After 6 Weeks of Cold Calling...My Closing Rate Is Finally 60%

by 55 replies
I took the advice of another Warrior from an older thread and it worked very very well for me.

I provide mobile websites to local businesses as my foot in the door. Then upsell them on full website redesign, SMS marketing, consulting, and get referrals.

Here is my prospecting method that is exploding my business.

1) Each day, check Groupon, Living Social, Google Offers, and other local bargain sites.

2) Create a Excel spreadsheet of all businesses advertising.

3) Call with a similar script
"Hi, I'm not exactly sure who I should be speaking with, but I saw you on *Groupon* this morning. *Wait for them to acknowledge* On my way home from the grocery store I pulled up your website on my Iphone and it was next to impossible to navigate since it was so small. Long story short, I'm a mobile web designer, and I had a bit of down time today so I created a mockup of your's pretty much all finished and there's no obligation to buy it. Who do you think would be the right person to show it to?"

4) Schedule a meeting.

5) Create mobile mockup. ( I outsource this)

6) Go into them a comparison of their current website to the new one.

7) Collect a check and capture a credit card for monthly hosting.

Try it...the key is that there is no catch for them. They get to see a mobile version of their site without any strings attached.

Good luck!
#offline marketing #60% #callingmy #closing #cold #finally #rate #weeks
  • Seriously... I don't believe the 60% conversion... I'm VERY busy with a 1.5-2% conversion. Call, schedule a meeting, create a mockup, without getting the sale. I think you're being very dishonest with the 60% conversion with that script. Maybe I'm wrong though but it just seems highly far fetched.

    The whole mobile thing is a tough sell anyway... I just don't buy this... The script, and process is something that's been said about 100 times already, but never with claims of a 60% conversion. I guess a lot of that depends on your pricing too...

    OR... maybe its just misleading but you're talking about a 60% closing rate after like a 1-3% qualified potential rate.
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    • Really? Why? One would think that if they already have a website then a mobile website (appropriately priced) would be an easy way to get your foot in the door.

      At least, that's what the last 15 WSO's I bought preached. LOL
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    • This is definitely going to come off the wrong way.
      I think you are one smart dude, I have given you mad props all over this forum. But you have an attitude very similar to ms fluffycats. Or whatever her name is.

      If I'm offending you, I apologize. But damn bro. A lot of threads I see you in you're looking for reasons to call people out on shit. First thing I thought when I read this thread was "max obviously made a mistake". Thats because I pay attention to peoples morals/personalities more than individual posts. I know he's a good guy, and doesn't screw around with people.

      You can rant on about the 10 billion scammers you've met on WF since you've been here. But seriously. That shit would just bring me down having an attitude like that.

      I am farrr from perfect, trust me. But maybe you're just getting too smart for WF?
      If thats even possible.

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  • I think he means his appointment closing conversion bro...his face to face meetings...?

    Good job dude if thats the case. If you mean what IAM thinks you mean then you arent figuring something right... But I think I get you. Might retitle your thread if thats the case.
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    • That makes sense... I thought he was saying 60% of all calls lol.
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  • Well, that's great. I mean 60% closing on appointments after just 6 weeks in the field is amazing.
  • Yes sorry about the confusion. 60% on appointments. Mobile websites are a very easy sell and price has yet to matter for me.

    I charge approximately $750 per website, if they can't do it all upfront, I capture their credit card and do monthly installments which have been a big hit. I started at $500 and nobody I kept going week I'll start at $1000 per website.

    Keep in mind the website is pretty much already built and they are looking at it before they buy it. The "mockup" is 80% of the full website.
    • [ 5 ] Thanks
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    • "That" will get you alot of closes. Sounds awesome- Being able to offer payment options.

      How can a biz owner say No when you can work with him any way he needs you too?

      Good show man.
    • Remember to give a "discount" on up-front payment!

      $1250 one-time fee, payable upfront, or $347 over a 6 month period of time...

    • Is that $750 per Mobile website?
      Thats alot of money for a foot in the door service i would have thought?

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    • That's fantastic idea.

      How many times do you come up against the old. "Well I haven't got the budget right now" This cuts right through that and as business owners ourselves we can make it bespoke for the customer.

      The best things are the most obvious!! Nice one maxrezn

      Tell me, what the pricing that you offer on instalments. Do you split the $750 into 2 or 3 payments or do you add a bit onto the prices because your doing instalments. e,g. 3 payments of $275 (adding 10%) ??

      Would love to know???
  • I wonder who's older post you read.

  • Here's my problem with mobile websites...

    It seems like it would be an easy sell and I do see the value for the business. The problem is that what if they do a quick search for "mobile website" on google and find that they just paid $1,000 and a monthly fee for something they can get for free and pay $10 a month for.

    Now the "foot in the door" strategy just turned into your name and brand being dragged through the mud.

    Not a chance I'm willing to take but that's just me.
  • @ New age

    They can get google places for free too.... they can also design websites for free....they can get money making info for free...people can distill their own water for free.....

    Get the picture?

    People can get the whole Bower formula for free on a thread, and I even TOLD THEM THAT (thats how much I believe in what Im saying) in the ad copy, and it still sold over 600 copies in a week.

    Research Results-vs- "testing" results.

    Not always the same.

    What seems to make sense when in thought, many times makes a different kind of sense when in "action".
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • It's different for a mobile website. I could be wrong but there is no "citations" for mobile websites like there are with Places. There is no on page SEO like there is with building a new website.

