$372,500 with THIS PostCard!

Profile picture of midasman09
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
80 replies
Howdy folks....Don Alm here and I'd like to share one of my biggest successes with you folks so that by reading how someone else has made money...it might inspire others....when they see how relatively "simple" it was;

So....here goes;

The year is Sept of 1998. I had just lost a whole bunch of dinero in an investment deal and needed to find a way to Recoup.

My wife had a retail Antique Shoppe and one day she received a flyer in the mail from the local Community College stating that next month they were having a seminar about, "HOW TO DETERMINE WHAT YOUR BUSINESS IS WORTH!"

I thought this would be of interest so I phoned to register. The clerk told me the seminar would be held in a classroom off the main lunchroom however she told me to phone a day or 2 before to check if the location had moved.

So...a day before, I phoned and the clerk told me the seminar had moved to the Main Lunchroom because over 300 people had signed up.

Holy Camoly! I thought there MUST be some "Major Interest" in this.

I arrived early the next day and saw a number of local business owners. I recognized a few and went up to one and asked him WHY was he there, was he planning on selling his biz?

He replied, "Nope! Just would like to get an "idea" of what my biz is worth." I got the same response from every biz owner I spoke with; They were just interested in "getting an idea of what their biz is worth!"...for their own "curiosity" or "Ego" (to show their wives or kids)

So...the class was good. It went all afternoon and we received lots of info.

So....from seeing all these biz owners just wanting to "get an idea" of what their biz was worth (rather than paying a Biz Appraiser $600 and more for an Appraisal)....I got one of my "Hot Flashes".

I thought, "Hey! What if I were to offer a Disk they could plop into their pc...that would "Give Biz Owners an Idea of what their Biz was worth... WITHIN 30 MINUTES...IN THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OFFICE...FOR A LOT LESS THAN $600?"

WOWEE! YOWEE! I knew I had "Hit The MotherLode!"

So...I checked around and found a Programmer who agreed to make the Software program for a "Share of the Profits"....with NO money upfront (HE liked the idea also)

So....after a few days the "Floppy" was ready (This was b4 CDs) and...I thought, "I'm going to use my Pre-Conditioned Controlled Mailing program where....I send out PostCards to get potential prospects (biz owners) to "PHONE MY RECORDED MESSAGE" and leave their name and Mailing Address to receive my "Info Pack"!

So....this is what I did and "when the dust settled"....I had sold 2,500 of the Floppies for $149 each....a whopping 2,500 x $149 = $372, 500.

And....it was then that "Greed" raised it's ugly head. My programmer had decided to go off on his own and "threatened" to sure me if I continued So, I stopped selling the program and went on to something else.

It was just recently when a couple buddies asked me if I'd sell them the program....so I agreed.

Now....here's the 2 PostCards I used.

Thanks for reading,
Hope it gave you some inspiration of insight into how "Money-Making Ideas" come about.

Don Alm....idea guy
#$372 #500 #postcard
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm trying to wrap my head around why you didn't have a contract with your programmer?

    Almost 400K and you didn't have a contract?

    Your post sounds great and everything, but the real tidbit of information here that wasn't really written to give insight and help, was that you didn't protect yourself, your interests, and the future of this platform. That's definitely the biggest thing I learned out of this. I'm not saying that to be negative about your post, I like it, but that real world experience is eye opening to say the least.

    Good post.
    • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
      Marvin Johnston
      Profile picture of Marvin Johnston
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I'm trying to wrap my head around why you didn't have a contract with your programmer?
      I would guess that neither of them had any idea this would grow to the extent it did.

      It also shows the total lack of understanding on the part of the programmer about marketing.

      That aside, I do a lot of stuff basically on a handshake (usually referenced through friends.) I've really only been burned once in some 25 years or so when I was taken in by a con artist. The education was certainly worth the $18K it cost me .

    • Profile picture of the author mojo1
      Profile picture of mojo1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I'm trying to wrap my head around why you didn't have a contract with your programmer?

      Almost 400K and you didn't have a contract?
      Good post.
      Just keep living...you won't get out of this life without a major financial mistake or two.
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Profile picture of midasman09
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        OK....I compressed both PostCards and re-uploaded. Let's see what they look like....and...

        Ya....I did this project on a HandShake (He was a Neighnor of mine) where I told my programmer I'd give him 50cents on each order. Thus, if I sold CDs at $1.49ea...I'd give him 5ocents and I'd keep 99cents. If I sold them for $99....he'd get 50cents and I'd get 49c.

        Well....I had NO Idea how this would do. I decided to use one of the "Late/Great" Gary Halbert's marketing techniques; Run Ads (display ads in publications or postcards sent to "Suspects" (Notice the word "Suspect"? They're NOT "Prospects" UNTIL they give me some indication they're interested in WHAT I'M SELLING!"

        So....Gary said his best way of getting "Suspects" to change to "Prospects" was to get a Voice Mail that had a "2 min outgoing message" and that could take many calls at once and...put the responses into a special Folder....and....create ads designed to GRAB "suspects" attention and get them to PHONE the Voice Mail number.

        So...my PostCards were short but TO THE POINT of "Filling a Need" of biz owners...that of "Finding out what their bizness was worth;
        1) QUickly
        2) In the Privacy of their office
        3) Cheap

        So...I got my Voice Mail set up and mailed out my PostCards. In a few days, one of the clerks at my Voice Mail Service phoned and told me there were 100 Calls and I was over my limit and I should either increase my limit of "Clear The Calls".

