"NO STRINGS"- FREE OFFLINE REPORT-"The Great Telemarketing War Report" - Make Money Starting NOW!!

by 65 replies
Legendary Warrior Report ... Now available free for Y-O-U!

No catch! No affiliate links or hidden opt ins or upsells... Just a gift that has helped alot of others.

Its attached to this post at the bottom. Enjoy!


There are tons more testimonials like these, but lets move on...

Notes: (7/2/12)

Dear Readers,

The pitch in the report was really designed (for lack of a better word) for sales on the phone.

The only reason I added the part "When is a good time for me to stop by and get a check" is because I was in betweeen merchant accounts... and it was an off the cuff week long crunch , trying to pull things together in the nick of time sort of thing...

So I revised my pitch to allow me to go pick up a check.

Even my phone sale, I ended up sending a courier to go out and pick up the cash, and told them to look out for my courier and leave a check with the receptionist.

So we are talking BARE BONES... I didnt even have a web site.

This pitch was written in one of those "what to do if you're desperate" kind of moments.

More on how I arrived at it:

1: I took the way I was feeling at the time.

2: I created a pitch that would work with that vibe and come off naturally.

3: For the first 100 calls I sat there with a pen scribbling in and out words, until it rolled off the tongue nicely.

4: I added an appointment setting option (was meant to be a phone close pitch) to counter the fact that I had no merch acct. yet.

Now, having been at this for years, I can write a gazzillion styles of pitches, because have no doubt, Im a hardcore pro... But when I wrote this pitch I was feeling different... I intentionally told myself "im not going to do this the hard way...Im going to write an easy pitch that ferrets out the laydowns, and makes for a pleasant calling session.

Anyone should succeed with this.

More teaching ...

A pro telemarketer usually has a few different styles in his arsenal that he can switch back and forth from...

Part of coming in to work every day is paying close attention to how you feel, and deciding which pitching vibe you are going to go with based on that. Which one can you pull off most naturally today?

It may even happen from hour to hour...you may be in a great lighted hearted mood, taking the 'pleasant enthusiatic" approach and its working with you...


Then your girl friend texts you and says she saw her ex boyfriend at the park...and you cant get her to answer the phone when you try to call he back at break time...(Lol this really happened to me...).

Now you're tense... so you have to go back in to work despite that, and get back on the phone...

If you are smart you wont try to keep playing pleasant and enthusiastic, you will take a more authoritative style because it will come off more naturally...

Later she texts back and makes you feel better...now you feel light hearted again and you couldnt pull off the authority pitch if you tried.

Its important to constantly monitor how your pitching style is matching up with your vibe, because when you go with the grain its a much smoother ride and it works better....

I learned to use everything from determination, to easy going, to angry, to enthusiasm... to even "sadness" to my advantage by learning to adapt pitching styles to my moods...

All telemarketers learn to do that if they are good.

Now, you DONT change the words... you only change the energy they are delivered with.

Last note:

Now you know the history of the pitch in this particular report.

As I said in another thread, Im going to try and stop writing my pitches in threads... because I end up writing them over and over again, and it isnt fair to my pitch writing clients , but I hope this helps, the pitch in this report is meant to be a phone closing pitch (an easy going one) but was adapted for appointments...

#offline marketing #days #free #great #make #money #report #telemarketing
  • Read it all. Spot on, will get people going if they take just a few simple steps. At first I was skeptical about the script, but then I realized it's so casual, it never sounds like a sales call. And that's what keeps the barrier down. The moment "How are you today? I'm calling from..." pops out of your mouth, the prospect's wall goes up.

    This will work.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • In any event if you search around... you will find that over 100 warriors last year got their first offline client from this report. Probably alot more than that by now...It was my first and to date my best.

      The simplicity is the key... and the results are overwhelming.

      Time to give away.... Clearing out old work to make room for new!

      Its based on the idea that people "think too hard"... they intellectualize too much...and that paralyzes them.
  • Nice guide. Too bad i hate telemarketing. But i'm sure it'll be helpful for others.
    • [2] replies
    • Thanks for the great input!:rolleyes: Already has been helpful to a TON of others who got their first sale after reading... It will happen with this thread too, watch....and I hate to say it but "learn".

      This report has a magical way of helping people get started...So magical that it doesnt even belong to me anymore... It should be freely given... I dont know how, but it helps people alot, as simple as it is... Oh yeah, thats how- Its simple.

      You dont even have to join my Offline Marketing "Secrets" (Lol) Forum for more information to make it work!
    • So, because you hate it, you don't do it?
  • Thanks for this guide John. Just finished reading it and I must say it gave me a lot of information about telemarketing. now all i need to do is start calling
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hey John, this is damn good stuff. Your base script is eerily similar to the script I've used to sell IT services to 1,000+ seat companies. And if I can sell a $50/user service to a 63,000 seat company using this approach, I bet it'd work OK for the Mom and Pop around the corner...

    Anybody that needs new clients but "hates cold calling" should probably read this. Or don't. But you will see better results, much faster, if you do.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • John,

    Thanks for the report, just downloaded it now and will continue to read it and take it all in.
  • Thanks Guys, hope you get alot out of it. Others have, in fact some of them need to return back to the basics since they read it last year, because after having some success they decided to get fancy and lost their momentum.

    Dont over complicate. Its simple!
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks! A great read and I hope everyone gets the report - even if you don't telemarket.
      Here is a good analogy (maybe). I own a carpet cleaning biz - if I am in getting some chow at a deli (or any place I stop) I will take a look at the carpets. If they are bad (almost always are) - I will say to the owner - "I clean carpets and could spruce these up for you".
      Him - yes the really need it (job sold)
      Me - Ok - here is the price - i will call you and schedule

      Him - I know I need it done but probably too much $
      Me - You are looking at $350 to get it done
      Him - wow, not as much as I thought - lets set it up

      Him - biz is pretty slow and can't swing it
      Me - I understand - we could just spruce up the front area for $200 and get the rest later when you can swing it.

      He knows he needs to get it done (just like the Mom and Pop's know they need a website). It is just a matter of getting in the door with them. If I only do the front area - I know that I will be cleaning at all one day and they will be mine forever!
      So get on the phone - make the calls - get in the door and "get them forever"!
      Hope this makes sense - sometimes we get in our own way.
      When asked about his marketing plan I once heard a fellow carpet cleaner answer - "simple - everyone that gets within arms reach of me gets a biz card".
  • This is cool, I played with telemarketing a few months ago and didn't really like the process. Now I may give it another try. Thanks.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Well, fortunately when you come around to it, the market will still be there.

      When I went to sell my first liquidation load overseas I got discouraged, and didnt go back to it for 6 years... Then 6 years later it clicked for me, and I learned how to get people to send me 20k over the internet without even talking to them on the phone using Alibaba.

      So many things in life work that way. Eventually EVERYONE figures out that this is the true way to offline sales...after they have chased everything else and get tired of mediocre results. It was here 30 years ago, and it will be here next year too for when you come around!
  • John,
    Thanks for the free report.
    There was one thing that jumped out at me in your report... that we are equals... business owner to business owner!
    Not above them, nor not below them... that is what has been holding me back from calling... I've always felt below... a beggar... a salesman pleading for a sale...
    Thanks for those key words in your report... it has opened up my mind on this subject and given me a clear path to picking up the phone without reserve.
    Thanks again John!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Please pardon my language but dammit John!!! Brilliant!!! absolutely wonderful. I haven't made a dime in this so called offline marketing business until today at 1:10 pm. Did exactly what you said damn near verbatim, and BAM. 3 appointments 1 sale out of a list of 32 businesses that I found with a nifty little app on my cell phone. A $750, 13.22 minute no hassle cold call. This has never happen to me before. I'm lost for words. People this works, flat out. want to talk more about it but that conversion rate is to good to stop now, gotta get back to it and double that 750.
    Once again thanks John I owe you one buddy.

    Oh before I forget: tattoo shops are ready for the picking. the owner answer the phone on 9 different calls.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Bumping for some newbs who are looking for this... free report in the OP guys. Look up!
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • i can vouch for the methods in this book, made my first offline sale for $390 for 1 website. The guy also phoned me up a year later and wanted another website for $390. so one day of cold calling probs around 4-5 hours made me $780.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks for the validation!

      Cold calling may or may not be everyones favorite thing to do but it IS a sure sale in the bag if you work it. If you arent getting sales any other way Telemarketing is tried and true.
  • Thanks for this report!

    I'm not a fan of slick talking, pretending to be all this and that when in reality, all I am is me. So the honest & humble approach outlined in this report is a good fit for how I operate my business & how I would like to approach other businesses whether on the phone, email, or however we cross paths.

    After I got a few clients through recommendations, I started feeling like other people were more confident in what little they knew of me than I was with just picking up the phone. Then I started looking more into overcoming my objections to cold calling and I started with
    • Dropping the 'cold' part. Just look at it like calling. (still wasn't sure how to open a dialogue until now)
    • Asking for forgiveness for anytime I have given somebody a hard time when they called me (usually when they don't leave me alone when I say I'm not interested or because I know why they're calling, I bust their chops a little bit but rudeness is rudeness all the same) Karma is real!
    • Not faking the funk. I hate when people try to play me out so to keep the playing field level, and the karma clear, I keep it as real as I can with others. And that includes letting them know why I'm contacting them instead of pretending I come only bearing gifts.
    • Focusing on the fact that I don't need or want 10,000 leads and 10,000 clients to be good to go. Just enough to be able to have a positive association with them & to create a financial foundation that will allow me to invest in other developments me and family are working on.
    But I can't help but feel like, why in the hell didn't I just think to say this from the jump.:confused: After all this time of avoiding being the one calling businesses when all I had to do is casually introduce myself and my business to other folks and their businesses.

    Not to get all holy up in here, but God knows I sometimes tend to look over the most simple things because I'm always looking a thousand miles ahead, scattered brained and all, most of the time looking up and still standing at the starting line. And that's just being real.
    But God always, always, always reveals the most to me when I make decisions to open myself up to something I was originally apprehensive about.

    Thanks again for this report. This approach will surely help me to reach my goal of having 150-200 clients on my books. Only 143-193 more clients to go!
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
  • For the record Erica...Absolutely love your Sig.

    and to your post points...those are absolutely excellent ways to view "Calling".

    Have a blessed day
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Erica, when you are working on your own plan, something in you can tell its going to be mediocre, but when you allow yourself to be open to be moved by GOD's plan...then you are onto something. I mean it, I have seen it a million times. When I operate out of my mind Im not good for much of anything, but when I open my spirit to truly listen for the "right" answer and not just "an" answer...its amazing how the floodgates open.

      I can always tell if Im operating on my plan or Gods...it feels like it moves itself and I am just there to guide the line when its divinely inspired.

      If I am smart I wait for his answer, but sometimes Im impatient and dont...thats when I get a mediocre result.

      This very forum according to the owner was a mediocre project, until Allen truly asked the universe and looked inside and quieted himself for the answer, then in ONE SINGLE move , he followed the answer from within and that single answer made the warrior forum what it is today.
      • [ 6 ] Thanks
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  • Going to give this a real go tomorrow. For the last month I've been using my 9-5 as an excuse for not taking action on any offline stuff, but as I probably no longer have a 9-5 as of tomorrow then I really have no excuses.

    I'm just going to go with it, I don't really have anything to lose.

    It's not the calling itself I fear. It's the being in a situation where I don't sound all that knowledgable about what I'm offering.
    • [1] reply
    • Thank you. You are one of the first people I have ever heard say that, but I think its MOST peoples issue.

