Anyone have a script for a 1 call close for Mobile Websites?

by 50 replies
I am in the process of hiring a couple of telemarketers to pitch mobile websites. I am looking for script that would close people on the first call if possible. I am also thinking of having a video made showing the business owner the difference in what there website looks like on a cell phone! Any ideas for me? Thanx Fellow Warriors!
#offline marketing #call #close #mobile #script #websites
  • One call close = pressure.

    I wouldn't do it.

    Have the telemarketers set you good qualified appointments. Then start a relationship.
    • [2] replies
    • Yeah, thats kinda what I was thinking that to! But that means I have to leave the house! lol
      • [1] reply
    • Seriously?

      Your advice is sage, but definitely not for everyone.
      to the op. i do the one call close's period. every product. it can be done
      and in my humble opinion , should be done that way.

      i am good with scripts and rebuttals. ( good enough were i have been paid
      2 and 3k a piece to make them for sales rooms.

      Get with me in the next few days, and ill help you make one that fits
      your company. ( ill do it for free )

      going for apps is very viable approach, but is really not needed.

      • [2] replies
  • If you give away the website upfront and then charge them for monthly hosting after 30 days (Bower Method), you can pull off the 1 call close. Otherwise, you're going to need a proof of concept demonstration as most businesses will not get why they should have a mobile site.

    Personally, I think mobile sites are perfect for this method as they are easy to set up.
  • I completely agree, Don. I too get a kick out of the "build relationships" thing just to sell a $200 mobile site!

    We have a demo site built for our sales people that they can show the owner... if they want to see more, we can show them client sites on the spot. They have a sales book with them and we take them through the process.

    Now, I'm not knocking "relationships" for high ticket items and/or to receive referrals... but how much "relationship building" can you do for $200???

    We also find that if the prospect isn't interested enough to give us money when he first sees it and is at his most excited... then 2 days from now he's probably not suddenly going to become MORE interested... better to move on to the next prospect!
    • [1] reply
    • I have a different business model. My objective is to develop a relationship to sell additional services and get high quality referrals because my typical relationship client is worth thousands, not $200.

      Am I spending a lot of time for $200? No. I'm spending it because of the potential Lifetime Value of the client. There's far too much potential direct and indirect revenue for me to say, "Here's your mobile site, bye."

      With a relationship, I can find out more of what they need that I sell and give it to them. When I perform, the referrals follow and I make more. Without a relationship, I'll always be chasing $200 sales.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I've received the most new clients through sending emails with a screenshot of what their site looks like on a mobile phone. THEN I simply follow up to let them know that I sent that to them so they don't miss it.

    From that simple approach, I'm getting callbacks from 6 out of 10 and converting 5 out of the 6. I'm priced very reasonably, so for me that represents $1,000 net (after freelancer is paid) for 1 hour of emailing time and another 2 hours of managing the freelancer (and now I outsource the emailing).

    The key in this approach is to target companies who ARE actively on the web and trying to do it all right ... unlike for other lead in services where I may target those with lousy websites.

    If you're going to pay a freelancer to do anything for you, I'd pay them to develop your target list and to send out the emails with screen grabs of a mobile phone emulator. A picture really is worth a thousand words and helps them quickly "get" what you're offering!

    Hope that helps!

    All the best,
    • [ 7 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • Thanx Warriors for all this great info! This really helps!

    • Good approach, do you follow up by phone or with another email???
      • [1] reply

    • Thank you for the great info! How are you doing the Screenshot of there website?
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  • I don't advise a "1 call close". It will pressure them and usually turn them away which is not good for you.
  • I hope they can move this topic to the new mobile section
  • What a great thread
    I have a question for Thom: What headlines do you usually use for the emails?
    Also can you send me some sample emails that you send out? I can't PM you because I have not enough posts.

    My email is
  • You are always closing over the phone.

    You are either closing them on the appointment or you are closing them on the sale.

    Different products, business types, price points have different methods.

    Pick you method (or methods), just keep calling and closing and you will most likely do just fine.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • There is no one right sales method for every person. Each person has to take into account their own strengths and weaknesses. After seeing the way Don Alm treats people on these forums, it doesn't surprise me that he finds it challenging to build relationships with people. Others find it easier to build the relationship slowly before offering to solve a problem for them in exchange for money.

    Be assured... people have gotten rich both ways.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Where are you getting the leads from? Google Places? How are you getting the email addresses for the decision maker?
    • [1] reply
    • Are you asking me this question ? its not my thread i dont want to hijack it.

      but ill tell you what was told to me, many yrs ago when i was learning how to sell. everybody is a lead.

      it appears if your into B2B, --

      Try the newspaper -- looks for local adverts --
      look in the phone book -- yellow page section --
      look online in any of the business directories

      One of my best sales reps does something pretty interesting.
      I would not do it but he does, and hes always one of my top earners.
      he finds the places that have the big jar or bowl full of business cards
      next to the cash registers ( you know the ones people drop the cards into for a free lunch or whatnot ) and he gets the owners to give him the bizz cards when they are done with the drawings...

      If your doing b2b every business every can be your customer
      • [1] reply
  • All this is some good information ... I like the idea of doing the email with an image of the website..... having a mobile website there really is no details explaining like selling the other aspects of mobile marketing so it should work as long as these people are even reading their emails.
    I would love to get the email template for what is being sent out.
    Maybe just post it here so everybody can see it.
  • Old thread, but great information on here. I am trying to find a good pitch for appointment setters. This helped very much!
  • ..


    'Hi, this is XXX speaking, am I speaking with the business owner?'

    'I've tried looking at your website on my phone and I noticed that it doesn't load properly and is really hard to use, in fact it looks broken.'

    (don't sound like a telemarketer)

    'I'm giving you a call today because I'm an independent consultant that specializes in getting you more customers through the internet, which is what you want right?'

    (WIFM statement, pay off your introduction)

    'And you know how people these days search for XXX in YYY area?'

    'We are the people that get you found online, and with mobile phone usage set to exceed that of desktops next year, you gotta be found online, right?'

    (Push them into the 'yes-room' of agreeing with you early)

    'Exactly. And did you know that 79% of people say that they will go back to the search results if the site is not mobile optimized? How do you feel about that?'

    (Intensify fear)

    'How is your website performing at the moment? If we could show you a better way of getting more higher-paying customers, would you open to looking at it?'

    'Now imagine if we could get you an extra 5 leads a week calling your business as enquiries by getting this small problem sorted for you.. Do you mind if I ask you, what would that be worth to your business, roughly?'

    (Now your jaw is open)

    'Yeah, so even if you closed just one of those sales that'd be an extra $xxx per week or $xxxxxx for that year, sounds good right?'


    'I'm assuming you paid around $1,000 to $2,000 to have your site done for you, which I know is no small amount of money, is it?

    Well the good news is that in order to get you more business and sort this major technical glitch it's going to cost you anything like that.


    We're going to do it all over the phone, it's just a one time payment of $xxx no other costs.

    I'm also going to throw in an adwords credit/fb page/directory listing etc for free that's normally valued at $xxx for FREE, so that's another bonus for you. Would that help you out?

    Awesome, glad to have you on board.

    So I'm going to leave you some of my details in case you need anything else, are you at your desk?

    (give details, firm up the sale, hold the assumptive frame)

    So we can do this two ways, we can either do your CC over the phone now or I can swing by later on and pick up the cheque.

    Which is going to be better for you today?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Fine...I'll provide mine. This thread was started shortly before I joined the forum, I think.

    Read this

    It'll give you a lot of ideas.

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