John Durham referral

Profile picture of wwjd
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49 replies
Hi everyone ! Glad to be here on the Warrior Forum. I'm a social media expert at a major university (in South Bend) but I don't want to say which one . John Durham is my boyfriend and has told me so much about the positive impact of this forum and how it could make my abilities expand so I just had to join ! Looking forward to all of your great input. Great to meet all of you ! Looking forward to much success !
#durham #john #referral
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Jason Kanigan
    Profile picture of Jason Kanigan
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    Really? Did he drop 20 years or something?

    How'd you meet him?

    When did he move to Indiana?

    Announcing a connection to a banned member is not a good way to begin.

    *sniff sniff*

    Hmmm...smells like troll.
  • Profile picture of the author wwjd
    Profile picture of wwjd
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    Not quite the welcome I had expected. I'm not going to defend. That's not what I'm here for. Jason, you get more flies with sugar than with lemons. Just something to think about. I'm sorry I came in on the wrong pretense. Apology accepted?
  • Profile picture of the author wwjd
    Profile picture of wwjd
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    My status at the university is irrelevant. I hold a world class position but I dont know why you need to know that.
  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    Profile picture of TakenAction
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    Last I heard of John he created a WSO and lead a bunch of people to buy a membership at a private forum for learning how to purchase and sell distressed merchandise. The he played a round for a few weeks and left everyone on that forum dry and we never heard from him again.

    Sorry but your "BF" is a huge scammer. Needless to say it wasn't the best idea to mention him but...welcome

    PS- you cannot say that he is not that way (a scammer) because there is so much proof of it as well as a whole forum or community that he left behind once he reaped the benefits.

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

    • Profile picture of the author wwjd
      Profile picture of wwjd
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      I'm sorry you feel that way but John Durham is not a scammer ( and I am aware of all the garbage with the forum ) but many supporters know that. Thank you for welcoming me though !
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    Jeremy James
    Profile picture of Jeremy James
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    Hey WWJD, John actually did me some good - some serious good. I had an email address for him, and tried to email him a few times, but could never get around.

    I still get "residual" checks in the mail every quarter because of him. It's not a lot of money, but it recently paid for some surgery that my dad needed.

    Though I am not sure the reasons that John was banned, he was...............but, at least I'd like to reach out to tell him "Thank You" in person.

    I know that this may be poor form, but is there a way you can PM me a way to get ahold of him?

    Again, I just want to thank him for teaching me a bit about brokering.


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  • Profile picture of the author flnz400
    Profile picture of flnz400
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    What would john do?

    Ah the irony.
  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    Profile picture of socialentry
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    Please say hi from socialentry to him.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    Jeremy James
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Profile picture of DWolfe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      What about the 90 day extreme challenge ? he hung a lot of people out to dry by not finishing that project. John claimed he sold the telemarketing forum and that is gone too...

      When you take advantage of people that invested there last dollars in a WSO. That John never bother to finish it, he deservers the back lash. The least he could is refund people

      He helped a lot of people here at one time than got stupid or greedy. I removed him from my friend list here recently because I don't want to be associated with who took advantage of others.

      Sorry you should of just flown under the Radar and not announced who you are. Than again is wwjd short for wwwjohndurham,com
      • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
        Marvin Johnston
        Profile picture of Marvin Johnston
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        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        What about the 90 day extreme challenge ? he hung a lot of people out to dry by not finishing that project. John claimed he sold the telemarketing forum and that is gone too or was that the first scam.

        When you take advantage of people that invested there last dollars in a WSO...
        I don't know John except that his posts were, in general, excellent.

        Yes, I bought the 90 Day Challenge, but more for a way of saying thanks for all of the useful information he posted. So I, for one, do not feel scammed.

        As for ANYONE who spends their last dollar on a WSO, that says more about the buyer than the seller.

  • Profile picture of the author umc
    Profile picture of umc
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    I always liked his stuff. I know that he hurt some people, but didn't necessarily think he was a scammer. Scamming to me requires intent, and I always felt that he had the best of intentions but lacked greatly in execution. Like most good telemarketers, he probably was quite disorganized and had his own personal issues and demons that got in the way. Seemed like a good dude that just couldn't deliver on all his promises, was too scattered, and it all came crashing down on him. Now, he could have refunded people, but the likelihood that he had any of that money left was probably nil. He didn't seem great with money either from some things he had said. I didn't like to see him go, but understood why the forum would have banned him. Sometimes people with the best intentions hurt lots of people when they can't execute on them for whatever reason. I understand too why people felt scammed by him.

