Has anyone noticed the strange vibe going on in the Offline Subforum Lately?
Suddenly, out of the blue, people who you dont even recognize from this part of the forum popping up with long threads about how they are faling with cold calling...Which a month ago, we know was creating a new success story virtually every single day.
Its a cycle, and its a deliberate attack on what we have been teaching- Myself, Iamnameless, David Miller, Ken Michaels , Jason Kanigan... the people who really have created alot of success stories here with newby's.... It started weeks ago with Adrian Browning and the attack has grown to where you cant even recognize half the names on the front page who are posting all these crazy ideas.
I say this to make a point.
You arent seeing a ton of success stories daily as of late.
Now given the nature of this, after this post is made it would not surprise me if they started popping up. But has anyone else noticed this link?
Personally, I use to argue with every fruitless idea I saw promoted here but lately I have been kicking back just watching and going to visit the different rabbit holes (ooops I mean "threads" and just chatting or participating...now we have people doing all kinds of strange plans... and if you really watch there is no real focus....and if you pay attention, there is also alot of dreaming and talking and not alot of success stories popping up.
This is subject to argument, and you may not even respond, but mark my words down and come back later and tell me I was right, because I have been selling thousands of offline customers for fifteen years and have seen a TON of trends, and when cold calling is placed low on the priority list, this is what you end up with- A bunch of people in all kinds of diverse unfocused threads chasing down rabbit holes.
Its not the same as it was and there is no sense of focused offline power.Just mostly alot of "experimentation" threads.
Im not going to fight the trend personally because I cant keep spending my life trying to do that... but I will continue to kick back and observe the same truth that has held fast over every cycle and trend, and eventually people will be hunting the cold calling teachers back down saying "Oh my God I chased bells and whistles for six months and nothing worked until a bore down and cold called", there will be exceptions... but watch the cycle, the rule will be that this place is run amuck like it is at this very moment, lose its focus, and nobody will be making significant sales again.
For anyone who doesnt want to follow that trend- dig up some cold calling threads and despite the vehement arguments you will get from people pushing bells and whistles, the difference between the threads will be clear, and the power for the most part is in cold calling.
Now I fully expect a bunch of people with less than three hundred posts to start digging up cold calling failure threads and bumping them to the top...as I said, its a cycle, and when you have been offlining for fifteen years you have seen the cycle time and time again- When people get worn out with bells and whistles, they cold call and suddenly succeed.
Just a mental note. I have alot of personal time investment in the offline subforum here, and feel like one of its fathers... so I observe.
Let the trends continue to phase themselves back to the true principles after the people are worn out and disapointed, but cold calling is where its at....and I think if you go down reading all the strange thread titles and unfocused diverse stuff on the front page... it will be clear to you, that when the non cold calling crowd came in overtaking the offline forum, the focused powerful success "left".
Most of the people you see pop up saying otherwise will have low post count...watch that trend too. No, its not a coincidence.
Hopefully there will still be some good teachers who are ready to pick up the pieces when everyone is crying that they have wasted months on end, and didnt get the solution. Personally I will be busy buidling my offline business...I have done most of my work here...its funny to see how when the power leaves the scavengers come. lol But maybe thats just my take.
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