        I did both and things started getting VERY Interesting.

        So...I had a bunch of "Prospects" (which I hadn't counted on...so soon) Now I had to "Grab My Fanny" and come up with a Sales Letter I could Mail to my "Prospects".

        So....rather than just send a 4-page Sales Letter....(I want you to COPY THE FOLLOWING and place it somewhere for Reference! It has made me LOTS OF MOOLAH! And, when you see how it works I think you'll agree... IT IS DYNOMITE!)....I decided to not only send my 4-Page Sales Letter, I also sent THE ACTUAL FLOPPY DISK I WAS SELLING..... HOWEVER....IT WAS ENCODED and needed a Special Code to Open!

        And...in my Sales Letter I used Sales Techniques of "ATTENTION - INTEREST - DESIRE and CLOSE"....BUT....instead of asking them to Phone my Order Service to place their Order whereby I'd MAIL the Floppy to them.

        I "Shocked The Sh_ _ " out them by telling them they DIDN'T HAVE TO;
        1) WAIT for the Floppy
        2) WONDER WHEN they'd receive it in the mail

        (Hold onto yer Hats! This ONE technique alone took my "closing" percentage from 2% to a WHOPPING TWENTY PERCENT! One out of every 5 chose to phone my order service and ORDER RIGHT NOW!)

        "THEY ALREADY HAD IT! IT WAS ON THE FLOPPY! BUT....IT WAS ENCODED AND NEEDED A SPECIAL PASSWORD TO UN-LOCK IT!...which they would receive when they placed their order!"

        In fact...sometimes my Order Rate went to "1 outa 4" using this technique!

        It was an emotional thingee I call the....NEED TO SATISFY THEIR OVERWHELMING CURIOSITY! A Powerful Motivator!

        So....I hope you can appreciate my Revealing this technique and use this method EVEN THOUGH we no longer use floppies. Just UpDate to the "Modern Electronic" world and use CDs. (Which I've already done)

        And....back to my "HandShake" deal with my programmer. He DID honor staying with me for 2,500 units. But...when I reached that...he decided it was HIS "electronic creation" and he wanted the WHOLE ENCHILADA (I'm sure his wifee had something to do with pushing for him to kick me out)

        So...I dropped the program and as usually happens....the greedy guy didn't have the "Marketing Moxie" I did and dropped out when sales dropped off. In "Sales and Marketing" it takes a LOT more than just copying someone's Ads and Sales Letters. (Update: The Programmer and his wife were killed in an auto accident a few mos ago)

        So...again...I hope you got something out of this and if you do use my "YOU ALREADY HAVE IT!" technique....would you let me know how you did with it? (donalm@charter.net)

        Thanks for reading,
        Don Alm....Marketing Guy

        NOTE: Re: The PostCards below; I compressed them and uploaded BUT...I still get the "Spinning DoHickee" when I click on them to make the Bigger. Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
        • Profile picture of the author misterme
          Profile picture of misterme
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

          Just UpDate to the "Modern Electronic" world and use CDs.
          The modern world changes a lot faster now than you're accustomed to. CDs were a few years ago. Why not make it an immediate download?

          Also, with all respect, your writing style is typical of elder marketers what with all the quote marked coined phrases and cliches and the "wowie zowie" type of corn fed euphemisms. Here's the thing about that: Today's world sees that and there's an immediate turn off to what comes off as old school, cheesy, corny or dated - whether that's right or wrong. I'm not making any judgments here mind you - I'm just stating how the world has changed. It's important enough because more and more customers are of a generation that sees anything before the year 2000 as some sort of foreign antiquity they don't relate to at all. I suspect some don't even know there existed a world before the year 2000.

          Anyhow, here are the links to the full size jpgs if anyone wishes to see or download them:

          • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
            Profile picture of ewenmack
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by misterme View Post

            The modern world changes a lot faster now than you're accustomed to. I'm just stating how the world has changed. It's important enough because more and more customers are of a generation that sees anything before the year 2000 as some sort of foreign antiquity they don't relate to at all.
            Your's is a typical bias, where you believe others think and act like you do.

            The market for this information are baby boomer business owners
            who believe their retirement nest egg will come
            from the sale of their business.

            It's an evergrowing market.

            They wonder if they can ever sell their business and often have
            un-realistic expectations on the value of it.

            So being able to find out their business valuation privately,
            without the pressure of a business broker,
            hit's them with the right appeal.

            These baby boomers mostly prefer things they get in the mail and can touch too.

            It all ads up for them.

          • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
            Greg guitar
            Profile picture of Greg guitar
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            Originally Posted by misterme View Post

            The modern world changes a lot faster now than you're accustomed to. CDs were a few years ago. Why not make it an immediate download?
            Because that would defeat the whole purpose of the "getting it into their hands" approach. A download link doesn't really demand attention the way a physical product sitting around your house does. I also believe there is still a higher perceived value to a physical product than the same info as a download.

            You are wrong about CDs being a few years ago. Not everyone abandons old technology at the same time, and CDs are still quite popular; for music, they kick the crap out of digital downloads quality-wise, every computer has a CD tray, and most people have both DVD players and CD players in their house; it is a familiar, trusted, and valued commodity.
    • Profile picture of the author kylemarvin
      Profile picture of kylemarvin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I'm trying to wrap my head around why you didn't have a contract with your programmer?

