How Do You Gently Tell A Potential Client Their Website Sucks???

16 replies
Ok getting ready to send out some custom emails. These will NOT be spam in the sense of bulk emails. Each will have detail about their own website and what could be done better by me

But what is good wording to tell the client basically their site sucks?

many I see are so bad its Frontpage 98 and the very basic of wordpress tempaltes. And on the bottom of the page it shows the website firm that created it for them. So it may seem they have a relationship with them but its really time for a new updated look.

So again what is the best way to word it...YOUR SITE SUCKS!!!
#client #gently #potential #sucks #website
  • Profile picture of the author David Miller
    My approach would be to tell prospects that your firm is in the business of updating websites. I would mention all those things that their site may be missing, but without saying that their site is missing them.

    Telling someone they'd look great with a spray tan is much better than telling them they are pale, or asking how long ago they passed away.

    Most businesses with old outdated websites know that it's so. You may hear them say things like, I know, I've been meaning to get around to it...etc.

    There's never a need to point out what's bad, just let them know what you would do to make them look like it's 2012.
    The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
    -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    They probably already know it sucks and know they need a new one. Just ask them, "How is your website working for you? Are you getting a lot of customers from it? No? Really? You should be. Your website is many people's introduction to your business..."

    This almost always leads to a conversation WHY it sucks. Perhaps their current designer is giving them the run around (yeah right!). Whatever the reason is it opens up a conversation with them where you can ask other questions they want to be asked such as "What has worked for you before?" Then the sale begins....Here is what I offer. Here is how much. Here is how to get it.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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    • Profile picture of the author Amir Luis
      Originally Posted by RentItNow View Post

      They probably already know it sucks and know they need a new one. Just ask them, "How is your website working for you? Are you getting a lot of customers from it? No? Really? You should be. Your website is many people's introduction to your business..."

      This almost always leads to a conversation WHY it sucks. Perhaps their current designer is giving them the run around (yeah right!). Whatever the reason is it opens up a conversation with them where you can ask other questions they want to be asked such as "What has worked for you before?" Then the sale begins....Here is what I offer. Here is how much. Here is how to get it.
      Really... This was the best answer so far.

      Why it sucks is because they do not view having an online presence as a benefit. They see it as an expense.

      So... Using what was mentioned above plus quickly educating them about the benefits and value of having an up to date site, while letting them know... "A site unseen is no site at all." Which will open the door for a redesign. Plus Google Local Listings plus SEO.

      Done. Easy Peasy.
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      • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
        Originally Posted by Amir Luis View Post

        Why it sucks is because they do not view having an online presence as a benefit. They see it as an expense.

        Man this is so so so true. An expense rather then a benefit. Im going to tweak this in my campaign!!
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  • Profile picture of the author heevyhivy
    From my experience being approached to review friends who create sites for their offline business, I think the trick is to come across as an authority, without coming across as patronising :p
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  • Profile picture of the author atrbiz
    I recently had a home repair company I sold on a custom website re-design.

    I literally flat out told the President...if he let's me re-design his outdated website, it would greatly help his business and he can expect to see good conversions. I ended up giving this client a nice custom Wordpress site with great call to actions,etc and things are going good.

    I've sold several website re-designs the last few weeks with this direct approach plus I have a portfolio of websites to show prospective clients which helps alot in closing clients obviously.

    You are the web consultant! Don't be afraid to be direct and recommend the re-design.

    - Ahmad
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    I think people try too hard to be politically correct, or try to be a different person than what you are. I tried being different too... I got too tired of trying to be that way so now I am just how I am. If someones website sucks, I tell them that. You know how many other people send random emails out offering web design and other services... know how to stick out from the crowd? Tell them their website and online presence is absolutely, awful and ridiculous and a company of their stature should have a more presentable website. That will either get you hate mail, or interest... but the main thing there is it sparks ACTION in either case. LOL

    Is that an asshole move? Maybe so... but the saying is true that nice guys finish last. Don't be so nice and such a tool that you lie to them about their stuff so you can establish rapport. Be honest, sometimes brutally, and be straight forward. That will establish yourself as an expert and gain their trust.
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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    [subject:]Attn: {!firstname_fix} the website for your business has been reported...

    Mr. {!firstname_fix},

    My name is Your Name and unfortunately I'm contacting you today with some bad news reported to me about your website you may not know yet. And to add insult to injury, not knowing is costing you more as each minute passes.

    (I can see you've at least made an effort to create a professional web presence with your website and that's commendable. Some companies haven't even done that.)

    But one of the things I noticed are some immediately identifiable
    cash leaks. And we're talking major leaks.

    That's the bad news.

    But it's not all bad. I also noticed some built-in, but hidden profit centers within your website that you aren't using.

    The good news is I can have these website profit increasers optimized for you and cash leaks plugged in just a few days.

