Cold calling anxiety cures. Drink a beer?

Profile picture of cash89
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14 replies
So i'm not new to sales, but still pretty new to cold calling. I still get struck with a little anxiety before calls. I guess this happens anytime we are unfamiliar with something we are doing. I know after I make a few hundred calls everything will be natural but by not being comfortable i am not being as productive or sounding natural.

To help the situation I took a shot of tequila to loosen me up a bit. Usually helps when im talking to women. It actually helped a bit. Anybody else know of anything to ease the tension?
#anxiety #beer #calling #cold #cures #drink
  • Profile picture of the author mego818
    Profile picture of mego818
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When you use alcohol in this way it becomes a crutch. The more you use it, the more you need it. You are better off just doing it and doing it until the approach anxiety of the phone call wears off.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    John Durham
    Profile picture of John Durham
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    Here's the NaturaL CURE "a firefliy only gives light when it is on wing....and when I engage in action the lion of terror becomes the ant of equanimity and all the flutters in my heart disapear".

    If you were to get into a street fight there may be some anxiety on the way to it, but the minute arms started flying the anxiety would disapear and be overtaken by action.

    Some things that seem daunting are only daunting till you commit. Just get in the game and the flutters will go away.
  • Profile picture of the author ErickColletti
    Profile picture of ErickColletti
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    Originally Posted by cash89 View Post

    So i'm not new to sales, but still pretty new to cold calling. I still get struck with a little anxiety before calls. I guess this happens anytime we are unfamiliar with something we are doing. I know after I make a few hundred calls everything will be natural but by not being comfortable i am not being as productive or sounding natural.

    To help the situation I took a shot of tequila to loosen me up a bit. Usually helps when im talking to women. It actually helped a bit. Anybody else know of anything to ease the tension?
    The best cure for cold-calling is just do it; don't think about it.
    Colletti's Computers
    Contact: Erick Colletti, Owner, Computer Systems Engineer, and Editor
  • Profile picture of the author cash89
    Profile picture of cash89
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    Thanks John,

    I've read a bunch of your posts, you always have something great to offer. As far as the drinking goes, don't worry. I'm not a big drinker at all, only a few times a month. Just tried it out today as an experiment, not going to become a habit. lol

    As far as the fear disappearing when I take action, i totally agree. I know I just need to keep pounding away at the calls. The main thing is that although my script is good, I know it could be way better. Getting to the DM is not very hard either, i'm just having a tough time grabbing there attention with my opening. After my opening I want to ask them some qualifying questions so i can make some recommendations but i just haven't gotten that far.
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      John Durham
      Profile picture of John Durham
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      Originally Posted by cash89 View Post

      Thanks John,

      I've read a bunch of your posts, you always have something great to offer. As far as the drinking goes, don't worry. I'm not a big drinker at all, only a few times a month. Just tried it out today as an experiment, not going to become a habit. lol

      As far as the fear disappearing when I take action, i totally agree. I know I just need to keep pounding away at the calls. The main thing is that although my script is good, I know it could be way better. Getting to the DM is not very hard either, i'm just having a tough time grabbing there attention with my opening. After my opening I want to ask them some qualifying questions so i can make some recommendations but i just haven't gotten that far.
      Believe it or not some of my best phone people throughout time have been alcoholics that sneeked bottles in their shirt pockets into the phone room and things like that... but I dont encourage it, and I gave them a week off if they ever got caught.

      Ps. The problem is that they suck and cant make a sale without it, so when they ran out they would miss work...
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      John Durham
      Profile picture of John Durham
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      Originally Posted by cash89 View Post

      Thanks John,

      I've read a bunch of your posts, you always have something great to offer. As far as the drinking goes, don't worry. I'm not a big drinker at all, only a few times a month. Just tried it out today as an experiment, not going to become a habit. lol

      As far as the fear disappearing when I take action, i totally agree. I know I just need to keep pounding away at the calls. The main thing is that although my script is good, I know it could be way better. Getting to the DM is not very hard either, i'm just having a tough time grabbing there attention with my opening. After my opening I want to ask them some qualifying questions so i can make some recommendations but i just haven't gotten that far.

      Whats your opening? Lets see if we can improve it.
  • Profile picture of the author cash89
    Profile picture of cash89
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    Yea it wouldn't work for me too well, alcohol puts me to sleep. Just going to keep hitting the phone, I just need to make my script stronger and i'll be good.
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Profile picture of laurencewins
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    Having managed phone rooms and trained countless staff I know it can be nerve racking. However, the worst thing they can say is no. They may be rude but never take it personally. You have to get lots of nos to finally get to the yeses. It's a simple numbers game.The more you do it, the more confident you will become.
    Alcohol will only dull your senses when you need to be sharp.

    Cheers, Laurence.

  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Edwin Torres
    Profile picture of Edwin Torres
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    Probably a good thing to put in mind is, these people dont know me, they arent going to tell their friends about me, my friends wont know Im doing this.
    • Profile picture of the author cash89
      Profile picture of cash89
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      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Probably a good thing to put in mind is, these people dont know me, they arent going to tell their friends about me, my friends wont know Im doing this.
      For sure, I say that sometimes before I dial (and approach hot women). It's crazy how we tend to be worried by non issues sometimes. Human reasoning can be a bitch sometimes.
      • Profile picture of the author Sue Bruce
        Sue Bruce
        Profile picture of Sue Bruce
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        Ive seen fortunes made and lost through alcohol and drugs. People who should be retired under a palm tree with a Pina Colada,still setting up call centers in the worst parts of town because its cheap. Still drinking and puffing.

        How did this start? By "using" to relax.

        Use Pandora or play music that relaxes you in the background. Theres lots of free info on how to stop anxiety using deep breathing and progressive relaxation on the net.
        • Profile picture of the author cash89
          Profile picture of cash89
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Sue Bruce View Post

          Ive seen fortunes made and lost through alcohol and drugs. People who should be retired under a palm tree with a Pina Colada,still setting up call centers in the worst parts of town because its cheap. Still drinking and puffing.

          How did this start? By "using" to relax.

          Use Pandora or play music that relaxes you in the background. Theres lots of free info on how to stop anxiety using deep breathing and progressive relaxation on the net.
          Thanks Sue, but don't worry it was just an experiment. I really don't like being under the influence of anything when im working. The alcohol made me sleepy and weed makes me quiet, and those are my only 2 vices. Not even breathing or music would help just needed to re-evaluate what I was doing. I did it in this post

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