How bout a "Quick N Easy" $6,000!

Profile picture of midasman09
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
63 replies
Because I enjoy showing others how to make money from's one someone can try. I showed this to a buddy and he WENT OUT AND DID IT!.....and....put 6 Grand in his pockets!


These are 5 x 7 Fridge Magnets on 25 mil stock PRINTED in Full Color ... 2,000 for 46 cents ea!

You simply make up a sample:
1) go to staples and buy a pack of 5 magnetic sheets
2) in your Graphics program (I use MSPub) make 2 columns with Sample businesses in them (you can fit 19 in each column) These print nicely in any Ink-Jet
3) Have a local printer cut the 5 x 7 Sample out of the 8.5 x 11 sheet
3) get some 2 sheet order forms at staples
4) go Door-To-Door (business to business)
a) ask to see owner
b) show owner your Sample and tell him you are making up a
Town Directory for 2,000 local homeowners that will be Hand-
Delivered for $'s on a 1st come-1st serve basis,
which means, if he gets on NOW...he gets a high spot
5) sell 38 spots for $185 ea = $7030 Your cost is 46cents ea = $920 $7030 - $920 - $6,110 Figuring $110 for misc expences and you have $6,000 IN YOUR POCKETS

(Note: #18 of my Midas Reports)

Don Alm....Idea AND Doer Guy
#bout #quick n easy
  • Profile picture of the author Irish Intuition
    Irish Intuition
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  • Profile picture of the author BreakingRetail
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    Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

    Because I enjoy showing others how to make money from's one someone can try. I showed this to a buddy and he WENT OUT AND DID IT!.....and....put 6 Grand in his pockets!


    These are 5 x 7 Fridge Magnets on 25 mil stock PRINTED in Full Color ... 2,000 for 46 cents ea!

    Now....take a look at the photo below to get an idea of what they look like.

    You simply make up a sample:
    1) go to staples and buy a pack of 5 magnetic sheets
    2) in your Graphics program (I use MSPub) make 2 columns with Sample businesses in them (you can fit 19 in each column) These print nicely in any Ink-Jet
    3) Have a local printer cut the 5 x 7 Sample out of the 8.5 x 11 sheet
    3) get some 2 sheet order forms at staples
    4) go Door-To-Door (business to business)
    a) ask to see owner
    b) show owner your Sample and tell him you are making up a
    Town Directory for 2,000 local homeowners that will be Hand-
    Delivered for $'s on a 1st come-1st serve basis,

    which means, if he gets on NOW...he gets a high spot
    5) sell 38 spots for $185 ea = $7030 Your cost is 46cents ea = $920 $7030 - $920 - $6,110 Figuring $110 for misc expences and you have $6,000 IN YOUR POCKETS

    Google "Magnets" to find a supplier.

    Don Alm....Idea AND Doer Guy

    "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."Albert Einstein

  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    Baadier Sydow
    Profile picture of Baadier Sydow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like this, its fast, actionable and will work anywhere there is a fridge. Thanks for sharing.
  • Profile picture of the author StevenDelong
    Profile picture of StevenDelong
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Simple and looks easily doable.

    Thanks for sharing midasman09!
  • Profile picture of the author Marketinc Solutions
    Marketinc Solutions
    Profile picture of Marketinc Solutions
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    a great post..... I think "traditional" marketing methods sometimes get overlooked in this fast crazy tech world

    Have you thought of targeting ONLY those businesses who use traditional marketing because their target markets prefer it?

    Instead of "general directory"... Targeted specifically for a purpose

    And that way you could replicate this in different target Markets in the same community

    The same Magnent shouldn't be on a College Kids fridge and an Elderly Couples fridge
    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This is just a "quick an easy"..."Wham, Bam, Thank Ya Maam!" type of dealee.

