You don't want to buy life insurance do you?
It's one of those books that reads like a parable and I'm not sure if this story is actually true but it's a fun strategy to try and you'll make people laugh.
This comes from chapter 23... "You don't want to buy Life Insurance do you?"
"There was an insurance company in Chicago that called in a consultant to analyze why their profits were declining. The company was averaging only 2.5 sales per agent per month, and they were at their wit's end. He tells them, "your only problem is that you are not calling on enough people."...
He took a group of their salespeople, a cross section of the salesforce from best to worst, and told them, "effective today, you're going to start selling policies door to door in neighborhoods where you don't know a soul. There'll be no leads provided. There'll be no qualifying of prospects. And, when the person opens the door you must start the sales call with the following words: "you don't want to buy any Life Insurance, do you?"
Their mission was simply to see how many people they could repeat that message to every day. That's it! Needless to say the salespeople were a bit skeptical.
59 out of every 60 people they approached said, "you're right I don't want to buy Life Insurance so get lost!" But one out of every 60 said, "as a matter of fact, I do need insurance. Come on in and sign me up!"
(You might think)... one out of 60 isn't a very good closing ratio. You'd be right if you took a month to see 60 prospects but with the consultant's approach the average salesperson found that it took only about 8 hours to approach 60 people with their you don't want insurance message. As a result they immediately began averaging about one sale a day!
Approaching enough people with your offer, even with the most negative message imaginable, can save whole companies and entire careers. You see if you truly want to accelerate your sales performance you have to fail faster!"
End of excerpt
So, open up your phone book...assuming you didn't drop it right into the recycle bin when it arrived, pick a category and start calling. I'll bet you get a bunch of laughs and a few bites.
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