BOB ROSS!!! Where's the damned thread?!?

73 replies
Okay, I KNOW I'm not crazy...although some would argue otherwise...but regardless to whether I am or I not...I want to know where the damned updated thread version (that I responded to, I might add...) went! I want to keep up with the "Make $5,000 and be a Hero" thread since the old one, after getting so much attention and responses, got shut down.

So, what's new and popping in the world of Direct Mail, jumbo coupon postcards??? Have the post office started getting fired up about businesses finally starting to catch on and use the Every Door Direct campaign? I know is a great company to use for direct mail advertisements!

Step 1: Target Your Mailing Areas - ONLINE
Step 2: Choose Your Direct Mail Product
Step 3: Place Your Order, you're done!

For those people who don't want to bother getting their nails dirty! :p
#bob #damned #ross #thread
  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    believe me I wish it was still here but the mods don't like it. I don't know if they feel it's self promotional or what but they delete it fast unfortunately.

    It sucks but I should probably just stay away from talking about it on here because for some reason they don't like it and I definitely don't want to be on bad terms with the mods.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      believe me I wish it was still here but the mods don't like it. I don't know if they feel it's self promotional or what but they delete it fast unfortunately.

      It sucks but I should probably just stay away from talking about it on here because for some reason they don't like it and I definitely don't want to be on bad terms with the mods.
      I think once a thread get so big the pages get hard to load for some maybe?

      Thats the only reason In can think of, Bob certainly wasnt trying to monopolize anything, he just had a great thread. Guilty! lol

      He is a straight up guy.

      Im sure its a technical reason.
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    • Profile picture of the author Prince Vegeta
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      believe me I wish it was still here but the mods don't like it. I don't know if they feel it's self promotional or what but they delete it fast unfortunately.

      It sucks but I should probably just stay away from talking about it on here because for some reason they don't like it and I definitely don't want to be on bad terms with the mods.
      Bob, I don't suppose that you have any left over postcards laying around the houe do you?

      If so, I'd love to take one off your hands

      I think that'd help tremendously, showing a real example of what I'll be doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I don't know why they don't like laid out a plan anyone could follow...they could get the postcards printed anywhere...
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    • Profile picture of the author Prince Vegeta
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      I don't know why they don't like laid out a plan anyone could follow...they could get the postcards printed anywhere...
      This. I read that thread 3 days ago, and am going all out on it as I'm typing this.

      I thought of some other ways to reach out to a large number of business owners, which are proving very effective, and I've got a friend, she's going to be calling and hitting the pavement for me this week (very cute girl by the way ) So I'm looking at worst case scenario, having about 8-10 businesses signed up by Friday. My goal is to do 4 cities a month, so pretty close to 20K profit.

      Can't thank you enough Bob, this is really turning things around for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    I thought the thread was great. I only saw a small piece of the monster thread, but I caught most of the last one.

    If you ever add another one down the road, I'd recommend turning off your signature. At least that way it's not so "self promotional" and would stand a chance to last.

    Either way, I appreciated the other thread before it was gone. Definitely gave me another idea to offer to my local directory clients and help brand my directory at the same time.
    Want to speed up your writing and save time?
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    • Profile picture of the author Maherz
      Hey Bob Ross I thought your post was fantastic - Any chance you could email me? I'd really appreciate a few tips.


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      • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
        Yup, Bhuff! As one great woman once said: "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." --Eleanor Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Can we like vote to get the thread back or something?

    I also saw the thread yesterday and got very exicted when I saw it. Went to type a long post, pressed the post button and the thread was gone. Just my luck.

    WE NEED THAT DAMN THREAD BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6618322].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Can we like vote to get the thread back or something?
      A Vote ... HA HA, what do ya think this is a democracy or something?
      thnx for the chuckle Red

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    I totally will remove my signature if that's the reason they took it down but I have no clue who to contact about it, I wish they would give me a reason or a warning or something.

    The only mod I know of is Paul Myers and I had asked him why my original thread got locked and he said it could possibly be because it was sucking up too much air in the forum, however he wasn't the one who deleted it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6618354].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The 13th Warrior
      There needs to be an answer here by administration.

      It makes no logical sense.

      There needs to be some transparency here.

      That thread or thread type is "old school" Warrior Forum, that thread is what The Warrior Forum is all about, unless there is a better explanation.

      That's the kind of thread that enhances the integrity of The Warrior Forum and separates it from most, it makes no sense at all.

      The 13th Warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    Sucking too much air up on the forum...huh?

    Fascinating that a thread where intelligent people are actively engaged in discussing a topic about an actionable and profitable program is considered "sucking too much air" and "self promotional"

    I don't get it, but I'd vote to have the thread come back too... democracy or not!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6618370].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    I know warrior forum has their rules, but A LOT of people LOVED the old thread. Part of the reason I stopped posting in it is many of the older members (like Bob) had to stop posting in it.

