How bout a "Quick N Easy" $6,000!
These are 5 x 7 Fridge Magnets on 25 mil stock PRINTED in Full Color ... 2,000 for 46 cents ea!
You simply make up a sample:
1) go to staples and buy a pack of 5 magnetic sheets
2) in your Graphics program (I use MSPub) make 2 columns with Sample businesses in them (you can fit 19 in each column) These print nicely in any Ink-Jet
3) Have a local printer cut the 5 x 7 Sample out of the 8.5 x 11 sheet
3) get some 2 sheet order forms at staples
4) go Door-To-Door (business to business)
a) ask to see owner
b) show owner your Sample and tell him you are making up a
Town Directory for 2,000 local homeowners that will be Hand-
Delivered for $185...and...it's on a 1st come-1st serve basis,
which means, if he gets on NOW...he gets a high spot
5) sell 38 spots for $185 ea = $7030 Your cost is 46cents ea = $920 $7030 - $920 - $6,110 Figuring $110 for misc expences and you have $6,000 IN YOUR POCKETS
(Note: #18 of my Midas Reports)
Don Alm....Idea AND Doer Guy
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- Jay
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In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt