want to make an extra $250 a day or more?

henry Argueta
Profile picture of henry Argueta
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
60 replies
i know a lot of people search the forum all day long looking for that one WSO to come out and change their whole life. well guess what? maybe that WSO already came out but you decided not to take action on it. .

stop over thinking things. just take action

if you follow what i am about to tell and take action you will see at least $100 dollars in your account by today or tomorrow the latest.

so here is how you can do it.

you are going to have to pick up the phone, but is going to be very easy ok. you won't be selling anyone on the first phone call.

this is simply all you have to say.

you:hello, i was wondering if the manager was around? i made a video review about your business and i just want to show him.

when you speak to the manager. just tell them you created a video about his business and you just want to show them to see if its okay.
so ask for their email address.

ok so now that you have a business email address you will need a way to create videos. i use animoto. just pay the $5 fee to create simple videos so you can download them.

once you have created and account with them and pay the $5 fee, just go on google and search for good pictures about the niche of the restaurant that you can use on your video.

and create a simple 30-60 second video.

just make sure you add, their business name at the beginning of the video and their phone number at the end.

now that you are done with the video. just send it to them. and let them know that you created the video. send them the link to it.
and explain to them that the video you made is just a demo, that you would like to recreate the video with their own pictures, that you will make the video HD for them.

you might want to add a little explanation as to why they need a video for their business.

at the end of the video just add the following, feel free to reply back to this email, or you can wait for me to follow up.

if they don't reply back, just call them back the next day and take it from there. is not going to be a hard sale since you already show them what you can do for them.

don't be scare to call them back. the worst thing they can say is no thank you.

if you call for an hr or 2 and collect at least 30 emails. then spend another 2-3 hrs making the videos. there is no way you can't close at least 5 out of those 30 people.

there you have it. stop over complicating things. just take some action you will bring way more than 5 sales per day.

if you are in need of some quick cash you could do this. and make at least $1k a week.

also stick to a single niche. this way you can use the same pictures and all you have to change is the name of the business at the beginning and their phone number at the end.
#$250 #day #extra #make
  • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
    Profile picture of mike_lucas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post Henry

    Just wondering as this seems to be a slight twist to your other very good post on taking action on how yu got out of debit. Is this the same steps you taken or have you modified them a bit to reflect this review step or call you talk about here.

    Again Congrtaz on taking acton!
  • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
    henry Argueta
    Profile picture of henry Argueta
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    well i been using this system for this whole week and i been closing less comparing to the other method.
    i avg 8-10 but i been selling the video for $50 instead of $25.
    but i been working less hrs. compared to calling for 6 hrs.

    i guess the difference is that on this method i don't have to speak with the decision maker, if hes not there i still ask for the email address.
    and i ask the person on the phone to let him know that i will be sending an email with a video review i created.

    i like to go this way better. if i called more. i will avg more of course. but that is what i been doing this week.

    i hope i answered your guys's questions
    • Profile picture of the author dunkinbbb
      Profile picture of dunkinbbb
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Henry

      Thanks for sharing your system.

      Very inspiring - and idea generating.

      Question -

      The owner gets the "standard " video - and then you tell him you will customize it for him - is that when you introduce the $50? -- or when?? - and what do you say - since it seems he is expecting it for free?

      Or did I miss something?

      Thanks, Henry,

      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        henry Argueta
        Profile picture of henry Argueta
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        Originally Posted by dunkinbbb View Post

        Hi Henry

        Thanks for sharing your system.

        Very inspiring - and idea generating.

        Question -

        The owner gets the "standard " video - and then you tell him you will customize it for him - is that when you introduce the $50? -- or when?? - and what do you say - since it seems he is expecting it for free?

        Or did I miss something?

        Thanks, Henry,

        well yeah i guess they are expecting a free video, and that is maybe why i don't close all of the people i contact.

        but at the end of the day, the business owner see's the value on the video and i am technically giving it away. i mean $50 is nothing for a video.

        and i mention the price and what i want to do in the email.
  • Profile picture of the author etrin
    Profile picture of etrin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just to clarify... you've been making 8-10 sales a day at $50 each?
    • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
      Profile picture of mike_lucas
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by etrin View Post

      Just to clarify... you've been making 8-10 sales a day at $50 each?

