we take them through the process.

      Now, I'm not knocking "relationships" for high ticket items and/or to receive referrals... but how much "relationship building" can you do for $200???

      We also find that if the prospect isn't interested enough to give us money when he first sees it and is at his most excited... then 2 days from now he's probably not suddenly going to become MORE interested... better to move on to the next prospect!
      I have a different business model. My objective is to develop a relationship to sell additional services and get high quality referrals because my typical relationship client is worth thousands, not $200.

      Am I spending a lot of time for $200? No. I'm spending it because of the potential Lifetime Value of the client. There's far too much potential direct and indirect revenue for me to say, "Here's your mobile site, bye."

      With a relationship, I can find out more of what they need that I sell and give it to them. When I perform, the referrals follow and I make more. Without a relationship, I'll always be chasing $200 sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomScott
    I've received the most new clients through sending emails with a screenshot of what their site looks like on a mobile phone. THEN I simply follow up to let them know that I sent that to them so they don't miss it.

    From that simple approach, I'm getting callbacks from 6 out of 10 and converting 5 out of the 6. I'm priced very reasonably, so for me that represents $1,000 net (after freelancer is paid) for 1 hour of emailing time and another 2 hours of managing the freelancer (and now I outsource the emailing).

    The key in this approach is to target companies who ARE actively on the web and trying to do it all right ... unlike for other lead in services where I may target those with lousy websites.

    If you're going to pay a freelancer to do anything for you, I'd pay them to develop your target list and to send out the emails with screen grabs of a mobile phone emulator. A picture really is worth a thousand words and helps them quickly "get" what you're offering!

    Hope that helps!

    All the best,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4588965].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
      Thanx Warriors for all this great info! This really helps!


      Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

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    • Profile picture of the author Video Whiz
      Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

      I've received the most new clients through sending emails with a screenshot of what their site looks like on a mobile phone. THEN I simply follow up to let them know that I sent that to them so they don't miss it.
      Good approach, do you follow up by phone or with another email???
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589029].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ThomScott
        Originally Posted by Video Whiz View Post

        Good approach, do you follow up by phone or with another email???
        About an hour after I send the email, I call just to say ...
        Hey, just wanted you to know that I was trying to get your website on my phone and it was pretty tough. I just emailed you a picture so you can see what it looks like on the average smart phone that you see so many people with these days.

        That's it. NO sales at all .. just pointing out a challenge he doesn't even know he's got.

        My email shows them the problem and let's them know that as a marketing company, one of the services we offer is setting up mobile web sites and that normally we charge a very reasonable $375 for one that looks like this (I paste in a sample one for their type of business). But, that I'm running a little promotion right now so if they decide to move forward in the next 24hrs. it's only $250 and I'll even include free text marketing campaign set up and 1 month of free sms text marketing (which I get for free on new account start ups).

        Most that I wind up doing business with will call me ... but I still wind up calling one more time (a) if I haven't connected with them personally or (b) to "make sure I hadn't missed their call" since they seemed to really "get" how important it is.

        The ones that say "no" are usually either cash strapped, don't see the value of it or they say no by default because they hid behind their voicemail the whole time and I never talked with them at all - some of those probably not even seeing their email.

        Hope that helps ... consistency and confidence is key. I'm a lousy salesperson. I don't SELL anything. I'm simply pointing out a problem and offering to help them fix it at a very reasonable fee.

        All the best,
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589267].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
      Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

      I've received the most new clients through sending emails with a screenshot of what their site looks like on a mobile phone. THEN I simply follow up to let them know that I sent that to them so they don't miss it.

      From that simple approach, I'm getting callbacks from 6 out of 10 and converting 5 out of the 6. I'm priced very reasonably, so for me that represents $2,000 net (after freelancer is paid) for 1 hour of emailing time and another 2 hours of managing the freelancer (and now I outsource the emailing).

      The key in this approach is to target companies who ARE actively on the web and trying to do it all right ... unlike for other lead in services where I may target those with lousy websites.

      If you're going to pay a freelancer to do anything for you, I'd pay them to develop your target list and to send out the emails with screen grabs of a mobile phone emulator. A picture really is worth a thousand words and helps them quickly "get" what you're offering!

      Hope that helps!

      All the best,

      Thank you for the great info! How are you doing the Screenshot of there website?

      Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589069].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ThomScott
        Originally Posted by onlinevideoguy View Post

        Thank you for the great info! How are you doing the Screenshot of there website?
        There are several mobile site emulators out there. I use this one --> Emulator | dotMobi and then do a screen grab.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589174].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
          OK, That sounds easy enough! Thanks again! You Rock!!

          Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589236].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ThomScott
            Originally Posted by onlinevideoguy View Post

            OK, That sounds easy enough! Thanks again! You Rock!!
            You bet! Just try it consistently for a few days .. like a test group of 50 ... to see how you do with it. If you're consistent and you have confidence that you're not selling .. you're simply offering to help them - then even if the numbers don't go your way one day ... like you get zero or a couple ... then the next day, they'll come back higher.

            The key is in the targeting, the personalization and the offer.

            All the best,
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589296].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
          Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

          There are several mobile site emulators out there. I use this one --> Emulator | dotMobi and then do a screen grab.

          Would you be willing to share the e-mail that you send out? Thanx!

          Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589285].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ThomScott
            Originally Posted by onlinevideoguy View Post

            Would you be willing to share the e-mail that you send out? Thanx!
            Hmmm - where in Florida are you? lol ... just kidding. Though I should probably do a WSO with the whole approach, yeah, would be happy to share. Out playin today, but shoot me a pm with your email and when I'm back in pocket tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll shoot you one that I've sent with picture and all.

            It really isn't anything magical... none of my ninja copywriting skills needed or anything. Just low key approach to the right market with the right offer.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589332].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author onlinevideoguy
              Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

              There are several mobile site emulators out there. I use this one --> Emulator | dotMobi and then do a screen grab.

              Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

              Hmmm - where in Florida are you? lol ... just kidding. Though I should probably do a WSO with the whole approach, yeah, would be happy to share. Out playin today, but shoot me a pm with your email and when I'm back in pocket tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll shoot you one that I've sent with picture and all.

              It really isn't anything magical... none of my ninja copywriting skills needed or anything. Just low key approach to the right market with the right offer.

              Thanks Thom! I will send a pm in a little bit when I get home, Thank you so much! I'm in Daytona btw!

              Website Design,Mobile Marketing and Social Media

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4589501].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author markkro88
                Hey Thom..great info..would like to know how you set up the sales you take them to your website and let them checkout or do you send them an invoice? Also what text messaging service do you use that allow 1
                Free month? Would like to speak with you further shoot me a pm
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4592208].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
                Originally Posted by onlinevideoguy View Post

                Thanks Thom! I will send a pm in a little bit when I get home, Thank you so much! I'm in Daytona btw!
                I missed that your in daytona? so am i. we prob know each other. since were in the same business.

                Selling Ain't for Sissies!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4666671].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author annemarieb
              Great info! Thanks for sharing!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4663955].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author TequilaShot
              Thanks for all the sharing Scott, sent you a pm.

              Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

              Hmmm - where in Florida are you? lol ... just kidding. Though I should probably do a WSO with the whole approach, yeah, would be happy to share. Out playin today, but shoot me a pm with your email and when I'm back in pocket tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll shoot you one that I've sent with picture and all.

              It really isn't anything magical... none of my ninja copywriting skills needed or anything. Just low key approach to the right market with the right offer.

              "Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth: 'You owe me'.
              Look what happens with a love like that - It lights the whole sky." ~Hafiz
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4667163].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author clifftan
              Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

              Hmmm - where in Florida are you? lol ... just kidding. Though I should probably do a WSO with the whole approach, yeah, would be happy to share. Out playin today, but shoot me a pm with your email and when I'm back in pocket tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll shoot you one that I've sent with picture and all.

              It really isn't anything magical... none of my ninja copywriting skills needed or anything. Just low key approach to the right market with the right offer.

              Could you pm me with the email as well? many thanks
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4687443].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author perkiekat
              Originally Posted by clifftan View Post

              Could you pm me with the email as well? many thanks
              Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

              Hmmm - where in Florida are you? lol ... just kidding. Though I should probably do a WSO with the whole approach, yeah, would be happy to share. Out playin today, but shoot me a pm with your email and when I'm back in pocket tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll shoot you one that I've sent with picture and all.

              It really isn't anything magical... none of my ninja copywriting skills needed or anything. Just low key approach to the right market with the right offer.

              Would you care to share your email you send out to businesses? I would like to know what you say so I can use it too. Thank you!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4910886].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author mrtrance
                Originally Posted by perkiekat View Post

                Would you care to share your email you send out to businesses? I would like to know what you say so I can use it too. Thank you!
                I'd be interested in that email as well.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4913757].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author awww1some
          What is a screen grab and how do you do it?
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        • Profile picture of the author WillR
          Originally Posted by ThomScott View Post

          There are several mobile site emulators out there. I use this one --> Emulator | dotMobi and then do a screen grab.


          I've probably just ramped up your freelancers productivity.

