Make Money by starting an Association

Profile picture of buddy7
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
14 replies
I have heard that the AARP was founded as a way for it's founder to sell insurance. I have also heard from another warrior that there was a course a few years ago about creating an association to make a profit.
Has anyone done this?
Does anyone remember a course on that topic?
#association #make #money #starting
  • Profile picture of the author mnall01
    Profile picture of mnall01
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    I know of a couple of situations in which this has worked. Both started with the premise that the potential customer was getting the buying power of being part of the larger group. The idea is that you get all of the customer information and put them on your list. You begin your marketing program to get them to make the first initial purchase with hopes of penetrating further into the account with upsells and added products/services. I don't know of the program that you are discussing, but the idea of getting people to sign up for a free service, that doesn't require any purchase and can save them money (whether real or perceived) is a no-brainer. While some will comment that you shouldn't discount and set up a model where you are leading with price reduction, the counter argument is that you more quickly grow your list and get faster sales as a result. The value is in the list. You could couple this other referral schemes such as explaining how the customer can get your services for free for referrals.
  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    Profile picture of vndnbrgj
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    You could start a meetup/networking group as well.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    • Profile picture of the author buddy7
      Profile picture of buddy7
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      I am looking for more of a national association that will provide benefits to the members like discounted insurance, marketing ideas, sales to the members for marketing services and at the same time create a list for me to market to with my own services and affiliate offers, obviously providing them great value and information.
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      • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
        Profile picture of vndnbrgj
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        Originally Posted by buddy7 View Post

        I am looking for more of a national association that will provide benefits to the members like discounted insurance, marketing ideas, sales to the members for marketing services and at the same time create a list for me to market to for my own services and affiliate services.
        I wasn't sure where you were going with this....
        I thought you were after just networking.
        But I had to return to thank you.

        You just inspired me to do the same kinda thing and start a whole new business venture following a passion helping kids.

        Edit: I will return to this thread, to post my media coverage on my new venture.
        Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
        - Neale Donald Wilson -
        • Profile picture of the author WF99
          Profile picture of WF99
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          Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

          I wasn't sure where you were going with this....
          I thought you were after just networking.
          But I had to return to thank you.

          You just inspired me to do the same kinda thing and start a whole new business venture following a passion helping kids.

          Edit: I will return to this thread, to post my media coverage on my new venture.
          Yeah i would like to thank you too ..
          • Profile picture of the author buddy7
            Profile picture of buddy7
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            There are a couple pieces to the puzzle that I am missing in my mind but if anyone else has any thoughts on creating an association that would be great.

            My thought is to create a free association that would have tangible benefits to the members right away so that they would be willing to sign up as a free member.

            I would like to have a OTO or premium offer that would at least pay for the costs of getting my leads which would allow me to continue to expand the association and provide a larger group that I could help and market to.
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            • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
              Profile picture of sandalwood
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              Originally Posted by buddy7 View Post

              There are a couple pieces to the puzzle that I am missing in my mind but if anyone else has any thoughts on creating an association that would be great.

              My thought is to create a free association that would have tangible benefits to the members right away so that they would be willing to sign up as a free member.

              I would like to have a OTO or premium offer that would at least pay for the costs of getting my leads which would allow me to continue to expand the association and provide a larger group that I could help and market to.

              Your idea is easier than it sounds. NV has a statute that permits such an association and it can be set up w/very little hassle. The only requirement is it must be started by three people with a minimum of two of them being NV residents.

              As for starting a free assoc that doesn't make much sense for this reason. The daily expenses to run this little jewel will eat your lunch. You have to at least follow the AARP pricing model or you won't be in biz too long.

              BTW, the only ones per statute who can receive any benefits are members. It can not be used to benefit non-members. But, it is possible to benefit a non-member through a vote of the board of directors. I won't get into the details in this post.

              I won't go into a lengthy explanation here about the association and the how to either. All I'll say is I have the paperwork completed and all I need to do is file w/the SoS and pay the fees. I've been hesitating because I have two other full time projects. But, I am willing to discuss the mechanics w/you.

              PM me with your email address and we'll go from there. I think you are on to a fantastic business model that could benefit a lot of people.

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            • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
              Profile picture of vndnbrgj
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              Originally Posted by buddy7 View Post

              There are a couple pieces to the puzzle that I am missing in my mind but if anyone else has any thoughts on creating an association that would be great.

