Taxi Advertising Anyone?

Suthan M
Profile picture of Suthan M
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
17 replies
Hi guys,

i am looking into advertising on taxis, and I am wondering how did it fare for any of you?

I am not talking about putting a ad inside the taxi, I meant wrapping the body of the taxi with ads to my websites.

Is it a good marketing plan, or tacky?

Any insights on this anyone?

Looking to do my first taxi advert in Feb 2012 with about 30 taxis (to test things out) in my local area- so advices would be very appreciated
#advertising #taxi
  • Profile picture of the author nelram
    Profile picture of nelram
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's pretty aggressive! I don't know what a wrap costs in Malaysia but here in the states its about $3000-$4000 per vehicle. What kind of ROI do you expect to get from this?
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Profile picture of ewenmack
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Get ad results from the ad rep.

    What is it exactly are you advertising?

  • Profile picture of the author Suthan M
    Suthan M
    Profile picture of Suthan M
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not a full wrap of course, thats crazy too.
    I meant to say at either the door frame or the boot panel of the taxi.

    I sell a $397 online (digital) product (that also has some backend sales on it), so looking at shifting some units of these products to begin with.

    It is selling quite well online, hence the feeling to try to the more bigger slice of market offline

    Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?

    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Profile picture of ewenmack
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Suthan M View Post

      I sell a $397 online (digital) product (that also has some backend sales on it), so looking at shifting some units of these products to begin with.

      It is selling quite well online, hence the feeling to try to the more bigger slice of market offline
      Is it consumer or to businesses?

      Why I'm asking is, if you can get a list of these most likely buyers,
      then you postcard mail them directly.

      You create an ongoing campaign to them.

      It weeds out all the wasted money of the ad seen by those
      who will never buy your product.

      My recommendation is go direct to the likely buyers.

      • Profile picture of the author Suthan M
        Suthan M
        Profile picture of Suthan M
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        Is it consumer or to businesses?

        Why I'm asking is, if you can get a list of these most likely buyers,
        then you postcard mail them directly.

        You create an ongoing campaign to them.

        It weeds out all the wasted money of the ad seen by those
        who will never buy your product.

        My recommendation is go direct to the likely buyers.

        This is more for the consumers.

        Well, the idea of me wanting to do the Taxi wrap is to ideally:
        • build a offline branding for the website
        • to generate lists
        Taxi ad looks like a great way, as it goes to the target market I want (the general public) , and builds great branding offline.

        Or am i erring to much on this?

        Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?

        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Profile picture of ewenmack
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          There is an old marketing saying that says...

          "Market To Everyone And You Market To No One!"

          It's difficult to help you until you can define who this "one" person is.

          Is it a mother who has a toddler that needs new clothes because
          it is fast growing out of them?

          Is it a recently divorced woman between the age of 45 and 60 who
          is looking for a 2 bedroom apartment?

          Think about the consumer and what is going on in their life
          at any given point in time.

          Then you come up with ways to reach these people.

          The young mothers, for example can be found in monthly newsletters
          going out by the Plunket Society in which you can run an ad in.

          The divorced women can be found in a list that is up-dated weekly,
          in which you can mail to.

          This is what I mean by target marketing.

          Your message is only seen by your target, which are the most likely buyers,
          and no one else.

          No wasted dollars.

          • Profile picture of the author Suthan M
            Suthan M
            Profile picture of Suthan M
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi Ewen,

            I actually have a specific target market. I already know the age, income level, jobs target that I am looking for. In fact, I am going to buy ads primarily in areas that my target crowds resides, work, or hang out.
            ~I got this figured out

            What I am asking is whether taxi advertising (which is a offline method) works for my setup which is to promote my online website, and maybe learn a thing or two from others who have done taxi advertising before so I don't do things wrongly.

            Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?

          • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
            Profile picture of RentItNow
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

            There is an old marketing saying that says...

            "Market To Everyone And You Market To No One!"


            Is it a recently divorced woman between the age of 45 and 60 who
            is looking for a 2 bedroom apartment?


            I was reading the thread and then the OP said paraphrased "everyone is a potential customer"

            The one Ewen said above happened to be my target market when i did rentals because I knew I would make my money on that client the easiest. I had student profile too that made me the most.

            This is how I originally learned about marketing to your target because I found out what they read, where they ate, what they did for a living...everything and it reduced my work load A TON!

