Make or Buy offline decision help
I am in the process of getting my plan together to try my hand at an offline model.
Lots of questions and tons of information out there and I need a little help narrowing this one area...I am sure I will have a plethora of other questions along the way but I need to make a call on this one so I know what I need to get/learn/or hire for.
I am looking at the mom and pop shop website model where I focus on selling simple low cost sites( thinking the $300 mark, but that is another thread discussion) and then charge a monthly maintenance/hosting/security fee(thinking the $70 range).
I am curious how most of you do your sites for your clients, do you build from scratch, utilize artisteer, do you have a suite of templates that you use and if so which ones, do you just outsource and if so, what are you paying for these sites.
I am thinking sites of 5 pages or so, nothing to in depth, again the service I am looking to provide is to get them on the net...I will be looking at building upsells into the business model later on...right now my focus is getting started.
Thank for all your thoughts, suggestions, ideas and criticisms.
Adrian Van Drunen
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