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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    WWJD = Her initials + John Durham... Mendoza college of business (that is NOT a major university btw)

    As for being a social media expert... I think that's quite the stretch. Anyway, tell John I say hi and that I'm still pissed for him wasting my time.
    • Profile picture of the author wwjd
      Profile picture of wwjd
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      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      WWJD = Her initials + John Durham... Mendoza college of business (that is NOT a major university btw)

      As for being a social media expert... I think that's quite the stretch. Anyway, tell John I say hi and that I'm still pissed for him wasting my time.
      By the way, Mendoza College of Business is ranked #1 in the country by US News and World report. Just saying...
      • Profile picture of the author nathanjacobs
        Profile picture of nathanjacobs
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        John's a smart guy. I expect he's sent her in as a way to test the waters.

        Looks like it's 60/40 in favor of John not returning.

        I admit I really learned a lot from his posts, and looked up to him.

        But, as a member of his WSO that went south it was really hurtful that he just left us hanging. I haven't asked for a refund, and won't.

        If he's on his feet enough to afford a girlfriend, he should have the time available to bring the WSO back live again and attempt to knock it out of the ballpark this time.

        I also think he should give us an exact explanation of the events that led up to him making the decision to disappoint so many people - the whole truth of the matter.
        • Profile picture of the author wwjd
          Profile picture of wwjd
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          Originally Posted by nathanjacobs View Post

          If he's on his feet enough to afford a girlfriend, he should have the time available to bring the WSO back live again and attempt to knock it out of the ballpark this time.

          I also think he should give us an exact explanation of the events that led up to him making the decision to disappoint so many people - the whole truth of the matter.
          Precisely. I can't talk about what he is doing because of the way this is being perceived, but keep your eyes peeled Nathan
        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Profile picture of DWolfe
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          Originally Posted by nathanjacobs View Post

          he should have the time available to bring the WSO back live again and attempt to knock it out of the ballpark this time.

          I also think he should give us an exact explanation of the events that led up to him making the decision to disappoint so many people - the whole truth of the matter
          That would be great....However

          Not sure he should make an attempt to hit it out or the park as you will see on page 3&4

          His threads and posts were golden. He helped Deirdre Rains and Diane Hauser (spelling) , Amir, Ron Bologna and others on the path to success but as far as WSO it is buyer beware.

          Some where in the forum rules, I think if you violate WSO rules the ban hammer is permanent. I guess he could file an appeal with Freelancer since they are the new owners.

          Wish wwjd good luck here on the forum.. but John should beware that buyers in the last WSO will protest if he try's a come back. IMHO
  • Profile picture of the author wwjd
    Profile picture of wwjd
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    I was just told not to take Iamnameless too harshly, he is just hurt , but he's a good guy. I dont think I should speak for John too much here however there are solutions in the works to deal with these refunds and issues. Iamnameless, you are jumping to conclusions... I never said where I graduated, only spoke of my employment position. From what I understand you are very passionate, so it's okay.

    Jason, Johns bann here is not permanent. I'm going to bow out of this thread. It was nice to meet you all.

  • Profile picture of the author squidface
    Profile picture of squidface
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    but there are hundreds/thousands of such people on this forum....? Why single this one man out?

    No, its not irrelevant.
    John Durham was a deciteful con man.
    He is NOT welcome here anymore.
    • Profile picture of the author wwjd
      Profile picture of wwjd
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Profile picture of iAmNameLess
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        Originally Posted by wwjd View Post

        You did guess my initials Iamnameless, however you are quite incorrect about my position. I will tell him of your message.
        Originally Posted by wwjd View Post

        Iamnameless, you are jumping to conclusions... I never said where I graduated, only spoke of my employment position. From what I understand you are very passionate, so it's okay.
        I do know your position, in fact, I know much more than you can even fathom. I know where you graduated, and that you graduated in 2013, Bethel College in organizational management. I know you grew up in the northeast(for respect of privacy I won't tell everyone the exact city). I also know your full name, your position, that you're a steelers fan (can't hold that against you), you do look pretty good for 50, but definitely didn't strike me as the type to go to a biker bar.

        Knowledge is power.

        Really though, I hope you are able to help John get things straightened out.