      Some of my distributors have taken this and added A to Z Categories, instead of a 2-line listing of their "Name, Address, Phone and a Slogan" to fill their 2 Lines...they placed a Category Name (Accountant, Auto Repair, Bakery, Insurance Agent...etc) for 2 reasons;
      1) Recipients can MORE EASILY find what they're looking for
      2) If there's ONLY ONE in each Category...."Exclusiveness" is a Great Motivator for ...Paying your Fee to GET IN

      Don Alm....Marketing Guy

      PS....and those who think that "Consumers will NOT place Magnets like this ON their fridge"....are spending too much time on their new IPhone5
      • Profile picture of the author StevenDelong
        Profile picture of StevenDelong
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        midasman09 what do you think about doing a calendar with possibly events and other things going on in the community then add the advertisers around the calendar?

        I was thinking that this will create a need for recurring business.
      • Profile picture of the author leroy1234
        Profile picture of leroy1234
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        PS....and those who think that "Consumers will NOT place Magnets like this ON their fridge"....are spending too much time on their new IPhone5

        I just checked. I have 4 magnets on my fridge now. Interesting idea to say the least!
        • Profile picture of the author misterme
          Profile picture of misterme
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by leroy1234 View Post

          PS....and those who think that "Consumers will NOT place Magnets like this ON their fridge"....are spending too much time on their new IPhone5
          Excellent point. You have to go figure that the merchants in any town certainly wouldn't want to attract the portion of the population who buy iPhones. You'd want to go after businesses that get business from people who look at their refrigerator doors.
  • Profile picture of the author jrod014
    Profile picture of jrod014
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome idea! Great way to gain more exposure for business owners!
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Eddie Spangler
    Profile picture of Eddie Spangler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree that its mostly about selling them something BUT the reality is that its only a couple hundred bucks to be on 2000 magnets.

    Seems like a pretty cheap way to get some extra "sticky" exposure for a neighborhood based business. I think people can always use a fridge magnet. We have 3 or 4 right now but if someone sent us another one we would put it up.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Eddie Spangler
    Profile picture of Eddie Spangler
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    Depends on how its distributed and how the magnet is formatted. If it was dropped off on my doorstep with a 2013 calendar, probably a pretty high percentage of people would place on fridge.

    If its ugly and came in a random envelope then a lot less.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    Profile picture of AmyKay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay, I'll chime in again. THIS is what I did last month. It works!

    I did it a little smaller, but same idea.

    Smaller magnet, sold fewer spots, printed 1,000. Sold each spot for $97.

    Hired some teenagers to pass them out during our small town parade on Saturday. All were distributed in 45 minutes.

    The people loved them! They were asking for them after we ran out!

    It seemed to be a great price point for the businesses, and was a fairly easy sell.

    The tops of my magnet said, "Call OURTOWN Businesses first." I told the businesses I think people should call them before others in the nearby big town. That got me on their side. Overall, a huge success!

    Thanks to the gentlemen on this forum for the idea! I'm replicating it in a nearby town now.
    • Profile picture of the author Marketinc Solutions
      Marketinc Solutions
      Profile picture of Marketinc Solutions
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm going to offer this cross promotional item as part of my Website/App launch

      tweaking it of course, but very similar.

      Targeting downtown residents, apartment complex residents
    • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
      Profile picture of MartinBuckley
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I very happy to hear you had success with my version of the ad magnet.

      I like your idea of using teenagers to hand out your magnets at your town parade.

      I wish you much more success,


      Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

      Thanks to the gentlemen on this forum for the idea! I'm replicating it in a nearby town now.
      • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
        Profile picture of wagsgraphx
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I've used Boy Scout troops and youth soccer teams to place door hanger type ads. These types of groups are always looking for fundraisers. And their leaders supervise the deliveries. Have paid as little as .05 per home. Even at .10 they are cheaper than traditional door hanger services. Those run .15 - .18 per home.

        "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

        Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

        • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
          Profile picture of wagsgraphx
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          The local council district person gave them out with his name on it and all the local numbers for;
          Police Dispatch, Fire Dispatch, Animal Control, Noise Control, Abandoned Cars, Graffiti Removal, Large item Pickup, and his office.
          Very handy information to include on your magnets, if there is value they will use it.

