Why doesn't someone offer cold-calling in Warriors For Hire?

88 replies
I don't want to hire someone from Odesk. End of story. I want someone who is completely fluent in English and who can easily understand the service that I am offering, contact business owners and set appointments.

That being said, why is no one offering cold-calling or appointment setting in Warriors For Hire? I see so many people here in the offline forum who are scared ****less of calling, it seems like the market for someone who can break the ice here from WF would be great.

Hell, if you were good enough that you thought that you could call and seal the deal over a handful of phone-call meetings, you could make out with some pretty good money. Nonetheless; it would be very hard to accomplish that repetitively.

I wish I were good at calling and I would do so.

#coldcalling #hire #offer #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Thompson
    Great question Larches. Im thinking maybe its something to do with hiring costs, as opposed to lower salary demands via outsourcing abroad but to much LESS fluent English speakers! Thats the trade off I guess.

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    • Profile picture of the author RRG
      Poke around here and you'll find some guys who do appointment setting.
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    • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
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      • Profile picture of the author ryanmckinney
        Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

        Under the search tab above look for someone called dericks3 and threads started by him.

        There are only 4.

        You will see that he does what you are looking for.

        If you are a web designer seems that he has work for you already if you read one of the threads.


        PS: I have no idea who he is. ie he is not my friend or anything like that whom I am promoting.

        I researched that guy, the thread he has people are saying he is a scam. FYI.

        If he is or isn't it is enough that would turn me off immediately (every lie has some truth in it)

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        • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
          Oh right. Terribly sorry. I never bothered reading the whole thread. I'll delete my post then.

          Maybe you should delete yours as you quote me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Hi Larches,

    The answer is that the people who are exceptional at cold calling can't afford to work for $10/hr, which is the level most people want to pay. They don't understand the expertise that is required.

    I do limited (2 hrs a day max) subbed prospecting, and I can only call for:

    * products or services that I personally believe in

    * high-value things--at least $3,000 per order

    * minimum $30/hr and typically higher.

    I make a lot more helping people with coaching and writing. So most people can't afford me for prospecting, and it's generally not a good use of my time because I could make more working on something else. The subbed projects I have now are for subjects that advance my knowledge of and credibility in their industries. Usually, I work for IT VARs (selling CRM, accounting, inventory management software).
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    • Profile picture of the author shockwave
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Hi Larches,

      The answer is that the people who are exceptional at cold calling can't afford to work for $10/hr, which is the level most people want to pay. They don't understand the expertise that is required.

      I do limited (2 hrs a day max) subbed prospecting, and I can only call for:

      * products or services that I personally believe in

      * high-value things--at least $3,000 per order

      * minimum $30/hr and typically higher.

      I make a lot more helping people with coaching and writing. So most people can't afford me for prospecting, and it's generally not a good use of my time because I could make more working on something else. The subbed projects I have now are for subjects that advance my knowledge of and credibility in their industries. Usually, I work for IT VARs (selling CRM, accounting, inventory management software).
      Couldn't agree more. My "full time" gig is working for a software company (inside sales). In my role, I do exactly what Jason has outlined here all day, everyday. Technically, it's B2B sales, but you might as well count the mom and pops as B2C.

      Anywho...he's right, it's all about $$$. At least in the U.S., you're not going to be able to hire someone like that for $10/hr. -- maybe a call center type of "telemarketer", but not someone who has years of cold-calling experience, technical knowledge and the ability to follow thru with the sales cycle (especially if it's a complex product or service).

      As an example: Most software, hardware, or IT companies will pay a base salary of $40-$50k + commission for inside sales reps.

      So, going back to the OPs question: Selling something like SEO or other offline services requires someone who can articulate the value. And to find someone like that in the U.S., it's gonna cost.
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      • Profile picture of the author Neodism
        Originally Posted by shockwave View Post

        Couldn't agree more. My "full time" gig is working for a software company (inside sales). In my role, I do exactly what Jason has outlined here all day, everyday. Technically, it's B2B sales, but you might as well count the mom and pops as B2C.

        Anywho...he's right, it's all about $$$. At least in the U.S., you're not going to be able to hire someone like that for $10/hr. -- maybe a call center type of "telemarketer", but not someone who has years of cold-calling experience, technical knowledge and the ability to follow thru with the sales cycle (especially if it's a complex product or service).

        As an example: Most software, hardware, or IT companies will pay a base salary of $40-$50k + commission for inside sales reps.

        So, going back to the OPs question: Selling something like SEO or other offline services requires someone who can articulate the value. And to find someone like that in the U.S., it's gonna cost.
        I don't intend to pay hourly. I hope to pay per appointment. I need someone to break the ice, get the business owner interested in what we have to sell and set up an appointment for me to go in and actually show them, present statistics, let them know how large scale the operation will be and how it would benefit them, bargain with them to make them feel like they got a great price on an effective service and close the deal.

        Yeah, my budget is crap until I get it off the ground. But I figure there has to be someone here who is struggling to make it in IM or OM, has a good strong voice and would like to make a good $20-$40 per appointment that would take less than ten minutes to set. (More pay if I can close.)
        Free Web Design from Neodism.
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        • Profile picture of the author wings2341
          I am having the same trouble finding someone to make calls for me. I am selling a product that is what I would consider a One Call Close- Mobile websites. For me it's a bit easier b/c I don't expect to meet in person with future clients, I am simply hoping that my commission salesman can close over the phone. I would consider advertising in craigslist for your area. It's a great time to be an Employer, soo much talent sitting on the sidelines for dirt cheap. I'm going to be sorting resume's from the phillipines over the next month to find a salesman for me. Again my product is sellable to virtually everyone so I don't need to worry about entertaining clients from a specific city. Whatever you do, make sure you create an agreement between your salesman and you on paper.
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        • Profile picture of the author localvseo
          If you are able to make the calls yourself and want us based people you may want to try Craigslist. There are people who are looking for part time work who would probably do this for the amount you listed. You should at least call 20 hours yourself so at the very least you can train them, otherwise you are probably going to be disappointed with the results. Not the best solution but if you have a limited budget maybe a place to start.
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          • Profile picture of the author David Miller
            Originally Posted by localvseo View Post

            You should at least call 20 hours yourself so at the very least you can train them, otherwise you are probably going to be disappointed with the results. Not the best solution but if you have a limited budget maybe a place to start.
            This is overall the very best idea in the thread! After 20 hours with our own ear to the phone.....you'll realize how much time is wasted looking for someone else to do it!
            The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
            -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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            • Profile picture of the author localvseo
              (In response to David) I agree. I oversaw inside and outside sales for a company that I was a partner in. People who don't have experience cold calling don't have realistic expectations of the amount of work and time it takes to know how to get good results. I have spent some time on other threads talking about ways to take a bit of a quantative approach to calling, so won't repeat here. I will say anyone trying to outsource should start making a lot of calls first to learn their market and be able to listen to their customer's needs. One thing I have learned is you may be setting appts. for the wrong service because you never took the time to make sure you are meeting your customer's needs by talking to them.
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        • Profile picture of the author shockwave
          Originally Posted by Larches View Post

          I don't intend to pay hourly. I hope to pay per appointment. I need someone to break the ice, get the business owner interested in what we have to sell and set up an appointment for me to go in and actually show them, present statistics, let them know how large scale the operation will be and how it would benefit them, bargain with them to make them feel like they got a great price on an effective service and close the deal.

          Yeah, my budget is crap until I get it off the ground. But I figure there has to be someone here who is struggling to make it in IM or OM, has a good strong voice and would like to make a good $20-$40 per appointment that would take less than ten minutes to set. (More pay if I can close.)
          I get what you're saying. And in theory it sounds good, but I think you'll be wasting your money/time looking for someone to work on commission. (and I mean this from a helpful intent - not trying to bash your idea).

          I'm sure others have different experiences and maybe just setting an appt. for $20-40 is a good rate. But IMHO, that will be a subjective opinion of whomever is doing the cold calling. I mean really what you are purposing is for someone to do lead gen for your business - right?

          If you happen to find someone who can bring the kind of A-game you'll need, they will be/should be smart enough to ask you some questions as well. Which, should be something along the lines of.....

          1. What type of qualification is required for the appt? Is it just a "sure, I'll listen to your pitch" from the business owner, along with a specified date/time? Or is more along the lines of B.A.N.T.? (Budget, Authority, Needs, Timeframe)?

          2. Will YOU be paying this appt. setter for every appt. even if you don't close the deal? (this will require a bit of faith on your part to trust that they know what the hell they are doing in the first place).

          Take a look at Craigslist sometime in the Jobs or Gigs section. There's always someone in there with the next big idea or business opportunity and are looking for a "partner" or salesperson to do something on straight commission or a percentage of the sale. If you want a real chuckle, read through a few and then contact them - ask them to explain what makes their idea so great or what type of market research they've done to uncover demand...etc. You'll find that most are just a bunch of wishful thinkers and have no real business acumen or experience.

          Anyway...I digress.

          Just for a minute, put the shoe on the other foot, and ask yourself this question: If YOU were the cold call master, why would you settle for $20-$40 per appt. when you could do the same thing for a real estate investor, software companies, yachts...etc? Something with BIG money "per appt" or "per lead". Trust me, there are TONS of businesses out there that would love to pay just straight commission for even an appt. and it would be a lot more than $20-$40. Take it to the next level and actually close the sale, and now you are making thousands of dollars.

          I get what you're saying. And in theory it sounds good, but I think you'll be wasting your money/time looking for someone to work on commission.

          Best of luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author davidbatchelor
      That is very true Jason.

      Though if one really is a professional Telemarketer, I would never suggest an hourly rate, if they are that good, I would only pay on appointments made and this is coming from a professional Telemarketer (me).

      I see where it does fell down and that is when there isn't enough profit margin to pay the Telemarketer the correct percentage for his or her services.

      If anyone would like to trail my Telemarketing service, be sure to drop me a PM for further discussion on your specific goals for your product/service.

      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Hi Larches,

      The answer is that the people who are exceptional at cold calling can't afford to work for $10/hr, which is the level most people want to pay. They don't understand the expertise that is required.

      I do limited (2 hrs a day max) subbed prospecting, and I can only call for:

      * products or services that I personally believe in

      * high-value things--at least $3,000 per order

      * minimum $30/hr and typically higher.

      I make a lot more helping people with coaching and writing. So most people can't afford me for prospecting, and it's generally not a good use of my time because I could make more working on something else. The subbed projects I have now are for subjects that advance my knowledge of and credibility in their industries. Usually, I work for IT VARs (selling CRM, accounting, inventory management software).
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  • Profile picture of the author Nbroquis
    Philippine people are known for their ability to speak english fluently. Its just a matter of doing a little bit of research and there great for the price. Go to this website and look around Hire a Filipino Virtual Assistant - Outsourcing to the Philippines | Home hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Neodism
      I thank you all for your input.

      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Hi Larches,

      The answer is that the people who are exceptional at cold calling can't afford to work for $10/hr, which is the level most people want to pay. They don't understand the expertise that is required.

      I do limited (2 hrs a day max) subbed prospecting, and I can only call for:

      * products or services that I personally believe in

      * high-value things--at least $3,000 per order

      * minimum $30/hr and typically higher.

      I make a lot more helping people with coaching and writing. So most people can't afford me for prospecting, and it's generally not a good use of my time because I could make more working on something else. The subbed projects I have now are for subjects that advance my knowledge of and credibility in their industries. Usually, I work for IT VARs (selling CRM, accounting, inventory management software).

      Well, unfortunately I am interested in Bob Ross's direct mail coupon concept. Most likely there will be no sales over the price of $500 or so and for the first postcard that I send I am actually cutting very low prices so that I can close easier and show local businesses if it will work well or not. I guess the first run is like my trial.

      Just a disclaimer, though; I am not just a struggling Taco Bell worker who wants to get paid for doing absolutely nothing. I have a prestigious career, but I'd rather BMOB (be my own boss). There is work involved in what I plan to do, I just am horrible at cold calling and I get nervous when I walk in cold, as well.

      Originally Posted by Nbroquis View Post

      Philippine people are known for their ability to speak english fluently. Its just a matter of doing a little bit of research and there great for the price. Go to this website and look around Hire a Filipino Virtual Assistant - Outsourcing to the Philippines | Home hope this helps
      I'm not biased against any nationality. That being said, I live in a small city that is dubbed "Cowboy capital of the world." People here are closed minded. I'd rather not have to explain further, but I know the nature of the people here and I can guarantee you that they would be much more likely to work with someone who could present themselves as a local and be on a personal level. I've looked into some Philippine cold callers in the past and although they could speak English pretty well, it never was as well as a native English speaker could. Every couple of sentences they will mean to say a word but use a synonym that just sounded out of place and that mixed with the slight accent gave away that they were foreign.

      Once again, not biased. I just feel like an American sales-person would be more beneficial for what I am trying to do. I have outsourced design jobs and things alike to foreigners and they have all done a damn good job, but for my calling/appointment setting I prefer not to use one.
      Free Web Design from Neodism.
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      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by Larches View Post

        I am actually cutting very low prices so that I can close easier

        This is a misconception that many people have, including people that are
        supposed to be sales professionals.

        The price has no direct correlation with how many deals you make
        nor does a "smaller" price make it ANY easier to close.

        $5.00 / $500.00 / $5000.00 / $10,000.00

        Try it. call 200 people for each price point. your sales will approx the same. ( as long as you say the price with conviction, and are not afraid to say it )

        I guarantee you, when you make that sale for 5 or 10k you will never ever think about selling for less again.

        You just have to learn to break the barrier that ONLY exists in YOUR OWN MIND.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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      • Profile picture of the author mwds120
        Originally Posted by Larches View Post

        I thank you all for your input.

        Well, unfortunately I am interested in Bob Ross's direct mail coupon concept. Most likely there will be no sales over the price of $500 or so and for the first postcard that I send I am actually cutting very low prices so that I can close easier and show local businesses if it will work well or not. I guess the first run is like my trial.

        Just a disclaimer, though; I am not just a struggling Taco Bell worker who wants to get paid for doing absolutely nothing. I have a prestigious career, but I'd rather BMOB (be my own boss). There is work involved in what I plan to do, I just am horrible at cold calling and I get nervous when I walk in cold, as well.

        I'm not biased against any nationality. That being said, I live in a small city that is dubbed "Cowboy capital of the world." People here are closed minded. I'd rather not have to explain further, but I know the nature of the people here and I can guarantee you that they would be much more likely to work with someone who could present themselves as a local and be on a personal level. I've looked into some Philippine cold callers in the past and although they could speak English pretty well, it never was as well as a native English speaker could. Every couple of sentences they will mean to say a word but use a synonym that just sounded out of place and that mixed with the slight accent gave away that they were foreign.

        Once again, not biased. I just feel like an American sales-person would be more beneficial for what I am trying to do. I have outsourced design jobs and things alike to foreigners and they have all done a damn good job, but for my calling/appointment setting I prefer not to use one.
        I don't think you're being biased. The fact is that you must consider what works within the constraints of the actual market. Americans, especially the kind you would be marketing to, do not take kindly to cold calls, let along cold calls from someone with a foreign accent, even a slight foreign accent.

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    • Profile picture of the author David Miller
      Cold calling raises its ugly head once again. In this case, appointment setting which many people consider to be something that takes the "sting" out of cold calling.

      Sounds like what you are looking for is an appointment setter and I've hired appointment setters under only one model that could work, and that is paying a percentage of sale. Paying hourly isn't possible because you have no way of keeping track unless you have direct supervision. If that's the case, now you have an employee, and that's a whole other nightmare.

      However, if you are going to pay an appointment setter a commission they are forced to make qualified appointments rather than just "putting up wood".....on the other hand....you'll need to have a documented closing track record to get a good appointment setter to work with you.

      There is a solution however, face your fears and pick up the phone.

      I'm not trying to say that I don't have the same problem with "fear of the phone" syndrome. It's a struggle that I have to deal with every day, and each day I have a little less anxiety. It's all about developing a new habit and understanding what it takes to break through unfounded fears.

      When you have to rely upon an appointment setter, or cold caller to make your business run, can you really say you're in business for yourself. What happens when they decide they don't want to do it anymore, or don't show up reliably.

      Ask yourself the same questions that I ask myself everyday:

      Does anyone know my product/service better than me?
      Is there anyone better able to answer a question about my product/service other than me?
      Is my product/service as good as I believe it is?
      Will my prospect truly benefit by doing business with me?
      Is an appointment setter or cold caller going believe in my product/service as much as I do?

      When I ask myself those questions, it's clear that there's no need to outsource cold calling. The prospect might say yes, might say no, may not even come to the phone. But two thing are clear:

      1. If I don't pick up the phone I definitely won't make a dime
      2. If I spend my time looking for someone else to do this, I still won't make a dime
      The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
      -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365583].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by David Miller View Post

        Paying hourly isn't possible because you have no way of keeping track unless you have direct supervision.
        Tut tut. I use Pamela for Skype and an online #, record my calls and ftp them over to my clients. Then they have a log of exactly what I did and how I did it. They love it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365607].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author David Miller
          Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

          Tut tut. I use Pamela for Skype and an online #, record my calls and ftp them over to my clients. Then they have a log of exactly what I did and how I did it. They love it.
          @jason - you're a marketing professional and a completely different caliber of person than what I believe most people who make these kinds of requests are thinking of.

          I was going to say more but I'm sure it will be misunderstood....so I'll just leave it at that.
          The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
          -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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      • Profile picture of the author Neodism
        Originally Posted by David Miller View Post

        Cold calling raises its ugly head once again. In this case, appointment setting which many people consider to be something that takes the "sting" out of cold calling.

        Sounds like what you are looking for is an appointment setter and I've hired appointment setters under only one model that could work, and that is paying a percentage of sale. Paying hourly isn't possible because you have no way of keeping track unless you have direct supervision. If that's the case, now you have an employee, and that's a whole other nightmare.

        However, if you are going to pay an appointment setter a commission they are forced to make qualified appointments rather than just "putting up wood".....on the other hand....you'll need to have a documented closing track record to get a good appointment setter to work with you.

        There is a solution however, face your fears and pick up the phone.

        I'm not trying to say that I don't have the same problem with "fear of the phone" syndrome. It's a struggle that I have to deal with every day, and each day I have a little less anxiety. It's all about developing a new habit and understanding what it takes to break through unfounded fears.

        When you have to rely upon an appointment setter, or cold caller to make your business run, can you really say you're in business for yourself. What happens when they decide they don't want to do it anymore, or don't show up reliably.

        Ask yourself the same questions that I ask myself everyday:

        Does anyone know my product/service better than me?
        Is there anyone better able to answer a question about my product/service other than me?
        Is my product/service as good as I believe it is?
        Will my prospect truly benefit by doing business with me?
        Is an appointment setter or cold caller going believe in my product/service as much as I do?

        When I ask myself those questions, it's clear that there's no need to outsource cold calling. The prospect might say yes, might say no, may not even come to the phone. But two thing are clear:

        1. If I don't pick up the phone I definitely won't make a dime
        2. If I spend my time looking for someone else to do this, I still won't make a dime
        You're completely correct in everything you have said. Maybe I will just suck it up and do it myself. Do you have any suggestions on how one should present the call? I feel like opening with a statement that suggests that I'm selling something will end up in less appointments than if I could stay on a personal level and act ignorant to the fact that I am a salesman. Maybe state that I am also a local business owner and would like to sit down with them about our services and how beneficial they would be to the business owner?

        Would you mind possibly shooting me an email?
        Free Web Design from Neodism.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365883].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Larches View Post

          You're completely correct in everything you have said. Maybe I will just suck it up and do it myself. Do you have any suggestions on how one should present the call? I feel like opening with a statement that suggests that I'm selling something will end up in less appointments than if I could stay on a personal level and act ignorant to the fact that I am a salesman. Maybe state that I am also a local business owner and would like to sit down with them about our services and how beneficial they would be to the business owner?

          Would you mind possibly shooting me an email?
          Looking at your post and knowing you are struggling with something that the most successful pros admit to struggling with at times, got me to thinking back to successes and failures that I have had over the years. I'm not a sleek pumped up smell good marketer but I learned from the beginning you got to have a buyer if you are a seller... See how bright I am?

          My posts tend to get long, just me I guess but I will give you my opinion, some helpful content I hope, you decide and I'll move on.

          Another poster said that many reading here are newbies. I try to direct my comments to the new people in sales and pass on from my experiences.

          I recently have made suggestions in other threads and I don't want to type it out here again (Hunt and peck you no.) So here's a comment or two and if you don't mind several links that you might glean a point or two from.

          You mentioned above that you feel that a direct just get to the point approach might end up with less appointments. From my experience this is not necessarily so.

          Oh boy it's going to get long again but I don't know how to teach or get you to thinking in the short.

          Think about this...

          You are a business person, I am a business person, most all here are business people or want to be, right? What if I were calling you to try and market an internet marketing product to you? Ask your self these questions.

          1. You are in the IM business. Are you a total loner, a caveman starting fires by rubbing sticks together or are you open to tools, processes and services that may help you in your business?
          2. Assuming the latter, in what ways are you going to find out about these tools, processes and services? Could it be that a sales person (of an IM product) might contact you at some point? Market to you? (Remember I'm just trying to help you sort this process out.)
          ----The point I'm making here is if you are not a loner in the cave you expect to be marketed to. Right? If you are dealing with a business person especially, they want to be marketed to. It saves them a lot of time not having to go and search for the things they need to obtain and/or to improve their business.---
          3. Knowing this it helps you get the mindset that you are there to help the customer and you have something that they will thank you for by selling to them.- What are testimonials? "Thank you salesperson for taking my money and providing me with something I really value".
          ---- I know this is basic for old timers and pros, but this is for the new brothers and sisters to selling-----
          4. As a businessman or an individual, I expect to be solicited and I want to be solicited! But!!! I want to be dealt with in the right way. ( The right way is the purpose of good sales training and advice.)
          5. So rule # 1, in any kind if approach, is to deal with a prospect in a way that you would like to be dealt with.
          ---So stop right here get a piece of paper and list the ways you would like to be approached and dealt with. Also what kinds of things would you react positivity to and then those you would react negatively to. Don't make a big deal just jot down several things that come to mind. Just do it ok? Thank you! For those reading my post on another recent thread, have a Kaizen event with yourself!
          6. So the point here is to take some time think about it and put some emphasis on the positive things into the call script.
          ---Keep in mind I am only suggesting one possible strategy here the direct and to the point approach.--- For the unseasoned salesperson this takes away any feeling of deception that you may feel using more advanced techniques. It helps you be comfortable with yourself.
          7. What do I say when I reach the DM? ( I can't write a whole course in a post you will have to wait for the book.) Take your notes from above with your positives and work up a simple to the point, matter of fact reason for your call. Remember you are selling an appointment, more than likely, not trying to close a sale on the phone in one contact. (If you are trying to close a sale in one phone call, you will definitely have to wait for the book to hear my suggestions on that.) Pick out one, not a list, of your best features and word it in a curiosity and semi emotional way.
          --- "Hello Mr. Beltstrap, I'm Larches from Sunnyvale Alligator Safety Products. Id like to talk to you about a new safety practice that is helping many farmers like your self. Employees handling Alligators can be risky at times. I have some things I'd like to tell you about, that will help your company save on your workman's comp claims. (Then use a typical appointment close routine). Now I know this is sort of ridiculous script but the steps of introduction, state a problem, then a solution are all there short and sweet. You are comfortable and relaxed and so is Mr. Beltstrap. He's not wondering if you are selling something or not, and he knows how you are trying to help him. This makes him comfortable with you. All you are asking him for is a moment to talk with him about solving a problem he has.
          8. I'm not going into a lot of techniques and theory here, if that interests you good, but most sales people I have worked with want simple solutions, not why they work.

          I did a campaign like his once with a list of about 100 businesses in Delaware and Eastern MD. I was selling an insurance product. I would call 5 business at a time. (Had to keep my butterflies lined up) I used a script and stayed on it. I used, my name , problem , solution, close for appointment. (You know, would Tuesday or Thursday be better? 1:00 or 2:00? etc.) I spent some time on creating the script probably the most important thing. I started over 25 groups (sales) and put about $125K on the books in a three month time frame. The next year I taught others that I managed and in four months we put about 1Mil on the books. So used properly direct and to the point cold call phone prospecting can work in selling anything. Yes you get no's but do your research, plan and prepare. The next time I did this personally I had my wife do the calling as my secretary, same script with mods say she was calling for the "agent" She just read from the script and closed more appointments than I did.

          Ok you got a book in this post, take from it what you like if anything. If you'd like for me to look over a script for you, just PM me all I ask I'd for is an email address to take the dialog out of the WF PM system. ( And yes to put you on my list.):rolleyes:

          There's so much more I'd like to expand on here and I'm leaving a lot out but it is a post that I've already made too long.

          The links to look at, keeping in mind they are just food for thought not real specific. They are meant for those who are newer and wanting to make some $ quickly. But the sales techniques and principles there-in are sound.
          I use them!

          1. Re: Broke as a Joke

          Re: Broke as a Joke

          Old Dog...

          P.S If you are wanting to know how to get past the Gatekeeper, (Boss's secretary.), good stuff from other warriors and some more of my suggestions on thread running currently on "Offline Forum"
          Gatekeepers and how we deal with them....ideas?

          P.S. If I can be of any assistance in your "Off" or "On"- line sales and marketing please PM me or email at WinnersChoice-Warrior@yahoo.com . Old Dog

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      • Profile picture of the author imwebmaster
        You hit the nail on the head David....even if you use a telemarketer...just for lead generation...well...you still have to actually close the deal...it's like a 2 part tag team effort...you still have to talk and sell...and you need to know what the telemarketer said so you don't put your foot in your mouth....it's so much easier to just make the call initially yourself...get the ball rolling...and just be honest....and for the people who are scared to death about talking to anyone on the phone...even a blind mouse finds a piece of cheese once in a while...
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        • Profile picture of the author OhSusanna
          Love this thread!

          I have not found anyone for cold calling that I am comfortable with.

          However, over the summer I did use a gentleman on FIVERR to qualify leads for me. He has a slight Spanish accent. It went well. He was very detailed oriented and provided me with a call log. I gave him an outline/script for the calls.

          Qualifying leads takes a lot of time. I am working hard to outsource a ton of aspects of my business.

          Some of my friends use My Phone Room and seem to be happy.

          Have a rocking rest of your Friday!!
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by Nbroquis View Post

      Philippine people are known for their ability to speak english fluently. Its just a matter of doing a little bit of research and there great for the price. Go to this website and look around Hire a Filipino Virtual Assistant - Outsourcing to the Philippines | Home hope this helps

      This works, IF your willing to train them, and then train them some more,
      and just when you think you got it, they need more training.

      If you yourself, are not good on the phone, you will never be able to train them well enough, to be of any value to you.

      Took us almost a year and well over 300 people to actually get 3 that are pretty decent. and i mean decent, not great, no rock stars, barely above average.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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    • Profile picture of the author GabeF430
      Don't do it. You will burn up your list of prospects real fast outsourcing your telemarketing out of the country. I own a telemarketing firm and get calls all the time from companies who tried it and had a terrible experience.

      Originally Posted by Nbroquis View Post

      Philippine people are known for their ability to speak english fluently. Its just a matter of doing a little bit of research and there great for the price. Go to this website and look around
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  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    I have experience setting appointments for myself. I would do 10 hours a week for $250

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I just wanted an excuse to say "Tut tut."


    Pamela is free for a month, and then it's $30 or something one time to buy the pro version.

    Skype online # is something like $15 or $20 down and then $12 for 3 months. So the infrastructure is pretty darn cheap. The ftp idea was from a client and when I first used it I was afraid it would take all day to transfer the call recording files over, but in reality with a decent connection it takes a minute or two.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Miller
    I'm gonna say something that's really gonna piss everyone off....but it's what I think....

    The real talent and value is the person that picks up the phone and makes something happen. Anything technical can be outsourced.....
    The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
    -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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    • Profile picture of the author agonce
      Originally Posted by David Miller View Post

      I'm gonna say something that's really gonna piss everyone off....but it's what I think....