    Obviously because there is a limit on how many posts you can make in 1 thread. I'm assuming the reason the second thread got deleted is because members can't make 2 threads about the same thing.

    I can see how that rule would add quality to WF for the *most part*, but I do think there are exceptions.

    A continuation of the postcard thread would allow Bob to post in it again, and other members as well (like myself). It got to a point where only newbies were allowed to post in the old thread which was stupid. That doesn't add quality to a forum it degrades it imo.

    So when he made the new thread I thought "great we can start having quality discussions again", then sure enough its gone.

    Its really just a thread (a helpful thread at that), whats the big deal? We have TONS of threads just wasting space on this forum so it only makes sense to let the best threads stay.

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  • Profile picture of the author yudwill
    you may be taking of the warrior forum rules, keep calm down )
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    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Hmm, that's too bad. When a trusted warrior gives freely of their information, with a sig or not, shouldn't really matter. Bob's info is GOLD if you take action on it.

      We'll see what's going to happen... Doubt it though that the new thread will resurface.

      I'd like to add something though, what was in the thread is just a smidgeon of what else he provides you with once you are on the "inside",

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6618938].message }}
  • Hmmm browsing this Thread makes me curious to see the thread that was being talked about.
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    • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
      Question. Okay, I know the post cards "attraction" and selling feature were about businesses using coupons as a way to draw in (new) customers...but what if there were businesses that weren't interested in coupons but basically name exposure? I see ads all the time, month in and month out who pay to advertise, IN COLOR, mind you, to local town/city newspapers without fail. Couldn't this work for them? I mean, since with those small papers, people have to go where ever the papers are dropped off (barber shops/ small grocery stores. etc) and the selling feature would be DIRECT mailed, not random customer pick up!

      I also asked a few of those paper's business advertisers WHY did they keep paying to advertise when there is really NO way to know their return on investment/if those walking through their door had come based on that newspaper advertisement...and you know what they all told me? Because it was THE ONLY GAME in town!

      I like to fell out....

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      • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
        I'd like to get my hands on a full mock up as well...or even a few. That way they can be used to show prospective business owners what their ads could be looking like when they arrive in customer's mail boxes! Or I can always get 1 mock up and just take it and have copies run off...(shrugs shoulders)

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  • Profile picture of the author embose64
    I would like to know more about this strategy. I wasnt here to see the old thread, but a new one would be great! Why not just create a new one?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mister Natural

    You guys should just buy it and start your own REAL business, instead of wasting your time on here
    and trying to dredge up gossip.

    His asking price "might" seem a bit high to some folks.

    However, I can 1000000000% Guarantee you the ROI you get back in terms of income and forum support is worth 10 times what he's asking. That's right. I would pay 10 times the price if I knew beforehand, the value that lies ahead in the forum and especially in terms of income generation.

    You need to ask yourself is $77 a smart investment to make a REAL $5000 a month ?
    And if you're industrious, you can make 2 and 3 times that per month as others already have.
    The Bob Ross wso is one of the most valuable wso's you will find on this forum.

    It works.
    The support forum will amaze you with the additional twists and idea's, pushing the wso far beyond everyone's expectations.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6620497].message }}
  • I had some thoughts on implementing that here in Ireland - margins would be way, way down due to delivery and printing costs, and using certain services the largest acceptable leaflet is A5(!). Folding (allowed) detracts from the effect of the large card.

    I'd also make sure to have a large Recycle logo somewhere and ensure it's printed on recycled - that'll help with a lot of folks.

    Anyway, original idea was very interesting - hope the mods rethink and undelete it (and maybe merge this thread).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6621007].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      I totally will remove my signature if that's the reason they took it down but I have no clue who to contact about it, I wish they would give me a reason or a warning or something.

      The only mod I know of is Paul Myers and I had asked him why my original thread got locked and he said it could possibly be because it was sucking up too much air in the forum, however he wasn't the one who deleted it.
      Was the best thread I've read on this forum. I haven't read anything on this forum that made me so excited about how easy and practical something can be. I bet they saw it as being self promotion with your link. That's my only guess, but geeze... the amount of value in there is something that people could follow exactly and really execute.
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      • Profile picture of the author The 13th Warrior
        Would be nice to get an answer about that thread.

        One of the better threads I have seen here.

        If they needed to "delete" anything for " technical " issues, they have a whole host of threads that they could clean house with so as to save good threads like that one.

        Hell, I'm willing to trade my stupid thread about a stupid question of the best men's underwear that's out there.

        It and other's like it are still there and Bob Ross's is not?

        Hell, delete the entire OFF TOPIC Forum if it will save the Bob Ross type of threads, what gives here?

        The 13th Warrior
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6621681].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Paul Bottoms
          I can't begin to tell you what a great thing I thought that original thread was. It was brimming with positive energy.

