Kicking the Competition

by grey38
19 replies
So i live in an area where "SEO my city" gets some good searches. I have the ability to rank for it with a video. I know the veterans on the WF are all about efficient results with cold call, direct mail, all the techniques that get results. I've done them, had decent results and will continue to improve on those.

However I see an opportunity for a good way to get passive lead generation by ranking a video. There's over 500 searches a month for this keyword and that can't be all agencies checking to see if they're still ranked. There could be one extra client per month and i'd be happy.

So my question is what's the best way to do this video? My site is more beautiful, I'm only 20 and my video will be ranked with some prestigious agencies. Should I point these out or not.

I was going to come across with something like this:

-hello my name is ___, you're here because you are curious about seo
-i can't promise seo is going to be your solution
-i can promise i'm an elite when it comes to seo
-i'm only 20 and i've ranked with some big dog seo companies
-even my site is visually a step ahead the big guys
-the fact that i'm one person gives me the ability to adapt as soon as new information arises
-seo changes so rapidly, that's one of the reasons i'm ranking with the big dogs, because their companies are bloated and cannot adapt as fast as one person
-since i'm only one person i can only help 4-5 people at any given time
-once i'm booked it may take 3 months before i can take on more clients
-spots fill up quickly, call me now to assure a spot if there are no

So something along those lines. I've pointed out my superiority among other seo companies, and i've given it urgency. I just want to make sure my superior comments help my sales rather than hurt? That is the overall question here.

I look forward to thoughts on improvements other than the superior-ness as well. Thanks beforehand, i'm really excited to try this out.
#competition #kicking
  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    Let results speak for itself; telling people you're superior means you aren't.

    Much more powerful that way.

    Business owners are good bullshit detectors.

    Anyway, dial 200 new prospects tomorrow instead of wondering waiting around if this "shiny object" actually pulls anything. Do what works.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Miller
      Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

      Let results speak for itself; telling people you're superior means you aren't.

      Much more powerful that way.

      Business owners are good bullshit detectors.

      Anyway, dial 200 new prospects tomorrow instead of wondering waiting around if this "shiny object" actually pulls anything. Do what works.
      Business owners aren't the only bullshit detectors, so are a number of members of this forum. The only excuse you could have for the kind of arrogance you're expressing is the fact that your are 20 I suppose. You say in one of your bullet points that's you're an "elite" when it seems more like you're an "elitist".

      Every other one of your bullet points would simply serve to have a prospect hang up the phone and continue to believe that most seo services are pure snake oil.

      They show a complete lack of understanding of what the needs and concerns of the business owner are. Have you counted the number of times you say "me, I'm, I, mine, and my?" Is there a single bit of needs analysis in your presentation, or is your prospect expected to be so in awe of your talent that he'll start writing a check without hesitation?

      You think you can "kick the competition" with this crap? I know 20 salespeople that could sell rings around you and they can barely spell seo.

      Does my post seem rude? Does my attitude seem as if I'm angry with what you've stated and how you stated it?

      Well grasshopper, if you think this is rude, go try what you are considering in the real world, and you'll see what RUDE and ANGRY really looks like! I am, in fact, saving you from yourself.

      You started this thread, hopefully, to gain some insight about how to sell your service. Here's my advice, start reading through this forum and learn something about sales.
      The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
      -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    You have been asking questions for a long time now yet have not learned that much.

    No one gives a flying funk about you. Who gives a rats ask how old you are?
    What are you going to do for the prospect.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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    • Profile picture of the author SlfMastery
      The above two comments are as blunt as they get but they mean well. Everyone cares only about how it will benefit them.

      Maybe you just link them to your About page and have them click over to see who you are. But, the landing page is how your service will make THEM money. You can list your credentials to show your authority in SEO. Or, that can be on your About page.

