Google +? Anyone using it for client acquisition?
Just wondering if anyone has been using "Google +" to get clients?
I/my VA have been doing some testing with it the last 3 months and have
found its a great "lead generator" for your offline business.
We landed 3 deals in May using it.
In short what we did was we created a short 14pg manual called "3 simple secrets to a stronger web presence". ->
Had a quick ebook cover design made from one of my designers. ->
Created a post on my profile with a link to a landing page so they had to opt in to receive the free report. ->
Began adding people/companies in my vertical to my "public" cirlce ->
The key here is to make sure that your manual is your most recent post so that when they want to see who you are and they visit your profile, that is the first thing they see. Also make sure your profile information is in line with your message.
From there you can follow up with them however you so please. We chose to host webinars with basic info about "optimizing your website", "Seo", "video marketing", etc.... thats how we landed the 3 deals.
Anyways, anybody using Google+?
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