Membership Site for Newbies - $5,000+/month

by 62 replies
I've been doing this almost a year now and have found this method to be surprisingly successful. While many people reading are new to internet marketing, there are also many who have some experience with what it takes to get started online. You can utilize the knowledge you already have to teach others how to get started online.

But I don't have much knowledge!
Do you know how to register a domain, create a wordpress blog, sell on eBay, etc. etc. etc. (the list of newbie things to do online goes on and on). If you do, you're good to go. We're talking dead simple, I've-never-heard-anything-about-internet-marketing stuff.

Essentially what I did was create a membership site using DAP (digital access pas) which drip feeds content to the member: week 1 the member gets content A. Week 2 the member gets content A and B... etc. etc. I put content in the system for 4 months to start out (and continually added on). Upon signup the member was also put onto my list (which I use aWeber for). 1-2 emails per week is all that is necessary. You can even schedule this out ahead of time if you'd like.

I used my knowledge of getting started doing the basic things of internet marketing. Anything from registering a domain to affiliate marketing to adsense to building a list. I used Camtasia to record the videos because I find it's simply easier to understand a video guide than an eBook.

Once all the content is up, it's time to promote the site. I promoted it via colored flyers and business cards...

Where to post flyers: EVERYWHERE!
Where to put business cards: Gas stations, news stands, laundry mats, family owned restaurants, etc.

For the membership, I offer a 7 day free trial and then $9.97/month after that.

It's not instant money maker, but it is very profitable. With some hard work, you can easily replicate this model. It only took me a couple months to get to 200+ members. After 9 months I'm closer to 500 ($5,000/month). My city has roughly 65,000 people in. I'm confident it will work in smaller cities. Yes, it will work in your city!

Other things to note:
- domain should have the city in it
- I targeted my city, but after a while I spread to the neighboring towns.
- If your content is good and you get lucky, you might see rapid growth due to word of mouth. Unless that happens, it's essential to go out and find new places to put flyers and business cards so that your site continues to grow.
- I forgot to mention this! You also will be getting affiliate commission for the things you promote in your newsletter and on your site (hosting, helpful ebooks, etc.). This can just about double or even triple your profit depending on how you implement it.

Hopefully this is a new thought to some of you. I encourage you to take action because even if you don't put in much work and only get 50 people to sign up, that's an extra $500/month!

If you need any help or more information, feel free to ask.
#offline marketing #membership #method #newbie #newbies #offline #or month #site
  • Banned
  • The concept is really simple but not as easy to do. Printing ads involves costs too but seems like it's paying off to ya.

    Question, how much did you put in it first month and how what are current expenses?

    Always wanted to have a membership site, it's in the plans..
  • NickSway,

    This is an interesting concept. I have always wanted to do a membership site, but was heavily reluctant because I always felt like my experience was lacking. Prospecting was another concern; although, I had never even considered targeting offline prospects. You seem to have solved those two problems. However, I am curious how you have managed by developing this kind of content - not exactly something I would expect people to want to pay for as it is so freely available. Can you explain this?

    I do have a few questions for you:

    1) Is your membership site set up as a forum? Do you recommend that?

    2) I'm curious as to what kind of content you are providing - especially for week 1 (to retain membership post-trial period)?

    3) Can I contact you via Skype?

    What a great concept.

    • [1] reply
    • Well I already had an unlimited license for DAP which was $297. If you're serious about building membership sites, I would highly recommend a solid script, but if you're just testing it out you can definitely go for a free script. There are also cheaper paid script options.

      I also already had an aWeber account account so there wasn't any startup cost there. You can use it for $19 a month if you want to pay monthly. It will pay itself with only two members to your membership site.

      For recording the videos I use camtasia, but started out with jing. I actually started out with hypercam (which is a free screen capture tool). I would suggest it if you're looking for the lowest startup cost.

      I got about 1000 business cards for $15 along with business card holders.

