Easiest money I've ever made online... too easy.
This is very similar to selling a pre-designed website and then customizing it for a specific business... except simpler, faster, and easier.
I wanted to have some fun and try something new so I paid a company to make one of those animated explanation videos. I realized most SEO companies would love to have a video that explains SEO to people who have no idea what it is.
So I had them create a video that explains SEO. Next I went to the website of a company that sells SEO to businesses. I grabbed their logo and contact information, attached it to the beginning and end of the video, and emailed them a link to the video.
They called me right away. Here is what the guy said on the phone: "I'll get right to the point. I like the video. How much is it?"
He caught me by surprise. I just said, "Ummm $200".... and it was sold just like that. Too easy. I could have sold it for more but I didn't want to get greedy. Now he wants more videos but I don't have anymore... lol.
These videos sell for $2,000+ (and I told him that) so it was an easy sell for $200. Anyone here could easily sell 10 videos a week to SEO companies and make $2,000 a week. Once people see the video, and see that it is already customized for them, it is hard for them to say no. Especially at only $200.
The only problem is I wasted my money paying for the video because I don't have time to go sell more. Currently building a multi-million dollar agency serving corporations. I suck at making money online but boy was that easy.
I posted this in the Offline Section because you could probably sell videos like this much easier by cold calling companies and saying, "I made a video for you. Want to see it?" But email worked for me, so you could just use email. And since these are SEO companies, they probably prefer email anyway.
Warriors, jump on this fast before someone else does, especially if you have some capital to get a video created. I'm serious. This is too easy. The opportunity is wide open for this. You can probably make a video about PPC management too, but there are a million SEO companies, so I would go after them.
Oh yeah, here is the video I paid to get created: <link removed by author>
Here it is on the guy's website: <link removed by author>
P.S. Warning: these videos aren't cheap. There are tons of companies that make them, but I don't know anywhere you can get a high quality video like this for cheap.
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