Starting as a courier and now earning $3,500 per month just by being a broker

10 replies
Hi all I just wanted to share my story of how I started my career as a courier with a salary of $ 60 per month and then go out and start my offline business and after 1 years have a small company, employees and revenue of more than $3500 per month and in my country it's a good income

like a regular employee leave work early and go home when night come, I just started my career as a courier, my chance to see the Internet as an opportunity , make me a lot to learn, you can name it, affiliate, CPA, Clickbank, Adsense and others, and it's just not enough maybe because I'm not too clever and want to get fast result , then I learn something the one thing I have learned is to have the ability to sell is very important, because so many people have a product or merchandise are very good, but they see themselves not have the ability to sell, and Internet is the answer , because people search product on internet

That's where my opportunity, when I look at the good quality of their products, not a lot of competition online and have good demand now or in the future, I ask them to help sell their product and you know no one rejected me when I want to help them sell their stuff, I never asked for salaries to them, rather than asking for my salary, I negotiate for the prices

After I get good price , I created a website and optimize it in the search engines and you know my telephone began to Ring, I had never touched a technical problem, I just said to my vendor after get call from potential customer about their question and call my customer back , first I look like a stupid person , but I quickly learned after 2-3 times conversation with potential customer and know the usual questions asked by prospective customer then I start doing business, every order that I get I would go back to my vendor and they take care of the rest.

Then I started to learn, how to reduce the role of vendors, some light work now I have handled with recruiting employees, some variants product also I have prepared according to consumer demand so more profit to my business, I quit my job make my own company and now I've started delegating some of my regular job and start looking for new products

It's more easily getting lead offline and make a deal just like a sales page you just tease them because they on buying mode and then just send your vendor to make convince your customer if needed, with a good relation with your vendor you will make a killing money

hopefully it will give you guys on WF some Idea to make money and business in 2013

To your success,

Luhur Pambudi
#500 #broker #courier #earning #month #offline marketing #starting #success story
  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I remember seeing this same thing via seminars about 10 years ago.
    It was through a company called Stores Online.
    You go through the Thomas Registar and find manufacturers that aren't listing their products online.
    Then, you negotiate a % of all online business.

    Never did it myself, but seemed feasable enough.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7650219].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author luhur pambudi
      Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

      I remember seeing this same thing via seminars about 10 years ago.
      It was through a company called Stores Online.
      You go through the Thomas Registar and find manufacturers that aren't listing their products online.
      Then, you negotiate a % of all online business.

      Never did it myself, but seemed feasable enough.
      I Agree This trick seems old trick .. but all online business have basic concept , list building , SEO, PPC , make relation to subscriber, get a great offer ...and make a sales but some times we over information and lack of action

      keep simple and master it , I think we will more success
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7650503].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Awesome, nice success story you have. Congratulations dude $3,500 a month is a good income, keep it up. Cheers!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7650446].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fatou
    What an inspiring post! Can I ask you how long it took you from starting up to reach this level? What was the most difficult part of it all? Thank you again for sharing
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    • Profile picture of the author luhur pambudi
      Originally Posted by Fatou View Post

      What an inspiring post! Can I ask you how long it took you from starting up to reach this level? What was the most difficult part of it all? Thank you again for sharing
      Great question Fatou , First you must find product that can make a real money , I mean with local SEO you maybe get 4-5 customer so the profit must can handle the cost for Internet connection, transportation and else , so I pickup product technology base like alarm system, or else and the must have profit like $200-$500 so if you have 4-5 sales you got minimum $800 and if you product good enough and your service satisfied your customer will promote you , I need 1 Year to reach $3500 per month , the most difficult part is in the beginning you must take care all, learn the product , convince the customer and coordinate with your vendor, make invoicing , make presentation but it will natural and become easily and after you have enough profit you can hire some one to take care the administration things the great think about doing this is my customer not see my little company what they see is I can solve their problems and more cheaper.. :-)


      Luhur pambudi
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  • Profile picture of the author esuresh
    Thanks for sharing. That was an inspiring story.
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  • Profile picture of the author usmanuk
    Well done Luhur, its nice to see your enjoying the fruits of your hard work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7651160].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author luhur pambudi
      Originally Posted by esuresh View Post

      Thanks for sharing. That was an inspiring story.
      Originally Posted by usmanuk View Post

      Well done Luhur, its nice to see your enjoying the fruits of your hard work.
      Thanks for you all , wish you guys get better business in 2013..

      warm regards

      Luhur Pambudi
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  • Profile picture of the author winz
    Thanks mas Luhur Pambudi
    Nice+Inspiring story

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7652172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author luhur pambudi
      Originally Posted by winz View Post

      Thanks mas Luhur Pambudi
      Nice+Inspiring story

      Hi Winz , great to see you in this wf , thanks for the appreciate

      warm regards

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7654177].message }}

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