      I printed out 100 or so flyers myself to start out. I later bought a couple thousand color flyers.

      That's all I can think of as far as startup costs go. Essentially, if you are already pursuing internet marketing you probably have at least some of the things I mentioned. If you don't already have them, I guarantee you will use them throughout your internet marketing journey so I suggest you go out and get them. It will A, get you started on this project. But B, help you profit even more.

      Since you're on this forum, you're experience is not lacking. The only thing that is lacking is your perception of yourself and your experience. It's not very hard to "develop this kind of content". All I'm doing is making 5-20 minute videos on each topic. Anything I think would be useful for a person to know who would like to get started online. Yes, people can get this information for free if they are willing to do the research. The thing is, most people are unwilling to do the research, but more importantly I make it stupid simple to learn these concepts through my videos. There's no point in spending hours upon hours reading up on how to do something when they can learn it in 20 minutes. The time saved and extra insight I can give is worth far more than $10/month.

      1) The site is not a forum. I've thought about making a forum for the site, but at this point the site is running well without it and I haven't had many requests for one. I think you first should get at least 100 members to your site before you start the forum aspect. Then use the forum as a selling point. "Network with hundreds of other people in your town who have started making money online!"

      2) I won't explicitly give you the content, but I think it goes without saying that you need to spark the visitors interest. I start out with a video I call "Earning and Inspiration", in which I cover just that. I show the potential that they have and inspire them to have more than just a day job. I'm confident I can get them earning money online and I tell them that straight up.

      Really the first week is about getting them excited to have the opportunity to make more money than they already have. Everyone likes making money. The first week is all about the hype. Get them excited. The lesson before the trial membership should be a glimpse of an idea that can make them money online. I can almost guarantee they will continue with a membership if they make it to that last video in the trial.

      3) Of course you can contact me on Skype. I'd be glad to help you out. That goes for anyone else as well.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • NichSway.,.. do you mind if I ask what Niche is your Membership Site? I am also putting one together in my city.
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    • The new content is available via the membership site each week. I also send out an email to remind them the week's content is now available. So I send them a link, but it's just to login to the membership site. That is all scheduled through aWeber. Then, If there's ever a product coming out which I believe would be beneficial to them, I send them a link to the product. If I think of any other great ideas I'll post it on the site and/or email them. Those are not pre-scheduled as I email them as I see 'em.

      Hopefully that answered your question!

      I briefly mentioned this in the OP, but the membership site I made is simply about getting started online. It's pretty basic and while there are many other sites out there promoting such things, I am specifically targeting my city. This skyrockets conversion rates within the city.
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    • Nick,
      Appreciate you taking the time to lay it on the line like you did.

      I wasn't at all trying to steal or borrow your content. Obviously you've worked hard and put in the hours and bucks to get to where you are.

      Part of it for me is trying to fill in the missing gaps between what I'd like to do and what is working well with others. The "missing gaps" is, I suspect where much of the work in any market/method lies. That's why you have people asking others for the email they sent about such and such. I don't think it's so much people wanting or trying to steal (though that may happen). It's more like people not having a clue what to say or how to say it. And since others have gone before (yes, through trial and error), why not emulate what's already been done? It is a short cut, yes, but there would still be a lot to do to implement no matter the mode or market.

      In another thread someone mentioned that he saw a bumper sticker with a business and number on it. No website. He called the number, and fifteen minutes later he had $xxxx dollars in sales for a website and SEO. The missing gaps. How do you go about starting that conversation? How do you transition from being a potential customer to being a seller of goods?

      Same with the Brochure you mentioned. Many here are very familiar with email techniques because they're online and they deal solely with online stuff. When it comes to putting flyers out in the offline world, though, we're clueless, though if we thought long and hard we could come up with ways. Writing something on a brochure that would draw a person to go to your site for a trial, it's a different model altogether. Different shift in thinking.