      The real talent and value is the person that picks up the phone and makes something happen. Anything technical can be outsourced.....
      I know what you mean David, however we, newbies have still problems with starting to cold call. Personally I think it is boring :rolleyes: and then, how do I know if it is boring or not when I've never done it ... go figure ... makes me think whether I want to do it or not and then I don't ... :rolleyes:

      So that is why people like me are asking to outsource the appointment setting part. Maybe you had the same fears when you started out... just sayin'
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365966].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author David Miller
        Originally Posted by agonce View Post

        I know what you mean David, however we, newbies have still problems with starting to cold call. Personally I think it is boring :rolleyes: and then, how do I know if it is boring or not when I've never done it ... go figure ... makes me think whether I want to do it or not and then I don't ... :rolleyes:

        So that is why people like me are asking to outsource the appointment setting part. Maybe you had the same fears when you started out... just sayin'
        Had the same fears, have the same fears...it doesn't go away, just gets less to some extent. I'm not holding myself out as some kind of fearless warrior that pounds the phone relentlessly. I have the same issues as everyone but I try to keep things in mind that help.

        What works (remember nothing works all the time) for me is having a script, or at the very least a bullet point list of what I want to cover and where I want to go.

        I know a lot of people argue this but having a script is critical. Don't listen to people who say it sounds like you're reading. After a while it won't sound like that anymore. Once you have crafted a script and master it, it's no longer a matter of how well you sell as it is a matter of how well you read.

        I don't know what you're selling but what I did was start off on page 20 of google. In other words, understand that you're going to be awful on the first 50 calls, or 100 or may 10....who knows? I didn't go after the bigger guys until I was confident and I still have a ways to go.

        I try not to care about the result. Before I got married, getting with a girl, woman, female or whatever the pc term du jour is, wasn't easy. After I got married they seemed to be all over the place....why? I didn't care if they liked me or not, I was married. After I got divorced...well...you get the picture. There's an old axiom, "act as if" and in this case, at least to me, act as if I don't care if you buy or not. If you had a million bucks in the bank, would you have a different attitude about talking to a prospect.
        In a few words, don't tie yourself to the outcome.

        I'm the first to say that I have a long way to go but like anything else I'm not going to get better unless I do it. Like a lot of others on the WF I did my share of looking towards others to hit the phone for me. One day I realized that to excite someone enough to do that I had to sell them! The more I tried to sell someone on selling my product, the better I got at selling it.

        In a way of explanation about what I said about the only person of value being the one that picks up the phone, this is what I mean.....

        The great majority of us are starting out on limited budgets. So when we think about telemarketers we're talking about spending as little as possible. So let's say we're talking about getting someone on the phone for about 10 bucks an hour.

        Let's assume that in a broad scope you're business plan is geared to an anual revenue of 100K. I think that's a worthy and probably typical goal for many of us, and I include myself.

        Now, following through this line of thinking, you are resting the hopes of reaching your 100K/year goal on a 10 dollar an hour independent contractor or employee that may or may not show up every day. To me, that didn't make any sense at all, and when you take this to it's ultimate conclusion, which one of us is controlling my business?

        Once I started putting things in perspective, I picked up the phone.
        The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
        -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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        • Profile picture of the author David Miller
          I'm not big on recommending books, but Keith Rosen's Complete Idiots Guide to Cold Calling is worth picking up!

          And reading.
          The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
          -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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        • Profile picture of the author mrjosco
          Originally Posted by David Miller View Post

          Had the same fears, have the same fears...it doesn't go away, just gets less to some extent. I'm not holding myself out as some kind of fearless warrior that pounds the phone relentlessly. I have the same issues as everyone but I try to keep things in mind that help.

          What works (remember nothing works all the time) for me is having a script, or at the very least a bullet point list of what I want to cover and where I want to go.

          I know a lot of people argue this but having a script is critical. Don't listen to people who say it sounds like you're reading. After a while it won't sound like that anymore. Once you have crafted a script and master it, it's no longer a matter of how well you sell as it is a matter of how well you read.

          I don't know what you're selling but what I did was start off on page 20 of google. In other words, understand that you're going to be awful on the first 50 calls, or 100 or may 10....who knows? I didn't go after the bigger guys until I was confident and I still have a ways to go.

          I try not to care about the result. Before I got married, getting with a girl, woman, female or whatever the pc term du jour is, wasn't easy. After I got married they seemed to be all over the place....why? I didn't care if they liked me or not, I was married. After I got divorced...well...you get the picture. There's an old axiom, "act as if" and in this case, at least to me, act as if I don't care if you buy or not. If you had a million bucks in the bank, would you have a different attitude about talking to a prospect.
          In a few words, don't tie yourself to the outcome.

          I'm the first to say that I have a long way to go but like anything else I'm not going to get better unless I do it. Like a lot of others on the WF I did my share of looking towards others to hit the phone for me. One day I realized that to excite someone enough to do that I had to sell them! The more I tried to sell someone on selling my product, the better I got at selling it.

          In a way of explanation about what I said about the only person of value being the one that picks up the phone, this is what I mean.....

          The great majority of us are starting out on limited budgets. So when we think about telemarketers we're talking about spending as little as possible. So let's say we're talking about getting someone on the phone for about 10 bucks an hour.

          Let's assume that in a broad scope you're business plan is geared to an anual revenue of 100K. I think that's a worthy and probably typical goal for many of us, and I include myself.

          Now, following through this line of thinking, you are resting the hopes of reaching your 100K/year goal on a 10 dollar an hour independent contractor or employee that may or may not show up every day. To me, that didn't make any sense at all, and when you take this to it's ultimate conclusion, which one of us is controlling my business?

          Once I started putting things in perspective, I picked up the phone.
          There are flaws to some of this logic, but I guess only in certain industries.

          I am a salesman. That is my job. I actually like it a little bit more than being a business owner (which I have been before) because I still make as much money as my skills allow - I just don't have to burden all the risk!

          Sales and cold calling (prospecting) are not the same thing. I break my client list into 3 categories: Gold, Silver and Bronze. I want all three levels of clients - but I have to manage my time.

          Most of my time should be spent SELLING. Now, I can't sell if I don't prospect. I wrote a script and a call flow. Anyone who can speak naturally on the phone can follow the script and/or flow. I have called enough in my industry to know that 90% of the contacts made will end up in a predictable flow. Their answers will follow the same pattern. My outsourced prospecting telemarketer can follow the script and get great results. In fact, they can get the same kind of results I get.

          So I can spend my time prospecting - or I can spend my time selling to prospects.

          I am better at selling than prospecting. Guess which one makes the most sense for me?

          I pay someone overseas $4/hr to follow a script and call flow I created after making a few cold calls and seeing the predictable pattern. I let them call clients that would be estimated as a 'bronze' level. If they prove themselves over time they can even call "silver" clients. This lets me spend time closing sales and prospecting my 'gold' level clients.

          If I didn't have help, I would spend 20%+ of my time filling my pipeline instead of "emptying" it.

          I prefer to spend my time at the end of the funnel than the start...

          Vintage and Retro Shirts from Vinretro

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    • Profile picture of the author HypeText
      Originally Posted by David Miller View Post

      I'm gonna say something that's really gonna piss everyone off....but it's what I think....

      The real talent and value is the person that picks up the phone and makes something happen. Anything technical can be outsourced.....
      Let's face it...Nobody LIKES to Cold Call....consider it a necessary evil.

      As the old saying goes "If you want something done right...do it yourself!"

      One of the factors that contributes to getting an appointment or closing a sale is your belief in the product and your level of proficiency.

      You simply arent going to get either of those items having someone who knows nothing about your product or service jump on the phone and try to sell for you, or set an appointment for you.

      If cold calling was THAT easy and SELLING was that easy then we could all just hire Cashiers from our local Burger joints to do our work for us and laugh our way to the bank...

      Just my opinion on the matter...
      (916) 520-HYPE (4973)
      Local & Mobile Marketing Solutions
      $0 Setup & $99/mnth Private Label Reseller Accts
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      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by HypeText View Post

        Let's face it...Nobody LIKES to Cold Call....consider it a necessary evil.
        I beg to differ.

        I love it. I like the challenge , i like meeting new people , i like the song and dance, i literally get an adrenaline rush.

        My wife accuses me of being addicted to it. My business has been to the point where i personally haven't had to be on the phone in years.

        But i still do it, 5-6 days a week.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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        • Profile picture of the author HypeText
          Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

          I beg to differ.

          I love it. I like the challenge , i like meeting new people , i like the song and dance, i literally get an adrenaline rush.

          My wife accuses me of being addicted to it. My business has been to the point where i personally haven't had to be on the phone in years.

          But i still do it, 5-6 days a week.
          Ok, Ken, so you have admitted to being a sick & twisted man...first Step to recovery, right? lol Just Kidding...

          There are a small number of people, like yourself, that do enjoy cold calling but you guys are definitely the minority.
          (916) 520-HYPE (4973)
          Local & Mobile Marketing Solutions
          $0 Setup & $99/mnth Private Label Reseller Accts
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Larges, Agonce...this is why you need a coach. There are many out there!

    I have THREE and didn't do nearly as well in Sales until I started working with my first one (after 11 years in Sales!). At the time, I "couldn't really afford it" but it made a huge difference over just the first two months and easily paid for itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author topgold
    If you pay commission-based pay, you may find someone willing to do it for you. I'd post an ad in the local newspaper in your area or a larger ad directory. Possibly in your area's CraigsList as well if you feel like interviewing tons of applicants.

    And like the others said, there are call-centers that do the work for you for a fee.

    On a similar note, you don't always need to cold-call to get customers. I post flyers and leave some business cards around in stores in my town and give referral fees for paying customers. Give it a try, you'd be surprised at how easy it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
    @ Larches, if you do a search for *cold calling* you will find PLENTY of information and some scripts too! Just try and ignore the negative cold calling threads..they will definately make you NOT want to do it even more lol

    I know you want to hire someone to do it for you, but in the beginning it will be a pain. You will have to first train them on your product, train them to explain it as good as you would, etc..It actually takes up way more time than it would to make your first 200 calls..(I've done it, so this isn't just theory.)