      The company is paying a very high price for something that they could get for around $10 per month...or even for FREE from Google (GoMo). If I'm planning on establishing a relationship with the customer and selling him more services later on, that WILL come up at some point. Someone somewhere will realize and the customer will eventually find out. Once that happens my credibility is gone!

      It's the same thing with selling QR codes.
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  • All Im sayin is that something being free doesnt stop people from buying it. Why do they give you money when someone else gives it for free?

    Because you asked and the other guy didnt, and they are in the here and now.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • This thread is becoming popcorn!

    I guess I need to just give up my local marketing firm because pretty much EVERYTHING I offer can be obtained for free in some manner or another online and its just risky and immoral to ask to charge for something that is free elsewhere.

    Now that the sarcasm is over I can tell you that the smart and astute business owners already know most of the stuff is FREE but they neither have the time or inclination to utilize it because they don't want to learn to be proficient at using the free stuff. What they want is to improve their own skills in regards to their business, not learn to be a web or mobile design expert. What they want is to hire experts whom they can entrust that facet of their business too.

    Those who think otherwise.....(*************). = )
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    • Right. Why even keep this section open anymore?

      All business owners need to do is search around google for a few days, and learn months of trail and error. Probably should put a complete halt on their business while they take the time to learn how to run a complete online marketing system.

      People only have so much time in their day to take care of everything. I just had my roof done on our house. It cost me $4000 more than I could have done it myself, but they were in and out in less than 5 hours because they knew what they were doing.

      If I were to do that myself it could have easily taken up many days of my time.

      Last month I replaced the faucet in my kitchen. I learned how to do it by watching some Youtube videos. After a few trips to the hardware store for tools that I did not have, carefully analyzing every step to make sure that I had it right, and then finally putting the faucet in the correct way, I had 7 hours invested. I could have had the roof replaced in that time.

      I had also planned to have the faucet in the bathroom replaced, but decided to have a plumber put it in, which cost me $200 in labor, but I knew that it was done right.

      It the same thing with our business. These business owners are not interested in learning how to do SEO, text messaging, or nearly anything else that they need. Sure they know that it needs to be done, but they only have 24 hours in a day like we do. Then they also want someone to come in and do the job right in the first place.

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    • Ya know - running a couple business' AND hobbies pretending to be biz's over the years - you soon learn that its the freakin free CR@P that ends up costing you a fortune.

      Not sure about ya'll - but MY TIME is $$$, I consider it valuable. Sinking it down the FREE Rat Hole is one of the most expensive lessons I've learned.

      Usually when I see / hear FREE - I double check and make sure I got my titanium skivvies on ...
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  • So what's your appointment setting rate per businesses contacted?
  • Seems like you have your foot well and truly in the door of a lot of businesses already and after just 6 weeks! That's great news for you, I know it must have been very difficult in those first few weeks.

    Many moons ago I used to sell Life Insurance through a very well known bank firm in the UK, needless to say there are a LOT of cursing with 6 or 7 out of 10 clients, but you do get there in the end.

    You should be proud of yourself. I must agree that it is a hell of a steep foot in the door price, sounds more like a final price after an upsell or two, but if that's working for you then you must have some pretty decent sized business clients under your belt.

    Congrats and keep it up!
  • I really like the idea of finding those digital coupons! Two questions for you OP...

    How much are paying to outsource the site development before you get to the appointment?

    What IS your cold call conversion ratio, as a matter of fact?
  • I made a mobile site for a computer repair store in our area on spec. The guy liked it and asked for a couple of days to think it over. When I didn't hear from him I checked and he had used one of those free mobile site builders. The click to call button doesn't work. If you got that kind of result when you were looking for computer repair would you use a computer store that couldn't build a web site that worked? I wonder how many customers he's lost. You get what you pay for.
  • Congrats maxrez!!! That only proves that cold calling is not dead. Hence, it is very effective if coupled with right tactics! By the way I like the way you make your own tactics and with your testimony many marketers will be encourage to formulate their own tactics and strategies to make theirs also an effective one.
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    • Its even effective coupled with nothing but a phone and a phone book. No need to put it off at all.

      The two are designed for each other, perfect marriage. No other tactics needed.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • This thread is pretty's from when I was first getting started. I haven't made a cold call or went to a sales appointment in months. My days are spent selling inbound leads over the phone on SEO.
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    • Still doing any web design? Or strictly SEO?
    • Your old posts are still pretty valuable to the WF community though.

      And I'm with Rearden, can you give us a small update of how you're doing? Last I recall from you was saying how the last week of August and that one week in December are the slowest in terms of sales.
  • Gladly. For the sake of automation and painless growth, I chose to stick only with SEO for the time being. It's easier to phone close than web design, recurring, and easily systemized. Even though monthly revenue growth doesn't mean much, we're growing on average 89% each month.

    I'm in the process of diversifying our lead generation to include PPC, direct mail, postcards, and organic rankings.

    The current goal is Inc. 5000 by 2016.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks for the update. It was nice seeing your progress throughout the year, demonstrating once again that if one works hard and doesn't give up then one too can earn success.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • Nice job bro... you won't keep up with the growth, but that's okay. Many startups, BIG, startups that get VC funded usually grow at 5%, so you're way ahead of the mark.
    • Geeezzz guy. An average 89% growth every month? If that continues, forget Inc. 5000 by 2016, you'll be the biggest company on the planet earth.

      Quick math example: A company doing $5,000 in month 1 in revenue with a 89% average growth each month, would equal $10,387,513 a month in revenue by month 12.
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    • Wait so you still sell SEO????? Wow I didn't think anybody sold that anymore.Did you do direct mail when you 1st started out?

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