      Part of it's just doing it and falling flat on your face, brushing yourself off and going at it again in a different way. RAther than embracing that fall and learning from it, we want to avoid falling in the first place.

      Thanks for what you've shared already on here, Nick.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • David-

    I totally agree...which is why I spent the better part of yesterday looking for MRR/PLR content for membership sites - content that actually works, that people are actually willing to pay for and that can maintain an acceptable retention rate etc.
  • Nick-

    Just wondering how things are going and whether or not you had decided on how you wanted to answer all of our questions?

    Appreciate it.

  • Hi Nick

    I found myself thinking about this post in the early hours of the morning (and god knows I could do with my beauty sleep!). I have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind?

    1. Sounds like you're sending out links to new videos every week - if so how many videos did you create on the topic? Do you just keep creating them? I could imagine that it gets more and more difficult to come up with useful "stuff" to put on the videos?

    2. Do you offer money back guarantees - say 30 days for example?

    3. Would this work as well without the DAP site? For example just supplying videos via awebber?

    4. What about advertising in local newspapers instead of the flyers?

    Thanks in advance.
    • [1] reply
    • I've been trying to answer everyone's questions the best I can here. Like I said, I'm also looking into doing a little webinar or something like that if it's not against the rules.

      I like a weekly schedule because then the member knows when to expect the new lessons to come out. I usually can create one video on the topic, though if the video is longer than 20 minutes I try to break it up into segments. I also offer free ebooks (MRR) after they watch the video as an added bonus. There are so many ways in which you can add value to the site. I guess that kind of covered number one, but I'll do it again:

      1) Usually 1-6 videos on each topic (really depends on the subject) I try not to give them more than one video per day. For newbies, you don't want to give them information overload! I have already created all the videos up to about a year now. I've been changing them and adding more as my knowledge grows as well. Yes it definitely gets more difficult to come up with useful content, but that's why after three months or so I offer skype sessions with each member (almost like a free coaching program). I spend half an hour or so seeing how they like the site. If I get similar suggestions for multiple people I usually try to make adjustments. Then I see what they have been doing and try to offer further tips and free bonuses to where I see fit.

      2) I do offer a money back guarantee. Rarely anyone asks for their money back though. With a membership site, most people that are dissatisfied just cancel their membership without requesting a refund. Think about it this way... I offer a 7 day free trial. After the 7 days the visitor is excited to learn. If they go for around a month and realize that it's not for them, they are still satisfied with the information I presented. This results in a cancelation of the membership without a refund request. Side note: rule of thumb if you have a member for three months, nine times out of ten you'll have them for life.

      3) This will work well without DAP, but I highly suggest that you get a membership script that has something called "drip feed". Meaning that you can have all the content created, but give it to the member on a certain point in their membership. Week 1 they get content A. Week 2 they get content B. Etc. Etc. You can definitely just have a wordpress site and send the videos via aWeber. That would definitely work.

      4) I haven't really looked into advertising in local newspapers. It's definitely something to experiment with, but I've found flyers to be very effective so I really haven't use much else. The key is to not sound like an ad. Easier said than done. Try to sound like a guy from the neighborhood trying to help out locals earn an extra couple hundred bucks online a month.

      Hopefully I covered everything. If I missed anything let me know or hit me up on Skype.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
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  • Nick - thank you for the detailed reply, really useful.
  • I try to be on Skype as much as I can, though you're right I haven't been on much lately so I apologize. As far as the content goes, I would definitely add MRR content in the mix, but I wouldn't base your site off of it. While there may be some great content available for re-use on your site, I haven't found a solid course that I would be willing to put my name behind. I feel most of the newbie videos are outdated and that I can add much more insight.

    That being said, if you find content that is relevant and beneficial to your members, by all means use it. If it makes your job of teaching internet marketing to someone that has never heard of it easier, by all means use it. You can save yourself a lot of time and still retain the value of your information to the member. If you're ever questioning your content, ask a friend or family member to look it over. I try to treat people as if they were my family. I don't want to teach them garbage, but only helpful information which I know can benefit them.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Thanks, Nick.

