Value-adds for my marketing co-ops?

Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
21 replies
I'm looking to add value to my marketing co-ops beyond the 9x12 I'm doing.

I am building out a directory site for the area where co-op members will get the privilege of using the platform for deals/offers.

And for that I was looking at the WPSocial plugin, but I wanted to know if other Warriors had experience with other plugins they could recommend?

Other Value Adds?

I am interested in offering SMS services. Any platforms/solutions you could point me towards?

What else are you doing for your co-op that adds value, retains members, and helps encourage businesses to join, online and off?

Co-Op Membership Structure?

I would be particularly interested in brainstorming with those who have experience on how to structure membership levels within the co-op.

The more I add services outside of the 9x12, (directory site, sms, social, etc.) the more I see potential in charging a monthly rate for a core set of services and then offering them preferred pricing on the 9x12.

But it's a little wonky... the real profits come from the 9x12, so I want the co-op member to buy their spot on the card and keep it filled.

If, let's say, my pizza place drops off the card, I want to get the other pizza place on the card. But if the co-op exists as such that only one niche biz can be a member at any time, how do I reconcile that even though pizza place #1 isn't on the card, they are still a member, on the web directory, using sms, etc.

Any thoughts on that? I'm probably missing the obvious and I'm sure you fine folks can point it out.
#9x12 #co-op advertising #coops #marketing #valueadds
  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    (I probably should've put 9x12 in the subject line.)


  • Profile picture of the author AmericanMuscleTA
    Profile picture of AmericanMuscleTA
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why not become a marketing consultant for these businesses? Sell them on the 9x12, then upsell on marketing consulting, list building (It's amazing how many business don't have a clue about list building... yikes!), 3D mail campaigns, etc. The options are limitless.

    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing

  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am already a consultant for a number of these businesses. That's what I do. And there are many I simply never would work with as a consultant, but they're great to work with in the co-op.

    I get the whole upsell thing and that is most certainly in the plan, but right now I want to specifically add features and benefits to the co-op itself. This is my first go at running the 9x12 co-ops and I feel like there are some things I can add to sweeten the deal for all involved. Any recommendations there?


  • Profile picture of the author joecarson1
    Profile picture of joecarson1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My best piece of advice involves getting your printing costs reduced or eliminated. Get a printing company partner. Advise you want credit [not cash or commission] for the printing referrals you send to them [your clients] against your printing costs.

    Now how much easier will it be price and fill a card when you don't have printing costs!

    How many more cards could you get into many more client contacts would you now have who then need graphic artist work, sms, website, etc work done.

    I also strongly suggest that you focus on selling postcard ad space and STOP doing anything else. Farm out sms to someone else and get quiet % from that partner. Farm out everything you can and simply get quiet percentage. Focus on just postcard sales and lots of cash flow will come your way!
    • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
      Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Joe,

      Thanks for the input. Much appreciated. Right now I use GotPrint. Done a number of print jobs with them and they've always been good, and the least expensive I've seen so far. Not sure I can set up referrals like that, but I will definitely consider how I could make that work.

      My local printers are almost 3x as much as online prices.

      As far as my marketing services, I am a very specific type of consultant. I don't do a la carte services myself. Not that I don't think it could be profitable, but I just don't enjoy the interaction, the projects, the client mindsets, etc. in that type of relationship. But I think a referral partnership like you suggested would work well for those things.

      I'll also consider your suggestion about just selling ad space. But I tell you, finding a way to get them on a monthly recurring fee is really attractive to me. I happen to live in an area with 7 business districts in a 10 mile radius, each one a potential co-op with 9x12 card. Adding some conversion enhancement technology for retention in the program and even charging a small monthly fee could be lucrative.

      Thanks again!

      Originally Posted by joecarson1 View Post

      My best piece of advice involves getting your printing costs reduced or eliminated. Get a printing company partner. Advise you want credit [not cash or commission] for the printing referrals you send to them [your clients] against your printing costs.

      Now how much easier will it be price and fill a card when you don't have printing costs!

      How many more cards could you get into many more client contacts would you now have who then need graphic artist work, sms, website, etc work done.

      I also strongly suggest that you focus on selling postcard ad space and STOP doing anything else. Farm out sms to someone else and get quiet % from that partner. Farm out everything you can and simply get quiet percentage. Focus on just postcard sales and lots of cash flow will come your way!


  • Profile picture of the author David B.
    David B.
    Profile picture of David B.
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    The printer will just end up doing a 9x12 or similar themselves once they see its profitable.
  • Profile picture of the author RiskTaker
    Profile picture of RiskTaker
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    What about a mobile loyalty and analytics app?

    Get Paid

    • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
      Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yeah, something like that would be very interesting. You don't happen to know of one I can whitelabel, do you?

      Originally Posted by RiskTaker View Post

      What about a mobile loyalty and analytics app?


      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        Profile picture of DABK
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Can you get them to give you their lost customers and you created lost-customer reactivation campaigns? And now you send postcards to specific people.
        • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
          Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          That's a good idea. I have done this for B2B clients (letters though, not postcards) in the past. I will ask around. Some owners are great at managing their business, building lists, etc. but others... well, I'm surprised they've lasted as long as they have.

          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          Can you get them to give you their lost customers and you created lost-customer reactivation campaigns? And now you send postcards to specific people.