          "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

          Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

    • Profile picture of the author Brenda Trott
      Brenda Trott
      Profile picture of Brenda Trott
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by AmyKay View Post

      Okay, I'll chime in again. THIS is what I did last month. It works!

      I did it a little smaller, but same idea.

      Smaller magnet, sold fewer spots, printed 1,000. Sold each spot for $97.

      Hired some teenagers to pass them out during our small town parade on Saturday. All were distributed in 45 minutes.

      The people loved them! They were asking for them after we ran out!

      It seemed to be a great price point for the businesses, and was a fairly easy sell.

      The tops of my magnet said, "Call OURTOWN Businesses first." I told the businesses I think people should call them before others in the nearby big town. That got me on their side. Overall, a huge success!

      Thanks to the gentlemen on this forum for the idea! I'm replicating it in a nearby town now.
      I've seen this done with very happy pizza guys giving them out because their ad was free. We have lots of functions in this little town..I like your idea of our town first
      • Profile picture of the author wisdom words
        wisdom words
        Profile picture of wisdom words
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        What businesses do you usually walk into?
        • Profile picture of the author Anthem40
          Profile picture of Anthem40
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          To anyone doubting if this will work, its $185. That is such a small amount of money it is stupid. The magnets that come on the yellowpages books cost a single business owner anywhere from $6k (small towns) to $20k, conservatively.
          A 30 second, local tv commercial in a major market can cost anywhere from $600-$1500 and up.

          Selling a $97-$200 spot is cake.

          To everyone asking about conversion rates, what businesses, what time of day, what the price of tea in china was when he did (or did not?) attempt this: You just have to start trying and stop asking irrelevant questions.

          There is a learning curve with prospecting, you just have to jump in and get after it. Get rejected, get a tough skin and then eventually you will get some sales. Then have a well deserved beer at the end of the day.
          95% of IM'ers have great relationships with clients who also advertise offline and with other people. Stop missing out on that cash and leverage into it. PM me if you are an established marketer and want to find out how.
  • Profile picture of the author kasei
    Profile picture of kasei
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It looks easy and appealing. Thanks for the idea, but I am not sure I will ever put it to good use, but nice knowing it anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author Br3nn4n
    Profile picture of Br3nn4n
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What would be the best way to sell this to potential clients. I was thinking of just going through the yellow pages calling up potential customers. I have a document with a list of 28 different business categories. So i was going to start calling them up this afternoon to see if they would be interested.

    what is everyone else's views on this.
    • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
      Profile picture of CollegeCEO
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Br3nn4n View Post

      What would be the best way to sell this to potential clients. I was thinking of just going through the yellow pages calling up potential customers. I have a document with a list of 28 different business categories. So i was going to start calling them up this afternoon to see if they would be interested.

      what is everyone else's views on this.
      For something like this, I think it would be better to go door to door so you can show them an actual sample of what you're offering.
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Profile picture of midasman09
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        For something like this, I think it would be better to go door to door so you can show them an actual sample of what you're offering.

        Right On! This is a simple "Wham-Bam-Thankya" deal! No way can THIS be sold via Telephone, Email or PostCards!

        You're only asking for less than $200! It MUST be sold "Face-To-Face"! You walk into biznesses, door after another! No need for a "List" or a "Yellow Pages"!

        SHOW the magnet to the biz owner....tell him/her what it is...why it would benefit their biz (Hey! It's gonna hang on a fridge for a year or more!)... tell them where they're they're be delivered and how many.

        Then tell them the cost. One guy I helped do this recently used one of my "90% Closing Techniques".....which is;

        "The price is $160 + $30 One-Time Set-Up for a total of $190!"

        Now....if the prospect balks FOR ANY REASON, you say; "Would you join if I dropped the $30 Set-Up?" may lose some "$190" sales. However...if ALL sales were $160 ($160 x 38 = $6,080)....HOW BAD YA DOIN'?

        My goodness folks, this is Not "Rocket-Science"! Sure, it gets you UP away from your KeyBoard's one of the easiest "GUARANTEED" ways to "PHYSICALLY pick up dollar bills off the street"....I've ever known!

