Lawn Service Marketing

28 replies
Hi everyone. I am seeking advice on the wording and creation of either a doorhanger (professionally printed, glossy) or a simpler half page (from my printer) marketing piece that will be hand delivered to several hundred homes in my small town. I will be providing a lawn service. Not the big "cut and blow" with the giant, heavy zero turn mowers where a crew of 3 or 4 come in and knock out a half acre yard in 15 minutes, but a more personalized (for lack of a better word) service where it's just me and possibly an occasional helper that take the time to do a great job and communicate with the client every visit to see if they need additional services or have any concerns or requests. Will be using lighter weight equipment to avoid compaction of the soil.

My personal style is keeping things simple, particularly on the promotional piece I seek advice on. All suggestions are much appreciated.
#lawn #marketing #service
  • Profile picture of the author pertree
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Z
    I would recommend using a geo-tracked QR code where you can push to a mobile optimized lead gen form and you can actually see on a map where people are scanning the QR codes and make personal follow ups by phone or email.
    Click here to start your
    Mobile Marketing business
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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
      Originally Posted by Kevin Z View Post

      I would recommend using a geo-tracked QR code where you can push to a mobile optimized lead gen form and you can actually see on a map where people are scanning the QR codes and make personal follow ups by phone or email.
      Yeah right people are going to be scanning qr codes to get info about lawn services.:confused:

      I think you just wanted to be the first person in this forum to use the term "geo-tracked qr code"
      Promise Big.
      Deliver Bigger.
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    • Profile picture of the author JasonAaron1
      Originally Posted by Kevin Z View Post

      I would recommend using a geo-tracked QR code where you can push to a mobile optimized lead gen form and you can actually see on a map where people are scanning the QR codes and make personal follow ups by phone or email.
      Although it would be awesome if that would work, I just don't see it for this market. I tried something similar for a direct to consumer real estate niche in Los Angeles, and I had only 1 scan of my QR code...and that was probably me testing it
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      • Profile picture of the author donza
        Are you are a member of this forum I found it the other day when I was doing some research on direct mail There is a tonne of practical wisdom over there.
        I can understand you coming here as you get some ideas you might never find over there.
        I absolutely love the flag idea. I know they would have been small but I have this image of large silk flags swaying in the breeze.
        I also like Ewan's idea of the $1000 but you'd have to really well organised to implement something like that and be conservative in the number of clients you initially book until you get your systems in place.
        Rugman's idea is good too the fear angle but what happens if you hurt your foot and you have to employ someone else to do the work. Ít would have to be someone you know well.
        I also like Eddie"s idea. Plain, simple and direct.. This will work as long as there isn't another ten doorhangers all promoting lawnmowing services
        Anyway, this is my stab at the copy for a black and white door hanger/flyer According to many of the lawnmower guys at the forum I linked to you can get a good conversion rate with black and white door hangers/flyers.

        the yard service everyone wants

        At 5,52pm next Tuesday you'll find another hanger promoting my lawn service on your door(it might a bit earlier as I always am)
        Everyone of these doorhangers is hand delivered by me
        10 years in Tusca and not a bad word against my name
        FAIR PRICE
        I use black and white printing, design my own cards so I can keep my prices affordable
        Your name
        Your hand written signature(scanned)

        PH 88888888
        BEFORE I"M
        BOOKED OUT

        I know my copy is hugely flawed but hopefully it has some redeeming ideas that you can use

        Cheers Don

        EDIT: I just reread the OPs first post. It's only a tiny town..... I can't believe how OTT some of the replies were. QRCODES, WEBSITES, LINKED CAMPAIGNS. Even my idea is a bit OTT as I thought he was delivering thousands of flyers in a large town. Anyway Eddies advice is the best'.
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        • Profile picture of the author Norbi
          Originally Posted by donza View Post

          Are you are a member of this forum
          At 5,52pm next Tuesday you'll find another hanger promoting my lawn service on your door(it might a bit earlier as I always am)
          I really like that idea for a flyer. Here's what it is going to do though. You won't get a phone call back immediately imo. If someone is interested, they are going to wait and see if you follow through. If you do though, they may very well come out the front door to chat with you.

          Make sure you are ready to pitch.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dustin Blevins
    Will you be offering landscaping as well or just lawn mowing?

    I saw something that I thought was genius for lawn care. They went door to door hanging out little customized flags and a flier stating their business information then a 3 month agreement / 6 month agreement / 1 year agreement then with the 3 month you got 1 free tree / 6 month 2 trees and / 1 year was 4 trees. You went and put the flags where you wanted the trees and then they would come put them in.

    I worked in the neighborhood and saw a exponential increase in flags placed. Day one there were 2 flags in the 4 block area I was in. Day 2 there were 4 flags. Then in the next few days it seemed like every other house had them.

    I believe the reason this worked so well is because the neighbors thought that if their neighbor was using them they should use them as well.