          Get them to use this free mobile emulator:

          Mobilizer | Springbox

          It's relatively new but the great thing is you can choose from 4 different phone designs AND you can save the png screenshots rights from within this program. You could churn out hundreds of screenshots an hour.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4666248].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author webvalue
            Thanks for the recommendation Will, this looks great!

            Also a question - and please forgive me if it's a silly one...

            I don't have a cell phone. Yes, I am going to finally get
            one soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to know if there
            is such a thing as a web simulator that can actually sense
            if the site has a mobile version or not? or is this something
            that can only be done by an actual smart phone?

            I want to find sites that are not mobile optimized and I am
            looking for ways to do so without a phone, if there is such a thing.

            If anyone can answer, I'll very much appreciate it.


            Originally Posted by WillR View Post


            I've probably just ramped up your freelancers productivity.

            Get them to use this free mobile emulator:

            Mobilizer | Springbox

            It's relatively new but the great thing is you can choose from 4 different phone designs AND you can save the png screenshots rights from within this program. You could churn out hundreds of screenshots an hour.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4667387].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author WillR
              Originally Posted by webvalue View Post

              Thanks for the recommendation Will, this looks great!

              Also a question - and please forgive me if it's a silly one...

              I don't have a cell phone. Yes, I am going to finally get
              one soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to know if there
              is such a thing as a web simulator that can actually sense
              if the site has a mobile version or not? or is this something
              that can only be done by an actual smart phone?

              I want to find sites that are not mobile optimized and I am
              looking for ways to do so without a phone, if there is such a thing.

              If anyone can answer, I'll very much appreciate it.

              Unfortunately there is no method that will be 100% accurate - the reason being that different sites use different methods for detecting mobile devices. Some sites detect the type of mobile phone or the type of mobile web browser. Other sites will use a redirect script that simply detects the screen width of the device accessing the site.

              The only way to know for sure is to use one of the popular smartphones. My advice to others has just been to forget about this and continue on with the selling. The current stats show only a very small percentage of businesses currently have mobile sites. The chances of you contacting someone who already has a mobile site are slim to none but if you do, they will say no thanks and you simply move on. No big deal.

              You will definitely close more sales by just contacting businesses without checking if they have a mobile site. Yes, you will get the odd person who already has one but you are going to be able to contact a lot more businesses in a shorter period of time so you'll be better off in the long run.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4667688].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author webvalue
                Very helpful point Will, thank you for providing valuable support.

                Also looking at your WSO, it looks good, I am thinking of getting it.
                I am on a trial with another mobile site builder but they charge a monthly
                price which seems high. It doesn't look like you are charging any monthly
                fee, if that's the case, I'll have to get it later today when I get back from town.

                Originally Posted by WillR View Post

                Unfortunately there is no method that will be 100% accurate - the reason being that different sites use different methods for detecting mobile devices. Some sites detect the type of mobile phone or the type of mobile web browser. Other sites will use a redirect script that simply detects the screen width of the device accessing the site.

                The only way to know for sure is to use one of the popular smartphones. My advice to others has just been to forget about this and continue on with the selling. The current stats show only a very small percentage of businesses currently have mobile sites. The chances of you contacting someone who already has a mobile site are slim to none but if you do, they will say no thanks and you simply move on. No big deal.

                You will definitely close more sales by just contacting businesses without checking if they have a mobile site. Yes, you will get the odd person who already has one but you are going to be able to contact a lot more businesses in a shorter period of time so you'll be better off in the long run.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4669361].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author rjhartl
            I don't have enough posts to thank you yet but....thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author aaronhoug
    I don't advise a "1 call close". It will pressure them and usually turn them away which is not good for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Gee
    I hope they can move this topic to the new mobile section
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  • Profile picture of the author jaquelen
    What a great thread
    I have a question for Thom: What headlines do you usually use for the emails?
    Also can you send me some sample emails that you send out? I can't PM you because I have not enough posts.

    My email is
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  • Profile picture of the author dtaylor
    You are always closing over the phone.

    You are either closing them on the appointment or you are closing them on the sale.

    Different products, business types, price points have different methods.

    Pick you method (or methods), just keep calling and closing and you will most likely do just fine.

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  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    There is no one right sales method for every person. Each person has to take into account their own strengths and weaknesses. After seeing the way Don Alm treats people on these forums, it doesn't surprise me that he finds it challenging to build relationships with people. Others find it easier to build the relationship slowly before offering to solve a problem for them in exchange for money.

    Be assured... people have gotten rich both ways.