    But if you really don't want to do it yourself, put up ads on craigslist and other free classified sites and go through the people interested. Odesk should have some english speaking people, just spend your time going through the site.

    If you are going to do it yourself, look up POSITIVE information about cold calling and just do it..it's really not as bad as you may think. As long as you are friendly and respectful on your calls, you will pretty much get the same back..even when your offer is turned down. Once you keep doing it you will get better and better and you will sound more natural and become more comfortable on the phone.

    The biggest thing is separating yourself from the rejection (the no's) I think that's the main reason people don't want to call..because they feel like if they get cussed out or something the person is cussing YOU out, that person is just an idiot..move on!! lol

    Ok I'm going on and on, but it's because telemarketing is VERY lucrative for me..and I would recommend people at least try it, it's a lot of money to be made..and just imagine being able to know that you can make money anytime you want as long as you have a phone!

    My internet connection was down one day and I still got on the phone and made a sale..what did I do? Went to the library and emailed the client the invoice later that day..Where there is a will there's a way...get your list together and just make the calls, when you start making money..it actually becomes FUN!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Conversion rates may not differ. But payment does. 10% of $300 isn't worth my time. 10% of $30,000 and now you've got my attention for awhile. Money speaks.

    Now the flipside of what Ken shared: it doesn't matter what your price is. Some prospects will always whine. Some will say let's get started.
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Conversion rates may not differ. But payment does. 10% of $300 isn't worth my time. 10% of $30,000 and now you've got my attention for awhile. Money speaks.

      Now the flipside of what Ken shared: it doesn't matter what your price is. Some prospects will always whine. Some will say let's get started.
      That is exactly my point. Price doesn't matter ...

      You will get the same objections at 5.00 as you will at 50,0000.

      And if you did your job right, everybody wants what you have to sell,
      the question is only "Do they have the money""

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    Originally Posted by Larches View Post

    why is no one offering cold-calling or appointment setting in Warriors For Hire?
    That's a good idea, I'm just getting into cold-calling and adding it as a service for my marketing business. I'll be offering 'call-in lead' generation and appointment setting. I also have an old Warrior for Hire thread I might revise and bump just for this purpose!

    In the mean time if you're looking for leads or appointments send me a PM, maybe we can work something out on a per-lead basis. I already have too many commission sales offers so not interested in those at the moment (unless you have a killer product that converts above average).

    P.S. If anyone is looking for commission-sales opportunities PM me, like I said I have too many offers to pursue. I know some awesome Warriors looking for telemarketers.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-


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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Great enthusiasm-builder for newbies.

    However, pennies on the dollar won't attract talent. Ken, would you work for $30 a close? (Yes, if you were getting a close a call, I know. But based on realistic stats, what's your opinion?)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5367993].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Great enthusiasm-builder for newbies.

      However, pennies on the dollar won't attract talent. Ken, would you work for $30 a close? (Yes, if you were getting a close a call, I know. But based on realistic stats, what's your opinion?)
      Guess that depends on where i am at in life. right now. no way.

      With that said, i started with cold calling for credit card protection, with benefits, for 99 bucks, back in the 80's ... my first sales gig ever. and if i remember properly, i was getting 10 bucks a sale.

      and was netting $1,500-$2000.00 pay checks.

      So at that point in my life, i would have been all over 30.00 a sale , like stink on pooo

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5368035].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HypeText
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Great enthusiasm-builder for newbies.

      However, pennies on the dollar won't attract talent. Ken, would you work for $30 a close? (Yes, if you were getting a close a call, I know. But based on realistic stats, what's your opinion?)
      "You get what you pay for"

      We have used "Percentage of Close" Appt Setters in the past and it's a tough way to go.

      The Appointment Setter is dependent upon the Salesperson for their income...

      And the Salesman is dependent upon the Appointment Setter for their income

      While it sounds like a symbiotic Relationship on the surface it ends in claims that either the salesman cant sell, or the Appointment Setter set bad appointments.

      Mayhem ensues and people don't stick around very long.
      (916) 520-HYPE (4973)
      Local & Mobile Marketing Solutions
      $0 Setup & $99/mnth Private Label Reseller Accts
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5368054].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by HypeText View Post

        While it sounds like a symbiotic Relationship on the surface it ends in claims that either the salesman cant sell, or the Appointment Setter set bad appointments.

        Mayhem ensues and people don't stick around very long.
        Nail on the head bro. I have seen that first hand, more times then i can count.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5368064].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mrbueno
      Originally Posted by kaniganj View Post

      Great enthusiasm-builder for newbies.

      However, pennies on the dollar won't attract talent. Ken, would you work for $30 a close? (Yes, if you were getting a close a call, I know. But based on realistic stats, what's your opinion?)
      Sure I would. I did in fact. My staff does now. As a matter of fact so do Outrank and Yodle. Those companies have about 28,000 clients. So I would say that people would gladly work for $30/close.

      I love when people let gurus get in their head with that "$1 or $1000000 which would you work for" or 80/20 crap. Of course I'd work for $1,000,000 before $1, but that doesn't mean the work is out there for everyone.

      Let's say you are a terrible closer at about 7%. Let's say you are lazy and only make 100 successfully connected calls in an 8 hour day. So at $30/close you are saying that people aren't willing to work a 5 day work week for $50,400? Get out of here with that I'm too good for a typical wage stuff.

      However, you do have a point. Really good telemarketers realize what they are worth and charge more so they are more difficult to find. So, hire a few not so good ones and invest in a training system to improve them.

      Personally, I encourage the OP to sack up and make the calls yourself. Invest in a good cold call training program and go for it.

      What is it you really fear? Rejection? Sounding like an idiot? Failing? I've felt all these too. Man, I've done all these. Once you are 20 calls in or so you get over it and realize you are just talking to people. If they want your help, fine. If they don't, oh well several hundred more opportunities out there.

      I have a friend who is 450 pounds. We used to go out to the clubs and he always picked up some attractive girl WAY WAY WAY out of his and my league. I am talking "Tia Carrere in the 90s" serious type hot. How did he do it? At first, it was a sheer numbers game. He used to get rejected right and left, but he never stopped trying until he got that number he wanted. Then through all this trial and error he found that many women from the Pacific Islands had no issues with a big boy. So, he focused on them. Then his numbers improved. (He found his niche.) Then he just fine tuned his pitch. After a while, he had no reservations walking up to the hottest girl in the bar and asking for a date on the spot. He was a one call closer of the highest order and those girls weren't just one date, they were spun. Now he is married to one of those lovely ladies.

      The lesson. Stop worrying and just go for it.

      Just think of how well you will do if you close on average just 3 a week at your sale price without having to pay anyone. 3 is a small number. You can do 3. 3. Do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Cold calling and 100% commission?
    I suppose you expect the person to cover their own calling costs too?
    I used to do cold calling but not interested any longer.
    I make more from my writing and I don't have to worry about ringing and disturbing people.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Cold calling and 100% commission?
      I suppose you expect the person to cover their own calling costs too?
      I used to do cold calling but not interested any longer.
      I make more from my writing and I don't have to worry about ringing and disturbing people.
      And this is the mindset that you DON'T want to be in if you are going to coldcall (no offense laurencewins) But you can not think like that and expect a positive outcome. You can make sales with a negative mindset as long as you dial the right amount of calls, but it will probably take you a lot longer than someone with a positive mindset.

      Half the time you aren't really disturbing these people. And if you do, they will simply tell you now is not a good time to talk and guess what you do..move on to the next..Now if you're calling restaraunts of course you need to be mindful of what time you call, but I've never been yelled at for disturbing someone, they will either talk to you or not.

      The faster you get the unqualified off the phone, the faster you get to the money! I would rather you interrupt me and say *not interested* than have me go over everything and then tell me you don't want my offer. The faster I get to my *yes* the better
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      • Profile picture of the author Sue Bruce

        You have to have a script for appointment setters. Theyre not skilled sales pros. Even if its only in point form so they can take what is known to work and make it their own.

        How do you get a script that works for your business? You have to find out yourself.

        Some appointment setters will work for a low hrly wage and drain your bank account until you fire them. Commission sales people will work a short time and think "this is a hard sell" and bail on you.

        Ultimately you have to take responsibility for that. As a business owner you must be able to hire the proper staff and have them trained properly.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Miller
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Cold calling and 100% commission?
      I suppose you expect the person to cover their own calling costs too?
      I used to do cold calling but not interested any longer.
      I make more from my writing and I don't have to worry about ringing and disturbing people.
      This is beyond a doubt the single most postive and informative thread about cold calling that I've yet to see in this or any other forum. However, as with other threads of this nature, I wait until the other shoe drops and someone feels that they must interject their negativity about the concept.

      I suppose you expect the person to cover their own calling costs too?
      Probably, but so what? The concept and direction of this thread is show one another and inspire each other to pick up the phone ourselves. On the other hand, I have unlimited cell service, unlimited landline service, and skype.....just what costs of calling are you referring to?

      I used to do cold calling but not interested any longer.
      If this is something that makes you happy, I'm happy for you. But what's your point? What is the contribution here?

      I make more from my writing and I don't have to worry about ringing and disturbing people.
      Again, I'm happy that you're doing something that you enjoy. I hope that when a product or service comes along that would be a benefit to you that you aren't upset that your competition doesn't view learning about what can help as a disturbance.

      I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude, but I'm quite sick and tired of people who don't like or understand sales jumping in with both feet and splashing their negativity around like a spoiled child.

      Many of us here are trying to break free and build a business. Not an easy task in any economy and certainly more difficult in this one. For a great number of us, cold calling is something that we either have to master or we may never know how great our idea may really be.

      If you don't like to cold call and will never do it, that's fine, go away. If you think cold calling doesn't work, that's fine, go away. If you think cold calling disturbs people and that bothers you, that's fine to, now go away.