    I have been in a wholesale nursery before and the trees they were giving for free were less than $2 when you purchased them wholesale.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author kebertt
    Did a quick Google search and found this gem haha

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  • Profile picture of the author rugman
    Don't hire a beg mega lawnscare (and use the "scare") business until you read these 7 tips that will help decide who will be cutting your lawn!
    Bomb the hell out of the neighborhoods you want to target.
    Keep in mind - once you tell everyone you will be personally on every job you will be stuck!

    Growing older but not up!

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    • Profile picture of the author pertree
      Wow, great replies and ideas from everyone, thanks so much. Mogul, yes I will be setting up a website, or at the very least a landing page. Kevin Z, definitely gonna create and use a QR code to include on the ad piece to direct to my website. Dustin, great idea on the flags/free trees idea......really love those flags, they will identify me. Kebertt, nice doorhanger. Great headline rugman, that's exactly what I'm looking for.

      It's really easy to list "features" on the ad piece......mow, blow, edge, trim, etc., but what about "benefits?" What are the benefits of having someone do your yard for you? More time for fishing, golfing, more time with the kids and wife, watching the game. Can anyone else add to this list? I'd rather sell the benefits over the features.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler

    Dont over think this. Right now people are looking for someone to handle their lawn work for the year. If you are basically just looking to find enough clients to keep you busy it wont be that hard. These multi step approaches with qr codes and such are not really necessary.

    Just get a piece out and get ready for the calls. People just want to know that you are going to do a good job and continue to show up.

    If it were me I would take a picture of myself and put out a simple message like
    Do you need an honest and reliable person to cut your yard this year, If so call me and I promise to take care of you.

    Thats all you really need, this is not some complicated sale and it does not appear like you are trying to build an lawn empire so just get your ass out into the streets and fill up your books.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Got to agree with Eddie.

    My cousin has owned his own landscaping biz for at least 15 years now. When he first started out all he did was flyers and keep his painted truck parked so people could see it as he was mowing. What he did was pretty smart actually. He spent about 5 years building up his customer base. Then one day decided he only wanted to focus on wealthy neighborhoods, so he got rid of all is middle/low income customers.

    He is able to make 6 figures a year now with only 5 accounts (I should mention he has never had a website in the 15 years he's been doing this). And he does the same people every year. He has got to the point where he drives out with 2-3 college kids, tells them what to do, then goes off fishing for most of the day. Although some days he does definitely work. And when he does, he charges $60/hr for himself, and $40/hr for college kids (of which he keeps $30/hr for the biz). He also puts the hourly rates in the bill. So it slowly weens the customers to getting use to him not being there. Since they SAVE MONEY when he doesn't work. Its actually really smart now that I think about it.

    I have asked him if he had to do it all over again, what would he do different.
    And he said he would have scrapped the first 5 years and started targeting upper class neighborhoods immediately. The best part is all 5 accounts now are within a few miles of each other. I've also seen one of the homes he does it has to be worth at least 10 million. The guys property is MASSIVE. No idea what the acres are but its like 4-5 football fields combined together.

    Anyway I'm just ranting. But maybe you can learn something from his business model. These types of customers need lawn care everyday, and are willing to pay a high price for high quality work. Plus he is really good at random "add ons". No idea how he does it but he's always innovating new crap to do for the same customers.

    The best part about it however, it frees up his time to run his second business. Which is selling italian ice in high traffic areas. He told me he made $4,000 in 1 day and I nearly shit my pants. Apparently there is lots of money in italian ice (during the summer of course but I still had no idea you could make that much).

    Anyway, I'll shut up now.

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  • Profile picture of the author Entrecon
    What about offering periodic service? I don't mind mowing my lawn and can't bring myself to pay for a regular service. However, there are times when life gets too busy and the lawn starts to get too long or the weekend I can do it, we have people coming to visit. I know on one occasion last year, just before my son's birthday, I had one of the neighbors that was part of a lawn crew squeeze it in between jobs.

    Visit My website

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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Here's what I did in my 11 years building and selling lawnmowing businesses.

      They were able to be sold at higher prices than others because I charged higher prices for equivalent sized lawns.

      The clients stayed with me longer, they were A Class clients.

      How did I attract these in the first place?

      Outrageous guarantee and doing what I said I would do,
      every time or I'd get penalized.

      Penalized by the tune of $1,000.

      You see, people, mostly women, would contact me after
      they get fed up with their guy turning up late.

      That was their biggest frustration and my advertising captured these ladies.

      The other guys would advertise being low price and reliable. But the reliable statement had no teeth and so many people had been burnt from actually believing lawn mowing guy's ads
      Reality was a different story.

      So here's the door hanger client catcher...

      Supa Care Of Your Lawns
      Plus An Outrageous Guarantee

      "If I don't turn up on time to cut your lawns trim and tidy, then you get $1,000 cash back as my punishment."
      Signed John Barber

      Call me on XX XXX XX to have your lawns super cared for backed by my outrageous $1,000 guarantee

      Put your picture in the top right hand corner with your out stretched arm and the palm showing.
      Underneath it say, John Barber Founder of the City's most outrageous $1,000 guarantee.