    Yeah, that makes sense. Creating good, up-to-date content is important. I think I've learned enough over the past few years that I could teach at a beginner level, for sure. However, until now, I have never really tried to monetize anything because I've always worked a full time job or was busy running my offline business. That being the case, I guess my biggest concern is trying to figure out what kind of content to produce - you know, what people are willing to pay for (as well as how to present it in a way that keeps their interest). I don't like the idea of teaching someone how to make money with a method that I have not succeeded with myself (no matter how sound that method is) - which is why you don't see me publishing WSO's every month.

    As far as content goes, I think a thorough outline would definitely help. Maybe this is something you could share with us without giving away any of your content?

    Anyway, there's just so much to learn and trying to get all of the answers from you is going to be impossible. You've already done the leg work and can definitely help people with that learning curve by reducing trial and error etc. But, trying to actually learn the whole process through discussion isn't going to be easy. Perhaps you can recommend a good course or some good learning material?

    I will be setting my focus on my web development business for the next year, at least, but doing a membership site is definitely something that I would be interested in doing later on down the line. Who knows, by then, maybe I won't need to 'think' about what kind of content to produce!

    Appreciate the help.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • That's a big concern for most people, including the top internet marketers of our time. It's all about overdelivering. If you are genuinely trying to help people in your niche and are offering free ebooks, software, webinars, coaching, etc. how can the visitor not be interested in it? That being said, there are always going to be people that expect more. Always. No matter how much you overdeliver. Give those few people a refund and move on. The rest of people are thankful they found your site.

      I don't know how to share a thorough outline as everyone's niche will be different. Some people will focus more on a certain aspect of internet marketing than others.

      I can't recommend a good course as I didn't follow one when I started. I've just use my knowledge and put that into play with my membership sites. Though I will try to throw together something more in-depth if that's something that you all want to see.

      I would encourage you to implement this membership method while you are doing your web development business, as you can create a couple videos in your free-time and have enough content to start up in about a month's time. You have the issue that many people are having... PUTTING IT OFF UNTIL LATER! The best time to do this is now!
  • Nick - what's your view of fixed-term membership sites? Particularly with a topic of beginners' guide to (whatever).

    Say you provide a video a week for a year plus any extra interesting tidbits that come up via awebber in between videos - after a year of this... well they won't be beginners any more if you see what I mean.

    I'm thinking that towards the end of a year's course you could be funnelling them towards a more standard IM site and it's list. By standard I mean more blog-like, more conversational with ebooks/affiliate ads etc etc.

    What do you think?
  • Eventually, people get to a point where they must start applying what they have learned and begin learning through experience. When that happens, you can focus more on supplying them with methods/strategies and tools (i.e. give them guidance on how to take what they have learned and actually apply it). You can also offer to teach them about other topics by referring them to one of your other membership sites (or) by providing them with ongoing content and expanding your current membership site.
  • Hi Nick
    Very interesting concept. I have been in such type of membership site of a well known IMer and it does same thing but worldwide. Yours is local. Can you tell me whats the benefit of being local over worldwide?
    May i send you a PM to ask something specific or you would prefer skype? Please let me know, I will be waiting. Thanks so much
    • [1] reply
    • That's a great question. I actually haven't planned the content of my newbie membership site to over a year yet so it's something I will have to cross very soon. Understand that a general rule of thumb is that after someone has been a member for over 3 months, generally they are a follower for life. You can create a "more standard IM site" or add "more standard IM" content to drip feed after someone has been a member for one year. Though you could graduate them and tell them to continue reading your blog and newsletter. In that blog and newsletter, you still give tips and methods while also earning affiliate commission for beneficial products you promote. So yes, you're idea is a solid one.

