
Profile picture of MartinBuckley
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
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#$300 #cut #hair #made
  • Profile picture of the author wireen
    Profile picture of wireen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice idea, you are a real businessman

    You can find a list of Czech companies in the Yellow Pages.

    • Profile picture of the author agonce
      Profile picture of agonce
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      did she see any client coming back? if I was in her place, I would never pay 5$ per piece, but oh well ...

      the only method you haven't shared yet is how you make money while sleeping lol
      • Profile picture of the author MoneySavingLisa
        Profile picture of MoneySavingLisa
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Just noticed you're in my neck of the woods! I just ordered your Pizza Card Profits so I'll read it this morning. It's nice to find people locally succeeding!

        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          Profile picture of MartinBuckley
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Great, keep us posted here on your results with your pizza cards and if i can be of any help, just ask.

          To your success,


          Originally Posted by MoneySavingLisa View Post

          Just noticed you're in my neck of the woods! I just ordered your Pizza Card Profits so I'll read it this morning. It's nice to find people locally succeeding!
        • Profile picture of the author damongreene
          Profile picture of damongreene
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Service businesses totally underutilize their client lists. Hair Salons and barbers should be building email and direct mail lists regularly. When it gets slow simply send out quarterly postcards and coupons and referal cards to get more repeat business in the door.

          It is so much easier to get more money from an existing client then get a new one to trust a business. It sounds cliche but 95% of businesses overlook that. On top of that you can put a quarterly mailing on AUTOPILOT as long as you have the designs and a list in a .csv/excel file. 30 Minutes configuration and its done... just wait for the customers to come in.

          Now understand from a businesses perspective.. the skill of direct response copywriting is key as well as an understanding of marketing. But that is where we as marketers come in.

          Example: I used a direct response sales letter with my landscaper (totally non traditional) and we got an 8% conversion rate and he closed 50% of those clients which netted him $1200 additional per month. His task now is to followup with those he didn't close and he has the addresses of his new clients and we are building out a referral campaign. On top of that we are doing another campaign in another subdivision.

          So all this to say staying in touch with existing customers works and is easier for businesses to make money and get referrals.
          • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
            Profile picture of MartinBuckley
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

            Thanks for sharing your story and tips, you make some great points.

            All the best,


            Originally Posted by damongreene View Post

            Service businesses totally underutilize their client lists. Hair Salons and barbers should be building email and direct mail lists regularly. When it gets slow simply send out quarterly postcards and coupons and referal cards to get more repeat business in the door.

            It is so much easier to get more money from an existing client then get a new one to trust a business. It sounds cliche but 95% of businesses overlook that. On top of that you can put a quarterly mailing on AUTOPILOT as long as you have the designs and a list in a .csv/excel file. 30 Minutes configuration and its done... just wait for the customers to come in.

            Now understand from a businesses perspective.. the skill of direct response copywriting is key as well as an understanding of marketing. But that is where we as marketers come in.

            Example: I used a direct response sales letter with my landscaper (totally non traditional) and we got an 8% conversion rate and he closed 50% of those clients which netted him $1200 additional per month. His task now is to followup with those he didn't close and he has the addresses of his new clients and we are building out a referral campaign. On top of that we are doing another campaign in another subdivision.

            So all this to say staying in touch with existing customers works and is easier for businesses to make money and get referrals.
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't you just love this business? I do... I often have similar experiences, everyone I meet I learn about and tell them about myself, and it always leads to either them being interested or them telling someone else.

    People would be surprised about the results you get, JUST from talking about your business and what you do.

    Excellent thread.
  • Profile picture of the author jonnnyd23
    Profile picture of jonnnyd23
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sometimes prospects just fall right in to your lap. It's crazy how things work out like that.
  • Profile picture of the author msu
    Profile picture of msu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm strictly an online person but the offline forum is fast becoming my favorite WF place, exactly because of stories like this.

    There's another great thread in this forum about a guy who created a opportunity for himself by creating his own Discount Card mail outs. Well worth a read.
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Profile picture of sweetcrabhoney18
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thats a really nice way of doing business. It proves that even small conversations can lead to profit.

    keep moving forward

    • Profile picture of the author beeswarn
      Profile picture of beeswarn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by sweetcrabhoney18 View Post

      Thats a really nice way of doing business. It proves that even small conversations can lead to profit.
      This isn't a way to do business, unless you imagine he's getting his hair cut every day.