      Use your signature.

      Drop the door hangers off in the better part of town and also where the retired people live.

      The retired people where the best clients.

      There you are, a workable business plan.

      The $1,000 guarantee has a pass on affect.

      Can be used for press releases.

      Website, email and code are a waste of time.

      Just go for the phone call.

      Just got a phone call today from a guy wanting me to mow his lawn,
      after being out of the business for 3 years.

      That's what happens when you build a business on sound
      foundations of client care.

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  • Profile picture of the author pertree
    Great idea Ewen. Out of curiosity, did you ever have to pay up? Or almost?
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by pertree View Post

      Great idea Ewen. Out of curiosity, did you ever have to pay up? Or almost?
      Yeah I did once.

      I did turn up late due to equipment breakdown.

      He said I don't expect you to pay $1,000...just $50 would be good.

      So I paid him his $50.

      Now most people would get annoyed at having to pay out.

      Some might say it's not your fault the equipment broke down.

      Well I say take 100% responsibility for what happens.

      You can have 2 of every piece of equipment for in case one breaks down.

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  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    And what was the question?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob28x
    ewenmack - very interesting idea on the guarantee. Like you said, the customer doesn't care if your equipment broke down. They just know that their lawn wasn't done on time.

    I would have to imagine though that you had a rain/bad weather clause in there somewhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author Norbi
    This is only a rough draft idea, but you could try the following:

    Send out a mailing to any of the houses that drive by your maintained house on the way home. This will take some effort create the list the first time.

    "Sorry if you we are making you work harder to maintain the best lawn in the area. Save yourself and don't compete with you neighbor who uses ABC"

    "Can you spot the neighbor which uses ABC Landscaping?" "Be the envy of the neighborhood just like them by using us without any of the back-breaking work."

    Then if you get a second client in that same area, you can create another small postcard run and change the wording slightly to show that you are servicing more clients. "Join your other 2 neighbors in being the envy of the neighborhood."
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason_V
    Originally Posted by pertree View Post

    Hi everyone. I am seeking advice on the wording and creation of either a doorhanger (professionally printed, glossy) or a simpler half page (from my printer) marketing piece that will be hand delivered to several hundred homes in my small town. I will be providing a lawn service. Not the big "cut and blow" with the giant, heavy zero turn mowers where a crew of 3 or 4 come in and knock out a half acre yard in 15 minutes, but a more personalized (for lack of a better word) service where it's just me and possibly an occasional helper that take the time to do a great job and communicate with the client every visit to see if they need additional services or have any concerns or requests. Will be using lighter weight equipment to avoid compaction of the soil.

    My personal style is keeping things simple, particularly on the promotional piece I seek advice on. All suggestions are much appreciated.
    You probably will get really good replies if you post this in the copywriting forum.

    You already have a lot of good elements that can be used in your copy. The fact you're offering more of a personal lawn care service. The fact that your equipment isn't the big, heavy duty stuff that will do damage to the yard, etc...You're on the right track, you just need some professional help putting it together.
    "When you do something exactly wrong, you always turn up something."
    -Andy Warhol
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    • Profile picture of the author pertree
      Wow, what incredible ideas from everyone. Thank you all so much, will keep you posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author cash89
    -Go to, get a craigslist image ad made for 5 bucks
    -Set up Craigslist 4 accounts. Verify with family members and friends phone if needed
    -Post at least 10 times a day

    This should get you at least 10 good leads a week!
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Domino
      People that are in this business, what are the average clients worth?

      Back in Canada, my mom used to pay 1500 per summer (for a fairly large backyard) and when she told me that I almost fell out of my chair.

      The guys (3 guys working) come like once a week.. 1 guy mows, another does pesticide/fertilizer or whatever the thing is so that weeds don't grow on your driveway.. can't remember what the other guy was doing.

      Since we have a riding lawnmowers, I was thinking of getting clients and outsourcing it to nephews Not sure if charging hourly or for the summer would be best, and how much.
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      • Profile picture of the author GladsLawns
        Did a quick Google search and found this gem haha
        Can you let me know where you found that? I'd actually use it! I have been looking for a marketing template idea.

        I am sick of all these illegal lawn care businesses being run in my area and I am ready to use a little shock marketing to see what kind of result it gets me.
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  • Profile picture of the author focusedlife
    @Ewenmack - Its hard to beat a USP Guarantee like that.

    Thanks for the awesome share (as always).


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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by focusedlife View Post

      @Ewenmack - Its hard to beat a USP Guarantee like that.

      Thanks for the awesome share (as always).



      None of the other operators offered anything if they screwed up,
      as a penalty.

      Then when I did, what seemed an outrageous amount of money,
      well that definitely kept them out of the race!

      What's the saying..."money talks, BS walks!"

      You could say I called them out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    When all else fails, drop in on people with overgrown lawns.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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