      It isnt rejection that they fear, they dont fear someone saying "no" when they say "Hi, Im _______ and I do websites"....

      What they are afraid of is that somewhere in the middle of 20 "no's" someone is going to shock the crud out of them and say "YEAH! Im glad you called, I was just thinking about that the other day...!"

      They are more afraid of someone saying "Yes, I want to hear more". lol

      Believe it or not, my first sales manager taught me that I actually PUSHED PEOPLE AWAY subconsciously because I didnt want them to answer... When he said that it was the moment I started respecting him because I realized he was somehow magically right!

      Didnt make sense, but I did what he said and started "hoping" people would answer, and my "no answers" went down by about 50% and people started picking up somehow.

      I know its strange.

      Here's how to overcome it , by knowing that you mean no harm, that you only mean good, and understanding that you ARENT a predator, just a guy offering a service.

      Be honest, and you dont have any worries, and just tell the truth.

      "I have recently started a web design business, and so I just wanted to call and let you folks know we are available as a resource, by the way I do you folks have a website already, or were you thinking of maybe doing any internet projects in the near future?""

      "Great. What kind of stuff were you thinking about, if you dont mind my asking...?"

      Just be nice and casual and matter of fact, and it doesnt really matter what they say, the numbers will take care of you, just be NICE to people for awhile.

      (Now here is how you get into your pitch)

      "Interesting Bob..., just so you know, the reason I called is because...."

      See? You dont have to justify yourself, you already have a justification "The reason I called is because..., right now, being relatively new , we are offering special deals on start up small business web packages, in order to earn some new clients, because we are trying to do some good work to help us showcase our designs to the rest of the business community. At this time we are offering..."

      Now, if they say "no", be polite and let it go for your first week, and bless them for taking the time with you...leave them feeling good and thus YOURSELF...(thats the key) and just go on fishing for the "laydowns" your first week or even month if its working for you... if you can just hold your vibe and not take yourself too seriously, you will run into two or three of those usually in a 2-3 hour session, and then as you get good you will see opportunities to catch some harder ones too, but at first dont make it hard on yourself, just be as sweet as honey, and you will get some interest and have a positive energy session.

      Why be nice and politely let go..?

      Because that way you wont end the calls with a sense of struggle , beating yourself up, and carrying it on from one conversation to the next...

      Just make up your mind ahead of time that there's no pressure and if they say "no" its okay, you were just one business owner to another saying "Hi, we are new in town, just wanted to call and introduce ourselves..."

      Keep it casual.

      Now, because of that easy going , light hearted vibe...YOU WILL GET SOME YESSES!

      I promise.

      Dont be nervous bro...you know what? I can really help you because you actually gave a real authentic, deep digging question that was legit.

      This may help some. Just dont pressure yourself to perform...you know why?

      Because the less you pressure yourself, the more you will dial and smile, and the closer you are getting with each dial to the guy that says "Yeah, I was just talking to my secretary about this the other day, Im glad you called."

      Hope this helps.

      Ps. As far as appearing knowledgeable, you only need to know tweo things, the "features and benefits of your package".

      If you know what kind of package you are selling ahead of time and outline it clearly, you wont have a problem telling people what you offer...but yes, if you dont know where to go it can be scary which is why I think newbies do better with scripts.

      Here's the only pressure you should feel: "the pressure to finish your 100 dials per day".

      And its not pressure if you follow what I just told you. If you do that you will do good.
      • [ 5 ] Thanks
  • Thank you so much for posting that!

    It's a GREAT and simple report, and lots of people would've added 2 tiny things and charged $7 for it.

    I for one, totally appreciate it being shared here free!
  • John, thanks for that, great advice. I always like to identify my flaws and i'll admit to them as soon as I discover them. Otherwise I have no hope of over coming them.