      In the past few months I've started a few threads about cold calling and they always went well until someone jumps in with their nonsense.

      I'm going to implore my fellow warriors to ignore the people that are going to jump in and spread their negative nonsense. Please keep yourself focused on your goal.

      I have a great product. It is a great value and if I'm going to offer to a business they would be smart to listen. If they think I'm disturbing them, they'll find out soon enough that their competition didn't find my call a disturbance.

      Is your product as good as mine? Will cold calling do more to get you closer to your goal than spending time trying not to do it? What are you going to do if you don't pick up the phone?
      The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
      -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I'm going to post my prospecting videos because there seem to be a lot of newbies around who haven't seen them.

    If you want to know how to make prospecting more fun and less painful for you, then watch these.

    Special appearance by The Hat!

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  • Profile picture of the author LiorN
    check out :The Telemarketing Forum - Index
    there is a clasified section at the bottom of the page
    post a thread & say that you are looking for someone who will work purely on commision

    but dont be cheap give at least 25-30% to the telemarketer

    Our Actions Proves What We Really Belive In

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  • Profile picture of the author AdamDowning
    I'd be happy to cold call, reason I probably haven't posted one in classifieds is because I don't have PayPal. I guess im pretty good at it working in a call center and whatnot. Drop me a PM with your email and we can discuss?

    I'll write you 30 x 500 word articles @ $120 - Inbox me?

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  • Profile picture of the author Dylan Doyle
    Good idea..I'm surprised it has not been done already given the fact that a LOT of people seem to have an issue with cold calling!
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  • Profile picture of the author heltonent
    Ok, I have to chime in on this one!

    With cold calling as my main source of prospects, customers and income for the last 12 years I can tell you that there are a few things that you really need to consider.

    You will not just magically become a CLOSER just because you have a list of booked appointments with somewhat interested decision makers. I will not go on and on about this but, make sure that you are dealing with the decision maker. All too often, hired appointment setters, in an effort to get the appointment (which is how they get paid) will set the appointment with whoever will listen. That will be a big time waster, but I digress.

    Most people they say they have a fear of, are not willing to commit to or they don't have the time etc, etc. for prospecting/cold calling over the phone. Usually what it boils down to is people are really afraid of the REJECTION that comes along with cold calling. I read someone say that it was boring even. I don't think so. I often compare prospecting over the phone to getting punched in the face. Why? Because a lot of gate keepers and decision makers telling you no or worse calling you names makes it feel like that. Now, if you are into getting punched in the face by potential prospects (like me) it is far from boring. In fact, as someone else commented earlier, I too find cold calling enthralling.

    You want to be a good CLOSER and to be one you almost always need to be a great opener too. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to do cold calling but if you can't set an appointment or fear it you will really struggle when it comes to ASKING for the sale. That in my honest opinion is the more difficult process of getting the sale. You need to be prepared to ask over and over and never stop at the first or second NO and just walk away. You have to be persistent and I think that getting those hard knocks in the beginning will make you more enthusiastic about closing the deal.

    If you ever want to get really good at asking for the sale then it is very important that you know all the reasons that a customer will not buy from you. In fact, knowing the reasons why they don't want to set up the appointment in the first place is just as important to know as why they won't sign a contract and give you a check.

    As a closer, I want to know everything that the prospect may have an objection to ahead of time. Some of the objection handling I use comes from experience from selling so many products over the years and is almost second nature, but a great deal also comes from selling that product from the front to the close on my own first.

    Now, with all of that said... cold calling is not the only form of prospecting that works. It is still a favorite for a lot of businesses because it works so well but it is not your only option. In fact, there are many other ways to prospect, especially for appointments that may be a little more fun for the person that doesn't like to pick up the phone and "smile and dial".

    For example, you can use email marketing. Emailing potential prospects that fit the criteria of who your prospect is, is still a good option. The problem is that you need to get their attention and stand out from all the other emails they get. That is not impossible. First I suggest you coming up with a unique subject that gets their attention and is a little provocative, yet CANSPAM compliant. CANSPAM says that the subject line cannot be misleading and needs to let the reader know exactly what the email is about. So you will have some fun with that task.

    Next, I suggest that you give them some quality information in the body, or message itself. I like to use video myself because it is a lot easier to deliver that quality information and also people like videos and are more likely to watch the video rather than ready a long and boring email. An example of that is where I use video to prospect for SEO clients. I make them a video of their website and explain all the things that they should consider to fix. Here is an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=Nk3kytF7mCw By the way, I am not giving legal advise with regards to the legality of sending unsolicited emails and I do suggest you take the time to read the CANSPAM Act in its entirety before you send out emails. I am only saying that I have used these methods for a long time and I don't get complaints, I get complements and thank you emails from people I send these emails to.

    Another way I do my prospecting is by voice broadcasting. You can record a 20-30 second message like this for example:

    Hello, this is (SAY YOUR OR YOUR COMPANY NAME )

    If you would like to get your Company listed on the first page of Google
    in less than 30 days GUARANTEED...press one to hear a short pre recorded
    message that explains how your business can reach the top of Google with VIDEO NOW!!!

    Press 8 to be removed from our list

    OR...Press 1 NOW... to hear a short NO OBLIGATION message with all of the details of how your company's new video can reach the top of Google in 30 days or less.... GUARANTEED!

    In this example I send the people that press one to a pre recorded "sizzle message" that I recorded that gives all of the details and they leave their contact information if they are interested.

    I am sorry for the long post, I didn't mean for it to get this long. I can go on and on about this subject because, like some of the others in here. I AM ADDICTED TO PROSPECTING!!

    So I will end my rant here and say one last thing... Take a lesson from Nike and "Just Do It". You will never get anywhere if you spend too much time here and in other forums talking about it. One of my favorite method in business has been to fail forward FAST! Its OK to make mistakes. In fact, the guy who makes the most mistakes are all too often the biggest winners too!

    Good Luck in 2012!

    Mark Helton
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    • Profile picture of the author David Miller
      I think it's great that a thread which started out looking for a way to find someone else to pickup the phone, has evolved to providing enthusiastic help for learning how to do it ourselves.
      The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
      -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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      • Profile picture of the author Aussieguy
        I've decided that when I start, I should do it myself.

        However, the outsourcing seems to be overcomplicated by some. There are heaps of people working in call centres making 'outbound' calls. i.e. telemarketing. Before I decided that I should do it myself, this is what I was thinking along the lines of:

        (a) write up a script, or use a service to help you put it together
        (b) hire a telemarketer. Use a popular job site or whatever and ask for criteria such as experienced only. If you're in a decent sized place, you shold get some people to interview face to face. Maybe word the advert along the lines of, "Experienced in outbound call centre sales? Prefer to work at home? Good rates paid"
        (c) Pay the phone plan (it doesnt cost much even in Australia for an unlimited plan) for the person (they now have a free home phone for their personal use too). Secondly, pay a rate that's at the very least the average of what you see being advertised in the classified ads etc. Bit more perhaps? I just had a quick check. $25p/h would be about right. $30p/h would be generous for at home work and just appointment setting.

        With face to face interviews and a decent pay rate, hopefully you'd find someone decent, especially for appointment setting (but you could do the whole sale too I guess).

        Now, this is how I figured it, as far as managing the risk goes:

        How long are you going to need to hire them to work out if they are doing an okay job? 10 hours? 20 hours?
        If you hired someone for 10 hours and not one appointment was set, something is wrong.

        Maybe go and be a fly on the wall for their first couple hours (they're experienced in call centres, so should have no prob).
        A budget of $250-300 should give you some idea of if they're going to work out or not. And, I do think the meeting face to face interview etc is going to help somewhat in narrowing down to the right person.

        Yes - I most certainly realise that not everyone has the budget to do that, as David Miller has said earlier this thread, many here are starting off with very limited budgets - nothing wrong with that.
        But for a small budget (compared to starting many businesses), it should be a realistic option.

        But as I said - I think I'd do it myself. Control.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    <Jason whistles low>

    $25 per hour? Things must be much better in Australia than the US...It's more like $6 - $10 here for appointment setting...if you can find a role with an hourly rate.

    Ones I've seen say $20 per appointment set...paid after the salesperson visits...and the info is good...and the prospect listens for at least 10 minutes (problem right there--the prospect has to listen? Not talk?). An awful lot of conditional terms hanging onto getting paid for your work. You might get paid two weeks after the salesperson visits, or up to 4 weeks from your call. Wow, that sounds like a great deal to me. Just some feedback from the great economic powerhouse of North Carolina, where churches, graveyards and collard greens seem to fuel the state...

    Again, if you want to hear exactly what your caller is saying for you:

    Get a skype phone # for your prospector

    Get unlimited calling for your area for the #

    Get Pamela for Skype to record the calls for your prospector

    Have them ftp the sound files over to you every day, which only takes a few minutes. You can listen to them with Audacity or Windows Media Player.

    Your total cost is about $30 up front, Pamela is free for a month. After that Pamela is about $30 one time to register, and it's maybe $25 again every three months for the phone...pretty negligible.

    Of course, skype may not have the ability to get you a # for your area.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aussieguy
      Cheers for the info Jason. Always interesting to learn the differences between countries.
      Our waiters/waitresses work for hourly rate also, not tips!

      Yeah, I'll do some more checking (just for interest), but there's always telemarketing jobs in the classifieds being advertised at around $18 an hour or so.

      Call centre jobs here are all paid jobs (+ bonuses for sales type call centre jobs). At least that I know of. I'm not in the field, so another Aussie on here may correct me.

      I checked one of the largest job sites only very briefly in one of the main cities here, just to get a feel. They weren't just appointment setting, but a variety of telemarketing.