      Almost 400K and you didn't have a contract?

      Your post sounds great and everything, but the real tidbit of information here that wasn't really written to give insight and help, was that you didn't protect yourself, your interests, and the future of this platform. That's definitely the biggest thing I learned out of this. I'm not saying that to be negative about your post, I like it, but that real world experience is eye opening to say the least.

      Good post.
      I was thinking the same thing!

      Definitely a lesson learned. At least you didn't get completely screwed out of all the money.


  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Profile picture of RedShifted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I really need to sell some type of product through direct mail. Not because of this thread but the potential behind direct mail.

    The problem is figuring out what to sell and where to get it.
    • Profile picture of the author Simoshere
      Profile picture of Simoshere
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      I really need to sell some type of product through direct mail. Not because of this thread but the potential behind direct mail.

      The problem is figuring out what to sell and where to get it.

      You don't need a product of your own Red... You never do.. I suggest you start reading some of JAy Abrahams material on joint venturing...

      Its pretty much what Don did in this post. He partnered with somebody that could create the product for free and split the profit..

      If you want to sell a business evaluation program but don't know how to create one, all you have go online and find a company that that is already selling the product and ask them if they want to make more money with no risk to them.

      You right the sales letter and send it out to owners. You or they take the orders and split the profits. 90/10, 75/25, 60/40..50/50... whatever you work out with them.
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Mr Bill
    Profile picture of Mr Bill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What ever happened to the programmer? Did he make a go of it?
  • Profile picture of the author wsiebler
    Profile picture of wsiebler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Is the program for sale anywhere?
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Jason Kanigan
    Profile picture of Jason Kanigan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The thumbnails wouldn't load for me...just spun and spun...how about uploading the images to a site of yours and then pasting the images here?
  • Profile picture of the author maricelu
    Profile picture of maricelu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I have no signature.

  • Profile picture of the author greenovni
    Profile picture of greenovni
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Gotta give it to you, the "You already have it" is priceless
  • Profile picture of the author Mister Natural
    Mister Natural
    Profile picture of Mister Natural
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How many postcards did you send out?
  • Profile picture of the author etrin
    Profile picture of etrin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Interesting... what criteria did you use to select who to mail the postcards to? I would assume they'd at least have to be business owners?
  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    Profile picture of mosthost
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's so primitive
  • Profile picture of the author KingOfContentMarketing
    Profile picture of KingOfContentMarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Whenever attached images on Warrior posts don't open, try right-clicking over the image and selecting "open link in new tab" (firefox) and it should be no problem.
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
  • Profile picture of the author pablo4103
    Profile picture of pablo4103
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am sorry but I don't understad. How do you determine how much their business is worth? Don't get it.
    • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
      Marvin Johnston
      Profile picture of Marvin Johnston
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by pablo4103 View Post

      I am sorry but I don't understad. How do you determine how much their business is worth? Don't get it.
      You missed his whole point ... it is irrelevant how much a business is worth as that is just an example of his technique for feeding a hungry crowd. And making a lot of money in the process.

  • Profile picture of the author Chris Gray
    Chris Gray
    Profile picture of Chris Gray
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    great work man!

  • Profile picture of the author robgee123
    Profile picture of robgee123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post, thanks very much for sharing!

    ...Off to Odesk now...
    Two cannibals are eating a clown & one says to the other "Does this taste funny to you?"
  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Profile picture of misterme
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

    Your's is a typical bias, where you believe others think and act like you do.
    No sir. I'm quite aware of that kind of bias. What I posted was what I experience marketing to younger people myself. Not only my hands on experience with that, but the experience of my colleagues as well.

    The market for this information are baby boomer business owners
    Then his writing style fits the older ones of that generation.
  • Profile picture of the author Mister Natural
    Mister Natural
    Profile picture of Mister Natural
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's an interesting sales strategy but I have to admit,
    I also was curious about what possibly could have been on the floppy "to give value" by delivering what was claimed and, what was worth the $149 payment.
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Profile picture of RedShifted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This thread leads me to believe that NONE of you can see thumbnail attachments?

    Is that true? Because I haven't been able to view one thumbnail in the entire time I've been on WF. Although I never complained. What I want to know is HOW are you people viewing these images? Like ewen and the guy who posted the links, how did you do that?

    If I download the thumbnail and try to save it, then make it bigger, it kills the resolution.
    • Profile picture of the author maricelu
      Profile picture of maricelu
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You are not the only one who can not see the attached thumbnails. If you browse thru the list of threads in a category of WF, then if any of the thread has an attachment it should display an icon next to the "Rating" column..... You then click it and a pop up window displays. Go from there.
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      This thread leads me to believe that NONE of you can see thumbnail attachments?

      Is that true? Because I haven't been able to view one thumbnail in the entire time I've been on WF. Although I never complained. What I want to know is HOW are you people viewing these images? Like ewen and the guy who posted the links, how did you do that?

      If I download the thumbnail and try to save it, then make it bigger, it kills the resolution.

      I have no signature.

    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Profile picture of ewenmack
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      What I want to know is HOW are you people viewing these images? Like ewen and the guy who posted the links, how did you do that?
      Red, I grabbed the image link and right clicked the image then saved.

      Then went over to tinypic.com and uploaded the saved images.
      Then got the bulletin board code and pasted it here.

      I wondered how Subtle was doing it and discovered
      he was uploading saved files to tinypic.