      Great job of getting things done!
      **Blueprint To Your First $50 - FREE Now!
      **Amazon Assoc. Reveals How To Make $1500 Fast
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    I knew someone was going to tell me to just pick up a phone. Guys, i can cold call and do this. Rearden and Eddie, you guys are great warriors. I've seen you post so much helpful information on WF and I know what you're saying is true. I know it seems like i'm always firing questions in different directions, but that's because for some reason I cannot find myself completely effective in the directions I go. I have no idea how i have over 400 posts and still feel this bad at the sales and lead generation part of IM. Yes I know I can just pick up the phone and call 200 people a day until my thumbs break, but so far it has not made me effective money.

    Here's the real reason I want to do the video. I've got a blackhat buddy living in the US who recently ranked for a few cities in the US. He only ranked his site, not even videos. Google keyword tool tells him he gets about 1600 total exact searches. He gets 4-6 calls every day about his SEO. I don't see why this can't turn out into a profitable scenario.

    I'd be having people call me who are either pricing, or ready to spend money. Keep in mind these are people willing to search for SEO.

    So for example. I just got a plumber recently. It was hard enough selling this guy on a site for 500 after I made him and 3 other people an example site. He was the only one I closed. Idk why three other people would agree to an example site, and then say they don't want it after it's made and looks good when they either have no site or it looks like one from 1998.

    Perhaps my biggest issue is the type of clients I go after, small area clients who won't really benefit unless they want to spend a little. None of them want that. When I go after big city-type (200K+ population) clients, I've had a 0% conversion rate. I know I can help them, but the message goes in one ear and out the other when I try to talk to them.

    If my biggest issue is sales, what do I do about it? I'm clearly missing the basics of something, my guess, business-to-business communication at this point.

    It just seems at this point I'd like to try something that will send people my way that are ready to spend money. I know it seems kind of like a ramble, but i figure at this point it was somewhat necessary. Plus I just woke up
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    Right after I post, I suppose David answered my question on my biggest issue being sales. I will start researching on the sales front.

    I suppose from feedback based on cold calling has been people never seem to trust me. I always thought that's just because a lot of people who can't do what they say they can do call business owners all day. Then I come in and perhaps it's just me screwing it up. I'm sure it's a lot of both those reasons.

    I'm just getting confused at this point. I should have started out with sales. That would have made sense.

    I'm sorry for all the "I's" David, that's just how thoughts come out. : /
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    • Profile picture of the author David Miller
      Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

      Right after I post, I suppose David answered my question on my biggest issue being sales. I will start researching on the sales front.

      I suppose from feedback based on cold calling has been people never seem to trust me. I always thought that's just because a lot of people who can't do what they say they can do call business owners all day. Then I come in and perhaps it's just me screwing it up. I'm sure it's a lot of both those reasons.

      I'm just getting confused at this point. I should have started out with sales. That would have made sense.

      I'm sorry for all the "I's" David, that's just how thoughts come out. : /
      No need to apologize to me!

      I would rather not see anyone forced into a position of having to apologize to a prospect for not understanding what their needs actually are.

      On another point, you said you need to "research" sales! Sales is not something you research like a keyword for a plumber in Baltimore. It's something you study, learn, practice, and use throughout your career. As you should have gathered from this forum, it's not something that you stop studying, learning, and practicing....It's something you can always get better at.

      SEO "experts" are around every corner.

      You can find them posting here looking for salespeople all the time.
      The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.
      -- FRANK SINATRA, quoted in The Way You Wear Your Hat
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  • Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

    -hello my name is ___, you're here because you are curious about seo
    -i can't promise seo is going to be your solution
    -i can promise i'm an elite when it comes to seo
    -i'm only 20 and i've ranked with some big dog seo companies
    -even my site is visually a step ahead the big guys
    -the fact that i'm one person gives me the ability to adapt as soon as new information arises
    -seo changes so rapidly, that's one of the reasons i'm ranking with the big dogs, because their companies are bloated and cannot adapt as fast as one person
    -since i'm only one person i can only help 4-5 people at any given time
    -once i'm booked it may take 3 months before i can take on more clients
    -spots fill up quickly, call me now to assure a spot if there are no