      You are talking as if the members haven't been applying what I've been teaching them all this time. The whole reason of the site is to learn IM, but more importantly, to implement IM. My hope is that my members cancel their membership because they are making so much money online. Though if they are making a lot of money online, why would they cancel their connection to the person that got them to where they are? See what I'm saying?

      The second part about referring them to other membership sites and offering coaching is also a great option. Though make sure you are serving your members. Only point them in the direction of let's say a "making money on eBay" membership site if they want to focus on that niche. You are trying to help them succeed online.

      I think I know what membership site you are referring to! (but I won't say it just in case I'm wrong. I don't want to be promoting someone's membership site when I can't back them up)

      There is a benefit of focusing on local rather than worldwide. Let me tell you this: many people have already seen the "get rich from home" crap that is sold on the internet today. Usually, not always, but usually they will associate a large "make money online" membership site with the crap they've seen sold elsewhere. You need to get across that you are real person who cares about them and their success online.

      I started out in my own town. In the intro I simply said, "Hey everyone this is Nick Sway. You may know me personally or have seen me around town because I live right here in [INSERT TOWN NAME HERE]..." then go on to tell them about yourself and why you have the credentials and passion to teach them how to make money online. Do you see what that does? They know who you are now are able to personally identify with you. That has skyrocketed conversion rates for me, to significantly surpass my conversion rates of sites where I tried to focus on people worldwide.

      Definitely send me a PM. Looking forward to it!
      • [1] reply
  • I just purchased the new studiopress premise membership plugin, which seems really incredible and I can't wait to get it running. I have a pretty big amount of active members so I'll post how well everything goes if this thread is still around in a week or so.
    • [2] replies
    • Ahh you got that email today too!! I've been seriously looking at that today.

      Thanks Nick and StrangerDanger for your replies by the way.
    • Bob I purchased this also but so far the membership component is pretty basic. The "drip feed" seems to be the same as WishList (which isn't genuine drip feed in my view). Support seems weak, no forum and I asked a question yesterday morning and have not received a reply yet.

      I will give this a bit more time but I'm leaning towards Nanacast or possibly Rapid Residual Pro. There are some advantages to NOT using WordPress.

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  • My traffic goes to a pretty simple landing page. It has a nice header banner, some large header text, and a large video underneath. I then have the opt-in box to the right of the video. I find video squeeze pages are ridiculously effective. Underneath that I have member testimonials. Simple as that!

    It helps A LOT to have a really stellar layout/design. I had my design custom made, but you can find some pretty effective free/paid themes.

    The landing page is just capturing their name and email. That way if they don't decide to become a member, they are at least on my list. I started off starting their free trial right when they opted-in, but I found a lot of people didn't realize their membership was starting (as they hadn't had to put in any credit card info, etc). That being said there are two ways you (actually a lot more) that you can do this:

    1. start free trial upon opt-in. After the trial period the visitor will no longer be able to see the membership content and will be asked to pay to renew.
    2. Upon opt-in, the visitor is sent to a signup page. This puts them on a new list specifically for the membership site (not just for those who may have been interested in it at first). They are asked to put in their credit card details (can use paypal,, etc) but are clearly told they will not be charged until after the trial period. Their membership starts.

    Like I said, there are more than two ways to do it. I use the 2nd and find it very effective.
  • That's a good point. By doing so you could get all of your income upfront, instead of having to wait the year out. You would also not have to worry about membership retention rates.

    The downsides, however, are that anyone could sign up, take your product and request a refund - and possibly redistribute it - all, in the matter of a few hours. Unfortunately, you would also lose that guaranteed, recurring income that you would receive from any members that decided to stay on after their first year. Also, product creators aren't notorious for providing ongoing customer support for anything that doesn't specifically relate to their product - contrary to what you might see with a membership site - where the owner actually wants you to succeed and is willing to help you however which way they can (good ones, anyway).