  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Profile picture of misterme
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

    Because I haven't been able to view one thumbnail in the entire time I've been on WF.

    What I want to know is HOW are you people viewing these images? Like ewen and the guy who posted the links, how did you do that?.
    You mean, when you click on a thumbnail, you don't see the image it's linked to, is that right? Or do you actually mean you're not able to see the thumbnail?

    If it's the former, then right click on the thumbnail and select "Copy link location." Then paste that into a browser url address bar and it'll take you to the image file.
    • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
      Profile picture of RedShifted
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      You mean, when you click on a thumbnail, you don't see the image it's linked to, is that right? Or do you actually mean you're not able to see the thumbnail?

      If it's the former, then right click on the thumbnail and select "Copy link location." Then paste that into a browser url address bar and it'll take you to the image file.
      Beautiful! I had a feeling it would be something simple like that.

      What happens is the thumbnails open all in black, with that spinning icon on them that shows they're loading. But I can sit there for hours and they never load or display. I've always had this issue on WF since the day I registered, so that was really helpful I appreciate it.

      Thanks a lot! - Red
  • Profile picture of the author fidi
    Profile picture of fidi
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    Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

    Howdy folks....Don Alm here and I'd like to share one of my biggest successes with you folks so that by reading how someone else has made money...it might inspire others....when they see how relatively "simple" it was;

    So....here goes;

    The year is Sept of 1998. I had just lost a whole bunch of dinero in an investment deal and needed to find a way to Recoup.

    My wife had a retail Antique Shoppe and one day she received a flyer in the mail from the local Community College stating that next month they were having a seminar about, "HOW TO DETERMINE WHAT YOUR BUSINESS IS WORTH!"

    I thought this would be of interest so I phoned to register. The clerk told me the seminar would be held in a classroom off the main lunchroom however she told me to phone a day or 2 before to check if the location had moved.

    So...a day before, I phoned and the clerk told me the seminar had moved to the Main Lunchroom because over 300 people had signed up.

    Holy Camoly! I thought there MUST be some "Major Interest" in this.

    I arrived early the next day and saw a number of local business owners. I recognized a few and went up to one and asked him WHY was he there, was he planning on selling his biz?

    He replied, "Nope! Just would like to get an "idea" of what my biz is worth." I got the same response from every biz owner I spoke with; They were just interested in "getting an idea of what their biz is worth!"...for their own "curiosity" or "Ego" (to show their wives or kids)

    So...the class was good. It went all afternoon and we received lots of info.

    So....from seeing all these biz owners just wanting to "get an idea" of what their biz was worth (rather than paying a Biz Appraiser $600 and more for an Appraisal)....I got one of my "Hot Flashes".

    I thought, "Hey! What if I were to offer a Disk they could plop into their pc...that would "Give Biz Owners an Idea of what their Biz was worth... WITHIN 30 MINUTES...IN THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OFFICE...FOR A LOT LESS THAN $600?"

    WOWEE! YOWEE! I knew I had "Hit The MotherLode!"

    So...I checked around and found a Programmer who agreed to make the Software program for a "Share of the Profits"....with NO money upfront (HE liked the idea also)

    So....after a few days the "Floppy" was ready (This was b4 CDs) and...I thought, "I'm going to use my Pre-Conditioned Controlled Mailing program where....I send out PostCards to get potential prospects (biz owners) to "PHONE MY RECORDED MESSAGE" and leave their name and Mailing Address to receive my "Info Pack"!

    So....this is what I did and "when the dust settled"....I had sold 2,500 of the Floppies for $149 each....a whopping 2,500 x $149 = $372, 500.

    And....it was then that "Greed" raised it's ugly head. My programmer had decided to go off on his own and "threatened" to sure me if I continued So, I stopped selling the program and went on to something else.

    It was just recently when a couple buddies asked me if I'd sell them the program....so I agreed.

    Now....here's the 2 PostCards I used.

    Thanks for reading,
    Hope it gave you some inspiration of insight into how "Money-Making Ideas" come about.

    Don Alm....idea guy
    for me sounds to much incredible....
    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      "Wowee! Yowee!" I just heard from one of my Distributors who started with this the 1st week in Sept and as of TODAY (Sunday 9-23-2012)....he hit 500 orders with my UP-Dated Marketing System at an UP-Dated price of $97.

      Lessee....500 x $97 = $48,500 Not bad for 3-weeks! Actually, when you have a list of 20 MILLYUN Biz Owners and 75% would LOVE to..."Get An Idea of What Their Bizness is Worth" (for whatever reason).....especially when they can just Plug In Numbers from their Profit & Loss Statements and Balance Sheets....in the Privacy of their Office....in a Few Minutes... for an "Invertment" of LESS THAN $100.

      Proof...once again that...."If you KNOW what your Market WANTS and you have a way to Provide it To Them....You have a HIT!"

      CORRECTION: MisUnderstood his Message on my Answering Machine. I just spoke to him in person and....he started promoting the "Business Valuation" program in June and he's averaged 30 Sales a Week for 16 Weeks....about 6 orders a Day. (Which is STILL not bad)

      Don Alm...."Wants-Finder" and..."Finder of Ways to Satisfy Their WANTS"
  • Profile picture of the author MisterAlph
    Profile picture of MisterAlph
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Cool thread. Somewhere at the other house we have stacks of those good ol' floppies.
  • Profile picture of the author sp47
    Profile picture of sp47
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    • Profile picture of the author CreekChub
      Profile picture of CreekChub
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      Welcome the the WF!
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Profile picture of midasman09
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        NOTE: I placed a "CORRECTION" on my post above where I mention what one of my Distributors has done with this program.

