How to Keep Track of Leads/Calls?

8 replies
Does anyone know of any free software to help keep track of leads/calls? I don't want to call the same business twice and look like an idiot.
#leads or calls #track
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Open Office

    MS Excel

    Pencil and Paper

    DON'T over complicate things. It's TOO easy to let these little details become your focus and keep you from actually DOING anything.

    I see it time and time again! Just get out there. Use the basics, knock things out of your way when needed and rock it!


    OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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  • Profile picture of the author AZJ0SH
    Thanks for the suggestions, wasn't sure if software like freeCRM was easier or just doing a spreadsheet. I am only calling 25-50/day so that should be fine. Thanks!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
      We just use excel. Have for years.

      Google docs is still archaic and doesn't have the right formatting.

      You don't yet need a CRM and don't let anyone sell you one. CRM's are for CUSTOMERS not for whole lists. When you get customers and need customer management, then get one.

      Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
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  • Profile picture of the author infomaniacs
    I use Prosperity Central for my lead management, you can have a basic account for free, I have a Professional account and LOVE it
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  • Profile picture of the author cash89
    Another vote for excel just to solidify the point. It's all you really need.
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    • Profile picture of the author AZJ0SH
      Originally Posted by infomaniacs View Post

      I use Prosperity Central for my lead management, you can have a basic account for free, I have a Professional account and LOVE it
      Nice affiliate link stuffed in there.

      Originally Posted by cash89 View Post

      Another vote for excel just to solidify the point. It's all you really need.
      I am just going to use excel, I know the software well enough to keep track of it all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Agree with everyone who says use Excel.

    "What's the best exercise? The one that you will DO."

    Same here. The best program is the one that you will USE.

    So you harness the awesome power of conditional formatting. You program the cells with today's date to light up and tell you this prospect needs a call back now. Scrolling through your list from top to bottom every day, you've got your plan. Pretty straightforward, right?
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