Online Rep question (penguin)

5 replies
I have a question regarding moving a site down to page 3 for its respective keyword. I have a client I am doing some reputation management for. Basically there is a "ripoff report" about him (he's a good guy) and he wanted to move it to page 3.

Everything was going smooth, the report was originally on page 1 (spot 3). It's now on page 2 (spot 6). Now it hasn't budged much since the update.

My question here is for someone that has experience with this new update.

Would sending "unnatural" links to the ripoff report move it down, or do you think that might be too risky. I don't want to ruin the hard work that we've done so far.

Let me know your thoughts!

#online #penguin #question #rep
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    You need to focus on moving other things UP not moving the ripoffreport down.

    Press releases, hub pages, squidoo lens, keyword domains... that's what you gotta do. Set up all social media and web 2.0 properties with the keyword(s).
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    • Profile picture of the author danielsteven
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      You need to focus on moving other things UP not moving the ripoffreport down.

      Press releases, hub pages, squidoo lens, keyword domains... that's what you gotta do. Set up all social media and web 2.0 properties with the keyword(s).
      Yea that's what I am doing, sorry I wasnt clear... thats what I meant by moving it down. We have about 25 web 2.0 sites optimized for the keyword, but it's kind of slowed to a crawl this past month/5 weeks.

      I was just curious about getting rid of the report by sending "unnatural" links to it.

      What are your thoughts on that IAMNAMELESS?
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by danielsteven View Post

        Yea that's what I am doing, sorry I wasnt clear... thats what I meant by moving it down. We have about 25 web 2.0 sites optimized for the keyword, but it's kind of slowed to a crawl this past month/5 weeks.

        I was just curious about getting rid of the report by sending "unnatural" links to it.

        What are your thoughts on that IAMNAMELESS?
        ripoffreport is only going to benefit from the "unnatural" links, because they are an established authority site and their trust will outweigh any kind of negative campaigning.

        There have to be a few things you're missing.. middle of page 2 you should still have plenty of high authority directories and stuff to really take advantage of. Any chance you can PM me the keyword and site?
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  • Profile picture of the author End2End

    I did this once, around 3 years ago. I made some 20 blogs and optimized them on those keywords. The KW I worked with was debt settlement scam. It worked fine for me. If you own blogs on the same niche, maybe it would help!!
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  • Profile picture of the author .
    Daniel I do online rep... and penguin IMPROVED ripoffreport ranking I'm afraid...
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