    Once you see the difference these small (but powerful) tweaks make for you in terms of the results you enjoy...we're talking more visitors, more leads and more sales...

    You'll be glad you took the few moments with me to go over these with you.

    When is the best time for me to meet with you this week?

    I believe you're really going to be surprised at all the business you've been missing
    and really find what I have to show you more than just a little interesting as it relates to reclaimed profits for your business.

    Just hit reply and let me know a good time for you this week or next.

    Or call me at 1-8xx-xxx-xxxx now while it's fresh on your mind and we can set up a good time for us both to discuss this in more detail.

    Yours for More Profits,
    Your Name

    PS. {!firstname_fix}I really believe you'll be glad you didn't miss what I've got to show you once we talk!

    So just call me at 1-8xx-xxx-xxxx right now and let me know the best
    time to go over this with you. I guarantee you'll be glad you did.

    => Stay tuned...

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    • Profile picture of the author Its Trish
      In my experience with selling low end websites to small businessess, virtually everyone who created their own website really and truly believes their crappy design is awesome. In their eyes it rocks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Its Trish
    Originally Posted by DNChamp View Post

    But what is good wording to tell the client basically their site sucks?
    One approach might be to have someone else (a third party not connected to you) tell your prospect that their website sucks.
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  • Profile picture of the author geotargeted
    I usually straight out tell them their website sucks because they already know it sucks. Of course this is after I built some rapport.
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    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      In "prospecting Emails" (hunting for people to re-do their websites)...I've found you need to;

      GRAB THEIR ATTENTION in the Subject Line! Give them a REASON to Open your email!

      As your prospects are going down their list of emails they're looking at 2 things;
      1) Who's sending the email (Do I KNOW this person? WHO is this person?)
      2) Then...they take a glance to the right to see WHAT the Subject's about! ( this email being sent to me? WHY....does this person want me to OPEN this email?)

      So....with MY emails....I use a unique email address the Subject Line the words that get most of my emails OPENED by MY prospects are;

      "I noticed a Problem with your website!"

      That's IT! I let their "Curiosity" FORCE them to click open the Body of my note.

      And....I don't go into a Long Spiel about what I think is the "problem". I especially DON'T use the tecnhique one poster above uses;

      "Just ask them, "How is your website working for you? Are you getting a lot of customers from it? No? Really? You should be. Your website is many people's introduction to your business..."

      Holy Camoly! The person you're sending this note to....doesn't know you from a "Hole In The Wall"....and you're asking him all kinds of questions? "How's your website working for you? You gettin lots of customers from it?"

      GIVE ME A BREAK! My first impulse on seeing these "delving" questions...from a Stranger would be; "Click!"

      The people you send email to are called...."SUSPECTS"! People who you "think"...."might be" interested in what you're trying to sell!

      Your "job" is to convert "Suspects" to "Prospects"! (Potential Buyers of whatever you're trying to sell!) The ONLY PURPOSE for sending a "Prospecting" email to "Suspects" is to...."GET THEM TO RAISE THEIR HAND AND AGREE THAT....YES! THEY HAVE A "PROBLEM" AND....WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT?"

      That's when you send out more info about WHO you are and HOW can you help them!

      Think of "Selling" as a "Funnel"! You're dumping many "Suspects" into the Top of your "Funnel" they get "processed" and "refined"....out the bottom comes ORDERS and MONEY!

      Trying to sell "Suspects" is a Waste of Time. Your job is to "Turn Suspects into Prospects"! have a chance of selling your stuff to them!

      Don Alm....Looong-Time SUCCESSFUL Sales Guy
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
    Thanks Don Alm,

    I've read in the last couple of weeks about selling and i've also worked in the health insurance niche 3 years ago and those are the basic first steps in the process of selling: "Turn Suspect in Prospects"

    I am still trying to figure it our how to do it by email, but i think the best thing would be for me to just pick up the phone.

    Good luck,
    ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
    Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
    More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

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  • Profile picture of the author echelon
    I thought about video proposals sometimes ago and being able to criticize a website without being insulting appears to be really on the subject (if the potential client already has a site that needs improvement). Thanks for asking this question.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    When I first got started I would pick the most CRAPPY sites and target those. You know the ones that looked like they were from the early 90's and made on geocities.

    I'd tell those owners flat out that their site sucked and needed updating badly. They'd always agree, and then I'd say... I'm glad you agree because you're new site modern site is ready... wanna see it?

    = )
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxReferrals
    You don't.

    You can't. Keep doing it, and see how much business that creates for you.

    You need to build consensus and trust, first. I'm not saying don't level with people; but obviously you have to use tact and consideration.

    Another way of doing the same thing is find out where their current pain points are with their site -- by doing so, they'll tell you what sucks... not you.
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