    Incidentally I didn't make the calls today. I'm in a tricky situation with my 9-5. It's only a placement, which should have ended this week (hence thinking I would be unemployed.) I was almost hoping I would be unemployed as I'd have no choice but to make calls or risk not paying my rent at the end of the month.

    However, my placement was extended this morning. I fear the prospect of not having my weekly wage to pay my bills so much that I feel I can't take the risk in dropping everything.

    It's even worse because I know that just one website sale a week could match exactly the minor amount that I earn currently.

    If I could then build that up to three sales a week, I could double my wages so that I have enough to comfortably live on, and invest the rest in building the business. It sounds so simple, I just fear too much the prospect of a "pennyless" week.
  • John: what might you open with if you're not sure whether a gatekeeper will answer or if the owner will answer (ie: there's a 50/50 chance that both the gatekeeper will answer or the owner will answer)?
  • @ Peacefulcalamity

    If I know the owners name, and he's a male, and a Male answers... I say "Hi, Bob?"

    If they arent Bob, they will say 6 times out of ten "Im not Bob, hang on let me get him...".

    The same works if the owner has a female name and a female answers... "Hi Mari?"

    Now if I dont have a name, I may just say "I was needing to speak with the owner for a minute is around there handy anywhere?"

    Or I may just pitch them and say "This is John with_____ . Maybe you can help me out...Im not sure who I need to be speaking to about this, Im assuming the owner handles these things...what we do is ________________ Do you know who I would need to speak with about that Cindy?

    (Secretaries are programmed to either "Guard" or "help"- if you can get them into "help" mode and trigger that instinct you are good.

    There are a MILION things you can say....but the point is that you dont want to put too much salt in any individual call anyway. If you cant get the owner on the phone "who cares"?

    Just move on. Instead of being so intense about each call, rather be intense about making ALOT of them, and you will get through some and some you wont...but in the GRAND scheme you will come across the people you need.

    Dont get tense over each individual call...you are going to be making ALOT of them. No time to get "Hung up" so to speak lol.
    • [1] reply
    • Yep, I usually use the "Maybe you can help me out..." opening. Just wondering how you do it too.
      btw, is there any reason you say *not* to go after restaurants? I find their owners easy to reach.

      I do have a habit of getting slightly attached to my phone, you caught that spot on. I've been forcing myself to let that go, of course.

  • As a person who does not want to hear the word "no", rejection to me is really a frustration and will put me in a situation where I take a halt and do nothing.

    I think it's all about mind-setting and go to the next person. Just because the first person says no it does not mean everybody will definitely say no.

    @John Durham: Thank you so much for what you have shared here. It does make me want to go offline and give it a try. I need to conquer my fear of hearing the word "no".
    • [1] reply
    • No offense...

      How are you not used to hearing 'no'?

      I've heard that a child will be told 'no' at least
      a quarter million times before they turn 18.

      You're right, though... it is a mind set thing and
      you are on the right track about being able to
      go to the next person.

      Take each 'no' with a grain of salt and just keep
      on pushing!

      Focus on uncovering the yes's while remaining
      impartial to people who are not your prospect.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks for the report. I don't know why anyone would give this stuff out for free. About the resources in the report, I am in Canada and was wondering whether they are still applicable. Does sales genie give stats for canadian businesses?
  • Thats a beautiful attitude. You are a great person to have it. Much respect.

    @ Stranger, some of the resources could be helpful with canada, mostly US, but the report itself can be applied anywhere.
  • Thank you for sharing!!!
  • John

    I'm looking forward to reading your report as you always have great ideas and advice.

    Thanks for sharing it here!

    All the best,

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • If there's a thread about this already please point me in that direction... How would you tweak this pitch for only selling over the phone, and more of an emphasis on internet marketing? Don't want to do face to face sells, I don't look the part

    Your information is awesome John, I really appreciate it.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Just wanted to let you know, i read your report, i wasn't going to, as i am not to keen on reading what other sales people do. Besides most of it is drivel.