      This is an example of knowing your business cold and thereby having the confidence to keep a good presentation ready at all times.

      The guy is just trying to give you an example of how and why to keep your head out of your butt and on your business. Use the example for inspiration.
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        Profile picture of MartinBuckley
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Yes, you are correct to a point, but if I or anyone else really wanted to turn this concept into a business they could by creating a sales presentation and using a testimonial from a salon that got good results from your service, you could convince other salons to pay for your service to help the salon get new and returning customers, but yes you are correct that this idea wasn't presented to be a stand alone business, but an example of knowing your business and how to sell it when you see someone has the need for it.

        All the best,


        Originally Posted by beeswarn View Post

        This isn't a way to do business, unless you imagine he's getting his hair cut every day.

        This is an example of knowing your business cold and thereby having the confidence to keep a good presentation ready at all times.

        The guy is just trying to give you an example of how and why to keep your head out of your butt and on your business. Use the example for inspiration.
  • Profile picture of the author Adwizard
    Profile picture of Adwizard
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If that idea doesn't work I hope you will update your picture so we can see the next haircut she gives you... lol... just kidding
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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    Profile picture of Exel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just noticed that you are the electric drill guy.

    You have quite the entrepreneur spirit, seeing opportunities in everything. Very impressive.
  • Profile picture of the author macker2298
    Profile picture of macker2298
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice idea, goes to show you that you can make some cash just about anywhere
  • Profile picture of the author bnicoletti82
    Profile picture of bnicoletti82
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    small-talk opportunities like this are the real money maker for any serious entrepreneur. I think you should begin coining the phrase "haircut pitch" - it's like an elevator pitch, but for about the length of a haircut!
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Profile picture of Vikuna2009+
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you are thinking of doing something like this but don't have a pizza card to include, go buy 60 (that was Martin's number) lottery tickets, photo copy them, send them the thank you note, include the photocopy of one ticket, promise to give them the real ticket if they come in again before x date.

      If they don't, scratch it yourself, lol, or send it to another customer.

      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        Profile picture of MartinBuckley
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I actually had a hair salon one time that i used to get my hair cut at mail me a letter with a lottery ticket inside and they stamped it with their business address and in the letter it said if the lottery ticket was a winner to bring it in and your next hair cut is 50% off, but I didn't win, but the hair salon did because the next time I needed a hair cut, I rememberd about the lottery ticket and went to them again, so yes this method does work.

        All the best,


        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        If you are thinking of doing something like this but don't have a pizza card to include, go buy 60 (that was Martin's number) lottery tickets, photo copy them, send them the thank you note, include the photocopy of one ticket, promise to give them the real ticket if they come in again before x date.

        If they don't, scratch it yourself, lol, or send it to another customer.

      • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
        Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        If you are thinking of doing something like this but don't have a pizza card to include, go buy 60 (that was Martin's number) lottery tickets, photo copy them, send them the thank you note, include the photocopy of one ticket, promise to give them the real ticket if they come in again before x date.

        If they don't, scratch it yourself, lol, or send it to another customer.


        That's very clever.

        I hope someone tests that to see how well it converts.

        Making them come in before a set date means you can get them back into your business more often which is a huge key to increasing turnover and profits (increasing frequency).

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
      • Profile picture of the author Aussie-Jim
        Profile picture of Aussie-Jim
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        If you are thinking of doing something like this but don't have a pizza card to include, go buy 60 (that was Martin's number) lottery tickets, photo copy them, send them the thank you note, include the photocopy of one ticket, promise to give them the real ticket if they come in again before x date.

        If they don't, scratch it yourself, lol, or send it to another customer.

        Now that is thinking, Eva - nice one!
  • Profile picture of the author cheyser
    Profile picture of cheyser
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    brilliant idea! your such a business man.
  • Profile picture of the author indianhub
    Profile picture of indianhub
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good idea.
  • Profile picture of the author gvnut
    Profile picture of gvnut
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      gvnut and others,

      For those of you who are new to this forum and maybe don't know I own and operate a pizza discount card business and make at least $150 a day producing and selling pizza cards in my area. I have an ebook course called "Pizza Card Profits" that exsplains step-by-step how I do what I do and how anyone else can copy me and do the same, so if your interested check out my signature below for more details.

