Bowling Alley called me and sold themselves...

Profile picture of areevez
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
32 replies
For some reason, bowling alleys never crossed my mind to target for any
services but they are VERY profitable if you get your foot in the door.

The owner of a bowling alley in my area called my phone out of the blue last week. Apparently, he picked up my card at one of the many places I leave them.

So we spoke on the phone a bit and sold him on a $250 SMS monthly package over the phone. Later, I went in to talk with him more and get a look around the alley. There are so many possibilities in these alley's it is ridiculous! I am trying to make this owner my best friend because I have so many ideas for advertising CPA/Affiliate products within the alley. Such as the ads on the pin wall.

Like how that dentist office is there. So the dentist office is paying the alley a set amount to have that ad placed there. It's cool and everything but I'm not sure how many leads the dentist office will be getting from people at a bowling alley. They don't even have any contact information or anything, so it's kind of confusing to me why they would pay just to have their name on the pin wall.

We had a meeting about all of this for about an hour and a half and his jaw was literally to the floor the entire time.

Here is what I proposed to him:
  • Set up VIP SMS list for customers.
  • Offer every customer ONE free game or a free pair of shoes if they sign up for the SMS list.
  • Market special discounts through SMS. 48 hours(time-sensitive) deals such as play two games, play one free.
  • Advertise the SMS list in the middle ad on the pin wall. "Text VIPBOWLER to "54545" NOW to join our VIP list and bowl one free game!
  • Incorporate CPA offers and other affiliate offers on the pin wall instead of all businesses. We split commission from CPA/Affiliate earnings 50/50 every 30 days.
  • Monthly contest nights such as 'first person to bowl 3 strikes in a row wins 3 free games'.

I told him about the possibilities with CPA offers such as anything from email submits to free trial offers. Both will make some insane money for the both of us and will be far more profitable than having a dentist ad up there.

We have another meeting next week and I'm still brewing up more ideas. Just wanted to share this with you guys, if you need someone to go after, Check out the bowling alley's in your area and try to get in touch with the owner, use SMS to get in the door.

It would be cool if you guys bounced more ideas off of this so I can have even more to add next week, plus this could turn out to be a massively profitable thread if more ideas get thrown in the pot!


#alley #bowling #called #sold
  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Profile picture of Qamar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi nice ideas there and thanks for sharing. Anyway can you expand a bit on how to get started with SMS marketing services? What software to use and is it a complicated task for someone who are not familiar with this method?

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  • Profile picture of the author stevenjacobs
    Profile picture of stevenjacobs
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I love qr codes for it.
  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Profile picture of MoneyMagnetMagnate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yeah, that dentist needs a least on promotion or QR codes! - A phone could pick up a nice big code from down there.
    He could make the pin opening look like a mouth, and people could knock their teeth (pins) out -
    (or is that what it's supposed to be like now? doesn't look clear to me)

    Is there anywhere else in the Alley that reinforces that banner? It does seem pointless...and a curious place for a dentist to advertise without some kind of tie-in.

    Does the Alley have a snack bar? Most do...he could push (sms) food "snacktacular" specials night.
    If not - that spot above the pins would be good for a pizza (delivery) - they have to look at it for more than an hour or so...(make em' hungry) He could cross-promote.

    Plus look at all the businesses with Bowling Teams in the Leagues -
    not a bad spot to promote what you do?
  • Profile picture of the author IMRookie1
    Profile picture of IMRookie1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Bowling alleys here are closing but I suppose I could find the ones that are getting all the business.
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  • Profile picture of the author kcfried
    Profile picture of kcfried
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Sounds like you should chat with the dentist as well. Their $/client is pretty high and would be a perfect target for other forms of direct advertising - monthly mobile marketing etc... Just a thought. Congrats on getting your foot in the door.
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    • Profile picture of the author xichabodx
      Profile picture of xichabodx
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by kcfried View Post


      Sounds like you should chat with the dentist as well. Their $/client is pretty high and would be a perfect target for other forms of direct advertising - monthly mobile marketing etc... Just a thought. Congrats on getting your foot in the door.
      The alley and dentist is in Japan.