    After reading yours, I now know why so many people look up to you,
    i don't have any doubts that it really did change many peoples lives over
    the last yr or so, and will probably change many more in the years to come.

    My hats off to you, brotha.

    PS, i am going to send a list of fledglings to this post, hopefully it will inspire
    some of them
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I just wanted to thank you for the share, I'm going though it now and the little Ive read so far and the responses from this post have inspired me immensely. again thank you for sharing and giving to us who are still putting pieces together.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • John - thank you for giving your knowledge away so freely. It's obvious that you "greet this day with love in my heart".

      Just went through the report. I found myself agreeing with all that you put in there.

      Even though I'm sort of a "know it all" when it comes to telemarketing, it was good to have a ready-made script. The best way is simply to be yourself & say who you are, what you are offering & that you're there to help. Then - listen.

      If they're not interested, "Next." It's not like they hit you in the head with a two by four or anything.

      I think that Newbies will read this report & it will compel them to seek action. John wrote this with the newbie in mind - but, I'll bet that anyone can pick up some pointers - no matter how advanced they are. He gives a step-by-step method to get appointments. He then tells you what to say when you get there & what to do after that.

      Thx again,
      Madam X
  • this is an encouraging report.

    Sales in general make me cringe but I know I gotta do it.

    After reading this and another thread that was similar (from one of your students I think) the question comes up in my mind:

    When do you take the time to discuss the actual look of the site.

    I designed a site for a current SEO client and I ended up putting in a lot of time getting it the way they wanted.

    Do you normally just stick with one WP theme and look and just change colors or do you ask "what do you want it to look like"?

    • [1] reply
    • '


      At some point in your pitch you will start asking questions- "Whats you company color Bob? Do you have a logo you want to use..?. Do you want a page for your staff...? Office pictures... "

      They will say along the way, "No I was REALLY thinking about this....can you do that?"

      You will gather the ideas from there. Some will be particular and they will voice that, but most just leave the General design to YOU and are pretty happy with whatever you come up with.

      Hope this helps.

      I asked an attorney once what his idea for a theme was and he looked at me half cocked and said "I want red, but other than that, cmon, what can you do with law- there isnt much but pillars and scales and stacks of books ...Right? Just give me whatever you think looks good"

      Most people arent that particular, leaving the design to designers, and when they are, they will tell you.

  • If it weren't for this report and offline crack by JD - I may have been on the streets with my 15 y.o. son. This method has been the basis for getting clients since I started cold calling last July. It works. Thanks John!
  • Such a huge infos. I hope others learned something new, like mine.
    • [1] reply
    • John,

      can't believe I forgot to say great job. hopefully your sharing will become even more contagious on this forum.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks Tom. If you re-read the OP I have updated it with more testimonials- this isnt even a tenth of the ones I have and I think there are 25 on the op.

    The interesting thing that you will note is that they arent saying "good read", 21 out of 24-25 testimonials on the OP are saying "I MADE MONEY".

    So they are different from most report reviews.

    This report was truly magical somehow.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I always love it when you update the testimonials for this, because... well I love to see people taking action... but it's also wonderful to see people changing their situations all because they were brave enough to follow your advice!

    Imagine how many more people could find success "offline" if they just would pick up the phone... I know, I know I've put it off also... but no more.
  • Downloaded and read the report today, seems like it has lots of great advice and techniques. I've been getting ready all week to start calling tomorrow. I have 150 numbers in Real Estate to call, and it's going to be really great to use your resources, John. I just have to ask... is it really realistic to expect at least 1 sale/lead out of my calls tomorrow, using this method? It's almost too good to hope for. I just can't really wrap my head around the fact that it could really work that well... how confident are you? It's not that I doubt you, it's just... hard to really believe that such a great system could exist. 1 sale/150 calls would be incredible... can't wait to see what happens. If this works, you're going to have one *devout* follower (even though I read most of your stuff anyways ;0 )
    • [1] reply
  • Hey man thanks a lot for the report. Really great info in it. One thing.. I think it was Steve Case and not Bill Gates who distributed the AOL cds.
    Thanks again.
  • John,