      I know on the other system you said you were averaging about 15 whihc is super BTW

      I also have to ask do you mean you closed 8-10 so far this week or 8-10 per day?

      I know you are inspiring quite a few here to take action
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        henry Argueta
        Profile picture of henry Argueta
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by mike_lucas View Post

        I know on the other system you said you were averaging about 15 whihc is super BTW

        I also have to ask do you mean you closed 8-10 so far this week or 8-10 per day?

        I know you are inspiring quite a few here to take action
        8-10 per day
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      henry Argueta
      Profile picture of henry Argueta
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by etrin View Post

      Just to clarify... you've been making 8-10 sales a day at $50 each?
      yes. but this thread wasn't aimed as to how much i make.
      i wrote to try and get people on here to take action.

      i feel this is part of the problem. people worry about what others make and think they can't do it. or what if they can't make the same.

      i personally would be happy if i only made over $100 per day.
  • Profile picture of the author Demetrius
    Profile picture of Demetrius
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I saw an ad in facebook, "Make $500 in one hour" where it was written that, "sell your house. You will earn more than $500 in less than one hour". I felt very weird. After reading the headline of this thread, I was afraid to read the whole thread. What you are going to tell me to sell? :p.

    Good idea there.
  • Profile picture of the author mojo1
    Profile picture of mojo1
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    Henry you're the gift that keeps on giving.

    Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author word12
    Profile picture of word12
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Henry,
    you said:"... you might want to add a little explanation as to why they need a video for their business"

    What would you say is the benefit or use for them? Thanks for sharing this method! Its generous of you.

    Also henry, how do you collect payment?
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      henry Argueta
      Profile picture of henry Argueta
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by word12 View Post

      Hi Henry,
      you said:"... you might want to add a little explanation as to why they need a video for their business"

      What would you say is the benefit or use for them? Thanks for sharing this method!
      well for example, they can use it to add to their facebook page or website.
      the video is easier to show up on google.
      if they don't have a website then this can be a way for them to get online.
      people love to see a video. it catches their attention.
      is all common sense.
      • Profile picture of the author word12
        Profile picture of word12
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        How important is it to call before emailing the vid? The reason I ask is because I am finding email addresses on several websites.

        I definately do a follow up call; I am just wondering if the first call is important for other reasons than getting an email address. Any thoughts anybody?
        • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
          Profile picture of wagsgraphx
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Henry, I believe I said this before in your other thread, but I'll say it again, your are inspiring. I appreciate your sharing your methods with us, your unselfishness. This ties in so well to another thread I was reading about concerning utilizing videos. Anytime I see your name in a post I'm sure to read it.

          "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

          Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

  • Profile picture of the author MisterAlph
    Profile picture of MisterAlph
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for sharing the info OP.
  • Profile picture of the author Niks24
    Profile picture of Niks24
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Fantastic Idea Mate.........As we have started up the Inbound and out bound It will help us a lot for our promotion to get some process working.
    Served Over 100 customers and there needs with Web and Mobile Apps Development, if you are looking for one please connect with me with good turnaround.
  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    Profile picture of kazim
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    I don't know about its possibility. But I will try.
  • Profile picture of the author Jerome Y
    Jerome Y
    Profile picture of Jerome Y
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    To add on, you could start out by offering to give the video to them FREE.Tell them that you are a new business starting out and you would like to gain some testimonials. Yes you read that right, give it to them FREE. Why ?

    To get your foot in the door. No one rejects something that is given to them free, especially a video that they can use on their website. It's insane to turn down a free video made for your business.

    After giving them the free video, ask them for testimonials and to tell all their friends about your business. From there you could also upsell them mobile sites, white label SEO services, SMS services,website and social media management services,etc.

    It's really up to you to think of all the possibilities. People are more likely to agree to your other services after receiving your free video, that's just how humans operate. It's the law of reciprocity at work, we feel more obliged to do something for someone after they have done something for us.

