Local Marketing Upsell Ideas

9 replies
I would like everyone's help with ideas for upsells. I'm in local markets promoting moving companies, locksmiths, teeth whitening..thinking about plumbing, carpet cleaning next..

For moving company, locksmith, carpet cleaning: What are some upsells that I can do with this list? I believe a product that is related as well as complimentary would be best.

What are your best upsell ideas?

(For teeth whitening I have had an easier time. I can upsell them to dental care, etc.)
#ideas #local #marketing #upsell
  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    Are you talking about upsells you can offer the business owners' or are you trying to help them come up with upsell opportunities for their customers'?

    If it's the first - you could upsell to mobile sites, local seo, newsletter mgmt and etc. If it's the latter, I'd head over to google and let google suggest help.

    For ex. if you're promoting teeth whitening go to Google and type in the term teeth whitening and see which words google adds to your term, before you actually hit the search button.

    You can also look at the keywords google suggests near the bottom of the search results page - after you hit the search button. I'm sure that will give you some ideas.

    Hope it helps!

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Things like removalists and locksmiths are services people use when moving into or out of a house, or both. So think of other services someone might need when they are moving out of a house or moving into a new house. Carpet cleaning would be one. Cleaners in general would be another. Plumbers and electricians and even gardeners.

    In fact you could specifically target houses that have just been sold and send them a kind of welcome to the neighborhood package that lists all of those services for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Coupon books. I know someone in this space who basically gets local businesses to offer coupons - everything from Pizza Delivery, Chinese food, Liquor stores, hardware stores, and even the occasional local Home Depot or Lowes. They create a little book with thousands of dollars worth of coupons and then sell the book for $10 or $20.

    What do you do when you're moving? You order food and beer for your buddies who helped you, and you buy crap from the hardware store. Easy sale. You can adapt the same model to any type of business... for carpet cleaning you could stick in manufacturers coupons for spot cleaners, or restaurants and make the pitch that once their carpet has been steamed here's a coupon to go out to dinner while it's drying, oh yeah and it also contains hundreds of dollars worth of other crap. Sounds like a lame pitch but it works.

    Ron Rule

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  • Profile picture of the author stewane
    Gentlemen, thanks for the out of the box thinking and the ideas..it seems moving offers great upsell opportunities..lol (plumbing, carpet cleaning, maintenance man, etc.)

    Got that out of the way @ronrule are you talking about selling the book to customers for $20? Not sure what you meant..

    Next, the silly problem that I have to solve now you guys have helped me... is this:

    If the customer wants to call the plumber, I guess I would have separate Google tracking numbers that way I can track which customer in my list called the other services..right? ( what is a super easy lead tracking system that you guys know of?..I know Google voice, but it is limited)I was thinking about another landing page, but that would be silly considering I would have their address already.

    I also have to figure out if I can get a pay per call model going or just have the bushiness pay me a flat fee. As of now, I have one person paying a flat fee which is nice..BUT I also have a person who is paying me CPA (when the service is provided)..the latter I hate...could not avoid it though. I'm going to post in another thread the mistakes I've made so others dont.

    Just rushed and created it: http://www.warriorforum.com/offline-...ml#post7971009
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    • Profile picture of the author ronrule
      Originally Posted by stewane View Post

      Gentlemen, thanks for the out of the box thinking and the ideas..it seems moving offers great upsell opportunities..lol (plumbing, carpet cleaning, maintenance man, etc.)

      Got that out of the way @ronrule are you talking about selling the book to customers for $20? Not sure what you meant..
      Yeah, you can sell coupon books all day long as long as they're targeted. You're getting the content for free, printing costs are low, and if they're things people will use they will buy them.

      Ron Rule

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  • Profile picture of the author SashaLee
    Hi there,

    For moving companies how about the upsell where they come back and take all the boxes and packing papers and recycle them, or take all the plastic totes used to move stuff and stack them and maybe store them for the client until they need them again for moving? This way they'd have an "in" for the client for every time they moved.

    All the best,

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    • Profile picture of the author stewane
      @Sasha and @Will great ideas....thanks.

      [@Will; please don't call me lazy (lol) but I want to duplicate/replicate the model that is working for me soo well]

      I setup my own website collect optins send an autoresponder with our phone number and collect a flat fee per month to generate leads. For example I have this air charter that pays me automatic every month with paypal

      So with the moving company (or plumbing) niche. I hope to do the same..but I was struggling with upsells to the end customers...but you all helped a lot with ideas.

      The only problem now is how I track the phone calls/referrals to the multiple other businesses? I'm thinking of having a 800 number that has multiple extensions [eg. extension 1 for discounts. The only problem..is there a system that can let the plumbing business know that the lead is being generated by me and at the same time I can track this. Ok, I searched the warriorforum:
      1. https://www.callfire.com/product/call-tracking [leaning towards; just need to check if they provide detailed reports
      2. https://calltrackingmetrics.com/tour
      3. https://www.twilio.com/docs/howto/call-tracking with OpenVBX: the Web-based, Open Source Phone System for Business [bad option for me I suck at coding this looks too scary for me]

      Anyone wants to help me decide? lol...seriously though

      @Ron and @Sasha, please take a look at this thread http://www.warriorforum.com/offline-...ml#post7971009

      and let me know your thoughts either here or on that thread. The reason: I know you all would have some greater insight or even how to tweak what I have going - thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Do you want to get a removalist company more business?

    Go through the local papers each week and gather a list of all the houses that have sold in a particular area.

    Get a whole load of cardboard boxes from the moving company.

    For each two boxes tape a simple letter to the front saying something like...


    I was just driving through the area completing another job and noticed you have recently sold your house. I know exactly how difficult and stressful this time can be for you. I'm sure you have many things to pack and organize. Here are a few cardboard boxes to help you get started. If you need anything more then please feel free to call us at: xxx-xxxx-xxxx

    We are a small team of removalists who have been operating in this local area for the last 12 years. We have helped many families move in and out of this community. We take pride in our work and put the well-being of your possessions above everything else.

    When you get a chance feel free to call me at the office and I will be happy to come out and have a quick chat with you about how we can best help you in your upcoming move. There are plenty of things you can do before the actual move day to help make things go much smoother and I will be happy to show you all of those things when I come out. To arrange a time just call me at: xxx-xxxx-xxx

    Talk soon.

    Mr X"

    Drive around the neighbourhood and take the two boxes with the letter attached and leave them at the front door. No need to knock. They will see them and get them eventually. You just want to keep this really casual so don't go door knocking. Let them contact you.
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  • Profile picture of the author ItsmeChris
    I agree with Ronrule, It is not much expensive when you use it that way. Pretty good help. Keep it up!
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