      To your success,


      Originally Posted by gvnut View Post

      Thats a good idea, but Im not sure what your referring to when you say pizza cards. Does anyone else know what he is referring to when saying this? I would be interested in what you were offering her customers as a thank you
  • Profile picture of the author Green Moon
    Green Moon
    Profile picture of Green Moon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Martin, congratulations on earning the $300, but for this idea to scale, you are going to have to go to a different salon every time you need a haircut. Fortunately you have more hair than I do, so you can get yours cut more often.
  • Profile picture of the author Johnm1141
    Profile picture of Johnm1141
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great idea! Thank you for sharing the information.
  • Profile picture of the author IMHunter
    Profile picture of IMHunter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing.
  • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
    Profile picture of MartinBuckley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i just wanted to update everyone on this post and let you all know that i did mail out the thank you cards with my pizza card enclosed as a gift to the 60 hair salon owners past and present clients on Friday and the owner called me today and told me she had already gotten 4 apointments from the thank you cards and she was very pleased. I just thought i would share the progress so far.
  • Profile picture of the author imwarrior84
    Profile picture of imwarrior84
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That was a very profitable hair cut Martin! Thanks for the share.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

  • Profile picture of the author adam2526
    Profile picture of adam2526
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    wow that is great idea, and the thing is people like to be thought of and everyone needs a haircut so yes very good idea, i bet this kills for auto shops and stuff like that, well played buddy well played.
  • Profile picture of the author Stoney
    Profile picture of Stoney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry, I hate to be the suspicious one, but did that really happen or is that just another marketing ploy? If it did, thanks for the inspiration. If it didn't, it's kind of a sneaky way to get people to look at your sales pitch. Just saying...
    Tee2 Online Sales Profit Hub- Learn and Profit
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I can see that you a pretty new to this forum, so if you ask around and search for my posts, you will see that I share a lot of free money making ideas here and comment to many posts with helpfull information, so I'm not just making posts as a marketing ploy or as a sneaky way to get people to hear my sales pitch, but I do understand where you are coming from, but you are mistaken and I hope you take the time to read some of my money making ideas and benifit from them.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Stoney View Post

      Sorry, I hate to be the suspicious one, but did that really happen or is that just another marketing ploy? If it did, thanks for the inspiration. If it didn't, it's kind of a sneaky way to get people to look at your sales pitch. Just saying...
      • Profile picture of the author sodomojo
        Profile picture of sodomojo
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post


        I can see that you a pretty new to this forum, so if you ask around and search for my posts, you will see that I share a lot of free money making ideas here and comment to many posts with helpfull information, so I'm not just making posts as a marketing ploy or as a sneaky way to get people to hear my sales pitch, but I do understand where you are coming from, but you are mistaken and I hope you take the time to read some of my money making ideas and benifit from them.

        All the best,

        You may not in general make posts as a marketing ploy, but this thread was no doubt created to draw traffic to your 'pizza cards'. No denying that.
  • Profile picture of the author Raz0r
    Profile picture of Raz0r
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    lol this is awesome :p
  • Profile picture of the author winwanseng
    Profile picture of winwanseng
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice idea .....
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bennett
    Dan Bennett
    Profile picture of Dan Bennett
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Martin, I love threads like this - and I can vouch for this type of approach. I've gone to my local auto shop to have work done on my car, and walked out with a gig to supply cross-promotion to the owner's mailing list. An entrepeneur always has his elevator pitch ready in everyday situations, and the key is always about finding a way to provide value to those around you. Great job mate!
    • Profile picture of the author zannix
      Profile picture of zannix
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great idea)!
      All you can do is all you can do - Art Williams
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Thanks for stepping in here and vouching that my method is doable and for bringing up the point that everyone should always be ready to give their elevator pitch when a situation calls for it and by always being ready you will find success.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Dan Bennett View Post

      Martin, I love threads like this - and I can vouch for this type of approach. I've gone to my local auto shop to have work done on my car, and walked out with a gig to supply cross-promotion to the owner's mailing list. An entrepeneur always has his elevator pitch ready in everyday situations, and the key is always about finding a way to provide value to those around you. Great job mate!
  • Profile picture of the author rain21
    Profile picture of rain21
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    good business
  • Profile picture of the author DoWhatWorks
    Profile picture of DoWhatWorks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's a great idea, Martin! :-) I bet that will get more customers in the door for her. Keep us posted on her success!!!


    Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

    Yesterday i went to a popular hair salon to get a hair cut and the owner was the one who actually cut my hair.

    While she was cutting my hair she was talking to me about how her business has been slow and advertising hasn't been working and she needed to get clients in the door.

    I told her i was in the marketing biz and told her i might be able to help her. I asked her if she marketed to her past and present clients? She said no, so i gave her my idea.

    I told her about my pizza cards and told her i could tie them in with a thank you card campain, where i will send her clients a card thanking them for their business and enclose a pizza card as a thank you gift and asking them to come back soon to get a hair cut or color.

    I asked her if that sounded good and she was excited and said lets do it. I told her i would give her each pizza card and write and mail each thank you card for $5 each, she said ok.

    She gave me the addresses of 60 clients and wrote me a check for $300.

    I just wanted to share my idea.

  • Profile picture of the author emma22
    Profile picture of emma22
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good idea thanks
  • Profile picture of the author sash024
    Profile picture of sash024
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice idea. It can be applicable on other services.
  • Profile picture of the author Rick Britton
    Rick Britton
    Profile picture of Rick Britton
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some people are quite unbelievably stubborn There is a local fish restaurant that I use that is struggling to survive simply because they have no clue about marketing and don't want to spend a dime. I discussed various options with the owner and his attitude was (people know we are here, if they wanna eat fish they will come"

    I could not even persuade him to let me run some campaigns for him for free to see what the ROI would be. I imagine he will be shutting up shop soon because there is never anyone there when I go past.

    Shame, because the food is exceptional (we live 20 miles from the North Sea and the produce is top class)

    What do you do in a case like this?

    • Profile picture of the author Horny Devil
      Horny Devil
      Profile picture of Horny Devil
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Rick Britton View Post

      Some people are quite unbelievably stubborn There is a local fish restaurant that I use that is struggling to survive simply because they have no clue about marketing and don't want to spend a dime. I discussed various options with the owner and his attitude was (people know we are here, if they wanna eat fish they will come"

      I could not even persuade him to let me run some campaigns for him for free to see what the ROI would be. I imagine he will be shutting up shop soon because there is never anyone there when I go past.

      Shame, because the food is exceptional (we live 20 miles from the North Sea and the produce is top class)

      What do you do in a case like this?

      Then I guess in future it's egg and chips for you instead of fish and chips.
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      In cases like this you have to either offer your services for free on a trial basis to just get you foot in the door and to prove and show the owner you can help him get new and more customers in his door and then once you have done that you get the owner to agree to pay for your service and get him to sign an agreement.

      I hope this helps,


      Originally Posted by Rick Britton View Post

      Some people are quite unbelievably stubborn There is a local fish restaurant that I use that is struggling to survive simply because they have no clue about marketing and don't want to spend a dime. I discussed various options with the owner and his attitude was (people know we are here, if they wanna eat fish they will come"

      I could not even persuade him to let me run some campaigns for him for free to see what the ROI would be. I imagine he will be shutting up shop soon because there is never anyone there when I go past.

      Shame, because the food is exceptional (we live 20 miles from the North Sea and the produce is top class)

      What do you do in a case like this?
  • Profile picture of the author imagesignstudioinfo
    Profile picture of imagesignstudioinfo
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  • Profile picture of the author salonforce
    Profile picture of salonforce
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Excellent idea. A perfect business plan. I like that.
  • Profile picture of the author vasionit
    Profile picture of vasionit
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice idea. sure on Thursday, restaurant business run slow for 1 of my friend. I might implement similar idea for him, see that work out.
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Lawless
    Nick Lawless
    Profile picture of Nick Lawless
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great story! Truly inspiring! There are tons of opportunities out there to earn money. Sometimes they just come out of nowhere. The problem is, some people tend not to notice the opportunities until its too late.

