Variety of services to offer

Profile picture of Aussieguy
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2 assumptions:
You have a variety of services to offer offline businesses
You do some form of direct selling, e.g. cold calling, direct mail or face to face etc.

(a) Do you, for a period of time, contact re: one particular service, and perhaps run another campaign for another service down the track? e.g. a business might hear from you in January offering websites and hear from you again in May offering Social Media and again in November offering something else again?

(b) you moreso approach all businesses with your main service and everything else is an upsell? In other words, the service you go in with is the service that is very much the core of your business brand? You will provide great service on that one, and you will make a profit on this sale.

(c) you moreso approach all businesses with a lead in service (could even be a free or loss leader service, but not necessarily) and then with the aim that the future relationship and upsells will provide the real profits?

I suspect most do (b).
#offer #services #variety

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