        I Mis-Understood his message on my Answering Machine. When I spoke to him, IN PERSON, this morn he told me he started selling in June and averaged a little over 30 sales a week (6 a day) at $97ea.....for 16 weeks.

        And....in response to those who think I'm planning a WSO; I have NEVER placed a WSO....and NEVER INTEND TO! I like to provide "Ideas" of some of the programs I've done so that others MIGHT pick up on HOW I get some of my "Ideas" and....possibly create their own!

        So....THIS program is NOT For Sale....NOR will it be on the WF!

        And....to those who "don't like the way I write"....Sorry! It's HOW "I" choose to "express myself"!

        Don Alm...."INdividual"

    • Profile picture of the author mojo1
      Profile picture of mojo1
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      Originally Posted by sp47 View Post

      Hmmm I'm starting to have very serious doubts about this after reading the last post by the OP. Too many things don't add up here. Sounds very much like a promotion for an up-coming WSO.

      One of his distributors started this month and already has made $48,500? If that's the case then it confuses me why the OP would not have invested the $372,500 into outsourcing this and scaling massively. He should be making millions, but instead is posting on an internet forum.

      Makes no sense at all. No logic.

      Fiction, that's all it is.
      First of all, welcome to the forum.

      I know all the unscrupulous type of comments made about the WF can seem like everyone here is actually out to get you (figuratively) but just read and observe for a while before jumping to that particular conclusion.

      Midasman is one of several of our elder teachers here who has forgotten more than many of us will probably ever learn.

      Enjoy using the profile link available for all posters. Take a moment and read up on an individual's posting history in order to better understand what they've shared and the capacity of their contributions.

      Again welcome.
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Profile picture of midasman09
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Excuse me but...I just got a call from another one of my distributors and HE TOO has reached the "500" mark!.....however....he's getting $189 for the Disk and $249 for the "Extra Reports" I provide AND....most of his orders are for the $249!

        And....any of you "skeptics" out there that DON'T think THIS is STILL a HOT item.....take a minute and Google "Business Valuation".

        Because the people running our country are NOT doing a good job (IMHO) I've found the Interest in Business Owners wanting to find out WHAT their business is Worth....has SKYROCKETED!

        So....this year, I decided to UP-Date my "Old" dealers from "Floppies To CDs" and....Good Golly Miss Molly....the thing has gone "Ballistic"!

        Which....has also made me somewhat SAD. Sad because the Leaders of our country are causing "FEAR" (IMHO) in the "Small Business Community".

        "Mom & Pop" businesses are AFRAID OF WHAT'S COMING (IMHO) and....they DON'T want to hire an expensive "Business Appraiser".


        So....my distributors are "Cashing In" on the Prevailing Attitude of Small Biz Owners....which is, "Maybe we should think about, GETTIN' OUT WHILE THE GETTINS GOOD!

        So....excuse me for "Ruffling the Feathers" of some folks who are NOT out in the "REAL" world and think that I'm "Blowing Smoke"! One of these days, when you get up from your PC table and take a walk outside....you may find a Different World!

        Don Alm...."Cashing In On FEAR"

        PS....I am NOT Selling anything here! I am NOT preparing for a WSO! I have NO Interest in the "WSO Audience" because my kinda stuff sells for Lots More than the average WSO. It's Plain and Simple; I feel MY Stuff is worth far more that $7 to $27. MY "Target Market" is NOT "newbies" or "Cheapies"!
  • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
    Adrian John
    Profile picture of Adrian John
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    But what was on the CD? Isn't this the only question remained unanswered?
    I think we all are curious about this as if we want to start this Tomorrow, without the software/questionaire on the CD we don't have anything?
    Can you give us some insights about this?
    I'm really interested in starting this locally immediately(in Europe) so i will have to translate or hire someone to do the software/questionare for me in my language.

    Thanks Don for your great ideas.
    ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
    Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
    More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

  • Profile picture of the author Cold Brew
    Cold Brew
    Profile picture of Cold Brew
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    good story
  • Profile picture of the author rshorette
    Profile picture of rshorette
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This reminds me a of the Piranha Marketing program developed by Joe Polish. Is this where you got the idea. He is the first guy that I ever heard teaching about the long out-going message approach. I liked it 10 years ago but never really had much luck. Nice post. Thanks

    Rodney Shorette
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" Hunter S Thompson

  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Profile picture of sdentrepreneur
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not trying to be Debbie Downer here....but direct mail was hot marketing idea in the 90's and 2000's but not so much the last 6 to 8 years. I like the idea but with the cost of postage and fact that direct mail is dying, I would suggest an Internet Version of this method, landing page, website, lead gen?

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
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    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would suggest an Internet Version of this method, landing page, website, lead gen?

      Yup! Already UP-dated and done!

      Again....I am NOT "selling my stuff" HERE! I've made my money! I am simply offering up HOW I came up with some of the Money-Making programs I've created over my career....so that people just getting started in the "How CanI Make Money from Home....WITHOUT A JOB" class....might get some "Confidence and Motivation" to....START SOMETHING FROM HOME!