    Just my thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author SuzyBlack
    Profile picture of SuzyBlack
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Martin! Congrats of seeing and opportunity and seizing it!

    This is what I LOVE about Offline Marketing - You Succeed, The Business Suceeds, Customers are Happy - everyone wins!

    Well done on finding an innovative way for you to use something you were already doing!

    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Congrats and thanks for sharing your success story with us.

      I wish you much more success and please keep us posted on your results.



      Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

      I had my hair cut yesterday.

      Like you, Martin, the owner of the salon cut my hair. I've been a client of hers for years. She told me she is about to open another branch, so I immediately asked her if she needed a press release.

      That soon turned into a mini-package of Press Release, Facebook Fan Page and Google Places (or whatever the hell the Local thing is now called). £250.

      Once I've done these and she's happy (and I know she will be, because I guarantee satisfaction as part of my service), I'll suggest I rewrite her website copy (it currently sucks).

      Every business you engage with is a potential opportunity. I learned that right here on the WF. Carpe diem. Seize the day!
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Marianne Gonne,

      I was wondering how things went with press release with the hair salon?

      If you don't mind please share an update here with your results.



      Originally Posted by Marianne Gonne View Post

      I had my hair cut yesterday.

      Like you, Martin, the owner of the salon cut my hair. I've been a client of hers for years. She told me she is about to open another branch, so I immediately asked her if she needed a press release.

      That soon turned into a mini-package of Press Release, Facebook Fan Page and Google Places (or whatever the hell the Local thing is now called). £250.

      Once I've done these and she's happy (and I know she will be, because I guarantee satisfaction as part of my service), I'll suggest I rewrite her website copy (it currently sucks).

      Every business you engage with is a potential opportunity. I learned that right here on the WF. Carpe diem. Seize the day!
  • Profile picture of the author vishalb
    Profile picture of vishalb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

    This can't possibly work for many people. Why? Because they are bald and don't need haircuts. LOL. Maybe they need to get a wig.
    LOL. I think that you are missing the underlying point. I think the point that Martin's trying to make is to always be nice and business opportunities will itself come your way. It doesn't necessarily have to be with a hair cut salon, it could work for anyone at any situation.

    Just be nice, and genuinely care about people and they notice.
  • Profile picture of the author EZlivin
    Profile picture of EZlivin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I really like these unique ideas and approach to "offline" marketing. Usually when we are talking about offline marketing to businesses it is always the same stuff.... SEO, mobile websites, SMS, etc. It's nice to see something different for a change.
  • Profile picture of the author moodykitty
    Profile picture of moodykitty
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I haven't read your ebook but I'm assuming you have a deal with the local pizza place to hand out coupons which provides them cheap advertising/more business.
    Here's what I'm thinking. Combine this idea with this idea

    What do you think?
    I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
  • Profile picture of the author newbizideas312
    Profile picture of newbizideas312
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have used this many times.. If you ever want to get your foot in the door, go buy something from the business, and talk to the owner while your there.

    I don't know what it was, but they were always way more inclined to talk openly, and get sold.

    It works. Try it.
  • Profile picture of the author Niks24
    Profile picture of Niks24
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Martin,

    Really fantastic way of getting $300 earned in no time.True Marketing personnel always aware where we can sale our product.
    Served Over 100 customers and there needs with Web and Mobile Apps Development, if you are looking for one please connect with me with good turnaround.
    • Profile picture of the author Ericparke
      Profile picture of Ericparke
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Niks24 View Post

      Hey Martin,

      Really fantastic way of getting $300 earned in no time.True Marketing personnel always aware where we can sale our product.

      Very true, Good work Martin!
  • Profile picture of the author Melvin San Miguel
    Melvin San Miguel
    Profile picture of Melvin San Miguel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Love hearing stories like these... it just goes to show that opportunities are everywhere if we simply OPEN our EYES! Thanks for sharing

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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I just wanted to provide another update. I called today the hair salon I did the thank you card mailing for with my pizza card inside and she told me she ended up getting 26 apointments out of the 60 clients I mailed out her thank offer to, so that's not to bad if I say so myself and the hair salon owner was very happy with the results and she has asked me to come up with a marketing idea for her to get new customers in her salon, so I'm working on that now

      All the best,

  • Profile picture of the author Gutscheinmonster
    Profile picture of Gutscheinmonster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    great idea. keep working on that.
  • Profile picture of the author affspy
    Profile picture of affspy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I liked the idea. you should be always ready. spreading the words is number one source of the traffic for any business (online or offline)
  • Profile picture of the author Ericparke
    Profile picture of Ericparke
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

    Yesterday i went to a popular hair salon to get a hair cut and the owner was the one who actually cut my hair.