      $25-$30 an hour for appointment setting at home as opposed to call centre is probably on the generous side, but I always tend to lean that way. When I ran a business with employees many years ago, my business partner and I insisted on paying way above equivalent rates elsewhere. Our employees felt very looked after, and that was the aim. Actually, the aim was simply to pay them what we would like to be paid ourselves doing the same role.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aussieguy
    Just for Jason's interest, I searched specifically for appointment setting and got:

    This job required an entrepreneurial type with telemarketing experience, and was working with a sales manager (not in a call centre)

    weekly retainer of $500 (or daily $100)
    Commission will be 15% of everything you bill
    Billing target is $6,000 a week
    OTE $1,400 a week

    Performance Targets
    20 contact calls per day - 100 per week
    10 appointments per week

    Another job was calling residential in late arvo/early evening (yuck!) for a mortgage company to appointment set for a free in home consultation – paying $22.58 per hour + bonuses

    Another job was full time B2B appointment setter for the Business Development managers (in the recruitment industry) – paying $55k + super

    A couple others that didn’t specify much: one was 45-49k the other $22 per hour plus commissions (both call centres)

    Another company offering audio/visual systems looking for 3 professional telemarketing appointment setters to set product demonstration appointments as well as updating and keeping excellent administration records. 4 hour shifts. $55 per hour on track earnings (not sure whether there was any base with this one)

    A seller of home therapy equipment looking for appointment setters working door to door (mix of residential and shopping centres). $20 per hour + $10 per appointment (plus fuel and accommodation when travelling)
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  • Profile picture of the author Austin Rose
    In my opinion, I would rather make the cold calls myself and make the sales for whatever product it is...because I know I am good at cold calling, I really wouldn't want to do the cold calls for someone else and get paid 10.00 an hour or so if I was the one making the sale...and hand over the sale or lead to the "boss"
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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    Most likely because it isn't a service that people would find profitable.

    There are different schools of thought about cold-calling and its overall effectiveness. I believe it's not a useful way to attract clients if you want to attract clients who will treat you as an equal, but that's me.

    I do believe in using cold-calling in only one business situation where it is most effective and credible.

    Seeing as professionals here on the WF are savvy and can realize great opportunities, the lack of this service being offered should be seen as a clear indicator that it isn't viable.

    Products may talk about how to use cold-calling, but its a totally different matter for someone to put their neck on the line and offer it as a service.

    Hope this helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author davidbatchelor
      I have to disagree with what you wrote totally as Telemarketing when done right is one of the most effective ways of marketing there is.

      Oh and that isn't my opinion, it is based on proven results.

      Originally Posted by Bayo View Post

      Most likely because it isn't a service that people would find profitable.

      There are different schools of thought about cold-calling and its overall effectiveness. I believe it's not a useful way to attract clients if you want to attract clients who will treat you as an equal, but that's me.

      I do believe in using cold-calling in only one business situation where it is most effective and credible.

      Seeing as professionals here on the WF are savvy and can realize great opportunities, the lack of this service being offered should be seen as a clear indicator that it isn't viable.

      Products may talk about how to use cold-calling, but its a totally different matter for someone to put their neck on the line and offer it as a service.

      Hope this helps.

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      • Profile picture of the author ShayB
        I am going to offer a different perspective.

        Even if you do find someone who offers to cold call for you here on the Warrior Forum, it may only turn out to be a temporary thing until that person learns how to be in business for him- or herself - which is what most people who come to this forum are seeking to do. They are learning how to become Internet Marketers.

        Might I offer a different suggestion?

        Why not find someone and partner up with him or her?

        Find someone that is willing to work to set the appointments, but maybe they are not able to go out and work appointments themselves. That way one of you can be based at home and on the phones and the other one can go out and close the deals.

        You will have to give more of your revenue away because you are going to have a partner instead of just someone that you're outsourcing to, but it may be a better route to take instead of just trying to hire someone.

        If you have a partner, they should also be more willing to do things on a commission only basis and will understand that you are just starting things up and that there isn't a budget for paying an hourly wage.

        Sometimes it makes more sense to outsource things and to not take on a partner, but for your situation I would seriously consider either going the partner route or something similar.

        JMHO and YMMV
        "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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        • Profile picture of the author davidbatchelor
          Hey Shay,

          That could be true, however for me personally, Telemarketing is my business. It isn't something I do on the side trying to make a few extra dollars.

          Combining offline marketing with offline marketing I belive is the most powerful business model.

          The partner route does make sense, however as I mentioned in a previous post, if the person truly is a professional Telemarketer with a record of success, they won't mind at all working on commission as long as it is a realistic commission and are not hoping to screw (so to speak) the Telemarketer.

          Originally Posted by ShayRockhold View Post

          I am going to offer a different perspective.

          Even if you do find someone who offers to cold call for you here on the Warrior Forum, it may only turn out to be a temporary thing until that person learns how to be in business for him- or herself - which is what most people who come to this forum are seeking to do. They are learning how to become Internet Marketers.

          Might I offer a different suggestion?

          Why not find someone and partner up with him or her?

          Find someone that is willing to work to set the appointments, but maybe they are not able to go out and work appointments themselves. That way one of you can be based at home and on the phones and the other one can go out and close the deals.

          You will have to give more of your revenue away because you are going to have a partner instead of just someone that you're outsourcing to, but it may be a better route to take instead of just trying to hire someone.

          If you have a partner, they should also be more willing to do things on a commission only basis and will understand that you are just starting things up and that there isn't a budget for paying an hourly wage.

          Sometimes it makes more sense to outsource things and to not take on a partner, but for your situation I would seriously consider either going the partner route or something similar.

          JMHO and YMMV
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          • Profile picture of the author ShayB
            Originally Posted by davidbatchelor View Post

            Hey Shay,

            That could be true, however for me personally, Telemarketing is my business. It isn't something I do on the side trying to make a few extra dollars.

            Combining offline marketing with offline marketing I belive is the most powerful business model.

            The partner route does make sense, however as I mentioned in a previous post, if the person truly is a professional Telemarketer with a record of success, they won't mind at all working on commission as long as it is a realistic commission and are not hoping to screw (so to speak) the Telemarketer.
            I completely understand. Just giving another point of view.
            "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author davidbatchelor
    Hey Shane,

    What a great idea.

    As a professional Telemarketer myself, I am not sure why I didn't think of this.

    Notice I said Telemarketer (appointment setter) and not Telesales (sell a product or service over the phone).

    ~ David

    Originally Posted by Larches View Post

    I don't want to hire someone from Odesk. End of story. I want someone who is completely fluent in English and who can easily understand the service that I am offering, contact business owners and set appointments.

    That being said, why is no one offering cold-calling or appointment setting in Warriors For Hire? I see so many people here in the offline forum who are scared ****less of calling, it seems like the market for someone who can break the ice here from WF would be great.

    Hell, if you were good enough that you thought that you could call and seal the deal over a handful of phone-call meetings, you could make out with some pretty good money. Nonetheless; it would be very hard to accomplish that repetitively.

    I wish I were good at calling and I would do so.

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  • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
    I think this thread is great. Its long also so forgive me if I missed it but the fear I have and therefore most telemarketing reps that are any good is what is the quality of the list you give and the instructions? If the list is scrapped or they have to do it manually the odds of getting a dialing wizard drop significantly in what I have expereinced anyways.

    Happy new Year 2019

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  • Profile picture of the author SallyJo
    I breezed over this whole thread kinda fast... so excuse me if this has been said already:

    Salespeople (good ones, anyway) ***thrive*** on challenges and incentives. I think it would be darn difficult to find one that is really willing to work for a crappy hourly wage. And, IMO, anything under about $30/hr would be considered "crappy" in my book.

    I just met with someone earlier today that is going to help me with Bob Ross' program that you're entertaining. I offered $50 per sale... which goes up to $75 if she fills her entire card without my help (yeah - I'm getting my fingers dirty on this one, too!) ... and then I also offered her 50% of anything she can get over $400 per ad. Doing the math... that's $1,200 - about $2,800 for getting those 16 accounts.

    Haven't even talked the residuals on monthly recurring clients yet... but I'm probably going to pay 50% of the initial... so $600 - $1,400 per month on the recurring.

    Here's the way I look at it... 90% of Zero sales = 0% profit.

    I want to scale this project up. It would be mighty sweet to have 20 areas covered over the next upcoming months. 2-3 hotshot, GREEDY, experienced salespeople can do it.

    The best salespeople are either really greedy or really hungry.

    Oh... and for the record... the typical person reading this forum is soooooooooooo not cut out for this sort of work, IMO.

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    • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
      Originally Posted by Wootini View Post

      I breezed over this whole thread kinda fast... so excuse me if this has been said already:

      Salespeople (good ones, anyway) ***thrive*** on challenges and incentives. I think it would be darn difficult to find one that is really willing to work for a crappy hourly wage. And, IMO, anything under about $30/hr would be considered "crappy" in my book.

      I just met with someone earlier today that is going to help me with Bob Ross' program that you're entertaining. I offered $50 per sale... which goes up to $75 if she fills her entire card without my help (yeah - I'm getting my fingers dirty on this one, too!) ... and then I also offered her 50% of anything she can get over $400 per ad. Doing the math... that's $1,200 - about $2,800 for getting those 16 accounts.

      Haven't even talked the residuals on monthly recurring clients yet... but I'm probably going to pay 50% of the initial... so $600 - $1,400 per month on the recurring.

      Here's the way I look at it... 90% of Zero sales = 0% profit.

      I want to scale this project up. It would be mighty sweet to have 20 areas covered over the next upcoming months. 2-3 hotshot, GREEDY, experienced salespeople can do it.

      The best salespeople are either really greedy or really hungry.