          First it was Bob freely sharing a great idea and others jumping in with other great ideas. I can't afford the WSO yet but I'm buying it when I can.
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  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    I really appreciate the support guys. It's so true that you don't need to buy any special software or guide or report to make the system work, you can take it infinite ways and make it a big moneymaker just by knowing the concept, which I wish was still posted on here of course.

    This system seems to get better everyday and it's all due to so many of you applying your knowledge, creativity, and ideas toward it and sharing them. While it blows that I can't have a discussion thread on here about it, I appreciate all the emails, PMs, and Private Forum communication that have helped this grow into such a big monster.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    I visit local businesses and close them on buying ad space on a giant postcard I'll be sending out in the mail to 10,000 local residents. I sell the spaces for $495 each and can fit 16 large ads on a 9"x12" postcard.

    If you send them out using the post offices "every door direct" program, you don't need any list or permit, you just have them printed and you pick the carrier routes you want to saturate, and get them to the post office. This means that for $495 they get pretty much a GUARANTEED 100% exposure of their Advertisement, which only postcard marketing can do.

    I've done 2 cards so far and had a tracked response of 13% on the first one and 22% response on the 2nd! I'm being 100% serious here and you'll see the same results if you get good offers on there for services that people frequently use. (Restaurants, oil changes, pizza, seasonal, etc...)

    You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6626462].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted

    13% on the your FIRST RUN?

    Look I have NO IDEA what you are doing, but I think Bob himself doesn't even get that type of conversion.

    Conversion on my first run was more like 2-3% if I remember correctly. Second run was just a bit better.

    To get that type of response on your first run though.... I'm honestly not sure what to say. If it is true like you say, then you need to start giving some serious lessons on postcard copy design & how to target. =]

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6626935].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bob ross
      lol he was quoting my original post of the monster thread.

      I did get 13% on my first run. I hit 3 homeruns and I believe anyone can do it if they pick the same niches and use a good offer.

      The majority of my large response is from : Pizza, Bakery,and Liquor.

      I basically had 1000ish responses from those 3 alone if I recall correctly.

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post


      13% on the your FIRST RUN?

      Look I have NO IDEA what you are doing, but I think Bob himself doesn't even get that type of conversion.

      Conversion on my first run was more like 2-3% if I remember correctly. Second run was just a bit better.

      To get that type of response on your first run though.... I'm honestly not sure what to say. If it is true like you say, then you need to start giving some serious lessons on postcard copy design & how to target. =]

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6627005].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author The 13th Warrior
        Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

        I did get 13% on my first run. I hit 3 homeruns and I believe anyone can do it if they pick the same niches and use a good offer.

        The majority of my large response is from : Pizza, Bakery,and Liquor.

        I basically had 1000ish responses from those 3 alone if I recall correctly.

        Are you saying you had 6 pizza, 5 bakery and 5 Liquor all on the same card totaling 16?

        You DO have more niches than that which can achieve an acceptable average conversion rate?

        I would think low end would be around 5% conversion and no lower, based on a 10,000 mailing.

        5% of 10,000 = 500.

        500/16 advertisers = 31 customers per advertiser that month

        Each customer would HAVE to spend $20 to get $620 revenue per advertiser which would equal about $120 profit after the expenses.

        Anything below that would seem not worth it for the advertiser, "IF" even that profit margin is worth it to the advertiser.

        Let me just add I would think that an advertiser would have to qualify themselves based on the specials on services they offer, from a consumer point of view.

        If a consumer gets a big postcard in the mail, the curiosity factor will get him to look....., but on the 3rd or 4th mailing, if there are no specials that are TRUE bargains worth considering for , at least, the average potential patron, on the next mailings , the consumer will have a blind spot for the card, it would be junk mail automatically, without a second thought.

        I would think you would want to qualify most advertisers on a card with as many no-brainer specials as possible, so that the consumer would ALWAYS take a look at SOMETHING on the card and not have it as an "automatic" toss in the trash, at least, on average.

        For longevity reasons, I would think you would want to avoid having the average consumer willfully develop a blind spot for the card, because there are no bargains worth considering.

        I would also think retention of advertisers is as important as getting the sale, for longevity reasons.

        The 13th Warrior
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6649362].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bob ross
          Originally Posted by The 13th Warrior View Post

          The 13th Warrior
          Are you saying you had 6 pizza, 5 bakery and 5 Liquor all on the same card totaling 16?

          Noooo, sorry! Just those three in particular were heavy hitters on the card (and still are). They were responsible for the overwhelming majority of the response.

          You DO have more niches than that which can achieve an acceptable average conversion rate?

          Just think of REALLY common services that any random person uses. That's what's going to work really well with saturation mailing like EDDM. Pizza is the prime example... the large majority of people eat pizza often so a coupon is welcomed by so many of them.