    So something along those lines. I've pointed out my superiority among other seo companies, and i've given it urgency. I just want to make sure my superior comments help my sales rather than hurt? That is the overall question here.
    I know you want to tell why you are the greatest ever, but they'll never listen if you don't join the conversation already going on in their head. Don't talk about how great you are. Help them solve their challenges.
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
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    • Profile picture of the author RRG
      Originally Posted by Joe Ditzel View Post

      I know you want to tell why you are the greatest ever, but they'll never listen if you don't join the conversation already going on in their head. Don't talk about how great you are. Help them solve their challenges.
      Great point.

      One of the tenets of copywriting is that your piece should have 6-10 times as many you, your and yours words as I, me and mine words.
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Young man;

        I'll be a little gentler maybe, but your points you were going to make are all wrong. Maybe when I was 20 I would have posted the same things.

        Forget the competition. Why would you ever remind people that you have competition?

        My advice? Get a few videos ranked #1 for your area. (different keywords).
        Have a few client videos ranked #1 too.
        In your video, just say : "Do you want your video to be ranked #1 on Google? I can do that for you. How do you know? Where is this video ranked? Call me at..." Make it one of those video where a hand is writing this out. You can get one done on Fiverr. Change the music, vary the length a few seconds, and you can put up a dozen on one channel with different headlines.

        Then forget about it, and call prospects. If they ask, have them do a Google search and find your video. Use it as proof. Use the other client videos as proof. And put your company contact information at the bottom of each video.

        Will it make a difference? Yes. A Big one? No. Getting on the phone with a good script is what will make this engine go.

        And don't tell every prospect to look up your video!
        It will just break the flow of the conversation. Only if they ask.

        Because even if you are #1, they still see 9 other SEO companies listed on the screen.

        Just make the calls. Work on the videos on a Sunday, when you won't use it as an excuse not to call.

        Good luck.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author BillyParadise
    Most blackhat methods to get ranked work exceptionally well - for a while, until the Big G catches on and dumps your site from its listings. If you truly want to build a long term business, be VERY careful using your friends "techniques"
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    David I only mean I clearly need to change something up on the sales end of what I'm doing. A firm basics lesson will do me wonders in hopefully the near future.

    Billy, I'm not sure the blackhat methods he uses exactly, just that it deals with social signals mainly. However I did read enough panda update threads to know blackhat is not my thing...

    Thanks for the help guys, this has been one of my more enlightening threads, where I've really discovered why i need to round off all the skills necessary to get this job done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    Pick up "Advanced Selling Techniques" by Brian Tracy. Read and implement cover to cover.

    You mention cold calling isn't "effective money." Tell us the sum aggregate of your results.

    How many have you dialed in totality? How many have converted?

    I know where you're coming from. I got into sales the "reverse way."

    I learned copywriting, created my own ads, and solicited business that way via warm methods, no cold calling whatsoever.

    Then I went into another industry (life insurance) where I would call on response cards to set appointments, and approach the door cold with the lead in hand, with the goal of getting in immediately to sell life insurance.

    Now I'm involved in a B2B industry where I cold call exclusively; there is virtually zero leads to work.

    I mention this because I've done, thought about, pondered, and tested most marketing methods. They either suck your time dry, and pass you by another week or month without any substantial results, and bring you that much closer to failing all together.

    While no method is bullet-proof, when you cold call over the phone or in person, you can *control* results more than any other method. I know marketers will argue with me. But marketing goes stale, requires a hefty amount of capital to weather the marketing flops (you're luck to get a 30% success rate aggregate on all marketing campaigns).

    However, in many industries, the ones who continually build a pipeline of prospects via cold methods are many times the most successful over the short- and long-term.

    Bottom line, save yourself time with these obscure methods until you lay the foundation. What I didn't realize is that cold calling in person and on the phone will make you a tremendously superior salesman. Marketing through warm methods hampers that sales growth process, in my opinion.