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  • Profile picture of the author BrandyM
    Where are you getting the leads from? Google Places? How are you getting the email addresses for the decision maker?
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by loyaltytoday View Post

      Where are you getting the leads from? Google Places? How are you getting the email addresses for the decision maker?
      Are you asking me this question ? its not my thread i dont want to hijack it.

      but ill tell you what was told to me, many yrs ago when i was learning how to sell. everybody is a lead.

      it appears if your into B2B, --

      Try the newspaper -- looks for local adverts --
      look in the phone book -- yellow page section --
      look online in any of the business directories

      One of my best sales reps does something pretty interesting.
      I would not do it but he does, and hes always one of my top earners.
      he finds the places that have the big jar or bowl full of business cards
      next to the cash registers ( you know the ones people drop the cards into for a free lunch or whatnot ) and he gets the owners to give him the bizz cards when they are done with the drawings...

      If your doing b2b every business every can be your customer

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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      • Profile picture of the author leadz
        This is a great thread.
        if anyone has a script that is already working please share.

        I just started cold calling offline clients.

        I am using the bower method. free trial for the first 30 days. Then make them pay the hosting thereafter.

        I have not closed any yet.

        They asked for more info via email.

        I sent out 6 emails today. I will call them tomorrow to find out what they think.
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        • Profile picture of the author WillR
          Originally Posted by leadz View Post

          This is a great thread.
          if anyone has a script that is already working please share.

          I just started cold calling offline clients.

          I am using the bower method. free trial for the first 30 days. Then make them pay the hosting thereafter.

          I have not closed any yet.

          They asked for more info via email.

          I sent out 6 emails today. I will call them tomorrow to find out what they think.
          If they are showing some interest then you should be jumping on it. You might want to test creating a few video walkthroughs and sending them a link to that video in the email. Show them what their current site scores on the W3C mobile validator, show them the problems visitors will have viewing it on a mobile devices, then show them an example of a mobile website and point out the benefits of having one.
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          • 1 call close success is proportional to your offer, price, perceived value, and rapport.

            If it's a great deal and have good TM'rs go for it.

            1 call close = pressure ? bad math

            1 call close + release sales pressure = open to offer a great 1 time deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author herbaluss
    All this is some good information ... I like the idea of doing the email with an image of the website..... having a mobile website there really is no details explaining like selling the other aspects of mobile marketing so it should work as long as these people are even reading their emails.
    I would love to get the email template for what is being sent out.
    Maybe just post it here so everybody can see it.
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  • Profile picture of the author cgt2012
    Old thread, but great information on here. I am trying to find a good pitch for appointment setters. This helped very much!
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  • Profile picture of the author PanteraIM


    'Hi, this is XXX speaking, am I speaking with the business owner?'

    'I've tried looking at your website on my phone and I noticed that it doesn't load properly and is really hard to use, in fact it looks broken.'

    (don't sound like a telemarketer)

    'I'm giving you a call today because I'm an independent consultant that specializes in getting you more customers through the internet, which is what you want right?'

    (WIFM statement, pay off your introduction)

    'And you know how people these days search for XXX in YYY area?'

    'We are the people that get you found online, and with mobile phone usage set to exceed that of desktops next year, you gotta be found online, right?'

    (Push them into the 'yes-room' of agreeing with you early)

    'Exactly. And did you know that 79% of people say that they will go back to the search results if the site is not mobile optimized? How do you feel about that?'

    (Intensify fear)

    'How is your website performing at the moment? If we could show you a better way of getting more higher-paying customers, would you open to looking at it?'

    'Now imagine if we could get you an extra 5 leads a week calling your business as enquiries by getting this small problem sorted for you.. Do you mind if I ask you, what would that be worth to your business, roughly?'

    (Now your jaw is open)

    'Yeah, so even if you closed just one of those sales that'd be an extra $xxx per week or $xxxxxx for that year, sounds good right?'


    'I'm assuming you paid around $1,000 to $2,000 to have your site done for you, which I know is no small amount of money, is it?

    Well the good news is that in order to get you more business and sort this major technical glitch it's going to cost you anything like that.


    We're going to do it all over the phone, it's just a one time payment of $xxx no other costs.

    I'm also going to throw in an adwords credit/fb page/directory listing etc for free that's normally valued at $xxx for FREE, so that's another bonus for you. Would that help you out?

    Awesome, glad to have you on board.

    So I'm going to leave you some of my details in case you need anything else, are you at your desk?

    (give details, firm up the sale, hold the assumptive frame)

    So we can do this two ways, we can either do your CC over the phone now or I can swing by later on and pick up the cheque.

    Which is going to be better for you today?

    you cant hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Fine...I'll provide mine. This thread was started shortly before I joined the forum, I think.

    Read this

    It'll give you a lot of ideas.
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