    While she was cutting my hair she was talking to me about how her business has been slow and advertising hasn't been working and she needed to get clients in the door.

    I told her i was in the marketing biz and told her i might be able to help her. I asked her if she marketed to her past and present clients? She said no, so i gave her my idea.

    I told her about my pizza cards and told her i could tie them in with a thank you card campain, where i will send her clients a card thanking them for their business and enclose a pizza card as a thank you gift and asking them to come back soon to get a hair cut or color.

    I asked her if that sounded good and she was excited and said lets do it. I told her i would give her each pizza card and write and mail each thank you card for $5 each, she said ok.

    She gave me the addresses of 60 clients and wrote me a check for $300.

    I just wanted to share my idea.


    I hope she reaps some rewards, Otherwise you may have to change hairdressers for the $300 you cost her Good luck
  • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
    henry Argueta
    Profile picture of henry Argueta
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    awesome, this is a great idea
    • Profile picture of the author bquiz22
      Profile picture of bquiz22
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Martin,
      Another awesome idea and so simple! Your posts are a real inspiration!
      We are looking for a good offline business and your Pizza Cards Biz might be just what we've been looking for. Is this still your main biz? How long have you been doing this?
      Do you have any updates from any of your students?

      Thank You!
      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        Profile picture of MartinBuckley
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        Yes, my main offline biz is producing and selling pizza cards.

        I have been invloved with discount cards working with other companies sense 1994, but started my own discount card business in 2009.

        The pizza card business has been great to me and for many others and many of my students have made nice profits with pizza cards.

        To your success,


        Originally Posted by bquiz22 View Post

        Hi Martin,
        Another awesome idea and so simple! Your posts are a real inspiration!
        We are looking for a good offline business and your Pizza Cards Biz might be just what we've been looking for. Is this still your main biz? How long have you been doing this?
        Do you have any updates from any of your students?

        Thank You!
  • Profile picture of the author IamJacobSmith
    Profile picture of IamJacobSmith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Haha Its a nice story. I hope someday this will happen to me to .
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Wolfe
    Jason Wolfe
    Profile picture of Jason Wolfe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very nicely recognized and executed there sir.
  • Profile picture of the author WpDirectoryPlugin
    Profile picture of WpDirectoryPlugin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This reminds me of how i got my first client. Went into a local aerial shop for a sky+ lead and told him i found his details through his website...he started telling me how crap this website was and how he wasn't impressed with it at all.

    Obviously i then told him that i was a freelance web designer and that i could do something for him. I spent £10 on a lead and other bits but walked away with a cheque for £400....not a bad day!

    I now build all his sites and have him down as a very loyal customer.
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Thanks for sharing your story.

      Deals are every where if you just look around and take notice and then take action.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by WpDirectoryPlugin View Post

      This reminds me of how i got my first client. Went into a local aerial shop for a sky+ lead and told him i found his details through his website...he started telling me how crap this website was and how he wasn't impressed with it at all.

      Obviously i then told him that i was a freelance web designer and that i could do something for him. I spent £10 on a lead and other bits but walked away with a cheque for £400....not a bad day!

      I now build all his sites and have him down as a very loyal customer.
  • Profile picture of the author suhel
    Profile picture of suhel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Indeed really nice idea
  • Profile picture of the author DeniX3
    Profile picture of DeniX3
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like your thinking in a situation like this. I hope my IM skills will increase so i can just talk to people and offer them something, and that i know that they will get some quality stuff from me.
  • Profile picture of the author Alice10
    Profile picture of Alice10
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    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      This idea is not so much a business as it is a method or tactic to get your foot in the door and build some trust inorder to be able to offer other services that will make you much bigger profits.