        If you're not physically handicapped and the only thing holding you back from "Face-To-Face" stuff is "Fear" or....what YOU consider is, your "lack of experiece"!

        BOSH! ALL of us had to start at one time. ALL of us got turned down MANY times. We just kept on keeping on....until WE GOT IT!

        When I was starting out I'd ponder a project....look at it and say; "Let's see now, what if the guy says this?" or...."What if the guy says that?" "I'd better change this" or..."I'd better change that?"

        HOGFARTS! I learned to make up a Sample and....GO OUT AND SEE PROSPECTS! THEY will tell me what I need to do to Sell Them!

        Nowadays....when I start a new project I've never done before, it usually takes giving my spiel to 3 prospects and I have the "Lingo" down and KNOW HOW to present it!

        So....Make up a Sample and GO OUT AND SELL IT!

        Don Alm....who learned long ago, "Nothing to be afraid of. They're NOT gonna bite ya!"
  • Profile picture of the author James English
    James English
    Profile picture of James English
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No need to overcomplicate any of this. I think the point of posting this idea was to show how simple making a few quick bucks can be.

    Just take your sample with a sign up sheet, walk around to businesses, and ask them to sign up.

    "In an effort to support local businesses, we are handing out 2,000 of these to local homeowners to put on the fridge, it will only feature local businesses etc etc etc"

    It's not going to generate a flood of new business for the owners, but thats not what its about. A lot of businesses in my area have stickers on the door saying "Buy Local First", these would be great places to approach with something like this.
    Signature Performance Driven B2B Prospecting and Appointment Setting
    • Profile picture of the author PaulintheSticks
      Profile picture of PaulintheSticks
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Trent English View Post

      "In an effort to support local businesses, we are handing out 2,000 of these to local homeowners to put on the fridge, it will only feature local businesses etc etc etc"

      It's not going to generate a flood of new business for the owners, but thats not what its about. A lot of businesses in my area have stickers on the door saying "Buy Local First", these would be great places to approach with something like this.
      This summer I went door to door selling spots on a local restaurant's menu in a 20k town for $150 ea. It was kinda like selling girl scout cookies. No one ever asked "how many customers should we expect" or anything like that. It was probably more to support a local business.
  • Profile picture of the author avandrunen
    Profile picture of avandrunen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This sounds like an excellent idea...gears grinding already on where to go with this.

    What did everyone create their template in?

    Are there any floating around out there or is it pretty much build it yourself.

    Looking forward to some success with this.
  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    Profile picture of kazim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your system is very beautiful byt perhaps I can't do it.
    I will try it and inform you the result.
  • Profile picture of the author Br3nn4n
    Profile picture of Br3nn4n
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    iM IN THE Uk can anyone suggest a printing service for doing this. My local rinting companies do not print on magnets.
  • Profile picture of the author jamtrading
    Profile picture of jamtrading
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    great intusiasm and get up and go attitude, well done, but i would imagine there are a lot of rejections or is the feedback positive?
  • Profile picture of the author matriscript4u
    Profile picture of matriscript4u
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for your best info... good luck

    Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

    Because I enjoy showing others how to make money from's one someone can try. I showed this to a buddy and he WENT OUT AND DID IT!.....and....put 6 Grand in his pockets!


    These are 5 x 7 Fridge Magnets on 25 mil stock PRINTED in Full Color ... 2,000 for 46 cents ea!

    Now....take a look at the photo below to get an idea of what they look like.

    You simply make up a sample:
    1) go to staples and buy a pack of 5 magnetic sheets
    2) in your Graphics program (I use MSPub) make 2 columns with Sample businesses in them (you can fit 19 in each column) These print nicely in any Ink-Jet
    3) Have a local printer cut the 5 x 7 Sample out of the 8.5 x 11 sheet
    3) get some 2 sheet order forms at staples
    4) go Door-To-Door (business to business)
    a) ask to see owner
    b) show owner your Sample and tell him you are making up a
    Town Directory for 2,000 local homeowners that will be Hand-
    Delivered for $'s on a 1st come-1st serve basis,

    which means, if he gets on NOW...he gets a high spot
    5) sell 38 spots for $185 ea = $7030 Your cost is 46cents ea = $920 $7030 - $920 - $6,110 Figuring $110 for misc expences and you have $6,000 IN YOUR POCKETS

    Google "Magnets" to find a supplier.