    Thank you for the very useful and valuable information!
    Just wondering, though, as I can see this as being extremely useful for a local approach, how would you recommend a person who perhaps doesn't have the vast local market go about this via remote work? Would this be seen as too large an obstacle for them to overcome?
    I think one of the keys you had mentioned would be to have the face-to-face appointment.
    Otherwise, brilliant. Again thank you.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for the report! Will definitely give it a shot!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • I noted: there is only one person I've observed who in this forum who has more thanks than posts. That's an achievement John D! I just added mine... Oh, and it's a relief seeing reference to God in an ordinary everyday setting without any fancy, dressed up, sanctimonious/pious talk.
    • [1] reply
    • Well, I dont claim to be perfect, or anything even close to it, but God simply "is"... whether I go to heaven or hell...or whatever. I love God, and will give him reverance and proper acknowledgment for every good thing...

      God is the the rulers of rulers, and the one who appoints all rulers, and takes them down to nothing at his own discretion, from generation to generation, no matter how much they think they guide their own steps.

      Ps. Btw: Hope that wasnt too sanctimonious or pious! lol
  • Hey thats a pumping report I am all charged up and getting all sorted to hit it hard on Monday.
    • [1] reply
    • Good luck, and thanks for reading! It works. No doubt! If you need a sale, this report will get you one!
  • Hi John

    I posted this same post on Jason's thread but he
    hasn't been back to the thread yet. I just stumbled
    on yours and wanted your take on this:

    There's an opportunity that I'm pursuing and it has to do with letting business owners
    know that they have an alternative source of funding (besides banks) and that they
    have a 99% chance of approval (for certain industries only). I don't deal with any part
    of the loan process. My job is merely to show them to the door/website where there
    is a phone number where the pros handle them and the loan process.

    I noticed most of the affiliates for this opp would rather do emails and spam Linkedin.
    There's one guy doing 10 grand a week on Linkedin but he has some "secret" strategy
    that he ain't sharing because of fear of saturation. I can't blame him.

    I think the real money is in cold calling because it only takes a few bites a week to be doing
    extremely well.

    My question for you is do you think it can be effective in leaving the information
    with gatekeepers or whoever answers the phone say at a beauty salon.
    The way I see it is that I expect the person who takes the message regarding
    "high chance of approval rate for a loan" to be received in the right hands most
    of the time (or not lol). Basically if I were to strategically try to get the owner on the phone
    just to notify them of a funding option but then not be able to answer detailed questions,
    in a way, I don't see the hassle of trying to get time out of their day just to give them a website
    address where the loan process starts .

    Here would be my script to a gatekeeper or non decision maker:

    "Hi do you mind leaving a message for me to the owner or person in charge of
    Karen's Day Spa"
    (They'll say sure most times I imagine)

    Can you let them now they have 99% chance of getting an approval for
    a business loan. If they are interested they can reach us by phone at this website
    myaffliatelink.com. Thank you very much."

    (Affiliates get paid 1.5% off the loan which a lot of times is $50,000 and up. Just need
    a few a week to be doing well and 99% approval rate is encouraging)

    With this kind of offer do you think it can still be affective just leaving messages. I can see if
    I was trying to set appointments to sell stuff like websites or something where I would
    absolutely need to get on the phone with the owner, but when it comes to just trying to
    show the owner the doorway to a loan do you think it's still vitally important to get them
    on the phone to tell them this personally?

    I wonder how often a gatekeeper would even pass on that information to the right person.
    Would it be safe to say most would because of the subject of the offer (money)?

    Anyways let me know if I'm thinking all wrong about this strategy.


  • Sam I will be honest with my opinion, and this is just my opinion, I dont want to bust your bubble, but this is probably one of the most commons calls for a business owner to get is the "business loan 99% approval rate" call. Unless there is something Im missing related to the niche.

    There are alot of desperate business owners in America right now, so there is a high likelihood that your message could be passed on to the decision maker in a fashion like "You got another call from people wanting to give us loans..."

    Then the business owner will most times likely not follow up , maybe 10% of the ones who are desperate would, which may represent about 15% of your cold calls, so the number of return calls may be like 10% percent of 15% of your calls, if you arent using a specialized list.

    Those numbers arent awesome, but it gets even more slim than that...

    Thats not even where the trouble is , the problem is that EVERYONE offering these loans is claiming 99% approval rate (Google it , there are thousands of them) , and its usually just a number they throw out and isnt true or is based on some condition that would lower the conversion among even the "qualifying" percentage down even FURTHER.

    Of the ones who make it to THAT level... there are usually further hoops to jump through in the process that would reduce the ratio of those who "qualify" vs "those who qualify and are willing to agree to the conditions" down even lower, as many will drop out of the process before they get to the end of all the red tape required, even though they initially qualified and agreed that there was interest....

    Your best bet (IMO) is to generate incoming leads from people who expressed interest before hand, and call THOSE....but even then, you are going to work your A$$ OFF to locate people who A) Have interest B) Qualify C) Are in agreement with whatever conditions (High Interest Rates...) and D) Are willing to jump through all the hoops, and run the entire gauntlet to finish the process.

    It's doable, but it would be a hardcore opportunity. I would suggest incoming leads or specialized lists, but even with specialized lists you have to understand that they are also being sold to every other loan officer on the planet, so with that kind of list, competition would be fierce.

    If you are going to do it, do it online in an effortless fashion, and expect to make maybe 3 sales per year or something... Thats my take.

    Dont think of it as a fulltime income. Do it in some kind of set and forget way like creating an affiliate site or something and think of it as one of many small passive streams that add up when combined together.

    What the deal is is this; The company that issues the loans makes hundreds of sales, because they have hundreds of agents out there each getting random sales here and there... but the individual agents dont make a ton of money usually, because they are only getting a random sale here or there.

    So, if you OWNED the loan company this would be a great marketing plan, to hire hundreds of independent reps... but if you are the independent rep, it's most likely not so lucrative, with very rare exception.

    Even becoming a Diamond level producer in MLM might be alot easier.

    Im not saying it isnt doable, but there are alot better opportunities out there. It's an aweful lot of effort to make $500 bucks, and there are much easier ways to make that much that you could repeat consistently , at will and have some control over.

    Thats just my two cents.

    Is it doable? Yes.

    Are there too many variables in it that I have no control over?

    Yes. Too many for my taste.

    I know you are excited, and I have been there, but I have also been on six month goose chases that lead me nowhere, and I believe this may be one for you.

    I could be wrong. If it were me, and I wanted to do b2b sales, I would create my own opportunity, or sell something that ALL business owners qualify for, and ALL business owners need.

    I know it sucks, and truly do cringe, as I know what you are feeling as you read this, but this opportunity isnt a magic button by a long shot.

    Sorry if this post negs you out, I could be missing something, but I think Im on target. Without knowing what you are referring to specifically, it sounds all too familiar.

    I know it's easy to get excited when you look at these things on the surface, but when you dig deep into the way numbers actually work, alot of things are not as great as they seemed as first glance.

    We were all highly optimistic when we first started seeking opportunities, over years of trial and error we see these things from experience of being in your position so many times. Hope this saves you some steps, or at least gives you a non biased opinion to consider.

    Hope this helps,

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • thanks for this report. i just downloaded it now. hopefully it will be useful for me.
  • thanks for this report. i will be calling to set up appointements so i can present online on a google hangout so i can show exactly what i can do for them.
    that way i don't have to travel and waste time. ill have more time to make calls.
    hopefully i can see success right off the bat like a lot of people have had with your report.

    thanks again

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