    Remember guys, this is a business. You want to be a farmer that sows and reaps benefits that grows, not a hunter who hunts and feasts on whatever comes by and it's done.

    Now go out there and MAKE SOME MONEY !
    Make Money By Sharing Cool Apps with Friends! No Selling involved, PM me for details!
  • Profile picture of the author sinisingh
    Profile picture of sinisingh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like your business plan and interested in your plan.This is the promotion of company by a video.
    nice share of you.
  • Profile picture of the author Tribe
    Profile picture of Tribe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is exactly what I'm doing after being inspired by your last thread. Keep up the great work henry, you've given me some more ideas here to implement.

    "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." ~ Jimmy Dean

  • Profile picture of the author Sudha P
    Sudha P
    Profile picture of Sudha P
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    Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

    i know a lot of people search the forum all day long looking for that one WSO to come out and change their whole life. well guess what? maybe that WSO already came out but you decided not to take action on it. .

    stop over thinking things. just take action

    if you follow what i am about to tell and take action you will see at least $100 dollars in your account by today or tomorrow the latest.

    so here is how you can do it.

    you are going to have to pick up the phone, but is going to be very easy ok. you won't be selling anyone on the first phone call.

    this is simply all you have to say.

    you:hello, i was wondering if the manager was around? i made a video review about your business and i just want to show him.

    when you speak to the manager. just tell them you created a video about his business and you just want to show them to see if its okay.
    so ask for their email address.

    ok so now that you have a business email address you will need a way to create videos. i use animoto. just pay the $5 fee to create simple videos so you can download them.

    once you have created and account with them and pay the $5 fee, just go on google and search for good pictures about the niche of the restaurant that you can use on your video.

    and create a simple 30-60 second video.

    just make sure you add, their business name at the beginning of the video and their phone number at the end.

    now that you are done with the video. just send it to them. and let them know that you created the video. send them the link to it.
    and explain to them that the video you made is just a demo, that you would like to recreate the video with their own pictures, that you will make the video HD for them.

    you might want to add a little explanation as to why they need a video for their business.

    at the end of the video just add the following, feel free to reply back to this email, or you can wait for me to follow up.

    if they don't reply back, just call them back the next day and take it from there. is not going to be a hard sale since you already show them what you can do for them.

    don't be scare to call them back. the worst thing they can say is no thank you.

    if you call for an hr or 2 and collect at least 30 emails. then spend another 2-3 hrs making the videos. there is no way you can't close at least 5 out of those 30 people.

    there you have it. stop over complicating things. just take some action you will bring way more than 5 sales per day.

    if you are in need of some quick cash you could do this. and make at least $1k a week.

    also stick to a single niche. this way you can use the same pictures and all you have to change is the name of the business at the beginning and their phone number at the end.
    This is first time that I came across to such idea of making money. I dont know if this would work in India or not..I have many friends , who often ask me that how to earn money online, as they come across many advertisement which claims that they can earn more than $ 1000 to $ 3000 in a month . Often they come in the trap of cheats and sometime they just waste money as they are not able to understand what to do.
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Profile picture of Vikuna2009+
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Henry, I am a bit confused here... How can you do a review video if you have never used their services? And then you say that by simply changing out their business name/phone/etc. that the same "review" video can be sent off to yet another business?

      You where generous to share a sample in your other thread, would you mind showing us a sample here as well?

      Thanks in advance,

  • Profile picture of the author Elamros
    Profile picture of Elamros
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

    i know a lot of people search the forum all day long looking for that one WSO to come out and change their whole life. well guess what? maybe that WSO already came out but you decided not to take action on it. .

    stop over thinking things. just take action

    if you follow what i am about to tell and take action you will see at least $100 dollars in your account by today or tomorrow the latest.

    so here is how you can do it.

    you are going to have to pick up the phone, but is going to be very easy ok. you won't be selling anyone on the first phone call.

    this is simply all you have to say.

    you:hello, i was wondering if the manager was around? i made a video review about your business and i just want to show him.