    Don Alm....Idea AND Doer Guy
    • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
      Profile picture of aduttonater
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I would never place a magnet with that many businesses on my fridge. I've heard of this technique before. The idea is to get as many businesses as you can to advertise with your magnet service. There is a similar technique where you can use one side of a local pizza flyer to print their menu for free, then use the back to advertise around 8 businesses. This way the pizza place gets free flyer print, and the 8 businesses that are paying you for the distribution are getting marketed to local home owners who order delivery from a pizza restaurant.
      • Profile picture of the author tigerbait
        Profile picture of tigerbait
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by aduttonater View Post

        I would never place a magnet with that many businesses on my fridge. I've heard of this technique before. The idea is to get as many businesses as you can to advertise with your magnet service. There is a similar technique where you can use one side of a local pizza flyer to print their menu for free, then use the back to advertise around 8 businesses. This way the pizza place gets free flyer print, and the 8 businesses that are paying you for the distribution are getting marketed to local home owners who order delivery from a pizza restaurant.
        I actually disagree with this... currently, I have a piece of paper on my refrigerator with local business numbers written down on it that I use frequently.

        Has anyone actually tried this and been successful, other than the OP's "friend". Or is this all just theory.
        • Profile picture of the author RyanLester
          Profile picture of RyanLester
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Quick question:

          Are you taking the full payment from the business owner upfront?

          What do you do when they dont want to give you the monies upfront?
          • Profile picture of the author midasman09
            Profile picture of midasman09
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            THIS is a "Wham-Bam" program;

            Ya go into a your sample....tell em where they're going and when and how many....then mention the price.

            They either buy or they don't! No call-backs! They either write you a check then and there or they don't.

            If they don't...never darken their door again!

            The ONLY reason to return with THIS kinda deal and price (less than $200) is to get a "No!" go back?

            Don Alm....One-Call Closer
  • Profile picture of the author HappyPanda
    Profile picture of HappyPanda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What are you finding conversion rates to be with this method? Also which businesses are ideal to target? Thanks
    • Profile picture of the author tigerbait
      Profile picture of tigerbait
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by HappyPanda View Post

      What are you finding conversion rates to be with this method? Also which businesses are ideal to target? Thanks
      I've PM'd Midas asking how long it took his friend to fill up the spots, and he replied that he can sell me a "starter pack" for $495.

      Also, there is no proof that I've found that this method even works. I asked him if he could show proof this works, and he said "Yeah, I got proof"...

      There are several other variations of the magnet technique in this forum, but no one has posted any results.

      So it seems to me it's just theory at this point.
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        Profile picture of DABK
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Amy Kay, post 16 in this thread says she's done it. Though she charged $97 a spot.

        Originally Posted by tigerbait View Post

        I've PM'd Midas asking how long it took his friend to fill up the spots, and he replied that he can sell me a "starter pack" for $495.

        Also, there is no proof that I've found that this method even works. I asked him if he could show proof this works, and he said "Yeah, I got proof"...

        There are several other variations of the magnet technique in this forum, but no one has posted any results.

        So it seems to me it's just theory at this point.
        • Profile picture of the author jmerc
          Profile picture of jmerc
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Thought I would shed some light on the "Magnet on the Fridge" aspect of this Wham-Bam dealee...

          Having worked in Home Health Care for many years, and having been in thousands of homes with thousands of refrigerators...

          the answer is...

          The majority of people that have refrigerators with magnetic doors, have magnets on their refrigerators... and they stay there for a long time.

          Naked refrigerators are rare indeed... unless there is no way to stick anything to them, even then, people get creative.

