(UK) - How can you tell the difference between a paid listing and a free one?

2 replies
Hi all,

I know it seems like a daft question, but I want to use (UK's online Yellow Pages) to find leads, and I want to concentrate on those that have paid advertising.

But it isn't obvious to me which ads are paid ads, and which are free, as they all seem the same - does anyone know?

Thanks in advance.
#difference #free #listing #paid #yellcom
  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    its the top ones that often say 'sponsored' in them that are the paid ones and are often a different shade of colour, much like Google ads, the best positioned have paid for that placement normally


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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Stevens
      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      its the top ones that often say 'sponsored' in them that are the paid ones and are often a different shade of colour, much like Google ads, the best positioned have paid for that placement normally
      Hi Mike,

      Ah, I missed that - thanks for your time.

      Yours in prosperity,
      Skochy - The Musical Salesman

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