          The offer HAS to be good though, it has to be something that will draw people in, not just something people will save for the next time they visit the place.

          I would think low end would be around 5% conversion and no lower, based on a 10,000 mailing.

          5% of 10,000 = 500.

          If you have businesses that aren't saturation friendly and you don't put good offers, it wouldn't be surprising to get 100 back on the whole card.

          BUT... response doesn't have to be the key to the cards success if you don't want it to be. I recently published 15 interviews with successful members, some who have over a dozen cards out already and I don't believe we talked about response on any of them.

          It's a problem if you hinge your success on whether or not your clients ad gets response, because not everyone is going to get a billion responses.

          500/16 advertisers = 31 customers per advertiser that month

          Each customer would HAVE to spend $20 to get $620 revenue per advertiser which would equal about $120 profit after the expenses.

          Anything below that would seem not worth it for the advertiser, "IF" even that profit margin is worth it to the advertiser.

          It gets much more complex because you can't measure ROI directly on one campaigns response or lack of.

          Lifetime customer value comes into play here. Another heavy-hitter I have who offers a free car inspection (which costs $21 normally here), has gotten over 100 responses at one time. He actually has to pay $10 to the state everytime for the inspection but he knows he's getting a ton of lifetime value and upsells.

          He spends $700 on an Ad and will spend a thousand paying for state fees so it would look at first glance like he lost a ton of money.

          Advertising is almost always non-response based. Look at any newspaper, it's filled to the brim with businesses that don't have any kind of offer yet they run the ads continuously for thousands and thousands. Billboards too.

          Let me just add I would think that an advertiser would have to qualify themselves based on the specials on services they offer, from a consumer point of view.

          If a consumer gets a big postcard in the mail, the curiosity factor will get him to look....., but on the 3rd or 4th mailing, if there are no specials that are TRUE bargains worth considering for , at least, the average potential patron, on the next mailings , the consumer will have a blind spot for the card, it would be junk mail automatically, without a second thought.

          Yes, and that's something I had sent in my newsletter at one point, about keeping ads fresh and rotating offers/advertisers/niches. It's got to be kept fresh.

          I would think you would want to qualify most advertisers on a card with as many no-brainer specials as possible, so that the consumer would ALWAYS take a look at SOMETHING on the card and not have it as an "automatic" toss in the trash, at least, on average.

          Yes and also you want those big appealing offers on the addressed side of the card, which they see first.

          For longevity reasons, I would think you would want to avoid having the average consumer willfully develop a blind spot for the card, because there are no bargains worth considering.

          Again, true. But once you reach the point of 4 or 5 cards it's not really an issue anymore
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6649750].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    Yea, he was using figures across the whole card not per biz. I just had a pizza woman swear at me and kick me out of her store today though, telling me they "did something like that before" and got no response...

    Yet... they advertise in the Monthly Mailer with an ad tucked so far in it's a wonder anyone sees it... so I'm imagining she doesn't have any idea what she is talking about, and also she wouldn't even let me talk really. I was pissed about it before, but now I find it funny.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6627093].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bob ross
      Originally Posted by HAdrian1239 View Post

      Yea, he was using figures across the whole card not per biz. I just had a pizza woman swear at me and kick me out of her store today though, telling me they "did something like that before" and got no response...

      Yet... they advertise in the Monthly Mailer with an ad tucked so far in it's a wonder anyone sees it... so I'm imagining she doesn't have any idea what she is talking about, and also she wouldn't even let me talk really. I was pissed about it before, but now I find it funny.
      I know you emailed me and I will get back to you I promise.

      For the pizza lady, mark my words, she will be OUT OF BUSINESS soon enough. Seriously these are the people that you'll drive by a year from now and see their place closed up or a new pizza joint in it's place.

      When biz owners refuse to understand what they're missing out on and they give such crazy responses about it, I just want to slap 'em!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6627122].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
        Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

        I know you emailed me and I will get back to you I promise.

        For the pizza lady, mark my words, she will be OUT OF BUSINESS soon enough. Seriously these are the people that you'll drive by a year from now and see their place closed up or a new pizza joint in it's place.

        When biz owners refuse to understand what they're missing out on and they give such crazy responses about it, I just want to slap 'em!
        Don't worry. I figured you got it, and you always do get back to me which is much appreciated.

        I was stunned she would say that to me though, this is a place that's been around for a long time, but I don't think they've always owned it...

        (Which also shows me she's kind of a moron because she gets response from her brand being known in the area but isn't smart enough to track it, so in hindsight I would rather not deal with her....

        She did tell me business could be better... but hey... you just kicked your prize winning horse out the door!

        Their website also looks like it was built in the 90's... and I didn't even get to talk to her about that

        That said, I guess I just get nervous being in the metro area that I am in, because if you're good, everyone flocks to you, and if you screw up... it ends up getting a press release and a tabloid shot. ROFL.