          I always used magnets as one of my consumer marketing items.
  • Profile picture of the author blillard
    Profile picture of blillard
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I ran across this method shared else where and it got me researching a lot. I found that you can buy these magnets at good price fro Ebay. I priced 1,000 3.7x 5.5 for $400. The sellers name is Buildasign.
  • Profile picture of the author PaulSch
    Profile picture of PaulSch
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

    Because I enjoy showing others how to make money from's one someone can try. I showed this to a buddy and he WENT OUT AND DID IT!.....and....put 6 Grand in his pockets!


    These are 5 x 7 Fridge Magnets on 25 mil stock PRINTED in Full Color ... 2,000 for 46 cents ea!

    Now....take a look at the photo below to get an idea of what they look like.

    You simply make up a sample:
    1) go to staples and buy a pack of 5 magnetic sheets
    2) in your Graphics program (I use MSPub) make 2 columns with Sample businesses in them (you can fit 19 in each column) These print nicely in any Ink-Jet
    3) Have a local printer cut the 5 x 7 Sample out of the 8.5 x 11 sheet
    3) get some 2 sheet order forms at staples
    4) go Door-To-Door (business to business)
    a) ask to see owner
    b) show owner your Sample and tell him you are making up a
    Town Directory for 2,000 local homeowners that will be Hand-
    Delivered for $'s on a 1st come-1st serve basis,

    which means, if he gets on NOW...he gets a high spot
    5) sell 38 spots for $185 ea = $7030 Your cost is 46cents ea = $920 $7030 - $920 - $6,110 Figuring $110 for misc expences and you have $6,000 IN YOUR POCKETS

    Google "Magnets" to find a supplier.

    Don Alm....Idea AND Doer Guy
    What about the printing costs? Surely you cannot be including them in the $110.

    To be fair though, even if it cost $1000 to get them printed, $5,000 profit for a few days work cannot be a bad thing.

    Get FREE Access To Over 180 Webmaster Training Videos here. Did I mention they are totally free?

  • Profile picture of the author fadi
    Profile picture of fadi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm sorry to be the one to throw a wrench in the game. But I don't see the OP's picture
  • Profile picture of the author wisdom words
    wisdom words
    Profile picture of wisdom words
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    where can i find the most attractive templates for this???
  • Profile picture of the author adcnet
    Profile picture of adcnet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guys - Vistaprint is very cheap for this.

    I would do this in such a way that I would never have to layout any MONEY or do the Grunt work.

    I'm in UK and would do it like this:

    1. Hire a local sales person with car {good looking girl}
    2. Do a one page Sales Info with what to say 5000 Magnets door to door (the selling points show the benefits}
    3. Give your sales person the Sales Info + a Sample Magnet {you can get a few magnets printed initially very cheap before laying out £1000+}
    4. Meeting with sales girl to show her how to sell the product
    5. Sales person Distributes the Magnets door to door
    6. DONE

    Set up the Sales Girl so that you only Pay Them when they make a Sale - I would tell her that I will pay £50 per sale this includes distribution after. (big motivator for 1 x sale)

    I would sell the Business Name on the Magnet for £197

    Once I have 50 businesses I would then make my order with Vistaprint:

    Breakdown on costs/revenue:

    Selling Price £197.00 x 50 = £9850
    Magnets 5000 x £0.50 = £2,500
    Sales Person £2,500
    Revenue Gross Profit - £9850
    Net Profit for me - £4850 (remember I did nothing apart from set it up)


    I'm of to do this Thanks OP
    • Profile picture of the author Jon Martin
      Jon Martin
      Profile picture of Jon Martin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      Guys - Vistaprint is very cheap for this.

      I would do this in such a way that I would never have to layout any MONEY or do the Grunt work.