      Don Alm....just trying to SHARE some of my Real World Experiences in "Making Money from Home....WITHOUT having to rely on ANYONE to "Sign My Checks"
    • Profile picture of the author jrod014
      Profile picture of jrod014
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Not trying to be Debbie Downer here....but direct mail was hot marketing idea in the 90's and 2000's but not so much the last 6 to 8 years. I like the idea but with the cost of postage and fact that direct mail is dying, I would suggest an Internet Version of this method, landing page, website, lead gen?

      There is EEDM! The USPS allows flats at .145 CENTS! My clients are using EDDM, it's a killer program.

      Just use this with EDDM in a heavy business route and you will do fine too (IMO).

      Create a giant EDDM postcard, send the to a landing page/offer for the product. Now you have a web based version of this program.

      That's what Im going to do.

    • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
      Profile picture of Tsnyder
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Not trying to be Debbie Downer here....but direct mail was hot marketing idea in the 90's and 2000's but not so much the last 6 to 8 years. I like the idea but with the cost of postage and fact that direct mail is dying, I would suggest an Internet Version of this method, landing page, website, lead gen?
      I'd have to strongly disagree. When done correctly direct mail beats
      every other method hands down. I've made a ton of money with direct
      mail during the time frame you say its been in decline.
      If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
  • Profile picture of the author jayruggs
    Profile picture of jayruggs
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very inspirational indeed. It might not seem so easy to do today, but actually opportunities are more abundant than they ever were and it is actually easier to find people and services to help with development an contacting potential buyers.... 2 thing to remember:

    Always be looking for opportunity

    Protect yourself by having written contracts


    Do SEO the right way. Hit me up to learn how I can help you with your onsite and offsite SEO and rank for hundreds of keywords in 2014.

    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Protect yourself by having written contracts

      Ya....that's the "ideal" way to go, HOWEVER....in "REAL Life" sometimes ya "Gotta Do what ya Gotta Do".

      The programmer wanted $2,500 for programming. I had just gone thru a big Loss and was looking for some way to recoup so...rather than selling some stock or cashing out some CDs....I asked if he'd accept a "Joint Venture" deal whereby he'd get a "commission" on each sale.

      He accepted ON A HANDSHAKE! Hey! I live in RURAL America NOT downtown New York.

      So....worked out OK for both of us.

      Don Alm....Marketing Guy
      • Profile picture of the author kaizense
        Profile picture of kaizense
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Thanks for the share ! It's kind of a history cum evolution of marketing and yet with the currency of being creative.
        • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
          Irish Intuition
          Profile picture of Irish Intuition
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Pretty soon we'll have to re-name this forum the "Don Alm Marketing Forum"

          • Profile picture of the author midasman09
            Profile picture of midasman09
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            "Pretty soon we'll have to re-name this forum the "Don Alm Marketing Forum"

            Nope...Allen wouldn't like that!

            I happen to have a "Curious" mind and I REALLY LOVED coming up with unique and different Marketing Ideas over the last 30 years AND....since I've pretty much given up on aggressively selling....and with so many people struggling to get by (It's ALL Bush's fault)...I'm spending my remaining yrs fishing and selling my Reports and Start-Up Kits.

            AND....I TRULY ENJOY Helping people. Take a listen to the Audio at the top of my website (Midas Reports) It Blew Me Away.

            Thanks for the kudo,

            Don Alm....NOT "sailing off into the sunset"
      • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
        Greg guitar
        Profile picture of Greg guitar
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

        Protect yourself by having written contracts

        Ya....that's the "ideal" way to go, HOWEVER....in "REAL Life" sometimes ya "Gotta Do what ya Gotta Do".

        The programmer wanted $2,500 for programming. I had just gone thru a big Loss and was looking for some way to recoup so...rather than selling some stock or cashing out some CDs....I asked if he'd accept a "Joint Venture" deal whereby he'd get a "commission" on each sale.

        He accepted ON A HANDSHAKE! Hey! I live in RURAL America NOT downtown New York.

        So....worked out OK for both of us.

        Don Alm....Marketing Guy
        It's funny that a couple people have said the main lesson from this is about protecting your interests with contracts. I say that is an important side-note but not by any means the main lesson.

        How could it be when nobody ever makes a dime protecting something until there is something of value to protect? You did a deal on a handshake, made money, and then got burned, but you still came away a richer man. So for me the main point is about making money in the first place, not protecting your interests.

        I think the most important marketing lesson here is the power of getting someone hooked on a product by getting it in their hands, and preferably, their house, before making the sale, so that the sale almost becomes a formality; it is seen as such an easy step when the product has already been delivered. It not only plays on curiosity, but reciprocity as well, because you have already given them something; it only remains for them to pay you.
  • Profile picture of the author napoleonwill
    Profile picture of napoleonwill
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    This is awesome stuff! Gold. Pure Gold.
  • Profile picture of the author napoleonwill
    Profile picture of napoleonwill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your site is even better! This is amazing. All for free. This guy knows how to pay it forward.
  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Sopitan
    Emmanuel Sopitan
    Profile picture of Emmanuel Sopitan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Still nothing is still mentioned about the content of this evaluation.

    Wont it be ideal to touch base on and about that?


    Guaranteed $100 a day

    • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
      Profile picture of Tsnyder
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      Originally Posted by Emmanuel Sopitan View Post

      Still nothing is still mentioned about the content of this evaluation.

      Wont it be ideal to touch base on and about that?
      I can only surmise that those of you who keep asking this
      question have little to no actual business experience.