        I got an appointment with this top shelf gym tomorrow though to discuss the concept with them... this place is HOT right now, and they have a ton of things going that'd be great for "deals" on, plus the owner and staff are young and seem to "get it" so hopefully that one will go better...
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    updated thread version
    ? self promotion is a no no, but also follow me down the yellow brick road threads are usually squashed as well, so if some one is doing a follow me while you look over my shoulder type journal they are slammed from memory ? (for the reason they can turn into a novel ?)

    I recall the thread but not sure if it took that direction or not ? and I may be wrong on that ruling ?
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author fleacheck
    I vote for the thread to be back up as well. When I saw the updated version of the old thread, it actually MOTIVATED me to get this up and running. By the time I discovered the original, it had been months after it started, noticed it was locked and thought, oh, maybe this isn't such a good idea.

    I have consulted a couple of my mentors about this program, and he has businesses that would jump on this in a New York Minute. He says to me "if you don't start this, I'm going to, you have 30 days to launch this before I jump in and own this town."

    Since Bob cannot START the post, why doesn't someone else start it, and continue the conversation? Would that be against any of the rules? I am totally for a basic set of rules to make sure things are in order and does not get spammy, but when do you draw the line if SEVERAL people share the same interest in getting the post back?

    I digress. I will be out prospecting and filling up my card. Once its full I will get my second one done and share my results on this thread if it is still here...

    Cheers! Thank you again Bob!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6630783].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Prince Vegeta
      Originally Posted by guidetothegoodlife View Post

      Hmmm browsing this Thread makes me curious to see the thread that was being talked about.
      Originally Posted by embose64 View Post

      I would like to know more about this strategy. I wasnt here to see the old thread, but a new one would be great! Why not just create a new one?
      Originally Posted by fleacheck View Post

      I vote for the thread to be back up as well. When I saw the updated version of the old thread, it actually MOTIVATED me to get this up and running. By the time I discovered the original, it had been months after it started, noticed it was locked and thought, oh, maybe this isn't such a good idea.

      I have consulted a couple of my mentors about this program, and he has businesses that would jump on this in a New York Minute. He says to me "if you don't start this, I'm going to, you have 30 days to launch this before I jump in and own this town."

      Since Bob cannot START the post, why doesn't someone else start it, and continue the conversation? Would that be against any of the rules? I am totally for a basic set of rules to make sure things are in order and does not get spammy, but when do you draw the line if SEVERAL people share the same interest in getting the post back?

      I digress. I will be out prospecting and filling up my card. Once its full I will get my second one done and share my results on this thread if it is still here...

      Cheers! Thank you again Bob!
      Good luck! I'm off to get a mockup made and get this thing filled.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6631054].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by fleacheck View Post

      Since Bob cannot START the post, why doesn't someone else start it, and continue the conversation? Would that be against any of the rules? I am totally for a basic set of rules to make sure things are in order and does not get spammy, but when do you draw the line if SEVERAL people share the same interest in getting the post back?
      I did in post 28, I copied Bobs main idea in the first post to get this thread heading in the right direction. Not sure if the rules allow the thread to be re-started by some one else or risked being banned. lets keep this thread on topic for now

      You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6633147].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The 13th Warrior
      Originally Posted by fleacheck View Post

      Since Bob cannot START the post, why doesn't someone else start it, and continue the conversation? Would that be against any of the rules? I am totally for a basic set of rules to make sure things are in order and does not get spammy, but when do you draw the line if SEVERAL people share the same interest in getting the post back?

      This will not work, simply because that is a guess on why the thread was deleted.

      They have yet to respond or offer any viewpoint.

      Maybe Warrior Forum owner and/or its administration consider themselves too big and beneath humility to offer relief to its members.

      Or beneath them and insulting that their reasons need to be explained or justified.

      Because why would they at least offer an initial statement, something like "we are currently investigating the issue and will have an explanation at its conclusion."

      Maybe that will be or sounds like shallow Public Relations B.S. or something , but at least it is some response to its members concern on a very worthy issue, the very heart and reason .., at least originally, of The Warrior Forum.

      NO response simply does not make any sense whatsoever.