        There's only one thing I hate more than wasting money, and that's wasting time. John wasted a lot of my time when I tried to help him.
  • Profile picture of the author BacklinksPlus
    Profile picture of BacklinksPlus
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    Sounds like she came here to do some rep management for John lol
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    • Profile picture of the author wwjd
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
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        Originally Posted by wwjd View Post

        I run the facebook pages for a couple of local businesses, including a bar, in my spare time, and I came to read and learn more ways to market them.
        Then I suggest that a better way to accomplish that would have been to come as yourself, unattached to a former member who is banned and left many high and dry after they paid for his products. It seems like you deliberately made this a thread about John Durham, who undoubtedly has left a bad taste in their mouths for some here.
      • Profile picture of the author mak25
        Profile picture of mak25
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        Reading some of these posts makes me laugh.

        Hitler? A troll? Needs rep management? Pul-leeze.

        Far be it for me to defend anyone, but if anyone has been around this sub forum from the years when this sub forum was actually informative and helpful, they would know that JD posted more informative and useful info than anyone else.

        Nathan, David Miller, Ken Michaels, Bob Ross, Claude Whitacre and a few others rank up there with him.

        I learned more from him than the so called expert whose ego is so fragile and who somewhat demands thanks for every post he makes. As if he is the 'be all and end all'. Pitiful, if you ask me. Yup.

        wwjd, I'm glad you let those who benefitted from John's posts know he's OK
        Good guy or bad guy, he sure as hell helped a lot of people around here.

        Those of you who got 'ripped-off', go search and read his old posts. You'll get your money's worth back and more.

        That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
        • Profile picture of the author JohnRussell
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          Originally Posted by mak25 View Post

          I learned more from him than the so called expert whose ego is so fragile and who somewhat demands thanks for every post he makes. As if he is the 'be all and end all'. Pitiful, if you ask
          There's a friendly shot across the bow
  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
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    Note To Self: Never let my girlfriend come here.......

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    • Profile picture of the author wwjd
      Profile picture of wwjd
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      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Note To Self: Never let my girlfriend come here.......
      Lol. That is funny! Thanks for the laugh!
  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    Profile picture of TakenAction
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    So...this is one big promotion for John's upcoming WSO (if he can post one)

    awesome. -.-

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

    • Profile picture of the author wwjd
      Profile picture of wwjd
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      Originally Posted by TakenAction View Post

      So...this is one big promotion for John's upcoming WSO (if he can post one)

      awesome. -.-
      Negative. He can't. That was not what this was about. That would be pointless to even try.
      • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
        Ron Lafuddy
        Profile picture of Ron Lafuddy
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        Originally Posted by wwjd View Post

        Negative. He can't. That was not what this was about. That would be pointless to even try.
        Just out of curiosity, what was it about?
        You're clearly enjoying the polarizing and
        the drama.

        What was the point to creating a stir?
        • Profile picture of the author umc
          Profile picture of umc
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          Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

          Just out of curiosity, what was it about?
          You're clearly enjoying the polarizing and
          the drama.

          What was the point to creating a stir?
          Gotta say, it doesn't seem like she's interested in mixing it up anywhere but this thread. You would think that she'd be getting involved and dropping knowledge on some of the social media threads if nothing else. Instead of creating her own identity on here, she's just branding herself as John Durham's girlfriend. Not sure what possible good that will do.

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        • Profile picture of the author wwjd
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          Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

          Just out of curiosity, what was it about?
          You're clearly enjoying the polarizing and
          the drama.

          What was the point to creating a stir?
          It was about introducing myself. I wouldn't say 'enjoying the drama', it's more 'responding' to people, and this is the place where people are talking to me. I did comment somewhere else but haven't been engaged there. Thanks for the welcome.

          I just said hello... I believe Jason engaged the stir, to be clear.
          • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
            Ron Lafuddy
            Profile picture of Ron Lafuddy
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            Originally Posted by wwjd View Post

            It was about introducing myself. I wouldn't say 'enjoying the drama', it's more 'responding' to people, and this is the place where people are talking to me. I did comment somewhere else but haven't been engaged there. Thanks for the welcome.

            I just said hello... I believe Jason engaged the stir, to be clear.
            No, you didn't "just say hello".
            I wasn't born yesterday either.

            Good luck with whatever little game you're playing.
  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Profile picture of sdentrepreneur
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    Are you leveraging Instagram at your "Major University" ??

    Originally Posted by wwjd View Post

    Hi everyone ! Glad to be here on the Warrior Forum. I'm a social media expert at a major university (in South Bend) but I don't want to say which one . John Durham is my boyfriend and has told me so much about the positive impact of this forum and how it could make my abilities expand so I just had to join ! Looking forward to all of your great input. Great to meet all of you ! Looking forward to much success !

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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    Profile picture of zoro
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    Maybe ... wwjd ... is really John D ?

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