Post Card Marketing

Profile picture of mwds120
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
16 replies

Just wondering whether anyone has any experience with post card marketing. Is this something that can still produce results, or would I be better off with PPC? One thing I really like about post card marketing--in theory--is the low cost, as well as the fact that recipients can't just throw the post card out without being exposed to the marketing message.
#card #marketing #post
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by mwds120 View Post


    Just wondering whether anyone has any experience with post card marketing. Is this something that can still produce results, or would I be better off with PPC? One thing I really like about post card marketing--in theory--is the low cost, as well as the fact that recipients can't just throw the post card out without being exposed to the marketing message.
    Both you will have conversion issues without properly testing. PPC depends on your CTR, CPC, and how well your website converts.

    Direct mail depends on deliverability, conversions of your offer and maybe your website.

    PPC your first goal is to run a profitable campaign. You will likely take a hit your first attempt at PPC.
  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    bob ross
    Profile picture of bob ross
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    Postcard marketing is excellent if used properly but it can be an absolute disaster if not. I would imagine it's similar to PPC in that fact. I know lots of people who have quickly burned through thousands in PPC when they don't know what they're doing.

    With postcard marketing, it's an almost guaranteed success if you follow these general guidelines:

    - target the best possible prospects
    - send a large amount out each mailing
    - send it repeatedly to the same list 3-6 times at least
    - include a strong headline and offer

    how many you should be sending will depend on who you're trying to target. the main reasons a lot of people fail with postcard campaigns are:

    - not sending enough out
    - not targeting the right people
    - not repeatedly sending it over and over to the same targeted prospects
    - not including a compelling offer or reason for them to contact you back
    • Profile picture of the author itzpaul
      Profile picture of itzpaul
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      Thanks for the great tips Bob Ross! Totally, makes sense. I'll be sending a direct mailer set to about 250 local business, shortly. I'll definitely look into each of these strong points and make sure I do what it takes to close these sales.

      Anymore help would be greatly appreciated.

      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      Postcard marketing is excellent if used properly but it can be an absolute disaster if not. I would imagine it's similar to PPC in that fact. I know lots of people who have quickly burned through thousands in PPC when they don't know what they're doing.

      With postcard marketing, it's an almost guaranteed success if you follow these general guidelines:

      - target the best possible prospects
      - send a large amount out each mailing
      - send it repeatedly to the same list 3-6 times at least
      - include a strong headline and offer

      how many you should be sending will depend on who you're trying to target. the main reasons a lot of people fail with postcard campaigns are:

      - not sending enough out
      - not targeting the right people
      - not repeatedly sending it over and over to the same targeted prospects
      - not including a compelling offer or reason for them to contact you back
    • Profile picture of the author sodomojo
      Profile picture of sodomojo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      Postcard marketing is excellent if used properly but it can be an absolute disaster if not. I would imagine it's similar to PPC in that fact. I know lots of people who have quickly burned through thousands in PPC when they don't know what they're doing.

      With postcard marketing, it's an almost guaranteed success if you follow these general guidelines:

      - target the best possible prospects
      - send a large amount out each mailing
      - send it repeatedly to the same list 3-6 times at least
      - include a strong headline and offer

      how many you should be sending will depend on who you're trying to target. the main reasons a lot of people fail with postcard campaigns are:

      - not sending enough out
      - not targeting the right people
      - not repeatedly sending it over and over to the same targeted prospects
      - not including a compelling offer or reason for them to contact you back
      What is your definition of 'enough' postcards?
      What is the reasoning behind sending it to the same people over and over?
  • Profile picture of the author IMUniversity
    Profile picture of IMUniversity
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    Where would you be able to find these mailing lists and such?
  • Profile picture of the author rasoolg
    Profile picture of rasoolg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can someone please explaing what postcard marketing is?
  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    Profile picture of mmrumii
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    I haven't heard about it. but sounds good. I wanna know about it.
    if anyone help me to know better then that will be good for me.
  • Profile picture of the author lachlandv
    Profile picture of lachlandv
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I advise you checkout this thread
    Great information on postcard marketing.
  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Profile picture of TrumpiaTim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Postcards work a heck of a lot better than generic sales letters. I never read those, at least a postcard will capture my attention for a few seconds.

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
  • Profile picture of the author hostwindsEvanM
    Profile picture of hostwindsEvanM
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    I am still super curious about this.
    Do you literally just buy the post cards, then haul 5000 of them to the post office, and let them package/mail it? Or do you have to manually package each one of those suckers?
    • Profile picture of the author Alex Makarski
      Alex Makarski
      Profile picture of Alex Makarski
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      Originally Posted by hostwindsEvanM View Post

      I am still super curious about this.
      Do you literally just buy the post cards, then haul 5000 of them to the post office, and let them package/mail it? Or do you have to manually package each one of those suckers?
      If your list is US-based, the easiest way to send postcards is Works like a charm.

      If you are doing smaller quantities, it's not hard to print them four up on a sheet, cut them up and lick a few stamp.

      "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -Confucius

  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Profile picture of sweetcrabhoney18
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    I love postcard marketing but it's not always easy. It's not as targeted as a sales letter and generally you have to try harder to get results. Try offering a free website. That worked for me awhile back. I remember there being a website that would print and mail the postcards or whatever for you. Does anyone happen to remember that website url and mind sharing it?

    keep moving forward

  • Profile picture of the author funnymunny77
    Profile picture of funnymunny77
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    I've started my own postcard mailer, and have generated interest from clients. How do you go about finding reputable mailing list in the city or ZipCode I'm looking at?
    • Profile picture of the author DollarArticles
      Profile picture of DollarArticles
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      • Profile picture of the author goldog
        Profile picture of goldog
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        It seems like the biggest drawbacks for postcards would be the price and handling the list. For addressed small postcards postage is 32 cents. Printing and addressing would bring you to something like 45 to 50 cents total per piece. A large card goes at the regular 45 cent first class rate. Adds up pretty quickly. A laser targeted list is a key concern.

        That is why bob ross's "Big Postcard" using EDDM works out so well. More like a quarter apiece delivered, no list or addresses etc...

        But that is for carpet bombing an area (by carrier route)
  • Profile picture of the author ilovemedia
    Profile picture of ilovemedia
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    Postcards are still good marketing materials. But PPC isn't always a great advertising campaign. Many marketers online now rely mainly on SEO and SMO.
  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Profile picture of xlfutur1
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    Might just be me, but I'd rather get a nice personalized letter rather than a generic postcard. I would respond better to a letter that someone constructed to lay out their case with real, honest copy. But then again, everything should be tested to see what works. I would think a personalized letter would outpull a generic postcard any day, but maybe in 2012 things are different.

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