      The 13th Warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Huber
    Bob, Guys,
    Anyone ever tried to strike an agreement with a business, or really 2 businesses to do this with, and here is the caveat. There is no money up front on their part, but they would have to pay on conversions. Thought about it just reading thru here. Hard to know how to make that one work and track it, but would be awesome to make 5k or so on that, but would have to be in lucrative market with good margins so that they would be willing to part with money for each visit/sale/appointment. I am kind of droning on here, but any ideas on tracking and who (which) in terms of business may be receptive and the margins to share.
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    • Profile picture of the author Prince Vegeta
      Originally Posted by Charles Huber View Post

      Bob, Guys,
      Anyone ever tried to strike an agreement with a business, or really 2 businesses to do this with, and here is the caveat. There is no money up front on their part, but they would have to pay on conversions. Thought about it just reading thru here. Hard to know how to make that one work and track it, but would be awesome to make 5k or so on that, but would have to be in lucrative market with good margins so that they would be willing to part with money for each visit/sale/appointment. I am kind of droning on here, but any ideas on tracking and who (which) in terms of business may be receptive and the margins to share.
      No offense, but this seems like an awful plan man. That's $2,500 bucks out of your pocket and hoping for a decent return, and I can't imagine the profit margin would be very big, if existent at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    Bob, have you ever had success promoting a comedy club or other night life stuff like this (besides bars, I am sure that's hot.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
    I've gotten a LOT of threads with good ideas from the WF (including the Make $5,000 ... thread.) And having seen a number of them disappear, I use a Firefox plugin called print2pdf to make PDF copies and save them to my hard drive.

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  • Profile picture of the author momakmak
    Can someone please point me in a direction of what ever the thread you guys are talking about was about. You guys have to either give some clues for us to find this method or stop talking about it, cuz your killing me. lol. Is there an older thread of bob ross method somewhere?

    do you have a link to the thread?
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    • Profile picture of the author J smith
      Charles Huber I am doing some pay per client type deals with several businesses that signed up for the card. I wouldn't use it as the first thing though, obviously straight up sale is much more preffered.

      However, if you find yourself in a situation like I did, where the deadline to start printing those postcards is coming up and you still have some spots left and just can't seem to sell them, then doing a cpa type deal is an decent proposition (more so than leaving those spaces blank obviously)

      Plus in my case I figured if they get good results they will sign up for the next card, and if they don't I am pretty much screwed anyway. Also, I'd try to choose bussinesses that benefit the postcard and will be useful to people who get them (so restaurants and other frequently used industries)
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    • Profile picture of the author DJVan
      Originally Posted by momakmak View Post

      Can someone please point me in a direction of what ever the thread you guys are talking about was about. You guys have to either give some clues for us to find this method or stop talking about it, cuz your killing me. lol. Is there an older thread of bob ross method somewhere?

      do you have a link to the thread?
      The origianl thread was about the idea of printing a giant front and back color postcard with up to 16 ads per card, and using Every Day Direct mail to deliver to the locals surrounding the merchants. Unfortunately Bob later released a WSO on the same idea. That is likely why the original thread got deep sixed. it was full of ideas of how to do what his wso eventually taught you. I bought his wso's, (worth the money!) but then decided I couldn't leave my present business unmanned to get out belly to belly and sell the ads.
      If you can get out, and talk to merchants, you could probably make this work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    You have my vote. That was a quality thread. While I can see how some would see it as self promotion I do have to counter that the thread laid out everything to do. You didn't have to purchase anything.

    It was one of the best threads on this forum I have ever read. Stuff like that was gold and deserved to be made into a sticky.

    Here is the thread if anyone didn't get it bookmarked or subscribed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mar
    There is a cached version of the start of the thread on google - Make $5,000/month and be a hero *updated* - hope that helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
      Originally Posted by Mar View Post

      There is a cached version of the start of the thread on google - Make $5,000/month and be a hero *updated* - hope that helps.

      Thanks a million! Awesome catch! Now, you wanna know what's weird? That thread can't be viewed if you're logged in. If you are and you click on will show for a hot second and get immediately re-directed to Bob's original thread! I think someone was playing thread favorites...:rolleyes: Amazing thing this internet. Stuff never completely disappears.

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    • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
      Originally Posted by Mar View Post

      There is a cached version of the start of the thread on google - Make $5,000/month and be a hero *updated* - hope that helps.

      Odd...verrrry odddd....! Suddenly NOW, that thread has completely disappeared from Google. It can't be found and when you click on the link, which used to get an error screen. Now, how do you explain that?!? :confused::rolleyes: :::Twilight Zone music plays in the background::::

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      • Profile picture of the author Mar
        Er - I guess that no-one thought to print the cached page to pdf??? Luckily I did so I'm feeling smug

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        • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
          this is not the original thread, its good but no here near the info as the original
          Promise Big.
          Deliver Bigger.
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          • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
            Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

            this is not the original thread, its good but no here near the info as the original
            Dude... seriously... did you read the post directly above yours? LOL
            If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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            • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
              Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

              Dude... seriously... did you read the post directly above yours? LOL
              I dont understand what you are saying, the post directly above mine was made by Mar (post 62)in which he had a saved pdf file of the "Bob Ross make 5k and be a hero UPDATED" thread started by Bob in July

              this thread is NOT the same as the original "Bob Ross make 5 k and be a hero" thread started late last year.

