Mailing Postcards

Profile picture of TeamBringIt
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Hey warriors,

is there, a sure-fire way, to mail postcards--and not get them thrown, in the trash by usps? I want to send batches, of 200 in single mailings.

I was checking the prices of postage, prices of postcards on usps. They mention 0.32 and 0.45. Is there a way, to get them sent cheaper?


P.S- what is the cheapest source, to get postcards? Thxs..again
#mailing #postcards
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Grossman
    Dan Grossman
    Profile picture of Dan Grossman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why would they be thrown in the trash?

    You pick neighborhoods, drop off a stack at the post office, they deliver to every mailbox on the routes you chose. Starts at 14c postage.
    Improvely: Built to track, test and optimize your marketing.

  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by TeamBringIt View Post

    Hey warriors,

    is there, a sure-fire way, to mail postcards--and not get them thrown, in the trash by usps? I want to send batches, of 200 in single mailings.

    I was checking the prices of postage, prices of postcards on usps. They mention 0.32 and 0.45. Is there a way, to get them sent cheaper?


    P.S- what is the cheapest source, to get postcards? Thxs..again

    Almost any strategy to get clients will work to some extent.

    The question is how profitable will it be?

    Perhaps instead of looking for the cheapest way to send a lot
    of postcards you might consider thinking about putting a lot
    more effort into contacting a smaller number of business owners
    multiple times with multiple different types of approaches.

    Getting hired at substantial fees requires building deeper relationships
    with your prospects and that usually requires escalating contact
    (from a postcard to an email to a phone call to in person for example.)

    Just a thought.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
  • Profile picture of the author Defacto
    Profile picture of Defacto
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The best way I found to test postcards is to email first. I use a "semi" bulk email program to email business emails and when I find one that gets a good response (for an email) I then convert that same message to a postcard or letter. I usually get a much greater response with the direct mail.

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