Bowling Alley called me and sold themselves...
services but they are VERY profitable if you get your foot in the door.
The owner of a bowling alley in my area called my phone out of the blue last week. Apparently, he picked up my card at one of the many places I leave them.
So we spoke on the phone a bit and sold him on a $250 SMS monthly package over the phone. Later, I went in to talk with him more and get a look around the alley. There are so many possibilities in these alley's it is ridiculous! I am trying to make this owner my best friend because I have so many ideas for advertising CPA/Affiliate products within the alley. Such as the ads on the pin wall.

We had a meeting about all of this for about an hour and a half and his jaw was literally to the floor the entire time.
Here is what I proposed to him:
- Set up VIP SMS list for customers.
- Offer every customer ONE free game or a free pair of shoes if they sign up for the SMS list.
- Market special discounts through SMS. 48 hours(time-sensitive) deals such as play two games, play one free.
- Advertise the SMS list in the middle ad on the pin wall. "Text VIPBOWLER to "54545" NOW to join our VIP list and bowl one free game!
- Incorporate CPA offers and other affiliate offers on the pin wall instead of all businesses. We split commission from CPA/Affiliate earnings 50/50 every 30 days.
- Monthly contest nights such as 'first person to bowl 3 strikes in a row wins 3 free games'.
I told him about the possibilities with CPA offers such as anything from email submits to free trial offers. Both will make some insane money for the both of us and will be far more profitable than having a dentist ad up there.
We have another meeting next week and I'm still brewing up more ideas. Just wanted to share this with you guys, if you need someone to go after, Check out the bowling alley's in your area and try to get in touch with the owner, use SMS to get in the door.
It would be cool if you guys bounced more ideas off of this so I can have even more to add next week, plus this could turn out to be a massively profitable thread if more ideas get thrown in the pot!
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