              My post was to say that this pdf Mar saved is not the original thread

              What did I miss?:confused:
              Promise Big.
              Deliver Bigger.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6747732].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kimboslice
          Originally Posted by Mar View Post

          Er - I guess that no-one thought to print the cached page to pdf??? Luckily I did so I'm feeling smug


          Hey thanks a lot. BTW...

          I need a mockup of a 9x12 postcard. If someone can do this, please contact me.
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        • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
          Originally Posted by Mar View Post

          Er - I guess that no-one thought to print the cached page to pdf??? Luckily I did so I'm feeling smug


          DUDETTE!!! You TOTALLY ROCK!!!! Thank YOU!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Justin B
    I'm keen to get onto this fantastic idea. I'm in the uk and I really think that this is something that could boost local towns as well as make me a bit of money.

    I got some quote for doing a run of 10,000 A4 sized flyers in 300gsm double sided UV laminated at £630
    The cost to have these delivered to 10,000 homes would be £600 using a flyer distribution company,therefore making my total cost of £1230 (approx)
    If I go with the 16 ads, that means the cost price per ad is £76.

    However I'm struggling to think that an ad would sell for $500/£330 to a restaurant etc.. As this is a lot of money for a local business.

    We have a small A5 local publication that is delivered to each household within the area each month and is filled with local businesses advertising their services from 1/12th page ads at £30 per issue, 1/4th page, 1/8th page, 1/2page at £187 to full page. The directory has around 15-20 pages and has become a recognised publication within the community. Typical businesses that advertise are small one man band plumbers, electrician, hairdressers, solicitors, cleaners, oven cleaning, garden services, 1 or 2 take aways. Restaurants do not seem to play much of a part in this publication and 70% of the ads taken are the small 1/12th sized ads at £30, with the larger ads typically being taken up by the solicitors.

    What I am getting at here is that I do not see much being spent over £30-£50 by the local businesses.

    Now I know that the large postcard idea is awesome and and is so 'in your face' that it will get seen, but I'm struggling with the pricing on this.

    I also think that adding value to this can be done by putting on the postcard that these offers can be used on our 'mobile website' so the user always has the coupon ready to use, and also promote the 16 ads on our Facebook fan page (obviously I would need to set one up and get fans first) so the ads are being promoted to local Facebook users keen for a 'deal'

    Would love to hear thoughts, ideas, suggestions on overcoming the above issue pricing issue or if you think that it really has value.
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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Yea, that was a great thread. Someone could have compiled it, edited it, and probably sold it as a cheap WSO or even on Amazon. then again they could have bought Bob's WSO which was also outstanding. Thanks Bob!
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  • Profile picture of the author Doran Peck
    Aside from the archived thread for viewing...I would imagine you could restart the thread in the War Room...I don't see it being taken down in there.

    ...yes, one has to have a War Room Membership....but...seriously everyone should have one anyway. ( yes thats right...if you've purchased any WSO before even having a membership in the WarRoom...your doing internet marketing all wrong! )
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6641750].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bob ross
      Originally Posted by Doran Peck View Post

      Aside from the archived thread for viewing...I would imagine you could restart the thread in the War Room...I don't see it being taken down in there.

      ...yes, one has to have a War Room Membership....but...seriously everyone should have one anyway. ( yes thats right...if you've purchased any WSO before even having a membership in the WarRoom...your doing internet marketing all wrong! )
      Great idea Doran, I just posted it. Never thought of that.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6641969].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by Doran Peck View Post

      Aside from the archived thread for viewing...I would imagine you could restart the thread in the War Room...I don't see it being taken down in there.

      ...yes, one has to have a War Room Membership....but...seriously everyone should have one anyway. ( yes thats right...if you've purchased any WSO before even having a membership in the WarRoom...your doing internet marketing all wrong! )
      sometimes people get so involved, they miss the simple things...

      great idea doran. 2 thumbs up

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Seriously doubt it was a technical issue.

    They can just close a thread when it gets to big. This means people can still read.
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  • Profile picture of the author iThinkhard
    folks, are you talking about this? (I think it was closed because it became too long)
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  • Profile picture of the author momakmak
    Someone probably mentioned this already but this would work really well for your own business. Think of the response you would get if you had a service business that makes on average 100$ per customer or more. Use up that entire 9x12 card with one business and you will go across A LOT of peoples eyes.

    I would imagine this is cheaper than a tv commercial (i dont know how much they are). The other good point is the card could lay on their kitchen counter for a while, or better, their fridge.

    Im brainstorming on something I could advertise on one of these suckers all for myself.
    (oh the greeeed)lol
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    • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
      Now, this PURE Tee GOLDDDDD!! If you haven't read the *original* thread...I suggest you do it...because (even though it IS is WORTH it to read and follow along) you will learn/pick up some very valuable tips and tricks. It's even MORE valuable for those who read it as it was being 'born' to go back and re-read it. I guarantee you, it will have your brain jumping out of your skull from so much awesome, freely shared, help and advice!