  • Profile picture of the author Big Gee
    Big Gee
    Profile picture of Big Gee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm about to hit up a bowling alley next week! They are actually looking to hire someone for their staff BUT I would like to see if I can change that and let them know it would just be better to have me as a consultant ( I want my freedom). Im going to promote a mobile site, the power of QR codes and SMS. My cherry on top idea would be to add QR codes to the the coasters with a cta special as posted here in WF. (not my idea !)
  • Profile picture of the author DrPaul
    Profile picture of DrPaul
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't forget, there are tons of bowling related content sites out there, from USBC's, to, and kids bowling games.

    Find out what Associations your local Alley belongs to, and try cross promoting mobile content in house through QR codes.
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  • Profile picture of the author vj3660
    Profile picture of vj3660
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Give a discount code for people coming to bowling alley
  • Profile picture of the author areevez
    Profile picture of areevez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the great tips guys! Got a few more ideas from yall that I will be presenting to him!
  • Profile picture of the author xichabodx
    Profile picture of xichabodx
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So, is this dentist ad in the bowling alley in which you signed up?
    • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
      Profile picture of CreekChub
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by xichabodx View Post

      So, is this dentist ad in the bowling alley in which you signed up?
      Chinese characters got you curious, eh? Me too. Hate to be that guy, but so much of that goes on in here that you can't hardly turn sideways without feeling like you have to call it out.
      • Profile picture of the author xichabodx
        Profile picture of xichabodx
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by CreekChub View Post

        Chinese characters got you curious, eh? Me too. Hate to be that guy, but so much of that goes on in here that you can't hardly turn sideways without feeling like you have to call it out.
        Yep. I was hoping he'd answer before someone else noticed. :p

        You can do a Google search (like I did) of the image and see that this bowling alley is in Japan. ryo dentist office bowling alley - Google Search (this thread actually shows up in the search on my computer)

        Not trying to call BS, but you'd think a picture from the actual alley he entered would be posted, not from another one in a different country. And the way it's told, he leads the forum to believe it is from the alley he visited:

        Like how that dentist office is there. So the dentist office is paying the alley a set amount to have that ad placed there. It's cool and everything but I'm not sure how many leads the dentist office will be getting from people at a bowling alley. They don't even have any contact information or anything, so it's kind of confusing to me why they would pay just to have their name on the pin wall.

        We had a meeting about all of this for about an hour and a half and his jaw was literally to the floor the entire time.
        It seems ever since the Offline Forum was created, folks just make general posts (true or untrue) to promote their WSOs (which happen to be in their sig). Ah, well...
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Profile picture of WillR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by areevez View Post

    I told him about the possibilities with CPA offers such as anything from email submits to free trial offers. Both will make some insane money for the both of us and will be far more profitable than having a dentist ad up there.
    Great ideas in your post but I would be a little careful with the CPA route. Knowing that a large percentage of the audience in a bowling alley are young people it would be irresponsible, I think, to be offering any type of CPA offers that involve mobile subscriptions or anything like that or even those where young people have to offer up their personal information.

    I'd be very careful with the offers you promote. You might do better to go and find a local business that is complimentary to the bowling alley, maybe a restaurant or take-away place, and set up a cross promotion type deal.
  • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
    Deidra Renee
    Profile picture of Deidra Renee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Whether this post is true or not..which i'm guessing not lol he did throw out a new idea..bowling alleys would be great to target for SMS!
    • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
      Profile picture of CreekChub
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The key to most of this stuff - offline, online, doesn't matter - is, did you do it? Did it work?

      If so, great - and thanks for passing on the idea. If not, why post it like this? Why not say - "Hey, I had this idea, what do you guys think?"

      The answer, of course, is that most often the OP is trying to build false credibility, and send traffic one way or another to a WSO. "See, I'm giving this stuff away for free - just IMAGINE what's included in my WSO!!!"

      I can't stand that crap, and it goes on all the time.
      • Profile picture of the author xichabodx
        Profile picture of xichabodx
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by CreekChub View Post

        The key to most of this stuff - offline, online, doesn't matter - is, did you do it? Did it work?

        If so, great - and thanks for passing on the idea. If not, why post it like this? Why not say - "Hey, I had this idea, what do you guys think?"

        The answer, of course, is that most often the OP is trying to build false credibility, and send traffic one way or another to a WSO. "See, I'm giving this stuff away for free - just IMAGINE what's included in my WSO!!!"

        I can't stand that crap, and it goes on all the time.
        My thoughts exactly.
        It seems he makes most his $ from WSOs that comes out every 1-2 weeks, that haven't been implemented but for a short time (much less, proven or documented). The income he claims from his combined ventures puts him well above $50k/month, yet still has the time to crank out all his secrets.