      A business is valued on a number of mathematical inputs.
      I haven't seen Don's product but I'm guessing it's some kind
      of spreadsheet with a nice skin to make it look like a fancy
      business evaluation calculator that spits out a number after
      you input various numbers regarding your business.
      If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Profile picture of misterme
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    Originally Posted by Greg guitar View Post

    Because that would defeat the whole purpose of the "getting it into their hands" approach. A download link doesn't really demand attention the way a physical product sitting around your house does. I also believe there is still a higher perceived value to a physical product than the same info as a download.
    No doubt about physical products having more of a "presence" than a download.

    But you took my words out of context. Alm was talking of going from floppies to "Just UpDate to the "Modern Electronic" world and use CDs" so speaking of updating, today, there's iTunes, mp3 players and Apps and all things downloadable where people don't sit around a cd player like they did a few years ago.

    You are wrong about CDs being a few years ago. Not everyone abandons old technology at the same time, and CDs are still quite popular; for music, they kick the crap out of digital downloads quality-wise, every computer has a CD tray, and most people have both DVD players and CD players in their house; it is a familiar, trusted, and valued commodity.
    The same could've been said back when about the hi-fi. Just about every new car coming off the assembly line today around the world has a USB port to plug in your iPod instead of a CD player. Tell me GM, Toyota, Hyuandai, BMW and others are wrong and then you can tell me I'm wrong about the direction things have been heading.
    • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
      Greg guitar
      Profile picture of Greg guitar
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      No doubt about physical products having more of a "presence" than a download.

      But you took my words out of context. Alm was talking of going from floppies to "Just UpDate to the "Modern Electronic" world and use CDs" so speaking of updating, today, there's iTunes, mp3 players and Apps and all things downloadable where people don't sit around a cd player like they did a few years ago.

      The same could've been said back when about the hi-fi. Just about every new car coming off the assembly line today around the world has a USB port to plug in your iPod instead of a CD player. Tell me GM, Toyota, Hyuandai, BMW and others are wrong and then you can tell me I'm wrong about the direction things have been heading.
      I don't think the context changes anything. For me, the answer I gave you is still correct, regardless that CDs have been around for a while and have lost market share to other technologies like mp3s. You simply asked why not instant downloads and I gave you the best reason I know; I don't believe the context invalidates it.

      You're right that the same could be said about hi-fi, because hi-fi is alive and well. Some of us would rather hear music in it's full glory than compressed and delivered by way of 1/4 inch speakers. Hi-fi only means high fidelity, which means basically good sounding, and good sounding music systems will always have a market. Hopefully those who forgot what music sounds like will rediscover it some day and reject the poor quality mp3s that currently dominate the industry.

      If you had said that we're moving away from them, I would have agreed, but pointed out perhaps that it doesn't mean they are dead, and they are still pretty useful. But you said "Cds were a few years ago", which sounded to me like they are only a thing of the past. Losing market share is a far cry from dead; here we are talking about direct mail, when the same message could be delivered free with email.

      Mp3s are slightly off the topic, but it's a pet peeve of mine that so many people care so little about the music they listen to that they prefer convenience to quality and will settle for 1/2 or less of CD quality just for the convenience of the storage medium. CDs are not going to go away until something of equal quality takes their place. Those who care about hearing their music in hi-fi will continue to choose them over mp3s.
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Profile picture of midasman09
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Red....Re: "Focus"; I may have many programs available BUT...when I decide to use a program...I CONCENTRATE ON IT!...until I sell all the spaces. Then I choose another project and concentrate on it.

        Re: "Criticize" my own programs on Clickbank or whereever I sell them? I don't understand. If I were trying to "Sell" any of my programs, WHY would I say anything Negative about it? To build "credibility"? To make the program appear "more believeable"? Like...in order to sell 2500 Disks you'd have to send out 2 million PostCards? That may be "truthful" but, if that were true....why would anyone buy it?

        Re: Using PHYSICAL CDs mailed to biz owners rather than downloading or sending to their Mobile Device. I go with what WORKS! My prospects for this program are biz owners who are probably in their late 40's to mid 60's NOT 18yr olds who spend every waking minute "texting". And again, a "Physical" plastic case with a CD inside appeals to MORE Human Senses.

        Don Alm....STILL using what has worked in the past
  • Profile picture of the author Perdant44
    Profile picture of Perdant44
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for sharing your '$372,500' postcard.

    Question for midasman09.
    When you partner with someone, how do you pay them?
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Profile picture of RedShifted
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don my question is why does it seem that you don't have a focused business model?

    When you go to see clients, how do you pitch YOURSELF to these people? Do you take a wheel out with 500 different methods than ask them to spin it?

    Every person seems to have 1-2 things they are intensely focused on. I have never seen that with you and its a bit worrysome. When all the gurus talk about the importance of having a focus, you seem all over the place.

    I'm not trying to offend you. And you have many great ideas. But I'm curious about your personal life (if its ok to ask). Do you have one main thing you're focused on? When you post so many ideas, its hard to guage the gravity behind which ones are most effective.

    For instance. When someone writes a review for a clickbank product, they tend to voice criticisms along with why they like the product. Just to make it seem more genuine. But I don't think I've ever seen you criticize anything about your own methods. Like an SEO guy will tell you why certain things are bad ideas in order to speeden up the learning curve.

    You never do that. In fact, I NEVER see you talk about things like learning curves.. or what can go wrong when using your methods. Because in the real world as we all know, things go wrong all the time. I don't know, maybe thats just how you market. And maybe thats the reason I've never tried any of your methods either.