      Re: Make $5000 per month and be a hero.
      Originally Posted by hourstoincome
      Well I finally got everything together and I'm ready to hit the pavement on Monday morning. I get the feeling that selling my first campaign is gonna be a challenge but I'm excited as well. If anyone has any tips or extra selling points to help me succedd, please do share. Also would like to hear any success stories that anyone may have. I'll let you all know how Monday turns out for me! Thanks to you all

      My only bit of advice for you my friend...share don't sell!

      Selling sucks...share your program and how it can help a business.

      Your goal is to find the ones who "get it"...don't waste any time with the ones who don't.

      Have fun and good luck!
      Re: Make $5000 per month and be a hero.
      05-02-2012, 06:12 PM
      Hello Red!

      All of your points are more than valid- thanks for sharing them.

      The great thing about this model is that there are so many ways to be successful at it...key is to do whatever works best for you.

      To give you some background, I am a "short cut" kind of guy...always have been. Just one of my numerous flaws. I have a weak work ethic, and low motivation to work hard at anything. I call this "working smarter not harder".

      So for me- being able to find 14 advertisers to pay me $450 to advertise in The Neighborhood Saver all using email to find them is priceless! It's very cool.

      Now- I DO end up calling them to "share" our program with them and answer any questions they have, but they all respond to my email first. It's awesome when you find the ones who "get it". Do I want to talk anyone into advertising, or sell something to someone? The answer of course for me at least is NO.

      I have approached this business model with 3 things in mind:

      1)how can I be successful at this doing the LEAST amount of work,
      2)how do I make this as much of a "no brainer" for business owners as possible, and
      3)how can I offer this as an opportunity for others to build a business?

      Other than giving away ads for free, I think I'm pretty darned close on all 3 points.

      OOPS...I almost forgot to answer your questions about the emails- sorry bout that.

      Here we go...BIG SECRET...I email all of the Valpak, Money Mailer, rvsp, Home Mag, etc. advertisers and SHARE our program with them!



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      • Profile picture of the author want2knowhow
        I think a question people want to know is Who to go to to buy an already created card mock up/ blank space-pricing mock up, from. I know Jake/Bob used to sell them but I don't know if he still do and if not, what about the others who are up and running?

        I believe I read somewhere were Jake spoke about having someone who was able to use smaller ads and squeeze I think, 18 advertisers on it? :confused: Or maybe I was just dreaming...

        Edited to add: Nope! I wasn't 'dreaming!' lol...I now remember where I saw that at...and there is or will be an interview set up/recorded of one of Jake's top of the class/top of the heap student who is actually breaking card mailing/advertiser sign up records! If you're not on Jake's list...then you are not IN the loop! You'd better contact him and be added so you'll stay abreast of breaking news when and as it happens so you don't be...or get...left...behind!

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  • Profile picture of the author kimboslice
    Some good stuff in here. I sure wish that updated make 5000 per month hero thread was still around. I feel like I'm missing out on gold and the google cache doesn't have it anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author focusedlife
    @Bob Ross - Your stuff is gold.


    Los aka "New Fan Of Bob Ross"
    The only group with more actionable info than any WSO → The Parlay Society
    Want me to write stuff for you? → Click here to check this out
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  • I suspect a conspiracy of the cold callers with nefarious and devious plots to remove the Bob Ross thread.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mar
    You didn't miss anything - but the google cache was all that I could find at the time and I had hoped it would be better than not having either thread. My only slight concern is that you changed my gender, LOL - :O)

    Mar - also known as Margaret
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Lacer
    Because the original thread has been deleted; Bob Ross says that you have to make sure the advertisers aren't competing against each other. He also said that Liqour stores, Pizza restaurants and bakeries have the highest response.

    Does this mean that you only can place 1 ad about these niches? Also, what are other niches that have a positive RIO?

    And what are your experiences with business owners when you're talking about competition? For example, a Chinese restaurant isn't the same as an Italian, but a lot of people will chose for the best coupon instead of the type of restaurant.

    I'd like to hear your thoughts about it .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6873438].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DJVan
      Originally Posted by Jeremy Lacer View Post

      Because the original thread has been deleted; Bob Ross says that you have to make sure the advertisers aren't competing against each other. He also said that Liqour stores, Pizza restaurants and bakeries have the highest response.

      Does this mean that you only can place 1 ad about these niches? Also, what are other niches that have a positive RIO?

      And what are your experiences with business owners when you're talking about competition? For example, a Chinese restaurant isn't the same as an Italian, but a lot of people will chose for the best coupon instead of the type of restaurant.

      I'd like to hear your thoughts about it .
      In my previous experience with a successful coupon book, Restaurant coupons, oil change coupons, and Grocery discounts were all very desirable to the consumers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    For those looking for the original thread , here it is.

    Happy reading!
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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