              My thought is to create a free association that would have tangible benefits to the members right away so that they would be willing to sign up as a free member.

              I would like to have a OTO or premium offer that would at least pay for the costs of getting my leads which would allow me to continue to expand the association and provide a larger group that I could help and market to.
              I don't know the specifics of setting it up either...
              But you want a free option and Sandalwood says you can't.
              So, you could have a $1/year membership option..... :confused:
              Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
              - Neale Donald Wilson -
              • Profile picture of the author jacquic
                Profile picture of jacquic
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                Check your country's laws - associations in the UK are meant to undergo research projects too, for example.
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              • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
                Profile picture of sandalwood
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                Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

                I don't know the specifics of setting it up either...
                But you want a free option and Sandalwood says you can't.
                So, you could have a $1/year membership option..... :confused:
                I didn't say you can't start a free association, I said the expenses will eat your lunch. If you want to start a free assoc, please do but be prepared to take some bux out of your pocket to keep it alive.

                Put it in the context of your website(s) and all its/their attendant gadgets. Do you pay for them on an ongoing basis? Probably...

                Just talking out loud from being around such an idea. Even AARP wasn't free when they opened their doors. Somebody has to pay the postage, advertising, filing fees, daily expenses and other recurring expenses. Unless of course they don't...
                Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kiril S
    Kiril S
    Profile picture of Kiril S
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    This association idea sounds great, especially the fact that I'm in Canada and I suppose there's not much competition here and there's more room to grow such an association.

    If you're interested, PM and we can discuss.
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  • Profile picture of the author beeswarn
    Profile picture of beeswarn
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    That's true about AARP and it's actually a very good idea. It's done all the time in the U.S. and if you can get away with it in your country I say go for it.
  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Profile picture of gjabiz
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    It was, in 1986, one of first books to be sold online that wasn't related to computers and geeks...and it got slammed hard as being a "commercial" venture on the PURE and what Online was all about back then.

    When I rec'd queries, I asked this question.

    What is the difference between a cult, a club and an association?

    What most consider a cult has some sort of negative religious connotation to it...consider that Christ and his followers were the "Cult" of the day to get my point.

    An organized club, where members share an interest in something, who usually have a high passion index for a 1990 I stated J's Golf Club...and it grew to over 1200 members paying "dues".

    I was asked to start a RESUME writing association, in 1992, but rejected the idea, thinking it would be Toopid. Since then a few Resume Writer's associations have popped up, making their owners some bux...and I still think it is stupid...but I wish I would have DONE it.

    If you want to be included in the directory of associations, there are certain rules and guidelines, and each state has it's own definition of a legally organized association...but, as far as I know, and I advise seeking legal counsel, so as this does not get misconstrued as legal advice...

    You can call your group an association if you want, such as the Association of Dog Walkers of S. Florida.

    An organized club, needs to have bylaws, organized in such a way that all members of the club clearly understand...what we would call today TOS.

    Legalities aside, and again, a local biz attorney can steer you in the right direction rather cheaply...

    But organizing people of a like mind, like interest is one of the super short cuts to get a project off the ground.

    Let me check the garage, there were several books written on it...

    One of the leaders of How to Build an Association was Howard Shenson, I believe. Until I can locate this, these links provide some good info on the subject: How to Start a Trade Association How to Start a Trade Association Plus...
    Hope this helps.


    Originally Posted by buddy7 View Post

    I have heard that the AARP was founded as a way for it's founder to sell insurance. I have also heard frocam another warrior that there was a course a few years ago about creating an association to make a profit.
    Has anyone done this?
    Does anyone remember a course on that topic?
  • Profile picture of the author buddy7
    Profile picture of buddy7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi gjabiz,

    I think since Jim Jones people don't like anything related to the word "cult". You probably did grab some attention with that. :-)
    Thanks for all your thoughts. I have been really surprised as I have looked more online that there isn't more information on starting an association from a profit mindset as it seems like a great win/win situation especially if you have the interest of the group you are working for in mind.

    Thanks so much for all your links and ideas.

    All the best. -Buddy

    @ Kiril I'll be participating in a the world's largest water fight song kran - Google Search for the next three days but would love to chat about some ideas after that if you are interested.
    Signature helping business owners win the Google Maps Game.

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