    Either way, you're building a list that can be sold to, indefinitely - which is good.
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    • I just wrote a really long response and it somehow didn't show up when I submitted it so it's all lost now. I'm going to be real brief so I apologize. Basically what I said was @Marcinao, yes that is one way to go about doing it. There are many other way which are also effective.

      I would highly discourage you from delivering this at one time. Internet marketing is all about creating passive income streams. Everyone will tell you if you can get a recurring payment from someone, take it over getting a one time payment. Yes I know the one time payment could be 10x that of the monthly payment, but listen to this: Internet marketing is also about building a list and getting people into your sales funnel. Would you be more willing to purchase something for $9.97 or $97? Of course the $9.97. You are going to get more customers with by charging $9.97/month. Also note that with a membership site, especially one that has drip fed content, the lifetime value of a member is significantly higher than that of someone who purchases a product with a one time payment. Since the member is paying for the content monthly, they are more likely to follow you closely, trust your advice, and take advantage of offers you send their way. Moral of the story: a recurring membership fee is the way to go!

      I had a lot more, but like I said, it all disappeared and I would rather not type it all out again.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Banned
  • w/out revealing yours, what are some examples of member sites where people are paying 9.97 a month?
  • Banned
    Hey Bro,

    how many leaflets distributed for the first 200 members?

    How long did it take?

  • Wow Nick, this is a great share.

    So let me get this straight. This is NOT a Small Brick and Mortar Business membership.

    This is a how to make money online membership that you promote through all of your local channels.

    Just want to be clear.


    Regardless, this was RIGHT on time. I have always suspected that if one promoted an online 'thing' through non-internet channels that there was a market. Good..good work.
    • [2] replies
    • I wouldn't hold your breath for answer. Nick hasen't been back to this thread in a month.
    • I have a couple of memberships I promote both offline and online.

      Lots of great points here, but I will say this:

      If you're dealing with newbies (like, really, really new), you may be better off delivering content via email instead of a membership site.

      Very simple to set up, and very easy for non-IM people to get their content.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Ha ha, okay Ron. Maybe he is busy tending to the membership site. Perhaps there is enough already here in the thread. I will re-read it. This is very exciting, because I just happened on this thread after I sketched out a business plan on a little sheet of paper that was really close to this.

    Personally, I was thinking internet radio, TV and commercial radio too.

    I would be interested in chatting with you if you are the Ron R. I am thinking about. I am pretty sure we know each other, yes?

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I'll hit you up on skype

  • ....and even better than flyers....a co-op mailer (which pays for itself and has its own profit) sent out to 10K or 20K residences or even your entire town...thus giving you at minimum...massive best...100% exposure....something no other medium can achieve.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Hi Nicks,

      I have got the Domain on my state. I was thinking to develop a portal website covering health and education niche. I will do that which can help people getting instant information about a good Doctor, good Clinic, good Engineering college etc . of their own city or other nearby cities. For more information regarding a particular product they will have to chat to our online customer support.

      After going through your post I think to develop a membership website of my city. I belongs to India. Here the idea of Flyer and Card are not beneficial. I have to depend on SEM and mouth to mouth advertisements.

      I have added you in my skype for further discussion on my services I can provide in my membership site.

  • Just revisited this thread. Sorry for all the unanswered questions! I'll make a response thread tomorrow night if I get a chance. I'd love to chat with anyone who wants to. Just shoot me a PM!
  • This sounds really similar (even some of the wording) to a post I made some time ago about MY business.

    But hey, this IS a good method.... so carry on. If the OP is really doing it, congrats to him.
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    • Actually, this thread was started months before yours, and, in fact, it was referenced during the course of your thread.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Great thread. There is a lot of value in taking content and amortizing it across more specific niches. City based is not one I had considered. Thanks.
    • [1] reply

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    I've been doing this almost a year now and have found this method to be surprisingly successful. While many people reading are new to internet marketing, there are also many who have some experience with what it takes to get started online. You can utilize the knowledge you already have to teach others how to get started online. But I don't have much knowledge!