Are you educating prospects as your sales pitch? If not you should and here's why...
In almost every case whatever service or product you are selling to a prospect, it has been pitched to them before by a competitor. They've heard it before and therefor you had better be standing above the crowd!
Why does it work?
We live in a society that live and breaths information and learning.
We live in a society that views teachers as the authoritative source.
We live in a society that believe and follows teachers or those who teach.
We live in a society that has confidence in those who teach.
When we teach our prospects some things we immediately set ourselves apart from all the other yahoos who merely tried to "sell" them a mobile site, web site, sms, or whatever.
When we teach our prospects they change their perspective about us and move us from salesperson trying to grab their money too the person who is an authority figure and some one to listen too.
When we teach our prospects it instills their confidence in us and it's that confidence that helps them hand over the money.
When we teach our prospects it shows we "care" that they understand and that we know what we're talking about!
When we teach our prospects it sets up apart and even if we don't "close" that deal at the time the prospect will ALWAYS remember what you taught them.
The power behind this is that they will always remember one or two things you taught them, so when the next salesperson comes by they'll be listening to see if they bring up the same things you taught them. They might even test them by asking them about something you taught them when you pitched them. When the salesperson stammers and stutters to find an answer the thing that's going on in the prospects mind is that "YOU" taught them that and perhaps they should just call you back!
When you teach your prospects they'll remember that that no one else who's pitched them on the same services conveyed such understanding and knowledge and took the time to explain it to them. They'll be measuring this yahoo in front of them against you know who? YOU! Why? Because you taught them and it forced them to position you as the authority by which all the other salespeople are now measured!
There, now you know how to close deals in essence so go and do it!
P.S. This shit is golden so don't read it lightly!
All the Best,
Joseph F. Botelho
All the Best,
Joseph F. Botelho
"Without data or facts, you are just another person with an opinion"
- Jack Trout
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho