Restaurant-1 Location-Wordpress or html?

16 replies
What are the benefits or minuses of wordpress or html for a small business website?

They are already engaged on FB, so I don't think there is really a need for a blog. But, I could add a blog anyway.

Looking for input...thanks in advance.
#html #locationwordpress #restaurant1
  • Profile picture of the author jspmedia
    it is all depends whats the requirement..I like to have WP .. easy to change and can sell it little higher price because it is on CMS...
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    • What does it being "on CMS" have to do with anything as far as the client is concerned?
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      • Profile picture of the author jspmedia
        Originally Posted by CleanMountainLiving View Post

        What does it being "on CMS" have to do with anything as far as the client is concerned?
        Really? It is good selling point..You can edit/add content ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Bredfan
    My vote is for WordPress - almost always!

    There are lots of reasons... It's very easy to set up and customize and the importance of a CMS - it makes it super easy for you or the customer to make quick content updates without having to know html.

    A couple months ago, I wrote a blog post the top 25 reasons to use WordPress - here are those reasons:

    1. It’s free – No better Content Management System out there that is this good and is also free.

    2. Easy to update – For most local businesses, being able to quickly and easily update your website is HUGE. WordPress is no harder than a Word Doc.

    3. Thousands of free themes – Even without a custom design, there are themes that are great for businesses right outa the box.

    4. Thousands of premium themes – For about $50, you can get a very slick premium theme that has all kinds of added functionality built right in.

    5. Integrate Facebook – Dropping a Facebook “Like” box into a WordPress widgeted area is no harder than cutting and pasting.

    6. Content updates – Because it’s natively a blog, adding new pages is a breeze.

    7. Organization – Even if you have hundreds of posts on your site, using categories and tags you can organize it easily.

    8. Syndication – WordPress has RSS (real simple syndication) built right in, so distributing your content all over the world has never been easier.

    9. Twitter – Creating a Twitter feed and displaying it in a WordPress site is (again) a matter of cut/paste.

    10. Plugins – There are 18,360 plugins available from Each can add new functionality to your site. Oh yeah, and they’re mostly free.

    11. BuddyPress – Load up the BuddyPress plugin and voila, you have a member’s only area, or social network for your company.

    12. Cool sliders – Those cool home page image sliders… try installing that on a static html site vs on a WordPress site. Guess which is easier?

    13. SEO – Without doing anything, your WordPress site will be easily crawled and indexed by Google. Add the All-in-one-SEO-Pack and you’re golden.

    14. Contact forms – Creating and installing a unique Contact form takes – literally – about a minute. Try hard coding one…no comparison.

    15. Refresh/Redeisgns – Many themes have header and logo areas that can be changed out with a mouse click.

    16. Support – There is probably no larger online support community for those times when you do need help.

    17. Commenting – Get feedback from your customers right on your site.

    18. Facebook Connect – For businesses that have large Facebook followings, you can connect your business blog and Facebook comments with Facebook Connect.

    19. Gallery options – With somewhere near a gazillion gallery options, you can add photos and display them however you want – without knowing a thing about coding.

    20. Feedburner – Using a simple (and free) Google service, you can automatically send new blog posts to all of your members. Great for schools, gyms, any business with lots of regular customers.

    21. Thank Me Later – automatically send a nice email to first time site visitors. Sweet!

    22. Social connections – Adding your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or whatever other social profile buttons you want, is simple.

    23. Vimeo Video Player – want to have super slick videos on your site? No problem if you have a WordPress site.

    24. Calendars – There must be dozens of GREAT calendar plugins for WordPress. These are perfect for churches, schools, teams and clubs.

    25. Look GREAT – compare a WordPress site to one of the freebies from GoDaddy, Network SOlutions, VistaPrint, or the like. No comparison.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMguy123
      Originally Posted by Bredfan View Post

      My vote is for WordPress - almost always!