        I've followed his posts & WSOs for the past few months and given the vagueness, exorbitant income claims, and lack of proof, the credibility factor drops with each post.
        • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
          Profile picture of Vikuna2009+
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by xichabodx View Post

          My thoughts exactly.
          It seems he makes most his $ from WSOs that comes out every 1-2 weeks, that haven't been implemented but for a short time (much less, proven or documented). The income he claims from his combined ventures puts him well above $50k/month, yet still has the time to crank out all his secrets.

          I've followed his posts & WSOs for the past few months and given the vagueness, exorbitant incoWe , and lack of proof, the credibility factor drops with each post.
          Well now, lets not jump to conclusions, lol. It might be true, it might not. If it is, maybe he just snagged a picture from the internet to get your creative juices going. If so, there should have been a sidebar noting so and that would have taken care of that.

          Anyways, the idea is great and it DID get your juices flowing, right .

          Just my 2 cents/Eva

          P.s. Great catch.
  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    Profile picture of TheKeys
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I find it hilarious how the dentist place didn't even leave any contact information!

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  • Profile picture of the author areevez
    Profile picture of areevez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    LOL you guys are really are trip. Either appreciate the tip or stay out of the thread with negative comments. OBVIOUSLY that is not the alley I was talking about, I snagged a picture just to show people what I meant by pin wall ads.

    To the people talking down, income proof is out there since thats what you guys live and die by, as if seeing someone's income claims is going to cure the laziness and procrastination most people on this forum shows.
  • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
    Profile picture of CreekChub
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, it's your story man. Good luck with it.
    • Profile picture of the author ryanpadilla
      Profile picture of ryanpadilla
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I don't really even want to put much attention to the matter except that you guys shouldn't berate another persons credibility and make assumptions so belligerently.

      It is kind of unclear as to whether or not he was talking about that actually being the bowling alley or he was using it as an example, but it doesn't say either way, so why do you automatically assume the worst. He may have just simply left it out.

      Haha people are in attack mode sometimes.

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      • Profile picture of the author xichabodx
        Profile picture of xichabodx
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        It is kind of unclear as to whether or not he was talking about that actually being the bowling alley or he was using it as an example, but it doesn't say either way, so why do you automatically assume the worst. He may have just simply left it out.
        If you looked closely at what he posted, you'll notice the discrepancy as well:

        "Later, I went in to talk with him more and get a look around the alley. There are so many possibilities in these alley's it is ridiculous! I am trying to make this owner my best friend because I have so many ideas for advertising CPA/Affiliate products within the alley. Such as the ads on the pin wall.

        Like how that dentist office is there. So the dentist office is paying the alley a set amount to have that ad placed there. It's cool and everything but I'm not sure how many leads the dentist office will be getting from people at a bowling alley. They don't even have any contact information or anything, so it's kind of confusing to me why they would pay just to have their name on the pin wall."

        We had a meeting about all of this for about an hour and a half and his jaw was literally to the floor the entire time.

        So, from his own words, we're either to assume he:
        1. copied this picture from the internet and printed it off or took his laptop into the meeting (something he NEVER mentioned) Why did he reference an irrelevant Japanese bowling alley to an owner in Virginia?
        2. led the forum to believe this is the actual picture from the alley he just signed up (which we all know this alley isn't in Virginia, but in Japan)

        He stated he posted the picture just for an example for us ("us" being members of the forum). From other posts within this thread, others thought the picture he posted was from the actual alley he visited. They even suggested he contact the dentist office and offer marketing services to them. Hope he's fluent in Japanese. Although, they're ahead of us in the States when it comes to mobile marketing.

        Haha people are in attack mode sometimes.
        Not attacking anyone, just calling it how I see it.
        If someone is going to be making all these income claims and successes, then I'd like to see some proof.

        If he wants to prove me wrong, then he can point me in the direction of where this bowling alley is. The whole "I'm not going to divulge client information" card may be played here. That's fair (I suppose). I'll even take a PM of the contact info, or at least say just the city where the alley is located. I'll do a quick Google search of all the bowling alleys in the city he says it's in and I'll find out for myself which one it is. Can't do that either? Well, how 'bout posting real pics of the alley he claims to have entered and sat in for an hour and a half, not one from the internet.

        I'm usually not into wasting time with trivial matters such as this, but when claims are being made (with discrepancies, coupled with a few suspicions from his other posts), then I'll see to it that it's legit or not.

        No hard feelings.
        • Profile picture of the author SpeedyBanana
          Profile picture of SpeedyBanana
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by xichabodx View Post

          If you looked closely at what he posted, you'll notice the discrepancy as well:

          "Later, I went in to talk with him more and get a look around the alley. There are so many possibilities in these alley's it is ridiculous! I am trying to make this owner my best friend because I have so many ideas for advertising CPA/Affiliate products within the alley. Such as the ads on the pin wall.

          Like how that dentist office is there. So the dentist office is paying the alley a set amount to have that ad placed there. It's cool and everything but I'm not sure how many leads the dentist office will be getting from people at a bowling alley. They don't even have any contact information or anything, so it's kind of confusing to me why they would pay just to have their name on the pin wall."

          We had a meeting about all of this for about an hour and a half and his jaw was literally to the floor the entire time.

          So, from his own words, we're either to assume he:
          1. copied this picture from the internet and printed it off or took his laptop into the meeting (something he NEVER mentioned) Why did he reference an irrelevant Japanese bowling alley to an owner in Virginia?
          2. led the forum to believe this is the actual picture from the alley he just signed up (which we all know this alley isn't in Virginia, but in Japan)

          He stated he posted the picture just for an example for us ("us" being members of the forum). From other posts within this thread, others thought the picture he posted was from the actual alley he visited. They even suggested he contact the dentist office and offer marketing services to them. Hope he's fluent in Japanese. Although, they're ahead of us in the States when it comes to mobile marketing.

          Not attacking anyone, just calling it how I see it.
          If someone is going to be making all these income claims and successes, then I'd like to see some proof.

          If he wants to prove me wrong, then he can point me in the direction of where this bowling alley is. The whole "I'm not going to divulge client information" card may be played here. That's fair (I suppose). I'll even take a PM of the contact info, or at least say just the city where the alley is located. I'll do a quick Google search of all the bowling alleys in the city he says it's in and I'll find out for myself which one it is. Can't do that either? Well, how 'bout posting real pics of the alley he claims to have entered and sat in for an hour and a half, not one from the internet.

          I'm usually not into wasting time with trivial matters such as this, but when claims are being made (with discrepancies, coupled with a few suspicions from his other posts), then I'll see to it that it's legit or not.

          No hard feelings.

          I don't understand why these people don't get banned. You basically catch them red handed making up BS claims to sell their trashy WSOs and nothing gets done about it. These sort of scummy people really ruin this forum. It's sad but unfortunately not everyone is going to read this thread and see this scam artist for what he really is.

          I'll make sure to bookmark this thread and paste the link next time areevez decides to post another BS story he pulled out of his as*
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Filsaime
    Mark Filsaime
    Profile picture of Mark Filsaime
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Such as the ads on the pin wall.
    Somehow the people here did not get to read this line.
    • Profile picture of the author BKH
      Profile picture of BKH
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I sell SMS in a lot of different ways and this is one that I just heard of. Thanks for the tip! I am going to hit all of the bowling establishments in my neck of the woods.
  • Profile picture of the author redcell1
    Profile picture of redcell1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So your really going to sell CPA offline ?

    Your really are better off selling advertising at a bowling alley. Cross promote businesses and make bank off of both of them.

    Just here to see the shenanigans.

  • Profile picture of the author danielkanuck
    Profile picture of danielkanuck
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by areevez View Post

    Set up VIP SMS list for customers.
    • Offer every customer ONE free game or a free pair of shoes if they sign up for the SMS list.
    • Market special discounts through SMS. 48 hours(time-sensitive) deals such as play two games, play one free.
    • Advertise the SMS list in the middle ad on the pin wall. "Text VIPBOWLER to "54545" NOW to join our VIP list and bowl one free game!
    • Incorporate CPA offers and other affiliate offers on the pin wall instead of all businesses. We split commission from CPA/Affiliate earnings 50/50 every 30 days.
    • Monthly contest nights such as 'first person to bowl 3 strikes in a row wins 3 free games'.
    Nice creativity with your marketing approach for the bowling alley.
  • Profile picture of the author Extreme Social Media
    Extreme Social Media
    Profile picture of Extreme Social Media
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's great to hear when clients call you!! Awesome Job


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