Keyword Challenge

Profile picture of PaulintheSticks
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
When trying to get local keywords into content, it can be a real challenge. What I'm wondering is if anyone knows how google responds to parentheses. So for example, if in your content you have "Plumbing Contractors (Chicago, IL)", will google see that as plumbing contractors chicago, IL? I'm guessing probably not. Any insight is appreciated.
#challenge #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Profile picture of DABK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Same pages are on page 1 in Google's results for both searches (used market samurai).

    And Google says it's found the same amount of competing pages.

    So, it looks like there's no difference.

    Originally Posted by PaulintheSticks View Post

    When trying to get local keywords into content, it can be a real challenge. What I'm wondering is if anyone knows how google responds to parentheses. So for example, if in your content you have "Plumbing Contractors (Chicago, IL)", will google see that as plumbing contractors chicago, IL? I'm guessing probably not. Any insight is appreciated.

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