      There are lots of reasons... It's very easy to set up and customize and the importance of a CMS - it makes it super easy for you or the customer to make quick content updates without having to know html.

      A couple months ago, I wrote a blog post the top 25 reasons to use WordPress - here are those reasons:
      re Wordpress: The down side is if your client is not computer savvy and you are not maintaining it, will it get updated because it (plugins and wordpress) will need to be updated.

      With that said, most of mine are on wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author dropbear
    wordpress all the way..easy to maintain + great plugins available.. get the client to pay you $30/mth support..
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  • Profile picture of the author kvnkane
    depends, simple sites i tend to use html. if i need to keep updating content then wordpress.

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  • Profile picture of the author jacquic
    small business website
    They will probably want to be adding updates and fresh content (for credibility, rankings, etc), Using WP means it's easier for them to do that = and they can sign in at a non-admin level to do it. Of course, they may want you to do the updates, but at least you are giving them the choice.

    WP also offers lots of extra functionality through plugins.

    I use html for some sites, but I now always use WP for small business sites.
    See our great value publications - business, SEO, etc. Being added to weekly.
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    • Thanks for all the feedback.

      Isn't it easy for them/me to change and html site as well?

      It is a restaurant, so I can see updating weekly specials or something, and, I haven't looked, but I would guess that it's just as easy to update in an html setting for one of those templates like at Hostgator or something as it is through wp.

      But, I guess I can set them up to "post" on wp with their email, huh?

      I'm trying to make it as hands off for me as possible, after the site is built. I've quoted them a price that includes updates for the rest of 2012, so I want it to be easy, and potentially possible for them to update the site themselves.

      But, I'm also very familiar with wordpress, so I was really just starting a discussion to see what people thought...:p
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      • Profile picture of the author BrendanBurner
        Originally Posted by CleanMountainLiving View Post

        Thanks for all the feedback.

        Isn't it easy for them/me to change and html site as well?

        It is a restaurant, so I can see updating weekly specials or something, and, I haven't looked, but I would guess that it's just as easy to update in an html setting for one of those templates like at Hostgator or something as it is through wp.

        But, I guess I can set them up to "post" on wp with their email, huh?

        I'm trying to make it as hands off for me as possible, after the site is built. I've quoted them a price that includes updates for the rest of 2012, so I want it to be easy, and potentially possible for them to update the site themselves.

        But, I'm also very familiar with wordpress, so I was really just starting a discussion to see what people thought...:p
        Hi ive just set up a restaurant site for a client and used WP with the Le Gourmet theme $25 which i think is excellent and easily customizable so shouldnt be to hard for you to show them how to do it as everything they should need on it too.

        Regards Brendan
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  • Profile picture of the author winsoar
    I normally use wordpress sites because they are so easy for clients to edit themselves.

    Visit my official blog: James Winsoar and learn how to generate 30+ new FREE leads a day on auto-pilot!

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  • Profile picture of the author jacquic
    I'm trying to make it as hands off for me as possible, after the site is built.
    Definitely WordPress then - well, I would, at any rate.

    Be interesting to know what you go for in the end.
    See our great value publications - business, SEO, etc. Being added to weekly.
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    • I'm sure I'll be doing a wp site.

      I actually have developer's license for the SmallBiz theme, which is a dynamite theme, imo. Has everything you need in a local business theme, including mobile recognition, built in map feature, etc.

      I just started this conversation because I remember the old Durham post about using Intuit, and just using there templates to bang out sites.

      It just got me thinking there for a second...but I'm all clear now!
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeLeadsKING
    I would ONLY consider doing WordPress for Local businesses...

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    • Profile picture of the author sb
      I'm not sure if it's still available, but Luther Landro had a killer restaurant WP theme WSO here. I've sold 4 of them and probably another one in the next couple of days without much effort.

      Yep, it's still available:
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      • sb- That looks like an awesome theme. Might have to get it just to save an hour or so...and have it for other restaurants.

        Big Thanks for the share...
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