Need More Optins using IPAD...

Chris Cho
Profile picture of Chris Cho
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
17 replies
I recently bought an ipad to add to our marketing. Today was the first day I put it up and so far we had 3 people who filled our all the form.

What we ask for...
-Birth Date:
-First & Last Name:
-Email Address:
-Zip Code:

The reason for this is to send them a birthday card on their birthday and offer a free dinner. And of course follow up with a phone call too, and their email gets added to our email marketing automatically.

My question is...
1. Should I take any of the questions out? (Maybe Phone #? or Address?) I'm trying to see if people will convert better if less things to fill out.
2. Do you have any good headlines you can help me with this?

#ipad #optins
  • Profile picture of the author abbot
    Profile picture of abbot
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm no copywriter by any means, and I know the word 'FREE' attracting but maybe split test it with something like, "Your Birthday Meal is on us!" or "EAT FREE on your Birthday! It's on us.." etc.

    Also I don't know where exactly you're using this ipad, in your office? Events? But either way, the less they have to fill out the better.

    I would go with:


    You can gather the other information by contacting them via any of the above methods.

    Also I would put the form on the 'home page' instead of making them "touch to begin" Even if it's a simple screenshot of the form that redirects them to the real form. Reason being, "touch to begin" reminds me of a long exaggerated demo they have to go through. like one of them cruise sweepstakes.

    If they see they only have to put in 3 pieces of info, I would think they will be more likely to fill out the form.

    Split test it though. Always split test. Good idea though. Creative I like it.
  • Profile picture of the author Arzak
    Profile picture of Arzak
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Has only 3 people used the iPad?

    Or did more people take a look only to stop after seeing your form?
    • I would also just stick with name/email/phone. You could perhaps add an option where they'd get a birthday card (not sure if you wanted to surprise them) and something extra if you really wanted the addresses.
    • Maybe spruce it up a bit since it looks like a 1 minute MS Paint job right now lol.
    • How about an SMS opt-in option for flash deals and such?

    But as always, you want to test. It's only been a day.
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Profile picture of savidge4
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    Originally Posted by Chris Cho View Post

    What we ask for...
    -Birth Date:
    -First & Last Name:
    -Email Address:
    -Zip Code:
    OK everything you have asked for is what you would need to steal an identity.

    I would split the choice up. Email option, snail mail option, and mobile contact option

    Email: Birthmonth, name, email address

    Snail Mail: Birth Month, Name, address city state zip

    Mobile: Birth Month, Name phone # <-- I personally would go with this route as much as possible. SMS marketing is nice.

    GREAT USE of technology by the way!

    Hope that Helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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    Less fields = more optins... usually. Although if someone is going up to an ipad, they probably aren't going to just look at it. You're probably doing things right, you have their name, email to market to, address to direct mail, phone to call.. you're probably getting the highest quality people that way. Are the servers or cashiers informing people? Sometimes a sign isn't enough.
  • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
    Profile picture of OnlineStoreHelp
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    Originally Posted by Chris Cho View Post

    I recently bought an ipad to add to our marketing. Today was the first day I put it up and so far we had 3 people who filled our all the form.

    What we ask for...
    -Birth Date:
    -First & Last Name:
    -Email Address:
    -Zip Code:

    The reason for this is to send them a birthday card on their birthday and offer a free dinner. And of course follow up with a phone call too, and their email gets added to our email marketing automatically.

    My question is...
    1. Should I take any of the questions out? (Maybe Phone #? or Address?) I'm trying to see if people will convert better if less things to fill out.
    2. Do you have any good headlines you can help me with this?

    So I have done similar things for clients and here is what I have found. At the very least make the address and phone number "optional" choices. I know if someone wants that much information from me, I won't do anything at all.

    Name and Email: You can set this up with most auto responders to send an email versus post card. It is cheaper and you get around 70% open rates for those emails.

    Lazy People - Remember most of us are lazy and the last thing we want is to spend 10 minutes filling out a form so that you can market to us. A simple email and name is much easier to fill out. What I have discovered of the people that will actually fill out those entire forms are the ones that just want the free items. i.e. the coupon freaks that won't buy anything without a coupon. The worst type of customers.
  • Profile picture of the author imsolutionsgroup
    Profile picture of imsolutionsgroup
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    It's irrelevant what information you're asking for if you don't have a plan in place on how to follow-up with the customers after you get that piece of information.

    So, do you have a plan in place to contact the customer via Email, Address, Phone and on their birthday? If not, then remove those pieces of information because they are pointless to you at this moment.

    If you have a plan in place for all of these, then I'd say continue collecting all of the information and see what marketing efforts work best (direct mail, email, phone calls, etc.). Make sure you test, track and measure and if a marketing initiative isn't working...eliminate that field from the optin form and see if the conversions go up.
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew S
    Andrew S
    Profile picture of Andrew S
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    You can simply ask for name and e-mail, and e-mail them a birthday coupon redeemable when it rolls around (and you check their ID to make sure their birthday isn't "next week") lol

    Then you can load them into an autoresponder or hit them with weekly specials.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
    Chris Cho
    Profile picture of Chris Cho
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    Thanks you all.But I do here a lot of theories... anyone actually do any direct mail follow ups or birthday specials? Any real life conversions?

    So far we've got...
    Day 1: 5 optins
    Day 2: 2 optins
    Day 3: 2 optins (only half way through the day)

    And I'm happy with the results so far since we only get about 2-3 optins a day from our website which means we already doubled up on this.

    I like how few people pointed out I should follow up with an email for birthday. I'm going to take that into consideration. But we really did want to send a hand written birthday postcard either if they come in or not and also follow up with a call. (might take the phone out since it sounds lil cheesy) How many people ever receive a birthday postcard these days on a digital age? Not only does it stand out, I thought it would be a good way to show appreciation to our customers.

    NOTE: when people click "Touch to Screen To Begin" it sends them where they can enter their "Birthday" and once they fill it out, it sends them to the next page that sends them to fill out their "Name" and so on and so on. It's not like a big form. I would think if they are half way, they'll rather finish it.
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      Chris Cho
      Profile picture of Chris Cho
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Day 1: 5 optins
      Day 2: 2 optins
      Day 3: 9 optins

      I'm going to test it out for another few weeks. 9 optins are not bad at all.

      Thanks you all for the help.

      By the way, I currently use and also tried but it didnt work out for us. If you guys recommend any app, please do let me know.

    • Profile picture of the author Arzak
      Profile picture of Arzak
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Chris Cho View Post

      NOTE: when people click "Touch to Screen To Begin" it sends them where they can enter their "Birthday" and once they fill it out, it sends them to the next page that sends them to fill out their "Name" and so on and so on. It's not like a big form. I would think if they are half way, they'll rather finish it.
      Why? Name, email, and DOB. That's it. No need to separate everything onto separate pages. It's not a big form as you say, but people might not know that when they have to input things one at a time. Even if you at least tell them how far through the form they are, it's pointless when you can have it all in one place.

      AFTER they fill out their name, email and DOB, you can display a new page asking if they'd like to optionally enter their address for a personal birthday card.
  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Profile picture of NewParadigm
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    specify birthday MONTH only. You'll get more opt ins and you have all month to get them in for their birthday. Most think those deals are only good on their exact birthday.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

  • Profile picture of the author imsolutionsgroup
    Profile picture of imsolutionsgroup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you're looking to send out Birthday incentives, I would use GetResponse. Watch these 2 video to get a better idea of how to accomplish sending out emails on birthdays...and how they offer an app you can use.

    Autoresponder for birthday - Autoresponders | Autoresponder Software from GetResponse
    Ipad APP you can use - Mobile web form builder - Forms on the Go

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