  • Profile picture of the author TequilaShot
    Profile picture of TequilaShot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Another great post by the Don. Learned a lot from reading this thread. It's sad to see that people can miss an inspiring message because they've been so burned before. I find your sharing refreshing and generous. Thank You.
    "Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth: 'You owe me'.
    Look what happens with a love like that - It lights the whole sky." ~Hafiz
    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The "BASIC" point I'd like you folks to get out of this is;


      When I was in an "Inventor's Club" it would always bug me that...I'd hear about some GREAT Ideas that people were working on. We were all, "Sworn to Secrecy" (Yuk, Yuk) and when a member would show or tell us his "Invention"....his response to my basic question (How do you know it will SELL?)...was, "Hey! I AM SURE this will sell millyuns!"

      Ya Sure!

      So....same thing here. I "had an IDEA my "Business Valuation Disk" would sell BUT....I had NOT yet sold ONE" So....because, at the time, I did not have the funds to even create the product...let alone try and Market it, I enlisted a "Partner" to create it.....on the basis that HE thought the thing would sell.

      So....if my BizWorth Floppy didn't sell....I (and my Programmer guy) was only out....TIME! Well worth the "Investment"

      Thankfully....I was right about the product being a Winner.

      Don Alm....Idea Guy
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Profile picture of midasman09
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        OOOOPPPPs....I just rememberd back in the early days of the Internet when the Silicon Valley folks kept coming up with GREAT websites, products and services....and offering them for Freebies or Nothing....just so they could say, "Hey! We just got out Millionth member!" or, "Wow! 2 millyun have received out "Magic Software"!

        As I looked at all these "Great" products and services presented at NO CHARGE....I kept asking myself, "Self! Lessee now, these companies have created some truly great products and programs and MILLYUNS have shown interest in them HOWEVER....NO Money has changed hands!

        The "Silicon Valley" Cos have received Money from "Investors" on the basis of "Millyuns" requesting their FREEBIES....BUT....they have NOT asked consumers to PAY!

        And...sure nuff...when it came time to ask consumers to PAY....they didn't know HOW so....investors pulled out and Silicon Valley went bust.

        Don Alm...reflecting on the infancy of the Net, when it was like the "Wild West" where all of us "REAL" Marketing people KNEW that....unless MONEY FROM CONSUMERS is Forthcoming....it's all "Smoke and Mirrors".
  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Profile picture of Sarevok
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome post, thank you for those who contributed valuable information.
    • Profile picture of the author Chris_L
      Profile picture of Chris_L
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Dear Don,

      I have read many of your posts on this forum. I find your posts very informative and refreshing. You, sir, have a very keen mind. I just want to say I really appreciate your openness in sharing your money making ideas with us fellow warriors.

      Please don't let the naysayers dissuade you. I for one very much appreciate your contribution to this forum.

  • Profile picture of the author GreatBallsOfFire
    Profile picture of GreatBallsOfFire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I LOVE the tip on sending the program with a password lock! That is awesome advice!
  • Profile picture of the author midasman09
    Profile picture of midasman09
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    Actually....to UP-Date to 2012...I'm having a programmer put the "Biz Valuation" On a web page so all a Biz Owner has to do is "Pay my Fee" and log into the Member Page with his Password....enter the numbers and Print Out.

    Easy-Peasy. No physical stuff or mailing cost. However....there's still nothing like "Handling" the product.

    Don Alm....in "Testing Mode" checking whether OnLine will work
    • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
      Profile picture of Tsnyder
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

      Actually....to UP-Date to 2012...I'm having a programmer put the "Biz Valuation" On a web page so all a Biz Owner has to do is "Pay my Fee" and log into the Member Page with his Password....enter the numbers and Print Out.

      Easy-Peasy. No physical stuff or mailing cost. However....there's still nothing like "Handling" the product.

      Don Alm....in "Testing Mode"
      It will be interesting to see how the numbers roll out. I think putting the
      product into the potential consumer's hand is strong motivation for them to
      purchase the unlock code sooner. The website will always be there but it
      won't nag them like that CD sitting on their desk.
      If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
  • Profile picture of the author littleacorns
    Profile picture of littleacorns
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Don,
    Thanks for sharing this info.I can't believe some have said it's too simplistic or outdated.They really are missing the point.I find reading stuff like this just what i need,proof that imagination and creativity combined with action can produce outstanding results.Also it's a key reminder that sometimes our biggest successes come unexpectedly.I had a quick look on your site but there don't seem to be any buy buttons next to the reports.
    • Profile picture of the author christianbed
      Profile picture of christianbed
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      Hi, thanks for sharing your story Don. As many have asked before me, but with no answer, what is on the disc? I would imagine it is like doing taxes online...putting numbers in little boxes and hitting a 'finished' button. Do you add anything else, like bonus products, upsells, etc? Also, unless I'm mistaken, it sounds like you are more a sales guy than a quant, so I doubt you came up with the formulas yourself...was there a book/guide you used to help the programmer?
  • Profile picture of the author vivekmoyal
    Profile picture of vivekmoyal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Interesting sales story
  • Profile picture of the author rsschomp
    Profile picture of rsschomp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Isn't this what website valuation websites are doing these days? Only deal is that there's hundreds of them all clogging up the SERPs.

    Browse and submit RSS feeds at http://www.rsschomp.com

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