            OK, back to the taxis, I am not sure of the response rate. Is it something higher or lower than adwords. Is your target that you have now refined still a taxi person? Can you play on anything to do with cash cab? "This is not the cash cab but this ad may make you a couple hundred bucks. Scan it!" Just some thoughts. Get your target down more first though before throwing money at it. Test that market with some messages. Then spend ur money.
            I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
  • Profile picture of the author nelram
    Profile picture of nelram
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are other things to also think about. Is your url easy to remember? People wont remember long url's and they probably won't write it down. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to talk you out of vehicle advertising, I would be stupid to do that since that is a huge part of my main business. My sign and graphics business does tons of wraps.
    The thing is, most sign places will just sell you whatever you want and they dont care if it will work for you and your needs. Thats what sets my company apart from others, we want your advertising dollars to be spent well and work for you. A happy customer is a returning customer. So anyway, just make sure you are 1) targeting the right potential customers. 2) Your graphics are easy to read from 30-50 feet away and driving past at 35mph. Dont get carried away with crazy graphics or anything, keep it short and simple. 3) Your url is short enough to remember.
    You should do ok if you do it right.
    Good luck and keep us posted!
    Ask me about our business startup special!
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  • Profile picture of the author edmund8989
    Profile picture of edmund8989
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi, I found this www website quite interesting. They doing car advertisig for private car wraps. I just posted my car to this website and hopefully someone selected my car for advertising. Maybe you can check out this website to find out more.
  • Profile picture of the author JMB Marketing Group
    JMB Marketing Group
    Profile picture of JMB Marketing Group
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Suthan M View Post

    Hi guys,

    i am looking into advertising on taxis, and I am wondering how did it fare for any of you?

    I am not talking about putting a ad inside the taxi, I meant wrapping the body of the taxi with ads to my websites.

    Is it a good marketing plan, or tacky?

    Any insights on this anyone?

    Looking to do my first taxi advert in Feb 2012 with about 30 taxis (to test things out) in my local area- so advices would be very appreciated

    Check out this thread for some "better" marketing ideas:


  • Profile picture of the author toner
    Profile picture of toner
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    Sounds like you need to send a message. A door panel on a taxi is hardly visible amidst all the other jargon out there. It will likely not be visible or memorable and you need to consider if you can convey a message that will entice someone to buy using 2-3 words to maximize space... if you can - maybe it will work but I think kyour money is better spent using other alternatives.
    • Profile picture of the author Adamwood
      Profile picture of Adamwood
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      He's correct. I often see many ads on taxis but it must be catchy and i think your idea is different but may not get desired results.

      Originally Posted by toner View Post

      Sounds like you need to send a message. A door panel on a taxi is hardly visible amidst all the other jargon out there. It will likely not be visible or memorable and you need to consider if you can convey a message that will entice someone to buy using 2-3 words to maximize space... if you can - maybe it will work but I think kyour money is better spent using other alternatives.
  • Profile picture of the author dabbler
    Profile picture of dabbler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Agree, not very memorable. I'd imagine an 'interior' taxi ad would be better. (yea you can buy those)

    A much smaller, but much more captive and possibly targeted audience. If you sell something related to business travelers, etc.
  • Profile picture of the author KateStevensB
    Profile picture of KateStevensB
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    • Profile picture of the author dropbear
      Profile picture of dropbear
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      spend your money on something else..I tried the taxi adverts for 3 months and got relatively few calls..It may work as part of a larger marketing strategy used for movies etc..but not for the smaller small business..
  • Profile picture of the author electronik69
    Profile picture of electronik69
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am curious to why you would want to do that, the chances of a targeted person seeing your ad are pretty low and the chances of that person remembering your website is even lower.

    The only way you could possibly do it is have it as interior advertising and the product would HAVE to be related to travelling in a taxi.
    If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative - David Ogilvy
  • Profile picture of the author wanrom
    Profile picture of wanrom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Taxi Stickers or Vheicle Wrapping is a great way to promote your business. What i would like to say here is to make sure that you do some calculations before you spend money on wrapping up. We recommend to get some small size stickers done on Clear vinyl with printing on 2 sides.
    Stick these stickers on Taxi and Car windows so any one from inside and out side of the car can read it. You may have greater chance to get more prospects coming to you. Make sure you have some good design and attractive design to gain the interest of the reader.
    Good Luck

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