      • Profile picture of the author dominodivine
        Profile picture of dominodivine
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hey there ... Are you on Bob Ross Forum ... that is where you can get a lot of questions answered ... as far as SMS ... Trying looking for a person named kenyatta on the forum ...
        I am actually using Lime ... I think he is too ... he has done multiple cards ... plus they key is the upsell your people to a M3 ... this allows you 9 by 12 card to rotate. Giving other people a try ... Bob Ross - Jake also has another program that he came out with call the 9 by 12 secrets where he talks about building more than a 9 by 12 .. in order to saturate the market with your brand...
        • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
          Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
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          No, I actually haven't bought any 9x12 products. I know there are probably good WSOs, but there are so many bad ones, I don't even bother with the WSO marketplace.

          I put my 9x12 effort together from posts on this forum and what others are doing in other locales.

          I bet it would be a good resource though, so if I can't figure my own way, I may buy/join to learn from the folks there.

          Originally Posted by dominodivine View Post

          Hey there ... Are you on Bob Ross Forum ... that is where you can get a lot of questions answered ... as far as SMS ... Trying looking for a person named kenyatta on the forum ...
          I am actually using Lime ... I think he is too ... he has done multiple cards ... plus they key is the upsell your people to a M3 ... this allows you 9 by 12 card to rotate. Giving other people a try ... Bob Ross - Jake also has another program that he came out with call the 9 by 12 secrets where he talks about building more than a 9 by 12 .. in order to saturate the market with your brand...


          • Profile picture of the author dominodivine
            Profile picture of dominodivine
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by FormerWageSlave View Post

            No, I actually haven't bought any 9x12 products. I know there are probably good WSOs, but there are so many bad ones, I don't even bother with the WSO marketplace.

            I put my 9x12 effort together from posts on this forum and what others are doing in other locales.

            I bet it would be a good resource though, so if I can't figure my own way, I may buy/join to learn from the folks there.
            It is a great product ... plus there are a bunch of helpful people that's actually doing it.

            Here is the forum ...Bob Ross Offline Forum
        • Profile picture of the author Publisher
          Profile picture of Publisher
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          The referral for the Bob Ross forum is Zenyatta aka Scott Whitmarsh. He runs a great 9 x 12 product and also does SMS services. Check him out!
  • Profile picture of the author cruisinman
    Profile picture of cruisinman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Printing Cost for 8.5 x 11 is less in many cases. Run a quote . . .

    Life - enjoy it . . .

  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    Profile picture of FormerWageSlave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I see. Can I join the forum if I haven't bought the product?


    • Profile picture of the author Tonich
      Profile picture of Tonich
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hello, I haven't yet bought the system either, but I do not think that prohibits us from talking about the 9X12 system on this, or any forum. I came across this system purely by accident, and began reading more and more about it. It reminds me of something I sold waaaay back when, in Plaistow NH. I created a coupon flyer called "Neighborly Notes." I know, quaint ha? Anyway, this flyer was ..I believe, an 11X17 inch Tri-Fold Flyer. I had sold it, and had it printed up using white, of course, black and burgundy both shaded and opaque. So, it was a two color flyer, but looked like three. I do remember going in "cold," and selling my flyer, and business back then were pretty receptive. ...It was what happened AFTER that - that was the problem. After I successfully sold and delivered, indicia and all, with direct mail, all the Advertising Salespeople in land ...TOTALLY DESCENDED UPON MY SLEEPY LITTLE UNASSUMING TOWN!!!
      Things got SOOO bad that the sales people were literally bumping into each other going in and out of the local businesses! ...It was horrendous! My clients, who WERE happy with me and my flyer, were being literally attacked on a daily basis, and their attitudes toward me totally did a 180! ...I remember even being kicked out of one place. One lady told me to stop coming in, she SCREAMED AT ME that she didn't want to buy anything, and to GET OUT! lol... It was just horrendous... Even though the other salespeople were also not selling anything, I believe they took absolute glee from my inability to repeat my success. They would not stop, they just kept hammering away long after I had given up. I was trying to give the local businesses some time to "recover," but the Val-Pak, Money Mailers, and one other one's salespeople just - would - not - stop... I even found myself competing with the very newspaper I was going to use, at the time, to go as an insert. That's why I had to go with my own bulk-mail permit when I ready to mail, and had redesigned the permit spot, the last minute. I could not believe what these people were doing! And, it was then that I realized that I just didn't have the funds to compete with them. I was self-employed, had no "draw" income to wait it out, and no success in reselling my spots for another "go." This was waaay back in the early 90's. So, I am leery of repeating that whole scenario.

      As for the SMS thing, and your questions, I also use Lime. But, if you don't wish to pay for the monthly Licensing fees and messages, etc., I can set you up as a "reseller" for a flat fee, or as a "sales" or referral person where you'd just receive a passive commission. So, let me know if you're interested in pursuing either of these avenues. I can be reached at, or you can go to my web-site Mobile Flash Ads - Local Flash Advertising - Bringing in the Business! for more info.

      The other thing I'd like to say, is a BIG Thank You to all who have posted some very informative posts! I've enjoyed reading them while I continue to mull over whether to give co-op advertising another "go," as I am still undecided.. and still very leery, unfortunately. But, thank you, nonetheless.
      • Profile picture of the author Keev12
        Profile picture of Keev12
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        Curious if anyne has a sales letter / prospecting letter handy someone could share... I am about to start pounding the pavement and emailing a large number os prospects to advertise in my mailer...

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