    In the meantime, in all seriousness, share *what* you have done cold calling to us. Show us how many people total you've called, and how many deals you've gotten out of it.

    Otherwise, make it your personal goal to either walk cold into 50 new businesses daily or cold call 200 new prospects daily. Ask for an appointment to show them what kind of work you do.

    Also, if you're concerned about people not trusting you, clean up, suit up, and walk in cold. Ask for the owner, make eye contact, shake hands firmly, and ask for the appointment.

    Most people will trust someone who has the balls to walk in cold.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    Thanks Rearden and Claude. Like I said, this has been a very eye opening thread for me. This is the technique I've used the most. I read a lot on cold calling a while back, the technique that stood out to me the most was calling and simply asking if the owner was interested in a new website. If they were I can make them an example site. And we could move from there if they're interested.

    I've made about 1000 calls. I have closed 10 clients from cold calling in my time doing such. So a 1% conversion rate. I suppose that's good and accepted, however I'm not making much money from the clients. In fact don't have any "per month" clients.

    I know 1000 isn't much at all. But it's hard when I can't make good money from the companies that I barely convert via cold calling.

    But you guys have inspired me to get back into cold calling. It got confusing for a while, because i was having such a hard time making money from it. But if i work on the sales end of this, I should do better.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rearden
      Holy sh*t dude -- a 1% cold call conversion?

      I have your solution -- it's two-fold.

      1) Make 1000 calls a week versus 1000 calls a month (or whatever length of time it took you).
      2) Find out how to justifiably raise your prices.

      Without knowing your current pricing model, now that you have a portfolio, follow up with your 10 new clients, ask them for a testimonial you can show on your website, and ask them how they thought of the process of working with you.

      Now you have 3rd party proof. And, at least in my mind, you can raise your prices near the $800-$1100 per website price.

      So, even if your conversion drops to .75%, now you are grossing more, profiting more, working more with better clients, and probably overall working less.

      Imagine converting 6-7 websites a week placing 1000 cold calls a week at $800-$1000 per website...

      Dude. You got the call volume to show you that *this is possible*. We're not talking in complete hypotheticals here.

      All you have to do is simply keep up the activity. Then you can come teach us how it's done.

      Make 200 calls tomorrow and tell us how it goes.

      Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

      Thanks Rearden and Claude. Like I said, this has been a very eye opening thread for me. This is the technique I've used the most. I read a lot on cold calling a while back, the technique that stood out to me the most was calling and simply asking if the owner was interested in a new website. If they were I can make them an example site. And we could move from there if they're interested.

      I've made about 1000 calls. I have closed 10 clients from cold calling in my time doing such. So a 1% conversion rate. I suppose that's good and accepted, however I'm not making much money from the clients. In fact don't have any "per month" clients.

      I know 1000 isn't much at all. But it's hard when I can't make good money from the companies that I barely convert via cold calling.

      But you guys have inspired me to get back into cold calling. It got confusing for a while, because i was having such a hard time making money from it. But if i work on the sales end of this, I should do better.
      David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    Where do I get my list from? It takes me like 2-3 hours to put together a list of 100 decent leads because I manually go through google. Another problem I find is finding the leads that are in a good position to be helped. Ones that aren't in google.
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    • Profile picture of the author ERPLeadsWriter
      Originally Posted by grey38 View Post

      Where do I get my list from? It takes me like 2-3 hours to put together a list of 100 decent leads because I manually go through google. Another problem I find is finding the leads that are in a good position to be helped. Ones that aren't in google.
      May I politely ask how sure are you that these are 'leads'? Whole companies out there use search for information like you do but even they do not qualify everything/everybody they find.
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  • Profile picture of the author grey38
    I should have said list of prospects.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden -- $40 for up to 25000 names a month.

    Or buy a scraper. Kenmichaels has a good one.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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