      All the best,


      Originally Posted by Alice10 View Post

      I do not know how profitable is this business
      • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
        Profile picture of wagsgraphx
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        People have to realize it's not just the 26 appointments she got out of the 60 mailings. It's the LTV (lifetime value) those 26 appointments can mean to her. If these were clients that she hadn't seen for a while that's lost money that is now coming back in. (let's not forget about tips) Not knowing what each appointment is worth, let's say $30 x 26 = $780, now most people go at least once a month that's $9,360 over 12 months. Not bad for a $300 investment. If she would learn how to work a referral program.....$$$

        "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

        Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

        • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
          Profile picture of wagsgraphx
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Martin, just asking a question here, Your "Turn $5 Into $100 A Day On Craigslist" system isn't going to tell me to place an ad telling others to send me $5 to find out how to "Turn $5 Into $100 A Day On Craigslist" is it?

          "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

          Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

        • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
          Profile picture of MartinBuckley
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          Thanks for jumping in here and making the good points you did and bringing up the value of a lifetime customer and what that means to
          a businesses bottom line over time.

          All the best,


          Originally Posted by wagsgraphx View Post

          People have to realize it's not just the 26 appointments she got out of the 60 mailings. It's the LTV (lifetime value) those 26 appointments can mean to her. If these were clients that she hadn't seen for a while that's lost money that is now coming back in. (let's not forget about tips) Not knowing what each appointment is worth, let's say $30 x 26 = $780, now most people go at least once a month that's $9,360 over 12 months. Not bad for a $300 investment. If she would learn how to work a referral program.....$$$
  • Profile picture of the author locking
    Profile picture of locking
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You are a real talent, but it seems that owner have money to spend also.
  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    Profile picture of squadron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my experience, restaurants are so bad at marketing it makes me cry. All they need to do is get customer contact details (fishbowl on the counter), and then email, mail or SMS special offers. Examples: free garlic bread, 2 mains for the cost of one, free after dinner coffee. It isn't hard. But for some reason they have this mental block as if marketing is beneath them and the food should be enough. If you have a choice take great marketing over great food any day (McDonalds, Pizza Hut and so on).
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Daniel LaRusso
    Profile picture of Daniel LaRusso
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a cool idea, nice share!

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

    • Profile picture of the author Benny L
      Benny L
      Profile picture of Benny L
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So she wants to get new business? I'd find a local photographer and negotiate a discount for referrals. I'd then offer the hair salon clients a photoshoot discount. Pitch it to the photographer as more business and more opportunities. And get the copies of the photos to the hair salon so she can put up a wall of fame or a collection of her work for other clients to browse through. Maybe even split advertising costs and do a little mutual promotion.
  • Profile picture of the author jpboxersox
    Profile picture of jpboxersox
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great Idea...Maybe I should try something with Pauly D barber who cuts his hair down the street from me when he comes back to RI
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    Profile picture of grumpyjacksa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great stuff!!

    Love the way your mind works - sounds like you have a spark of Jay Abraham in there

    Seth Godin wouldn't even be able to duplicate that feat...
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
  • Profile picture of the author rajmeej
    Profile picture of rajmeej
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really Nice one.
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Lemos
    Andy Lemos
    Profile picture of Andy Lemos
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

    Yesterday i went to a popular hair salon to get a hair cut and the owner was the one who actually cut my hair.

    While she was cutting my hair she was talking to me about how her business has been slow and advertising hasn't been working and she needed to get clients in the door.

    I told her i was in the marketing biz and told her i might be able to help her. I asked her if she marketed to her past and present clients? She said no, so i gave her my idea.

    I told her about my pizza cards and told her i could tie them in with a thank you card campain, where i will send her clients a card thanking them for their business and enclose a pizza card as a thank you gift and asking them to come back soon to get a hair cut or color.

    I asked her if that sounded good and she was excited and said lets do it. I told her i would give her each pizza card and write and mail each thank you card for $5 each, she said ok.

    She gave me the addresses of 60 clients and wrote me a check for $300.

    I just wanted to share my idea.

    Martin You used such a clever but even simple idea. That's what's so good about offline marketing, it's around wherever we go. You managed to pocket yourself 300 which benefited you and the owner as well.

    Good tip man

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