      I'm in UK and would do it like this:

      1. Hire a local sales person with car {good looking girl}
      2. Do a one page Sales Info with what to say 5000 Magnets door to door (the selling points show the benefits}
      3. Give your sales person the Sales Info + a Sample Magnet {you can get a few magnets printed initially very cheap before laying out £1000+}
      4. Meeting with sales girl to show her how to sell the product
      5. Sales person Distributes the Magnets door to door
      6. DONE

      Set up the Sales Girl so that you only Pay Them when they make a Sale - I would tell her that I will pay £50 per sale this includes distribution after. (big motivator for 1 x sale)

      I would sell the Business Name on the Magnet for £197

      Once I have 50 businesses I would then make my order with Vistaprint:

      Breakdown on costs/revenue:

      Selling Price £197.00 x 50 = £9850
      Magnets 5000 x £0.50 = £2,500
      Sales Person £2,500
      Revenue Gross Profit - £9850
      Net Profit for me - £4850 (remember I did nothing apart from set it up)


      I'm of to do this Thanks OP
      Keep us posted!
      "Be the hero of your own movie."
  • Profile picture of the author srpudlo
    Profile picture of srpudlo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't see a picture/sample ... can you please post a link to what the "sample" would look like? I love the idea!
  • Profile picture of the author Jay Carter
    Jay Carter
    Profile picture of Jay Carter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How would you list 50 businesses on a magnet?

    The letters would be so small that you can't see them.

    - Jay

  • Profile picture of the author Patbinc
    Profile picture of Patbinc
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

    Because I enjoy showing others how to make money from's one someone can try. I showed this to a buddy and he WENT OUT AND DID IT!.....and....put 6 Grand in his pockets!


    These are 5 x 7 Fridge Magnets on 25 mil stock PRINTED in Full Color ... 2,000 for 46 cents ea!

    You simply make up a sample:
    1) go to staples and buy a pack of 5 magnetic sheets
    2) in your Graphics program (I use MSPub) make 2 columns with Sample businesses in them (you can fit 19 in each column) These print nicely in any Ink-Jet
    3) Have a local printer cut the 5 x 7 Sample out of the 8.5 x 11 sheet
    3) get some 2 sheet order forms at staples
    4) go Door-To-Door (business to business)
    a) ask to see owner
    b) show owner your Sample and tell him you are making up a
    Town Directory for 2,000 local homeowners that will be Hand-
    Delivered for $'s on a 1st come-1st serve basis,
    which means, if he gets on NOW...he gets a high spot
    5) sell 38 spots for $185 ea = $7030 Your cost is 46cents ea = $920 $7030 - $920 - $6,110 Figuring $110 for misc expences and you have $6,000 IN YOUR POCKETS

    (Note: #18 of my Midas Reports)

    Don Alm....Idea AND Doer Guy
    Brilliant....first method that I've come across that does not need thinking (read procrastination)...just action and boom! the money is in the pocket. Brilliant!
    Become an online marketing Shark...
    Join The Best & Build Your Online Empire
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
    Ron Lafuddy
    Profile picture of Ron Lafuddy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Another way this works is to create a Welcome Magnet for "new arrivals".
    People who have just moved into the area.

    I got this idea from Don Alm, the OP in this thread and adapted it to work in my area.

    New arrivals are of interest to local businesses because they haven't established buying habits yet, in their new surroundings.

    I teamed up with local realtors to distribute the magnets, as Don also suggested.

    I sold the ad spaces with the realtors help. I worked with realtors who were well-established.
    They knew and could recommend a truckload of local businesses, with whom they had relationships.

    Here's where it gets interesting. Because of the relationship with the realtor, the businesses stayed on. They weren't as concerned with results. They were interested in keeping their old buddy, the realtor, happy. The same one who had been sending them new business all this time.

    So, the magnet became a source of monthly income for me with almost no work. Then I got the idea to turn the welcome magnet into a gift certificate...but that's for another day.

    Now, I'm not selling anything here. I don't have a detailed report to offer and have zero
    interest in creating one, okay? I'm also fine with it, whether you like magnets or you don't
    because I don't care. Simply sharing what I was able to do with the idea and why.
    • Profile picture of the author Achiz768
      Profile picture of Achiz768
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

      Another way this works is to create a Welcome Magnet for "new arrivals".
      People who have just moved into the area.

      I got this idea from Don Alm, the OP in this thread and adapted it to work in my area.

      New arrivals are of interest to local businesses because they haven't established buying habits yet, in their new surroundings.

      I teamed up with local realtors to distribute the magnets, as Don also suggested.

      I sold the ad spaces with the realtors help. I worked with realtors who were well-established.
      They knew and could recommend a truckload of local businesses, with whom they had relationships.

      Here's where it gets interesting. Because of the relationship with the realtor, the businesses stayed on. They weren't as concerned with results. They were interested in keeping their old buddy, the realtor, happy. The same one who had been sending them new business all this time.

      So, the magnet became a source of monthly income for me with almost no work. Then I got the idea to turn the welcome magnet into a gift certificate...but that's for another day.

      Now, I'm not selling anything here. I don't have a detailed report to offer and have zero
      interest in creating one, okay? I'm also fine with it, whether you like magnets or you don't
      because I don't care. Simply sharing what I was able to do with the idea and why.
      Hmmm..I've thought about doing this and offering it to my already established group of advertisers--I think I may do this soon. Interested in knowing more about turning it into a gift certificate....

      Join my private Facebook very active facebook group and learn the secrets of selling print advertising to offline businesses.

  • Profile picture of the author AZRanger
    Profile picture of AZRanger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yeah, Seen This for the last 30+ years-works with restaurant place mats (lower cost for advertising and you get more spaces-same net result). You hand them out to local Restaurants for free (heavy paper) so people read them while waiting for their food or whatever. Works in theory (gottta love theory).
  • Profile picture of the author srpudlo
    Profile picture of srpudlo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I REALLY like this idea. I have made a list of local businesses and I am going to contact them and see how it goes. I found a magnet company called Magnetic Attractions online that does 1000 6"x8" magnets for only $210 or 2,500 magnets for $475 -- not a bad deal! Wish me luck - I am going to try a calendar with businesses numbers listed underneath the calendar and try to promote a "shop local" theme only listing businesses in this one city. Seeing that it's the end of the year, if all goes well, I will pass these out at our Santa Comes to Town Parade - pay my kids $20 to pass them out - who doesn't need a new 2014 calendar. I will let you know the results.
  • Profile picture of the author Freeyourtime
    Profile picture of Freeyourtime
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice to see some off online market strategies 2. Allthough i work with online at the moment because it´s 2 damn easy doing it. But great post.
  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Profile picture of trader909
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Is this a serious post?

    So did the o.p actually do this.....or is what he "thinks"?
  • Profile picture of the author jcolon
    Profile picture of jcolon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is Brilliant...I can see many ppl going out to try this now.
    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      Profile picture of midasman09
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I got NEWS fer you; I ben doin' dis ad stuff for MANY yars!

      I started dis "Welcome" thingee WAAAY B4 da Internet! and....when da Net came around....Hey! helped me HUGE!

      1) I found a "List Co" that could provide me with the Names & Addys of "New Home Buyers"!
      2) I made up a Sample of what I was proposing to send to these New Home Buyers and....showed an Example....and explained that, the Potential Client I was talking to...could be the ONLY one in his "Niche" to be on my "Welcome Magnet".

      Thus....instead of charging $120 per Niche....B4....da net....I was NOW able to charge $250 per Niche...PER MONTH to be included in my "Monthly Mailing" of 100 NEW Home Buyers.

      20 X $250 = $5,000 PER MONTH!....and my cost was "minor" for the Maling List and 100 Mags and Envelopes and Postage.

      I did this in 3 towns.

      It JUST takes 2 thingees to do what I do;
      1) A Bonafide IDEA that could help local biznesses
      2) The "talent" to put together a Mock-Up
      3) The "balls" to go see Prospects

      Don Alm....."balls out kinda guy from waay baack"
  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Profile picture of NewParadigm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I had magnets on my water heater, and furnace when I bought my house. Guess who I called when I had a problem? This could be spun into a lead generation site to sell leads. Distribute magnets with your lead capture # and website and tell the homeowner to put them on their furnace/water heater/ air conditioner etc..., then forward the leads to your customers on a per lead basis or monthly.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

  • Profile picture of the author Dave992
    Profile picture of Dave992
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