      Oh... and for the record... the typical person reading this forum is soooooooooooo not cut out for this sort of work, IMO.

      I thinks that pretty Bold statement because most experts will tell you they fell on their face in the early days and had a deep pain or motivation that caused them to take action regardless. They learned by trial and error and finally got on with things. In my opinion this makes you half right but doesn't mean they cant get there with help and encouragement.

      Happy new Year 2019

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  • Profile picture of the author SallyJo
    Oh... and PS...

    Think how much fun it is to have someone working in your realm who is THRILLED with what he/she is earning.

    I love that!
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  • Profile picture of the author SallyJo
    And you're right ---- to some degree.

    But it's way more than "half" right. Just look at the numbers - first of how many people probably hang in a forum like this.... then take it down to the number of WSOs that get sold (for offline activities) and then how many will actually have enough deep pain (or excited inspiration!) to step out of their comfort zone and actually do the work -----

    Much less do it well.

    I believe that ANYBODY can do ANYTHING if they really want to. At the end of the day, we're all made up of the same salt & water with grey matter between the ears.

    But most people make different choices that lean towards the easy way out.

    And I guess I'm sayin' that there isn't anything "easy" for most people about being a good sales person that is productive and enjoys doing the work.

    They're rare, IMO. And I just think they deserve to be paid well.

    Lastly... I should clarify somethin'.

    The Bob Ross thing ----> It's totally doable to do all the work yourself. But IMO, it stands a chance at being a killer business if you can get the system working in maybe 5-10 (or more) areas instead of just one. That, IMO, takes getting some people that would be thrilled to make some killer money along with you.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5522223].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
      Originally Posted by Wootini View Post

      And you're right ---- to some degree.

      But it's way more than "half" right. Just look at the numbers - first of how many people probably hang in a forum like this.... then take it down to the number of WSOs that get sold (for offline activities) and then how many will actually have enough deep pain (or excited inspiration!) to step out of their comfort zone and actually do the work -----

      Much less do it well.

      I believe that ANYBODY can do ANYTHING if they really want to. At the end of the day, we're all made up of the same salt & water with grey matter between the ears.

      But most people make different choices that lean towards the easy way out.

      And I guess I'm sayin' that there isn't anything "easy" for most people about being a good sales person that is productive and enjoys doing the work.

      They're rare, IMO. And I just think they deserve to be paid well.

      Lastly... I should clarify somethin'.

      The Bob Ross thing ----> It's totally doable to do all the work yourself. But IMO, it stands a chance at being a killer business if you can get the system working in maybe 5-10 (or more) areas instead of just one. That, IMO, takes getting some people that would be thrilled to make some killer money along with you.

      Agree with this 100% I burned out trying all stuff by myself now have a good small team of 3

      Happy new Year 2019

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    In answer To The OP:

    A: Because most warriors dont want to pay upfront and that is customary in the telemarketed lead gen business.

    B: Because most can only buy 3-5 leads at a time, and a person cant build a business on that..

    Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      In answer To The OP:

      A: Because most warriors dont want to pay upfront and that is customary in the telemarketed lead gen business.

      B: Because most can only buy 3-5 leads at a time, and a person cant build a business on that..

      Hope this helps.
      Thank you so much you took the words right out of my mouth.

      Those two reasons are the exact reasons, nothing more, that I have not done a WSO or warriors for hire post about appointment setting.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jacer
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      In answer To The OP:

      A: Because most warriors dont want to pay upfront and that is customary in the telemarketed lead gen business.

      B: Because most can only buy 3-5 leads at a time, and a person cant build a business on that..

      Hope this helps.

      I even went against my better judgement and set up a few commission only deals. Problem was, not one single warrior even bothered to follow up the batch of leads I gave them. That's right, over 100 quality leads right into the trash. Wont ever do that again...
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    A good free alternative to Pamela is Mp3 Recorder for Skype
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  • Profile picture of the author hobgoblin
    I've had pretty good results with hiring people on odesk for telemarketing. Of course they have to have a good connection and be able to call US numbers, oh and speak good English but they are on there. I offer them $2 + $50 a sale. Before I think about hiring anyone I have them call a voicemail I have set up and read the first paragraph of my pitch so I can hear how they sound. It works...
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    • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
      Answering on my own experiences here on WF:

      1) Everyone on here feels that their product should sell IMMEDIATELY on my call, and not many people want to allow me to do my job, which is normally appointment setting. You are your best salesperson, let me set the appointment, you sell your product. If your product was THAT great...you wouldn't need anyone else to call for you in the first place, you'd be doing it yourself. So don't expect that I have magic fairy dust...I will just stay on the phone and call until I get what you need.

      2) Most people on here don't want to pay hourly, or they want to pay 8-10 dollars. You get what you pay for. You can pay someone commission (not me) and get your 20$-40$ appointments, or you can pay me that same amount for hourly and get ALL the appointments and leads I get in the time I call, AND I will do your callbacks and manage your lists. This is a whole other discussion.

      3) People message us like this: "I need a cold caller, what are your rates?" If that is what you are concerned about right off the bat, you need more help and guidance than I could ever provide. We are not just cold callers, we do appointment setting, consulting, website maintenance, CRM setup/management, customer service, list scrubbing, and we do sales occasionally. So, my response is usually "give me 5-10 minutes on a phone call to determine YOUR NEEDS and I can give you our rate for what you are looking for." Me calling a list and asking "can I send you an email about our new _____ product" will cost you less than me having to make 2-3 calls to get to a DM, then qualify him, and then set a phone or in person appointment. You cannot lump all the things a "cold-caller" does into one rate.

      Again, this is just what I've found on here.

      Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
      Cold Calling, Appointment Setting, Training, Consulting - we do it all!
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      • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
        Oh yeah...and I agree with JD...no one wants to pay upfront. That's just a given. We bill weekly or bi-weekly ahead of time. Try using ANY telemarketing or call center without doing so, won't happen.

        My stance on that is, if you don't like what we do, then you won't pay for the next week...and I want you to pay for that next week.

        Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
        Cold Calling, Appointment Setting, Training, Consulting - we do it all!
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        • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
          Originally Posted by Mwind076 View Post

          Oh yeah...and I agree with JD...no one wants to pay upfront. That's just a given. We bill weekly or bi-weekly ahead of time. Try using ANY telemarketing or call center without doing so, won't happen.

          My stance on that is, if you don't like what we do, then you won't pay for the next week...and I want you to pay for that next week.

          well what happens when what is paid for is not delivered. Tomany work from home peole do not have the focus to delver on what is promisedor expected

          We have tried hiring folks to work from home now several times ( O desk other sites and even here on the warrior forums ) and just recently tried it one more time. Like before following up with the leads we gave finding out they did not make the calls, give us the reports give the reports etc that they were paid to do. so after calling they leads they were supposed to we are now founding out the calls that should have been made were not.

          Preformace based only unless the telemarketer is on a system the payer can track and verfiy or I promise you every time the supposed caller will short change the buyer. Without verification, chances are anyone that pays a home base telemarketer is just asking to get screwed.
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          • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
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                • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
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  • Profile picture of the author jtchaschowy
    If the person is a good caller why would they sell other peoples services when services are the easiet part? They can just supply themselves...
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Love the thread and all the ideas that are being given out.

    I am going to go into a bit of a different direction and that is having a good mindset.

    I am one of those people who have no problem with cold calling. I don't love it, but I don't feel the fear that everyone else feels or is scared of feeling when it comes to calling up a complete stranger. It's not that I am not scared of rejection, I just don't focus on that.

    For me when I call, I don't focus on whether or not the person might holler at me, I don't focus on if they might say no, I don't focus on any of that.

    For me it's like a puzzle to be solved. I am in a very curious mindset when I make calls. I also look at it like I get to discover something, almost like opening a present, I don't know what it's going to be, but it's something new and different.

    Now compare that kind of mindset to someone who is only thinking, "well what if they holler at me?" or "What if they say no?"

    Well I don't like to get hollered at but I can tell you it rarely happens. And that people are actually really nice on the phone.

    And I feel the only people who actually do get hollered at are the lousy cold callers who call up, and the prospect tells them no or they're busy, but the cold caller won't let it go and keeps badgering them.

    So when you do call someone up talk to them like you would talk to your father, sister, friend, etc. Treat them like a real person and you won't get hollered at.

    One final question

    Have you ever done something that you thought was going to be really hard, but when you actually done it you found it was a lot easier than you thought it was going to be?

    Well, what if your experience making cold calls, not anyone else's, but yours was like that?

    What if you picked up the phone with that kind of mindset. That, "hey this is easier than I thought it would be."

    How would things change for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    Probably because if they were good enough to close people, they would just do it for themselves.

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

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  • Profile picture of the author CallMeCJ
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    • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
      Originally Posted by CallMeCJ View Post

      I suppose I have a bit of a unique situation here. I'm extremely good at cold calling, but I don't want to do it for myself. Sounds a bit crazy, right?

      Well, let me explain.

      Right now, where I am in life, I don't really have a burning desire to do the whole "offline marketing biz" thing. I don't have time to manage clients, and I don't have an interest in micro-managing projects. The money might look nice, but I don't want the unnecessary headaches.

      Anyway, I wouldn't mind doing a block of appointments for a set fee. Something like $300 per block of 6 sounds reasonable to me. I'm familiar with most of the marketing services that are being sold, and I know how to qualify a prospect.

      Sure, there are a lot of people here who will say that's not enough money for them. But for me, a few clients a week will more than take care of my needs.

      And please, don't beat me over the head for not making calls for myself.
      I'm confused here, are you answering the OP's question or trying to sell yourself?

      Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
      Cold Calling, Appointment Setting, Training, Consulting - we do it all!
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