    when you speak to the manager. just tell them you created a video about his business and you just want to show them to see if its okay.
    so ask for their email address.

    ok so now that you have a business email address you will need a way to create videos. i use animoto. just pay the $5 fee to create simple videos so you can download them.

    once you have created and account with them and pay the $5 fee, just go on google and search for good pictures about the niche of the restaurant that you can use on your video.

    and create a simple 30-60 second video.

    just make sure you add, their business name at the beginning of the video and their phone number at the end.

    now that you are done with the video. just send it to them. and let them know that you created the video. send them the link to it.
    and explain to them that the video you made is just a demo, that you would like to recreate the video with their own pictures, that you will make the video HD for them.

    you might want to add a little explanation as to why they need a video for their business.

    at the end of the video just add the following, feel free to reply back to this email, or you can wait for me to follow up.

    if they don't reply back, just call them back the next day and take it from there. is not going to be a hard sale since you already show them what you can do for them.

    don't be scare to call them back. the worst thing they can say is no thank you.

    if you call for an hr or 2 and collect at least 30 emails. then spend another 2-3 hrs making the videos. there is no way you can't close at least 5 out of those 30 people.

    there you have it. stop over complicating things. just take some action you will bring way more than 5 sales per day.

    if you are in need of some quick cash you could do this. and make at least $1k a week.

    also stick to a single niche. this way you can use the same pictures and all you have to change is the name of the business at the beginning and their phone number at the end.
    Great tip! Thank you so much for sharing your idea, even the dialogue word per word! This is really helpful. You can also try to improve your negotiation skills to get better deals. Through experience and time, you'll get better.
  • Profile picture of the author nu221
    Profile picture of nu221
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for sharing it.
  • Profile picture of the author mrtrance
    Profile picture of mrtrance
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A few quick questions.

    Do you upload the video to your Youtube account when sending over the link?

    Do you have any trouble with getting past the gatekeeper when asking for the manager?

    Are restaurants the best niche to start out with and should we always just ask for the manager and not the owner?

    Any example of a video? Do you make the video you send over not in HD and after they have paid do you then get their pics and do an HD video?

    • Profile picture of the author TheyCallMeBE
      Profile picture of TheyCallMeBE
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This isn't as easy of a sale as it is made out to be (at least for myself). Had to call for 2 hours just to get 30 e-mails. It was like pulling teeth trying to get the e-mails a lot of the time. Made the videos, sent the e-mails, no responses yet. I will follow up tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.

      It may be the niche that I'm going after that is causing me the trouble. Regardless, I won't quit. Thanks.
      • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
        Profile picture of biz2mob
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by TheyCallMeBE View Post

        This isn't as easy of a sale as it is made out to be (at least for myself). Had to call for 2 hours just to get 30 e-mails. It was like pulling teeth trying to get the e-mails a lot of the time. Made the videos, sent the e-mails, no responses yet. I will follow up tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.

        It may be the niche that I'm going after that is causing me the trouble. Regardless, I won't quit. Thanks.
        I haven't done this exact thing but I do sell my sms system sort of the same way (cold call to email/web). But I would say that it's quite important to actually have a conversation with the owner/manager that builds interest. People buy from people, and it's important to have that conversation. If you do just get the email from someone else, I would recommend mentioning your convo with him/her in your email.
      • Profile picture of the author internetPro
        Profile picture of internetPro
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        Originally Posted by TheyCallMeBE View Post

        This isn't as easy of a sale as it is made out to be (at least for myself). Had to call for 2 hours just to get 30 e-mails. It was like pulling teeth trying to get the e-mails a lot of the time. Made the videos, sent the e-mails, no responses yet. I will follow up tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.

        It may be the niche that I'm going after that is causing me the trouble. Regardless, I won't quit. Thanks.
        30 emails that really isn't that bad at all.... Don't know what you are telling them over the phone but I would do it like this

        Hello ----- I have a review video for your business and I would like to get this over to your company or establishment ( what ever works better for you) who do I need to talk to so I can get this into the right hands.

        Let them talk if they give up a name ask to talk to them or than ask for there email.

        If you get a name and no email call back later and ask for the person

        Hello is joe available .....
        Them ..... Who is calling
        Scott I made a video review of you company
        Them..... Hold on I will get him

        This is joe
        Hey joe I made a video review of your company and I would love for you to see it what would be the best way to get this to you.

        This call is not about you or a sale it's about the video getting into his hands

        Use spy pig on the email to track it to see when or how many times he opens it than bam call him back

        Gate keeper hello
        Hi is joe around
        Gatekeeper why or who is calling
        This is Scott I spoke to him yesterday and sent him a review and I told him I would call back to answer any questions he may have.....
      • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
        Profile picture of mike_lucas
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by TheyCallMeBE View Post

        This isn't as easy of a sale as it is made out to be (at least for myself). Had to call for 2 hours just to get 30 e-mails. It was like pulling teeth trying to get the e-mails a lot of the time. Made the videos, sent the e-mails, no responses yet. I will follow up tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.

        It may be the niche that I'm going after that is causing me the trouble. Regardless, I won't quit. Thanks.

        I beleive Henry said it would take 2-3 hours get get 30 emails then make the video email them and call back

        if you don't mind me asking when did you send the email to the businesses with the video link?

        have you followed up with a Call

        I to think it wuld be better to at least talk to the manger or owner before doing this as talking to a employee who may not even pass the info on could lose a few sales but I'll let Henry say if this was an major issue or not
      • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
        Profile picture of Mav91890
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by TheyCallMeBE View Post

        This isn't as easy of a sale as it is made out to be (at least for myself). Had to call for 2 hours just to get 30 e-mails. It was like pulling teeth trying to get the e-mails a lot of the time. Made the videos, sent the e-mails, no responses yet. I will follow up tomorrow and let you all know how it goes.

        It may be the niche that I'm going after that is causing me the trouble. Regardless, I won't quit. Thanks.
        I'm guessing it didn't work out for you BE?

        “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

  • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
    Profile picture of d1ey0u
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I want to give this a try. I purchased a WSO from you the other day, and I was more than satisfied! This will be a good addition to our current services.
  • Profile picture of the author MarketingMonk
    Profile picture of MarketingMonk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Henry, I never knew about such an ingenious way to make extra money ! I actually went ahead and called a few businesses and was manage to close two. Made $300 in total for a few hours of work from the comfort of my home!

    I intend to keep doing this!
  • Profile picture of the author rocksasheen
    Profile picture of rocksasheen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have customized interspire with PMTA 4.0 and management console. If you need help just add me on Skype: asheenrocks
    • Profile picture of the author Bobster0007
      Profile picture of Bobster0007
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The premise of the tactic has been used for years. The main problem in using this as is, is that when you say you have a "review" video of their business and then send them a generic one, he may feel dupped and consider you just another hustler. I suggest trying the term "a video about" your business. This is technically a video about a business like yours so he should not feel mislead. Now if you have good sales and "spinning" type skills then you will be able to overcome some resistance.
  • Profile picture of the author WebDirectoryAmerica
    Profile picture of WebDirectoryAmerica
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Henry,

    Thanks for your post but I wondered if you want to use this tool, you should by the commercial plan for your business. Am I right? What do you think guys?
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    Andy Brown
    Profile picture of Andy Brown
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Henry started this thread by saying we should ring up and say we have a video about their business. I see this as different from a review video.

    If you target a city and an industry you could include a couple of photos taken in the city and purchase a few standard industry shots from istockphoto. Next you may be able to grab a photo or two from their website. If you follow this up by including their business name and telephone number I believe the owner can see you have created something original to them with room for improvement.

    Thus 2 hours on the phone to get the emails and then 5hrs to make 30 videos, render, upload and send emails. Then a few hours are needed for follow up and finally 3hrs to create the 5-8 videos from the day before.

    In Henry's other thread "learn how i manage to get out of a $7k debt in just 5 days" he said: "i am new at cold calling. so i had to call for 6 hrs every day. and 1-2 more hr to do the follow up to try to upsell. and about 3 more hrs to deliver the work each day." So call it 11 hours compared to 10 hours with this. Really not much in it, and everyone will pitch at different prices, close at different percentages and produce the videos in shorter or longer periods.

    Like Henry says these are very long days but if you can secure 5-8 sales per day at say $250 - $400 it soon adds up.

    Personally I have created all kinds of videos for offline businesses but have never set up a system like this so I value the feedback from those who have actually taken action.
  • Profile picture of the author jaudet
    Profile picture of jaudet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey guys.
    Sorry for bumping up the thread but I was reading through the forum for ideas on offline because I think I will give up the online marketing because the competition is very strong and wso after wso even if putting to action, I seem to never make it through.

    This thread got my attention because I used youtube as cpa and affiliate marketing with videos. Creating videos for businesses make sense for me. Then I had an idea and I want your opinion.

    Would it make sense for you guys, that after creating and showing them the video, you could try to upsell them on ranking this same video on youtube for number 1 spot, and google first page ranking for xxx per month, depending on the niche (make it residual to maintain the position with links building and maintenance) ?
    • Profile picture of the author M42
      Profile picture of M42
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jaudet View Post

      Hey guys.
      Sorry for bumping up the thread but I was reading through the forum for ideas on offline because I think I will give up the online marketing because the competition is very strong and wso after wso even if putting to action, I seem to never make it through.

      This thread got my attention because I used youtube as cpa and affiliate marketing with videos. Creating videos for businesses make sense for me. Then I had an idea and I want your opinion.

      Would it make sense for you guys, that after creating and showing them the video, you could try to upsell them on ranking this same video on youtube for number 1 spot, and google first page ranking for xxx per month, depending on the niche (make it residual to maintain the position with links building and maintenance) ?
      But then you're entering into the SEO game again which for many is a no no. This is a simple concept of taking action, delivering the product and BAM, getting paid.
  • Profile picture of the author murad12s
    Profile picture of murad12s
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Surely love this method. I'll give it a try for sure...
  • Profile picture of the author je9265
    Profile picture of je9265
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This all seems very interesting. Does anybody that has done this have any sample videos they could show? Also, is there a learning curve to learn how to make professional looking videos? Is there a good course that teaches this?

    • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
      Profile picture of HAdrian1239
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by je9265 View Post

      This all seems very interesting. Does anybody that has done this have any sample videos they could show? Also, is there a learning curve to learn how to make professional looking videos? Is there a good course that teaches this?

      You don't need a "course" in making videos if you follow the steps exactly as outlined. I started this way. Animoto is dead simple to use. I made my first video in less than 5 mins.

      Now... I use it a bit differently in conjunction with iMovie... but that's because I'm a nerd, and it's easy for me.

      Point being. Don't worry about "samples." You need pictures, and some basic info about the business, with their name on the first frame, and a call to action with some form of contact info at the end. Done. As you make them, you will get better... and if you're like me... you will figure out how to modify the process... but only after you've started by following the process exactly as outlined in Henry's threads.
    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      One question; WHAT do your customers do with the your Videos?

      Also....here's the first Video I did....3 yrs ago;

      Don Alm
  • Profile picture of the author je9265
    Profile picture of je9265
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks HAdrian1239, I'm very guilty of overthinking/overanylizing things which makes it so difficult to have the confidence to start on new things that take me out of my comfort zone.

    But I'll sign up for Animoto and play around with it, then start with the phone calls.
    Any suggestions on wording for the email that goes out after the initial phone call?

  • Profile picture of the author je9265
    Profile picture of je9265
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh, also, does anyone know of a good source for free royalty-free photos?
  • Profile picture of the author wilhb81
    Profile picture of wilhb81
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've never thought about this stuff before. That's absolutely brilliant, Henry. Thumbs up for you!
  • Profile picture of the author sniger
    Profile picture of sniger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice OP, kick harsh but nice.
  • Profile picture of the author mini555
    Profile picture of mini555
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Henry you're the gift that keeps on giving.

    Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    Profile picture of Mav91890
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great thread. Any updates Henry, on how it's going for you?

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

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